Criteria Wise Requirement 1 NBA
Criteria Wise Requirement 1 NBA
Criteria Wise Requirement 1 NBA
1.3.3 Extent of awareness of Vision, Mission & PEOs among the stakeholders 06
Total 10
Sub- Criteria- 1.3….Cont.
Evaluation Exhibits/Context to be Observed/Assessed
Adequacy of dissemination of Availability
Vision, Mission and PEOs of the
Department On Institute website under relevant program link
On the department notice boards
In HoD’s Chamber; Faculty rooms
In Laboratories, Classrooms, Library and Seminar Hall of the department
Department website, if available
In department level documents/course of study including Test Booklets,
Laboratory Records etc
Sub- Criteria- 1.3….Cont.
Evaluation Exhibits/Context to be Observed/Assessed
Process of dissemination Documentary evidence to indicate the process which ensures
among stakeholders awareness among internal and external stakeholders with effective process
Internal Stakeholders: Include Management, Members of bodies like Governing Board,
Academic Council; faculty, support staff, students etc.
External Stakeholders: Include alumni, employers, industry etc
A process must be established and implemented to ensure that the information
regarding the Vision, Mission and PEOs of the Department is disseminated periodically
and also when the stake holders change
A department-level committee must be constituted to ensure such timely dissemination
of the information
Records of communication must be maintained
Sub- Criteria- 1.3….Cont.
Evaluation Exhibits/Context to be Observed/Assessed
Extent of awareness of Vision, Based on interaction with internal and external stakeholders
Mission & PEOs among the
Essential that all the stake holders are well aware of the Vision, Mission and
PEOs of the Department
Such an awareness must get reflected clearly during the interactions with the
visiting team
It would be helpful if the department discusses its Vision, Mission and PEOs in
all its periodic meetings with the stake holders
Sub- Criteria- 1.4
Evaluation Marks
Total 25
Sub- Criteria- 1.4……cont.
Evaluation Guideline Exhibits/Context to be Observed/Assessed
Description of process involved in Documentary evidence to indicate the process which ensures effective
defining the Vision, Mission of the participation of internal and external department stakeholders with effective
Department process implementation (Outline of Process)
(NOTE: The department can Brain storming with all the stake holders concerned including Management,
depict this process pictorially in a Faculty, Current Students, Alumni, Employers, and Industry Experts
diagram such as a flow-chart. This Formulation of the Vision and Mission statements
is strongly recommended)
Validation by experts from academia and industry
It is a good practice to establish a department – level committee that can
assume responsibility for this process
The vision and mission of the institute must be defined first
The vision and mission of the department must be compatible with the vision
and mission of the institute
The vision and mission statements must be reviewed periodically to ensure
their quality and relevance. Such a review can be done once every 5-6 years
Sub- Criteria- 1.4……cont.
Evaluation Guideline Exhibits/Context to be Observed/Assessed
Description of process involved in The process for defining the PEOs is broadly similar to the process for
defining the PEOs of the program defining the Vision and Mission of the department
Total 15
Sub- Criteria- 1.5……cont.
Evaluation Guideline Exhibits/Context to be Observed/Assessed
Preparation of a matrix of PEOs and elements of Availability of a matrix having PEOs and Mission elements
Mission statement
PEO M1 M2 MK M1, M2. . . Mk are distinct elements of Mission statements
PEO1 They need not be full mission statements; they are elements
of these statements
PEO2 Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium)
PEOn 3: Substantial (High)
Sub- Criteria- 1.5……cont.
Evaluation Guideline Exhibits/Context to be Observed/Assessed
Exhibits / Context:
Feedback format, frequency, analysis and actions taken (also to be verified during
interaction with students)
All institutes generally collect student feedback. Format and frequency are also generally
defined explicitly
However, many departments do not have any records showing the analysis of the feedback
data! Nor do they have records of any actions taken!
it is essential to analyze the feedback data, take appropriate actions and maintain relevant
Sub-Criterion 2.2- Quality of end semester examination, internal semester
question papers, assignments and evaluation
Evaluation Guideline Tier -II
A. Process for internal semester question paper setting and evaluation and effective process 5
Total 20
Sub-Criterion 2.2.2: Guidelines & Exhibits
Sub-Criterion 2.2.2: Guidelines & Exhibits
Sub-Criterion 2.2.2: Guidelines & Exhibits
Sub-Criterion 2.2.3-Quality of student projects.
Sub-Criterion 2.2.3: Guidelines & Exhibits
Sub-Criterion 2.2.3: Guidelines & Exhibits………Contd.
Sub-Criterion 2.2.3: Guidelines & Exhibits………Contd.
Sub-Criterion 2.2.3: Guidelines & Exhibits………Contd.
Sub-Criterion 2.2.3: Guidelines & Exhibits………Contd.
Sub-Criterion 2.2.4-Initiatives related to industry interaction
Sub-Criterion 2.2.4: Guidelines & Exhibits
Sub-Criterion 2.2.5-Initiatives related to industry internship /
summer training
Sub Criterion 2.2.5: Exhibits
All the sources used for presentation are duly
acknowledged by the author