Who Specifications and Evaluations For Public Health Pesticides
Who Specifications and Evaluations For Public Health Pesticides
Who Specifications and Evaluations For Public Health Pesticides
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WHO specifications are developed with the basic objective of promoting, as far as
practicable, the manufacture, distribution and use of pesticides that meet basic
quality requirements.
Compliance with the specifications does not constitute an endorsement or warranty
of the fitness of a particular pesticide for a particular purpose, including its suitability
for the control of any given pest, or its suitability for use in a particular area. Owing
to the complexity of the problems involved, the suitability of pesticides for a particular
purpose and the content of the labelling instructions must be decided at the national
or provincial level.
Furthermore, pesticides which are manufactured to comply with these specifications
are not exempted from any safety regulation or other legal or administrative provision
applicable to their manufacture, sale, transportation, storage, handling, preparation
and/or use.
WHO disclaims any and all liability for any injury, death, loss, damage or other
prejudice of any kind that may be arise as a result of, or in connection with, the
manufacture, sale, transportation, storage, handling, preparation and/or use of
pesticides which are found, or are claimed, to have been manufactured to comply
with these specifications.
Additionally, WHO wishes to alert users to the fact that improper storage, handling,
preparation and/or use of pesticides can result in either a lowering or complete loss
of safety and/or efficacy.
WHO is not responsible, and does not accept any liability, for the testing of
pesticides for compliance with the specifications, nor for any methods recommended
and/or used for testing compliance. As a result, WHO does not in any way warrant
or represent that any pesticide claimed to comply with a WHO specification actually
does so.
This disclaimer applies to all specifications published by WHO.
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WHO establishes and publishes specifications* for technical material and related
formulations of public health pesticides with the objective that these specifications
may be used to provide an international point of reference against which products
can be judged either for regulatory purposes or in commercial dealings.
From 2002, the development of WHO specifications follows the New Procedure,
described in the Manual for Development and Use of FAO and WHO Specifications
for Pesticides. This New Procedure follows a formal and transparent evaluation
process. It describes the minimum data package, the procedure and evaluation
applied by WHO and the experts of the “FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide
Specifications” (JMPS).
WHO Specifications now only apply to products for which the technical materials
have been evaluated. Consequently, from the year 2002 onwards the publication of
WHO specifications under the New Procedure has changed. Every specification
consists now of two parts, namely the specifications and the evaluation report(s):
Part One: The Specifications of the technical material and the related formulations of
the pesticide in accordance with chapters 4 to 9 of the “FAO/WHO Manual
on Pesticide Specifications.”
Part Two: The Evaluation Report(s) of the pesticide, reflecting the evaluation of the
data package carried out by WHO and the JMPS. The data are provided
by the manufacturer(s) according to the requirements of chapter 3 of the
“FAO/WHO Manual on Pesticide Specifications” and supported by other
information sources. The Evaluation Report includes the name(s) of the
manufacturer(s) whose technical material has been evaluated. Evaluation
reports on specifications developed subsequently to the original set of
specifications are added in a chronological order to this report.
WHO specifications under the New Procedure do not necessarily apply to nominally
similar products of other manufacturer(s), nor to those where the active ingredient is
produced by other routes of manufacture. WHO has the possibility to extend the
scope of the specifications to similar products but only when the JMPS has been
satisfied that the additional products are equivalent to that which formed the basis of
the reference specification.
Specifications bear the date (month and year) of publication of the current
version. Dates of publication of the earlier versions, if any, are identified in a
footnote. Evaluations bear the date (year) of the meeting at which the
recommendations were made by the JMPS.
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Common name
alpha-cypermethrin (E-ISO, BSI), alpha-cyperméthrine (F-ISO)
alphamethrin (rejected common name), alfoxylate
Chemical names
IUPAC: a racemic mixture of: (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(1R,3R)-3-(2,2-
dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate and (R)-α-cyano-3-
CA: [1α(S*), 3α]-(+)-cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-
Structural formula
Cl H CH3 O O
Empirical formula
Relative molecular mass
CAS Registry number
CIPAC number
Identity tests
GC retention time, IR spectrum.
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1 Description
The material shall consist of alpha-cypermethrin together with related
manufacturing impurities and shall be a white- to cream-coloured crystalline
powder with characteristic odour, free from visible extraneous matter and
added modifying agents.
2 Active ingredient
2.1 Identity tests (454/TC/M/2, CIPAC Handbook H, p.15, 1998)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the identity
remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test.
2.2 Alpha-cypermethrin content (454/TC/M/3, CIPAC Handbook H, p.15, 1998)
The alpha-cypermethrin content shall be declared (not less than 930 g/kg) and,
when determined, the average measured content shall not be lower than the
declared minimum content.
Specifications may be revised and/or additional evaluations may be undertaken.
Ensure the use of current versions by checking at: http://www.who.int/whopes/quality/en/.
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1 Description
The material shall consist of a homogeneous mixture of technical alpha-
cypermethrin, complying with the requirements of WHO specification 454/TC
(April 2006), together with filler(s) and any other necessary formulants. It shall
be in the form of a freely flowing fine powder, free from visible extraneous
matter and hard lumps.
2 Active ingredient
2.1 Identity tests (454/WP/M/2, CIPAC Handbook H, p.18, 1998)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the identity
remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test.
2.2 Alpha-cypermethrin content (454/WP/M/3, CIPAC Handbook H, p.18, 1998)
The alpha-cypermethrin content shall be declared (100 g/kg) and, when
determined, the average measured content shall not differ from that declared
by more than ±10%.
3 Physical properties
3.1 pH range (MT 75.3, CIPAC Handbook J, p.131, 2000)
pH range: 4 to 8.
3.2 Wet sieve test (MT 185, CIPAC Handbook K, p.149, 2003)
Maximum: 2% of the formulation shall be retained on a 75 µm test sieve.
3.3 Suspensibility (MT 184 CIPAC Handbook K, p.142, 2003) (Notes 1 & 2)
A minimum of 70% of the alpha-cypermethrin content found under 2.2 shall be
in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC standard water D at 30 ± 2°C.
Specifications may be revised and/or additional evaluations may be undertaken.
Ensure the use of current versions by checking at: http://www.who.int/whopes/quality/en/.
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3.4 Wettability (MT 53.3.2, CIPAC Handbook F, p.164, 1995)
The formulation shall be completely wetted in 1 min with swirling.
3.5 Persistent foam (MT 47.2, CIPAC Handbook F, p.152, 1995) (Note 3)
Maximum: 60 ml after 1min.
4 Storage stability
4.1 Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3, CIPAC Handbook J, p.128,
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days, the determined average active
ingredient content must not be lower than 95%, relative to the determined
average content found before storage (Note 4), and the formulation shall
continue to comply with the clauses for:
- pH range (3.1),
- wet sieve test (3.2),
- suspensibility (3.3),
- wettability (3.4).
Note 1 The formulation should be tested at the highest and lowest rates of use recommended by the
supplier, provided it does not exceed the conditions given in method MT184.
Note 2 Chemical assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active ingredient still
in suspension. However, simpler gravimetric methods may be used on a routine basis
provided that these methods have been shown to give results equal to those of chemical
assay. In case of dispute, the chemical method shall be the "referee method".
Note 3 The mass of sample to be used in the test should be specified at the highest rate
recommended by the supplier.
Note 4 Analysis of the formulation, before and after the storage stability test, should be carried out
concurrently (i.e. after storage) to reduce the analytical error.
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1 Description
The material shall consist of a suspension of fine particles of technical alpha-
cypermethrin, complying with the requirements of WHO specification 454/TC
(April 2006), in an aqueous phase together with suitable formulants. After
gentle agitation the material shall be homogeneous (Note 1) and suitable for
further dilution in water.
2 Active ingredient
2.1 Identity tests (454/SC/M/2, CIPAC Handbook H, p.20, 1998)
The active ingredient shall comply with an identity test and, where the identity
remains in doubt, shall comply with at least one additional test.
2.2 Alpha-cypermethrin content (454/SC/M/3, CIPAC Handbook H, p.20, 1998)
The alpha-cypermethrin content shall be declared (g/kg or g/l at 20 ± 2°C,
Note 2) and, when determined, the average measured content shall not differ
from that declared by more than the following tolerances:
Declared content in g/kg or g/l at 20 ± 2°C Tolerance
up to 25 ± 15% of the declared content
above 25 up to 100 ± 10% of the declared content
above 100 up to 250 ± 6% of the declared content
3 Physical properties
3.1 pH range (MT 75.3, CIPAC Handbook J, p.131, 2000)
pH range: 5 to 8
3.2 Pourability (MT 148, CIPAC Handbook F, p.348, 1995)
Maximum "residue": 3%.
Specifications may be revised and/or additional evaluations may be undertaken.
Ensure the use of current versions by checking at: http://www.who.int/whopes/quality/en/.
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3.3 Spontaneity of dispersion (MT 160, CIPAC Handbook F, p.391, 1995)
(Notes 3 & 4)
A minimum of 60% of the alpha-cypermethrin content found under 2.2 shall be
in suspension after 5 min in CIPAC standard water D at 30 ± 2°C.
3.4 Suspensibility (MT 161, CIPAC Handbook F, p.394, 1995) (Note 3)
A minimum of 60% of the alpha-cypermethrin content found under 2.2 shall be
in suspension after 30 min in CIPAC standard water D at 30 ± 2°C.
3.5 Wet sieve test (MT185, CIPAC Handbook K, p.149, 2003) (Note 5)
Maximum: 2% of the formulation shall be retained on a 75 µm test sieve.
3.6 Persistent foam (MT 47.2, CIPAC Handbook F, p.152, 1995) (Note 6)
Maximum: 60 ml after 1 min.
4 Storage stability
4.1 Stability at 0°C (MT 39.3, CIPAC Handbook J, p.126, 2000)
After storage at 0 ± 2°C for 7 days, the formulation shall continue to comply
with the clauses for:
- suspensibility (3.4),
- wet sieve test (3.5).
4.2 Stability at elevated temperature (MT 46.3, CIPAC Handbook J, p.128,
After storage at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days the determined average active ingredient
content must not be lower than 95%, relative to the determined average
content found before storage (Note 7), and the product shall continue to
comply with the clauses for:
- pH range (3.1),
- pourability (3.2),
- spontaneity of dispersion (3.3),
- suspensibility (3.4),
- wet sieve test (3.5).
Note 1 Before sampling to verify the formulation quality, inspect the commercial container carefully.
On standing, suspension concentrates usually develop a concentration gradient from the top
to the bottom of the container. This may even result in the appearance of a clear liquid on the
top and/or of sediment on the bottom. Therefore, before sampling, homogenize the
formulation according to the instructions given by the manufacturer or, in the absence of such
instructions, by gentle shaking of the commercial container (for example by inverting the
closed container several times). Large containers must be opened and stirred adequately.
After this procedure, the container should not contain a sticky layer of non-dispersed matter at
the bottom. A suitable and simple method of checking for a non-dispersed sticky layer "cake"
is by probing with a glass rod or similar device adapted to the size and shape of the container.
All the physical and chemical tests must be carried out on a laboratory sample taken after the
recommended homogenization procedure.
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Note 2 Unless homogenization is carried out carefully, it is possible for the sample to become
aerated. This can lead to errors in the determination of the mass per millilitre and in the
calculation of the active ingredient content (in g/l) if methods other than MT 3.3 are used. If
the buyer requires both g/kg and g/l at 20°C, then in case of dispute the analytical results shall
be calculated as g/kg.
Note 3 Chemical assay is the only fully reliable method to measure the mass of active ingredient still
in suspension. However, simpler methods such as gravimetric and solvent extraction
determination may be used on a routine basis provided that these methods have been shown
to give results equal to those of the chemical assay method. In case of dispute, the chemical
method shall be the referee method.
Note 4 The test should be conducted at 0.5% concentration (248.75 ml water, 1.25 ml formulation,
corresponding to the maximum recommended concentration for application), instead of the
5% specified in MT 160.
Note 5 This test detects coarse particles (e.g. caused by crystal growth) or agglomerates (crust
formation) or extraneous materials, which could cause blockage of spray nozzles or filters in
the spray tank.
Note 6 The mass of sample to be used in the test should correspond to the highest rate of use
recommended by the supplier. The test is to be conducted in CIPAC standard water D.
Note 7 Samples of the formulation taken before and after the storage stability test should be
analyzed concurrently after the test in order to reduce the analytical error.
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The Meeting recommended the following.
(i) The existing WHO specifications for alpha-cypermethrin TC, WP and SC should be
extended to encompass the corresponding products of Gharda Chemicals Limited.
(ii) The existing FAO specifications for alpha-cypermethrin TC, WP and SC should be
extended to encompass the corresponding products of Gharda Chemicals Limited.
The Meeting considered data and information submitted by Gharda Chemicals Limited
(India) in support of extension of the existing FAO and WHO specifications for alpha-
cypermethrin TC, WP and SC.
The Meeting was provided a detailed description of the manufacturing process for
the technical grade active ingredient, 5-batch analysis data (GLP study) for alpha-
cypermethrin and all impurities ≥1 g/kg and their manufacturing limits in the TC. The
manufacturing process provided by Gharda is similar to those supporting the existing
FAO and WHO specifications. Mass balances for the 5-batch data (batches
manufactured on September 1998) were 99.39-100.1%. A narrow range of mass
balances was observed in the batches. The percentage of unknowns was not
declared but it was considered acceptable by the Meeting. The declared impurities
content ranged from 5 to 35 g/kg. No relevant impurities were declared and it was
accepted by the Meeting. The Meeting agreed that the purity/impurity profile of
Gharda TC indicated equivalence with the reference profile supporting the existing
FAO and WHO specifications.
In the primary dossier, alpha-cypermethrin and impurities (cis and trans impurities)
content were determined using HPLC with UV detection and external standard
calibration. This method was validated. Reagents or solvents were determined
using a titrimetric method or GC-FID, respectively, depending on the nature of the
compound. As the HPLC-UV method used for determination of alpha-cypermethrin
in the TC is not the CIPAC method, the Meeting required new batch analysis using
the CIPAC method 454/TC/M/3 (GC-FID method). The new batch analysis data
(performed according to GLP guidelines) were received on March 2009. These
batches were manufactured from December 2007 to May 2008. Alpha-cypermethrin
content ranged from 98.0 % to 98.5 %. For comparison, the same batches were
analysed using HPLC-UV and the CIPAC method (GC-FID), and the Meeting
concluded that results are similar. The alpha-cypermethrin content in the TC is in
compliance with the existing FAO and WHO specifications. Following the request of
the Meeting, Gharda Chemicals Limited provided also data on the content of two
non-relevant impurities. No detectable residue was found.
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Gharda stated that the manufacturing specifications have been submitted for
registration in Argentina, Australia, India, China and Taiwan. The impurities and
their maximum limits in the manufacturing specifications were confirmed to be
identical to the alpha-cypermethrin impurity profile provided to the Australian
authorities for support of registration.
The Meeting agreed to consider the studies for the physical and chemical properties
(GLP studies) acceptable and similar to those provided by previous proposers
Nevertheless, an explanation was required regarding the solubility in water for which
results were given in mg/L and not in µg/L as given in studies submitted by other
applicants. A new study was provided in March 2009 indicating that the unit of the
first results for the solubility in water was wrong. In the new study, a value of 6 µg/L
was given and it was accepted by the Meeting.
The studies on acute dermal, skin irritation, eye irritation, mutagenicity, genotoxicity
submitted by Gharda were performed according to GLP guidelines. Results are in
accordance with the data provided by previous applicants and supporting the
existing FAO and WHO specifications.
Ecotoxicological studies are old, not performed according to GLP and not performed
on the same species than those of the reference profile. The studies on toxicity to
honeybees provided by Gharda showed that the effect of alpha-cypermethrin Gharda
was comparable to those previously provided by other proposers. Data on daphnia
and earthworm were not considered because not performed using the alpha-
cypermethrin TC from Gharda.
On basis of all the data provided by Gharda (manufacturing process, impurity profile,
5-batch analysis data, physical and chemical properties of active ingredient,
chemical composition of TC and toxicological data), the Meeting concluded that the
Gharda alpha-cypermethrin TC is equivalent to the reference profile supporting the
existing FAO and WHO specifications (FAO/WHO evaluation report 454/2005).
Full CIPAC methods are available for determination of alpha-cypermethrin in the TC
and formulations (WP, SC) for which specifications were proposed. The Meeting
agreed that specifications for alpha-cypermethrin TC and formulations (WP, SC)
produced by Gharda (WP, SC) comply with the existing FAO/WHO specifications.
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Physico-chemical properties of alpha-cypermethrin
Table 1. Physico-chemical properties of pure and technical
Parameter Value(s) and conditions Purity % Method Reference
Vapour pressure 9.0 x 10-6 Pa at 25°C 95% EEC A.4 1
Melting point, boiling Melting point: 81-83°C 95% OECD guideline 102 2
point and/or C.AMO.027
temperature of
Solubility in water 6 µg/L 97.8 % OECD guideline 105 3
(at 20 ± 0.5°C and pH ≈ 7) C.AMO.059
Octanol/water partition log POW = 6.64 at 25 °C 95% OECD guideline 107 4
coefficient C.AMO.033
Hydrolysis No information 95% OECD Guideline 105 5
characteristics C.AMO.034
Photolysis No information 95% EPA guideline, 6
characteristics “Photolysis of aqueous C.AMO.039
solution in sunlight CG-
Dissociation The structure indicates that it - - -
characteristics is unlikely to undergo
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Gharda Chemicals Limited stated that:
- Alpha-cypermethrin 10 EC is sold in Argentina, Bulgaria, Estonia, France,
Hungary, Kazakastan, Moldova, Kenya, Poland, Ukraine and Taiwan.
- Alpha-cypermethrin 5 WP is sold in India and Nepal.
- Alpha-cypermethrin 10 SC is sold in India.
Gharda has deposited specifications only for TC, WP and SC formulations used in
public health programme. However the EC formulation complies with FAO
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Note: Gharda Chemicals Limited provided written confirmation that the toxicological
data included in the following summary were derived from alpha-cypermethrin having
impurity profiles similar to those referred to in Table 2, above.
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Table A. Toxicology profile of the alpha-cypermethrin technical material,
based on acute toxicity, irritation and sensitization
Species Test Purity % Guideline, duration, Result Reference
doses and conditions
Rat (Albino) Acute oral 97.5 OECD 401 LD50 = 360 mg/kg bw 7
Rat (Albino) Acute dermal 97.5 OECD 402 LD50 > 2000 mg/kg bw 8
Rat (Albino) Acute 97.5 OECD 403 LC50 > 0.593 mg/l 9
Inhalation T.AMO.073
Rabbit, Skin irritation 97.5 OECD 404 Non irritant 10
New Zealand T.AMO.072
Rabbit, Eye irritation 97.5 OECD 405 Not irritant to eyes 11
New Zealand T.AMO.074
Guinea pig Skin 97.5 OECD 406 Non sensitizer 12
sensitisation T.AMO.122
Rat Sub acute oral 97.5 90 days Did not show any 13
(Wistar) toxicity up to the dose T.AMO.007
of 4000 ppm
Dog Sub acute oral 97.5 90 days NOEL: 3 mg/kg/day 14
(Mongrel) T.AMO.008
Rabbit Sub acute 97.5 21 days NOEL: 2000 mg/kg/day 15
(Albino) dermal T.AMO.009
Rat Sub acute 97.5 14 days NOEL: 0.029 mg/l 16
(Wistar) inhalation T.AMO.010
Mice Carcinogenecity 99.0 Dose: M: 6.5, 13.0 NOEL: 17
(Albino) and 65 ppm/kg/day M: 65 mg/kg/day T.AMO.013
F: 7.8, 15.6 & 78 F: 78 mg/kg/day
Period: 24 months
Rat Teratogenecity 99.0 Dose: 5,10 and 20 No teratological 18
(Albino) & mg/kg/day potential for rats T.AMO.020
developmental Duration: 24 months
Rat 2 generation 99.0 Dose: 2.5,10, 25 No adverse 19
(Albino) reproduction mg/kg/day reproductive effects T.AMO.011
study Duration: 2 years
Chicken Delayed 99.0 Dose: 0, 70, 140 and Does not have 20
neurotoxicity 700 mg/kg bw neurotoxic potential T.AMO.016
Duration:21 days NOEL: 70 mg/kg bw
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Table C. Mutagenicity profile of the technical material based on in vitro and in
vivo tests
Species Test Purity % Guideline, duration, Result Reference
doses and conditions
Fresh water fish Acute toxicity 99.0 Litchfield & Wilcoxon LC50: > 1000 ppm 24
(Tilapia method T.AMO.023
mussambica) Duration: 10 days at
room temperature
Dosage: 1, 10, 100
and 1000 ppm
Honeybees Acute toxicity 99.0 Duration : 12 h LC50 (24 h): 0.044 25
(Apis indica) Temp: 28 ± 2°C µg/bee T.AMO.024
Topical application
Chicken Acute oral 99.0 Litchfield & Wilcoxon LD50: 7000 ± 800 26
toxicity method (1949) mg/kg T.AMO.022
(MLD) Duration: 14 days
Test levels: 4000,
6000, 7000,8000 and
12000 mg/kg
Pigeon Acute oral 99.0 Duration: 21 days MLD: 2500 mg/kg 27
Toxicity Test levels:1000, T.AMO.021
(MLD) 2000, 4000 and 8000
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The Meeting recommended the following.
(i) The existing WHO specifications for alpha-cypermethrin TC, WP and SC, should be
extended to encompass the products of Heranba Industries Ltd.
(ii) The existing FAO specifications for alpha-cypermethrin TC, WP, SC, EC, UL,
should be extended to encompass the products of Heranba Industries Ltd.
(iii) The emulsion stability clause of the existing FAO specification for alpha-
cypermethrin EC should be corrected, to refer to CIPAC method MT 36.3 instead of
MT 173.
The Meeting considered data and information submitted by Heranba Industries Ltd
(Mumbai, India) in support of extension of the existing FAO and WHO specifications.
The Meeting was provided a detailed description of the manufacturing process for
the technical grade active ingredient, 5-batch analysis data for all impurities ≥1 g/kg
and their manufacturing limits in the TC. Mass balances for the 5-batch data
(batches manufactured in 2005) were 99.85-99.94%, with no unknowns. The narrow
range of mass balances reflected the uniformly high purity of TC batches and use of
a very accurate and precise analytical method (6293). The data were confirmed to
be identical to those submitted in support of registration in Thailand and were stated
also to be identical to those submitted in support of registration India.
Certain impurities, initially proposed as relevant by the manufacturer, were agreed to
be non-relevant, in accordance with the manual (FAO/WHO 2006).
The Meeting agreed that the purity/impurity, acute toxicology, mutagenicity and
ecotoxicology profiles of Heranba TC indicated equivalence with the reference profile
supporting the existing FAO and WHO specifications (FAO/WHO evaluation report
Heranba alpha-cypermethrin TC was classified by the manufacturer as a “minimal
irritant” of eyes, which is an unusual designation. Following discussion, the
manufacturer agreed that “mild irritant” would be an appropriate classification.
Heranba confirmed that the alpha-cypermethrin TC and formulations produced by
the company comply with existing FAO and WHO specifications. The company also
confirmed that existing CIPAC methods for identification and determination of alpha-
cypermethrin were acceptable for analysis of the company’s TC and formulations.
The Meeting noted that the emulsion stability clause of the existing FAO specification
for alpha-cypermethrin EC referred, incorrectly, to CIPAC method MT 173. The
specified limits related, correctly, to CIPAC method MT 36.3 and the method
reference should therefore be corrected.
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Physico-chemical properties of alpha-cypermethrin
Heranba alpha-cypermethrin formulations are registered and sold in India and
Methods of analysis and testing
Heranba confirmed that the existing CIPAC methods for the determination of active
ingredient content and for testing physical properties are satisfactory for use with
their products.
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Note: Heranba provided written confirmation that the toxicological data included in
the following summary were derived from alpha-cypermethrin having impurity profiles
similar to those referred to in Table 2, above.
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Table A. Toxicology profile of alpha-cypermethrin technical material, based
on acute toxicity, irritation and sensitization
Species Test Purity Duration and Result Reference
% conditions or guideline
Rat, Wistar Oral 97.83 OECD 401 LD50 = 118.51 mg/kg bw (f) 06165
(m,f) Observation: 14 days LD50 = 138.98 mg/kg bw
Dosage: 0, 100, 150 & (m) (118.79 to 159.19)
200 mg/kg bw
Vehicle: corn oil
Rat, Wistar Dermal 97.83 OECD 402 LD50 >2000 mg/kg bw 06166
(m,f) Observation: 14 days
Dosage: 0 &
2000 mg/kg bw
Rat, (m,f) Inhalation 97.83 OECD 403 LC50 = 0.70 mg/l (0.61 to 06169
Observation: 14 days 0.79)
Dosage: 0, 0.35, 0.75 &
1.02 mg/l
Rabbit Skin irritation 97.83 OECD 404 Non-irritant 06167
Observation: 1, 24, 48 &
72 h after treatment
Dosage: 500 mg (4 h)
Rabbit Eye irritation 97.83 OECD 405 Mild irritant 06168
Observation: 1, 24, 48 &
72 h after treatment
Dosage: 100 mg
Guinea pig Skin 97.83 OECD 406 Non-sensitizer 06170
(m) sensitization Observation: 28 d
Dosage: 250 mg
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Table C. Ecotoxicology profile of technical alpha-cypermethrin
Species Test Guideline & conditions Result Reference
Daphnia magna Acute OECD 202 EC50 (48 h) = 0.57 µg/l 06175
(water flea) immobilization Dosage: 0.08, 0.18, 0.39, 0.85 (0.50-0.64 µg/l)
test & 1.87 µg/l, purity: 97.83%
Poecilia Acute toxicity OECD 203 LC50 (24 h) >15.4 µg/l 06174
reticulata Dosage: 4, 5.6, 7.8, 11 & 15.4LC50 (48 h) = 12.28 µg/l
(freshwater µg/l (semi-static bioassay), LC50 (72 h) = 9.26 µg/l
fish) purity: 97.83% LC50 (96 h) = 8.36 µg/l
Lampito mauritii Acute toxicity OECD 207 LC50 >1000 mg/kg dry wt. 06179
(earthworm) Dosage : 62.5-1000 mg/kg dry (14 d)
soil, purity 97.83%
Apis mellifera Acute oral OECD 213 LD50 = 0.015 µg/bee 06177
(honey bee) toxicity Purity 97.83% (48 h)
Acute contact OECD 214 LD50 = 0.010 µg/bee 06178
toxicity Dosage: 0.0025, 0.0044, (48 h)
0.0077, 0.013, 0.023 &
0.041 µg/bee, purity 97.83%
Coturnix Dietary toxicity OECD 205 LC50 >5000 ppm 06176
coturnix Dosage: 5000 ppm; 5 days,
japonica purity 97.83%
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The Meeting recommended the following.
(i) That the existing WHO specifications for alpha-cypermethrin TC, SC and WP
should be withdrawn.
(ii) That the specifications for alpha-cypermethrin TC, WP (100 g/kg only) and SC
proposed by BASF and Tagros, as amended, should be adopted by WHO.
(iii) That the specifications for alpha-cypermethrin TC, WP(>100-250 g/kg range),
SC, EC and UL proposed by BASF and Tagros, as amended, should be adopted
by FAO.
The Meeting considered data on alpha-cypermethrin, submitted by BASF and
Tagros, in support of new FAO specifications for TC, SC, EC and UL, and for the
review of existing WHO full specifications for TC (WHO/SIT/32, 1999) and SC
(WHO/SIF/61, 1999) and the WHO interim specification for WP (WHO/IS/98.1.2.R1,
Alpha-cypermethrin is not under patent.
Draft specifications and supporting data were provided by BASF Aktiengesellschaft,
Germany, and Tagros Chemicals India Ltd, in 2004.
The cypermethrin molecule has 3 chiral centres and cypermethrin exists as 8
different enantiomers, or 4 pairs of diastereoisomers. Alpha-cypermethrin is a
racemate of one diastereoisomeric pair: [S, 1R,3R] and [R, 1S,3S]. When analyzed
by non-chiral chromatography, cypermethrin may be resolved into 4 peaks, one of
which represents alpha-cypermethrin.
The Meeting was presented with information from both manufacturers on the
manufacturing process, data from 5-batch analyses, and summary data on toxic
hazards. Mass balances were high: 99.0-100.3% (BASF) and 99.70–99.94%
(Tagros). The minimum content of alpha-cypermethrin declared by BASF was
930 g/kg, whereas that declared by Tagros was 950 g/kg. Both BASF and Tagros
reported unknown impurities, the maximum for the sum of them exceeded 1 g/kg in
both cases but the maximum for any individual unknown compound was <1 g/kg.
The BASF data were confirmed as similar to those presented to Belgium, in support
of the EU review of alpha-cypermethrin. The Tagros data were confirmed as
identical (except for the limit for a solvent impurity) to those presented for registration
in Australia.
The Meeting agreed that the impurity profile of BASF should be considered the
reference profile, as it was supported by a full data package on hazards. The Tagros
TC appeared to be equivalent to that of BASF on the basis of the impurity profiles.
However, on the basis of the data provided for skin and eye irritation, the alpha-
cypermethrin produced by Tagros (mild irritant) did not appear to be equivalent to
Page 30 of 50
that of BASF (non-irritant). A review of the Tagros original study reports by
WHO/PCS secretariat (PCS 2005) concluded that the Tagros TC is not an irritant to
either skin or eyes, according to the GHS classification (GHS 2003), and that the two
manufacturers’ TCs should also be considered equivalent on the basis of the
toxicological data. The Meeting agreed with this conclusion.
The Meeting agreed that none of impurities is relevant.
A full CIPAC method is available for the determination of alpha-cypermethrin in the
TC and all formulations for which specifications were proposed.
The proposed specifications were broadly in accordance with the requirements of the
manual (FAO/WHO 2002) but the Meeting considered certain exceptions.
TC and formulations. Both manufacturers included clauses to specify the minimum
amount of total cypermethrin isomers present, in addition to the minimum for alpha-
cypermethrin isomers. Similar clauses appeared in the existing WHO specifications
for alpha-cypermethrin. While recognising that the low levels of minor cypermethrin
isomers present might contribute (minimally) to the overall activity, the Meeting
concluded that they are not components of alpha-cypermethrin (as defined by the
common name) and that they should be designated as non-relevant impurities and
therefore not included in the specification.
TC. The existing WHO specification for alpha-cypermethrin included clauses for
hydrocarbon solvent and triethylamine content. Neither manufacturer included these
clauses in the proposed specifications and the Meeting accepted that they were not
The Meeting agreed that the limit for minimum alpha-cypermethrin content should be
that of BASF (930 g/kg).
Formulations. The Meeting questioned the apparently high upper limits given for pH
range in the specifications (pH 8 or higher), given the potential for slow hydrolysis of
alpha-cypermethrin at pH 9 (half-life of several days at room temperatures). The
existing WHO specification for SC (the formulation in which hydrolysis might occur
most readily) included an upper limit for pH range of 8.7. The manufacturers
confirmed that the active ingredient is stable during storage of products at pH 8 and
this limit was therefore agreed by the Meeting.
WP. The clause for wettability proposed by Tagros specified a wetting time limit of 5
min, without swirling. The Meeting acknowledged that pyrethroids have virtually no
affinity for water but considered this to be an unacceptably long time. The
manufacturer explained that a limit of 1 min, with swirling, was readily achievable
and the Meeting accepted this.
The existing WHO specification incorporated a limit of 90 ml for persistent foam but
the manufacturers acknowledged that their products comply with the standard
maximum of 60 ml (FAO/WHO 2002) and this limit was agreed by the Meeting.
The Meeting noted that the WHO specification for WP is restricted to a 10%
formulation, whereas a >100-250 g/kg range is appropriate for FAO specifications.
Tagros stated that their WP is sold in metallized-film sachets but the Meeting did not
consider this to require a clause or Note in the specification.
SC. The proposed limits for wet sieve test differed slightly between the
manufacturers but they agreed with the Meeting to adopt a limit of 2%.
Page 31 of 50
The Meeting agreed that the limit for pourability of 2.5%, proposed by BASF, should
be rounded to 3 ml. The proposed limit for the Tagros product was within this limit.
BASF stated that spontaneity of dispersion should be tested at 0.5% concentration
(instead of the usual 5% indicated in method MT 160) because the lower
concentration represented both the maximum application rate and a more
reasonable test of formulation quality. This requirement for the test did not appear in
the existing WHO specification but the existing limit (60% dispersion) was the same
as that proposed. The Meeting accepted that testing at the higher concentration was
unrealistic in this case and agreed to the proposed deviation from the normal
The limit proposed by BASF for active ingredient content after storage was lower
than that proposed by Tagros but, being within the acceptable range, it was
accepted by the Meeting.
EC. Both manufacturers provided limits for method MT 36.1 and MT 173. Following
discussions of the methods to be employed, the Meeting and manufacturers agreed
that limits should be provided for method MT 36.3 only.
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Page 33 of 50
Alpha-cypermethrin is a non-systemic, broad spectrum, insecticidal pyrethroid, with
rapid knockdown activity. It is effective by contact and ingestion against target pests
at relatively low application rates. It acts by preventing transmission of nerve
impulses, by blocking the passage of sodium ions through channels in nerve
membranes, thus preventing signals passing down axons. Typically this intoxication
results in a rapid “knockdown” and mortality.
It is used in to control a wide range of chewing and sucking insects (particularly
Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hemiptera) in fruit (including citrus), vegetables, vines,
cereals, maize, beet, oilseed rape, potatoes, cotton, rice, soya beans, forestry and
other crops. In public health it is used to control cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies and
other insect pests. It is also used in animal health as an ectoparasiticide.
Common name
alpha-cypermethrin (E-ISO, BSI), alpha-cyperméthrine (F-ISO)
alphamethrin (rejected common name), alfoxylate
Chemical names
IUPAC: a racemic mixture of: (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(1R,3R)-3-(2,2-
dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate and (R)-α-cyano-3-
CA: [1α(S*), 3α]-(+)-cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-
Structural formula
Page 34 of 50
Empirical formula
Relative molecular mass
CAS Registry number
CIPAC number
Identity tests
GC retention time, IR spectrum.
Page 35 of 50
Table 1. Physico-chemical properties of pure alpha-cypermethrin
Parameter Value Purity % Method Reference
Hydrolysis measured: radio- OECD 111 AL-322-002
characteristics pH 4, stable at 40ºC labelled
(half-life) pH 7, 27 days at 50ºC purity
pH 7, 5.3 days at 60ºC 99.0,
pH7, 2.0 days at 75ºC unlabell
pH 9, 3.5 days at 25ºC ed purity
pH 9, 3.0 hours at 50ºC
pH 7, 101 days at 20ºC
pH 7, 67 days at 25ºC
pH 9, 7.3 days at 20ºC
pH 9, 3.5 days at 25ºC (BASF)
pH 4, stable at 50ºC 97.4 OECD 111 12327
pH 7, stable at 50ºC
pH 9.0, 15.41 days at 40ºC
pH 9.0, 21.02 days at 30ºC (Tagros)
Photolysis Conditions: pH 5 (sterile buffer, no each SETAC Part 1: AL-324-003
characteristics hydrolytic decomposition), 22°C, artificial radio- 10
sunlight over 15 and 28 days, two labelled
radiolabelled test substances, dark compou
control samples. nd >99
DT50 = 2.2 days continuous irradiation
DT50 = 6.3 days calculated for solar
DT50 = 1.2 days continuous irradiation
DT50 = 3.4 days calculated for solar
Environmental half-life, 2.9 days,
calculated from quantum yield for
latitude 40°N during spring (BASF)
Dissociation Does not dissociate - - EU 2004
Alpha-cypermethrin is not flammable or auto-flammable and does not have explosive or oxidizing
Page 36 of 50
Table 2. Chemical composition and properties of alpha-cypermethrin technical
material (TC)
Relevant impurities < 1 g/kg and maximum None.
limits for them:
Stabilisers or other additives and maximum None.
limits for them:
Melting temperature range of the TC 81.4-83.7°C (BASF)
77.8-80.8°C (Tagros)
Pure alpha-cypermethrin consists of colourless crystals, the TC is a white to cream powder with a mild
chemical odour.
Hazard summary
IPCS initially made a full evaluation of cypermethrin (IPCS 1989) and later a full
evaluation of alpha-cypermethrin (IPCS 1992). IPCS concluded that, when applied
according to good agricultural practice, exposure of the general population to alpha-
cypermethrin is low and is unlikely to present a hazard. With good work practices,
hygiene measures, and safety precautions, the use of alpha-cypermethrin is unlikely
to present a hazard to those occupationally exposed to it. The occurrence of "facial
sensations" is an indication of exposure and, if they occur, work practices should be
reviewed. With recommended application rates, it is unlikely that alpha-cypermethrin
will attain levels of environmental significance. It is highly toxic to aquatic
arthropods, fish and honeybees under laboratory conditions. Significant toxic effects
on non-target invertebrates and fish are only likely to occur in cases of spillage, over-
spraying and misuse.
Evaluations of alpha-cypermethrin by the FAO/WHO JMPR and JECFA (JMPR
1980, 1982; JECFA 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2003) have produced conclusions
which are in agreement with those of IPCS The JECFA allocated an ADI of 0-0.02
mg/kg bw/d and no acute RfD for alpha-cypermethrin (JECFA 1996).
An EU review concluded that alpha-cypermethrin fulfils the safety requirements of
Articles 5(1)(a) and (b) of Directive 91/414/EEC, and that residues arising from the
proposed uses, with good plant protection practice, should have no harmful effects
on human or animal health (EU 2004). The following toxicological reference doses
were allocated: ADI = 0-0.015 mg/kg bw/d (1-year toxicity in dog, 100 safety factor);
ARfD = 0.04 mg/kg bw (acute oral rat neurotoxicity, 100 safety factor); AOEL
(systemic) = 0.01 mg/kg bw/d (90-d dog study, 100 safety factor); AOEL (dermal) =
0.2 mg/kg bw/d (15-d rabbit dermal study, 100 safety factor).
The WHO hazard classification of alpha-cypermethrin is: moderately hazardous,
class II (WHO 2002).
Page 37 of 50
Alpha-cypermethrin may be formulated alone or co-formulated with other
insecticides, such as flufenoxuron or teflubenzuron.
Physical properties
The physical properties, the methods for testing them and the limits proposed for the
formulations comply with the requirements of the FAO/WHO manual (FAO/WHO
2002), with the exception of determination of spontaneity of dispersion (SC
specification) which is tested at the maximum application rate (0.5% instead of the
usual 5%).
Page 38 of 50
Note: BASF and Tagros provided written confirmation that the toxicological and
ecotoxicological data included in the following summary were derived from alpha-
cypermethrin having impurity profiles similar to those referred to in Table 2, above.
Page 39 of 50
Table A. Toxicology profile of technical alpha-cypermethrin, based on acute
toxicity, irritation and sensitization
Species Test Purity Duration and conditions or Result Reference
% guideline adopted
Rat (m, f) oral 95.6 Single exposure. Study LD50 = 57 mg/kg bw ( m) SBTR.92.0
conducted according to B.1LD50 = 71 mg/kg bw (f) 33
92/69/EEC (BASF)
Rat, Wistar oral MLD 98 OECD 401, 14 d. 0, 80, 120,
LD50 = 1361
(m,f) 180 mg/kg bw (in peanut oil)
132 (104-168) mg/kg bw
Rat ( m, f) dermal 96 Single exposure. Study LD50 >2000 mg/kg bw SBTR.92.0
conducted according to B.3 (BASF) 33
Rat, Wistar dermal MLD 98 OECD 402, 14 d, 0 & 2000 LD50 >2000 mg/kg bw 1363
(m,f) mg/kg bw (Tagros)
Rat ( m, f) inhalation 95.6 Single 4-hour exposure. LC50 >1.59 mg/l (BASF) SLL
Study conducted according 266/93077
to B.2 92/69/EEC 0
Rat, Wistar inhalation 98 OECD 403, 14 d, 0, 0.614, LC50 = 0.313 (0.109- 1364
(m,f) MLC 0.451, 0.273 mg/l 0.893) mg/l (Tagros)
Rabbit (m, skin irritation 95.6 Single exposure, Study Non-irritant (BASF) SBTR.92.0
f) conducted according to B.4 33
Rabbit skin irritation 98 OECD 404, 500 mg (4 h), Mild irritant (Tagros) 1365
observed 1, 24, 48 & 72 h
after treatment
Rabbit ( m, eye irritation 95.6 Single exposure. Study Non-irritant (BASF) SBTR.92.0
f) conducted according to B.5 33
Rabbit eye irritation 98 OECD 405, 100 mg, Mild irritant (Tagros) 1369
observed 1, 24, 48 & 72 h
after treatment
Guinea pig skin 95.6 Maximization test. Study Non-sensitizing (BASF) SBTR.92.0
(m, f) sensitization conducted according to B.6 33
Guinea pig, skin 98 OECD 406, 250 mg, Not a sensitizer 1366
Hartley sensitization observed for 28 d.
ECB, Ispra, has classified alpha-cypermethrin as R37 (irritant for respiratory system).
Page 40 of 50
Table B. Toxicology profile of technical alpha-cypermethrin, based on
repeated administration (sub-acute to chronic)
Species Test Purity Duration and conditions or Result Reference
% guideline adopted
Dog (m, f) Oral, increasing Batch B.7 92/69/EEC (not fully NOAEL = 3107
dose feeding F8300 compliant), 14 d 5 mg/kg bw/d,
study (range- 47B based on clinical
finding) signs of toxicity in 1f
Rat (m, f) Oral, 90 d 96.5 OECD 408 (1981) NOAEL = SBGR.81.293
9 mg/kg bw/d
Rat 90 d 97.1 OECD 408 NOAEL = 10378
25 mg/kg bw/d
Dog (m, f) Oral, 90 d 95.8 OECD 408 (1981) NOAEL = 3197
2.3 mg/kg bw/d
Mouse, Oral feeding, 95.4 Study approximated NOAEL = 92/SHL009/084
CD-1 (m, f) 13-week OECD 408 (1981). Groups 6.3 mg/kg bw/d 9
12 m, 12 f, fed 13 weeks (BASF)
at 0, 50, 250, or 1000 ppm
in diet.
Dog (m, f) 1 year feeding 95.4 US EPA Guideline No. 83- NOAEL = 11110
1 1.5 mg/kg bw/d
(based on clinical
signs of skin
irritation in 1 f)
Rat, Wistar Carcinogenicity, 98 Directive 87/302/EEC, NOAEL = TLGR 78.189
(m, f) 2 year feeding method B but 24 rats (not 5 mg/kg bw/d
50) included in 2 y (chronic effects)
sacrifice. No evidence of
Cypermethrin (WL 43467) carcinogenicity at 50
(approx. 25% alpha- mg/kg bw/d (highest
cypermethrin) fed to concentration
48/sex/group at 1, 10, tested). (BASF)
100, 1000 ppm in diet
(0.05, 0.5, 5, and 50
mg/kg/day). Observations
after sacrifice at 6, 12, 18
& 24 months.
Mouse (m, Carcinogenicity, 95.4 Directive 87/302/EEC NOAEL = 95/SHL010/059
f) 78-week feeding method B. Alpha- 3 mg/kg bw/d 6
cypermethrin at 0, 30, = 30 ppm(based on
100, 300 ppm in diet (3, reduced body
10.6, 35.2 mg/kg/day weight gain in males
males, 3.5, 11.5, and 37.7 at 100 ppm).
mg/kg/day females) No evidence of
carcinogenicity at
300 ppm (highest
dose tested).(BASF)
Page 41 of 50
Table B. Toxicology profile of technical alpha-cypermethrin, based on
repeated administration (sub-acute to chronic)
Species Test Purity Duration and conditions or Result Reference
% guideline adopted
Rats (m, f) Reproductive 99 Directive 87/302/EEC No adverse TLGR.78.188
toxicity method B. Males up to 25 reproductive effect
3-generation mg/kg/day, females up to up to 5 mg/kg bw/d.
20 mg/kg/day. NOAEL =
5 mg/kg bw/d
= 100 ppm
(maternal) based on
reduced premating
body weight and
food consumption at
500 ppm.
5 mg/kg bw/d
= 100 ppm
based on reduced
litter size at birth
primarily in F1a
generation, and
reduced mean pup
weights on day 21
for F1b females and
F3b males at 500
ppm. (BASF)
Rat (m, f) Teratogenicity & 95.6 OECD 414 (1981). No maternal or SLN/3/92 &
developmental Pregnant females developmental SLN/4/92
toxicity received 0, 3, 9, or 15 toxicity at 3 or 9
mg/kg/day on gestation mg/kg/day.
days 6-18. NOAEL =
9 mg/kg bw/d
9 mg/kg bw/d (fetal)
Rabbit (m, Teratogenicity & 95.6 OECD 414 (1981); US No maternal or SLN/3/92 &
f) developmental EPA 83-3 (1982); JMAFF developmental SLN/4/92
toxicity (1985) toxicity at 3 or 15
Pregnant females mg/kg/day.
received 0, 3, 15 or 30 NOAEL =
mg/kg/day on gestation 15 mg/kg bw/d
days 7-19. (maternal)
30 mg/kg bw/d
(fetal). (BASF)
Rat (m, f) Acute 95.4 US EPA (40 CFR 160); NOAEL = SBTR.93.002
neurotoxicity UK DoH (London, 1989); 4 mg/kg bw (BASF)
OECD (Paris, 1982);
JMAFF (59 Nohsan 3850)
Single oral dose of 0, 4,
20, or 40 mg/kg
In chronic toxicity studies (≥1 y), dietary administration of alpha-cypermethrin to mice, rats and dogs
resulted in clinical signs of treatment that were limited to adverse effects on the skin and hair.
Decreases in body weight gains were observed in mice treated with doses ≥100ppm (approximately
Page 42 of 50
14.3 mg/kg bw/day). The dog appeared more sensitive than the mouse to the effects of alpha-
cypermethrin, as indicated by NOAELs of 1.5 mg/kg bw/day and 3 mg/kg bw/day for dogs and mice,
Alpha-cypermethrin was not carcinogenic in long-term studies in mice after administration via the diet.
Results from the carcinogenicity study with cypermethrin (the two alpha-cypermethrin isomers
comprised approximately 25% of the total cypermethrin) have been used to fulfil data requirements for
alpha-cypermethrin. Developmental toxicity tests conducted in rabbits and rats with alpha-
cypermethrin revealed no teratogenic effects for either species.
Alpha-cypermethrin is neurotoxic to all species.
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Table C. Mutagenicity profile of technical alpha-cypermethrin, based on in
vitro and in vivo tests
Species Test Purity Conditions Result Reference
TK6 human Mammalian cell 97.1 OECD 476 Negative 10404
lymphoblastoid gene mutation test 0.005, 0.01, 0.04, (Tagros)
cells 0.06 mM with S-9
0.005, 0.01, 0.02,
0.04 mM without S-9
Bone marrow Chromosome 95.8 Rat femoral bone marrow, Not genotoxic SBGR.84.120
cells (Wistar aberration, 6 per sex per group (BASF)
rats, Charles cytogenic 0, 2, 4, 8 mg/kg orally,
River) investigation, in single dose
Rat, UDS after partial 96.5 0, 40 mg/kg, single oral Not genotoxic SBGR.81.225
hepatocytes hepatectomy, in dose, 6 h exposure (BASF)
(Albino Wistar) vivo
Mouse, Swiss, Micronucleus 95.4 0, 1, 5, 10 mg/kg orally, Not genotoxic 087367
femoral bone assay in vivo single dose (BASF)
marrow 24, 48, 72 h harvest
Mouse, Swiss Micronucleus 98 OECD 474 Negative 10403
albino (m, f) assay in vivo 25, 50 & 75 mg/kg, (Tagros)
vegetable oil vehicle
Mouse (m, f) Dominant lethal 99 87/302/EEC, method B Not mutagenic TLGR.0042.7
test, in vivo. 0, 5, 10, or 15 mg/kg bw (BASF) 7
for 5 consecutive days
Mouse Mouse bone 98 OECD 475 Negative 1368
marrow 0, 10, 20 & 40 mg/kg bw (Tagros)
Saccharomyces Gene mutation 95.8 0, 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250, Not mutagenic SBGR.84.117
cerevisiae XV 500, 1000, 2000, or 4000 (BASF)
185-14C µg/plate, with or without
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Table D. Ecotoxicology profile of technical alpha-cypermethrin
Species Test Purity Duration and Result Reference
% conditions
Cyprinus Acute toxicity 98 OECD 203 LC50 = 0.00084 1358
carpio 96 h mortality (0.0007-0.0009)
(common 0, 0.0003, 0.0005, mg/l (Tagros)
carp) 0.0008, 0.001 &
0.002 mg/l
Pimephales Fish early life 91.5 60 embryos per NOEC = 0.25 µg/l BW-80-9-723
promelas stage toxicity concentration. The (BASF)
(fathead embryos were
minnow) obtained within 48
hours after
fertilization and were
followed up to day
Pimephales Fish early life 98.2- Embryos within 24 h NOEC = 0.03 µg/l SBGR.82.298
promelas stage toxicity 99.4 after fertilization, (BASF)
(fathead observed 34 d
minnow) 30 embryos/
Rainbow trout Bioconcentration 96.1 73 d study. 0.2 µg/l Bioaccumulation SBGR.81.026
18 d exposure in factor calculated
flow-through system as 1204, uptake
at 15ºC. Study with rate constant of
cypermethrin 0.11/L water/g fish,
depuration rate
constant 0.09 L
water/g fish/day.
rapidly taken up
and eliminated,
expected to be
similar. (BASF)
Selenastrum Acute toxicity 93.4- 96 h, static water, EC50 >100 µg/l SBGR.81.277
capricornutum 95.7 OECD (201) (growth rate)
(green alga) EC50 >100 µg/l
no morphological
effects observed
under test
conditions. (BASF)
Pseudo- Growth inhibition 96 Static, 72 h; 5 Effect on biomass: AL-520-002
kirchneriella test concentrations, 3 EbC50 (0-72 h)
subcapitata replicates, plus >1 mg/l
(green alga) control with 5 EbC10 (0-72 h)
replicates; daily <0.05 mg/l
assessments of Effect on growth
growth. rate:
EEC 92/69, OECD ErC50 (0-72 h)
201 >1 mg/l
ErC10 (0-72 h)
>1 mg/l
Page 45 of 50
Table D. Ecotoxicology profile of technical alpha-cypermethrin
Species Test Purity Duration and Result Reference
% conditions
Chlorella Growth inhibition 97.1 OECD 201, 72h EC50 = 11441
vulgaris 15.26 µg/ml
(green alga) (Tagros)
Chironomus Chronic toxicity 97 Static system NOEC = 0.024 µg AL-523-002
riparius sediment containing standard a.s./l
Meigen dwelling sediment (according LOEC = 0.048 µg
organisms to OECD 207) and a.s./l
water (Elendt, M4- EC50 = 0.227 µg
medium); two a.s./l (95%
definitive tests confidence limits:
conducted, each 0.120 – 1.066 µg
with test duration 28 a.s./l) (BASF)
days; 7 test
concentrations, each
with 4 replicates
plus a control with 4
and a solvent control
with 4 replicates;
assessment of larval
development and
Macro- Effect on Min. Natural overall Ecologically AL-560-023
invertebrates, freshwater 93% assemblages of Acceptable
zooplankton ecosystem freshwater macro- Concentration
and algae invertebrates, (EAC) =
zooplankton and 0.015 µg/, single
algae in ponds and repeated
Eisenia foetida Acute toxicity 98.2- 14 d, OECD (207) 14-day LC50 SBGR.83.071
(earthworm) 99.4 >100 mg a.s./kg
100 mg/kg soil
Lampito Acute toxicity 98 OECD 207 EC50 = 57.4 (39.2- 1359
mauritii 0-80 mg/kg dry soil 84) mg/kg artificial
(earthworm) soil
Apis mellifera Acute oral 99.5 48 h, OECD (213), LD50 SBGR.82.023
(honey bee) toxicity according to >0.059 µg/bee
recommendations of (BASF)
ICPBR (1999)
Apis mellifera Contact toxicity 99.5 48 h, OECD (214), LD50 SBGR.82.023
(honey bee) according to >0.033 µg/bee
recommendations of (BASF)
ICPBR (1999)
Northern Acute toxicity 96.1 EPA 71-1, SETAC Highest dose ETX-00-107
bobwhite quail (2025 mg a.s. /kg
(Colinus body weight )
virginianus) caused no
Page 46 of 50
Table D. Ecotoxicology profile of technical alpha-cypermethrin
Species Test Purity Duration and Result Reference
% conditions
Northern Dietary toxicity 96.1 U.S. EPA. Guideline LC50 ETX-00-182 / AL-
bobwhite quail 71-2, OPPTS >5000 mg a.s./kg 534-003
(Colinus 850.2200; OECD diet
virginianus) 205 NOEC =
5000 mg a.s./kg
Northern Sub-chronic 96.1 U.S. EPA Guideline NOEC = AL-534-002
bobwhite quail toxicity and 71-4; USEPA 150 mg a.s./kg diet
(Colinus reproduction OPPTS 850.2300; (BASF)
virginianus) OECD 206.
Based on lower tier data, alpha-cypermethrin appeared to be potentially hazardous to aquatic
organisms. Therefore, a higher-tier evaluation of the potential risk to aquatic environments was
conducted using results from pond ("mesocosm") studies. Based on these mesocosm results and
data from a series of single-species laboratory toxicity tests with sensitive organisms, a conservative
Ecologically Acceptable Concentration (EAC) of 0.015 µg alpha-cypermethrin/l (water solubility
approximately 5 µg/l) was recommended for single and repeated applications.
Although alpha-cypermethrin was toxic in acute tests in which honey bees were directly exposed to
fresh residue, the results from numerous field tests indicate that application of alpha-cypermethrin is
of low risk to honey bees This is because direct exposure to alpha-cypermethrin, through contact and
ingestion, is very limited due to its repellent effect on foraging bees.
Alpha-cypermethrin poses negligible risks to birds through acute, short-term, and chronic
(reproductive) exposure.
Page 47 of 50
BASF or Tagros Year and title of report or publication details
number or other
087367 1994. Eval. Of mutagenic activity of FASTAC technical in an in vitro mam. Cell
gene mut. Test with l5178Y mouse lymphoma cells.
10378 2002. SubAcute oral Toxicity Study with Alpha-cypermethrin Technical in Wistar
10402 2002. Mutagenicity Evaluation of Alpha-cypermethrin Technical – In Vitro
chromosomal aberration Assay.
10403 2002. Mutagenicity Evaluation of Alpha-cypermethrin Technical – In Vivo Mouse
Micronucleus Assay.
10404 2002. Mutagenicity Evaluation of Alpha-cypermethrin Technical – In Vitro
Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Test.
10778 2002. Study on Solubility of alpha-cypermethrin technical in water.
10781 2002. Study Report on Melting point, Boiling point and relative density of alpha-
cypermethrin technical.
10802 2002. Study report on vapour pressure of alpha-cypermethrin technical.
10805 2002. Study on partition Co-efficient (N-Octanol/water) of alpha-cypermethrin
11110 1995. WL85871 A 52 week oral (dietary) toxicity study in dogs.
11441 2002. Effect of Alpha-cypermethrin Technical on the Growth of Green Alga
(Chlorella Vulgaris).
12372 2002. Study on Hydrolysis (Abiotic) of alpha-cypermethrin technical.
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