API SCORE Format and GUidelines
API SCORE Format and GUidelines
API SCORE Format and GUidelines
(Please see detailed instructions of this PBAS Proforma before filling out this section)
*Lecture (L), Seminars (S), Tutorials (T), Practical (P), Contact Hours (C)
(iii) U s e o f P a r t i c i p a t o r y a n d i n no v a t i v e T e a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g M e t h o d o l o g i e s ,
U p d a t i n g o f s u b j e c t c o n t e n t, C o u r s e I m p r o v e m e n t e tc .
(ii) Contribution to Corporate Life and Yearly/Semester API Score API Score
Management of the Institution wise Claimed Awarded
D e cl e r a t i o n
I certify that the information provided is correct as per records available with the University
and/or documents enclosed along with this filled in Proforma.
Name and Signature of the Candidate
Director of School/Head of the Department
Specific Remarks if any:
S.N. Full Journal paper. (In format given below with ISSN/ Whether Impact API API
author names in the order published. ISBN peer factor, if Score score
Eg: Amjit K. M & Chateerejee B, Optimisation of No. reviewed. any claimed awarded
Cellular layout using Simulated Annealing, Int. J of
Production Research, Vol 26 No.4, Dec 2009, pp
S.N. Full Articles/Chapters in books. (In format given ISSN/ Whether Publisher API API
below with author names in the order ISBN peer International Score score
published. Eg: Benson, R ,Crow P S & Stien R, No. reviewed. /National claimed awarded
Benchmarking lessons in the process /Regional
industries, Chapt:Ed: May Amy,
Manufacturing Excellence, 2nd Edtion,1998
Haymarket Business Publications, London)
S.N. Full Papers in Conference proceedings. . (In ISSN/ Details of API API
format given below with author names in the ISBN Conference Score score
order published. Eg: Bumstead, J and Cannons, No. International claimed awarded
K, From 4PL to managed supply chain operations, /National
Procd. Int. Conf. on Supply Chain, NTU, /Regional
Singapore, May 12-15, 2004, pp 18–25)
S.N. Books Published. ( Reference in the format ISSN/ International Editor API API
given below with author names in the order ISBN /National /Author Score score
published. Eg: Christopher, M and Peck, H No. /Regional claimed awarded
(2003) Marketing Logistics, 2nd edition,
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford )
D. Research Guidance
S.N. Number Thesis Submitted Degree awarded API Score API Score
Enrolled Claimed Awarded
M. Phil *
Ph. D *
*Note: Attach List of Students with title of Thesis and year and names of Co-guides if any
S.N. Full Papers Presented. (In format given below ISSN/ Details of API API
with author names in the order published. Eg: ISBN Conference Score score
Arun K P & Vidya CR, Co-ordinating two level No. International claimed awarded
supply chains, Int. Conf. on Supply Chain, IIT- /National
KGP, Kharagpur, Dec 16-18, 2011) /Regional
*Note: Please see that for any conference paper published claim is not made for presentation also.
S.N. Details of event. (Eg: Refresher Course in Class/ International API API
Commerce by ASC, Kerala Univ June 5, 2010) Talk /National Score score
or /Regional claimed awarded
P l e a s e g i v e d e t a i l s o f a n y o t h e r s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s , aw a r d s e t c . no t m e n t i o n e d
e a r l i e r i n t h i s p r o f o r m a.
S.N. D e t a i l s ( M e n t i o n Y e a r , V al u e e t c . , w h e r e r e l e v a n t )
D e cl e r a t i o n
I certify that the information provided is correct as per records available with the University
and/or documents enclosed along with this filled in Proforma.
Name and Signature of the Candidate
Director of School/Head of the Department
Specific Remarks if any:
NOTE: Claim of points to be made only in one place for each activity.
Participatory & Innovative T/L Process with material for problem based learning, case 10
studies, Group discussions etc.
a) Interactive Courses : 5 points/each
b) Participatory Learning modules : 5 points/each
c) Case Studies : 5 points/each
Use of ICT in T/L process with computer-aided methods like power-point/Multimedia/ 10
Simulation/Software etc.,
(Use of anyone of these in addition to Chalk & Board : 5 points per course taught)
Developing and imparting Remedial/Bridge Courses (each activity : 5 points/ set of 10
Developing and imparting soft skills/communications skills/personality development course/ 10
modules (each activity 5 points)
Developing and imparting specialized teaching-learning programmes in Physical education, 10
library; innovative compositions and creations in music, performing and visual arts and
other traditional areas (each activity : 5 points)
Organizing and conduction of popularization programmes/training courses in computer 10
assisted teaching/web-based learning and e-library skills to students
a) Workshop/Training course: 10 points each
b) Popularization programmes: 5 points each
Maximum Aggregate Limit 20
(iv) Examination Related Work
Note: For the above Activities wherever activities jointly conducted Principal organizer gets 70% points, Co-
organizers share the remaining 30% points from total points allocable if activity performed by a single person.
Brief Explanation: Based on the teacher’s self-assessment, API Scores are proposed for research and
academic contributions. The minimum API score required by teachers from this category is different for
different levels of promotion and between university and colleges. The self-assessment score will be based on
verifiable criteria and will be finalized by the screening/selection committee.
III (B) Research Text or Reference Books Text or Reference Books 50/book; 10
Publications Published by International Published by International /chapter in an
(books, chapters Publishers with an established Publishers with an edited book
in books, other peer review system. established peer review
than refereed system.
journal articles)
Subjects Books by National Subjects Books by National 25/Book, and 5 /
level publishers/State and level publishers/State and chapter in edited
Central Govt. Publications Central Govt. Publications book
with ISBN/ISSN numbers with ISBN/ISSN numbers
Subject Books by Other local Subject Books by Other local 15 /Book, and
publishers with ISBN/ISSN publishers with ISBN/ISSN 3 / chapter in
numbers numbers edited book
III E(i) Refresher courses, (a) Not less than two weeks (a) Not less than two 20 points each
Methodology duration weeks duration
workshops, Training,
Technology (b) One week duration (b) One week duration 10 points each
Programmes, Soft
skills development
Programmes (Max:
30 points)
III E (ii) Papers in Participation and Presentation Participation and
Conference/ of research papers Presentation of
Seminars/ (oral/poster) in research papers
workshops etc. ** (oral/poster) in
a) International Conference a) International 10 Points each
b) National b) National 7.5 Points each
Note: 1. For Publications and paper presentations involving multiple authors, API calculations would be as
given: From 1 to 3 Authors: 100% credit for each author. 4 to 6 Authors: 60% credit for each author. 7
and Above authors : 40% credit for each author. (No specific weightage for the order of authors in the
publications/ patents). Wherever relevant to any specific discipline, the API score for paper in refereed journal
would be augmented as follows: (i) indexed journals – by 5 points; (ii) papers with impact factor between 1
and 2 by 10 points; (iii) papers with impact factor between 2 and 5 by 15 points; (iv) papers with impact factor
above 5 by 25 points.
2. For Thesis Guidance, Projects and Consultancy involving multiple persons in Investigator role, API
calculations would be as given: Principal Investigator or Guide gets 70% of the points, Co-investigators or co-
guides share the remaining 30% of the points.
3. If a paper presented in Conference/Seminar is published in the form of Proceedings, the points would accrue
for the publication (III (A)) and not under presentation (III(E)(ii)).
(For Use by Assesment/Selection Committtee)
Department/School: ___________________________________________________________
Department/School: ___________________________________________________________
Name of Applicant:_____________________________________________________________