TSR 3587 Buck Rogers - Adventure Game (Remastered)

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The BUCK ROGERS®Adventure Game

itules Book
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................ 2 Campaign Time .................................... 27
SECTION 1: Creating a Player Cha racter ..... .... 3 Game Turn Action Order ........................ 27
Character Abil ities .. .......... ........................ 3 Player Character Cooperation .................. 27
Ability Ranks .. ...... .. .... .. ................ .. ........ 3 Player Character Dissent ........ ................ 28
Rank Shifts ............................................. 4 Surprise ................................... ... .... ........ . 28
Skills ...................................................... 4 Random Initiative: Optional Rule ............ 28
Strength Skills ................. .. ....... ............. 4 Resolving Ability Checks & Skills .......... .. ... 29
Aim Skills ............................................. 5 Task Level Assignments .................. .. .... 29
Brains Skills ... ....... .. ........ .. ........... ......... 6 Task Level Alterations ..................... .. .... 29
Health Skills .......................................... 6 Task Level Success Numbers Table ......... 30
Master Skills ............................................. 7 Material Strength/Breaking Stuff ............ 31
SECTION 2: Character Actions .... ...... .............. 8 Awarding Experience Chips ........................ 31
Action Points ............................................. 8 Spending Experience Chips ........................ 32
Action Point Cost Table ........................... 8 Buying a Break .................................... 32
Ability Checks .......................................... 9 The Fine Art of Winging It ........ ................ 32
Success & Dice .......................................... 9
Rule of Six .......................................... 10
Rule of Eight ....................................... 10
Maps & Movement .................................... 11 Design: Jeff Grubb
Action on the Maps .............................. 11 Development & Editing: Steven E. Schend
Moving Characters ... ........ .......... .. .......... 11 Cover Art: Den Beauvais
Terrain Effects ....................................... 11 Interior Art: Dick Calkins & Mark Heike
SECTION 3 : Combat ........................ .......... .. 12 Standup Art: Mark Heike
Initiative ................................................ 12 Cartography: Spectrum Graphics
Melee Combat: How to Fight ..................... 12 Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Fisticuffs/Punching .............................. 12 Production: Dawn Murin
Fighting with Melee Weapons .................. 13
The Mortality Roll .................................... 13 Playtesters: Peter Bangarth & the Brave,
Melee Weapons Summary ........................ 13 Resourceful, Adventurous Gamers, David Schnur &
Missile Combat: How to Shoot/Throw ......... 14 the Circle of Swords. and David Whitney & the
Fighting with Missile Weapons ............... 14 Realms of Fantasy
Missile Combat Maneuvers ..................... 15 Additiona l Thanks to: Rich Baker, Wolfgang Baur,
Random Location: Optional Rule ............ 15 Tim Brown. Michele Carter, Dale Donovan , Bruce
Missile Weapons Summary ........................ 16 Heard. Colin McComb. Jean Rabe, Doug Stewart,
Special Combat Maneuvers ........................ 18 and David Wise for all their comments and help.
SECTION 4 : Equipment & Sundries ....... ........ 19
Org Equipment Standards ........................... 19 TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd.
Org Militia Equipment ........................... 19 P.O. Box 756 120 Church End
Getting More Stuff .................................... 19 Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton
Equipment Summary .............. .. ...... ........... 20 WI 53147 Cambridge, CB1 3LB
Vehicles ... . ... .. .......................................... 21 U.S.A. United Kingdom
Vehicle Statistics ................................. 21
Rtmdom Ilouse ~ml its affiliate compa.nic.s h3\'C worldwide distribution right~ in lhe
Vehicles in Combat .............................. 22 hoo~ lnult• for F.ni;lish longu:igo pr<Xlucls of TSR, Inc. Distribu11•d ro lhP hook •ntl
Orgzone Vehicles Summary .. ........ ........... 23 hohhy 1mch1 i n 1ho United Kingdom by TSK L1d Dis1rilH•h:"d to tl1c toy and hobby
1rado by regional dls1ribu1or<
Mongol Vehicles Summary ..................... 24 BUCK RO\.ERS j, a rt"Ri~ti·n·cl t radPnH~r,k of Thj' IJill<' Family TniM and is usud
Robots ................................................... 25 under liccnM}. 0 1~~3 The Uill\; Famih· 1'ros1. All RiRh•~ RP"lt""n•fHI.
lllGll Al)\IENTlfRF. and tlrn TSR lt'f:O ore 1ra1l<•111ar ~s owned b,· TSK. Inc. • 1993
Mongolian Broadcast Power ........................ 25 TSK. Inc. All Righ1s Kcscr"cd. l'rinwd in lhc 11.S.A.
SECTION 5: Experience .............................. 26 TI1is book is pro1c«ll!d umlt•r 11t~ cOJ)yrrgh1 law nf 1hc Uni red Stales of r\meriui. "">"
ruvrc.xh11:tio11 or umtnlhorizcd u~c of tho m:ucrial or an work hcruin i~ prohilJitucl
Using Experience .................................... 26 witho111 thv oxpn·"s \\ ri11cn c-onscn1 ofTSK. Int. and Tht! Dilltt Family Trust. Th~

Experience Banks: Optional Rule ............... 26 nam•'" or'"" chnracwrs u~cd heroin :ire fic1hiou~ and do 1101rt1ft:r10 .m~· persons
Ji\'inx or ,ft*Htl. Arly 'tnsr.riplions includ ing similarities tu person~ living or clcnd arc
SECTION 6: The Game Master's Job ..... .......... 27 uwr1·ly <.oiru idcnml.
Running the Game Turn ........................... 27 ISBN 1-56076-636-0 3587XXX0842

( Introduction )
elcome to the exciting action-packed worlds of TSR HIGH ADVENTURETMgames and the fantastic

W exploits of BUCK ROGERS®and the 25th Century! If you're an experienced role-playi ng game
player, jump right into "Creating a Player Character" on the next page. If you "re new to role-
playing games (also known as RPGs), you've started at the right place-the BUCK ROGERS Ad venture
Game wi ll provide you with a quick, easy, and exciting introduction to role-playing!

Playing the Game I

allows you, the player, to experience the STRAFING! ~s .AND OPENED
wonders of the 25th Century, a future of AN EFFgc't~
thrilling high adventure and action. You FROM THE
do this by creating a persona or player- AIR•
character, much like an actor creating a
role, and you take on that role within the
future setting. You get to play the part of
your character in Buck Rogers' war against
the Han invaders of America. The
decisions you make for your player
character determine his or her success in
this dangerous new world. Your characters
are the stars, the heroes of the adventure.

One player takes the role of the Game

Master, or GM. He or she doesn't have a
specific player character, but acts like a
story-teller for the game. The GM is in charge of
setting the scene for the other players, describing
what they see and determining the results of their
What's Inside
actions. The GM also provides all the other To play the BUCK ROGERS Adventure Game,
personas the players' heroes run into during a everything you will need is in this box. The first
game; these personas are called non-player book, the one you're reading right now, is the Rules
characters (or NPCs). If the player characters are the Book. It contains all the rules on how to play the
"stars" of the adventu re, the non-player characters game and teaches you how to enter the worlds of
are the "bit-players" and the bad guys. The GM is the 25th Century ! The next book to look at is the
part producer, part writer, and part stage manager World of the 25th Century Book, and it gives the
of the show. players all the information they need to know about
In order to play, the BUCK ROGERS Adventure Earth in the year 2430, including its technology, its
Game is broken up into small adventures, the first history, and its major NPCs (both heroes and
of which is in this box. Each adventure is a separate villains) , including its most famous hero from the
game or story placed in the 25th Century, like one 20th century, Buck Rogers! Last but not least, the
episode of a television series; when you and your Adventures Book provides your characters with
friends play another BUCK ROGERS game, it's like their entry into the universe and straight into the
another episode of the same television series. action. The Adventures Book also helps the Game
Playing an adventure takes one GM and two to four Masters prepare and design their own adventures.
other players, and it should take one evening to The maps and standup counters are for use with
play an adventure. the adventures in the book as well as the GM's own
adventures. The plastic chips are Experience Chips
for gauging your character's talent or for marking
spots on a map.
What arc you waiting for? The future awaits!

[ Creating a Player Character )
Character I THRE:W MY
Abilities HIS SOLAR
A player character has
four abilities. These
abilities define how
good the player
character is in
particular areas. The
abilities are:

Strength: This is a
reflection of how
physically strong a
character is. It also
indicates ho\"1well a
character can fight in
hand-to-hand combat.
wrestle, and lift or
move heavy objects.

Aim: This is a reflection of how agile and dexterous a player character is. In addition, it reflects the
ability to dodge, fire rocket pistols and other missile weapons, pilot space ships. and do delicate work like
picking a lock.
Brains: This is a reflection of how smart a character is. It determines the character's knowledge and
ability to solve problems, deal with other people, and invent nev,1 machines. This is the player character's
intelligence, not that of the player. Players can run characters that are more or less intelligent than they are.
Health: This is a reflection of how healthy a player character is. A character's Health shows the player
how resistant the character is to being shot at, stabbed, knocked out , and affected by guns. rocks, and other

Ability ~anks
Each ability has a rank that shows how good characters are in each of their abilities. The higher a
character's rank, the more dice the player gets to roll to determ ine the character's actions during play. There
are four ranks ranging from OK to BEST:
OK: The player character is average in this area. Characters with OK Brains are still smart, but
understanding new languages and complex inventions are beyond them. A character with OK Strength is
fine in normal li fe, but is far from the best fighter in the world .
GOOD: The player character is above average in this area. A character with GOOD Strength is a capable
fighter, and one with GOOD Brains can understand and use new devices with few instructions.
BETTER: The player character is well above average in this area. A character with BETTER Strength can
beat most opponents at arm-wrestl ing, whi le one with BETTER Brains has an improved chance of
constructing new devices and using existing devices in new ways.
BEST: The player character is superior to all but others of similar rank in the specific ability. A character
with BEST Strength is among the strongest in his group, while one with BEST Brains is a master inventor
and researcher.

( Creating a Player Character )
Character Examples
Not everyone can be great at everything. When making a character, you assign one of the four ranks to each
of the four abi lities. For example, you can create characters that look like this:

Strength: OK Strength: BETTER
Brains: BETTER Brains: OK
Health: BEST Health: GOOD

The first character ("Fritz") is smart and could be a scientist. Fritz's player gave his BEST rank to Health;
the player wants Fritz to be able to survi ve what the GM thrO\·\IS at him.
The second character ("Max") is a warrior kind of guy, with a sharp eye and big muscles. He leaves
thinking to people like Fritz and concentrates on fighting.

Rank Shifts: Optional Role

When creating a character, the player can reduce the rank of one ability to raise that of another. A player
can drop his BEST Brains to BETTER in order to raise an OK Strength to GOOD. A player could also drop
his character's Health from GOOD to OK and boost his Strength from BETTER to BEST. This option can
only be used once during character creation with one pair of abilities and their ranks.

Now that you have your character's ability ranks all set up, it 's time to find out what special skills the
character has in relation to those abilities. Skills are specific learned talents that help raise a character's
chances of performing certain actions. Skills can improve a character's talent with a rocket pistol or in
languages, effectively raising their rank in the related ability by one rank (and one die): a character with
GOOD Aim and a Rocket Pistol skill can shoot his rocket pistol as well as another character with BETTER
Aim. Some skills also allow your character to perform actions that would otherwise be impossible.
At the start of the game, each player character has five (5) skills: one skill for each ability and one extra
skill for a BEST rank ability (If a player has used the Rank Shift optional rule (see above) and has reduced
his BEST rank to BETTER, the fifth skill is applied to that BETTER abilit y.). Jn this way, each player
character is trained in a number of different skills and disciplines and is very heroic and nearly unbeatable
in one particu lar skill (6 dice for a BEST rank with a skill! ).
Many of the skills below pertain to combat use and other options we haven't yet covered in the rules.
Don't worry- just get an idea of what you want your character to know and to be able to do . After learning
the combat rules, you can recheck on your skills and be sure this is the character you want. Once the
character's skills are chosen, the character is ready for his or her first adventure!

Strength Skills
Strength skills a llow you, the player, to add one die to any Strength task of your player character as long as
the skill is applicable. The available Strength skills are:

Axe: The character receives an add itional die when using an axe, hatchet, or other chopping weapon.
Brawling: The character receives an additional die when using an impromptu weapon . An impromptu
weapon is an y object not usually intended as a weapon , including chairs, bottles, or other characters.
The character with this skill does NOT gai n an additional die from this skill when using swords, knives,
bayonets, or other melee weapons.

( Creating a Player Character )
Fisticuffs: The charar.ter gets an additiona l die when punching an
opponent in hand-to-hand combat and also when using a short blunt
weapon such as a sap, blackjack, or brass knuckles.
Grappling: The character gets an additional die when wrestling or
grabbing an opponent.
Knife: The character receives an additional die when using a knife, dagger,
or other short stabbing weapon.
Mace: The character receives an additional die when using a mace, club,
or other long blunt weapon.
Muscles: The character receives an additional die when using Strength
directly to !Ht or break objects, including breaking down doors and
similar feats.
Sword: The character receives an additional di e when using a sword,
bayonet, or other long stabbing weapon.

flim Skills
Aim skills allow you to add one die to all your player character's Aim tasks , provided that the skill is
applicable. Available Aim skills are as follows:

Airborne Combat: The character is capable of firing weapons from a

moving platform, such as a rocket ship, and gains an additional die
when using this ability. This does not give the character any added
ability when using the same weapons on the ground.
Daredevil: The character gains an additional die when performing actions
which require physical agility, such as jumping. gymnastics, and
anything else you can convince the GM your character can do. Your
character does not get additional die for rolls in combat.
Dexterity: The character gains an additional die when performing actions
which require a high degree of manual dexterity. such as picking locks
or tying and untying ropes.
Disintegrator: The character knows how to use the Han disintegrator pistol
and rifle, the standard Han weapons of the 25th Century, and receives
an additional die when using them.
Gunpowder Weapons: The character is familiar \·vi th archaic weapons such as the gunpowder pistol and
rifle, and receives an additional die when firing these items.

Heavy Weapons: The c haracter can handle large weapons systems

such as death ray projectors (disintegrator cannons) and rocket
cannons, and receives +1 die when using these devices.
Nimble: The character gains an additi onal die when using the
Dodging ability (see "Special Combat Maneuvers" in Section 3).
Rocket Pistol: The character is trained in the use of the rocket pistol,
the standard weapon of the 25th Century Orgzones, and receives
an additional die when using this weapon.
Throwing: The character receives an additional die when throwing
objects, including rocks , baseballs, and grenades. This skill does
not, however, increase the range characters may throw a missile; it
just improves their chances to successfully hit.

( Creating a Player Character )
Mechanic: The character is familiar with
Brains Skills mechanical objects, including but not limited to
Brains skills represent knowledge, and grant the mechanical locks, rockets, and large machinery.
player an additional die for the player character's The character gains one die when repairing or
Brains rolls when using the applicable skill. Brains altering mechanical items.
skills are: Piloting: The
character gains
Broadcast Technologist: The character is familiar an additional J
with broadcast technology. the chief science of die when
the Han (see "Broadcast Technology"), and gains controlling a
an additional die when analyzing, repairing, or plane or rocket
modifying these devices. This skill does not ship. This
grant additional abilities to pilot Han airships includes ship-
nor Aim benefits when firing disintegrator rays. to-ship combat,
Contacts: The character has an easy-going and but also
friendly personality and makes contacts easily. If includes
in an area a month or more , the character knows abilities that
people who can give him information with an might require
additional die to the chances of success. The attributes other
Contacts skill is a requirement for successful than Brains; for
spie~. example, flying between two skyscrapers is
Electronist: more of an Aim test than that of Brains, but the
The character additional die still counts. This is an exception
is familiar to the normal rules.
with the Robotist: The character is fam iliar with the science
workings of of robotics and gains an additional die when
25th Century using, repairing, or modifying robots.
technology, in
particular radio
technology. The
Health Skills
character gains Health skills are generally physical attributes and
an additional die training which grant the player character survival
when using, advantages when faced with Health rolls. The
repairing, or --:. . Health skills are:
electrical devices and radios. Constitution: The character has a resistance to
First Aid: The character has skill with first aid and toxins and poisons. The character gains an
medicine, and can perform basic first aid. The additional di e when making Health rolls
character has an additional die to the Brains roll involving poison or being knocked out by gas.
when performing these actions. A character \•v ith Endurance: The
First Aid must use the skill within six turns of character gains
the injury, or it will have no effect. A successful an add itional
First Aid roll will: die for tasks
• revive an unconscious character. who can take \•v hich
actions at the end of the next turn; physically tax
• reduce a mortally wounded (ie. failed the body over a
Mortality Roll) character to merely long period,
unconscious for 6 turns; and including
• restore wounded characters (failed Health surviving in the
Roll , successful Mortality Roll) to 2 Action desert. lasting
Points (see "Action Points" in Section 2 and without food or
"The Mortality Roll" in Section 3). water, or
actions for long
periods of time
(distance swimming, hanging over a cliff, etc.).

( Creating a Player Character )
Hardy Individual: The character can take
punishment during a fight and gains an Master Skills
additional die when making Health rolls against Certain individuals have the ability to be the best at
being knocked out during combat. what they do, often to the exclusion of other skills
Indomitable Spirit: The character gains an or through a natural superiority. These individuals
additional die when fending off the effects of have super-skills, or Master skills. Master skills
mental attacks. Mind control is limited on Earth, usually come from intensive (and often boring)
but does exist; such attacks include the paralysis training, and in general, only non-player characters
rays used in the Mongol homeland. can have Master skills. Player characters do not
Will to Live: The character's spirit and survival normally gain them unless the GM wishes to allow
instincts are greater and the character gains an them this option (See Section 5 on "Experience'').
extra die when making Mortality Rolls. Master skills allow the player to roll three (3)
additional dice for the character's applicable
ability; in addition, the player may roll a maximum
of ten (10) dice-an exception to the Rule of Eight
(See Section 2 on the "Rule of Eight"). Any skill
may be used as a Master skill. Here are the Master

Base Ability Original Skill

Aim Airborne Combat Master Gunner
Aim Daredevil Acrobat
Aim Dexterity Master Thief
Aim Nimble Agile
Aim Throwing Dead-Eye
Aim Any Missile Weapon skill Marksman, (missile weapon)

Brains Contacts Master Spy

Brains First Aid Doctor
Brains Pi loting Flying Ace
Brains Any Science skill Inventor, (any science)

Health Constitution Moxie

Health Endurance Survival
Health Hardy Individual Tough as Nails
Health Indomitable Spirit Iron Will
Health Will to Live Never Say Die

Strength Brawling Street Fighter

Strength Fisticuffs Prize Fighter
Strength Grappling Pro Wrestler
Strength Muscles Strongman
Strength Any Melee Weapon skill Weapons Master, (weapon)

Melee Weapon Skills: Axe, Knife. Mace, Sword

Missile Weapon Skills: Disintegrator, Gunpowder Weapons. Heavy Weapons, Rocket
Science Skills: Broadcast Technologist, Electronist. Mechanic, Robotist

[ Character fictions )
hen playing the BUCK ROGERS® Action Points are used to move and interact with

W Adventure Game, the GM sets up an

adventure and the players, using their
wits and the abilities of their player characters, try
the world around the character. One Action Point
lets a character move 1 square on a game map, so
typical humans move 3 squares in a turn if they
to achieve their own goals in that scenario. For perform no other actions. It costs one or more
example, if the scenario is "Your characters are Action Points to attack an opponent, pick up an
captured by the Han and thrown into a prison," item, or perform other actions. See the Action Point
the players can have their characters try to break Cost Table below for examples.
out through the bars, lure their captors in and A turn is about 5 seconds long, and is important
ambush them, explore their cell for a means of only when several actions are occurring quickly;
escape or tools they can use, or wait for someone this is most likely to happen only in combat, when
else to rescue them. This interaction between the a lot of running around, fighting, and shooting are
GM and the players makes up the on-going story taking place. Each character must use all of his or
that is the game. The action of the game/story her Action Points during one turn , since Action
takes place in the minds of the players and on the Points cannot be saved up from turn to turn. If your
maps. character does not have the Action Points to
perform a certain action, he or she can 't perform
that action. For example, Max has been wounded in
fiction Points a fight ·with a Han, but he needs to break down a
door to escape; since a wounded character has a
Characters move and act by using Action Points. reduced number of Action Points (see "The
Action Points tell the player how far or how much Mortality Roll" in Section 3). Max is not be able to
a character can move and act in a single turn. break down the door, which he could normally do
Large, slow individuals (such as robots) have fewer if completely healthy.
Action Points, while fast creatures have many The Action Points shown below are a guide to
more Action Points. All human characters the Game Master, not a total list. The Game Master
(including all player characters) have three (3) is free to increase or decrease the number of Action
Action Points to spend in a turn. Points required to fit the situation and the scenario.

fiction Point Cost Table

Standard Actions/Movement APs
Move a Square 1
Jump 10 squares (with Inert.ron Belt) 2
Pick Up something Small (1-handed) 1
Pick Up something Large (2-handed) 2
Open a Door 1
Open a Door and Step into the Room 2
Break Down a Door 3
Use a Non-Combat Skill 1
Pilot a Vehicle 3

Combat Actions APs

Punch an Opponent 1
Draw Weapon (Small/Large) 112
.-;-.; Use Melee Weapon (Small/Large) See weapon (1/2)
' , ,, ~... , . ~ Fire a Missile Weapon See weapon (1/3)
\ .r
<fir, Jump ·with Inertron Belt
\tf1« . and fire a 1 AP Missile Weapon 3

( Character fictions )
Ability Checks Success & Dice
To determine the success of a character's action. the Every action in the BUCK ROGERS® Adventure
GM asks for a dice roll against one of the character's Game. just like in real life, can be easy or hard,
abilities. The checked ability is determined by the depending on the situations. Each action's success ,
action at hand: whether it's breaking down a door or shooting a
• If the action involves fighting someone in gun out of someone's hand, is determined by the
hand-to-hand combat, grabbing somet hing "success number"-a number that shows how
from another person's hands, lifting large difficult an action is. In general, the higher the
objects, or breaking something, the roll is success number is, the harder it is to complete the
based on the character's Strength. action effectively. The player must roll a number
• If the action involves hitting a target with a of six-sided dice and have a result equal to or
missile weapon (whether it's a gun or a greater than the success number to accomplish the
thrown rock). dodging an attack, or action .
performing delicate operations like picking a The number of dice that the player rolls for his
lock or repairing a watch, the roll is based on or her character is determined by the ran k of the
the character's Aim. relevant ability. Very simply, the better the
• If the action involves figuring out a code, characters are in their abilities, the more dice their
patching together a new invention, players receive to roll during game play. Here's the
understanding how an alien machine works, chart:
or noticing a vital clue to a mystery, the roll is
based on the character's Brains.
• If the action involves shrugging off the effects If the ability is OK Roll TWO dice
of being hit. holding one's breath, or doing If the ability is GOOD Roll THREE dice
some physical activity for long periods of time If the ability is BEITER Roll FOUR dice
(running, hanging over a cliff, etc.) , the roll is If the ability is BEST Roll FIVE dice
based on the character's Health .

Success numbers are alwavs determined before the

~oil; many basic actions have been given success
numbers on the Success Numbers Table in the
"GM's Job" section. Game Masters can, however,
assign appropriate numbers to tasks based on
special circumstances or new situations; for
example, it's harder to hit someone with a rocket
pistol in the middle of a thunderstorm, and this
might raise the success number by 3 points. In
general , the higher the success number is, the
harder it is to achieve the action.

fiction Example
Fritz wants to bash down a wooden door. This is a
Strength feat and the success number for breaking
down a wooden door is 10. He has to roll a 10 or
better on two dice. since he only has OK Strength.
Rolling under a 10 would indicate he failed to do
this. Max, on the other hand. has BETTER Strength,
and needs to roll a 10 or better with four dice. It is
much more likely that Max would do the door-
bashing in this case, since he is more likely to

( Character fictions )
W CC E$$ 10N .
':;:, W ITH ME

The Role of Six Improving Dice Rolls

Player characters with low rankings in critical There are other, more reliable ways to add to the
abilities may find themselves at a disadvantage al dice you can roll for characters to achieve their
crucial moments. Even if your character is the particular tasks. They are as follows:
smartest person in the city and can build a rocket
pistol out of a tin can, two aspirin, and a radio, he 1) Player characters can use tools , weapons, and
or she may not be able to push open a door and other devices to increase their chances to
escape a fire in his lab. Luckily, everyone has a succeed. Some items are necessary to perform
chance to perform beyond their normal limitations particular actions at all- it's pretty hard to hit
in the BUCK ROGERS®Adventure Game-think of someone with a rocket pistol unless you have a
it as an adrenaline rush to boost your strength or a rocket pistol. See Section 4 ("Equipment &
sudden inspired idea. This luck is given by the Sundries") for more information.
"Rule of Six. " 2) If the player character has an appropriate skill,
the player can add one die to the attempted roll.
See "Skills" for more information.
When you roll a "six" (6) on any of your d ice, 3) The player c.an choose to spend one or more
ro ll another die and add its number to the Experience Chips to increase the n umber of dice
total. he can roll. Each chip spent increases the
number of dice rolled by one. See "Experience"
for more information.
Role of Six Example
Max finds a device abandoned in the ruins of an
The Role of Eight
old city. He tries to figure out how to use the device Regardless of all the potential modifications, there
(Task Level of 15). Max's Brains rank is only OK is an upper limit to both luck and skill. Characters
(two dice), so he couldn't normally figure this can be the best rocket pistol marksmen ever
puzzle out. But with the Rule of Six, he has a trained, but some things are just patently
chance: if one of the dice comes up a six, he rolls a impossible, despite all the modifiers and lucky
third die and adds to the total, giving him a chance d ice. This is the "Rule of Eight:"
to succeed. Max's player rolls a six and a four. a
total of ten; the player rolls another die (due to the
six) and rolls a five-Max succeeds in figuring out A player can not roll more than eight dice to
how to work the strange device! determine the result of his player character's
actions. This limit includes dice added from
experience, weapons and tools, skills, and the
Rule of Six.

( Character fictions )
Maps & Movement A player
character may
Even though the action of the BUCK ROGERS® spr int up to 9
Adventure Game occurs in the imaginations and squares in a turn.
minds' eyes of the players , it is often played out on Make a Health roll
maps and game boards. It 's much easier for a Game at the end of each
Master to show where the enemy is shooting from turn. The success
on a map than simply describing the scene lo the number is 10 for
other players. Maps also help players when the first turn of
characters have to find something inside an sprinting, 20 for
unknown place; they can d raw maps on graph the second, and
paper as the heroes travel. increases in
All HIGH ADVENTURETM game maps are multiples of 10 for
divid ed into square grids. Each square, regardless each turn
of its actua l size, represents 10 square feet indoors, thereafter. Failing
and 10 squa re yards (30 square feet) outdoors. All the roll indicates
weapon ranges and distances are given in squares that the player character has only 2 Action Points a
and feet for use in your own adventures. turn for the next 1-6 turns; in addition, when player
characters attempt to act during this time, any
acti ons are performed at reduced ranks. and their
fiction on the Maps players roll one LESS die than normal.
If your players wish to use maps for battles. have
them choose character stand ups (provided in this
box) to represent their characters on the map. A Terrain Effects
player character can interact with anything in the The movement rates assume that you have
same square and within the squares adjacent to his relatively clear terrain around your character's
slandup (pick up tools, hit opponents, etc.). The path-sidewalks , roads, or open fi elds. Moving
character can attack in a ll directions without over tougher terrain is more difficult and takes
penalty; for more information on fighting, see longer, and it also costs more APs to move through.
"Melee Combat." If opponents are beyond those All BUCK ROGERS game maps have different
ad jacent squares on the map, we get into the terrains marked on map keys.
concept of range and missile combat (soc the Difficult terrains, like rocky ground, marsh y
section on "Missile Combat"). ground, underbrush, and slopes slow movement by
half. It takes 2 Action Points to move tluough 1
difficult terrain square. Characters can 't sprint
Moving Characters while in d iffi cult terrain.
Player characters walk three (3) squares (30 feet Rough terrains are more extreme versions of
indoors or 90 feet outdoors) normally in a turn by difficult terrain, such as soft sand, thick
spending 3 APs. They can move faster if the Game undergrowth, or greater slopes. It takes 3 Action
Master uses the Opti onal Movement Rul es. Points to move through 1 rough terrain square.
Characters can' t run or sprint in rough terrain.
Impassable terrains are imposs ible to move
Optional Movement Roles
1 '"'>Mv~TM -'"c through under normal
A player character may run up to 6 squares in a (co.~?.,, ,,~~sL~:t<>•o) conditions. Let's face
turn , moving at twice normal movement speeds. In T"r' ~:~~~~;;-~N" it: even the greatest
other words. it costs 1 Action Point to move 2 ~
CQO~~ :t tl" ~
heroes of the 25th
squares when running. Make a Health roll at the , ~~-:;"~~~ Century cannot move
end of each turn. The success number is 5 for the
first turn , 10 for the second, 15 for the thi rd , and
, c-=-~-'
thrOLJt'gfhf. wTallls or run
up c 1 s. 1ese types
increases by 5 each turn thereafter. Failing the roll of terrain or obstacles
reduces the character to only 2 Action Points a turn must be passed using
for the next 1-6 turns due to overexertion (roll one methods other than
6-sided die for the number of turns). normal movement.

{ Combat )
ow that you've learned how to create your the disintegrator beam weapons of the Han

N characters and how they move and interact

within the game, it's time to learn how to
figh t and free your characters from the tyranny of
invaders. In addition, there are a wide variety of
clubs, swords, and axes, not to mention old
fashioned fisticuffs. As a general rule, your
the Han overlords of the American continent. character punches or attacks with a melee or
You've read a little so far about fighting and combat missi le vveapon after moving in the turn. Here 's
in the "Skills" section, and now you're going to how your character fights:
learn everything about all of the forms of combat in
the BUCK ROGERS®Adventure Game.
The r.haracter's player must roll a Strength check.
Initiative You need a 10 for a character to hit an unsuspecting
target (attacking from hiding or from behind). If the
During most of the game, there is usually no need target character is fighting back, the player and the
to worry about the order of events, but in combat, GM must roll their character's Strength dice. The
what happens when can be a matter of life and highest roll tells the player and GM who hit their
death. Each turn, the player characters get to move target. If both Strength rolls are tied, then both
first (Hey, they're the heroes, so why not'?). They characters hit each other.
have what is known in other games as the Effects of being punched: Make a Health roll
initiative. There are a couple of rare occasions against a number determined by the attacker's
where the player characters do not have the Strength score. This number is called the Task
initiative and they include when: Level of that Health roll. For standard human
• The player characters are taken by surprise- strength levels, here are the numbers you need:
they are ambushed or the unexpected
happens. Attacker's Strength is OK: 10
• The player characters are unable to act-they GOOD: 15
are unconscious , wounded , or tied up. BETTER: 20
• The player characters consciously delay their BEST: 25
actions since they are waiting for something to
happen-they are waiting for an opponent to If a player fails to roll the Task Level number or
step into the room, to pass by, or any number higher with the dice provided by the character's
of other things. As soon as this happens , the Health score, the character is knocked out for 1-6
player characters get to act. (See "Targeting"). turns. The Game Master, not the player, rolls to see
• The player characters are acting against other how long a character is unconscious.
player characters. Shou ld two characters both
try to do something (like trying to grab the
same item or fighting each other), each player ~ ZOWIE .I
makes an Aim roll for his character. The high '), RIGHT ON THE.
roll gets to move first. All player characters
will still have the chance to act before the
non-player characters.

Melee Combat:
How to fight
Every character has three (3) Action Points per turn
to use to perform actions; instead of just using them
to move, characters can move and fight. Hand-to-
hand fist fighting is the simplest form of combat and
only costs one (1) AP to perform, whereas using
larger and more complex weapons (like swords or
pistols) costs more APs. The most common
vveapons of the 25th Century are missile weapons:
the rocket pistol of the Orgzone Confederation and

[ Combat )
f ighting w ith Melee Weapons Melee Weapons Summary
Melee \·v eapons are an y hand-held weapons that are
used to clobber an opponent better than a character Fists/Punching (Unarmed)
can with just his or her fists. Standard melee AP Cost: 1
weapons include clubs, swords, saps (also called Modifier to Strength Roll: 0
blackjacks) , and other hand-held weapons. Melee Task Level of Health Roll: Foe's Strength Dice x 5
weapons can also include such impromptu items as O K: 10 GOOD: 15
chairs, frying pans, or (if your character is strong BETTER: 20 BEST: 25
enough) another character! Effects: Knocked out for 1-6 turns
In melee combat, make a Strength check just as
you did for punching an opponent. The wea pon
may add a number or another die to your roll; Axe (or chopping weapon)
check the " Melee Weapons Summary" below. AP Cost: 2
Again, you need to roll a 10 to hit an unsuspecting Modifier to Strength Roll: +1 Die
target. If the target is fighting back, roll against his Task Level of Health Roll: 20
Strength Roll. The highest roll hits the target. If a Effects: Mortality Roll
tie is rolled, then both hit.
Effects of being hit with a melee weapon: Make a Chair (or large object; not normally a weapon)
Health Roll against the Task Level number listed for AP Cost: 2
that weapon. Success means that nothing Modifier to Strength Roll: +1 Die
(significant) happens to the target; he or she has Task Level of Health Roll: Fists/Punching+ 10
either dodged the weapon or shrugged off its OK: 20 GOOD: 25
effects. Failure indicates the effects as noted under BETTER: 30 BEST: 35
each specific melee weapon. Effects: Knocked ou t for 1 d6 turns.

Knife or Dagger (or short stabbing weapon)

The Mortality ltoll AP Cost: 1
Modifier to Strength Roll: o
This is the most crucial dice roll in the game. It is a Task Level of Health Roll: 15
Hea lth Roll and if you fail the roll, your character is Effects: Mortality Roll
dead and out of the game. Pini to, finis , ring dm·vn
the curtain and cue the celestial choir. Make it, and Mace (or blunt weapons)
your character is alive, but barely so. The player AP Cost: 2
character has 1 Action Point each turn. He or she Modifier to Strength Roll: +1 Die
can move around a little, but can't run or sprint; the Task Level of Health Roll: 20
character is wounded and needs medical attention Effects: Mortality Roll
(NPC doctors are available at the Orgs) . If a
character is in this condition, and its player is Sap, Brass Knuckles, or Blackjack (or small bludgeoning
forced to make another ability check or any other weapon)
roll, the rolls are made at -1 die. Wounded AP Cost: 1
characters' players cannot roll more than five dice Modifier to Strength Roll: o
until the character has been restored to full Task Level of Health Roll: Fists/Punching+ 5
strength . (The Rule of Eight becomes OK: 15 GOOD: 20
the Rule of Five BETTER: 25 BEST: 30
for wounded Effects: Knocked out for 1-6 turns
Sword or Bayonet (or a ny long stabbing weapon)
AP Cost: 2
Modifier to Strength Roll: 0
Task Level of Health Roll : 20
Effects: Mortality Roll

[ Combat )
Missile Combat:
How to Shoot/
When a character isn ' t within arm 's
reach of anyone, he or she can still
attack if the character has a missile
weapon. Missile weapons include
any weapon that strikes over a
distance, such as throvvn objects,
guns, arrows, and other long-range
instruments such as rocket pistols
and disintegrator rays. The most
common missile weapons of the 25th
Century are rocket pistols and the
Han disintegrator weapons; there are
also the antiquated but frusty missile
weapons like rifles , handguns, and
bows and arrows. Guns and bows are
still in common use in the American
West of the 25th Century, where they add to the a) If the player has the highest Aim roll, the
nostalgic charm. target is hit. The target must make a Health
Guns and bows can hit a single target, while roll or suffer the effects as noted for the
rocket pistols and disintegrators can affect weapon.
numerous targets due to their specific effects and bl If the target has the highest Aim roll , the
ammunition. These are explained in the Missile attack misses and doesn't affect the target.
Weapons Summary for the individual weapons.
Throwing Stuff
fighting with Missile Weapons Jn desperate situations, your character's only
Make an Aim roll to hit a target. If the target is not missile weapons might be rocks or other things to
expecting an attack (unaware of an attacker's throw. Your characters can throv,1something
presence, involved in some other activity, etc}. accurately up to a number of spaces equal to their
then the attack hits on a 10 or better. If the target Aim rank number of dice. This means that if your
is av.rare of the attack, the target gets to make an character has an OK Aim. he or she can throw
Aim roll as well. The results are checked as things accurately up to 2 squares (20 feet or yards)
follows: away. For each space beyond that, reduce the dice
rolled by one. For example, if your
character's Aim is GOOD (3 dice) , that
character can throw something
accurately up to 3 spaces. If the target is
four spaces av.ray, your character can
still try to hit it, but only two dice are
rolled to do so. Just like other ranged
weapons, the success number for
hitting an unaware target with a thrown
object is 1 O; active opponents roll
against their Aim.

I Combat )
Missile Combat Maneuvers Skill Shots
There are a number of special maneuvers that a A character can try to make a
character can perform to improve his or her Aim particular shot at a very
rolls in missile combat. Some of them can be specific target (shooting
combined with one another, but the player must a gun out of the hand of
keep the Rule of Eight in mind when adjusting the the opponent, or
number of dice for each Aim roll. The special shooting the lens of
maneuvers are: a camera). One die
is subtracted from
the Aim rank for a
Targeting Skill Shot, and effects are taken
A character \vho spends an entire turn targeting by the specific target. Some
(getting the target in his sights , estimating range, weapons. like disintegrators and gas grenades, do
etc.) receives an additional die to hit his or her not have a small enough area of effect and cannot
target in the following turn. The Targeting be used for Skill Shooting; rocket pistols can be
character may not perform any other actions that used with this maneuver, but the character still
turn (in effect, it costs 3 AP to target). A character must make a Health roll or be knocked out (rather
can spend any number of turns Targeting, but only than a Mortality Roll). As a rule for the Game
gets the benefit of one additional die. If an Master, Skill Shots should never be used in
Targeting character is attacked, he or she can situations where they would force the target to
attempt to Dodge as normal (See "Special Combat make a Mortality Roll ("I'm going to use Skill
Maneuvers" below). but the bonus die for Targeting Shooting to hit Max right between the eyes."). The
is lost. GM decides the effects of Skill Shots, but they tend
to be pretty obvious: Shooting a target's gun will
knock the gun from his hand; shooting at a switch
Firing into a Crowd sets off exp losives; etc.
Sometimes, in a large scale battle, a character will
fire a weapon into a group of several characters.
The GM rolls randomly to determine which
Random Location: Optional Rule
character is likely to be struck. That character must Despite characters' best efforts, not every shot will
then make an Aim roll against the attack, whether hit its target. For most missile weapons. it does not
the attacker was a friend or a foe; friends matter \.vhere a bullet or rock lands if the character
accidentally under attack generally do not shoot is missed. However, with rocket pistols and
back in these situations. Characters using the grenades , it becomes important since their effects
Targeting maneuver can pick one target, rather than cover wider areas than normal missiles. At the
the GM's random roll, but they do not gain the GM 's option, when such a situation arises, roll on
bonus die for Targeting. the following table:

Die Roll Result

Firing in Melee 1 Short 1 square
A character can fire a gun at an opponent who is 2 Long 1 square
hitting or grappling him or her in melee. However, 3 Right 1 square
if the Aim roll fails (if the other character rolls 4 Left 1 square
higher), then the character has his or her weapon 5 Long 2 squares
turned around or deflected and the attack hits the 6 Roll again, and add one square
character. The player must then make the (1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3).
appropriate Health rolls against his or her If the object cannot roll or land in that location
character's own attack. It is not possible to fire a (obstructed by a wall or closed door). then it stops
weapon at others when someone is beating on your at the edge of that location.

( Combat )
Missile Weapons Summary
Thrown Object (rocks, wood, etc.) Bow and Arrow
AP Cost: 1 AP Cost: 1
Effective Range: 2, 3, 4 , or 5 squares (Aim dice). Effective J:{ange: 6 squares
Modifier to Aim Roll: 0 Modifier to Aim Roll: 0
Task Level of Health Roll : 10 Task Level of Health Roll: 15
Effects: Knocked out for 1-6 turns; Health Task Levels Effects: Mortality Roll
and effects arc the same as a normal attack if melee
weapons are thrown (Chairs and large m elee Force Ray
weapons are -1 die to Aim). AP Cost: 1
Effective Range: 3 squares
Atomic Torpedo Modifier to Aim Koll: -1 Die
AP Cost: 3 Task Level of Health Roll: 20
Effective Range: 3 squares Effects: Single target affected must make a Health roll
Modifier to Aim Roll: -1 Die or be knocked unconscious for 1-6 turns.
Task Level of Health Roll: 25 Alternately the attack may be used to p in down an
Effects: Characters w ithin the target square and opponent in place. si milar to a Wrestling attack of
adjacent squares m ust make Health rolls or fall strength 20.
unconscious for 1-6 turns. The weapon is normally Notes: This weapon is used only by the Tigermen of
used underwater; used out of water, it acts like an Mars and is unavailable unless the characters
explosive grenade. encounter a Tigerman on Earth.
Notes: This weapon is used only by the Chileans.

Disintegrator Disintegr ator Disintegrator

Pistols Rifles Cannons
AP Cost: 2 3 3
Effective Range: 2 squares 5 squares 20 squares
Modifier to Aim Roll : -1 Die -2 Dice -3 Dice
Task Level of Health Roll: 15 20 25
Effects: Mortality Roll Mortality Roll Mortality Roll
Notes: The Han disintegrator beam. also known as the Mongolian Death Ray. is an energy beam that stri kes the first
target in range. whether a living or non-living object and vaporizes it. If fired at a very large object. the ray will
disi ntegrate as much of one object that fits with in a 10 'x10 'x10' space (a 10' diameter hole in the side of a rocket
cruiser, etc). The effects of the Morta lity Roll are all or nothing-the target is either unharmed or disintegrated
(there is no such thing as being "a little bit vaporized"). A successful roll represents more luck & good reflexes
than an invulnerability to Mongolian Death Rays. Disintegrators operate off broadcast power teclrnology (see

[ Combat )
Gasser Rifle
AP Cost: 1 AP Cost: 1
Effective Range: 1 square Effective Range: 10 squares
Modifier to Aim Roll: +1 Die Modifier to Aim Roll: 0
Task Level of Health Roll: 20 Task Level of Health Roll: 20
Effects: Health roll for the target or be knocked Effects: Mortality Roll
unconscious for 6 + 1-6 turns.
Rocket Cannon
Grenade, Explosive & Gas AP Cost: 3
AP Cost: 1 Effective Range: 20 squares
Effective Range: See Thrown Object Modifier to Aim Roll: 0
Modifier to Aim Roll: o Task Level of Health Roll: 25
Task Level of Health Roll: 20 Effects: Mortality Roll to individuals in the target
Effects, Explosive Grenade: Mortality Roll for square and in all squares adjacent to the square.
individual in the square where the grenade lands. Those in squares adjacent to this 9 square "blast
Those adjacent to this square must make a Health area" must make a Health roll or be knocked
roll or be knocked unconscious for 6 + 1-6 turns. unconscious for 6 + 1-6 turns.
Effects, Gas Grenade: Health roll for the individual in
the square the grenade lands in and all adjacent Rocket Pistol
squares or be knocked unconscious for 6 + 1-6 AP Cost: 1
turns. Effective Range: 10 squares
Modifier to Aim Roll: 0
Handgun Task Level of Health Roll: 20
AP Cost: 1 Effects: Mortality Roll for individual in the square
Effective Range: 8 squares being shot at: Those in adjacent squares must make
Modifier to Aim Roll: 0 a Health roll or be knocked unconscious for 6 + 1-6
Task Level of Health Roll: 15 turns.
Effects: Mortality Roll Notes: Rocket pistols can be loaded with other
ammunition like small rocks in an emergency; the
Liquid Air Guns range is reduced to 8 squares and the Health Task
AP Cost: 6 (These guns only fire every other turn.) Level is a 10.
Effective Range: 10 squares
Modifier to Aim Roll: 0 Super Powered Ray Projector
Task Level of Health Roll: 25 AP Cost: Special
Effects: Mortality Roll to individuals in the target Effective Range: Global
square and all squares adjacent to it. Those in other Modifier to Aim Roll: Special
adjacent squares must make a Health roll or be Task Level of Health Roll: 35
knocked unconscious for 6 + 1-6 turns. Effects: Mortality Roll
Notes: This weapon is used only by the Chileans and is Notes: A special experimental weapon created by
unavailable unless the characters encounter a rogue Mongolian scientists in America, the device
Chilean. consists of two separate ray machines built
thousands of miles apart from each other. These
Para lyzing Ray machines generate power beams that produces the
AP Cost: 3 force of 1.000,000 bombs at the point where the
Effective Range: 2 squares beams intersect. This weapon is incredibly
Modifier to Aim Roll: 0 powerful and can eradicate full cities, but it is
Task Level of Health Roll: 30 neither mobile or incredibly subtle: the tuning of
Effects: All characters within the target square must the beam intersection and aim will result in sonic
make a Health roll or be paralyzed until released by booms over the target city for weeks before the final
a chemical antidote. Those making the Health roll explosion can be delivered.
are unaffected (they have dodged the ray).
Notes: This weapon is used only in the Imperial
household of the Celestial Mogul.

( Combat )
Special Combat Maneuvers Grabbing Staff
Two (or more) characters can try to grab an item

As LARIAT LUKE'S LOOP at the same time, like a pistol or a club. The GM
WHJSiLED OVER MY and the players make Strength rolls for the char-
SHOULDERS, I LEAPED- acters involved, and the highest roll shows
which character gets the item. If the highest roll
is tied between two or more characters, then the
item can, at the Game Master's option, be broken
or activated . In the case of wrestling over a
weapon, the gun is fired into melec and the tar-
get is rolled randomly by the GM . The GM can
grant one additional die to a character's roll if
any character has a better grip on the object at
the start of the conflict.

ONE 45\0E-OQ A U:G

Dodging OFI= ! I N=eo TJ4ECSE
There are times when yom player character HELP/ PLA ~
wants to avoid being hit at all, and he or she is WHO'S
not interested in hitting the opponent. This action RUNN\NG
is Dodging, and includes bobbing, weaving, T~\5
blocking, and generally trying to stay out of the ROBOT?
way of any and all attacks. In this case, the
attacker still rolls his or her applicable ability to
hit, (Strength in melee combat, Aim in missi le
combat) but the defending player rolls on Aim to
avoid being hit. If the attacker's roll is higher, the
Dodging character is hit, and makes Health rolls
at a -1 Die penalty (in addition to any other penal-
ties). If the defender rolls equal to or higher than
the attacker, the defender is missed, and the
defender adds +1 die to an action roll in the next
turn (whether that roll is for an attack, another
dodge. or some other action).


SETTL.E Occasionally, a player will want his character to
tackle or hold another character. Like normal
melee combat, the player must make a Strength
roll to beat either the opponent's Strength roll or
against the number 10 (surprise attack). A suc-
cessful attack can knock down the target character
and he or she is held. The grappled character can
escape during his or her active tum if he or she
can roll a higher Strength roll than the attacker; if
this fails. the held character must make a Health
roll or be unable to try again for 1-6 tw-ns. Further,
the individual holding the character can force that
character to make a Health Roll against 6 + 1d6

Oo .... ce.

turns of unconsciousness at any time during his
or her turn by spending 2 APs.
( Equipment & Sundries )
oney and individual possessions are not
Getting More Stuff
M important in the 25th Century. Most
exceptional equipment and personal items
are either accumulated over time, or gained by
Personal property is a questionable thing in the far
future. For the Mongols in America. all things are
joining up with a larger organizati on which gives the property of the Celestial Mogul. For those of the
your character stuff in exchange for services of the Orgzone Confederation, all property belongs
rendered (save the Bad Bloods who gain all they to the community and is shared by its people. For
have through scavenging). If your character has run the Bad Bloods and the Outlaws, property is what
through the introductory adventure . he or she has you can physically hold onto and defend. All this
gained some equipment. Otherwise, your character means that typical natives of the future, in one way
has items available to h im or her as a citizen of the or another, can count on their immediate
Orgzone Confederation. surroundings and equipment. But how do you r
characters get better weapons, bigger rocket ships,
and neater toys?
Org Equipment Standards Within the Orgs, your characters can get
equipment above and beyond what is normally
As an Org member, your character's basic needs are available by appealing to their superiors in the
taken care of. Player characters can get the militia. Your character makes a request to his or her
follmving stuff through their Orgs: immediate superior (a GM -controlled NPC). That
• A place to live; depending on your Org's superior determines whether to grant the request
status, this may be a tent or a luxury based upon the following criteria:
apartment in a skyscraper. 1) Docs the character really NEED this item?
• Basic food needs; this also can vary from a 2) ls the mission really IMPORTANT?
communal commissary to ITfl!': credit at 3) Does the character seem TRUSTWORTHY?
various restaurants around the city.
• Basic local transportation; movement can be Need: The GM has information about the
by horse, taxi, or aircar around the city. particular scenario, and may deny inappropriate or
• Ample clothing for the situation and fashion. dangerous equipment (no explosive grenades, for
example). This is a flat-out decision , and the GM
mav choose to allocate no more resources than have
Org Militia Equipment already been determined.
As a member of the Org's militia (Your characters Importance: Missions and activities which are
gain this through the introductory adventure), your officially approved by the local leadership are more
character has the following additional stuff: important than personal missions. A character may
• An Inertron "Jumping Belt" find that his leaders are willing to give him a rocket
• A Helmet Radio ship to attack the Mongols, but not to locate a lost
• A Rocket Pistol companion.
• A second weapon, if your character has a Trustworthiness: In borderline situations, where
melee weapon skill the need and importance may be argued , the GM
• A First Aid Kit, if vour character has First Aid mav ask one character to make a Brains roll. The
skill - cha'ractcr should be the one asking for the
• A Electronics Kit, if vour character has equipment. The Contacts skill has an effect here
Electronist skill , since it represents others putting in a good word for
• A Tool Kit, if vour character has the the character.
Mechanics or ,the Robotist skill
The Mongols have a similar operation within
their own walled cities, though they tend to be
less forgiving to those who fail to return the
equipment in repairable shape (Buck crashed a
number of rocket ships over the years with no ill
effects to his bargaining povvcr with his superiors).
The Outlaws and Bad Bloods have nothing of this
type , since they hold onto everything they can by
raw power.

( Equipm~nt & Sundries )
Equipment Summary Supplemental Equipment Kits
This is a synopsis of ANO HERE'5 A ROCKET C.UN, Electronics Kit: An electronics kit provides the
equipment available C.EIVEO INTO FULL equipment for Electronists (an individual with the
to the denizens of the ALLEuHANY OR(,
Electronist skill) to repair electronics with an
25th Century. More additional die applied to the Brains roll (on top of
information on some the skill bonus die). A character may attempt to
weapons and perform electronic repair without a kit, but gains no
technology can be positive modifiers; characters without the
found in the World of Electronist skill can also do so but have a -1 d ie
the 25th Century penalty on the Brains roll.
book. First Aid Kit: A first aid kit allows the user to
heal other characters, allowing them additional
Health rolls to offset any incurred damage. A first
aid kit may be used by any character, but functions
best in the hands of a character with the First Aid
skill. A character with the First Aid skill does not
need the ki t to use the skill, but gains an additional
die to the roll if using one (in addition to the
Standard Equipment addi ti onal die for the skill).
Helmet Radio: A small radio headset is placed Tool Kit: A tool kit allows an individual with the
within standard issue helmets to allow short- Mechanic or Robotist skill to use the skill with an
distance communication and long-distance additional die to their Brains roll. It gives no
reception of radio waves. The helmet radio is set on additional bonus to those w ithout these skills
a fixed frequency used by the Orgs, and the helmet (though the GM may require the use of a tool kit to
radios have the energy to communicate up to about repair a particular item, whether they have the skill
a mile away while they can receive clearly from a or not).
source up to 10 miles away.
Radios of the 25th Century have a number of
disadvantages. They are extremely fragile, such that
Weapons. Melcze and Missile
a good knock (such as an explosion or a blow to the All weapons are noted above in the Weapons
head) can cause them to malfunction or break (see Summary sections; these entries simply provide
"Material Strength" in Section 6). further desr.riptions and details.
Secondly, radio signals cannot penetrate steel or Axe: These include all types of chopping
thick concrete. Radios \ovithin large structu res weapons, including hatchets, axes, and cleavers,
require external antennas and may not functi on regardless of size. Axes are used in logging and may
within large buildings otherwise. be used as impromptu weapons, but the axe is
Lastly, radio transmissions can be traced. In large usually used only as a ceremonial weapon.
communities, both the Americans and the Mongols
have radio security operations which track Bow and Arrow:
unofficial radio signals. This is an easily
lnertron "Jumping Belt": Inertron is a solid constructed weapon
compound which exerts a reverse gravity; the that is stil l in use in
Inertron can be measured to counterbalance the American West,
specific weights and make them extremely light. lt particularly among
is most often measured and fitted into a harness to the Native
be worn over a person's torso, reducing its wearer's American Orgs. It is
vveight to a few pounds. The Inertron belt allows not as effective as
your character to leap up to 10 squares (100 yards other weapons, but
outdoors) away or 10 squares straight up easily at a bas the advantage
cost of only 2 APs. of being silent.

I Equipment & Sundries )
Mace, club or cudgel: Th ese include an y long,
blunt weapons; as such , they are hard to conceal.
They are thick weapons with little chance of The vehicles of the 25th Century arP. many and
breaking on impact. varied. Not onlv do vehicles differ from nation to
Handgun: These are one-handed gunpowder nation, but all sides are constantly improving their
weapons, and is generally considered archaic since vehicles, making them more maneuverable.
the rocket pistol is more effective. They are still in powerful, and speciali7.ed. All vehicles share some
use in some parts of America. same basic statistics:
Knife or Dagger~ These include any short,
stabbing weapons , normally \Vorn on u belt, but
sometimes kept concealed in a boot or in a vest.
Vehicle Statistics
Rifle: Another Armor: This is the number of dice that are
archaic gunpowder subtractecl from all attacks from outside the
weapon, the rifle is vehicle; this shows the general toughness of the
still available in vehicle's hull and how well it protects itself and
some Org armories; its passengers.
these are used when Internal Strength: This represents the number of
rocket pistols are not d ice rolled to resist damage if the ship's armor is
available. Rifles may breached. This number is just like a Health roll
be wielded as clubs for human combatants.
(swinging the butt Combat Speed: This speed measures how fast a
end at an opponent) vehicle moves in a single turn; this speed is
or swords (if fitted listed in squares and it is important mostly for
with a bayonet on combat situations. It mav seem slower than the
the barrel). proportionate cruising speed , but it reflects the
Rocket Pistol: The standard weapon of the Org fact that the vehicle may be engaged in combat
militias, the rocket pistol fires an explosive bolt or difficult maneuvering.
w hich may affect either one target or a large area Cruising Speed: This is the approximate top speed
(different propellant settings and loads account for (in miles per hour) at which the vehicle moves
the difference). T he rocket pistol comes with its in a straight line. This can be altered by
own holster. difficulties such as bad terrain, inclement
Sap, Bross Knuckles, or BlaGkjock: These include vvcather, and attacking enemies.
any small bludgeoning weapons. They are , by their Control: This number signifies how difficult the
nature, easily concealed in a pocket and pulled out vehicle is to control under combat conditions.
when needed. This Task Level number is used when the pilot
Sword or Bayonet: These are long, stabbing is attempting a difficult maneuver or when
weapons. Bayonets are relics of earlier \>vars but situations demand a Control rol1 (a vehicle
still used in combat, particularly in conjunction under attack, attempting to land in rough
with old rifles. Swords are particularly effective terrain, etc.).
melee weapons for the Mongols, who use them as a Repair: This Task Level number represents how
back-up for their disintegrator rays. complex the vehicle's internal machinery is;
Other Weapon.s: There are other weapon types characters must roll this Task Level number to
which are not normally available to militia repair any part of the vehicle, whether it's a hull
members. These include large , "heavy weapons " breach or a weapons malfunction.
(such as rocket cannons). weapons attached to Armaments: These are the standard weapons for
vehicles, grenades, and weapons used primarily by the vehicle, though they can be altered by the
other cultures (such as Han disintegrators) or those GM. See Section 3 and its "Weapon Summaries"
c ustom-designed for one person (like Killer Kane's for \•Veapon dc>.tails.
multi-club). These may be acquired by using Crew: This is the maximum number of people the
Contacts (see "Getting More Stuff" above). vehicle can carry; most craft carry only a single

I Equipment & Sundries )
Vehicles in Combat
Your characters are trapped in a canyon
with a swarm of Han fliers overhead. •· ~-- .
Are they doomed with no chance of :"~
escape? NO! Characters can bring down so ·.. ~~
Han airships with a rocket pistol (and ADJ,USTING ~
lots of skill and luck)! O)(YGEN
W £ DIVED ----~
Piloting a Vehicle AT BREATH
Operating vehicles under normal travel OUR ROCKET
conditions is no problem for characters DEA.TH AND
in this game; all it takes is 3 APs a turn DESTRUCTION~®
to pilot a vehicle. Piloting is necessary,
however, for maneuvering or fighting in
a plane or other vehicle. If a single pilot
vehicle is drawn into combat, the pilot has to Weapon Da mage: The attacker chooses a weapon
choose between attacking and maneuvering- he or mounted on the vehicle to be hit. It is useless until
she focuses on firing the craft's weapons or steering repaired.
it out of trouble. Engine Dam age: The vehicle is damaged and
malfunctioning. For Org vehicles, problems could
be a loss of ballast or propellors; for Han vehicles,
Attacking a Vehicle the problems could center on the repellors. The
• Attackers roll attacks as normal, subtracting Game Master (or player) must make a Brains roll to
the dice indicated by a vehicle's Armor repair the problem within one turn or crash.
rating. See the Task Level Success Numbers CRASH!: The vehicle crashes in the following
Table in Section 6 for the appropriate turn; for Han airships or other high-flying vehicles,
numbers needed. the controllers may have a turn or two to react, but
• If a vehicle is struck by a weapon that can the vehicle itself is useless and will crash. All
cause a Mortality Roll , the GM or player personnel aboard the vehicle must make a Health
checks against its Internal Strength, just like a roll against th e vehicle's Repair Task Level; this is
Health roll. If successful, the craft is fine. If considered a Mortality Roll. Characters can escape
the roll fails, the veh icle is damaged: check the crash by jumping out (a successful Aim Task
the Critical Hits Table for effects. Level of 20), but they should have parachutes,
jumping belts, or other similar devices to survive
the fall to the ground.
Critical Hits Table
Die Roll Effect
1 Radio Knocked Out
Defending a Vehicle
2 Control Roll Characters in a flying vehicle may also opt to
3 Control Roll -2 defend the craft by some aerial maneuvering. This
4 Weapon Damage is only available if a character has the Piloting
5 Engine Damage skill; similar to the Dodging maneuver, the pilot
6 CRASH! must roll against his or her Aim skill, without the
added die for Piloting, and equal or exceed the
Rad io Knocked Out: Any hit has a chance to vehicle's Control rating. If successful, the pilot has
knock the radio out-they're kind of delicate. executed some maneuver that saves the vehicle
Radios must be repaired before being used again from any missile attacks during that turn. If
(ie. the pilot can't communicate with anyone). unsuccessful, the character's vehicle can be
Control Rolls: The pilot must make an Aim roll attacked as normal.
against the craft's Control or crash. The more
extreme hits ("Control Roll -2") force the pilot to
make the same Aim roll against Control but with a
penalty of two less dice to roll.

( Equipment & Sundries )
Orgzomz Vehicle Sa~c:_~
Org Biplane
V ._ c
The Org Biplane is designed
1.vith the classic lines and utility
0 ·-... of the Curtis Jenny (an early
Internal Strength:
Combat Speed:
--- 20th Century plane) and is the
workhorse of the independent
Cruising Speed: Orgs. The biplane's structure is
Control: light-weight canvas and wood;
Repair: its ense of repair, combined with
Armaments: its maneuverability and ease of
control, makes it an ideal small
Crew: war-craft.

Manufactured in Niagara and

available in some of the
Personal Rocket Flie advanced Orgs. the personal
Armor: 2 roc ket flier is a vast
Internal Strength: 4 improvement over the biplane.
Combat Speed: 9 ll is faster and more damage-
Cruising Speed: 70 mph resistant, but it is also harder to
Control: 15 handle and more difficult to
Repair: 25 repair. Its flight is made possible
Armaments: Swivel-mounted by Inertron ballast attached to
Rocket Cannon the inner hull, reducing its
Crew: 1 to 3 persons weight substantially. Various
versions of personal rockets are
found in many Orgs, but those
within cities are usually not
- ~~~ armed.

Rockt~t cruisers are the great

Rocket Cruiser fly ing fortresses of the Orgzone
Armor: Confederation, matching the
Internal Strength: 5 Han airsh ips in power hut
Combat Speed: 6 exceeding them in speed and
Cruising Spood: 90mph maneuverability. The entire ship
Control: 20 weighs only a few hundred
Repair: 25 pounds thanks lo payloads of
Armaments: 4 Rocket Inertron.
Cannons Rock1~t cruisers are often
(2 forward. ~~~L--=:::;-----~ customized, but the statistics
2 aft) listed here are the standards
Crew: Crew of10 aml 15 built into them at Niagara. If
passengers needed. a rocket cruiser can
carry four rocket fliers and
11\u: SHIP TO WHlC'H 11>.c.CiRt:GOR R'£Fl:QR£C W/>S
nt£ nl?l>T O~ "CH£ AME.RICANS' BtG ROC!<F.T C1XJ'C~'l'l S . reduce passengers to six. All
rocket cruisers are equipped
with parachutes and air masks
in case the crew has to bni l out
nt high altitudes.

[ Equipment & Sundries )
Mongol Vehicle Summary

Han Flier
Armor: 0
Internal Strength: 3
Combat Speed: 4
Cruising Speed: 20 mph
Control: 15
Repair: 30
Armaments: Forward-mounted disintegrator rifle
Crew: 1 person
The small Han fighters operate off the broadcast power of a
nearby Mongol Raider. They fly by using smaller version of the airships' repellor beams; this gives them a slower
maneuvering speed and makes them relatively ineffective except in larger squadrons. Save firepower, these ships are
inferior to their Org equivalents-the personal rocket flier.

Han Airship r~Mongol Raider··)

Armor: 4
Internal Strength: 6
Combat Speed: 3
Cruising Speed: 20 mph
Control: 25
Repair: 30
Armaments: 1\vo Disintegrator Cannons (Pore and aft)
Crew: Crew of 10 with up to 50 passengers
The behemoth of the Han invasion and the symbol of their tyranny, the Han Airship operates off internally generated
broadcast power. The monstrous size of these ships is necessary to house the power generators for the ship. its repellor
beams (which hold it aloft). and its disintegrator cannons.
There are three versions of the so-called "Mongol Raider,·· though the differences are not apparent from the ground
looking up:
• The standard, unmodified Han Airship holds 50 parachutists armed with disintegrator rifles, all powered by the
ship. This ship is used for ground assaults on defended cities.
• The "Air Carrier" has a hatch at the top of the ship which opens the cargo area to release a dozen smaller Han
fliers. This ship, and its supplemental forces, is used against enemies with established air power. This ship has a
crew of 10. 12 flier pilots, and room for only 10 additional passengers.
• The "'Heavy Airship" sacrifices much of its cargo and passenger space (Crew of 14 and 20 passengers) for the
machinery for two additional disintegrators (two forward, two aft). This airship is often used against undefended
stationary targets like the lesser Orgs.


[ Equipment & Sundries )
Robots Mongolian Broadcast Power
All Mongolian ships and weapons, including disintegrators,
operate off of their special science of broadcast power. This
Mongolian advancement allows power to be generated in one
place and transmitted by radio waves to a weapon or device far
away, charging the device from afar. These power generators are
by necessity quite large, so they are either stationary or in the
holds of the great Han Raiders. The power broadcasters of either
a city or a Han airship have a range of only a few miles. Devices
beyond the range of these generators lose all of their power:
weapons won't function, fliers fall out of the sky, etc.
The limitations of this power are clear to the player wanting a
disintegrator weapon for his player character. Such a weapon
would only be useful in close proximity to the Mongol cities and
Han strongholds. If rampant destruction of Han forces begins as a
result of captured weaponry, they often just cut the power
broadcast for the devices, rendering them harmless. The Mongols
often change broadcast power frequencies to prevent jamming by
Org radio technicians , so a disintegrator or other Han device will
be of limited use in the game.
The robots of the 25th Century are not The use of broadcast power reveals some of the nature of the
free-thinking individuals , since Mongol invaders: their society and peoples are ruled by a
computers and artificial intelligence centralized, entrenched bureaucracy that desires to keep its own
technologies did not rise from the power intact. Its organization from such a bureaucracy is its main
ruins of 22nd Century America. strength, as it conquered much of the 25th Century world and
Instead, robots are created as radio- maintains its control over the conquered lands. This
controlled workers to perform actions centralization of power also makes it vulnerable, in the sense
that are dangerous for humans. They that downing a Han Raider (with its interior generator) will
are always under the control of knock out all the disintegrators of its ground support troops, and
skilled operators who direct their destroying a city's generator system makes it extremely
every move. vulnerable to attack.
Robots, being made from metal , By contrast, the individualistic nature of the Orgs also reveals
have armored skin (-2 dice to all itself in its weapons and devices. The Inertron of the jumping
attacks) and have overall BETTER belts must be produced from a central location, but once created
material strength (treat as 4 dice of and distributed, it allows its users a great freedom of movement
Health). They move at running speed not limited to a centralized area. Similarly, the ubiquitous rocket
(1 AP= 2 squares); a robot's arms pistol relies on no outside source, merely the aim and ability of
have BEST Strength and they can be its user; ammunition is created at the Orgs, but the rocket pistol
used as clubs (6 dice attack!). It costs can even fire small rocks as ammunition if needed. The Orgs rely
a human controller 3 APs to control a more on the achievements of the individual than the Mongols
robot for one turn (the robot gets the and trust their people with greater individual power.
equivalent APs of a normal human).
If a robot is hit in combat and fails
its Health roll, the GM rolls ld6.
• (1 or 2) The robot's arms are
damaged and its Strength is
reduced to a 3 dice attack.
.. ~

• (3 or 4) The robot's motors are

damaged and the robot is
immobile but can still attack.
• (5 or 6) The robot explodes!

( Experience )
k, your characters have been created and you know about their equipment and how to fight in

0 combat. Now where can your characters go? From here, players and their characters play adventures
in order to gain Experience. Just as in real life, characters performing their jobs and fighting the good
fight will gain knowledge of how to do things better and improve their own abilities to fight or perform
their jobs-this is the basic idea behind experience.
In the BUCK ROGERS®Adventure Game, experience takes the form of Experience Chips. When a player
character (or an important NPC) is created , the player (or the GM) receives five Experience Chips for that
character. The Game Master provides the players with items to represent Experience Chips; suggestions
include using pennies or other coins, poker chips (included in this box), or toothpicks. Players should keep
track of their characters' Experience Chips on a piece of paper or on their character record sheets (see the
back of the Adventures book) as well as having the "chips" themselves. Additional Experience Chips are
gained through each of the characters' adventures.

<Ising Experience Gaining Skills & Ranks

Players can spend their characters' Experience The player can increase his or her character's
Chips on a wide variety of actions and bonuses: knowledge with new skills or increased ability. At
the end of any game session, the player can spend
20 Experience Chips to gain a new skill. This may
Influencing Die Rolls be of any type, but duplicating any skills does not
Whenever players need to make die rolls for their add any more bonus dice to rolls.
characters, they can spend one or more Experience At the GM's option , a player can spend 40
Chips to change the odds a bit. Spending an Experience Chips on a player character to improve
Experience Chip adds an additional die to the roll, one of the character's skills to the level of a Master
in addition to all other dice rolled. Players can add skill. Characters can further increase one of their
as many dice to the roll as they wish by spending attributes by one rank by spending 60 Experience
their characters' Experience Ch ips. provided by Chips if the Game Master allows it. Players should
follow the limitations of the Rule of Eight. check with the GM before saving up for Master
Players should spend Experience Chips when Skills or attribute improvements; if the player
they want to ensure something happens, or when it characters aren't allowed to use these optional
would be disastrous for the roll to fail. A prime rules, saving up for them is a waste of time and
example is the Mortality Roll, which results in the chips!
character's death if the roll is failed.

Increase Available fiction Points Experience Banks:

The player can spend Experience Ch ips to gain
additi onal APs in a single turn. These are spent
Optional Rule
when the player character attempts those actions. In the BUCK ROGERS Adventure Game, as in many
The cost is equal to the total number of APs to be role-playing games, characters function better on a
spent in that turn. If a character has the normal team than when acting as individuals. If the players
3 APs, it costs four Experience Chips to move wish, they may form an Experience Bank. One
4 APs, and additional five player is the banker, and all the players contribute
Experience Chips as many Experience Chips as they see fit. The
(for nine total) to use contributing players may then withdraw
5 APs. This is often Experience Chips from the bank to modify die rolls
useful in crisis only- they can't improve skills or attributes using
situations when an Experience Bank. If players disagree about the
quick movement is disbursement of Chips, the players present may
of the utmost vote to distribute the Chips back to each player-
importance. the Banker decides all ties on whether to release
the banked Chips or not.

( The Game Master·s Job )
o far, this book has covered the options open or cover it by saying "You meet with the president,

S to the players and their characters. This

section discusses the Game Master's bag of
tricks, \.vhat he or sh e can do within the BUCK
and he's impressed with your report." Note that
players often like to have their characters talk about
their exploits, so letting them brag gives them a
ROGERS® Ad venture Game. small reward and can set up future adventures (if,
While the players each take the role of an say, the president is doubtful, or very impressed
individual of the 25th Century and become, in with their statements).
effect, actors, the GM is the stage manager, director,
and script writer. He is also the actor playing all the
lesser characters, supporting actors, and, most Game Torn fiction Order
importantly, villains. It is the job of the GM to make The format for a turn runs as follows:
sure that everything fits together, to describe what 1) The GM decides what is going to happen to
the players see, and to handle the action. The GM non-player characters and other effects during
doesn't gain experience for playing the non-player that turn. The GM does not tell the players
characters. Instead, he awards experience to the these plans until they take effect.
other players by judging their characters' levels of 2) The players decide what their player
success in the adventure. characters are going to do during that turn.
They each tell the GM what their characters
are going to do.
Ronning the Game Torn 3) Players move their characters according to
their individual and mutual decisions. using
In ordinary games, each person moves one al a APs as they do so. They do not have to spend
time, and play passes in an orderly fashion. In a all their APs, but cannot exceed their limits,
role-playing game, players move characters, fire (all unspent APs are lost at the turn's· end).
weapons, and perform actions simultaneously. One Characters' attacks are resolved as shown in
of the GM's jobs is to sort out what happens when. the "Combat" section.
Can Buck escape his prison before Killer Kane 4) The GM moves the NPCs and makes their
returns? Can Wilma reach the control panel before actions as well, again not exceeding their AP
the missile is launched? The GM must be able to limits. The NPCs get their attacks if they are
answer these questions. able after the attacks of the player characters.
The basic unit of time in the BUCK ROGERS 5) Go to the next turn.
game is the turn. A turn is about 5 seconds long
and is used most often in combat. In 5 seconds, the
normal player character has 3 APs to spend, which
Player Character Cooperation
he or she can use to perform a number of actions as Three APs per turn is a guideline the GM should
dictated under "Action Points" in Section 2 above. use to direct player actions and prevent them from
trying to do too much in a single turn. APs may be
spent in any fashion during the player's part of the
Campaign Time turn. A player may spend 2 APs moving up to a
An adventure does not always have to be run in 5- door and opening it. Another player may then
second turn increments. Player characters are often spend APs to move through the door the first player
waiting for something to occur or they are engaged opened. Then the first player may spend his last AP
in repetitive work. The GM can move this along by after the other player.
saying "The night passes without incident '' or "You If there is a problem with who moves first, each
fly 30 miles over rocky terrain ", without running of the player characters spends 1 AP, then they
every turn. each spend their 2nd AP, then their 3rd AP. Actions
There are also cases where time is not a factor. which require multiple APs are completed after all
beyond noting how much time has passed. For other actions are done. A player may spend less
example. the heroes go to the Orgzone than the required number of APs in a turn , but
Confederation President to report on recent strikes cannot give those unspent APs to other characters.
against the Bad Bloods. The GM may decide to play Players cannot save APs up over two different turns
this adventure (role-playing the president while the unl ess they use special maneuvers like Targeting
players, as their characters, explain their successes) (see " Missile Combat Maneuvers" in Section 3).

( The Game Master·s Job )
Now, player characters live by their wits, and
Player Character Dissent are, by nature, a suspicious and cautious lot. If
Player characters (and players as well) don't always there is a chance that the player characters may
get along, and often will perform actions against find out they are about to be ambushed (bushes
each other, such as struggling to be the first one out shake mysteriously. twigs snap in the distance,
the door or be the one to grab the secret weapon. As looking in the right direction just before the enemy
a general rule in cases of conflict, the individual attacks), they get a chance to discover the danger.
who spends the fewest Action Points to complete The GM secretly makes a Brains check for the
the action gets to perform the action first. In case of smartest player character in the ambush. If the roll
a tie. both players roll a die (re-roll ties). The higher is 15 or greater. that player character can warn his
number has initiative over the other. and that or her companions of I he danger and they can act;
character can move first. In general, most player if the roll is less than 15. the characters are
characters will be working together toward surprised and attacked without warning. Play
common goa ls, so this problem should be rare. proceeds normally after this.

Random Initiative: Optional Rule

Surprise Once the GM is comfortable with determining who
There is an exception to the rule of the players does what and when, he or she may allow Random
going first in a game turn: surprise or ambush. Initiative. The game turn procedure runs in a
There are situations where the players may be modified form, as follows:
unaware that they are about to be attacked (or be 1. The GM determines what characters and
affected by some special effect) without any prior events under his con trol are going to do but
warning. Whether a situation involves surprise or does not announce this to the players.
not is determined by the GM, but here are some 2. The players determine what their player
surprise examples: characters are going to <lo , and tell the GM in
• The player characters walk into a ambush turn.
with opponents hidden from view. 3. The GM and one of the players roll 2 six-sided
• Player characters are not expecting an attack die. The high roll wins initiative.
("'Your trusty guide suddenly turns to 4. The side ·with initiative makes its move.
attack!'"). 5. The other side makes its move. It may
• The player characters are at a disadvantage sometimes find its earlier determination
not shared by their opponents: blinded by altered by the actions of the winning side, and
smoke, fighting in th e dark against foes who they may often miss those actions. ("You
can see in the dark, or being tied up or reach the safe, but find that it is open and the
restrained. money's already gone! ")

In these cases, the players DO NOT get to move their

player characters first. Instead, the attackers get a
free turn to attack (skip steps 2 and 3 in the earlier
procedure). After that. play proceeds as normal.

· ~
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( The Game Master·s Job )
Resolving Ability Checks a brick wall with your head, bending a thick iron
bar with your hands, and flying into space using
& Skills two rocket pistols and a jumping belt. Dam-Near
Impossible Task Level: 35+
One of the key tasks of the Game Master is to
resolve ability checks made by all characters. When Of course, there are always the impossible items
playing a written adventure, particular tasks are that no one can do: fall from a planet's orbit
given Task Levels in the text: A lock may have a without burning up in the atmosphere, eat a tank,
complexity of 11, requiring a Brains roll of 11 or or rip up a city with your bare hands. The GM's
better to open it. There will be many situations moderation is called for in these si tuations: strike
where the action's Task Level must be created on a down the more ridiculous requests, or, better yet,
moment's notice. Numbers are easily found by force the players to justify their actions (Yes, Buck
gauging the d ifficu lty of an action. and Wi lma once fell from Earth orbit and survived
- through careful thought and use of many
Experience Chips!). A fast-thinking player might
Task Level Assignments reduce an impossible task level to one which is.
At the most basic level, Task Levels can be set at well, only Darn-Near Impossible.
Automatic, Easy, Average , Above Average, Hard,
Very Hard, or Darn-Near Impossible.
Automatic: Unless there are other factors, anyone Task Level Alterations
can do this all the time. Examples include opening Under certain circumstances, the GM can alter the
a door, pressing a button , and similar ordinary standard Task Levels and may choose to make a
actions. Automatic Task Level: 0 particu lar task level one level higher or lower. This
Easy: These are relatively simple tasks that an can be done at any time for two major reasons:
ordinary human can still fail. Examples include Make certain tasks easier to speed up play ("They
breaking down a thin, wooden door or striking an don't need to spend TOO long unlocking that door,
unsuspecting character. Easy Task Level: 10 or they'll miss the ambush in the next room!"): and
Average: Average tasks are common actions that Make tasks difficult to keep their adventure
are a little tougher than normal. They are difficult challenging ("They' ve got Buck ·with them. I'd
only for those with low ability ranks or lack of any better make the doors tougher and better
appropriate skills. Examples include lifting your guarded."). Also , adjustments can be made due to
own weight, or understanding common machines. the enviromcnt and the setting (It's harder to shoot
Average Task Level: 15 at enemies in a driving rain!).
Above Average: These are more complex tasks Standard adjustments change Task Levels by
that are difficult for ordinary humans but relatively three points for situations where a task is slightly
simple for individuals with both the proper skills more or less difficult to accomplish ; Task Levels
and equipment. Examples include mechanical should rarely be altered by more than one full
repair or reviving unconscious or mortally level (5 or 10 points). This is particularly useful
wounded characters using first aid. Above Average when dealing with players who know the rules
Task Level: 20 and the Task Levels. ("It's a wooden door-Task
Hard: These are tasks best left to the Level 10 to bust it down. Piece o' cake!") The GM
professionals, needing skill , higher rank abilities. may do this to any listed Task Level. including
and a fair amount of luck. Examples include those listed in the adventurns. Natl~ that this
understanding new ·o r alien machines, lifting twice makes things more challenging to the players and
your own weight, or jumping with a jumping bell their characters.
and grabbing onto a passing flying vehicle. Hord
Task Level: 25
Very Hard: These complex tasks are still solvable
for trained individuals with the proper tools.
Examples include inventing or modifying
mechanical or electronic devices , fighting the
effects of knock-out gas, or breaking open a locked.
metal door. Very Hard Task Level: 30
Darn-Near Impossible: This skirts the limits of
human endurance ("You want to do WHAT?").
Examples of this extreme include breaking through
( The Game Master·s Job )
Task Level Success tlambers Table
The table below is a basic chart for indicating the
Task Levels of various things that a GM will be
called to rule on. This is not a complete list, and
should be used as a guide to help the GM come up
with his or her own numbers.

Lifting under a hundred pounds 0
Lifting your own weight 15
Lifting twice your weight 25
Lifting three times your weight 40
Striking an unsus pecting opponent 10
Striking an active opponent Strength
Break down a wooden door 10
Break down a metal door 20
Break a hole in a stone wall 40

AIM Rolls
Hitting the broad side of a barn 0
Hitting an unsuspecting target 10
Hitting an active target Aim
Hitting a large inanimate target 15
Hitting a small inanimate target 20
Hitting a Han fli er 20
Hitting a Han airship 15
Throwing items within range 10
Throwing items beyond range 15
Flying a vehicle in a tight place 30
Untying ropes/non mechanical bindings 15
Catching a falling object 10
Sleight of hand /Pick pockets 15
.. -
Understanding a standard machine 15 "' '. .,
Fixing a standard/known machine 20
Creating a radio from spare parts 30
Understanding a new/ unknown machine 25
Fixing a new/unknown mcichine 30
Creating a new invention 35
Noticing a clue 20
Cracking a Bad Blood c:ocfo 15
Cracking a Han code 25

Resist standard knock-out gas 30
Resist Mongolian Lotus gas 35
Holding one's breath (1 minute) 10
Holding one's breath (2 minutes) 20
Holding one's breath (5 minutes) 30
Holding one's breath (10 minutes) 40
Sustained activity 10 + 5/turn
Running (6 squares max ./turn) 5 + 5/turn
Sprinting (9 squares max./turn) 10+10/ turn

( The Game Master·s Job )
Material Strength/Breaking Stuff Awarding Experience
Sometimes force is directed, whether intentional or
not, against objects instead of people. Melee attacks
can affect items at hand and missile attacks must As player characters explore the world of the 25th
make a skill shot to affect the target. Most "stuff'' Century, they are rewarded for their achievements
has a material strength. which is listed as a Task with additional Experience Chips. These Chips can
Level. An attack must equal or exceed the item's be converted into additional dice for combat or
material strength Task Level to break or destroy it. skill rolls, additional Action Points, and a wide
Many items have specific material strengths , and variety of skills (see Section 5).
these are provided within adventures and scenarios Experi« .n ce Chips should be award ed at the end
when they are necessary-if the player characters of each gaming session, and the new Chips are
must d estroy a Mongol radio center, the strength of available for use in the next game session. At the
the equipment is needed. Exampl es of material end of an adventure (whether the game lasts one or
strength are below: several sessions), Experience Chips are also
awarded, but players can only buy skills between
Material Example adventures. Players cannot use new Experience
Strength Materials Chips to give their characters skills during an
5 Glass; wooden chairs, helmet radios adventure; the characters can only learn new skills
10 Thin wood; wooden doors after the adventure is completed and they have
15 Heavy wood; rocket & disintegrator time to learn. General Experience Chip a\,..1ards are:
pistols, heavy tree limbs. tables
20 Metaloglass; disintegrator rifles
25 Steel: rocket & disintegrator
One Chip Awards
cannons Characters gain one Experience Chip:
30 Worked steel: Han airship hulls • if a character defeats minor enemies (thugs,
40 Diamonds: thick stone walls or soldiers, animals, NPCs w ith no Experience
solid rock Chips). regardless of the number of enemies
(i.e. defeat 1 thug= defeat 8 thugs = 1 EC);
The Game Master can , at his or her op tion, • if a character rescues another character from
determine that particular objects can only be imprisonment or certain death at the hands of
broken if the character delivers a successful attack an enemy;
with weapons that force a Mortality Roll. Though • if a character behaves and acts in a spirit of
it's mathematically possible to break open a steel fair play and sportsmanship (ie. doesn't attack
hatch or tear apart a rocket cannon with one 's bare someone from behind, looks out for one's
hands, logic and game rules dictate using friends, etc.); or
equipment like axes or explosives to do the job. • if a player shows imagination and innovation
in role-playing his or her character during that
game session.

Two Chip Awards

Characters gain two Experience Chips :
• if a character finishes an adventure alive and
• if a charncter disables or destroys a major
enemy stronghold or super-weapon; or
• if a character defeats a major enemy (an NPC
with Experience Chips).

Heroic and dramatic actions should be noted by the

GM and additional Experience Chips may be
awarded for them at that GM's discretion.

( The Game Master•s Job )
Spending Experience Chips
Just as the players can spend Experience Chips to influence their characters' actions, the Game Master can
spend them to help the characters under his control. The GM can only spend these points if they are listed
for the character; usually, only notable NPCs as Buck or Killer Kane have Experience Chips, and nameless
thugs and soldiers don't have any Chips. The GM can spend Experience Chips in the same manner that
players spend them.


- ------- -


Baying fl Break Buying a Break Example

The GM does have a special ability with regard to Killer Kane has been bedeviling the player
Experience Chips: Important NPCs, most often the characters for weeks with a nefarious scheme. Now,
villains, can use Experience Chips to Buy a Break. at last , the player characters have turned the tables
There are often situations where an important non- and are face-to-face with the traitorous villain,
player character is in danger of losing his or her life intending "to rid the future of him once and for
or at least suffering lots of damage. To prevent this, all." Wanting to keep him alive, the GM Buys a
the NPC Buys a Break and is immediately removed Break. Kane suddenly throws a flash-pellet (that
from the game in the proverbial nick of time. didn 't exist a second before), and he escapes into a
Buying a Break takes many forms-escaping when secret tunnel while everyone is blinded. The player
no one is looking, slipping behind an unknown characters still defeated Kane and gain all the
secret panel, falling off a convenient cliff, being awards due to them; though they didn't finish him,
rescued by an assistant, etc.- but always results in Kane won't be around for months (until he's licked
letting an NPC get away. his wounds).
Buying a Break is costly, since the GM spends all
the Experience Chips an NPC has to accomplish the
escape. The character must have a minimum of 3
Experience Chips to spend; if he or she does not The Fine flrt of Winging It
have that many Chips, the character's luck has run This is the last and most important rule: learn how
out! In addition, the NPC cannot reappear in the to "wing it" while Game Mastering.
game campaign for a period of weeks equal to the • If the players try something not covered in the
number of Chips spent to Buy the Break (minimum rules, make a decision on how it works and
of three weeks). When the NPC reappears, he or she stick to it.
will have a full allotment of Experience Chips • Feel free to make new skills, weapons, and
restored and ready for use. character races-it's your world now!
• These rules are just a tool box to get you
started, not orders. The only ironclad rule in
this game is that the fun and excitement
should never end!

The BUCK ROGERS®Adventure Game

World of the 25th Century Book

Table of Contents Credits
Introduction ................... ................. ......... ... 1 Design: Jeff Grubb
Man of the Past, Hero of the Future .................. 2 Development & Editing: Steven E. Schend
Futures Past: 25th Century History .................. 4 Cover Art: Den Beauvais
People, Places, & Things ............ ................ ..... 6 Interior Art: Dick Calkins & Mark Heike
25th Century Hardware ...... ........................... 10 Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Heroes and Heels ................................. ... ... 16 Production: Dawn Murin
Buck Rogers ............................................. 16
Wilma Deering .... .. .................................... 17 TSR. Inc. TSR. Ltd.
Cornelius "Kill er" Kane .............................. 18 P.O. Box 756 120 Church End
Black Barnev & Arda la Val mar ..................... 19 Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton
Commander· MacGregor & Doctor Hu er ......... 20 WI 53147 Cambridge. CB1 3LB
Nunah. Lone Wolf. & Lie utenant Bla ir ... .. .... 2·1 U.S.A. United Kingdom
Colonel Edwards , Gilda. &
R.ul<lum f louse a nd 11<> o. Hi liatc c:tHn i>ani<-~ ha\'tl wo rld wide dis1ribution righ1s in
Tommy Johnson .............................. .. .... 22 1h,• l•mk 1wlC' for Engl i<h languagu prod11CI> u f T S R. Inc.. OiSlributc d 10 1he book a n d
Cyclone Kid & Lariat Luke ........................ 23 hobh\ trMl1, 111 tho Uni1ed Kingdom by TSK I.Id . Distrihutro to 1he 1oy a nrl hobby
tr.lch• h~ n~u'mal di ... tributors
The Mongol Emperor ................... .. ............ 24 Bl 'CK R(X:ERS is a rogis1c rcd 1rademark of The Dille Famil\' Trus1 and is u<ed
The Viceroy of Chicago & under l111'n<e. BLAC K 8 1\RNEY i< a 1rademark of The Dille Famil~· T rus1 and is used
u nd1... r hu•nst•. c1993 Thf' Dille Family 'fmsl. All H1ghts f<est"f\'ed
Air Marshal Ka-Flui ................ .. ............ 25 HIGH :\OVE:'<TUR£ and 1he TSR logo a rc 1radcmMk> o wned by T SR . Inc. <1993
Lan-Lu & Wong ...... .................. . .............. 26 TSH. lnr :\II l< igh1s l<eserwd. Pri m ed in 1hc LI S.t\
Thi< book is pro1ec1ed unde r 1he copyn gh 1 laws o f 1he UnilNl S1a 1cs or Americ , 1
Marke Ka-Lona & Om-Ka Zoril .................. 27 :\n y reporcluf'tion or unamhoriz.ed use o f the materrnl o r artwo rk he rein is prohilnrpcl
w11hu111 1tw t'Xpres~ \\•ri111•t1 U ll t!J,t,_•nl orTSR . Inc .. .tOd T tw Dil lll Family Trusl.
Typical NPCs: Mongol & Org Soldiers, Thi• r1amf's of tlw r haractcrs used he roin nrc flctlt iou~ and do not refer to an\'
Bad Blood. Outla w. Citizen ..................... 28 pcr..0 11.. li\'ing or dead. J\nv description~ including s1m i lnri t ies to per~ons 1ivii1~ ur
dead art~ merel\' coincidental.
Animals ...... ..... ...... ......................... ......... 31
ISI3 N ·1-56076-636-0 3587XXX0843

"Howdy. people . I'm Buck Hogers! l'JJ bet you 're
pretty bewildered by aJJ the goings-on here in the
25th Century. huh? Don ·1 wony-l was just as
starstruck whe n I left the co ve and entered this ivild
future myself. Us being f rom the past and aJJ.
Commander MacGregor f igured I'd be one of the
best guides for you in h elping getting you settled.
Settle y ourselves down and 1'11 teJJ you m y story
first before I give you the basics of the world as it is
today After that, I can shoiv you some of the
technological gizmos Dr. J-fuer and the science-boys
whipped up to h elp us in our struggle against the
Mongols. FinaJJy. f'JJ give you the loiv-down on the
people of the f uture and introduce you to a few of
my friends and warn you about my enemies. By
then. you folk 'JJ be ready to take on the Han
yourselves. Ready? Let's get cracking!"

I Man of the Past. ttero of the future )
Buck Rogers was a veteran of the
First World War, serving in the
Army Air Corps as a pilot. After
the war. he worked in a number
of civilian positions. His las t job
in the 20th Century was
s urvey ing an abandoned mine
near Pittsburgh. He noticed an
odd smell in the air and also
discovered strange, glowing
rocks in the mine. A sudden
cave-in trapped him in the
m ine , and a myst1~ riou s gas
overpO\·v ered h im.
Buc k awoke wh en the cave
mouth was accidenta lly blasted
open by a Mongol rcpellor beam
a nd fresh a ir seeped into the old
cavern. He left the aban don ed
mine to find his o ld world in
ruins. He also found a group of
Bad Blood raiders ambu s hing a
femal e so ldier who was j1ying
without a plane! She was
wounded. but Buck drove off
her attackers. The soldi er was
Wilma Deering of the Allegheny
Orgzone, and Buck quickly
found that he had been asleep
for 500 years. His world was
gone, and he had awakened to a
world where the Mongols ruled
Buck and Wilma returned to
the All eghen y Orgzo ne, where
h is s tory was confirmed and
Buck settled into life in the
Orgzones . His s kills a nd fighting
spirit served him well to
acclimate himself to th e war-
torn future.
When Wi lma was kidnapped
by Mongols. Buck went after h er
a nd rescued her. In the process.
Bu ck first encount ered Wilma's
o ld s uitor, Killer Kane. Buc k and
Killer fought a duel. a nd while
Buck won the fight, he lost
\:Vilma ·s affections. Shortly
afterwards Wilma was
recaptured by the Mongo ls.
Buck, disobeying direc t orders.
stole a plane and went after her.

( Man of the Past. Hero of the Future )
Buck encou ntered foes and
allies as he made his way to the
Mongol Cap ital of Los A.ngeles
to rescue Wilma. He met allies
in the Navajo Orgzon e and
among the Out law Gangs of the
West. Buck also fou nd more foes
among the Bad Bloods and the
Mongols, ancl Kill er Kane
quickly became his true
nemesis. Kane turned tra itor.
sold his loyalties to the Mongol
Empero r, and led an assault
aga ins t Buck and his Ou tl aw
all ies. The battle would have
been lost if not for the aid of
Buck's new ally. Commander
MacGregor of Niagara.
Things occurred quickly as
the war intensified . Buck and
Wilma foiled the Golden Dragon
Society's plot to destroy Niaga ra.
and defeated the sabotage of
Kill er Kane. now fully a black-
hea rted traitor. They engineered
the capture of the Mongol
Emperor of orth America. <lnd
fo iled the power-mad Viceroy of
Chicago's bid to rule America.
At long last. Buck and his
fri ends made their wav to the
Aseptic City where they
confronted the Celestia I Mogul
himself: the kind and
ben evolen t rul er was unaware of
the cruel practices of his
underlings , but soon forged a
peace which freed the America n
people once and for all from
Mongol rule.
So say the legends and tales
spun around the dinner table
and reported over the
radiophone. However, this is a
time for h eroes of all types , and
player characters also have their
special roles to play in the wa1·
to free Ameri ca . With skill.
determ ination , and daring, they
can all become as famous as
Buck Rogers or Wil ma Deering
in this new-found future of the
25th Century.

[ futures Past: 25th Century History )
The s ituations and adventures descril>ed
in t his box are based on the "War against
the Han." a time of rebe llion when the
Orgzones of 25th Century Ameri ca unified
and began to strike back aga inst the
Mongol Invaders . This time also marks
the arrival of o ne of the 25th Centurv·s
greatest heroes- Buck Rogers! The tal es of
Buck Rogers are recorded in a series of
comic strips from long ago . and th is set
presents a s ummary of those times both
past and future. The truth o f the mat ter
(and any changes in t he narrative) w ill
depend on th e actions of the player ~~. ~WA5HINC>TON
characters in playing the game. ' \ \ '0 . C WA":>
\ " ' .WIPED OUT
' ,· IN 3 HOURS
The World that Was BY 1THE, T ER RIBLE
Buck Rogers left the 20th Century at the TrlE VE R V FOUN DATIONS.
dawn of American influence in the world. FROM UNOER IT~ MAC,Nl-
America em erged from the First World FICENT 8UILOIN65 .
Was as a rising giant in the worldwide le' I' ! '1 ') \ ; , •
'1'· : .. . -
family of nations. Throughout the rest of
that century. America would be heralded ft! ~ ;1_:;,,
. ,../ •,;;•"'•. -
• ~~ -
J....'\ ) ;Ytitl
l \ ) fl!Tlt,> ~
the \.vorld over as a beacon of liberty and
peace. Yet when Buck awoke in the 25 th
Century, that world and all he knew ·was
long go ne. Mos t of America was eith er in
ruins or under the di rect control of fo reign
How did this happen?

~ ~~
Coming of the ttan • .';. I STARVING
~-..: _ __

Sometime after the present day. a new 'W1 S/\VAGERY, FOUGHT T HE IR WAY
powerful Mongol power rose out of T ER AN O HIDE I N THE COU NTRY,
Central Asia. Also ca lled the Han . these
people rul ed by the might of thei r superior
science and its deadly weapons. The Han
swiftly subdued a ny resistance from other
nations, and quickly became masters of all
Asia: their s ights soon focused on
conquering the entire world. Europe and
America were no match for their "death
ray projectors ... and the proud countries of
the West \<Vere soon in ruins. as no
defenses were able to s top the Mongols.

( futures Past: 25th Century History )
Life Under the Han
Ha ving d estroyed most of Ame ri ca's abili ty to produce
muni t ions a nd fi ghl (as w ell as support itself a nd its
pop ula ti on). Lhe Ha n in vad e rs used their techno logy to
rebuild some major c iti es for the ir own peop le and the
nati ves of the conq uered territories w ho beca me loyal
to t hem . Nev.1 wond rous c iti es rose fro m th e ruins of
Los Angeles. New York. a nd De troit: each of t hese
r.iti es was powered by Mongo li a n Broadcast Power
a nd wa lls protected the citize ns from the d a ngers of
the w il d hinte rla nds .

Origins of the Orgs

During the Mongol Invasion. only the Ame rica n cities
had been destroyed. no t its p eop le or the ir thirs t for
freedom. Re fugees were dri ven in to the countryside.
\\'here many fe ll to near-savagery as t hey hid from the
powerful Mongol Raide rs. A ft e r years as d isorga nized
refugees a nd rebels . ma ny Am erica ns gathe red into
larger orga niza ti on s. or Orgs. w hi c h sought to
recaptu re the ir los t civ ili zation and its technology in
order to throw off the yoke of Mongolia n oppression.
T he Mongol rul e rs . fo r their pa rt , turned their
attent ions elsewhe re. a nd gre w com p lacent within
Lheir wa ll ed citi es. Th ev a ba ndon ed the w ild
terri tories except to pu~ is h rai d ing America ns. The
Orgs became Orgzon es . a nd these la rger ci ty-s ta tes
a llied with each othe r to fi ght agains t the Mongo ls.
One of the early trium phs of the free Americans w as
the buil d ing of Niagara . a n entire city above ground
p rotected from Mongo l a ttacks by roc ke t-ca nnon
batte ries p owerful e nough to turn back even th e most
dete rmin ed Mongol airships. Still. most Orgzo nes
ex isted unde rground. sa fe from the a ttacking fl eets,
wh ile th e war fo r freedo m wore o n above.

America's Other Problems

Not all of the Ame rica ns· probl e ms were created by
the Mongols. Outl aw ga ngs pa trolled th e edges of t he
Orgzon e te rritories . a nd groups li ke the Bad Bloods .
little more tha n savages s ince the Invasion , raid ed
Mongol a nd A me ri can holdings alike.
This was the world tha t Buc k Rogers reappeared in,
a world w he re the Mongols ru le . but the Am erican
drea m o f freedom s till exis ts. Ge nerati ons have
p la nn ed fo r the day w he n the Mongol invaders are
overthrown a nd Ameri ca is re turned to its peop le.

T hat day is today. Welcome to the 25th Cen tury.

I People & Places & Things )
The s tory of the 25th Century is the story of the New American Rebellion a nd the Wa r agains t the Han. The
primary conflic t is bet vveen the Ame rica n patri ots a nd the Mongol invaders. But there are many types of
America ns. a nd ma ny typ es of Mongols as w ell. Nor are they alone in the w orld ...

The Americans
Th e Ame ri can people a re the fe w. p roud s urvi vors whose a ncestors fl ed the original Mongol Invas ion years
ago. To this day. they maintain a c ivilized e xi s te nce outs ide the bounds o f th e Mongols ' s uper-scie ntific
socie ty. Th ough muc h w as lost in the initia l Ha n attac ks decades before, the Ame ricans ha ve mad e their
own recent scie ntific ad vances . virtua lly re pl aci ng most of the other now-l ost sciences of the 21st through
24th Ce nturi es. The Am e ri cans now s ta nd read y to re pel the Mongol Invad e rs by spir it, de termination, and
the w ond e rs o f radi o techno logy. Al the time of th ese adventures . th e Am ericans are m oving towards a
loose confed e ra ti on of individual c ity-s tates, called Orgs. with the ca pitol of thi s united coalition at

The Orgzones are mostly located al or n ear the

The Orgzones s ites of a ncie nt American citi es long ago destroyed
The ma jority of th e Amer ican p eopl e li ve in widely by th e Mongols and neve r re built. Su c h ruins
scatte red communities called Orgzones (or Orgs for provide a rich ha rvest of sc rap and other materials
s hort). T hese "organized communiti es" have for the war effort. Rud ime ntary farming is
adopt ed a milita ry s truc ture. and a ll me n a nd p erformed in s ome areas, but most food is
wome n of s uitable age a rc e n listed to serve the Org artificia lly synthesized from basi c atoms for use by
in the militia . a ir corps . or scouting di vis io ns. They the populace.
can also serve by ma nu fac turing wha tever goods Most Orgzones are un dergro~nd . their s urface
are need ed for the community. T h e very old lend to s truc tures d isguised by camouflage and ne tting to
the ve ry young. a nd this communal e xis te nce is avoid de tection from the cons tant threat from
under the control o f o ne military leader fo r each above: the freque nt patrols by Mongol Raid e rs over
Org . the Orgboss. · the hinte rla nds are always looking for rebels. The
deadly beams of the dis integrator cannons and the
pressure of the airs hi ps' rep ellor bea ms wreak
GVN 5 MAIN'TAIN A : :~ havoc on an y s urface buildings, making it
CONTIN UOUS AERIAL • n ecessary for the Orgzo ne quarters to be built safely
BARRAGE · NIAGARA'S a nd securely underground. While little major
WATER POWER MAKES punitive action against Orgzone c ities has occurred
PROOUCilON P0551BLE in the past te n years, there a re s ufficient patrols and
sporadic raids, pa rti c ularly agains t a reas whic h
have been active in re bellion , to ac t as a re minde r
of how pow e rful a presence the Mongol Empire is
in America.
As ide from those n ear the ruins of former cities.
Orgs may a lso be found in more re mote locations
p rotected fro m Mongol d epredations. Important
Orgzones include the All eghe ny Orgzone located
nea r Philadelphia (whe re Wilma Deering is a
nm 2s-.,.M c£N'TURY Co lonel) , th e Columbus Orgzone in Ohio, isolated
CAPrTAL, F'ROt1 ~ Orgs in Seattl e and Tacoma, and the Navajo
AIRG.UARD BUILDING-, w. Orgzone of the Southwest. This last Org mixes local
Nati ve Ame rican attitudes and traditions wilh the
WAS A Bg,At.rrn::uL
SI6'tt · mode rn world o f rocke t pistols and biplanes.

( People & Places & Things )
rtiagara Other American Areas of Interest
Niagara is the except ion wh ich proves the ru le for Given the s ize of the territori es and Buck's ability to
the Orgzones. Niagara's builders concentrated get into trouble, it 's no surprise that he didn't gei
in itially on creating huge. hidden batteries of rocket much chance to explore other exci ting places in
cannons around the perim eter of the ruined 25th Century America. If the GM wi s hes to develop
Canad ian city. creat ing a cordon through which the areas for adventures. there are a number of fun
even Mongol airships could not pass unscathed . places that the player characters can explo re:
After several aborted attempts to level the Niagaran • The Grand Ca nyon is a s hipyard for Han
protective zone, the Mongols contented themselves airs hips: the canyons and mesas are its main
with containing Niagara and prevent ing the defense rather than weaponry.
expansion of its protective inOuence. Behind the • New Pearl Harbor, a Mongols-only city that
protection of th eir rocket ca nnons , Niagara noats on re pellor beams above the waves. lies
continued to grow, becoming th e only American off the coast of the island of Hawaii.
community vvith skyscrapers and overhead m ass • The Everglades Orgzones are among the best
transportation. Niagara is the effective center of the defended in the Confederation due to the
Free American Rebellion . and the capitol of the dense swa mps a nd the d ifficu lty Han airships
newborn Confed erat ion of United Orgzones . It is have penetrating the area.
ru led by a President and a coun cil. with a number • GMs are encouraged to alter their home towns
of de partments beneath it , including police, militia, and convert th em into underground Orgzones
intelligence. and radio censorship (which monitors or Mongol-occupied walled cities to add
radio traffi c). personal touch es to their games.

Outlaws The Mongols

Not a ll loyal The Mongols boiled out of Central Asia centuries
Americans live ago. using their s uperior science to bring the entire
w ithin the globe under their s way. For th e mos t part, they
warrens of the s ucceeded. smashing the native civili zati ons o f
Orgzones. In Asia. Europe. and the Americas. They swiftl y
more desolate establis hed the Pax Mongo lia . the peace of the
areas of the Mongols. an oppressive peace en forced by the
Ameri cas. gangs clisintegrator rays of the Mongol Raid ers (their huge
of men and ai rships), which cut down a ny resistance. In the
women form minds of the Mongol overlords. on ly pockets of
outlaw bands . rebe lli on remained , and most of these \•Vere crus hed
and are known in the firs t years aft er the invasions.
collectivelv as To • "'"""""o Having taken the world by force. the Mongols
the Outla\.~S. soon s howed little interest in running it. Like many
They raid nea rby Orgzones for supplies. and are powerful empires before th em. th e Mongols
considered little better than the Bad Bloods (see considered th eir ovm lands to be the center of the
below) in th e eyes of more c ivi lized individuals . universe: thev turned their atte ntions inward,
Their technology is lower than that of the refining thei( s uper-science further and all but
Orgzon es, hut many still have roc ket pistols and ignoring the conquered lands. These lands. s uch as
rad ios . North America. were left in the hands of trivial
Most Outl aws return to the s impler lifestyles of Emperors and Viceroys who sough t to subdue any
th e 19th Century. particularly in the American rebels and keep the lands in the Mongol Empire.
West. where the lifestvle of the cowboy is sti ll in Their cru elty and excesses p lanted the seeds o f the
full sw ing. The Outlaws are generall y honorabl e. New American Re be llion.
though hot-headed . and obey a stri ct code of loya lty
and honesty. They are an excell ent set of allies for
those ci ty folk wlio can look beyond their rough
exteriors and basic differences.

( People & Places & Things )
North America is ruled by an
,..___---...----- -
Emperor, a petty regent for the WILMA IS HE.LO I N
Celestial Mogu l who rules the entire THE EHPEROQ'S
Mongol Empire. The North American THE. LABORATOQIES
Emperor is served by a number of WE'LL RESCUE
warlords and viceroys who manage
small er fiefs and cities throughout the

The Mongol Cities

The Mongols destroyed many great
cities of America and rebuilt them on
their own d esigns. The bulk of the
population of the Mongol Cities is not
Mongolian, but is composed of
Americans of all races who have
accepted the Mongol ways. Many of the ruling
class, however, can trace their lineage back to what The Golden Dragon Society
they consider the center of the uni verse-the Within the "perfect society'' of the Mongols, there
Aseptic City of the Celestial Mogu l. is also resistance and rebellion, something not in
These cities have great skyscrapers hundreds of s hort supply in America . The Golden Dragon
stories high. The limited transmitting range of Society is one of a number of secret societies
broadcast power keeps citi es from sprawling dedicated to the overthro w of the existing North
horizontally. so many grow vertically. All cities American governments and rep lacing the Emperor
have perimeter walls to protect them from the and his b ureaucracies with a more enlightened and
savage Americans; the rebel Orgzones and the Bad fair system of government (fair to thH Colden
Bloods are cons idered one and the same by the Dragons . of course) . They do not seek to undermine
Mongols. The walls are patrolled, but there are a the entire Mongol Empire, as much of its rule
number of secret entrances and exits to the cities. e lsewhere is benevolent and the Celestial Mogul
Life within the Mongol Cities is focused inward. himself is one of their own. The Colden Dragons
ignoring the wild, uncivilized lands beyond its are the most widespread of the secret societi es.
gates. Most citizen s live comfortably. enjoy ing the with operati ves in every major Mongol city and
scien tific byproducts of Mongol society. Despite stronghold in North America.
their splendor compared to standard American The Dragons work to s ubvert the plans of the
living conditions. American Mongol c iti es are Emperor and the Viceroys, and establis h a free
considered frontier towns . their tall towers and revolutionary governmen t with themselves at the
high walls h ovels when compared to the wonders top. Primarily intellectuals, the Colden Dragons
of Mongolia it self. Many resources sent to these wish to see fewer weapo ns and more libraries, and
cities from Mongolia have been used by the ruling increased freedom and resHarch. Many powerful
class to better their own Ii ves. a nd trusted scientists within the Emp ire are Colden
The greatest of the Mongol cities is Los Angeles, Dragons; the two foremost intellectual leaders
the home of the North America n Mongol Emperor among the Colden Dragons are Om-Ka-Zoril and
and his court. Other great Mongol citi es include Morke Ka-Lono. Colden Dragons ca n identify each
Omaha. Detroit, New York, and Chicago. Chicago in other by a secret foot -signal, which is done by
particular is oppressively rul ed by a warlike and placing the ch aracter's left heel on the toe of the
strong-'"'illed Viceroy, whose forces s tand ready to character's right foot.
pursue the savage American s rebels and drive them
out of their lairs.

( People & Places & Things )
Other Power Groups
As Buck Rogers swiftly found out, there are a number of different types o f Am ericans. and h e also found
that not all Mongols were evil invaders. Finally, there are also those who don't fa ll on either side of the
conflict , but whom heroes of the 25th Century may encounter.


Bad Bloods
SN00 2.I N! Not all Americans recovered from the Mongol attacks of decades past, and
;.. ent ire communities driven from their homes often returned to savagery
~... i ,\ :
and raiding to survive. These are the Bad Bloods. They use technology
I : stolen from both tlrn Orgzones and th e Han to rob and stea l anything they
ca n get their hands on . Organized into small bands, these Bad Bloods
prefer to strike agai nst the weak and wounded rather than face a fair fight;

their rough ex istence has made them scavengers and bullies rather than
- hunters or fighters. They have no loyalty or honor and are not trustworthy
. -· -- -"" in any way. If confronted by a strong opponent, Bad Bloods often flee
unless they ou tnumber th eir "prey" by more than two-to-one.

South America wea thered the Mongol Conquest of the world well, leaving
much of the Chilean civilization intact. The scientific state of Chile swore
allegiance and recognition to the Mongol Empire, and was left alone to
govern itself after this. In the last few years, the Chileans have deve loped
their own brand of su per-science; they rule the seas with th eir
su bmersibl es and protect their ci ties with batteries of compressed liqu id
air gu ns. Their growing influence in South America and beyond may
make them a target fo r Mongol reprisals. In turn, they are looking for
potential allies in their own eventual war against the d espotic Mongol
Emperor o f North America.

The Air Pirates

The masauders of the skies. these men and women are the captains and
crews o f great rocket crui sers stolen from other sources (Han , American,
an d otherwi se). Their ships are always fitted to the teeth with d eadly
weaponry. and are used to ra id c ities and oth er ships. Powerful enough to
give even th e powerfu l Mongol Raiders pause, these Air Pirates scour the
globe fo r rich prey. America has n ot encountered much trouble from the
Air Pirates primarily because. at this time. it has nothing the pirates are
interested in . The most dangerous and deadly group of Air Pirates is
Black Barney and his ··warlords of the Stratosphere." They fl y a
distinctive black rocket cruiser with a dragon painted on the side .

Tiger Men of Mars

Under Mongol rul e. human ity has ye t to reach ou t to th e moon or beyond. but life exists beyond Earth. On
other planets , there exist oth er civilizations, other nations. and other peoples alien to the ways of humanity.
These aliens catuiously watch and wait to see the planet's strengths and weaknesses, and h ow they can
turn them to the ir adva ntage. Their goals. \>vhether peaceful or not. are unknown.

( 25th Century Hardware )
john Roberts, reporting for the Niagara Science
Gazette. Today. we're conducting an intervie w with Ask Doctor Hoer!
one of the Orgzone Confederation's eminent Q: Was the rocket pistol
scientists, Doctor Hu er. He's graciously allowed us the great equalizer
some of his time to tell us more about the in the Han Wars?
technology around us every day here in Niagara. Huer: On! y in part.
The descriptions are from the good doctor's own What made the
upcoming book on the Han Wars ' technology. rocket pistol so
HWatch Where You Point That Thing!" revo lutionary was
the fact that it was
easily constructed
ttocket Pistol and also easily
repaired at the
technology level of the far-flung Orgzones. Each
Description component of the standard-issue rocket pistol
One of the two greatest American inventions of the was an exact fit to all other components. That
25th Century, the rocket pistol put the American way, if the primary and secondary air
rebels on an equal technological footing with the compressors went into flux. they could be
Mongol invaders. rep laced easil y; if the barrel clogged, it could be
Resembling an advanced form of gu npowder removed and cleaned , etc. Actually, such
pistol, the rocket pistol is manufactured entirely in interchangabi lity of parts was a vital part of the
light-alloy steel, and usually has a leather-wrapped early American wars for freedom in earlier
handgrip. The barrel is 12 " to 18" long and ends in centuries as well.
a thin muzzle. The bullets are fired by compressed Q: So moss-produc tion won the war?
air, gathered by primary and secondary Huer: Again, only in part. The rocket pistol was
compressors mounted on the top of the pistol. A also light-weight and self-contained, a
flange-li ke exhaust port vents excess gas at the base requirement for free -ranging guerillas. which is
of the barrel. The pistol can be breech-loaded or it basically what many of our " freedom fighters"
can operate from a magazine in the handgrip. were. It allowed the users to fight for long
Standard rocket pistol ammunition consists of periods of time far from their home bases as
various vaned gyrojet shells w ith explos ive ind ependent agents. On the down side, its use of
payloads, which can explode either on con tact or explosive munitions tended to make
up to a set distance from the gun (usually once the it difficult to use effectively in tight
bullet drops below a certain ve locity) . These bullets quarters. So, as in everything, you
are made of light-weight material , but in times of take your chances.
need. wooden projectiles or even small stones ca n
be pressed into service, though this tends to ruin
the barrel with long (ab)use. Because of this
versatility. a rocket pistol user rarely runs out of
ammun ition in a fire fight.

( 25th Century Hardware )
lnertron --Jumping Belt••
The jumping belt is the other technologica l advance unique to the
American Orgzones. It is a harness worn in the manner of the
ancient knapsack; instead of stori ng items, the backpack section
contains a large disk of Inertron, the "anti-gravity element. "
Inertron negates the effects of normal gravity. pulling upwards
instead of pushing downwards, and thus repels normal gravi ty.
A jumping belt is usually tailor-made for an individual, s uch
that it reduces the wearer's weight to on ly a few pound s. In this
manner, th e individual may be able to jump long distances with
minimal effort. while retaining their normal strength, mass, and
inertia (all useful in terms of hitting people). T hey also allowed
biplane pilots to bail out at low altitudes without fear of severe
injuries from a fa ll.
lnertron is a dry. crumbly material which may be whittled
away with a knife or diligent work with the fingers; remov ing
lnertron this way from a jump ing belt can increase the weight of
the user, if need be.

Ask Doctor Haer!

Q: Now. ore you the inventor of
lnertron ?
Huer : Me? Oh. heavens no!
Tnertron had been ''discovered"
accidentally quite a number of
times before it finally was
harnessed . Most of the
d iscoveries just fl oated away.
taking the lab roof w ith it. All I
have done in my st udies is to
discover a more reasonable and
economical method to generate
and mass produce this material.
Q: It's obvious why it 's been called the "Anti-Gravity Element ,"
but why is it also called the "Mystery Element?"
H uer: Because it's not an e lement, my boy! Hah! It's actually an
alloy of two stable transuranial isotopes, which react in the
p resence of a radio-bath catalyst to produce a substance w hich
repels gravitons instead of being attracted to them. Am I being
too techn ical for you?
Q: Er, no. Well sir, if you can jump long distances using an
Inertron belt (or "jumping belt " as they are colloquially
known ). what's to keep people f rom strapping motors onto
their backs and using them lo fly?
H uer: Fly? Using an lnertron belt? Hmmmm .... Hadn't thought
about that one. Can I get back to you in a few weeks on that?
Hmmmm ... yes. it would be possible .... Say. do you have any
paper? I've got to work something out. ..

( 25th Century Hardware )
The mos t widesprea d mode of America n
trans portation d uring the war yea rs. the biplane is
mad e of canvas pull ed t ight over a wooden frame.
Sturdier models made with alum inum frames or
fu lly armored in light s teel al loys have been
cons trncted as well. The fina l prod uct is a cra ft
whic h s trong ly resembles those fo und in the s kies
during the 20th Century 's Firs t World War.
Ben eath t he engine can opy. however. th e
d ifferen ces end. Light -weight alloys and fin e ly-
crafted engines rep lace the hea vy. temperamental
engines of the p ast. and the contro ls are m ad e of
high -s trength mylar an d s pun s teel. allowing the
sm all craft greater man eu verability in combat.
T hough they are alread y in danger of obsolesence
due to the newer rocket cruisers. it was the bip lane
that marked th e firs t d irect hits aga ins t the Mongols
and their s u pp osed "a ir s uperiority."

flsk Doctor Hoer!

Q: Why biplanes?
Huer: Why not? Seriou sly n ow. at the early 25th
Century s tart of the Han Wars, the basic biplane
design (the classic Curtis "Jenny ") was the most
logical craft fo r th e Orgzon es to use as air
d efenses an d travel. The biplan e was
inexpensive to p roduce and. m ore importantly.
it was easy to repair in the fi e ld . Improved Q: Why didn ·t we keep the biplanes ofter the war?
engines made cross-cou ntry trips possible Huer: Keep t hem? Fah! For all th eir simple beauty,
w ithout the need for refueling. Furthermore. the they were d eath traps to a nyone under fi re by a
planes were easy to hide and they could take off Han death ray. Nasty choice- get blas ted to
and land on rough gro und . so there was no need atoms or fall to your d eath, even with a jumping
for la rge la nd ing fi e lds that might attract Mongol belt. You 'll still see them used in rural areas but,
attent ion. for the most part , the world moves on. We were
Q: Wh y didn 't we see land croft of similar power lu cky to en cl the war when we did-we cou ld
com e out of the 0 1gzone f actories? Why were a lways make more planes, but good pilots, like
there no cars or tonks? Ma jor Kan e (before he turn ed traitor) and Buck
Huer: What good would tanks d o'? Remember. the Rogers, are unders tandably irrep laceabl e.
American highway system was built in vvhat , the
mid-20th Century? It was the firs t thing
devastated by t he Mongols; they had no n eed for
highways with their repellor technology. and
destroyi ng the highways cri p p led most of the
organi zed response from the Army at the time.
After the Ha n In vasion. the origina l Am ericans
becam e refugees and were ce rta in ) ~, in no s hape
to rebuild the roads. Most of those old highways
are nO\V overgrown green swards- perfect
land ing fi e lds ! We bypassed gro und travel
altogether in our technologica l d evelopment.
except fo r limited use wi th in th e la rger citi es .

( 25th Century Hardware )
Rocket Cruiser Ask Doctor Hoer!
Q: What con vou tell us
Description about rocket cru isers?
The great rocket cruisers of the Americas appea red H uer: The ea rl v ones .
near the close of the Han Wars . and were one of t he before we started
main reasons for the swift conclusion to th e long- going to other
standing conflict. They could originally only be planets? We had the
produced in such guarded and secure locations plans for them for
such as the great city of Niagara. They were the firsl years . but we had
American craft capable of going toe-to-toe with the littl e chance to
Mongol Ra iders, and th eir speed and greater p ursue the ir
maneuverability made them superi or to th e Han development until
airships. verv lat e in the war.
Rocket cruisers are constructed of heavy-du ly Sin.ce they appeared s hortl y aft er Colon el Buck
s teel alloys with impenetrable metaloglass over all Rogers first s howed up , many Ha n assumed that
formerl y vulnerable surfaces. s uch as the they were irrevocably linked: to the Mongols
viewshield. The rocket cruisers are flying (and some Americans) . the rocket cruiser. rocket
fortresses. armed with multiple rocket cannons on pistol. and the jumping be lt were all "that Buck
the stern and bow. as well as torpedo lubes that can Rogers stuff. .. Heh .
lau nch a variety of to rpedoes. from the stan dard Q: Ye t f rom the city of Niagara . o fleet of these
explosive vari ety to advanced rad io-contro ll ed powe1ful aircraft could have been constructed ?
''spy-eyes." The entire ship is counter-ba lanced by Huer: Mm-hmm. a nd be zapped out of the s kies by
a large Inertron keel which reduces raw ship weight trained Han gu nners a nd their death rays .
to only a few hundred pounds. The only real Rem ember. we never lacked materials nor a
weight the powerful electro-magnetic engines have reason to fight: we n eeded the trained
to lift is the crew and an y additional cargo. manpower to hand le everything. Sending up
Rocket cruisers are eas il y customized to pilots' green troops in a new mach ine was a s ure recipe
specifications. Standard modifications include fo r disaster. No, the hero ic machine of the Han
additiona l rocket cannons. extra stabi li zer fins an d Wars was the biplane . n ot th ese bea utiful toys. A
Inertron ballast for fast er speeds , or w ider ca rgo s kill ed pil ot in a bip lane ca n fl y rings around
areas to carry a number of s mall personal rocket th ese fl ying tanks. They may be cutting-edge
fliers. tec hnology. and l worry for my sa fety less in
them. but it was th e bipla1rn that won the war.
Q: Why are there so m any types of rocket cruisers?
Huer: We were relearning aerodyn amic principles
plus experimenting with potential uses for
Inertron when we
designed the
rocket cruiser. In
essence . we learned
what we cou ld d o
with them as we
built them. Each of
these earl y s hips was
hand crafted. and
each was unique. Individual captains
modified them. and some passed into
the hand s of trade rs or air pirates who
cus tomized th em further. These easil v-mod ified
s hips were built to last. a nd they 110\.V rule the
s ki es o f America .

( 25th Century ttardware )
Disintegrator Weaponry flsk Doctor Haer!
Q: Whal can you say about
Description disintegrators?
The chief Mongol weapons, hated by every soldier H uer : The less the better,
in the Orgzones, are disintegrator pistols and the but it does show a basic
larger disintegrator rifles. These weapons are weakness in the Han
capable of cu tting a wide swath through enemy Warlords' way of
troops, as well as fortified positions. buildings. and thinking-centralized ,
anything else that gets in its way. and very "top-clown."
Oisintegrators, like all important Mongol They didn 't want
technology, operate on broadcast power. Select anyone using their
energy wavelengths are emitted from either a tov:er own devices against
in a large city or a generator aboard a Han airship. them. so they controlled
The cylindrical receiver on either the pistol or rifle the power broadcast to them. To do this, they
then collects the energy wavelengths, intensifies needed generators in large cities or large craft,
the collected energy, and finally emits a destructive and their troops thereby lacked the mobility of
beam of radiation that destroys all so lid matter. The our American rebels. It was the same as giving
beam from these weapons is powerful enough to guns to the soldiers but limiting the supply of
litera lly shear atom ic bonds apart, causing bullets. This is all very well and good, as long as
molecules to lose their cohes ion, and effectively your enemy cooperates and doesn't attack your
vaporizing any matter it meets. One of the few power sources. which is exactly what we did.
drawbacks of these powerful weapons is their short Q: The big question is: How does a disintegrator
range of fire; concentrated bursts of energy disperse beam know when to stop destroying matter?
quickly, limiting portable disintegrators to ranges of H uer : A disintegrator is just a beam of concentrated
little more than a few hundred feet energy, very powerful but still just a jumble of
These weapons can cause much destruction and radiation like light or radio waves. There are
death unless they can be neutralized. The Orgzone three things that can stop radiation: time.
militias do so by destroying the main generators or distance, and shielding. If the time is no more
driving the enemy far enough away from their than a fraction of a second, it's too long-atoms
energy source. If the power source is cut off or the can be disintegrated. Shielding lasts a bit longer,
energy wavelength is blocked, cl isintegrator beam so that a steel plate will go seconds before what
weapons are useless except as clubs. is hiding behind it. But the true defense is
distance-the beam doesn't hold together in that
precise configuration for long (remember, it's
disintegrating all the air between itself and the
target as well). That's why they have no range
worth a darn. and airship cannons can 't hit
much more than the ground beneath them and
targets that fly into range .

.. ~

[ 25th Century Hardware )
Han ffirship/
Mongol Raider
The workhorse of the Han fleet, .
the Mongol Raider was the
battleship of its day, since
nothing of comparable size or
firepower existed to
chal lenge its dominance of
the skies (until late in the
Han War with the rise
of the American
rocket cru iser). Like the
zeppelins of the First
World War in form and
function, these
powerful ships ruled
# I
the air. raining death
on exposed
installations below them. Only cities protected by
heavy artillery batteries (such as Niagara) and those
Ask Doctor Hoerr!
with extensive underground facilities escaped the Q: Did the Raiders reflect the
wrath of these war machines. centralizing
There are several variants of the standard airship. tendencies of the
including modifications for carrying troops or Mongol invaders as
additional Han fliers. All functions aboard the ship, well?
from commun ications to the disintegrators, use Huer: Absolutely.
broadcast power from powerful generators. These They needed huge
generators are also responsible for maintaining the engines to power the
repellor beams that keep the craft aloft. The Han repellors of a ship
scientists have never been able to duplicate that big, and to
Inertron and. as a result, still use this older. more handle the broadcast
dangerous technology for flight. power needs for the smaller ships and weapons.
Repellors consist of two beams of modulated Their strategy worked, too. It kept everything we
radiation, one focused within the core of the other. couldn't protect with artillery underground and
The inner beam fires intense wavelengths of energy kept the Orgzones hidden for most of the war.
against the ground, while the outer she II of Q: Do you see any use for their repellor technology
radiation contai ns the dangerous inner beam, now, after the war?
reflecting it back upon itself and magnifying its Huer: lnertron technology is safer. easier. and less
power. The resulting beam was the anti-gravity dangerous to the immediate area. These
device of the Mongols; its only drawback is the repellors leak energy like a faulty plug, and
destruction it leaves behind. as the force of the chew up the ground they pass over. The Raiders
repellors carves huge furrows in the ground and in Mongol territories were banned over
any matter it passes over. America's landscape is "civi lized areas,'' but were used extensively on
forever scarred by the Mongols' work. the battlefronts of America, where the only ones
hurt would be us "savage Americans." Though
we cou ld find some uses for it with a lot of
tinkering and modification, these devices will
most likely join other failed technologies once
peace fully arrives. and we can share our safer
American technologies \•Vith a waiting world.
Q: Thank you for your time, Doctor Huer.
Huer: No , thank you!

( tteroes & tteels of the 25th Century )
Abilities 'r·--.....- . . .
Strength BETTER TRAPPED !.' ~
Aim BEST (......_~"'"''-'-' .,7
Brains GOOD •-11::.oi--,.__
(,f - - 1t ·~
Health BETTER \ <: Lt:"[P'1
t C·\ £. <:.., I " l !"i
Skills i r-01...:• · v< JuD
8YF. ,-,_ L •
Daredevil (Aim) ';..., '
Fisticuffs (Strength)
Gunpowder Weapons (Aim)
Hardy Individual (Health)
Rocket Pistol (Aim)
Wil l to Live (Health)

Master Skills
Flying Ace (Brains)
Iron Will (Health)

Rocket Pistol
Jumping Belt
Helmet Radio

Experience: 10 Ch ips

Role-Playing Traits: Buck is

honest, good-humored, and his
courage borders on recklessness.
He is very self-assured and
confident to the point of being
cocky about his own abilities.
Buck is very patriotic towards
America no matter what century
it is. Buck has a strong
knowledge of mi litary tactics, but
he wi ll always "stick up for the
little guy" regard less of the
situation. He is always conscious
of his duty, but he is a maverick
and will overstep his authority
and orders to "do what 's right. "

Origina lly a native of the 20th Century. Buck was trapped in a cave-in in the Appalachians. his body
preserved by a strange glowing gas. He awoke 500 years later into a world altered by scientific advances
and a nation under the heel of an invader"s boot. Buck quickly encountered Wilma Deering and joined the
Orgs' rebellion against the Mongol invad ers.
Buck has proved to be an effective warrior and leader in the rebel Iion aga inst the Han . His a llegiance is
first to the Allegheny Org, and later to the greater Orgzone Confederation based in Niagara . He has the
acting rank of Colonel. In addition. Buck often operates as a free agent in the name of oppressed peop le

[ Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
Strength GOOD
Brawling (Strength)
Contacts (Brains)
Dexterity (Aim)
Electron ist (Brains)
Endurance (Health)
Hardy Individual (Health)

Master Skills
Marksman, Rocket Pistol (Aim)

Rocket Pistol
Jumping Belt
Helmet Radio

Experience: 10 Chips

Role-Playing Traits: Wilma's

willpower and determination are
her strengths. though her
stubbornness has often led her into
trouble. She has a very passionate
nature and her beliefs in both her
country and people close to her
run deep. However, she can also be
a bit hot-headed, her temper
flaring up whenever she is not
treated with respect. Wilma is one
of the most enthusiastic soldiers
within the entire Orgzone
Confederation and is held in high
regard by her commanders and her
comrades, especially Buck Rogers.

A Colonel in the Allegheny Org, Wilma is a capable and strong-willed young woman. She is often Buck's
companion in his adventures, and they both share a common attraction for each other. Wilma has a number
of younger brothers and sisters. including Sally and Buddy who are junior officers in the Allegheny Org.

( tteroes & tteels of the 25th Century )
Strength: BETTER
I (,QT MACitE TO 1 C
Health : BEST OUl LAW THA.,.. ·
DY. r~oc,t RS /
Airborne Combat (Aim) -' _ .,,,...._~ '
Brawling (Strength)
, / '
) I
Contacts (Brains)
Fisticuffs (Strength)
Hardy In dividual (Health)
Rocket Pistol (Health)

Master Skills
Flying Ace (Brains)
Never Say Die (Health)

Personal Biplane
Rocket Pis tol
Jumping Belt
Helmet Radio

Experience: 10 Chips

Role-Playing Traits: Kane gained

his nickname ··Killer .. for his
ruthlessness against his
opponents. Kane's ego leads him
to believe that he is better than
everyone else. He was once the
hero of the Orgzones, as well as
being Wilma 's suitor. until Buck
took Wilma's and the peoples'
attentions away from him ; for
this, Buck is Kane's sworn enemy
until death. He is entirely self-
possessed. arrogant. and without
conscience. He is also cruel and
vindictive. but he is not without
wits; where Buck survives with
good humor and a strong right
arm . Kane survives on cunning
and the strength of bis hatred.

Buck·s greatest personal en emy in the future. Killer Kane is a s killed Org warrior who turns traitor and
allies with the Han oppressors. A wily and devious opponent. Killer Kane is an evil mastermind in his own
right, working both independently an d with other diabolical allies.

( tteroes & tteels of the 25th Century J
BUICK BARHEY Role-Playing Traits: Black
Bar ney is a scoundrel. a liar, a
Abilities blackguard, and a pirate. His
Strength: BEST voice is rough, like a growl. He is
Aim : BETTER an incredibly greedy person who
Brains: OK allows littl e to d eter him from
Health: BEST what h e wants: however. h e is
not maniaca l about hi s pursuits,
Skills and will abandon profit and
Airborne Combat (Aim) allies a like to avoid capture. Like
Brawling (Strength) Kane, he is ruthless. but he has a
Fisticuffs (Strength) strong sense o f honor for a
· Hardy Individual (Health) resp ected foe. He's heard of
Piloting (Brains ) Buck's prowess for both flying
Rocket Pis tol (Aim) and fightin g, and hopes to test
Strong Constituti on (Health) his mettle soon ....
Throwing (Aim)
Black Barney is the most
Equipment dangerous and infamous of the
Personal Rocket Cruiser airborne desperadoes known as
Rocket Pistol the Warl ords o f the Stratosphere.
Helmet Radio He and his c rew of bloodthirs ty
pirates operate in a powerfully-
Experience: 8 Chips armed rocket cruiser named
Chaos Dragon.

ARDAUI VALMAR Role-Play ing Traits: Ardala

could be quite s uccess ful within
Abilities the Orgzones' military structure
Strength: GOOD if s he weren 't so impatient or
Aim: BETTER power-hungry. She is a tigress.
Brains: BETTER sly and treach erous when
Health: BEST hunting what s he wants and
dangerously crue l wh en spurned
Skills or s topped. Arda la is a vamp and
Contacts (Brains) uses her beauty to ensnare men
Dexterity (Aim) to help her get what s he wants;
Endurance (Health) s he is obsessively attracted to
Indomitable Spirit (Health) me n who d o not fall prey to her
Knife (Strength) wily influence. such as Buck
Mechanic (Brains) Rogers or Kill er Ka ne.
Nimble (Aim)
Ardala is a Lieutenant in the
Equipment Orgzone Confederation's
Rocket Pis to l military forces, assigned to aid
Knife in the d evelopment o f a new
fl ying s ubmarine.
Experience: 6 Chips

( tteroes & tteels of the 25th Century )
COMMflHDER Experience: 6 Chips

MACGREGOR Role-Playing Traits: MacGregor. or

Mac as he's known to bis friends.
Abilities is quite s imply a good man. He is
Strength: GOOD good natured, quick with a joke,
Aim: BETTER and is an honorable man of his
Brains: GOOD word. He judges people by the ir
Health: BETTER actions a n d their hearts and, be ing
somewhat of a maverick h imself,
Skills is no t above overlooking
Airborne Comba t (Aim) regulations and o rders fo r those
Contacts (Brains) who prove themse lves his friends.
Fisticuffs (Stre ngth)
Hardy Ind ividual (Health) MacGregor is Buck and Wilma's
Roc ket Pis to l (Aim) commanding officer in the
Will to Live (Hea lth) Orgzone Confederati on and
commander of the e lite MacGregor
Master Skills A ir Guard . He is a native Canadian
Flying Ace (Bra ins ) of Scots descent who takes pride
in his heavy accent and his kill.
Equipment However. in times of cris is, the
Personal Rocke t Flier burr miracu lo us ly disappears.
Rocke t Pistol MacGregor is a wise o ld fox. w e ll-
Jumping Be lt trained in the long resistance to
He lme t Radio the Han invaders.

DOCTOR HOER Role-Playing Traits: Doctor Huer is

a preoccupied but brilliant scie ntist
Abilities who e njoys research for its own
Strength: OK rewards. His inventions are me re
Aim: GOOD byproducts of his m a tc hless inte l-
Brains: BEST lect a nd playful curiosity. Doc's
Health: BETTER mind is so often occupied by deep
thoughts that he rarely expresses
Skills emotions beyond a smile a nd
Airborne Combat (Aim) cackle o ver a successful experi- .
Dexterit y (Aim) me nt. He is a lways amused, how-
First Aid (Brains) ever, by interpersonal relationships.
Hardy Individual (Hea lth) suc h as the rocky romance of Buck
Indomitable Will (Health) and Wilma. Science is a muc h
Will lo Live (Health) more s table romance for him.

Master Skills Doc tor Hue r is o ne of the

Inventor, Electronist (Brains) Orgzones' leading scie ntis ts. He is
Inve ntor, M echa nic (Brains) both brillia nt a nd a gen era lis t.
moving from project to project
Equipment with equal zeal a nd abandon. His
Jumping Bell best triumph to date is a cheap
He lme t Radio method to produce Inerlron. At the
Eleclronist Tool Kit war's start, Dr. Huer has yet to
Mechanics Tool Kil implement the process, s ince the
Orgzones' resources are d irected to
Experience: 6 Chips winning the war.

[ Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
tt<lttAH LOttE WOLF
Abilities Abilities
Strengt h: BETTER St rengt h: BEST
Brains: GOOD Brains: GOOD
Health: GOOD Health: GOOD

Skills Skills
Airborne Combat (Aim) Airborne Combat (Aim)
A7-e (Strength) Axe (Strength)
First Aid (Brains) Brawling (Strength)
Heavy Weapons (Aim) Gunpowder Weap ons (Aim)
Knife (Strength) Kn ife (Strength)
Nimble (Aim) Will to Live (H ealth)
Piloting (Brains)
Will to Live (Health) Master Skill
Fly ing Ace (Brains)
Persona l Monoplane Equipment
Rocket Pisto l Persona l Monoplane
Knife Kn ife
Rifl e
Experience: 4 Chips
Experien ce: 4 Chi ps
Role-Playing Tra its: Nunah is a prou d , s tubborn
woman wh o honors her word, once given . She is Role-Playing Traits: Lon e Wolf is reckless and bold .
not prone to rashness. preferring to plan an d think a nd he te nds to act quickly without thinking. He
things through. but she will fearl ess ly d o an yth ing has a fi erce temper in battle but always has a qui ck
to help Lone Wolf if he needs h er help. She values s mile fo r friends. He has an unrelenting hatred of
her indep enden ce but is lovingly committed to the Mongols because o f his imprisonment.
Lon e Wolf.
Lo ne Wolf is on e of the best pilots o f the Navajo
Nunah is an experienced Native America n Orgzone. as we ll as being the boyfri end o f Nunah.
warrior in the service of the Nava jo Orgzone in the He cons tantly p resses the attack against any
American Southwest. Nu nah h elped Buck escape Mongol Ra iders that cross into Nava jo territory. He
from prison to he lp save Wilma and her boy fri end . gets many com ments comparing him to the other
Lone Wolf. groat O rg p ilots, Buck Rogers and Ma jor Kan e.

LI EOTEtt AttT Ruckel Pis to l (Aim)

Strong Cons titu tio n (H ea lth)
military s tructure and his un-
w ill ingness to break rul es o ften
BLflllt Equipmen t
keeps him from Buck 's side .
One of the brave young
Abilities Rocket Pis to l offi cers of the Orgzone
Strength: GOOD Jumping Belt Confederation , Lt. Blair serves as
Aim: BETTER Helmet Radi o Buck's second in command
Brains: GOOD Dagger w hen Buck uses his ra nk to
Health: GOOD s ummon and order troops from
Experien ce: 2 Ch ips General Org Headquarters in
Skills Niagara.
Airborne Combat (Aim ) Role-Playing Traits: Lt. Blair is a
Con tacts (Brains) "good egg.·· He's a young . trust- Game Masters' Note: Use th ese
Fisticuffs (Strength) worthy man w ho idoli zes Buck. ab ilit ies. skill s, and too ls fo r a ny
Pi loting (Brains) However, his ad herence to ju nior militia officers of Niagara .

( Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
Abilities Abilities
Strength: GOOD Strength: GOOD
Brains: BETTER Brains: BETTER
Health: BETTER Health: GOOD

Skills Skills
Airborne Combat (Aim) Airborne Combat (Aim)
Contacts (Bra ins) Heavy Weapons (Aim)
Endurance (Hea lth) Mechani c (Brains)
Hardy Individual (Healt11)
Piloting (Bra ins)
LIEOTEHflHT Will to Live (Health)

Rocket Pistol (Aim)

Sword (Strength) GILDA Equipment
Personal Rocket Flie r
Abilities Rocket Pistol
Equipment Strength: GOOD
Roc ket Pistol Aim: BETTER Experience: 2 Chips
Jumping Belt Brains: BETTER
Helmet Radio Health: GOOD Role-Playing Traits: Tommy, like
many young soldiers, talks a
Experience: 4 Chips Skills good talk when he's on his home
Endurance (Health) ground at Niagara, but he
Role-Playing Traits: Colonel Fisticuffs (Strength) becomes hesitan t and acts
Edwards is a no-nonsense Hctrdy Individual (Healt11) conservatively in dangerous
m ilitary leader who likes things Roc ke t Pistol (Aim) situations; he isn't a coward, but
done "by the book.·· This strict Sword (Strength) he simply
attitude sometimes puts him at Wi ll to Live (Health) doesn't react
odds with both Buck and quickly in
MacGregor. Despi te his stern Equipment pressure
demeanor, Edw ards is just as Roc ket Pistol situations.
dedicated in the fight against the Jumping Belt He idolizes
Han as anyone. Hel me t Radio Buck and
envies his
Colonel Edwards is Buck and Experience: 2 Chips "devil-may-
Wilma's commanding officer at care"
the Allegheny Orgzone. He Role-Playing Traits: Gilda is courage: he considers both Buck
a nswers to MacGregor in young and eager to prove herself and Wilma his friends, and is
Niagara. Edwa1·ds is a dour. in her first command position. always getting caught in the
sensible leader with extensive She is fast idious in keeping middle of one of their quarrels.
exp eri ence in leading gueril la things in order, whether they are
operations against the Mongols. rules, people . or just her uni- Tommy Johnson is an
form. Though she only met him artillerist assigned to one of the
briefly. she is secretly infatuated rocket cannon batteries which
with Buck Rogers. and bas been ring Niagara and protect it from
working on getting a transfer to Mongol air attacks. A young
Niagara to be closer to him. man and a snappy dresser.
Tommy is typical of those
Lieute nant Gilda is a junior individuals who have grown up
officer in the Columbus Orgzone, in Niagara, confident that the
and she is a practical, no- ring of rocket batteries will
nonsense warrior engaged in protect the city from Mongol
battle against the oppressors. e ncroac hme nt

[ Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
LARIAT LOKE Role-Playing Traits: Luke is a
good-natured fellow with a
Abilities hearty laugh and smile. He's a
Strength: BETTER fair-handed hoss but is merciless
Aim: GOOD on those who break his (or
Brains: BETTER Buck's) rules. He tends to insult
Health: BETTER people and push them to their
physical limits when first meet-
Skills ing them so he knows their limi-
Brawling (Strength) tations: he holds a high respect
Constitution (Health) for those that meet his ~tandards .
Gunpowder Weapons (Aim)
Horsemanship (Brains) Lariat Luke is the leader of the
Lariat (Aim) Western Outlaws, though he
Will to Live (Health) follows Buck's orders since Buck
beat h im in a fight. He is the
CYCLOtlE KID Equipment
roughest and toughest of his
band of cowboys \·v h ich still
Abilities Pistol roam the American Midwest and
Strength: BEST Rope the Great Plains. Though out-
Aim: GOOD siders in the war against the
Brains: OK Experience: 2 Chips Mongols, they fight them just as
Health: BETTER strongly as the Orgzone
Confederation's sold iers.
Hardy Individual (Health)
Horsemanship (Brains)
Will to Live (Health)

Rocket Pistol

Experience: 2 Chips

Role-Play ing Traits: The Cyclone

Kid is a loud-mouthed braggart
who is prone to quick action but
not quick thinking. He's a bully,
but his bark is on ly a little worse
than his bite: he thinks with his
fists if at all, and is bitter if
beaten in a fight. Any grudges he Western Outlaws' Skills Lariat is an Aim skill
has, though. pale against his Horsemanship is a skill available to individuals from
hatred of the Mongol invaders. avai lable to natives of the the Western Orgzones or
Western Orgs or Outlaw Outlaws, much like
Cyclone Kid is one of the Out- groups, where horses are still Horsemanship. It all ows them
laws. a gang located outside the commonly used for travel. It to toss ropes accurately. and to
established Orgzones in the functions like Piloting (Brains make a grappling attack up to
American West. He once chal- or Aim skill as appropriate) 2 squares away using the rope
lenged Buck for Wilma's atten- but only applies to riding (the rope can be considered to
tions, and v.ras beaten by the horses. The Master Skill for have GOOD strength). The
hero from the 20th Century; Horsemanship is called Bronco Master Skill ability is
since then, this hothead has har- Buster. Ropesman.
bored a grudge against Buck and
wants to fight him again soon.

( Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
of rtorth America
Strength: GOOD
Aim: OK
Brains: BETTER
Health: GOOD

Grappling (Strength)
Disintegrator (Aim)
Dexterity (Aim)
Contacts , Mongol (Brains)
Strong Constitution (Health)
Hardy Individual (Health)
Will to Live (Health)

Personal Air Ship
Personal Palace in Los Angeles
Personal Guard (12 soldiers)
The undying devotion of the Mongol
populace of North America

Experience: 10 Chips

Role-Playing Traits: The Emperor of

North America is a capricious man
with a head more suited to keeping
himself amused than ruling a
continent. Like a child, he is often
ruled by his whims until he finds
something else to distract him. Much of
his former combat s kill h e used to get
to this lofty position is lost, but he can
still be a tricky opponent, having
become a little more shrewd about
court intrigue and espionage. More
J.'BuT IN lHl-
than a few foes have been dispatched 1 H r'r FORCED 'Wll l"IC'\
by the Emperor's agents for believing 10 W EA.R l Ht Ma:iGOl ' l :
him more of a dullard than he truly is.

The Mongol Emperor of North America is the highest ranking representative of the Han Empire on the
continent, and answers on ly to the Celestial Mogul on the Asian continent. The Mongol Emperor lives a
spacious palace in the occupied and walled city of Los Angeles. He has a number of lower dukes,
viscounts. viceroys, and flunkies to rul e the countryside. The Mongol Emperor's priorities are to:
a) enjoy his indolent li fe, and
b) keep his job.
To ensure both of these things, he has sent glowing reports to the Celestial Mogul on how the American
people truly welcome Mongolian rule. At the same time, he allows his Air Marshals and his appointed
local rulers to punish and torment the American people at their discretion. The Emperor's name is not
recorded, but when traveling incognito, he oft en uses the unlikely name of O'Brien.

( tleroes & tleels of the 25th Century )
The VICEROY of CHICfiGO own . a nd ea rnestl y be lieves in his s upe ri ority over
a ny foe (or a lly). He is inhe rentl y a coward. a n d he
Abilities ten ds to nee fro m battl e if the re's even a ti ny
Stre ngth: GO O D c ha nce o f be ing injured o r caught.
Brains: GOOD Th e Viceroy o f Chi cago is one of th e mos t
Health: BETTER ev il m e n in the Mo n go l hi e rarc h y. Po w e r-
hung r)' a nd d esiring no less tha n
Ski lls contro l o f the e ntire Mo ngo l
Contacts. Mo ngol (Bra ins) Empire . the Vi ceroy gathers his
Da red evil (Aim) fo re es a nd w a its fo r th e
Dis integra tor (A im) Mo ngol Empe ro r of Nort h
Heavy Weapo ns (A im) Ame ri ca to s tumbl e s o h e
Sword (Streng th ) ca n ta ke control of the
Will to Li ve (Hea lth) contine nt. Using his
resources fro m A m e ri ca , it
Equipme nt w o uld be s imple (in the
Dis integra tor Pis tol Viceroy's mind ) to assau lt the
Sword Ce lesti a l Mog ul himse lf. The
5.000 Ha n troops Vi ceroy secs th e Em pero r as a
s imp leto n du lled by a soft life, a nd
Experience: 8 Chips the Ce lesti a l Mogul as a n inte llectu a l
d evoid of a ny true m e ttle. Th e Vi ceroy
Role-Playing Traits: T he Viceroy of ma inta ins co ns ta nt s trikes aga in st the Orgzo nes
Ch icago is a rat in hu m a n fo rm. Totally w ithout w hil e he bid es hi s tim e to ri se to power. S till.
m orals o r conscie nce. h e wi ll go to a ny extre m e to N iaga ra . the grea t Orgzon e cap ita l. re m a ins
ga in pow e r. He re fu ses to ad mit m istak es of h is beyon d h is power to brea k.

flir Marshal Kfl-FLUI Role-Playing Traits: Ka-Flui is conceited . very

judgem e nta l of his underlings (and co ll eagues). a nd
Abilities boast ful. Ka-Flui cons ide rs th e na ti ves of the
Strength: GOOD Americas to be infe rio r to the po w erfu l Mongo l
Aim: BETTER peop le. a nd sees no th ing wro ng w ith w h olesa le
Brains: BETTER e lim ina tion in orde r to en s ure peace for the
Health : GOOD Celesti a l Rea lm . Fo r a ll his bo mbast. he is a
good tacti cian a nd soldie r; He is loa th to lose
Skills face w ith his s upe rio rs . a nd thus he d oes no t
Con tacts. Mongo l (B ra ins) clirectl >' assau lt m ajor Am e rica n c iti es s uc h as
Da red ev il (A im) iaga ra a nd ris k failure.
Di s integralor (A im )
Heavy Weapons (Aim) Ka-Flui is o ne of the Air Marsha ls of the Mo ngo l
Pilo ting (Brains) Em pire in North Am e ri ca. He is the m aster of a fl eet
Sword (Strength) of Han a irs hips . an d is responsible for the ir
Will to Live (Hea lth) assignmen ts and mission s . Ka-Flu i's own a irsh ip
has the ca rri er m odificatio n. His stati s tics ar c
Equipment typ ical fo r a Mo ngo l Air Ma rs hal. An Ai r Mars ha l's
Dis intcgrator ra nk is equivalent to a Duke .
Mo ngol Raider
Persona l Flier

Expe rien ce: 6 Ch ips

( Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
Lflrl LO Role-Playing Traits: Lan Lu is resourceful and very
adept at thinking on her feet. No matter \o\rhat
Abilities situation she finds herself in. s he looks for and
Strength: OK finds onlv the benefits and uses of that situation,
Aim: BETTER not dwelling on the drawbacks. She endures her
Brains: BETTER current position since she sees its advantages in
Health: BETTER contacts with highly placed Han officials. When
she deems it righ t. sh e w ill use whatever she has
Skills gained and move on to her next goa l. She is
Contacts (Brains) honorable and trustworthy. but she is not above
Dagger (Strength) stooping to some sneaky tricks.
Dexterity (Aim)
Grappling (Strength) Lan Lu is a smart young woman who emigrated
Nimble (Aim) from the poorer provinces of the Han Empire to Los
Will to Live (Health) Angeles in a bid to better h er life. Lan Lu is now a
member of the Mongol Emperor's harem, and
Equipment makes Los Angeles her home base. She seeks to
Dagger advance h erse lf by gaining the ear and confidence
of the North American Emperor. but is a well-
Experience: 4 Chips seasoned spy in her own right. She has none of the
racial hatreds of her more well-placed countrymen,
and is not against allying with the Americans or
others to gain what she wants.

WOrt<i Role-Playing Traits: An accomplished actor and

spy. Wong is most often seen as a bumbling
Abilities underling by whomever he works for. He is thus
Strength: GOOD underestimated and can gain information when
Aim: GOOD least expected. In truth, Wong is quite inte lligent
Brains: BETTER and has a good head for spy work: when he seems
Health: BETTER the most distracted or fright ened, he's usually using
his mock emotion to cover his checking for clues or
Skills secrets. He rarely hesitates to help others who prove
Brawling (Strength) themselves his allies. When he's not acting. Wong is
Contacts. Mongol a quiet. contemplative Mongol with no prejudices
(Brains) against lhe Americans or any other groups.
Disintegrator (Aim)
Fisticuffs (Strength) Wong is a member of the Golden Dragon Society.
Hardy Individual working in the service of the Celestial Mogul and
(Health) his loyal allies. He remains devoted to the
Knife (Strength) overthrow of the traitorous Mongol Emperor in
America, and is willing to risk his cover to aid
Equipment those allied with the Golden Dragons (those '"' ho
Oisintegrator Pistol know the secret signal. like Buck Rogers). Wong
Knife often acts clumsy or less intelligent than he
Golden Dragon really is in order to avoid suspicion .
Society member
Game Master's Notes: Wong's statistics and abili ties
Experience: 4 Chips can be used for any member of the Golden Dragon
society. The Dragons can be found in most Han
cities. and may be members (on the surface) to
causes unfriendly to the Golden Dragons. Many
mask their abilities through c lever ruses while th ey
gather information for their society and the
Celestial Mogul.

[ Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
Abilities Abilities
Strength: GOOD Strength: GOOD
Brains: BEST Brains: BEST
Health: GOOD Health: GOOD

Skills Skills
Contacts, Mongol (Bra ins ) Broadcast Techno logy (Brains )
Electronis t (Brains ) Contacts, Mongol (B rains)
Endurance (Health) Endurance (Health)
Heavy Wea pons (Aim) Heavy Weapons (Aim)
Mech anic (Brains ) Mechanic (Bra ins )
Robotist (Bra ins) Piloting (Brains)
Will to Li ve (Health) Will to Live (Health)

Master Skill Master Skill

Inventor. Broad cast Inventor. Electroni st (Brains)
Technology (Brains )
Equipment Dis integrator Pisto l
Dis integrator Pis to l Golden Dragon Soc iety Leader
Golden Dragon Society Leader
Experience: 6 Chips
Experience: 6 Chips

Role-Playing Traits: Both Morke Ka- Lon o and Om-Ka-Zoril enjoy keeping secrets and only giving out the
minimum amount of information to those they d eem lesser inte llects . They s hare a few other personality
traits as well : arroga nce, insatia ble curiosity. an d an obsessive n eed for control.
Morke Ka-Lono is the elder. and he is far more crafty and conniving than his partner. He \•Vas an
uneducated peasan t in Mongo lia before joining the Golden Dragons: he will do everything possibl e to
maintain his standing except betray the Celesti al Mogu l. He is insulting and contemptible towards people
who think with their fists . even if a pri soner. Morke Ka-Lono is a bit prejudiced agains t American s and often
does not acknowledge them unless forced. He is often foul and bitter, an everpresent frown on his face .
Younger than his partner but n o less brilli ant , Om-Ka-Zoril abandoned his noble holdings in a northern
Mongolian province to join the Golden Dragons. He is even-tempered and thoughtful , and is more often the
m outhpiece of the Golden Dragon Society. Where Morke Ka-Lono is a wonder at thinking on his feet. Om-
Ka-Zoril is a methodical thinker an d tactician. He is a lso long-w inded an d tends to an alyze problems to
great extremes .

Morke Ka-Lon o and Om-Ka Zoril are Mongol scientis ts working in North America on the Han war effort,
with wide leeway as to their research. They are also covert leaders of a secret s ociety known as the Golden
Dragon Society, dedicated to the weakening of the Mongol Emperor's power on this continent. To that end ,
the two scientists are w illing to clandestinely su pport the Orgzon es in their rebellion. However, they are
wily alli es at best. w illing to work for or against anyon e as long as it works out to their own advantage.
Morke Ka-Lono and Om-Ka-Zoril are. at best. reckless s cientists. often working on matters in volving large
expl osive d evi ces. For this reason. they conduct m ost o f their research in the hinterlands o f the Mongol
Empire-the American Midw est, where n o on e im porta nt (from the Mongols' perspective) can be hurt ; this
works to their ad vantage as it is too isolated for the Han military to often bother w ith. and allows them to
run the Golden Dragons in relative secrecy.
Buck Rogers and Wilma Deering encountered this pa ir of scientis ts w hen they attempted to focus the
Super-Powered Ray Projector on Niagara. Defeating th eir guard and capturing them. Buck and Wilma estab-
lis hed an alli ance with the Gold en Dragons to oust the Mo ngol Emperor and his Viceroys. Toward the en d of
the Han Wars. Om-Ka-Zoril has great respect for Buck Rogers and his accomplis hments. Morke Ka-Lono, o n
the other hand. resents Buck's and Wilma 's us urp ing uf hi s pos itio n and power in the Go lden Dragons.

[ Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
Strength: GOOD
Brains: OK
Health: OK

Brawling (Strength}
Disintegrator (Aim)
Sword (Strength)

Disintegra tor Rifl e with Bayonet

The bulk of the largest army of 25th Century Earth.

Mongol warriors are used in mass assaults to take
enemy-held positions. For all their strength in their
numbers. the troops' morale is generally poor: this
comes from their superiors' attitudes that
emphasize troop expendability over failure. If the ir
leaders or heavy support weapons (such as fli ers or
an air ship with its disintegrator cannons) are
incapacitated . the soldiers will often rout and fl ee.

Han Junior officers gain on e rank in one of their

abi lities and these skills:
Piloting (Brains}
Will to Live (Health)
Junior officers often get lo p ilot fli ers in an airship
carrier strike . Special Combat Rules:
Han Senior officers gain another rank in one of
Optional Rules
their abilities and these skills: The Mongol soldier is the most common
Contacts, Mongol (Brains) enemy faced by any player characters within
Heavy Weapons (Aim} the first few adventures. When player
Senior officers characters are fighting six or more Mongol
command all soldiers vvho aren't under someone's command
ground troops (a senior officer or NPC with Experience
and their Chips), the follo ...ving changes can occur:
escorting • Mongol soldiers don 't roll to dodge;
airship, often player characters just need to roll 16 or
piloting or greater to hit.
manning the • If hit. they do not make Health rolls:
main Mongol soldiers simply succumb to a
disintegrators. weapon 's effects.
This speeds up play against huge numbers of
foes for the Game Master. and moves the
characters swiftly toward encounters with the
main villains! (If the GM has some tougher
soldiers within the mix. treat them separately
and make rolls as needed.)

[ Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
Strength : GOOD
Brains: GOOD
Health: GOOD

Brawling (Strength)
Daredevil (Aim)
First Aid (Brains)
Rocket Pistol (Aim)

Rocket Pistol
Jumping Belt

The ty pical American Orgzone soldier is gen erall y

better-armed (from an individual stan dpoint) and
better-trained than his Mongol opponent, but lacks
the Mongol 's heavy firepow er and large numbers.
Orgzone soldiers are often used effectively in small
teams for lightning-fast s trikes and raids agains t
Mongol strongholds. These s tats may be used for
Orgzone warriors , as well as policemen and other
military individuals within the Orgzones. These
stats are applicable for all American vvarriors .
including the Niagara and Navajo Orgzones.

American junior officers gain one rank in one of

their abilities and these s kill s:
Airborne Combat (Aim)
P iloting (Brains)
Will to Live (Hea lth)
American senior officers ga in an add itional rank MEAi , AND
in one of their abilities and these skills : ONLY ONE
Contacts (Brains) SI-HP· L ET' 5
Heavy Weapons (Aim) ATTACK
Hardy Individua l (Health)

Keep in mind that player r.haracters and many

NPC personalities do not have to conform to this
pattern; the GM and the players design them as
they d esire. This is a simpl e ""prototype" Orgzone
soldier that h el ps the Gam e Master generate a lot
of sold iers in a hurry.

( Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century
Typical Abilities
Strength: OK
Abilities Aim : OK
Strength: GOOD Brains: OK
Aim: GOOD Health: OK
Brains: OK
Health : GOOD GMs can boost any one of
these abilities to GOOD ra nk at
Skills their option.
Horsemanship (Brains)
Lariat (Aim) Skills
BAD BLOOD. Gunpowder Weapons
or Rocket Pistol (Aim)
Any two skills, determined as
applicable by the GM
Typical Endurance (Health)
Abilities Equipment As normal for the c itizen's home
Strength: BETTER Horse
Aim: OK Rope Typical citizens are ordinary
Brains: OK Pistol or Rocket Pistol people. whether they are from
Health: GOOD the the Walled City of Mongol
The Outlaws are a group of Los Angeles, the rural Orgzones
Skms outcast Orgzone members who of Allegheny and the Ohio
Brawling (Strength) have formed the ir own ga ng. Valley, or the great city of
Endurance (Health) They are guided by the fact and Niagara. They are the people that
Grappling (Strength) fiction of the old American West. run sh ops and businesses,
Mace (Strength) They wear chaps and ten-gallon operate machinery, and
Muscles (Strength) hats, ride horses. and practice otherwise engage in the daily li fe
Rocket Pistol (Aim) their rope-work. They regularly of the community. The GM
raid the n eighboring Orgzones, should feel free to increase the
Equipment but seek to keep damage and abilities a nd skills as is need ed
Club or makeshift Sap injury to a minimum: it's against by the situation: it is easy to
Rocket Pistol (sometimes) their "Outlaws' code" to harm assume that an air taxi driver has
innocents. Besides, they know as the Piloting skill, or a machine-
The Bad Bloods are outcasts both well as Org citizens do that the operator has the Mechanic skill.
the Orgzones and the Mongol Han are their true enemies.
cities. They live as scavengers Various Outlaw encampments
and thieves, waylay ing and rob- may be found throughout the
bing individual travelers and tak- America n Midwest and West,
ing what they want by force. particularly in those regions
They occasionally fo rm into which th e Mongols deem
larger groups to make major raids "unsuitable for civi lized
under a strong leader, but such men." Most Org bosses and
cooperation is often enforced by leaders place the Outlaws
the wi llpower of the leader, and on the same level as Bad
once that leader is wounded or Bloods, judging them
overthrown , the group returns to nuisances rather than real
its fractious , thieving ways. dangers; however, th e
Bad Bloods are not Outlaws are much better
particularly smart, nor are very organized and disciplined and
brave . They prefer to strike in can easily be underestimated
the dark and from ambush, and by their foes.
m ake the wounded their targets.
Their strength is in numbers, not
their skill in battle .

( Heroes & Heels of the 25th Century )
flHIMflLS Guard Dog Rats
Animals have neither skills nor Strength: GOOD Strength: OK
equipment. but some do have Aim: OK Aim: OK
innate abilities or rather nastv Brains: OK Brains: OK
attacks. The following is a modest Health: GOOD Health: OK
sampling of the animaJs of the 25th Action Points: 4 Action Points: 2
Century. All animals are given Guard dogs are used all over Individual rats are unpleasant,
'.'OK" brains, but they aren't that North America, p rimarily in rural and they are only dangerous in
smart-they cannot speak, though areas. In the wilderness, wolves larger packs. A single rat attack is
they may be trained to respond to share similar abilities. A dog's like a normal Punch: a group
certain commands. Their Brains attack is treated as a Dagger. attack of five rats is treated like a
are used to determine resistance Guard dogs will sound an alarm dagger attack, showing their
against mind control and similar by barking before attacking, chances of doing real harm by
attacks. Action Points are listed for though they will back off in the multiple bites and scratches. If
each animal, though most are nor- face of explosive miss ile fire. attacked by ten or more rats, the
mally spent for movement. character must also make a suc-
cessful Health roll or contract a
Horse disease that reduces all die roll
Bear Stre ngth: BETTER totals by -3 for three days.
Strength: BEST Aim: GOOD
Aim: OK Brains: OK
Brains: OK Health: GOOD
Health: BETTER Action Points: 6 Strength: BETTER
Action Points: 4 Horses are still used as domes- Aim: GOOD
Bears (and great cats} are native ti c animals in and beyond the Brains: OK
to the North American continent Western Orgzones. particularly Health: BETTER
and have made an comeback in by the Outlaw ga ngs. The stan- Action Points: 5
the days since the Mongo l In va- dard attack is to kick or trample Sharks remain the great preda-
sion. These animals are extremelv another living thing; a horse's tors of the oceans. and vary from
territorial, and lone travelers are· natural shyness will cause it to peaceful, quiet sharks to the dan-
warned that the eastern forests hesitate before attacking unless gerous great white sharks. The
may not be as safe as they were in provoked. If attacking, treat the statistics presented represent the
the 20th Century. Their combined horse's kick/ trampl e attack as a more dangerous typ es. Shark
claw and bite attacks count as Sap attack with its Strength. attacks are treated as Sword
sword attacks. attacks in combat.
Deer Strength: BETTER
Strength: OK Aim: GOOD Strength: OK
Aim : GOOD Brains: OK Aim: BETTER
Brains: OK Health: BETTER Brains: OK
Health: OK Action Points: 4 Health: OK
Action Points: 7 Most octopi are quiet. shy Action Points: 2
Deer and antelope populations creatures which wou ld rather Snakes. like most oth er ani-
have increased since the mid- flee than fight. However, there mals. are generally not harmful
20th century, and are now eagerly are powerful. rogue octopi in the to humans and pre fer to avoid
hunted as a source of meat bv 25th Century, primarily in the any confrontations. Exceptions
Bad Bloods, Outlaws, and mem- depths of the oceans. which may include poisonous snakes such
bers of rural Orgzones. Deer deal pose a danger to aquatic travel. as rattlesnakes. A bite of the rat-
with danger by fleeing. and ca n whether travelling on or under tl esnake can inject poison into
run far longer than normal the waves. Such octopi attack the wound. Make a Mortality
humans; they also can bound two with a Grappling assault. Roll: success indicates a - 1 die
areas with each AP. If forced to penalty to all die rolls for th'e
figh t, they kick with their hind next week, and failure indicates
legs (treat as a Mace attack). death by snake venom.

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AMAZINGENGINE, BUGHUNTERS. and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. © 1993 TSR. Inc. All Rights Reserved.
BUCK ROGERS Is a registered trademark used under license from The Diiie Family Trust .
Copyright c1993 The Dille Family Trust . All Rights Reserved.
HIGH ADVENTURE and the TSR logo are trademarks of TSR, Inc.
3587XXX1901 Copyright c1993 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed In the U.S.A.
The BUCK ROGERS®Adventure Game

fldventores Book
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................... .. .......................................... .......................... .................... 2


Chapter One: Arrival ............................. ................................................................... 3-9
lA. The Cave and the Future ......... . .......................................................................... 4
lB. Battle Beyond the Cave ....................... .... .......................... ...................... .. .......... 7
Chapter Two: Engage the Enemy .............................................................................. 10-14
2A. Introductions and Stories ............................ .......... .............................................. 10
2B. The Jumping Belt Lesson .................................................................................... 12
2C. Meet the Mongols ............................................................................................. 13
Chapter Three: Cloaks & Daggers ................. ............ ....... .... ................. . .................... 1 S-24
3A. The Briefing ..................... ........... .... .... ................................................ .............. lS
3B. A Bear in the Woods ......... ..... ..... ....... ............................................. ..... .............. 17
3C. Into the Lion's Den .......... ........ . ... .................................................. .... ........ ..... .... 20
3D. The Escape ................................. ............... ... ..... ...... ................. ....................... 22
3E. The Trap is Sprung .......................................... ............ ....................................... 23
Chapter Four: Rescue ................................................................................... ..... ..... 2S-28
4A. The Cell ................................................................ ......................................... 2S
48. Getting Under the Gun ....................................................................................... 27
Chapter Five: Final Gambit ........................................ ............. ............................... 29-33
SA. Raid on Columbus .................................... ............................... .... ........ ..... ......... 29
SB. Epilogue ..................................... .................................................................... 33

I. Pregenerated Characters ........ ... ............... ................... ........ ........... ....................... 34-3S
II. Game Design 101 ..................... ...... ......... ................. ......... ..... .. ........ ................... 36-44
Designing Adventures ............................................................................................. 36
Adventure Skeleton Generator ... .. ...... .................................................. ... ................. 43
III. Character Record Sheet .......... ... ............................... ................... ............... ............ 4S
IV. GM Reference Tables ................................................... ....................................... 46-48

Credits H.andom House and i1s affiliate companies ha \'C worldwid e distribution
rights in the book trade for English lan~uage produc ts of TSR. Inc. Distrib-
Design: Jeff Grubb uted tu lht! book and hol>l>y lr::tde in the Uni led Kingdom by TSR Lht. Di~trih ·
Development & Editing: Steven E. Sch end utcd 10 thu toy nnd h<>hby trad e by rogional distribu1ors.
Cover Art: Den Beauvais OllC:K ROGERS is A regislerod lrad omork of Tho Dille Fnmi ly Trost mHI is
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Tru~l ~ind is us(l:d under license. C'-J993 The Dille Family Trust. All Righls
Production: Dawn Murin Re-served.
HIGH ADVENTURE anti tho TSR logo arc trademarks o wned by TSR. Inc.
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I Introduction )
Imagine another time an d place. a worl d very
d iffere nt fro m the o ne you know and are
com fo rta ble with. In this far- flung future .
va liant h eroes fi ght fo r freedom aga ins t the
relentl ess hordes o f an oppress ive in vad er. It
is a world of s uper-scien ce. fill ed with fl ying
wars hips, rocket pis to ls. and jumping belts. It
is a wo rld of d angerous s truggles and peril. It
is the 25th Century of Buck Rogers, and this
game helps you be a part o f it.
Th e BUCK ROGERS®Ad venture Ga me is a
role-playing game, an experience s imilar to
living your way through a movie o r a boo k
Getting Set Up
while you play the game . You play th e role of Th e " Int o the 25th Century" a dve nture is
a c haracter in the futu re. deciding what he or broken cl own into fiv e ch a pters , and each
s he does in various s ituati ons. Role- playing is c ha pte r s ho uld p rovide an eve ning of pl ay.
s imilar to the old games of "cowboys & th ough som e encount ers will run longer or
indians" or "cops & robbers." In thi s case, s h orter. dep ending on your players.
th ere are more rules to he lp the players figure Cha pters are d ivided into sections for easy
out exactly what can h a ppen. p lay. and som ething important occurs in
each pa rt.
Winning and Losing The GM s hould read each chapter be fore
play ing it: A rea lly s mart move for the Game
In most games . there is one winner (the first Master is to read the entire adventure at the
one to reach a set amount o f mo ney. the firs t start. and ma ke s ure every thing in the
one to cross the finis h line). Ro le-p lay ing ad venture is unders tood (check the Rules
operates d iffere ntl y. an d all Lhe players mu s t book for a nything that is uncl ear). At the s tart
\Nork together to ga in their goal a nd to w in or of each chapter. the "CM's Tool Box"
lose as a team. p ro vi des a qui ck refere nce o f which ma ps
So ·w ho are the players winn ing AGAINST ? and counters will be need ed fo r each part o f
The Gam e Master creates a ch all enge to the the adventure . As al ways . h ave a s upply of
p layers in the fo rm o f a n adventure . Whether dice and Experience Chips handy as we ll-
the cha ll enge is to down a Han airs hip or you ' ll need them.
escape the clut ches of Kill er Kane, the Think o f the ad venture as the script of a
players try to s ucceed in overcom ing that movie or TV program: It h as its own rhythm
cha lle nge a nd "win " the ga me. There urc and plot. Certuin things will happen , certain
various ways lo win- fini s h the ad venture characters will a ppear. and it all builds lo a
unsca thed. find rich es. or just set back the cl imacti c fini s h. In this case. h owever. the
Mo ngo l war machine. The mos t important important actors in the pi ece, the player
way to win is to make s ure everyone has fun , characters . are n ot in on the s cript. and arc
the ultimate purpose o f all ga mes. reacting to the s ituations the GM presents.
Much o f the game 's s uccess de pends on
So What•s This? w hat you (the GM) present and h ow it 's
done. Don't worry. though ; mos t sections
"Into the 25th Century" is an introductory begin with a sectio n of boxed text to read to
adventure that brings charncters into the 25th the players. he lping you describe a ll the
Century in the same manner as Bu ck himself scenes . Th e rema ining information is
urri ved in th e future . Du ring this ad venture . prov ided based o n the player c haracters·
a ll the basics and all th e neat s tuff in a role- acti ons an d questi ons. Hints on running
pl ay ing gam e is expla ined, so the Game things are s prinkled liberally through thi s
Master and the players can easily enter the ad venture.
l~ xciting world of the 25th Century. Aft er th e We ll. that's a bout it for introductions. Sit
adventure. Append ix II has information un d back. check over the first chapter, get your
examples on creating yo ur own adventures books a nd some paper (and don't forget the
for further fun with the BUCK ROGERS munchies!) and prepare to enter the thrill-a-
Ad venture Game. minut e 25 th Century!

GM·s Tool Box Synopsis
This section is used to lis t the This sect ion is alwavs filled with s hort s tatements for
physical components (like maps the Game Master. identifying each SE!cl ion of a chapter.
anti standups) the GM wi ll J1(~ed to \vhat occurs in the plot. and how it fits in the
have on hand during each scenario advent ure plot as a whole.
of the adventure. It also provides With this section and the "GM·s Tool Box" as
s hort notes to help the staging of constant parts of each c hapter. it's easy for thn Game
encounters on the maps. If there is Master to sca n tho s tart of each chapter ancl gnt a quick
no need fo r maps. standups . or feel of the adventure and w hat is neednd to run it
other props. the section will be effectively.
marked as " Role-Play Only...
Map Notos: The map lis ted under
each scenario s ho uld have Encounter lA: PCs (player characters) wake up in
designated area letters in use for a n abandoned mine and mus t escape.
that scenario. Rarelv will all the Encounter 18: PCs leave cave and find a pitched
area letters be in use duri ng one battle between 1 Org sold ier and 6 Bad
scenario: they are o n the maps for Bloods.
later adventures (created bv the GM
or bv TSR). Of course. thcv can
init i'a lly confuse the players. and
there's always one in every group
Beginning Your First Game
who says ''I'm going to havn my As a Player: Well. you're lucky-all you ne1!d is H
character stand ovBr lwrn by the big charac:tm rnady at the s tart of tlrn game. You have two
"X" on the map and sec w hat options: choose a pregeneratcd character from page 34
happens!" Well. n othing will or 35. or gmwrate your O'v\1 11 player character. The Rules
happen at that spot unless the Book tells you how to create a character for the ganrn.
scenario (or the GM) has a plan for The onl~1 limitation flt the start of th is game is that
that section of the map at that time. none of vuur charadcrs can have 25t h Ccnturv ski lls
(like Ro~:ket Pistol). This limitation just means that.
like Buck himself. the characters are time-tossed heroes
Encounter 1 A from the 20th Ccnturv! Besides. 20th Centurv
Role-Play Only characters cnn lenrn about the 25th Century i1 long with
the players. Any new players who joi n after tlw first
Encounter 1 B encountor arn of 25th Centurv stock and havn all
Map: Outdoors Map: abilities ava ilah h! lo Orgzom; soldiers. At any time. the
Area A (player charactms ). player may "retire" a character and s tart a new o ne
Arca B (soldiers. NPCs). from the 25 th Ccnturv.
Area C (Bad Bloods) As a Game Master: Be sure you read nach chapter
Standups: Gil<la. Dr. Huer. (or t he ent irn advnnture) before start ing play: this w ill
1 male Org Sold ier. 3 female help the game run more smooth ly. and you won·t b1!
Org soldiers: 6 Bad Bloods surp rised by anyt h ing except the p lay1!rs! Th is initia l
Combat Stats & Info: World . adventure is fil led with hints and suggest ions. and they
pgs. 20. 22. and 30 will assist ~'ou al l th e way through your first adven ture.
Bo sure you read and understnnd al l th e ga me rules
in the Rules Book and how thev are usod with in the
game. Don't worry about knowing everything exactl~1
the firs t time or two as a Game Master: just concentrate
on entertain ing yoursel f and your players. and you' ll
be running grnat games before ~1ou know it!
Your first CM task wi ll be to help players create char-
acters. Characters are provided on pages 34 and 35. and
r.an be used if everyone wants to get started quickly.
Cup~' the pages. cut thn characters out. and give one to
each p layer. Make s ure each player r.hooscs n l 11tt1~red
standup for their character. and ~'ou're rnady lo go!

There is a dim light in the mine shaft.
and a hint of fresh air. You see your
companions stirring around you, as if
awakening from a long sleep.
What is your character doing?

The First Qaestions

Ask each of the players what their character
is doing in turn, in any order you prefer.
What the players probably ask first is "Where
are we?" and "What happened?" and "How
did we get here?".
Read the following to the players:

You remember being asked to investigate

an abandoned mine in western Pennsylva-
nia. You and your comrades were several
hundred feet beneath the ground when
the support timbers behind you collapsed.
This trapped you all and sent clouds of
billowing gas towards you, overpowering
you and your associates. That is the last
lfi. The Caver thing you remember until waking up now.

and the future

The next question is usually "What do we
You (the GM) don't have to use any maps yet. see?". Read the following to the players:
Tht>. player characters will awaken inside the
cave and the map only becomes important
onr.e they get outside. This is something The light is dim, but you can see your
unique about role-playing games: you don't companions lying around the mine shaft,
always need a map or a game board to play. waking up like you just did. There are a
GMs can use verbal descriptions to set a number of tools still scattered around the
scene \·Vithout any pictures: most of the boxed area: a couple of broken picks, a rusty
text within the adventure provides the verbal shovel. and an old miner's lamp.
descriptions for the GM. Read the text in the You see no greenish glowing rocks.
following box aloud to the players:

After a long dreamless sleep. you awaken Responding to Claes

in the dark. You remember exploring an You (the GM) should watch and listen to the
old mine with your companions. and players-you're telling them the characters'
someone noticed a strange. greenish glow situation. in effect, painting a picture of the
on the rock formations. There was a group in the abandoned mine, and they react
sudden earthquake, the ground shook. by asking questions. There are a number of
and the mine supports collapsed, clues in the descriptions of what they see.
trapping you all just as a pungent gas hear, and smell (and they lead to other
seeped into the area and knocked you questions and actions). Players may have
out. their characters take some items mentioned
The gas and the greenish glow of the earlier-the broken picks, shovel, and the
rock strata around you are gone now. miner's lamp. They can add these items to

their equipment-tell the players to write the

chosen item down on their character sheets clutter of fallen rocks at the end of the cave.
under "Equipment." There are some notes for The air coming through them is fresh. What is
the GM on the items (and what the players your character doing'?"
don't know about them until they ask) below.

The Picks: The iron pick heads are rusted

Moving Ahead
to almost nothing. When used for the first Well. only cartoons have big arrow-shaped
time, they just crumble into dull, rusty shards neon signs saying "This Way Out." Dy now.
(no damage to the wielder). The handles can though. most players will get the idm1 that.
be used as maces or impromptu weapons unless they like cave-dwelling. they can get
(Mace or Brawling skills give characters out by moving the rocks. Here's where the
advantages with these). ability checks first come into play.
The Shovel: In better shape. the shovel is It will take thrne successful Strength
not badly harmed by the passage of time. It checks to dear a passage large enough to
also can be used as a mace in combat or a crawl through and escape the cave. The
normal digging implement. successful checks do not have to be one after
The Lamp: This old miner's lamp has a the another. and up to two people can try
broken bulb and does not work. If the battery moving rocks and making Strength checks at
compartment is opened, red dust (the the same time.
remains of the battery) spills out. Now, look at the "Task Level Success
Numbers Table" (Rules Book, page 30, or in
The player characters may spend some Appendix JV of this book). It lists a number of
time examining them, or they might not pay values for the various Strength ability checks.
any attention to these items. That's the nature There are a lot of boulders here. but the big
of role-playing: the decisions are up to the ones will be about twice the weight of an
players. The information is at the GM's individual. It's a Hard Task hut not Very Hard,
fingertips. but he or she should always wait so we'll slot it at a Task Level of 25. The
for the players to ask for the information. player must roll 25 or better with his or her
The players may eventually ask about the character's Strength dice in order to dig a way
pungent gas and the current state of the air, or out. This means that weaker characters stand
the light by which they see everything (CLUE: little chance of digging themselves out. while
The lamp is broken. but they can still see ... ). very strong individuals will have no problem
If the players don't guess what's up (unlikely. of widening the hole so everyone can get out.
but it can happen). help them by mentioning There are things which effect the die rolls
a soft breeze that wafts through loose rocks at and come into play here:
one end of the cavern. This is a "hint" (or Skills: Don't worry-there's no "Digging
"hitting them over the head with the Out of Caves" skill. But this situation is a
obvious") but it gets the party going in the good use for th1~ Muscles skill. since the
right direction. You can drop as many "hints" character is simply lifting a heavy rock.
as you want. but don't let them rely on your Therefore. characters with the Muscles skill
help: a party that always waits for the GM to gets a +1 die to their Strength checks.
point out the correct route is a party that's Tools: Hey. remember the shovel and the
easily led into BIG trouble! picks'? The shovel will add one die to the
On the subjects of the air, the gas. and the number rolled by the player whose player
light, they all lead to the same place: character is using it. The metal in the picks
will disintegrate when used. but they can still
The Gas: [Read aloud) "There is no be used once as pry-bars to move the bigger
pungent gas in the cave. Instead. you smell rocks. Add 1 die to the character's chances if
fresh air. What is your character doing'?" thev think of this.
The Afr: [Read aloud I "You smell fresh air. Experience Chips: This activity is not
cool and refreshing on your face. The air dangerous or so important that Experience
seems to be coming from a small opening Chips need to be spent. If someone d11cides to
among some fallen rocks. The light grows spend an Experience Chip. take it and add
stronger from that area as well. What is your one die to the check. The player will soon
character doing?" find when and where it's more critical to

The Light: "The light grows stronger from a spend Experience Chips.
Rule of Six: Th is isn't a reliable nwthod of With tlrn thi rd s uccessful S trength Check.
boosting your ro lls . hut it is effecti ve. If rnad the following boxed text:
players roll a ti. they ca n roll an added die for
the Strnngth c:hnck (up to the limit of 8 dice}.
The last major rock toppl es out of the
The first and second times a player makes a wav and into a natura l cavern beyond.
sur.c:essful S trnngth Check. read the fo llowing Yot1 sneeze from the cobwebs and the
boxed text aloud: dust kicked up by your efforts: it looks
like no one has been here for vears. The
cavern turns so you cannot sc.e out the
A large boulder shifts and rolls asid1L entranrn. hut the light and frnsh air are
The sun lig ht and frosh a ir arc both very strong. You have escaped the
getting s tronger. a bandoned mine !
Outside. you hear the rumhles of
nearby expt"osions. Is someone blasting
Whenever someone fails a Strength Check. in the area·?
read the following boxed text:

Give each of the pla~1ers whose c haracters

You s hift t he bou lde r and three m o re made a successful S trength Check an
shift in to take its place \.Vith a crash . Experience Chip (maximum of one per
(Make sound effect of rocks falling in player}. Yeah. its being easy. but we're just
hern.} getting started and they'll need all the Chips
they can get soon enough ....

After the second rnading of this. you ccm just

make th e sound effoct of rocks falling in to Winging It. Pt. I:
get the idea across. This doesn't add any
more Stre ngth checks though: they on ly nc1?d
Unknown Aid
three successful c hocks to be free. Now. there is the small (hut vcr v real)
possibility that none of the characters trapped
in that c:ave may have a Strength above OK
rank (2 dice). This means that they should
spend a ll their Experience Chips just to get
o ut of th1cJ cave. right?
Wrong! If the odds are severely against the
p la yer c haracters (as they would be here}.
alter their c:hanc:es. Drop th e difficulty to
Average (15}. T his isn't a life-or-death
s ituation. and if they spend the entire
evening in a cave, no one's going to have
much fun. It will be d ifficult for this lov,1-
Strength group to get out. even with the
lowmed Task Level. If thev use their tools and
spend some time (and maybe a little
Experience} . they s hou ld be able to get out.
Si milarly. the player characte rs might all
have BEST rank Strnngth and Muscles skills.
They'll maku short work of that pile of
rocks-heck. thev'd make s hort work of the
mountain! That's fi n e. because there are
many more c hallenges than just this one.

lB. Battle Beyond As you watch. one of the bandits runs
the Cave forward and makes a great leap. far more
than any man can normally do . htnv ling
Now we have the pla~1er characters near the as he jumps towards the pinned -down
entrance of the cave. read v for action. and people. The young woman fires at him
we've given them the basfcs of roif~-playing and he is hit in the chest. the force of the
mechanics-telling the GM what the~1 are explosion droppi ng him in front of you r
doing. a nd making Task Level checks to cavern. where he lies unmoving.
succeed at actions. We've also had verv few What are your charac:t11rs doing?
options outside o f the obvious that thl; GM
had to be ready for. Once the player
characters get out of the cave, there are any
number of ways th ings can go and this is GM Setup
wlrnrn the Came Master neflds to learn how to
move an advf!nture along and kf~ep the pla~rer Tools &
characters focused o n the plot. Props
If GMs read the adventure ahead of time. Use the map
they know what's coming up and this wil l and s tand ups
help predict ho\.-. players w ill have their
1 listed in the
c haracters react. This text will co\l(~ r the most "GM's Tool Box"
likely (and most damaging) flffoc:ts of what at the start of
will hap pen. hut beyond that. \·v hat occurs is the chapter to
up to tht~ players and the Game Master. sl?I up the scene. . ,
The p layer characters arc near the mouth of The player ~~~,.·~~
' ~!!!~~•:tt..i:l.~~
the cave and they hear explosions. What characters·
happens next'? Eventually (unless they a re standu ps arc placed arou nd location A. the
fully without courage). the characters will cave entrance. Tlw unconscious Bad Blood is
loo k o ut of the cave. Read the text a loud: one squa re away from the nearest player
c haracter s tanclup. The sq uares around area 8
con tain the pinned-down O rg scientists. and
The cave looks out onto a battlefield. In tlrn s tand ups cons ist of Gi lda. Doc Huor. one
front of you and to your right. there are female Org scient ist and thrcfl warriors.
some me n and women crouching among Everyone except Gilda is on the ground (lay
what looks like digging mach inery. They tlrnir stand ups on thei r s ides). e ither
seem to be mostlv unarmed. and several wounded or unarmed and hugging the
appear woundecf. ground for protection. They are all non-
The attackers are a nasty-looking combata nts. The Bad Bloods (the bandits) are
group of bandits. dressed in dirt y. all placed within 2 squares of the area C
tattered un iforms . Their leader is a marking. There arc as many conscious Bad
particularly ugly hrute. laughing as he Bloods as the re are player c: hara c ll~rs: the Bad
fires on the men and women in the Bloods number at least three and no more
encampment. The weapons o f thn than six (lhB amount of stand ups Wfl have fur
bandits arc strange-looking guns; where them in this set).
they firn the weapons. large explosions Unlike our fi rst encount er within the mine.
engu lf the ir targets. Luckily. most of their we're using stand ups and a map to set the
s hots seem to go ...vi de of the scene. It is often easier to s how rather than to
encam pment. te ll. You can usn ot her tokens. standups. or
Only orw o f the peopl e by tlw digging 1~ve n bits of paper to show <l<~ tails other tha n
machinery is firing bac k. a thin young what's o n the map or represented by the
woman \.Vith a similar weapon. Sim is existing standups. This helps players sec
wearing some sort of uniform as well. what's going on and \.\ here ever~1one is. and

though it is in far better shapB than her this is useful. but not nec:cssarv. in situations
attackers. S he is also wearing some t~1 pe with lots o f peop le and action.'
of small knapsack on her back.

Descriptions Pl~r Che1re1cter Options
Note the language used in the description of Run and Hide: Well. it's an option that
the battle. As the GM. you want the player some might take. CharactE?rs who run and
characters to have sympathy for Gilda and the hide will miss most of the fight and the fun.
Org scientists. so they are described in They gain no experience from the encounter
positive terms (slender young woman, and could be teased by the other players.
capable shot. outnumbered. they are unarmed Ask More Questions: Good idea, but don't
scientists. etc... ). The Bad Bloods are take too long. The key question is "Has
described in negative terms (ugly. cursing, anyone else noticed us'?" The answer is
poorly-dressed, unwashed. aggressive. etc.). "No." In time-important situations, the GM
The GM should play the characters in the can declare that a character asking too many
same way they are described-Gilda as being questions has spent the turn gathering
basically good, the Bad Bloods as being near- information and doing nothing else.
savage barbarians. The key to molding the Loot the Bodv: The Bad Blood at the cave is
adventure and staging the action is by the GM dead: he has a ;ocket pistol and jumping belt
controlling the descriptions. What the player on him that the player characters can steal.
characters see is left to the GM, and he or she When characters remove the jumping belt,
can frequently steer the adventure through have them make an Aim check (Task Level:
his or her word choice. Easy (10)): if failed. the jumping belt slips
from their hands and floats away swiftly.
Sneak up on the Bad Bloods: There is some
Ready. Ce1mere1. fiction! brush between the player characters and the
We have a number of preparations to keep in Bad Bloods. and the bandits are not looking
mind before setting the player characters for trouble from that direction. It is possible
loose on this scene. There arc a lot of to move close to them and gain surprise (page
characters moving and using Action Points. 28, Rules). fighting with the shovel, picks,
There is some rough and difficult terrain on and even dead tree branches (Mace attack). If
the map which causes characters to move attacked like this, the Bad Bloods do not fire,
slower. Keep the "Action Point Table" and but use their fists to attack back.
''Task Level Success Number Table" handy
for all character actions, and any other Bad Blood
information you think you'll need for this Strength: BETTER Aim: OK
scene (Copy the Appendix pages from this Brains: OK Health: GOOD
book for many of the tables needed during Ski/Js: Grappling; Rocket Pistol
combat!). Don't be afraid that something's Equipment: Rocket Pistol
missing or that you'll forget how something (Full stats on page 30. World)
works-you'll quickly have a sense of how
things work and soon not need the tables at Go Help Gilda: It's a short run from the
all. Just relax. have your materials at hand. cave to her position. Gilda won't fire on the
and let the game begin! characters, nor will the surprised Bad Bloods.
They won't be surprised by these visible
characters after this, but they can be
Player fictions surprised by others sneaking behind them.
At this point, the characters may each have When the characters get near Gilda, she will
their own ideas of what to do. The way to nod and say "Don't know who you are, but if
handle things is to ask each player in turn we don't drive off the Bad Bloods, we're all
what his or her player character is doing. finished! Grab a rocket pistol and come on!"
Allow some discussion (one player may She then fires a well-aimed shot at the Bad
shout "Come on, people!" while everyone Bloods. knocking a pistol from the leader's
else heads for hiding), but quickly encourage hand! There are enough rocket pistols on the
them to make decisions, individually and as a wounded to outfit any player characters that
group. arrive at this spot.
Now. the players may have their characters
do a number of different things, and the GM

must keep track of what everyone's doing.

The key to this battle is that the Bad Bloods.
while nasty and well-armed, aren't expecting Winging It. Pt. II:
the player characters. If they can surprise The Onexpcrctecl
them, the player characters should not have a
hard fight with their Experience Chips and Did everything go the way you expected it to?
skills to help them. Of course not. The hardest thing for new GMs
to learn is how to deal with unexpected
actions from the players. Don't stop them
Raalts from trying new things. but know the goal of
This chapter should have one of three the scenario and be sure the players do as
possible results: Either the player characters well. Players will always have new ideas of
avoid combat. aid Gilda and succeed in what to do. but they want to reach the goal
driving off the Bad Bloods. or find themselves too. Let the player try the new action. but
overwhelmed by Bad Blood forces. have him or her answer these questions:
Avoiding Combat: If they do this. give the • Why are you doing this?
players about two or three turns to change • How are you doing this?
their minds. then have the cavalrv arrive (sec • Who does it help (beyond yourselfl?
below) to rescue Gilda. The Bad Bloods flee. Chances are. if these are answered. GMs can
the player characters are discovered by Gilda get some info to work back into the game.
and her rescuers. and they are taken prisoner
(not a problem since they don't have rocket
pistols). Questions are asked ("Who arn Winging It. Pt. Ill:
you?", "Where are you from'?''), and thu
characters are taken to the Org Outpost (see
Maltiple Roles
Chapter 2) on foot. They don't get experience. We have two non-player characters (NPCs)
rocket pistols, or jumping belts (ignore introduced here: Lt. Gilda and Doc Huer.
Section 2B in the next chapter). When giving information or talking as one of
The player characters are victorious: The the characters. try to give the impression of
Bad Bloods fight until only the leader is left. who is talking by how you speak or act (if
and he will turn tail and leap away. making you can do different voices. that's great!).
great bounds with his jumping belt. Gilda Gilda. for example. is a practical. no-
will thank the player characters. as will Doc nonsense type of girl. intent on keeping
Huer (see notes below for these NPCs). The things under control. Read through Gilda's
reinforcements arrive. and it's clear that description (World Book. page 22) and play
without the player characters' influence, they her accordingly-her questions will be short
would have found a massacre. Evervone in and precise, and she will interrupt players
the battle gets 2 Experience Chips. ~nd those that are rambling or lying.
who did extremely well get 3 Chips. From Huer. on the other hand. is a preoccupied
here, we go on to the next chapter. scientist who meanders and wanders off
The player characters are losing: If more whatever topic he's talking about. Think of all
than half of the player characters are the fuzzy-brained scientists you've seen on
wounded in the battle. 10 Org soldiers arrive TV and in the movies and thern's Doc Huer.
on the right side of the map. The Bad Bloods Read his description in the World Book (page
flee in the face of this greater assault. The 20) for details. but have fun with him. Either
wounded player characters are aided, and the Gilda or Huer can interrogate the player
various questions asked. Everyone gets I characters. This is the fun of being the Game
Experience Chip for trying. and those left Master: You get a wide range of great
standing get 2 Chips. Go to the next Chapter. characters to role-play.
Both Doc l-luer and Gilda know that Buck
Rogers rear.hed the 25th Century through
sim ilar circ umstances. As a result. they are
suspicious when the player characters use a
similar story and will be slightly wary of the
characters. Remember that these people are in
a war, and it takes a lot to trust strangers.


2fl. Introductions
and Stories
Setting: The Org scicnlists' c ncampm c nl

No o n e gets blown up in this ser.tion. and no Ability

chccb arc require d. Mosl uf the material is informa-
tion that the plavcrs will want and need tu knO\'\'
about the futurn . Tlw characters c:an also tell their o•vn
slur v aml trv lo gain lh e trusl o f Lt. Gilda. Doc Hu e r.
anci°lhc Org. soldiers. The only difference in how this
section is run dfJp Hnds on ·w hal tlrn characte rs <lid in
Encounte r 1 B: if they avoided the fight. they were cap-
lured at th1~ e nd nf th f! encounter and wi ll be interro-
gatHd as poten tia l enemies rather than asked a s allies.
LI. Gilda. while lhan kfu l for th ei r h elp (assuming
CiM s Tool Box
1 tlw player c:h<1rac:tcrs DID help). wan ts to know more
abou t the plaver charac ters. Who are they, how did
thev get h e re . and w h y are t lrny wearing such a n cien t
Encounter 2A cost11 m es?
Rol e-Pl<l_v Onl:-,1 If the c:harac:tcrs try to explain the cave-in and the
c a ve. Gi lda 'vvill nod a nd exchange looks with Doctor
Encounter 2B Hu c~r. Huer. for his part wi ll give ou t a low whistle and
Role- Pla~1 Only n ote "There seem s lo be a LOT of that going around
these davs." He wi ll not elaborate 011 tlie commen t,
Encounter 2C even if 1)rcssured by the c h a rac ters.
Map: Outdoors Map: Arca G. Both Doc H11er a n d Gilda are inc lined to believe the
H . I (Orgzo n c e n lrances. O rg pl a ~1 er c h aracters if they aidr.d the m aga inst the Bad
soldiers). Area J (Ae rodro m e ). Blood s . hut tlrnir s uspicions rise if they cla im to have
Artm K (Han <1irship). i\rna L conw from the 20th Ce ntury. What c<1n thn p layers do
(Mo ngol sold iers). i\rca M to prove the truth of theirs.tor~:'~
(player characters. G ilda. Org • The age o f th e mines and the ir lo n g-unuse d
so ldiers ) conditions: c;ilda herself will note that the mines
Standups: G ilda, 7 nwle Org in this area haven'! b een worked for o ver 400
sold ims. 3 fomalt: Org soldiers: vcars.
lU Mungul suldiL?rs. Han ai rs hi p • Their ignora n ce a bout 25th Centur~' technology:
Combat Stats & Info: World. Dnc HuP.r Cflll bluff tlrnm with fl common
pgs. 28. :rn: Rules. pg. 24 radiascopc (a gcigcr counter). saying it's a lie-
cfoteclor. If tlH1 players don't recognize the
machinn. thev' ll l>e morn inclined to t111l the truth.
Synopsis • Have the play e r c haracters produce equipment
and materials from th e 20th Cen tury (money and
o ther equi pmen t): Doc Huor can then v erify their
Encounter 2A: PCs learn som e story if tlw ovidence is givon lo him .
hi stor v an d the bns ics of Of cou rse. the pla y ers may h ave their pla yer
the 25-th Centurv. r. haract nrs say anyth ing t lw~1 want. or nothing at all.
Encounter 2B: PC:s ln'c1rn how tu S hould the player characters try somn o the r s to ry.
Ul;e jumping bel ts. ma ke an t\vcragc (20) Brains c heck for Doc Hucr: if
Encounter 2C: PCs g1~t caught successful. h e kn ows they 're lyi ng and w ill not give
u p in a battl e aga inst the them arw morn information (they're not spie s but they
Mongols at the Columbu s aren 't honest). Fu rther. it will be assumed (depending
Orgzo1rn. on thei r s tory) that the player c haracte rs know a ll
about jumping belts and rocket pistols immediate ly
and need nu training in u:;ing th em (This could to be
fun. CMs! S 1~(? S nc:tion 2U).

Chapter Two

am an old professor about to lecture, fidget

History Lesson nervously with something invisi ble in your
If the p layer hands. and read the huxNI text a lo ud.
drnractcrs lir. and
are caught. they do
not ga in any of the .. Well. of late . there has been a lot uf
info on this page from interest in the post. thanks to the heroic
anv NPCs. If thev co nfess exploi ts of Buck Rogers: you folks will
an cf tell the truth: (.;i lda cert<1inlv stir somn interest as well . I'm
will eventua ll v tell them sure. What was I say i ng·~ O h . yes. In terest
the following.: in the past. o r more spnc:ific:ally. interest
in m ilitary h istory and weapons
technologies that could prove usofu l in
fight ing tlrn Mongol Empire':; prnscnce in
America. Yes, Buck's proven to us that
o ld ideas and o ld weapons are still
'Tim world has changnd sincn !'OU went sound lnday. Now. wp,'vn made grnat
tu sleep. America was overu n Ii>' an slridns with lnertron belts and rocket
invasion of Mongols . using an adva nced pisto ls. but anything wn can find to help
super-scienr:e to power their flying us fight t he Mongols would be valuahln.
airships and deadly clisintegrator rays. i\n vwav. we found olcl references to H
The American continent was the last to tr.sting s ite. located in t hese hills. for
fall under its heel. but their superior sonw l1sl Cf:ntllf!' "Disruptor Weapon ...
wm1ponr!' couldn't be stopped. Any We dug and found an o ld installation.
a rmed resistance \Vas devastated. Must of but th ieve:; had uncovered ii first. I th ink
the major c ities were d estroyed in the it was some of tlw Dad Bloods mvself.
ini tial invasion . <rnd those cities that since they often stea l anyth ing tl;f?Y can
s urvived were quickly captured and gi-it tlrnir hands O i l.
turned into •..valled Mongol strongholds. Those \·v erc Bad Bloods that vo11 met
America was plunged into a nev" d<trk in the batt le earl ier. Nastv customnrs.
age hy the assau lt. one that lasted for living on the fr inges of soc:ic?ty. preying
generat ions. We're on ly now hcginn ing to on the weak <1nd lrnlplc?ss. We \·Vere
emerge from the rubble of the \.vorld !'OU caught fla t-footed in the middle of our
knew: our main sett 11>.ments am now excnvatio n and th ey migh t have gotten
a lmost all und erground . whnw we can the l>P.tter of us. if not for vour timclv
plan against the Mongols in relative arrival. The!' shouldn't gi~1c us any inorc
safety from I heir death rays. The Orgs- troubln. and our work lwrn is donn-
thal's short fo r .. Organized Communit ies .. tlrnrn are some old notP.s and hooks. h ut
-hnvP. b;mded togP.t hN to lrnl p oust tlrn thern's no nrnjor find lwre ...
Mongol .. ru lnrs·· o nc1: and fo r all and Int
freedom live again in North America. Are
you in ternstnd in helping·?" The notf!s and hooks am old scientific
jo urna ls from the ~md oft h 1~ 21st c:ent u rv. and
a numlu'! r of copies of i\Mi\ZING<"' S tories
Tho correct answer is .. Yes:· but. .. Oh. whv Science Fiction magazines. Not much o f use
n ut .. w ill do as well. Gilda promises tu adinil here fo r the player characters.
the players in lo her outpost of the Columbus Ci Ida a sks if the cha raclnrs are familiar
O rgzone onc:n the!' reach them. w ith jump ing hnl ts . If tlrn p laym characters
sav tlwv are. she will s1niln a nd sav. ''(;nod.
we'll S(;t off for the Org ou tpost at hrsl light. ..
Blasts from the Past Skip the lnsson in 2B. though not the effects.
Gilda will not uxtcnd infurnwtion about what If the plavcr characters admit the!' a rc not.
she and th1~ sc:i1rntists were doing in t he <1rna she will nod and say .. Very wel l. you ·11 get a
\.Vi th the digging equ ipment. If inquiries an: quick h:sson tomorrow morning. then \•v e'll
madn. she will nod lo 11oc Hue r. who w ill head for the ou tpost. .. T1~ n t s arP. pitched. and
take up the ta le. Cough a few times like ~' OU lhe night passes swift ly.


Chapter Two i

ZB. The Jumping Belt adven ture. This section can also be p layed
for laughs. as a light moment between the
Lesson Bad Blood and Mongol attar.ks. Someone
failing their roll goes bounding off in
Setting: The Org Sc:im1tists' encampment random direr.lions. flying into the trees,
landing in a stream or a bog. GMs are
encouraged to have fun with the section,
Come morning. you and your friends arc bu t don't inflict any real damage on the
directed to an open field. where Dr. Huer player characters. Gett t ing stuck upside
and a young cadet are standing. The down in the branches of an oak tree is
cadet is already wearing a jumping belt. humiliating enough .
and oth er soldiers fit each of you with a Once the characters get the hang of using
device like vou saw Gilda wearing the belts , let the players know the following
yesterday (it looks like a knapsack). game information about the belts:
Dr. Huer clears his throat with a • Allow 10 square (100 feet/yards) jumps
harrumph and says. "These devices arc for 1 AP: and
called jumping belts. They are merely • Jumps performed in direct lines only
harnesses to which a block of Incrtron. is (no turning while in mid-jump) along the
attached. That's l-N-E-R-T-R-0-N for map-lay a ruler down to determine
those taking notes ... trajectory.
"lnertron has the unusual property in
that it is repelled by gravity instead of
being attracted to it. This means. with a
suitable amount of the material, a man ·s For future reference , should the characters
(or woman's) weight can be reduced to a miss this lesson. their first time using a
few pounds. give or take an ounce. This jumping belt will require a Hard Aim check
allows said woman (or man) lo jump (25 or greater). In this scenario, bouncing
long d istances without any major off in a random direction is just funny; it
difficulty whatsoever... may nut be nearly as humorous in battle. If
"Now. each of these jumping belts has the roll is failed. check the "Scatter Table"
been set for your approximatP. wP.ights. below for direction and distance. Then
and should be closely balanced enough have them make another Hard (25) Aim
to work. We want you to take a little check to sec if they can regain control and
while getting used to them before setting s top: repeat these steps until the roll is
off. Don't try to jump normally at first- made successfully.
you'll go flying into the next county. The point is "always take lessons
Start with just a few hops... offered." The player characters are given
rocket p istols and jumping belts "on loan"
and Gilda will escort them to the Org
For each p layer charac:ter using a outpost.
jumping belt. make an Average Aim check At the GM's option, this can be p layed out
(roll of 15 or better). Success indicates that on the Outdoors Map. using the player
the hero quickly gets the hang of the belt characters' standups. This can give them a
and goes bounding through the air at a better idea of the distances and directions
good cl ip . everything under control. they are jumping.
Failurn indicates that the individual put
too much energy into the leap. or aimed in
the wrong direction: these mishaps result Scatter Table
in jumping accidenta ll y to the s ide or Die Roll Result
backwards ins tead of forward . Use the 1 Left 5 squares
"Scatter Table" belov.1 for the direction and 2 Straight Ahead 5 squares
extent o f any bad jumps due to failed Aim 3 Right 5 squares
checks. 4 Left 10 squares
The purpose of this secti on is to give 5 Right 10 squares
some int roduc:tion to the jumping belt. 6 Forward 10 squares, then bouncing
which will be a very useful item later in the w ildly to the left another 5 squares

Chapter Two

ZC. Meet the Mongols

Setting: The Columbus Orgzone Outpost

After a hard day's travel. you reach the

borders of the Columbus Orgzone and
the outpost. You had been warned not to
expect what you'd ca ll a normal c ity-
most of the Org buildings arc below
ground for protection from Mongol
airships. But you definitely did not
expect to see smoke rising over the hills
ahead of you, as if the fores t was on fire!
Lt. Gilda urges everyone to go faster-
something is definitely wrong. You jump
atop the final hill overlooking the ou t-
post and find the Org under assau lt by a
Han airship and Mongol ground troops!

GM Setup Describe the scene in your own words based
on the layout and the following information:
Tools & Props
Set up the map as described in the "GM's • T he airsh ip is a huge steel-grey battleship
Tool Box" on page 10 . The counters can be fl oating in the sky. lances of deadly energy
placed as you describe the scene. striki ng the earth henP.ath it and churning the
The airship is the first item placed ; lay it ground with their power. Its greenish
on the map with its nose (front center) above disin tegrator beam fires directly beneath the
the Area K marking. At the start o f combat. it nose of the shi p.
moves 3 squares per tu rn toward Area G. The • T he Org's Aerodronrn is in fla mes. and
GM can change its direction as needed. on ly smoke rises fro m d estroyed planes on
The Aerodrome is n ot on a stand up or the ground. Craters mark \·v hern the
card. but it is on th e map at Area J. The d isi ntegrators of the airship blasted other
building rests on the four squares under the J planes and parts of the runways to atoms.
and the row of squares arou nd them. Cut out • Org soldiers defend aga inst wave assaults
a 4 inch square piece o f paper and center it by the Mongols on the Outpost's entrances.
on the J mark for the Aerodrome. The Many of them am dropping q u ickly from
Aerodrome's runways run on 2 squares from exhaustion (at Areas G and H). and onl v three
the left edge of the map to the Area J mark. arP. st ill actively fighting (1 male Org soldier
When setting up the Mongols. place all e<tch on marks G. H. and I).
stand ups within 3 squares of the Area L • Most important for the pl<tycr characters.
mark. Never place Mongols in consecutive the 10 Mongol sold iers at locat ion L have
squares-always leave one empty square on spotted them and the PCs arc immediately
all sides if the main conditions can st ill he undnr assault the minute they place th eir
met (ie. within 3 of the mark). Thev stav sta ndups an d begin thP.ir turn !
s pread out because they know what rockP.t • Lt Gilda barks an order that the Mongo l
pistols can do. squad must be stoppP.d. otherwise they will
The p layers p lace their stand u ps around uverun the taxed Org positions. She a nd hP.r
the Area M mark before the GM p lac:P.s Gilda fo u r Org soldiers (3 fema le. 1 male) h ead
and the oth er Org soldiers. Player characters toward marks Hand I to fort ify their
and the oth ers can be up to four squares av,,ay c.omrades· positions. T he play.P.r characters·
from the Area M mark. but n one can bP. main concern should be the enemy Mongol
p laced farther north than the J mark. troops around area L.

Chapter Two

Player Actions Rau Its

Not surprisingly. tlw pla.\'m charnctms should The Mongo/,c; r/1~feul thn f'(,'s: If thr. Mongols
be ablr. tn <IP.foal th1~ Mongols in short ordnr. defeat Or kill half Of' lllOl'l! of the player
givP.n thP. fe1c.1 tlrn t tlrn~' havP. hr.ttP.r wm1pons characters. then the Mongols win this sortie.
and jumping bolts. Tlw CM can either run th1: The <irea is rawd by tlrn airship's
combat normall~· or use the spe<.:ial comba t disintegrator cannon s. The remaining Org
ru !cs on page 28 oft lw World Book to spcP.d troopers gel forced bn<:k in to the underground
things up. The main purpose of this fi ght is to refuge while its surface levels are plundnred
g1~t tl11'! player clrnrac:lt?rs usP.d to combat with by th e Mongols. The attack quick!~' subsides
their jumping belts. and tlw airship and its troops IP.ave. Tim
s ur viving characters find tlwmsclves rousnd
b~1 Org medics and am soon returned lo the
Player Character Options adventure. T lwsc c haracters gain no
Shoo/ al tlrn Mongols: This basic lactic Exp1~ri1mrn Chips. savf? at tlw GM's opt ion
doesn't have too man~· surprises. The Mongol (for good role-pla~· ing. cl al). Killed characters
troopers a t Arca L will move closm to Arna M can be replac:1?d b~· new characters after t his
<1t maximum spmxl for one turn and allrnnpt encount er is plt1~· r~d nut.
to disintegrate the pla~·cr characters. The .\lfvn:::ols cm• de(m1/1icl : If t he~ Mongols
Sneuk Behind the Mon~o/s: This tactic is arc reduced tu three or less troopers. tho
almost futiln. since thti Mongols c.an see tlw survivors throw down their Jisintegrators
charactors and concen trat~~ on tlwm as the and flp,p, to tlw n orth (tnp) edge of the map. If
targets. The only way for this to work might any are caught. the~' surrnndr.r.
be for the Mongols to al l h£? dist ract1:d The fate of tlw hat tic: sw ings w ith tho
simultH11cous l ~1 (roc:knt pisto l fire. 1:xplnsivc succ:1~ss nf the player c:h arnc:ters. T im battle
grnnad<?s. P.tc.) and for a charactnr to make a \o\rill be nv1~r with the failure of the Arca L
Darn-Near Impossible Aim roll (:i5 or bnttnr) tronps. Should thn Mongol trnopP.rs falter and
lo jump over and behind the Mongols. run. the airship will brnak off as wnll. clue to
Slwvt at /Ju~ Airship: This is a crazy tac tic. the flagging morale of the Mongols and the
g i\'Cn the extreme height of the airship. but it rising spirits of the Org Troops.
is possible. If a c haracter expends al I his or If the pla~1 er charnc:ters repel the Mongol
hP.r AJ>s to lr.ap 10 arnas dirnctly up and firns attack. P.ach one gets 2 Exp«?ricnCl! Chips. If
a rocket pistol at tlw peak of the leap. the the play<)r c:harac:tms cause the Mongols to
c harac tur can hit tlw airship w it h a roll of rout (flee) in less than 4 turns. each will get :i
25- the THsk Ltwnl increHSE?S to Hard rhw to Ex periflnCf! Chips.
tlw difficult y and nxtrnnw rang<) of tlw shot. In anv case. tlrn play1~r c haracters' braver~'
Rememl>nr tu suutract 4 dice from the Aim and battlc-savvv is honored hv ol'fi<:iallv
roll against the Han airship (see Rules. µgs. making them nimuhcrs of tlrn ·co lumbu~
22. 24) beforn rnlling tlrn Aim c:hec:k. OrgzonP.. Tlrny rnc:P.iV1? a uniform like G ilda's.
/ump at th~ Airship: The Mongol Airship is \\'ith a hclnwt radio. a roc:knt pistol. and a
too high aloft to hn rnac.hcd hy a single? 1 0 jumping belt. The newcomers \\'ill form their
squarn jump. but don't tnl l tlrn playurs nr own platoon. and may choose one of their
their c:harac:tnrs that (Task Lnvel 40: Task mvn as plritoon leadnr.
Lnvel :!5 if thoy think to climb a tnw and lnap At the C:M's option. the pla~'er characters
from it s top). I lowovur. its disintegralor may gain tlw Roc ket Pi s tol Aim skil l a t an
cannon beam reaches the grou n d. and starts "FiHld-Prnmoti on" cost of 5 ExpP.rience Chips
at area K. moving 3 sq unrcs per round. (instead of :w!). Make sure lhc players know
towards the nnarnst player clrnrac:tnr. Plac1~ an this is a one-tinw offo1'. not to be repeated.
Expericnc:1: Chip on the mop lo s how its and it is used only to sho-..v how ExpP.rience
location. Mos t pla~·er characters s hould be Chips may he used lo ga in new abilities.
able to avoid it. if th e~· arc pa~1 ing attention. Don ·1 hcsi late-order no\\'!

Chapter Three

CiM·s Tool Box Synopsis

Encounter 3A Encounter 3A: PCs hdp repai r the Aerodrome .
RolP.-Plav Onlv train in rocket pistol use. and receive a
Maps: o·utdoo"rs and Mongol mission to in fillrat1? a Mongol Armor.v.
Armory Maps: used as props En cou nter :JB: PCs nwnt Ag1~11t X (and perhaps
0111~1 some local wildlife).
Encounter 3C: PCs s1~c:rn tl>1 cntm the Mongol
Encounter 3B
Map: Outdoors Map: i\rna i\
Armorv: the GM randornlv preps the
i:i rmorv for 1mc:ounters. L
(air duct/s1?cret entranc.:c). Area Encounter 30; PCs mrmt and can rescue Wong . the
0 (t:amp). AreCI M (beAr) real Agent X. 0
Standu ps: Bear. Mongol Encounter :IE: Pl.s <1rn trappnd in a gas r:hamhm
Soldier (fur Kane in disguise)
Combat Stats & Info: World.
whiln the villain is rnvealcd-Ki llcr Ka1H!! fi
pgs. 18. :11 K
Encounter 3C lfl. The Briefing s
Map: Mongol Armor>' Map: Sett ing: Tlw Columbus Orgzoiw Outpost
Arca B (PC entr>' point/storage).
Area D. E. F (gua rd posts). See After e\·er»lhing has been wrapped up from Chapter 2.
text for more elf) ta i Is
Standups: (No initial
the pla\·er charactms ha\·e about a week uf down tim e.
spent acclimali11g tu the new world. learning how to usn &
p lar.cnrnnt. but h<1ve mad y for a rnck1~ l pistol (if tlrny purr.lrnsP.d tlu~ skill) . and oth1~ r
this P.nr.ountP.r. ~lD . and '.lE) All inlP.rP.sling things. Read th e following lo the playms:
Mongol soldiers
Combat St ats & Info: World .
pgs. 28 /\week passes. and vou al l settle into the da»-to-
Encounter 30
dn,· li fe of the Columbus Orgzone Outpos t. Thesn
men and \\'OlllP.n of tho fut um Hrt? good fWOple. fi
Map: Mongol Armor~' Map:
Arca C (Wong. 2 Mongol
dm·ot1!rl to tlwir familiHs. tlwir 1wighbnrs. ;rnd their
communilv. The chores arc shared to make the
burdens 1~~isi e r. and both men a nd wom en hear tlin
Standups: Wong. 2 Mongol load of raising familit!s and protecting the area Ci
soldiers (all placed un sides) from Mongol ;Hincks. Yllu familiarize vourself with
Combat Stats & Info: Wor ld . jumping bolts and ror: kt~t pistols. WP.It° enough tn E
pgs. 2!). 28 handl P. t hrm1 in i:i pinch . ns wrdl as th1! hi:isics of
biplane flight. R
Encounter 3E
Map: Armory Map : Arna(;
(Orn-Ka 7.oril. Morkn Ka-1.onu).
The big task of this week is Ill rupa ir tlw damage
crnatnd b~· thn rP.cP.nt llt1 n <1ttac:k. nspnr. it1ll>' thn
rebuilding of tlw <.w rodromc. Bv wenk's end . tlw
Arca H (Ka-Plui. Kane) new hang<!!' is JH!arl>' finished. and the outpost is
Standups: Ki:i -Flui. Kann. expecting n new sq uadron of 12 hipl;uws.
Morkc Ka-Lono. Om-Ka Zoril Just as ~·o ur •vork party is hoisting th e last IH!am
Combat St ats & Info: World . of the hanger into place. word comes for >·uu all to
pgs. 18. 2:1. 27 lll P.t~ t with tlw Outpost c:11mrna111lfll'.

Sonw p l a~'t!rs may wan t to usn tlw wenk of rnlativ1!

peace to l!?arn about the area or use the time to arm ;ind
equip thP.ir c:hi:iracters. l Jsn thn rnateriAI in tlrn World
Book for the histor~· of the area. hut don't s pcc:ific:ally
mention Buck Rogers ur Killer Knnc. since the\· nw,·
appear later. Most likf!h". tho plaver charactc!rs will want
sonw weapons other than s tandard-issue rocket pistols.

Chapter Three

Most melee weapons (kn ives. clulJs. swords. Wait for a nod of agreement from the
etc.) arc readily provided IJy the Outpost's players for their player characters. Unless
armory. Ancient gunpowder weapons and there is some argument or commentary from
disintcgrator weapons are not obtainable. nor the players. the GM shou ld con tinue speaking
are any vehicles avai lable. particularly after as Commander MacGregor.
the destruction of the Aerodrome.

c Once the characters have armed and

equipped themselves. get them over to HQ-
thc commander is waiting for them! When
MacGregor rolls out a map (GMs can
unfold the Armory map as well). ·•Agent
L they arrive. read the following aloud: X says the dev ice is being kept in the
main lab. which is here in the center
(point to Area G). The front gate (point to
0 You arc ushered into a subterranean Area A) is solid osmodium steel, capable
meeting room. where the outpost of taking on our largest rocket pistols
fl commander. the solemn. scowling Major
Strand, is standing al the briefing tahle
wi th nary a scratch. Guard posts are here.
here. here. and here (point at C. D. E. and
K with Doctor Huer and a new officer vou
have not met before. The newcomer·is
F). The rest is barracks and storage
rooms. No\v, Agent X says there's a back
s dressed like an Org officer. but he is
wearing a kilt instead of uniform pants.
way into the complex. through some air
ducts. You'll meet Agent X in the woods
"Soldiers." says Major Strand. "this is outside the complex. and he'll give you
Commander MacGregor from Niagara. He more information at that time. You'll
has some vital information and an know him hy his password , "creatures of
& important mission for you." the night". The counter-sign is "what
music they make".
Good h;ck and good hunting. lads and
MacGregor is a Scotsman with a heavy lasses. We need the weapon intact. if
D brogue in his speech. GMs are encouraged to
indulge themselves in speaking with the
possible. but we definitely want it out of
Mongol hands in any case.
fl thickest Scots accent thev can handle- thev
certainly did it in the co~ic strips! ·
Ci The players may have a few questions
about the si tuation. MacGregor will tell them
Ci "Thank you, Commander. Mah~s. we
have a serious problem in that the
he can-the rendezvous with Agent X is in
two days. and the player characters can get to
Mongols have been striking against our
E outposts. the most recent being last
week's attack on this here outpost. ..
the outpost comfortably on foot. The number
of guards and how they are armed varies. but
Agent X will tell them more. Agent X will
R "Now. word comes through that the also have a description of this "disruptor ray

s invaders have uncovered a new weapon.

a prototype of a weapon from before the
invasion. 01' Doc Huer here attempted to
weapon" and how it is being protected. The
characters are chosen because this outpost
needs every capable soldier on their rosters to
find this weapon for us and found the lot defend against Mongol raids. As newcomers
of you instead." At this. Doctor Huer not yet place \·v ithin the ranks and rosters.
nods in agreement. they arc the best available team for the job.
"We have a man inside the Mongol
Armory where they are keeping the
capon. This man, Agent X, has sent

plans of the installation and thinks that

small group of heroes can break in and
be off with the device in two shakes of a
lamb's tail. That's where vou come in. if
you be interested." -

Chapter Three

38. fl BEAR
Setting: Wilds Outside the Mongol Armory

Once the characters have all the equipment

they can use. they set out for the Mongol
Armory. using a map provided by Lt. Gilda. It
is impossible to get lost unless the c haracters
do so on purpose. The gro up is told to
maintain radio silen ce until they get the
weapon and are well clear of the area. as the 0
invaders monitor radio calls. The heroes arc
also advised to travel light.
Read the following aloud to the players:
Player fictions K
You fin d the valley containing the enemy
armory easily. The countryside is rolling
Ask each player in turn. This is more of a
test of role-playing and Brains than combat
farmland. with onlv a few small . dense ability. Let each player r.hoose a course of
patches of forest. u· is P.asy to detmminP. action for his or her character. and p lay the
which woods you should meet Agent X
near. Mongol patrols arc infrequent and a
situation out as it happens.
Han airship passes overhead only once
or twice. its shadow blocking the sun. Player Character Options
but always with sufficient time to h unt Avoid the bear or wait: T he smart move is
for cover:
You reach the woods by nightfall and
to wait for the bear to move on. It snuffles D
about. and crashes its wav out into the
make a temporary camp. careful not to
make noise or call attention to vour
clearing tO\vard Area B. J{eading for the
woods at the right side of the map.
presen ce with fires. About micl°night. you
hear a terrific crashing noise. growing
Feed the bear: The p layer ch aracters may
even throw a fc\"' rations at the bear to placate
louder and louder as it approaches your
position. Could an enemy platoon have
it. This is not a lwavs the smartest move . but
it works here. The bear eats the food a nd
found you so quickly'? What arn your
characters doing'?
moves on as d1~scribecl above.
At tuck the l>ear: Of course. someone may E
just decide to open fire on th e bear. The bear
w ill close with the first attacking character in R
You (the GM) shoulcl have the player
characters' standups d ustered around the
Area D mark. The bear's standup is placed
one round and att ack that person. The bear·s
stats a rc on page 31 of the World Book. This
will most likelv e nd up with a dead bear. a
after the players react to the noise: place it lot of unwanted noise. and mavbe a
directly to the right of the Area M mark. wounded player character. T hfs should also
outside the trees. Most of the weapons will be serve as a lesson-sometimes. it's better NOT
d rawn at this point. and the group ready for to attack!
attack. Read the follow ing to the p layers:
The brush ahead of you parts to reveal a Give the players one Experience Chip each
huge. towering figure tromp into your if they don't turn the bear encounter into a
camp. It is a bear. a massive. red-eyed firefight. T hny receive no experien ce if they
bear whic h snarls at the player characters fight the bear.
as it approaches. What are you r
characters doing?

Chapter Three

Rendezvous There is a man leaning against a

Agent X uses the bear's approach to cover his nearby tree. He is dressed in a Mongol
own arrival from the trees south of Arca I. uniform. but is wearing a dom ino mask
Those who s pecifically keep an eye around his eyes. He has black hair, a
elsewhere than on the bear \viii notice h im black beard , ·and a thin moustache.
approach and stand b~meath a trm~ . \>Vatc:hing "It's your t urn to say someth ing, novv,"
c the situa tion develop. he says with a tight smile.

L Situation A : If th e-) hear is a ll c»..ved to

wander off and n o battle occurs. read the This is !\gent X. and he is wai ting for the
0 fo llowing to the p layers: players to give the counter-sign: "what music.:
they ma ke." Most li kely. one of the player
characters will give him the password. If h e
fi The bear sau n ters off. finding not h ing
else of interest here. T he crash ing
doesn't get it quickly. he w ill politely leave:
'Tm sorry. I was expect ing a different grou p
K through the forest d imin ishes. a nd all is
silence again.
of gun -vvielding ruffians. " The p layers w il l

s S ilent. except for the sound of a single

pair of hands clapping (GMs. clap your
th en have to ret urn to base empty-handed.
and another briefing and rendezvous wi ll
need to be set up .
hands him~ in mock-applause).
"Very good." says a cultured. 11

intel l igent voice. " 1 11vas afraid you chaps uflgent X and his Secrets
& might open fire on a ll the <.matures of the
Role-Playing Agcznt X
There is a man leaning against a Agen t X is suave and debona ir. cult ured and
nearby tree. He is dressed in a Mongol refi n ed. Put a hint of an upper-class British
D uniform . hut is wearing a domino mask
around his eves. He has hlack hair, a
accent in his voice. He is very sarcastic to
those who question h im. and ten ds lo treat
fi black beard. :111d a thin moustache.
"lt 's your turn to say something. now."
ot hers like inferiors o r id iots. When talkin g
as Agent X. make it clear that the on ly
Ci he laughs. reason he seems to he putting up with the
player characters is that they are on the
Ci Situation B: If the bear encoun ter turned
same side.
Well. not really. " !\gent X" is really t he
E into a firefi ght. read the following boxed text : infamous traitor. Killer Kane. whom the
characters have not knovvingly nrnt and thus
do not know what h e looks like. His beard is
R The atmosphere in the clearing is false, hut the moustache is rea l.

s s uddenly q u iet follow ing the battle. and

an eerie silence settles over the area. Has
your fight alerted the Mongols·~ GM Misinformation
You expect to hear the battle-cries of Herc is one of those cases where the GM is
attacking Mongols. Instead . you only going to lead th e characters astray. So far. by
hear a si ngle pair of han ds clapping (clap following the GM's informat ion and "h ints,'·
vour hands here in mock-app lause). th e p layers shou ld be doing pretty well. Nmv.
· ''Oh. brah-vo." savs a cu ltured. they have no reason not to trust Agent X
inte lligent voice. si1i1ply dripping wi th (aside~ from the fact that he is a bit
sarr.asm . ''I'm sure the commander w ill obnoxious): you, thu GM act ing as Agen t X.
love to hear t hat his tra ined minions kept are quite likely going to send them into a trap
the Orgs safe~ from a hungry he!ar. Tell me. in the next section . Play this Vl~ry straight-
am you going lo fire a t all the creatures of faced. and try not to give anything away.
the nigh t '~" Think of your character only as Aglrnt X. t he
Org's inside spy against th e Mongols.

. .

• •


,' '•,

Chapter Three

In tlrn un likely event that Agent Xis Aren't yo u coming a long?: "I have some
allac.:ked by the player charactP.rs, he >vi ii fl ee. information which is for MacGregor and
He drops his jacket as h e runs: it contains Mac:(;regor a lone. If I cou ld risk it with >' OU I
notes de ta iling the sam e informMinn hr~ will would. bu ! J m11sl go a l01w. I'll stm d hP-lp l o
vnrbally g iv(! to them. including the location meet vou ha lfwav on the WHV back." (L ii~ :
of the secret air duc t en tra n ce to tlH? :\rmorv. hr."11 ~neak bar.k and catch tl-ie PCs later.)
The follow ing covers cver~1 thing Agent X
h as to te ll them or arc answers tu some
expected questions: an ~' material in
What about the other rooms: " i\rca FF
(point out on the Armory Ma p ) is my barracks
urea. Thc~r don "t encourage much snooping
parentheses is secret knowledge fo r the GM.
rathnr than w hat p layP.r c haracters are told:
around . so I w ill warn vou-do not trv
random doors ... (True: ihe o the r rooms are L
T h e Secret Entrance: Less tha n I 00 vards
simply distrar:tions. Som e arn storerooms.
so me arc locked and have e lectronic s irens 0
away from tlrn play1·! r characters is an old a ttach e d. a n d some lead to the barrac ks.)
abandoned air vent usecl by t he Armory long
ago-Area A on the Outdoors Map: all other
How do vou know a ll this?:
"'I've been ~vorking on dean-up
Area references are o n tlw Mongol Armory det a il. Sonworw has to moµ K
Map. None of th e Mongols know abou t this.
and it leads direct Iv into one of thP.
storerooms (Arca B·). (This is pa r tial! ~, true.
the floors an<l cmpt ~1 the
trash. Most of t hP- Mongol
lm1d ers haven "t even not ic:f!d
but the Mongols do know about it). 11w." (FalsH: he's a lli ed with
Guards: Located at Areas C. D. E. and F. Ka-Flui to fix the disru ptor
the re is a patrol of two guards e ach. usually
resting on the inner corners. Four guards are
a nd d ecimate the
Outpost.) &
posted a t the m a in d oor a t A rea A. The Why d id n 't
guards from Areas 0 or E com e running if you grab t h e
there is a fight , so stealth is crucial h ere. weapon?:
(Partia l Truth: Kane/Ag1rnt X wa nts the m to
reach Arna G. so the guards are IHx todHy.
·T m o nl v one
pP-rson. It's not
They a rc st ill a t their posts. but they have
orders only to s top the pla>1er c h a racters if
as if I can tu c k it
under mv jac ket and stro ll
thev entm their areas. T h e v are not to com e to
the ,aicl of other guard posts .)
out o f th e building with it.
Once it's working. yo u can
Armament: Good n e ws: the Mongob don't
use their disintegrators indoors. s inrn it
use it to shoot you r way o u t
of thP. Armory. This will
blow h oles c~'en in tlw
wrecks havoc on th e interior decorat ing.
Thev're armed onlv \·Vi th swords. (All of this front gates ... E
is tri.1e. HO\·vever. tirn Mongols arn also Other Questions:
carry ing knock-out gas grenades.) GMs are nncouraged to wing it. Agent X will R
The Head Ho n c h o: The man in charge of
the Armorv is a fellow named Ka-Flui. the
local Air Marshal. H1~ wants th e wea pon to
t!ithe r claim ig n oran ce . o r claim something
a lo ng the lines of his alrnady-P.stahlislrnd
s torv. He will ah\'avs be su re to s tress two
u se it against the Orgs. (This is true . though thi1igs: ·
no nrnntion will be nrnde o f Killer Kerne b e ing • tlrn pla~1 P. r c ha rac:ters h ave to grnh th e
a current allv o f Ka-Flu i.) weuµu 11 now before the Mongols u se it:
The Weapon : It's a supt~r- disi ntegrator of and
sorts and t lrn Mongols arn calling it a • hP. ca nnot p ossibly go \Nith tlrnm to thi~
"di srupt or." Mongol scouts unearthed it a fow armorv due to c rucial business
weeks back. and the sr.ientists have been elsewi10rc.
working on it a round the doc k. It's <1 large.
heavy weapon that rests on your shou lder
with a long bnrrnl. like an andent bazooka.
They've a lmost got it working . so >'OU h ave to
get it ton ight o r not at all. Its in area G.

Chapter Thrczcz

lC. ltlTO THE

Llott·s DEtl
Setting: The Mongol Armory

Read the following boxed text to the player

c whose character is the "point:"

L The duct s nakes through the darkness

about on e hundred yards. and ends
0 abruptly ·with a s ingle grate in the Boor
of thP. dur.t. Th rough th e grate. you can
fl see an open slorn room. fill ed \·Vith mops.
brooms. and o ther deani ng stuff. There
K arn also ladders and stepstools here. The
edges o f t he grate arc jammed tightly into
s the opening. What is ~1our character
d oing?

Role-Playing Agent X. Part II This is a r.ase whP.re one player and on e

& Throughout a ll o f the questioning. mainta in player a lone makes a decision. The other
Agent X's calm. cu ltured nrnnner. I le might playe r c haracters are back a long the duct
even pull out a c igarette. fit it to a cigarntte and cannot s lide past one another. It is a n
holder. and light it-a sure sign of a movit:- Easy (10) Strengt h check lo push the g rate
D seriul villai n-so make sure that the pla~1ur
characters buv his s tor v before vou wave this
out o r an Average (15) Streng th c heck to
lift it out. The difference becomes ap pa re nt
fl in their faces.' · ·
Agent X will listen to any of the charnc:-
i f th e player docs not speci fy that h is o r
her p layer character is holdi ng onto t h e
Ci ter's complaints. arguments. and s uggnstions
with equ al rneasurns of patronizing pl1!asun:
g rate: if unspoken. the grate wi ll go
hurtling to the flo or if pu s hed . clashing
Ci and sarcasm. For exampl e. he might respond
to a suggesti on. "Oh. how interesting! I
with a loud noise . (It's a Very Hard (30)
Aim check t o grab the gra te after the
MUST write that 01w down . Do vou think c haracter pus h es it out.)
E you can rememlwr it long enougl1 for me get Even if the grate fa lls to ground. though. no
some papcrT' Don't push the pla~icr charac· one comes lo check o ut the noise-Kane
R ters too far with h is sarcasm (he needs them made sure of this. The first character can

s to vvork wit h him. despite his c.:onlempl for

them). but there may be a few wi tt y types
that can hP.at Ag1mt X at his own game of sar-
jump d own easily without harming him- or
herself. then gel u lutlcier fo r the others. The
characters all start in Area B on the map.
r.asm (Killer Kane will. however. remember
these individuals and get 1n-en .... latm) .
Once all tlrn qiwstions have been as ked
General Overview
and answered lo the best of Agent X's of the Armory
knowledgu. he lead s them to the entrancu. The Mongol Armory Map can be used in your
\\'hic h. as promisnd. is a n abando ned a ir du ct ow n adventures for any large structure or
with the open ing pried off. It looks like not base. Descriptions of s pecifically detailed
much of anyt h ing has passed through ii for a areas are covered in Encounter 3C. but the
w h ile. except ma~·be Agent X. The characters following are general fac ts on the armory:
\\'ill have to proceed in single file on their
hands and knees. so decide who is the point • Area A is the main (and onlv official)
(the man or woman in fron t) and who is entrance to the base. ·
bringing up tho rnar. Agent X w ill wish the • Arna 8 is a storeroom with the secret
last person well. a nd fade into the night. ent rance (for the player characters).

Chapter Three

• Areas C. D, E. and Fare guardposts. See Random Method 2: Before play begins.
Encounter 30. take a separate sheet of paper and list a ll the
• Area G is the main assembly/mustering unoc:cupied rooms (1-Z. DD-FF). AftP.r that.
area of the armory. where the .. secret roll on the tabhi abov1: lo determ ine what is
weapon" is heing kept. See Encounter 3E. found where and write it down bv the room's
• Area H is a raised dias (a lo\·V stage) letter. If >'OU don't like the resu lts~ change
• Areas I through Z and DD through FF are them (but make all changes before the pla> er

various! y storage areas and barracks for c haracters get into the complex).
the troops.
• Areas AA, BB. and CC are prison cells. Them is n'! <11ly nothing for the p layer
characters in an v of these rooms-thcv will L
About the Guards nol find Kane's c1uartP.rS or a storage .
compartnrnnl of gas masks anywhere. 0
The information presented earlier is truc-
Areas D. E. and Fare all guard posts with two
Mongol guards per post. all armed wit h Player fictions fl
swords and two gas grenades each. Area A The players ' options are quite simplP.: K
has four guards (similarl y armed). as well as
the mechanism for opening the osmodi um
steel doors.
Thu player characters sneak to Area G:
They can arrive in Area G without meeting a
guard (see page 19 for reasons) if they
The guards' orders are to use the grenades proceed through Area C and take the right
for distant attacks. S\.vords for melee. and. if corrid or straight to the hall.
overrun or outmatched. to fall hack to the
next nearest guardpost. Area C. has a spncictl
The player c:harnr:ters look around: They
have to fight the guctrds or any r.harac:ters that &
function (see Encounter 30). as do Areas G are generated for each Area. If they are
and H. (see Encounter 3E). Rooms AA . BB, defeated b>' guards, they end up in Area AA.
and CC remain cells.
Winging It. Pt. IV: D
Constructing a Setting
The rest of the rooms are mixture of guards'
The Mongols' Role fl
barracks. storerooms. munitions areas. and
other features. The function and contents of
Thcv mav be the main enemv of 25th Ccnlun·
America: but make no mistake-the Mongols
each room can be determined in two methods: are certainl v a lmtter class of vi llain than vour
standard. savage Bad Bloods. and should he G
Random Method 1:. Whenever someone
opens a door to one of these areas. roll on the
treated and played as such.
The Mongols arc intelligent soldiers. E
tahle belO\I\': showing good use of tactics and strategv.
They speak Engli sh 'vvith littl e probl em and R
Die Roll Result
1 Barracks containing 10 Mongols
armed with swords
vvi thout accents (unl ike MacGregor). They are
a rational people. and. if overmatched in
battles of war or wits. \·viii surrender and
2 Barracks containing 5 Mongols expect to hH treatP.d with respect.
armed with swords If anyth ing. a world \•v here the Mongol
:~ Storeroom containing food Empire inflwrnces or rules ever>' nation
products gives the Mongols a s light!>' inflated
4 Storeroom containing melee \.vcapons opinion uf themselves . compared to the
- swords. maces. and knives. "dangerous s11vages 11nd barbm·ians" of the
5 Storeroom contai ning captured American Orgzoncs. Pla y them acc.:ordingly.
rocket pistols and clisintcgrator but alwavs reme mber that there are alwavs
pistols. The latter pistols will not those that break the molds of soc:ietv: There
function-the broC1dcast power is are both good and bad Mongols. jusi as
turned off. there arc good and bad Orgzon e natives and
6 Empty stornroom . Americans.

Chapter Three

lD. TtlE ESCAPE ThP. chomcters disagree over cu;tion: If the

c h aracters s tand around and argue about
Setting: The Mongol Armory. Arna C whether to h e lp o r not. wait for two m inutes
of real lime. If thcv st ill haven't made a
Read the following tlix t to th P. p l a~,tP.rs wlrnn decision . Wong coughs o nce. and lapses into
their charac te rs reach area Con the map : a coma for H while. That's the price you pay
for arguing. (This tact ic is on ly used when
c You sef? a largP. room that serves as a
time is A crncia l facto r-pl1:1yers must learn to
rnakl! snap d ecis ions in emergency
L guard post. Instead of two guards.
howl:ver. tlrnrn are three bodies on thP.
ThP. chamcters wont to m ovH Wong to c1
fl oor o f the room. All three am d ressed as
0 Mongol soldiers . It looks like there was a
.c;afe spot: The heroes m ay w is h to bring Wong
a loug. but moving <l wounded person is not a
battli~ hern just monrnnts earlier. and it smart id ea. If needed . the wounded and
A claimed all three lives.
Suddenly. one of the bodies cough s
unr.onscious can he left behind in Arca B to
bl~ p icked up later. If the otlrnrs are then
K and groans . One of th e Mongo l s old iers is
s till a live! What are vour characters
ambushed. the wounded \·v iii be easily caught

s doing? ·
and o verpowered by gas by returning guards.
Th e characters want to disguise themselvt:s
w; Mongol guard.'ilstrip the ~uards of useful
Hquipn w nt: Timm am three suitable Mongol
T he Mongol soldier in qm)stion is Wong. uniforms on the bodies. though wearing them
& the real Agent X. who vvas captured by Kane
and vvhose informat ion was used as bait for
\·v ii i not al low tlrn p layers to pass as Mongols
(Kane has already lipped the g uards that the
the pla~1 er characters. Wong managed to break heroes are coming ). The Mongol guards also
out of hi s cell and gl:t th is far hcfo rn running cHrry swords bu! th ere are no gas g renades
into tvvo guards. In the resulti ng battle. lw hand>' (th ese were used earlier in the fight).
D d ispatclrnd the guards. but breathed in a
lrnav ~' dos<~ of gas. As a resu It. he is very
Tiu! dwrac ters Irv to sneak to J\rea G:
F'rom A rca C. the piayor characters can see all
A groggy and . w h ile nas ty looking. his \·v ouncls
arn su p crfic:ial.
the wav down the hall to arna 0. where
anothe·;. set of guards in on pa tro l. Figures are
Ci small and indistinc t. a nd it will be possible
for the play1!r c harncters to m a ke the ir way
Player fictions
Ci This is a test of sorts for the players. T hey
do\vn the hall half-wa~1 before being s topped
and cha l lm1ged (if they are mimicking

E h ave been to ld by the Orgzone soldiers tha t

the Mongols a rc evil. and they have fought
Mongols. lrnre is \.·vhere the jig is up).

aga ins t them <1s well. Nov11• confron ted w ith a

R wounded Mongol. what du the>' do'? CiM's Hote

s Player Character Options

The smartBst move for the pla yer characters is
to head d irect Iv towards Arca C bv the side
passage. Do n 't ·be surprised if the p layers
The charncters incapucilate Wong: If they have their c haracters press on into A reas D
at tem pt to dispa tch him. Wong conveniont l>· and A before tackling area G. Use the rules
fall s unconscious. the gas taking its toll. He'll described earli e r to define Mongol tact ics.
be out o f action for a wh ile. They will reach area G eventual lv. a nd all this
The characters t1:v Fir.c;t 1\ id: If a play1 er docs is wear them down. -
charat:I C:!r attempts First Aid. his or her player
must make an Above Average (20) Brains
check. Failure indicates Wong d r ifts off into a
brief coma. Success indicates Wong has time
to gasp out "Ka ne! Weapon ... tra pped! "
beforn going unconscious. Give the player(s)
whose player charac:ter(s) administered First
Aid t\.vo Experience Chips a t the :->tart uf
c hapter 4 for the rescue.

Chapter Three

3E. THE TRAP <lnknown Dangers

IS SPltOHG T here are two immediate secrets that the
player characters S\.viftly find out about:
Setting: The Mongol Armory. Areas G & H • The doo rs lock and seal air-t ight upon
closing. and the door tlw players came in
One wav or the other. the c h aracters will closes and locks un less held O)Hll1.
make it ·to Area G. When th ey open t he door
(whet her bash ed clown o r opened carefully).
• Invis ible knock-out gas is p u mped in to
the room t he turn after the c:h<irac:ters
read t h '~ following: e n ter. All player characters h a ve to make
Hard (25) Heal th checks sta rting on thP.
You see a large ha ll. tlrn c1m tral room of
2n d turn (Rmnember + ·1 die for
Const itution ski lls!). 0
th e armorv. which is used as an indoor
parade ground and mustering field for
Mongol troops. The wal ls a re bnre. bu t
The scient is ts will he affectP.d by· the gas as
WP.II- Kane did not inform them of th is w h en
th e center of t h e room is dominated bv a he volunteered them for the role as bait. Om- K
large metal table. Two Mongol sdent ists
am working uncler hot ligh ts on a large
mechan ica l device-it looks lik(·) the
Ka Zoril \.vi ii be affocted a t the en cl of tlw
second turn. and fa ll to the groun d. sa_,·ing
" Knock -ou t-gas ...no!" Morkc Ka-Lono w ill be
weapon that Agen t X clescribed! A third a ffoc: tcd thi: following turn. both knoc ked out.
Mongol is seated on a tall-hacked throne Air Marshal Ka-Flui wi ll he u nharmed.
on the d ais (Arca H). His un iform and
posi tion suggests that he is the Air
s ince the dais is surrounded bv a thir.k shield
o f meta ll oglass (ma te ria l stnmgth 20). As t he &
Marshal Ka-Flu i ment ioned by Agent X. characters .start getting affected bv t h!! gas. he
What arc you r characters doing"? wi ll la u gh at t h e ir fate .

The Villain at Center Stage... D

GM Setup Killer Kane!
At this moment. th e pla>'er characters wi ll
Tools & Props
The charar:ters will likelv enter the room.
a lso hear the c lapping o f hands. and "Agent
X" \·v iii come out from behind the throne. He
None of the Mon gols loo'k armed . Set the
standup of Air Marshal Ka-Flui 011 the Arca H
vvil l laugh nt the players and begin to gloat.
The amoun t of g loa ting the c:ha racte rs henr
mark: set Morke Ka-Lo n o 's and Om-Kn Zoril 's
standu ps on any of t he squares next to Arca
wil l c-!P.penrl o n how lo ng thc_v stay conscious.
The timetable of even ts goes as follows: E
G. The scien tists look surprised and quickl_v
hold up their hands in surrender. T he_v are. Tum 0: T h e p layP.r c:harac:ters 1rnter Area G. R
however. smiling. Tum 1: The doors lock: the gas is pumped in.
7i1rn 2 : O m-Ka Zori l passes out. Kane
appears . clapping. and removes his mask
Descriptions and false bt!<inl.
Before the players get a chance to ctct . a num- Turn 3: Morke Ka -Lono passes o ut. Ka n e savs
ber of th ings occur within and around th is "Perm it me to in troduce m vself. I am Kane.
area that afft:ict t lwir chmac:h~rs. The GM Killer Kane. You h ave fallc~l into m v l i ttli~
shou ld read through this setup sectio11 care- trap. and . as we spP.a k. nil invisi b le ·gas is
fully a n d plan how to desr.rihP. th is scene to work ing on >'OU. Don't worry. it vvon' t ki ll
the characters (and h ow much thev lr.arn of vou. I wnnt vou aliv1~ for now.....
it ). The onl:v action that th e pla>'cr. charnctcrs 'fiim 4: Kane cont inues : " It \·Vas simplicit v
can see or hear is Kil-Flu i calling fo r his itself to fool you hufoons as Agen t X. The
guards and thc rc is an a l<irm bell ring ing in real age11 t actun ll» died in an P.scapn just n
the background. T h ere is more danger in w h at little w hi ln eml ier. Now I have the
the p la>1er c h aracters don't notirn ha p pening: disruptor. and I have vou. And wou ld vou
read through th e m:xt section but record play- care to know w h at I am goi ng to do with
ers' immediate reactions and plans for act ion . vou'~"

Chapter Three

Turn 5: Kane carries on: "I am going to use Smash the Disruptor to pieces: Good idea
my new toy to utterly destroy the (grant an Experience Chip at the start of the
Columbus Orgzone, starting with your next chapter). However. the device will still
dreadful littlt! outpost. In the ruins of said be repaired by Chapter 4 as well.
outpost , they shall find your bodies, with Take Om-Ka and Morke as hostages: If
information indicating you to be traitors Kane cared about the scientists, would he gas
against the Orgs. Not only will you be dead. them with the player characters?
c but vour names will be blackened for the
rest "or time!" Kane can't help hut chuckle
Break down the doors: The doors to this
room have steel support bars in them. They
L and smile throughout his tirade.
Turn 6: (If there are any characters still
have a material strength of 30.
Insult Kane: This may be about the best
standing at this point, raise the Health thing to do in this sit uation- good villains
0 check Task Level to 30). "You shouldn't respect moxie. Give the player character that
mind being traitors to the Orgs-l've been threatens Kane an Experience Chip at the
fl doing it myself for a while and it is rather
enjoyable!" He and the Air Marshal share a
start of the next chapter.

K long. wicked laugh. If any characters arc

still standing, they automatically fail a Winging It. Pt. V:
s Health check in turn 7. As blackness douds
over their senses. the last thing they hear is
uoh Ho! They Eluded
Kane's laughter ringing in their ears. My Foolproof Plan1··
& Player fictions That's the problem \•vith role-playing games-
there 'soften something you haven't thought
The whole purpose of this encounter is to of that the players will use to keep their
get the characters caught in an inescapable characters alive. What if. despite everything
trap. and allow Killer Kane to brag about said earlier. they shoot a hole in the armory
D his plans. However, there is a rule of thumb
about inescapable traps-they are rarely
roof or interior walls (material strength 20,
but only requiring one shot). letting much of
fl fatal, since that 's not very sporting. It's OK
to create inescapable traps to capture player
the gas ourt Whatever the tactic. something
happens that allows them to escape the trap
Ci characters, but not if they only end the
characters' lives. Villains in the BUCK
in one piece. What do you do now?
No problem. In this adventure , they still
Ci ROGERS®Adventure Game create traps to
humiliate and frustrate their foes, not kill
have to get ou t of the armory with 10 Mongol
soldiers armed with swords and gas grenades
E them. After all, if they're dead , who is left
for th e villain to pro;e his or her
at each entrance! And if they get past these
guys and into the clear? Just ignore Chapter 4
superiority to? and go directly to Chapter 5. If your players
R are good enough to get past these odds, they

s Player Character Options

Player characters rarely take things quietly, so
deserve a reward, not one more set of
Remember, we all play games for fun and
here are a fe"v expected actions: having your heroes trapped is frustrating. If
Break the Metaloglass Shield: It has a players break the odds and the heroes escape,
material strength of 20 but the transparent don't get angry about the ruined trap-have
metal is very th ick. It will need three the villains swearing revenge and mayhem
suc:c:essful strikes in the same location to with wilder tactics each time until the heroes
shatter it. On the second successfu l strike. the lie at their feet! Pick up the action at the next
Air Marshal wi ll grow c:oncerned and press a available spot and increase the dangers due to
stud on his chair-arm. The entire throne with the villain's rage!
Kane will s ink into the dais, \·vhich will closi,:

over it in a tight seal.
Use The Disruptor Ray: Quick glances at
the disruptor show that the ray's electronics
are a mess. and it would take several hours to


fix them into a workable shape.

CiM·s Tool Box 4fl. THE CELL
Setting: The Mongol Armory. Area AA
Encounter 4A
Maps: Mongol Armory Map:
Area AA After a long period of dreamless sleep. you awaken
Standups: Wong in the dark. You have the feeling of deja vu, like this
Combat Stats & Info: World. has happened to you before in some other place--
pg. 26 the cave! You fell victim to a gas attack again!
Compared to your present surrou ndings.
Encounter 48 however. the cave looks inviting. You and your
Map: Mongol Armory Map: companions arc in a straw-lined cell. bare other
Area G (Om-Ka Zari!. Morke Ka- than the most basic necessities. The on ly light
Lono), Area H (Kane, 4 Mongol comes from the hall way. through a small iron-
soldiers) barred window.
Standups: Kane. Morke Ka- You sec your companions stirring arou nd you in
Lono, Om-Ka Zori l; 4 Mongol the cell. What is your character doing'?
standups (have all read y as
supplemental guards)[)
Combat Stats & Info: World. The player characters arc imprisoned after falling
pg. victim to a gas attack. Those who stayed awake long
enough know what Kane is plann ing and can fill in the
others. All of the characters' weapons and gear. except
for clothes. have been stripped from them and stashed
somewhere else. Where c:an the characters go from here?
Give the players a few attempts to break out on their
own. The door and walls have a 35 material strength to
keep dangerous (and strong) individuals under lock and
key. Picking the lock may succeed with a successful
Very Hard (30) Aim check (Dexterity adds + 1 die).
Now is a good time for GMs to grant player characters
Experience Chip awards to the characters who
performed First Aid on Wong or threatened Kane in the
face of death. Any other earned Experience Chips can
be awarded now as well at the GM's discretion.
There are no guards in the hallway-in fact. it is
curiously quiet.

Player Actions
Only one of two things will happen: the characters will
break out of the cell on their own . or they will be
rescued from imprisonment by Wong. the rea l Agent X.
If the characters break out of their cell. bv anv
means. read the following a loud: · ·

Synopsis The door swings open Idescribe method of esca pe

here to fi t into text]. and vou look out into the
Encounter 4A: PCs are hallway. You see a lone figure in a Mongol
imprisoned by Killer Kane uniform. walking towards your cell with a ring of
and are rescued by Wong. keys. He smi les as he sees you- it's the wounded
the real Agent X. Mongol soldier you saw earl ier!
Encounter 48: The heroes make With a grin. he says "Gee. I brought the keys. but
another attempt at stealing I see you couldn 't wait. In a h urry to join up with
the disruptor weapon. the other creatures of the night?"

If the player characters are foiled in all
attempts to ~1scape. read thP. follmving:
All of tlrn characters· gear is stornd in tlrn
adjoining c.ell. Kane wanted it kept nearby so
What little light you have dims as a he c:ould bP. surn their bodies WP.re properly
shadow passes in front of the small dressed for tlrn massacre. This includes
window in the door. You all look up and jumping belts (and three spare belts) and
see thP. smiling face of a Mongol soldier. rocket pistols. Tim guards are at their norma l
He looks familiar- in fact. he \Vas the posts and no one ~·ct kno ...vs that the player
wounded soldier vou encountered characters are free .
earl ier. He holds tip a ring of kc~rs.
"Have you out in a minute." he says.
"This isn't a healthy p lace for c rP.aturcs Player Character Options
of the night like ~1 ourselves. ·· There am only t\.vo feasible options open to
the heroes:
• The player c haracters can make a full
escape with their knowledge (and
Meeting thv Rval flgvnt X without the weapon): or
In both c:ast~s. it is the true Agent X ("But ~1ou • The player characters c.cm attempt to
c:an ca ll me Wong"). Wong has been working steal the now-functioning disruptor
on the s ly for MacGregor through the weapon from Ki ller Kane and his Mongol
n~hel l ious Golden Dragons Society ("Not all a llies.
Mongols agree with thn Emperor and his Air
Marshal toadies."). He had been captured bv If the heroes choose the first option. they will
Kam~ and the codes wern tricked out of him arrive at the Orgzone outpost just in time for
through hypnosis. the events in Chapter !1. If they are going to
Wong's attitude depends on how he was s teal thn disruptor. move on to Encounter 48.
treated earlier by the heroes. If the pla~1 er
characters refused to aid him. h e is ca utious
and withdrawn. If the pla~1cr characters gave
Winging It, Pt. VI:
him Firs t Aid. he is friendl v and o utgoing. If
the playP.rs took a shot at him in his wounded
What How, Mr Wong?
state. he will be irritated ('Tm 011!~1 helping Remembe r that the game is for the player
you because you're against Kane and Ka-Flui. c haracters. not the NPCs. The decisions of the
Once thev're done. so are we!"). This is an characters are up to the players. While a non-
effect pla.yers need to thin k about in role- playP.r charac:tP.r can suggP.st an option. this
playing: One's actions ver~' often have should not become a habit for the NPCs to
consequences. In this case. the player lead the the pla~1 crs to following their lead.
chMacters eithP.r gainP.d or lost a trnsty al ly. In tlrn casP. of Wong (a ncl Lt. Gilda. to a
lesser degree earlier). we have a character
who is familiar w ith the surrounding world
Mission Status and its people. and competent in what h e (or
Wong hHs good ne\>\ s and lmcl nuws. Th ..! good
1 shP.) does. HowP.vP.r. \!Vong (like any NPC) has
11f)WS is that the weapon is still down in the limits. If the players are in a t ight spot and
main hall. The had news is that the scient ists turn to Wong to rescue them again. Agent X
am almost dune fixing it. and can dcla>' no will merely shrug and say. "Hey. I'm the spy.
longer. with Kane watching them like hawks. That hero-s tuff is your department."
If the ch<lracters have treated Wong well. he If the playl~rs are relying on Wong to tell
\•v iii tdl them that the scient ists arc also them what to do. vou (the GM) can send him
members of the Colden Dragons Society. and off on anotlrnr mission ('Tm going lo see if I
thcv should not be harmed: if thcv surrender. can gum up the broadcast power generators
the\' mean it. Othcnvisc. he will 1.10t trust the in Ka-Flui's airship-wish me luck!") and
pla~'cr characters to treat hi s fellow Golden have him leave the sctme quick l ~'· He's a good
Dragons well and w ill not s hare thei r secret. supporting character. and can act to aid them
in their hour (and combat turn) of need.

48. GE 11 IHG THE GUH throne. Kane wil l not hit the button unt il his
bod~1 guards are off the da is tu engage the
Setting: The Mongol Armory. Areas c; & H drnracters. The shiP.ld is f11ll~1 in p lac:H b~1 the
P. IHI of tllll second combat turn.
The scene here is almost identical to the Tire Mongol Giumls: The guards 1;vi ll all
one earlier. If you need to. read the following rush fo rward tu e ngage in mclee w ith those
to the pla~1 ers aloud: threaten ing their master. Killer Kane. The>'
fan out to avoid all getting caught in rocket
pistol fire . and two of them move toward
You see the large. central room of the Arna G to protect the disruptor.
armory again. Its ·w alls are still ham. and Tho Gas 'frap: The gas trap still works. but
the table still rests in the cunter o r the wi ll not be used unt il K i l l 1~r Kt'l1H·l is safelv
room . However. tllfl two Mongo l behind tlrn mntaloglass shield . Also. it is -nO\.V
scientists arc wiping their hands and ddm1t1-id P.asily by tlw preca ution of keeping a
fornheads . hacking a\>vay from t he table door propped open: resis ting the gas in this
and ·what appears to he the rebuilt wav reduces the Hea lth Task Level to 10.
disruptor weapon! TlrP. Monf.lol Scientists: T he Mongol
Ki ller Kane is sP.atnd on the tall-lrnc:ked scientists s till surrnnder. and they prompt!>'
throne on th e dais. flanked bv four h it the deck if weapons arc fired. During an~'
guards armed with swords. The>' look combat. t hev Irv to move as far from tlrn hattl1~
expectantly at Kane. and he waves them ns possib le. ·bui do not flee from thP. cen tral
back. stand ing at the throne to gaze down room. T hey would appreciate it if the p la»m
at the terrible weapon o f the past. You characters took tlrnm wi th them (Timm arc
see that a line of lights along the side of spam jumping belts in area CC .. . ).
the weapon is glm·v ing green. Everyone is Tire Disruptor Ruy: Tlw disruptor is now
so intent on the w1iapon that no one has opmationa l. Anyone picking it up will hear
noticed vour en trance. the waverv voice of Morke Ka-Lono
What ·arn your characters doing'? (whernver he is in the room) shout .. Be
carefu l! It's ver>' delicate and it might break
nfter one shot! ..
GM Setup
Player fictions
Tools & Props Obviouslv. time is of absolute essence in this
Plac~1 Morke Ka-Lono·::: and Om-Ka Zoril's sc1rnario."Oon·t give the p lnyfirs morn than 15
standups one square each awav from Arna seconds to d1~cide ·what t he~' are going to do
G. and place an Experience Chip on the in t he first combat turn. Irs t i nH~ fo r quick
Area G mark to represent the disr uptor decisions. or Killer Karn~ mHv turn the
weapon and the table. Kane ·s standup disruptor on >'011! •
shou ld b~i on the throne at Area H. and the Through-out the combat. urge the p lavcrs
fo ur Mongo l sold ie rs should fill tlrn rest or on \•v ith a s1rnse of urgency. through the need
the squares on the dais except the square for quick decisions during their combat t u rns
beh ind the throne. and the tone of vour voice (if vuu sound
thrilled and tense and hurrierl. the plnyHrs
will p ic k up t his parn and it adds more
Dcrscriptions cxcitm111mt to the game). Stress the
This should be familiar terri torv to the importanct? of escaping with the weapon (and
players and tlrn GM->1011 just lil'lo a batt le in mavbP. tlrn scientists) before rei nforc:cnrnnls
this area. Hern am the important differences: arriH!. Murke Ka-Lono m ight sa~' something
Tlw Metalo!jlass Shield: Thi: mctaloglass to I he effect of .. We 111 ust flee! KalH-! lrns
shield around the throrlll is not in position. It s u mmoned rninforc1rnrnnts! .. The idea is to
will take a full combat turn tu raise after Kane get the characters out of there. not have a
hits the appropriate button on t he arm of the climact ic battle <1g<1i nst the traitorous Kane.

What happens to the surroundings? Give
Player Character Options me a direction to fire!
The player r.hamcters nttnr.k Kane: If Kane At the roof: Goo<lbye roof! A large hole
is attacked. he only responds in mclec appears. suitable for anyone with a jumping
combat. using his APs to escape through the belt to escape through.
eastern door. The Mongol soldiers wi ll cover At the front gotes: Goodbye doors and
his escape. If he gets out of a pursuing ~1our "impenetrable" osmodium stee l gates
character's s ight. he gets away. too! Trees are fel led and catch fire a mile
If the player characters don't us€? the aw av.
disruptor to carve a new escape route out of Iri a random dimction: The complex gains
the area, they only have to deal with 10 a new 10'-wide opening.
Mongo ls attacking from Area A and the 4 Downwards: A very deep. 10·-\·vide well is
guards in the room already. The remainder created to an underground stream. Anyone
arc on the Han airship for Encounter 5. i..vho falls down it w ill be swept several miles
~r the player characters are defeated: They away before swimming to safety.
are treated for wounds and thrown back in At Killer Kane: Killer Kane will Buv a
the prison. where they can try this all again a Break (see Rules. pg. 32). though it appears
few davs later. Thev shouldn't fail. but there 's like he and his throne disappear in a bolt of
always· the chance:If nothing else. they find blue thunder. Kane will not be back in this
that their skirmish ruined the disruptor and adventure if this happens. When he does
they're st ill fixing it. reappear (and he will reappear). he'll gloat
A player character picks up the disruptor: that he escaped through a passage beneath
A player character can sprint from the the thron e. Oh. and he'll be sure to remind
western door and pick up the disruptor by the heroes of the grief they caused him
spending 3 APs; he or she must then wait here.
until next turn to act again (unless
Experience Chips are spent). The disruptor
costs 2 APs to fire. like an~' heavy weapon. Results
The disruptor is remarkably light. despite 1 Experience Chip Awards:
its size and bu lkiness. Morke Ka-Lono veils a • For the character who escapes the prison
warning to you (see above). His warning is without Wong's aid : and
correct: the wielder will have one shot ·with • For characters that let the Mongol
this toy. then it will need repairs. When it is scientists escape Kane and accompany
fired. read the following aloud to the firer. them (getting spare jumping belts for
them gains an additional Chip).
2 Experience Chip Awards:
There is the crack of thunder. and the air • For all characters if they escape the
around vou reverses. like a color Armory with the disruptor:
negative. A dazzling bolt of blue flame • For all characters if they force Killer
lances from the muzzle of the disruptor. Kane to Buy a Break and thereby taking
and the recoil nearly knocks you off your him out of the game (whether by the
feet. Everything vanishes before the bolt disruptor or other weapons); and
of blue ions. which surges like a tornado • For the disruptor usflr if it isn't fired
through its target. Ovnr the roar of direct ly at human targets (Mongol
energy. you hear the ddicatc crash and guards. Karn~ . etc:.).
tinkle of something within the machine.
like shattering crystal. Allocate Experience Chips as the heroes
flee the site. A look backwards indicates that
their trouble isn't over yflt: a great Mongol
The power (and delicacy) of this \·v capon Raider is settling to the ground behind the
can't be underestimated. It vaporizes armor~'· taking on troops to pursue. The
everything in a 10-foot wide path starting player characters will have the Mongols right
from its location to one mile away. on their tails when they get home!

( Chapter five )
GM s Tool Box Sfl. Raid on Columbus
Setting: The Columbus Orgzone Outpost
Encounter 5A
Maps: Outdoors Map: Areas OK. this is the big wrap-up ! The final reel in tlrn
G. H. I (Org entrances. Org picture! The wholH 1rnc:hilada! The battle of the
soldiers). Area J (Aerodrome. century! Wel l. that's how it shou ld be pitched to the
Doc Huer. Om-Ka Zoril. Morkc pla~1ers. Tlw player c:harac:ters should Im on the way
Ka-Lono . Wong. PCs) . Areas K. back from the armor~' and this takes place 10 minutes
L. M (Gilda. MacGregor. Org after thev arrive.
soldiers): Arca F (Han airship). The characters start this scenario at area J. just
Areas B. E (Mongols) reaching the Aerodrome scant minutes before.
Standups: Gilda . Doc: Hu er. hopefully with the weapon. Read the following to the
Comdr. MacGregor, 7 male Org players:
soldiers. 3 fema le Org soldiers.
6 bip lane cards: Wong. Morke
Ka-Lono. Om-Ka Zoril: Killer After leaping at top speed. you arrive back at the
Kane (if s till in play). Ka-Flui. Org. exhausted but triumphant. MacGregor
10 Mongol sold iers. 6 Bad himself greets you. and congratulates you on
Bloods (as Mongols), Han capturing the ·weapon. Doc Huer asks to see it:
airship card wh il e concerned that it seems broken. he is sure it
Combat Stats & Info: World. can be repa ired.
pgs. 18. 20. 22. 25. 27. 28. 30: Your celebrat ion is short-l ived. however. for
Rules. pg. 24 scouts immediately report that a la rge Mongol
armed force has b1~e n spotted to the north and cast.
Encounter SB led b~r a Han airship. Apparently the Mongols want
Role-Play On ly their an tique back . and don't care who or what
they hawi to destroy to get it! Worse, the Outpost
is at reduced manpower-even though they now
Synopsis have biplanes. th ey have no trained pilots to fly

Encounter 5A: This is the final

assault against the The player characters are at the Aerodrmrn'! , and any
Columbus Orgzone outpost who \·v ish to take a bip lane aloft arc allO\·vcd to do so-
for control of the there are up to s ix biplanes availahlfi. The planes will
disruptor! othen.v ise he destroyed . so MacGregor w ill allow the
Encounter 58: The epi logue a nd heroes to u1->e them. It's u p to the heroes to down the
Buck' speech . Mongol Raider and save the Outpost!

~c -~. ~'\...

[ Chapter five
The Han airship remains 600 feet up in the
GM Setop air (long range for the disintr.grator). so high
that someone with an lnertron belt cannot
Tools & Props rnach it from the ground . Stress that it cannot
Arca G. H. and I are all 1mtrances to the be reached by j11mping /i·om tht> gro11nd. See
underground Org instal liltion. Eilch en trnnce "Player Clrnrnr.ter Options" for some ideas
has one guard each at its Area mark. that may pop up.
Area I is the now operat ional i\P.rodrornP.
for the insta llation. and it serves as a starting
place for the player characters and the Special Situations: The Disruptor
scientists. Simply place a 4 inch square over If' the ployP.r chorocters recovered the
the J ma rk. placing the scientists' standups disrnptnr from the nrmor:v: It is brok1m . flitlrnr
vvithin its boundaries. All other s tandups arc through use ur just the rough handling
placed outside the "Aerodrome ... needed to carry it back. ll will need repairs
Arca Fis the starting location for the He1n before it can be u sP.d again.
Airship. Wlrnn the tinm comes. put the front Doc Hum will need tim1: to repair the
uf the Han ship card directly to the righ t of disruptor. and the c harac ters have to get him
the F mark (the disintegrator beam is tra ined some time. It will take six turns to get the
on Arna F. marked by a n Experience Chip). disrnptor int o working order. ll only takes
Areas Band E will be the stl'lrting positions Doc four turns if Morke Ka-Lono a nrl Orn-Ka
of the Mongol Troopers (use the Uad Ulood Zoril <1rn helping. If a player charactP.r with
counters as well) . Thev will be \Vithin three Electronist skill aids them . and the player
hexes of either locat io1i a t start. makes a successfu I Hard (25) Bra ins check.
tlrn amount of tinrn \·v ii i hH halved (threP.
turns for Huer. two turns for Hucr and the
Descriptions scien tists). If successfully repaired. the only
This is going to become IP.ss of a sN:t ion for important target o n the field for the disruptor
itemizing facts for the GM to rnvmil to the is the Mongol Raider.
players in long descriptions. Think of If Ki/for Kerne hos th P. disruptor: It will be
yourself (the GM) as a rc1dio reporter. tHlling nrnuntml on th P. front of tlw Han airship.
tlrn story as it happHns. The players c:an 't sne insll?ad of thn forward disintegrator. and it
what's going on until you tell them. but the~· will be used against the first plane that
also don't see everything at once. Revealing at tacks it. It w ill utt e rlv destroy the
the scene piecemeal also adds to some of thn bip la1rn. and its occupi111t(s) mt1st makP.
nxc:itcrncnt. as man~' different things happen Ver~' Hard (:30) Health checks to avoid being
at once and pla~1 crs need to track on all of it. vaporized. After one shot. the weapon will
The Mongols will be led by Killer Kane (if be useless.
he is stil l in p lay) or h>' Air Marshal Ka-Fl11i. ~(no one hns the disruptor: If it was
Their tac:tir.s are similar to those from Chapter destroyed in a previous section. ignore all
:L: Crub1! over tht! site and inflic t damage. The re ferences to the weapon in the text. and
Mongol disintegrator canno n beam s tarts atop cha nge thn "read-aloud" sections
<1rea F and moves three spaces per turn along acc:ording l ~'·
with the airship (it can be pointed at any
squan: adjacent to the airship's front squares).
The cannon fire will be trained on Arca J first Player Actions
to destroy the Aerodrome again. After that. Run the combat as we have done before: Ask
Areas G. H. and I become targets. as the Han what each playt1r is doing in turn. Some may
airship gunners attP.mpt to s<~a l tlw want to havn biplanes. and somP. may ask
underground entrances tu the Orgs a nd trap wish to lead a ground assault. In the latter
the soldiers here. The ground troops am to case. give th ese pla~1 er characters brevet
slav as manv enemies on the su rface as (that's a field promotion) Captain's rank and a
possible. · few of the remaining Org soldiers .

' .

( Chapter five )
Player Character Options Results
Ployer clwmcters in biplones: If thP. The disJ'llptor is repaired: A likely
c harac te rs •..vish to lake to the air and deal concl us ion is that Hucr and his helpe rs vvill
directly against the Han a irship. they can get get the d isruptor repaired and b low the
airborne with n o diffic ultv a t al l. Thev can Mongol Ra ider ou t of the s ky. Thi s t ime.
get airborne and all bipl anes can be piaced however. the w eapon itself will be utter I~,
between Areas K and L north of the destroyed and irre pa irable. With the loss of
Aerodrome. heading toward the airship. the Mongol Ra ider. the remai ning troo ps
• Firing on Han airship: Gunners on ly s urrender. Ki ller Kane a nd Ka-Flui both Buv a
n eed lo roll Average (15) Aim checks to Ornak and are merely captured. hoping to ·
h it th e airs hip. but they have to s ubtract breAk fret? and re turn to fight a not her day.
4 dice from the roll because of the ship's The disJ'llptnr isn't repnirnd: A possible
Armor. Remember that single pilot conclusio n is that Huer never gets the d()vice
planes cannot maneu ver or change or nev1:r get s its working. It is possible lo
direction if they fire during that tum. bring down a Mongol Raid er \.Vi th the planes.
• Firing on grouncl troops: Gunners need or even wit h a s ingle c h aracter who lnaps
to roll 16 or greatf1r on A im checks to hit onto it and cripples it \·Vith a lucky rocket
Mongo l troops (sec the Special Combat pistol shot. Again. with the loss of the
Rules). However. doing this will attract Mongol Raider. the remaining troops
the attentio n of the ai rship and it \·Viii surrender.
attempt to shoot the biplane down w ith T he Han oirship is destroyed: Wlrnn thP.
its fore and aft disintegrator cannons. Mongol Raider is destroyed . read the
• Lf~aping onto Han airship: Sonrn playf?rS following text to the players:
may get the bright idea to jump from
biplanes onto the airship. Th is is
permi tted. and is an Above Average (20) A s eries of exp los ions rock the ma mmoth
Aim check. An y character on top of thP. 11irsh ip. a nd firns brnak out along its
airship will be confronted by fi ve lm1gth. Mongol crewmen tumble o ut of
Mongol soldiers a nd e ither Kane or Ka- the craft. many fo iling into a nearb:v lake.
Flui. armed with S\·v ords. Wa te rsoa ked Mongo ls s urre nder to the
• Crashing biplane against the airship: A Org forces as the grea t s hip fall s burning
last-ditch effort. to be s ure. but effective! to Earth .
This is a 36 point attcic k on the ai rs hip; The Mongol ground forces sec the
even with a successful lntmnal Strength df:slruction of their air cover and throw
roll. a 10'-wide hole is left at the point of d own their now-useless weapons. They
impact. Player characters must make surre nder without a fight. Thn battln has
Abovf? Average (20) Aim c:hc~cks to leap l>Fmn won. and lhF1 Org is savnd.
oul of the plane safely. or else they need Thern is a new sound. suddenlv. from
Hea lth c hec ks against a 36 poi nt the east. A small squadron of bi pianes
P.xplosio n! clears the ridgel ine ancl c irc:IP.s tlw
burning cra ft. Thei r markings arc those o f
Player characters hwdin8 2rou nd troops: MacCregor's Niagaran Air Cuarcl . The~'
Player charac te rs a re g iven Org sold iers to turn and h ead for the Aerodrome.
c:ommancl: combat oc:c:urs normally. exc:ept The bip lanes c:omfl to a bumpy
players control more than one c haracter. Tho landing. and a tall, good-looking ~r oung
GM should di vide any unplaced Org sold ie rs man cl imbs out of the lead bipl<lne. He
among thP. ground-basP.cl he roP.s for thei r wal ks up lo you and pulls off h is he lmet.
troo ps. Everyone gets a gas grenade and an revealing ::;a nd~' brow n hair and a qui i.:k
explosive grenade from MacGregor. and is smile. "Iii! I'm Duck Rogers. I've heard a
sent into batt le ! A ll standups s ta rt w ithin five lot about you. a ncl h av 1~ bP.en looking
squares of Arca J. Good luck! forward to meeting you . Seems you fo lks
didn't need our help aft nr all. eh'("

( Chapter Five )
The player characters and allies seem
defeated: An unlikely cond us ion. though still
possible. is that the biplanes are all
destroyed. the Mongol Raider remains
unharmed. the disruptor is never repaired.
and all the player characters are knocked out
of action. At this point. it's time to c.:all in the
cavalry. Read the fo llowing to the players:

All looks its darkest when. suddenlv.

there is a new sound. a whirr of engines.
A new detachmen t of biplanes r:rests the
riclge-line and fa lls upon the Han airship.
The Mongol craft's disintegrator cannons
lash back and forth to no avail. The
biplanes arc under the command of a
skilled squadron leader. and they quickly
ridclle its length with rocket fire.
Fires break out in several places at
once and explosions rock the craft. The
great Mongol airship sinks to the ground.
like a wouncled giant, as its crew leaps to
safety. Th e ground forces of the Mongols
quail at the sigh t and surrender.
The biplanes come to a bumpy landing
bv the Aerodrome. and a tall. handsome
~1oung man climbs out of the lead plane.
He walks up to you and pulls off his
hel met, reveali ng sandy brown hair and a
dean smile. "Hello, I'm Buck Rogers. I've
heard a lot about you, and have been
looking forward to meeting you. It sure
looks like 1 picked a good time to visit!"

This version is much less satisfying for the

p layers. but it docs ~md the entire adventure
on an positive note. If you want the p layer
characters and their allies to go down
fighting. tragit; heroes to the end. that's your
choice as the Game Master, but don't expect
your players to be too gung-ho about playing
too often after this ...

Experience Chips should be awarded as

indicated on page :n of the Rules Book. The
player that destroys the Mongol Raider gains
an addit ional two Chips. However. no Ch ips
are gained for disabling the disruptor. since it
d estroys itself.

( Chapter Five )
The Epilogue:
Setting: The Columbus Orgzone Outpost

A day has passed s inc:P. thn hattle. and all

of tlrn involved Mongol troops haw~ llllcn
rounded up and disarmed. Th ~?i r leaders
are imprisoned and tlw disruptor
weapon has been recovered.
However. it isn't usable. Aft er about
!P.n homs of trying to fit it together aftnr
its last use. Doc Huer has th rown in the
towel. "Alas. it'll never work again. St ill.
it s energy-transfer systems am quite
int ernsting. and could be used to mon!
easilv manufacture lnmtron. Hmrn .... "
As for vou and vour comrades. there is
a small awards ceremonv. You am all
promoted to the rank o(Lieutenant
w ithin the Orgzone Confoderati on. and
arn invill~d to form a pernrnrwnt team of
operati ves to battle the Mongols. Buc k
Rogers himself awards each of ~1 ou a
medal fur valorous service. and invites
you to serve as a "Rocket Ranger" under
the Orgs' centra l command in Niagara.
"It is not an easv task ahead of us ."
savs Buc k to tlw assembl,~d audienc1~.
"And it •viii take nrnnv more battles to
finallv free America from the dutches of
lrnr irivaders. But as long as we have
warriors. scientists. and citizens like
these . w e can rest assured that with
patience. diligence. and hard work. we
CAN make that futurn happ1:m ."
The applause? of the audience
rnbounds off the distant hills.

Is That It? Is It Over?

No. it isn't over b~, a longs hut! Your
characters (and your players) havn onl y
begun their adv~rn turcs in the 25th Century.
Turn to page 36 for more ideas for us ing t bP.
BlJCK ROGERS': AdVfmturn l.amn Svstem
and how GMs (and even solo-p la~1 crs) ca n
c:reatP. their own thrill-packed action epics of
tlw 25th Century! Keep an e~1~1 out for future
support products for the BUCK ROGERS
Game-a ft P.r all. what's a good movie without
sequels. an~1 wa~1 ?

• .
( Appendix One )
Jeb Croger Otis J. Sanders Holly rtorth
Mine-Worker Government Agent Reporter

Abilities Abilities Abilities

Strength: BEST (5 dicP.) Strength: GOOD (3 dice) Strength: OK (2 dice)
Aim: OK (2 dice) Aim: OK (2 dic.:e) Aim: BETTER (4 dice)
Brains: GOOD (3 dice) Brains: BETTER (4 dice) Brains: BETTER (4 dice)
Health: BETTER (4 dice) Health: REST (5 dicP.) Health: BETTER (4 dicti)

Skills Skills Skills

Brawling (Strength) Dexterity (Aim) Contacts (Brains)
Hardy Individua l {Health) First Aid (Brains) Constitution (Health)
Meclianic (Brains) Grappling (Stffmgth) Grappling (Strength)
Muscles (Strength) Indomitable Spirit (Hea lth) Gunpowder Weapons (Aim)
Throwing {Aim) Will to Live (I lealth) Nimble (Aim)

Equipment Equipment Equipment

Lighter Wallet \•Vith government A pack of gum (fi sticks)
Pocket Knife badge A makeup compact and
$2 in bills. 72 cents in change $6 in bills. 18 cents in change lipstick
Magnifying glass A small bottle uf perfume
Diamond 1mgagP.ment ring Notebook
Pencils (3)
Fountain pen
Small pistol with four bu llets
5 Experience Chips at Start

Rolcz-Playing Traits
Lean, handsome Otis JosP.ph
Sandt-!rs is a mid-level
inspector and functionary for 5 Experience Chips al Start
the Bureau of Mine Safety. He
knows many people in other
Experience branches of the government.
Role-Playing Traits
5 Experience Chips at Start though. and is often off A hard-driving. independen t
''doing favors" and offering woman. Hollv North is a
advice for other branches as a reporh=?r \•vith-a nose for news
Rolcz-Playing Traits consultant. He has a joking, and a insatiable curios ity
Jeb is a strong, broad- kind nature. but is dead ly · about new ideas and •
shouldered young man who serious about the safetv of inven tions. An accomplished
has worked since boyhood in others. • markswo man. she knows Iha!
the mines of Westerri Otis was planning to pro- a gun and a kind word gets
Pennsylvania. Good-natured pose to his intended the her more answers morn often
and friendly, the bloncle- evening after this mine than just a kind word. She
haired Jeb is always more inspection. but he missed the also knows when to flatter
than happy to help others. He elate by over 500 years ! (If the her subjects to draw out more
has a tendency to be GM and players use these information. Her wild.
impulsive, and is morn charactP.rs. Lt. Gilda might mischievous nature makes
willing to use his fists than bear some startling resem- her oftP.n takP. risks and P.ntcr
his brains in combat. h lancP. to Otis' lost love ... ) into dangerous situations.

( fippendix One )
Victor Slane Dr. fimadeos Triest Dr Gloria Tuesday
Former Pi lot Scie ntist El ectronics Spt?c inlis t

Abilities Abilities Abilities

Strengt h: BE'nI::R (4 clirn) St rength : OK (2 dic:n) Strength : GOOD (:l dice)
Aim : nETTER (4 clim) Aim: OK (2 dirn) Aim: OK (2 dicP.)
Brains: OK (2 die<!) Bra ins: BEST (!l di c:n) Bra ins: BEST (!l d ir.e)
Health: 8ETl'ER (4 d ict?} Health: REST (:;dice) Health: BETTER (4 dice)

Skills Skills Skills

Airborne? Co mbat (/\ im) Broadcast Technologist (Brnins) Brnwli ng (Strrmgth)
Da rncl1!v i I (Aim) IJnxl~!r i t\· (Aim) Dllxlnrit\· (Aim)
Encluranc:n (I lna lth} Crappli1ig (Strnngth) Firs t 1\icl (Urains)
Kni fe (Strnngth) Roliotisl (Brains) Elnctronist (nrains)
Pilot ing (An;iins) \Viii In I.in~ (HmdthJ End u ranrn (I !Haith)

Equipment Equipment Equipment

80\\'ic knift> (in boot ) Lahcoat \\'ith cl1!1?p pockets Pmse \\'ith S:.12 in hills
Brass knuckles Sc rc\nJri \·er Leather glo,·cs
Lea lhe r jackt!l Sma II \\Trnu:h A pocket Ill i rror
Pistol \\'il h I !i extra hullnts \Vim c:11 1t ers and a loop nr wirn NP.ndlc-nosml pl inrs
. to his lahnrnto n. ·

:i Experience Chips at Sta rt

Role-Playing Traits
Experience Rri ll iant if s light I v 1!<:c1!nlrii:.
!1 Expori<mc:o Chips at Sta rt IJr. Tri1!sl is 01w of th n 11e1tion's
cxp1irts in li?ading-cdgn tnc:h-
nolog>'· inc:luding tlw nxpnri- !) ExpHrirn1c:n Chi ps al Stmt
Role-Playing Traits mnntal subjects or robots nnd
An accomp lislwd pilot who liroadc:ust tcc:hnolog>-. Thesn
s1?rv1!d in World \Vnr I. Victor am rngarded as har111l1!ss and
Role-Playing Traits
Slane has ho1111c:nd around 1!cc:cntric branches of science t\ skilled olcc:lronics f!XpNI.
from job to sinr.n tlwn. snn ·ing in 1 !129. mor(! s u itable! to pulp Dr. Tunsclm· is a tale nted and
as a barnsl1Jrn1Cr. i n\"l!St igato r. 111agazi1ws than rt?al rnsnarch dmi ng wo1:Id-t ravP. lnr. c; i ftP.d
and pt-!rso1rn l pi lot. But jo urna ls. Dr. TriP.sl prnssP.s on . \\' il h Hn i11s<1liahln dnsirc to
nothing has given him th1~ confident that his rnhot-min - mako tlw world lmtter
same thrill as taking tu the air t?rs (sti ll 011 tlw dra\\'i11g through lwr act ions. s he is
against a truP. fm!. and risking hoard) ,,·ill opnn 11p 111!\\" vis- just as at tiasf"! 011 a rP.linf
his lifo in the sm\'i c:e o f his tas lo the future!. mission as in the lahoraton-.
c:a usn. Dr. Tricst h;1s an iso l:it f"! d Hnr oniridi ng concern for her
He's c:urrc ntl~· tlw personal cabin in northern P1?nnsvlva- follo\\' humans o lkn lnads her
pilnt irncl hod>-gt1ard In C:loria nie1 ,,·ith an undmgro1mcl lab into thn path of clanger. and
Tuesda~-. clcsµitc her protests. in it. He s till has the kc\·s. hut s h e is not abovn rcl>' ing on
Hnr fothm signs his pa>·dwi:k. al l thn hrndmarks lw k1iows tlw talon ts of tlrns<? c:apabi<? of
so Im s ticks lo lrnr likt! gl11n. are gone. But his lah a nd hi s d1!a li11g i11 viol1? 11co (or
O f cou rse. tlwn: could \11: robots an: still thi:rn. arnn't ent ering tlw fra~· lwrsHIO if
another rnason .... . . I h t ! \·_.~ nnod hn.

( Appendix Two )
Whew! The player characters have just
demolished the evil plans of the traitorous Conflict/Goal
Killer Kane and caused him to flee for his This is the true heart of anv adventure, and it
life! '"What's next?" the players ask the Game serves as the best place to begin designing our
Master. Well. even though the preceding adventure. Two \•vays of approaching the core
adventure is the only one within this box. of our scenario are to give the heroes a
there is a way to continue playing the BUCK problem to solve. or to give them some goal to
ROGERS®Adventure Game any time: design work toward. Whether the central focus is
vour own adventures! based on conflict or is more peaceful. there's
• TSR will continue to publish adventures always the potential for danger and
and sourceboxes for BUCK ROGERS and the excitement.
HIGH ADVENTURETM game line. but what's a In the 25th Century of the BUCK ROGERS
GM to do when the players want to play game. there is almost always some problem
everv week'! Well. that's what this section is that needs to be solved. Something is not
all about: design simple adventures in right with the world and it's up to the player
minutes and play them as often as desired. characters to use their skills to solve it.
Creating an adventure is easier than many Conflicts arc the easiest approach lo
people think: it's simply a matter of pointing designing adventures. because it's the
your imagination in the right directions and quickest way to get direct ly into action. The
asking a few simple questions. Ready? Let's players sec \.,•hat's wrong and move
make some excitement! immediately to fix it. Examples of conflict
based scenarios are:
Designing Adventures • Buck exits the cave where he's slept for
500 years an<l is attacked by Bad
In the BUCK ROGERS Adventure Game. as in Bloods-immediate conflict!
other role-playing games (and other stories. • One of the Orgs is under attack by a
books. or movies), there are basic themes. Mongol Raider; it's up to the heroes to
items. and methods that are crucial to any destroy the Han airship without crashing
adventure. No, no, no... don' t walk away now it into the Org.
expecting something long-winded and boring. • Org agents report that a robot army is
Let's look at how to build the skeleton of an advancing toward the city of Niagara and
adventure. and then we'll see how we can must be stopped.
add those special touches that make it a
thrilling, action-packed BUCK ROGERS There are also other adventures types
adventure! where conflicts are secondary to a specific
goal in mind. These goal-oriented adventures
give the player characters chances to use their
five Steps to Adventure noncombat skills and do some role-playing
All anyone really needs to create a basic rather than just fight the bad guys. Goal-
adventure are five things: oriented scenario examples are:
• a conflict for heroes to solve or a goal • Wilma's biplane crashed outside Niagara,
thev must reach: but Wilma is missing, and Buck has lo
• a vfllain responsible for stopping the find her!
characters from reaching thn goal or • The heroes have been sent out to a
solving the conflict: Mongol stronghold with orders lo
• a setting or grou p of settings and locales destroy their broadcast power generator
that are both interesting to explore and before the Org forces send a full-scale
add flavor to the game: attack.
• a supporting cast of othl!r non player • The heroes must reach a remote Orgzone
characters that eithl~r work with the and escort Doctor Hucr back to Niagara
heroes toward their goals or work with with some new invention .
the villain against them: an<l
• gimmicks. traps. an<l other surprises lo
keep the player characters on their toes
and to add more excitemnnt to the game.

{ Appendix Two )
Classic Plots
As you can probably guess. there are an infi-
nite number of core scenarios bevond the fev.•
examples above. Luckily for Gan1e Masters.
most adventures and scEmarios break down
into six easy-to-remember ' classic' plots:
• Rescue the Prisoner: The heroes must
rescue someone of importance from the
villain or the villain's al lies. In fantasv Combining Goals, Conflicts & Plots
games, this tends to be the ··rescue the We i I, you've got the hasir: scenario of your
princess " plot. but in the BUCK adventure established. but you don' t want to
ROGERS®game, you could be raiding a run a quick, s imple game: you want a tangled
Han prison to help free captured \•veb of intrigue, thrills. and danger! No prob-
Orgzone soldiers. lem! Simply combine two or more of the clas-
• Retrieve the Object: The characters are sic: p lots or other ideas to create a fuller, more
supposed to find i.I particu lar item. complicated adventure for your players to
Fantasy games oft en have the heroes enjoy.
hired by a wizard to find magical doo- A lot of times. the characters' goals change
dads: in tlrn 25th Century, the lives o f the during the course of an adventure due to their
entire Orgzonc Confederation count on actions and decisions. They may begin an
the heroes find ing the plans to the adventure trying to find a saboteur. but along
Mongols' new battle robot! the way, they may uncover a plot by the same
• Solve the Mystery: A mystery has come saboteur to murder Colonel MacGregor: this
up without an answer, and the heroes is a combinat ion of a "Mystery" plot which
must solve the puzzle. Fantasy adventur- changes into a "Protection" plot.
ers worry about "Why is this village There's no reason why plot combinations
deserted?" In the BUCK ROGERS game. can't happen in groups of three or even more:
heroes must discover "Who has been the only limitations are those that Game Mas-
sabotaging the Rocket Cruiser factories?" ters set on themselves and their players. The
• Protect the Subject: The player BUCK ROGERS Adventure Game is designed
characters must do everything to protect for simple one-nigh t games that play qu ickly
a person or thing from harm. Fantasy and imitate the feel of a Saturday morning
games offor such variety as being a movie scrii.11-danger at every turn. villains
bodyguard to a noble or protecting an who never say die. the excitement of the chase.
item that must be d elivered to a wizard. etc. Keep this in mind when constructing the
25th Century i.Jdvcnturers have many of core scenarios of the adventure: you can com-
the same options. from protecting bine lots of plot ideas together to make an intri-
important documents from sabotage to cate story. but make sure that there's always
keeping Orgzone d igni taries from harm. some excitement. dm1ger. and suspense. or it's
• Stop the Invaders: This simple. conflict- not the 25th Century of Buck Rogers!
oriented scenario pits the heroes directly If you ever get stuck trying to come up with
against the villai ns in combat. protecti ng a great plot for your latest adventure, steal
some place the villains want destroyed. some ideas from someplace else! Think back
In fan tasy settings. player characters to vour favorite science fiction books. comic
might defend their lord's castle during a books. or movies for story ideas that sparked
siege: in the BUCK ROGERS Adventure vour interest. The stories often still break
Game, the heroes protect the Org fro m down to combi nations of the plots listed
attack. above. but they'll give you other ideas on
• Destroy the Threat: There's a threat to how to twist them and make them different
the region's safety and the heroes must and new (we'll get to this in "Gimmicks"
stop it. Heroes can fight armies of ores or below). There's no lack for source material to
a dragon in fantasy worlds: for the 25th borrow ideas from out there--just be sure to
Century. the heroes face tasks like put in some of the basic elements mentioned
destroying a Mongol Raider or the Super abovn to Hnsurc that the game has that special
Powered Ray Projector! BUCK ROGERS tou ch!

{ Appendix Two )
\'illain fnr ~·nur ganH-!S. tlw villain gnts some
Villain/Obstacle Experi1!n<:c Chips: instead of gaining fiv1?
1\ll right. you'vo c:hosnn ~1 our conflict or goal Chips likn player c haracl1!rs. mast P.r vi llains
and established a basic pint (or plots) around start with thn?1! Chips. If tlw~, ·I'(! just fl unk ies
it: now it's tinw to bring tlw \'ii lain on stag1! 1 of anot lwr villain. likP. soldiers nr pirates.
This character or objnc:t is tho main obstac:IP th<!~· rlon't g<:I an~- Chips.
to prevent player characlCJrs from ad1icv i ng i\gain. keep in mind th1: t~: pe of character
their objcctivns. T lw c;anw Mnstnr should 11 s1~ vou need to mnkc tlw advcnllirl! work.
a villain best suited tu slop heroes in tlwir i>hvsicul lv tough c harac t1~rs arc great for
I racks. combat and tlw final c.linwctii: fight. hut tlwy
Villains c:omo in all shapes. sizes. colors. arnn 't great planners and can oft1?11 li1? heat1m
and tempers. If you <kcide .vou noml u ph \'si - h~· smart pla~· er characlors. Cunning and
cally strung villain to give the heroes a tough i11t el lig<!11t rues <1rc great. and an: more apt to
fight. look at Black Barncv as a n example. If havi: lots of strong thugs ,,·orking for them:
the adventure relics morn on planning and tlw,· can bH vnn· skilled and l1!nd In be much
cunning. Killer Kane or Anlala arc \Jetter moi·c mo110111mi iaca l Ihan Ihe strong.
suit ed fo r the vil lain of thn scenario. Thnse arn Whctlwr villa ins arn made or chosen. tlwv
all just exam pins of tlw many grnat vi llains all sham tlrns1? traits in thH BlJCK ROGERS ,
alreadv cstablislwd in the BLICK ROGERS" game:
Game 'universe. but thev a1·en' t tlrn o nlv . • a lll?ed to glont and boast auuut their
01ws-all the GM has t(» do is crnate 1H.!W onns! plans lo the lwroes. usua lly when tlw
lrnrnfls <!rt~ at th Hir mnrcy in a rleathtrap
of sorts (this is the\ hnllmark of tlrn
Creating a Villain Satunla\· morning mo\· ic seria l villa ins):
Just likP. c:rnating n pla~1 er c:haractor. the CM • thn b~~ tief th<1t no onn <:<1 11 defeat tlrnm.
must decide which abiliti1!s an~ th e most since tlwv "nrc the greatest I insert related
important for the clrnr<1cter h1!i ng c:rnat1~cl. I lsn ::;kill or profession here! in the world":
thn "Crnating a Play1?r Charac:t1?1"' and the and
"Equ ipment and Sundrios" s1?ctions of tlw • a \\·1:a kiwss or \H:akness1?s that ca n bP.
Rules book to design tho \'illain and all of his 11s1!d In ddn<1t tlwm (like Karn~ ·s je<1 lnusv
or lwr stuff. If vuu're creating a major NPC of Buck and his lorn for Wilma). ·

. - "'

( fippendix Two )
now sneak onto and off of a Han airship w ith
Setting/Locale the prisoner-a much more diffir.ult and
Now. with thP. basir. plot in plar.e anrl the certainly morn exdting task than the original
muin villuin c:hmmn , \.,•hut's next? Well, the prison break!
adventure needs to be placed within a locale Things have certainly changed on Earth
that can put some additional interest and since the 20th Cent ury. so use those changes
excitement into the scenario. The 25th to acid some new thrills to the world and to
Century advent mes of Buck Rogers take place your adventures. KP.ep in mind that much of
across hu ndreds of different settings. each American and Cam1dian civilization was
with its beauties. dangers. and items of razed during the initial Mongol invasion , so
int1m>.st. All the Camo Master has to do is much of what is familiar to the 20th Century
choose what type of settings are approp riate native is long si n ce destroyed or in ruins: the
to work into his or h1-1r adwmture. highways are ovmgrown rubble: the sewer
Thme arn ahvavs bendits for villains to bo systems of any city are now tw isted.
"on their own tur"r." The setting can be rigged dangerous tunnels leading to some
with dangers that can surprise the characters subterranean Orgs: and such public: places
(see ''Gimmicks" belo\·v). It also allows th e likP. shopping malls and zoos have either
vi llain to relv on anv hidden NPCs for his or become havens for many wild animals or the
her allies (setting the guards on the player homes of the Dad Bloods. If your players are
characters. releasing the animals from a pen. interested in seeing a number of new sights in
etc.). Most of all. knowledge of the 25th l.entury America, here arc some places
surroundings lets the villain "Buy a Break" to send them:
(see Ser.lion fi of the Rules Onnk) with a verv • The Grand Canyon has become a
plausible exr.usP. for esr.aping. · shipyard and staging area for Han
Make sure that the locations add airships. The Mongols' security is lax
someth ing of a unique twist to the scene. All due to t heir remote location and the high
it takes is altering one of the basic mesas and deep r.anyons.
P.xpectations of thn players and moving it to • Off the coast of the island of Hawaii.
an urnixpccted pluc:e. For example. Dr. Huer New Pearl Harbor floats above the waves.
is a prisoner uf the Mongols. Exciting. right'? This is a large Mongol-constructed
Well, change the sett ing so he's imprisoned domed city held aloft by rcpcllor beams.
on board a Mongol Kaiclcr: the slight twist in and is ono of the principal vacationing
the setting from tlrn land to tlw air adds a spots for the Mongol Emperor and his
new clement o f danger and suspense to the court.
advent ure. sinc:n thn p layer c haracters must • Long abandoned as a prison. Alcatraz
Island in San Fran r.iso's hav is a little
known safehousti for OrgzO'nc soldiers
and th eir allifls. It also serves as an
armory for the local Orgzones.
• The Everglades Orgzones are among the
best clefendP.d communities. due to the
dense foliage and swampland that makes
it diffir.ult for tho Mongols to attack by
airship or ground troops.
• For a personal touch, alter your home
towns ancl bring tlrnm into the 25th
Century as subterranean Orgzones or
Mongol-occup ied dties. Keep enough
local landmarks to make it recognizable.
hut thev can also accentuate the changes
of 500 years!

( fippendix Two )

"faceless" NPCs that work for a main villain.

Sapporting Cast player characters need to interact more often
As po...verful and skilled as heroes and villains with lively characters. It's best for the GM to
arn. they can always use a little help from a
generate number of characters to fulfill
their friends. Supporting casts arc an impor- specific purposes. give them names and traits
tant fa ctor in fleshing out adventures and that are easilv remembered, and use them
making them come alive for both the Game constantly. h1stead of the players asking in
Master and the players. i\bove anything else. general for a courier to deliver a message.
the supporting cast is there to populate tlw they'll remember the s tuttering Jack Martin is
Came Master"s games and provide character always ready to work with them; rather than
interaction with the player characters. Tlrnrr. having "your commanding officer" blankly
are a numbm of othm ways of presenting and give the heroes an assignment. Colonel
using non player characters \·vi thin a game: as Hevwood will invite them into his
villains. as allies. or as innocent bvstande rs me.ticulous office. smoking his pipe
(or NPCs needing rescue). · nervously as the characters drag mud across
The villain·s supporting cast is present to his ancient 23rd Century rugs.
provide the player characters with lots of People are not the only members of the
lesser foes to delay them frum reaching the ir supporting casts that can enhance the adven-
goal or objective. They ca n a lso serve as ture. Animals. insects. and basicallv any ani-
sources of information. since the smartt?st mate or living creature can be worked into
villains a lways ~1mploy a dumb lackey or two advf!ntures to strengthen the scenario. The
that can conveniently point the characters in on lv differences between lesser characters
tluJ right direction. These lesser villa ins ctnd anci animals are the ability to communicate
scoundrels r<1relv need to bP. lrnavilv clP.tailecl. and tlrn ability to gain Experience Chips
due to their temporary natuw. Of course. the (these are restricted to actual human charac-
GM can create spec:i<il s upport ing characte rs ters). What about a trained guard dog for
with enough s kill and strength that they Black Barney that knows to grab rocket pis-
could possibl~· work their way up to being tols from peoples' hands'! Maybe the GM
major vill<1i ns: all it takes to separate them could include a cat that's attached itself to the
from the lesser NPCs are one or two distinct heroes and continues to stow away on their
trail s that set them apart from the pack. Rocket Cruis(~f. showing up when least
Arda la Valmar was originally a supporting expected in adventures'! And there's always
character with Killer Kane. but she's certa in lv the uncontrolled actions of animals in the
a great villain in her own right. Once thP.~' · wild. from bears roaming the forest the char-
step beyond being ··m1P- of tlrn horde of acters are camping in to the hees that are
soldiers.·· non-player c:harac:ters gain swarming from a nest during a firefight
Experience Chips as well. against the Mongols. Animals and lesser crea-
The supporting cast of the heroes consists tures may not be able to say much or hold a
of c:onsistentl~1 recurring characters like their disintegrator rifle. but they can certainly
commanding officp,rs and various otlrnr NPCs improve both the setting and the general feel
they have encountered. As opposed to the of the game.

( Appendix Two )
After 500 years. new technology will also
Gimmicks be a simple way to add twists and tu rns to the
Last, but certainly not least. the adventure's adventures. A staple of futuristic science
got to have a gimmick-some unique. odd fictio n is to expand the exist ing technologies
item or plot twist that sets it outside the to wild proportions-in the future of the
ordinary. Remember that the game is what BUCK ROGERS game. much of the base
you and your players make of it. and if the technology was destroyed and is being rehu ilt
players all see the plot coming from a mile slowly. We're used to fast automobiles and jet
off, there's little excitement generated for the planes in the 1990's: however. all that
adventure. Gimmicks keep players and tech nology is lost and the best vehicles of the
characters on their toes. guessing what 's up 25th Century certainly can't match those
next-an important element in the action- speeds. Radio is once again the wonder-
packed BUCK ROGERS®Adventure Game! science, and its capabilities in the future are
False information is one of the most basic grnat. usP.d as broadcast power and robot
gimmicks imaginable. and it's amazing how control. The discovery and mass-product ion
well it works! Remember, a ll the information of lnertron signals the coming of a w hole new
the player characters get comes from the era of anti-gravity devices. Game Masters are
Game Master: if they accept information encouraged to create many different wa ~1 s of
without questioning it. they'll walk right into using the tcdmologies listed in the Rules and
the villain 's clutc hes every time. False World of the 25th Century Books. and even
information can be fed to the player create some new technology of thei r own.
characters by written materials (t he note Last ly. there are the technological artifacts of
clutched in the hand of th e wounded Org 500 years buried beneat h the ruhble of former
scout), the setting (muddy footp rints leading civilizations out among the Orgzones and the
from the scene of a murd er to a player Mongol Cities-go out and find someth ing
character's lodgings). or other characters (like new that wi ll push fo rward the cause of
Killer Kane did in the previous adve nture). It freedom for the Orgzone Confederation!
can be used to confuse player and non-player Specific gim micks that there should be nu
characters a like, and always adds tu the fun end of arc the tricks and traps of the
of a plot: the heroes need to solve a murder. adventu re vil lains. When the villain knows
but one of their own is suspected of being the the terrain. traps can be readied: spiked pits
killer-what can they do? False information can o pen up in hallways. disintegrator heams
should be used tu enhance a plot and keep can be set off by someone entering a room.
the players in suspense. hut don't lie to the tripwires can acti vate landmines . etc:. The
players about anything they have questions villains always have to have their chance to
on during a game-the truth can be found if rant about their accompli shments and pl ans.
the characters can uncover the d eceptions. and what bcttt~r time to do it than when their
enemies are ti£~ d up to the latest deathtrap
d(w ice! ThesH can hHas si mple as lucking
them up in a prison without food or water. or
they can be as elaborate as anything ever seen
in the movies ("You're chained to a giant
pendulum that swi ngs in front of a solar-
activatcd disintcgrator rifle. and when the
sun comes through the window behi nd you.
vou 'II have all of a minute before !'vu
defeated vou forever! Mu-hu-wha-ha-ha-
ha!''). Al f of these add to the danger and the
fun of the game.

[ fippendix Two )
attack . a spy. a new discover>'· or some other
The BOCK ROGERS® Game: peril. Cliffliangers were common. with the
Back to Basics hero in grave peril but quickl~1 gaining tllP.
upper hand against the villain simpl ~·
Thought vou had evcr~· thing you nccch~ d to her:ause '' he had rig ht and thf! hopes of a free
set up an adventure·~ Well. you're almost people on his s ide ...
ready. but ~1 ou need to know a few things In game terms. this means that there
about what makes this game (and game should be precious little time to rest or relax
system} special to tnd~' create your own when there is a mission ur adventure-things
BUCK ROGERS<:!.' games. should happm1 swiftly one after another.
We a ll think about the futurf! and what it'll Movement is quick. and fortuitous events
be~ lih. and we all have different vie\•VS on which forward the plot (such as running into
what's going to happen. We 110\"' hav1~ thP. fixar:t pnrsnn ynu'rn looking for in ctn ctlien
computms. artificial intd ligcnc:c. nuclear city) are common. Dangp,rs arn real lo tlrn
wcaponr~'· and mic rowa ves-all sort s of characters. and can often be exaggerated by
IP.c:hnolog~' undrnamt of at the start of this the gloat ing villain. but thev are rare ly
centurv. Evervone dreams of the future from vvithout options to choose from. The lrnroP.s
thP.ir o·wn historical and IP.chnological a re a lso treated as larger than life: even if they
standpoint, so man~: of us look at a future might not normall~· leap at an armed soldier
with space stations. supercomputers. and and wrest In for a wc>.apon. that sort of action
gcncticall v-alte red humans. Th is is n ·1 the is cummonplactJ here simply for thP-
future \·ve've taken to 1,ovith this game. For this advcnture and the th rill of it.
ganrn. we're looking back to 192H before WP.
look forward! So. in a nutshell. what is the spP.cial "fep,I"
From a 1 !129 vie\·v point. the fut urn was of the BUCK ROGERS Ad venture Ga me '? It's
ra dio. This was the ne\·v est technologica l non-stop act ion. thrill-a-minute adventures,
advancP. ctnd Buck Rogms shnwfHI tlrn world ctnd fast-pa ced excit ement. It's a future
wlrnrn rndio would tak1~ us in 500 vnars! We brimming with optimism and enthusiasm. It's
emhrac:c the optimism and innocci1ce of not O\'crshadowed h~1 lots of fan cy high-tech
whern folks of th1J 1!)20's thought technology hardware. but filled to bursting w ith P.Xciting
\\'ould go from there. Hence. we have rockl!l heroes with s im p le. low-tHch gadgets
pistols nnd jumping belts and broadcast that do the job. It's a fun . basic
power as thn higher forms of technology. look into the future
Thern are no nuclear bombs. no genetica lly through the t)yt!s of
altered peopl e or c lones. and no microchips the past.
or computers. All the technology that was
developed between ·1929 and 2430 was
buried in tlrn rubbln after the Mongol
Invasions (It's sti ll there for GMs that wan t to
use it ..... ). Technology takes on the aspects of
vacuu m tubns and "mvsterv elements" rathnr
than 111ic:roc:ircuitr~1 a1id ONA splicing. With
this um:om plicated look a t technology. the
game also adopts another asper:! o f the 1920s:
the actio n- packed simpl ic it>' of thfl comic
s tri ps.
Tlrn vea r 1 !:i2~l saw tlrn start of the Bl JC:K
ROGERS dai ly adventure comic strip. and Li!'
1932. Buck's adven tures hact sprnild to the
radio. with movie serials arriving in 1939. All
three shared the common c haracte ristics of
con tinua l threat. advent urf! . ilnd cliffhangers .
The act ion rushes along. with tlrn heroes
fighting. nsr:aping. anct moving qu ic:klv. The
ac.:tion slows on lv to reveal some new marvel
or wonder. then IJicks up again with a sneak

( Appendix Two )
Well. am Wll rnady to gllnr.rate an HxamplH advrmturn from scratch? flP.low is what \ve'v1? called
the "Adven t um Skeleton Generator." With the ta hills in it. we can ro ll up some basic id eas for
an ad venture. a nd lhen nesh out the details. creating a brand 1ww exci ting saga in the 25th
Century! CMs cion't have to use rtirn to use lhesP. lahles: Ibey can c:P.rtainly pi ck and choosr?
what c lements the~' wanl in the ir adventures. For o ur exampln. though. we' ll make sure we
have 2 six-sided <lice on hand to roll up a random adrnnturn.

flDVErtTURE SKELETOrt Adventure Generation Example

CiErtERflTOR Conflict/Goal
Conflic t/Goal 2 Dice Ok. '"'n'rn ju sl going lo c:rnato a shorl si nglc-
• Resc: ut~ the Prisoner 2-3 scenario mlvcnlurc. so our firs l step is lo roll
• RP.trieve tlrn Ohjnr.t 4-5 for llrn core conflict. Kolling 2nfl (two si x-
• Solve thn Mvstnrv fi-7 side<l dir.n). I roll a 2 and an Ii for a result of
• Protect t hn Su hjnc:t 8 8: "Protnc:t thr. Su bj1?cl" is llw Connict. I'm
• Stop the In vaders fl -10 nol going to choose who lhc characlnrs must
• Dest roy the Threat n-1 2 protect yet. but I'l l clr.c:id c a littl e latm.

Villain/Obstacle 2 Dice Villain/Obstacle

• Kill er Kane 2-4 I roll the lwo dice a second lime. looki ng for
• Ardala Valmar 5 the "bad gu~'... Two 3s add up to 6. telling me
• Black Barney 6 that Black Barnev is the brutish b lackguard
• Mo ngol Em1)eror 7-9 hd1i nd so nw p la·n lo harm ..... no . I haven·1
• Viceroy of Ch icago 10 dcr.ided vet.
• New Villain-Smart 11
• N ew Vi llain-Tough 12 Sett ing/Locale
Grabbing onl~· om! die this time. I roll a 4.
Setting/Loca le 1 Die "Co mbinati on" means I shoulci finci two
• Air 1 sntting types (or two snparatn scenarios and
• Land 2 places for them) to use in m~· adventure.
• Water 3 Si nn: our vi lla in is Black Barney. I'll choose
• Combinatio n 4 Air fo r one setting. and haw~ ii t·ake place on
• Hostile 5 Ihn Chaos Dragon. his rocket cruiser. Rolling
• Frie ndl y 6 once mo re and getting a 2. our second selling
is on land. OncP. again. I'l l wai l until I havn
Supporting Cast 1 Die morn informat ion hdorn I make any plans 0 11
• Al lv 1 speci fi cs.
• Al lies (1 -6) 2
• NPC All y :l Supi1orting Cast
• Enemy 4 If the numlwr o f pl a~·e rs is more than fo ur.
• Enemlr.s(1-o) ~ Came Masters mav wan l to roll l\·vic.n on this
• NPC Enem,· () lable when gt?ner~ting the supporting cast: it
gran ls morn of a durnc:e for enem ies to Im
Gimmicks 1 Die involved (or ii can provide NPC allies that
• T he Deathlrap 1 can provide some good ro le-playi ng).
• T he Chase 2 I roll a fi and. uh -oh! Anol her NPC mrnmv!
• T h e Cli fnrnnger 3 Who could ii hn'? T lw herons have lo pro1rn:1
• Unknovm Allv 4 s11111eo1w from bot h Blac:k Harnev ancl ...
• Unknown Encnl\' 5 1\rclala! The conniving m in x has fallen in
• Falsn ln formalio.n () wil h Barnnv. 11111 for what nnfarious
p u rµose '??'??

Ok. I ro llnd a 2 for Gim mic ks . and I gnnnrcitnd
a Chase sncp11!11C(!. S hccsh ! I have nu idea
what I c:an do w ilh tl1<1I righl nnw!

I Appendix Two )
Pulling It All Together Well. our first adventure is nearly
Conflict: Protect the Subject completely outlined! A number of other
Villain: Black Barney aspects that I didn't roll slipped in to the mix
Setting(s): Air and Land as I developed this adventure. but that's ok;
Supporting Cast: Ardala (NPC Enemy) it's better to add and change things rather
Gimmicks: The Chase than stick with a plot that's not nearly as
exciting. The last part of preparing an
Well. we have enough information to put a adventure is making sure all the items are
short scenario together. and just looking at it covered and adding those final touches.
all in one place helps the focus. I've looked
over the items and asked myself some basic Final Touches
questions. The questions let the adventure Ok. the player characters let Barney,
fall into place in my head; I'll write it down Ardala. and the doctor escape to protect his
so you can see how it comes together and life. They need to keep him alive for secrets
how you might do the same. Barney wants to sell to the highest bidder, a
• What's the best place for the point he bellowed about during the attack on
gimmick/chase? Well, since we know the Jab. We started with a Protection plot and
who's responsible and that all our ended up with a double scenario where it's
vehicles are flying vehicles. I'll place the both Protection and Rescue. How do we get to
chase at the end of the adventure-the the chase?
player characters have to chase Barney Assuming he wasn't killed in the firefight.
out of the sky! Lt. Jon Caspian (a new NPC with typical
• Why should the player characters chase Orgzone junior officer stats + Electronist) can
Barney? Well. the best reason to chase pilot the new flying submarine and the
him is because he has kidnapped the characters can all chase after Barney. This is a
person they're supposed to protect! This simple way to get to the chase. Now, the
still hasn't answered who the subject is. problem is catching Barney and freeing the
but it'll be answered soon. doctor without harming him.
• Where and how did the subject get The final chase sequence will be in the air
kidnapped? The kidnapping takes place as the player characters look at their options.
at our Land setting, and I'll place it at an Shooting at Barney's ship could possibly
Orgzone laboratory. The heroes are here harm the doctor. so the players must jump
during the test phase of the new flying onto the hull of the Chaos Dragon and fight
submarine and they must protect a Dr. their way inside to rescue the doctor! All the
Emilio Paz. an American scientist with details of the fight and any defenses for the
family and contacts in Chile. The doctor ship in this encounter can be worked out
is the best mind on submersible crafts in later.
America and has succeeded in finishing
a flying submarine with the help of his Maps & Counters
assistants. Lt. Jon Caspian and Lt. Ardala From here. the adventure can continue to
Valmar. (All these ideas sprang from branch out and get a number of other scenes
knowing Ardala's character description involved. but there's enough to give you the
and the fact that Chile also has idea of how adventures fall together. Now,
knowledge of submarines.) looking over the basics, it seems we'll need
Now that we know who and where. let's counters and maps for the combat scenes.
answer how. The characters can defend the Graph paper works great to show the players
doctor and his assistants from Black Barnev the basics of the area they are in; if available.
and his pirates (I have to add some so · the Game Master can blow up any graph
everyone can get in the fight). but they don' t paper maps with a photocopier for maps to
expect Ardala to suddenly turn traitor and play on. otherwise he or she can draw a grid
hold the doctor hostage with a knife! of one-inch squares on large sheets of paper
and use them for a playing surface. For
standups. use Dr. Huer for Dr. Paz; Ardala
and Barney have their own standups; and
Barney's pirates can be represented by
Mongol soldiers.

Appendix Three
[_P-la-y-er_ N _ e_______________,)
am [~C-h_ar__a_c-te_r_N__am__e______________________________)
Basic Task Levels Table Abilities
Automatic 0 Rank #of Dice
Easy 10
Average 15 Strength:
Above Average 20 Aim:
Hard 25 Brains:
Very Hard 30
Darn-Near Impossible 40 Health:

Action Point Costs Table Skills

Standard Actions/Movement APs Name Ability +1 +3 Name Ability +1 +3
Move a square 1
Jump 10 squares {with Inertron Belt) 2
Pick Up something Small (1-hand) 1
Pick Up something Large (2-hands) 2
Open a Door 1
Open a Door and Step into a Room 2
Break Down a Door 3
Use a Non-Combat Skill 1
Pilot a Vehicle 3

Combat Actions APs

Punch an Opponent 1 Experience History/Character Notes
Draw Weapon (Small/Large) 1/2
Use Melee Weapon {Small/Large)
See weapon {112)
Fire a Missile Weapon
See weapon (1/3)
Jump with Inertron Belt
and fire a 1 AP missile weapon 3

Aim/ Health
AP Siren~ Task Weapon
Weapon Cost Modi aer Range
Level Effects


By permission ofTSR. Inc. and Tho Dille family Trust. this page may be reproduced for personal uso only. C1993 TSR, Inc. and The Dille family Trust.

Appendix four
flblllty Ranks & Dice Task Level Success Humbers Table
If the ability is OK Roll TWO dice STRENGTH Rolls
If the ability is GOOD Roll THREE dice Lifti ng under a hundred pounds 0
If the ability is BE1TER Roll FOUR d ice Lifti ng you r own weight 10
If the ability is BEST Roll FIVE dice Lifting tw ice you r weight 20
Lifting three times your weight 40
Striking an unsuspecting opponent 10
Striking an active opponent Strength
Basic Task Levels Table Break down a wooden door 10
Automa tic 0 AJM Rolls
Easy 10 Hitting the broad side of a barn 0
Average 15 Hitting an unsuspecting Target 10
Above Average 20 Hitting an active Target Aim
Hard 25 Hitting a s pecifi c. nonliving Target 15
Very Hard 30 Throwing Ite ms within ra nge 10
Darn-Near Impossibl e 40 Throwing Items beyond range 15
Flyi ng a vehicle in a tight place 30
Pick a mechanical lock 20
r Untie ropes. nonmecha nica l bonds 15
fiction Point Cosb Table Catching a falling object 10
Sleight of Hanel/Pick Pockets 20
Standard Actio11s!Movement APs
Move a square 1 BRAINS Rolls
Jump 10 squares (with lnertron Belt) 2 Understanding a s tandard machine 10
Pick Up somethi ng Small (1-hand) 1 Fixing a standard/known machine 20
Pick Up something Large (2-hands) 2 Ji mmying an electronic lock 20
Open a Door 1 Crea ting a rad io from spare parts 30
Open a Door and Step into a Room 2 Unde rs tanding a new machine 20
Break Down a Door 3 Fixing a new/unknown mac hine 30
Use a Non-Combat Skill 1 Creating a new inve nti on 40
Pilot a Vehicle 3 Noticing an easy clue 15
Combat Actions APs Noticing hidde n features , clues 25
Punch an O pponent Cracking a Bad Blood code 10
Draw Wea pon (Small/Large) 1/2 Cracking a Han code 20
Use Mclee Weapon (Small/Large) See weapon (1/2)
Fire a Missile Weapon See weapon (1/3) HEALTH Rolls
Jump wit h ln ertron Belt Resist sta ndard knock-out gas 30
and firn a 1 AP missil e weapon 3 Holding o ne's breath (1 m in utes) 10
Holding one's breath (2 minutes) 20
Holding one's breat h (5 minutes) 30
Holding one's breath (10 minutes) 40
Sustained act ivity 10 + 5/turn
Running (6 squares/turn) 5 + 5/turn
1 map square = 10 square feet indoors Sprint ing (9 squares/turn ) 10 + 10/turn
= 10 square yards (30 sq. feet) outdoors

Movement Material Strengths Table

Characters walk 3 squares a turn (1 AP/square). Ma terial Example
Characters run 6 squares a turn (1 AP/2 squares). S trength Materials
Make a Hea lth roll al the end of each turn.
Success #s: 5 for one turn. +5 each s uccessive turn 5 Glass: wooden chai rs. helmet radios
Failing the roll reduces c harac ters to 2 Act ion Points a 10 Thin wood: wooden doors
turn for the next 1-6 turns due to o verexertion. 15 Heavy wood: rocket & d isi ntegrdto r pistols,
Cha racters sprint 9 sq uares a turn (1 AP/3 squares). heavy tree limbs. tables
Make a Health roll al the e nd of each turn. 20 Mfltaloglass: disintegrator rifles
Success #s: 10 for one turn. +10 each turn th ereafte r. 25 Steel; roc ket & d isintegrator cannons
Failing the roll reduces characte rs to o nly 2 Action 30 Worked s teel: Han airship h ulls
Points a turn for the next t -6 turns: all actions at -1 die. 40 Diamonds: thic k s tone walls or solid rock

Terrain Movment Effects Material S trengths of 25 o r greater are damaged o nly by

Difficult terrains: 2 Action Points to move through 1 difficult weapons that have Mortality Roll effects.
terrain square. No s printing in diffic ult terrain.
Rough terrains: 3 Ac tion Points to move through 1 rough
terrain square. No running or sprinting in rough terrai n.
Impassable terrains: These te rrains are impossibl e to move
through under normal conditions and must be bypassed .

Appendix four
Mein Weapons Table
AP Strength Health Weapon
Weapon Cost Modifier Task Level ~
Axe 2 +1 Die 20 Mortalitv Roll
Chair/Lrg. Object 2 +1 Die Str. dice x 5 + 10 Knocked out for 1d6 turns.
Fists/Punching 1 0 Str. dice x 5 Knocked out for 1-6 turns
Knife or Dagger 1 0 15 Mortality Roll
Mace 2 +1 Die 20 Mortality Roll
Sap or Blackjack 1 0 Str. dice x 5 + 5 Knocked out for 1-6 turns
Sword 2 0 20 Mortality Roll

Missile Weapons Table

AP Aim Health Weapon
Weapon ~ Modifier Range Task Level Effects
Atomic Torpedo 3 -1 die 3 25 K.O. of 1d6 turns (9 square area underwater)
Bow & Arrow ·1 0 6 15 Mortality Roll
- Pistol 1 0 2 15 Mortalit y Roll
- Ri fle 2 -1 die 5 20 Mortality Roll
- Ca nnon 3 -2 dice 20 30 Mortality Roll
Force Ray 1 -1 die 3 20 K. 0. for 1d6 turns; grapple
Gasser 1 +1 die 1 20 Knocked out for 6+1d6 turn s
Grenade. Explosive 1 0 2-5 20 Mortality Roll (impact); K.O. of 6+ 1d6 turns
Grenade. Gas 0 2-5 20 K.O. of 6+1d6 turns (9 square area)
Handgun 0 8 15 Mortality Roll
Liquid Air Gun 3• 0 10 25 Mortality Roll (impact); K.O. of 6+1d6 turns
(adjacent). • = Fires every ot her turn.
Paralyzing Ray 3 0 2 30 Paralysis
Rifle 1 0 10 20 Mortalitv Roll
Rocket Cannon 3 -1 d ie 20 25 Mortalit)• Roll (impact): K.0. of6+1d6 turns
(ad jacent)
Rocket Pistol 1 0 10 20 Mortality Roll (impact); K.O. of6+1d6 turns
Thrown Object (SJ 0 2-5 10 Knocked out for 1d6 turns: weapon
Thrown Object (L) -1 die 2-5 10 Knocked out for 1d6 turns: weapon

The Mortality Roll Mlsslle Weapons Maneawn
Health Roll: Fail = death. Succeed = 1 AP. no run or sprint; Targeting: +1 die to hit target; attack occurs in following
all rolls at -1 die, max. of 5 dice. turn (cost= 3 APs).

Firing into a Crowd: Random roll to determine target in

, group of two or more targets.
Special Combat Maneawn Firing While in Melee: Shoot as normal; if target rolls higher
Dodging: Aim roll vs. attack roll to avoid being hit; success = Aim roll. character is hit.
+1 die to next roll. fail= -1 die Health
Skill Shots: -1 die for area- or item-specific shots.
Grabbing Stuff: Strength vs. Strength rolls; if a tie. item is ...
broken or activated. In the case of a gun. it fires into melee
(target is rolled randomly by GM). ,
Wrestling: Strength roll vs. Strength roll or a 10 (surprise) to Random Missile Location (Optional)
knock down and hold target. Strength vs. Strength to escape:
fail and make Health roll or be immobilized for 1-6 turns. Die Roll Result
The indi vidual holding a character can force a Health Roll at 1 Short 1 square
any time. 2 Long 1 square
:J Right 1 square
4 Left 1 square
5 Long 2 squares
6 Roll again. and add 1 square to result

Appendix foar
Skills: +1 die to Ability
Master Skills (MS): +3 dice to Ability

Strength Skills Brains Skills

' Axe: +1 die when using an axe, hatchet, or other chopping
Broadcast Technologist: +1 die when analyzing, repairing,
weapon. (MS: Weapons Master, Axe)
or changing broadcast technology devices: ~o
Brawling: +t die when using any object not usually additional skill to pilot Han craft or fire d1smtegrators.
intended as a weapon, including chairs. bottles. or
(MS: Inventor, Broadcast Technology)
other characters. The character with this skill does
Contacts: +1 die to gain favors or information from people.
NOT gain +t die from this skill when using other Some are restricted to certain people (Contacts,
melee weapons. (MS: Street Fighter)
Mongol). (MS: Master Spy) .
Fisticuffs: +1 die when punching and also when using a
Electronist: +1 die when repairing or modifying electr1cal
short blunt weapon such as a sap, blackjack. or brass
devices. (MS: Inventor. Electronist)
knuckles. (MS: Prize Fighter)
First Aid: +1 die when performing First Aid within six
Grappling: +1 die when wrestling or grabbing an
turns of the injury can revive unconscious characters,
opponent. (MS: Pro Wrestler)
reduce mortal wounds to knock-outs, and restore 2 APs
Knife: +1 die when using a knife, dagger, or other short
to wounded characters. (MS: Doctor)
stabbing weapon. (MS: Weapons Master, Knife)
Mechanic: + 1 die when repairing or altering mechanical
Mace: +1 die when using a mace, club, or other long blunt
items. (MS: )
weapon. (MS: Weapons Master. Mace)
Piloting: + 1 die when controlling planes or rock~ts and
Muscles: +1 die when using Strength to lift or break allows single-pilot airborne combat. (MS: Flymg Ace)
objects. (MS: Strongman)
Robotist: +1 die when using, repairing, or modifying
Sword: +1 die when using a sword, bayonet, or other long robots. (MS: Inventor, Robotist)
stabbing weapon. (MS: Weapons Master, Sword)

flim Skills Health Skills

Airborne Combat: +1 die when firing weapons from a
moving platform, such as a plane or rocket ship. No
added ability when using the same weapons on the
ground. (MS: Master Gunner) . .
Daredevil: +1 die when jumping, perform mg gymnasllcs.
and any other acts of physical agility. No additional die
for rolls in combat. (MS: Acrobat)
Dexterity: +1 die when picking locks or (un)tying ropes
(acts of manua l dexterity). (MS: Master Thietl
Disintegrator: +t die when using Han disintegrator pistols
and rifles. (MS: Marksman, Disintegrator)
Gunpowder Weapons: +1 die when firing archaic
gunpowder weapons such as the pistol & rifle. (MS:
Marksman, Gunpowder Weapons)
Heavy Weapons: +1 dill when using large weapons such
as death ray projectors (disintegrator cannons) and
rocket cannons. (MS: Marksman. Heavy Weapons)
Nimble: +1 die when Dodging. (MS: Agile)
Rocket Pistol: +1 die when using a rocket pistol. (MS:
Marksman. Rocket Pistol)
Throwing: + 1 die when throwing objects (rocks and
grenades). This skill does not increase the range. only
the chances to successfully bit. (MS: Dead-Eye)
Vehicle Summary
Name Internal Combat Cruising
of Vehicle Armor Strength Speed Speed Cmphl Control Repair Crew Armaments
Han Airship 4 6 3 20 25 30 10+50 2 Disintegrator Cannons
"Carrier" 4 6 3 20 25 30 10+22 12 Han fliers+ Cannons
"Heavy Cruiser" 4 6 3 20 25 30 14+22 4 Disintegrator Cannons
Han Flier 0 3 4 20 15 30 l Disintegrator Rifle
Org Biplane 0 3 6 30 10 20 112 2 Rocket Pistols
Rocket Cruiser 3 5 6 90 20 25 10+15 4 Rocket Cannons
Rocket Flier 2 4 9 70 15 25 1/3 Rocket Cannon

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Biplane Biplane


c1993 The Dille Family Trust and TSR , Inc. c 1993 The Dille Famlly Trull and TSR, Inc.

Biplane Biplane

Rocket Cruiser
0<! 993 The Diiie Family Trull and TSR, Inc. c1993 The Dille Family Trust and TSR, Inc.
c1993 The Dille F1mily Trull end TSR, Inc.

Han Atrshtp I Mongol Raider Biplane



D 0
c 1993 The Dille Family Tru•t and TSR, Inc.

. 11111111111111 Biplane

D 0

c1993 The Dille Family Trust end TSR, Inc. c 1993 The Dille Family Trust and TSR, Inc.

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ISBN 1-56076-636-0

9 781560 766360

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