Morse Code Vanity Code: Keyword Cipher
Morse Code Vanity Code: Keyword Cipher
Morse Code Vanity Code: Keyword Cipher
Type: Trasposition B= -... Q= --.- Type: Substitution
Keypad keys:
> morse code is a system to encode thanks C= -.-. R= .-. (Note: encoding or decoding is based on the
keyword input)
2=abc to short and long impulses. Each letter or D= -.. S= ...
(Note: keyword given will be inserted as
3=def punctuation mark is associated with a E= . T= -
4=ghi sequence of signals. These signals are F= ..-. U= ..-
in the sequence of alphabet and letters
5=jkl translated to the following characters: G= --. V= ...- should never repeat)
6=mno Dot(.) is the elementary pulse Η= .... W= .-- Example
7=pqrs Comma(,) represents pulse three times I= .. X= -..- Keyword: GOD
8=tuv longer than the point J= .--- Y= -.-- A=G N=M