Fundamentals of Games and Sports Activities
Fundamentals of Games and Sports Activities
Fundamentals of Games and Sports Activities
Games is a recreational activity that involves both physical and mental skills of a person which is
played for a recreational purposes or mostly done for fun. Most of the games are done indoors.
Whereas Sports is an activity that mainly involves the physical skills of a person and is done for
competing. Most of the sports are don outdoors.
2. What do you think are the advantages of playing games/sports to our health?
Playing games and sports helps us maintain a physically fit body. It does a lot to our physical
health like reduces the risk of diabetes, improves our heart function and controls our blood sugar.
It also has an advantages in our mental and emotionally health. It increases our self-esteem and
helps us reduce stress.
Games and sports have benefits to our well-being. It helps us have physically fit body and is a
great exercise that helps us strengthen our bones and muscle. It also allows us to be mentally and
emotionally healthy. It keeps us mentally sharp, improves our thinking ability and concentration,
and is a great way to reduce stress and increase self-confidence. It also improves our cooperation
and communication skills.
5. On a scale of one to ten (1-10), how fit do you think you are; how fit would you like to be?
I don’t really join sports or games so I would think that I am just in an average of 4-6. I mostly
involve myself with games that is able to be played indoors so I think I am more of a mentally fit
that physically fit. But I would like to be in an average of 8-10 fit in both aspects.