Veer Narmad South Gujarat University: 201 - Personality Development

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

201 – Personality Development

First Year BBA(Semester 2) With Effect from AY2019-20

Objective of the course:

 To explain the relevance and importance of personality to thestudents

 To make students familiar with some softskills
 To generate awareness regarding life skills and selfmanagement

Teaching Pedagogy

Lectures, Role Play, Audio Visual Material, Guest Lectures

Course Content:

Unit 1: An IntroductiontoPersonality (25%)

 Concept andImportance
 Presenting one self – Body Language, Dresscode
 Leadershipskills
 Personal Hygiene &Grooming
 Development of positiveattitude
 BoostingSelf-confidence

Unit 2:Life Skills (25%)

 Introduction, need &Importance

 Self awareness and appropriate socialinteractions,
 Decision making & problemsolving
 Functional reading &research

Unit 3:SelfManagement (25%)

 Self management and stress managementskills.

 Awareness of personal and community safetyissues
 Nutritionalconcept
 Awareness of community serviceproviders
 Basic home sanitation andmaintenance

Unit 4: Soft Skills andTimeManagement (25%)

 SoftSkills

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Telephonic skills, Interviewing skills, Negotiation, Meeting etiquettes, Dining etiquettes in
business meetings, Listening Skills, Teamwork Skills, Assertiveness Skills, Emotional
Intelligence Skills, Dressing etiquettes at work, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Handling
questions from audience

 TimeManagement

Objectives and significance of time management, Steps of Effective time management, Time
wasters and ways to overcome, Procrastination and ways to overcome

Suggested References:

 Shaffer, D. Social and Personality Development, Belmont, CA, Wadsworth/Thomas

 UNESCO, Life skills in Non-formal Education, UNESCO & INC NewDelhi
 Rajendra Pal and J.S. Korlahalli. Essentials of Business Communication. Sultan Chand
& Sons,2004

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
202 – E-Business
First Year BBA(Semester2) With Effect from AY2019-20

Objective of the course

 To make students familiar with the electronicbusiness

 To acquaint them with infrastructure ofe-business

Teaching Pedagogy

Lectures, Presentation, Quizzes

Course Content

Unit 1: Fundamentalsofe-Commerce (25%)

Commerce: Meaning & Nature, e-commerce, Origin, Definitions & Meaning, Scope & Goals,
Feature, Needs & functions, Significance, Advantages & Disadvantages, Essentials of e-
Commerce, e-Commerce v/s Traditional Commerce, Technologies used in e-Commerce

Unit 2: Business ModelsforE-Commerce (25%)

e-B usiness: Meaning, Definitions, Importance, e-Business Models based on the relationships
of Transaction Parties, B2C, B2B, C2C, C2G, G2G, B2G, Manufacture Model, Advertising
Model , Value Chain Model, BrokerageModel,

Unit 3: Payments MechanismsinE-Business (25%)

E-Payment Systems Models of Payments: Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Smart Cards, e-Credit
Accounts & e Money/Cash

Unit 4:DigitalSignatures (25%)

 Legal positions of Digital Signatures, Procedure & working of Digital Signature

 E-Payment and Risk: Data Protections, risk from mistakes and disputes, Consumer
protection, Management Information Privacy, Managing CreditRisk

Suggested Readings:

1. EssentialofE-Business: Arvind Chaudhry, Shyam Salunkhe, Sanjay Saindane,

SachinJadhav, Prashant Publications
2. Starting E-Commerce Business: Rich, Jason R, IDG BooksDelhi
3. E-Commerce Strategy-Technology and Applications: Whiteley, D, McGrawHill

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
203–Accounting for Managers
First Year BBA(Semester 2) With Effect from AY2019-20

Objective of the course:

 To acquaint the students with the concept of managementaccountancy

 Todeveloptheabilitytoevaluateand useaccountingdatatoaidindecisionmaking for
management as awhole


Lectures, Numerical examples and case study

Course Content

Unit 1 Introduction of Management andCostAccounting (10%)

Conceptual and meaning of Management Accounting (MA) and Cost Accounting (CA),
advantages and limitations of MA and CA, difference between management accounting with
financial and cost accounting, scope of management accounting, role of management

Unit 2: Analysis and interpretation offinancialstatement (35%)

Advantages and limitations of financial statement analysis, techniques of financial

statement analysis: comparative financial statement, common size statement and trend

Ratio analysis:Advantages and limitation of ratio analysis, Liquidity and solvency ratio:
current ratio, liquid ratio, acid test ratio, proprietary ratio, debt-equity ratio, capital gearing
ratio, fixed assets to proprietary ratio, long term funds to fixed assets ratio, Profitability
ratio: gross profit ratio, net profit ratio, return on capital employed ratio, return on
shareholder’s fund,Efficiency ratio: stock turnover ratio, debtors ratio, creditors ratio,
operating ratio

Unit 3: FundFlowAnalysis (15%)

Preparation of statement showing changes in working capital, preparation of fund flow

statement (Including additional information), and adjusted profit and loss account

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Unit 4: Budget andBudgetaryControl (20%)

Meaning, significance and limitations of budgetary control, cash budget, flexible budget and
zero based budgeting,

Unit 5: Cost –Volume-Profit Analysis andDecisionMaking (20%)

Meaning and Significance of marginal costing, break even analysis (example including one
key factor), differential cost, relative cost, analysis through case study in the following
decision making areas: Make or buy decision, lease or buy, determination of product mix,
adding or dropping a product line and expand or contract.

Suggested Readings:

1. M. N. Arora, Cost and Management Accounting, Himalaya PublicationHouse

2. Ravi M. Kishore, Cost and Management Accounting, TaxmannPublication
3. R. S. N. Pillai, Management Accounting, Sultan &Chand
4. N. Vinayakan and G. B. Gupta, ManagementAccounting
5. S. N. MaheshwarGrewal, Cost and ManagementAccounting
6. Khan and Jain, ManagementAccounting

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
204 – Economics for Managers (Including Macro)
First Year BBA(Semester 2) With Effect from AY2019-20

Objective of the course:

 To give a complete and rigorous introduction to basic principles ofmanagerial

economics andmacroeconomics

 To demonstrate how applications of economic theory can improve decisionmaking.

Teaching Pedagogy

Lectures, Practical examples from corporate & business world, Assignments & Presentations

Course Content:

Unit 1 Introduction toManagerialEconomics (20%)

 Introduction – What Managerial Economics isabout

 Definitions of Managerial Economics
 Nature & Scope of ManagerialEconomics
 Chief Characteristics of ManagerialEconomics
 Significance of ManagerialEconomics
 Fundamental concepts in Managerial Economics (Opportunity Cost, Discounting
 Role & Responsibilities of a Managerial Economist inBusiness

Unit 2: Market Structure Analysis–1 (20%)

 Perfectly CompetitiveMarket
 Price Determination under PerfectCompetition
 Features of a Perfectly competitivemarket
 Demand curve facing the Firm & Industry under Perfectcompetition
 Equilibrium of the Firm & Industry under Perfect competition in Short-run &Longrun
 Monopoly
 Price Determination underMonopoly
 Features & causes ofMonopoly
 Nature of Demand curve & Marginal revenue curve underMonopoly
 Price & output under Monopoly in Short-run &Long-run

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 PriceDiscrimination
 Meaning of Pricediscrimination
 Forms of Pricediscrimination
 Degrees of Pricediscrimination
 Conditions under which Price discrimination is possible&profitable

Unit 3: Market Structure Analysis–2 (25%)

 Price Determination under MonopolisticCompetition
 Features of Monopolisticcompetition
 Nature of Demand curve (AR) & Marginal Revenue(MR)curves
 Concept of Group Equilibrium
 Price & Output determination in short-run & Long Run under
 Sellingcost
 Meaning, Difference between Selling Costs & Production Costs, Effects of Selling
Costs on DemandCurve
 Oligopoly
 Features, Kinked Demand Curve, Price Leadership (Types, Characteristics,

Unit 4:ProductionAnalysis (15%)

 ProductionFunction
 Meaning & classification of Factors ofProduction
 Meaning &significance of Production Function inBusiness
 Linear Homogeneous Productionfunction
 Short-run & Long-run Productionfunction
 Cobb-Douglas Production function
 Theory ofProduction
 Concept of Total Product, Average Product and MarginalProduct
 Law of VariableProportions
 Economies & Diseconomies ofscale
 Returns toScale
 Production Function with Two VariableInputs
 Meaning &General Properties ofIso-Quants
 Marginal Rate of TechnicalSubstitution(MRTS)
 Optimum FactorCombination
 Concept of Iso-CostLines
 Least Cost Combination of Factors (Choice ofInputs)
 The Economic Region of Production (RidgeLines)
 ExpansionPath

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Unit 5:Inflation (20%)
 Meaning of inflation
 Causes ofinflation
 Types of inflation (Demand pull and Cost pushinflation)
 Stagflation – concept of inflationary gap by Keynes - effects ofinflation
 Anti InflationaryMeasures
 Philips curve Analysis and concept of Natural rate ofunemployment
 Deflation: Causes, Remedies andSolution

Suggested Readings:

1) Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases – P. L. Mehta, SultanChand

2) Managerial Economics in a Global Economy – Dominick Salvatore, Thomson South-
3) Managerial Economics: Application, Strategy & Tactics – Moyers,Harris
4) Managerial Economics – D M Mithani, Himalaya PublishingHouse
5) Essentials of Managerial Economics – P. N. Reddy, Himalaya PublishingHouse
6) Managerial Economics – G S Gupta, TataMcGraw-Hill
7) Modern Microeconomics: Theory & Application – H L Ahuja, SultanChand
8) Advanced Economic Theory: Microeconomic Analysis – H L Ahuja, SultanChand
9) Principles of Microeconomics-H L Ahuja, SultanChand
10) Business Economics – H. L. Ahuja, SultanChand
11) Advanced Microeconomic Theory – M J Kennedy, Himalaya Publishing House
12)Economics – Paul Samuelson, William Nordhaus, TataMcGraw-Hill

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
205 – Organisational Behaviour
First Year BBA(Semester2) With Effect from AY2019-20

Objective of the course:

 To make students familiar with humanbehaviour

 To explain the basics of organisationalbehaviour

Teaching Pedagogy

Lectures, Presentation, Group Work, Role Play, Assignments, Case Studies

Course Content:

Unit 1: Introduction to OB (15%)

Definition, Concept, Contributing Disciplines

Unit 2 Perception (20%)

Meaning and definitions, Perceptual process, Factors affecting perception, Perception and
organisation, Perceptual Distortion

Unit 3 Attitude and Personality (25%)

Concept and meaning of Attitude, Definitions, Factors affecting formation of Attitudes,

Types of Attitudes, Characteristics of Attitude, Attitude and Behaviour, Concept of
Personality, Determinates of Personality, Personality andBehaviour

Unit 4Group Dynamics (20%)

Concept and meaning, Process of formation of groups, Types of groups, Usefulness of

groups in organisations, Emerging signals leading to potential differences while functioning
in groups (Situational Analysisonly)

Unit 5ConflictManagement (20%)

Concept and meaning, Process of development of conflict, Functional vs. Dysfunctional

conflict, Ego states (transactional analysis), Levels of Conflict, Conflict resolution, Managerial

Suggested Readings:

1. Organisational Behavior by K.Aswathappa

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2. OrganisationalBehaviourby L. M.Prasad

3. Organisational Behaviour by StephenRobbins

4. Organisational Behaviour by FredLuthans

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
206 – Business Environment
First Year BBA(Semester2) With Effect from A.Y.2019-20

Objective of the course:

 To sensitise the class that there are continuous changes taking place in the
 To help understand importance of scanning environment on continuousbasis
 To sensitise with external factors (micro and macro) that can have potential
impact onorganisation.
Teaching Pedagogy:

Lectures, Presentations, Case Studies

Course Content:

Unit 1: Introduction (15%)

Concepts and Importance of Business Environment, Environmental Analysis- Definition, Uses

and Limitation, Process of Environmental Analysis, Types of Environment: Internal Environment,
External Environment- Micro,Macro

Unit 2: Economic Environment (20%)

Nature & structure of Economic Environment, Economic Systems, Economic policies -
Privatisation, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Constituents Financial Market: (A brief Introduction)

Unit 3: Technological Environment (15%)

Meaning and Features, Impact of Technology on Society, Economy, Organization, Management of
Technology, Transfer of Technology.

Unit 4: Legal and Political Environment (25%)

Three political Institutions-Judiciary, Legislation, Executive, Price and distribution Control:

Objectives, Different types of price Controls, Public Distribution System, Competition Policy and
law: Nature and Scope, Government policies and distortions to competitions, interface of FDI
and competition law, Pre requisites for a competition policy, contours of competition law,

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Unit 5: Social Environment (25%)

Concept and significance of Socio-cultural Environment, Social responsibility concept and stake
holder approach, For Social Responsibilities models- Ackerman’s Model, Carroll’s Four Part
model, Arguments for and against social responsibility, Limits of Social Responsibility, Business
Ethics, Consumerism, Consumer Protection Act: 1986

Suggested Readings:

1. Business Environment: Text and Cases Francis Cherunilam Himalaya PublishingHouse

2. Essentials of Business Environment - K Ashwathapa Himalaya PublishingHouse
3. Business Environment- ShaikhSaleem, PearsonEducation
4. Business Environment- Vivek Mittal, ExcelBooks

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