Umrah Leaflet
Umrah Leaflet
Umrah Leaflet
Bismillahi, Tawakkaltu, ‘a‐lallahi, wa laa hawla wa laa quwatta illah billah
(In the name of Allaah, I place my trust in Allaah, and there is no might nor
Allaahu akbar allaahu akbar allaahu akbar. Laa ilaaha illa Allah, power except with Allaah)
Wahdahu laa Sharika lah, Lah ul‐Mulk, Wa lah ul‐Hamd, Wa huwa
‘ala Kulli shay’in Qadeer, Laa ilaaha illa Allah, Anjaza wa’dah, Wa
Nasara ‘abdah, Wa hazam al‐Ahzaba wahdah
(Allah is the Greatest x3.
There is nothing worthy of
Travelling Duaa
worship except Allah, Alone. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Subhaa‐nalathee, Sakha‐ra‐la‐naa
He has no partner, To Him be‐ ha‐thaa wa maa kunaa, lahu muq‐ri‐nee‐na wa innaa ilaa rabbinaa la‐mun‐qa‐
longs the kingdom, & all le‐boon
praise belongs to Him, & He (Allaah is the greatest x3, How perfect He is, The One Who has place this
has power above all things, (transport) at our service, and we ourselves would not have been capable of
There is nothing worthy of that, and to our Lord if our final destiny.)
worship except Allah, He ful‐
filled His promise, Granted
victory to His servant, And
alone He defeated the allied
army.) Generally make loads of Duaa whilst travelling
"Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah), the supplication of the par‐
ent for his child, the supplication of the one who is fasting, and the supplication
After the above duaa, recite any Personal Dua then descend, and of the traveller." [al Bayhaqi]
proceed to Mount Marwa & Repeat the above steps again, and for Before the Meeqat
each lap. 1.NIYYAH
Labbaik Allaahumma ‘Umrah
TRIM THE HAIR (Here I am O Allah making `Umraah)
Men recommended to shave their hair, but they can trim it all the way round
Labbayk Allahumma labbayk, lab‐
Women are to shorten their hair by a finger tip.
bayka laa shareeka laka labbayk,
innal‐hamda wan‐ni'mata laka
wal‐mulk, laa shareeka lak
Now all Ihraam rules are lifted,and your Umrah is completed. May (Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I
Allah accept your Umrah, Ameen!! am. You have no partner. Here I am.
Surely all praise, grace and dominion is
yours, and you have no partner.)
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Entering Masjid Duaa (enter masjid with your right foot) Leaving Masjid Duaa
Bismillahi, Allallhumma salli `alaa muhammadin wa sallim ‐ allaahumma af‐ Bismillahi was‐salaatu was‐salaamu ‘alaa rasoolillahi, Allahum‐ma inee
tah lee abwaaba rahmatika a’‐aluka min fadhlika, Allahum‐ma a’simnee minash‐shaitaanie‐rajeem
(In the name of Allaah! O Allaah! Exalt the mention of your Messenger. O Al‐ (In the name of Allah, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of
laah! Forgive my sins, and open the gates of Your mercy for me). Allaah. O Allaah, I ask You from Your favour. O Allaah, guard from the ac‐
cursed devil.)
Tawaf (7 Rounds, Start @ Black Stone) Kiss if you can, if not
(Men to uncover right shoulder during tawaf Touch w/right hand, if not
only & to briskly walk during first 3 rounds) Face & Gesture at it w/right hand
Bismillah, Allahu Akbar
Yamani Corner to Black Stone Sai (7 laps, back and forth Mount Safa & Marwa)
Rabbanaa aatinaa fid‐dunyaa hasanatan wa feel aakhirati hasanatan wa qi‐
naa 'adhaaban naar 1. UPON APPROACHING MOUNT SAFA
(Our Lord, grant us good in Innas‐safaa wal marwata min sha'aa'irillaahi faman hajjal baita
this life and good in the here‐ 'awi`tamara falaa janaaha 'alaihi an yattawwafa bihimaa wa man tataw‐
after and save us from the wa'a khiran fa'innallaaha shaakirun 'aleemun
punishment of the Hellfire.) (Verily, As‐Safaa and Al‐Marwah are from the symbols of Allaah. So it is not
You can recite any Personal a sin on him who performs Hajj or 'Umrah of the house (ka 'bah) to per‐
Dua’s During the Tawaf form the going (tawaaf) between them. And whoever does good voluntar‐
ily, then verily, Allaah is the All‐Recognizer, All‐Knower. [Quran; 2:158])
(And take you (people) the Maqaam (place) of Ibraheem as a place of Prayer.) Abda’u bimaa bada’Allahu bihi
Pray 2 Rakaats (I begin with what Allaah began with.)
Surah Al Kafiroon
Surah Al Ikhlas
Zam Zam wells
Make duaa before drinking
Pour water over the head (Between the green lights, men to hasten their walk)
Go back to Blackstone if possible and touch it, if not proceed to Sai Page 2 Page 3