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rifts north america:

blood & Banes
Written By: Sean Tait Bircher, Robin English-Bircher
Additional Material: Bill Keyes, Simon Lucas, Sean Owen Roberson, Eddy Webb
Cover Illustration: Dhaniels Castillo
Interior Illustrations: Tyler Clark, Donald Crank, Alex Elykov, Bien
Flores, Maurizio Giorgio, Ross Grams, Gunship Revolution, Chris
Malidore, Sika Murti, Alida Saxon, Carly Sorge, Jon Taylor
Graphic Design, Editing, and Layout: Aaron Acevedo, Ben Acevedo, Jason
Engle, Karl Keesler, Simon Lucas, Alida Saxon, Thomas Shook
Art Direction: Aaron Acevedo, Alida Saxon, Sean Owen Roberson
Line Manager: Sean Owen Roberson
Executive Producer: Simon Lucas
Rifts® Created By: Kevin Siembieda of Palladium Books®
Savage Worlds Created By: Shane Lacy Hensley

Playtest and Advice: Sean Tait Bircher, Robin English-Bircher; John "Venatus Vinco" Stevens and the
savagerifts.com community; the illustrious playtesters of the official Pinnacle feedback forums


Savage Worlds is © 2019 and TM Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All Rights Reserved. © 2019 Palladium Books Inc.
All rights reserved, worldwide. Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All
character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under
INTRODUCTION 5 The Mexico Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
What’s in this Book? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A Sense of Civility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Major Cities of the Mexico Empire. . . 54
CHARACTERS 7 Other Cities of Note. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Iconic Frameworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Muluc Kingdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Knight of the White Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Secrecy and Paranoia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Necromancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Blood Pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Shifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 The Drums of War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Heroic Vampire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Eltajin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Werecat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Milta Kingdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
MARS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Political Shifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
New Races. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Major Cities of the Milta Kingdom. . . 60
Centaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Other Cities of Note. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Sasquatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 The Ixzotz Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Edges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 War on the Horizon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Iconic Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Major Cities of the Ixzotz Empire . . . . 62
Professional Edges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Other Cities of Note. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Chichen Itza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
GEAR 33 A Risen God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A Grand Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Body Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 A Secret Weapon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Power armor and Robot vehicles. . . . . . . 36 Vampires in the Southwest. . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Ciudad Juarez, Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Fort Tombstone, Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Xavier Stuart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
TOMORROW LEGION ARCHIVES 41 Silvereno, Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Personal Log of Slayers and Sanctuaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Legionnaire Jaime Castro. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 A Land of Ranchers and Farmers . . . . 74
Xiticix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Fort Reid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Xiticix Expedition Report. . . . . . . . . . . 43 Kenneth Emanuel “Doc” Reid. . . . . . . . . . 77
Madhaven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 The Cave of Crystals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
From the diary of Sirrius Festes: Tampico Military Protectorate. . . . . . . 78
Madhaven Expedition. . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Acapulco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Dinosaur Swamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Monterrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Tomorrow Legion Guide Book . . . . . . 46 Ciudad Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Calgary and the Monster Kingdom . . . . . 47 Savage Tale: A Trap is Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Communique from Commander A Farm in Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Dudley of the Tundra Rangers to Diversions and Dead Ends. . . . . . . . . . . 81
Tomorrow Legion Council. . . . . . . . . 47 Showdown at the
Tombstone Airport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
The Mission Profile Table. . . . . . . . . . . 49 THE XITICIX HIVELANDS 85
The Horde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
THE VAMPIRE KINGDOMS 51 Xiticix Biology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Hierarchy of Blood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Xiticix Hives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Vampire Intelligences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Inside the Hive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Master Vampires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 The Life Cycle of the Colony . . . . . . . . . 91
Secondary Vampires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 The Six Xiticix Hives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Wild Vampires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

War with the Xiticix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 INTO THE DESERT NIGHT 131
The Coalition States Against the Xiticix.94 Suggested Sequence of Events. . . . . . . . 132
The Lazlo War Against the Xiticix. . . . 96 The City on the Edge of Night. . . . . . . . 132
The Psi-Stalkers’ Private War. . . . . . . . . 97 Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite. . . . . . . . 132
Savage Tale: Stirring the Hive . . . . . . . . . 99 On the Road to Juarez. . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Westward Ho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 No Vampires in Ciudad Juarez? . . . . 133
Bugs to Spare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Finding the Right Clique . . . . . . . . . . 135
Getting Eaten Alive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Aftermath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
The Lone Ranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
THE MUTANT LANDS 103 Aftermath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Madhaven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 All the Troubles in the Way . . . . . . . . . . 138
Haven Mutants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Into Hot Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
The Knights of the Order of the Reinforcements Arrive . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
White Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 The Vampire Attack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Dinosaur Swamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Fort Reid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Inhabitants of Dinosaur Swamp . . . . . 107 Aftermath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
The Old Carolinas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Tables Turned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Village of No Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Florida. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Aftermath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Savage Tale: The Collector. . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Staking Deathspike. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
A New-New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Unearthing the Vampire Army . . . . . 145
On the Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 The Vampire Offensive. . . . . . . . . . . . 148
To the Rescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Aftermath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Savage Tale: Moby Rex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Welcome to Dinosaur Swamp . . . . . . 114 ALLIES AND ADVERSARIES 151
Just Another Day in the Swamp . . . . 115 Mercenaries and Specialists. . . . . . . . . . . 151
Hatching a Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Monsters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157


The Hell Pit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Hell Lord Doom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Calgary City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Hell Lord Doom’s Fortress. . . . . . . . . 120
Hell Lord Doom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Vancouver and British Columbia. . . . . . 122
The City of Ixion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Vancouver Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
The Tundra Rangers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Into the Badlands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Don’t Have to Live Like a Refugee. . 128
Climb Every Mountain. . . . . . . . . . . . 129


he conflict between the Coalition this book includes (but is not restricted
States and the Federation of Magic to) Rifts ® 1: Vampire Kingdoms (original
may have Castle Refuge caught in and revised); Rifts® 14: New West; Rifts® 20:
the middle, but other, stranger threats Canada; Rifts® 23: Xiticix Invasion; Rifts® 26:
lurk on the edges of North America. Many Dinosaur Swamp; Rifts® 28: Arzno; Rifts® 29:
remain mysteries even to luminaries Madhaven; Rifts® 35: Megaverse® in Flames;
like Erin Tarn, alien and unknowable, Rifts® Aftermath; and Rifts®: Vampires.
incomprehensible to humans and D-Bees Chapter One provides new Iconic
alike. All pose a greater threat to Rifts Frameworks related to the mysterious
Earth than anyone suspects. Hope is not villains of Blood & Banes, reformed villains
lost even in the face of the worst of these who prove the value of the Tomorrow
dangers, for the Tomorrow Legion has Legion’s message of redemption. New
allies across the continent. MARS packages bring in heroes from far-
flung corners of the continent, including
What’s in this Book? Reid’s Rangers and the Tundra Rangers—
Rifts® North America: Blood & Banes covers two defenders of the innocent with
these weird, mysterious outliers—the whom the Tomorrow Legion has much
vampires of Mexico, the insectoid Xiticix, in common. New races like the Cyber
and the demonic invasion looming in the Centaurs of Ixion, Worldly Sasquatches,
ruins of Calgary. These foes have their and Werecats are now available. New
own enemies, potential allies for the Edges allow the heroes to take the fight to
Tomorrow Legion to fight alongside. The the vampires or hunt in Dinosaur Swamp.
book provides enough information for Chapter Two offers additional gear to
Game Masters and players to use these face the new dangers. To aid those hunting
elements of the setting in their games, vampires, new weapons, equipment, and
but fans looking for even more detail will vehicles are available. Rules for SteelTree
find it in the various books published by armor and weapons are included, along
Palladium. The list of source material for with rules for dinosaur claw weapons.

To help face the dangers in the wilds, the lands they rule: the haunted ruins of
Tomorrow Legion can use new armor Madhaven and the deadly wilderness of
and specialized vehicles. Dinosaur Swamp. As different as each
Players can get a taste of Blood area might be, they are both home to
and Banes in Chapter Three. Various cultures still struggling with the after
members of the Tomorrow Legion share effects of the Coming of the Rifts, people
their experiences with the new threats. still trapped in the apocalyptic Dark
Chapter Four clarifies any new Game Ages. In Madhaven, at least, a beacon of
Master rules and provides a modified hope shines in the form of the Knights of
Mission Table and definitions for the Order of the White Rose.
encounters, along with directions for the Chapter Eight sheds light on the
Encounter Tables found in each of the Calgary Monster Kingdom, the most
world chapters. dangerous and least understood threat
Chapter Five delves deep into the of them all. No mere chaos of warring
Vampire Kingdoms of Mexico, a growing tribes of demons and monsters, Calgary
threat practically ignored north of the Rio shelters an army preparing to unleash
Grande. More than the roving packs of literal hell on Rifts Earth. The Tundra
Wild Vampires who raid the Lone Star Rangers, the brave successors to the Royal
border, the vampires of Mexico exist in Canadian Mounted Police, stand on the
competing, technologically-advanced verge of discovering the terrible truth,
kingdoms. Thankfully, Doc Reid and his but they cannot overcome the Army
Rangers stand ready to oppose them as of Hell’s Wrath without the Tomorrow
they encroach ever northward. Legion’s aid.
Chapter Six provides more information For the Game Master, Savage Tales
on the Xiticix, the psionic insectoids are included throughout the book, but
plaguing the northern Midwest. The Chapter Nine is a Plot Point Campaign
Hunter and Warrior Xiticix presented with the Tomorrow Legion taking on
in Savage Foes of North America are only the vampires of Mexico. The Tomorrow
the most visible members of a complex Legion finds out about the growing
invasive species, a hivemind incapable power of Deathspike and uncovers a new
of viewing other beings as anything plot to expand the Vampire Kingdoms.
but fodder for conquest. This chapter Chapter Ten supplements Savage Foes
introduces readers to the danger of of North America with new allies and
Xiticix Queens and their minions, and additional types of dinosaurs, vampires,
the surprising heroes who oppose them. and Xiticix along with stranger creatures
Chapter Seven covers the mutated from across North America.
descendants of humankind and the



his chapter presents five new Iconic also known as White Knights and Rose
Frameworks for Savage Rifts®, as well Knights—ride out in secret from their
as several new MARS packages and hidden stronghold in Madhaven to aid
races for new characters to choose from. the oppressed of the Magic Zone.
Existing characters will find new Edges
to acquire to aid against the terrifying HERO’S JOURNEY (TWO ROLLS)
foes they discover as they explore the Knights of the White Rose gain one roll
Vampire Kingdoms, and beyond. on the player’s choice of the Enchanted
Items & Mystic Gadgets, Experience
& Wisdom, Magic & Mysticism, and
ICONIC Training tables. They also get one
roll on any table of their choice except
FRAMEWORKS Cybernetics.

Using the following Iconic Frameworks PATH OF REDEMPTION

and other character options, the heroes Several decades ago, a band of Mystic
of Blood & Banes stride a path of darkness Knights rebelled against orders to destroy
and redemption. a small hamlet and capture a rare alien
plant: the White Rose. These renegades
Knight of the defeated the larger force of Mystic Knights
White Rose who came after them and protected the
What falls may rise again. Scholars fleeing villagers, eventually crossing
speculate the vile Mystic Knights, through a Rift into Madhaven. There,
scourge of the Magic Zone, were born the Knights and refugees established a
from corruption of a martial branch of sanctuary called the Garden.
Mystics. If so, history comes full circle, The deserters adopted the alien plant
as a force for good rises from the Mystic with strange healing properties as their
Knights. The Knights of the White Rose— emblem and renamed themselves The

Order of the White Rose. They They may access the following powers
resolved to restore honor to (Rank permitting): arcane protection,
a damned name, training the bolt, damage field, darksight, deflection,
refugees who followed them protection, sloth/speed, smite, speak
and strangers who sought language, and warrior’s gift.
them out in the ways of Knights of the White
the Mystic Knights. Rose may use the
T he K n ights Trappings and Power
of the White Modifiers available to
Rose do not Mystics for their Miracles powers (see
limit t heir The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide).
heroism to
Knights of the White Rose
earn their abilities from ascetic
practices, typically fasting and
meditation, though —like
Mystic Knights—they may
Mad haven. also lose themselves
They infiltrate the Magic in a frenzy of
Zone, secretly countering the ex haust i ng ,
malevolence of their former nonstop
allies, aiding those in territories too battle. This
dominated by Lord Dunscon’s True intuitive
Federation for Cyber-Knights and other
heroes to assist. With the rise of the thaumaturgy
Tomorrow Legion, they now reach out to borders on t he
new allies. miraculous but involves
no pact with or intervention from divine
MIND… or demonic beings.
Like the Mystics from which their order
„„Arcane Background (Miracles):
descends, Rose Knights integrate Psionics
Rose Knights begin with bolt and two
into their training. They gain Arcane
other powers from the list above, and
Background (Psionics) and may choose
have the Faith skill at d6, and 10 PPE.
from the following list (Rank permitting):
„„Arcane Background (Psionics): As
boost/lower Trait, darksight, detect/conceal
a Minor Psionic, Rose Knights begin
arcana, empathy, mind link, mind reading,
with three powers from the above
relief, and telekinesis. Certain Iconic Edges
list, Psionics skill at d6, and 10 ISP.
grant access to more powers.
„„Energy Invulnerability: Knights
of the White Rose gain +20 MDC
Armor versus arcane and mundane
As channelers of mystic energy,
energy sources (including electricity,
Knights of the White Rose have Arcane
fire, ion, lasers, particle beams, and
Background (Miracles). Knights of the
plasma). They ignore the AP of
White Rose focus on combat powers.

all damage from mundane energy KNIGHT OF THE WHITE
sources (but not arcane ones). Kinetic ROSE COMPLICATIONS
damage—Vibro-Blades, Rail Guns, Though their armor gleams white, the
and many magic weapons—ignores Rose Knights bear a suspicious similarity
this protective effect. to the evil Mystic Knights. They struggle to
„„Intense Combat Training: Knights of win the trust of people beyond Madhaven.
the White Rose begin with Fighting
„„Cybernetics: Suffer a −1 to arcane
d6 and the Martial Artist Edge.
skill rolls for each point of Strain.
„„Ley Line Magic Mastery: The
„„Distrusted Order: The hero is a
Knights may draw extra energy for
member of the Mystic Knight Order
their Rituals, adding two dice to their
faction, and has Connections with
pool when rolling for available PPE,
the group and its allies. They gain +1
see Ley Line Energy in The Tomorrow
to social checks and Reactions start
Legion Player's Guide.
one level higher than normal with
„„Ley Line Rejuvenation: While on
those friendly with the order. Due
a ley line, a Mystic Knight gains a
as much to their secrecy as to their
natural healing roll once per day.
relation to the evil Mystic Knights,
„„Ley Line Sense: Possess the Ley Line
the Knights of the White Rose suffer
Walker ability of the same name (see
a −2 penalty to Persuasion when
The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide).
interacting with most anyone who
„„Onslaught: Though they do not
doesn't call the Garden home.
begin with Master of Magic, Knights
of the White Rose may use the bolt THE CODE OF THE
Mega Power Modifiers of Greater WHITE ROSE
Bolt and Onslaught. Their bolts take
the form of blue beams of energy „„ Protect the lives and liberties of
from their eyes or hands. the innocent.
„„PPE Channeling: Rose Knights can „„ Champion justice and equality
power or recharge mundane batteries for all.
for no appreciable PPE. They can „„ Fight evil in all its guises and
recharge E-clips for weapons as well against all odds.
at a cost of 1 PPE per shot. „„ Destroy the Mystic Knights and
„„Steal Ley Line Energy: Knights of their evil masters by converting
the White Rose can, as an instant those who will change and
reaction, Siphon PPE drawn by any combating those who will not.
other caster from a ley line during „„ Seek always for enlightenment,
rituals. A Knight must be within goodness, and nobility.
his Spirit × 2 and make an opposed „„ Dare to tread where others fear
arcane check of his Faith against the to go and where justice is most
arcane skill of the other caster at the sorely needed.
final round of the ritual's Dramatic „„ Never betray a member of
Task (see Rituals and Meditations in the Order of the White Rose,
The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide). and never reveal the Garden’s
secret location even under
torture and threat of death.

„„Enemies: The evil Mystic Knights Necromancer
and True Federation hunt the Rose Most Necromancers are cruel, malign
Knights as traitors, making them beings interested only in their own
the target of many bounty hunters power. Many—such as the Grim Reapers
and mercenaries. Like all wielders of who create Murder Wraiths—serve as
magic, Coalition forces have orders to cultists of evil religions. In recent years,
shoot them on sight. an opposing philosophy of necromancy
„„Power Activators: Mystics Knights arose: Necromancers who see life
must have their hands free to and death as a continuum, who see
perform gestures and have the power remembering the dead as the duty of the
of speech to cast miracles. Entangled, living and defending the living as the
Bound, silenced or otherwise muted purpose of the dead.
Rose Knights cannot activate new
miracles powers until they are free. HERO’S JOURNEY (TWO ROLLS)
„„Vow of the White Rose: All knights Necromancers gain two rolls on the
swear to follow their order’s code. If Enchanted Items & Mystic Gadgets,
violated, they suffer for not living up Education, Experience & Wisdom, and
a Higher Standard, see Mystics in The Magic & Mysticism tables.
Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide.
KNIGHT OF THE WHITE Inspired by the benign (if unconventional)
ROSE STARTING GEAR influence of Doc Reid and the
Standard Starting Gear substituting questionable (if honorable) example of
Myst ic K n ight Armor, plus a Quiwan Li and his Deathbringer cult,
Flaming Sword. these heroic Necromancers raise the
dead to fight worse monsters. Zombies—
already corpses—cannot be turned by
vampires nor provide them with blood,
THRIVE—THE KNIGHT while their lack of PPE means Xiticix
OF THE WHITE ROSE Hunters barely notice them. Summoning
the spirits of the dead to seek their
permission before animating their bodies,
The Knights of the White Rose
ethical Necromancers maintain a balance
have several internal orders
between respect for the dead and the
represented by Iconic Edges. These
needs of the communities they defend.
Edges expand your available
Especially along the borders of the
powers as well as abilities.
Vampire Kingdoms, these Necromancers
Though the founders of the Rose
become deeply involved in the lives of
Knights broke with the Mystic
the villages they protect. They summon
Knights a generation ago, they
the spirits of the recently departed to
still pass on the inner secrets of
provide closure to bereaved families
that evil order. You know the ways
and take care of unfinished business. At
of the enemy intimately and can
these times, they usually also negotiate
use them to guide your allies.
terms of use for the departed’s body.
Necromancers also lead their villages
in annual remembrance ceremonies and
other recognitions of the fallen.

Few of this new breed of Necromancer „„Arcane Background (Magic):
venture beyond their familiar haunts; Necromancers begin with divination,
stigma clings to them in foreign realms. zombie and three power from the list
Those few whom the Tomorrow Legion above, Master of Magic, the Power
accept prove their talents extend far Points Edge, a d6 Spellcasting skill
beyond raising skeletons and zombies, and 15 PPE (10 PPE base plus 5 PPE
using their greater understanding of from the Power Points Edge).
physiology and the afterlife to also „„Bone Magic: Necromancers begin
act as healers and counselors. These with d6 Repair, the Artificer Edge,
Necromancers’ ethical standards prevent and specialize in scrimshawing and
them from indulging in the worst crafting items from bone and sinew.
excesses of their evil peers, limiting their „„Necromantic Prodigy: Necro­
might but abiding by a code of conduct mancers get a free reroll (can't reroll
even Cyber-Knights can respect. Critical Failures) on all Spellcasting
rolls related to the following powers:
MASTER OF DEATH boost/lower Trait, divination, drain
Necromancers lack the breadth of Power Points, fear, slumber, zombie.
magical competency of Ley Line Walkers,
but their narrowed focus allows them to
use their abilities with more ease.
Choose from the following
powers (Rank permitting):
banish, blind, bolt, boost/lower
Trait, burrow, damage field, darksight,
def lection, dispel, divination,
drain Power Points, empathy,
fear, healing, intangibility, light/
darkness, object reading, protection, puppet,
relief, resurrection, sloth/speed, smite,
speak language, slumber, stun, wall walker
and zombie.

A Necromancer’s specialization in
communing with and commanding the
dead gives her the power to raise an army
of the dead, but the ethical Necromancer’s
self-imposed limits prevent her from
turning into a brutal murderer. Without
this restraint, no sane band of heroes
would welcome a Necromancer into
their ranks.

„„Phylactery: All Necromancers craft Necromancers can raise a squad of
enchanted memento mori to store PPE zombies from a single graveyard.
drained via the Siphon PPE ability. „„Spiritual Awareness: Necromancers
As PPE batteries, Phylacteries can attune to the spiritual world, gaining
indefinitely hold up to Spirit × 3 PPE detect/conceal arcana as an Innate
in reserve for the Necromancer. Ability with the reduced Power Points
„„Siphon PPE: Necromancers can cost from both the Range (Self) and
drain mystical energy as per the Aspect limitations (see Trappings
Siphoning PPE Setting Rule in in Savage Worlds). They can sense
The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide. supernatural beings and see ghosts,
They can use this extra energy to ethereal beings, and anyone using
supplement their own PPE, storing the invisibility power within line of
extra power using their Phylactery sight with a Notice check.
ability. Ethical Necromancers often „„Undead Link: Their link to the
use this ability in conjunction with cycle of life and death grants a
zombie, drawing PPE from volunteers natural healing roll once per day.
among the friends and family Necromancers get a free reroll (can't
members of the dead they raise. With reroll Critical Failures) on all social
such reserves available, even Novice checks involving undead or spirits,
and cannot be turned into a vampire
against their will. They gain a +4
TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE— bonus to resist a vampire's puppet.
„„ The key to the Necromancer and COMPLICATIONS
the Mummy power modifier is Even ethical Necromancers carry an
to take the Minor and Major eerie hint of the grave. Few outside their
Item Creation Edges as soon home communities can bring themselves
as possible, see Rifts ® North to trust Necromancers, their memories
America: Arcana and Mysticism. tainted by the vile practitioners in the
„„ Nobody ever said Leadership True Federation of Magic.
Edges didn’t work on the
„„Cybernetics: A Necromancer's
undead. Invest in Command
and Leadership Edges to make regenerative abilities mean their
your undead allies a formidable bodies reject all cybernetic implants.
„„Enemies: Necromancers are “shoot-
fighting force—and become
indispensable to living allies. on-sight” targets for the Coalition
„„ Your Spooky Complication
(though their propensity for skull
doesn’t apply to dealings with motifs might momentarily confuse a
spirits. Invest in Persuasion CS patrol). Evil Necromancers treat
to assist in negotiating with their heroic peers as foes.
„„Oath: Heroic Necromancers vow
the spirit “donors” of your
skeletons and zombie corpses, to only raise the willing. Before
but don’t worry about making casting zombie on a corpse, ethical
yourself likable to the living. Necromancers use divination to gain
the deceased spirit’s permission; they
become so practiced in this that using

divination for this express purpose is MUMMY MEGA POWER
an Innate Ability costing only 2 PPE. MODIFIER
„„Power Activators: Necromancers
must have their hands free to All Masters of Magic with zombie
perform gestures and have the power can use this Mega Power Modifier.
of speech to cast spells. Entangled,
Bound, silenced or otherwise muted „„ MUMMY (+2): Raising a
casters cannot activate new magic human­oid corpse as a Mummy
powers until they are free. (see page 169) requires pre­
„„Spooky: The air of strangeness paring the body with 1,000
haunting Necromancers sets most credits worth of natron powder
people on edge. They suffer a −2 and resinated wrappings
penalty to Persuasion in most during an hour-long ceremony.
„„ Most necromancers go a step
situations, only lifted when they’re
dealing with the spirits of the dead, further and use Major Item
sapient undead, and inhabitants of Creation (see Rifts ® North
communities used to Necromancers. America: Arcana & Mysticism) to
infuse zombie (a Major Upgrade)
NECROMANCER and at least 5 PPE (one Minor
STARTING GEAR Upgrade) into an item, like
Begin with standard Starting Gear a piece of jewelry, which
substituting Ley Line Walker Light maintains the Permanent
Armor (often with a scavenged “Dead power modifier for the caster.
Boy” helmet faceplate), plus a submachine The item becomes part of the
gun with two magazines of silver-coated Mummy when the ceremony is
ammunition. completed; it remains animated
even if the creator dies.
Shifters are practitioners of magic with
a talent for manipulating—or shifting—
the patterns of the raw cosmic energies one’s direct service—some would say
that bind the Megaverse ® together, slavery—begins with a question of ethics.
allowing them to become masters of Summoning like this can lead down very
dimensional portals and summoning dark roads.
beings from beyond normal reality.
Shifters tend to suffer from a HERO’S JOURNEY (TWO ROLLS)
negative reputation, even among Shifters gain two rolls on any table of
other practitioners of magic. While not their choice, except for Psionics.
universally evil—they run the gamut of
good, selfish, and evil like most—Shifters SHIFTING TIME AND SPACE
face the constant threat of corruption. The keys to the Shifter’s power are his
Most of the creatures and entities they natural gifts with manipulating Rifts
consort with come from dark, dangerous, and ley line energy, especially when it
alien realms, and they tend to demand comes to opening a portal to another
exchanges from Shifters that lead to realm and bringing forth entities to
ever-darker pacts and actions. The serve his will. Shifters have the power
very act of calling a sentient being into to control Rifts, unequaled by any other

arcane practitioner, and they have an MASTERS OF SHIFTING CHAOS
inherent sense of dimensions—the one Shifters are focused on manipulating
they are in and any they might perceive magic through the following powers
through a Rift. (Rank permitting): arcane protection,
The most important and well-known banish, barrier, beast friend, blast, bolt, boost/
power of the Shifter is his capability with lower Trait, burst, conceal arcana, darksight,
dimensional travel. Second only to that is deflection, disguise, dispel, drain Power Points,
his ability to summon and control beings entangle, environmental protection, farsight,
for extended periods of time. Shifters fear, fly, illusion, intangibility, invisibility,
were in high demand during the War light/darkness, mind link, protection, puppet,
of Tolkeen, especially when the leaders sloth/speed, slumber, smite, sound/silence,
of that doomed nation determined to speak language, stun, summon ally, telekinesis,
summon whatever it might take to defeat teleport, and warrior’s gift.
the Coalition. Shifters are well-received Shifters may choose any Trappings.
in Dunscon’s True Federation of Magic,
for he sees the great power in a nigh- SHIFTER ABILITIES
limitless source of powerful soldiers AND BONUSES
from beyond Shifters possess the power to master
Rifts, summon creatures from
beyond our reality, and exert
tremendous will and control
over them.
„„Arcane Background (Magic):
Shifters begin with banish, drain
Power Points, summon ally, teleport
and choose one extra power from the
list above. They start with the
Master of Magic, Power Points,
and Rapid Recharge Edges, as
well as d6 Occult, d6 Spellcasting,
and 15 PPE (10 PPE base, plus 5
PPE from Power Points).
„„Bi nd t he Su m moned:
A Shifter can bind
summoned beings to
his service for an
extended period
of time. He
does this by
reducing his
maximum PPE
by the amount
n e e de d to
or ig i n a l ly c a st
summon ally. T he
creature remains bound to his

service until released or Incapacitated temporal shift, whether it is a parallel
(in either case, the creature returns dimension or the same one as Rifts
to its home dimension). Shifters Earth (plus general distance away),
may only have one bound entity if there is a strong supernatural
per Rank. For example, a Seasoned presence on the other side, and
Shifter could have two summoned similar relevant information.
allies, each costing 4 PPE to summon, „„Dimensional Teleport Home: Once
bound to him; his maximum PPE is per day and for 25 PPE, a Shifter can
reduced by 8 until he releases them teleport himself home regardless of
or they are Incapacitated. Once the distance. Only the Shifter, his carried
creatures are released, the Shifter gear, and a possible familiar are
recovers PPE normally. Bound allies moved this way—power modifiers
are treated as if summoned with a cannot be used in conjunction with
raise, granting them the Resilient this ability. Being able to Dimensional
ability. When used in combination Teleport means Shifters are sorely
with Magic Rituals, Shifters ignore tempted to explore new worlds and
up to four points of arcane skill roll dimensions, often heedless of danger.
penalties for Improved Duration. „„Expanded Awareness: Shifters detect
„„Communication Rift: Shifters can arcana as an Innate Ability with the
open micro-Rifts across space and reduced Power Points cost from
dimensions, just large enough to both the Range (Self) and Aspect
send and receive spoken messages. limitations. With a Notice roll, they
Near a nexus point or on a ley line also sense supernatural beings or the
the cost is 15 PPE, away from a site of manipulation of time or dimensional
power it is 50 PPE. By concentrating energies per the Presence Sense
for a full round and succeeding on a power modifier (activations of sloth/
Spellcasting roll the Shifter reaches speed, summon ally, teleport, and so on).
a known location in his dimension „„Ley Line Phasing and Ley Line
(no penalty) or a known target Gate: Shifters have these Ley Line
dimension (−2 penalty). The micro- Walker abilities, see The Tomorrow
Rift lasts one minute per Rank of the Legion Player's Guide.
Shifter, who now counts as having „„Ley Line Magic Mastery: Shifters
visited the target destination for use add two dice to their pool when
of Dimensional Portal and similar rolling for available PPE, see Ley
abilities. Random dimensions may Line Energy in the Tomorrow Legion
be contacted this way, which is Player's Guide.
how power hungry Shifters get in „„Psychotically Brave: Shifters
communication with (and sometimes become—for better or for worse—
dominated by) monstrous evils. progressively jaded to the super­
„„Dimension Sense: With a successful natural, gaining +1 to Fear checks
Spellcasting roll, a Shifter can and −1 from Fear Table results per
determine a wealth of information Rank. A Veteran Shifter would be +3
about a dimension he is in or views on Fear checks or −3 on table results.
through a Rift (even a micro-Rift). „„Sense Rifts: A Shifter can sense Rifts
Such information might include: or dimensional anomalies within
environmental conditions, whether 50 miles as well as direction, type,
magic poor or rich, if there's a and general location. If on a ley line,

Shifters can sense Rifts anywhere „„Corruption: Many of the entities
along the line's length. a Shifter might bring forth (with
„„Shift Reality: Shifters get a free summon ally) or contact seek to corrupt
reroll (can't reroll Critical Failures) on him. Each time the Game Master
Spellcasting rolls related to: banish, decides the Shifter has summoned
boost/lower Trait, drain Power Points, or consorted with a corrupt or evil
illusion, intangibility, invisibility, light/ being, she may call for an opposed
darkness, sloth/speed, sound/silence, Spirit check between the being and
summon ally, teleport, and +4 to the Shifter. If the being wins, the
open, close, or manipulate Rifts (see Shifter gains a point of Corruption.
Characters, Ley Lines, and Rifts Future Spirit contests with similar
in the Game Master’s Handbook) and beings suffer a penalty equal to the
Dimensional Portals (effectively Shifter’s current Corruption. When a
ignoring the base penalty, see page Shifter gains a number of Corruption
29). points equal to half his Spirit die type
(rounded up), he becomes a slave to
SHIFTER COMPLICATIONS darker external powers (and is no
The Shifter dances a fine line between longer a playable character).
arcane mastery and corruption. „„Cybernetics: Such tech creates havoc
for the flow of energy a Shifter relies
upon, imposing −1 to the Shifter's
TO SURVIVE AND Spellcasting rolls for each point of
„„Disconnected: Consorting with
„„ Shifters aren't initially strong things alien, dark and strange affects
combat casters. Your first Shifters, making their speech patterns
priority should be to acquire and mannerisms seem "off" to most
powers and abilities to defend people. They have a −1 Persuasion
yourself, while not forgetting penalty in social situations involving
to use summoned allies against those not immersed in the occult.
opponents. „„Enemies: Shifters frequently provoke
„„ Your Shift Reality ability can a hostile reaction, even among those
make or break your efforts who are typically tolerant of most
inside and outside of combat. casters. Shifters who swear fealty
Make sure to prioritize powers to a power opposing Lord Dunscon
from that list, and take the will likely find the True Federation
Shift the Arcane Edge for even hostile as well.
more mayhem. „„Power Activators: Shifters must be
„„ Shifters excel at traveling to able to gesture and have the power
distant lands and dimensions. of speech to cast spells. If Entangled,
Do your best to avoid splitting Bound, silenced or otherwise muted
the party. There is safety in they can't activate new magic powers.
numbers, and strength in
teamwork. Get the Dimensional SHIFTER STARTING GEAR
Portal Edge to move as a group. Your Shifter begins with the standard
Starting Gear substituting Adventure
Survival Light Armor.

Heroic Vampire Some of these renegade Vampires
The Heroic Vampire dares not ponder cling to the delusion that they’re still
what separates him from the others in the person who died, denying they’re
his bloodline, what quirk of fate allowed a monster wearing another’s corpse.
him to retain a conscience when most Others realize the horrific truth and
vampires rise from the grave salivating dedicate themselves to ridding Rifts
for blood. Thankfully, he made peace Earth of vampires, knowing the journey
with this years ago—by vowing to kill culminates in their own destruction.
every vampire he can find. Humans, and most D-Bees with Near-
Human or Alien Physiology may become
HERO’S JOURNEY (TWO ROLLS) Heroic Vampires with no complications.
Vampires are not humans and D-Bees Implanting a D’Norr with a Vampire
returned from the dead, they are corpses Intelligence shard overcomes their
animated by a malevolent, demonic alien incapacity for Psionics but destroys their
being. The brain death accompanying Natural Arcane Affinity. Psi-Stalkers may
their transformation robs vampires also become a Heroic Vampire but must
of most of the skills acquired during consume both Power Points
their hosts’ lifetimes, while vampire and blood.
societal conventions place little
importance on armor
or ranged weapons.
Heroic Vampires gain
only two rolls on the
Hero’s Journey Tables,
restricted to the Close
Combat Weapons,
Enhanced Items &
Mystic Gadgets, and
Psionics tables.


The guilty and innocent, willing
and unwilling alike equally fall prey
to the Slow Kill Bite of Master and
Secondary Vampires, rising from
their graves with a shard of
a Vampire Intelligence
a n imat i ng their
corpses and adopting
a simulacrum of their
personality. Rarely,
the r e a n i m at e d
brain keeps enough
personality to allow
the Vampire to rebel
against his own kind.

TO SURVIVE AND „„Arcane Background (Psionics):
THRIVE—THE VAMPIRE Heroic Vampires begin with three
powers from the list above, 10 ISP,
„„ While you are immune to most and a d6 Psionics skill.
„„Bite: While in his True Vampire Form
weapons foes of the Tomorrow
Legion are likely to carry, your (see below), a Heroic Vampire may
weaknesses—especially water bite a grappled target for Str+2d4
and wood— are absurdly Mega Damage, AP12. Shaken or
common. Keep your vampiric Wounded victims must check Vigor
nature hidden from your or suffer a level of Fatigue.
„„Change Form: With an action and
enemies until you are ready to
strike. a Psionics roll vampires can shape
„„ Be willing to burn ISP on smite
change into a wolf or bat (or change
to make your fangs even more back again). While transformed,
dangerous weapons. they retain their Fast Regeneration,
„„ Find a way to feed; either make
Immunities, Invulnerability, and
sure your fellow heroes are cool Perfect Night Vision.
„„Claws: Str+d6 Mega Damage, AP 6 in
with you drinking the blood of
your enemies or arrange for True Vampire Form (see below).
„„Fast Regeneration: Heroic Vampires
donor blood to keep you sated.
make a Vigor roll every round to heal
damage—even after being “killed.”
A success heals one Wound, two
with a raise. Silver or wood in the
SHARD OF THE INTELLIGENCE heart, sunlight and holy water (see
Vampire Intelligences are immensely below) bypass this ability.
powerful creatures capable of breaching „„Immunities: Vampires are immortal
the walls between worlds. The tiny shards and ignore Poison, Disease, Fire,
of alien being animating vampires imbue Cold, Radiation, and virtually all
their host corpses with tremendous other sources of mundane damage
psionic potential. Heroic Vampires or negative effects. They need no
choose from the following list (Rank food or water (only blood, the lack of
permitting): banish, boost Trait*, deflection, which drives them insane).
detect/conceal arcana*, divination, farsight*, „„Invulnerable: Attacks—even those
fear, healing, mind link, mind reading, mind causing Mega Damage —which
wipe, puppet, relief, slumber, smite*, speak don't use one of the Heroic Vampire's
language*, speed*, and wall walker*. vulnerabilities can only Shake them.
Heroic Vampires activate Psionic If hit by a Boom Gun he recovers in
powers as Innate Abilities. an instant, unless the Glitter Boy was
using silver flechettes.
VAMPIRE ABILITIES „„Mist Form: With an action and a
AND BONUSES Psionics roll at −2, a Heroic Vampire
The fragment of the Vampire Intelligence can turn into a cloud of mist. Any
animating a Heroic Vampire grants them items carried or worn transform
horrific powers, most of which correspond along with the vampire. As per
to pre-Rifts legends about them. intangibility, non-magical attacks and
weapons pass straight through the

vampire, but it is unable to attack, „„Denial or Destruction: Vampires
communicate, or use powers while who rebel against their masters fall
in mist form. The vampire floats into two psychological profiles: those
above the ground at normal Pace, who hope they can regain or retain
unaffected by Difficult Ground. It can their souls, and those who embrace
seep through openings not sealed their curse and hunt the undead.
with Full Environment Protection; Begin with either Delusional (Minor—
but cannot become corporeal within Return to former life) or Death Wish
someone or something without room (Minor—Destroy all vampires).
for its physical form. „„Magic: While a Heroic Vampire
„„Perfect Night Vision: Heroic Vampires may take Arcane Background
ignore all Illumination penalties. (Magic) and Spellcasting at character
„„Strength of the Damned: Gain +2 die c reat ion — ref lec t i ng t ra i n i ng
types to Strength and Vigor. These received before he endured the Slow
Traits have no maximum. Kill—becoming a vampire severs the
„„Undead: Gain +2 to Toughness and to hero from their connection to magic,
recover from being Shaken, ignore 1 disallowing them from improving
point of Wound penalties, and Called the Spellcasting skill, learning new
Shots do no extra damage (exceptions magical powers, or purchasing
noted below). additional magic-related Edges.
„„True Vampire Form: Most vampires „„Supernatural Evil: Once their nature
spend their time disguised as a is discovered, Vampires suffer a −2
pallid version of their appearance Persuasion penalty. Reactions start
in life. Their true form is a demonic out two steps worse than usual, and
walking corpse with sharp fangs, those unfamiliar with the hero or
pointed ears, long fingers, long sworn to destroy evil may attack on
fingernails, and a corpse-like pallor. sight. Heroic Vampires register as
Assuming this form is a free action, supernatural evil to friends and foes.
but to resume the disguise the must „„Weakness (Decapitation and
check Psionics as an action. Burning): Vampires Incapacitated
via silver or wood (see below) become
VAMPIRE COMPLICATIONS vulnerable to normal damage and
While a vampire ignores most laser blasts, fire. Only once they have been
nature itself constrains the creature's decapitated, the head and body
life. The rising of the sun and the flow burned in separate pyres, and the
of water spell certain death for vampires. ashes scattered, are they destroyed.
„„Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane):
„„Cybernetics: Their necrotized tissue
Heroic Vampires must make a Spirit
is incompatible with cybernetics.
check to cross a threshold protected
„„Feed: Vampires must drink at least a
by these herbs, and attack at −2 to bite
pint of fresh human, mutant, or D-Bee
anyone wearing either herb.
blood per day. Treat this like the Habit
„„Weakness (Holy): The holy symbols
(Major) Hindrance. Incapacitation
of any religion that reveres goodness
results in the vampire succumbing
and light over dark hold vampires
to his blood lust, becoming a villain
at bay. Vampires must win an
under the GM’s control.
opposed Spirit check to attack. With
a successful Touch Attack (Fighting

+2), the holy symbol causes 3d4 fire vampires, werebeasts, demons, and
damage to the vampire, who must supernatural beings. However, they
check Fear. Holy attacks can damage are not destroyed unless a Weakness
Vampires but not destroy them. is used.
„„Weakness (Magic and Psionics): „„Weakness (Water): Vampires have a
Vampires can be affected and phobia of bodies of water and cannot
harmed by magic and psionics, but cross them (even if flying) unless
all effects are halved and they cannot there is a physical bridge, and even
be destroyed unless the power is then must check Fear at −4. Holy or
Trapped with water or sunlight natural bodies of water damage them
(wood/silver deal full damage). Magic like acid. Immersing vampires (in a
weapons can damage them but have waterfall, flash flood, pond, river,
the same restrictions. A sunlight lake, sea) deals 3d10 damage a round.
Trapping on light does no damage Holy water is blessed with the Faith
but the fiends cannot enter the area skill as an action. Small sources of
of effect and any within must leave. holy water (a bucket, a squirt gun)
„„Weakness (Silver and Wood): Silver do 1d10 damage, medium sources (a
objects burn for 3d4 fire damage, hose, a “super soaker”) deal 2d10, and
and Vampires suffer +4 damage large sources (a fire hose) deal 3d10.
from purely wooden or silver Vampires Incapacitated this way melt
weapons, or a combination of the into slime and are destroyed.
two. A successful Called Shot to the
heart (−4) forces vampires to make HEROIC VAMPIRE
a Vigor check against the damage STARTER GEAR
total. If successful, they suffer Begin with standard Starting Gear
damage normally and are Stunned; substituting Branaghan Armor, a broad-
if they fail, they are Incapacitated, brimmed hat, and a Semi-Auto Pistol with
enter a stasis-like state, and become three magazines of silver-coated ammo.
vulnerable to all normal sources Their NG-S2's tent is replaced with a
of damage. However, the vampire collapsible shovel (for digging graves to
is not destroyed, see Weakness hide from the sun) and the rations are
(Decapitation and Burning) above. replaced with three pints of blood.
„„Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires
suffer an automatic level of Fatigue Werecat
during daylight hours and catch Cats of all shapes and sizes always
fire if any part of them is exposed called the Americas home. Most rarely
to sunlight (clothing doesn't help, noticed the werecats before the Rifts, but
they must be completely shielded). these days they dwell openly in their
A vampire's Pace is 2 and their native lands of the North American
powers don't work while exposed to Southwest and further south. Most
sunlight—they burn for 2d10 damage share one common goal: to protect the
every round they are exposed and innocent, especially from the undead.
vampires Incapacitated this way are They hunt their native lands, seeking
destroyed by turning to ash. to kill vampires and all who side with
„„Weakness (Supernatural Attacks): them. Werecats—jaguars, panthers, and
Vampires can be damaged by ocelots—believe they must preserve the
the natural attacks of other balance of nature.

The free people of Mexico and further straight from people’s nightmares. Their
south know the kindness of the werecats. natural ferocity can frighten anyone—
People who care about the entire living their joyful “playing” is hunting and
world—including the environment— fighting. Despite this, they only kill
can gain a werecat’s friendship. They what they intend to eat, or anything that
make excellent allies against destructive threatens the living world.
forces like vampires. Their reputation
for recreational hunting and fighting, AT HARMONY WITH NATURE
combined with their skill and strength, Werecats and other were-animals exist
can make some alliances tricky. within a unique juncture of the natural
world and the human spirit. As such,
HERO’S JOURNEY (TWO ROLLS) they are born with a limited ability to tap
Spending much of their lives walking into both magic and psionics. Werecats
unnoticed in human and D-Bee society, may choose from the following for their
werecats learn much of the world, magical powers: boost/lower Trait, disguise,
developing a variety of skills. Werecats healing, invisibility, light/darkness, relief, and
gain two rolls on any tables of their speak language. For their psionic powers,
choosing except Cybernetics. they may choose from: arcane protection,
detect/conceal arcana, empathy, mind
BEAST AND MAN link, and mind reading.
No matter their intentions, the werecats’
bestial nature scares most WERECAT
mortals. Their ABILITIES AND
half-man BONUSES
and half- Werecats mix man
cat form and beast to become
leaps apex predators of
exceptional cunning
and strength.
„„Cats Land on Their
Feet: All Werecats start
with the Acrobat edge.
„„Invulnerable: Attacks—
even those causing Mega
Da mage — wh ic h don't
use one of the Werecat's
vulnerabilities can only
Shake them. Wounds from
magic, psionics, silver, and
the natural attacks of a
supernatural creature may
only heal through natural
healing or the use of the
healing power.
„„Keen Senses:
Like all cats,

TO SURVIVE AND „„Red in Tooth and Claw: In man-
THRIVE—THE WERECAT monster form, Werecats have claws
and fangs doing Str+2d4 Mega
„„ Though largely immune to Damage, and AP equal to Agility.
the weapons and abilities The claws grant +2 on Athletics
of the Coalition and other checks to climb, and they may Bite
technological foes, the forces of grappled opponents—see Natural
the Vampire Kingdoms and the Weapons in Savage Worlds.
„„Regeneration: Werecats make a
Federation of Magic have your
number. Pack a ranged weapon natural healing roll daily to recover
or invest in some enchanted Wounds, or Injuries once all Wounds
armor for those times you have are healed.
„„Shape Change: As an action, a
to fight a mage or a dragon.
„„ Hone your body. As your claws
Werecat may assume her human,
are already Mega Damage animal, or man-monster form; this
weapons, invest in Brawler, costs no Power Points. Werecats
Martial Artist, and other Edges retain the capacity for speech and
to increase your hand-to-hand can use psionic powers in all forms,
damage. and magic in human or man-monster
form. The change to cat form confers
the natural abilities inherent to that
form—use the Cat, Small entry for
ocelots and the Lion entry for jaguars
Werecats are attuned to their and panthers (see Savage Worlds).
surroundings. They benefit from While in cat form, the Werecat retains
a +2 to Notice rolls in cat and man- her Smarts, Spirit, Hindrances,
monster forms. Edges, and linked skills. She gains
„„Low Light Vision: Werecats in the cat’s Agility, Strength, Vigor, and
all forms ignore Dim and Dark linked skills but cannot cast spells or
Illumination penalties. use humanoid devices.
„„Man-Monster Form: Werecats'
supernatural gift bestows two WERECAT COMPLICATIONS
additional die types to Agility and As blessed as a Werecat may be, they still
Strength while in cat or half-cat/half- must proceed carefully in a world where
human form. Their racial maximum supernatural beings are both hunted
for Agility in human form is d12+2, and feared.
rising to d12+4 in man-monster form.
„„Arcane Duality: Werecats get the
Their Strength has no maximum.
Arcane Background Edge twice for
„„Natural Magic: Werecats begin with
two different types of powers, but
Arcane Background (Magic), a d4
whenever they take a Power Edge,
Spellcasting skill, 10 PPE and three
they must choose whether it applies
powers from the list above.
to magic or psionics. Werecats can
„„Natural Psionics: Werecats begin
take the Power Points Edge twice per
with Arcane Background (Psionics),
Rank but only gain PPE with one use
a d4 Psionics skill, 10 ISP and three
of the Edge and ISP with the other.
powers from the list above.

„„Cyber Resistant: Can't use cyberware „„Weakness (Supernatural): Werecats
due to change shape and regenerate. can be hurt by the natural attacks of
„„Distinctive Appearance: Werecats in vampires, werebeasts, creatures of
their non-human forms suffer −2 to magic and other supernatural beings.
Persuasion. They are misunderstood „„Wild Beast: Their connection to
outside of the Yucatan. Reactions to nature makes Werecats uneasy in
known Werecats typically start at cities. When in a city for more than a
Unfriendly, or Hostile for human day, they grow irritable and depressed
supremacists. suffering a −2 to all Trait rolls. They
„„Enemies (Major): The CS and must check Spirit every day to remain
supernaturally evil creatures will calm; if they fail they must leave the
react violently to known werecats, city for the nearest natural habit.
attacking on sight if they can win.
„„Human Mutant: True werebeasts WERECAT STARTER GEAR
are part animal, part human, part Begin with standard Starting Gear plus a
monster. Their Race must be Human silver-plated Short Sword (Str+d6).
and they cannot choose another.
„„Hunters’ Instinct: Werecats cannot
resist the instinctual urge to engage
in hunting or fighting regularly, gain WERECAT BREEDS
the Habit (Minor) Hindrance.
„„Monster Hunter: Werecats dedicate
their lives to the elimination of Three types of native werecat exist.
vampires and supernatural evil, as Each grants an additional racial
the Vow (Major) Hindrance. ability and complication.
„„Power Activators: Werecats must
„„ Werejaguars: The strongest
have their hands free (and have and most powerful of all
hands—no cat form) to perform werecats, a Werejaguar starts
gestures and have the power of with Strength d6. This strength
speech to cast spells; if Entangled, also makes them Arrogant (per
Bound, silenced or otherwise muted the Hindrance).
they cannot activate magic powers. „„ Wereocelots: Acting as scouts
„„Racial Enemy: The old saying about
and spies for their werecat
cats and dogs is true. Werecats and brethren, a Wereocelot begins
werewolves are enemies, and suffer with the Thief Edge. Their skill
−2 on Persuasion checks with them. is aided by their size, but this
„„Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane):
also presents a disadvantage:
A Werecat must check Spirit when they have the Small Hindrance.
coming into contact with these herbs „„ Werepanthers: Arcane abilities
or become Shaken. Attacks against fascinate Werepanthers, so they
those wearing them are at −2 penalty. seek to improve their own innate
„„Weakness (Magic and Psionics): As
supernatural abilities. They
a creature of magic, a Werecat can be begin with Spellcasting d8. But
affected by magic and psionics. the old adage is true: these cats
„„Weakness (Silver): Werebeasts are
are Curious (per the Hindrance).
vulnerable to silver. Werecats suffer
+4 damage from silver weapons.

MARS When the ocean spat forth Atlantis
and the tide crushed the jeweled cities
of the Earth, the flood wiped the coast
regions of North America nearly clean
T he s e add it ion a l Merc e n a r ie s,
of civilization. Even as the rest of the
Adventurers, Rogues, and Scholars
continent recovered from the Dark Ages
packages follow the same rules as
into a new age of sorcery and super-
those in the Tomorrow Legion Player’s
science, those few who clung to life in
Guide, including use of the Fortune
the nigh-uninhabitable wilderness of
& Glory Table found there. The GM
the east and west coasts remained
may allow certain
mired in a post-apocalyptic fight
gear substitutions
for survival. These barbarians—some
from the items in
human, some mutant, some D-Bee—
this book.
rarely escape the incessant fight for
survival dominating their tribes, but
quickly adapt to the wider world when
given the chance.
„„Add one die type to Strength and
„„Begin with Notice d6 and Survival
„„Begin with the Alertness, Brawny,
and Woodsman Edges.
„„Barbarians receive +2 to rolls to resist
Disease and Poison.
„„Gain an additional roll on the Close
Combat Weapons or Experience &
Wisdom table.
„„Unversed in the ways of civilization,
Barbarians suffer −1 to Common
Knowledge rolls about life outside
of their wilderness dens. They begin
with the Illiterate Hindrance but may
buy it off with an Advance.
„„Begin with standard Starting Gear
substituting a SteelTree plate corslet
with enclosed helm, and three
spears or a bow with 20 arrows, plus
a SteelTree battle axe or long sword
and a SteelTree medium shield

In the years following the Great
Cataclysm, many of the humans thrown
into barbarism experimented with the

mystical energies flooding forth from „„Begin with the Giant Killer,
the ley lines. In time, these tribal wonder Frontiersman, Marksman, and
workers began to channel their magic Woodsman Edges.
through weapons and fetishes made from „„Megafauna Specialist: Dinosaur
the bone, sinew, and skin of the dinosaurs Hunters gain +2 on Survival rolls
and great beasts inhabiting the Atlantic involving creatures of Size 4 or
seaboard. These Eco‑Wizards, so named greater.
for their close ties to the environment, „„Begin with standard Starting Gear
became essential to the survival of the plus a Viggo’s Custom Firearms
barbarian clans. Provider Single-Shot Breech Loading
Rifle (customized to the character)
„„Begin with Spellcasting d6, 10 PPE
and 30 rounds of ammunition.
and Arcane Background (Magic).
Begin with detect/conceal arcana,
healing, use the Ley Line Walker’s
Some heroes fight evil whenever they
spell list and begin with three
find it; others hunt a specific quarry.
Vampire Hunters—such as Acapulco’s
„„Begin with the Alertness, Artificer,
Sons of Quetzalcoatl—dedicate their
and Minor Item Creation Edges (see
lives to rooting out and exterminating
Arcana and Mysticism).
the undead and studying the vampires’
„„Begin with Occult d6 and Survival
ways with all the dedication they can
summon. Some Vampire Hunters use
„„Begin with standard Starting Gear
arcane powers to battle the vampiric
substituting a suit of Light Enchanted
scourge, while others pursue martial
Armor (+4 Armor +1 Toughness, Min
Str d4, 4 lb), plus a SteelTree spear,
skinning knives, and crafting tools. „„Begin with Fighting d6, Notice d6,
Occult d6, and Driving or Riding d4
DINOSAUR HUNTER „„Begin with the Brave, Champion,
Some Dinosaur Hunters see themselves Streetwise, and Vampire Killer
as heroes or daredevils, others as the Edges.
ultimate predators and lords of the „„Begin with either the Reid’s Ranger
wilderness. All are thrill-seekers who or Elite Vampire Killer Edge.
dare to take on the dangerous megafauna „„Begin with a Desert Eagle or
of Dinosaur Swamp and other monster- equivalent Semi-Auto Pistol and
infested regions. Most hunt their prey three magazines of silver-coated
with large caliber conventional firearms ammo, a Wilk’s 237 laser pistol, a
to preserve the meat and other useful wooden billy club/baton (or similar
parts of the animal rather than rip it all weapon such as a baseball bat or
apart with ion cannons and rail guns. nunchaku), and a water rifle with a
Some rare few Dinosaur Hunters embrace five-gallon backpack tank.
the role of conservationist, stalking their „„Begin with standard Starting Gear
prey with camera and audio equipment substituting a set of either Branaghan
to study their behavior. Armor or Bushman EBA, plus a silver
holy symbol, three wooden javelins,
„„Begin with Notice d8, Shooting d6,
and a colt peacemaker with 18 rounds
and Survival d8
of silver-coated ammunition.

tribal tattoos worn as much among the
NEW RACES Ixion as the nomads.
Centaurs possess a powerful need
for freedom, creating a spiritual affinity
between them, Faerie Folk, and similar
Monsters flood the lands of Blood & Banes,
D-Bees. Centaurs pine to death in a matter
and many races found therein are often
of days if taken captive or enslaved. The
confused for monsters. The stigma of
cybernetic praxis adult Ixion centaurs
their appearance does make life outside of
undergo upon achieving their majority
their homes difficult, but their history of
severs this link, leaving them no longer
heroism makes them welcome neighbors.
connected to nature but also no longer
From the wilds of North America come
vulnerable to such a painful death.
the native Sasquatch and the
While the Cyber-Horsemen of Ixion
recently arrived centaurs:
are slow to trust other D-Bees, the
nomad tribes enjoy the respect and
friendship of the Simvan Monster
Riders—even those allied to the
t he cent au r Calgary Monster Kingdom
tribesman and the and the Federation of Magic.
Cyber-Horsema n
„„D-Bee (Major): With
of Ixion. Unlike the
their obviously inhuman
monsters they hunt, these
appearance straight out of
brave souls embrace nature
ancient mythology,
and its freedom.
initial reactions to
Centaur typically
start at Unfriendly,
The nomadic centaur
or Hostile for human
tribesmen of the North
supremacists. Those
American plains and the
with an Unfriendly
Cyber-Horsemen of Ixion
or lower Reaction
share so much of their
will refuse to sell
biology in common
wares or
that it stands to reason
they descend from a
common ancestor, a
primal line of centaurs
that perhaps once
called Earth home in
ancient times. Both
resemble powerful horses
with human torsos rising from
where the horse’s neck should
be. Complexions and hair and
eye colors range across the human
spectrum. All genders of both cultures
wear their hair long and flowing with

services such as healing, repairs,
etc. Failed social checks with Hostile CYBER HORSEMEN
parties often result in violence.
„„Faerie Friend: Centaurs gain +2 to all
To create a Cyber-Horseman of
rolls dealing with Faerie Folk. They Ixion, build your character using
act as if they had 2 points of Armor the Headhunter Techno-Warrior
when hit by damaging Faerie powers MARS package found in The
and add +2 to opposed Trait rolls. Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide,
This ability is lost if they undergo the then remove the Faerie Friend and
cybernetic praxis of Ixion. Wild Spirit abilities as noted.
„„Galloping Hooves: Centaurs have a
Pace of 10 and roll a d10 running die.
„„Near-Human Physiology: Those
unfamiliar with centaur biology
suffer a −1 penalty to Healing skill Sasquatch
rolls and to any cybernetics checks The tales of Big Foot roaming the forests
involving installation, repair, etc. near the Rocky Mountains are generally
„„Non-Standard Build: Centaurs have true. Sasquatch have a tough hide covered
unique proportions. Subtract 2 from with thick fur, which makes up for their
Trait rolls when using equipment not lack of clothing. Their natural skills
designed for them, and they cannot easily replace the tools they choose not
wear commonly available armor or to use. Nomads, Sasquatch wander the
clothing, which must be custom- countryside in small family groups, living
designed and fitted— tripling off the flora and never hunting game—
purchase and repair costs. Glitter Boy though occasional fish or grubs is fine.
armor (and the Iconic Framework) is Their defining characteristic, curiosity,
not an option, neither is most power leads many adventurous members of
armor. Equipment and food cost the race to live among humans. Young
double the listed price. Any Starting adults on their own for the first time and
Gear is assumed to be custom-built f. elders without family tend to choose
„„Size +2: Centaurs weigh 800 to 1100 the worldly lifestyle. When they join the
pounds and stand about ten feet tall world of humans, they align themselves
from hoof to crown. Their size grants with defenders and peacekeepers, often
them +2 Toughness. in the company of Cyber-Knights. They
„„Wild Spirit: Centaurs suffer soul- begin to use only rudimentary tools and
killing malaise if taken or enslaved. weapons, relying on their intelligence
If shackled or imprisoned, Centaurs and natural skills to aid them. However,
automatically become Fatigued each large cities make them uncomfortable
day until they’re Incapacitated. A day and desperate for a return to the wild.
after, they perish. If their freedom is
„„Animal Appearance: Though gentle
restored, they regain a level of Fatigue
in demeanor, most people still fear
each hour until recovered. They lose
Sasquatch due to their more animal-
this Hindrance if they undergo the
like appearance and lifestyle. They
cybernetic praxis of Ixion.
suffer a −1 to Persuasion.
„„Workhorse: Centaurs treat their
„„Cyber Resistant: Sasquatch never
Strength as two points higher when
acquire cybernetics. It may be
determining Encumbrance.

physiology, but it is clear their ics) Edge and start with the following
distaste is also philosophical. They three powers: detect/conceal arcana,
cannot take any Iconic Framework empathy, and mind link. If a Sasquatch
that includes cybernetics as an chooses an Iconic Framework provid-
inherent ability (including the bio- ing Arcane Background (Psionics), he
comp system needed to be a Juicer), follows all the normal rules for the
nor may they roll on the Cybernetics Framework except three of his start-
benefits table. ing powers are the ones listed above
„„D-Bee (Major): Initial reactions (even if not normally allowed to that
to Sasquatch typically start at Framework) and the Sasquatch gains
Unfriendly, or Hostile for human two additional power to his starting
s upr emac i st s. T ho s e w it h total (so a Sasquatch Burster starts
Unfriendly or lower Reactions with five powers, for example).
refuse to sell wares or provide „„Near-Human Physiology: Those
services such as healing, repairs, unfamiliar with Sasquatch biology
etc. Failed social checks with are at a −1 penalty to Healing
Hostiles often result in violence. skill rolls.
„„Natural Woodsman: All „„No n - S t a nd a r d B u i ld :
Sasquatch learn how to Sas­quatch subtract 2 from Trait
navigate forests in their rolls when using equipment
tender years. They begin not designed for them,
with the Woodsman and can't wear commonly
Edge and a d6 in available armor or
Survival. clothing, these items
„„L o w - t e c h : The must be custom tailored
worldly Sasquatch at triple normal costs.
knows the need Glitter Boy armor
for a good weap- (a nd t he Icon ic
on and occasion- Framework) isn't an
al armor; they option, neither is
use simple melee most power armor.
weapons—includ- Equ ipme nt a nd
ing those that do food cost double the
Mega Damage like listed price.
Vibro-Blades—and non-pow- „„Pacifist: Sasquatch
ered body armor. Most do not detest violence but
use guns, but a few make use fight when needed. This
of simple rifles. They dislike philosophy impacts their
vehicles, choosing not to entire lives; they are even
learn to drive and prefer- vegetarians. They have the
ring not to ride inside of Pacifist (Minor) Hindrance.
them. „„Powerful: Sasquatch
„„Natural Psionics: Sas- start with Strength d8
quatch possess an innate (Trait maximum d12+2)
aptitude for Psionics. They and Vigor d6 (Trait
begin with the Arcane maximum d12+1).
Background (Psion-

„„Restricted Paths: Arcane magic is nexus near the desired location (nexus
impossible for a Sasquatch. They points act sort of like cosmic bus stops
cannot take any Arcane Background or Megaversal waypoints). On a raise, the
using PPE, nor any Iconic Framework exact desired point in a previously visited
that includes it. location may be reached. On a failure,
„„Size +2 (Normal): The Sasquatch the Rift's details should be determined
could easily be confused for a bear, randomly—see Nexuses and Rifts in the
especially with a height of 9 –12 feet. Game Master's Handbook. On a Critical
Their size grants them +2 Toughness. Failure, the portal could connect to a
„„Wild Men of the Woods: You can't realm of pure evil, an elemental plane
take the forest out of a Sasquatch. overflowing with a dangerous Hazard,
Though worldly Sasquatch live the bottom of an ocean, or worse, and the
peacefully among humans and in contents may come spilling out!
small communities, they cannot When used to travel to locations within
stand life in the city. When in the the same dimension, the cost is only 100
city for more than a day, they grow PPE at an arcane skill roll penalty of −2.
irritable and depressed and suffer a Shifters may take this Edge regardless
−2 to all Trait rolls. They must make a of Rank, and halve the cost of casting
Spirit roll every day to remain calm; Dimensional Portal if near a ley line,
if they fail, they must leave the city nexus, or site of power like a pyramid.
for the nearest natural habitat.
Requirements: Novice, Knight of the
White Rose, Healing d6+
EDGES Knights who devote their time in
the Garden to tending the White Roses
absorb some of the same healing magic
that flows through the alien plant. These
Iconic Edges
Gardeners of the White Rose gain the
Vampires and Werecats may take the
healing miracle power and access to its
Gymnastic Mastery Edge (see The
Mega Power modifiers.
Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide).
In addition, once per day a Gardener
may create a healing brew or poultice
from the White Rose Cuttings (requires
Requirements: Veteran, Master of Magic,
one dose, see page 39). With 4d6
arcane skill d8+, teleport
minutes and a successful Healing roll the
By expending 200 PPE—usually
Gardener imbues the remedy with the
harnessed through a material-less Magic
healing power with PPE equal to half the
Ritual at a site of Ley Line Energy, or as
Knight’s total. Once prepared, anyone
a full round action—the mage opens a
can make a Common Knowledge roll to
two-way mystical door. The portal is up
use the brew or poultice.
to 1"×1" in size and lasts up to one minute
per Rank of the caster. With a successful
arcane skill roll at −4, the portal opens
Requirements: Novice, Knight of the
to a previously visited dimension, or a
White Rose, Psionics d8+
previously visited region of the current
Gateway Knights help keep the Garden
dimension, typically arriving at a ley line
in Madhaven safe by teleporting their

comrades in and out of their sacred haven, TELEPORTATIONAL HITCHHIKER
leaving no tracks to guide pursuers to the Requirements: Novice, Ley Line Walker
hidden refuge. Gateway Knights gain the or Shifter, teleport
psionic power teleport and access to its The caster is an expert at hitching rides
Mega Power modifiers. They receive +4 when others dimensionally travel.
to Meditations to increase the Range (see
„„HITCHHIKE (+5): As long as the
The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide).
caster can see a target teleport in some
form (Ley Line Phasing, Ley Line
Gating, transiting a Dimensional
Requirements: Veteran, Necromancer
Portal or Rift, D-Shifting terrain,
Zombies, skeletons, and mummies
etc.) he has one minute per Rank to
raised by the Necromancer have an extra
activate teleport with this modifier.
die type in Strength, Vigor (improves
With a success the caster arrives at
Toughness as usual), and all known skills.
the same destination as his target.
On a Critical Failure he is flung
randomly through time and space.
Requirements: Novice, Heroic Vampire,
May be combined with other power
modifiers like Additional Recipients.
This character doubles their normal
jumping distance and adds +4 to damage
when making a Wild Attack when
Requirements: Seasoned, Heroic
coupled with a leap, instead of the usual
Vampire, Spirit d8+
+2 (needs at least 1” to leap).
A neonate vampire struggles to contain
his bloodlust, but as he grows in power
he learns exchanging blood with his
Requirements: Seasoned, Shifter
victims grants him power over them.
Shift the Arcane allows the Shifter to
If the Vampire’s bite attack Incapacitates
alter—or "shift"—the course of certain
a target, he may put the target under
arcane abilities. The Shifter may use
his control. This equates to being
this Edge at any time as if on Hold, as
permanently under the puppet power
a free action against the same powers
and remains in effect until the controlling
as his Shift Reality ability (banish, boost/
vampire is destroyed. A Heroic Vampire
lower Trait, drain Power Points, illusion,
can have only one thrall (also known
intangibility, invisibility, light/darkness, sloth/
among vampires as a mind slave) at a time.
speed, sound/silence, summon ally, teleport)
or any power with a celestial, cosmic,
temporal, or similarly ethereal Trapping.
Requirements: Veteran, Heroic
This Edge must be used as a power
Vampire, Thrall
is being activated. The Shifter expends
Instead of creating a thrall, the
half the Power Point cost of the power
Vampire can turn a target with his
to be shifted, and makes an opposed roll
bite. The victim makes a Vigor check
of arcane skills versus the caster (with
after being Incapacitated (either by
a possible reroll from his Shift Reality
the damage or Fatigue); the roll is
ability). If the Shifter wins, he activates the
made with all penalties appropriate to
power as if he were the caster, changing
damage done and Fatigue inflicted. On
its target and other details. With a raise,
a failure, the target dies. On a success,
the original caster is Distracted.

the victim makes a Spirit roll at the when stalking a target or trying to avoid
same penalty. Failure means the target a predator while in the great outdoors.
is now an uncontrollable Wild Vampire;
success means they become a Vampire. PATHFINDER
Few Heroic Vampires would ever Requirements: Seasoned, Woodsman,
choose to use this ability except in the Notice d6+
direst circumstances. Player characters Pathfinders move quickly through
“rescued” from death in this manner lose terrain others would find impassable. A
all benefits of their Iconic Framework Pathfinder on foot or a bicycle ignores
or MARS package abilities—Crazies Difficult Terrain penalties in the wild.
and Juicers reject their augmentations, While traveling alone or with a group,
Power Armor Soldiers and Rogue the Pathfinder may redraw one Action
Scholars forget their skills and Edges, Card used to determine encounters per
Ley Line Walkers and Techno-Wizards day of travel (see Travel in Savage Worlds).
lose their connection to magic—and
must be converted over to the Heroic SQUIRE OF THE WHITE ROSE
Vampire Iconic Framework. Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+
The Order of the White Rose needs the
Professional Edges demanding work of a fellowship talented
in Healing, Research, and Survival to help
BEAST RIDER spread peace and justice. People from all
Requirements: Beast Master, Riding d10+ levels of society—including Madhaven
The Knights of the White Rose and mutants—are welcome to take the Vow
some barbarian tribes tame strange and (Major—The Code of the White Rose) and
alien beasts as mounts. Instead of the join their faction, gaining Connections
animal companions offered by the Beast with the group and its allies. With those
Master Edge, a Beast Rider may take as familiar and respectful of the order, they
her companion and mount a creature gain +1 on social checks and Reactions
up to Size Large, such as a dinosaur, start one level higher than normal.
Phantom Wolf, or a beast suggested for Squires of the order enter a mystic
Simvan Monster Riders (see The Tomorrow compact with a Knight who pledges
Legion Player’s Guide). This mount may to aid and defend them, just as the
be in addition to the regular companion Squire promises to aid and defend the
animal and may be modified by taking Knight. This creates a permanent bond
the Beast Master Edge more than once. between the allies acting as the mind
link power, requiring only a Spirit roll to
FRONTIERSMAN activate and send messages to each other.
Requirements: Seasoned, Woodsman When one party is in danger, the other
The wilderness skills of some scouts receives a telepathic warning, though
and other explorers — such as the only a general location and no specifics
“Swamp Stompers” of Dinosaur Swamp— are transmitted unless the endangered
become so finely-honed they gain an partner consciously sends a message.
edge over more classically-trained
companions. A Frontiersman gains +2 REID’S RANGER
to identify animals, monsters, plants, Requirements: Novice, Vampire Killer
and weather conditions in the wild. He Human and D-Bee communities
may also substitute Survival for Stealth throughout Arizona, Mexico, New

Mexico, and Texas hold Reid’s Rangers in Rangers), see page 125. The hero is
the same admiration as Cyber-Knights trained in Tundra Ranger special codes
and Glitter Boys. Founded by the cyborg, and tactics, including advanced tracking
Doc Reid, the Rangers wander throughout techniques. It is said the Rangers "always
vampire-infested lands singly and in get their man"—the hero gets a free
small groups, lending their aid to others reroll when making Survival (tracking)
who battle the undead. checks. She is privy to the location of
Through years of experimentation and the force's safehouses and hidden bases,
study, Doc Reid has learned more about and is expected to be highly mobile;
vampires than anyone before him, and gain a horse, robot horse, Highway-Man
he passes that knowledge down through Motorcycle, or NG-150 Hovercycle and a
intense, regimented training. Reid trains set of Peacekeeper EBA and a pistol (C-18
recruits in leadership, group tactics, and equivalent) whenever needed.
dog handling—loyal dogs act as an early
warning for Rangers sleeping alone on VAMPIRE KILLER
the trail and are naturally distrustful of Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Notice
and sensitive to the undead. d6+, Occult d6+
The hero is a member of the Reid’s Vampire Killers dedicate their lives to
Rangers faction, and has Connections understanding their quarry. They know
with the group and its allies. Among the difference between the facts about
those familiar with their exploits, he vampire weaknesses and the myths and
gains +1 on social checks and Reactions legends about the undead. They know
start one level higher than normal, but vampire tactics and how to undermine
will be a primary target of Vampires and them. Vampire Killers learn how to see
their allies when encountered. He gains through the webs of deceit vampires
the Beast Master Edge and a companion weave to protect themselves.
dog/wolf (only), which is a Wild Card Vampire Killers are +2 on Occult, Notice,
that may Advance and has Danger Sense. and Survival checks regarding vampires.


Requirements: Novice, Riding d6+, Requirements: Veteran, Vampire Killer,
Survival d6+ Spirit d8+, Notice d8+, Research d6+
The Tundra Rangers of Canada descend Elite Vampire Killers develop a sixth
from the pre-Rifts Royal Canadian sense about the undead, an instinct or
Mounted Police, and endeavor to uphold suspicion allowing them to root out
their legacy of justice and peacekeeping vampire infestation no matter how
throughout North America. carefully hidden. With their hearts and
The hero is a member of the Tundra minds hardened by years of battle, they
Rangers faction, and has Connections dare to beard the lion in its den.
with the group and its allies. Among An Elite Vampire Killer gains +2
those familiar with their exploits she on rolls to resist fear or mind-control
gains +1 on social checks and Reactions effects from vampires and +2 on
start one level higher than normal. The Networking and Research rolls to
faction's Enemies—including powerful investigate and uncover the activities
monsters and villains—will plot her of vampires, their allies, and their nests.
downfall. All Tundra Rangers take
the Vow (Major—Code of the Tundra



ampire-killing ammunition and GUW-P002 Prowler General Utility
barbarian Eco-Wizard items are Water Craft: Size 6 (Large), Handling
only some of the unique devices the +1, Top Speed 80 MPH, Toughness 26
Tomorrow Legionnaires encounter as the (14), Crew 1+30, Remaining Mods 8
venture as far north as Calgary and as far Notes: Watercraft, Range 800 miles.
south as Mexico. Weapons:
„„.50 Cal Heavy Machine Gun (Fixed
Vehicles Front, Anti-Personnel, Reaction
GUW-P002 Prowler General Utility Fire; nuclear model may substitute
Water Craft: A small, shallow draft boat it with an Anti-Personnel Laser).
capable of maneuvering the bayous and
Mountain Bike: Mountain and dirt
rivers of Dinosaur Swamp, the Prowler
bikes traverse the jungle better than
serves as an assault vehicle, cargo boat,
other vehicles. Scouts and hunters prefer
houseboat, and hunting yacht depending
bikes—they make minimal noise, give off
on how one converts the cargo space. The
no heat signature, and require minimal
vessel accommodates up to 30 passengers
maintenance. Riding this vehicle uses
if the cargo space is otherwise unoccupied.
Athletics instead of Driving. (300 credits,
With both the pilot’s station and the gun
+2 Rarity).
turret armored against Mega Damage
attacks, the Prowler can handle all but the Mountain Bike: Size −1 (Normal),
largest aquatic predators. The Prowler Handling +1, Top Speed 16 MPH,
is not equipped for ocean voyages but Toughness 7, Crew 1
can island-hop; the combustion engine Notes: ATV, Exposed Crew, Tabletop
model has a range of 800 miles, while the Pace — double rider's Pace and
nuclear model is effectively unlimited. running die result.
(150,000 credits for the former; 2 million
NG-F911 “Smokeskipper ” Hover
credits for the latter, −2 Rarity).
Firetruck: Versatility, ruggedness, and
adaptability make Northern Gun’s

NG-F911 Smokeskipper: Size 7
(Large), Handling 0, Top Speed 120
MPH, Toughness 27 (12), Crew 1+12,
Remaining Mods 4
Notes: ECC, Exposed Crew (gunners
and running boards), Hover, Range
200 miles.
„„M i n i - M i s s i l e
Launcher (fixed front)
„„Vehicular Water
„„3 × Heav y
Portable Water
RH100 Series Robot
Horse: Bandito Arms offers
a suite of robotic horses tailored to
resemble different breeds. While most
customers prefer their robot horses
equipped with synthetic skin to resemble
Smokeskipper as popular among Arabians, appaloosas, paints, and other
vampire hunters in the southwest as with breeds, some prefer skinless metallic
firefighters in the northeast. The hoses variants. Robot horses operate only for
run off internal 2,000-gallon tanks or riders programmed into the system and
draw water from water towers, streams, can follow vocal commands, warn their
and ponds. The water cannon mounted riders of danger, and be programmed to
on the cherry picker can maneuver to recognize enemies and allies. For an extra
any angle, while the small cannons on 100,000 credits, they can be installed with
each side and the main turret cover a 360° an AI capable of speech. (5.2 million
arc of fire between them. The standard credits, −2 Rarity).
payload for the mini-missile launcher has
RH100 Robot Horse: Size 2 (Normal),
fire-retardant foam, but any kind of mini-
Handling +2, Top Speed 75 MPH,
missile can be loaded. Four passengers
Toughness 24 (12), Crew 1+1,
can ride inside with the driver, with
Remaining Mods 3.
four gunners staffing the water cannons
Notes: ATV, Exposed Crew, Nuclear-
and another four riders on the running
Powered, STS.
boards. The recessed running boards
slide back to reveal stretchers for two Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit
patients on each side. The nuclear model d6, Strength d12+5, Vigor d12
offers unlimited range, but the hover jets Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice
require cooling after 8 hours of continual d6, Survival d6
use. (2.9 million credits for diesel/electric Weapons:
model; 4.5 million credits for Nuclear- „„Kick (Str+d6, Mega Damage)
Powered model, −3 Rarity).

Body Armor Stake-Proof Vest: The regenerative
Branaghan Armor: A suit like the power of vampires means they worry
Bushman Medium EBA, Branaghan little about most Mega Damage weapons;
armor is notable for its removable indeed, full suits of armor are nuisances,
armored duster or overcoat—a stylish impeding their shapeshifting abilities.
accessory much favored in the New Instead, vampires are concerned with
West and the northern fringes of Mexico. protecting their vulnerable hearts from
Bandito Arms’ Branaghan provides +5 silver and wood. Deathspike agents
Armor, +2 Toughness, and is full EBA adopted a modification of the traditional
without the duster. The armored duster bulletproof vest, which has found its way
provides an additional +2 Armor and +1 onto the open market. A Stake-Proof Vest
Toughness. It has a Strength Minimum offers +4 Armor to the torso only and −2
of d8. (15 lb. + 6 lb. for the duster, 40,000 to Notice when hidden under clothes. (8
credits for the armor or 12,000 credits for lb., Min Str d4, 2,500 credits, −2 Rarity)
the duster alone, −3 Rarity) SteelTree Armor: The alien SteelTree
Mystic Knight Armor: Forged by found in the northern reaches of Dinosaur
Techno-Wizards associated with both the Swamp yields bark, leaves, and wood
main order and the renegade Knights of that may be carefully folded, woven, and
the White Rose, Mystic Knight Armor in- even forged to form rough suits of armor.
corporates modern ceramics and enchant- SteelTree armor can be fashioned into
ed fabrics into flexible plate mail. It any Ancient & Medieval
provides +7 Armor and +3 Tough- shield or Medieval
ness, but isn't EBA. Knights
of the White Rose favor
gold, red, or white

& Ancient
Armor chain
mail (woven)
colorat ion
or plate mail
and rose mo-
(forged) found in
tifs, but also keep
Savage Worlds; it provides
the spikes and chains
Toughness instead of Armor
more associated with Mystic
and is not affected by AP.
Knights. A knight receives
Unfortunately, SteelTree
this armor upon first joining
armor conducts heat well
either order; few merchants
and offers −2 protection
dare risk the Mystic
against heat-based
K n ig ht s’ w rat h
attacks. (Same weight
by selling scav-
and Min Str as
enged suits—
equivalent armor,
repairs cost
costs 10 × the
the same as
listed cost
in credits)
He av y E BA .
(20 lb., Min Str d6)

Vampire Water Field (TW): Also called NG-XF103 Firefighter: Size 1 (Normal),
a portable shower, this simple device adds +8 MDC Armor, +4 Toughness,
a layer of protection against vampires. Strength d12+2.
The backpack spouts water up and out, Notes: Jet Boosters (Jump +12”
much like the shape of an umbrella, over horizontal, +6” vertical)
the wearer’s head. If a vampire attempts Weapons:
to pass through or touch the water „„Heavy Portable Water Cannon
field, they suffer 2d10 damage; unless „„Knuckle Spikes (Str+d4)
vulnerable to holy water other attackers „„Laser Torch (forearm; Range 4/8/16,
merely get wet. (5lb., 45,000 credits) 3d6 Mega Damage, AP 12, RoF 1)
Titan TRF−107 Fireman Robot
Power armor and
Vehicle: Though ostensibly built for
Robot vehicles
fighting fires, the Titan Fireman finds
NG-XF103 Firefighter: Built to withstand
more popularity fending off vampires on
higher temperatures than other suits,
the Mexican border. The Robot Vehicle
this environmental power armor comes
sports two 2,000-gallon tanks on its back,
complete with a 50-gallon main water
with a platform between them capable of
tank, a 25-gallon reserve tank, an
carrying three additional personnel. The
integrated water cannon, and a small
standard payload for the mini-missile
cutting laser for rescues. Some vampire
launcher is fire-retardant foam, but
hunters attach silver knuckle-
any kind of mini-missile can be loaded.
spikes to the gauntlets
While the right arm is dedicated to the
(525 lb., 900,000
water cannon, the fingers of the left hand
credits, −2 Rarity)
have retractable blades for cutting cables
and tree limbs, hacking through walls,
and other rescue operations but can
conveniently be silvered to fight vampires.
(7 million credits; silvering the finger
blades costs 10,000 credits, −4 Rarity)
Titan TRF −107 Fireman Robot: Size 4
(Large), Handling +1, Pace 14 Run d8
(60 MPH), Crew 1+3, Strength d12+5,
Toughness 26 (12)
Notes: MDC Armor, Exposed Crew
(passengers riding on back).
„„Finger Blades (left arm, Str+2d4,
AP8, Mega Damage)
„„Vehicular Water Cannon (right
„„Anti-Personnel Laser (forward
chest sponson).
NG-XF103 „„6 × Mini-Missile Launchers (three
per shoulder, RoF 1, 2 Shots each).

Weapons parts of dinosaurs they kill. Supernatural
energies have improved the strength of
these creatures’ natural weapons. Any
The materials of choice for vampire-
Medieval or Ancient Melee or Ranged
killing weapons are wood and silver.
Weapons found in Savage Worlds can be
Silver: Silver-plating a melee weapon
made from or strengthened with the
costs 10 times the weapon’s price. The
addition of dinosaur bone, claws, and
intense vibrations of chain and vibro-
teeth. Such weapons weigh the same as
weapons mean the silvering process is
their metal and wood equivalents but do
difficult (−4 penalty) and time consuming;
Mega Damage and have +2 AP. They cost
they are equally difficult to find and
5 × the listed price in credits.
service. Most silver-plated weapons are of
pre-Rifts design, though exotic cruciform
knives, axes, and polearms find favor
The energy weapons dominating the
along the Mexican border.
battlefields of Rifts Earth provide
Wood: Though Wood can be magically
no defense against vampires. Wilk’s,
enhanced to make it capable of carrying
Northern Gun, and other manufacturers
a sharpened edge or durable enough to
produce small sidelines of conventional
pierce metal, this effectively transforms
firearms for those in need of the
it into something other than the pure
protection a silver bullet provides. These
wood which vampires are vulnerable
firearms are designs are based on pre-
to. Wooden weapons tend to be simple
Rifts models; with energy weapons so
stakes, clubs, and spears. Martial arts
prominent, manufacturers have no reason
weapons such as tonfa and nunchaku
to innovate with firearms. Any Modern
also work; they function as Billy Clubs/
Firearms found in Savage Worlds may be
Batons and Flails respectively, per Savage
purchased for their listed cost in credits.
Worlds—those with Martial Artist gain +1
Silver Ammo: Solid silver bullets are
Parry when using them.
prohibitively expensive—a single small-
SteelTree: The metallic impurities
caliber bullet costs 1,000 credits—but
found within SteelTree wood mean
silver-coated ammunition proves just
weapons made of the alien tree do
as effective. Designed with hard metal
not count as wood against vampires.
jackets with a veneer of silver, silver-
Thankfully, vampires are rare in
coated bullets suffer no reduction in
Dinosaur Swamp. SteelTree items gain
accuracy or stopping power. Small (.22 to
dense diamond-like properties when
.32 caliber) bullets cost 50 credits apiece,
worked by experts with plasma or intense
medium (9mm to .45 caliber) bullets cost
fire, and are highly prized by barbarians
100 credits each, and large bullets (for .50
and civilized folk alike for the uncanny
caliber handguns and most rifles) cost 200
edge they hold. Any Medieval Melee or
credits apiece. Silver-coated arrowheads
Ranged Weapons found in Savage Worlds
and quarrels can also be purchased for
can be manufactured from the SteelTree.
200 credits each.
Such weapons weigh the same as their
Viggo’s Custom Firearms: Located in
equivalents and do their listed damage
the city of Char deep within Dinosaur
with a +2 bonus in Mega Damage; they
Swamp, this weaponsmith produces a
cost 10 × the listed price in credits.
line of hand-crafted conventional rifles
Supernatural Materials: The denizens
custom-built for individual buyers. These
of Dinosaur Swamp make use of all the
rifles provide the benefit of the Trademark

Weapon Edge to those for whom the guns hunters use these weapons to aid in the
are custom-built; this benefit stacks with fight against the undead.
possession of the Trademark Weapon and Globe of Daylight Lights (TW):
Improved Trademark Weapon Edges. Techno-Wizards of the New West
developed lights to fight the vampire
ANTI-VAMPIRE RAIL GUN ROUNDS menace. The floodlights harness the light
Rail guns need no modification to use anti- power. Any vampire within range of the
vampire ammunition; the ammunition item suffers sunlight damage per the
canisters need only be switched out for vampire weakness of 2d10 per round.
wooden or silver analogs. Canisters of
wooden ammo cost 250 credits per 10 Equipment
Shots but halve the Range and AP of the Field Coffin (TW): Vampires need to
rail gun while doing a die less in damage find a way to stay out of the sun when
against non-vampire targets. Silver- they’re far from home, and sometimes
coated ammunition costs 9,000 credits per digging a grave to while away the day
Shot but has the same range and damage is not a convenient option. The Black
capacity as normal rail gun ammo (halve Market offers sealed coffins made of
these costs for Boom Gun ammo). MDC-level polymer-composite ceramics
with Toughness 16 (4) and internal safety-
WATER GUNS AND CANNONS locks and alarms jacking into a vampire’s
Water pistols and rifles do little more natural ISP, requiring 1 ISP for every 4
than annoy those not vulnerable to holy hours of operation. The only entrance
water, which these weapons are assumed and egress is a thin pipette vampires
to contain when fighting vampires. High- can access while in mist form; attempts
pressure water cannons derived from to pry the coffins open suffer a −4 on
ancient fire- and riot-control designs, Strength rolls.
on the other hand, deliver a punch Field Coffins can be installed on many
capable of wounding or even killing an vehicles for the cost of a single mod slot.
unarmored target. They weigh 200 lbs. and can, alternatively,
be fitted with backpack straps to allow
TECHNO-WIZARD ANTI-VAMPIRE WEAPONS the vampire to lug the coffin around the
The city-state of Arzno is a center for TW old-fashioned way. (10,000 credits)
weapons development. Serious vampire


Legacy Bolt Action Rifle 30/60/120 2d10+2 1 4 5 7 10,000
Notes: Snapfire
Provider Single-Shot
50/100/200 2d12+2 1 6 1 25 16,000
Breech Loading Rifle
Notes: Mega Damage, Snapfire
Savage Pump-Action
24/48/96 2d8+2 1 3 5 9 14,300

Plastic 1d10 to
2/4/8 1 — 12 1.5 lbs. +1 10
Water Pistol vampires
Metal 1d10 to
4/8/16 1 — 12 2 lbs. +0 150
Water Pistol vampires
Plastic 2d10 to
4/8/16 1 — 20 3 lbs. +1 50
Water Rifle vampires
Metal 2d10 to
8/16/32 1 — 12 7.5 lbs. +0 350
Water Rifle vampires
11 lbs. +
Light Portable 1d4 (2d10 to 5 per gallon
4/8/16 1 — water −1 9,000
Water Cannon vampires) of water
15 lbs. +
Hvy Portable 2d4 (3d10 to 5 per gallon
12/24/48 1 — water −2 18,000
Water Cannon vampires) of water
417 lbs. +
Vehicular 3d4 (3d10 to 2 per gallon
15/30/60 1 — water −3 25,000
Water Cannon vampires) of water

Phantom Gloves (TW): Not much can White Rose Cuttings: The Knights
harm a ghostly entity, and even less can of the White Rose trim thorns, stems,
touch them. Phantom Gloves harness petals, and leaves of the alien White
intangibility to combat this. Wearers Rose plant to use in healing balms and
cannot touch anything physical, but brews. A dosage from a single leaf, petal,
they can touch and punch any Entity or thorn, etc. acts as the healing power with
similar being. (1 lb., 1 million credits) a d12 skill die; three doses adds the Great
Water Tank: Hooking up a hip-mounted Healing modifier. A dose sells on the
or backpack water tank increases the Black Market for 3d6 × 1,000 credits at −4
ammo capacity of water pistols and rifles, Availability. Knights of the White Rose
adding 40 Shots per half-gallon of water. are very strict about distributing cuttings
The larger tanks required for water from the White Rose and rarely bestow
cannons are too heavy for most, and are more than 1d4+1 doses to an individual.
worn only by Combat Cyborgs and those Actual Knights can usually halve the cost
equipped with Power Armor. Armored, and penalty through connections.
reinforced tanks weigh 4 lbs. per half-
gallon of water they hold; an individual
can wear a half-gallon or 1-gallon tank on
the hip but must mount anything larger
on the back. Typical sizes available are
half-gallon, 1-gallon, 5-gallon, 10-gallon,
25-gallon, and 50-gallon (for vehicular
water cannons) tanks. (100 credits per
half-gallon of capacity).

Globe of Daylight Flare 12/24/48 2d10 1 — — .10 2,000
Notes: Hovers at 20 feet, illuminating a SBT with light for 10 minutes. Damages
Flash-Bang Bombs 5/10/20 1d10 1 — — .25 1,000
Notes: Produces a sudden deafening blast and blinding light within a SBT. Targets
must check Vigor (–2 on a raise) or be Stunned. Damages vampires.
“Vampire Chaser”
5/10/20 1d10 1 — — .25 2,000
Steam Grenade
Notes: Produces a magical burning steam in a LBT. Damages vampires.


Lantern 2d10 1 hour SBT 2 20,000
2d10 30 minutes SBT 40 100,000
2d10 1 hour MBT 280 325,000
Building Floodlight 2d10 2 hours LBT 7,000 500,000

Notes: All harness the light power to damage vampires, but cannot destroy them.

Many people find ley lines frightening, but not I. The blue glow is comforting to
me—it speaks of home. But take warning—when the blue energy surges and a ley
line storm begins to brew, even folk such as myself are wise to take shelter.
—Brandyn, Ley Line Walker



he vastness of the North American deserts test a person. Vultures followed
continent is matched by the variety us, and I lost count of the times I found a
of environments and threats it scorpion in my pack.
contains. The Legionnaires who went We spent most of our days along the Rio
before share wisdom about the lands of Grande. The people here use the remains
Blood and Banes. of the river to irrigate crops. The trace
rainfall left grasses weak and limp, but
enough to feed the livestock. I ate more
THE VAMPIRES OF cabrito here than anywhere. And we had
OLD MEXICO AND so little water; locals drink the distilled
THE SOUTHWEST juice of the agave, despite its effects.
The CS in Lone Star got it wrong.
Most vampires are rabid dogs terrorizing
Five Vampire Intelligences call Old everything in their path, but not all.
Mexico home. The northern reaches For the most part, villages can handle
continue to resist as the Vampire them. Old fire trucks, water guns, and
Kingdoms gain more ground. This threat wooden stakes made for some of the best
reaches north through Texas, into New defensives. But water! Simply blessed
Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. water can bring a vamp down.
What the CS doesn’t know is there
Personal Log are other vampires. Most people we met
of Legionnaire feared the Secondary Vampires. Can’t
Jaime Castro always tell them apart from the rest of us.
These logical and calculated beings are no
Those deserts took a toll on us. Texas,
beast. They run faster, punch harder, and
Mexico, wherever we went, it was hot
change shape. They know some magic too.
and dusty. The heat bore down on us. We
I would rather face a pack of the wilds
rarely found water. Not like home, those
rather than one of the Seconds.

We saw our first one in Ciudad Juarez. for it to come to Rifts Earth. These Master
The government keeps the city pretty Vampires—stronger than the Secondary
clean of wild vamps. They say they are ones—rule. Few exist though.
tough on vampires, but rumor has it We never got to the cities. I’m glad.
Secondary Vampires have infiltrated the Just the small village we came across
government and business. We likely saw made me hate vampires. The vampires
some of them but did not know it. need living blood—preferably human—
Thing is, not all vamps are bad. A to survive. The vamps must feed their
few—the moody, depressed ones—hate people, or their slaves have no blood to
their situations. We traveled with one give. So, lots of the villages are just farms
for a few days who hunts vampires. He and ranches, with the living (human and
taught us a lot. D-Bee) forced to work as slaves.
And then we got to Mexico, where, five I thought liberating the village would
Vampire Kingdoms vie for dominance. be easy, especially in the day. I mean,
We never went deep into Mexico. We who’s watching the people in the day?
made it to Muluc—talk about brutal. Turns out human guards drive the slaves
The rulers see the slaves as nothing to work each day. The guards carried
more than insects. It seems vampires use good equipment and protection, and
violence to keep the population in check. a bloodthirsty look in their eyes. We
Their western neighbor, Ixzotz, is the planned an assault, but it ended badly,
oldest kingdom, and they do things the with heavy human casualties.
same way they do in Muluc. Lucky for us, the kingdoms are at war
Slaves have it best in the Mexico with one another. Each Intelligence wants
Empire. These vamps make the people to rule Earth. The hunters help, too. Lots
feel like citizens, and living conditions of small villages remain independent.
are not too bad in larger cities. The rest We stopped one night in Monterrey,
struggle to serve their masters. the largest of the farm communities we
The Milta Kingdom rules with terror, visited. They spoke of places like Acapulco,
much like Muluc and Ixzotz. Rumor has where people live in a tropical paradise
it the larger cities are adopting some of and gather the strength to fight against
the Mexico Empire’s approaches. the vampires. Very near to a vampire
No one knew much about the last capital is Ciudad Victoria, a flotilla on
known kingdom, Chichen Itza. It is in the the lake where the city gets its name. And
Yucatan, which somehow does not seem the Tampico Military Protectorate—the
to exist on Earth. Supposedly, a werecat major oil supplier in the area—stays free.
resistance threatens the vampire’s rule. The Rangers at Fort Reid pose the
Ultimately, each kingdom works the greatest threat to the vamps. The fort is
same way. They have a capital and a surrounded by farms and grazing lands,
major city or two. Mainly its small sort of nice. Inside, Doc Reid trains others.
villages and towns, each with a specific Their lives do not differ much from our
purpose and located on a ley line. The lives. Heroes of all types work to stem
ley lines provide the vamps with power. the tide of vamps, and some not-so-heroic
A Vampire Intelligence, living in people too, even some necromancers.
secret, rules each kingdom. These extra- Not once did we meet Doc Reid, which
dimensional monsters infected souls via was fine by me. He watched training
the Rifts, and those Master Vampires sessions. We listened to one of his lectures
increased the Intelligence's power enough on vampire biology. Mainly, we saw him

during his sermons. He talks a lot about XITICIX HIVE STRUCTURE
the Day of Reckoning when his soldiers
Interviews with Psi-Stalkers from
will purge the world of all vampires.
the Deathbringer tribe provided greater
Sounded good, except it seems to me, he
insight into the internal structure
thinks himself a messiah or new god.
and workings of a hive. To acquire
Finally, we decided to head a bit west.
the information, the Psi-Stalkers don
Rumor says vampires control cities not
costumes made from Xiticix exoskeletons,
too far from the kingdoms. They definitely
and mask their scent with secretions from
rule in Bisbee, Arizona. But others told
Xiticix glands. A necromancer harvests
stories of vamps as far as Colorado. And
the materials from dead Xiticix. No other
many wonder about Fort Tombstone.
Psi-Stalker tribe used these tactics.
They easily resist the nearby vamps in
Note: These necromancers lead most
Bisbee, while the people come off as cold
Deathbringer patrols. For the most part,
and standoffish…pretty weird vibe there.
they respect the living and the dead, and
are friendly and personable. No other
tribes travel with necromancers. In fact,
the other tribes prefer isolation except
XITICIX when dealing with Xiticix.
A Xiticix hive looks like an ant mound.
Towers shoot up from underground
tunnels. These hive towers match the
The insectoid Xiticix make their hives in
height of any tower at Castle Refuge.
the north near Ontario and Winnipeg,
The structure of the hives resembles
down through Minnesota, and all the
those of the native insects. None contain
way to North Dakota.
stairs or similar structures to move
between levels; Xiticix walk along the
Xiticix Expedition
walls. These towers house all Xiticix
not directly working with the queen.
To: Councilor Comstock Only a small part of the hive exists
From: Ismeryd Perbrem, Tomorrow above the surface. The hive's most
Legion Researcher important rooms are underground. The
Subject: Observations of Xiticix Hives nannies control the middle regions just
Research completed before we left below ground. Here, the Xiticix cultivate
did not prepare the expedition. Either Sludge. Its purpose is unclear, but it seems
information provided no detail, or the it may be a mold or fungus used as food.
detail did not match what we found. The Lower levels contain chambers for
Xiticix are a far more complex species multiple younger queens. The maze of
than originally reported. tunnels makes it difficult to locate the
elder queen. The largest and most ornate
ENVIRONMENT belongs to the elder queen as she can get
to 60 feet in length.
The land is stripped of life. Desolate
and dead ground stretches out far and
wide, only broken by the great insect
hives of the Xiticix. The Xiticix terraform The Xiticix are giant, alien insects.
the lands they invade to meet their needs. Their anatomy matches other insects:
multi-sectioned bodies with an

exoskeleton, antennae, and mandibles. The common worker handles many
Many have multiple arms—between tasks, especially those needing a finer
four and six. They lack vocal commun­ touch. Other Xiticix dig, hence their
ication and use secretions instead. The names Diggers. Leapers help to move
hive functions as one: a single hive mind material up and down the hive.
controlled by the elder queen. Hunters travel furthest away from a
Xiticix are more diverse than first hive and seem to have the most developed
reported. They differentiate based on individual brains. The same can be said of
function. The common warrior and the super warriors. These larger Xiticix
hunter comprise only a small amount of with six arms command the warriors.
their expansive population. As mentioned earlier, the hive answers
to the elder queen. Younger queens
prepare to replace the elder, but they also
establish new hives. Xiticix nannies care
for the young from egg to maturity.


At this time, only six hives exist. They
broke off from the first hive built on the
remains of the city of Duluth, Minnesota.
The most dominant hive is Fargo.
They attempted to expand but a
neighboring hive— Crookstone—made
that impossible. Another expanding
hive exists in Big Falls, Minnesota. Its
expansion puts it into direct conflict
with the hive in Winnipeg, Canada.
Rolla-Morden, like Winnipeg, is found
in Canada.
Hives fight to dominate a region or
world. First, they remove the original
inhabitants and later fight amongst
themselves. For now, fighting
between hives remains
minimal, as the current
available land offers
them expansion
possibilities without
direct conflict with
other hives so
they expand out
into the lands not inhabited by Xiticix.
A hive’s population increases
exponentially. Before long, they struggle
to support their growing numbers. When
a population grows too large, a young

queen, her court, and chosen warriors in battle. Tomorrow, we enter Madhaven.
and workers leave to establish a new I see no reason to fear.
hive. The hunters survey the area to find Day 1: The streets no longer exist.
a good spot, and the others follow behind. I couldn’t tell if I was on a street or
Note: During our expedition, we walking on a collapsed building. We
dealt with a new hive split off from the walked beneath a canopy of concrete and
Fargo Hive. What occurred corresponds metal. Trees stand against rebar pillars.
to reports of previous expansions. First, Green gunk and vines cover everything.
homesteaders encountered the Xiticix During the day, the light is a sickly shade
hunters, but escaped. The hunters left a of green. I never noticed when we entered
scent trail to the area. A day later, a large a tunnel, just walked right in it. I couldn’t
contingent from the hive attacked. Every tell anything apart.
Xiticix in the swarm acted aggressively. And I hear the voices. Everywhere,
The insects fought until the last bug. whispers and echoes. I kept hearing,
“Go Yankees,” a lot, but it seems rather
CONCLUSION harmless. Something about Hamilton
or cats, I can’t quite tell. But the crying
We need to make a more concerted
children—crying for missing mothers,
effort to eliminate the Xiticix. They
from hunger pains, from just about
expand until they destroy all other
anything—wear on me.
living species. We must act while they
Day 2: Today, a man—well, it was
are contained. If we wait too long, only
more like a caterpillar with legs—offered
the most drastic of actions will suffice.
to help us find our way. His boots and
pants are just too funny. I did stop my
mouth as we entered the subway. Just in
time too, as we barely avoided a band of
MADHAVEN mutants hunting.
Once we settled down for the night, I
started to hear a ghostly countdown and
whistles. I tried to ignore it. Only the
The Great Cataclysm wreaked horrible
worm guy’s stories about old New York
damage on the island of Manhattan.
drowned it out.
The island lifted into the air and came
crashing down: great waves drowned
freak tried to eat us in the night. Boy was
every bit, and millions died in an instant.
he slick, but we showed him. Now I sort
Today, their ghosts haunt the ruins of the
of wish we had talked to those mutants.
great metropolis while mutants make
Without our back-stabbing guide, we
their homes in this new concrete jungle.
wandered with no direction. I got turned
around. I think I may get sick. And
From the diary
those voices, they keep screaming about
of Sirrius Festes:
numbers and stocks—what is a stock?
Madhaven Expedition
Sometimes I thought I saw a long green
They said Madhaven can make a beam. It runs horizontal in front of me,
person go mad, and ghosts haunt the and then a bell rings, but I saw no bells.
entire island. I wonder if they ever saw Midday, the ground shook like an
an army of demons, let alone engaged one earthquake? We looked at each other, like,
what is going on? Gary found out first.

Some giant worm swallowed Gary
whole. Every time I swiped at it, its DINOSAUR SWAMP
sticky hide deflected my blade. Gary got
out though by blasting his way out from
the inside. As we walked off, a bunch of
The Southeast, once a popular tourist
mutants started carving up the worm.
destination, fell to ruin with the coming of
Some rode wolves and smaller worms.
the Rifts. Nature reclaimed the Carolinas,
They ignored us, so we pushed on.
Georgia, and Florida. The wetlands and
I swear, every time I close my eyes for
swamps returned, and so did dinosaurs!
a second, it feels like I slept for days. I
am all cold and wet, my feet squish in the
Tomorrow Legion
ground beneath me.
Guide Book
This is getting old. I need to start anew.
Where's the ball? I need to see the sparkly Legionnaires scheduled to travel in
ball before it drops. Then I can start anew. Dinosaur Swamp must become familiar
And those counting will cheer. with the following information:.
Day 4: I found it! A sparkling, glowing
ball twice my size. Ten-Nine-Eight. I can IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS
hear songs, something about eyes I think.
Heat: High levels of humidity trap the
They sing about old friends. Seven-Six-
heat in the forests and swamps, retaining
Five. I try to follow the ball, wrap my
high temperatures day and night.
arms about it, but I just slip through.
Barbarian tribes combat this by wearing
Four-Three-Two. I can already hear the
very little. This is not recommended.
whistles blowing, but I can’t find…ONE!
Dinosaurs: Most large herbivores
I don’t mind this place anymore. I just
ignore smaller creatures which pose no
sing along with the voices. I kinda like it
threat. Large carnivores choose large
here. And the monsters, well, they shy
prey over smaller. The smaller carnivores
from the ball. Like the spider, it hissed
frequently hunt humans and D-Bees.
and sunk into the darkness.
Inhabitants: Barbarians—human
Day 5: Somehow, we found our way to
and mutant—live in the vast swamps.
a garden. A garden filled with white roses.
Homesteaders live along the edges,
The people there kept making me drink tea
despite the difficult circumstances. The
made from the roses’ petals. It helps ease
fertile soil makes it popular for farming.
my migraine and keeps me from vomiting.
Psi-Stalkers: Psi-Stalkers live here,
The Knights of the White Rose found
alone and in communities, forging strong
us in some sort of plastic box. I was
bonds with native animals. CS Psi-
skipping and singing. I don’t remember
Stalkers often go AWOL in the region,
any of it. Some of the others were doing
embracing the wild lifestyle of their
strange things too, but our leader stayed
sane. She spotted the Knights, who helped
us escape whatever ghost tormented us.
They plan on taking us home soon.
They say they can get us all the way Dinosaur Swamp encompasses an
without any problem. Something about extremely diverse variety of different
the needle in the garden. I am not sure. environments and locales.
All I care about is getting as far away as Old Carolinas: Char developed due
possible from Madhaven. to the SteelTree trade. Loggers live in

the city, a short distance from Ironwood steamboats rot away here. Underground
Forest, and gather bark from the forest’s sites have their own themes. The most
SteelTrees. The craftspeople of Char create mysterious has effigies of small groups
refined products from the bark, which has of children along a shallow river.
properties similar to metal, especially
armor and weapons. Native barbarians
also use the SteelTree. Other goods can be CALGARY AND THE
acquired in Char: Chamberland’s Arms
and Armor offers salvaged equipment,
and Viggo’s Firearms makes excellent
custom weapons. When the Rifts opened in western Canada,
Char is rife with crime. Mercenaries demons flooded out. At first, they fought
stay here while exploring the region for for dominance, but Hell Lord Doom
lost treasure, and criminal activity of all united them. He now plans to bring
types is rampant. forth an even larger army with which to
Georgia: The Horror Forest lives up dominate the whole of Rifts Earth.
to its name. Powerful carnivores hunt the
territory, and ghosts haunt much of it. Communique from
Atlanta has two sides. Above ground, Commander Dudley of
barbarians—human and D-Bee—live the Tundra Rangers
much like other tribes throughout the to Tomorrow
region. Some drink an odd syrupy Legion Council
substance that tastes flat but provides
Thank you for visiting us, we
energy. Below ground, rat gangs control
appreciated the aid. We look forward
the subway tunnels.
to more exchanges between our two
Legionnaires can find safety at Fort
organizations. To assist with further
Hawkins. Wilderness scouts train here
plans, we would like to provide this
and, though far more rudimentary, Fort
important information about the region.
Hawkins functions much like Castle Refuge.
Much of Canada remains wild and
Florida: Time Holes open periodically
untamed, like it did before the Earth
throughout the Florida peninsula. These
changed. Native animals from before the
holes remain open from a few minutes to
Rifts and new arrivals populate most of
weeks, and transport dinosaurs and other
the territory. Some indigenous tribes still
prehistoric creatures to Rifts Earth.
live in Canada, along with alien refugees.
The American Space Program once
They live simply, relying on the bounty of
resided on the Barrier Islands, also
the land. The Tundra Rangers regularly
known as “The Cape.” Artifacts and tech
visit and provide aid to our fellow citizens.
still remain, but monstrous sea creatures
We have few partners in the region,
live in the waters off the Barrier Islands,
save the Cyber-Horsemen of Ixion. The
making access difficult. The water itself is
native Sasquatch people protect the
also said to contain poisonous chemicals.
environment against threats, and we
The most interesting location is the
work with both as much as we can.
Jungle Castle. Signs of the original
As you may know, we face the Xiticix
residents exist for miles from the castle.
threat near Winnipeg. The hive does little
The area closest to it still retains vestiges
to expand, posing no direct threat at the
of its past. Giant tea cups, elephants with
enormous ears, and even several large

moment. We keep tabs on it through the we get messages from the Lotus Petal,
help of nomadic Psi-Stalker tribes. whatever that is. If they are to be believed,
The Shifting Veil and other area Rifts the future of Rifts Earth is in great peril.
cause most of our trouble. The 140-mile Hell Lord Doom oversees the
Shifting Veil Wall moves throughout production of a Hell Pit. They work to
British Columbia. It randomly changes erect four pillars, three of which have been
locations, which brings with it new completed. We believe Doom will need to
problems. The Rifts do much the same, make a large sacrifice, likely innocents,
and both deposit demons into Canada. to open the pit. The pit will provide a
Our greatest and most overwhelming continuously open link to many demonic
threat comes from demons. Demons places. We speculate that Doom plans
terrorize the countryside, which keeps us on making the influx of demons into an
quite busy. Occasionally, we find escaped army. We know we do not possess the
slaves from Calgary, who we help relocate power to stop him now, let alone after his
to a safer region. They provide us the best army grows.
information we have on Calgary, the In the coming years, we hope you can
growing Hell Pit, and the leader of the provide us assistance to defeat Hell Lord
demonic forces, Hell Lord Doom. Doom before he unleashes Hell upon the
Hell Lord Doom organized the warring Earth.
demons. This created a minor decrease in Thank you,
random demon attacks in the countryside, Commander Brandon Dudley,
but it instead led to an increase of Royal Canadian Mounted Police
coordinated raids. From within the city




ame Masters need the Savage Rifts® sense, such as if the distance called for
Game Master’s Handbook to make the might have the team travel into the ocean.
best use of this book. Each chapter Survey missions remain as they are
includes a section on how to use that in the Game Master’s Handbook. The
region or faction with the Tomorrow only difference is the distance the
Legion, and this includes modifications to team must travel to achieve their goal.
incorporate into the Adventure Generator Communication Lines missions are the
found in the Game Master’s Handbook. same, though more work might be needed
the further away from Castle Refuge the
The Mission team goes, and the heroes must carry
Profile Table more materials with them. Arcane
The regions in this book lie far beyond Anomalies missions are rare in the
the Tomorrow Legion’s jurisdiction and Vampire Kingdoms and Xiticix Hivelands
reaching most of these areas means but provide excellent opportunities to
crossing through hostile territory. For explore the Mutant Lands and Calgary.
missions into the lands featured in this The lack of local influence complicates
book, Game Masters, use the following Community Outreach missions (invert
modified Mission Profile table. Most of the the die roll, making “first contact” the
results are in the Game Master’s Handbook result on a 1– 4 on the d6). These distant
with modifications explained below: communities must be truly desperate to
reach out to the Legion for Emergency
OTHER CHANGES Relief, so feel free to ramp up the tension
For every day of travel check for an for such missions, especially if the heroes
Encounter. When randomly determining take a long time getting to the location.
Distance, multiply the final rolled result As the Tomorrow Legion expands its
by ×5 again. For example, if the d20 result influence, Exploration missions become
is 9 and the 2d6 × 20 comes up as 140, very important, with teams sent into
the actual Distance result is 700 miles. regions full of unknown mysteries (and
Modify or ignore any results making no danger). Interdiction missions are one
of the most common reasons Legion

leadership sends heroes into these Each of the following chapters contains
faraway lands—demons, vampires, and modifications to the Encounter table
Xiticix pose an existential threat to life on specific to that particular region. Each
Rifts Earth. Long Range Patrol missions modification ties to a result existing
resemble the Security Patrol missions on the Encounter table in the Game
in the Game Master’s Handbook, except Master’s Handbook.
ignoring Distance Table modifications.

Survey: The team helps the Cartography Rectification branch by covering
some grids and updating map information.
Communication Lines: Any technically-oriented heroes work setting
up relay towers, laying fiber optic cable, and otherwise building
communications infrastructure. The rest of the team aids with security
(and heavy lifting).
Arcane Anomalies: The Legionnaires examine ley lines, determine the
5 condition of Rifts, or otherwise explore and investigate matters arcane and
Community Outreach: As the Council of Hope builds the foundation of
6–9 the confederation it hopes to one day lead, the team heads off to interact
with potential allies.
Emergency Relief: A distant community in serious trouble reaches out to
10 –13
the Legion for aid.
Exploration: Rumors of hidden places of learning, lost technology, and
14 –15 more haunt the wide and mysterious wilderness. Told to “go that way,” the
Legionnaires seek out the unknown.
Interdiction: Word of a serious military or criminal threat reaches Castle
16 –19 Refuge. Though distant, the threat raises enough concern to warrant
sending Legionnaires to deal with it.
Long Range Patrol: As the Tomorrow Legion’s influence grows, so does its
mandate to patrol even greater swathes of territory.



n Rifts Earth, accurate knowledge HIERARCHY
about vampires is slim. The highly-
knowledgeable (some would OF BLOOD
say “obsessive”) vampire hunter, Doc
Reid, once wrote a 9,000-page report
Confusion around vampires stems from
on vampires. Erin Tarn also wrote
two opposing and equally inaccurate
extensively about them, but neither of
assumptions. Those studying vampires
these particular works circulate widely.
either assume all undead or “true”
The Coalition States endure frequent
vampires are the same or any variations
and bloody conflicts with the undead
witnessed between vampires represent a
throughout Lone Star, but usually only
completely different type of D-Bee.
against the frenzied, disorganized Wild
In fact, vampires are not all the
Vampires. This leads the CS to believe
same and include several distinct, but
vampires aren’t as deadly as reputed, and
interconnected, types.
they treat vampires more like an animal
infestation than an opposing army.
Vampire Intelligences
And that’s exactly what the vampires
Vampire Intelligences are the apex of
want them to think. Let the CS and the
all vampires: monstrously alien beings,
other forces of order delude themselves,
elemental forces of evil infecting
while the vampire rulers subvert
worlds. The unfathomable minds of
everything from within. Since the
Vampire Intelligences do not understand
Coming of the Rifts, vampires have
compassion, love, or pity. They exist only
infiltrated many areas of society, and
to spread misery, hate, and death.
openly taken over entire cities. They’ve
These nefarious monsters don’t
built empires of blood, using humans
completely exist in our dimension. In
and other D-Bees as pawns and cattle in
fact, they straddle several dimensions,
their grandiose, terrible schemes against
pulling apart their vital essence to exist
their rival bloodlines.
in countless places at once. Each splinter
These are the Vampire Kingdoms.

of energy needs to anchor itself in a isn’t a requirement since intense hate and
living and willing body. They slowly murderous impulses can be enough to
tempt and corrupt their potential victim, attract the attention of the alien monster.
whispering vague promises of power The Master Vampire becomes the
to convince the corrupted host into a vanguard and creator of the Vampire
bargain for immortality. Intelligence’s army. As he sleeps during
Once the pact is sealed, the host goes the day, the Vampire Intelligence twists
through an agonizing transformation, the Master Vampire’s dreams, compelling
turning into a Master Vampire. The him to hunt and create more vampires
Master Vampire can further fragment the for its nefarious goal. Every vampire he
Vampire Intelligence’s essence and inject creates (called a Secondary Vampire)
tiny sparks of malevolence into others, forms another link in the chain the alien
creating more vampires. This way, the mind uses to pull itself into our reality.
Vampire Intelligence spreads its evil seed, After the creation of the first Master
one stolen life at a time. Vampire this Supreme Master can invest
This infestation is not random but its power into other sympathetic souls.
aims toward a specific goal. Once 2,500 These other Masters act as leaders for the
vampires of the Vampire Intelligence’s growing vampire army: generals, kings
bloodline are created, the monster can pull and queens, or clan elders. But even with
its vast form fully into the physical world. the most prolific Vampire Intelligence,
Once manifest, the Vampire Intelligence Master Vampires remain rare. Most
aggressively devours any magic energy vampire hunters never see one, and often
it can find, all while converting every never learn of their existence. Masters sit
life nearby into a vampire enslaved to its in the center of a web of lies, working
alien whim. through minions and puppets rather
At least six Vampire Intelligences than confronting threats directly.
have crossed this dimensional divide.
Four exist in Mexico, one claims the Secondary Vampires
Yucatan Peninsula, and one inhabits the Secondary Vampires are more common.
Colombian Andes. There may be others Master Vampires create them by a process
still lurking and building their armies in known as the Slow Kill Bite, which injects
preparation for invasion, including one a tiny shard of the Vampire Intelligence’s
in Arizona. essence into the victim. The bite kills the
victims, and the death allows the shard to
Master Vampires transform them into one of the undead. It
The first foothold for a Vampire also robs the victim of part of her mind.
Intelligence into our dimension is Memories, personality traits, and skills
through Master Vampires (sometimes are lost or muted after the change. Unlike
known as “Bringers”). Many Master a Master Vampire, the victim doesn’t
Vampires killed or intensely hated other need to engage in a willing contract
people long before their descent into with the Master. One long bite rips the
undeath. Their sympathy of purpose calls victim’s life away, replacing it with an
to the Vampire Intelligence, granting the eternity of night.
monster a way into the host’s mind. Many As per their name, Secondary Vampires
times, the Vampire Intelligence is called instinctively recognize their subordinate
via a mystic ritual or other nefarious place. They know the Master Vampire
magic. However, such a summoning who created them on sight and know they

are less powerful than their Master. This do not struggle with concepts of morality,
instinctive recognition passes through the legality, or the petty acquisition of power,
bloodline. Those vampires the Secondary living only for the hunt and the kill. In
Vampire creates also recognize their this way, Wild Vampires more closely
progenitor as their master. The Slow Kill resemble a Vampire Intelligence in intent,
Bite is not as consistent for Secondary if not in power or cunning.
Vampires, however. While the result is While plenty of Wild Vampires hunt
sometimes another Secondary Vampire, alone, most hunt in pairs or packs,
more often it creates a Wild Vampire. working together to ravage settlements
Despite this instinctive subservience, in search of blood. They use simple
Secondary Vampires have more and brutal hunting tactics, relying on
personality and free will than Master their strength or superior numbers to
Vampires, meaning they occasionally overwhelm opponents. It’s common
rebel against their own kind. These for Secondary or Master Vampires
independent vampires reject their to use packs of Wild Vampires as
monstrosity, struggling to retain as much bloodhounds or attack dogs. The blunt-
of their humanity as they can. Much of force approach of Wild Vampires
this depends on the kind of person the makes them the most commonly-
Secondary Vampire was in life­— evil encountered vampires, particularly by
and selfish people generally embrace the Tomorrow Legion and the Coalition.
their vampiric nature, while more kind-
hearted or moral individuals come to
loathe it.
Most rebellious vampires eventually THE MEXICO EMPIRE
lose their inner conflict. As the need
for blood overwhelms them, they
instinctively seek to kill. But particularly
The undead control nearly half of the
strong-willed individuals can retain
towns and villages in the north of Mexico,
some shred of humanity, feeding only on
while packs of Wild Vampires roam
evildoers. Some even join the Tomorrow
all over the deserts and inhospitable
Legion, hoping to destroy the Vampire
scrublands. As far as the CS is concerned,
Intelligences once and for all.
Mexico is too far away to be a concern,
and they consider it beneath their
Wild Vampires
consideration. “Leave Mexico to the
Wild Vampires are insane, bestial
D-Bees,” they think, “and if those feral
creatures with no humanity left within
vampires cross into our cities, we’ll easily
them. Some rise this way, the imperfect
take them out.”
progeny of Secondary Vampires flawed
Little does the Coalition realize it’s
from their first moments of undeath.
been duped. Look past the ramshackle
Others become Wild Vampires after
villages and hordes of chaotic, rampaging
hunger or some other aspect of their
Wild Vampires. Anyone who penetrates
torturous existence drives them insane. A
to the south of the country finds true
few result from Secondary Vampires not
vampiric civilization. Built on ancient
coming to terms with the immorality of
ruins and the pre-Rifts infrastructure of
their hellish new existence.
urban Mexico, there stand entire cities
Despite their feral nature, however,
of humans and D-Bees openly ruled by
Wild Vampires aren’t stupid. They simply

vampires. In these dense Mexican cities, rebuilt it. Why would they choose such
plans germinate to dominate the world. a devastated area to rebuild? Less than
12 inches of annual rainfall in the most
A Sense of Civility humid areas of Mexico make running
Throughout the Mexico Empire, the rivers or sudden rainstorms unlikely to
human and D-Bee population receive destroy vampires. Plus, the abundance
surprising amounts of respect and of psychic energy benefits Vampire
freedom. The social experiment allows a Intelligences looking for a foothold into
small number of vampires to reign over Rifts Earth. Combined with a hardy and
a much larger living population. Mexico thriving mortal populace, it’s no wonder
City is the crown jewel of vampire the Mexico Empire is the most advanced
civilization. of the six vampire kingdoms. Although,
Humans are equal parts slaves and they’ve only managed to rebuild to a
food to their vampiric masters. Loyal technological level equivalent to the early
servants get time off from their duties, 21st century, the streets are clean and
access to recreational facilities, and free crime is low. Few would mug someone
education. They even have the right to who could be a vampire’s favorite servant.
assemble and vote on local issues. With Mexico City shines as an example
work always to be done, unemployment of vampire and human relations. This
is incredibly low. And all a citizen must strange symbiosis serves a larger, long-
do is follow orders, donate two pints of term function. Augustus Obregon—the
blood every three weeks, and never leave. Master Vampire who rules the Mexico
This does not make Mexico City a Empire as the Vampire Intelligence’s
utopia of vampire/human relations, no regent— chooses to keep vampire
matter what the rulers of the Mexico numbers low inside the cities. The
Empire say. Some humans and D-Bees government forces Wild Vampires to the
recognize they’re in a cage, however north to reduce unwanted outbreaks of
gilded. The so-called “freedoms” granted vampirism, while also using them as a
to the human populace are firmly focused screen against vampire hunters. This
on local concerns, while the vampire elite smaller vampire population results in
make the real decisions. Further, some reduced blood demand, but also leaves
vampires find it difficult to pretend to the vampires vastly outnumbered by
respect their lessers, choosing to heap their slaves (around 33 to 1). By choosing
abuse, threats, and outright violence on to turn their slaves into loyal subjects
their “cattle.” These vampires consider rather than treat them like a disposable
the whole idea of the Mexico Empire to resource, the enlightened vampires of
be a dangerous social experiment to be Mexico reduce the probability of rebellion
stopped. Keeping the food happy, healthy, from their food supply.
and educated means they are more likely
to attempt to throw off their chains. TULA
The Vampire Intelligence at the heart
Major Cities of the of the Mexico Empire is based at Tula,
Mexico Empire supported by 900 Secondary Vampires
and one Master Vampire. The local
MEXICO CITY Aztec pyramid now sits amid a fortified
The Great Cataclysm nearly obliterated encampment, acting as the central base
pre-Rifts Mexico City, but vampires of operations for the Mexico Empire’s

military. Nearly 100 buildings make up focused on growing crops for the rest
the downtown district, over one-third of the Mexico Empire. But this farming
of which are heavily-reinforced bunkers community is situated on a rarely-used
designed to house combat vehicles, ley line, making it valuable to the Empire.
support equipment, and human and Malinalco is the center of agriculture
D-Bee slaves. Although nominally tasked for the Mexico Empire, second only to
as a labor force and militia, these slaves Mexico City in size. Emulating many of
are just more combat resources: walking Mexico City’s reforms, the populace stays
batteries of blood and psychic power the largely happy and loyal to their masters
vampires can call on in times of attack. while they work on farms and in food
The remaining buildings support and processing and distribution plants. The
reinforce the military forces by offering Ley Line Walker and Shifter collaborators
housing, industrial production, and working within the city’s pyramid use
logistical support. The comforts and the ambient power to manipulate the
“freedoms” of Mexico City seem far away local weather, working to strike a balance
from this stark, utilitarian town. of rainfall and temperature to keep the
The city surrounds the rebuilt, 400-feet- crops thriving without presenting any
tall pyramid. A stunning variety of undue danger to their vampire lords.
technological armor and mystical wards Morelia sits near the border with the
protect the structure. The Vampire Ixzotz Kingdom. Focused on livestock,
Intelligence lurks inside, plotting and agriculture, and mining, Morelia enjoys
scheming as the pyramid harnesses few of the modern benefits cities like
the mystical energies of the area. The Mexico City and Malinalco possess.
Vampire Intelligence partially uses Instead, most of its resources go to
this power to keep it anchored to this protecting itself from Ixzotz aggression.
dimension, and partially to activate Morelos, the southernmost of the major
the pyramid’s secret defense. In case cities, is a quiet community devoted to
of extreme danger, the entire pyramid pigs, maize, and tea. Morelos primarily
can be shunted into a limbo dimension acts as an outpost. Nominally, the Mexico
where time runs differently. The Vampire Empire claims all the land from Punta
Intelligence can speed up or slow down Ixtapa to Old Acapulca and Ometepec, but
the pyramid’s relative time; while 24 none of the communities in those areas lie
hours always passes on Rifts Earth, it can under the explicit control of the Empire.
seem like moments or an eternity inside Teotihuacan is a small city, but quite
the structure. Finally, the pyramid’s modern by Mexico Empire standards. It
power maintains several dimensional surrounds and protects two particularly
portals. Various cities and worlds stand ancient pyramids predating the Aztecs.
just a step away, waiting to be used for The pyramids house over half the city
the eventual conquest of the Earth. militia, as well as six military-trained
human Shifters who tap into the ley line
Other Cities of Note power the pyramids offer. 20 miles to the
Beyond Mexico City and Tula, the Mexico west is the Tzintzuntzan ruin, straddling
Empire controls several other cities of a short (half-mile-long) ley line.
note—all protecting and cultivating key Toluca is a sprawling community
ley line foci. focused primarily on raising livestock.
Itizatlan lacks any impressive ruins. In Like Teotihuacan, it is quite modern, but
fact, it looks like a small agricultural town with no ley line focus to protect, the city

is not as compactly planned as others in Rifts 1950s North America, and much
the Mexico Empire. of the population lies spread across
Xochicalco has an ancient ruin housing dozens of towns and villages, instead
a particularly powerful ley line focus. It’s of concentrated in larger urban sprawls.
close to Malinalco and other ley lines Only the capital of Muluc City—located
and uses the nearby power to amplify its in Tamuín, San Luis Potosi, Mexico—and
own output. There’s only a small town Ciudad Mante are comparatively modern.
found at the site, and Malinalco considers But such modernity as exists is only
it unofficially part of their “territory.” in technological progress. Unlike the
The Mexico Empire sometimes grants elaborate fiction of “freedom” the Mexico
magicians access to the ruin in exchange Empire offers, the Muluc Kingdom
for services rendered. doesn’t pretend its humanoid populace
has any rights.
About 4,000 vampires use terror and
slavery as the primary means to maintain
THE MULUC KINGDOM control over 70,000 human and D-Bee
citizens. The dominating vampires treat
mortals as little more than food and
mindless servants, using violence, public
Located about 200 miles north of
execution, and physical and mental
Mexico City, the Muluc Kingdom is not
torture as needed (and desired). More
as modern as the Mexico Empire. The
than one vampire has beaten a slave to
kingdom’s technology equates to pre-
death out of sheer boredom.

Secrecy and Paranoia The Blood Pool
Particularly loyal servants invisibly The vampire lords of Muluc sometimes
patrol the populace to root out rebels enslave wanderers, criminals, and
and traitors. Most Muluc citizens already other undesirables, and sometimes they
cower in submission, unwilling to risk place the slaves in a food pen, but only
raising their voices or organizing a revolt, if they’re lucky. If they’re particularly
but the paranoid vampire lords can never unlucky, they get a fate worse than death:
be too sure. Citizens never know if their the Blood Pool.
neighbor is secretly a spy for the vampire Found in Muluc City, Ciudad Mante,
overlords or simply trying to survive, so Naranjos, and Eltajin, Blood Pools
most keep to themselves and continue are human abattoirs, used to provide
to follow orders in the name of self- vampires with their necessary blood.
preservation. Within each Blood Pool, machines
This constant surveillance—combined simultaneously keep the thousands
with the insular nature of these tiny, of mortals alive while draining their
desperate communities—leads to an blood. They stay trapped within these
atmosphere of paranoia and despair. monstrous devices and force-fed through
Unlike the healthy and happy citizens of tubes, all as the vampires painfully
Mexico City, those of the Muluc Kingdom extract their lives and souls over years.
are sickly and furtive, little more than Many become comatose vegetables or
drones. Their eyes dart around constantly, simply waste away.
waiting for the next beating or betrayal The people strapped into a Blood Pool
as they go through the motions in a machine are kept only as healthy as
quiet, zombie-like fashion. Surprisingly, necessary to keep producing as much
they greet strangers with neither joy blood as possible, so conditions like
nor suspicion. The outsiders are simply muscle atrophy, bed sores, and other
another thing to fear and observe as the illnesses go untreated as the humans are
villagers continue to robotically perform pumped with liquid nutrients, antibiotics,
their allotted tasks. anticoagulants, and even magical healing.
A few kind souls might warn heroes The vampires eradicate blood-borne
of danger, but they do so after carefully diseases, but they leave painful physical
checking their surroundings or making disabilities untreated.
sure they have complete privacy. This Thralls and other collaborators (such
goes beyond the typical unfocused as magicians and psychics) maintain
paranoia the vampires inspire, but a these facilities. The stench and screams
concrete fear, for all villages carry a death endured amid such tedious and soul-
penalty for citizens aiding anyone who destroying work can break even the
“can potentially hinder or harm the true most hardened mortal, and many Blood
masters of the Muluc Kingdom.” Pool staff go insane from their proximity
More often, it’s easier for someone to such horror. And yet they continue,
to surreptitiously report suspicious because the alternative is to be strapped
travelers to a vampire or henchman into a Blood Pool machine themselves.
in authority. That seemingly friendly
person in the village who appears to be The Drums of War
earnestly helping a stranger is most likely Muluc simply has too many vampires in
a vampire thrall luring the visitor into a proportion to their mortal citizens. This
trap for her cruel overlords. is not inherently a problem if they had a

good logistical structure, but Muluc does The rulers of Muluc arrived at a
not—in a kingdom run entirely on fear two-fold solution. First, to reduce the
and misery, nothing works particularly vampiric strain on Muluc’s resources
well. The horrific Blood Pools make only a without destroying valuable soldiers,
dent in the massive blood supply needed the kingdom’s leaders ordered legions
for the vampire population, and crops of vampires staked, putting them into
barely keep the mortal populace alive. stasis until needed. Second, the rulers
As such, everyone within the kingdom of Muluc started capturing stronger,
struggles with some form of starvation. healthier mortals from Central and South
As much as the faux utopia of Mexico America, and also buying slaves from
City rankles the vampires of Muluc, their factions outside the Vampire Kingdoms
efficiency at providing necessities for their (to act as militia and provide more blood
population annoys Muluc even more. for their troops).
This lack of resources forces Muluc Unfortunately for Muluc, time runs
into a mode of military conquest. The short. The Vampire Kingdoms prepare
vampires know taking more towns and for a massive war, and many of them
land would help their problems. Plus, the see Muluc as the weakest target. They
more clinical vampires point out losing continue to whittle away at the kingdom’s
some mortals and D-Bees in a military resources with regular border skirmishes,
conflict would simultaneously help their stealing and destroying villages, but
overpopulation problem. Muluc plans a major raid on the Mexico
Muluc’s Vampire Intelligence hides Empire to claim some prime land and
at Etzna in the western Yucatan. From gain a sudden infusion of mortals. They
there it violently dominates the kingdom, hope to tip the odds in their favor for a
pushing its Master Vampires into savage bloody (and quick) war to destroy their
and aggressive acts. It wants nothing rivals; the city of Eltajin is the core of
more than the immediate destruction their plan.
of the other Vampire Kingdoms, but
the vampires ruling Muluc realize the Eltajin
kingdom simply isn’t ready for such Approximately 110 miles northeast of
large-scale conflict. both Mexico City and Tula and 150 miles
The biggest military issue facing Muluc south of Muluc City sits Eltajin: the
is a counterintuitive one. With a larger second-largest city in the kingdom with
number of Secondary Vampires to field, a population of 18,000 (35% of which are
this makes Muluc all-vampire units far D-Bees). The city protects and controls
more powerful than mixed vampire/ a ley line nexus—one connecting to
human militia units from the Mexico two other nexus points —making
Empire. However, blood is far harder to it strategically valuable. The city is
cultivate than crops and livestock and agricultural, although it has small areas
fielding a vampire army requires a lot of high technology (like the Blood Pool).
of blood. This puts a great strain on the Despite its unassuming nature, Eltajin
mortal populace, and even the atrocious forms the core of the Muluc military
Blood Pools can barely keep up. Muluc effort and the raids on the Mexico Empire.
simply doesn’t have the resources for a The Master Vampire Queen Anna
prolonged war, and its emaciated and Dominguez rules over Eltajin. Queen
broken citizens are hardly suitable to use Anna lives in a palace at the top of a stone
as militia. pyramid straddling the nexus, along

with a Secondary Vampire she created and supporting more vampires into
from a former Ley Line Walker who is technological advancements to improve
now her bodyguard and companion. The the quality of life in those cities.
central pyramid holds over 1,800 staked The Milta Kingdom is taking concrete
vampires lying in wait to join the war steps to change direction and avoid the
effort. 500 mind-controlled slaves act problems it sees in the Muluc Kingdom.
as a royal guard to the queen and 1,100 Between its relative youth as a kingdom
henchmen act as daytime military forces, and this vulnerable time of transition,
all armed with Coalition States military however, Milta is in a dangerous position.
equipment acquired through the Black
Market, including 31 CS SAMAS power Political Shifts
armor suits, six CS Enforcer robots, one Muluc disapproves of Milta’s shift
CS Spider Skull Walker, and five NG- away from what it considers the proper
Samson suits. dynamic of vampires oppressing mortals.
Further, relations between Muluc and
the Mexico Empire have always been
tense, and Milta’s shift to incorporate
THE MILTA KINGDOM the reforms of Mexico City caused the
relationship between the two forward-
thinking kingdoms to warm.
Recently, Milta and the Mexico Empire
The youngest of the Vampire Kingdoms,
took a new step which shocked all the
the Milta Kingdom, attempts to recover
Vampire Kingdoms. Various Vampire
from its past mistakes. It formerly tried
Kingdoms commonly make deals with
to emulate the Muluc Kingdom—an
each other when it suits their purposes.
inspiration still visible within the
Such deals, however, are usually finite
kingdom. Milta still largely subjugates
and specific, like “I will not attack you
and terrorizes its citizens (about 69,000
while you are attacking a third kingdom.”
humans and D-Bees) through violence
But Milta and the Mexico Empire did the
and surveillance. It also struggles due
previously unthinkable: they entered
to its low level of technology, compared
into a trade agreement and mutual
to the Mexico Empire, because Milta
nonaggression pact.
focuses its resources on legions of undead
Milta and the Mexico Empire say they
instead of building up the kingdom’s
forged this trade agreement out of a
infrastructure. In many ways, the early
desire to spread the reforms of vampire/
Milta Kingdom nearly repeated the
mortal relations, but there is another side
mistakes of the Muluc Kingdom.
to the deal. Minatitlan controls the largest
There are differences, however. One
oil refinery in Mexico, and the Mexico
city in the Milta Kingdom—Minatitlan—
Empire needs petroleum. So, while
experiments with giving its mortal
Milta desires Mexico City’s technological
citizens some small freedoms. Further,
advancements and societal reforms to
both Minatitlan and the city of Milta
enact the desired changes in the Milta
have set up a modern blood donation
Kingdom, both sides gain material benefit
system allowing their mortal populaces
from the arrangement. This is something
to freely contribute blood in exchange for
the other kingdoms understand, even if
small privileges. The kingdom redirects
they resent the alliance.
its resources away from creating

As for the nonaggression pact, both MINATITLAN
kingdoms agreed not to attack each Minatitlan is the second-largest city
other. Neither must come to the aid of in the Milta Kingdom but is far more
the other in case of a third-party attack technologically advanced than Milta.
or declaration of war. Milta initially Focused around the rich oil deposit, 80%
hoped for something granting them of the more than 18,000 residents work on
more military support from Mexico City the city’s oil drills and refineries, while the
to protect their borders, but at least this rest manufacture pipes, equipment, and
means both kingdoms have one less work vehicles related to the oil industry. A
enemy to worry about. This also allows second Master Vampire and 800 Secondary
the Mexico Empire to focus their attention Vampires oversee the operations.
on the increasing skirmishes with the The oil industry makes Minatitlan
Muluc and Ixzotz kingdoms. ground zero for Milta’s social and
technological reform. Here the vampires
Major Cities of the grant their workers more freedoms, as
Milta Kingdom well as treat them with less brutality
than in the past (and in other villages
MILTA of the kingdom). Minatitlan built the
Milta was built in a spacious, hilly region first hospital in the kingdom for blood
approximately 300 miles southeast of donation in exchange for “citizen’s rights,”
Mexico City. Surprisingly, being the emulating the Mexico City model. As a
capital of the Milta Kingdom, the city result, morale in Minatitlan is much
itself is extremely run-down. Most of the higher than in other parts of the kingdom.
denizens of Milta focus on growing rich
crops and raising livestock, rather than Other Cities of Note
maintaining the town or developing Two more ley line nexuses lie near
its technological base. However, this the kingdom. The La Venta nexus is
is starting to change as Milta starts to approximately 30 miles to the east of
introduce more advanced technology Minatitlan. Officially it is not part of the
into the area. Milta Kingdom, but as pressure against
Currently Milta’s most prominent the kingdom mounts, the Master Vampire
feature is the ruins sitting on a ley line of Minatitlan dreams to claim control
nexus. The Master Vampire ruling the over it. Unfortunately, it’s believed to
city lives near the ruins, partially to be the lair of dangerous monsters, and
protect the ruins and partially to benefit no one in the kingdom can spare the
from the steady trickle of power the nexus resources to clear it out.
generates. The recent (and much more The Tierra Blanca nexus rests under a
modern) hospital and blood donation set of ancient ruins 60 miles northeast of
center is another landmark in the city. As Tierra Blanca. The ruins sit on a disputed
trade with the Mexico Empire increases, border between the Milta Kingdom, the
the Master Vampire intends to improve Mexico Empire, and the Muluc Kingdom.
the city’s infrastructure. Currently Milta claims the land, and the
No one seems to know where precisely Mexico Empire respects Milta’s claim as
the Milta Kingdom’s Vampire Intelligence part of the trade agreement. However, the
exists. One rumor places it hidden in the Muluc Kingdom may press their claim
Yucatan. Secretly, it hides beneath Milta soon, as part of their overall strategy
in a subterranean lair. against the Mexico Empire.

die, and new humanoids take on the
THE IXZOTZ deceased’s role. It’s unbearably cruel
KINGDOM and dehumanizing, the results of the
time the Emperor invested to make the
system work. Muluc wishes their system
Ixzotz (pronounced eesh-zotz) is the oldest
functioned just as well.
of the Vampire Kingdoms, as well as the
largest. The capital of Ixzotz City sits
War on the Horizon
upon the ruins of the pre-Rifts city of
Ixzotz considers itself not only the oldest
Aguascalientes. The city straddles a ley
Vampire Kingdom, but the only “real” one.
line connecting the pyramid at Tula and
The various kingdoms coexisted without
the ruins 44 miles northwest of the city.
open warfare for nearly six decades
And it is a horrific dictatorship.
primarily because Emperor Ixzotz bides
Unlike many other cities in the Vampire
his time at the behest of the Vampire
Kingdoms, Ixzotz City retains a large
Intelligence. The other kingdoms know
vampire population; nearly a fifth of all
full well the animosity Ixzotz holds, but
citizens are vampires compared to less
over the last five years, the Emperor
than a tenth throughout the rest of the
has become downright belligerent. His
kingdom. Emperor Ixzotz, the Supreme
kingdom steadily grows, stoking the
Master, rules over every aspect of the
flames of his greed.
kingdom with a cruel and malevolent eye
The Supreme Master thirsts for power,
for detail. The vampires treat humanoids
land, and cattle to feed his vampire army,
as slightly intelligent livestock. The
and he achieved some success in stealing
Masters torment the people between
all this in small raids against rival
moments when they are used as food or
kingdoms. He also established colonies
for back-breaking labor. Ixzotz slaves wear
in the north and plans to build at least
heavy collars acting both as a restraining
a few more in or around Arizona and
device and a mark of ownership to their
New Mexico. No other kingdom is brazen
vampiric masters. Doors remain unlocked,
enough to push so far north of the Mexico
and a vampire can walk into her slave’s
border, but the Emperor sees it as only a
home and take what she wishes. Any
step toward his twin goals: conquering
spark of treachery, individuality, or
the rival kingdoms (starting with Muluc)
desire to speak to strangers is ruthlessly
and destroying Reid’s Rangers—and all
beaten out of these humanoids.
other vampire hunting organizations.
Nearly all citizens of Ixzotz have been
This makes Ixzotz the most likely
slaves for generations and know no other
kingdom to kick off a full-fledged war
way of life. They don’t have any skills or
between the undead. And while some
education, and as an example to the others,
factions might think a protracted and
the Masters quickly execute any who have
bloody conflict between the undead is
natural talent. Even the Muluc Kingdom
a promising idea, the constant state of
understands allowing some talented
tension between the Vampire Kingdoms
humans to survive is valuable (even if
keeps them distracted from attacking the
they exist in a paranoid surveillance
rest of the world. If one kingdom emerges
state), but the Ixzotz vampires refuse
triumphant, that Supreme Master would
to see the merits of stubborn or skilled
then have the power to turn everyone on
cattle. They work or wait in the feeding
the planet into a vampire; exactly what
pens, they perform their function, they
Emperor Ixzotz wants.

Major Cities of the harvesting crops—but the sheriff always
Ixzotz Empire says the people return at night.
In fact, the populace (5,600 humans and
AGUASCALIENTES D-Bees) is mostly herded out of town to
Aguascalientes is an aberration in the work in other villages and various parts
Vampire Kingdoms: inhabitants built it of the kingdom. The town still has value,
long before the vampires conquered it. however, and a few slaves stay to maintain
As such, the overall level of technology the buildings and facilities. But mortals
is higher than in other parts of the don’t live in town anymore; it exists for
Ixzotz Kingdom—about equal to North the use of the 93 local vampires. They
America in the mid–20th century—with awake in the evening, turning the town
some spots here and there with high into a nighttime mockery of a thriving
technology. There are houses, apartments, city. Strangers found in Aguascalientes at
recreational businesses (like saloons and night often become food or the evening’s
casinos), a hospital, and even a sheriff’s entertainment.
office. Most settlements in the Vampire
Kingdoms do not have such a level of Other Cities of Note
infrastructure, outside of the Mexico Irapuato is not so much a town as an
Empire. It’s a strange little bit of modernity extremely subtle attack on the Mexico
in the middle of the Ixzotz Kingdom. Empire. This city sits on the border
But that’s not as strange as the overall between Ixzotz and the Mexico Empire,
dynamic of the city. During the day, the slowly pushing further and further into
town is functionally deserted. Packs of the rival kingdom. For over a decade,
dogs wander the streets, while most of the population of nearly a thousand
the windows are shuttered, boarded up, Secondary Vampires and Wild Vampires,
or covered by thick drapes. Occasionally, along with thousands of Ogres, Psi-
a visitor might see a pale-skinned person Goblins, and other D-Bees (see Rifts ®
in chains and rags trying to hide in the North America: Arcana and Mysticism) live
shadows. These escaped slaves cower in town. They make small and ineffectual
from any strangers they might meet borders raids against the Mexico Empire
and refuse to acknowledge vampires to move the edges of the city a few
exist in town. yards here and there. Irapuato makes
The sheriff approaches particularly enough progress to sustain itself, but not
inquisitive strangers. A Brodkil leader enough to present any real threat. The
(see Savage Foes of North America), the Mexico Empire, in return, does little but
sheriff is pure evil carrying a rail gun. perform holding actions. They have an
He and his Brodkil deputies politely opportunity to make a concerted strike to
but firmly ask any visitors to leave well destroy Irapuato and reclaim their border,
enough alone and start questioning them but the Vampire Intelligence doesn’t
as to their intentions. They attack and want to be distracted with such a minor
enslave rude and disrespectful visitors. skirmish until it completely understands
Civil strangers continue to be treated Emperor Ixzotz’s plan. Plus, it drives the
courteously, the sheriff explaining most Emperor crazy trying to figure out the
of the people are away for some easily- Mexico Empire’s strategy.
explained event. The nature of the event Leon was rebuilt atop the ruins of the
changes—one day it might be a religious old pre-Rifts city. About 6,000 humanoids
observance, while another it might be (20% D-Bees) live in good, comfortable

housing, with technological amenities over the kingdom. Another 7,000 people
approximating the early 20th century. work the farms forming much of the
Many live as farmers and ranchers, like countryside, save for a few villages and
humans all over the kingdom, but a cattle ranches.
larger-than-average number of them
work as skilled laborers. Electricians,
mechanics, architects, construction
workers, and even artists make up a CHICHEN ITZA
talented workforce sent on assignments
all over the kingdom. A mere 50 Secondary
Vampires keep order in this town, the
The Vampire Kingdoms are, by their
elite artisans eagerly collaborating with
nature, secretive. Even those openly
the vampires to preserve their relatively
oppressing humans refuse to allow
comfortable lives.
anyone to leave with knowledge of their
Monero sits about 30 miles south of
activities. Still, some vampire hunters
Ixzotz City and 20 miles north of Leon.
know of these hidden undead city-states,
There are 220 vampires in the town, but
with most of those aware of three or four
half sleep in the pre-Rifts ruins about
of them (usually depending on whether
two miles north of town. The rest live and
they realize Milta is a distinct kingdom).
work in this filthy, run-down city, which
Even the most educated vampire hunters
primarily acts as a cattle town for human
often don’t know about the fifth kingdom
livestock. A company of 160 mercenaries
in Mexico… because it no longer fully
help protect both Monero’s vampires and
exists on the planet Earth.
its “assets” during the day.
Even before the Rifts, the ruins and
San Francisco del Rincon is Ixzotz’s
archaeological mysteries of the ancient
latest acquisition. Originally an
Maya littered the Yucatan Peninsula.
independent town of 4,300 (equal parts
Once the Rifts came, a massive triangle
humans and D-Bees), it grew too big and
of ley lines engulfed almost the entire
prosperous to avoid the gaze of Emperor
peninsula, and inside the triangle were
Ixzotz. Nine years ago, vampires overran
even more ley line triangles and nexus
the city and forced it to become part
points. This unique network of magic
of the Ixzotz Kingdom. The residents
power simultaneously pushed much of
refuse to accept the rule of the vampires,
the peninsula into several dimensions
making rebellion and acts of sabotage
and kept it anchored to our world.
much more frequent than in other parts
Few people even realize the eastern
of the kingdom. 200 Secondary Vampires
and southern Yucatan still exists. Those
make violent examples of rebels, but the
flying over the area see only water, as if
village continues to resist.
the ocean flooded the lowlands nearly
Eighty miles east of Ixzotz City is San
to Etzna. Taking a boat around the area
Luis Potosi. This agricultural center of
reveals nothing of the peninsula’s true
the kingdom has a Master Vampire and
nature, it just looks like more water.
a staggering 790 Secondary Vampires,
Attempting to pilot a boat into the
compared to the meager population of
“waters” over the Yucatan causes waves,
3,500 humans. The city is known for its
eddies, and localized storms to push the
human food pens, holding over 10,000
craft away. Nothing appears to live here,
slaves in various gated communities,
so most scholars (particularly Coalition
ready to be used as blood for vampires all

States scholars) simply consider most of tourist destination before the Rifts came
the peninsula lost to the Great Cataclysm and swept the Yucatan away. After
and move on. the unleashing of the power of the ley
But the locals know about it. Those line triangle, the Vampire Intelligence
approaching the most treacherous- fed on the energy and began creating
looking parts of the coast by water or new vampires.
land can see the true Yucatan. The ocean Soon after, legends started to circulate
illusion vanishes, replaced with dense inland about a deity known as Camazotz,
rainforest stretching for hundreds of Lord of Bats and Darkness. Mayan
miles. Neighboring people tell stories mythology reveres Camazotz as a god of
and legends of what they call the Unseen the underworld, representing death and
Land, but most foreign explorers simply the kind of darkness that slowly devours
discount the tales as myths and legends; a human’s soul. Many who studied the
they certainly disregard the stories of area weren’t sure if it was a reference to
how the god of the underworld controls the Vampire Intelligence or a separate
an entire city full of vampires. being, and whether he was really a god
or simply another kind of D-Bee. The
A Risen God Vampire Intelligence itself heard these
For generations, a Vampire Intelligence stories, and in its arrogance assumed
lurked within the pyramids at Chichen them false.
Itza, one of the most well-known Maya Ten years ago, Camazotz awoke and
ruins. Located around 75 miles southeast discovered the alien monstrosity in his
of Merida, the area served as a frequent home. Within days, he made the Vampire

Intelligence into his slave. The impossible dangerous force in a conflict between the
became reality, confirming Camazotz’s Vampire Kingdoms, should Camazotz
claim of deific power. The Lord of Bats decide to strike right away.
and Darkness is a god of chaos and pain, However, Camazotz is cunning.
and not even the undead can escape his Rather than commit his new forces to
manipulations and thirst for destruction. another bloody conflict immediately, he
Now, the Vampire Intelligence and wants to wear down his opposition. As
all its vampire progeny serve the will a result, his agents subtly lead vampire
of Camazotz. However, the Lord of Bats hunters such as Reid’s Rangers to strike
cannot himself create vampires, or indeed at key infestations from rival kingdoms.
another Vampire Intelligence. He can Whether the hunters kill the vampires
only control and manipulate the lineage or vice versa, it weakens an enemy of
already existing in Chichen Itza, forcing Camazotz in the end.
the vampires to create more undead. Further, he is part of the reasons why
Still, the Lord of Bats and Darkness feels tensions between the Vampire Kingdoms
no qualms about sending thousands have increased in recent years. His goal
of vampires out of the Unseen Land is to set his rivals against each other,
to murder and destroy anyone getting thrusting them into war with the hope of
in his way. irrevocably weakening them. Camazotz’s
tactics range from spies sent to spread
A Grand Manipulation rumors and sedition, sabotage to reduce
Even though Camazotz controls the military response times, attacks on
Vampire Intelligence, he is not immune villages made to look like aggression
to the machinations of the Vampire from a rival, and even assassination of
Kingdoms. The Vampire Intelligence’s key members of a kingdom’s government.
thirst to wage war with the other Using unwitting dupes and clever
kingdoms and control the world bled into agents, Camazotz spent the past year or
Camazotz’s mind over the past ten years. so carefully orchestrating the impending
Every night he seethes with the desire to civil war between the Mexican Vampire
destroy all outsider vampires. Kingdoms—giving his hidden kingdom
Unfortunately for Camazotz’s ambitions, time to rebuild as he watches his rivals
a race of Mayan demons known as the tear themselves apart.
Xibalbans attempted to overrun Chichen
Itza for years. Camazotz only recently A Secret Weapon
pushed the demons back to their hellish As Camazotz rebuilds his army, a
dimension and claimed their lands as his surprising secret weapon sits at his
own. The conflict left him with a fraction fingertips: an ancient cenote providing
of his troops, and now he’s rebuilding. water to a special well. A well of water, no
Part of his strategy involves using his matter how fresh, would have been not
own necromantic skill to supplement his only unhelpful but downright dangerous
vampire troops with zombies. Further, for some vampires. Luckily, the Lord of
his cadre of cultists, priests, and other Bats and Darkness is no vampire, and
agents developed their own weapons and can see the potential lurking in this most
talents, making them potentially useful treasured of spots (in fact, Chichen Itza
in upcoming conflicts. The combination means “the well of the Itza”).
of vampiric power and human magical Any Wound, no matter how severe, can
talent makes the Chichen Itza kingdom a be healed after drinking only a few ounces

of the water from the Healing Well of America. However, they are not the
Chichen Itza. Its waters also remove any only areas where vampires gather. The
mystical curses, magical illnesses, and Southwest of the Old American Empire,
other arcane maladies. It can even bring including the former states of New
back the recently deceased if the corpse Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, provide
is submerged in the water a few hours the perfect environment for vampires
after death (or longer, if the deceased led to flourish. Free from the control of the
a good life and died at the hands of a Vampire Kingdoms of Mexico, these
supernatural horror). The water need not vampires adapt to the world around them.
come directly from the well, either; for They represent the new order—secretly
up to 10 days, the water still tastes cool taking over by using the strategies of
and fresh. After that time, the water's the living.
properties are exhausted.
This fount of benevolence gives Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Camazotz’s plans for evil several Many would find Ciudad Juarez a
advantages. Primarily, it allows him to surprising inclusion to this list. Built on
be far more aggressive with his mortal the ruins of the original pre-Rifts city of
troops and agents. He can compel them Juarez, many know it for its strong, anti-
to fight until they succumb to grievous vampire stance. Many believe it is the only
bodily harm, only to heal them and force free city of humanoids in the vampire-
them back into the fight. Similarly, he ridden lands of the Mexico Empire, and
can torture his slaves without worrying the Bureau of Vampire Affairs litters
about killing them. Instead healing the streets with propaganda posters,
them, before sacrificing their souls to the routinely claiming the government keeps
necromantic forges of his sorcerers. the streets safe from the predations of
Fortunately for Camazotz, the well is the undead.
situated directly in the middle of Chichen Unfortunately, this does not make
Itza and easily seen from his pyramid, Ciudad Juarez safe overall. The city
both by the Lord of Bats and Darkness caters to the needs and wants of just
and the Vampire Intelligence enthralled about anybody. The streets of the city are
to him. Two dozen Secondary Vampires, narrow, dark, and crowded with all sorts
zombies, or other slaves always guard of nefarious humans and monstrous
the well. D-Bees. Refugees and escaped CS
As such, it is very difficult for outsiders mutant animals try to make a home here.
to get access to the water of the well, and People openly walk the streets carrying
even a small cup of the water can fetch heavy weapons and wearing armor, and
anywhere from 30,000 to 300,000 credits citizens are accustomed to the sounds of
on the black market (depending on gunfire and discovering corpses lying in
availability and freshness). the streets.


VAMPIRES IN THE The corrupt government makes it easy for
vampires to not only exist but thrive in
SOUTHWEST the city. Police are easily bribed to look
the other way, and many don’t bother
The Vampire Kingdoms are the largest to investigate violent crimes if it places
concentrations of the undead in North them in danger. Elected officials do not

serve the people who elected them, but vampires in the city. The Night Cleaners
are instead motivated by lining their and others try to run them out of town,
own pockets. They take the money from but somehow, they keep coming back.
whomever supplies it, and then they look
Despite the corruption, Ciudad Juarez Other dangers exist besides vampires.
functions like a democracy. They hold Bandits and other criminals come to the
elections. They practice free speech. city for goods and a good time. They also
They have access to public education, form gangs to gain more power.
they have healthcare, and they enjoy The Guild of the Gifted: A group
other government services. They can of crafty practitioners of magic. They
live the life they choose—if it does not keep a low profile, act in their own
get in the way of those who really run self-interest, and do not shy away from
Ciudad Juarez. crime. They collect magical knowledge
and have an extensive library. They
VAMPIRES IN CIUDAD JUAREZ congregate in private meeting places—
The vampires of Ciudad Juarez are the Sanctum, a five-story mansion in
independent of any kingdom. Instead, town, and the Circle of Stone, a ley line
the powerful Executive Circle influences nexus point just outside the city. Rumors
all aspects of life in the city. Vampires suggest magical refugees from Tolkeen
set and work towards their own goals comprise their ranks, including King
separate from the kingdom they left. Robert Creed. This supports most locals’
They do so in secrecy. The vampires view: the Gifted are dangerous and
live among the people, unrecognized, mysterious.
working to achieve their own agendas. The Psykes: Minor psionics join
The ruling Executive Circle consists of together as the Pyskes. The more
rich and powerful vampires who gained powerful and intelligent members run
their power through money, lobbying, and many illegal businesses, while their
directing elected officials. They enforce soldiers eliminate the obvious problems
their code of secrecy—people must their enterprises face.
believe the city is vampire free—through The Skivers: While the Psykes resemble
the Night Cleaners. This group patrols a criminal organization, the Skivers are
the city and takes care of any problems. the true thieves. They do whatever it
Though they prefer non-violent means, takes to acquire the money and goods to
to not arouse suspicion, they take the fulfill their wants, including violence.
necessary action to eliminate problems. The Subs: Brute thugs—and the oldest
The Night Cleaners perpetuate the image gang in Ciudad Juarez—only the ugliest
of the city as “tough on the undead” and and most frightening D-Bees can join the
regularly make a scene of hunting and Subs. They bully and fight whomever
killing Wild Vampires. they please, and they enjoy one hobby:
However, other vampires cause their private gang-only gladiatorial games.
share of problems. The Night Masters are The Guard: This secretive group works
a rogue group who believe themselves to protect Ciudad Juarez. Also called the
superior to the living and proudly display “People’s Militia,” they take direct action
it for all to see. While most in Juarez to free the city from criminals, corruption,
choose to live in secret, these rebels do and vampires. They are vigilantes, so
what they want, despite the danger to all their form of justice is not always just.

Fort Tombstone, the area, giving adequate protection for
Arizona the vampires against the sun and giving
Settlers—eager to make a new home— a ready-made supply of weapons against
built Fort Tombstone decades ago on the outsider vampires who might decide to
ruins of Tombstone, Arizona. For years, disrupt Xavier’s plans. Xavier resides
the small town's residents remained in half of the northern tunnels, and he
insular but hard-working, focused on directs the mining in the other half. A
making ends meet. They did enough mining encampment rests just outside
to stay alive, but everything changed the main entrance, where guards protect
when Xavier Stuart arrived. The ex-CS their master within. In contrast, the south
soldier—a recently converted Master tunnels run deep into the earth and are
Vampire—plans to use Fort Tombstone left alone, for now.
as the base for a new Vampire Kingdom.
For most, nearby Bisbee poses the LIFE IN FORT TOMBSTONE
only real vampire threat, where Carlos Stuart’s training allowed him to complete
Vanderburg openly commands a large his subversion of the town with military
community of Secondary Vampires and precision. He carefully avoids any activity
Wild Vampires. They provide an obvious drawing attention to his plans inside the
target for vampire hunters, allowing town. In fact, Fort Tombstone functions
Stuart to build his army unnoticed. like any other frontier town, which hides
Xavier Stuart answers to an experienced the danger beneath. It has a reputation as
Vampire Intelligence. After several failed being isolated and cold to strangers. The
attempts to get a foothold on Rifts Earth, it people of Fort Tombstone see visitors as
decided to take a new approach. Humans trouble, especially Reid’s Rangers, Cyber-
have proved tenacious, difficult to defeat Knights, and the Tomorrow Legion. The
and control. To counter it, the Intelligence locals urge visitors to complete their
takes full advantage of Stuart’s military business swiftly and get out. If they do,
expertise—gained as an officer in Chi- they leave unharmed and none the wiser
Town—and knowledge of technology to to Stuart’s machinations.
aid a takeover of the entire planet. Residents of Fort Tombstone fall into
one of two camps: willing servitors and
FORT TOMBSTONE’S GEOGRAPHICAL BENEFITS mind-controlled slaves. Stuart converted
The choice of Fort Tombstone is very some townspeople into loyal citizens.
deliberate. Stuart takes advantage of Mayor Carlos Cisneros aided Stuart. He
the location and environment. First, the shares his personal residence and City
proximity to Mexico and aggressive Wild Hall with his vampire master. During the
Vampires allows Xavier to disguise his day, Cisneros keeps the city in line, and
activities and redirect vampire hunters by night, Stuart plans his war. All it took
to potential enemies. They may also was the promise of a position of power in
provide new soldiers. And these lands the growing army.
bear a striking resemblance to the empty,
arid lands of Mexico. The minimal THE BLOOD CULT
rainfall makes it safe for vampires. And, However, the vast majority of Stuart’s
the empty, level plains offer no cover for human allies belong to the Blood Cult.
invading armies. The Vampire Intelligence recruited
The town of Tombstone affords Suthue the Blood Priest—an evil D-Bee.
concealment. Silver mines run beneath High Father Suthue directs the cult’s


Attributes: Agility d12+1, Smarts d12, victims must check Vigor or

Spirit d12, Strength d12+6, Vigor suffer a level of Fatigue.
d12+2 „„Change Form: With an action
Skills: Athletics d12, Battle d12+2, and a Psionics roll vampires can
Common Knowledge d10, Fighting shape change into a wolf or bat (or
d12, Intimidation d12+1, Notice d10, change back again).
Occult d10, Persuasion d12, Psionics „„Claws: Str+d10 Mega Damage,
d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d12, AP 10.
Survival d12, Taunt d6 „„Fast Regeneration: Vampires
Pace: 8; Parry: 10; Toughness: 21 (6) roll Vigor every round to heal
Hindrances: Arrogant, Driven damage — even after being
(Minor— Career Success), Loyal “killed.” A success heals one
(to Vampire Intelligence), Vengeful Wound, two with a raise. Silver or
(Minor—towards the Coalition) wood in the heart, sunlight and
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), holy water bypass this.
Block (Imp), Brawny, Bruiser, „„Fear (−3): The deathly appearance
Calculating, Charismatic, Command, and aura of a Master Vampire
Counterattack (Imp), Dodge (Imp), in True Vampire Form (below)
Fervor, Fleet-Footed, Followers, causes all opponents to make a
Frenzy (Imp), Hard to Kill, Level Fear check at −3.
Headed (Imp), Master Psionic, „„Fly: Master Vampires in their
Master Tactician, Quick, Streetwise True Vampire Form (below) can
Gear: Heavy enchanted armor (+6, +3 fly at a Pace of 8.
Toughness, EBA), NG-LG6 Laser Rifle „„Immunities: Vampires are
(Range 24/48/96, Damage 4d6, RoF 1, immortal and ignore Poison,
AP 4), NG-303 Mini Rail Gun (Range Disease, Fire, Cold, Radiation,
30/60/120, Damage 2d10+2, RoF 3, AP and virtually all other sources
6), TW Long Sword (Str+d10+2, AP 6, of mundane damage or negative
+1 Fighting and Mega Damage for 5 effects. They need no food or
rounds for 1 ISP). water (only blood, the lack of
Powers: Arcane protection, banish, boost/ which drives them insane).
lower Trait, deflection, detect/conceal „„Invulnerable: Attacks — even
arcana, divination, farsight, healing, those causing Mega Damage—
mind link, mind reading, puppet, slumber, which don't use one of the
smite, speak language, speed. ISP: 40 Vampire's vulnerabilities can
Vampire Psionic powers are Innate only Shake them.
Abilities „„Mist Form: Master Vampires can
Special Abilities: turn into mist with an action and
„„Bite: Str+2d4 Mega Damage, AP a Psionics roll at −2.
12. Grappled prey may be bitten „„Near-Living Appearance: Master
as usual; Shaken or Wounded Vampires who disguise their True

Vampire Form appear life-like, „„Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to
displaying little of the corpse- recover from Shaken. Called
like pallor and telltale signs of Shots do no extra damage (with
lesser vampires. Notice rolls to exceptions noted below). Ignore
see through the disguise are at −2. one level of Wound penalties.
„„Perfect Night Vision: Vampires „„Weakness (Decapitation and
ignore all Illumination penalties. Burning): Vampires Incapacitated
„„Thrall: Targets Incapacitated via silver or wood (see below) become
by a vampire's bite are under vulnerable to normal damage and
its control. This is like being fire. Only once they have been
permanently under the puppet decapitated, the head and body
power until the controlling burned in separate pyres, and the
vampire is destroyed. ashes scattered, are they destroyed.
„„True Vampire Form: The true „„Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s
form of Master Vampires is Bane): A vampire must check
a human/ bat hybrid — tall, Spirit to cross through or into an
hunched, emaciated, and strong area protected by these herbs,
with a mouth full of fangs and and attack at −2 to bite anyone
wings with spindly arms ending wearing either herb.
in clawed fingers. Assuming this „„Weakness (Holy): Holy symbols
form is a free action, but resuming hold vampires at bay. Vampires
their false human appearance is a must win an opposed Spirit check
Psionics roll. to attack. With a successful Touch
„„Turn: A vampire can turn a victim Attack (Fighting +2), the holy
of its bite. When Master Vampires symbol causes 3d4 fire damage
attempt to create a new vampire, to the vampire, who must check
the victim makes a Vigor check Fear. Holy attacks can damage
after being Incapacitated (either Vampires but not destroy them.
by the damage or Fatigue). The „„Weakness (Magic and Psionics):
roll is made with all the penalties Vampires can be affected and
for Wounds and Fatigue. On a harmed by magic and psionics,
failure, the victim dies. On a but all effects are halved and they
success, the victim makes a Spirit cannot be destroyed unless the
roll at the same penalty. Failure power is Trapped with water or
means she loses her humanity sunlight (wood/silver deal full
and becomes a villainous damage). Magic weapons can
Secondary Vampire under the damage them but have the same
GM’s control; success means she restrictions. A sunlight Trapping
somehow resists—while still a on light does no damage but the
Secondary Vampire—and retains fiends cannot enter the area of
her autonomy. effect and any within must leave.

„„Weakness (Silver and Wood): Sil- they are exposed and vampires
ver objects burn for 3d4 fire dam- Incapacitated this way are de-
age, and Vampires suffer +4 dam- stroyed by turning to ash.
age from purely wooden or silver „„We a k ne s s (Sup e r n a t u r a l
weapons, or a combination of the Attacks): Vampires can be
two. A successful Called Shot to damaged by the natural attacks
the heart (−4) forces vampires to of other vampires, werebeasts,
make a Vigor check against the demons, and supernatural beings.
damage total. If successful, However, they are not destroyed
they suffer damage normal- unless a Weakness is used.
ly and are Stunned; if they „„Weakness (Water): Vampires
fail, they are Incapacitat- have a phobia of bodies of water
ed, enter a stasis-like state, and cannot cross them (even if
and become vulnerable flying) unless there is a
to all normal sources physical bridge, and even
of damage. Howev- then must check Fear at
er, the vampire is −4. Holy or natural bodies
not destroyed, see of water damage them
Weakness (De- like acid. Immersing
capitation and vampires (in a waterfall,
Burning) above. flash flood, pond, river,
„„Weakness (Sun- lake, sea) deals 3d10
light): Vampires suf- damage a round. Holy
fer an automatic lev- water is blessed with
el of Fatigue during the Faith skill as an
daylight hours and action. Small sources
catch fire if any part of holy water (a
of them is exposed bucket, a squirt gun)
to sunlight (cloth- do 1d10 damage,
ing doesn't help, medium sources
they must be com- (a hose, a “super
pletely shielded). A soaker”) deal 2d10,
vampire's Pace is 2 and and large sources
their powers don't work (a fire hose) deal 3d10.
while exposed to sun- Vampires Incapacitated
light—they burn for 2d10 this way melt into slime
damage every round and are destroyed.

observers. The cult teachings present the supplies for Stuart’s army, which include
undead as superior beings, and Xavier anti-vampire weapons. The cultists also
and the Vampire Intelligence as gods. collect information and work to convert
Adherents join for their own reasons. others in the region. They perform more
Many, like Suthue, hope to join the deliberate acts of violence such as theft,
ranks of the divine. Others revel in the sabotage, raids, and assassinations. Most
evil of their masters, and some believe of all, they offer their mystic energies
enslavement is a path to peace. to Suthue and other magically inclined
The cultists freely act on the behest of servants of the vampires. In addition,
their masters. During the day, they protect Suthue employs between 6 and 15 blood
the vampires. One cultist, Taylor McGraw, priests to keep slaves in line. Most cultists
serves as one of Fort Tombstone’s priests are practitioners of magical arts.
alongside his father, Reverend Robert
McGraw (a thrall). Taylor protects the SLAVES
church’s basement—some Secondary Most humans and D-Bees in Fort
Vampires reside here alongside military Tombstone are slaves. Vampires rely
on mind slaves who are completely
loyal to the vampires and under their
direct control. The mind slaves in Fort
Tombstone actively protect the vampires
After Tolkeen, some Cyber-Knights and Xavier’s plans. Others control the rest
turned from their just path and of the slave population in areas outside
embraced villainy and cruelty. the city. They even act as spies, mixing
These fallen warriors united into in with the slave populations to gather
bands of mercenaries and bandits. information on resistance and rebellions.
One such band, the Black Swords, They also infiltrate the cities Stuart aims
joined the vampires of Arizona. to conquer.
They conduct raids, accompanied Mind slaves provide a most unique
by small vampire bands, through- service—they can make better use of
out the southwest. technology. Stuart outfits the thralls with
Most people remain skeptical high-tech weaponry the undead cannot
of the stories of the Black Swords operate. Unlike the kingdoms in Mexico,
working with vampires. Yet, the Stuart’s army uses powerful weapons
story of the Benson Massacre and vehicles, including Robot and Power
spreads throughout the area— armor. This strategy makes them a
an attack by the knights and greater threat to human populations. And
vampires on innocent farming though killing a human soldier may be
families at the Benson Homestead. easier than a vampire one, the traditional
Their attacks continue throughout anti-vampire weaponry of water, wood,
Arizona. They murder many and silver has little effect.
people; then, they hand over the In the environs outside of Fort
others as slaves for Xavier Stuart’s Tombstone, Xavier Stuart collects
army. Their war helps instill terror, more traditional slaves. He created
one element of Stuart’s plan. slave camps throughout the region.
The Bisbee vampires wiped out the
original inhabitants of the Fairbanks
Homestead—a large ranch west of Fort

Tombstone. These days, slaves work mining operations supplying silver and
the farms to provide food for those other metals to human communities
throughout Xavier’s holdings. The slaves throughout the continent. The outlying
at the Old Tombstone Airport salvage communities engage in lumber, trapping,
MDC materials for use. They are worked and farming. A council of four made up
to death under extremely punishing of an elected mayor, elected town sheriff,
conditions. The town of Contention is and representatives from the lumber and
the base of operations for new silver mining guilds runs the city-state.
mines. Stuart sells the silver, along with Like many people in the New West, the
deposits of lead and gold, to fund his good folk of Silvereno, Colorado believe
growing army. vampires to be a myth. Since few of the
creatures are ever seen north of Texas,
A NEW VAMPIRE ARMY Arizona, and New Mexico that's not
From Fort Tombstone, Xavier Stuart surprising. But in Silvereno, this is just
builds and trains his army unbeknown how the Lost like it.
to others. Forgoing traditional vampire The Lost are a group of vampires who
tactics, Stuart captures equipment to fled Chichen Itza many years ago. They
outfit his army. He orders missions to settled in Silvereno precisely because
capture equipment from those traveling nobody suspected their true nature. They
the Great Trade Road. Some agents seek carefully feed on criminals, transients,
out new locations to install base camps traveling merchants, and other people
for raids. The army already makes the populace doesn’t care about or pay too
strategic attacks, destroying enemies and much attention to, allowing them to hide
growing threats. amongst the settlers. They make sure not
Most of all, Stuart grows his army. to leave telltale marks of vampire feeding
Some raids are specifically conducted to on their prey—such as puncture wounds
capture promising soldiers. Those proven on the neck or unexplained blood loss—
skillful undergo the Slow Kill Bite and and the town still is none the wiser. As
join the vampire legions. Others become long as they continue to be careful, the
thralls, a growing slave base to support Lost are safe.
Stuart’s army. Many work in the slave The Master Vampire is Essai Ramirez,
camps, and some become a food source. spawn of the Vampire Intelligence in
The region and its population can easily Chichen Itza. Ramirez convinced his
support his army. Stuart uses modern bloodline they escaped the city, and he
medical techniques to keep the feeding even believes it a little himself. In fact,
stock healthy, and carefully rations blood the Vampire Intelligence secretly coerced
for his vampires to maintain supplies. and now encourages Ramirez. It has
Xavier’s attention to detail keeps his army plans for this secret foothold in the north,
supported and supplied in a way few of but for now it bides its time, gathering
the kingdoms in Mexico can manage. information from the Lost and waiting
for the right moment to strike.
Silvereno, Colorado
Silvereno is a wealthy city-state nestled
in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado near
the ruins of Glenwood Springs and is the
largest supplier of silver in North America.
Cyborg miners spearhead massive

To conquer the North American
continent and beyond, Xavier’s The vampires do not reign over Mexico
army must expand. At first, he and beyond uncontested. Humans and
invades nearby communities, but D-Bees alike stand against the rising
Xavier Stuart has set his sights on tide of the undead. Scattered throughout
Arzno. Until he is ready for the big the wastes sit small villages and farms,
push, he gradually increases his as well as a few larger settlements. A
territory to conduct more raids sizable population of mercenaries and
and grow his army. bandits call these harsh lands home, as
Some settlements are secret do heroes and legends. These hardy
bases for the Fort Tombstone communities and their inhabitants attest
vampires. They hide and control to the indomitable strength and courage
the human populations, much of the living.
like life in Tombstone. The town
of Gallup, along the New Mexico- A Land of Ranchers
Arizona border, gives better and Farmers
access to Arzno when the day to Despite the widespread control of
attack arrives. Stuart’s forces are Mexico by the Vampire Kingdoms,
slowly taking over the farming small, independent communities exist
community of Green Valley, which throughout the region. The people live
will later feed the army. Finally, hard but good lives just outside of the
the Blood Priest Suthue and the Vampire Kingdoms. Those in the more
Blood Cult live in Whetsone. arid climes grow vegetables or raise
Secret camps exist throughout cattle—which includes bovines and
the region. These provide shelter smaller, herbivorous dinosaurs. Along
for vampires and bases for staging the lusher coastlines and the forests of the
raids. Vampires rendezvous in Yucatan, they grow fruits and vegetables.
the Petrified Forest and use it as Many communities include large,
a refuge. Vampires and willing spread-out farms and ranches. These
servants camp in the ghost towns communities do not differ much from
near Camp Verde. The Tucker the Old West of pre-Rifts Earth, often
Homestead is a vampire outpost containing a town square where residents
used to watch the Blood Cult gather and governing takes place. These
city of Whetstone. The ruins of municipalities also provide the goods
Howard hide vampires attacking and services most needed by farmers and
travelers on the remains of ranchers, as well as travelers. The citizens
Interstate Highway 10. The outpost work together to keep their lands safe
in Lowell allows Stuart to keep an and prosperous.
eye on the Bisbee vampires and
strike them whenever necessary. Fort Reid
If one place best stands for the resistance,
it is Fort Reid. Stories tell of its miraculous
discovery. After a hard-fought battle

against a large tribe of vampires, Kenneth THE ORIGINAL RANGERS
“Doc” Reid, leader of Reid’s Rangers, found During his journey, Doc Reid met his
himself alone and severely wounded. most faithful ally, the Necromancer
Unwilling to give up, Doc Reid continued Planktal-Nakton. The two gathered like-
forward, despite his dehydration and minded individuals to set out into the
increasing hallucinations. Then he came Pecos Empire. As their legends grew, so
across the Nazas River near the ruins of did their numbers.
Torreon, Mexico. Planktal-Nakton is Reid’s most
At first, he believed the valley below trusted and beloved friend. As second-
him a mirage. But the valley and the 70 in-command, he directs and leads the
foot holy statue guarding it were real. army, removing the vampire blight from
This site now serves as Fort Reid, a new the countryside. The wake of destruction
Camelot with Doc Reid as its king. he and his army of walking dead leave
behind does not diminish the respect
FORT REID TODAY others have for him. The former Ley
Fort Reid acts as both a military base Line Walker embraced his fascination
and refuge. A wall and four towers with death and became a Necromancer
composed of salvaged materials, topped seeking ultimate power. However, his
with barbed wire and silver crucifixes, time with Reid changed him and he now
protect Fort Reid. Inside, recruits live in embraces a more noble cause. He believes
the barracks near the training ground. A he found his true calling: to save the
well-supplied garage, armory, and stable innocent from the fangs of the vampires.
supply the growing army. Sir Raoul Lazarious appears to most
The fort is also home to the rangers. as the paragon of a noble Cyber-Knight,
Not everyone lives in the barracks; many but this hides his ego and ruthlessness.
enjoy the comforts of their own homes— He believes in his own superiority and
most notable Doc Reid and the original expects nothing short of obedience from
Rangers. Colette Reid Memorial Hospital, those beneath him. In Sir Raoul’s earliest
named for Reid’s late mother, cares for days with the Rangers, he commanded
those in need. A museum holds artifacts recruits more bandit than hero. These
from the 21st century. The Reid Research days, those in his charge shine with hope,
Institute houses over two decades of and their nobility helps him become
research on vampires, painstakingly a true hero—but even heroes can be
gathered to aid in the eradication of the ruthless and without mercy in battle.
undead from the earth. Carlotta la Blanca deeply loves
Lazarious, even though he is human and
FORMING REID’S RANGERS she is a dragon trapped in human form.
The people of the Southwest tell tall tales The Snow Lizard Dragon wields power
of Doc Reid and his rangers, creating superior to that of her comrades, even her
legends on par with the Pre-Cataclysmic lover. Despite her powerful magic and
Lone Ranger and Zorro. For them, Reid’s penchant for evil, she dutifully follows
Rangers offer salvation from the growing Lazarious. Her beauty can lead men
horde of Wild Vampires moving north. astray, but no one questions her strength.
And so far, they deliver. These brave men, Most believe her to be a powerful D-Bee
women, and D-Bees also inspire others to or alien, with only the original Rangers
join their cause. Many make their way to knowing the truth about the dragon's
Fort Reid to train and protect their homes. true identity.

Pequita the Faceless One changes sometimes overshadows her undoubted
her appearance several times a day. The talent for observation and tactics. She,
Ley Line Walker can shapeshift into any like her mentor Robert Carter, inspires
humanoid being. She uses her ability to the new recruits.
spy out threats and traitors, but it also Vyurr Kly the Hunter, a Psi-Stalker,
leads to any number of rumors about her. projects an easygoing demeanor, hiding
Some she spreads herself, like being a his inner torment. The horrors he has
supernatural creature with great power. seen and committed haunt him night and
In truth, the loner is a refugee D-Bee day, and Vyurr drowns them in alcohol.
from another dimension, escaping from Even drunk, he is friendly and fun, but
a home where the authorities round up his antics tend to devolve into brawls and
and execute shapeshifters like her. On mischief. He considers himself one of the
Rifts Earth, she found her place as a hero “Three Musketeers” with Grizzly Carter
and dedicated member of the Rangers and Mii-Tar.
Robert “Grizzly” Carter came to Mii-Tar the Destroyer is a
the Rangers as an established folk D-Bee, standing 12
hero. The Elven ranger, skilled feet tall and
with a longbow, came to Rifts
Earth through covered
the Calgary in plates
R i f t. Af ter that blend
arriving, he into his armor.
embarked on a He sees the
journey to combat evil. best in people; an
After over two centuries optimist fighting for
of wandering, he joined just and noble causes.
Reid’s Rangers. He believes He knows many of his
the good shall triumph, so companions have their
he remains with the Rangers faults, but he sees past
as a positive influence. He them. Unfortunately, his
knows his comrades are not the good nature leads him
noble heroes they seem—and to overlook the worst in
he realizes Doc Reid is mad— the Rangers, including
but this handsome elf continues R e i d ’s obvious
shining bright for others. instability.
Little Meetal takes after her Lt. Gen. William
mother, the hero Meetal the Bedford Wilding
Butcher. The strong-willed s e ek s i n f lue nc e
Psi-Stalker is driven by a and wealth, which
burning desire for vengeance. he now has as Fort
After seeing vampires tear her Reid’s Chief of Security.
mother apart, Meetal became He does not hide
a Ranger. Vowing to avenge her his wicked nature,
mother, she has already believing his cruelty
found and killed three of the aids him in keeping
four vampires responsible. everyone safe. No
Meetal’s youthful exuberance vampire or vampire


Once a criminal running a chop-shop H i nd ra nces: Enemy (Major —

in Canada, today Doc Reid leads a Vampires), Mania (Major — god
devoted army of vampire hunters. complex), Overconfident, Ruthless
Before becoming the “Champion (Major), Wanted (Major—CS).
of the People,” Doc Reid implanted Edges: Ambidext rous, Brave,
cybernetics. After getting caught by Command, Elite Vampire Killer,
the Coalition States for dealing with Famous, Fervor, Followers, Frenzy
the Black Market, Reid fled capture (Imp), Healer, Hold the Line!, Iron
and reinvented himself as a hero. As Will, Nerves of Steel (Imp), Reid’s
the leader of the rangers Doc Reid's Ranger, Steady Hands, Streetwise,
fervor shines bright, making him Tactician, Two-Fisted, Two-Gun Kid.
appear younger than his years. This Gear: Branaghan Armor and coat (+7,
makes up for his sinister appearance: +3 Toughness EBA), 12 silver plated
his face is covered with a surgical scalpels (Str+d4), 12 wooden stakes
mask and bandana, and his bionic (Str+d4), 2 wooden throwing knives
body sprouts four arms. (Range 3/6/12, Damage Str+d4),
On his journeys, he drew followers to Vibro-Knife (Str+d6 Mega Damage,
his cause—these became the original AP 6), Vibro-Sword (Str+d10 Mega
12 rangers. Over time, the number of Damage, AP 10), Compound Bow
rangers grew. Unfortunately, Reid's (Range 12/24/48, Damage Str+d8, RoF
success as leader fuels his growing 1, AP 1), 3 dozen arrows, metal water
messiah complex. Reid inspires his pistol (range 4/8/16, Damage 1d10,
troops, but he willingly sends them RoF 1), ½ gallon holy water tank,
out to die, often on unnecessary Diablo (RH100 Robot Horse).
missions. In his delusion he plots for Cyber netics: Bio-Analysis Kit
the Day of Reckoning when he will (Upper Left Arm), Bionic Strength
lead the faithful to exterminate all Augmentation, Built in Vibro-
vampires on Earth. Knife (Lower Left Arm), Built in
silver plated knife (Upper Left
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12, Arm), Extra Arms, Internal Life
Spirit d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12 Support, Language Translator,
Skills: Athletics d10, Battle d12+2, Pharmaceutical Tool Kit (Lower
Common Knowledge d10, Driving Right Arm, antibiotics, paralysis
d6, Electronics d10, Fighting d12, drugs, poison, and tranquilizers),
Healing d12, Intimidation d10, Trauma Kit (Left Leg), Vampire
Notice d10, Occult d12+1, Persuasion Hunter Tool Kit (Left Leg, wooden
d12, Riding d8, Repair d12, Research crucifix, two vials of holy water, six
d8, Science d12, Shooting d10, Stealth wooden stakes).
d8, Survival d12+1
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 13 (4)

agent has ever set foot inside Fort Reid. Elementals from within. The quarried
Wilding takes whatever action necessary, stones can rid the body of impurities
no matter how despicable. He conducts and help with healing. These qualities
business no differently than a crime boss. make them useful in the construction of
Techno-Wizard devices.
Planktal-Nakton and the others manage Tampico Military
Fort Reid while Doc Reid builds his Protectorate
“divine army.” Reid carries out exhaustive Tampico lies a short 80 miles from
research on vampires and plans for war. the Muluc Kingdom’s capital. Here, a
Under his supervision the research team mercenary army led by General Roger
conducts horrific experiments vivisecting Gamblin found an abandoned oil drilling
captured vampires, causing Reid to sink operation. They built up the area around
deeper into madness. With each passing the main oil rig, expanding the oil
day, he convinces himself of his own derricks and building a refinery. Their
divinity. He seeks immortality while small operation supplies oil to much of
preparing to sacrifice his growing legion. the area’s human population.
Nearly everything is in place for his Tampico’s oil provides a steady income
Day of Reckoning, the fall of the vampires. for Gamblin and his men. They own the
Though many believe Doc Reid is not operation and work to protect it from
ready, he feels he's nearing his goal. If he vampire raids. They live in Fort Tampico
chose, he has a force strong enough to on the mainland and at the Platform in
wage war on several vampire kingdoms the Gulf, along with thousands of others
right now, but the battle would involve who work the oil wells.
immense casualties and likely kill most Vampires pose the major threat. At first,
civilians between Fort Reid and the General Gamblin and the mercenaries
front line. Still, people flock to Reid. His hunted local vampires, which often led to
speeches give hope to the thousands who retaliation. These days, the mercenaries
follow him, and the thousands more still only fight those vampires who raid the
joining the fight, unaware of his ultimate mainland settlements. This also means
catastrophic endgame. vampire hunters—like Reid’s Rangers—
must leave by nightfall, as Gamblin fears
The Cave of Crystals a Muluc reprisal.
The Cave of Crystals, La Cueva de los
Cristales, rests below a functioning silver Acapulco
mine. Explorers found the area infested After the Great Cataclysm, nature took
with Wild Vampires. After expelling over the once-thriving tourist destination.
them, the threat returned, with vampires Then, only dolphins and aquatic beings
running amok in their desperation to called the bay home, but in time humans
stop the extraction of silver. To combat returned. The inhabitants once again
the endless waves of Wild Vampires, Doc enjoyed life in this piece of paradise,
Reid set up a garrison with some of the living off the bounty of the land and sea.
most experienced rangers. Then, the Horune Pirates arrived. The
Practitioners of magic care more for dolphins and other residents fought back,
the towering gypsum crystals beneath but it was a losing battle until the Pirates
the mine. The cave does not exist on a ley finally found their match in the Sons of
line or nexus point, yet they can summon Quetzalcoatl.

The Sons of Quetzalcoatl live to kill to strengthen their hold and expand
vampires and protect the people of their empires.
Mexico. They spend much of their time The Tomorrow Legion focuses on the
stealing into the Vampire Kingdoms expansions beyond the kingdoms. Many
on rescue missions. This steady stream cities fight valiantly against the vampire
of refugees causes a growing problem: menace and this courage spurs support
overpopulation. The area cannot sustain from the Tomorrow Legion. Some patrols
everyone, but the Sons of Quetzalcoatl venture south and help without hesitation.
cannot turn anyone away. Rumors of new vampire strongholds, like
Bisbee and Fort Tombstone, draw the
Monterrey Tomorrow Legion deeper into the fight.
At one time, over two million people The human strongholds throughout
lived in Monterrey. Today, the ruins lie the Vampire Kingdoms welcome the aid
beneath a small outpost of the Pecos of the Tomorrow Legion. Everyone here
Empire. Criminals of all kinds and a shares the same goal: exterminate the
small civilian population of farmers and vampires. Some uphold the same noble
ranchers—half D-Bees—live in modern goals as the Tomorrow Legion and offer
Monterrey. Like those in the heart of friendship and alliances. The deals on
Old Mexico, they defend their homes offer from more mercenary groups are
from regular attacks by packs of Wild more temporary.
Vampires and an occasional Secondary Then there is Reid’s Rangers. Though
Vampire. Their precautions keep them the Tomorrow Legion and Reid’s
relatively safe and vampire-free. Rangers share a common goal, Erin
Tarn discourages a closer alliance with
Ciudad Victoria Reid. She has read Doc Reid’s report on
This thriving city-state exists due to vampires and knows the threat they pose.
the area water supply. A third of the She also knows, however, about Doc Reid’s
population lives on a flotilla in Lake instability and the violent tendencies
Vicente Guerrero. On land, irrigation of certain Rangers. She is suspicious of
ditches and canals keep vampires away. how things with the Rangers will end.
Here, vaqueros raise livestock: cattle For his part, Doc Reid cares little for the
and horses. The outskirts still deal with Tomorrow Legion, as they have yet to
vampire attacks, but night patrols provide follow him and his crusade.
protection for the locals. The patrols Despite the dispute between leadership,
include experts trained by Reid’s Rangers. the rank and file find much in common.
The world needs heroes to protect it and
help lead it to a brighter future, a goal
THE TOMORROW shared by both Reid’s Rangers and the
LEGION IN THE Tomorrow Legion.
To generate encounters in the Vampire
The Tomorrow Legion cannot ignore Kingdoms, use the new Vampire
the Vampire Kingdoms forever. CS Kingdoms Encounters table on page
Lone Star and the Pecos Empire pose 80 in conjunction with the Game
the greatest threat for now, but not for Master’s Handbook.
long. The Vampire Intelligences continue

1 –11 Same results as in The Game Master’s Handbook.
Traveling Show: The heroes encounter some form of traveling
entertainment, such as a carnival (with barnstormers, lucha libre, and
rides), a circus (featuring a full three rings of acrobats and animal-taming
12 –13 acts), freak show (displaying rare D-Bees or mutants), or medicine show
(offering primitive dentistry and peddling snake oil). If the Opposition
Leader is Wary or Aggressive, the traveling show is a front for a Master
Vampire and 1d4 Secondary Vampires.
Wandering Monsters: Dangerous beasts stalk the area. This might be 1d4
14 large beasts such as dinosaurs or Rhino-Buffalos, or 2d10 smaller creatures
such as Chupacabras or wolves.
Slayers of Vampire Hunters: Human and D-Bee mercenaries who have
figuratively sold their souls to the vampires, these hardened killers collect
15 –16 the bounties offered for Reid’s Rangers and other vampire hunters. A
typical band of slayers includes 1d6 Commandos, 1d4 Wilderness Scouts,
and 1–2 Cyborgs or Headhunter Techno Warriors.
Deathspike Patrol: The heroes find themselves hunted by 2d4 Secondary
Vampires armed with the alternate Deathspike gear (see page 176). The
leader is Wary on a roll of 1– 4 and assesses the Legionnaires’ strength
before committing to battle but is homicidally Aggressive on a roll of 5 – 6.
Wild Vampires: 2d12 wild vampires terrorize the area. This encounter can
18 – 20 only happen at night (although the Game Master can decide the heroes
stumble across their sleeping lair during the day).

SAVAGE TALE: A southern Arizona, they face one of the

Southwest’s greatest threats: vampires.
A Farm in Need
The open territory of the New West A northward trek through a small
offers promise for the Tomorrow Legion. mountain range opens out into a
The strong, independent folk who live vast, barren landscape. Knowing the
there want nothing more than peace. mountains would not make the best camp,
Allies abound in the New West, but so the team pushes on to the foothills. The
do enemies. Any number of threats can full moon lights their way. Even in the
raid a homestead or small town. Raiders, dark of night, they can see a weakening
demons, and monsters plague this region. wisp of dark smoke gather and slip
However, when the Tomorrow Legion around the moon. With so little out here,
comes across the Crowson homestead in a naturally-occurring fire seems unlikely.

Instead, the fire originates from a on them, but instead of a typical attack,
large farmstead. A barbed wire fence they set strategic fires. As people fled
wrapped around heavy six-foot stakes the fires, vampires grabbed them, tied
(Toughness 12) borders the property. The them up, and dragged them away.
team comes across a gate closed with a Jeremiah says he hid with his mother,
simple lock. Once inside, they find most father, and older sisters in the bathroom.
of the building consumed by fire. On the Unfortunately, the fire consumed them.
far northern end of the homestead, the Jeremiah is scared and alone. He
team catches sight of a truck with a large pleads to the Tomorrow Legion to take
pen in back full of human captives. The him to Fort Tombstone. However, he
truck's vampire driver guns his vehicle will not travel by night out of fear of
and it speeds off through a hole in the vampire reprisal.
fence just as the team notices them.
„„Jeremiah Crowson: As a Civilian
A scream comes from the still-burning
with the Young Hindrance (see
farmhouse. Amid the flames of the
Savage Foes of North America). He is a
master bath, the team find the corpses of
thrall of the vampires of Tombstone.
three human women—their flesh burned
He has no knowledge of this, and
away or ripped by claws and fangs. A
there are no signs of it—physical or
dead human male sprawls over an
overturned claw-footed bathtub. Small
spurts of blood bubble from a massive
Diversions and
rip in his throat.
Dead Ends
Terrified cries come from beneath the
The 30-mile journey north to Fort
400-pound tub. Beneath, shielded from
Tombstone is uneventful. The truck
the fire, is a small boy gripping a silver
tracks head north most of the way there,
blade. The boy barely moves, but he
but they veer east about four miles south
trembles and sobs.
of the fort. Jeremiah only wants to get to
The heroes can investigate the
Fort Tombstone, crying and shaking if the
homestead further but little remains of
team follows the tracks. He goes on about
anything. Any vehicles remaining are
the city, asking to be taken to the church.
aflame. Tracks of stampeding livestock
The Legionnaires pass through the
rush out in all directions. A few animals
Fort’s protective palisade into a bustling
lay dead, mauled and shot, around the
city. The citizens keep their distance,
burning barn or in the busted pens. Metal
offering only sympathetic glances toward
tools melt inside the remains of the barn.
the boy covered in ash and dried blood.
Other outbuildings burn to ash. With a
Jeremiah heads straight to the church,
successful Notice roll, they can tell the
where he falls into the arms of a young
vampires stole nothing, except people.
man dressed in simple but impeccable
The truck they saw speed off leaves clear
clothes and a clerical collar.
tracks heading north. With a successful
Pastor Taylor McGraw is friendly,
Survival roll, they can discern tracks for
thanking the Tomorrow Legion for
three separate trucks, each carrying a
rescuing the boy. He says a prayer after
heavy load following the same route.
hearing the news about the Crowsons. He
The boy, Jeremiah Crowson, is the last
explains their distant home put them at
living soul of the Crowson Homestead.
risk, but the family wanted to live freely.
He tells the Legionnaires about what
Giving the boy into the care of others,
happened: a pack of vampires descended

Pastor McGraw invites the Legionnaires day, Cisneros does whatever he can to
to join him at a nearby diner. stall the Legionnaires, trying to ensure
When asked about vampires, Taylor they will arrive at the caves around or
brings up those in Bisbee and other after nightfall. Cisneros finds any way
small factions. He focuses on a new gang to delay the team's departure, keeping
of transient vampires striking out from them busy until the time comes or they
the caves near the old airport. If anyone reject his aid.
from the Crowson homestead is alive, The four-mile trip to the cave seems to
he suggests, they are likely there. These take longer than it should. Along the way,
vampires occasionally raid close to town, Deputy Dominique Barrell takes them
but the forces in Fort Tombstone keep down circuitous, but supposedly safer,
such small gangs away. routes in hopes of slowing their arrival.
The Legionnaires can attempt to get A successful Survival or Notice roll leads
more information from him. He comes the Legionnaire to realize Barrell is
off as defeated. It seems every time they purposely making the trip longer. Once
run off one gang, another takes its place. found out, she gives in and takes them
The forces in Fort Tombstone waste their straight there.
time heading out there. Asking other As they reach the airport, they find
citizens about the situation corroborates a cave mouth near the airport fence.
this view and adds nothing new. However, she says the vampires often use
Pastor McGraw does know what is the cave system underneath to sneak near
really going on. He knows about Jeremiah Fort Tombstone. The cave mouth is about
and where the prisoners are held. He will ten feet wide and around eight feet tall.
not divulge this, even if tortured. His Exploring the cave leads the heroes
goal is to convince the team to go to the through long, winding tunnels to a pitch-
caves where an ambush awaits. black chamber where Wild Vampires wait
During the meal, Sheriff Daniel in ambush to attack the team. The cave is
Hatchett and Mayor Carlos Cisneros a dead end, with the only exits besides
arrive. Hatchett has no plans to gather a the cave mouth being fissures leading up
posse and head out to the airport either. to the airport ruins, traversable only by
He repeats Taylor’s warning: when vampires in mist form.
one nest leaves another takes its place. If the team decides to immediately
However, if the team wishes to undertake investigate the airport, rather than the
the mission, he happily lends them one cave, Dominique Barrell tries to redirect
of his deputies, Dominique Barrell, as a them back toward the ambush. Any
guide. Unfortunately for the Legionnaires, attempt to convince her of another plan—
her mind has been enslaved, and she is to whether by using Persuasion or powers—
guide them into danger. automatically fails due to her mind slave
The mayor appears profusely grateful status. If the heroes abandon her, she
and thanks the team for agreeing to go. goes to “scout out” the caves. Just as the
He helps the team gather supplies at group nears the airport compound, they
a good price, offers them rooms at the hear a scream and gunshots echoing from
Heaven’s Light Hotel, and insists on inside the cave as she sacrifices herself to
taking them for another meal. lure them there.
If the heroes traveled by vehicle or can When the heroes enter the caves, they
otherwise reach the airport caves that cannot find Deputy Barrell. They do see
same night or during daylight the next two silver bullets lodged in the wall and

tracks for several pairs of feet. Going against a Secondary Vampire’s Notice
further in, Barrell’s choked screams lead (see page 174) to approach a hangar. If
them to the ambush chamber. There they fail, the main hangar door opens and
they find several vampires swarming a group of Secondary Vampires rushes at
the deputy, clawing at her. If it looks them. If they succeed, they approach and
like defeat is imminent, one vampire see the truck tires match the tracks at the
sneaks off with Dominique, using her as Crowson homestead.
a human shield (as Heavy Cover). The main hangar has three entrances,
The Legionnaires can choose to check and all windows are sealed off with metal.
out the cave system before moving on. The trucks are parked near the large
With a successful Notice roll the team hangar door. Two normal doors on the
finds only enough footprints for the few side near the main door open outward.
vampires they fought and Deputy Barrell. Toward the back on the other side of the
If the vampire that used her as a shield hangar is a single door—it opens inward.
escaped, they find Dominique Barrell Guards wait at the main hangar door and
unconscious and alone. She insists she can easily get to the double side doors.
is too injured to continue and must head The inside of the hangar consists of
back to Fort Tombstone. three parts. A pile of metal fragments
and other items sit carefully organized
„„Deputy Dominique Barrell: Use
near the hangar door—MDC materials
Soldier in Savage Foes of North America.
and other usable electronics ready to load
She has a Survival d6. A thrall who
up and ship out. In the center sits a corral
does what she is told, she believes
with two dozen slaves inside. In the
what she tells the team.
back is a small room; its windows look
„„Wild Vampires (1 per hero): See
out into the corral. A larger windowless
Savage Foes of North America.
room sits between the other room and
the back door. Secondary Vampires and
Showdown at the
human soldiers guard the hangar, most
Tombstone Airport
posted at the main door with access to
Inside the airport fence, the team finds
the side doors.
that four hangers and the main terminal
The slaves—sunburned, bruised, and
remain intact. There are no signs of
emaciated—cower during any fighting.
aircraft, but trucks are parked near
Once able, they flee the hangar; however,
the hangars. A few have metal cages
they cannot move fast due to their poor
and others are loaded with metal and
physical condition.
electrical components. The airport itself
Any commotion caused by an attack
is dark and still.
alerts those in the other hangars. The
Four tall poles, each with two dozen
rest of the compound attacks, shooting
long metal chains attached, stand near the
at anything, including the slaves. Each
hangars. Rotting wooden food troughs
of the three remaining hangars has the
sit at the base of each pole. Racks of dull
same number of people inside. Two of the
work tools line the side of the hangar
vampires and all but two human guards
doors, out of reach of the chains.
rush out from each of the other hangars
It is deathly quiet. Only an occasional
to attack. One vampire and two guards
squeak can be heard near the hangars,
remain in each to guard the slaves.
so any sound alerts those inside. The
Each hangar holds another group of
team must make a successful Stealth roll
slaves, in the same condition as the first.

In the hangar closest to the airport, the „„Secondary Vampires (3 per hangar):
slaves are healthier. These are the latest See page 174.
to be captured. Though sunburned „„Human Guards (2 per hero per
with wind-chapped faces, they are still hangar): See Soldier in Savage Foes of
strong and healthy. All appear in good North America.
health, and their clothes resemble those „„Slaves (24 per hangar): As Citizens
Jeremiah wore. (see Savage Foes of North America) but
The sound of the fight fills the night unarmed. The slaves freshly captured
for miles. It alerts a group of traveling at the Crowson farmstead are
vampire hunters who can lend their Fatigued; the others are Exhausted.
assistance if things are turning against
the Legionnaires. Otherwise, the band Truck: Size 6 (Large), Handling 0, Top
greets the Tomorrow Legion outside of Speed 100 MPH, Toughness 18 (4),
the compound. They offer to help take the Crew 1+10
slaves to a safe town. The slaves want as Notes: ATV, MDC Armor, Range 200
far away from Fort Tombstone as possible, miles.
as they suspect the vampires have Weapons:
infiltrated the place and nowhere is safe. „„Anti-Personnel Laser (Range
75/150/300, 4d6 Mega Damage, RoF
1, AP 5, Anti-Personnel)



he Xiticix (zai-tik-iks) are an insectoid Alien and aggressive, Xiticix possess
race presenting one of the greatest only two motivations: protect the hive
dangers in the world. The first bands and multiply. They transform wherever
of Xiticix weren’t recorded until 30 years they settle into an alien landscape,
ago, but some scholars believe they hostile to other life forms. They start in
arrived shortly after the Great Cataclysm. a secluded area and expand, shaping the
Woodsmen and natives of the northern world to match their needs in strange,
forests told tales of murderous “bug horrifying ways.
men” for decades, but the Xiticix went At least six sizable colonies sit in
unnoticed by the great powers because Minnesota, Manitoba, and North Dakota,
they inhabit the wilderness, far from and they encroach on Coalition territory
civilization. and other civilized areas. The CS
Xiticix do not communicate with other estimates the Xiticix population at over
life forms. They do not have a spoken or four million, and at their rate of expansion,
written language—at least, none humans there might be over 50 million in just five
can understand. No other known species years. Experts fear the Xiticix population
has ever successfully communicated with is growing so rapidly it could engulf the
the Xiticix, though no one can be sure continent in just a few decades They will
whether this is because they are unable be unstoppable if left unchecked, so if
or unwilling to understand. anyone is going to do something about
However, they are intelligent in ways the Xiticix, it must be very soon.
hard for humans to understand. They
lack individuality, their intelligence
is instead grounded in their society, a
true hive-mind. Each of them is part
of the whole. Individually dangerous
and frightening, together the Xiticix are
practically unstoppable.

grow their food sources within the Hive
THE HORDE Network, and thus form a completely
self-contained ecosystem.
Since the Earth is new to them, little
rivalry arises between the Xiticix colonies.
The Xiticix are not world-conquerors in
Each Hive has plenty of room to expand
the sense most people understand the
and spread. Left unchecked, the Xiticix
term. They do not want to gain power,
will eventually cover the entire planet.
collect wealth, get revenge, or absorb
And with so many Rifts across the globe,
cultures. They want only to build and
it is simply a matter of time before they
expand. They breed incredibly fast, so
invade other dimensions.
their colonies grow at an exponential
rate. Their Hive Networks envelop and
Xiticix Biology
transform the environment, and because
Xiticix are alien insects with vaguely
they are so alien and inimical to Earth life,
humanoid features. The smallest ones
they destroy everything they encounter:
stand as tall as a human, but much bigger
animals, plants, and especially intelligent
ones exist as well. Though they differ
life. They have no tolerance for other
in detail, all Xiticix have multi-faceted
living things. They are not “evil,” per se,
insect eyes, antennae, limbs with clawed
because the word evil implies malicious
appendages, and chitinous exoskeletons.
intent. Xiticix are no more malicious than
Both physically and socially, they
a virus. They seek only to expand.
have a great deal in common with social
However, just because they lack malice
insects such as ants, termites, wasps,
does not mean they are not hostile. They
or bees. Like Earth’s insects, Xiticix
view other life forms—particularly
are highly adaptable, able to survive
intelligent life forms—as their enemy.
in and eventually dominate nearly
They systematically exterminate anyone
any environment in which they find
who encroaches on their territory. At the
same time, they look to expand their
Also, like many insects, Xiticix
territory. The Xiticix mark those humans
communicate with each other using
or D-Bees on the edge of their lands for
special chemical secretions, the smell
extermination, whether the unfortunate
of which triggers certain instinctual
know it or not.
behavior in other Xiticix. They produce
Xiticix transform their territory into
dozens of chemical scents, which they
an environment incapable of supporting
can combine in remarkably complex ways.
life other than their own, making them
These scents are imperceptible to anyone
a danger for other life. A Xiticix colony
without a heightened sense of smell (such
destroys other life forms within its
as Dog Boys), but Xiticix can smell them
territory, turning the region into a barren
from great distances (from a few meters
place. No trees, and little vegetation
to several kilometers, depending on the
other than hardy grasses or vines
type and concentration of the scent, and
survive around a Xiticix Hive. There are
environmental factors). The chemicals
no animals larger than small rodents,
can last for several days to several weeks,
snakes, or birds. Xiticix do not hunt for
depending on atmospheric conditions.
food or domesticate any animals, nor
Multiple types of Xiticix exist, each
do they cultivate any crops other than
one specialized for a different task. Most
the fungus which sustains them. They
encounters with Xiticix are with Workers,

Hunters, or Warriors, but Xiticix hives working alongside adult Xiticix to
hold far stranger creatures as well. learn their jobs. Higher-ranked (more
intelligent) Xiticix set tasks, and the
THE LIFE CYCLE OF THE XITICIX lower-ranked Xiticix perform them. All
Xiticix come from eggs laid by the Queens. Xiticix instinctively and instantly obey
The eggs take about three months to higher-ranked Xiticix.
hatch into small, white, worm-like Though Xiticix heal even near fatal
creatures known as Nits, which in about injuries rapidly, those which are badly
a year grow into larger Grubs. After hurt are sacrificed for the good of the Hive.
another year of rapid growth, Grubs They throw themselves wildly into battle,
spin a cocoon and emerge about a month hoping to destroy as many of the enemy
later as young Xiticix. The type of Xiticix as possible, or they are devoured by a
appearing from the cocoon depends Nanny or Queen and then regurgitated
on the needs of the Hive. Most become as Sludge to feed to larval Xiticix, helping
Warriors or Workers (in the dangerous the colony grow.
and hostile world of Rifts Earth, Warriors Xiticix can live up to 80 years, but in
have a slight edge). The Hive produces this dangerous world few Warriors make
other types of specialist Xiticix as needed. it past 25 years, and Workers generally
A young Xiticix goes to work at once. die from their labors before they reach
Though Xiticix are instinctual, they still 65 years. An Elder Queen can live up to
need training. They stay in or near the 300 years.
Hive for another year or so while their Sometimes the Hive Network needs
bodies and minds continue to mature, a new Elder Queen. The Elder Queen

might die or lose her ability to reproduce. constructing new tunnels and chambers
If possible, the Elder Queen selects one for the expanding Hive. They reinforce
of the Young Queens to take her place. these structures with a secreted resin
The two spend a few days together in the harder and more durable than concrete.
Elder Queen’s chambers, then the Young Diggers create weapons for the Warriors
Queen kills and devours the Elder. The with their resin. Like the Workers,
Hive acknowledges the new Queen, and Diggers do not usually engage in combat.
life goes on as usual. Instead, they defend the Hive by sealing
If the Elder Queen dies suddenly, off chambers, digging traps and pitfalls,
within a few days one of the Young collapsing tunnels, burrowing behind or
Queens spontaneously takes her place as beneath an attackers’ lines, and helping
the Elder Queen. No one knows exactly other Xiticix escape from the enemy.
how the Hive selects her, but all Xiticix, Leapers are a strange new breed of the
even the Young Queens, recognize her Xiticix. Nobody knows if the Xiticix bred
as the new Elder Queen without protest Leapers to meet the unusual challenges
or argument. found on Rifts Earth, or if the wild magic
of this world caused a random mutation.
XITICIX CASTES Leapers are solo assassins, sent out by
Xiticix are highly specialized creatures, Hunters or Super-Warriors to find high-
their bodies and minds bred to carry value targets or stragglers and ambush
out their assigned tasks effectively and them. They are valuable warriors because
efficiently. Scholars know of eight basic their unique physical abilities allow them
types of Xiticix, though there might be to set elaborate traps, engage in long-
more yet to be encountered. These are, in range reconnaissance, and track enemies.
order of importance to the Hive: Warriors (see Savage Foes of North
Workers are the second most common America) are the most common and
type of Xiticix in a Hive. The lowest- recognizable Xiticix. Warriors defend
ranked Xiticix, Workers rarely leave the Hive Network, patrol borders, and
the Hive Network, but their duties are form the mass of the Hive’s troops. Some
indispensable as they perform all the have regular posts at entrances, others
tasks to keep society running. They rarely patrol throughout the Hive’s tunnels,
get into combat, but if directed to do so, and still others range further away from
they fight with a methodical persistence. the Hive. Perhaps because Rifts Earth
Usually though they perform important is such a savage and dangerous place,
logistics and support tasks during times Warriors make up the bulk of the Xiticix
of war. They undermine the enemy’s population. Certainly, people encounter
defenses, dig tunnels behind enemy them most often. Aggressive and quick to
lines, bring non-combatants and injured act if they sense a threat, Warriors attack
warriors out of danger zones, build or without hesitation, mercy, or regard for
shore up static defenses, carry supplies, their own safety. They are not particularly
and perform other mundane tasks. intelligent or creative; they don’t need to
Diggers build and support the Xiticix be to perform their job. They defend the
Hive Network. They use their instinctive Hive, no matter the cost to themselves.
sense of architecture to supervise hordes A Xiticix Warrior weighs around 500
of Workers, directing them in their tasks pounds and is extremely strong, so a big
to expand and reinforce the Hive. Diggers enough group of them can drag powerful
cut through earth and rock quickly, opponents like demons, dragons, and

giant creatures aloft, or pull them down
to the ground.
Hunters (see Savage Foes of North
America) are the Hive Network’s special- Sludge is a paste-like goo made
ops rangers. They engage in recon, from creatures with elevated
sabotage, assassination, and raids. They levels of PPE. Nannies create this
explore fresh territory, observe potential concentrated magical substance
foes, and gather intelligence. Sometimes and feed it to the nits. Sludge
they lead mixed squads of Warriors, accelerates the growth process,
Leapers, and Workers on rescue, search- producing a mature adult in about
and-destroy, scouting, or assault missions. eighteen months, rather than the
Intelligent and crafty, Hunters use the three years it would normally
intelligence gathered to devise detailed take to grow to adulthood.
plans of attack, assigning their resources Scholars suspect this is how the
to the best advantage. Hunters are one of Xiticix colonize hostile additional
the Xiticix’s best weapons. territory; this nutrient-packed
But they have a more terrifying job. magical goo allows them to double
Hunters seek out creatures with elevated their numbers in just a year and a
levels of PPE, which they capture and half. These quickly-grown Xiticix
take back to the Hive alive. The Nannies are completely normal. They do
restrain and eat these prisoners, then not themselves have any magic
regurgitate them as the “Sludge” allowing powers. Once a colony has grown
the Xiticix to grow and expand. Because to sufficient size, the Xiticix scale
of their power, magic users and demons back the use of Sludge.
make highly-valued targets. When To make Sludge, a Nanny or
Hunters find suitable targets, they mark Queen must kill and devour
the targets with a special chemical. The a creature with high PPE (or
chemical is unnoticeable except to those another Xiticix, usually one with
with a heightened sense of smell (such severe injuries), along with a large
as Dog Boys) and other Xiticix. When amount of the fungus the Xiticix
Warriors, Leapers, or other Hunters catch cultivate. They then regurgitate
scent of the prey, they capture it alive to the Sludge, which the larval Xiticix
bring back to the Hive. gobble up.
Nannies protect, feed, and care for
the eggs, nits, and grubs of a Xiticix nest.
Though huge, they behave quite tenderly
with their charges, moving slowly and
deliberately as they go about their duties. the Xiticix armies. The Super-Warriors
However, when they defend the young, are excellent tacticians who lead large
they are deceptively fast and vicious. forces of Warriors, Leapers, and Hunters
Because of their importance to the Hive, on important missions. Only a Xiticix
most other Xiticix obey their orders Queen has greater authority than a Super-
without question or hesitation. Only Warrior, and at least one Super-Warrior
Super-Warriors and Queens outrank stands among each Queen’s bodyguard
the Nannies. in a Hive.
Super-Warriors are terrifying killing Young Queens and Elder Queens
machines that serve as the generals of are the largest of the Xiticix and the

unquestioned leaders of the Hive. A the North American continent, then
Queen spends her entire life laying eggs inexorably expand into South America,
and directing the growth and prosperity Europe, Russia, and Asia.
of the Hive. Queens live in the deepest
and most heavily defended part of the Inside the Hive
Hive, and a small army of Nannies, Xiticix live in sprawling, alien complexes
Workers, and Warriors cater to their called Hive Networks. These Hives
every need. An elite troop of bodyguards, resemble forests of interconnected
including Warriors, Hunters, Leapers, giant concrete mushrooms, filled with
and at least one Super-Warrior, stands cave-like entrances, ramps, and bridges
watch over each Queen day and night. linking the towers to one another. Hives
Despite this pampered lifestyle, Queens resemble giant termite colonies, though
are the largest and most powerful Xiticix, Xiticix Hives are much more complex.
both physically and psionically.
Queens lay eggs and release chemical THE TOWERS
signals which tell the eggs what breed Each tower is a fortress, armed bastions
of Xiticix to mature into. Without at least filled with hundreds of thousands of
one Queen, the Xiticix cannot survive. deadly, fanatical warriors and brimming
New colonies, like those on Rifts Earth, with traps, deadfalls, blind passages, and
can have up to one hundred Young killing zones. The bulk of the colony lies
Queens, but no colony ever has more deep underground, beneath yards of
than one Elder Queen. The Elder Queen earth and stone and spread out randomly
decides how many Young Queens the over an area extending for miles in every
Hive needs. During periods of slower direction, making it difficult (at best) to
Hive growth, the Elder Queen devours simply dig down to it. The tactical and
surplus Young Queens. logistical nightmare of mounting a full-
scale assault on a Xiticix Hive is still the
main reason none of the great powers of
the world have tried it yet.
XITICIX HIVES Inside each tower lurks a network of
chambers, passages, and tunnels. Xiticix
cling to the walls, ceilings, and floors
of the towers, so they have no need for
There are six known Xiticix colonies: the
stairs or ramps. Access from one level
Big Falls, Crookston, and Duluth Hives
to another is usually a vertical tunnel.
in Minnesota, the Fargo Hive in North
Anyone foolish enough to invade a
Dakota, the Rolla-Morden Hive straddling
Xiticix Hive must beware of defenders
Manitoba and North Dakota, and the
coming from above, below, and from any
Winnipeg Hive in Manitoba. Each Hive is
number of hidey-holes or crevasses. The
different in appearance, though scholars
highest levels of the tower are reserved
think these differences are cosmetic.
for Warriors and their Super-Warrior
Scouts have spotted Xiticix outposts in
commanders. Anyone invading a Hive
northern Manitoba, Ontario, Wisconsin,
finds themselves defending against a
and upper Michigan, spreading out
horde of Warriors coming from above
from the Minnesota-Manitoba area in
and below.
a circular pattern. Unless stopped, the
aliens will eventually spread to engulf

MASS TRANSIT The Elder Queen resides in the deepest
The middle sections of the tower are level of the Hive, tended by Nannies,
transit levels. Workers and Warriors enter Workers, and Warriors. Any attacker who
and exit the Hive from many oval-shaped manages to make it to the very heart of
portals along the outer wall. These the Hive has performed an impressive
portals are always situated high above feat. Of course, getting out is even harder.
the ground to discourage invaders and
have sharp spikes lining them to offer The Life Cycle of
further disincentive. Entrances are large the Colony
enough for three or four Xiticix to use at Xiticix colonies follow a predictable
a time as they busy themselves with their life-cycle. When a Xiticix colony grows
daily tasks. too large, it splits into several smaller
independent colonies. How large a
SUBTERRANEAN LEVELS colony grows depends on several factors,
The lower section of the tower is a habitat including available space and food. When
for Workers and Warriors. These chambers a colony exceeds five million Xiticix, it
and tunnels can house thousands of splits. In certain circumstances, such
Xiticix. Tunnels lead downward into the as on a fully-colonized world, a Hive
subterranean portion of the Hive. The might grow as large as five hundred
only entrances to the underground levels million Xiticix.
are through the towers; the Xiticix do not When a colony splits, the Elder Queen
dig tunnels directly to the surface. stays with the original colony. Young
The huge and impressive towers are Queens, each followed by a part of
dwarfed by the subterranean levels of the Hive’s population, fly in different
the Hive, which can expand for miles in directions toward a pre-determined place
every direction and go down hundreds scouted out ahead of time by Hunters.
of yards. Access tunnels from each Diggers and Workers start building a new
tower drop down around 60 –75 feet. Hive, tunneling deep underground to
These tunnels—often simply vertical construct a chamber for the Queen to lay
shafts—twist and turn confusingly. eggs, then expanding the tunnel network.
Xiticix constantly come and go from the Workers build the towers making up the
tunnels, which open into living areas exterior of the Hive Network, tend the
filled with thousands of Workers and a fast-growing fungus gardens where they
smaller number of other types of Xiticix. cultivate their food, search for water
As one goes lower into the Hive, one finds sources, and alter the landscape to meet
more Diggers, Nannies, Nits, Grubs, and the growing Hive’s needs. During this
eventually Young Queens. time, the Xiticix become more aggressive
Xiticix keep their egg and nursery than usual, scouring the area of all
chambers, as well as most of the Young non-Xiticix life forms, including plants,
Queens, toward the bottom of the Hive, animals, and intelligent life.
where Xiticix Workers and Warriors The new colonies, if left alone, grow
protect them. An invader must navigate at geometrical rates, expanding their
labyrinthine passageways to reach the territory to the limits of what they can
nurseries, but do not get far because of easily hold. Once a colony grows to
these guards. The Xiticix store water and around five million, its growth slows until
supplies in these lower levels as well, to it is ready to split, then the cycle starts
protect against a siege or prolonged attack. again. All the Xiticix colonies on Rifts

Earth are in the expansion phase, and Outposts are much smaller, with a
because the great powers have left them handful of small towers just over twenty
alone for so long, the largest colonies are yards high and only a small subterranean
ready to split. Scholars estimate within network. Outposts are not the beginning
the next two years there may be up to six of a new colony, but a way for the Xiticix
more colonies. This world has immense to guard and support their borders, or to
potential for continued Xiticix growth. scout unfamiliar territory for expansion.
Xiticix from rival colonies do not There can be dozens of outposts around
usually get into conflict with one another the edges of a Hive’s territory, and a few
until they’ve claimed all a planet’s farther out. The Xiticix have outposts in
resources. Huge colonies of 500 million northern Manitoba, Ontario, Wisconsin,
or more go to war with their neighbors, and upper Michigan, spreading out from
conquering and killing them and taking the Minnesota-Manitoba.
their territory. The Xiticix on Rifts Earth The oldest and largest Hive is the
are nowhere near that point…yet. Duluth Hive, built on the ruins of Duluth,
Minnesota, and extending outward from
The Six Xiticix Hives there to cover much of the northeastern
The Xiticix have six Hives in North corner of the state. This was the first
America, along with many smaller Hive the Xiticix built on Rifts Earth. All
outposts. Hives can sprawl for miles in the other Hives began as its colonies. The
all directions, extend hundreds of yards Duluth Hive is expanding southwest
both up and down, and house tens of toward Park Rapids, Minnesota, and
thousands (even millions) of Xiticix. north into Ontario.

The Fargo Hive in North Dakota
straddles the area between Fargo, Grand WAR WITH
Forks, and New Rockford. This was the THE XITICIX
second Xiticix Hive on Rifts Earth, but
its proximity to the Crookston Hive in
Though Xiticix are instinctive, and
Minnesota constrains its growth. Though
individuals don’t often show intelligent
the Xiticix don’t normally fight one
or creative thought, they still have a
another, there is some level of hostility or
strong grasp of tactics. Highly organized,
rivalry along the Fargo Hive’s northern
they set ambushes, make coordinated
border near Grand Forks.
assaults, understand and use feints, and
The third Hive is the Rolla-Morden
can coordinate large troop movements
Hive, stretching from Rolla, through
and attacks. They are highly methodical
Minot, North Dakota, Morden, Manitoba,
and utterly fearless, even in the face of
and up toward Winnipeg.
death. They attack in substantial numbers,
The Winnipeg Hive in Manitoba
swarming over their foes with brutal
stretches eastward toward Ontario
efficiency. All Xiticix fly, which increases
and north to Pine Falls. Despite their
their mobility and tactical options. They
proximity, The Rolla-Morden Hive and
suffer one weakness on the battlefield:
the Winnipeg Hive are not in conflict.
their methodical behavior makes them
This lends credence to the hypothesis
that as long as Hives have room to
However, some Xiticix are capable of
expand they don’t fight, but if they
creative tactical thinking. Hunters and
become hemmed in they might resort to
Super-Warriors in particular, come up
violence even against one another. This
with strategies to exploit an opponent’s
indicates if there is conflict, it’s most
weakness and turn their strengths against
likely to come between the Winnipeg and
them. Hunters lead small squads behind
Big Falls Hives, which are both pushing
enemy lines to disrupt communications,
into southwestern Ontario.
destroy supplies, sabotage armories, and
The Crookston Hive, built where
assassinate key targets.
Crookston, Minnesota once stood, is a
Xiticix communicate with one another
smaller Hive colonized in just the last
through chemical signals, so it is difficult
few years. As such, it is highly aggressive
to disrupt their communications. When a
and looks to expand its territory rapidly.
foe attacks one Xiticix, others in the area
In so doing, it comes into conflict with the
become agitated and ready for battle.
Fargo Hive, which it sees as encroaching
The chemical scent spreads rapidly, so
on its borders. There are many outposts
when a battle starts, reinforcements
on both sides of this border.
arrive quickly. The chemical cues linger
The Big Falls Hive in Minnesota is
in the air and ground for hours, so other
the smallest and newest colony, built on
Xiticix know when and where a fight
the ruins of the town of Big Falls. As a
has happened, and they prepare for an
newer Hive, it is growing incredibly fast
and is expanding southward toward
Above all other things, Xiticix protect
Park Rapids, and north to Ontario. This
their Hive Network, particularly the
expansion might soon see it come into
grubs, nits, eggs, and Queens. Even
conflict with the Winnipeg Hive, pitting
noncombatants such as Diggers and
the Xiticix against each other for the first
Workers rush fearlessly into battle to
time on Rifts Earth.

protect their home. When repelling an Xiticix also swarm when they
invasion of the Hive, the Xiticix leave expand their borders, and when a new
about a quarter of the Warriors and most Queen is born. Xiticix swarms rage
of the noncombatants behind to defend indiscriminately in their destruction,
the heart of the colony. If their leaders die, attacking not just threats but also animals,
the lower-ranked Xiticix continue to fight abandoned ruins, small villages, and lone
fiercely. As long as at least one Queen or a travelers. The Xiticix attack a harmless
few dozen eggs survive, the colony lives. herd of deer as readily as a CS patrol.
This makes it difficult and dangerous to
destroy a colony that has already taken The Coalition States
root; it can endure nearly anything. Against the Xiticix
If attackers take out all the Queens, The Coalition made several expeditionary
about half of the Xiticix population panics raids into Xiticix Hives to try to collect
and scatters into the wilderness, confused, information about these inhuman foes.
disoriented, and easy to exterminate. The Most of those brave volunteers never
other half fights to the death, attempting made it out alive, but they collected
to protect any surviving birthing and valuable intelligence about the layout of
nursery chambers. If at least some eggs or the Hives and the state of their defenses,
young survive, one of them becomes the as well as detailed accounts of the
new Queen, and the colony might survive. distinct types of Xiticix, including the
Xiticix patrol their territory in squads Young Queens.
of six to twenty Warriors, keeping an Based on this intelligence, CS military
eye out for trouble. Invaders in groups strategists conclude Earth’s only hope is
of fewer than eight can usually avoid to exterminate the Xiticix. But depleted
Xiticix notice if they keep moving and as their forces are by the recent wars,
don’t attract attention to themselves. the Coalition hopes someone else does
Larger groups, large robots, mechs, or something about the threat, so they don’t
groups traveling by vehicle automatically have to. To this end, they’ve made the
draw a Xiticix patrol to investigate and, information about the creatures public
likely, attack. Killing a Xiticix draws through a series of carefully managed
more patrols, which arrive in one to ten “leaks” to the outside world. They hope
minutes (or sooner if this happens near to make the danger posed by the Xiticix
the Hive). very clear. Unfortunately, few of the other
A full-scale invasion stirs up the Hive major powers show any concern about
like a nest of angry wasps. Hordes of the Xiticix. Most of them fear this is a CS
Warriors stream from the Hive to defend disinformation campaign; others remain
their territory. They attack in waves, unconcerned because the Xiticix Hives
keeping pressure on the invaders and are still far away and isolated. Currently,
refreshing injured or exhausted Warriors. only Lazlo and Lord Splynncryth of
Once it repels the attack, the Hive stays Atlantis recognize the existential threat
agitated for days. The Xiticix step up Xiticix present.
their patrols, meet any incursion with Strategists for the Coalition have
disproportionate force, and send angry devised three plans to deal with the
swarms raiding outside their territory Xiticix, but each one has its flaws and
to retaliate and aggressively defend the none of them are a guaranteed success.
Hive against further attacks.

OPTION A: COMPLETE GENOCIDE to wage total war against the Xiticix.
The only sure formula for success is Unfortunately, at the Xiticix’s rate of
to utterly wipe out the Xiticix. They growth, the Coalition does not have the
cannot be bargained or negotiated with, luxury of time.
they cannot be moved, they cannot be
contained, so they must be destroyed. OPTION B: HOLDING ACTION
The CS cannot engage in limited war The second-best option is just to hold the
because the Xiticix cannot be “taught a Xiticix at their current borders. This is the
lesson.” If CS air power destroys a part Coalition’s current strategy. They observe,
of a Hive, the Xiticix rebuild. If Coalition they use surgical strikes to cripple enemy
troops kill a thousand of them, they operations, they fortify the borders, and
replenish their numbers within months. they use mercenary companies and
They are single-minded, fearless, and experimental mutants to stage assaults.
tenacious. Thus, the CS must destroy the The problems with this approach are
Xiticix utterly to get rid of them. twofold. First and most importantly, these
The problem with this plan is the cost efforts have no noticeable effect on the
in lives would be tremendous. Even Xiticix. The creatures’ numbers still grow,
if the Coalition hits the Hives with and their territory still expands. At best,
everything they have, they still need it’s keeping them to about a 60% annual
boots on the ground, and close combat growth rate. This is not sustainable in the
with the Xiticix is deadly. The CS must long-term.
clean each tunnel out, kill each creature, The second problem is the CS must be
smash each egg, and find and slaughter circumspect. If the Xiticix identify the
every Queen. The Xiticix bury the heart Coalition as a powerful and dangerous
of the Hive so deeply and protect it so rival, they will swarm the Coalition States
strongly, even nuclear weapons would just as if they had staged a major assault.
not guarantee success. This means CS assault teams cannot use
And once CS forces commit to the attack, standard Dead Boy armor, CS equipment,
there is no turning back. If they leave the or easily-identifiable vehicles. Raiding
job undone, the Xiticix retaliate. The CS parties must not allow the Xiticix to
would find themselves under constant follow them back into Coalition territory.
assault. The Xiticix would raid Coalition They cannot allow the Xiticix to make
lands, target Coalition cities and villages, a connection between these attacks and
attack CS vehicles, assassinate key the Coalition States, or it means all-out
Coalition figures, and might stage a full- war, so CS troops disguise themselves as
blown invasion to wipe out their enemies. ordinary mercenaries or adventurers.
The Coalition would have to win this war;
there is no other choice. And the problem OPTION C: HOPE SOMEONE ELSE
is, they’re not sure they can. TAKES CARE OF THE PROBLEM
The wars with Tolkeen and Free The Coalition’s greatest hope is for some
Quebec left the Coalition in a weakened other power to step in to destroy the
state. Additionally, the Coalition’s hatred Xiticix. This is the best possible scenario
and distrust of its enemies mean they for the CS, with another force shouldering
would never join forces with them no the burden and the losses associated with
matter the threat. Instead they have the war. Even if they are not completely
resolved to build up their troop strength successful in wiping out the Xiticix, they
and their industrial base in preparation should weaken the enemy enough for

the CS to move in and mop up. As a The threat of the Xiticix is so great even
bonus, this war would also weaken the the peaceful people of Lazlo concluded
Coalition’s rival. these aliens must be eliminated. This
The CS is pursuing this strategy in two conclusion is not without controversy;
ways. First, it’s leaking the information some say more study is needed, others
it’s gathered, hoping others recognize the suggest the intelligence leaked from the
threat of the Xiticix and make their move. CS is untrustworthy. But Plato and the
So far, no one has taken the bait. Councils concluded waiting is no longer
Second, the CS secretly buttresses the a possibility, they must act. They’ve come
Psi-Stalker tribes living in the territories up with two plans.
around the Xiticix Hives, passing
intelligence and materiel support through OPTION A: CONTAINMENT AND SLOW GENOCIDE
third parties. The efforts of the Psi- This plan involves finding the Queens
Stalkers and their Coalition backers keep and destroying them, using magic-users,
the Xiticix population as low as it is, but psychics, and powerful creatures such
this is not a workable long-term strategy. as dragons or Elementals to spearhead
the attack. Without Queens, the Xiticix
The Lazlo War cannot reproduce, thus halting their
Against the Xiticix growth. The creatures slowly die off and
within a generation go extinct.
“It is with a heavy heart that I proclaim
But this plan is risky, not only in
the Xiticix a plague upon this land. A
terms lives lost, but also in its chances
cancer that must be cut out and destroyed
of success. All the Queens, as well as all
before it can devour our world. I shudder
the eggs and larvae, must be found and
to think how much these words sound like
killed as quickly as possible to prevent
those spoken by Emperor Prosek against
the Xiticix from hiding them or initiating
us. But we do not suggest slaughtering
countermeasures. The strike must be fast
those who are different from ourselves
and thorough; if any Queens live, or if
only because they are different. We must
any eggs mature, the entire plan is for
stand against a ravaging beast at our door.
naught. Afterward, the Hives must be
‘’This, my friends, and colleagues,
closely monitored for years, to be certain
is our war. For none, other than the
no Queens survived and no new Queens
Coalition States, seem to realize the
somehow appear.
danger, or if they do, they lack the power
And how do the Xiticix respond?
to do anything about it. We do not. We
Without a Queen, Xiticix society might
are strong. Who else if not us? And
fall apart. They might turn on each
so, it is by the ironic hand of fate that
other. They might scatter and become
our very love of life compels us to go to
wild raiders. They might go into a killing
war and take life. I am as numb by this
frenzy and swarm across the land,
paradoxical revelation as you must be,
destroying everything in their path. They
and I have had the luxury of pondering
might direct their fury at Lazlo. Nobody
it for many months now. It is time for us
knows, and nobody is eager to find out.
to take a stand, protect the innocent, and
stop the Devouring Swarm.”
—Plato’s address to the people of Lazlo,
The second choice is to wage a total war
Summer 105 PA.
to destroy the Xiticix utterly. Tactically,
Lazlo forces would target the Queens first,

leaving one or two alive to encourage force against the insects, but their
the other Xiticix to stay in the Hive and independent and rivalrous nature leaves
protect the remaining Queens. the tribes fragmented and disorganized.
But this plan does not come without Many tribes join with the Lazlo army to
its problems. Full-scale raids on the Hive fight, but other tribes fight independently.
Networks cost more lives, and if the
Xiticix forces have a chance to dig in, then THE SPIDER TRIBE
digging them out becomes much harder. The second largest tribe honors their
If a single Queen escapes, the whole past with a tribal tattoo: a spider on
mission fails; the Xiticix invasion of Rifts their forehead above the right eye with
Earth started with nothing more than a the spider legs reaching down their
single Queen and a few dozen Xiticix. cheek. The shamans have their tattoo
Lazlo wants to begin this assault very on the left. This pays homage to the first
soon, knowing every delay makes the Spider Warrior.
enemy stronger. But with the Coalition The Spider Warrior united his people
States still pursuing its Campaign of to overthrow the demonic spiders. Today,
Unity, Lazlo cannot afford to commit the tribe continues this legacy. The Spider
their resources against the Xiticix. Tribe believes they must fight the Xiticix.
They also know their forces cannot win
The Psi-Stalkers’ alone, so they often fight alongside the
Private War Lazlo army.
Wild Psi-Stalker tribes hunt the Xiticix.
Their numbers make them an important

THE PONY-TAIL TRIBE They dislike D-Bees, choosing to avoid
Most know these warriors for the pony- them—the only exception is their trading
tails and scalps the bald Psi-Stalkers partners, Simvan Monster Riders.
glue or stitch to the top of their heads. Despite their many quirks, they remain
The longtime rivals of the Spider Tribe a ferocious band of fighters and valuable
only put aside their differences to fight allies in the struggle against the Xiticix.
the Xiticix.
The Pony-Tail tribe is the largest Psi- THE DEATHBRINGER WARRIORS
Stalker tribe in the region. Unlike many of Psi-Stalker tribes do not accept outsiders
their rivals, they choose to fight on their within their ranks, especially practitioners
own and avoid interacting with outsiders. of magic. Yet, the Deathbringer warriors
They despise technology and civilization, follow one Quiwan Li, a mysterious
and the Coalition States represents both. necromancer, and his disciples.

1– 5 Same results as in The Game Master’s Handbook.
Bandits: As per The Game Master’s Handbook, but this far from Lone Star
6 –7 they’re merely ragged scavengers instead of 1st Apocalyptic Cavalry or Pecos
Empire loyalists.
8 Same result as in The Game Master’s Handbook.
9 –10 Coalition Recon-in-Force: As the result in The Game Master’s Handbook.
Psi-Stalkers: The heroes encounter a hunting expedition of 2d8 Psi-Stalkers.
These use the stats for Coalition Psi-Stalkers from Savage Foes of North America
11 –13 but are mounted on horses. Roll any die; they hail from the relatively civil
Spider Tribe on an odd roll and from the less friendly Pony-Tail Tribe on an
even roll. Roll on the Opposition Leader Table.
Lazlo Patrol: An encounter with a Ley Line Walker, 1d4 Wilderness Scouts,
and 2d6 Soldiers from Lazlo offers the Legionnaires a chance to
share intelligence. Roll a d6; the leader is War Weary on a 1–3, Noncommittal
on a 4–5, and Wary on a 6 as per the Opposition Leader Table.
15 –16 Xiticix: As per Game Master’s Handbook.
Xiticix Leapers: One or more (1d4) Xiticix Leapers try to pick off the
17 heroes one by one. Their presence indicates Xiticix leaders are aware of the
Tomorrow Legion’s presence in their territory.
Xiticix Recon-in-Force: A Xiticix Super Warrior leads 1d4 Xiticix Hunters
18 –19 and 1d12 Xiticix Warriors. Those knowledgeable about Xiticix behavior
know a Hive has recognized their presence and opposition grows tougher.
Deathbringers: One Wild Card Necromancer leads 2d8 Psi-Stalkers in a raid
20 against the Xiticix. Roll on the Opposition Leader Table to determine if the
Necromancer is a true hero or a barely-reformed villain.

The tribe remains on its own but is the Tomorrow Legion can search for
prepared to fight when the need arises. new weapons to defeat them. Perhaps
They also can do something no other a ritual exists capable of transporting
group can: infiltrate a Xiticix Hive. the Xiticix to an uninhabited world, or
Deathbringer Warriors wear Xiticix some Pre-Cataclysmic bio-weapon from
exoskeletons as armor, including a skull the Golden Age of Man targeting only
for a helmet. The necromancers found a these alien beings exists. In any case,
way to remove the glands of the Xiticix the Tomorrow Legion’s role in the battle
and extract the identifying scents. This against the Xiticix can be as ambassadors
paired with the unique armor allows and researchers, not merely warriors.
warriors to gain access to the more
vulnerable areas of a Xiticix Hive. ENCOUNTERS IN THE HIVELANDS
The tribe does not hesitate to fight To generate encounters in the Hivelands,
alongside those who fight against use the new Hivelands Encounters table
the Xiticix. However, the presence of on page 98 in conjunction with the
necromancers makes many uneasy. Game Master’s Handbook.
For now, Lazlo and others trust
the necromancers, but not without
reservation. Quiwan Li is secretive, but SAVAGE TALE:
his ambitious lieutenant Brok Magnil
raises the greatest concern. He hungers
to build his own empire one day.
While exploring in the north, the
Tomorrow Legion learns refugees
THE TOMORROW from Tolkeen—especially D-Bees—are
LEGION AND moving into the area to settle. The lands
THE XITICIX show promise, as many people already
live out here. However, a greater menace
seems ready to move into the same
Castle Refuge sits a thousand miles away territory. The Xiticix Hive in Fargo verges
from the nearest Xiticix Hive, directly on expansion, and any such expansion
through the heart of Coalition territory. will move south and west, right into the
The Legion is aware of the threat posed areas the refugees plan on settling.
by the Xiticix, but at this time they are
not able to take a direct stand against this Westward Ho
alien menace. The best they can do is help This part of North Dakota may seem bleak,
to unite the factions willing and able to but small wooded areas and grassland fill
fight the spread of this existential threat— the horizon. While traveling through, the
even approaching the Coalition. They Tomorrow Legion receives word about a
may find success with a united force, one group of Tolkeen refugees heading north.
already begun with Lazlo and the Psi- Their path puts them in close proximity
Stalker tribes, and then take to the field. to Xiticix Hives. The team heads north
There are some perils too great to ignore, to save the refugees. There are no roads
and the Xiticix threat is one of them. to follow, only animal trails. Finding the
Besides acting as peacemakers to missing group is not easy.
bridge the enmity between the powers The team must pick up on the trail and
capable of warring against the Xiticix, follow it. This undertaking requires a

The guards make the team keep their
distance while asking questions.
A Fennodi, Nercé Sints, approaches
the group. She continues the questioning
but does so in a calm
and friendly manner.
She asks about the
Tomorrow Legion and
the team’s mission. She
provides only the most
cursory information about
the refugees.
The settlers want to find a
fertile spot along one of the
nearby rivers where they can
establish farms. They tried further south,
but others had already settled the good
spots. They wanted to go west but
changed their mind when they
heard about the demons. Sints
now leads them north, and
she does not heed advice to
head back. The heroes
must persuade her and
the other settlers of the
danger in a Social Conflict.
EE Nercé Sints: As a Civilian with the
Fennodi racial abilities (see Savage
Foes of North America).
successful Survival roll at −2 (or Notice
„„Civilians (40): See Savage Foes of
at an additional −2). If the team fails, a
North America.
patrol of aggressive Xiticix Warriors
„„Wilderness Scouts (4): See Savage
finds the Legionnaires first and initiates
Foes of North America.
combat immediately.
„„Horses and Wagons (10): As
If successful, the Legionnaires find the
Carriages (see Vehicles in Savage
refugee caravan at dusk, drawn up into a
wagon circle. They set a few very small
„„Speedster Hovercycles (5): See The
fires, only noticeable once the team draws
Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide.
near. Most of the vehicles are make-shift
wagons, their horses resting just inside
Bugs to Spare
the circle. The refugees also have a few
In the morning, the refugees set out early.
scavenged hover vehicles, all in very bad
If the team persuaded the refugees, then
shape with no weapons.
the large group starts moving to safer
The weary group startles easily. Their
lands. If not, the refugees resume their
nervous guards train their guns on the
course with or without the team. The
heroes while everyone else tries to hide.
hover vehicles flank the wagons. Few

passengers ride in the wagons, instead, Getting Eaten Alive
most walk between the wagons and other If the Legionnaires go with the caravan,
vehicles. They do not travel long before the Xiticix pursue them immediately.
the Xiticix attack. Use the Chase rules, starting the Xiticix
If the Legionnaires chose to travel with on Chase Card 1 and the caravan on card
the caravan, anyone with Danger Sense 4. Since the Xiticix are flying, the Range
can make an opposed Notice roll versus Increment is 25. The refugees act as one
the hidden Xiticix Hunters’ Stealth. If the unit. The Legionnaires can act as a group
Legionnaires do not go with the group, or separately. For the Xiticix, use stats for
they soon hear gunshots and the screams the Xiticix Super Warrior on page 189.
of horses. They can attempt to sneak up The Xiticix do not give up their pursuit,
on the attack—the heroes’ Stealth versus and if they catch up to the caravan's
the Xiticix Hunters’ Notice. Sneaking up Chase Card, the chase ends and a combat
on the attack gives the Xiticix more time ensues at once. If the Legionnaires and
to kill the refugees though. the refugees manage to evade the Xiticix
This group of Xiticix is not large; for four rounds, they identify a spot to set
however, they are highly organized. The an ambush.
Hunters remain at a distance, providing If the team decides to hunt the Xiticix,
cover for the Warriors. If the team goes then they must first find the bugs, but
to save the caravan, the Hunters use their the bugs are hunting them too. This is an
rifles to snipe at the team. Otherwise, opposed Survival roll versus the Xiticix
they only shoot at those who directly Hunters, but the Hunters get a +4 to their
attack them. The Warriors swarm the roll (due to the scent). Whoever finds
back of the caravan, going straight the other first can attempt an ambush
for those walking. The refugees duck (see Surprise in Savage Worlds). If the
beneath moving wagons or up the line Legionnaires sneak up on the Xiticix, the
as the Warriors follow them. Xiticix Hunters get a +2 to their Notice
Once attacked, the Hunters attempt to (due to the scent).
flee—but not before marking someone When the battle finally comes, the
with their scent. No one can smell the Xiticix attempt to swarm the heroes. If
scent except those with heightened the team has time to arrange the attack,
senses of smell, like Dog Boys. they can place the refugees out of harm’s
If the Legionnaires did not convince way. If not, the refugees are caught in
the refugees of the Xiticix danger before, the middle. Warriors make direct attacks,
they believe it now. They happily change along with Leapers who attempt to
their course. The team may decide to Pounce. The Workers encircle the camp,
guard the refugees as they head back and attempt to push anyone escaping
south, or they may choose to hunt down back into the center (see Push in Savage
the remaining Xiticix. Worlds). The Diggers attempt to pin
anyone trying to escape.
„„Xiticix Warriors (1 per hero): See
After two rounds of combat, the team
Savage Foes of North America.
is shot at by hidden Hunters. Anyone
„„Xiticix Hunters (1 per 2 heroes): See
who successfully beats a Hunter in an
Savage Foes of North America.
opposed Stealth versus Notice roll can
find it and attack. They Hunters stay at a
distance and do not directly engage. Once
the Warriors are defeated, the remaining

Hunters attack the team as Super-Warrior „„Xiticix Warriors (1 per hero): See
reinforcements arrive. Savage Foes of North America.
If they survive the battle, Sint and „„Xiticix Leapers (1 per 2 heroes): See
the refugees are immensely grateful page 185.
to the Tomorrow Legion. They ask the „„Xiticix Diggers (1 per 2 heroes): See
Legionnaires to help them find a safe page 184.
place to settle and promise to spread „„Xiticix Workers (1 per hero): See
the word of the Legion's heroism to all page 183.
they meet. „„Xiticix Hunters (1 per 2 heroes): See
For their part, the heroes have learned Savage Foes of North America.
first hand the danger posed by the Xiticix „„Xiticix Super-Warriors (1 per 2
menace, and have gained an insight heroes): See page 189.
into how hard this new foe will be to
eradicate. That wisdom must be shared
with their superiors at Castle Refuge as
soon as possible



he tsunamis and earthquakes created
by the raising of Atlantis smashed MADHAVEN
the eastern seaboard of North
America, dooming hundreds of millions
of lives in mere minutes. Southern The great center of commerce and
Florida practically washed away as rising technology fell. Earthquakes and tidal
sea levels turned the southern states into waves decimated Manhattan. The
a massive swamp. The sea and buckling earth buckled, forcing Manhattan and
earth swallowed the metroplexes of the neighboring Long Island up. When the
central and northern Atlantic states. upheaval was over, the islands sat 500
Much of humanity’s Golden Age simply feet higher with a connecting land bridge.
ceased to exist. The change drained the Harlem River,
Exposure to the energies of the Rifts turning it into a plain. After the dust
and radiation from devastated nuclear settled, a new landscape appeared, and
facilities damaged the DNA of the few vegetation overtook the ruins.
survivors, causing weird mutations in The natural magical energies once
the populace. Forced to survive in the flowing through Manhattan turned on
ruins of their once-mighty civilization, it. Old stories attributed supernatural
the mutants turned to barbarism as the disturbances to the unknown Harlem
new Dark Ages descended. Nexus. The Rifts released this magical
Even as most of the rest of the energy, bringing back the dead as ghosts
North American continent finds itself and mutating the few left alive.
recovering— developing a new post- Today, the lands resemble great ranges
post-apocalyptic society from the ruins of mountains and caverns made of stone,
of what came before—the Mutant Lands concrete, and steel. Caves and tunnels—
of Dinosaur Swamp and Madhaven still inhabited by the Haven Mutants—dive
struggle in the throes of brutish tribalism deep in the earth. Some believe the ruins
and savagery. hide treasures, but no one finds anything

beyond souvenirs in the rubble of Times
CREEPING MADNESS Square and an occasional artifact in
Flushing Meadows.
Little remains of the old city, as each
The lingering psychic trauma and
borough fell to the forces of the Rifts. The
presence of Entities in Madhaven
powerful Financial District resembles a
suffuses the area with an ever-
jungle. Brooklyn’s ghosts act like sports
present, unsettling sense of
fans of old, and the mutants use the fields
dread. This “Creeping Madness”
for physical contests. The Haven Mutants
imposes a cumulative −1 penalty
gathered the few remains of the Statue of
on Fear checks for every 24
Liberty and built an idol, the Mighty Lady.
hours spent within Madhaven’s
Madhaven is a dark shadow of its
borders, up to a maximum of −6.
former self. Most residents of Manhattan
The Creeping Madness does not
died during the Great Cataclysm. Other
extend to the Garden, and just 12
Entities drawn to the released magical
hours within its bounds resets a
energy joined the native ghosts and haunt
hero’s Fear check penalty to 0. The
the ruins. Visitors cannot escape its dread
Arcane Resistance Edge counters
and sorrow. For psychics, the horror
the Creeping Madness’s influence.
immediately permeates and affects them.
No one leaves Madhaven unscarred.

Haven Mutants
Those few humans surviving the fall
of Manhattan changed. Alien energies,
radioactivity, and pollution combined Beast Men resemble bipedal
with magical energy transformed gorillas. As the most intelligent of
humans in a single generation. This the mutant races, it is no wonder
warped their appearance, leaving technology intrigues them.
them more monster than human. They Dyno-Men on the other hand
developed more helpful mutations, reject both technology and magic—
such as different forms of psychic they destroyed civilization. The
immunity. They embrace it all, including mutants hark back to an earlier
their monstrosity. The transformation time, as they look more like
helped the mutants endure through the theropod dinosaurs and live on
Dark Ages with its alien invasions and land and in the water.
centuries of turmoil. Leopard Men are militants
The mutants are fiercely territorial, who show no mercy, either killing
with little interest in living anywhere else. or enslaving non-mutants. They
Of course, they do not trust outsiders, resemble their human ancestors,
especially the D-Bees, demons, and except for leopard spots and a mane.
monsters who arrived in Madhaven’s Mantis Men are tall and thin
earliest days. Their distaste for others with elongated appendages. They
is well-founded. Most outsiders come to are generally peaceful, embracing
destroy or capture the mutants, while philosophy and psychology.
pillaging Madhaven. Those showing the Perhaps as a result, they want
mutants respect visit safely though. nothing to do with humans.
The Haven Mutants thrive, gathering Metal Morphs begin life with
into clans ranging from 100 – 600 mutants. fragile, weak bodies which they
Shamans—the most magically powerful strengthen by grafting metal and
and intelligent mutants—concocted a cult other materials to them. They
around the goddess Isis, who resembles distrust technology and science,
the rebuilt Lady Liberty. Their rich oral blaming reckless use of the two
history helps keep the faith alive. for the different mutant races.
Time and isolation allowed mutants to Pseudo Men look almost human
create their own society. During the Dark but for the physical abnormalities
Ages, they built tunnels and underground related to their powers. They range
lairs as refuges. Today, they fight the from angelic in appearance to the
horrors of Madhaven, so all mutants grotesque mutants depicted in 20th
become warriors at the age of 13. The and 21st century science fiction.
Shamans enjoy uncontested leadership Quill Men have faces akin to
and exist as a new aristocracy, but the rats with spikes instead of hair.
people vote on the rest of the leadership They are quick and precocious.
(from a selection chosen by the Shamans). Savage Lummox are large and
Mutants belong to one of eight racial brutish with little intelligence.
groups. They live in clans and remain They see themselves as protectors
loyal to the clan more than anything else. of all Haven Mutants.
All believe in their superiority over the
rest of humanity, considering themselves

the next evolution of Man. This unites the Mystic Knights mercilessly hunt the
them as a greater family, so disputes Knights of the White Rose, the Order
among clans do not develop much still works to reform their comrades, as
beyond minor fights. well as protect the innocent and defeat
injustice throughout the Magic Zone.
The Knights of
the Order of the
White Rose
A wild paradise hides in the ruins of DINOSAUR SWAMP
Manhattan—Central Park, now known
as the Garden. The wild overtook the
lands, and today, a forest spreads out
Stretching south from what was once
from the former haven. The Knights of
North Carolina to the flooded ruins of
the White Rose reside here.
Florida, Dinosaur Swamp boasts a diverse
Many stories about the Knights of the
array of environments—from hardwood
White Rose abound, and most are true.
forests in the Appalachian foothills
These former Mystic Knights forsook
of the north, to the marshlands of the
their brethren long ago, when their troop
piedmont, to the sandy marshes and
moved to destroy the village of Bloom
River of Grass in the south. Dinosaurs
and steal the alien White Rose plant. A
ripped from Earth’s past and alien beasts
few of the Knights—led by Sir Colt and
from the Rifts dominate this wilderness,
Sir Rolden Stonefist—spoke out against
supplanting the native wildlife and
the needlessly wanton act. A fight ensued,
turning the landscape into a death trap
devastating the Mystic Knights. The
for humans and D-Bees alike.
surviving rebels and villagers fled the
A vast network of ley lines destabilizes
battlefield with a handful of White Roses.
the Appalachians, causing unpredictable
Led by Sir Colt, they sought a place to
dimensional shifting. Travelers trying to
hide beyond the reach of their enemies.
reach Dinosaur Swamp from the easily-
A Rift sucked the party in, transporting
traveled routes beyond the Appalachians
them to Madhaven. Before they found
often find themselves cast into another
sanctuary, many of the refugees and
world by ley line storms and lost forever.
Knights died or fell victim to Madhaven’s
Approaching through the Magic Zone
overwhelming madness-inducing effect.
and Dark Wood (see Rifts® North America:
By the end, they discovered a forest lay
Arcana and Mysticism) offers its own
at the center of Madhaven’s aura of terror.
challenges but diminishes the chance of
In the Garden they found the peace and
suddenly being transported to a world
safety they sought.
with a methane atmosphere.
The new inhabitants of the forest
While explorers from the Coalition
planted the alien White Roses, from
States and Magic Zone—and D-Bee
which the order takes its name. They built
tribes deposited by the Rifts—struggle
a kingdom protected by a magical ward
to establish new outposts of civilization
centered around Cleopatra’s Needle. From
in Dinosaur Swamp, the primary sapient
the outside, it appears to be a burned-out
inhabitants are mutated humans. Less
crater. Anchoring teleportation magic
thoroughly warped by the energies
to the Egyptian obelisk, the Knights of
released by the Coming of the Rifts than
the White Rose venture out to find allies
the Haven Mutants, these barbarians
and fight their evil counterparts. Though

suffer from largely cosmetic mutations: BARBARIAN TRIBES
bestial facial features, fur or scales, Many of the inhabitants of Dinosaur
snail-like eyestalks, tails, unusual skin Swamp belong to a Barbarian tribe.
colors, and the like. They take less pride Most members of a tribe are of a single
in their uniqueness than the Haven race, born and raised within the group.
Mutants, feeling separated from their Other tribes allow people to join and
pre-Rifts heritage. accept anyone of any race or background.
The barbarians live by hunting, Over the years, tribes rise and grow, or
gathering, and raiding each other (and dwindle and become extinct. Small
outsiders) for food, slaves, and supplies. scattered tribes live throughout the area,
They hunt the dinosaurs, eating their but the three most powerful ones reside
meat and making tools and weapons of in the Old Carolinas.
their claws and teeth. The barbarians Wolf Runners, the most primitive
also harvest the SteelTree forest of the of the tribes, worship a half-man and
Carolinas, crafting tools and arms half-wolf totem. Each family is a den
from its leaves, bark, and wood. Tribes with a leader, and each den belongs to
too distant from the SteelTrees trade the greater pack. They are nomadic but
with other tribes for the precious Mega gather in established meeting points.
Damage weapons, or else steal them in Their animalistic nature makes it difficult
raids. A few clans began finally practicing for them to understand modern weapons,
agriculture in the last few generations. but they are experts with the simple
Risking their lives between hostile weapons they use—including those
barbarians and deadly dinosaurs, artifact made from SteelTree and dinosaur claws.
hunters have stripped rare treasures from The Rams live in a village off the
the tumbled cities of Dinosaur Swamp. shores of a large lake. They have a
Such valuable prizes are not as plentiful commune system where everyone
here as in Madhaven, but the pay makes fulfills a role. They dedicate themselves
the risk worthwhile. Those seeking to the exploration of the mind and body,
military secrets find less to discover in encourage psionic abilities, and excel as
this region: the great cities of the south artisans. Despite their more intellectual
were centers of civilian manufacturing nature, they do train fierce warriors and
and media production. The most world- tend to raid smaller tribes for goods.
changing (and valuable) technological The Devil Horde exemplifies the worst
secrets lie sunken amid the barrier in Barbarians. They are nomadic raiders,
islands off the coast of Florida, where the fighting, pillaging, and destroying their
aerospace industry of the Golden Age way through the swamps. They also
rests beneath the waves. include necromancers and shifters who
aid in the tribe’s campaigns.
Inhabitants of
Despite the multitude of natural dangers Refugees from Tolkeen and similar
lurking in and around Dinosaur Swamp, situations now make their homes in
many humans and D-Bees call it home. the wilderness of Dinosaur Swamp.
Char is the most developed city in the They gather in small communities to
area, but many other communities live a life free from the Coalition States.
exist throughout the region's enormous Family groups are the backbone of the
primeval swamps. homesteader communities, and most

farm. The wilds do provide some land suburbs of the city remain overrun with
for ranching, but hunting, trapping, and SteelTrees and monsters. The inner hub
fishing are more common. The larger offers shelter from monsters, but its
communities also attract those who anarchic nature presents its own dangers.
provide services to their neighbors. City rat gangs compete for power,
with open violence disallowed only
PSI-STALKERS in the central square of Trade Street.
Psi-Stalkers make their home in some The Wayside Inn keeps Headhunter
of the most dangerous places in North mercenaries on staff to protect the rooms
America, including the coastal regions and barbershop, but the Night’s Rest Inn,
of Dinosaur Swamp. The wild brings out a shadowy flophouse, hosts all sorts of
primal instinct in Psi-Stalkers, even those criminal activity. Chamberland’s Arms
connected to the CS —many abandon and Armor offers salvaged equipment,
their posts to join their wild brethren. while Viggo’s Firearms offers the finest
Here, they forge strong bonds with the custom-built conventional weapons in
many animals, except for their primary North America. Beneath the patchwork
enemy, predatory dinosaurs. canvas roof of Roma’s, the cyclopean
hostess offers the best food and drink in
The Old Carolinas Dinosaur Swamp.
With their political borders long forgotten,
the Carolinas are regarded now as one Georgia
region. The Appalachian Mountains The Horror Forest covers most of Georgia.
in the northwest descend into forested A mix of gangly pines in the west and
foothills, flat piedmont, and finally scrublands in the east, the Horror Forest
marshlands covering the eastern half of takes its name both from the territorial
the Carolinas. The southwestern portion carnivores hunting and warring in the
of the Carolinas—roughly three-quarters woods and the ruined cities haunted by
of old South Carolina—lies covered by Entities. The sandy marshes covering the
the Ironwood Forest, where the alien southeastern corner of the state blend in
SteelTree grows. to the swamps of Florida.


A dimensional shift evidently transplanted Though not the concrete jungle of
the metallic-gray SteelTree to Rifts Madhaven, the former delta hub still
Earth where it now grows exclusively boasts some remnants of civilization,
in the southwestern Carolinas. While with the ruins of an athletic field, bottling
resistant to conventional axes, the trees plant, and airport still standing. Most
are vulnerable to magical fire and plasma. of the barbarians and D-Bees calling
The barbarian tribes rely on deadfall and Atlanta home lurk in the MARTA
leaves to make their arms and armor, but Tunnels underneath the city. Specifically,
some explorers newly come to the region the Rat Men control the northern tunnels.
experiment with using plasma torches to Smoothed out to accommodate hover
harvest entire trees. trains in the years before the Coming
These loggers work out of Char, a city of the Rifts, the tunnels offer dangerous
built on the ruins of Charlotte, North shelter. Rain turns many of the tunnels
Carolina. Standing on the northern into free-flowing sluices, sweeping along
border of the Ironwood Forest, the outer debris and drowning the unwary.

Human barbarians and D-Bees the ages. The elves run a school for
compete for resources in the city, but a Wilderness Scouts, accepting barter
group of renegade True Atlanteans also and service in return for the benefit of
calls Atlanta home. Hunted by Sunaj centuries of experience.
assassins (see Savage Foes of North America),
the Eleytherians (“freedom fighters” in Florida
Atlantean) may prove helpful allies if Much of Florida now lies below sea level;
or when the Tomorrow Legion dares to everything south of Tampa Bay sits
challenge the might of the Splugorth. beneath the waves, with the shoreline
receded many miles inland. Forest covers
FORT HAWKINS the panhandle, while the central portion
Rifts frequently open in the ley line escaping the floodwaters became a lush,
network surrounding the Ocmulgee tropical swamp. Sandy barrier islands
Mounds in the center of Georgia. Decades shelter the east coast from hurricanes,
ago, a pair of wizened elf Wilderness while the drowned southern half of the
Scouts named Pennent and Gran decided state is now the Sea of Grass.
to watch over the Rifts and set up camp The epicenter of Dinosaur Swamp sits
in the ruins of Fort Hawkins. in Florida, as well as the most tempting
Reminiscent of Castle Refuge, Fort treasures. Unfortunately, the Splugorth
Hawkins stands on the ruins of a true and their pirate allies hunt the peninsula
archaeological site but was rebuilt in for dinosaurs for the arenas of Atlantis—
concrete and stone to last through and slaves when they can find them.

THE TIME HOLES toxic chemicals and radiation, while
While Rifts throughout North America others feature still-functioning ancient
occasionally spit forth dinosaurs, forces automated defense mechanisms.
emanating from Florida tune Rifts in This does not stop would-be salvage
Dinosaur Swamp especially to Earth’s crews from exploring the islands.
Mesozoic Era. This results from the Time Coalition States scouts, and others yearn
Holes, an experiment by the pre-Rifts to discover the secrets hiding among
KLS Aerospace Corporation to create an the blockhouses, gantries, launch pads,
orbital gateway system, allowing space missile silos, and runways still enduring
vessels to be teleported out of Earth’s through the ages.
atmosphere. The experiment went
haywire during a ley line storm shortly
after the Great Cataclysm, and the Time THE TOMORROW
Holes are still open to this day. LEGION IN THE
Every 27 days, the Time Holes open for MUTANT LANDS
a 10-day stretch. Most of the Rifts connect
to the Mesozoic Era, but others open onto
alien worlds, allowing more dinosaurs The Mutant Lands teem with danger.
and even stranger monsters to cross to Ghosts and monsters lurk beneath the
Rifts Earth. The area surrounding the KLS canopy of Madhaven, so too does the
facility is now a charnel ground where threat of madness. Dinosaur Swamp
terrifying predators wait to pounce upon offers the temptation of secrets recovered,
new arrivals to the world. while promising danger at every turn
Madhaven's inhabitants are not simply
JUNGLE CASTLE evil. Though the Haven Mutants do not
The towers of a ruined castle rise above trust outsiders, the Tomorrow Legion
the swamps of central Florida, the most can gain access. If the Tomorrow Legion
visible remnant of a vast entertainment accepts the mutants’ claim to Madhaven
complex once offering magic and and treats the people with respect, they
delight to young and old. Ghostly hard- can gain safe passage there. Of course,
light holograms of anthropomorphic not all clans are friendly.
beasts, princesses, star warriors, and The Tomorrow Legion has a standing
superheroes drift among the surface alliance with the Knights of the Order
ruins, but dangerous elementals haunt of White Rose. They fight alongside each
the service tunnels underneath this other against evils found in the Magic
“Jungle Castle.” Zone. The Knights can find safety in the
walls of Castle Refuge. The Order returns
THE BARRIER ISLANDS the favor to those unlucky, wayward
Out on the sandy flats of the barrier Legionnaires who find themselves lost
islands—guarded by a lagoon full in Madhaven. However, any heroes
of dinosaurs, sea reptiles, and other welcomed into the safety of the Garden
predators—sit the ruins of “the Cape”— must promise to keep the paradise secret.
the fabled home of the American No such alliance yet exists with the
Empire’s spaceflight program. As much tribes and explorers of Dinosaur Swamp.
danger as the lagoon predators offer, In fact, the Coalition currently makes
the ruins themselves offer more. Many more headway there, sending spies
lay half-filled with water poisoned by into Char and exploration teams to the

Florida barrier islands. While the elf
Wilderness Scouts of Fort Hawkins seem SAVAGE TALE: THE
natural allies to the Tomorrow Legion, no COLLECTOR
overtures have yet been made. There is a
great opportunity for Legionnaires to win
Horror stories about Madhaven normally
hearts and minds in Dinosaur Swamp.
keep people from venturing too deep,
but the heroes must pursue a group of
slavers and their captives fleeing through
To generate encounters in Dinosaur
Madhaven to reach the Splugorth
Swamp and Madhaven, use the new
outpost on the far side of the island.
Mutant Lands Encounters table
Unfortunately, the stories are true; those
(below) in conjunction with the Game
who enter may not leave. The Tomorrow
Master’s Handbook.
Legion must rescue the slaves before the
ghosts of Manhattan kill them or make
them go mad.


1– 5 Same results as in The Game Master’s Handbook.
Bandits: As the results in The Game Master’s Handbook, but these desperate
6 –7
souls are in over their heads in a hostile environment.
Entity: Either a single Greater Entity or 1d4 Lesser Entities haunt the
heroes. In Dinosaur Swamp (especially in and around the Jungle Castle),
these Entities often take the form of ghostly children, while their forms
are far more variable in Madhaven.
Coalition Scouting Party: As the results in The Game Master’s Handbook,
9 –10
but these desperate souls are in over their heads in a hostile environment.
Mutants: A hunting party of either Mutants or Barbarians roam the area.
11 –13 3d6 are encountered, and they are led by a Wild Card Mutant Barbarian or
Mutant Shaman. Roll on the Opposition Leader Table.
Large Wandering Monsters: As the Wandering Monsters result in The
14 Game Master’s Handbook (typically larger carnivorous dinosaurs and
similar creatures).
15 Same result as in The Game Master’s Handbook.
Small Wandering Monsters: A pack of 2d8 human-sized or smaller
predatory creatures—small theropod dinosaurs, wolves, and the like—
16 –17
harries the Legionnaires. They are easy to drive off but continue stalking
from a distance.
18 –19 Splugorth Slaver: As the result in The Game Master’s Handbook.
20 Same result as in The Game Master’s Handbook.

ADVENTURE A group of human slavers are kidnapping
people from small communities near
To make the adventure last a little the East Coast. The Legionnaires are
longer, draw an Encounter each dispatched to find them, joining a team of
day of the search (see Travel in trackers from the affected communities
Savage Worlds) in addition to the on the outskirts of Madhaven. The
Dramatic Task. trackers fill the team in on the situation.
The largest obstacle is the They caught up to the slavers a day
environment, which seems always ago. Pressed, the slavers decided to head
ready to collapse. The vibrations to Madhaven, hoping the trackers would
from a lumbering vehicle or Glitter not pursue. The trackers are not really
Boy can cause eroding buildings to equipped to face the slavers, let alone
topple. The natural world reclaims the horrors of Madhaven. Worst of all,
the metropolis, and entangling the slavers took no precautions before
vines hide dangerous sinkholes. entering the concrete jungle. They, and
Enemies abound in the passes the trackers’ loved ones, are at the whims
of Madhaven. A Caterpillar Man of the monsters and ghosts.
might offer his service to find The Legionnaires know where the slaves
the slavers—saying he just saw entered Madhaven, but following their
them— only to try to make a trail proves difficult. The environment
meal out of the heroes. Weaker swallows up signs of movement. The
Entities play tricks, both harmless shifting soils, the overgrowth, and the
and dangerous. Though some falling ruins all make finding the slavers
Mutant Barbarians give uninvited difficult. The slavers’ one-day lead does
guests a wide berth, others may not help matters either.
see a heavily armed group as a The heroes must find the trail and
territorial threat. Wandering packs catch up to the slaves before they reach
of Phantom Wolves may decide on the eastern coastline. The search is a
making the team their next meal. Dramatic Task, using Survival or other
Fortune hunters often scour appropriate skill. Each round counts as a
the remains of Manhattan for day’s worth of searching. The task takes
souvenirs, electronics, and other as many rounds as necessary for the
small personal effects of the heroes to acquire 16 Task Tokens.
Golden Age. The gut of a Giant The horrors of Madhaven plague the
Ruin Worm corpse may hold a Legionnaires as they track their quarry.
stash of armor or weapons. To remain sane, they must each make a
The ruins of Madhaven house Fear test every day of the search using
only a small number of neutral the rules for cumulative Creeping
or friendly beings. The team may Madness (see page 104). When one of
meet Wilderness Scouts, a neutral the team draws a Club, they face one of
tribe of Mutant Barbarians who the many threats in Madhaven. Other
only become friendly if treated complications might be additional Fear
respectfully, or a patrol of Knights checks, collapsing buildings, or other
of the White Rose. obstacles.

On the Hunt the Giant Ruin Worm needs to make an
Having caught up with their targets, the Evade at −2 to avoid being swallowed.
Legionnaires can make plans to strike. Anyone swallowed may attempt to attack
The slavers remain at least several hours from the inside. However, each round in
away, and they must travel through its gut, the worm’s muscles crush them.
rugged and chewed-up terrain. In the
„„Giant Ruin Worm: See page 168.
distance, the team finally catches sight of
the slavers, but before they can close the
To the Rescue
distance, a Giant Ruin Worm bursts up
The fight with the Giant Ruin Worm
from the ground beneath them.
gives the slavers a chance to get away.
The Giant Ruin Worm attempts to
In their haste, however, they leave an
ambush the heroes. Any hero with Danger
obvious trail. The Legionnaires can
Sense or similar abilities may attempt to
catch them within a day. Upon catching
Notice the rumbling in the ground. Most
up with the slavers, the team finds
do not detect the slight shifting, which
someone, or something, has found them
could easily be nothing more than small
first. They find themselves weaponless
animals working through the dense floor.
and imprisoned in a collapsed high-rise.
With a successful roll, the hero realizes
The new threat—a Gluttonous Ghostly
the rumble comes from underground and
Entity—hides nearby.
is moving upward. This allows the team
The Entity does not want to kill or
to move before the worm swallows them.
eat the prisoners. It provides food and
On the first round, anyone within
water. It decorated the prison with aging
a Medium Blast Template centered on

furniture, art (mainly sculpture), and „„Rescued Slaves (2 per hero): See
other treasures. Rotting screens act as Civilians in Savage Foes of North
walls to create rooms. In one, a beautiful America; they are unarmed.
woman sits in a gilded cage. The ghost „„Slavers (1 per hero): See Bandit in
surrounds her in ruined luxury, including Savage Foes of North America. They
a gold toilet, and dresses her in fine clothes. are unarmed, but their weapons are
The Ghostly Entity does not directly scattered about the Ghost’s lair.
attack. It remains invisible as it hides and
plays with the heroes. Any character with
detect arcana may choose to search for the SAVAGE TALE:
culprit. However, it also actively hides,
using conceal arcana to oppose attempts
to find it with its Psionics skill.
If undetected, it snatches important The team is chosen for an Exploration
gear and weapons. Often, it places them Mission of Dinosaur Swamp, mapping
on another person, hoping to turn the the area. The ultimate aim of the mission
heroes against one another. It also uses is to discover a safe path to Fort Hawkins
the puppet power. While it remains safely and the Wilderness Scouts there.
hidden, it mainly uses the controlled hero Unfortunately, the mission becomes more
to taunt the others. When discovered, complicated once they are hunted by the
the Entity uses puppet to control a team dreaded Moby Rex.
member with dangerous weapons, and
uses telekinesis to throw objects, including Welcome to
Legionnaires, at team members. Dinosaur Swamp
Once safe and sound, the Legionnaires A couple of days into their scouting
and their quarry must safely leave mission, the Legionnaires sense someone
Madhaven. First, they need to convince watching. They see nothing but hear
the slavers to release their captives and whispers and giggles. Any team member
leave Madhaven with Legionnaires. This with detect arcana can roll Notice opposed
is a Social Conflict to persuade the slavers by the Haunting Entities’ Stealth to see if
to risk the horrors of Madhaven again. they can find who's following them. Those
Persuasion efforts suffer a −2 penalty, as who can do this as an Innate Ability or as
they fear retribution as much as the ghosts. a free action may continue to do so.
If the Social Conflict is unsuccessful, the A band of small, ethereal children
slavers refuse to release their captives observes the team from a distance. The
and try to fight their way out. children, dressed in shorts and t-shirts,
Crossing Madhaven again requires play games and sing songs. They
another Dramatic Task, as before. If the cheerfully interact with anyone who
heroes know the location of the Garden, plays with them, smiling and singing
they can make their way there instead, creepy songs. If the team attempts to flee,
where the Knights of the White Rose can the Haunting Children pursue.
safely teleport them out of Madhaven. When the team settles in for the night,
the Haunting Children grow a bit edgy.
EE Entity, Ghost (1): See page 164. This
Their reaction depends on the group’s
Gluttonous Ghost also has conceal
action as they camp for the night.
arcana, confusion, fear, havoc, illusion,
If anything in the area is disrupted
and puppet.
or destroyed, the Haunting Children

immediately attack. They prefer throwing
rocks and using bolt. If the group does MOBY REX
little to the site, then the ghosts continue
to sing and calm down. They try to lure Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts
their new companions into a false safety. d8 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+12,
Once members separate or go to sleep, the Vigor d12
children begin to drain their life essence. Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d12,
If overwhelmed, the ghosts flee. Notice d10, Stealth d6, Survival d8
„„Haunting Children (1 per hero): Pace: 10; Parry: 8; Toughness: 48
Use Entities, Haunting on page 165. (20) MDC
They have Performance d6 and the Edges: Ambidextrous, Frenzy
following additional powers: bolt, (Imp), Nerves of Steel, Quick,
empathy, and puppet. When they use Two-Fisted, Woodsman
empathy, Haunting Children sing Special Abilities:
„„Alert: Like other skilled
songs to make their targets trust
them and wish to protect them. The predators, Rex gains a +2 to
songs also elicit depression in targets. all Notice rolls.
„„Armored Mutant Hide: Its

Just Another Day thick hide is mutated and

in the Swamp resembles the SteelTree armor
The next afternoon the heroes come across of the Barbarians; +20 MDC
a clear spring, with rare clean water. It Armor and +12 Toughness.
„„Bite/Claws: Str+2d12 Mega
flows into a small waterhole frequented
by dinosaurs. Several herbivorous species Damage, AP 18.
„„Fear (−2): This creature hunts
graze nearby, drink, or rest in the lake.
They startle at the heroes’ arrival but do for sport.
„„Size 8 (Huge): Moby Rex can
not flee unless approached.
Not long after, the Legionnaires hear take two additional Wounds.
„„Tail Sweep: May strike foes
a crash through the undergrowth. Four
Tiger Claw Raptors burst forth. They Size 5 or smaller for Str+2d6
stop for a moment, survey the scene, Mega Damage at no penalty.
and rush forward. They look for a path
unobstructed by the heroes or dinosaurs.
With the arrival of the smaller
dinosaurs, the other dinosaurs become
A few smaller trees crash down into the
alert and survey the situation. The
lake, felled as a monstrous Carnivorous
Raptors race off into the underbrush.
Theropod emerges from the woods. It
Meanwhile, the trees begin to shift and
looks like a combination of the most
sway as something approaches. The
terrifying aspects of a Tyrannosaurus
creature is careful and quiet, but nothing
Rex and a Deinonychus. The extended
this big can remain truly hidden. The
tail gives the creature better balance and
larger dinosaurs crane their necks. They
maneuverability, much like Deinonychus.
bellow back to the others and begin to
It also makes use of its larger, thicker arms,
stampede. The heroes must succeed at
unlike a normal Tyrannosaurus Rex’s
an Agility roll or be trampled by the
arms. As it stalks out into the clearing, it
dinosaur’s retreat.
strikes out at anything nearby.

If the heroes engage Moby Rex, the If they choose to leave, a group of
creature goes for the largest or most Wilderness Scouts from Fort Hawkins
threatening among them first. The team finds them and asks for their help in
can choose to run and escape, using the killing Moby Rex. In return, the scouts
Chase rules. If they fight, Moby Rex flees promise to provide the Legionnaires
once it takes three Wounds. If the team with the routes they seek to the fort.
attempts to pursue, panicking dinosaurs Stalking or setting an ambush for
block their way. Moby Rex is a Dramatic Task over four
rounds—but Moby Rex poses only
„„Tiger Claw Raptors (4): See Dinosaur,
one threat here. Complications include
Small Carnivorous Therapod (page
encounters with other dinosaurs of the
swamp, environmental hazards such as
„„Dinosaur, Large Sauropod (4): See
hidden pits and other dangerous spots,
page 162.
Death Weaver Spiders, or unfriendly
„„Dinosaur, Armored Herbivorous
Mutant Barbarians.
Quadruped (6): See page 161
If the team succeeds at collecting 16
Task Tokens in the time available, they
Hatching a Plan
successfully track or ambush the apex
Moby Rex terrorizes the area. Everyone
predator, getting The Drop on him or
fears the beast, even the dinosaur-hunting
luring him into whatever trap they
Mutant Barbarians. They and others tell
built. If the team fails, Moby Rex gets
tales of Moby Rex’s ferocity and cunning.
The Drop on them as he comes bursting
The Legionnaires can choose to hunt
unexpectedly out of the swamp. During
down Moby Rex or flee.
this fight, Moby Rex does not flee; he
fights until one side wins.


Many of the barbarian tribes of „„ Represent the infinite number of

the wasteland are communities of crazy genetic mutations possible
"muties"—humans so mutated beyond with Racial Abilities.
imagination that almost anything is „„ Arcane Background (Gifted or

possible. GMs may allow their players Psionic) can be taken as a Positive
to create these kinds of characters Racial Ability if the GM thinks it
using the Making Races rules in will be balanced in combination
Savage Worlds and the modifiers for with the player's choice of Iconic
D-Bees and Mutants in The Tomorrow Framework.
Legion Player's Guide, with the „„ The mutant's Race is not considered

following guidelines: human for the purposes of

„„ Take the Mutant racial modifier. selecting Iconic Frameworks.
„„ Take Outsider as a racial modifier. „„ Players don't gain points for
„„ Take Illiterate as a racial modifier. Negative Racial Abilities that
„„ Bad Reputation as a racial modifier, have no reasonable expectation of
if it fits the mutant's origin story. adversely affecting their character.



he wind-scoured gullies, hoodoo Few would-be spies surmount the
rocks, and protruding fossils of the difficulties of approaching Calgary, so
Alberta badlands seem like hell on for now the idea of any actual organized
Earth, but north of them looms something state amid the ruins remains an absurd if
even worse. Human survivors huddle frightening rumor to most. The Psi-Stalker
in the badlands to escape the wrath of tribes of western Canada know differently.
the kingdom of monsters enthroned For as long as their tribes’ tale-tellers can
in Calgary. recall, the Psi-Stalkers have harried the
A permanent Rift equal in size to the monstrous forces within the city. As a rite
Devil’s Gate in Missouri sits in the heart of passage, young hunters organize raids
of Calgary, at a super nexus point. For to penetrate as far into the city as possible.
untold generations after the Coming of These days, increasingly organized
the Rifts, it spit out an unceasing torrent demonic defenders repel the Psi-Stalkers.
of monsters. The Simvan, Xiticix, and Gargoyles watch from overhead perches,
all manner of demons and dinosaurs heavily-armed Brodkil patrol the streets,
supposedly first came through the and Neuron beasts and greater demons
Calgary Rift. swiftly respond to alerts from over­
Demons eventually dominated the whelmed guard patrols, all in the name
metropolitan area, turning the ruins of of their terrible leader, Hell Lord Doom.
Calgary into a battlefield between rival The Psi-Stalkers report signs of recent
factions from different planes. This construction and huge mounds of earth
stymied the horde’s expansion—the from excavations. The smoke of scores of
demons rarely raid further than a few bonfires shroud Calgary, while hundreds
hundred miles from their city—but also of flying demons whirl endlessly in the sky
gave the factions a chance to cohere into above the city center, keeping watch for
power bases. Out of this arose a leader, intruders. Something monumental brews
and out of that leader’s ambitions, a deep in the ruins of Calgary, but no free
kingdom was born. soul has seen it and lived to tell the tale.

dangerous powers in North America,
THE HELL PIT and possibly all of Rifts Earth. Possessed
of enough mystical might to challenge
Lord Dunscon of the Federation of Magic,
but with the military acumen of Karl
No outsider knows about the Hell Pit, an
Prosek, Hell Lord Doom seems on the
attempt to stabilize the Calgary Rift into a
verge of becoming the greatest threat the
portal between Rifts Earth and the home
Tomorrow Legion has yet faced.
dimension of the demonic faction ruling
Only, he isn’t really Hell Lord Doom.
the Kingdom of Monsters. A being called
He is, in fact, Vicious Blade, a Raksasha
Hell Lord Doom crushed all opposition
who made himself indispensable to
to his rule and now commands legions of
Doom before murdering him and
followers who work tirelessly to create a
assuming his identity. Vicious Blade
passage for an army to thunder through
walks a dangerous tightrope; he fears
and conquer the entire world.
his demonic superiors might one day
Using thousands of disposable human
discover his duplicity but hopes fulfilling
slaves, the demonic horde excavated a
Hell Lord Doom’s mandate better than
hole four-miles in diameter around the
the greater demon could nets him not
Calgary Rift. The work continues now
only clemency, but approval.
with the carving of intricate vile runes
The paranoid self-aggrandizement
into the walls of the pit. Once finished,
Vicious Blade uses to bolster his courage
the demons only have to erect the huge
poisons the craftiness with which the
pillars serving as foci for the Hell Pit and
Raksasha won his throne in the first place.
sacrifice the thousands of lives needed to
The impostor Hell Lord Doom arrogantly
open the passage.
concedes no possibility any champions of
If the Hell Pit opens, the walls between
Rifts Earth might discover his plans, let
the worlds shatter and Calgary becomes
alone be able to disrupt them. He fails to
a literal hell on Earth, an outpost of the
realize he himself is the weak point in his
fiendish dimensions. If Hell Lord Doom's
plans. If heroes of the Tomorrow Legion
plan comes to fruition, massive demonic
penetrate Hell Lord Doom’s defenses and
armies will cross into Rifts Earth easier
slay him, the entire Hell Pit project would
than fording a river, bringing all the war
fall apart as the demons of Calgary war
machines of their home world to bear
among themselves.
against those who oppose them. Within
days, Hell Lord Doom will be able to
deploy an army greater than any seen on
Earth for centuries, possibly conquering CALGARY CITY
the planet in weeks.
Assured none of his mortal enemies
know how close he verges on triumph,
Hell Lord Doom only worries his The challenge for heroes seeking Hell
superiors might figure out his deception Lord Doom’s destruction lies in getting
before he can launch his assault. to him. Demon patrols keep a watchful
eye on the ramshackle ruins of Calgary.
Hell Lord Doom Tumbled pre-Rifts skyscrapers and office
The being called Hell Lord Doom blocks dominate the remains of the city,
stands poised to become one of the most but the demons constructed much for

themselves. A flourishing city-state rings over the pettiest offenses, with nominal
around Hell Lord Doom’s castle: a state recompense paid to their masters.
filled with human and D-Bee slaves. The few slaves with fire enough to
Over 350,000 slaves serve the various fight serve as gladiators for the demons’
demons and monsters making up the sport. The Bone Pit arena serves as the
citizenry of Calgary, a ratio of about 3 –1 entertainment hub for Calgary, offering
that serves the slaves no good given the daily matches and massacres from the
raw power of their masters. Most slaves slave- and beast-filled cages ringing the
descend from the pre-Rifts inhabitants arena floor. It also acts as an informal
of Calgary, supplemented by waves of court room, where demons can challenge
peaceful D-Bees who made the mistake of each other to grudge matches to settle
stepping through the Rift. Beaten down feuds. The bones of the fallen are strewn
by centuries of abuse, many slaves lead across the arena floor.
their lives in a state of constant numb Despite the brutality heaped upon
horror; denied any kind of education, slaves in Calgary, some humans
they cannot even conceive of freedom. willingly come to Calgary to ally with
With no fear of a slave revolt, the the Monster Kingdom. Evil cultists and
demons treat the humans and D-Bees warlocks who work under the protection
with utter contempt. Masters brand their of demon lords walk the streets with
marks into worker’s foreheads, while impunity, their badges of allegiance
pleasure slaves receive a tattoo. Lacking marking them as fellow monsters in the
all rights, demons kill slaves in the streets eyes of demons. The only hope outsiders

have of infiltrating the city lies in going overrun with demonic hordes, so the
undercover as cultists; thankfully, hope Sunaj clan surreptitiously frees captives,
hides in the most unexpected of places. hides runaways, and smuggles people
Deep within Calgary sits the Lotus into the badlands. As the completion of
Petal, a market for exotic incenses and the Hell Pit draws closer, they desperately
scents from around the Megaverse ®. seek a means to alert outside forces like
The proprietors are a small clan of the Cyber-Knights, Tomorrow Legion,
Sunaj assassins (see Savage Foes of North or Tundra Rangers of the looming
America) working undercover on orders danger. If necessary, they will attempt
to sabotage Hell Lord Doom’s plans. to assassinate Hell Lord Doom on their
The Splugorth see no profit in a world own but infiltrating his fortress may
prove beyond even their capabilities.

Hell Lord Doom’s

A stone rampart 30 feet tall and
12 feet wide surrounds Hell
Lord Doom’s castle tower.
The tower itself stands
330 feet high. Built for
18-foot-tall demons,
internally, the tower
encompasses only 12
stories. The exteriors
of both buildings
bristle with weapon


Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d10, „„Fear (−2): Cause Fear checks at −2
Spirit d12, Strength d12+6, Vigor d12 when encountered.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d12, „„Fearless: Immune to Fear effects
Intimidation d10, Notice d12, Per- and Intimidation.
suasion d10, Psionics d12, Research „„Infernal Form: Immune to normal
d8, Shooting d8, Spellcasting d12+2, fire, heat, and cold (but affected
Stealth d12, Taunt d8 by Mega Damage sources);
Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 36 (16) immune to disease and poisons.
Hindrances: Overconfident (Major), „„Metamorphosis: For no ISP
Stubborn (Minor), Vow (Major— cost, he may roll Psionics to take
Obey the lords of Hades) on the form of any living being
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), as an action and indefinitely as
Arcane Background (Psionics), a combination of disguise and
Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, shape change. This ability allows
Frenzy (Imp), Master of Magic, the Raksasha to accurately
Master Psionic, Psi-Blade, Psi-Shield, imitate specific individuals (−4 to
Rapid Recharge (PPE only), Strong opposed Notice checks, resisted
Willed. by the demon’s Persuasion, if it
Gear: Enchanted demonic armor (+8 has studied the target).
MDC Armor), enchanted demonic „„Mist: Raksasha can turn into mist
flail (Str+2d6, AP 12, Mega Damage, as an action with a Psionics roll.
+2 Fighting, ignores Parry and Cover „„Perfect Night Vision: Ignore all
bonuses from shields, Parry +1). Illumination penalties.
Powers: „„Size 6 (Large): Most Raksasha
„„Magic: Banish, blast, blind, bolt, stand only 8 –10 feet tall, but
deflection, detect arcana, entangle, Hell Lord Doom spends his
illusion, protection, speak language, time imitating an 18-foot tall
summon ally, zombie. PPE: 30 Greater Demon, granting him
„„Psionics: Conceal arcana, empathy, +6 Toughness and an additional
healing, illusion, mind link, mind Wound.
reading, puppet, smite, speak „„Weakness (Holy Weapons):
language, telekinesis. ISP: 30 Suffer +4 damage from attacks
Special Abilities: from opponents with the
„„Claws: Str+d6 damage. Champion or Holy Warrior Edge
„„Demonic Hide: Raksasha gain (including Cyber-Knights and
+8 Armor (stacking with armor true Mystics); Wounds from such
worn) and +6 Toughness. attacks cannot be regenerated.
„„Fast Regeneration: Except for „„Weak ness (Silver): Silver
Wounds caused by a Weakness, weapons have the same effect as
makes a natural healing roll Holy Weapons.
every round.

emplacements, including both Techno- wait for their millions upon millions of
Wizard and normal technological heavy allies to arrive from the demonic realms
vehicular weapons. for their conquest to begin.
The first two levels of the tower serve Hell Lord Doom divides his army into
as a throne room and audience chamber. several hundred small units, deploying
Above them sit chambers Hell Lord only a few squads, platoons, or (at most)
Doom only allows his entourage to visit: companies at any one time to harass
armories, personal quarters for Doom’s Cyber-Knight, Psi-Stalker, and Tundra
bodyguards, a war room, and more. The Ranger forces in the area. These patrols
war room contains a magical map of ever- carry no banner, presenting themselves
shifting sand showing enemy strongholds instead as the semi-disorganized raider
and troop movements throughout North parties humans expect from monsters.
America. At the top of the tower, one finds In this way the true unified nature of
Hell Lord Doom’s personal chambers— Doom's minions remain hidden from
but no staircase or door leads to them. outsiders. When the time comes to march
Only teleportation magic and flight can in force, the guerrilla tactics they hone
access these chambers. make Hell’s Wrath the most dangerous
army on Rifts Earth.
The war room map serves as a stark
reminder of the danger of the Calgary VANCOUVER AND
Monster Kingdom. Far from the mess of
competing factions and species found
only a few years ago, the kingdom
now exists as a credible military power. North and west of Calgary lies the
Approximately 100,000 demons, D-Bees, temperate rainforest of what was once
and diabolical human cultists stand known as British Columbia. Cedar and
ready to march under the banner of Hell’s spruce dominate the landscape, clinging
Wrath: a blood-red field with a black far up the region’s many mountain ranges,
circle representing the Hell Pit. They only stopped only by the snow line and the

Ayup. Thats a fade-town, all right. Here one day, gone t’other. Best
we check it out afore it spooks the horses, y’hear?
—Hopalong Cressit, Fennodi

glaciers beyond. Thousands of miles of
trackless wooded mountains and valleys THE SHIFTING VEIL WALL
stretch into the arctic and east to fog-
laden Vancouver Island. Once or twice a year in the
Few sapient beings call the British northeast of British Columbia, a
Columbia wilderness home. Roving 40 to 140-mile-long Rift appears.
bands of demons from the Calgary Taking the form of a barely-
Monster Kingdom raid the area but perceptible shimmering across
monsters are rare. Most of the expanse is the line of sight rather than the
given over to Pre-Rifts native wildlife— crackling hole between worlds
bears of all North American species, deer, most Rifts manifest as, the Shifting
elk, moose, mountain lions, wolves, and Veil Wall changes locations each
smaller creatures as well as megafauna time it appears. The Rift lasts
migrated north from the Montana Magic from bare minutes to hours but
Zone. The only inhabitants of note on the sometimes lasts for days.
mainland are a few scattered First Nations The sheer size of the Shifting
tribes and the Cyber-Horsemen of Ixion. Veil Wall means that scores of
creatures might pass through it in
The City of Ixion a few minutes, while thousands
Transplanted to Rifts Earth by an immense could pass through if it lasts
ley line storm, the city of Ixion sits deep for days. Sometimes it opens
in the interior of British Columbia, its onto parallel Earths, sometimes
exact location unknown to any save the to demonic home worlds or
Cyber-Horsemen. The biology of the Splugorth slave worlds.
Ixion centaurs is nearly identical to other The Shifting Veil Wall may be
nomad tribes, but they long ago adopted an after effect of the ley line storm
the custom of replacing most of their that brought Ixion to Rifts Earth,
horse-like lower body with cybernetics accounting both for its size and
upon reaching adulthood. This practice movement. Once a raging, rushing
robs the Ixion of their connection to the wall, now the fading storm laps
Faerie Folk, but also shields them from irregularly against reality like the
the effects of captivity. receding waves of a sea calmed
After repelling attack waves of demons after a hurricane.
attracted to Ixion by the ley line storm
that brought it to Rifts Earth, the Cyber-
Horsemen only cautiously explored their
new world. Decades passed before they
made the acquaintance of the Cyber- A processional gateway leads to a
Knights and Tundra Rangers. Though colonnaded public square. Private
accepting the overtures of friendship, the dwellings and public buildings sit at
cybernetic centaurs remain suspicious of various levels, matching the rise and fall
other D-Bees, seeing in their unfamiliar of the landscape, with the great temple
forms the demons who menaced of the centaur gods on a promontory
Ixion rather than recognizing them as above the city. The whole is made of
fellow refugees. fusion-formed stone with embedded
Any heroes who are permitted to climate and lighting controls. Force fields
visit the city of Ixion find it a marvel. can be raised between the columns to

protect from the elements or attack. Ixion The most likely reason for this high
stands ready against the demonic forces mortality rate is that cadborosaurus
of Calgary. young infest the beaches and coast of
Vancouver Island, hunting easy prey
Vancouver Island during their formative months before
Something worse than demons, though, venturing out into the ocean. The island
might lurk on Vancouver Island off the might instead be overrun with other
coast of British Columbia. The foggy monstrous predators, an island mirror
ocean surrounding the 290-mile-long, of Dinosaur Swamp or the Montana
62-mile-wide island is home to over 3,000 Magic Zone. Perhaps the mountainous
cadborosaurus. These immensely long interior hides outposts of some threat
aquatic predators drive off all attempts from beyond North America, such as
to reach the island by water, devouring Chinese, Japanese, or Russian forces.
whatever dares to venture into its It is possible, if unlikely, that fog-
hunting grounds. shrouded Vancouver Island houses
Explorers looting the remains of the some beneficent but isolationist political
city of Vancouver on the mainland power: a kingdom of dwarves or elves
occasionally report strange noises or even some lost civilization of the
echoing across the bay from the island, Golden Age of humanity. The only way
but those who fly or magically travel to find out is to risk an expedition to this
there never return. hostile island.

Canada is a free and beautiful
The Tundra Rangers descend from the land of diverse people…
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), „„ Keep its people safe.

continuing the tradition of dedication and „„ Keep the peace.

bringing law and order to much of the far „„ Recognize and defy tyranny in

northern parts of North America. They all its guises.

travel the lands of North and Southwestern „„ Protect and help those in need but

Canada to protect all Canadians. understand that they must stand

Many of the RCMP’s bases survived the on their own two feet and do for
Great Cataclysm. From these locations, themselves. Your greatest gift to
brave soldiers set out to bring peace and others is helping them to do so.
save lives. The new world took the lives „„ The pursuit of justice must be

of most of the RCMP. The few survivors relentless. The unjust must always
gathered at a recently constructed be brought to pay for their crimes
underground military complex, a smaller (i.e. “we always get our man”).
cousin of the USA’s Lone Star facility in „„ Other people have different

Texas, built for scientific research and beliefs and ways of life. We
manufacturing cybernetics, bionics, and embrace and celebrate those
combat equipment, near Fort Smith. This differences and share in the
became their Headquarters and provided commonality of all intelligent
an opportunity for the RCMP to help and peace-loving beings.
restore their homeland. „„ Never doubt the good we are

But they were forced to wait as a doing.

dimensional anomaly shifted their base „„ Believe in yourself and so will

and its inhabitants 265 years into the others, for truth and conviction
future, depositing them in 81 P.A. The are contagious.
world changed, but the Mounties did „„ Never make a threat, demand, or

not. Slowly, they gathered intelligence to ultimatum you are not willing
help formulate a new plan. Now called and able to back up with force.
the Tundra Rangers, the Mounties have „„ Never betray a trust. Keep your

returned to their roots as an independent word of honor, for it reflects on

peacekeeping force. They launch patrols us all. We have earned the trust
from ten satellite bases distributed of others and it is a commodity
throughout northwestern Canada beyond any tangible reward.
and a large installation, in Regina, Cherish it and never abuse it.
Saskatchewan. „„ Never compromise another

The Tundra Rangers ally themselves Ranger, and never speak for
with the free people of Canada, including another man.
the indigenous Americans and peaceful „„ One person can make a

D-Bees. Small groups, usually 2 – 6 difference. Never doubt it.

Rangers, travel throughout the land. These „„ A Ranger never stands alone.

groups aid the communities they visit,

helping to establish order and peace and

1– 5 Same results as in The Game Master’s Handbook.
Refugees: A group of 2d8 ragged escaped slaves (use the statistics for
Civilians, but they have no ranged weapons and are suffering a level of
6 –7 Fatigue) beseech the heroes for aid. They are led by two Wild Card civilians
who do not see eye-to-eye on how best to escape the demons. Roll on the
Opposition Leader Table and once on the Other Authority Figure Table.
Simvan Monster Riders: As per The Game Master’s Handbook. Roll on the
8 –10
Opposition Leader Table but add +2.
Wandering Monsters: As per Game Master’s Handbook. In Calgary, this
11 –12
includes Greater Demons and Neuron Beasts.
Brodkil: As per Game Master’s Handbook. Roll on the Opposition Leader
13 –15
Table but add +2.
Daemonix: As per Game Master’s Handbook. Roll on the Opposition Leader
16 –17
Table but add +2.
Gargoyles: A flight of 1d6+1 Gargoyles patrols the sky. At least one carries
18 –19 the alternate equipment listed in the entry in Savage Foes of North America.
Roll on the Opposition Leader Table but add +2.
20 Same result as in The Game Master’s Handbook.

protecting the people from the many new

threats. Those communities volunteer THE TOMORROW
what they can, especially information. LEGION IN THE
When necessary, larger groups of MONSTER KINGDOM
Rangers form to battle greater evil.
The Rangers' code tells them that even
a single person on a horse, hovercycle, Though located over 1,800 miles away in
or snowmobile can offer relief to those lands obscure to the citizens of Castle
in need. Their snow-white body armor Refuge, the Calgary Monster Kingdom
emblazoned with a red maple leaf stands presents an threat to the continued
for truth and justice. Many people of the existence of Rifts Earth. Hell Lord Doom
North trust the Tundra Rangers, and they nearly has it in his power to unleash a
enjoy an alliance with the Cyber Knights demonic horde capable of sweeping
and peace with the Simvan. across the world, and barely anyone has
Anyone dedicated to the protection the slightest hint of the danger.
of the innocent and the spread of Thankfully, allies of the Tomorrow
peace can count themselves as allies Legion in the area may yet learn in time.
to the Tundra Rangers, including The Tundra Rangers and Cyber-Knights
the Tomorrow Legion. New recruits cautiously reconnoiter the outskirts of
join the cause as the Tundra Rangers the kingdom, rescuing human refugees
continue to live and die by their code. who mysteriously escape the city. If the

Sunaj of the Lotus Petal plant evidence Kingdom of Monsters. Worse, the city
of the Hell Pit’s construction on a thrived on the labor of brutally enslaved
refugee, then Lord Coake will assuredly humans and D-Bees.
send the Tomorrow Legion to aid in the While purchasing the candles (“scented
destruction of the Hell Pit. with the flowers of a dozen exotic worlds!”)
The most effective means to derail the from a shop called the Lotus Blossom,
operation is to kill Hell Lord Doom, as someone slipped the Carpetbagger a
only he possesses the will and authority holo-display communicator containing
to keep the monsters of Calgary on task. recordings from an encampment of
Because the binding of the demonic escaped slaves hiding in the Alberta
dimension to Earth stands partially badlands south of Calgary. Unaware of
completed, slaying Doom in Calgary any means to contact the Tundra Rangers
ends him forever instead of banishing or Cyber-Knights, Armin rushed south to
him back to his home world. Castle Refuge, sure the Tomorrow Legion
If he cannot be killed, then destroying would not abandon the refugees.
the Blood Pillars sealing the magic of the Armin was right, of course, and the
Hell Pit becomes the next best possibility. Legionnaires are chosen to lead the
These massive stone pillars undergo rescue expedition. After trekking across
difficult rituals to ready them for their half of North America, the heroes now
purpose; the destruction of even one sets scour the wasteland of wind-scoured
completion of the pit back by months. gullies and looming rock formations to
Three of the needed four Blood Pillars rescue the refugees.
stand complete. The completion of the
fourth signals the beginning of the Into the Badlands
massive human sacrifices required to The badlands sit 90 miles from Calgary,
fuel the opening of the portal. well within the 300-mile radius claimed
by the Monster Kingdom as its domain.
ENCOUNTERS IN THE MONSTER KINGDOM Thankfully, even demons find the
To generate encounters in the Monster thousands of square miles of rugged
Kingdom use the new Monster Kingdom terrain difficult to patrol.
Encounters table on page 126 in If the heroes can complete their mission
conjunction with the Game Master’s and return to their base camp, they can
Handbook. rendezvous with Tomorrow Legion sky
boats to carry them home.
Unaware aid is on the way for them,
SAVAGE TALE: the badlands escapees strive to remain
NORTHWEST concealed from Calgary's slave catchers.
PASSAGE They hide in caves carved by hand
from the soft sandstone mounds amid
the Hoodoos Trail, a former national
Weeks ago, Armin Maxie—a humorous- park dominated by mushroom-shaped
looking D-Bee called a Fingertooth formations with sandstone stalks and
Carpetbagger—brought scented candles harder capstones.
and dire news to Castle Refuge. The Heroes with the divination power easily
trader found in the city of Calgary, long locate the refugees, but the Legionnaires
ago abandoned by humankind, a thriving must still venture through the badlands
city ruled by demons—a veritable to rescue them. Otherwise, locating

the hidden refugee camp is a Dramatic „„Brodkil (1 per hero): See Savage Foes
Task. The Legionnaires must accumulate of North America.
20 Task Tokens over five rounds. The „„Brodkil with Cybernetics (2): See
refugees hide incredibly well, so the Savage Foes of North America. The
heroes making rolls for the Dramatic cyborged Brodkil try to draw fire
Task suffer a −2 penalty. Each round while their invisible companions
represents one day spent searching. infiltrate the heroes’ position.
Complications might include demon „„Brodkil Leader (1): See Savage Foes of
patrols, other wilderness encounters, North America.
natural frozen hazards, and so on. Heroes
utilizing fly or aerial vehicles risk combat Don’t Have to Live
with a clan of Gargoyles. Like a Refugee
If the heroes avoid enemy patrols Whether discovered or rescued, the
during the search, the Game Master refugees number 23 humans, two D’Norr,
should set the scene with descriptions and three Fennodi. All are half-starved
of Gargoyle flights in the distance, Civilians (see Savage Foes of North America)
abandoned Brodkil campsites including except for a disguised Sunaj assassin
gnawed human bones, and similar calling herself Pilar Brent. Gray-eyed,
unnerving sights. statuesque, and tattooed, Pilar wants to
If the Legionnaires accumulate the use the heroes to warn the Tomorrow
necessary Task Tokens within the time Legion leadership of Hell Lord Doom’s
allotted, they discover the caves the plans and takes the Legionnaires’ side in
refugees call home. If not, they discover the ensuing debate.
the refugees' abandoned caves. In this The refugee leaders, a human named
case, it is evident that an enemy patrol Tyrone and a D’Norr named Ruby,
discovered them recently and led the disagree about leaving the badlands.
refugees away to the north. Even if they have already been captured
The slaving party moves slowly with once, Ruby argues that it's too risky to
its captives, allowing the heroes a chance make the journey, while Tyrone embraces
to catch and attack the patrol and rescue the chance for freedom. The remaining
the refugees. refugees are split between them. The
heroes must beat Ruby in a Social Conflict

What magnificent creatures of pure primal energy,

sojourning on our plane, these elementals are.
—Eli Jacobsen, Conjurer

to persuade the refugees to join them in EXTENDING
the trek to Castle Refuge. If it seems like THE ADVENTURE
the heroes might lose, Pilar passionately
joins the argument on the third round, For an extended campaign, the
conferring a +2 bonus to Persuasion rolls heroes face an encounter every
that round. day they search (see Travel
„„Ruby: D’Norr Civilian (see Savage in Savage Worlds). Obstacles
Foes of North America). include chasms, ice-cold streams,
„„Pilar Brent: Use Sunaj Assassin in rockslides, and sheer cliff faces.
Savage Foes of North America. Strangers include First Nations
„„Refugees (27): As Civilians (see hunters and Tundra Rangers (see
Savage Foes of North America). They page 155) who aid the heroes
are Fatigued. or wild Psi-Stalkers who offer to
help if they can eat some of the
Climb Every Mountain D-Bees. Possible Treasures include
If the heroes succeed in convincing the caches of preserved food stored
refugees to come with them, hiking the by survivalists, veins of gold ore,
badlands offers the surest path back or a broken-down Mountaineer
to safety. Crossing the plains south of ATV. Enemies are either a flight of
Calgary makes the heroes and their Gargoyles or a Brodkil patrol.
charges obvious targets for Monster
Kingdom patrols.
The journey to the rendezvous point
requires a 10-day trek across the barren patrols, and the Monster Kingdom patrol
wastes. During that time, the heroes listed below.
need to feed themselves and the refugees Strangers might include a small
(unless the heroes packed enough rations group of mercenaries, additional fleeing
for 30 or more people for 10 days). Each day refugees, or a lone Tundra Ranger.
calls for a Survival roll to provide enough Treasure is hard to find out in the
food and water for the Legionnaires and wastes, and the heroes have little time for
refugees. Civilians possess Survival d4 detours or treasure hunts, but the party
and roll group rolls to feed themselves, could come across an abandoned vehicle
but their first roll is made at −2 due to the they could search for salvage.
hardships they suffered in hiding. Obstacles might include a crevasse that
Failure means the party begins to bars the Legionnaires way or a blizzard
suffer from hunger (see Hazards in that forces the party to make Vigor
Savage Worlds), but lack of food is just the checks to resist the Cold (see Hazards in
beginning of their difficulties. Savage Worlds).
The Legionnaires must also deal with
The Game Master may wish to allow
Travel encounters (up to one per day).
players to tell Interludes around the
Each day's travel requires a draw from the
campfire during the exhausting journey.
Action Deck (see Travel in Savage Worlds).
During the trials the Legionnaires
Enemies besides the pursuing monsters
and their party endure, failing a roll
could include bears, drakes, Fury Beetles,
leads to the death of a refugee (or d4
Rhino-Buffalos, unfriendly Psi-Stalker
refugees on a Critical Failure) as they fall
off cliffs, get swept away by streams of

snow-melt, eat poisonous berries, or the „„Brodkil (1 per hero): See Savage Foes
like. Pilar routinely suggests abandoning of North America.
the refugees. She plans to warn the „„Brodkil with cybernetics (2): See
Tomorrow Legion leadership about the Savage Foes of North America. The
Hell Pit herself, making sure they take cyborged Brodkils try to draw fire
action while also evaluating the Legion's while their invisible companions
strength for her Splugorth masters. As infiltrate the heroes’ position.
such, she turns against the heroes only if „„Brodkil Leader (1): See Savage Foes of
they threaten her life—and gives up her North America.
secret only if dying. „„Gargoyles (1 per hero): See Savage
On the last day of their journey, disaster Foes of North America; reflecting the
strikes. Just as the heroes are about to Monster Kingdom’s growing danger,
escape the badlands, a Monster Kingdom every Gargoyle carries a mini rail
patrol bears down on them. The villains gun and maul.
coordinate their pursuit with walkie- „„Simvan Monster Riders riding
talkies and TW communication gear, Ostrosauruses (1 per 2 heroes): See
answering to a greater demon named Savage Foes of North America.
Hlarj who intervenes only if the Game EE Hlarji: Use Greater Demon in Savage
Master wishes. Foes of North America.



he following Plot Point Campaign Now these Deathspike operatives
sets the Legionnaires against have begun to infiltrate the lands to the
a secret new vampire plot that north of the Vampire Kingdoms, setting
threatens to tip the balance of power in up advance bases and a network of
the lands beyond the current Vampire safehouses from which to launch their
Kingdom borders and send the vampires' clandestine operations.
enemies reeling. As the heroes become aware of this
Codenamed Deathspike, this top secret dangerous new vampire threat, they must
vampire initiative marks a dangerous new try to spread the word about the change in
era of cooperation between the kingdoms vampire tactics and thwart a Deathspike
of the Mexico Empire, Milta, Ixzotz. A few attempt against the most visible face of
years ago, the three kingdoms undertook the vampire resistance, Doc Reid.
the formation of a new special forces Unfortunately, Reid's growing mania
operation consisting of highly equipped prevents him from accepting assistance
Secondary Vampires. These Deathspike from anyone not prepared to join his
units were tasked with combating the crusade, and the Tomorrow Legion's
rising threat of Vampire Hunters in the policy is to maintain a distance from the
lands to the north. deranged doctor. The Legionnaires must
The new units spent many months find a way to bridge this gap and prevent
in training to use advanced weaponry Deathspike from winning a crucial
and armor, and unconventional tactics victory in their guerrilla war.
to hunt and kill those who would prey If the Legionnaires are unable to
on vampires. While vampires typically rally their allies, old and new, against
eschew armor, heavy weaponry, and the growing menace of Deathspike the
other human technological inventions, vampires' new approach will snuff out
Deathspike vampires know the Vampire the one thing that keeps the human
Hunters exploit this arrogance, and so settlements alive in this troubled
put the tools of their enemies to use. region: hope.

Suggested Sequence
The Into the Desert Night campaign consists EDGE OF NIGHT
of five scenarios that can be run back-to-
back, if the GM desires, or interspersed
After a long journey, the Legionnaires
with additional Savage Tales to allow the
finally draw close to Ciudad Juarez and
plot to develop more organically.
the gate to the Vampire Kingdoms. Once
Each scenario gives some guidance for
they arrive in Ciudad Juarez, the heroes
the GM as to the types of adventures to
know they can enjoy a brief respite to
run after each plot point.
recover from their travels before they
head out into the Kingdoms themselves,
SESSIONS ADVENTURE and the dangers that lie therein.
1–2 The City of The Edge of Night
Don’t Let the Bed
1–2 Adventure Generator
Bugs Bite
1 The Lone Ranger A few days out of Ciudad Juarez, the
2– 3 Adventure Generator Legionnaires begin to come across the
1 All the Troubles in the Way remains of desolate and abandoned
2– 3 Adventure Generator farmsteads. In the late afternoon, they spot
1 Tables Turn a small herd of goats. As they approach,
the animals become skittish and bolt into
2– 3 Adventure Generator
nearby bushes. Following the goats leads
1 Staking Deathspike the team to a nearby ranch, where piles
of goat skeletons, bones picked clean,
bleach in the sun, and vultures feast on
To begin the campaign, the heroes
the dried husks of people.
are venturing south to the edges of the
The large ranch house—practically a
Vampire Kingdoms in search of new
skeleton itself—lacks doors or windows.
allies for the Tomorrow Legion's cause.
Most of the ruined possessions remain,
While Erin Tarn remains wary of Doc
except for weapons. At the back of the
Reid's messianic message, there are many
ranch runs a creek. The trees and bushes
human and D-Bee communities in need
grow more numerous closer to the creek
of support in these parts, and the Legion
bed. Just beyond stands an abandoned
is determined to provide it, if possible.
husk of a chapel surrounded by trees.
The first stop, on the border of the
Only a third of the roof remains, and
Vampire Kingdoms' territory, is the city
rotting boards or tree limbs and foliage
of Ciudad Juarez. The city is renowned
cover most of the windows.
for being free from the vampire menace
The sun has gone down by the time the
that blights the rest of the Vampire
Legionnaires finish examining the area.
Kingdoms, so it makes the perfect base
The treacherous terrain and supernatural
of operations to explore the dangerous
threats make continuing after dark a
lands to the south.
dangerous proposition. They need to
The GM can either use the Travel rules
make camp for the night.
(see Savage Worlds) to cover the journey to
Well-worn trails indicate other animals,
the region, or start the campaign as the
besides the goats, live here. Just before
heroes approach the city.
dusk, white-tailed deer carefully skirt

the farmstead. Plagues of raucous Just after dusk, bats swirl overhead
squawking grackles nest on the ranch seeking out bugs and other food. Growls
house’s exposed beams, the trees, and the and howls echo along the flat open plain.
remains of the chapel’s roof. As midnight These are not just wolves or coyotes;
nears, the noise abruptly stops. they are Wild Vampires. Unfortunately,
A group of Chupacabras is sneaking in the desolate landscape offers few places
to attack. They plan to surround the team to hide and little help in setting up an
and take the Legionnaires by surprise. ambush. In no time at all, the snarling
Suspicious Legionnaire on watch or feral monsters hurtle from out of
with Danger Sense can make a Notice the darkness.
roll against the Chupacabras’ Stealth to
„„Wild Vampire (2 per hero): See
avoid Surprise.
Savage Foes of North America.
„„Chupacabras (3 per party member):
The intent of this encounter is to expose
See page 158.
the Legionnaires to the unthinking fury
When the beasts are dispatched, the of the Wild Vampires. When they later
night chorus begins once more. face vampires employing very different
tactics, the contrast will be the more stark.
On the Road to Juarez
The team must travel several more days No Vampires in
before they reach Ciudad Juarez. This Ciudad Juarez?
journey is a good opportunity for an The Legionnaires arrive in Ciudad Juarez.
Interlude and the GM can use the Here, they can find answers about the
Travel rules again to play through devastation they saw on their journey.
these days (see the sidebar Signs welcome visitors to the
on page 134). bustling trade city of Ciudad
Two days out of Juarez, the Juarez, while others celebrate the
scene grows troubling. The city’s freedom from vampires.
wreckage of robot horses Tight streets packed
and desiccated armored w it h p e ople
corpses show signs and vehicles
of fights between ma ke t ravel
homesteaders, through the city
bandit gangs, and difficult. People
va mpires. At of all types
night, the heroes walk by, but
fall prey to a band they keep their
of Wild Vampires. heads down and stay
to themselves. Street

vendors call out to pedestrians, while
TRAVEL TO JUAREZ pickpockets and thieves intently follow
marks. It seems everyone carries a weapon.
Ciudad Juarez caters to every type.
Few settlements exist in southern
Stores line the streets and offer just about
and western Texas. Riaders from
anything. Bars are raucous even during
the Pecos Empire are among the
the daytime, spilling loud music out into
few to travel along these routes.
the street anytime a door opens. Red light
Obstacle: Before the Rifts, most
businesses dot the area. The lights of
cities drew their water from now-
gambling halls blink and shine brightly
empty underground aquifers,
day and night. Well-equipped guards
leaving dangerous sinkholes and
stand casually at the doors of body
no fresh water. Sandstorms and
shops, warehouses, and other workshops.
dust storms develop without
Everywhere, the police patrol—on foot,
warning, unleashing rolling
on hovercycles and motorbikes, some
clouds of choking darkness.
even on horseback. In the sky, a few
Though this region lacks consistent
patrolmen in power armor sweep the city.
rainfall, any storm brings the
threat of flooding. And with
any good storm, tornadoes can
The Tomorrow Legion should see Ciudad
develop almost without warning.
Juarez is vampire free, at least on the
Strangers: Few people traverse
surface. Despite suspicious individuals
these lands. However, hunters and
sneaking around at night, no obvious
traders do travel between smaller
vampire attacks occur. Speaking with
communities. They may know
the locals can offer insight. Use the
about nearby settlements and
Networking rules to reach out to
have supplies—for a price. The
each group.
heroes may find occasional lonely
farmsteads that suffered the same
fate as the ranch at the start of
Patrolmen just re-iterate the city’s
the campaign.
official line that Ciudad Juarez is free of
Treasure: The raiders of the
vampires. However the police are one of
Pecos Empire picked much of
the more obvious sources of corruption.
this area clean. However, caverns
They ignore minor crimes occurring just
may still hold natural treasures,
a few feet away and can be routinely seen
including precious gemstones like
taking bribes or actively partaking in
topaz and quartz.
criminal activity.
Enemies: This is raider territory,
All attempts to dig deeper attract
and a gang riding through might
aggressive police attention, with officers
be brave or foolish enough to think
first trying to threaten and intimidate
they can take on the Tomorrow
the Legionnaires before such attention
Legion. See Pecos Empire Raider
escalate to arrest and physical violence.
in Savage Foes of North America
„„Police (1 – 2 per hero): See Soldier in
Savage Foes of North America.
A success on the Networking roll
identifies a genuinely dedicated police

officer. Friendly and forthcoming, the Finding the Right Clique
officer offers advice and assistance, but is Once they have heard the name, a little
exhausted and overworked from recent more digging allows the Legionnaires to
mandatory overtime. Officials increased discover more about the Executive Circle.
nighttime forces along the city’s borders. These vampires control every aspect of
The number of travelers coming into the government and hold sway over the
Juarez decreased too. Why this happened Black Market and other disreputable
is unknown. merchants. They live out in the open as
normal people, business owners, and
CITY OFFICIALS philanthropists, while concealing their
Officials say nothing new, repeating vampire nature. They control the money
“There are no vampires in Ciudad Juarez.” and the power.
A successful Networking roll draws out If they start asking questions about the
of them that what happens outside the Executive Circle, the team finds out about
city is of little concern. Besides, they a woman who worked for the vampires,
believe Reid’s Rangers and other vampire Dalia Marquez—a former night cleaner—
hunters should deal with any increased at a fine hotel.
attacks. That's not a city matter. During the conversation, she admits
she is a vampire. She came from the
AREA CRIMINALS Mexico Empire about a decade ago. A
The regulars at dive bars keep quiet. Master Vampire turned her as a reward
With a success on the Networking roll, for her dedicated service. Afterwards, she
these bandits, thugs, and mercenaries continued to care for her mortal family.
mention bounties. They say little, fearing Then, a rival staged an accident that left
the Legionnaires are competition, but it most of her family dead. She took her few
seems a group in town offered a hefty remaining family members and settled in
price for the heads of burned vampires. Ciudad Juarez.
Once here, her ability to make people
LOCALS forget attracted the attention of the
Locals report a variety of stories. Common Executive Circle. Busy at first, calls from
tales include how someone barely escapes the Circle decreased concurrent with the
the clutches of a ravenous vampire or rise of Wild Vampire attacks. The Circle's
gossip on romances between vampires offers of employment stopped, though,
and humans. They talk conspiracy when she took a job with the Guild for
theories and hearsay, but divulge little to the Gifted (see page 67).
do with the increased attacks. Following a vampire attack during
A successful Networking roll, however, a ritual at the Circle of Stone, a senior
learns of an outlandish tale. Missionaries member of the Guild wanted to avoid
take beggars and refugees for help—a any hysteria among the membership, so
hot shower, fresh clothes, a good meal he hired Marquez to wipe the minds of
or two—then these lost souls disappear the survivors.
only to end up at a dinner party hosted Their stories intrigued Dalia, so after
by a vampire. The story ends with the the job, she scouted out the site, looking
claim that a cabal of powerful vampires, at tracks and other markers. She found
known as the Executive Circle, rules the no signs of Wild Vampires, whose
city through corrupt officials. frenzied attacks would have left the area
a bloody mess. Instead, the site had been

forensically cleaned. Only Secondary EE Don Miguel Alonzo: See Secondary
Vampires like herself would be so Vampire on page 174. He has the
thorough. Connections (Executive Council)
Dalia went to speak to members of Edge.
the Executive Circle, suspecting them of „„Vampire Guards (2): See Secondary
coordinating the supposed Wild Vampire Vampire on page 174. They have a
attacks. During the interview, Don Miguel Shooting of d10, Frenzy (Imp), and
Alonzo told her to drop the matter and carry two TK Revolvers (Range
ordered her to make the leaders of the 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+2, RoF 1, AP 5)
Gifted forget it as well. She did her job
If Marquez gets away, it takes a few
but kept investigating. Don Miguel found
minutes for the heroes to pick up her
out. Out of the blue, he invited her family
trail. They find Marquez and Alonzo in
to dinner. At first she'd assumed he was
a deserted Black Market workshop, silver
trying to frighten her by threatening
chains binding Alonzo to a wooden
them. In time, though, it became clear
pole, his hands and feet stabbed through
Don Miguel had made them mind slaves.
with wooden stakes. Marquez ignores
Now Dalia wants the truth, but she
the heroes as she interrogates Alonzo,
also wants revenge. She just needs help
spraying him with holy water from a
capturing Don Miguel and asks the team
child’s squirt gun. His skin sizzles and
to help her.
burns straight to the bone, the wound
EE Dalia Marquez: See Secondary does not heal. A circle of garlic surrounds
Vampire on page 174 with the Marquez and Alonzo, making it difficult
additional powers empathy and mind for other vampires to interfere.
wipe, Notice d10, Persuasion d8, and
Extraction (Imp). THE SECRET
Whether the heroes confront Dalia or
DON’T LOSE YOUR HEAD assist her, they get a little information
Dalia plans to capture Don Miguel out of Don Miguel Alonzo. He received a
Alonzo to interrogate him. She secretly message from his superiors in the Muluc
plans to kill him for what he did to her Kingdom telling him about the attack at
family, but she keeps that to herself. the Circle of Stone. They ordered him to
Don Miguel regularly visits a specific ignore the attack and to make sure others
burlesque house and spends the night did the same. He was assured he would
with a few of the girls. He does this be warned before any further attacks
secretly, so he travels incognito with occurred in or around Ciudad Juarez.
only two vampire guards, leaving him Don Miguel mentions that the
vulnerable. messenger did not speak. He came by day,
Marquez gives the team a day to plan dressed from head-to-toe in Bushman
an ambush, suggesting they need to keep body armor and carried an Energy Rifle
the guards busy and draw attention to and a Vibro-Knife. Alonzo’s human
themselves while she catches Alonzo. guards attacked the messenger, but
During the fight, Marquez attempts they proved unable to do anything. The
to abscond with him, forcing the stranger’s speed and skills matched those
Legionnaires to scramble to catch up and of a vampire, but Alonzo cannot explain
a Chase ensues, with the fleeing vampire the weapons or the daytime visit.
just three cards ahead of the heroes.

Aftermath losing badly, with the homesteaders
The team can take whatever action they themselves dead, the buildings wrecked
wish against the two vampires. Killing by explosions and burning furiously,
Don Miguel is easy, as he is on the verge and the last survivor fighting valiantly
of death—though his head needs to be against a superior force. He is badly
chopped off, his heart staked, and the wounded as the heroes come into view,
two parts of his body burned to actually but desperately returns fire against well-
destroy him. If this does not happen, the armed and armored foes.
heroes have made a powerful enemy in If the heroes join the fight, the attackers
Ciudad Juarez. Dalia Marquez fights the direct their attention to the newcomers.
team only if they attack her. Otherwise, The force is small, but well trained and
she kills Alonzo, and goes her own way. fights as a cohesive unit. If the attackers
Having learned one of the secrets of suffer any casualties at all, they break
Ciudad Juarez, the heroes are free to off the attack and retreat. They scatter
delve deeper into the Executive Circle, into the wilderness to regroup later at a
or to explore and help the surrounding designated rendezvous.
settlements resist the depredations of
„„Secondary Vampires (1 per hero):
roving bands of Wild Vampires. While
See Secondary Vampires, Deathspike,
they find many such bands, none fight
on page 174.
in an organized way—as the story of
the attack on the Stone Circle described—
and there is no sign of the mysterious
Once the attackers have been driven
off, the Legionnaires can turn their
attention to the last remaining survivor
of the attack.
The brave fighter is mortally wounded,
THE LONE RANGER on the brink of death (Incapacitated
and Bleeding Out) and fading fast. The
first hero to reach him hears him gasp,
Run this scenario when the heroes have "They walk by day…must tell…Doc Reid"
encountered a few Wild Vampire attacks, as he lapses into unconsciousness. A
and have seen a ruined homestead or two. successful Healing roll brings him round
As they patrol the wilderness, the temporarily, in which case he repeats his
Legionnaires prepare to make camp at message, adding that his attackers were
the end of a long day. As the sun goes vampires. His wounds, however are too
down, they hear the sounds of a firefight severe to treat, and he passes away in the
chattering in the near distance. There is Legionnaire's arms.
only a single nearby homestead marked Searching through his effects, the
on the map. In a matter of minutes thick heroes discover his name was Jack
smoke rises into the air in the direction Garland, and he was one of the vampire
of the homestead, silhouetted against the hunters of Reid's Rangers.
gathering gloom. If the heroes insist on restoring the
Arriving on the scene, the heroes Ranger to health, using magic or other
discover the small homestead is under powers, his eyes flutter open. He parts
sustained assault from a well-armed his lips, as if to smile, then a strange
group of attackers. The defenders are look passes across his face and with a

snarl, he bares his new fangs and attacks Once the heroes decide to undertake the
the Legionnaire who healed him. Jack journey south, the GM can take one or
was bitten during the attack and, while two sessions to chart their trip to Fort Reid
he fought off the vampire, his fate was using the Travel rules (see Savage Worlds
sealed. He is a newly-turned Secondary and also Travel to Juarez on page 134).
Vampire, and he's out for blood!
EE Secondary Vampire: See page 174
After the fight, if the heroes do not
properly destroy his body, the vampire
Jack Garland regenerates and attempts
to sneak away. If successful, he dogs the Run this scenario as the Legionnaires
heroes' tracks for the rest of the campaign, trek through the Chihuahuan Desert to
waylaying and attacking them whenever reach Fort Reid. Taking the longer route
he can as a constant thorn in their side. along the Rio Grande offers protection—
If the Legionnaires hunt the fleeing vampires rarely travel close to the river.
vampires, they find the creatures covered However, they must still cross the desert
their tracks expertly. A successful survival to reach Torreón and Fort Reid.
roll at −2 manages to pick up the trail of a This area of Northern Mexico shows
single vampire. Tracking the creature to signs of life; grasslands develop on the
a small cave, the heroes catch up with a edge of the desert. Small communities
female Secondary Vampire as dusk falls. dot the landscape, including Monterrey—
If they attack, the vampire returns fire an outpost of the Pecos Empire and home
for a few rounds before retreating deeper to an agrarian population. The city offers
into the cave to remove her armor. That a central hub for neighboring villages of
done, she turns to mist and drifts away independent farmers and ranchers. The
through tiny fissures in the cave ceiling, Pecos Empire provides protection against
leaving behind Bushman body armor rival militaries, however, the villages
and a JA-11 Energy Rifle. must fight the vampires on their own.
As they travel, the Legionnaires find a
„„Secondary Vampires: See Secondary
village in need of assistance.
Vampires, Deathspike, on page 174
armed with JA-11 Energy Rifle (Range
Into Hot Water
30/60/120, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP 4).
As the team approaches Monterrey, the
evidence of vampire attacks on villages
Aftermath and similar settlements increases. Those
It should be clear to the heroes that the with extensive fortifications continue to
enemy they fought was nothing like the effectively fight the vampires. Wealthy
Wild Vampires they have seen up to now, towns stay safe by using top-of-the-line
but were reminiscent of the organized anti-vampire equipment. Smaller ranches
attack Dalia told them about. If they didn't and farmsteads do not fare so well.
encounter Jack Garland as a vampire, After passing several devastated
however, they have no evidence that smaller settlements, the Legionnaires
vampires were responsible for the attack. find the village of Agua Caliente in the
The brave man was one of Reid's late morning. Signs of regular vampire
Rangers, and it's obvious his last message attacks are obvious. If the heroes do not
must make it to Fort Reid at all costs. go to inquire about the village, then a

small contingent of farmers—working know how long we can hold out. We sent
in the fields surrounding Agua Caliente— word to Fort Reid several days ago, but
approaches the team. They seek help in the rangers will not return in time. We
ridding the village of the vampire menace. ask you, please help us.”
The village stands behind a scarred
It is just past noon, so the team can
and splintered wooden palisade. The
make some preparations. If anyone
wood is solid, but old, with sharpened
wishes to inspect the area, a member of
post ends. Four towers peek up just above
the guard escorts them to answer any
the poles. An artesian well feeds a man-
made moat surrounding the fortification,
but water barely moves—it is more mud
than water. As the team arrives, children
The adobe and wood near the main
are struggling to remove the rock and
gate are crumbling and discolored. The
dirt damming the water.
wooden posts beneath the towers are
The villagers guide the heroes to a
being whittled away. Deep scratches mark
comfortable spot to rest. However, if
where vampires climbed the palisade.
there is a Heroic Vampire in the team,
Dried blood stains the sharpened top of
two men armed with plastic water rifles
many of the palisade stakes.
stand watch over the vampire.
Dirt and rocks from the area fill much
After the team has some time to rest and
of the moat, particularly near the towers.
recover, an older gentleman with well-cut
A grate made of silver covers a small duct
and maintained clothes approaches.
where water from inside the village flows
“Anyone hunting Los Locos is welcome out into the moat. Some bars are broken
within our walls.” and rest in the mud beneath the grate.
Many rocks are piled here, some of them
A handful of others come in with fresh
large and heavy.
baked goods, coffee, and tacos.
Each tower houses an electric high-
Introducing himself as Don Antonio
pressure heavy water cannon. Two full
Ruiz, the elder continues:
barrels of blessed water accompany each
“We have found ourselves overrun as cannon. Pumps and hoses trail down to
of late. Organized packs of Los Locos, I the village’s central well. The two barely-
believe you call them vampires, regularly functional, bullet-pocked rail guns are
attack Agua Caliente. In the past, small loaded with wooden flechettes.
packs would come from time-to-time. It The village’s water supply comes from
would not take much to deter them.” a central artesian well right in front of
their chapel. Buckets, barrels, and long
He points to the towers, each containing
hoses lay about its base. The well sits on
a water cannon with an attached hose.
a weak but consistent spring fed from an
Two of the towers also have a rail gun.
aquifer the people use to irrigate their
“Lately, they come more often and in lands. More recently, it has been used to
larger numbers. Worse still, they come fend off the vampires, but Don Antonio
with a plan. Every night for a week, the does not know how much water remains
same pack attacks. They eat away at our in the aquifer.
defenses. The moat is nothing more than The chapel is the strongest building
a ditch for pigs to wallow in. They claw here, made of brick and stone with
at the adobe and the wood. We do not doors of solid wood. Inside, a hidden

door beneath the altar leads into a follows its normal nightly routine. They
cavern glistening with stalagmites and set watches, with two guards per tower.
stalactites. A font of blessed water sits Two guards also stand at the gate. They
near the door. Windows line the second ring the chapel bell to notify the villagers
story gallery, each equipped with racks of an attack, the need to seek shelter,
of shotguns, pistols, and similar weapons. invasion of the grounds, and the end of
The villagers come here during an assault. the attack.
By the time the Legionnaires finish
surveying the village, the sun begins to Reinforcements Arrive
wester. The team can prepare positions and As the Legionnaires complete their
cover for themselves or rest. The village preparations for the defense of the village,
a dust cloud appears on the horizon. As
it gets closer, the party can see a rider on
a robotic horse. The villagers open the
gate to welcome the newcomer and the
mysterious rider slides off the robotic
horse and doffs her cowboy hat.
“I'm Evie Rodriguez from Reid’s
Rangers. I’ve come to help y’all out with
your little vampire problem.
The villagers look to her, back out onto
the open road, and to one another. Evie
knows what's on their mind.
“Yep, just me. Forces are kinda tight
right now. And since you folks have a
problem with the wild ones, the powers
that be sent me to investigate. Once I
get a feel for things, I can send for help
if needed. But it looks like I got help right
Ruiz leads Evie and the team to
the chapel. Don Antonio explains the
problem. Evie listens quietly, taking it all
in. She does not seem surprised by any of
it. Evie goes along with the plan in place
or helps to concoct a new one.
If the heroes have questions about
vampires, Evie answers them, however,
she only knows the basics about vampire
biology and politics. She knows nothing
of Deathspike or its agents. If the heroes
mention the Ranger they found, her
demeanor changes and she becomes
somber and serious.

"Jack was a good man. At least he died
with his boots on. After we're through GM'S NOTE
here, I'll take y'all to Doc Reid. He'll
want to know everything you heard and
If the GM feels the party cannot
handle the full invasion, Evie
Rodriguez can either come with a
few more rangers or send for them.
Evie took up vampire hunting after losing
Use the Vampire Hunter, Reid’s
her parents to the creatures. She left her
Ranger on page 155.
siblings behind to join Reid’s Rangers
and rose quickly through the ranks. She's
determined that no child should become
an orphan at the hand of vampires.
Following Grizzly Carter’s example, she The second line attacks the fort directly,
takes the mantle of hero seriously. either chopping at or scaling the walls.
The back line provides cover, shooting
EE Evie Rodriguez: See Vampire Hunter,
at the guards and other defenders and is
Reid’s Ranger on page 155. She has
clearly coordinating the assault.
Smarts d10, Vigor d12, and increased
Each side of the village is attacked
skills: Repair d8, Riding d8, Thievery
simultaneously by a force comprised of
d6, Shooting d12, Stealth d10, and
the following vampires.
Survival d10. She rides Bronze—her
robot horse (see RH100 Robot Horse „„Wild Vampires (3 per hero): Line
on page 34). one. See Savage Foes of North America.
They have an additional +2 to Armor
The Vampire Attack for carried stones or bags of dirt.
Once the moon sits high, the nightly „„Wild Vampires (2 per hero): Line
assault begins. Legionnaires on watch two. See Savage Foes of North America.
and those with Danger Sense can roll All carry axes; 20% carry Battle Axes
Notice to detect the oncoming vampire (Str +d8) they use to chop at the walls.
force. It takes a raise for those on watch „„Secondary Vampires (1 per 2
to get a good idea as to the number of heroes): Line three. See Secondary
attackers and make out any weapons Vampires, Deathspike, on page 174
they carry. armed with JA-11 Rifles (Range
The vampires come in from three 30/60/120, Damage 4d6, RoF 1, AP
directions—the two sides and the front 4; Heavy Beam; Multi-Optics Scope;
of the village. They kick-up a lot of dust, can fire ion as an NG-IP7 or a silver
making counting them at long range nigh bullet as a Hunting Rifle with 1 Shot).
impossible. The entire force is comprised „„Vampire Commander: See Secondary
of vampires, so thermal imaging does not Vampires, Deathspike, on page 174.
work. Once at medium range, those with Has a d8 Shooting die and carries an
appropriate equipment can see through NG-303 Rail Gun (Range 30/60/120,
the dust cloud. Damage 2d10+2, RoF 3, AP 6).
The vampires separate into three lines
The Wild Vampires fight to the last, but
as they race in. The first line carries stones
the commander flees once the majority
or bags of dirt and begin filling in the
of Wild Vampires are dead, or if all
moat and blocking the water at the grate.
Secondary Vampires are defeated. As

soon as they flee, Evie shouts that they great interest in the Ranger Garland's last
must get rid of the commander or the message, and tells the Legionnaires Doc
attacks will continue, jumps on her horse Reid will want to talk to them.
and chases after them.
If the team chooses to pursue the THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU
commander, a Chase ensues with the After a couple of days, the Legionnaires
vampires on Card 5 ahead of their are escorted to see Doc Reid. The audience
pursuers on Card 1. If the heroes fail to takes place in a clean, well-equipped
help Evie, she returns at dawn having medical lab, featuring a dissecting table
lost the vampires' trail. and an array of medical instruments.
Hunting the vampires in the light of day Doc Reid himself is conducting a sort of
requires a successful Survival roll at −2 to autopsy on a staked vampire, which has
pick up the trail. Once found, they must also been strapped securely to the table,
fight and defeat the commander before just in case.
they can expose and kill the remaining The doctor works at his grisly task,
Wild Vampires. The commander is all the while cross-examining the
prepared to go to his final rest without heroes gruffly about the details of their
revealing anything of Deathspike. He experiences, particularly what they know
knows the secret must be preserved at about the dead Ranger, what he told them,
all costs. and what they think it means. As he keeps
up his interrogation, Doc Reid's multiple
Fort Reid arms work on the vampire corpse before
With the village safe, the heroes are free him. He expertly dismembers the organs
to move on to Fort Reid with their escort. around the heart, which is pierced with
Evie Rodriguez takes the Legionnaires a wooden stake.
on the last leg of their journey. The GM Once he is satisfied the heroes have
can add in one or more encounters as the told him everything, he dismisses them,
heroes cross the dangerous wastes of the telling them they are free to accompany
Vampire Kingdoms (see Travel in Savage his patrols as observers only, unless they
Worlds) until they reach the haven that is want to renounce the Legion and join the
Fort Reid. Rangers permanently.
Once at Fort Reid, the Tomorrow
Legion is accommodated in a separate Aftermath
barrack. Evie Rodriguez is assigned Thee Legionnaires have now seen
as their liaison. Doc Reid orders the Deathspike agents up close (though they
team to be confined to quarters unless don't know the vampires' codename), and
accompanied. They can attend meals, have witnessed the way those agents
lectures, and training sessions, but they coordinate their attacks and utilize
cannot take part or go on missions. advanced weaponry and armor. Finally,
Robert “Grizzly” Carter interviews they have made contact with Reid's
the Legionnaires upon arrival. He Rangers and won a kind of acceptance
asks about their mission and all their with these tough vampire hunters. For the
vampire encounters. He also answers next couple of sessions, the GM should
any questions they have about Fort Reid have the Legionnaires accompany the
and the Rangers. If the heroes mention Rangers on missions around Fort Reid.
the Ranger they tried to save, Carter Evie Rodriguez is still assigned to
bows his head and falls silent. He takes accompany any patrols and investigations

the team goes on, but they are nominally the Legionnaires have worked together on
attached to a unit run by a Ranger named several missions and he has been friendly
Dirk Palmer. Vampire activity in the area and welcoming, seeking their advice on
has risen considerably in the last few tactics, and asking how the Legion would
weeks and the Rangers are constantly handle matters. He is charming, with a
stretched thin patrolling and securing ready smile and a never-ending supply
the numerous villages that cluster of increasingly outrageous stories of his
around the fort. daring heroics to explain how he came by
his cybernetic eye.
Now Dirk has discovered intel on a
forthcoming vampire attack against a
TABLES TURNED small village a day or so to the south
of Fort Reid and is instructed to take
the Legionnaires with him to protect
the village.
Run this scenario after the Legionnaires
In fact, Dirk is an undercover agent
have been out on patrol with Reid's
working for Deathspike. He is one of
Rangers a few times. They have formed
many humans so under the control of
some bonds of friendship in the
the vampires that he does not need to
organization and have proved themselves
be mind controlled to do their bidding,
useful in a firefight.
he genuinely believes that humans
Palmer is a young Ranger making his
should be under the dominion of the
name with the Vampire Hunters. He and
Vampire Kingdoms.

By this time, the Legionnaires have Fire is coming from all sides, and the
attracted the attention of the Deathspike patrol is pinned down. The heroes' best
vampires in the area. Dirk has been bet is to reach the safety of one of the
trying to learn as much about them as buildings, but first they must take cover!
possible and relaying that information
„„Secondary Vampire (1 per hero): See
to his superiors in Deathspike. The
Secondary Vampires, Deathspike, on
vampires have decided they can't allow
page 174. Equipped with Bushman
the Legion to forge a closer alliance with
body armor and NG-303 Rail Guns
Reid's Rangers, and have instructed Dirk
(Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d10+2,
to handle matters. His orders are to lure
RoF 3, AP 6) or JA-11 Rifles (Range
the Legionnaires into an ambush and
30/60/120, Damage 4d6, RoF 1, AP 4;
ensure they never return.
Heavy Beam; Multi-Optics Scope;
can fire ion as an NG-IP7 or a silver
Village of No Return
bullet as a Hunting Rifle with 1 Shot).
Dirk leads the patrol into the desert south
„„Human Minion (2 per hero): See
toward their target. Draw two cards for
Soldier in Savage Foes of North America.
encounters using the Travel rules (see
Savage Worlds) and resolve the results. Dirk hunkers down behind some
By that time, night is beginning to draw boulders, apparently frozen with fear.
in and Dirk suggests they rest rather The Legionnaires have never seen him
than risking encountering the vampires like that before.
during the night. With the exception of the Evie attempts to lay down some
bestial howls of a distant Wild Vampire Suppressive Fire (see Savage Worlds), if
pack, the night passes uneventfully. nobody else thinks to. With luck and
At first light, the patrol prepares to break teamwork, it might be possible for the
camp and complete the trip to the village heroes to escape the withering fire and
of Arroyo de Sangre, less than a couple mount a counterattack.
of hours away. Scouting the village from If the opportunity presents and the
afar reveals that it is tiny—just five or six Legionnaires look like they might lose,
small adobe buildings clustered together Dirk takes his opportunity to gun down
amid a patchwork of dusty fields. It also the heroes.
appears to be deserted. Dirk claims this
EE Dirk Palmer: See Vampire Hunter,
is a sign they have caught the vampires
Reid’s Ranger on page 155.
unawares, and that the patrol should be
able to stake them out while they sleep.
Once the heroes arrive in the cluster
If any of the Legionnaires gets separated
of buildings, however, things change
from the team, or if the tide of the battle
rapidly as the vampire spring their trap.
seems to be going against the heroes, the
most isolated hero spots a human head
peeking from under some rubble and
Once within the ambush area, heavy
weapons and explosives erupt suddenly.
The concealed figure is one of the few
The Rangers on the patrol, with exception
remaining villagers. Long ago, they built
of Evie and Dirk, are cut down at once,
a small network of narrow tunnels under
leaving the Legionnaires and the two
the village to protect them in times of
remaining Rangers to fight it out.
hardship. If the Legionnaire follows the

villager, she leads the way into a tight trying to discover the location of its
labyrinth underground. The tunnel headquarters (treat these as Security
system leads to each and every building Patrol missions. See the Game Master's
in the small village, and heroes can use Handbook).
it to hide, redeploy, and pop up behind
a vampire attacker, turning the tables
on their ambushers and allowing the STAKING
Legionnaires to take the vampires by
surprise instead.

THE TURNCOAT Run this scenario after the heroes have

If Dirk is captured or questioned after the accompanied the Rangers on several
battle, he denies all knowledge of a trap, missions to identify the whereabouts of
but if he gets the sense that his disguise the Deathspike HQ.
is compromised, his demeanor changes The Legionnaires by this point know
completely. that the vampires have organized a
group of agents who can operate in
"You'll never defeat Deathspike! They
broad daylight, are trained in advanced
are sworn to destroy you—you're as
weapons and tactics, and are called
good as dead!"
Deathspike. They know too that the
He spits and laughs bitterly. With the organization is capable of infiltrating
merest blink he activates a bomb inside even a group as tight-knit as Reid's
his cybernetic eye. Any hero right next to Rangers, that they use human agents to
Dirk's body can make a Notice roll to hear manipulate and infiltrate, and that Evie
the soft beeping of the countdown. If they Rodriguez is really mad about it.
succeed, those heroes get an Athletics roll
to dive clear of the blast as Dirk's head Unearthing the
explodes. Anyone caught in a Small Blast Vampire Army
Template suffers 4d6 damage. Evie has been painstakingly gathering
and cross-checking all the information
Aftermath the Rangers have gleaned to find the
The heroes have seen the vampires enemy's command headquarters. She has
as they really are. Well armed, armored, compiled a detailed map of the area with
and prepared to strike in the daytime, as notations for all related attacks, sightings,
Jack Garland told them. They have also and rumors. She reasons the Deathspike
learned the codename for the vampire headquarters likely exists in an area
force: Deathspike. central to the attacks.
Doc Reid is deeply troubled by the
traitor in his midst. This manifests itself DISCOVERING HEADQUARTERS
by an increase in his paranoia and in the Checking potential sites for vampire
number of sermons he delivers. Patrols presence unnoticed is a Dramatic Task
are stepped up and the Rangers are requiring 20 Task Tokens over 4 rounds.
encouraged to be even more vigilant in Each round covers a week of scouring
their hunter for the vampire scourge. the wilderness. If the team fails, they
For the next few weeks, Evie leads the still discover the camp but do not do so
Legionnaires on patrols into the desert unnoticed. The vampires learn about the
looking for evidence of Deathspike and investigation, allowing them to prepare

for the assault. This makes things more Sentry Posts: Two guard posts are dug
difficult when the attack comes. For into the ground near the north and south
each Task Token they come up short, the entrances of Deathspike’s headquarters.
vampires are better prepared. During the day, three sentries guard
With the site identified, the heroes and each post, with at least one a Secondary
their Ranger allies can scout out the area. Vampire. At night, only one sentry
The camp is situated far to the south of remains, while a Secondary Vampire
Fort Reid. The vampires have destroyed moves between them.
the settlements in the surrounding
„„Human Sentries (4): See Commando
countryside, and make their base in a
in Savage Foes of North America. Change
network of caverns and sinkholes in the
their armor to Bushman Medium
area. Even a quick analysis shows the
EBA (+6 Armor, +2 Toughness).
caverns form a labyrinthine network
„„Secondary Vampires (1 per hero): See
of tunnels. A few contain large, active
Secondary Vampires (Deathspike) on
springs—so likely no vampires.
page 174. They have a Notice of d8.
The few homesteaders still living in
the area report seeing people in identical Sinkholes: Flanking the north and
full body armor. Some, but not all, take south entrances to the cavern are two large
off their helmets during the day. A search sinkholes. The holes are camouflaged to
of the vicinity reveals guard patrols and blend in with the surroundings. Guards
lookouts. However, they find only two regularly patrol around them during the
guard posts, at the north and south day but ignore them at night.
mouths of the caverns. Approaching the holes is extremely
dangerous, as each holds 60 Wild
OUTSIDE THE CAVERN Vampires. Half are staked, but the rest are
Patrols: Disguised humans pretending ravenous and noisy. If they get a hint of
to be prospectors or farmers on the way the scent of blood, their frenzied howling
to market patrol in a ten-mile radius, attracts the attention of the guards.
concealed weapons hidden in their robot
„„Wild Vampires (120): See Savage Foes
horses and burros. Each patrol has two
of North America.
guards, and three patrols survey the
area at one time. At night, they have two
patrols with three guards each, with one
Entrances: On the north and south side of
a Secondary Vampire. They do not use
the cavern, large, fake rocks and netting
disguises at night.
make the entrances appear impassible
„„Human Scouts (4 – 6): See Soldier in but only act as doorways.
Savage Foes of North America. Pool Rooms: The first rooms by the
„„Secondary Vampires (2): See north and south entrances are large,
Secondary Vampires, Deathspike, on empty, open spaces. The floor of each
page 174. They only patrol at night. room is covered in bat droppings as a
„„Robot Horse/Burro (1 per 2 guards): large colony of bats occupies the ceiling.
See page 34. The soldiers’ heavy In case of attack, the vampires can control
ranged weapons sit in easily-accessed the creatures as swarms.
“saddlebags” that appear full of fruit In the center of each, a shallow pool
or ore if traveling in disguise. bubbles up from a spring below. Tunnels
branch off from them.

Two main tunnels lead off each room.
After scouting the camp's surroundings
The most prominent one winds its way
and reconnoitering as closely as they
through the cavern complex to arrive
dare, Evie orders the team to stay and
at the opposite pool room. The other
watch the camp while she heads back
tunnel in each room is sealed by a
to Fort Reid to share their discoveries
fake wall acting as a secret door. These
with her commanding officer. The GM
tunnels lead straight to the headquarters'
can include run-ins with the guards or
command room.
Quick Encounters to give a sense of time
The Command Room: This large room
passing. Eventually, Evie returns with
holds all human allies and vampires. In
her commanding officer. They review
the center, make-shift walls enclose a
the situation, getting the Legionnaires’
command center. Screened off quarters
assessments of the camp. The officer
for the soldiers flank it.
takes notes as the team and Evie plan the
Sleeping Chambers: Two smaller
tunnels branch off the command room.
Evie now commands a unit of 30 Reid's
One heads east while the other goes
Rangers—the most she could secure. Reid
west, and both lead to separate vampire
is still suspicious of both Evie and the
sleeping chambers. The rooms mostly
Legionnaires, wary of another ambush
hold coffins but contain a few tables with
and reluctant to lose more Rangers to this
chairs. A comfortable cot accompanies
new enemy.
each coffin. Staked Secondary Vampires
occupy half of the coffins.

The Vampire Offensive vampires can operate underground and
The heroes must work with Evie to decide even outside in their sealed armor, they
on a plan of attack. The vampires take the still tend to rest more during the day
offensive if the heroes failed the previous and leave the defense of the base to their
Dramatic Task. human followers.
The course of the battle depends The sentries on duty actively patrol the
entirely on the time of day. In all cases, area and can make a Notice roll against
at the first sign of an attack, the guards the Legionnaires' Stealth to detect the
attempt to alert those inside the cavern. team and Reid's Rangers and try to raise
If the Legionnaires attack by night, any the alarm. In the succeeding round, at
Secondary Vampires outside turn into least one sentry tries to flee and alert the
mist and flee inside. rest of the force.
All Wild Vampires remain in their
„„Wild Vampires, staked (120): See
pits. They cannot act and are treated as
Wild Vampires in Savage Foes of
Incapacitated. They do raise a commotion
North America. For every Task Token
if mortals pass close enough to the pits
by which the Legionnaires failed
for them to pick up the scent of blood.
the Dramatic Task, five of the active
Inside the command room, the guards
Wild Vampires are brought from the
and vampires are prepared only if a sentry
sinkholes to the pool chambers. Half
reaches them. If not, the team surprises
the total number of vampires remain
them in the first round of combat.
Incapacitated in the sinkholes.
Enemies remain partially armored and
„„Secondary Vampires (1 per hero):
have their weapons. The orderlies try
See Secondary Vampires, Deathspike,
to hide, but they may get in the way of
on page 174. They have a Notice of
attacks on the vampires.
On the first round after the team
„„Secondary Vampires, staked (2
appears, at least two Secondary Vampires
per hero): See Secondary Vampires,
try to escape to the sleeping chambers to
Deathspike, on page 174. They
revive the staked vampires. Every round
remain Incapacitated in one of
thereafter, only one tries. It takes one
the two sleeping chambers unless
round for a vampire to reach the sleeping
revived. For every Task Token by
chamber (and one to return). They can
which the Legionnaires failed the
revive one vampire per round.
Dramatic Task, one of these vampires
is revived and added to the guard
posts outside.
Attacking at night is far riskier, but if the
„„Human Soldiers (2 per hero): See
team lost the earlier Dramatic Task, it is
Soldier in Savage Foes of North America.
the vampires who choose to go on the
They are all in the command room.
offensive, and they attack at night.
„„Orderlies (1 per vampire): See
The guards are on duty (see Outside
Civilian in Savage Foes of North
the Cave). Each patrol can make a Notice
America. They have Vigor d8 and
roll against the Legionnaires' Stealth
Toughness 5.
to detect the team and Reid's Rangers
and try to raise the alarm. Once patrols
notice the Legionnaires (either by finding
Attacking during the day is the most
them or getting attacked), at least one per
effective strategy. Even though the
group tries to flee and alert the rest of the

force. Secondary Vampires go first, so It takes the Secondary Vampires one
they can try to reach the Wild Vampires round to reach the sleeping chambers
and release them from their pits. It takes and one round to return. Once in the
one round to reach the pit and drop the sleeping chambers, they can revive one
nets allowing the active Wild Vampires vampire per round.
to crawl out in a frenzy. A Secondary
Vampire can revive two Wild Vampires CONCLUSION
per round. The vampires try to hide their plans
If the Legionnaires lost the Dramatic to protect Deathspike's secrets. If the
Task, there are already Wild Vampires heroes manage to reach the command
awaiting in the two pool rooms, five per center, they discover a terrible truth. The
Task Token by which the team failed. headquarters was being inspected by a
They only come out if a guard tells them visiting Vampire Familiar from Ixzotz.
about an attack. A Secondary Vampire The foul beast defends the Command
oversees each group, keeping close watch. Center with its life.
No matter the circumstances, the
EE Vampire Familiar: See page 176.
force in the command room is prepared.
Human guards block the two main If the heroes manage to defeat the
entrances into the command room. The massive monster, the remaining orderlies
orderlies huddle together inside the war attempt to destroy the command center.
room. Two vampires leave to wake the If the Legionnaires prevent this and take
staked Secondary Vampires at any sign of the command center before the vampires
commotion. The rest stand ready to fight. fully destroy it, they retrieve some

from strategic locations, and acquire
QUICKER RESOLUTION resources—especially slaves.
After securing the area, this force
This is a large combat, with planned on a direct assault of Fort Reid.
dozens of participants on both They acquired information about Fort
sides. If the GM chooses, it can be Reid and the Rangers, including outer
run as a dangerous staged Quick defenses. They had hoped to plant a
Encounter (see Savage Worlds), few thralls inside the fort to get more
over three rounds, as follows: information but had only two successes
Round 1: The team maneuvers (both unnamed) thus far. A successful
into position ready to attack. attack on Fort Reid will remove any
Round 2: The heroes make organized resistance north of the
their initial attack against the kingdoms. The vampires plan to install
outer defenses. supply lines, including resting places, for
Stage 3: The team and their their army. From there, they can expand
allies fight through the pool rooms into the Pecos Empire and beyond.
in search of the command center. Upon their return to Fort Reid, the
Run the final fight with the survivors are feted as heroes.
Vampire Familiar tactically as The majority of Reid's Rangers are
usual, as a climax to the story. grateful for the aid and sacrifice of the
Legionnaires, though Doc Reid's paranoia
and rhetoric is fueled even further by the
discovery of the Deathspike conspiracy
and their infiltration of his Rangers—the
detailed intel regarding Deathspike's
first time a vampire agent has managed
activities and plans. Captured vampires
to successfully do so.
and their lackeys reveal nothing; they
Even if no formal alliance can be
would rather die than give up any
forged while Doc Reid's mania holds
sway, individual Rangers willingly fight
alongside Legionnaires as brothers from
this day forward.
In addition to acquiring 5d10 × 100,000
credits worth of salvage and equipment,
the heroes learn the following information
on Deathspike and this operation.
Deathspike is a joint operation of the
Mexico, Milta, and Ixzotz kingdoms.
They adopt modern, human practices to
fulfill their purposes. Their main goal
is to destroy Doc Reid and the Rangers,
but they also gather information on
human settlements. Other groups—
like this one—directly attack specific
targets. The attacks aim to deplete the
resources of their enemies, remove them



he harsh lands of North America
of Ixion
require strength and perseverance
from its denizens. The environment, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit
devastated by the Rifts, challenges d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10
even the strongest. The only chance for Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge
survival lies in resilience and strength. d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Notice
All must adapt to survive. The beasts d8, Persuasion d4, Repair d8, Shooting
and monsters reflect the dangers posed d8, Stealth d6, Survival d6
in this reshaped world. They can face the Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 15 (6)
natural changes, and the not so natural Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal
ones. Such monsters rule here, presenting Edges: Combat Sense, Fleet-Footed,
new threats to those daring enough to Quick, Upgradeable
call these wilds home. Gear: Wilk’s 320 Laser Pistol (Range
15/30/60, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP 2), JA-9
Variable Laser Rifle (Range 24/48/96,
MERCENARIES AND Damage 4d6, RoF 1, AP 3, Heavy Beam,
Ignores laser resistance, Multi-Optics
SPECIALISTS Scope), Vibro-Longsword (Str+d10, AP
10, Mega Damage).
Though monsters may dominate the Cybernetics: Armor Plating III, Bionic
landscape, many others make their lives Strength Augmentation II, Leg Upgrades,
in these harsh environments. The heroes Organ Replacement II
of the Tomorrow Legion may meet these Special Abilities:
people as they face the threats of Blood „„D-Bee: Initial reactions to Centaur
and Banes. Friends and allies await the typically start at Unfriendly.
Tomorrow Legion, but so do rivals. Not „„Galloping Hooves: Rolls d10
all enemies look like monsters. running die; +1” to jump rolls.

„„Size 2 (Normal): Centaurs are about Knight of the
ten feet tall and weigh 800 –1,000 White Rose
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit
d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Dinosaur Hunter
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit Knowledge d6, Faith d8, Fighting d10,
d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6 Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge Psionics d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8,
d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Persuasion Survival d6
d4, Riding d8, Repair d6, Science d6, Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 17 (7)
Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13 (5)
Hindrances: Driven (Minor —hunt
dinosaurs), Stubborn, Overconfident
Edges: Alertness, Brawny, Free Runner,
Giant Killer, Marksman, Pathfinder,
Quick, Woodsman
Gear: Huntsman Personal Armor (+5
Armor, +2 Toughness, Specialized
paint and camouflage with +2 in
woodland environments), Viggo’s
Custom Firearms Provider Single-Shot
Breech Loading Rifle (Range 50/100/200,
Damage 2d12+2, RoF 1, AP 6) and 30
rounds of ammunition, Wilk’s 320
Laser Pistol (Range
15/30/60, Damage
3d6, RoF 1, AP 2),
Mountain Bike.
Special Abilities:
„„Megafauna Specialist: Dinosaur
Hunters gain a +2 on Science and
Survival rolls involving creatures of
Size 4 or higher.

Hindrances: All Thumbs, Enemy (Major— Mutant Barbarian
Mystic Knights, True Federation, and Though they vary in their mutations
CS), Loyal, Vow (Major—Vow of the from the simian Beast Men of Madhaven
Knights of the White Rose) to the near-baseline Wolf Runners of
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background the Carolinas, mutant barbarians are
(Miracles), Arca ne Background united in physical prowess and ferocity.
(Psionics), Arcane Marksman, Brawny, They battle other tribes and hunt giant
Common Bond, Elan, Free Runner, monsters from an early age, developing
Gardener of the White Rose, Giant Killer, indomitable wills and impressive combat
Healer, Level Headed. skills despite their lack of regimented
Gear: Mystic Knight Armor (+7, +3 training.
Toughness), Flaming Sword (Str+d12
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit
Mega Damage, AP 6), Wilk’s 237 Backup
d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Laser Pistol (Range 10/20/40, Damage
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge
3d6+3, RoF 1, AP 4), NG-S2 Survival
d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice
Pack, 2d6 × 100 credits.
d6, Persuasion d4, Riding d6, Stealth d6,
Powers (Miracles): bolt, def lection,
Survival d8
protection. PPE: 10
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 14
Powers (Psionics): boost/lower Trait, detect/
Hindrances: Arrogant, Illiterate, Ugly
conceal arcana, healing, relief. ISP: 10
Special Abilities:
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Berserk,
„„Distrusted: Suffer a −2 penalty to
Brave, Brawny, Frenzy, Giant Killer,
Persuasion when interacting with
most people not from the Garden.
Gear: SteelTree plate corselet (+3
„„Energy Invulnerability: +20 MDC
Toughness; Dinosaur Swamp mutants
Armor versus all arcane and
only, see below), SteelTree or Haven
mundane energy sources (including
Mutant bone battle axe (Str+d8+2, Mega
lasers, ion, plasma, fire, and
Damage), 3 × SteelTree or Haven Mutant
electricity). Ignores AP of all damage
bone spears (Range 3/6/12, Damage
from mundane energy sources (but
Str+d6+2, RoF 1, Mega Damage).
not arcane ones). Kinetic damage—
Special Abilities:
including Vibro-Blades, Rail Guns,
Toughness (+3): Haven Mutants wear
and most magic weapons—ignores
no external armor; their inhumanly-
this protective effect.
dense bones provide protection. The
„„Ley Line Walker Abilities: Possess
mutants utilize the bones of their dead
Ley Line Rejuvenation and Ley Line
as weapons.
„„Steal Ley Line Energy: Knights of
Mutant Shaman
the White Rose can, as an instant
Magic-wielding shamans rule the
reaction, Siphon PPE drawn by any
Haven Mutants and act as advisors to
other caster from a ley line during
the chieftains of the Dinosaur Swamp
rituals. A Knight must be within
clans. Most work their magic through a
her Spirit × 2 and make an opposed
connection with nature, even if “nature”
arcane check, pitting her Faith skill
is the giant worms and rats of Madhaven.
against that of the other caster at the
Usually among the most intelligent of
final round of the ritual's Dramatic
their clan, mutant shamans either greet

emissaries from the Tomorrow Legion Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10
as friends or rouse their tribe against the Hindrances: Cautious, Illiterate,
outsiders to maintain their positions. Stubborn, Ugly (Major)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic),
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit
Arcane Resistance (Imp), Brave,
d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Charismatic, Master of Magic,
Skills: Athletics d6, Common
Knowledge d6, Fighting d6,
Gear: SteelTree plate corselet (+3
Healing d8, Intimidation
Toughness; Dinosaur Swamp
d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6,
mutants only, see below),
Spellcasting d10, Stealth d6,
SteelTree or Haven Mutant
Survival d8
bone spears (Range 3/6/12,
Damage Str+d6+2,
RoF 1, Mega
Powers: Banish,
beast friend, bolt, boost/lower
Trait, darksight, detect/conceal
arcana, dispel, divination,
elemental manipulation, entangle,
healing, light/darkness, shape change,
smite, speak language. PPE: 25
Special Abilities:
„„Toughness (+3): Haven Mutants wear
no external armor; their inhumanly-
dense bones provide protection and
the mutants utilizing the bones of
their dead as weapons.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8,
Spirit d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor
Skills: Athletics d8, Common
Knowledge d6, Fighting
d8, Notice d8, Persuasion
d4, Psionics d6, Stealth d8,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11
Hindrances: Cautious, Code of Honor,
Loyal, Pacifist (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics),
Brawler, Pathfinder, Woodsman
Gear: Club (Str+d4).
Powers: detect/conceal arcana, empathy,
mind link. ISP: 10
Special Abilities:

„„Animal Appearance: Though gentle Vampire Hunter
in demeanor, most people still fear Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
Sasquatch due to their more animal- d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10
like appearance and lifestyle. They Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge
suffer a −2 to Persuasion. d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d4, Notice
„„D -Bee: Noticeably in human, d8, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Riding
Sasquatch suffer a −2 to Persuasion d8, Repair d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d8,
when dealing with Coalition Survival d6, Taunt d4, Thievery d6
soldiers, officials, and most citizens, Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (7)
and hostility often leads to violence Hindrances: Enemy (Minor, Vampires),
with the slightest incident. Their Death Wish (Minor, Rid Earth of
rolling gait and unusual height make vampires), Heroic
it impossible to hide their species Edges: Brave, Brawny, Charismatic, I
„„Size 2 (Normal): The Sasquatch Know A Guy, McGyver, Nerves of
could easily be confused for a bear, Steel, Quick, Steady hands, Streetwise,
especially with a height of 9 –12 feet. Vampire Killer
Gear: Branaghan Armor and coat (+7
Tundra Ranger Armor, +3 Toughness total, EBA), Light
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit Water Cannon (Range 4/8/16, Damage
d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 1d4 [1d10 to vampires], RoF 1, +1
Skills: Athletics d8, Driving d8, Fighting Shooting), 2 × Water Pistols (Range 2/4/8,
d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, 1d10 to vampires, RoF 1), 2 × Wooden
Persuasion d6, Repair d4, Shooting d12, Billy Clubs (Str+d4), Peacemaker (Range
Stealth d10, Survival d8 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, AP 1)
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13 (5) and 3 reloads of silver bullets, Wilk’s
Hindrances: Loyal, Mild-Mannered, Vow 237 Backup Laser Pistol (Range 10/20/40,
(Major, Code of the Tundra Rangers) Damage 3d6+3, RoF 1, AP 4), silver-
Edges: Alertness, Combat Ace, Fame, plated short sword (Str+d6).
Fleet-Footed, Marksman, Quick, Tundra
Ranger, Woodsman Vampire Hunter,
Gear: Urban Warrior Tactical Medium Reid’s Ranger
EBA (+5, + 2 Toughness), Wilk’s 237 Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
Backup Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10
3d6+3, RoF 1, AP 4), JA-11 Rifles (Range Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d4, Common
30/60/120, Damage 4d6, RoF 1, AP 4; Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Healing
Heavy Beam; Multi-Optics Scope; can d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult
fire ion as an NG-IP7 or a silver bullet d6, Persuasion d6, Riding d8, Repair d8,
as a Hunting Rifle with 1 Shot), Vibro- Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Survival d8,
Longsword (Str+d10, AP 10, Mega Taunt d4
Damage), NG-150 Hovercycle. Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 17 (7)
Special Abilities: Hindrances: Death Wish (Minor—rid
„„Specialized Armor: Fitted for arctic Rifts Earth of vampires), Enemy (Minor—
conditions, an extra +2 bonus vs Cold, Vampires), Impulsive
it's snow white, providing +2 Stealth Edges: Ambidextrous, Beast Master, Brave,
in snowy and foggy conditions. Elan, Fame, Level Headed, Nerves of
Steel, Reid’s Ranger, Streetwise, Strong
Willed, Two-Fisted, Vampire Killer

Gear: Branaghan Armor with coat (+7 of fear in those unfamiliar with
Armor, +3 Toughness total, EBA), Light them, giving them a −1 penalty to
Water Cannon (Range 4/8/16, Damage Persuasion. The Coalition’s distrust
1d4 [1d10 to vampires], RoF 1, +1 to of magic means they suffer a −2 to
Shooting), 2 × Water Pistols (Range Persuasion.
2/4/8, Damage 1d10 to vampires, RoF „„Invulnerable: Werejaguars can only
1), 2 × Wooden Billy Clubs (Str+d4), be Shaken by attacks that are not one
Peacemaker (Range 12/24/48, Damage of their weaknesses.
2d6+1, RoF 1, AP 1) and 3 reloads of „„Keen Senses: +2 to all Notice rolls
silver bullets, Wilk’s 237 Backup Laser when in were form.
Pistol (Range 10/20/40, Damage 3d6+3, „„Low Light Vision: Ignore Dim and
RoF 1, AP 4), silver-plated short sword Dark Illumination.
(Str+d6), RH100 Robot Horse. „„Regeneration: Gain a natural healing
Special Abilities: roll once per day and can regrow lost
„„Animal Companion: All members limbs.
of Reid’s Rangers have a Dog or Wolf „„Shape Change: Can change into
companion with Danger Sense to aid either their human, animal, or were
them, see Savage Worlds. form per the shape change power at
no ISP cost; requires an action and a
Werejaguar successful Psionics roll.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit „„Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane):
d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Werecats must make a Spirit check
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge when exposed to these herbs or
d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice become Shaken. They also suffer a
d8, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Psionics d6, −2 penalty while attacking anyone
Stealth d8, Survival d8 wearing either herb.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 „„Weakness (Magic and Psionics):
Hindrances: Arrogant, Enemy (Major— Affected by arcane (magic or psionic)
Werewolves), Habit (Major —need attacks and powers as normal.
to hunt or play), Vow (Major—hunt „„Weakness (Silver): Suffer +4 damage
vampires). from silver attacks.
Edges: Acrobat, Arcane Background „„Weakness (Supernatural Attacks):
(Psionics), Brave, Brawny, Quick, Strong Can be hurt by the natural attacks of
Willed, Vampire Killer, Woodsman. vampires, werebeasts, creatures of
Gear: Silver-plated Short Sword (Str+d6), magic and other supernatural beings.
Vibro-Knife (Str+d6 Mega Damage, AP 6). „„Wild Beast: Suffer a −2 to all Trait
Magic Powers: Boost/lower Trait, healing, rolls when in a city and must make
speak language. PPE 10 a successful Spirit roll every day to
Psionic Powers: Arcane protection, detect/ remain calm.
conceal arcana, mind reading. ISP 10
Special Abilities:
„„Bite/Claws: Str+2d4 (Mega-Damage,
AP 10 in Werejaguar form). +2 to
climb non-sheer surfaces, may bite
grappled prey.
„„Distinctive Appearance: Their
ferocious appearance is a cause

of the Vampire Intelligence. They also
MONSTERS function well during the day, making
them excellent protectors.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit
Traversing the wilds of North America d12, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12
is dangerous. In every corner, monsters Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
wait, looking for another unaware target d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, Notice
to eat or enslave. d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting
d6, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d6
Bat Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 12 (3)
Bats range in size and habits from tiny Hindrances: Vow (Major—Serve the
insectivore hog-nosed bats to fruit-eating Vampire Intelligence)
flying foxes with five-foot wingspans. Edges: Arcane Background (Magic),
Vampires usually transform into small Charismatic, Master of Magic
(seven-inch wingspan) vampire bats, but Powers: Bolt, detect arcana, darksight,
occasionally assume other forms. deflection, divination, mind wipe, protection,
summon ally, teleport, zombie. PPE: 20
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A),
Gear: Ley Line Walker Light Armor (+3
Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Armor, +1 Toughness, +4 to Vigor rolls
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d4, Notice
vs. all Hazards), N56 Light Ion Pistol
d10, Stealth d10
(Range 10/20/40, Damage 1– 3d8, RoF
Pace: 1; Parry: 4; Toughness: 2
1), Vibro-Knife (Str+d6, AP 6, Mega
Special Abilities:
Damage), ceremonial dagger (Str+d4).
„„Bite: Str+1.
Special Abilities:
„„Echolocation: Bats suffer no
„„Feed: In addition to normal eating
penalties for Illumination, even in
and drinking, a Blood Priest must
Pitch Darkness.
consume at least two pints of human,
„„Flying: Pace 8”
mutant, or D-Bee blood once a week.
„„Size −3 (Very Small): Bats are
Treat this like the Habit (Major)
typically less than a foot high.
„„Rift Mastery: Blood Priests gain
Blood Priest
a +4 on all efforts to open and
A Blood Priest makes a pact with a
manipulate Rifts when they make a
Vampire Intelligence to gain power. They
blood sacrifice (see Characters, Ley
vow to serve the Vampire Intelligence
Lines, and Rifts in the Game Master’s
until death and to consume blood to feed
their master. The Blood Priest remains
„„Ritual Sacrifice: The Blood Priest
mortal but gains some of a vampire’s
gains double the PPE (quadrupling
power. They gain the confidence to lead
the normal amount) when consuming
others in service to their master, and
the blood of a sacrifice (see Siphoning
hope to become a Master Vampire.
PPE in The Tomorrow Legions Players
Both humans and D-Bees can become
Blood Priests; however, D-Bees are
„„Vampire’s Blessing: Blood Priests
more common. All have an affinity to
suffer −8 damage from all non-
magic, making them prime candidates
magical or Weakness-based attacks.
for service. Their mortality allows them
to use their magical abilities in service

„„Weakness (Magic and Psionics): at first, they cause a Fear test at −2
Blood Priests are affected by arcane when they show their true selves.
(magic or psionic) attacks and powers „„Flexible: The Caterpillar Men’s
as normal. bodies are flexible and aid them
„„Weakness (Silver and Wood): during an attack. They gain a +2 to
Wood and silver weapons inflict full Parry and have Reach 2. They can
damage. also squeeze their bodies through
„„Weakness (Sunlight): Blood Priests openings half their body’s width.
can perform their duties by day, „„Night Vision: Most Caterpillar
but their connection to the Vampire Men live underground where they
Intelligence weakens them. They developed the ability to see in
suffer an automatic level of Fatigue the dark; ignore all Illumination
during daylight hours. penalties.
„„No hands: Their short, clawed
Caterpillar Men appendages make it impossible for
Caterpillar Men look much like the insect them to hold a weapon.
after which they are named, except they „„Size 3 (Normal): Upon meeting, the
wear pants on their legs and boots on Caterpillar men do not seem so tall,
their two feet. They have four silver but once they attack, they loom over
eyes—one large set above a smaller most beings at an average length of 20
one per side—and a mouth and tongue feet long and weight of 500 pounds.
resembling a human. Despite their „„Slow Regeneration: Like many
hideous appearance, the Caterpillar Men insects, Caterpillar Men regrow lost
have a soothing voice that they combine body parts; make a natural Healing
with a helpful, friendly, and polite roll once per day.
demeanor to trick humans. Then, when „„Soothing Voice: A pleasant
their prey least expects it, they eat. disposition goes a long way.
Caterpillar Men can modulate
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit
their voices to evoke comfort and
d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
trust in their audience, granting +2
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge
to Performance, Persuasion, and
d6, Fighting d10, Notice d6, Performance
Psionics rolls.
d6, Persuasion d6, Psionics d8, Stealth d6,
„„Thick Hide: Providing +8 Armor
Survival d10
and +2 Toughness.
Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 20 (8)
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics),
Frenzy (Imp), Quick.
Resembling monkeys with grotesquely
Powers: Confusion, empathy, mind reading,
canine heads, Chupacabras feed on blood
puppet, slow. ISP: 15
and PPE, killing wildlife, livestock, and
Special Abilities:
small humans and D-Bees. In the cities
„„Bite/Claw/Slam: Str+2d4 Mega-
of the Vampire Kingdoms, they serve
Damage, AP 8. Caterpillar Men can
vampires as pets and watchdogs. Wild
use their long bodies to slam down
Chupacabras hunt in small packs and are
on opponents causing them to be
invasive predators troubling settlements
Stunned on a raise.
throughout Central America and the
„„Fear (−2): Though their pleasant
American Southwest.
demeanors make them approachable

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), „„Size −2 (Small): The size of a dog.
Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 „„Weakness (Silver): Chupacabras
Skills: Athletics d12, Fighting d8, Notice suffer +4 damage from silver weapons.
d8, Psionics d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 12; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 (4) EEDeath Weaver,
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background Spider Demon
(Psionics), Fleet-Footed, Frenzy Found in hot, humid locales across the
Powers: Confusion, fear. ISP: 10 globe, these cunning demons seek out
Special Abilities: power to become gods. At six to eight
„„Armored Hide: The leathery hides of feet tall with skull-marked abdomens
Chupacabras provide +4 Armor and just as wide, these huge black spiders
+2 Toughness. possess unnerving half-human heads.
„„Claws/Bite: Str+2d4, AP 4, add +2 to The Death Weavers once inhabited
climbing (Athletics) rolls, and allow South America and returned with the
climbing at full Pace. Rifts. Many currently live along powerful
„„Night Vision: Ignore penalties for ley lines in the Yucatan, India, and China.
Dim and Dark Illumination. They seek more magic and magical
„„Pounce: Chupacabras can jump twice artifacts, traveling along ley lines to
as far as normal and add +4 to damage get their prizes. Rumors place them
when making a Wild Attack when throughout North America, including
coupled with a leap, instead of the the remains of Tolkeen.
usual +2 (needs room to leap, at least 1”). Driven by jealousy, greed, and paranoia,
„„Psychic Sense: Chupacabras possess Death Weavers do not get along well with
the ability to detect arcana at all times. one another. They make use of humans
They use the Notice skill to detect and D-Bees in three ways: to eat, to use
the presence and location of any as pawns and worshipers, and to siphon
psychic or magic energies, beings, or psychic energy.
items. They can also use the Survival
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d10, Spirit
skill to track a specific magical or
d12, Strength d12, Vigor d12
psionic entity. This sense works to
Skills: Athletics d12, Common
detect anything psychic, magic, or
Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation
supernatural, including invisible and
d10, Notice d8, Occult d8, Shooting d8,
astral beings.
Stealth d10, Survival d10
„„Psychic Vampire: Chupacabras
Pace: 12; Parry: 6; Toughness: 23 (10)
require a diet of PPE or ISP drained
Hindrances: Mania (Major), Greedy
from living beings. They gain this
using the Blood Sacrifice rule when
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic),
slaying their prey, see Siphoning PPE
Arcane Resistance, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy
in The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide.
(Imp), Ley Line Phasing, Master of Magic
Chupacabras must consume at least
Powers: Arcane protection, banish, bolt,
3 Power Points (PPE or ISP) per day
blast, invisibility, environmental protection
or suffer a Fatigue level. They starve
(vacuum), protection, puppet, summon ally.
to death after a week at Incapacitated
PPE: 50
by lack of “food.” Each 3 PPE/ISP
Special Abilities:
drained restores one level of Fatigue.
„„Armored Exoskeleton: Provides +10
Consumed Power Points cannot fuel
MDC Armor and +2 Toughness.
spells or psionic powers.

„„Bite: Str+d6 Mega Damage, AP 4. or Bound with a raise. Breaking free
„„Expanded Awareness: Death Weav- is done at a −2, victims can also be cut
ers can use detect arcana as an Innate free from the webbing (Toughness 7).
Ability with no PPE cost.
„„Fear (−3): Cause a Fear test at −3. Demon Animals
„„Fearless: Immune to Fear and Some demons do not exist within the
Intimidation. realm of Rifts Earth. To remain, they
„„Infravision: Death Weavers, like often possess animals. Most demons
their smaller counterparts, see on choose powerful predators—bears are
the infrared spectrum, halving pen- common—but occasionally choose less
alties to see living creatures in poor noticeable ones. Once possessed, the an-
lighting. imal gains supernatural abilities, sur-
„„Immunity: Death Weavers are passing their innate ones.
immune to Disease and Poison. To create a demon animal,
„„Ley Line Walker Abilities: Death apply the following template
Weavers share the follow- to the regular animal stats:
ing Ley Line Walker
Attributes: Agility
abilities —Ley Line
+2 dice; Smarts +1 die,
Sense, Ley
normal intelligence;
Line Walk-
Strength +4 dice;
Vigor +2 dice
„„Low Light
Skills: Athletics
­Vision: Death
+2 dice, Common
Weavers ignore
K nowledge +1 die,
Dim and Dark Il-
Fighting +2 dice, Notice +2
dice, Persuasion +1 die,
„„Slow Regener-
Survival +2 dice
at ion : Deat h
Edges: Fren zy
Weavers gain a
( I m p) , Level
natural healing
roll once per
Special Abilities:
day and can re-
„„E n v i r o n m e n -
grow lost limbs.
tal Resistance: Im-
„„Size 3 (Normal):
mune to the environmen-
Death Weavers are
tal threats of their natural
eight feet tall and
long, weighing 1,000
„„Immunity: Immune to
Disease and Poison.
„„Wall Walker: Walks on
„„Natural Weapons: Claws, bites,
vertical or horizontal surfaces
and similar attacks deal +2 damage
at full Pace.
and now do Mega Damage.
„„Webbing: Death Weavers can cast
„„No Speech: The demon enables the
webs from their thorax the size of
animal to understand humanoid
a Small Blast Template. This is a
speech, but they cannot speak.
Shooting roll with a range of 3/6/12;
„„Slow Regeneration: The demon
a hit means the victim is Entangled
allows the animal to regenerate any

damage or lost limb. They have one „„Trample: Quadruped dinosaurs
natural Healing roll per day. succeeding on a Push to knock prone
„„Tough: The demon improves the an opponent of Size 2 (Normal) or
physique of the animal, providing smaller may trample the opponent
+4 Armor and +2 Toughness. for Str+d4 damage.
„„Weakness (Magic): Magical attacks
gain +4 damage. Dinosaur, Flying
Dinosaur, Armored Flying reptiles range from the gigantic
Herbivorous pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus to the raven-
Quadruped sized feathered dinosaur Archaeopteryx.
Armored herbivorous quadruped While smaller species might mob
dinosaurs unleashed onto Rifts wounded humanoids, only human-
Earth include such unrelated species sized pterosaurs like Pteranodon or
as Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Ornithocheirus dare to attack healthy
Triceratops. These creatures often travelers in Dinosaur Swamp. Smaller
exhibit more aggressive behavior than species use the same statistics as raptors
science suggests they displayed in their (see Savage Worlds); larger species use the
native epochs. statistics below.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A),
Spirit d8, Strength d12+5, Vigor d12 Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Notice
d6, Survival d6 d10, Stealth d8, Survival d8
Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 28 (12) Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 (4)
Edges: — Edges: Alertness, Frenzy (Imp)
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
„„Armored Hide: The thick, pebbly „„Armor: Leathery hide, +4 Armor.
hides of most armored herbivorous „„Claws/Beak: Str+d6 Mega Damage,
quadruped dinosaurs grant +12 AP 2.
Armor and +2 Toughness. Some „„Flight: Pterosaurs fly at a Pace of 24”.
species have plates or shell-like „„Power Dive: A flying reptile that
armor granting more protection. dives 24” to attack a target can make
„„Gore (Triceratops only): “Tri-tops” a Wild Attack to gain +4 to attack and
charge to gore their opponents with damage.
their long horns. If they can move at „„Size 3 (Normal, Azhdarchids only):
least 5” (10 yards) before attacking, Larger species such as Quetzalcoatlus
they add +4 to their damage total. have a Toughness of 13 (4).
„„Horns: The horns of these dinosaurs
do Str+d8 Mega Damage, AP 6. Dinosaur, Large
„„Size 6 (Large): Can take an additional Carnivorous Theropod
Wound. Large carnivorous theropods include
„„Tail Lash: Str+2d4 Mega Damage, such species as Allosaurus, Spinosaurus,
AP 4. The creature may make a free Tyrannosaurus, and similar bipedal
attack against up to two foes to its giants. Aggressive hunters, they dare the
side or rear at no penalty. wrath of alien giants like Fury Beetles and
Rhino-Buffalos. Some barbarian tribes

make hunting carnivorous theropods a „„Armored Hide: The thick, pebbly
rite of passage. hides of most sauropods grants +10
MDC Armor and +4 Toughness.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A),
„„Size 9 (Huge): Can take two
Spirit d8, Strength d12+7, Vigor d12
additional Wounds.
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice
„„Tail Sweep/Trample: Sauropods
d8, Stealth d6, Survival d10
may strike foes behind them with
Pace: 12; Parry: 6; Toughness: 29 (10)
their tails or overrun targets Size 5
Edges: Alertness, Charge, Fleet-Footed,
(Large) or smaller for Str+2d4 Mega
Frenzy (Imp)
Special Abilities:
„„Aquatic (Spinosaur us only):
Dinosaur, Marine
Spinosaurus can hold its breath for up
to 15 minutes. It has a swim Pace of 4.
Technically not dinosaurs, large
„„Armored Hide: The thick hides of
marine reptiles such as Elasmosaurus,
carnivorous theropods provides +10
Mosasaurus, and Plesiosaurus turn the
Armor and +4 Toughness.
coasts of Rifts Earth into killing zones,
„„Claws/Bite: Str+2d6 Mega Damage,
ambushing humanoid vessels and aquatic
AP 6.
species alike. Especially dangerous is
„„Fearless: Immune to Fear and
Cadborosaurus—long believed a mere
cryptid—which hunts in pods of 6 –12
„„Size 7 (Large): Can take an add­
animals; they consider humans delicious.
itional Wound.
„„Terrible Bite (Tyrannosaurus only): Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A),
Tyrannosaurus bites for Str+2d8 Spirit d8, Strength d12+6, Vigor d10
Mega Damage, AP 8. It has no claw Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Notice
attack. d8, Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 2; Parry: 6; Toughness: 23 (8)
Dinosaur, Large Edges: Alertness, Frenzy (Imp)
Sauropod Special Abilities:
Looming over the treetops of Dinosaur „„Aquatic: Pace 8. These creatures can
Swamp, species such as Apatosaurus, hold their breath for 15 minutes or
Brachiosaurus, and Diplodocus form a longer.
vital part of the ecosystem, dispersing „„Armored Hide: The leathery hides
seeds and providing food to barbarian of marine reptiles provide +8 Armor
tribes and predatory beasts. Rarely and +2 Toughness.
aggressive, they pose tremendous danger „„Bite: Str+2d6 Mega Damage, AP 6.
when they stampede. „„Long Neck (Cadborosaur us,
Elasmosaurus, Plesiosaurus): The
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A),
snake-like necks of Cadborosaurus
Spirit d6, Strength d12+9, Vigor d10
and similar species provide Reach 2.
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4, Notice
„„Size 6 (Large): Can take an additional
d6, Survival d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 30 (10)
„„Terrible Bite (Mosasaurus only):
Edges: Charge, Sweep
Mosasaurus bites for Str+2d8, AP
Special Abilities:
8, Mega Damage. Its short neck
provides no reach.

Dinosaur, Small Special Abilities:
Carnivorous Theropod „„Armored Hide: The thick, feathered
Colloquially known as “raptors,” smaller hides of carnivorous theropods
theropods hunt in packs, allowing them provides +10 Armor and +2
to tackle much larger prey. Exceptionally Toughness.
intelligent, species such as Deinonychus, „„Claws/Bite: Str+2d6 Mega Damage,
Tiger Claw Raptors, and Utahraptor AP 4.
eagerly hunt humanoids, testing their „„Poison Spit (Tiger Claw Raptors
capabilities with hit-and-run raids on only): Tiger Claw Raptors spit a
camps before attacking in force. debilitating toxin to blind their prey,
using their Athletics to hit. On a
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8 (A),
success, the target suffers a −2 penalty
Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d10
to rolls requiring sight until the toxin
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Notice
is washed out of the eyes; on a raise,
d8, Stealth d10, Survival d8
the target suffers a −4 penalty.
Pace: 14; Parry: 7; Toughness: 19 (10)
„„Pounce: Small theropods jump
Edges: Alertness, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy
twice as far as normal and add +4 to
damage when making a Wild Attack
when coupled with a leap, instead of
the usual +2 (needs room to leap, at
least 1”).

E Entity, Ghost Gear: Usually none, but occasionally
Psychic echoes tied to the mortal plane items, weapons, or even steeds
by an intense emotional bond, these important to them in life.
specters seek to accomplish some final Special Abilities:
task denied by an untimely death. As „„Elemental: Ghosts take no additional
creative, cunning, and driven as any damage from Called Shots, ignore
other intelligent being in the pursuit one point of Wound penalties, don’t
of the goals, ghosts typically sweep breathe, and are immune to Disease
up numerous Haunting Entities in and Poison.
their mania. „„Ethereal: Energy beings are naturally
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit immaterial, can pass through most
d10, Strength d8, Vigor d12 solid matter, and can only be affected
by Arcane attacks (magic, psionics,
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge
d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice
„„Fear (−2): Ghosts cause Fear checks
d6, Performance d10, Persuasion d10,
at −2 when they manifest their
Psionics d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d10,
Taunt d8.
„„Flight: Ghosts may fly at a Pace of 8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
with a d6 running die.
Hindrances: Driven or Vengeful (Major),
„„Manifestation: Ghosts are naturally
Ruthless (Minor), Stubborn
completely invisible (−6 penalty to
Edges: Arcane Resistance, Arcane
Notice or attack) but can become
Background (Psionics), Major Psionic,
visible and tangible to mortals as
Master Psionic
ectoplasmic beings whenever they
Powers: Empathy, entangle, mind
desire. During these times,
link, stun, telekinesis, teleport.
they are fully visible and
ISP: 30

able to act on the mortal world, but penalties, don’t breathe, and are
still only vulnerable to arcane attacks immune to Disease and Poison.
(magic, psionics, etc.). „„Ethereal: Energy beings are
„„Mostly Fearless: Ghosts are immune immaterial, pass through most solid
to Fear and Intimidation, except matter, and can only be affected by
when faced with things that they Arcane attacks (magic, psionics, etc.).
dreaded in life. „„Fear: Haunting entities cause Fear
„„Mystic Awareness: Ghosts may checks when encountered.
sense supernatural beings in line of „„Fearless: Haunting Entities are
sight with a Notice roll and use detect immune to Fear and Intimidation.
arcana as an Innate Ability. „„Flight: Haunting Entities may fly at a
„„Telepathic: Ghosts can use the mind link Pace of 8 with a d6 running die.
power as an Innate Ability for no ISP. „„Invisibility: Haunting Entities are
„„Psychic Vampire: See sidebar on naturally completely invisible (−6
page 167. penalty to Notice or attack) but will
become visible to mortals as semi-
Entities, Haunting transparent beings; this especially
Misguided psychic energy beings happens when they are immersed in
ruled by the strong emotional imprints acting out life-like behaviors.
accidentally left behind by intelligent „„Mystic Awareness: Ghosts may
beings, these weaker apparitions are sense supernatural beings in line of
usually dim and uncreative. They often sight with a Notice roll and use detect
repeat routine behaviors in an eternal arcana as an Innate Ability.
loop and generally remain docile until „„Telepathic: Haunting Entities
that loop is disturbed. The true form communicate using mind link at no
of a haunting entity is a human-sized cost—emanating strong emotional
elemental being of pure psychic energy. mental images, uttering short
phrases, or moaning, sobbing,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit
whispering, humming, etc.
d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
„„Psychic Vampire: See sidebar on
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge
page 167.
d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6,
Notice d6, Psionics d6, Performance d6,
Entities, Poltergeists
Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6.
Poltergeists are extraplanar entities,
Pace: —; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
surviving by absorbing ambient psychic
Hindrances: Delusional (Major —
energy. They can do this along ley lines
believes it is living a past life), Mean,
or near emotional energy beings, but
poltergeists prefer to absorb the emotional
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics),
emanations of living beings. First, they
Major Psionic
try to scare their targets. Failing that,
Powers: Confusion, havoc, stun, telekinesis.
they switch to silliness, levity, or mischief
ISP: 20
to evoke the desired emotions. Unless
Special Abilities:
under the control of a malicious master,
„„Elemental: Haunting Entities take
poltergeists will not intentionally harm
no additional damage from Called
living beings. However, they do not truly
Shots, ignore one point of Wound
understand biological life forms and
sometimes harm or kill them through

cartoon-like attempts at humor or scare EEEntity, Possessing
tactics: flying knives, falling pianos, Possessing entities are hyper-intelligent,
scaring someone into tripping down malevolent, and sadistic. The least
stairs, etc. The true form of a poltergeist common of the entities, they possess
is a volleyball-sized sphere of energy. individuals and absorb the horrifying
emotions emanating from the possessed
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit
person and those around them. While
d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
inhabiting a mortal body, the possessing
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d4,
entity can suppress the mind of their
Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Psionics d6,
victim, leaving them with no memory
Taunt d6, Stealth d8
of events. A favorite tactic is to commit
Pace: —; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
murder or worse and then let their host
Hindrances: Curious, Habit (Minor—
regain consciousness and momentary
poltergeists are mischievous and love to
control (while holding a bloody vibro-
evoke emotional reactions through fear,
knife, etc.), repeating this pattern until
humor, or exasperation to feed on latent
the victim and those closest to him are
psychic energy)
convinced he is insane.
Edges: Arcane Resistance, Arcane
Background (Psionics) Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit
Powers: Havoc, telekinesis. ISP: 15 d12, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Special Abilities: Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge
„„Elemental: Poltergeists take no d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d12,
additional damage from Called Notice d10, Performance d10, Persuasion
Shots, ignore one point of Wound d10, Psionics d12, Shooting d10, Taunt
penalties, don’t breathe, and are d12, Stealth d12
immune to Disease and Poison. Pace: —; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7
„„Ethereal: Energy beings are naturally Hindrances: Mania (Major—compulsive,
immaterial, can pass through most depraved murderer), Vengeful (Major)
solid matter, and can only be affected Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics),
by Arcane attacks (magic, psionics, Arcane Resistance (Imp), Danger Sense,
etc.). Major Psionic, Master Psionic
„„Fear: Poltergeists cause Fear checks Powers: Illusion, mind link, mind reading,
when they manifest their presence mind wipe, stun, telekinesis. ISP: 30
through their powers. Special Abilities:
„„Fearless: Poltergeists are immune to „„Automatic Empathy: Possessing
Fear and Intimidation. Entities have empathy as an Innate
„„Flight: Poltergeists fly at a Pace of 12 Ability costing no ISP.
with a d6 running die. „„Elemental: In their own form,
„„Invisibility: Poltergeists are natur­ Possessing Entities take no additional
ally invisible per the power; the damage from Called Shots, ignore
penalty to Notice or hit one is −6. one point of Wound penalties, don’t
„„Mystic Awareness: Ghosts may breathe, and are immune to Disease
sense supernatural beings in line of and Poison.
sight with a Notice roll and use detect „„Ethereal: Naturally immaterial,
arcana as an Innate Ability. Possessing Entities can pass through
„„Psychic Vampire: See sidebar on most solid matter and can only be
page 167. affected by Arcane attacks (magic,

psionics, etc.). Victims possessed by ENTITIES ARE
them may be harmed normally. PSYCHIC VAMPIRES
„„Fear (−2): Possessing Entities cause
Fear checks at −2 when they manifest All Entities are potential Psychic
their presence, with possible bonuses Vampires, though their preferred
for the gore and inhumanity revealed method of feeding varies.
at that moment. Psychic Vampire: Entities
„„Fearless: Possessing Entities are require a diet of PPE or ISP, often
immune to Fear and Intimidation. drained from living beings. They
„„Flight: Possessing Entities, in their gain this using a variant of the
own form as energy beings, may fly Psi-Stalker's Psychic Vampire
at a Pace of 6 with a d6 running die. ability, often by confusing or
„„Mystic Awareness: Ghosts may scaring mortals, see The Tomorrow
sense supernatural beings in line of Legion Player’s Guide. Entities
sight with a Notice roll and use detect must consume at least 2 Power
arcana as an Innate Ability. Points (PPE or ISP) a day or suffer
„„Possession: Possessing Entities a Fatigue level, but they prefer
take control of mortal bodies using to glut themselves whenever
Psionics versus an opposed Spirit possible. They go dormant after
roll (usually after using empathy). a week of being Incapacitated by
Failure means the entity may not lack of any “food.” Each 2 PPE/
attempt to possess that target again ISP drained restores one level of
for 1d4 days. With a success, the Fatigue. Consumed Power Points
entity inhabits the target’s mortal cannot be used to fuel powers.
body, gaining complete control over
the possessed’s actions and physical
abilities (gaining the host’s physical
Attributes, Edges, Powers, etc. but
not Skills or memories). The victim poltergeists, they can absorb ambient
can make opposed Spirit rolls to energies, but Tectonic Entities prefer
break the possession when prompted psychic energy doubled at the moment
to perform actions like attacking of death and flavored with the delicious
friends or committing suicide. On a spice of terror.
raise, the target suffers a −4 penalty
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit
to reject the Possessing Entity.
d10, Strength d12+6, Vigor d12+2
„„Psychic Vampire: See sidebar.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice
Entities, Tectonic
d8, Persuasion d4, Psionics d8, Shooting
Named for their unique ability to
d4, Taunt d10, Stealth d10.
build themselves bodies out of nearby
Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9
inanimate objects and to inhabit figures
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mania (Major—
such as dolls, statues, deactivated robots
compulsive, depraved murderer)
or even bodies prepared by magic users.
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics),
Tectonic Entities murderously stalk their
Danger Sense
targets until they reach an isolated spot,
Powers: Empathy, havoc, telekinesis. ISP: 10
then inhabit the largest physical form
Special Abilities:
before attacking their victims. Like

TECTONIC ENTITY etc.), but their physical forms may be
CONSTRUCT harmed normally. Use the rules for
Armor Bonus from Obstacles when
The physical form of a Tectonic attempting to attack the entity while
Entity affects its Toughness. All it is inhabiting a construct body.
forms are assumed to be Size 3 „„Fear (−2): Tectonic Entities cause Fear

(Normal); for each Size smaller, checks at −2 when they manifest their
adjust Toughness one lower. In presence.
the case of statues, deactivated „„Fearless: Immune to Fear and

robots, etc. modify the object with Intimidation.

+4 Armor and +4 Toughness. „„Fly: When not inhabiting a material

„„ Detritus (leaves, sticks, plastic, body, Tectonic Entities may fly at a

trash, etc.): Toughness: 6 Pace of 6 with a d6 running die.
„„ Debris (wood, tin cans, gravel, „„Hardy: If Shaken, another Shaken

etc.): Toughness: 12 (2) result doesn’t cause a Wound against

„„ Scree (rocks, clay, concrete, Tectonic Entities or their physical
etc.): Toughness: 18 (4) forms.
„„ Rubble (steel, stone, metal, etc.): „„Mystic Awareness: Ghosts may

Toughness: 24 (8) MDC Armor sense supernatural beings in line of

„„ Solid (marble, advanced alloys, sight with a Notice roll and use detect
solid bronze, etc.): Toughness: arcana as an Innate Ability.
34 (12) MDC Armor „„Psychic Vampire: See sidebar on
page 167.

Giant Ruin Worm

Residing in the ruins of former
„„Construct Body: Tectonic Entities civilizations, Giant Ruin Worms burrow
either build bodies out of inanimate through the wreckage to surprise their
objects and debris or inhabit and prey. They swallow their prey whole—
animate roughly humanoid or including weapons, armor, and other
animal shaped objects from 4 to 12 items they cannot digest.
feet tall (Size −1 to 3). The Toughness
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A),
depends on the physical form it
Spirit d8, Strength d12+7, Vigor d12+2
takes—the Toughness above only
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice
refers to the energy being. Once the
d6, Stealth d8, Survival d8
Tectonic Entity’s physical form is
Pace: 10; Parry: 8; Toughness: 26 (8)
destroyed, the entity may not inhabit
Edges: Frenzy (Imp)
another form for 3d6+3 hours.
Special Abilities:
„„Elemental: Tectonic Entities take
„„Armored Hide: A supernaturally
no additional damage from Called
tough hide provides +8 MDC Armor
Shots, ignore one point of Wound
and +2 Toughness.
penalties, don’t breathe, and are
„„Bite: Str+2d4 Mega Damage, AP 4.
immune to Disease and Poison.
„„Blindsight: Giant Ruin Worms
„„Ethereal: Energy beings are naturally
compensate for their lack of eyes
immaterial, can pass through most
with incredible hearing, a sixth
solid matter, and can only be affected
sense for vibrations, and thermal
by Arcane attacks (magic, psionics,

imaging; they cannot be blinded by Historically, cultures worldwide (such
conventional means. as China, Egypt, and Native America)
„„Body Slam/Tail Lash: Giant Ruin practiced mummification, and in the time
Worms attempt to smash foes larger of Rifts, the practice
than Size 3; Str+d12 Mega Damage. has re-emerged and
„„Burrow (10”): Can disappear and spread. Mummies
reappear on the following action are powerful undead,
anywhere within 10”. i m mu ne to most
„„Fear (−2): Their large size and weaponry and arcana, that
otherworldly appearance cause a will faithfully carry out their
Fear check at a −2. orders for the rest of time.
„„Fearless: Immune to Fear and
„„Hardy: Does not suffer a Wound
from a second Shaken result.
„„Slow Regeneration: Makes a natural
healing roll once per day and can
regrow lost limbs.
„„Size 7 (Large): Giant Ruin Worms
loom over their prey (around 32 feet
long and 8 feet wide). They can take
an additional Wound.
„„Slippery: The worms can slip
through rubble and dirt, aided by a
greasy secretion. This makes them
difficult to hit in melee, giving them
+2 to Parry.
„„Swallow: Whenever Giant Ruin
Worms score a raise on a bite attack,
they swallow victims Size 3 or
smaller. Those swallowed whole take
Str+d6 Mega Damage, AP 4 every
round they remain inside the worm.
The constricting internal muscles of
the worm knock items out of grasp
and give victims no leverage, making
attacking from the inside with held
weapons and unarmed attacks
ineffective (it is Invulnerable to such
attacks); however, attached weapons,
natural weapons, and arcane powers
can be used to attack the worm from
the inside.

Mummies are ritualistically preserved
corpses reanimated as undead constructs.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit „„Hardy: Does not suffer a Wound
d8, Strength d12, Vigor d12 from being Shaken twice.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge „„Undead: These ambulatory corpses
d4, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice gain +2 Toughness and Called Shots
d8, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth do no extra damage. They gain +2
d8, Survival d6 to recover from being Shaken, don’t
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 20 (8) breathe and are immune to Cold,
Hindrances: Ruthless (Minor), Mute, Disease, Heat, Poison, and Radiation.
Vow (Major—Obey creator) „„Warded: The ancient and powerful
Gear: Usually armed with crumbling magics that create mummies make
Armor (+4) and melee weapons (Str+d8 them invulnerable to banish, dispel,
Mega Damage, AP 2). and most arcane mind control effects
Special Abilities: like illusion, puppet, slumber, stun, etc.
„„Arcane Wrappings: The resin- They gain +4 to resist other magical
impregnated linen wrappings of a effects.
mummy provide it +4 Armor and +2 „„Weakness (Fire): Mummies can
Toughness. only be harmed by fire, plasma,
„„Bite/Claw: Str+d6 Mega Damage. and explosive based attacks, which
„„Fear (−2): Cause Fear checks at −2 deal +4 damage; Wounds from
when encountered. such attacks cannot be healed or
„„Fear only Fire: Mummies are regenerated.
immune to most Fear effects and
Intimidation, except for large fires Phantom Wolf
which cause Fear (bonfires or larger). Hunting the outskirts of Madhaven and
Mummies instinctively avoid or the surrounding wilderness, Phantom
circumnavigate trenches of fire, Wolves are large, black, shaggy, wolf-
flamethrowers, burning structures, like canines. These PPE predators fulfill
etc. a unique niche in the local ecology,
„„Invulnerable: Mummies can only be using their ability
Shaken by most attacks, including to become ethereal
arcane and Mega Damage, which to hunt Entities.
punch holes into the undead husk
only to instantly regenerate.

Knights of the White Rose favor them as EEVampire, Master
riding animals, while Haven Mutants use Arrogant and cruel, thinking of mortals
them as guard dogs. as prey to either be corralled or hunted,
most Master Vampires act as regents
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A),
for the Vampire Intelligences, ruling
Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
thousands of vampires. Ensconced in
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice
their capital cities, most Master Vampires
d10, Stealth d8, Survival d10
rarely face a vampire hunter, instead
Pace: 16; Parry: 6; Toughness: 16 (4)
remaining more concerned with the
Edges: Alert, Fleet-Footed
machinations of rival vampire kingdoms.
Special Abilities:
Once converted by the Vampire
„„Armored Hide: Thick hides provide
Intelligence, Master Vampires become
+4 Armor and +2 Toughness.
seven-foot-tall creatures as much bat as
„„Bite: Str+2d6 Mega Damage, AP 4.
humanoid. Leathery wings droop from
„„Fear: Cause Fear checks when first
spindly arms, as waxy skin hangs on their
emaciated frames. Their faces stretch into
„„Go for the Throat: With a raise on
slavering maws filled with razor-sharp
their attack roll, Phantom Wolves hit
fangs. They can don an attractive human
their target’s most weakly armored
disguise, but raw power and intensity
leaks through this well-mannered facade,
„„Phantom Walk: As an action,
making others afraid or jealous. Adopting
Phantom Wolves may make
their true form intensifies the experience,
themselves and any riders intangible
terrorizing and intimidating those who
(as the power) but cannot travel
stand in the vampire’s way.
through walls or other physical
Most Master Vampires eschew “mere
barriers. While in this state, the
mortal” technological achievements
physical attacks of the Wolves and
in armor and weapons, preferring to
any riders affect other intangible
pit their claws, fangs, and psionics
beings—such as Entities—but do not
against those rare foes they face. When
affect the material world.
confronted with truly challenging
„„Psychic Vampire: Phantom Wolves
enemies, they deign to wear enchanted
require a diet of PPE or ISP drained
armor and wield TW weapons.
from living beings. They gain this
using the Blood Sacrifice rule under Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12, Spirit
Siphoning PPE Setting Rule in The d12, Strength d12+6, Vigor d12
Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide but Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge
must slay their prey to do so. Must d8, Fighting d12, Intimidation d12,
consume at least 3 Power Points (PPE Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Psionics d12,
or ISP) per day or suffer a Fatigue Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Survival d10
level; starving to death after a week Pace: 8; Parry: 10; Toughness: 22 (7)
at Incapacitated by lack of “food.” Hindrances: Arrogant, Loyal (to Vampire
Each 3 PPE/ISP drained restores one Intelligence)
level of Fatigue. Consumed Power Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics),
Points cannot fuel spells or psionic Arcane Resistance (Imp), Block (Imp),
powers. Bruiser, Charismatic, Counterattack
„„Size 3 (Normal): Phantom Wolves (Imp), Dodge (Imp), First Strike (Imp),
are the size of a horse. Fleet-Footed, Free Runner, Frenzy (Imp),

Harder to Kill, Level Headed (Imp), „„Mist Form: Can turn into mist with
Master Psionic, Quick an action and a Psionics roll at −2.
Gear: Heavy enchanted armor (+7 Armor, „„Near-Living Appearance: Master
+3 Toughness, EBA), TK Submachine Vampires who disguise their
Gun (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, RoF True Vampire Form with their
3, AP 2), Battle Fury Blade (Str+2d6+4 mortal appearance appear life-
Mega Damage, AP 12, +2 Fighting, +6 like, displaying little of the corpse-
Toughness). like pallor and telltale signs of
Powers: Banish, boost/lower Trait, deflection, Secondary and Wild Vampires.
detect/conceal arcana*, divination, empathy, This allows them to easily infiltrate
farsight, fear, healing, mind link, mind mortal communities and begin the
reading, puppet, slumber, smite*, speak work of subjugating the populace.
language*, speed*. ISP: 40 Notice rolls to see through a Master
Vampire Psionic powers are Innate Vampire’s disguise are at −2.
Abilities. „„Perfect Night Vision: Vampires
Special Abilities: ignore all Illumination penalties.
„„Bite: Str+2d4 Mega Damage, AP 12. „„Thrall: Targets Incapacitated by a
Grappled prey may be bitten as usual; vampire's bite are under its control.
Shaken or Wounded victims check They are permanently under the
Vigor or suffer a level of Fatigue. puppet power until the controlling
„„Change Form: With an action and vampire is destroyed.
a Psionics roll vampires can shape „„True Vampire Form: The true form
change into a wolf, bat, or back again. of Master Vampires is a human/
„„Claws: Str+d10 Mega Damage, AP 6. bat hybrid—tall yet hunched,
„„Fast Regeneration: Vampires roll Vigor emaciated yet strong—with a mouth
every round to heal damage—even full of fangs and wing membranes
after being “killed.” A success heals pendant from spindly arms ending
one Wound, two with a raise. Silver or in dagger-clawed, spidery fingers.
wood in the heart, sunlight and holy Assuming this form is a free action,
water (see below) bypass this ability. but resuming their false human
„„Fear (−3): The deathly appearance appearance requires a Psionics roll.
and aura of a Master Vampire in True „„Turn: Instead of creating a thrall, the
Vampire Form (below) causes all vampire can turn a victim of its bite.
opponents to make a Fear check at −3. When a Master Vampire attempts
„„Fly: In their True Vampire Form to create a new vampire, the victim
(below) they can fly at a Pace of 8. makes a Vigor check after being
„„Immunities: Vampires are immortal Incapacitated (either by the damage
and ignore Poison, Disease, Fire, or Fatigue). The roll is made with all
Cold, Radiation, and virtually all the penalties appropriate to damage
other sources of mundane damage done and Fatigue inflicted. On a
or negative effects. They need no failure, the victim dies. On a success,
food or water (only blood, the lack of the victim makes a Spirit roll at the
which drives them insane). same penalty. Failure means she
„„Invulnerable: Attacks—even those loses her humanity and becomes a
causing Mega Damage —which villainous Secondary Vampire under
don't use one of the Vampire's the Game Master’s control; success
vulnerabilities can only Shake them. means she somehow resists—while

still a Secondary Vampire—and weapons, or a combination of the
retains her autonomy. two. A successful Called Shot to the
„„Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover heart (−4) forces vampires to make
from Shaken; Called Shots do no a Vigor check against the damage
extra damage (with exceptions noted total. If successful, they suffer
below). damage normally and are Stunned;
„„Wall Walker: Vampires move their if they fail, they are Incapacitated,
Pace on walls, half Pace on ceilings. enter a stasis-like state, and become
„„Weakness (Decapitation and vulnerable to all normal sources
Burning): Vampires Incapacitated of damage. However, the vampire
via silver or wood (see below) become is not destroyed, see Weakness
vulnerable to normal damage and (Decapitation and Burning) above.
fire. Only once they have been „„Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires
decapitated, the head and body suffer an automatic level of Fatigue
burned in separate pyres, and the during daylight hours and catch
ashes scattered, are they destroyed. fire if any part of them is exposed
„„Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane): to sunlight (clothing doesn't help,
A vampire must check Spirit to cross they must be completely shielded).
through or into an area protected by A vampire's Pace is 2 and their
these herbs, and attack at −2 to bite powers don't work while exposed to
anyone wearing either herb. sunlight—they burn for 2d10 damage
„„Weakness (Holy): The holy symbols every round they are exposed and
of any religion that reveres goodness vampires Incapacitated this way are
and light over dark hold vampires destroyed by turning to ash.
at bay. Vampires must win an „„Weakness (Supernatural Attacks):
opposed Spirit check to attack. With Vampires can be damaged by
a successful Touch Attack (Fighting the natural attacks of other
+2), the holy symbol causes 3d4 fire vampires, werebeasts, demons, and
damage to the vampire, who must supernatural beings. They are not
check Fear. Holy attacks can damage destroyed unless a Weakness is used.
Vampires but not destroy them. „„Weakness (Water): Vampires have a
„„Weakness (Magic and Psionics): phobia of bodies of water and cannot
Vampires can be affected and cross them (even if flying) unless
harmed by magic and psionics, but there is a physical bridge, and even
all effects are halved and they cannot then must check Fear at −4. Holy or
be destroyed unless the power is natural bodies of water damage them
Trapped with water or sunlight like acid. Immersing vampires (in a
(wood/silver deal full damage). Magic waterfall, flash flood, pond, river,
weapons can damage them but have lake, sea) deals 3d10 damage a round.
the same restrictions. A sunlight Holy water is blessed with the Faith
Trapping on light does no damage skill as an action. Small sources of
but the fiends cannot enter the area holy water (a bucket, a squirt gun)
of effect and any within must leave. do 1d10 damage, medium sources (a
„„Weakness (Silver and Wood): Silver hose, a “super soaker”) deal 2d10, and
objects burn for 3d4 fire damage, large sources (a fire hose) deal 3d10.
and Vampires suffer +4 damage Vampires Incapacitated this way melt
from purely wooden or silver into slime and are destroyed.

Vampire, Secondary Vampire Psionic powers are Innate
The most common form of vampire in the Abilities.
Vampire Kingdoms, Secondary Vampires Special Abilities:
are created when Master Vampires inject „„Bite: Str+2d4 Mega Damage, AP 12.
a sliver of the Vampire Intelligence’s Grappled prey may be bitten as usual;
essence into a willing or unwilling victim. Shaken or Wounded victims check
The newborn vampire retains only Vigor or suffer a level of Fatigue.
fragments of the victim’s personality— „„Change Form: With an action and
usually only enough to make the victim’s a Psionics roll vampires can shape
loved ones the Secondary Vampire’s change into a wolf or bat (or change
first targets. back again).
Most Secondary Vampires instinctively „„Claws: Str+d10 Mega Damage, AP 6.
recognize their position as subordinate „„Fast Regeneration: Vampires roll
to Vampire Intelligences and Master Vigor every round to heal damage—
Vampires, and readily fall into place as the even after being “killed.” A success
administrators and soldiers of the Vampire heals one Wound, two with a raise.
Kingdoms. Despite this, Secondary Silver or wood in the heart, sunlight
Vampires have more personality and and holy water (see below) bypass
free will than Master Vampires, creating this ability.
societies of highly individualized, even „„Fear (−2): Cause a Fear test at −2.
competitive bloodsuckers. Some even go „„Immunities: Vampires are immortal
rogue, joining mortals in the fight against and ignore Poison, Disease, Fire,
vampires. Cold, Radiation, and virtually all
other sources of mundane damage
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit
or negative effects. They need no
d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
food or water (only blood, the lack of
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge
which drives them insane).
d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice
„„Invulnerable: Attacks—even those
d6, Persuasion d6, Psionics d8, Shooting
causing Mega Damage —which
d6, Stealth d8, Survival d6
don't use one of the Vampire's
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 16 (4)
vulnerabilities can only Shake them.
Hindrances: Arrogant, Loyal (to Vampire
„„Mist Form: Can turn into mist with
Intelligence), Quirk
an action and a Psionics roll at −2.
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics),
„„Perfect Night Vision: Vampires
Blo c k , Br u i s e r, C h a r i s m at ic ,
ignore all Illumination penalties.
Counterattack, Fleet-Footed, Free
„„Thrall: Targets Incapacitated by a
Runner, Frenzy, Hard to Kill, Level
vampire's bite are under its control.
Headed, Quick
They are permanently under the
Gear: Light enchanted cuirass (+4, +1
puppet power until the controlling
Toughness, neck and torso only), TW
vampire is destroyed.
long sword (Str+d10+2, AP 6, +1 Fighting
„„True Vampire Form: The true form
and Mega Damage for 5 rounds for 1 ISP),
of Secondary Vampires is a corpse-
TK Revolver (Range 12/24/48, Damage
like parody of their original mortal
3d6, RoF 1, AP 3).
appearance with fangs, claws,
Powers: Detect/conceal arcana*, empathy,
pointed ears, bloodshot eyes, and
fear, mind link, mind reading, puppet,
other signs of their true nature.
slumber, smite*, speed*. ISP: 25.
Assuming this form is a free action,

but resuming their false human and the ashes scattered, are they de-
appearance requires a Psionics roll. stroyed.
„„Turn: Instead of creating a thrall, the „„Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane):
vampire can turn a victim of its bite. A vampire must check Spirit to cross
When a Secondary Vampire attempts through or into an area protected by
to create a new vampire, the victim these herbs, and attack at −2 to bite
makes a Vigor check after being In- anyone wearing either herb.
capacitated (either by the damage „„Weakness (Holy): The holy symbols
or Fatigue); the roll is made with all of any religion that reveres goodness
the penalties appropriate to damage and light over dark hold vampires at
done and Fatigue inflicted. On a fail- bay. Vampires must win an opposed
ure, the victim becomes an uncon- Spirit check to attack. With a
trollable Wild Vampire. On a success, successful Touch Attack (Fighting
the victim makes a Spirit roll at the +2), the holy symbol causes 3d4
same penalty. Failure means she fire damage to the vampire, who
loses her humanity and becomes a must check Fear. Holy attacks
villainous Secondary Vampire un- can damage Vampires but not
der the Game Master’s control; destroy them.
success means she somehow „„Weakness (Magic and
resists—while still a Second- Psionics): Vampires can
ary Vampire—and retains her be affected and harmed
autonomy. by magic and psionics, but
„„Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 all effects are halved and
to recover from Shaken; they cannot be destroyed
called shots do no unless the power is
extra damage (with Trapped with water or
e xc e p t io n s noted sunlight (wood/silver
below). deal full damage).
„„Wall Walker: Vampires Magic weapons can
move their Pace on damage them but have
walls, half Pace on the same restrictions.
ceilings. A sunlight Trapping
„„Weakness (De- on light does no
capitation and damage but the fiends
Burning): Vam- cannot enter the area and any
pires Incapacitat- within must leave.
ed via silver or „„Weak ness (Silver and
wood (see below) Wood): Silver objects burn for
become vulnerable 3d4 fire damage, and Vampires
to normal damage suffer +4 damage from purely
and fire. Only once wooden or silver weapons, or
they have been de- a combination of the two. A
capitated, the head successful Called Shot to the
and body burned heart (−4) forces vampires to
in separate pyres, make a Vigor check against
the damage total. If successful,
they suffer damage normally

and are Stunned; if they fail, they fire if any part of them is exposed
are Incapacitated, enter a stasis-like to sunlight (clothing doesn't help,
state, and become vulnerable to all they must be completely shielded).
normal sources of damage. However, A vampire's Pace is 2 and their
the vampire is not destroyed, powers don't work while exposed to
see Weakness (Decapitation and sunlight—they burn for 2d10 damage
Burning) above. every round they are exposed and
„„Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires vampires Incapacitated this way are
suffer an automatic level of Fatigue destroyed by turning to ash.
during daylight hours and catch „„Weakness (Supernatural Attacks):
Vampires can be damaged by
the natural attacks of other
vampires, werebeasts, demons, and
supernatural beings. However, they
Unbeknown to most vampires, are not destroyed unless a Weakness
let alone Vampire Slayers, the is used.
Vampire Intelligences of the „„Weakness (Water): Vampires have a

Mexico Empire, Milta, and Ixzotz phobia of bodies of water and cannot
founded a top-secret special cross them (even if flying) unless
forces agency shared between the there is a physical bridge, and even
three nations to root out Vampire then must check Fear at −4. Holy or
Slayers. Deathspike consists of natural bodies of water damage them
Secondary Vampires who put like acid. Immersing vampires (in a
aside their pride to wear high-tech waterfall, flash flood, pond, river,
armor and wield modern weapons lake, sea) deals 3d10 damage a round.
to take the fight to the humans Holy water is blessed with the Faith
during daylight. In addition to the skill as an action. Small sources of
normal Secondary Vampire skills, holy water (a bucket, a squirt gun)
Deathspike operatives possess do 1d10 damage, medium sources (a
Shooting d10 and Survival d8. hose, a “super soaker”) deal 2d10, and
These vampires wear Full large sources (a fire hose) deal 3d10.
Environment Protection body Vampires Incapacitated this way melt
armors like the NG Peacekeeper into slime and are destroyed.
or Bushman EBA during the
day—denying them the ability EEVampire Familiar
to use their shape change and mist A Vampire Familiar is a physical
form powers but shielding them manifestation of the Vampire Intelligence.
from the sun—and Stake-Proof The Familiar protects the Vampire
Vests (+4) at night. They carry Intelligence, but, more importantly, it
Vibro-Knives (Str+d6, AP 6, Mega allows the Intelligence (trapped at its
Damage), JA-11 Energy Rifles power source) to go outside and interact
(Range 30/60/120, Damage 3d6, with the larger world. The two share all
RoF 1, AP 4), and NG-303 Rail experiences. They also share memories,
Guns (Range 30/60/120, Damage knowledge, and personality; however,
2d8+4, RoF 3, AP 4). the Familiar has a wicked playfulness
and dark humor.

Familiars resemble an anthropomorphic „„Fast Regenerat ion: Vampire
bat standing 17 feet tall. To look a bit less Familiars roll Vigor every round
imposing, they can shrink themselves to heal damage—even after being
down to 8 feet—but even then they are “killed.” A success heals one Wound,
frightening, and their tendency towards two with a raise. Silver or wood in
dangerous practical jokes, bullying, and the heart, sunlight and holy water
violence reinforces that. (see below) bypass this ability.
„„Fear (−4): Cause a Fear test at −4.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12, Spirit
„„Fearless: Immune to Fear and
d12, Strength d12+8, Vigor d12+4
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge
„„Flight: Familiars fly with bat wings.
d8, Fighting d12, Intimidation d12,
„„Hardy: Does not suffer a Wound
Notice d12, Persuasion d10, Psionics d10,
from a second Shaken result.
Spellcasting d8, Stealth d10, Taunt d12
„„Hide: +12 Armor, +4 Toughness.
Pace: 8; Parry: 10; Toughness: 35 (12)
„„Immunities: Familiars are immortal
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background
and ignore Poison, Disease, Fire,
(Magic and Psionics), Arcane Resistance
Cold, Radiation, and virtually all
(Imp), Block (Imp), Brawny, Bruiser,
other sources of mundane damage
Danger Sense, First Strike (Imp), Frenzy
or negative effects. They need no
(Imp), Iron Will, Level Headed (Imp)
food or water (only blood, the lack of
Hindrances: Arrogant, Bloodthirsty,
which drives them insane).
Mania (Major), Mean, Ruthless (Major)
„„Invulnerable: Vampire Familiars
Powers (Magic): Arcane protection, banish,
can only be Shaken by most attacks,
barrier, blast, bolt, burst, deflection, dispel,
including those that do Mega Damage.
entangle, farsight, fear, havoc, speak language,
„„Size 6 (Large): Though they
speed, summon ally, teleport. PPE: 50
can shrink themselves, Vampire
Powers (Psionics): Boost/lower Trait, detect/
Familiars normally remain their full
conceal arcana, divination, empathy, healing,
height. Can be Wounded four times.
mind link, mind reading, puppet, slumber,
„„Turn: When a Vampire Familiar
smite, stun, telekinesis. ISP: 50
chooses to turn a living victim, it
Vampire Psionic powers are Innate
makes a direct connection between
the Vampire Intelligence and the
Special Abilities:
newly sired-vampire, burning away
„„A rcane Resistance: Vampire
the their humanity and turning them
Familiars are immune to the effects
into a villainous Secondary Vampire.
of puppet and slumber. Empathy, mind
„„Weakness (Holy): The holy symbols
link, and mind reading cannot be used
of any religion that reveres goodness
on them against their will.
and light over dark hold vampires
„„Bite: Str+2d6 Mega Damage, AP 16.
at bay. Vampires must win an
„„Claws: Str+2d8 Mega Damage, AP 10.
opposed Spirit check to attack. With
„„Change Form: With an action, a
a successful Touch Attack (Fighting
Vampire Familiar can shape change
+2), the holy symbol causes 3d4 fire
into a giant bat or shrink to as small
damage to the vampire, who must
as 8 feet.
check Fear. Holy attacks can damage
„„Echolocation: Like bats, they suffer
Vampires but not destroy them.
no penalties for bad lighting, even in
„„Weakness (Magic and Psionics):
Pitch Darkness.
Vampires can be affected and

harmed by magic and psionics, but suffer an automatic level of Fatigue
all effects are halved and they cannot during daylight hours.
be destroyed unless the power is „„Weakness (Supernatural Attacks):
Trapped with water or sunlight Can be damaged by the natural
(wood/silver deal full damage). attacks of vampires, werebeasts,
Magic weapons can damage them demons, and supernatural beings.
but have the same restrictions. However, they are not destroyed
„„Weakness (Silver and Wood): Silver unless a Weakness is used.
objects burn for 3d4 fire damage, „„Weakness (Water): Vampires have a
and Vampires suffer +4 damage from phobia of bodies of water and cannot
purely wooden or silver weapons, or cross them (even if flying) unless
a combination of the two. there is a physical bridge, and even
„„Weakness (Sunlight): Because then must check Fear at −4. Holy
Vampire Familiars are not true or natural bodies of water damage
vampires they can withstand them like acid. Immersing vampires
sunlight but it weakens them. They (in a waterfall, flash flood, pond,
river, lake, sea) deals 3d10 damage
a round. Holy water is blessed with
the Faith skill as an action. Small
sources of holy water (a bucket,
a squirt gun) do 1d10 damage,
medium sources (a hose, a
“super soaker”) deal 2d10,
and large sources (a fire
hose) deal 3d10. Vampires
Incapacitated this way
melt into slime and are

E Vampire
Unknowable, alien beings filled
with a terrible thirst for the misery
and pain of others, Vampire
Intelligences fragment their essence
across multiple dimensions at
once, corrupting mortals to
serve as Master Vampires
and infect their home worlds
with the undead. Once 2,500
lesser vampires have been generated, the
Vampire Intelligence is able to will itself
through a breach between worlds.
A Vampire Intelligence in physical
form appears as a mound of pulsing
flesh about 20 feet in height and 100 feet
in diameter. A gigantic eye, surrounded

by hundreds of smaller ones, gazes „„Armored Hide: Vampire Intelligences
from the hill-like central hump. The have thick hides granting +6 Armor
Vampire Intelligence can extrude up to and +12 Toughness.
12 fang-mawed tentacles from its body; „„Familiar: Vampire Intelligences can
grotesquely, the tentacles sing in eerie manifest one Vampire Familiar at a
harmony while the Vampire Intelligence time. The two beings are connected,
revels in the misery of others. and the Vampire Intelligence
This gargantuan body must consume experiences everything the Familiar
enormous amounts of magical energy does (see Vampire Familiar).
while remaining hidden from the sun, so „„Fast Regeneration: Vampires make
a Vampire Intelligence usually installs a Vigor roll every round to heal
itself in a stone pyramid, temple, or damage—even after being “killed.”
underground labyrinth located at a ley Each success and raise heals one
line nexus. It also needs to regularly feed Wound. Silver, wood, and water
on the blood of sapient creatures. One (below) bypass this ability.
sacrifice a week is enough to keep it sated. „„Fear (−6): The horrific sight of a
Vampire Intelligence causes all
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit
opponents to make a Fear check at −6.
d12, Strength d12+12, Vigor d12+4
„„Fragmented Self: A Vampire
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge
Intelligence maintains a psychic
d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d12,
connection with the vampires it
Notice d12, Persuasion d10, Psionics d12,
creates. It can ­instantly telepathically
Spellcasting d10, Stealth d10, Taunt d10
communicate with its Master
Pace: 1; Parry: 9; Toughness: 42 (6)
Vampires up to 500 miles away. It
Hindrances: Arrogant, Mania (Major)
senses when any lesser vampires of
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background
its bloodline—within 10 miles—are
(Magic and Psionics), Arcane Resistance
destroyed or Incapacitated, but it
(Imp), Block (Imp), Sixth Sense, First
knows no other details.
Strike (Imp), Harder to Kill, Iron Will,
„„Hardy: Does not suffer a Wound
Level Headed (Imp), Master of Magic,
from a second Shaken result.
Master Psionic, Mentalist, Psi-Blade
„„Immunities: Vampires are immortal
(each tentacle is an action and ISP), Quick
and ignore Cold, Disease, Fire,
Powers (Magic): Arcane protection, banish,
Poison, Radiation, and virtually all
barrier, blast, bolt, burst, deflection, dispel,
other sources of mundane damage
entangle, farsight, havoc, speak language,
or negative effects. They need no
speed, summon ally, teleport. PPE: 400
food or water (only blood, the lack of
Powers (Psionics): Boost/lower Trait, detect/
which drives them insane).
conceal arcana, divination, empathy, healing,
„„Invulnerable: Vampires can only be
mind link, mind reading, puppet, slumber,
Shaken by most attacks, including
smite, stun, telekinesis. ISP: 100
those doing Mega Damage.
A Vampires Intelligence's Psionic powers
„„Ley Line Walker Abilities: Vampire
are Innate Abilities.
Intelligences possess magical
Special Abilities:
abilities which allow them to contact
„„Addit ional Act ion: Vampire
potential Master Vampires and shift
Intelligences may ignore 2 points of
between worlds. Their favorite lairs
Multi-Action penalties each turn.
are temples at nexus points. They
have these Ley Line Walker abilities:

Ley Line Rejuvenation, Ley Line from a single attack; make any Soak
Sense, and Ley Line Transmission rolls before applying this limit.
„„Perfect Night Vision: Ignores „„Weakness (Holy Symbols): With a
Illumination penalties. successful Touch Attack (Fighting
„„Rift Mastery: Vampire Intelligences +2), the holy symbol causes 4d10 fire
gain a +4 on all efforts to open and damage to the vampire intelligence.
manipulate Rifts (see Characters, Holy attacks deal +8 damage.
Ley Lines, and Rifts in the Savage „„Weakness (Magic and Psionics):
Rifts ® Game Master’s Handbook), Vampires can be affected and harmed
usually using this only to flee the by magic and psionics. However,
dimension if overwhelmed. they cannot be destroyed by magic
„„Size 12 (Gargantuan): All attacks or psionics unless the power has a
do Mega Damage and they can take component otherwise fulfilling the
three additional Wounds. requirement (such as water, sunlight,
„„Tentacles (6 –12): The tentacles have wood or silver Trappings). Magic
Reach 10, Toughness 30. weapons can damage vampires but
„„Tentacle Bite: Following a successful have the same restrictions.
grapple, a Vampire Intelligence can „„Weakness (Silver and Wood):
bite a victim dealing Str+2d10, AP 20, Purely wooden or silver weapons, or
Reach 10, Mega Damage. If the target combinations of the two (including
is Shaken or Wounded by this attack, stakes, arrows, spears, bullets, etc.)
they must make a Vigor check to deal +8 damage to intelligences.
resist suffering Fatigue as well. „„Weakness (Sunlight): Vampire
„„Tentacle Slam: Str+2d6, AP 10, Reach Intelligences suffer a level of Fatigue
10, Cone Template, Mega Damage, when exposed to the sun.
may be Evaded. „„Weakness (Supernatural Attacks):
„„Thrall: A target Incapacitated by Can be hurt by the natural attacks of
the bite attack of a vampire is under vampires, werebeasts, creatures of
its control (if she is not outright magic and other supernatural beings.
killed, which is usually the case for „„Weakness (Water): Vampires have
Wild Vampires). This is like being a phobia of bodies of water and
permanently under the puppet cannot cross them (even if flying)
power and remains in effect until the unless there is a physical bridge,
controlling vampire is destroyed. and even then must check Fear at
„„Turn, Vampire Intelligence: When a −4. Holy or natural bodies of water
Vampire Intelligence chooses to turn damage them like acid. Immersing
a living victim, the deep connection vampires (in a waterfall, flash
burns away the victim’s humanity flood, pond, river, lake, sea) deals
and turns it into a villainous vampire. 3d10 damage a round. Holy water
The Intelligence can choose to create is blessed with the Faith skill as an
either Master or Secondary Vampires action. Small sources of holy water
(they do not create Wild Vampires). (a bucket, a squirt gun) do 1d10
„„Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover damage, medium sources (a hose,
from Shaken; Called Shots do no a “super soaker”) deal 2d10, and
extra damage. large sources (a fire hose) deal 3d10.
„„Unstoppable: Vampire Intelligences Vampires Incapacitated this way
never suffer more than one Wound melt into slime and are destroyed.

Werewolf „„Invulnerable: Werebeasts can only
After the Rifts, werewolves stopped hiding be Shaken by attacks—even those
and began hunting and murdering the causing Mega Damage—not using
innocent, reveling in their strength and one of their weaknesses.
cunning. Werewolves, like all werebeasts, „„Keen Senses: Like all wolves, the
change between shapes—a wolf, a man, werewolves are attuned to the world.
and a half-wolf and half-man form. No They all gain a +2 to Notice rolls.
matter their form, they make no attempts However, this only occurs in wolf
to control the predator within, embracing and werewolf forms.
cruelty. Their favorite of all prey: humans „„Low Light Vision: Wolves hunt at
and D-Bees. night and in dark places; ignore Dim
Some confuse werewolves and and Dark light penalties.
vampires. They both hunt humans and „„Shape Change: The werewolves
have similar weaknesses. The similarity could always change shape—it kept
makes them excellent allies; many them hidden safe for years before
werewolves aid the vampires, while a the Rifts. They can change into
few even hold powerful positions within either their human, animal, or were
kingdoms. And like predators, they form per the shape change power at
naturally hate a direct rival—the werecats. no ISP cost; requires an action and a
successful Psionics roll.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
„„Supernatural Gift: Their super­
d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12
natural gift comes with increased
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge
Agility and Strength. Agility and
d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d12,
Strength are increased by one die
Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Psionics d6,
type each in werewolf form.
Stealth d8, Survival d8
„„Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane):
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11
A werewolf must make a Spirit check
Hindrances: Arrogant
when coming into contact with these
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics),
herbs or become Shaken. They suffer
Block, Brawny, Bruiser, Charismatic,
−2 on attack rolls to bite anyone
Counterattack, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy,
wearing either.
Hard to Kill, Level Headed, Quick
„„Weakness (Magic and Psionics): As
Power: Beast friend, detect/conceal arcana,
creatures of magic, werewolves can
speak language. ISP: 10
be affected by magic and psionics.
Special Abilities:
„„Weakness (Silver): Some legends
„„Bite/Claws: In wolf and werewolf
are true. Werewolves are vulnerable
form, they can use their teeth and
to silver. They suffer +4 damage from
claws as natural weapons. In either
silver weapons.
form, it is Str+2d8. In werewolf form,
„„Weakness (Supernatural Attacks):
their bite and claw attacks are also
Can be hurt by the natural attacks of
AP 10 and inflict Mega Damage.
vampires, werebeasts, creatures of
„„Frightening Appearance: All were­
magic and other supernatural beings.
beasts illicit fear in most people; the
„„Wild Beast: The werewolf's deeper
werewolves revel in it. They have a −2
connection to the wilderness makes
Persuasion and a +2 to Intimidation
them uncomfortable in cities. When
when interacting with those who fear
in the city for more than a day, they
grow irritable and depressed. They

suffer a −2 to any actions while in a Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
city. They must also make a Spirit d8, Strength d12+6, Vigor d10
roll every day to remain calm; if they Skills: Athletics d10, Common
fail, they leave the city for the nearest K nowledge d4, Fig ht i ng d12,
natural habit. Intimidation d12, Notice d10, Persuasion
d4, Stealth d8, Survival d10
Windigo Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 27 (8)
Those who have little experience with Edges: Fleet-Footed, Frenzy (Imp), Hard
the Northern wilds of North America to Kill
cannot always tell the difference between Special Abilities:
a Sasquatch and a Windigo. However, „„Armor: Windigo have thick hides; +8
those who have seen them can tell Armor and +6 Toughness.
the difference. They share the height, „„Bite/Claws: Str+d6, AP 4, Mega
humanoid form, and fur of a Sasquatch Damage.
but appear emaciated with a hairless face, „„Fast Regeneration: Make a Vigor roll
fangs, and sunken, glowing red eyes. every round to heal damage—even
They also differ in personality—Windigo after being “killed.” Each success
revel in terror and hunt for sport. and raise heals one Wound.
„„Fear (−2): Their death-like appearance
and glowing red eyes cause a Fear
test at −2.
„„Fearless: Immune to Fear and
„„Immunity: Windigo are
immune to Poison and Disease.
„„Limited Invulnerability:
Take no damage from man-made
non-magical weapons, except
those made from silver or the bones
of sea animals.
„„Night Vision: The best hunting is
done at night, so the Windigo relies
on excellent night vision; ignore all
Illumination penalties.
„„Paralyzing Scream: The Windigo’s
screams paralyze victims. As an
action roll Spirit to affect all victims
within the Cone Template per the
stun power.
„„Resistant to Cold: Resist Cold
effects at a +4 bonus and reduce
damage from cold sources by the
same amount.
„„Size 3 (Normal): When standing
up straight, they can look at
Sasquatch in the eye.

„„Weakness (Magic and Psionics): Can „„Death Scent: When a Xiticix dies
be affected and damaged normally violently, it releases a distinctive
by magic and psionics. scent, barely noticeable unless
„„Weakness (Silver and Sea Animal one possesses extraordinary scent
Bones): Suffer +4 damage from silver abilities (like a Dog Boy). This scent
attacks or those made with the bones can reach other Xiticix within four
of sea animals. miles!
„„Weakness (Supernatural Attacks): „„Environmental Resistance: Workers
Can be hurt by the natural attacks of resist Cold, Fire, and Heat effects at
vampires, werebeasts, creatures of a +4 bonus and reduce damage from
magic and other supernatural beings. such sources by the same amount.
„„Weakness (Smashing the Skull): „„Extraordinary Senses: Xiticix
Windigo can only be truly killed Workers gain a +2 to all Notice and
if their skull is smashed; suffer +4 Survival rolls.
damage from Called Shots to the head „„Flight: Pace 12 with a d10 run die.
that take advantage of a weakness. „„Four Arms: Workers can use all
four of their arms in combat with no
Xiticix Worker multi-action penalty.
Workers resemble Warriors, though „„Low Light Vision: Even when the
smaller. One pair of arms features giant, antennae are somehow neutralized,
crab-like pincers they use to do their jobs. Xiticix eyes see into the ultraviolet
and infrared ranges, allowing them
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit
to ignore Dim and Dark penalties.
d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d8
„„Pincers: Str+2d6 Mega Damage, AP
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d4, Notice
8, Reach 1.
d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Survival d4
„„Slow Regeneration: Xiticix make a
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 11 (4)
natural healing roll once per day, and
Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Brawny,
this can restore lost wings, limbs,
Danger Sense, Two-Fisted
and antennae.
Special Abilities:
„„Ultrasonic Communication: Xiticix
„„Antennae: Xiticix can operate by
can communicate with each other
motion sense and sound, thanks to
at frequencies most beings cannot
their highly developed antennae.
detect without special technology or
They suffer no lighting penalties
unique abilities.
for attacks or actions, even in Pitch
„„Wall Walker: Most Xiticix can move
Darkness. This ability is negated if
at their normal Pace on vertical
a source of white noise or extreme
surfaces and even hanging upside-
sonic effect is introduced into the
„„Armor: Tough exoskeleton, +4
„„Bite: Str+2d4, AP 4. If the target is at
least Shaken, they must make a Vigor
check against Fatal poison (see the
Poison Effects Table, Savage Worlds).

Xiticix Digger „„Death Scent: If a Xiticix dies violently,
Diggers appear more insect-like than it releases a distinctive scent, barely
other Xiticix; they resemble giant beetles, noticeable unless one possesses
walking hunched over and using their extraordinary scent abilities (like a
lower pair of arms as legs. They have Dog Boy). This scent can reach other
enormous mandibles and a pair of Xiticix within four miles!
“feelers” near their mouths, used as hands „„Extraordinary Senses: Xiticix
for detail work. Diggers gain a +2 to all Notice and
Survival rolls.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit
„„Flight: Pace 10 with a d10 run die.
d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
„„Four Arms: Diggers can use all four
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d4, Notice
of their arms in combat with no
d6, Repair d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6,
multi-action penalty.
Survival d6
„„Low Light Vision: Even when the
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (6)
antennae are somehow neutralized,
Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Danger
Xiticix eyes see into the ultraviolet
Sense, Steady Hands, Two-Fisted
and infrared ranges, allowing them
Special Abilities:
to ignore Dim and Dark penalties.
„„Antennae: Xiticix can operate by
„„Resin Glob: Diggers can spit forth
motion sense and sound, thanks to
a glob of sticky resin, as the entangle
their highly developed antennae.
power with Range 3/6/12. The target’s
They suffer no lighting penalties
Agility opposes the Xiticix Digger’s
for attacks or actions, even in Pitch
Shooting roll.
Darkness. This ability is negated if
„„Size 5 (Large): Diggers are 20 feet
a source of white noise or extreme
long and gain an additional Wound.
sonic effect is introduced into the
„„Slow Regeneration: Xiticix make a
natural healing roll once per day, and
„„Armor: Tough exoskeleton, +6
this can restore lost wings, limbs,
and antennae.
„„Bear Down: Diggers try to rear up
„„Trail Scent: Xiticix leave a scent trail
and bear down on their foes, pinning
easily followed by other Xiticix.
them for Warriors to finish off. A
„„Ultrasonic Communication: Xiticix
Digger hitting with a raise pins his
can communicate with each other
foe. The opponent may only attempt
at frequencies most beings cannot
to escape the pin on her action,
detect without special technology or
requiring a raise on an opposed
unique abilities.
Strength roll.
„„Wall Walker: Most Xiticix can move
„„Bite: Str+2d4, AP 4. If the target is at
at their normal Pace on vertical
least Shaken, he must make a Vigor
surfaces and even hanging upside-
check against Fatal poison (see the
Poison Effects Table, Savage Worlds).
„„Burrow (6”): Diggers may either
pass through stone and soil leaving
no trail behind or move at half speed
and leave a reinforced tunnel for

Xiticix Leaper „„Low Light Vision: Even when the
Leapers look very different from other antennae are somehow neutralized,
Xiticix, with only four limbs, small moth- Xiticix eyes see into the ultraviolet
like wings, a jaw designed to crack open and infrared ranges, allowing them
armor, a venomous bite, and a unique to ignore Dim and Dark penalties.
leg structure allowing them to leap great „„Pounce: Xiticix Leapers may bound
distances. 10” from a standing position or 20”
with a running start. If combined
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
with a Wild Attack, a Leaper adds +4
d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
to its attack and damage.
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Notice
„„Size 2 (Normal): Leapers stand
d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d10, Survival d6
11 feet tall when not in their usual
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (4)
crouching posture.
Edges: Alertness, Assassin, Danger Sense,
„„Slow Regeneration: Xiticix make a
First Strike, Frenzy (Imp), Steady Hands
natural healing roll once per day, and
Gear: Xiticix long sword (Str+d10, AP 4,
this can restore lost wings, limbs,
Mega Damage), Xiticix spear (Str+d8, AP
and antennae.
2, Mega Damage, Reach 1”), resin spike
„„Trail Scent: Xiticix leave a scent trail
gun (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6+1, RoF
easily followed by other Xiticix.
3, AP 3).
„„Ultrasonic Communication: Xiticix
Special Abilities:
can communicate with each other
„„Antennae: Xiticix can operate by
at frequencies most beings cannot
motion sense and sound, thanks to
detect without special technology or
their highly developed antennae.
unique abilities.
They suffer no lighting penalties
„„Wall Walker: Most Xiticix can move
for attacks or actions, even in Pitch
at their normal Pace on vertical
Darkness. This ability is negated if
surfaces and even hanging upside-
a source of white noise or extreme
sonic effect is introduced into the
Xiticix Nanny
„„Armor: Tough exoskeleton, +4
Nannies are the only breed of Xiticix
lacking wings. They possess bright
„„Bite: Str+2d6 Mega Damage, AP 8. If
yellow marks along their bodies (possibly
the target is at least Shaken, he must
a signal to the nits and grubs) and
make a Vigor check against Lethal
several oval-shaped organs along their
poison (see the Poison Effects Table,
abdomens which glow when they devour
Savage Worlds).
living creatures to turn them into Sludge.
„„Death Scent: If a Xiticix dies violently,
it releases a distinctive scent, barely Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit
noticeable unless one possesses d10, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
extraordinary scent abilities (like a Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Notice
Dog Boy). This scent can reach other d6, Psionics d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6,
Xiticix within four miles! Survival d6
„„Extraordinary Senses: Xiticix Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 14 (4)
Leapers gain a +2 to all Notice and Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Arcane
Survival rolls. Background: Psionics, Brave, Danger
„„Flight: Pace 10 and a d8 run die.

Sense, Major Psionic, Steady Hands, They suffer no lighting penalties
Two-Fisted for attacks or actions, even in Pitch
Powers: Detect/conceal arcana, healing, Darkness. This ability is negated if
mind link, relief. ISP: 20 a source of white noise or extreme
Special Abilities: sonic effect is introduced into the
„„Acid Spit: Range 3/6/12, Damage 3d4 area.
Mega Damage, AP 8. Many Xiticix „„Armor: Tough exoskeleton, +4
can spit a glob of acid capable of Armor.
eating through heavy armor. They „„Bite: Str+2d4, AP 4. If the target is at
use their Shooting skill. The acid least Shaken, he must make a Vigor
continues to damage whatever it hits check against Fatal poison (see the
for 1d6 rounds, unless it’s removed Poison Effects Table, Savage Worlds).
by some means (salt water is an „„Death Scent: If a Xiticix dies violently,
effective neutralizer). it releases a distinctive scent, barely
„„Antennae: Xiticix can operate by noticeable unless one possesses
motion sense and sound, thanks to extraordinary scent abilities (like a
their highly developed antennae. Dog Boy). This scent can reach other
Xiticix within four miles!
„„Extraordinary Senses: Xiticix
Nannies gain a +2 to all Notice and
Survival rolls.
„„Four Arms: Nannies can use all
four of their arms in combat with no
multi-action penalty.
„„Low Light Vision: Even when the
antennae are somehow neutralized,
Xiticix eyes see into the ultraviolet
and infrared ranges, allowing
them to ignore Dim and Dark
„„Size 3 (Normal): Nannies stand 12
feet tall.
„„Slow Regeneration: Xiticix make a
natural healing roll once per day, and
this can restore lost wings, limbs,
and antennae.
„„Trail Scent: Xiticix leave a scent trail
easily followed by other Xiticix.
„„Ultrasonic Communication: Xiticix
can communicate with each other
at frequencies most beings cannot
detect without special technology or
unique abilities.
„„Wall Walker: Most Xiticix can move
at their normal Pace on vertical
surfaces and even hanging upside-

EEXiticix Queen (Elder) must make a Vigor check against
Elder Queens loom over even Young Venomous poison (see the Poison
Queens, t heir lower abdomens Effects Table, Savage Worlds).
transformed into bioluminescent, „„Death Scent: If a Xiticix dies violently,
overgrown egg sacs filled with pulsating it releases a distinctive scent, barely
life. The antennae of Elder Queens grow noticeable unless one possesses
into curling, crown-like horns. Their extraordinary scent abilities (like a
massive wings fall like a cape around Dog Boy). This scent can reach other
their bodies. Xiticix within four miles!
„„Extraordinary Senses: Elder Queens
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit
gain a +2 to all Notice and Survival
d10, Strength d12+10, Vigor d12
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge
„„Fear (−2): Cause a Fear test at −2.
d4, Fighting d10, Notice d6, Psionics d10,
„„Fearless: Immune to Fear and
Shooting d10, Survival d8
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 48 (20)
„„Flight: Pace 12 with a d10 run die.
Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Arcane
If a Xiticix Queen chooses to fly, she
Background: Psionics, Command,
rips loose her egg sac. While she can
Command Presence, Danger Sense,
survive the injury, it deprives her of
Fervor, Inspire, Master Psionic, Psi-Blade,
her function within the Hive. After
Steady Hands, Two-Fisted
the threat is ended, the Queen is
Powers: Detect/conceal arcana, deflection,
devoured by a Young Queen who
empathy, environmental protection, healing,
replaces them.
mind link, smite, telekinesis. ISP: 40
„„Four Arms: Elder Queens can use all
Special Abilities:
four of their arms in combat with no
„„Acid Spit: Range 3/6/12, Damage 3d6
multi-action penalty.
Mega Damage, AP 12. Many Xiticix
„„Low Light Vision: Even when the
can spit a glob of acid capable of
antennae are somehow neutralized,
eating through heavy armor. They
Xiticix eyes see into the ultraviolet
use their Shooting skill. The acid
and infrared ranges, allowing them
continues to damage whatever it hits
to ignore Dim and Dark penalties.
for 1d6 rounds, unless it’s removed
„„Size 9 (Huge): Elder Queens reach
by some means (salt water is an
lengths of 60 feet, including their
effective neutralizer).
egg sacs. Their physical attacks do
„„Antennae: Xiticix can operate by
Mega Damage and they gain two
motion sense and sound, thanks to
additional Wounds.
their highly developed antennae.
„„Slow Regeneration: Xiticix make a
They suffer no lighting penalties
natural healing roll once per day, and
for actions, even in Pitch Darkness.
this can restore lost wings, limbs,
This ability is negated if a source of
and antennae.
white noise or extreme sonic effect is
„„Trail Scent: Xiticix leave a scent trail
introduced into the area.
easily followed by other Xiticix.
„„A r mor: The resin-reinforced
„„Ultrasonic Communication: Xiticix
exoskeleton of an Elder Queen grants
can communicate with each other
+20 MDC Armor and +11 Toughness.
at frequencies most beings cannot
„„Bite: Str+2d8 Mega Damage, AP 16.
detect without special technology or
If the target is at least Shaken, he
unique abilities.

Xiticix Queen (Young) „„Death Scent: If a Xiticix dies violently,
Young Queens average half the size of it releases a distinctive scent, barely
Elder Queens. Their horn-like antennae noticeable unless one possesses
are shorter yet straighter, but otherwise extraordinary scent abilities (like a
Young Queens resemble Elder Queens in Dog Boy). This scent can reach other
most respects. Xiticix within four miles!
„„Extraordinar y Senses: Young
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit
Queens gain a +2 to all Notice and
d10, Strength d12+6, Vigor d10
Survival rolls.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice
„„Fear (−1): Cause a Fear test at −1.
d6, Psionics d8, Shooting d8, Survival d6
„„Fearless: Immune to Fear and
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 34 (14)
Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Arcane
„„Flight: Pace 12, d10 run die. Xiticix
Background: Psionics, Command,
Queens cannot fly without ripping
Danger Sense, Fervor, Major Psionic, Psi-
loose their egg sac, depriving them
Blade, Steady Hands, Two-Fisted
of their function within the Hive.
Powers: Detect/conceal arcana, deflection,
After the threat to the Hive is ended,
environmental protection, healing, mind link,
Queens forced to make this choice
smite, telekinesis. ISP: 25
surrender themselves to be devoured
Special Abilities:
by the Hive.
„„Acid Spit: Range 3/6/12, Damage 3d6
„„Four Arms: Young Queens can use
Mega Damage, AP 8. Most Xiticix can
all four of their arms in combat with
spit a glob of acid capable of eating
no multi-action penalty.
through heavy armor. They use their
„„Low Light Vision: Even when the
Shooting skill. The acid continues
antennae are somehow neutralized,
to damage whatever it hits for 1d6
Xiticix eyes see into the ultraviolet
rounds, unless it’s removed by some
and infrared ranges, allowing them
means (salt water is an effective
to ignore Dim and Dark penalties.
„„Size 5 (Large): Young Queens reach
„„Antennae: Xiticix can operate by
lengths of 30 feet, including their egg
motion sense and sound, thanks to
sacs. Their physical attacks do Mega
their highly developed antennae.
Damage and they gain an additional
They suffer no lighting penalties
for actions, even in Pitch Darkness.
„„Slow Regeneration: Xiticix make a
This ability is negated if a source of
natural healing roll once per day, and
white noise or extreme sonic effect is
this can restore lost wings, limbs,
introduced into the area.
and antennae.
„„Armor: The resin-reinforced exo­
„„Trail Scent: Xiticix leave a scent trail
skeleton of a Young Queen grants +14
easily followed by other Xiticix.
MDC Armor and +8 Toughness.
„„Ultrasonic Communication: Xiticix
„„Bite: Str+2d6 Mega Damage, AP 10. If
can communicate with each other
the target is at least Shaken, he must
at frequencies most beings cannot
make a Vigor check against Fatal
detect without special technology or
poison (see the Poison Effects Table,
unique abilities.
Savage Worlds).

Xiticix Super-Warrior „„Fear: Cause a Fear test.
Larger, eight-limbed versions of Xiticix „„Fearless: Immune to Fear and
Warriors, Super-Warriors possess far Intimidation.
greater cunning. On the battlefield, „„Flight: Pace 12 with a d10 run die.
they organize their lesser brethren into „„Low Light Vision: Even when the
implacable armies. antennae are somehow neutralized,
Xiticix eyes see into the ultraviolet
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit
and infrared ranges, allowing them
d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
to ignore Dim and Dark penalties.
Skills: Athletics d10, Battle d6, Common
„„Six Arms: Super-Warriors can use all
Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Notice d8,
six of their arms in combat with no
Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Survival d8
multi-action penalty.
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 24 (8)
„„Size 3 (Normal): Super-Warriors
Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Combat
stand 12 feet tall.
Sense, Command, Counterattack,
„„Slow Regeneration: Xiticix make a
Danger Sense, First Strike, Frenzy (Imp),
natural healing roll once per day, and
Steady Hands, Tactician, Two-Fisted
this can restore lost wings, limbs,
Gear: 3 × Xiticix long swords (Str+d10, AP
and antennae.
5, Mega Damage), Xiticix spear (Str+d8
„„Trail Scent: Xiticix leave a scent trail
Mega Damage, AP 4, Reach 1”), 3 × resin
easily followed by other Xiticix.
spike guns (Range 20/40/80, Damage
„„Ultrasonic Communication: Xiticix
3d6+1, RoF 3, AP 3).
can communicate with each other
Special Abilities:
at frequencies most beings cannot
„„Antennae: Xiticix can operate by
detect without special technology or
motion sense and sound, thanks to
unique abilities.
their highly developed antennae.
„„Wall Walker: Most Xiticix can move
They suffer no lighting penalties
at their normal Pace on vertical
for attacks or actions, even in Pitch
surfaces and even hanging upside-
Darkness. This ability is negated if a
source of white noise or extreme sonic
effect is introduced into the area.
„„A r mor: The resin-reinforced
exoskeleton of a Super-Warrior grants
+8 MDC Armor and +6 Toughness.
„„Bite: Str+d4, AP 2. If the target is at
least Shaken, he must make a Vigor
check against Fatal poison (see the
Poison Effects Table, Savage Worlds).
„„Death Scent: If a Xiticix dies violently,
it releases a distinctive scent, barely
noticeable unless one possesses
extraordinary scent abilities (like a
Dog Boy). This scent can reach other
Xiticix within four miles!
„„Extraordinary Senses: Super-
Warriors gain a +2 to all Notice and
Survival rolls.

Dinosaur Swamp 46, 106
A Duluth Hive 92
Acapulco 78
Aguascalientes 62
Anti-Vampire Rail Gun Rounds 38 E
Atlanta 108 Edges
Iconic Edges 29
B Eltajin 58
The Barrier Islands 110 Entities
Bat 157 Ghost 164
Big Falls Hive 93 Haunting 165
The Black Swords 72 Poltergeists 165
The Blood Pool 57 Posessing 166
Blood Priest 157 Equipment 38
Body Armor 35 Essai Ramirez 73
Branaghan Armor 35
British Columbia 122 F
Fargo Hive 93
C Field Coffin (TW) 38
Calgary 47 Florida 109
Calgary City 118 Fort Hawkins 109
Camazotz 64 Fort Reid 74
Carlotta la Blanca 75 Fort Tombstone 68
Caterpillar Men 158
The Cave of Crystals 78 G
Char 108 Georgia 108
Chichen Itza 63 Giant Ruin Worm 168
Chupacabra 158 Globe of Daylight Lights (TW) 38
City of Ixion 123 The Guard 67
Ciudad Juarez 66 The Guild of the Gifted 67
Ciudad Victoria 79
Creeping madness 104
Crookston Hive 93
Haven Mutants 105
Cyber-Horseman of Ixion 151
Hell Lord Doom 118, 121
The Hell Pit 118
D Hivelands 85
Deathspike 176 Encounters 98
Death Weaver 159 The Horde 86
Demon Animals 160
Armored Herbivorous Quadruped 161
Iconic Framework
Flying Reptile 161
Heroic Vampire 17
Large Carnivorous Theropod 161
Knight of the White Rose 7
Large Sauropod 162
Necromancer 10
Marine Reptile 162
Shifter 13
Small Carnivorous Theropod 163
Werecat 20
Dinosaur Hunter 152
Into The Desert Night 131

All the Troubles in the Way 138 The Muluc Kingdom 56
Tables Turned 143 Mummy 169
The City on the Edge of Night 132 Mutant Barbarian 153
The Lone Ranger 137 Mutant Lands 103
Irapuato 62 Encounters 111
The Ironwood Forest 108 Mutant Races 105
Itizatlan 55 Mutant Shaman 153
The Ixzotz Kingdom 61 Mystic Knight Armor 35

Jungle Castle 110 NG-XF103 Firefighter 36

Kenneth Emanuel “Doc” Reid 77 The Old Carolinas 108
Knight of the White Rose 152 Old Mexico 41

La Venta 60 Pequita the Faceless One 76
Little Meetal 76 Phantom Gloves (TW) 39
Phantom Wolf 170
Planktal-Nakton 75
M Power armor 36
Madhaven 45, 103
Malinalco 55
Professional 31
The Psykes 67
Barbarian 24
Barbarian Eco-Wizard 24
Dinosaur Hunter 25 R
Vampire Hunter 25 Races
Medieval Weapons 37 Centaur 26
Mega Power Sasquatch 27
Mummy 13 Ranged Weapons 37
Mexico City 54 Reid’s Ranger 155
The Mexico Empire 53 Robot vehicles 36
Mii-Tar the Destroyer 76 Rolla-Morden Hive 93
Milta 60
The Milta Kingdom 59 S
Minatitlan 60 San Francisco del Rincon 63
Mission Profile 49 San Luis Potosi 63
Moby Rex 115 Sasquatch 154
Monero 63 Savage Tale
Monster Kingdom 117 A Trap is Set 80
Encounters 126 Moby Rex 114
The Monster Kingdom 47 Northwest Passage 127
Monterrey 79 Stirring the Hive 99
Morelia 55 The Collector 111
Morelos 55 The Shifting Veil Wall 123

Silver Ammo 37
Silvereno 73
Water Guns and Cannons 38
Sir Raoul Lazarious 75
Water Tank 39
The Skivers 67
Weapons 37
Sludge 89
Werecat Breeds 23
Spider Demon 159
Werejaguar 156
Stake-Proof Vest 35
Werewolf 181
The Subs 67
White Rose Cuttings 39
Lt. Gen. William Bedford Wilding 76
T Windigo 182
Tampico Military Protectorate 78 Winnipeg Hive 93
Techno-Wizard Anti-Vampire
Weapons 38 X
Tectonic 167 Xavier Stuart 69
Tectonic Entity Construct 168 Xiticix 43, 184
Teotihuacan 55 Biology 86
Tierra Blanca 60 Castes 88
The Time Holes 110 Hives 90
Titan TRF −107 Fireman Robot 36 Leaper 185
Titan TRF−107 Fireman Robot Vehicle 36 Life Cycle 87
Toluca 55 Nanny 185
Tula 54 Queen (Elder) 187
Tundra Rangers 125, 155 Queen (Young) 188
Super-Warrior 189
V Worker 183
Vampire 41 Xochicalco 56
Familiar 176
Master 52, 171
Secondary 52, 174
Wild 53
Vampire Hunter 155
Vampire Intelligences 41, 51, 178
Vampire Kingdoms 51
Encounters 79
Vampire Water Field (TW) 36
Vancouver 122
Vancouver Island 124
Vehicles 33
GUW-P002 Prowler General Utility
Water Craft 33
Mountain Bike 33
NG-F911 Smokeskipper 34
NG-F911 “Smokeskipper” Hover
Firetruck 33
Viggo’s Custom Firearms 37
Vyurr Kly the Hunter 76


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