Lord!: Knowledge

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t^ ihc N.m. or AlrDlshly Ax.

h ThG Mon Gndou

Thc Mott M.rchrL

O my Lord! increase me in
Q!!!!!? Iro, Section 16, II1)


Atdrl Rsetid
I. sc. (llolr. ) Agit.,
I.sc. (soll ct.r. /!.rt. ) t..dlD!

thcsia tub.ltt.., ta p.r,i.r tutt!tt..tt ot tb.

r.quJt.tczt fo. thc dct..c ot


lpril, 1996
rh. controll.r ol Ex&ination,
Unlvc.!ity of Alricultur.,
!.is!l.b.d. P.tlstln.

Th6 n6nb.r! of th. co@itt.. lind th6 th..i!

tub6ttt6d by llr. Atdul Rlrhld ..t1.!!.tory end !.co@6nd th.t tt
b. Itoc..t.d ror evaluatton bt th. E:t.rtr.r !x.oin.rr to. th.

(D!. 1.h1. Eussrl.)

- - ---------s*a.y.
(Dr. bdur turr.q)

\ \JN(\__)- '
Ie.b€r :---------------
(Dr. N.tir Aho.d)

OE atbo. ts 6r'pr.ct.tivo ol th. D.p.rtD6t ot SoiI Sci.t@, U.iEsit, ot

Re.dina, Uf, lor scrdina s@. l.bo..to.y @t.itsl. th.t eEbl€d htr iD doins
elysis etk; !d D€p.rtoat ol Asricultur. (R6s..rch {irs), cov.de.t of
Phjab, Irhor. forp.didt€ tb. or'portqtty lor this rc*.
xay tls.l6 to !.ol.Eror Dr, T6hir [asain, Ch.tM slpewisory
.mittee, for his €uirldEe, h.lp ..d ispir.tid ttu tirc to tioe; to Dr,
Abdll l&rel. Assist{t
!rc1.6so., .@!o! sup.nisory @itt6; srd to D.,
Iei. ArEd Pbi6sor/Ch.i@ D.pt, ol Crop ltrFioloSJ, @b.r sup€niso.y
coitte, to. th.ir.rvi@., h6rp.rd critlcts duins tlF Fep.ratid ot
Gatcful tbdts to Dl. l.B,q!6hi, Prol..6o./oDitu D.pt, ot Soir
Scice, in tryadiig th€ oFortoity trd luid.trc., to Dr.SrrEE t Asr{
Lt@i.tc Ptul4sd.!d to.ll oth.r rt.ll rab.rs of trE d.F.tst tor fiEi.
@opd-tion drita tlF tus. o, tht. rdl
ry thdr! a. .ls to D.. Rob.rt LFox, s -i6t Soil Scidtist ot
l,S,i, fo. his @tslsursestioor m 0 proj..t pr.'posl qn to D.. SlEh
hh.Dsr eFClbirld ol D.pt. ot Soir Scitr., U t, P.isr.tbd tot his
criticis .rd help in tlE p..p.stid ot .yrDp6is of this shrtr.
liElly, DrV th!*s to Ir. clDhle Siddiqu. for his tElp dui.t
st6tisti@l @lysi3 an pr.F..tid ot this do.1Mt d coqlter, to &.
srlE@d RatiqE Ssjjld .rd oth.r collolsss fot th6ir tirely h.lp in
coidrctjm th€ study.

sBcrtol IN'rf,ODOCIION 2

sEcuoN LttTr fltrE lavlll 6

2.1 Use ol Soil P-T.st L.thod. 6

2,2 nesction ot P rith Soll Constitu.nts 7

2.2. I R.action *ith C!@3

2.2.2 l..ction rith hydrou. oxtd.! 9

2,2,3 R.6ction rlth l.y.r lattic. silicat63 l0

2.2.4 l..ctior ritt ors.nlc o.tt.r l0
2.2.5 f,€lction on. rhor. soil
Av.ilability ol Phorph.t. in C.rc.r.ou6 Soil. 12


Soils and th.tr Pr.D.fution 19

D.t.r.in.tion ol SotI Prop.ttt.s 20

a.a cre€nhous. !xD.rl!.nt. 2l

3,4 lrpslir€nt to R.l!t6 L.btl.-l iith 013.n-P 23

3.5 Dovolopuotrt ot P Av.ll.bility lnd.x 21

s8€ator lasulrs AlfD DtscussroN 26

a.l Soirs us.d tn th6 .xp.rio.nt 25

1.2 soll P ctlrlct.ri.ttc. .nd Pl.nt n.sDons. 25

1.2. I lh..t ( l.t crop) 25

1.2.\.r Dry lrtt6r yl.ld ln r.l.lton to ? t.3t t.thod. 2a

1.2. t.2 Pho6phords-uptate in r.l.tion to P i.3t

bethods 34

4,2.2 so.shuD (2nd crot) 4l

1.2.2. I Dry !.tt.t yt.ld tn r.l.tion to P test oothodd 12 ?ho.pborus-opt.t. tn

a.2.3. I Dly Dtt.r ti.ld tn
' 5'l

4,2,3.2 Phorphorus-upt.k.

4.3 8.l.tion3hip A.tt... L.bir.-! . r 66

!6tttlizcr t Av.ll.ttl itY Iid': 7t

Pl^rt .nd soil Ch.r.ct.tirtics
sactroaa 5 colrclusIolls
Soil P Cn...ct.rt.tlc. snd Plut B"Dont' t0r
5-t-2 Soishu (2.<t crop)
R.l.tton.hip D.tt..n lsblt._P and l0,l
5.3 !.rtiltzer P Avsil.bllitv Ind.3
Ch.rlct.titt1c5 105
Pl.nt .nd Soll
?bysic.l .nd ch.rical ch!..ct.ristics oa th. soils
us.d in th. €xperio.nts 21

Dry !.tt.r yl.ld of rh..t (tst crop) .t dtaf.t6dt P

trcato6trt rates 6ppli6d in dilferent sotls.t th.
start oa c.op rotation,
lerationships betre.n r.lrt ive yietd (lv) ol rh6at
(i3t crop) .nd ol3.n-! (oP), r.bil.-P (?rr) .nd
PrrlOP r.tio. of diar.!.nt soi ls tr.rt.d iiih 0 Es
P/l! rot I at th. stlrt ol ciop rot.tion (iitb
Soil P critic6l level d.t.roined bv C.t.-N.lson AOv
o.thod uri.a.elativ. yi.td of rhe.t (ist c.op) .nd
OIs.n-P roit t.st v.Iu.s l8./ka soil) b.rorc tn.
addi t ion ol P lertiltzor. 32

SoiI P c.ttic.l l.v.l d€t€rhined bv C.t€-N€l3oo AOV

oethod u3tn3 rel.tiv6 yiold of the!t (i.t crop) ud
t!!iI.-P.otl tcat vrIu.. lat/kt soilt b.lor. t}l.
.ddi t lonol ! l.itillz...
!-uDt.t. ol rhe.t (t.t crop), l6bile-P lnd OIs.n-P
bcror. sorins in dill.r.rt soils tr..t.d tith 0 og
P/l! 6oit at the Btart ol crop rotation (tlth n.tive
R.I6tlonsbips b€ti€.n P-!ptaLe (Pu) ot th.6t (lst
c.ooJ.nd 0ls.n-P (OP), l.bil.-P (Pr') .nd PrrloP_P/Is
r.tio. ol ditte!cn( .oils tr.ated 'ilh 0 !!
soil .t the st.rt ol cioD .otrtion (ttth o.tiv. soil

!-upt.16 ot rbe.t (ist c.op), r.bile-P .nd 0t..n_P

belot. sorlna i! dttt.r€.t soils tte.t.d ttth 30 Ds
P/k8 .oiI at the stlrt or crop tot.tion. J6

RelAtionshtps b.t'een P-uplake (P,!' ol th..t (ist

croD).nd ol.en-P (OP), labil.-P (Pr!) .nd PrrlOP _P/r!
..tias or dift.renr solls tr.ated 'ffh 30 !s
soil .t the st..t ot ctoe !ot.tion, l6
t0 P-u9t.t. oi ihe.t (ist crop), rabir.-P lnd Ols.n-P
b.lorc .orirs in ditl...nt soils tr..t.d tith 60 br
?/tl roi I .t the st,rt or crop rotttion. J7

R.l.rionrhips b€tr€€n P-upt.ke (Pn) ol th..t (is(

croDt .nd Olsen-P (OP). l.brl€-P tnd PrrlOP
rati;s ot dirr6ront soils tre.ted rit'h 60.s P/ks
soi I .t the st.rt of croD rotation. 71
P-trptate ol wh€.t (ist crop), lahiI.-P .nd Ols€n-P
b.for. sottns in dtff.r.nt soils tre.ted rith 90 na
P/ks soil .t tbe st.tt ol croD .otltion. ,8
l3 R.l.tionships b.treer P-uptate (P!) ot rh..t (ist
crop) and 0ls.n-P (OP). lrbile-P (Fir) and Prr/0P
futios ol difrcrent roild t.e.t.d rith 90 o! _P/rs
30il !t the rt.rt ol croo rot5tion. 38

la Dty !.tter yicld of sorahuo (2nd ..oD) l.o. rertdual

P o! dttt.rcnt P t..ltoent r.t.. .ppli.d in
diff.r.nt toils b€for. th. st.rt ol crop rot.tion.
R.l3tio.shtp6 hetxe€n..lative yi.ld (Bv) of sorghlo
(?0d crop) .nd Ols€n-P (oPJ, l.bil.jP (P,r) 6nd
P:r/OP 16tros beror. sorrns rro! r€s'du.l'P ol
diflelent 3oils t.€at€d rith 0 o! P/Ls soil (ritb
n.tive P) b.lor. th.3t.rt oa.foe rot.tion.
l6 !-upt.te ot sorahur (2nd c.op), llbiI.-P .nd Ol!.n-P
b.lote sorita lrob r.sidual P ol rlillerert 3otl6
tr.ated tith 0 b3 P/k8 3ol1 (rith tr.tiv6 l) !€lore
the st..t ol cror.ofatio!,
l1 l.lctionships b.tr..n P-uptal. (Pu) ol so16h@ (2nd
crop) rnd Oli.n-P (oP), lrbilc-P (Pir) .nd PrrlOP
r.tios befor. soiin! Iro! residu.l P- ol dillaient
sotls tr..t.d rith 0 Es P/Ls soir (rith nltiv6 60ir
P) t,efore th. 6ta.t of crop rot6tlon, 4A

l8 8-upt.l. ot 6or!hu! (2nd crop), l.birc-P lDd Ols.n-P

b.lole sorina lroo r.sidual P ol 30 d3 P/l! soir
tr..ta.nt .ppli6d t.aor. th6 st.rt ot crop
l9 R.lstronshtD. b6t16€n P-uptaL. rPu) of sorahuh r,rnd
cror) !n.t ol..n-P (oP). lcbil€-P (Ptr) lnd Prr/oP
r!tios bcror. sortns lro! r€sidurl P_ of dilrai.nt
.oils trclt.d rith 30 !3 P/t3 roi! bltot. th. st.rt
of crop rot.t ion.
20 P-uptsk. of sorsha (2nd crop), l.bile-P .rd Ols.n-?
belore sortn6 froo reBiilual ! ol 60 D3 P/ts soit
tr.rto.nt .ppli.d b.fot. the st&t ol crop
2l R.lrtionships b.tr€.n P-uDtat. (P..)
crop) .nd Olscn-P (OP), l6bl l.-P-
r.tios b€lor. soring iroE r.sidu.l
soils tr6.t.d nith 60 ns P/ks sotl
22 P-Dpi.tc ol 3orshu (2nd crop), l!bil.-p lnd Urs.n_p
b.rorc sorint f.oo r.rtduot p ot 90 lg p/k! soit
::i:lP.nt .err
'.d b.ror€ th. ,t.rr or qop
23 R.lationshlpt betr6.n p-uptate (p..)
cropr ard ols.n-P (0P), labtte_P-
ratios b.fot. sorins
soils tr€^t.d rrth 90 ttoo.esidu!r
o! p/k! soil
Dry.Eatt.r yi.ld 6f rh.!! (3rd .rop) r.oo residral p
or difr.r.nt P tresr6enr ..tes apiir.d i, drrr.r.nt
the 6t.rt ot croD rot6tton.
25 Rcl.tionships b.treen rel.tiv 6 yicld (Rw) oi rh.!t
(3rd crop) .nd ots.n-p (Op) , r.bi l.-f (?rr) lnd
Pi l/oP r.tios b€ro16 so;tn; t.o! rcsidu.l_ P of
drrrcr€nt roilr tr.ated rirh 0 D3 P/ra .oil (rlth
native P) b6lor6 the 6t.,t of 55
26 P-uptak. ot ,he6t (3rd croD) , lsbi lo-P and 0ls.n-P
before sorinr trob re3idujl P of ditler.nt so s
ircrt.d 'ith 0 a3 p/la 3oil (.ith n.tiv. P) b.for.
tn. st.ft ol crop rot.tion.
27 l.l.tionsltip. b.tre€n p-uptake (p,,) ol ,h..t (3rd
crop) and 0l3en-P (op), l6bile_p'(p,r) snd p:r/op

srart of cror l0rrtion_ 60

2A P-uptrt. ot :h..r (jrd crop). tsbil.-p lnd ots.n_p

29 Rel,tronlhlp! b.tr.en p-uprake Lpu) ol ,h.ar (!rd

cropJ .nd ol6.n-p (op). labire_p -(prr) 6nd p.;/op

30 P-uptale ol rh.6t (3rd crop), l.bil.-p.nd OI!.n_p
treated rirh 60 oa p/l! ,oi I befo16 th. st.rt ot

3l R.lrt'onsrlips b.ti.cn p-upr.t€ (p,,) ot ,hear (3rd

c.op) .nd ors.n-p (op), l6brlc_p -(pir) ind prr/op
trrth 60 DB p/kt son b.to.. the srart
P-uptal. ol rh.at (3rd croD), Iabit.-P lnd ols€n-p
befor€ 3orlns lroD r.siducl ! ot ditt.t.rt soirs
tre6ted rith 90 oB P/tr soil betor. th. stlrt ot

33 lelationshipr betrccn l-uDtate (?rr) ol rh.at (!r<t

c.op) .nd 0ls.n-P (0P), tabil.-P -(Prr) .nd pr,/Op
rat ios bGfor. sorinr lroo res idu.l P_ ot dilf:ie.r
soils t...t.d iith 90 6! P/ts soil b.lor. the st.rt
Labll.-P (Prr) and Ots.n-p (op) in sorls srt.r.7-
d.y rncub.tion .t dlff.r.n! P .pplic.tton tev.ls,
35 Lrbil.-P (Prr) rnd Ors.n-P rOP) ib
.onth i.cu6;tion rt drrr.rent P
Belationshlps b.treeD l.bile-P (rrr) .nd Orren-p
(OP) 6t dlll.r.nt P tr€.to.nt tstes'1ta rs/Ls soir)
aft6r a ?-d.y and a 6'Eooth incub6tion. 69
Rel!tion6hip bet16.r D..r v!I!es of l.!il.-! (p )
6nd 0ls.n-P (OP) .t !ll phospho.us t...tD.nt r.v:ls
in th. i.cubrtion M<! pot crperi!.nts.
l8 l,abiI.-P ln soi13 .ftor . 7-d.y .nd . 6{onth
incub.tion.t difter.nt P lpplication l.v.1s,
39 F.rttlt!.r P .v6ilobi Ity rndrc.s b.s.d upon labil.-
P r'F,) ol th. solls urin! lablle-P .tt.r . ?-d.y
and. 6-Donth iDcub.tion !t diff.r.nr P.pplrc.tion
co.t.l!tion co.tfici.!t o! lertiliz€r P .v.ilability
i.dic.3 b.r6d upon t6bil.-p (.Fi) .at.r . 7-d.t
incub.tion, .nd difle...t soil and pl.nt p.nDeters
al vsrioui.pplied phodphorus I rcatEcnt..
Correl6tion coeflici€nt ol l.rtiriz.r P .v.1!!btltty
Indi.€3 b.3.d upon l.bil.-P (.Fi) .it.r. 6-Donth
incubrtion. and dille.6nt soil .id plrn! p!r!rcrsr!
.t various .ppl i.d phos9horus tre.tD.nr! 18
12 Olscn-? ln .otls .ttcr . 7-d!y !.d . 6 Eonth
incub6tion at dtaie!6rt P.ppltc.tlon l.v.ts. 30
F tlllz.r P availabiltty iDdi.€s brr€d upon Olsen-p
("lil ol the soils u.ina 0ts.n-P.rr.r . ?-d.y 6nd s
Corr.l6t ion coefliclent ol f6.t iJiz.r ! 6vell.bility
indices br3.d upon Olse.-P ("li ) .lt.r ! 7-d.y
incub.t ion, and ditf.r.nt sotl and Dl.nt p.rlDeters
at various .pDlied pho6pho.us t a2
,t5 Co..el!tion !!t.ix ol dil!.r..t soils
ch.ract.ristics durjnB rh.at (ist c.op)
P/ts rol I dpplr.d b.for. the st.!t
15 Coir.l6tion rat.lx of different soil! an.t Dlsnt
chalact6ristlcs dorina rhe.t (i.t c.op) at 60 bs
t/ll 30ir .ppri.d b.ror€ tb. st.rt ol crot
D6trir ot ditt.r.nt soils .nd pl!nt
ic. durins rb.at (i3t c.op) 6t 90 n!
rppl i.d b.lore the start ol crot
a8 corr€1.tion o.trix of difl€rebt soilr snd pr.nt
cn!.act.!istics dlrint sorrbuo (2nd crop) .t
r.sidu.l P oi 30 os P/k3 soil tr€at!.nt lDpli.d
b.iore tb6 rt.rt of ctoo rot6tion, 87
Corr€r.tton o.t.ii ot dift6rcnt soits .nd Dlrnt
ch.ra.t.risttcs durin6 sor3hln t2nd cfopJ .t
rcsidual ? ol 50 Ds !/ts soil tr.at..nt .pp1t.d
b.lor. th€.t.rt ol clop rot.tion. 33
50 Correration o.t.lx of diff.rent soils snd pr..t
ch.t.ct.rirtics <lu.ina so!!hu (2nd .rop) .t
..5idu.I P or 90 ns P/ts .oit tr..t!.nt .pp1i.d
!.lor. th. st.rt ol cioo rot.ti.n. a9
5l Correl.tio. o.trtr ol dilt.rcnt sotl. .nd Dl.nt
.b8r!ct.ristlca durins rh.at (3id crop) st ..si<tu!1
P of 30 !! !/t! soir t!.atD.!t .pplt.d b.to.e th.
st..t ol crop rot.t ion,
52 Co..el.tion D.t.ix ol dillcr€nt 30il3 .nd Dr.nt
ch..act.ristics du.ins ih..t (3rd c.oD) .t r..idu!l
P or 60 D3 P/ks 5oi1 tre.to€nt lppri.d b.lor. th.
start ol clop !ot.tiotr. 9t
53 corr€lation D6trtx oa dilf.rent soils .rd ol;nr
ch.r.ct..irtics durtn! ih..r (3rd croo) .t !.6idu.l
P ot 90 D! P/Ls soil t..at!.nt .Deti.d b€!ore th.
5t.rt ot crop rotation, 92
5a 8{qtron. lor ..tt..tlo! ol t.ttrlit.r P
.i.ir.Dllltt rnd.! b....t sDo. r.btr.-P (+r) tro.
l.bir.-l (Prr, .3 P/tr .oil), Ol..!-P (OP, r€ Vla
Alrollr/t!.otl), P.roi (a/l!
.oil), !r!/6! r.tto, (SA-,
.otI), .iit.c. .... irilr sotl), or!.Dfc Dtt.r
(o|, U, ..nrl (S. lt, .rd C.coa (l).
aqutt@r tor ..tlxtlon ot l.rtllir.. ('?r) tro
.e.tl.bllltr luLr b...rl uDor olrGP((P,
l.hirFl Orr, .s P.,lr .olr), orrcP - ?/la
::iil: ia*!i.**' 411",.4,'/:""iiil';.IrP,li{::
(oI, t). ..nd (S, l)' .rd C.Cg3 (t). 97
l.lationship b.tr..n.cl.tive yi.ld ot rh..t (ist
c.op) 6nd Olsen-P (A) lnd l6bir._P (8) soil t.st
v.lues h.tor. c.oppins rithout P.ddttion. 30

critic.l I.v6I lor olr.n-P (A) and l.bire_P (S) hy

the slaphic E.thod ol C6te .bd N.lson, usin!
r.l.tive yi.ld ot rhe.t (i6t ctop) .5.lunctio. or
soil t.st vrlues b.lor. ctoppitrA tithout P
R.latiorrhip beti.en P-uptake ol th.rt (i5t c.op)
and oIsen-P (A) .nd l.!lIe-P (B) rotl test v.ru.s
lefor. croppira ritiout P .ddition. 39

i.l.tionshie b.treen r.l.tive yi€rd oi sorsh6 (2td

crop) .nd Ol6e!-P (A) lnd l.bire-P (B) soil t.st
v.lues b.for. croppina rithout P.ddttton.
Crittcal l.v.l to. Ols.n-P (A) .nd t.bi16-P (l) by
th. sraphrc o.rhod ol Cat€ and N6lson, u.ins
r.l.tive yi.ld ol sorshuo (2nd crop) .3 6 tunctio.
ol 60il t.rt valu.6 b.for. croppi.s rithout P
R€lctionship b.treen P-upt6t. or .orahuD (2n<l crop)
5nd Otsen-P (A) .nd l.btI.-! (B) sotl t.st v.lues
b.fore croppinA xithoqt P sddition. 5l
l.lationshtp b.trecn r.l.tive yl.ld ol Th..t (3rd
c.op) .nd Orsen-P {A) ..d ratrir.-P (E) soil t.st
v.lue3 b.lor. cioppin! rtthout P.ddttton. 57

Criticel level for 0lr.n-P (A) and l3bil.-! (B) by

th. sraphlc oethort ol C.t6 tnd NoI3oD, u.tns
r€lativ. yt.ld ol ih..t {3rd crop) .s a functiot ol
soit t.it v.lues b.to!e cloppi.a tithout P

R€r.tion3hip beticcn P-upt6te of th..t (3rd crop)

.nd Ols€n-P (A) 6nd l5bil6-P (S) soir test v.lu.3
belore cropptn3 rtthout P addltlon.
R6lstionshlD betre.n ltbil.-? and olrGb-P soil test
v.lues rtt.r r ?-d.y incub.tion .t difl€.ent P
ti.atD.nts (0, 30. 60. 90 Es P/k6 soir).
1l R.I.tiorshiD betrecn Isbile-P and 0rs.n_! soil t.st
v3lue6.ltei a 6-oonth tncub.tion .t dlllo..nt P
t.e!ta.rtr (0, 30, 60, 90 !s P/ks solt). 1l
t2 I.r.tlodhtD b.tt.......!rd l.bll._l .d thrt
tr.dlot.d ttr Olr.tsP, u.l a tt. ?-d.t iEcub.tto
.qo.tlon rlv.! l! r.bl. 3?. 72

t! Ll.ttoo.htt b.tr.d r.ld.d I .rd l.btl.-P l! toul

roil. .lt.r . 7-d.r .n.t . 6"tontn rn@b.t!o.. 76

t.r.tloGile D.tr..! pr.6lct.d t.dlll!.r .ht.P

.v.tl.btlltr tid.r .d l...$.d Dl.tt l{tt.t. (ttth
o! rb..t (irt croD) rh.r. no ! b.d D..tr .dd.d
Soil 3vlll.b1ltty iD crop produtiob systs ptiDrtlr d.pdrts
upot! Iev.l ol ltbilr!, soil ! hrflerins c.plcitr, eftettv. dilluim
o.rtieidt tor P sd 6t. ot P r*v.l ltu sotr 5orutio tr th. pldt
tnis shdy E @r6rct.<t to d€t.ntrc ilErh.. th. Be ot
l.btlFP/olseP ntto, rcrtir!.oulhly s !6tl P brlf.rin!..p.city, in
dhiEtid rith Ols.FP (N.l@1 extbctdt) or r.bireP (t@i-re6tn)
t66t n thods could t@r@ th€ s-6.5soat of soil .v6i1abl. P ba;€d upon
soil clr.6cteri8tici. lq.essid r.lstioDshies of OrseF!, l6btlF! drt
rrbilFP/Ols+l ntio rith pl&t ret.tiv..yl.ld a.! Fnptsjc rcr.
iN6ti!.tod uina 19 altlriru er@ .oit6 (e30 d r.y.r)
r.p..s.nting. rld6 !.n6e ot pr.perties rith initi.l P t.at6t.t th.
.t.. ol 0, 30, 60 .rd 90 .3 P/l3 5oil befor. cr.r'piirs t rct.tim ot
rlEt (Irifitu ..sai@ !.) -orshn (Souh@ bi@td (L) Imcch) -
rrEat (trJt'i.@ .osfiru l.) i! th. aredtDa..xp€rimtr. S&e soils
,td P rat€s rer. ur.d in l.boratory ircut tton el9eli@nt to .el.t.
soil l.btiF? pool .rd a ruti@ Ol6cP etlFd, .!d tettili2.r red..y
irdq rith soil .b@te.istics. lor rcllttvc yi.ld, Ol6cP ll* G
ob6.Frd tne tst t.st to E. dd It E et .llet.d tr l.bileP/ols+
P ntio, !E c.ltior rd€1. ol 13 ..d 23.s P/L soil tor oE orj*?
6.d l6bil-P r.slEctlv.ly rcsult.d tn *lBt (Ist crop) r.l.ttv6 yierd ot
*!ut ?51. Incrulon ol l6birFP/0lssP Etlo dtd rct hprov. th€ Rz
%ru6 lor F!pt.!. sllgllfi@tly for pr&tiol t!rabr4. llw.rcr it
sor8lb, r.bir-P r.latichip3 rith l{pt.l. Er. i4rovld rith IlbiIF
VOI.+P Btio Eio8 clt cL .oir. tlBt nrrst lstlEi t..tin! ud€r
c.e.Eti@lr, hrslFr Elas or l.bilFP/0ls+P
t.. otEefled iith croppina scq!m., dd th4. ratios rer. tqnD.d rith
P l.rtiliz.tton in .tr €s6.. Th. tm n6thods (r.bir-! std 016@!)
A.. htShly corr.l.tod, ri .lth.r @ could b. s.d to d.t.tuie P
r%il.bitity ind.r. P aEillbillty irdices d.t€nined ilth ttE us€ ot
1lbllF! rd. !.l.t.d rith dilt.r.nt sotl cl@t.tirtics ud.r
dtal.mt soir P 6t.tG dd crcp ..qtEm., .tn bbil-P/Orsep atio
!d .lEi'u dd itun orid.s rcr. e.. .tt..tiv. inillr4irl! soil ?
r€cd.ry unl.r . IrP.oll 3.tu!tid @dttim. P .q 6bility
ttntc.s d.t€mimd rith th. u.. ot 016*! r.r. r.l6t.d mstly iith
oraelc utt...d olseFP vllles bder dift..mt cs.6 6rd soil t
3tatud. ll(fu.r in th^t o6., C.Oi, l.btlF! {d r.lllFP/orsrP
..tto dotr8 rith Olr+P .rd orletc -Btt.r icr. silnitidtty &t.t.d
.t d.rt. to htsh lcEl o! P trat.dt in rtst (tst ciop) oerdniru
9Ol ol veiati6. IlE pr€dictiw eq6ti@ ol lcrtiliz.. P.@.ry
d.v.rop.d rith Ols*P @ b6 a.d fo. pr.ctic.I prrpo!€!, .rn rc.d
f6ttE. testina lrcludi.a o4elc P, Eder 6lk lire c.!€r@s soil

Phospho.us is second to nit.oa.n in t6!05 of pllnt stotth

riritation.nd is tleortsnt in both carcar.ous .nd 6cidic
soit. rh€le it5.v!it!bility i3 th. 06in conce.n. lhosph.t€
(P) deficicncy in 3oi1 usuarly artses floo
.oncent.atton of orthophosphatc In th€ .otI solution r.th..
thsn froo a! itrrdoturt6 total P cont.nt.
corpounds thtt !r.6dd.d to.o.tect the deficiencv resct
!6pidly rith th. soil constitu.nts (c61ciuo c6rbonltc
slsinu 6nd iron oitd. , cI.v , o.aaoic o.tter) resultins
p..cipit.tio. .nd .d.o.ption ol P olto th6 su!l6c.s .nd
thus its availlbility to ti. pl.nt3 d.clincs.
Gln.rally, tho fuct that solubI. phosph6t. !..ct
lspidly rith soil coopononts to to.! codpou.ds ..l3tiv.l,
itrsolubl. (sayin .t !1., l99o: Fr..tlin snd Aeis.naur. r960)
c..atcs on. ot th. D.in soil probI.D3 lor the o.inten.nc.
and ilproveoent ol soir f.itititv lot crop production. As .
result, the iDp.tus to ..s.!rch in thts 6tea has lara.lv
been the practicsl .6c.ssity to und€tstand th. b6h.viour ot
spplied P f6rtiliter.nd tts 6v.iI.bllltv tn soil.
c.lcar€ous soi13.r. tcll knotn lor lix.tion ol .dd€d P
due to th. r€.ctton ol thosphate iotr8 tltb c.lctuD
csibonat€. thir r..ction i3 constder.d to be !tr adsoiptton
o! phosphste onto th. c!r.luo c.rbon6te turf.c.s' lolrot.d
by surlace Dr€cipit.tion if in. conccntr.tlo! ot Cr2+ is
hirh. Precipit.tion .nd sp.cilic.dsotption c.n arso occur
on othe! redctiv. slrl.c.. ru.h .s hvdrou6 o:id.s or iron
.nd aluinuo .nd .lu.tnosilictt. cllvt' l.6dina to thc
conve.sion ol .dd.d P into 16l.tlverv insoluble lorils.
The ch.tittrv ol th. v!rious roros oa lhosphlt.s in
soils is sti11 not v.ty cl.!.. N.v.rth.l.ss. tbe res.tvoir
ot P th3t is coopos.d o! th. adsotb.d lnd pr.cipitated lo.os
ot P ts th. roount ot 3oltd phas. P lroo thtch
..6.n..rtion ol solution phlse P eu.t occur.
conc.ntrstion ot this P in sor!tion intlu.oc.s its dillusion
to th. plant.oot6. ln. .oount of roI.6..d P lroo solld
ph.s. to solutlon phas. ov.r a porlod ol tlD. it called
l.btl.-? rhich .xpr.sses th. pot.nti!l ol a soil to .upply
P to pllnt3 .nd h.s b..n cor.l.t.d rtth pl.!t !rotth
(I.ttingry 6nd T.libud.en, 1960i Lais.n, r967: .nd aoEa!
6nd Ol3.n. l97e), L.biLe-! is usu!lIy !G.sur.d by 32P
exch.nlc (Russcll .t al., l9s4; Aoer. 1962) or by 3uitable
.rtrrction t.chnlqu.s lit. 6nion-.xcb.at. .eri! D.thod
(Coot. .nd gisloD, 1963: Ev.nr .!d Jurit.t, 1976; Sibb.rson,
I978 ). Ors6n 6.thod usin8 0.5 Na[CO3 .xtractins solution
(Ols.n et.l,, 19s,1) is *tde1y us€d 66 . .outlr. fo.
d.t6roirins soil svailabt. P,
Soil p!op.rtics such .s the levol ol 1rbil. P, soil
butl.ring c.p.city, .ll..tiv. P dillurion cocllici.nt .nd
r.t. ol P reoov.l lro! soil solution by roots riII d.t.rDine
th. 16te ol d€6orption of P lroo th6 dolld pbas. to the

o.net.lly 6 routi.e soil test is ur.d to irdic.t. tbe

l.v.l ot ertr.ct.blc P 1n th. soil lnd th. t.ttlliz.t P
...ui..r.nt ot soil il th. t.st is c.Iiblat.d lot that
gut sotli .r. oulti-coopor€nt systeDs and the
.dd6d solubl. Dho6Dhates !.!ct rapidly to to.o r.l.ttv.ry
1..olur,l. and lll-detin6d cobpounds. lurth.rror. th.
.h.!lc.I enviroo.nt chana.r rhile shiltina l!o! th. rin.r.l
ph... (soil) to th. liqutd phase (so1!tion), 6nd lurthet
tnto !iolostcel phas. (p1ent) . undsr such a codpl i..ted
sy!t.o no D.thod ol testtnr sotl for Avatl.bl. P p.rlorrs
.d€q!.t.ly acrosi . rtd. r.n!. of soils. The .Gthod3 have
b6.n d.siancd to b. 6it..ad crop sp.cilic. A.3..tcners
b.v. h.en and .r€ Iootin! lor r6i .nd
ev.lu6te pl.nt av.il.b1. P l3 6oirs.
th€ iDport.nt criterta ot an.ffectiv. sojl test .r.,
that it extrActs P orly troo plant-avaltebl! lsbile Dool .nd
tnc anount 6xt.acted should .eft.ct prtncipally the
intsnsity aod qurutity asp.cts of 1abil.-p. For that purpor.
th...lationship of a sp6cilic soil test to soil tactor lit.
lrbite-P ..d soit prop.rti.s cont.ollinA p .v.i1.!ility
should reccive specisl attertion, Ots.n-p (NagCO3
.*trsctant) ts co.sider.d.3 0n€ of th. b.st.outin€ t.st
for c.lcar€ous lnd neutr.l !o1ls, but it h.s t€.n reDo.ted
to .ccount to. .tout hali ot th. ptant p-uptal. .s coDDr..d
to l.bile-P acthod.
The study ot ! adso.ption/d.soiptio. Ltn.tics has !iv.n
rrse to. !.n.ral cons.n.!s ol opinion that pho5pb6t. is
r6taine.l oD thc solid ph666 ot th. soils by Do.. tha. on.
cooponent (cl!y, orsanic oatter, .nd .lurinuo ard tron
orides) and rith ! iid. ran!. of en.rsi.5. !o. pr.ctic.l
purposes, .stir.t.s ol .vsir.bt. p such .. llbtl., Otsc. or
A..y-I P r.thod. !.y trot r6pr...nt qu.ntit.ttv. .stio!t.. ot
d.sorbable P, .. th..e is. continuou3 ,.n!. of.n.r!t..
rtth rhich P tB held or tb. .oiL pr.viou. d6t. sho, th.t
v.lues of labtI.-P .rd Olscn-p (6nd 6rso oth.r E.thod,) .r.
olt.n not thc r.oc in th. soils snd th.tr.!tio c.hanS.6
.ccordir! to th. nstu.e ol th. soils. Th. r!bt1.-plor5..-p
..tro D.y r.lrte to th. P sorption .n.rsy or soil p
bulfc.in6 c.psc1ty. this .nersy in turn..y d.te.nine its
d.6orption tnto the soll solution lroo th6..
pbospb6t. ions ar€ t6t6r up by tbe plAnt., "h.re
In tbi3 ,.y
pl.nt .vrilablc ? ta, b. pr.dict.d oor. sccurst.ly
p.rticul.rly aor I c.oppins systeo. th.r.fo.., tsbit._
l/ols.n-P r.tto should be t.st.d in coEhi..tton,ith soil p
tnt.nsity l.ctor (soil solurion p conc6ntr.tton), or soll
qulnttty f6.to. (o16€n-p or labt1.-!), on the b.sis of
6bove hypoth.ji6, .v.lu.tton of t.hile-p. OIs.n-p and thoir
..tio tor th. .s6.ss!.nt ol avait.bt. soil p, h6s b..n
.tteopt.d ln.tt.lin. cslc.r6our .oile. Th. !tudy or tht.
project lnt.n!td to tultil th. tollorina !1r.:
l. Iiprov.o.nt tn ttc Dr.dlction ot .v.llrbl. ! b.s.d on
soil DfoD..ti.s.
2. D.v.loF..t ot P t6rtttt16r avail.btlity tndicas b.,.d
on soil prop.rti6. th.t coutd b€ u..d t. our culr.rt
soil t.rtility proar6E!..
3. To a6n.!.t6 data Jor coiput.r us. in th. ..6r tutur.
ro. .otl .rrt pl.at pho.phoru. aod.lltn!.

to .chl.v6 th. .bov6 D.nito..d 6irr, th. tolro,in!

3tudie. rcr. und..t.t.n 1n th. pr.scnt,orrl
L lo itudy th. ciop yt6ld.nd p-upt.t. t. r.r.tion to
soll t!.t v.lues ol .trion .,ch6n!. ,.sin_.xtract.bl.
rabil.-P .nd Ols.r-! r.thods, .nd tb.ir .!tlos in th6

2. Toinv..ttr.t. tb. r.tationship b.tr..n l.bir._p lnd

olr.n-P t..t v.lo.s ot th.3oils.
3. Dev!lopo.trt or ferttlt26r p.vsir.blltty 1ndic.6 6nd
th.ir ral.tionsbtp rith !oi1 dr.r.ct.ri!tt.s ,o. tro

2-t: Osc ot Sott p-r.,t t tto.t

Th... is no urlv....1ry .ccept€d sotl p !6j! o.rnod.lue to
coopl.x 6oil cheDistry, t{.thod3 h!v6 !..n de3i3n6d
s.p.r.t.ly lor .cidic and cllcareous doirs !!d .v.n tor ..ch
aroup of soils dittet.nt .xt..cto.5 h!v. b..n cl.i!.d to
colt.Irte b.tt.t ior pt.rt !rorth (Air.n ..d Orov., t990).
ors.! ..thod (0.5 it N.[CO3) fo! sotl av6tt.br. ?
det6iotn.tlon (0Isen- P) ha3 been d.v.top.d to, a.rtiuz.r
..coD.rdation. tn ncutr!l .nd high_p[, c.rclr.ous soir!
(ols.n.t al.. l9s4). I6ny r.s€rrch.rs ro.lIn! on Ors.n
o€thod.lso r.port€d it a. ihe best o€thod lor 6rtio.tin!
sotl .v.ilabl. P tor such soits ( S.n Clpta and Co.nfi.!d.
1953i Barror .nd Snar, t9?6i !r1,. .nd So.!.,. l98r).
Hor.v.r, so!. ro.t..s !.porr.d Arly !-t rs b.tt.r thln Ol!.n
oethod (.t.ssi .t !1., l99O). On th. oth.r hsnd (h.tt.t .nd
Iqb.l (1990) lound th.t NI{4SCO3-DT!A 6xtlacr.trt i.s dor.
desir.ble in c!lc.r.ous soils th.n N.ltCO3 du. to its hiaher
co.tticient ol corr.lstio!,ith pl.nt,i.ld.nd p upt.t..
siDil.r viers r.rc atso siv.n by Ja. ..rr J.co!..n (1990) oa
rcvi.ritrl th. u.published d!ts of posirrve
.ppllcrtlon tD .or. c6l..r.ous soir6,ith hish soil_t.st ?
conccntr.tton th.n th. nolmr critic!l rioits.
susl.stcd th.t t.cto.. not .d.qu.t.ly r..sur.d try Ols.._p
oat .ldo det.rrtn. .oil p.vr ability on ruch sorts.
lolos or P th.t corr€rat. ,ith prart sroith on
c.rc.r.ous soils lre pr.dootnlntly C!-phosph.t.3 .rtrorb.d on
c.co3 suttac.s (Ar.nch.r .nd c|tdrcll. 196a). But !
cxt!.ct.d by 01..n o.thorr (O.s x N.[CO3), t,o! .,rd. r.,!.
ol soiI. iorld-itd., *ar tound hi!hly correr6tctl iith ll_p
o. F.-P foros .!d not ,tth Cs-phosrn!te (f,aoDr.rh lnd
fl6tson, r930). In ldditio., Ors.n-! h!. not b..n reli.bl.

lor pr.dtctins P ..qutr.!.nts tn sooe soils iithout

cval!6ttna oraanic-P t..ction contributions (Boio.n snd
col€, 1978i godley €t al,, 1982 a) and it h.s b..n lou.d to
r.eov. .!out b.lf of durt.c6-ldsorb.d ! (Ots.n .t al..
1954), Under such a situ.tioD, rh. .ese.rch... h!v. lons
b..n lootinr tor ner.rd b.tt.r i.ys of .v.lu.tton ot soil

Th. pool of tabllc ino.arnic P in th. roil rs th.

ulti!!t. .ourcc ol pl!nt .v.t1a!le P snd ..ion .rch!n!€
rcsi!3.r. frequ€nt1y u5€d .r P sinLs in.v.tu.tins the
l.bil. P (liedroy €t.r,, 1982; Jae a.<r J.co!s6n, l99O).
ilCO3-!.3in rhich is rorc .lrcctive in desorbinB p th.n
eith.r CI or SO4-loro. hss b66n p.st6.red in det.rDinins
Itbtl.-P (Stbb.rs.D, l9?8), Th. .esin syst.D in.ddition
to tctina.s. sink tor P, c.n slso brins .oDo r.du.tion in
iontc 5t..nath th.oulh p!.ciplt.tion or Cr 13 C.CO3 (!rd.n
.nd sy..3, l9??i E ch. .nd Ir.l.nd, r980). Ior.ov.. this
!othod shor.d i.t€ntitic.tto. ot n.tiv. ior!. ot roil ?
i.sponstbl. lo. supplytn! th. pt.nts rith th. .1.!.nt
(Br..3hidi €t .1., t975; SiEsrd .nd trsn, t993),
qu.ntiti.s of restn-ext16.t.br€ p hav6 b..n r.t.tcd
3.n.r!tly close to P accutrulrtion tn the plsnts sroiins iD
lh. soilr (Peasle€ et 61,, 1962t Beckett .n<t Whtt.. t96a:
Elr!rbtdl .t .1., 1975i D.l.t .nd g!rr.rorth, l9?6).
Purthc. rort in colp!.ison rtth oth.r E.thods in .eutr.l ..d
cslc.rcous soils hrv. shorn rh.t Olscn-P .rtr.ci.d .n
rv...a. ol ne..ly 501 o, th. r.sin €xt.actlbl6 p (8oro.n et
al,, 1978; N.st..oan, 1992), Th. lor.soina dircu3sion on p
.ttr.ctlns variables ref€r to the re!ction ol P itih the
sotl prop.rtl.s that 1n turb control th€ r!t. of p
d.ro.ption froE fhe solid phas. into the solutto. phlso,

2-2: l..ctioz of P trtt tol/ Coz.tita.ztt

Th. v6rtous soil surt...s rith .e.c.ron
D. 3u@.rir.d !s t,.lor3: - 'hich
(r) Surtrc.E ol v6ri.bl. ch.ra., includi!a ..tcitc tor
co3- .r. th. pot.nti.t d.t.roinirA
ions, rnd lc(Il!) lnd Al orld€6 .nd or!.nic o.tt.!, ro.
ihich Ili.nd OH- d6t.roitr. th. ch$!. .nd potenti.l.
(b) Surf.c.3 o! .o.!t.nt .hsra., i.e. cryst.lline cr6y
rinelaI5, rhtch lnt€r.ct rith P p.t!.rily throuAh the
cations tn the 6l€.tric.l doubI. l3y.rs st th6ir D1.na.

The subdivision is !y no De6r6 precis€ silce cl.y binersls.

especi.lly t6olinit., rhich h.s a lor pl..n.r:eds. sr6.
rrtio. develop pH d.p.ndenr ch.!!. at therr e;ser 6nd
oraanic tratte. rtth. ptt d.p.nd6nt ch6rs. lay re.ct rith !
lrlroush itr .et.in.d c.tions.

2.2. l: n..ctiot.ith c.@t

C.1c.r.ous soils in.vit6bty h.vc ! soil sotution dorinst.d
by C.2+ .nd thi. ion i. lit.ly to ford less sotubl.
corplc:cs rttb rcst ..ld .ntons lite orthophorphate. lh.
reectivity ol C.CO3 in soils d.D.nds on tl!. spccific iu!,!c.
a!e. of the c6rbo..t. .nd h.nc. on its tot.l surisce ...r
(talibudeen and Ar.Dbattt, 1964; Itolfo.d 6!d Xatti.aly,
1975b). Tro dillercnt typ.r ol losctioDs correspondi!! to
lor and bish r..a€s ot P co.c€ntr.tiotr have b... <t.sc.ib.d.
Soil rill .dsorh a littl. ! ti.!ly, s slishtly sr€3t.r
.oount ot ? less firDl, snd ro or, until .liDitins vrtu. is
r.3chcd, rbon all th. coitounds ot th. P.dso.ption 3y3t.E
are satulated (oun..y, t9?0i (uo .nrt !otse. r972). siDit.r
vi.rs h3v€ b... described by oth.r ro.t.rs th.t p ..action
on tro diff...nt !oil .ur!.c.s occurs rith contr!.ti.a
bondins .n€rAi.s (soltord .t .1, , t971\.
p6rhlps o.rc !.n..ally, !tl th. hydrous oxid€s plcs.ot in
soil a.. thc p!i.cipal .it.s in c.lcsrcour soils on rhich
phosphate is stronaly .d!orb.d (hlsh .n.ray su.t.ces) rhit.
th6 lor€! .ncr6y rlt6r oD rhich phosph!t. is bondcd Duch
l6ss stlonsly.r€.ssoci.t.d tith Ceco3 surf.ces ($ollo.d
.nd lsttinsly. l9?sa: Itollord 6nd Latti.alv, 1975c; Avd.! .t
.t. , 1977) .

2. 2.: Rc.ctio. .lth bt<ltolt o,i.l.s


As D.rtioned esrli.!, hydrou. oxidc s!.ltces in c.lc.reous

30tlr ... thc princip.l !it.s on thich phosphatc is 3tro.alv
.dsorb.d !o!.hich H+ lnd Ofi- d.t..6in. th..u.i.c. ch.t!.
.nd pot€ntir1 (P.rlitt, l9?9), Th. l.bility of pho!ph.t.
Bd6orh.d or.n oxid. 6url.c. d.ponds on th€ to.!ttlon ot
tlna structure (Atktn3on ot 21,, 1972i N.nzvo, 1986i
?srtitt, 1989). l{oreover th. gorosity ol the.luolniuo
bydroxld. aaareaatcd psrticl€5 c.n al30 b. I l.ctor
colt.oltins the lat! ol pbooph.t€ uptal. Itoo tolutiotr, if
th. .aalearte is strbrc (i3 !ot !csuspeodcd) in solution
(Lootran et sl., 199/r). Flrth.roor€ th. al@iniu h.. b.en
t.po!ted .s predo.ln.nt c!tion as3ocirt€d rith phosph.tc,
r.!.rdle.s ol soil p[ (Pi.rzynti .t .1.. 1990)
consid.rina the c!p.clty lt.to. p...D.ter. both pho39hat.
bull..ins cap.ctty lnd o.riDuD bs!!6rina t.r. tound
corr€lat.d f,ith dtthtontt. .xtrlct!br. Ar ol 30tls (D.1.1.
l9?3: I(uo, 1990). On th. o!h€. hsnd, !e-oxid6. h.v. .lso
b.en r.oott€d to b. th. oost active ! ro.bent tn the
c!1clr€ous soils (Ry.n et tr., 1985.; P!!lttt, 1989; Yli-
[.lla 6nd l.n1und, 1990; To.tcrt et al., 199,1).
Diflerent 60il lr.cttons Elt inllucn.e t!. t€.ction oi
gho.ph.t. riti hydrou! oxid66. Sayin .t .1.(1990) !tudviDl
th. P so.ption cblrsct.ri.tics bv Dan.tlc.llv t.prr.t.d
30it t.actions r.v.aI.d thrt citlat. dithionit. .ttt.ct.Dr.
Al in s.nd .nd colts. silt lrtction h.d to slAnificlnt
.tt€ct on P soretion. l. turth.t otrserv.d th.t . tiv._totd
incr.!s. in P sor9tion i.s lound iith incr.!.. in citr.t.
ditbionit. ext.rct.bl€ !. ln silt 6it. partlcle, but not in
s.nd .trd co.r3€- stlt lr.ctlon.
2.2.3: R..ctior.lth t.!.r ,.ttic. silic.t.s
lh. n!tu!€ lnd bech.niso ol phosph.t. r.action onto cl.y
!in.r.ls i6 issuo6d to b..li!.nd e:ct.nge re.ction rith
th. ofi(f,) a.oups cooldtn.t.d to th. .rposed A1 atoDs on th.
edses ol th. cl.y cryrtrl, stoil.r to the rd.o.ptlon
!.chani.D tlth o.t.l oxid.s on tcolinit. (&.fL6fi ct .1.,
,96?). Aec.usG clry rin.r.l6 .lr.y. .xhtblt .xclusion ol
anions .t th€ con.t6bt ch.rs. planar 3ites, the nct
.dsoiption of phosph.t€ by cl.y should be influenc.d by the
sddition of an ibdiflsi€.t 6l.ctiolyte et a given soil pH,
lo.lina on th.t ttn., De l.aD (196s) ..port6d that P
sdsorption by montoorillonit. incr.!s.s rith incr..rinA
iotric stre.ath .t n.utr.l pH v.tu.s.
At hiAher solutioo phosph.t. conc.ntratton, P retention
oty b. possiblc rith th. r.pI6c.r.nt ot silica lroE the
silic6t. fr.!.rork (l.jrn .nd P.rrott, r9?s) lnd on
corelrina th. diaa6r.nt cr.y oi....16, .ortroiillo.tt. r.s
lound to tir .or. P rs p[ r!s incr..s.d as coop.!.d to
v.rDiculite ([.lt .nd B.t.t, r97l).
2.2.1: R.tctlon .1th ora.rl. .ttt.t
Orsanic Dattei b.hav.. as . r.th6. ill-d.lired ion
exch.na... .nd h6s. n.t n.artiv. charge. Or3anic b.tt6r
pr.sorbed on hydrous oxld.r ha3 b..n report.d to bloct sltes
otr rhlch phosph.t6 could !o.t (Mo.hi ot ar., 1974; S1h.nd.
and Youns, 1986i E.st..rood and Sartatn, 1990).
A di...t i.l.tlonshtp botro6n o.aantc latto! co.t€nt
.nd phosphrtc ao.ptlon .rtrcity bls .lso been ..port.d
Dr.suDably bcc.ur. th. ors.nic d.tt.r its.ll cont.inj
.v.ir.trle che1.t.d Ar o. F. (Lop.z-n6.n.ndez and 8ur.h.!,
rt11), Furtheloot. or!.nic !.tter is iDport.nt in th.
initial bondinr ol P by roil. lnd P i!iti.lly bond.d to
.nion exch.nae stt.s oo ortrnic o.ttc. can 6u6s.qu.ntly
t.instom into l.ss solubl. F. lnd AI-phosphrte (lob.rt,
2.2.5: R..cttoa on . .ltor. soit
Th. possibl. r.ch.niso o! P .dsorption on hydrous orid.j o.y
justiry that in bost ci!.u!616!c.s soll6 th6Ds.rves itll
h.ve . l.r!. nuDber of 5it.s cha.a.d rith H+ 5nd OH- ..
pot.nti.l d.t.rolnlna ion6. Il this ir th. ..s., th. 6oils
till b.l.v. tor!.ds th. .niors just Iit. hydrous orid., but
ttth th. isoth..o rh.D. .nd pll depctut.nc. (Sinsh 6t .r.,
I990) lortili..t by th. pr.!.nc. oa o.s.rlc d.tter (Shlrit €t
.1,, l9?4r Sildndb snd louns, 1986) .nd othcr oin.r!ls
(Sinsh 3nd Jon.6, !9t6). th. chtel lodili.r is lit.ly to be
Ca2+ arO in cllclr.ous soils, C!CO3.
In r. .flicr rort, th. aixstion ol ! in c!rc.r.ous
soil h.s b..n r.po.ted dt6 to th. tor!!tion ot. rhol.
3€.1€s ol lnsoIubl. C6-Dhosph.t€ colpound6 thst !re
dtllicult to char.cteriz. ch.EicsIIy .r th.y terd to be
quite het.ro6.n.ou6 (U6or.lr, r9s7). fi. tu.ther st4t.d th.t
P cc. b. tir.d bt Al3+ o. AI(OE)3 in th. cl6y tr.ction ot
.Ik.lin. doils. A!.r.n<t lostrfd (1981) .tudi.d th..tt.ct.
o. th. tit.tica oi phosph.t6 retention ol c.CO3 .nd by tro
c.lc.r.ous .oil. .t lor and high phosph.t. solutloD
concert16tion3. Th€y ob66rv.d that th6 .oount of P r.oov.d
dlii.g th. initirl d.op r.s clos. to thc c.Iculatcd L..aooir
.dsorption Erxiou and 2.d d.op in P co.c.ntr.tion r.lr.ct.d
the precipit.tion on th. C6C!3 3u.t.... E.tuyiou! oi th.
tio.otls, th.t they studt..l, shor€d th.t the re.ction Ir.
d€s€.t soil (39 p.r c.nt CaCO3) i.s quit. rloil.r to th.t or
C.CO3 rhil. th. pr.clpit.tton re.ction r.r consid...bly lcss
ln !n altuvirl soil {4,1 p.r cent Ca@3).
Dill.r.nt soil ch..!ct.ristics tlt. cl.y and sur!.ce
e..a ol .oIls hav. !..n r.ported !tro tor incr.!r.d P
sotption DaxiE. (Kaor.r .nd Crer6l. 1960; l.ll.ur .nd
P.a3Iee, 1975i nashi.t and Roie11, 1988a), but this .tt.ct
..y vr.y roi r aiven soll iith soir P 3t!rus (aa..or, 1974;
Sh6tpley, 1983). Fu!th.rror., the soil rith hiah.r l:l tyr.
cl.y (t.ollntt.) due to th. l.rae &ount oi F., A! rnd In
hydrorid.s t.!oct!tton r.3 lound to ld.orb 00!6 P than th.
.trt ir.ctlo. (!on.3 .t .1., 1979),
5006 rorl.!r studl.d th. ?....tton ir r.lt.lt.ct.d
.otI. rn.t ob8.rv.d tncr..6.d P r.t.ntton rlth 1trcr..6. tn
conc.ntr.tion ol .l.ctrotyt. or d.c..a3. io SAR (Ehrhi i.d
Iurt.l., 1980). Pho.Dh.t. in hi6h srlinc soil. r.s ohs.rv.d
v.ry l.!i1..! th. lonic ..ylro6..t a.vou.3 th. toro.tion
of oct.-c.lci!o pho.ph.t. (Ab.dl .nd T.libud..n, 197,t).
2,t! Ay.tt.bltltt of PhosDh.t. It Ctlctr.ov. soitt
Du. to th. su!1.c6 .dEo.ptton .nd Dr6ctptt.tto. proc.srr not
!ll th. t.!tiliz.r ? .ppli.d to roil. i. av.il.bl. to
pl.nt.. I.ny .:p..lo.nt h.v. .iorn th.t lollorln! sotubl. P
.pplt..tion, labiI.-P conc6ntrations c.n docrc.s. rlDiilly
rith tir. du. to r.rctlo. rtth soil (D.irot and Sn.r. 1972;
l.j.n ..d For, l9?2i Sh6.pl.J, lt82). Jon.r .t .1.(l9aa)
construct.d . st!pl. roil lnd pl.nt ? !od.l th.t d.3ctib.s
dill.rcnt lons ol ! ln 30il pl..t 6y3t... In th.t rod.1,
th. r.l.tlv. .iz.s o! th. l!bil6 .nd .ctiv. iootatiic poolr
.t. soll rp.ctltc.trd... b.8.d on sotl t.ttut..nd ch..tc.I



St.bl. lnor!6tc P activ. tnor3rntc P

Poots .nd llors ol phospbo"u. in tor.. .t .1.(t940 Dodol


t ny oth.t ...6.rct rorl.lt h!v. r.t.t.!t ditt.r..t p

.v!ir.billty g.rn.t.rr rlth ditl.r.nt .ott proD.rtt.r.
8or.v.r, th. lnttu6nc. ot dttt.r6nt .oit co.9on6nt! oo p
.v.il.btlity ln c.lc...o!. .oir. i. cotrtr.dtctory t. th.
Itt.!.tu... In c.l..r.ous 30tlr, Dr.ctplt.tton ot tn.otubr.
C.-P i6 iu9por.d to b. th6 ..jor l.cto. in tn. ti.. lo.. ot
P.v.irlbility (L......nd tld<lor.on. t9?O; ttlli.. .t .t,,
t97li S.lpl. .t .1., 1980: Bt.ot6y lnd E.r.or, t992). !n
tupport, th. .v.ihbtlity ot t.rtilir.. P, !..!u..d ..
l.btl.-P (r.3i. .rtr.ct.bl. P), r.. n.!.tiv.ly corr.l.t.d
to Ca@3 co.t..t lor 20 c.lc.r.ous 6ot16 ot IJSA (Sh.r9t6y..t
.1., 198,1). !o. snoth.r s.o!p ot a!rc!..our .oll! tro.
t.v.r.l cou.trt.s, Sh.rDl.y !t rl, (1989) tound th.t th.
d..r..s. l..v!illbiltty b.tr..n 30.nd rg0 d.y.6tt.r P
.pDltcrtton .l!o cofu.trt.d to C.@3 co.t.nt (Ch.in .ad
Cr.ytor, 1980). Sh.rpt.y (1983) ro.t.d .l.o o. th. ttn.ttc
oi P d.lorptton id r.r.tion to roil prop.rti.. .nd r.po.t.d
that P d..o.ptton r.. r.l.t.d to th. r.tto ol F.- ot
cl.t/ort..i. C cont.nt ol th. .cidlc .oll .nd C.@3- o.
cI!y/or3..ic C coDt.Dt ot th. b..ic c!lc.r.ou5 .oils, to
conttt.t, tor 5ir c.lc.!6ou! .oiI6 or l!D.no.. ny.D .t
rr.(r985b) lound tn.t th. P .v.tl.btrtty (a..ctloo oi
l.rtiliz.r ! r.!.lntnr N.I@3 .rtt.ctabl.) r.. un..l.t.d to
tot.l or ".cttvc" Ca@3 (D.ouin..u, l9a2) cont.nt I .od it
r.. losnd t.l.t.d to th...ount ot !. orlri.. (iy.a.t .1..
1985.). lor I .v.ilrblltty uod.r th. d.Dr...in! .tt.ct ot
ora.nic !att.. h.. .lro b... r.go.t.<i (orlllln and Jurin.t.
l9tai t.lr.J.t ar., r9tl).
I.ny oth.r P !v.il.btltty p.r.r.t.r. h.e. b..n r.t.t.d
rith dill.r.rt soll proD.rtl.!. D.lrl .nd E.ll.rortt (l9tt)
r.Dort.d tnat rvli!.blltty ot P d.t.ntr.d by ! v.lu. r..
r.l.t.d rlth 6rcb.n!..b1. C. .nd Is, .otl 08, ors..lc C.nd
or!I!t. ..d dtthiontt. .rtr.ct.!1. P.r rhil. lrbll.-P
(d.t.nin.d .r I v!l!.) r.r cor..l!t.d rith or.t.t.
.rtr..t.bl. Al lnd oillnic C ol th. roil. hbt l.-P
dct..Eir6d a. B v.Iuc br..lso b.6n ..port.d to lncr....
rith ltolinit. .nd dec..a..d rith ao.thit. (li. ct et.,
l99l). L.bll.-P d.t.rDin.d rtth resin D.thod h.! b.en shorn
to rcI.t. rith doil t.rtu... Coarse t.rt!!€d roil r.s found
to r.l..s. oor. P ti.D !in. t.rturcd soil (Potholu.t et !1..
l99l). As s lunctton ol tiE., cuoul.t.d ! d6!orb.d rith
rcstn D€thod tndtclt.d fr.tt€niry of culv€ ln cor.d€
tertur.d soil, but not in aine t€rturcd soil .trd th.6.
pr!...t.rs r.!. lound coff.l.t.d rlth pl.nt sroith (B.hr,
1990i S.yln €t .I., 1990). th. proportion ol labil.-P
extrlct.d by .r ctfectiv. rotl t..t Bhould be d6p6ndent on
thc P lutle!in! cap.city (lorfo.d, 1980!i *.!..n, t994!).
1nc...3. iD r.sin-.rt..ct.bl. !/6quitlb.lu buller c.p.city
r.tto r.s lin..rly ..lat.d rith .olutton P tt.t r!.
cu.vlltnearly r€r.tod to P spt.te by th. croD (W..te.Dann,
1992). D.sorption ol P lro! the soiIs hls hc.n repo!t.d
also to be dooi..ted by 5.5quiorid.5 o. !i!.r.1 surl.c..
(Sias .nd Jor.s, lt76).
For div.r6. !ot1s, th. coDonly us.d P t6!t6 (o15..t
ora.n, Btay-I t.3t, rot.xaopl.) ar. d.p.ndent on citrat.-
.xtr.ct.b1e Al (!r.nkrin !n.i R.i6.n.u.r, 1960) .nd c1.y
colt.nt (P!3tt r.d G.rb.r. r964). rhc solubility ot th.
sotl pbo.phat6 vlri.s rith soil ps , and .t.ny Dg it i!6
dire.tly r.l.t€d to the aoount ol l.!11.-! tn th. soils
(Iu....nn lnd P.6ch, 1969; Aarior, 1983; Shlrrl.y €t sr.,
l98ai l.shid and Ror.1l, 1988b). Furth.flo16, th. {ou.t
ot ! r.l..s. i! rI.o dit..tly proportton.l to th..rount ot
d.3orbbl. P pr...ot tn th. .oi1 lniti.lly (Sh..pl6y.t.l.,
l98l; Y.lolun .nd Chtist.n6on, 1990). lron pr.ctic.r point
oa vi.t, soil-t.it I conc.ntr.tion or P l.rttltration r.t.
should incr.ls. ritn incr.is. in th6 lie. conc.nt..tion ol
c.lclr.ous 5otl. to provtd€ th. s.re d.ar.. ol I
6v6ll!bllity (r.3t..e.nn, 1992j. Such dillor.nc.s In
c!rc!r.ou! ard non-c.Ica..ous soils r... alro obs.rv.d by
Kh& ..d lalic, 1992).
S.v.r.l lon!-terD ti.Id and lrbor.to.y incubrtion
studics hrv. 6hoxn a 11n..r r.lation.hip b.treen €xttact.bl.
P on<t P add.d (i.e. .v.il.hlltty iod.x t6 con.t.nr)(B.rro,,
l9?.t: sh..pl.y.t .1., t982r [c L6.n et !r., 1983; sh.rer.r
.t .r., l98a). But, Aril €t al,(1993) ro.tios on p-
incub.tion .rp.rir.nt on t9 c.lci.6ous roit6 conclud.d thlt
P .eactio.s in such soi ls dttter rccordina to th6 p
lpplic6tioo r.t€, and rais. c.utio. st,out th€ incub.tton
conditioni ln the rabolatory thrt ate us6d to estto.tc the
loss of P.v.llability.
PhosDho.us is pr6s.nt in sever.l inor!.nic ..d o.!.nic
lo.os, but is .bsotbcd by pl.nts .lro.t .iclusiv.ly .s
R6cently, sequ€nti.l P i.action.t ton
<listiflAuishint l.biIe and sor€ st6bl. loro. ot inorA.ni..Dd
orsanic P rar ploposcd by fi€dt.y et 31.(1982!,b), xe.ru!ins
rp.citic inort.nic ! fracttons in. rirt6 !..a. of 30tIr .nd
int.rconv.rsion. eEon8 th. p f!.ction5 l, . Dot.nri.t
.pp.o.cb to bctt.. ch.r.ct..iz.tion ot crog ..sDons. to th.
J.€ .nd J.ltr.y (t990) rorrrns on !n.
.€l.tionshtp b.tieen !oi1 tnors.nic P tlactton, or3.n-p lnd
plant upt.lc r.vealed th.t .esin-P i!6 .b1. ro .ccount to.
.ost ol th6 lno!6a!lc lrlction dttt.r.nc63 induced by p
.nd prr.t upt.t.. {e, turthc., lound . lood
corrcl.tion to! r€sin-P vs, OIscn-P, ? uDt!t. vs. ...tn-p
.nd P-uptrt6 vi. olso!-P. Si.il.. ..rult. r.r. .r!o tound
by ltollor (1980b) rorkitr! on tour 6otl I t.sts (Ol..n.
coI16Il, Bny .nd X.hlich) in 16l.tton to pho6ph.tc
burf€rina.trd rrbtle-l i. th. soits. [o. turth.r. obj.rv.d
thlt rh.n soils r.r. stt.titt.d into r..rty, Dde tcty .nd
stro.aty butt.r.d sroups, th. .rtr..tion 6l l.bil.-p r..
d.ptessed by ir.re.sins butl.rin3 c.p.city tn the s.o. ray
as it dep..s3.d l-uptalc by the plsnts, Sioirar..sults
h.ve been r.po.t.d tiy Sarr.n (l99rtb) ro.ttnr on rhe rerpon6e
of fe.tiliz.r P.catdu.s .3 tnflu.nc.d by soil properttcs.
ll. .lro ob...v.d th6t ritb .gttt.t..t r..idu.t p, th.
!.tiouo yi.Id5 r€re clos. to those obt.incd rith tr.sh !,
blt !..id!!l ! alrays hrd. loier.v.ir.tility th.n tresh p.
Therclor., uldcr . c.op rot.tion, th€ soil P crirrcal level
cen b. dtll.rent lor dlll6r6nt crop,6v€. itth th€ 6.de
ext.act.nts. Gosrabi .t.1. (197t) colpil6d. t6rs. nuDrer
ol .orrcI!rion studi.6.nd found a ctitic.r r.v€l oi 3O os
P/ts sotr (0ls.n) lo! lorl.nd rice .nd a9 !s p/rs soit
(ol6.n) ror rh€.t i^ V.rttjols, H. .r!u.d that this
dill..Gnc. is p.oblbly du. to the lor.r phospltorus
r.qui..o.nt ol .ice !.d p..h.ts 6lso to th. incr.!s.d
avalllbility ol phospho.us und.r tlooded co.dttion..
It is .vident rron thc pr.vious roik dono tiat
phosph.t. t€dt concentrattons sre not alxryr tnd6p6!d.!t ot
soil .h!r6ct.ristics; th.y clnDot be rel.ted to th. qusntity
ol l.bil.-P un.obiauously rDle5s th6 .otls .t! clos.ry
r.r.t.d (Ols.n an.i {h.6.rn.n, t980; Jon. .t .1., rg8a;
Boe.n .nd Ol..r, 1985). ltor.ov.r, the soit t.6t Droc.dur.s
to ..ti!.t. pl.nt svlil.bl6 !, co@only i.volv. . v..i.ty ot
ch.otc.l 6rt.iction..thods th.t clos.ly cor..I.t.,ith the
pl.nt lrorth .nd uptat. ol P unde! c.!t.t. .d!phtc .nd
6lio6ttc condltion (lix.n.nd Orove, 1990). Th6r. is . n.€d
to iDprov. th. rr.ciston ol th€ p.edtctton ot th..oount ot
plant-av.il.bl. P i! 6sricultu..l systeo by non-colv.ntion.r
tcsti.a b.thods/r!rs (Fir.n, t99l). On. such !.thod/i.y oay
b€ thG us. ol tro.oil P t6.t o.tbod...d tnr.rco.v.!sions
.!ona th.! lor . pot.ntl.l .Dprorcb to gr.dict th. .rount ot
pl..t-.v.ll5bl. P in th.6oil..
PhosDh.t. ldsorption/d.lorptlon tin6tic .tldi.s s..o to
b. !oi. ln Iine rlth tho cu!!€rt viers th.t th€!. is . rlns€
oa el.ctrort.tic potonti.l tn th. soits (B..tor, 1983) ud
pnosph.tc ir retain.d by 6oi1 solids rith rid.ry but
soootlrly varyina cn.r!i.s (Llrs.n, 1967; Dslrl .nd
U.ll3rorth, l9?6; Ors6. md (h!s.r€h, 1980) th.t ..rut.te
th. pftttionina of Dho.ph.t. ir solution .nd jotid phss.
([uo .r .l, , r933). Polytopoulos et .1. (1936) using
oodi!i.d v.!.io. ol th. Elovich cqu5tton tn d.!c.ibina the
Itn.tica ol P .o.ption .nd ..lc.se lroo .oils conli.o.d the
.bov€ vicr. Th.y lurth.r r.port.d th.t pho6phate .orption
6nd rele666 r6.ctions tn 6olts tnva.i.bly 3tcrt.t. hlah
.!t., procc.d lor soDc ti.. at int.ro.di.t. on€ .nd tcnd to
b. cooplet.d .t r .lor ..1.. Pon66r ..d Bordc! (r9S0)
!.ntioned th.t th.rc is. continuour r.na. ol .n.rly tith
rhtch P i. b.ld on th€ soili lnd for pt.cttcal pu.po!.. this
.ncray c6n !€ rcpr.s.nt.d by .sttDation o! .v.ilabtc ! 3!ch
r. Iabilc-P, Or56n or Brry-I P 06thod (Sh.rpley .t .1.,
l9at) .
!o! pr..tic!l purpos.s, the rbunt rnd t.nao oa P
sorDtion .n.r!1.5 o.y not b. r.p.es.f,t.d by th. .stlort.r of
svsilsble P u6ins sitrsrc o.thod !ilo l.bll€-P, 01s6n-P or
B..y-I P. P..u.rl of tb. pr.vious data sbot thst I.btIe-P
and 01s.n-P v.l!.s (6nd oth.r !ethod6 .l6o) .r. olt.n not
th. sec in th. soils lnd th.ir ratio c!.Dl.s.ccordtns to
th. n.tu!. ol th. .oi1 (Drl.l .nd g.rlstorth, 1977; g.ltord,
1980; Sha.pl.y.t al., 1984i R.shid.nd Aoroll, 1989.). th.
16tio ol lebil.-PlOl3en-P tn.oi1 o.y tndicate th. .DouDt
.nd rads. ol P sorption.n.r!t.s tith thlch ! is nsld on the
.oiIs. Rlshid rnd nor.rr (r988b) 6rtt.ct.d .dsorb6d P rith
Na[@3 solutlon in rlt.1in. crrcar.ous.oils rnd louad th.t
.rtt.ction curv.. r... .ccordina to th. n.tiv. l.bi1._
P/Or3cn-P r.tlo. Soirs iith lor .atto Ehor.d coop.t.ttv.ly
!!.at.r dcEorptton.nd curv.6 t.nd.d to l.v.l .dII6t a6
corDr.cd to roils rith hi6h .atio t.dic.tina th. rcl6r!. ol
.dsorbed P io! lurth.r .rt!!ctions. lot l.bil.-PloI6.n-P
.atio sc.Ds to siv. lor .oo!nt and .!n!. ol P sorption
.D.rBies, rh11. hish r.tio s..Ds to indic!t. hi!h loount
3nd.use of P 6olption €n.rsies in ths 3oi1t. A soil xith
hi!h rabil.-PlOrr.!-P !.tto ray supply .ppli.d/r.8idq.1 P
coop.r.tiv.ly tn 30.11 &ount to o!. o. tro ctop6. Dut D.y
b. in a t€tt.r po.itio! to..lse. !u.b.r ot c.op. betole
th. ! delici.n.y syDptoD. .ppe.r on th. pl.ntr. A p..usrI

ot th. d.t. ot rort don. rr aorsa.t .t. (lr?8) . t Ad6roju

.t .1. (1982) ..... to .r4Dort tt. .tov. .t!{r.!t..
O! th. b..t. ot tb. rvFth.rtr tb.t l.btlG!/Ol.Gp
trtl. l. tl. .ot!. Dt r.l.t. to ! ft.ptto/d..orrtto!
.r.ral.. r.aul.thr tt. .oll p .urrl, to tb! Dt.!t., thl.
r...$ch Dror..t r.r uut.!t.r6! to! th! .v.rutto! o,
l.Dll.-!, Otr.!-t .dd t!.tr r.tto lor tn. .r....r..t ot

3.lt Sotls .nl th.lt Pr.p.r.tlon

Soil3 of P6tlst6r 6r. fo.o.d/d.v.Iop.d in diller€nt typas of
p....t o.t6ri.l3. Most of thsso Eato.lals *er€ c.lc..eous
at th. tire ol th.i. d.po6itlon. Th. p^r€nt oat.r I rl
sedioent6tion dld t.l€ pl.c. 1n dll!o.6nt p.rlods. Slnce
the deDosit ol th. p...nt Datori!ls durtn6 th. P1.i.toc.n.
snd loloccn€ y€.!s, th. soll lor@tion proc€ss.s h.ve been
activ. i.sulting ln thG d.volotocnt ol . 1.r3. nuter oi
ditfer6nt roit6. !or.e.r, th. ploc..r.i ol .oil !o!d.tion
rere not int.ns. cnouah to cau3. the r..ov.l o! flee C.@3
f.oo th. soils coDplet€ly, but its r.di3tribution in the
soil protiles h.d tit.n DI!c. .sp.cially in old deDosits
occurrins in.rc3r ol r.l.tiv.ry hi6h..inl!ll.
Th. d.p.rtr.nt ol Soll Sulv.y ol Plti5tan h.v.
id.ntilicd lnd d.rcrlb.d oor. thrn on. thou.rnd diflelent
soils bas.d on th.ir oorphoto!ic.l rnd Iioit.d chcDicrl
ch.ractcristicr. Th. l.oort..t chr.lct..i.tic3 on rhich the
diflcrenti.tion ot .oil 3.ri.s rr3 bls.d r.r. thc color.
texture, structur.. con!t!t.nc., dr.in.l. conditions,
polosity, c.lc.r.ou3n.3!r pr.s.n.. ol s.1t6 and rodicity.
Th€ !6ppin! ol rollr h.! h..n don. on r.conn.iss6ncc
lev.l i.e tio or oor. 3o1l! h.vins 6o!e s.n.ttc r.l.tionship
rer. plac.d in. o.pplna unit. Th€ cotrponents ot a soil
as30ciations h.vc b..n d.6.rlb.d rtth r.rp6ct to th.it
rel.tivc 6re6 3nd positto! occupl6d in th. landscsp.. lor
coll.ction of sotl ..!pI.. lo. th. .tudy, l9 soil s.ri.s
r€..3elected cov.rtn3 ! itd6r i.nse ol soll ch..rct6rt6tics
liL. CaCO3, clry, ortAntc o.tt.r, pos6illy iton and alurinuo
A sr.6t c.rc rts .x.rct6.d to 6.opl€ troD
su.tace 1o 30 cE d.pth ol tb6 s6l6ct.d soil se.i.s f.oo
those o.ppi.a untts (.otI !ssoci!tions) ib.r. th.y r.rc
Drppeo .r . bajor conpon..t of th. o.ppi.3 unit. th€
s.!Dl.s rc!€ .i.-dri.d lnd r!6sed a 2 D 61.v. .nd stor.d in
pla3trc cont.itr.rs. Bri.l phy.ic!l .nd ch.!ic!l
cn.r.ct.ristica ot th. colt.ct.d 30it .opl.s .nd th.
(laniry lov.l) .. r.po.t.d b, th. Soit Surv.y
Statl (1975-90) ar. siv.n rn T6blc l.

3.2: D6t.niz.tton ot Soti p.operties

Soil s.!pl.t r.r. .n.lyz.d ,oryhy.lc.l .nd ch.iie.l
ptop.rti.s. ?erc.rt.a. ors.nic o.tter iss d.t6r.in.d by th.
r.t conbu3tion oethod ot t.lttcy and El.ct (193a). Cr.y,
silt .nd !.nd co.tents r.r. d.terEin.d by th. hydroD.t.r
oeth6d pro-t16.tins rith sodiuD h6r.o6t.phosphar. .nd
cal.ulat.d on r.isht p.rc.rt6!€ ot ,hot. sott, pt ol .
s.tur.t.d .oil p.st..nd th. !c ot the ,oil D..t. .,tr.ct rt
25'C r... !6.6!r.d.
Tot.l s!rl!c. 5r.r r.6 d.t.roin.d tro, r!t.r v.po.
sorptlon .nd th. .onol.y6r c!p!city ,a. c.lcul.t.d aro. th.
o.ss ot !d.otb.d r6t.r hold rt th. st.Sl. v.lu. ot p/po.
0.2 (Qui.k, t955). c3@3 rls doteroincd by rr..rin8 rtth
3N IlCl ald !r.vi6.t.ic n.thod to. loss ot @2 (AtlisoD.nd
xoodi.. 1965). !... i.o. orid.6 ier. ..6su..d by 3odiu!
dithioait. (N!2S2o4) DGthod .djustin! th. ptt o! susp.nsion
to 3.5 to a.0 to di..otv. lny t..rou3 !urlld.. (Ol..n. 1965)
.ad .lqlo6 oxid. r.! 6xtr..t.d ,itrr .ctd N[rOAc sorution
.djuit.d to plt ,t.8 (IcL6... lt65).
Pholphorur - 3, (o.s I NancoJ - P) rr. d.t.roin6d
coroiir.trt..lty att.r phoiphooolybdct€ r.duction rtth
ascorbtc rcid (*.t6n5b€ .nd Ot6.n, t95s). !.btr. p _ 3l
(Anlon !rch.ns. r.sin - p) r.s det.ruin.d by.ddin!..6tn
rb3s coltrinin! 3 ! InA - aOO uiotr .xc.!n!c t.sin
(bia!rbo..t. ror!) to 2 s roit in lOO.r d.toni..d E2O. Th.
saopr. i.s shaken on !n oscttlatin! !h.k.r at lO0
osci I l.tton. Din-l tor la h 6t 2s!3 .C. 1..itr bass,..e
s.p.rrt.d frotr soir and P irs ..tov.d t!o! r6sin by sh.Iina
rith 0.5 I IlCl for 2 h. !xt.sct r.s tilt6..d .nd p,rs
<l.t.rDir.d by Ulrphy .nd ti!.y Dethod (l962).

3 -3 :
O,.aah.rsc Brp.ri..ots
Gr..nhousc erp.riDents r.r. run to study rn. corr.ratio, of
crop yi.ld.nd l-uDt.r. rtth soil t6st v!lu.s of !.sin
.rtr6ct.bl. lsbile-P sod olseFp oethods .nd their .stios
in !9 60tls. cr..!hour. rork ia. besun du.ina D.c..b.r.
t992 .nd cnd.d durt.! J.nuary, 199/t .tt.. t.tirs three
succ...rv. c.ops. lro tt ot ..ch te!t sotl ,.s potted in
trelv. plastic cont.tr.rs 6o s. to cr.st. !our p tr.stD.nt
l€v.13 end thr6. reDl tc6iion6. Thc r.t.i ol P tr..rD€nt
const3t.d ol 0, 30, 60, .nd 90 oslrs soil !6 t3poa sotution
Dadc up t. lield cspacity rrt.r, potr 16r. r.cub.ted ror
on. r..t !t 25a3 .C. Aftlr incubltion, .ech pott.d sotl ,.s
r.!ov.d on polyth.!. .b..t, c.u.h.d, thorouahly !ir.d .nd
t.lill.d in tie pots lor crop g.orin!, t.n ! rotl !ro!.5cn
pot r.3 coll.cted lor Ols.n-p 6nd r.bit.-p d.t.rbination
bslor. 6ortns lirst crop.
wh..t (l3t crop) vlri.ty .Inqil.h - 9t' ,.s sb,n on 2
Dec.ob.r, 1992. S.ed5 i.r. pl.nted itr cxc.ss r. dry soir
.rd dirtilled r.t.. irs .dd.d i@.di!t.ly !t o, n.sr:h.
ft.ld clprcity. Subr6qu.ntly, the pl.ntr 16r. t!.ia.tcd
tith distilled ret.r st30 to brins soil ooirtur. nc.r t6
ti.ld c.p!city try sr.vii6tric D.thod, Nitro!.n (,rO !!/k,
6oil) !. !rca in solution torD ras appli.d ston!-,Ith tirst
t.t.r. S.edlinas re.. thinn6d to four p.r pot .nd 40 !A
N/l! .oi I .s !rc. ias add.d 3 seeks lrt6r. Shoots rere
h6rv.rt.d st Dost-h€.dinA stsg. .bout ?2 d.ys .fter
a.roinltton, Rooas l.oo olch Dot,ere..D.r!tad by si.v6
..tnod .nd rlshed rith dt3tiIIcd rat... Shoot lnd roots
i... ov.n d.i.d .t ?0.c lo, 24 h. sioot.!d root dry
D.tt.r yi6ld
'.s record.d and plant o.t.ri.I .tt.r arindin!

t.s stor.d for P !n.ly.t3, Pl.nt ? ics d6t.r.tn€d by th.

vanadooorybd.to !.thod .s describ6d by Ja.!son 09sB).
Alt.r h.rv€stin3 llrst c.op, sotl ot..clr pot rrs r.tt olx.d
rnd refilled, T€n a soll floo.6cb pot {.s corr.cted for
01s.n - I 6nd lrbir. - P det.ioination b.lo.e sorinr second

SorshuD (2nd crop) r.s soiD on tt April, 1993 to study

its respoo6ein r.sidu6l P ol the i6!tiItz.r P tr.sto.nts
.pplied bolor. thc atart ol crop rot.tton. !rc... reed rer.
sorn and N (s0 d!/r! soil) .ppli.rt .s d.scrtb.d
ea.!i€r. S.cdIin6. r.r. thlnn.d to tour p.. pot .nd 50 !A
N/Ls soir r.6 appli.d 3 r€.ts lst.r, Shoots r.r. harvested
alter 40 drys ol lcroin.tion. Roots r6rc seoilat.d. shoot
and .oot ow.n- d.i.d dry ..tt.r yi.Id r.r r.cord.d and Dl.nt
o.t.!i.l r!3 3tor.d lor P.r.ly!i! .. d..criD.d .ulicr.
Aftei ba.v.3tin! s.cond c.opi 3oil ol .!et pot r.s r.lt
Dix.d rad t.lill6d. t.n 3 sotl s.rrl. lror..ch pot ras
collect.d lot Olscn - P rnd llbtl. - P d.tc!.iEtion b.fore
sotin3 third clop.
Fhe.t (!!d c.op) v.ri.ty 'lnqit!b-91' rs. soin on I
Noveeb.r, 1993 in o.d.r to study its 16.9ons. in r.sidsr P
ol l.!tillr.r P tr..to6nts .tDll.d b.io.. tb. 3tart of crop
rotation. Four pl.nts p!. Dot r.r. o.int.incd rnd first N
(60 n8/ts soir) .nd s.cond N (60 r6lt6 soil)
applicd o. th6 s.D. r.y a. d.3crtb.d tn th. ti.st c.o!.
Shoots re.e harv6dt6d ct b.rdins .tss. .bout 62 days .rt6r
6e.ni..tion. Shoot.nd root dry d6tt.r yi.rd ras recolded
and stored for I an.lrsis .s dsscribed..!r1.r,
R.l.tionshlp b.tr..! diff.!.nt par.o.t.rs lito l.bile-
P. olscn-P, .trd l.!il.-?/0ls.n-! rltid rith
r.1!ttv. yt6ldv. P upt.k. $d soll ch.t.ct.ristics ta3
!t.t.roi..d ustru coffGl.tlon co.litct.nt ..d ..ar.srton
t..hniqu.s rith th. h61D ol ISTATC .Dd IIICIOSIAT p.or..@.s

ln o.d.r to s.t th. P crlttc.r l.v.IE, both 3iopl.

sr.phtc ..thod (C.t. .nd N.Ison, 1965) .nd .n.rysis or
vsrisnc6 (AOV) !6thod (C.t6 .nd N.l.on, 1971) t.t. ui.d. ln
rirpl. !r.phic octhod. ! pl.rti. ov.rl.y 3h..t divid.d i.to
qu6drlntr by . hortzont.I .trd . v.tticll ltn. i.r !t.d. Th.
3h..t r.. .!t.rirDo3.d on th. d.tr tn Euch . r.y thlt th.
o.rtrur nub.t ol Dotnt. l.ll in th. lot.r l.tt !!d upp..
rilht qu.d..Dt6, rnd th. Diniouo !rb!t oi 9otnt. tas l6tt
ia tt. lpper l.lt r.d lor.r .isht quldrant3. Th. point .t
rhicn thc v..tic.l lt.. int..s.cts th. r.xi6 tr. consid.r.d
to b..i th. ctttt..l l.v.l tor th6 roit!.

3.a: 6tp.ri,.nt to E t.t. bbir.-P fitb Ot..n-P

ln o.dcr to ltnd out tn6..l!tlotr6hip b.tt..n ltbil._l .nd
Olr.n-P .otl t..t vrIu.., . l.bor.to.y .rp.rir.nt t.t
condlct.d by .ddtn3 0. 30, 60, .nd 90 l! P/l! .oll .. l3Foa
to l0 a 6ub-drrD!. ol !9 loirr in !o.Il pl.ttlc vi.l. tith 3

V Pl.nt s.orth lnd yt.lds.r. lunction6 ol ony vfi6b!.5

b.yond tb. ri06I. nut!i.nt ude! con!idct.tion. A
consid.r.blc sc.tt.r o! polnts occurs fhcn .b.olot. yt.ld6
.r. Dlottcd .3 . tuncttor3 ot soll t6.t valu.t. f,h.n
..r!tiv. yi.lds r.th.r th6n tbsolut. yi.ld..i. u3.d, th.
v.ri.!ility is consid.!.bly roduc.d. Ih...l.tiv. tt.ld in
D.r c.nt r.3 c.IcuI.t.rr by u3in! tb. ch6.t yi6ld (yi.ld
obt.in.d.t control) rnd th. pl.t..u yi.ld (thc hish6st
yi.rd obt.incd und.r P tr.6to.nt.) .5 31v.n ln the loioul.
ol C.te rnd N.rdon (1971).
Rer.tiv€ yt.ld (t) ! ch..& yt.1d x 100/

..pltc.tiors tncub.t6d .t 25r3 .c, soil ,ss brousht to

li.ld..p.city iith disttll!d rat.r..d.lro,.d to.r.y in
th. l.bo{tory. Att.r 7 d.y. ot ircub.tlon p.rt6d. !otl ,.s
crusn6d, r.ll !lx.d .nd 6xtr.ct.d rtth .!lon .xci.ns. r€.in
and 0.s { N.BCo3 tor labi16 P lnd Ors.a ! !6!p..riw.ty ,s
d..crib.d.!rli.r, th. soil r.s rer.ttcd.!d.tlo,.d to d.y
tric. oor. durtns.6-00rth tncubrtlon p6rrod, 6
Do.th. of incoh.tion p.riod. soit r., crush.d .!.int ^!t.r,.tl
Dir.d.!d !n.lyz.d lor rrbil.-p.nd Olj6.-p.. d.scrib.d
..r1i... n.!....ion rn.ly!i3 rr..ppIt.d to !.I.t€ th6
lrbil.-l rith th. .rount ot P.rt!!ct.d by rh. Ols6n..thod.
R.tr..3ion.qu.tion r.. d.v.lop.d to !r6dict l.bir.-p troD

3-5: Dcv.lor-.ra ot P Av.trtbtrltt Int t

F.rtilir.r ! .v.i1lbility tnd.r (Pi) r.! 63ti.rt.d iroo th.
llbor.tory 6rp..i.e.t o.ntion.d.bov. in od.r to iin.t our
its ..1!tion6htD ittn sotl chrrrct.rirtt... por thi,
gutposc, th. v.ru.! ot l.bil.-P d.t.r!i..d .itc. . 6 oonth
iocubrtio. p.riod r.r. put in th. .qu.tio. ot toa., ct.l.
(r904) tt lol rors I
tll - (Pil! - P111)/P1
initi.r r!bit.-P (Drio! to t.rtitlz.tton)
Pitt - l"bil.-! sitcr !e.t tratio..nd incub.tion
Pt - l6rtllt2.r P add.d
. ! d.not. !i d.vcloD.d rith th. us. ot tlbtt.-p
Th. valuos ot l.btI.-? d.t.rDi!.d rlt6r . ?-d!y idcub.tton
l.oo thc l.bor.to.y cxp.rto.nt o.nttoncd !bov., ,c.. atso
put in Jo!.. .t !1. (t98rt) equ.ttor in o!d!! to lind out thc
.fl.ct ot incubatton p.rtod, Stott.rly, tt r.. .rso
.5ttDrt.d ustDg the v.lu.. ol Olr.n-p.6 tollor.:

r!.t. Olt - Inltl.l ol..n-P (p!lo! to l.ttllt!.tto.)
Oh . Ol..n-P .tt.r l.rtlrtl.tlon . l l!c!b.tlo!
b - d.not. Ft d.v.lot.d tltb th. ut. ot Or..n-P
Co?r.l.rlon co.llrcl.ot .nd r.rt...io! . lt.t. t..
p.ltorGd on co.rut.r !!Int IST IC .!d IICmSIAI Dlol..&.
Ir ord.! to lt!d o!t th. r.!.tloD.hID ol t.ttlll!.. P'
.v.ll.bllltt t!d.r (ir) rlth Dl..t.r<l .oll ch.r.ct.tl.tlc..

1.1: Soilt u'.d tn th. axpartDont

Soo. ch6r.cte.lsttc5 ol th. soirs !r€ siv.n tn T6ble l.
6oils r.n3ed iid€ly in lrbll.-p rnd Ol6€n-p t.st vslues. Ot the
l9 soils, 2 soils i.r. lor in Olsen-p ( 5.0 !s p/ks soir); 9
soils rete EcdiuD ( s.t-t0.0 os p/ts soil); 4 soirs,ere hish
(10.1-16.0 n3 P/t! soil); !!d a soils r... vcry hi!b ( l6,O bs
P/r8 soil) !ccordin6 to Ol5.n-P Dethod, Tho v6rues of t!bile-
P/Ols.n-P.atio r!n6.d !roo l O to 3.0 indlc.tin! th. diaierent
proportion of ertrlct.d P by thes. tro o.thods in diff.,ent
soils. Soil pll ..n!.d t.oo 6.9 to 8.t. 1{ll th. soil6,ere
no.Ml itr EC ( 4.0 ds/o) exc.pt 2 soils th.t cont.in.d EC oore
than ,1.0 dS/D. Ot th. l9 soils, soirs conr.in.d C.co3 l.ss
than 5.0t:5 roits b.tr.6n s.t to tOt.trrr 2 roirs lor. t!6n
10.0t C.CO3. F e. F.203 rlns.d b.ti..n ?.1 to 2l.t g/ta soil.
Ext.rct.bl. Al2o3 r.s lor in th... so s r.nlina troo 0.5 to,1.5
s/La sotl. Surt.c. .!6. oa th. soil3 ..na.d ttou 12.3 to 71,2
!2/s roil d.pcndin6 upon th. soil t.xtu... Th. d.ta o! soils I
end a r.!e .:.lude<t! rhil. doins itatlsticsl .arlysis of pot
exp.ria6.t. du. to th.i. hiAh EC that.ff.ct.d th. pl.nt !.orth.
1.2: solt P Cl1.r.cta.lsatcs tnt pttnt E.s@ns.
the .elatlorsbip b6tr6.n r.rin .xtr.ct.bl. l.ttl6-p, O1s.n-p t€st
vaIu.s, l.bil.-Plot..n-! ratto d€t.roin.d b.torc sorina .ach
crop! 6nd plant dry 6tt.r yt.ld 6nd lts !-uptst. is discD.sed:

1.2. t: th..t (lst ct.p)

Befo.e sorira rhe6t crop, P tr.at.d soils f,.r. ev6luat€d tor
l6bile-! an<t Ol ssn-P t.3t v.lu.s. Thcse soll P tcat v6Iues.nd
r€tr r.tios rer. r.lct.d rtth plant dry n.tt.. yield !.d P-
ei; F;: i:.F t9:i:;6; t; g
e:E-:: t

:,9::9 ?99 P:::{ 9 9:::: ! s

:i i-:- i;;:.;; L i {: i i:- r

:g i" !, .
! s! ; ! ! ! i i ! i i i b! : ! 6i -


.l 8a

I Er
Fii!iiii:.'tiiM!!i! s ri
2A Dtt itt., tl.l<t It t.l.tlon to P tc.a ethods

Pl.nt d.r !.tt.t.b.olut6 yi.ld. !t P t...tr.nt l.v.Is ol 0' 30'
60, .trd 90 Ds P/ks sotl .ppll.d in dill.!ctt soils.dd th'ir
coEputed r.r.tive yi.rds.16 in 1.b16 2. th. .clctionthip'
b.tr.6o relstlv€ vi.rd and Ol..n_P (OP)' I.bi1e-P (li1) .lon' rnd
ln coDbination rith Ptr/OP.rti03 ol dill.t.nt soil. before P
lddition (.6 shoxn in l.!l€ 6). .r. ln T!bt. 3 and Pia. l'
!6l.tive yield i.s ttn.s!lv r.lated to thc a&urt ol P
eit..ct.d by th. O? .nd ltr t..hntqu.s (!is l) Th€
r.lationshi! ol OP tith r.l3ttv. vi.ld tss lound hishlv
siBntticant (!2 - 0.932, P - O.0l)(Tsbl. 3 !t6. lA), snd lot OP'
no iot.ov€bents i! corrol.tton r.sultad ihen Pir/O? rat 't6o
consid.red (R2 = 0.935). For O?, r6I.tiv. yt.ld i!cre.sed ttth
tb. increas€ in Pit/O!. Thc relrtionshig bettoen Pit ..d
r.l.ttv. ri.1<i t!. .l3o hishlv 6isntticlnt (l'- 0.753, I =
o.or)(Tsbte 3. Fis. lB), rbil6 hiahlv sisnitic.nt coatribution ol
Pit/O? rls obs.rvcd in inDrovlns the..l.tionship th.n both Pil
.nd Pir/O! t.rc includ.d in th. r.a.cssion.qu.tion (R:'0'881'
P ! O.O1). For Pil, th. rel.tiv. vi.ld d.ciet.ed tith thc
incr...e in !i1lOP t.tio. Usin! Clt. .nd N.lson {1971)
t.chniqu€. cslculation ol co.tlici.nt ol d.t.roin.tions (R") 'nd
criticsl r.vcts lor th. b.!t tto tot!l!tton split usina tio o"n
di3coltinuous Dodels ior the.t t.s cs.ri.d out iith soil ? t'3t
levels, rithout th6 .ddition ol ? i.rttIlz.r. lor oP Dothod' th'
co.llict.nt ol d€t.rotnstlon (n2) 1.cr....d !tto r2 1 !! !/ts
soil snd thet d.c!e.s.d (Ftr' 24, TabIe a) rh' OP crtttctr
liDit thet.ror. lies b6ti6.n l2.l lnd 13.6 os !/ts soil and c6n
b. d.sla.ated.s ta !s P/L! soil lor th.5e 6o115. Sitila'Iv tot
Pil Dethod, th. co.lrici.nt ol d.t.tEln.tion (F2) incr.6t'd uPto
2o.a as llrE soil .td th.n d.ct....d (!is. 2a, r'brc 5) Th' ?il
c.itic.l IiDit th...lor. l1.s b.tt...20.3 and 25.5 !g P/La 3oil
md csr be desisn.ted.s 23 os P/ta soit lor thes€ roirs.
Th. d.t. shor.d thlt in both o.thods' rore th.n 751 ol th€
v.rt.tion in r.l.tiv. vi.ld t.. .t9liin.d bt th' t'!"tti6n
.qu.tions, hotev.r Pil d.pict.d s ttd.r ttnge of sotl t'6t P
l.v.ls co.i.spondin! to hiAh.r r.lstiv. vl.Id (Ja"nd tttl?'v'

Dry o.tt.r yield of rh..t (ist .roP) .t

tr.attr.nt r.t.s lppl tcd tn dtlt...nt 3011.

----Appl t.d P Et.i

030 60 90

Absolut. B.l!t iv.
-------------3/Lt roil-------------- t
I o,?5 0.86 l. t4 r.09 66
2 3.72 1.16 1.t2 '1.03
a 0.98 3,60 3.75 3.95
2.12 7.16 2.32 2. t7 17
5 3,t1 l9
1.94 4.32 !.89
2.21 3.38 3.la 3.04
8 2.91 3.s6 t. l6 a,05 7l
9 t.17 3.50 3.96 x.92 !0
l0 7.O7 ,r.05 a.3a
0,86 3,29 3,24 3.31 26
2 I.5t ,r.30 a. l5 35
3 3.08 3.53 3.43 3.79 8l
7,42 3.98 5l
l5 t.91 3,72 3.8s x,a7 5l
3.75 5,26 5.8? 5.28
l1 1.74 1,14
l8 1.,10 4,17 3.90 35
l9 1.65 5. t9 1,95

r.l.tiv. vt6rd (Av)

l.l.tron.htp. b.tr... (O!),
crop) .nd or..n-P I.bil.-P (Prr)
'rrio. 6l dIll.r.nt .oil3 tr..tcd ttth o
.t th. rt.rt ol crop rot.tion (ti th nattv.
(No. oa ob3..vation3 - l7)

6.5t3 1 3.955 0P 5.53 0.932

2.996 r
a.949 0? + 1.867 ?illOP s.69 0.93s
16.442 + 1.s55 ?it 10,62 0.?58
3s.713 + r.873 Pii 1,12 0.aal
!ll !.lttion.hip. i labt lictnt
sirnilicant cootribut ion ol
'ith Pil.

ctt!l 9_
6 It
fiE t!
t{ gp
gr e!
t cBtll t

F e
e I{
3', . f. I
1r -es

Eg t-
t. 5
PS fn
Ee a
te a
gF g
3E ta
H* t 2
5: I!
Ig I
F& I
SoiI P criticrl l.v.l d.teroincd by C6t.-N6l.on AOV
o.thod-usin! r.liliv. yi.td oa (irt crop) snd
'h..tsoi r) b.fo,.
tcst v.lu.s (t$/ks th.
.ddi t ion ot P l€rtiri'.r.

I r (css-r ) 2 2 (CSS-2)
77.0 t 8.0 50,2 5576.4 1,9 0.200
5.t 21.3 24.1 5t,9 1918.9 5.1 0,249
6.2 26,4 30,8 33.2 4640.3 6.3 0,3r8
26.6 33,2 55,3 3950.7 7.0
21,2 3250.6 0, 515
7.7 21,9 62.9 60,2 2521 ,6
4.0 30,3 443.5 6t.1 2331.O 3.3
8.6 st2.9 64,9 |592.9 4,7 o.699
3.8 17.9 476.9 66.9 t372.9 8,9 o.619
34.0 10r0.0 70. s 315.5 10.6 0.739
t2. I 35.4 t274,9 359.2 t2.9 0,166
31,6 2029. I 224.0
8l ,0 32.O 6,6 0.606
7.5 12,6 79.0 4.0 0.331
x.an r.lativc yi.ld - 46.9; Totsl corr.ct.d .Do of
(TCSS) - 6997.3
(TCSS - (CSS-l + CSS-2) )/TCSS


SoiI P critic!l l.v.l d.t!roitr.d !y C.t.-Nelson Aov

n€thod ustnA r.l.tiv. yl.rd ol rh..t (ist crop) .nd
rabiI.-P soil t.!t vrlu.. l4/ts soil) !elor€ the
.dditton ol P l.rt 11126r,

I l (css-t ) 2 2 (CSS-2)

6.0 22.5 21.5 50. I 5625.? 0.193

25.0 62.O 5t,6 5159.4 9.5 o,219
11,7 27.5 13t.0 52.4 4895.8 t 1.9 0.281
2-1 3l .0 382,0 4429,0 t2.5 0.255
2.4 30-0 at2.o s6. I 3942.9 la.5 0.3?8
33.0 790.0 56,6 39 t 4.4 I?.0 0.124
17. a 32.4 t90.9 J717,O ta,3
18.8 964.2 60.9 3070.9 t8.9 o.123
r8.9 31.6 970.4 61.1 2363.7 19.0
19. ! ! 010.0 70,5 815.5 19,1 o.7x9
20.3 35..t t271.9 439.2
25,5 38.5 2.A7 t .l 7t.a 350.3 26.O 0.540
25.5 1169.1 71,0 221.0 27.0 o,172
27.4 12. I 4032,9 83.0 8.0 33. t o.123
l7; I..n t.l.tiv.
=(lCSS) yi.ld -,15.9i Totll corr.ctcd su or
(TCSS - + CSS-2))/TCSS
1990). !or OP, rith increls.d PiI/OP .atto, soil3 t6nd6d to 6hoi
hish....lativ€ yi€ld, tut its (!illoP) contrtbutton itr lep.ovins
Fz x!r aloos! nil. Aut rn c.se of Pil B.thodi rtrh th. incr.ased
Pil/OP ratio, the resr.ssion .qu!tion shor.d e dccr.a6. in
i.l.tiv. yt.ld. Thc incluston oi PillOP ratto slon! rith soil
Pit p.r.o.l.r lrve sisniric.nt conrribution in ioprovi.a R2 froo
?s to 88 of the r.a!essio. .qurtions. gish.r v!ru.r ot pir/Op
rttios oa thc soils, irdi.!tcs th. tor.. propo.tion ol .rtr.ct.d
P by OP oethod ss corpared to 16rin €at..ct.b1e ?it, ..d stoir.r
..l6tionshlp3 of bufferlra c!p.city rith r.sD..t to p
.xtract.bility/avall6bility h.v. 6lso beer r.port.d by ltolfor
(1980b) and w6feD (1994b). Su.h cotrditioos ot hish.r pt1/Op
expected to b. ior. prevalent under s tor p soi I
tatur.tion. the Pil/Ol ratto p.r.oet€r seers to r€tl.ct roushty
th. P bindina elersy or soil ? buff..ins c!p!city, .nd it Da]
hclD in th. ioprovcoent ot svrll.ble.oil P.6..6sb.nt lloaA rith
soi I Pil p!r.i.t...
In su@r.y, for r.rattv. yi.td. th. op Gthod .ron. is r.
b.rt t6st to use (t.bIe 3). Th. c.iticat 16v.ls ot l3 .nd 23 Ds
P/t3 sotr lor th. o!.nd Pit E.thodi rospecttv.ly r..ult.d in a
ih..t 16l.ttv€ y1.1<r of 75t.
1.2.t,2i Photphotua-upt.k. tn $t6tioa to P tBt t tho.tc
!t!nt P-upt.le ard soir ? cha ct.ristics ol Olscn-p (Op),
lrbil.-P (Pil) and rsbil.-Plo166n-P (!irlo!) .stio d.t.roi..d rt
P.ppllcrtior revels oi 0, 30. 60, lnd 90 !r !/tr 6otl ..c in
T!bI.6, 8. 10.nd 12: .nd th.ir r.l.tiotrshirs... tn T.bl. ?. 9.
ll rnd l! resp.ctiv.ly, Th. ptsnt P-upt.rc (Pu) r.3 lin6rtly
..I.t.<l to th. aDount ol ?.xtr.ct.d by the OP lnd ptl t.chniques
tn th. 6oils iith nativ. sotr P, rithout th. .<tdition of p
lcrtiliz.r (T.blc 7, Fis, 3). In th€ soils rlthout ! addrtron
(tith nattve soil P), th. rolrtion!hip b.tr6en P- and Op ,.s
hiahry .i!niricant (R2 r 0,729, p - o.ot) (pls, irr) ana onrv
s!.ll lDprov.Dents tn corr.l.tion (!2 = O.??t) r.sult.d rh.n
Pil/0P '!! rlso includ.d (t.bl. ?). SiDi luly r hishly
silntficlnt !elationship {lr - 0,7s1, P - 0.01) r.r tound b.tre.n
P-upt.L. ot rh..t (l.t crop), l.btl.-P .trd OIs.n-P
belore sorin! it dtll.r.nt soils tr..tcd rith 0 !s
st.rt ot c.oe.otatloo (ilth oativ6

Soll P Ch.r.cl.rt6t tc.

013€n-? labil.-Pl

I 12,5
2 34.7 l ?,5 2.22 9.33
3 12.8 2.90 1.79
t9,a t.3! 5.54
5 l.12 0.93
(otl i 12, l 9.0 ,34 3.10
7 21,1 15,6 .?s
a .l?.8 29.4 .62 s.70
9 7,6 0.96
lo la.a 8.0 2.15
6.0 5.1 t.t8
t2 I r.7 Laa 2.95
s0.l 19.3 2,61 7.81
t5. t I .40
20.4 t2.l r.70
l6 26.5 | 3.5 r.90 4.33
t1 9. t 2,94
l8 8.9 4.6 2,19 2-45
t9 7.8 7.7 2,31 3.15

!elationshlpr b.tr.en P-uDt.k€ (P,,) ol ihe.t (ist crop)

.nd olsen-P (oP), l.bir.-P (P,r)-..d P,!/oP r.tio3 ol
drrler.nt soils tr..ted rith-0 trs P/Es- soil at the
start of c.op rot6tion (iith n.tiv6 soil P).
(No. ot ob3.rv6tion. r l7)

-0.1l0 + 0.417 OP .34 0.129

+ 0.826 lilloP .27
0.523 + 0. l8a loP .28 0.?sl
iI r.712 | 0,201 !ii -0.839 ril/oP
.. dclot. all r.l.tionshlps 3iBniflclnt.t
P-uptake of rh.6t (ist c.op), labile-P
before soring tn dilf.r€nt soils t.e.reo
P/rg.oil at th€ start of c.op.otatio!.
Soil P Chrr.ct6ristics
Ols.n-P l3bir.-?/

56.3 2.21 3.12

2 59.3 30.3 t.93 12.00
J 33.2 14.5 2.29 8. l2
39.0 .15 1 .42
5 22.1 16.6 s.37
2A.a 2l.t 9,25
30.0 6.68
3 69.5 8.55
t3.I .t2
0 19.4 23.3 ,69 9.t2
I 20.0 t 3.0 4.22
2 33.1 20,7 l.60 9.69
3 69. r 3t. I 2.22 4.19
36.1 25.2 1.92
5 2t.9 1 .14
2A.O l.6a |l .5l
7 31,9 ta,7 2,02 3.64
a 34,a l9, l 1.83 4,21
9 39,5 23.6 | ,57 9.50

R€lattonsr!ips bctr..n P-uptale (P,,) of rh€.t (tst crop)

.nd 0lsen-P (OP), l.bil.-P (Pir)_.nd PirloP r.lios o,
drtl.r.nt soils tr.rt.d 'ith t0 !s P/li soil .t th.
st.rt of cror rotrt ion.
(No. of ob3.rv!tions = l?)

6,553 + 0.08,r oP 0,125

3.749 + 0.031 oP + l.?69 Pi1loP 1.55
5.860 + 0,069 Pir 3'332.
iI 3.t22 0.0s9 Pir + 0,68t Pil/oP
+ I.5t 0. 312
t d.notc th. relatiobsbip stgntlicant at 5 per cent t.vel
P-upt.te of rh.at (i!t c.op), l.bil.-P rnd Ols.n-p
b.lor. sorin3 i. diil6r.nt soils t..st.d rith 60 D!
P/l! soil at the st.rt of crop
Soil P Ch.r.ctGrlstic.
orden-! l6bt le-Pl

I at,2 35,8 2 .27 4.09

2 .04 t3,t3
3 55.1 26,2 2 .10 9.81
6S.9 . t0 1.14
5 34.3 26,4 I ?,0 r
(otli 11.2 32,1 I .35 9.27
67.5 I
3 90,l 60. I I 1t,04
l0 5S.9 ,!0.6 10. l3
ll 33,7 20,2 8,21
l2 57.0 71,3 t3,73
l3 96.8 .20 7.s2
59.1 37,2 .60
l5 .t3 9.69
l5 .13 t 3.75
t7 60.5 24,1 2 .tl 3.t6
la 59,7 33, 1 I .30 8.94
l9 60.1 40.5 I .,18 t2.21

l.l.tion.htp5 b.tr6.n P-upt!t. (Pr,) oa rh.at (tst c!op)

.nd Ols.n-P {OP), l.bil.-P (Prr)-$.1 PrrlOP r.ti06 ot
dirf.r.nt 30ils tr..t.d rrrh _60 !s P/ti to't !r th.
.tft ol crop.ot.tion.
of obs..v.tio!. = l7)

0.017 0P 2,24
6.445 0.052 0P + 0.538 Pi l/O! 2.35
?.69s 2,26
iI 8.A5t 0.041 rii - r .017 Pit/OP 2.12

P-upt!16 ot rh.!t (l3t crop), r6bt1.-!

b.tor. so'ins i! ditfer.nt soils tr.!t.d
P/tB 3oil ct the start ol c.op rotation,
Soil P Cb.ract.rl6trcs
Ldbile-P Ol5en-P

96. s 41,1 2,O2

3 5t.4 13,2 9.37
87.O 81.,1 .01 7.la
5 3?.5 a. l5
al.0 60.6 7, la
3 1 15,0 11.5 10,46
9 27 ,2 8,5 t
0 40.5 s8.l .38 t0.36
I 53,0 27.4 9.16
2 19.9 ,18.1 14.43
3 I l5 .0 58,I
?9-5 s3.0 1.50 tt.t2
5 st.2 | .52
59,3 1,t,30
7 42,2 39,0 2.l l 10.64
I 80,6 47.9 l.6a to,41
59.0 1.17 t3.t1

r3 R.l.tron.h'es b.t...n P-uptrte (P-) ol rh..t (isi .rop)

r.d Ols.n-P (oP), l.bil.-P (Prr) .nd PirlOP rstio3 or
dill.r.nt soils tr..t.d rrth _q0 D! P/li soil .t th.
start of croD .otetion,
(No, ol obs€rv!tions = l7)

9.054 + 0,026 2,36 0.020

-0.687 + 0,079 2.14 0 - l,r5
2,36 0- l7a
iI Ell . l,?59 Pi l/0P
€ II
tg I
!"F ls
E.: IE
i3 a

a 6

! EI

rli ;.
Ptl and Pu ln th. solls rh.r. no P r.s.dd.d (Fis. 38), while
3l,ahlly !or. trprov.o.rt;.8 obtdrn.d
'h.n both pil . pillop
r.re in.rud.d in th€ r.rresBton cquation (T6bre ?), In both Op
a.d Pil soil t.3t ncthod6, ih.r. no p hld b..n ldded, the slop.
ol Pir/O? par.o.t.. tn th. r.!re6sion cquartons trls in rhe ssDc
dlrection 6s found ln th. equsttons ot r.t6tiv. yield.
frith th€ 6ddition oi p at the r!t. of 30, 60 .nd 90 nSlts
soil, the .el.tionshlp b.tieen th. sbount ot p extr.cted by op
.ad ?it, .nd Pu rrs poor !s shorn tn T.bl. 9, It, and l3
re6pectiv.ly. only !t 30 [s t/rs soil tre.to.nt, pit t.st E.thod
shor.d si!niricant r.latton6hip (R2.0.296, p - 0.05) rith pu
(fcbr. 9), fhc.ddition of PillOP r!tior in thc ..a.ession
.qu6tioas rllahtly ioprov.d th.se relstion5hips iith the hish
rate ol ! .ddttio! !150, but not in 6 consist..t iay in
coobination rtth lil t.st !.thod (see Tsbl6 9. ll, dd r3).
It is 6vid6nt iro! th. pr.s..t.d d.t! thlt pir D.thod
crtrlct.d.pplcctlbly .016 P th.n thc OP !.thod .s .xD.ct.d ftor
its lona.. .quilibriu! ti!.. Th. OP !.thod .rt..ct.d .n rver.ae
or neaily sol of thc Pil (Aor!.n 6t rl,, t978; f,6st.rn.n, 1992).
[ith th. incrc.s.d P srplicltton . Dor. ! 116 .xtr.ct6d. ?illop
..tios dill...d iD diat.r.nt soils ..d ger.r.tIy th.se r.tios
d.cr.6s.d rith th€ inc.....d P .pplic.rron.
sstur3tiori ols.r D.thod.xt..ct.d codpf.tiv.lJ. oor. ? troE th€
l.bile-P pool, tndlc.tina th. dItt.r.nc. i. p 6rtrsctsbility by
tbese soil P t€st d.ihod. tor ditt6r.nt rotls .nd t.rtilizer
13t.s (3ract, 1982: Ilool.r.t aL, 1983). At roi 3at!.ation. !
till b. h€ld lirEry by th.30tl, th€.!t. ol d.sorDtion rttl bc
ror, the equilib.iuo conc.ntration ot P tn sorution rill b€ lor,
and stnce diflusion occure tn solution. its r.te too nill b€ lor.
Conve.sely. at hi3h satur.tton th. P is ro.€ loos.ly held,
desorption is ..si.!, .nd th. htsh€. con.6ntratton ln th.
solulion at €quilt!Itur l.6ds to a htsber r.te of ditfusio!
(oun.ry €t 6l,, 1964; {oo<t.uat .rd (!npr.tb, t96s), olsen
bethod (0.5 M N6CO3) nay not b. cbl6 to D.s.ur. these ta.tors
sd.quatoly 6s cooper€d to ..sin extrlct.ble lsbile-p E.thod
(Ryd.n.rd Sy.rs, l9??j Bach. and lr.l3nd, t98O), A D..usal ot
both Tlbl. t.nd Fia. a dcptcts !llost .qual r6l.tion6hip ol
r.3tn .xtr.ct.bl6 l!bil.-! rlth ?-upt.l. ar thrt ol Ol..n-P t.!t
v.lu.s cont...y to llndinss ol oth.rs (Ecct.tt !.d thtt., 1964:
D!r!I lnd turl.rorth, 1976). fhis !l!ht b. du. to OP.blllty to
..count tor lort ol the inora.ni. lr.ction dtit.r.rc.r l.<tuc.<l by
P .pplic.tion lnd pl.nt uet.l6 (Boro.n .t .1., r9?8i. J.. .nd
Jllf!.y, 1990). L.btl.-P o.thod .r9l!tn.d ?51 ol th. v..i.tio.
in l-upt.l., rhtl. in corDir.tion rith Prr/OP r.ttos. th6
.|pl.n.tion ol this v.rt.tion incic..6d to ?91. Th. 01...-P
o.thod cr9l!in.d .bout 731 ot th. v.ri.tton in P-uet.t.i .nd
aloq rith Pll/OP r.tto3, tt r.. lbl. to .c.ou.t lo. th.
v.rt.tion uD to 771.
At bi3h.r P.ppltcltion, poor r.l!ttonship rith P-upt.l.
r.5 ob6.tv.d (Gu..ry lnd Sutton, 196?), .uaa..ti.a th!t P l.v.l
n.d r..cn.d th. n.rr optlo.l l.v.l .t 30 03 P/ts.otl, lrd hi6h.!
r.t6s ol P did not tn.....o th. yi.ld. At hlgh.r P .pplic.tton,
l.btl.-PlOl.6n-P r.tio, Do.slbly b.c.ur. o! it3 d.cr...6d v!l!..
co!ld not .ccount lor th. vlri.tion ot i.ctorr cortrollins
Pho.9h.t. upt.l. . i3.l lic.nt ly. [or6v.r, th. inclu.ion ol
l.btl.-!/Ol.cn-P rltto3 rlth th.r. .otl ! t..t v.lu.. ln th6
..ar..tton 6q!.tions .hor. r t.n.r.l tr.nd ol ln.r....d
r.l.tton.hipr (R2) in el.nt P-upt!t.. lh. .v.tu.tto. ot th6
r..idu.l b.havtour oi th6!. .oiI P chir.ct.rlstlc! o. tb. !.co.d
croD rr. co.rld.t.<t.
ln.u..y, tnclu.ioD ol PillOP !.tlo did not ioprov. th. !2
v.lu.. lor P-upt.t. .t!nillc.ntly lor 9r.ctt..l p!.po....
coD.id.rlna th. .oll !..plin! .nd ...lytac.l ...or! tnvole.d.

1.2.2: So''hD (2nd cropt

So.ahu .r 3.cond crop r.. .orn in th. .o. pot. in ord6r to
.v.lu.t. the r.3ldu.l 6ll.ct oi ? t16.to6nt. .rDll6d b.ior.
rori.6 li..t rh..t crop ol th. rot.tton. 8..in .rtr.ct.blG
r.bil.-P (?il) .od Ols.n-P (OP) v.lues 1616 d.t.r.in.d b.lor.
.orina.orShur croD tn ord.r to..l!t. th... P t.rt v!lu...lon.
.nd in coobi..tion rith th.i. ..tioE (PillOP) rith pl.nt P-
upt.t.. Th! r.l.tionshiD ol !lant dry.!tt.r yt.ld rith soil P

t.st values ra. obscrvcd, rh6r. P fertilir.r r!. not.dded.t th6

.tart ot crop rotatton. Th. drt. ol sorshuo.top u.ina lt .otrs
could not alt ln line.r or qu.drstic !od.ls prop6.1y. tt r.s
obs.rved th6t .rcludina thc 6oils 2,4, .nd t cont.inlns hirh O!
.nd Pit (T.bl. l), th. d!t! tittcd in tin... rod.t rtth
t..6onabl..ccui.cy. ln thcs. soirs, pa.ticul!rly soil 2.nd ?
h6!itra lor.! rattos of P.€oov6l to e:tr..t.br. P at t..stD.nt
tith 0 aB P/r! .oil (rith n.ttv. soil ?) ei6ht h.v. c.u6.d yt.td
r.duction tn sor6h@ ctop, th..€iore, th.r. soirs r.r. .tso
.xcIud.d riil. doin6 rt.tistic.l .tr.lysis o! d.t. ot thi6 crop
.lonl rtth .oilr I ..d I cortrlnins hi6h !C.
1.2.2.t: DrJt..tt.r Ji.t., ln r.t.tloa to P t..t..tho.ls
Ihc crop dry o.tt.r .broIut6 lnd rel.tiv€ yi.lds .t P tr..to.nt
l.v.ld oa 0, 30, 60, .nd 90.r P/ts soil sDDlt.d at th. st..t ot
c.oD rotrtton i6 in Tabrc Ia. the rel.ttonshiDd b.tr..n th.
vrru.s ot 0!, Ptr lad 0l/!it r.tios ol tb. sotts (ss !hor. tn
T.bl. l5), !.d Dl.nt dry o.tt.r yi.ld..6 in frbl. t5.
B.l6tiv. yl.ld rss ttn..rly rel6t.d to th. roo!trt o! p
.itract€d by th6 OP..d Pir t6chniqu6., oottttna th. soils 2, 4,
.nd ? .s .xpl.in.d .bov6 (Ft!. .), Th. 16l!tion.htp ;t Op rith
rcl.tiv€ yi.ld r.s tound hiShly sisniliclnt (n2 - 0.6a6. P -
0.01)(T.brc 15, Fi!. 4A): .nd tor OP, no trp.ov.!.ots tn thc
t.l.ttonship r..ulto<t rh.n PttlO! 63 .lso con.td.r..t (T.bt. l5).
For OP, tl. 16l!tiv6 yt.ld tncr..sed rith th. incr.lse in pil/Op.
Th6..rationdhip b.tr6.n Pir 6n.l r€l.tiv. yl.Id i.s stso htshty
stsnilic.nt (8" - 0.482, P . 0.01)(Tabl. 15, !i!. .r8), rhtl.
tllniltclnt contrlbutioa ol PttlOP (P - 0.05) rrs obs.rv.d in
loprovin! th. ..lrtionship rh.n both Pil .nd Ptrlot rer. tocludod
in th. r.A!.s.ion .q!.tion (Xr .0.6,t3, p - O.Ot). For piI .oil
t.st !.thod, .oil 4lookin6 to .ct .s tin6.rly r..vi<t.nt tn Ft!.
aE, 16. .l60 r.6..ss.d alonA iith t4 3oils to t.!t th.
r.lstlon6hlpr itrh r.lattv. ytold rRy), Th. !2 ol the r.Sr.rsIon
oqurttons tncludina loll 4 r..e irp.ov.d
!i3!i!ic.nt r.latloosbips (P t 0.0r) as !otlor.l
Dry oattcr yi.ld o, sorlhur (2nd crop) Iror .6sidu.t P
ol diffe!.nt P tre.to€.t .at.. .ppli.d in diit...nt
soils befor. th€ 6t.rt ol croD rotation.
----Applt€d P r.t.6
030 60 90

Alsolut. yield R.l.ttv.

-------------e/ks soil-------------- t

2 0.58 I 1.79 2a
3 0.31 L 2.16 2,99 t0
1.00 I .21 l.4l 65
5 0.24 .08 2.09 1.52 t2
6 0.52 i .39 2.12 3.05 t7
0.621 2.25
a o.72 ,02 1.30 |,t1
9 o.72 .91 t.99 1.83
l0 t.tl 2.23 2.21 2.41
tt o,2a o.73 2.41 2.05 t2
o.31 1,11 2.20 11
3 2. t0 2,15 2.35 67
0,59 |,99 2.95 20
o.19 2.OA 2.32 2,49 32
L.4X 2.31 2,79 3.20
0.36 r.88 2. ta 3.27
8 0.52 1,55 2.89 t3
0.53 t.05 l.la

betreen r€l.tive yi.ld (Rv) or sorBhur

Ols.n-P (OP), l.bll6-P (Pir) lnd PrrloF
60rin! lroo resldu.l P ol di?r.r..t i6ils
03 P/ks soir (rith n6tiv. !) 1'.1016 th.
(No. ol ob8elvations - 14)


R-- 2,631 +5. 2,15 0P l0

f,: . 2.377 + s. 2sl oP + 0.068 Pi l/Ol .t2 0.646
n;-3.139+1. t2 .89 0.482
8;-23.136+l 1- 7.3?8 !i 1/0P'6
!. d€not..ll r.l6tlonships sirnilic.nt.t I pe! c.nt l.vet
...denot6 st3nificant cont.tbutton of Pil/OP.t s p6..€nt alont
6' I
11. I
3 9g I
gr e.
iF t f,r
E Eg
E .*

Er t
FH 2
,sg 7
2E I
c.x a

i. i.
rg ,i
ty 0,586 R2
- ?,859 Pi l/OP"a R2

Th. contributio. or Pil/0P (..s) in cohbination rith Pil soil

test p.rao€t.r ias also ,ound hiBhly 6ignificant (P - 0.0t). For
Pil. the.€l.tive yield decre.s€d rith tne incr.ase in Pir/OP
U31ns Ccte and Nelson (1965) srsphic technique, soil P
critic.l l.v.ls for sorlhu! r.s c!..ied out rith soir P test
walu.s b.lo16 soritrs crop (Aiv€n in Table l6), .. the dat. could
not fit prop.rty in Catc rnd N.lson AOV oethod. Por OP Eethod.
soir P critlcal level Ii.s ne.r 7.5 P/Ls soir (Fis. sA).
SiDila.ly lor Pil netbod, th. P critical rev€r li.s nesi 20.0 hS
P/ks sotl fo. th€se soir3 (Fig, 5S),
The dat6 shored th6t ir OP nethod, lbout 651 of thc
va.iation in r.lalive yi€lrt r!s .xplained by the rearession
equ.tionri .nd inclusion of Pil/OP alone rith OP did not inp.ove
it. th. Pil o.ihod expr.ined a8t of the vlristio. in relrtive
yield, xhll. siAnificant itrproverent f,as oht.itr.d rhen both Pil
.nd Pit/OP r.tio rere in.luded in the r.sr.ssio..qration. Frotr
these r.sultsi 1t looks that the Pil nethod c6D.over a ridet
raose of 3oil P variability 1n explainins th6 r.l.tionship ?ith
!rop ,i.ld. ds indrc.t€d also in thF r€sr€srron eqDatiors
including soil 4 of FiA. aE. (Aoroan et !1., l9?3; Jae ..d
Jaffrey, 1990), Fo. OP. rith increas€d Pil/OP ..tio, soils
tended to sbor hish.r r.l!tiv€ yieId. but its (Prr/Ot)
cont' ib!tion in iop.owins i2 xas .loosl nr l. gut in .i r,1
oethod, nith the inc...sed Pir/OP rstio. thc rcg16s6ion eqtr6tion
shote<t 6 d€.r€!s6 in .el6tivc yi€ld, The inclusion oi Pr r/0P
.lona rith soil Pil p...berer 3av. sisnilic!nr
contrib!tion in iop.ovina !2 ol the resression.q!ations- ltiaher
val!.s oa PiI/OP .atios of th€ soits, indicrt.s tbe lorer
proportion ol .xtractcd P by OP dethod.s colpared to .esin
.xtractrble Pit, .nd such conditions of hisn.r Pil/OP ratios .re
.ip.ct.d to b. Eor. pi.v.lont undct . tof, P rott r.ru.ati6!. At
Ioi s.tur.tton, ? is held rith src.ter tiindlr!.n.rly,6nd tts
desoiption by . plant and 6 chetrical D.thod o.y be dllt€r€ntly
F ll
t: 'a
EI l' T
ce a
rF I
Fq Elltlll
iE I
1l E-
EI l!
E; t: a
gF t
lor than at biah s.tur.tion rith rppli.d ? (*.rr.n, l99,rb: ttoorer
€t .r., 1983), Th65. difter.nc.s in p desorrtion by . Dl.nt !nd
cb6trtcal nethods b..oDe oot. evid.nt on .onpc.ins thc soil p
critical l.vels ot rheat (i5t crop) rnd sorshu (2nd crop).
llthouln th. lore..oiI p c!ttical l.vel !or sorghuo th.n,i.!t
(ist crop) o.y be du. to its lorer p r.quir.tr6nt {Co6,.oi €t .1.,
l97l), but tb. dtfl.r.nce in p critlc6l I.v.t3 of tro c.oDs is
oor. in cas. ol OP !.tnod th.r pit o.thod. Ior.ov.., it 6pp.ars
t.oo thes. obs.rv!tiors, that the soil p critic.l t.v.r o.y b.
sp.cirlc to c..t6tn sotls-crop siturtions. ovetr f,ith thc ssb.
ertr.ctrnt. Such cor.6lations can b. i.tincd !y soil aroupirls,
crops rith dillc..nt nut.ition.l r.quirerent.6.c lit.ly to have
difl.rent crrticar I.v.rs. lach l.boretory, thereto... should
estaDlish it. orn c!ttical lev.rs for o.jo..oils aad crops.
lhe u3. oi ?11/O?.atios.ron!,ith !il !.thod can bc.
b€tt.r ray to .ccount tor the6e inorsantc p lraction ditter.nc€s
Phosph.te test .oncentr.ttons do not toor
ind.p.nd.nt oa soil charect.risticr. p!!cttcrlly, the .ct ol
rel.tlna th. quantity ol l.bil6-p t.st v.lu.s unrobiSuou:ly to
.otr p.opertte6 o.y b. ditticutti snd tor tht. plrpoe., soiI6 o.y
n..d cIose aroupina (ors.n ,dd [h.3.rn.h, r98o; Jon. .t !1.,
l9a4; gon.. lnd Olr.n, l9gS). lurth..Eor.. 9l.nts .lso A.t p
fron soir o.s.nic A trlctton, add th.r€fore 5n und6r.tsndtns ot
th. cbelic.l. thysic.l. lnd biorosical proc.5r.s inllucncina th.
w.rious foro. ol P in the soils is n.c.sssry.
In slblry, .s.in for pr.ctical purpos66 Op trethod 6lob. is
.Gcodoended h6c.us. tr r.s not.ff.cted tjy pil/O!..tio,hich
n.c.ssitates a. addition.l tcst ,hich .dd, to soil t.st1n,

1.2,2.2: Phoapho.us.-upt.L. tn tot.tton to so!! p te6t ,.tho.ts

Pt.nt P-upt!t. (tu) , .nd Irbite-p (pir). Olse!-p (Op) r.st
w.ru.s .nd their r.tio3 (ptllop) d.t..nin.d b.for. sori.s th.
crop.t ? 6ppltcation 1€verr of O, 30, 60, .nd 90 n! p/kg sotl
appli6d b.for. first ihest crop a!. in tabr. t6, t8, 20, .nd 22
and their ..l.tion3hips f. in T!!1. l?, 19, 2t, ,nd 23
r.sp.ctively. Th. pl6nt t-upr.te (!u),a5 lin..rly rotar.d to
P-uptak. ol sorshuB (2nd crop), l!bi le-P rnd Olser-P
b.for. .oriD! fioo r.sidual P ol diflerent soils
tr.at.d rith 0 [g P/ts 6oi1 (rith nativ. ?) b.rore the
.tart ol crop rotltion,
Soit P cb.!!ct.ristics
Orsen-P labi 1.-Pl

33.9 2,97
2 L S.5 2.41
3 3.6 3.1 2.77
5 2,6 2.88 0.t5
6 Sotli t0.s 2.6 4.03 0.94
7 24.9 t1.2 2.58 .42
3 47.3 24.1 2.29 ,39
5.1 3.6 | .42
t0 20,4 5. t0 2.26
11 2.5 2.92 0.12
t2 16,6 3.4 0.59
l3 34.0 12.6 2.70
4.5 3,19 0,et
l5 3.t8 L88
l6 5.3 2, \3 3, t5
l8 2.90 1.05
14. I 3. l3 r.l I

l7 Relationshtps betre.n p-uptske (p,r) o! sorrbDn (2nd

cropr .nd 0l3en-P (0P), labtl.-F (prr) aid p:r/op
r.tios b.lor. 5orrns rroD .esldu.l p or TlftGr.nt ;6i1.
tr.5t.d rith 0 P/tr soil (fith..tive soir p) b.for.
the sta.l oa c.op.otation.
(No. ol observ.ttons - L4)

o,112 + 0,3?6 OP 0.53 0.786

0.621 + 0.381 0.55
0.378 + 0,118
iI 0.915 0.6 t

.l I r.l.tton6hip6 6i!ntttcant
.is.iticrnt contrihution ot !i
?-upt.k. of sollbuD (2nd crop), 1.btl.-P.nd Otsen-P
!.for. 3orin3 lroo residual P ot 30 D6 !/l3 dotl
tr.atD.nt .ppli.d b.lo.. the stlrt ol crop.otltion.
soir I Ch!..ct.rtstlc.
Ols.n-P rabi le-Pl

I 55.5 21.1 2.34

2 11.3 24.9 2,47
21.0 2,24 .13
30.2 t.58 .62
5 | 9.9 I t.I t.7a .88
Eotl l 2. to 3.07
1 40,1 2t.9 1.84 4.15
I 13,6 33.6 2.t9 2.1I
|6.5 2,92 3.74
0 12.2 t2.4 2.61
I 12,6 2,tl 1.38
2 23.1 10.0 2,34 3,91
3 48.3 22.0 2.t9
2A,2 L93 1.23
32,4 13.7 2,40
36.1 13.8 t.92 6.31
1 ll.l 2.57 4,59
a 21.1 | 3.5 a.7o
24,2 t2.6 2.21 2,50

R.lat ionshrps b6tr€€n P-!pt.l. ot rorahuo (2nd

crop) .nd ols€n-P r0Pr, l.bil.-F (Prr) 6rd Pi,/0P
tatios b.fore rorins lroD r€sidu.r P ot tlitl.r.ni;6rls
trectcd rtth 30 !s P/t8 soir belor. the.t..t ot crop
(No. of ob6edations - l4)

+ 0.246 0t 1.09 0.520

0.87 o.116
0.260 0.625
i- L466 + 0. r32 Pii + o,97 0.652
t' denot. !ll r.lationships sisnific.rt .t I pcr ceDt level
r.br. 20 P-uDt.tc ol sorshuD (2nd c.oD), l.bilc_P .nd olsen_l
ato! ..siduar I ol 60 n! P/ts soil
tr..to.nt.ppli.d b.lor. the st.rt ol crop rot.tron.
Soil P Ch.r.ct.ri.trct

72.1 35.5 2.OS

l. a.t
3 32. I | 3.3 1.89
5 35.5 22,1 3.78
6 (otli 37.6 21 ,4 .37
1 60.1 39.8 s.24
3 98.3 50.1 1,96 3. 13
30.5 t2.9 .t. s6
l0 5,t.3 25.0 2. t7 ,t.83
ll 24. I 13. I 2,15 5. a0
l2 26,2
l3 69.7 34.3 .42 5.99
2A,O .54 6.59
t5 22,0 r,98
30.1 .64
t7 21,2 5.3 3
23.4 ,78 3.42
l9 ,18.,t 26.6 3,01

l.l6tionships b.tr..n P-!pt.te (P" ) of .otshuo (2nd

.rop) and Ol..n-P (OP). lrbile-f (Prr) a.d PrrloP
..tio3 b.aote sorin! lroo residu.l ! ot ilttl.r.nt 36i rs
tr..t6d rith 60 na P/la soil belorc th6 st.rt ot crop
(No, ol obsc.v.tiors - l4)

3.0?0 0.040 .aa 0.144

0.092 0.ss5 Pir/OP .39 o.155
3,272 0.0,10 9Pl+ .38 0.099
it 1.349 0,038 Pi r/OP 0.109

Tabl. 22 P-u!t.t. of sorshuo (2nd crop), l.bi I.-P and Ol sen-F

of 90 ra P/kB soi I
tre6tDent 6ppl ied befor€ the start ol crop rotst ion.
Sotl P Cbaract.rlstic!
labi l.-P Ols.n-P

I t04,2 39,5
2 t0l,4 6l .8
3 50.7 32.O ,.85
a1 ,l 1.45 3.20
5 50.9 32.9 3,32
91 ,3 55.3 5.31
3 I 13.6 59.6 ,90 2,.11
46.2 23.8 3,90
I 38.9 2.20 4.85
2 42.8 1.58 5.34
3 53,1 l.al 5,27
66,0 13.2 1.53
5 29,1 2.20 6.27
54.1 12.8 8.30
7 72,t 31 ,2 5.78
3 6?.1 r.92 s.88
I 4r,7 t,12 2.62

[.lttionihips betr..n P-upt.te (P.. ) ot so!3hu (2nd

c.op) .nd Olscn-P (OP), labir.-F (Pi_dlrrerent
r) and Pr r /oP
ratios !.lore sorins lroD residual P ol i;1r s
tr.rt.d rith 90 D3 P/ks soil !.lor. th6 start ol crop
(No. oa obs.rv6ttons = l4)

3.13s 0.038 0P
0.0?2 0P + 2.381 Pi l/0P t,6L o.t23
iI o.957 0.034 Pii + !.63
th..Dount of P e:tr.cted by th. 0P.Dd PiI technisoes in th. 14
soils. In th. sorls 'ithout P.ddrtion (rith nitive s;il P), th.
rclotionship b.tr..n Pu .nd OP 16s highly 6isnificrnt (12.
0.7a6. ? = 0,01) (1.b1. 17, Pia. 6A) and no iop.oveD.nts in th.s.
rel.tionship resulted (x2 r o.?89) rhen ?illOP ras.lso incl!d.<l
in thc r.sr.ssion .qu.t'on (T.ble l?) Sioilarly , hiBh)y
significant relstionship (R2.0.588, P = 0.01) iis folnd b.tt..n
Pil 6nd !u in the soil3 rh.r. no P ras added (labr€ l?. Fis. 68),
rhi1. nor€ tbprov.ocnt 1n th. r6l.tionship '.rc obt.inert ihen
both Pil and PilloP '€r€ rncludod in lhe r€sr€ssron €quation fn2
- 0.743. P = 0,01)(T.bl. l7), Th6 contiibntion of Pil/oP in
ioprovi.s !2 of th€ t6sr66sion.qustlon rar hishry sisniric.bt (ts
= 0,05), In both OP ard Pi1 soil test oethods rhe.e no P had
been added, the slop. or Pil/OP p.r.Dete. in the .e3..s3ion
.qultions ras in th. s!!. dir.ction as folnd in the equation3 ol
..I!tive yield, *ith th..ddition ol P.t th..atc ol 30 !s/k!
soil, the r.lationshiD !.tr..n th. $ount of P e!tracted by OP
and Pil, .nd Pu r.s hishly sitnilic.nt (T.trle l9). fh. inclusion
ol PirlOP.lon3 rith OP $d Pil in th. r.sression .qurtions
ilprov.d th. 82 v.l!6r, but not sisnilic.ntly (t.br. l9), iith
tn. additlon ot aurth.r P at th. r.te ol 60 .nd 90 !g/L! .oil,
th. relationsbip bctr..n th..lount ol P.xt.acted by OP.nd Pil.
a.d Pu rls poor as shoi, 1n T.ble 21, and 23.espectivcly. th.
.ddition of PillOP 16tto3 tn th. r.sr.sston equ.tions 6liBhtly
iopiov.d th.s€ r.tattonshtps rtth the htsh..te ot P.ddition
also, but not in. constst€nt rly tn corbtnatiotr rith Pil t6st
o.tbod, as obi.rv6d in th6 first rheat crop also (s€e l.br. 9,

It is evident Jro! th. pr.s.nt.d dat. th.t ?-uptare ras loi

ftoD the r€sidual P than iroo tr.sh P shorn in the fiist rh..t
crop. S!c! dl,,.r.nc.r in !-urt6t. ..e erpect.d rith ditt.r..t
plants siorn 3t dilt.r.nt ti0o6,.rd b.c.use th. P sv6ilability
d.cr.!j.s rith ti6e d!. to P lir.tio. (|!fen, 199rb). Th.
p.tten ol Pitlo? iatios .t lor to hish P sltur.tion ras sioilst
.3 ob.eiv6d in th. lir.t crop. Aut coop...tivcly hilhcr v.lu6s
of these ratios troo th.t ot lr.vious crop, indicates lurth6r lot

:l I
IEF iln
: !.E
g:g I
:6 F
F3 It
I ti
66 Ir F
FI e
rI g

P.rt.actio. by OP d6tbod f.oo conParativolv I elhaust€d.oils

du. to P r€oovrl hy the llr.t .rop. {lthout P additiob' OP
rcthod €rplained 781 vari6tion in P-uptake, but this hethod.lons
rith PiI/oP ratios aave .o inp.ovetrcnt in the r.!r.ssioD
.qu.tion. Th. ?il D.thod .rpl.ined 531 v.ri.tion in P_upt.k.
lnd this r.thod in coobi..tion tith Pil/0P rrtio trs !ble to
€xptain these varlation upto ?51. the us€ ol lil/0P r.tio! tith
Pil h.thod loots to indicat€ tr€tte. expllnatton of P.vaita!ilitv
und..5 'ide.an3. of soil properties lYitb thc incr.a5. ir
PillOP ratio, ?-uptake t.s r.du.ed as .wid.nc.d in thc tear.tsion
equ.tion sive. in T.ble l?. Itoteve! .t hirh.. ?.ddition, the
r.lstionsbip ol ?itlOP in coobinatio. tith Pil o.thod in
.xplainins P.v6il.!ility t€.€ not foDnd in 6 consistent i.v.
In su@.ry, it seeos !tr relationthlps ,ith P_upt.k€
ioprov.d rith P /o! ratio uslna check soil. But, this t.s not
tru. for OP o.thod. Aot.v.!, tlr. results t.!!rnt . futth.. lool
.t PilloP r.tio und.t li.rd conditions.
lu.thcr .v!lu!tio! oa th. ..siduar b.h.vlour of th.s. 3oil P
ch.racteristica on th€ third crop was consid.red torthihil..

1.2.3: ,he.t (3,.1 crop)

E.lo.e sori.3 third crop in the saD. pot6, th. soits te.e
.n.Iyzed to. .vtluatina th. r€sidu.l P l. t6ms of t.sin
extr.ctablc 1.bi rc-! (Pil), olsen-P (O!) lnd thei. ratios
(Pit/OP), th.s. .oi1 P t.st p.rahctet3 f,.r. r.leted wlth pt.nt
dry batter yicld and P-upt.k. (!u) of third th.6t ctop.

a-2-3.1: Dt! ott.t lield in retttion to soll P t.st Dctho.ts

Thc varues oa drv D6tt.. vi.ld 5t ? t.e.t!6nt levels ot 0' 30.
60. and 90 !s P/kS soil 6ppli.d st the start ol crop.otation.
and the cohp!t€d relative yl.lds of diffe.6tt soils a.. in T.tl€
24. The dry natt€r yield of theat (3rd c.op) tas rox€r th6n in
th. first rh.at c.op, lhis niaht be du. to th. g.orth liaitins
nutri.nts oth.. th.n P.nd N, 63.o fertiliz.t nut.icnt solution
to supply x.!d oth€r tr.ce .leoents tas .pplied to th. soils at
trble 2! Dry oatt.. yield ol rhc.t (lrd c.oP) lro! r.sidulr P ol
dillcrcnt P tt.atr..t r.t.s .pplicd tn dltl.r.nt soi rs
bclorc th. st6rt ol c.op.ot.tion.
a.d P.tt..
030 60 90
Absolut. yi€ld Relstiv.
-------------3/ksroil---------___-_ z

0.23 0..,2 0,58

2 1.39 l.a3 t.77
3 l.a3 1.86
I .31 .t2 0.85 0.69 tt1
5 0.29 0,51 0.68 0.5 t
(otl i L06 L25 I.3t t.l3 8l
7 0.89 0.94 0.85 t.09 86
I 0.57 0.t5 0.16 0.?l
0.54 0.70 .06
0. a3 0.9,r .,t I
t.22 L36
t2 .32 t.2a t.l1 .33
IJ -32 t. l9 90
.08 l.t5 0.99 0.93
l5 0 -,r8 0.75 0.98
t6 1.0? t.03 t.21 L3a 80
t7 0.68 1.09 59
l3 0,5,1 0.68 0,58 0.73
t9 0,84 | ,o2 t.ll t.23 68

100 divtd.d by Daxioutr yield riv.! ty tn

l.lrtto..hipi b.ti.cn r.I!tiv. yi.rd (f,y)

crop) .nd ols.n-P (oP), I.bilG-P (Prl)
r!tio3 b.lore soriu lroo residu.l I ol di
tr..ted ilth 0 bs P/ts !oil (tith n.ttv.
st.rt of crop rotet ton.
(No. of obs.rv.tions = l?)

3. 0900 oP 80
29,552 3. 934 OP + 5.503 Ptr /oP
l. 2s8
ii 50 ,971 249
Pr r
Pii -0.311 Plr
th6 start oa crop .otatio., As obse.vod, th. srorth ol r!.ar
(3rd c.op) r.s .loost cb.ck.d alt.r 62 day6 ol a.rrin6tion.
oa cro3. ob6€lvation of d.t. hy ,ittlns ss such rnd
tr.n.lorred lorn ln 1ln.sr 6nd quadrattc nod6ls, tt ra. ob6erved
th.t r.lattve yi.Id r.s lin.atly r€rated to soDc crtcnt to tl!.
llount ol P e:tr.cted by th. OP and !il t.chniqu.s. The
r.l!tionships b.treer r.lativ. yi6rd (T6bl. 2a) and OP, Pi I ,
PtI/O! r.tios b.lor. sooing Iron.esidu.I P ol diflo.€nt soils
rithout P tre5thcnt b€rore the start of .ror rotation (shorn tn
t.bre 26), ar. tn Tsbre 25 (s.e pase 55) .nd Fis.7. In these
r.l6tionships, soils 2 and t i.r. exclud.d rr cxDlained ..rlier,
th. telttionship of oP rit[ rel.tiwe yiGld rls found hiahly
sis.ificant (42 - o.4os, P - o.ol) (labl. 2s, Fis. 7l\), .nd tor
0!,3ooe idprov.lent in th€ rel.tionships !6sult€d ihen Pit/OP
r.3 .rso conrld.r.d (R2 . 0.4?s). ror 0P, rel.tiv. yi€ld
tncre!sed rith the iDc!e.6e 1n Pit/0P (r.blc 2s), as observ.d in
tb. previous cropr. the rcl!tionshi! bctrc.o !tt snd r.tstive
yi.ld ras sianitic.nt (R2 ? 0.331, P: O.05)(Tabl. 2s, Fis. ?B),
tnire no .ontrtbution of ?itlOP ras ob3.rv.d in iDD.ovina th.
rclstionsbip ihen both Pil and Pi1lOP r.r. incrud.d Ir th.
r.srcssion .qurtion (R2 - 0,331, P - o.05).
r.l.tivc yicld rlccleased rith th. tncr€is. tn Pir/O!.stio (Tr!le
25), ts obs.rv.d ln th. pr.vlous crops. Tb. soil ? crlttc.r
l.vels lor th. crop rei. d.t.rnined usin! th. P t.rt vrtu.s rhorn
i. 1.!1e 26, by a.aphic t€chniquc sivcn by C.te.nd N.Ison
(1955). Ior OP E.thod, th€ sotl P .rittc.l 16v.1 lies n..r 6 os
P/Ls soir (Fis. 8A): and ror Pil Dethod, lt ts near 20 o! p/ks
.oi I (!is. 88) .
It app.ars lroD the d.t. th.t th. r.l.tionship. or both
oethods rith r!l.tive yicrd ol iheat (3d crop) 1616 lorer .s
coopared to rh.at (ist crop), tecaus€ of th. re.son .xplrin6d
.bove .lon6 rtth ! fix!tion ilth ti06. Th. soil P critic.l
Icvels r€re lor.r th6D of fir6t ?heat c.opr p.rticul.rly tor OP
It a66in indicatca that OP 6.thod is coopar.tively
b.ttcr in .ccountila thc vrri.ble factorr ot soil .rnd pl.nt
lrotth to. ..s.ssira .v.il.bl6 soil P. t!. cont.ihution ol


"8 ttltl 'll
iE I!
t.8 it ric

! "t !ssa6 i
I It

e I'
' l,i
i, iia

d I
I ,,
1* a
1o , :
at I
:F I
EF "rssr6E t'lr
E,I It

lE It
rF ]r
Fc z
EB gr L

PiI/0? r.tio.Iona rith OP lnd Pil E.thods ks observed in th.

s!!e direction a. ob.eiv.d in th. p..vtous c.ops.
Si.ce arorth ot rh..t oiaht h.ve h.en lioited try lnoth..
nutri.nt oth.. thrn !, thes6 r.suIt. should b€ interpt.t.d rith
c.ution. A hirhe. Pit/OP r.tio EaJ indic.t6 hiah.i .rch!n!.!bl. Phosphorus-upt.L. ln r.l.tloh to soi1 P tcst Detho.r.

Pl.Dt ?-uptate (P!) a.d rabil.-P (Fi1)r 01s.n-P (OP) t€st
v6lues .nd thei..atio3 (PillOP) deternined befo.e soiins thc
crop.t P 6ppllcatlon rov€ld o! 0, 30, 60, ard 90 os !/rs rotl
.ppticd befo.e first !h.rt crop a16 in Tabl€ 26, 2a, 30, .nd 32;
lDd th€i. .elationshlrs ..e iD Ttble 27, 29, 3t, .nd 33
..3p.ctively. Tbe pllnt P-upt.t. (Pu) rir rinearry !el.ted to
th. lrount of ?.rtr.ct€d by th. OP an.t Pil techniqu.s, tn th.
soils rithout ! 6ddition (rtth n.tiv. soil !), the r.l.tionship
b.tr..n Pu.nd OP rls hilhly 6tanrliclnt (R2 - 0.436, P - O.Ot)
(l.bl. 27, Fia. 9A) .nd so!. ilprov6o.nt. in the rel.tionrhip
r.rulted (R' - 0.534) rh.n Prt/OP r.s .l.o includ€d ln th.
r.ar.ssion cqu.tion (T.!1. 2?). Sirir.rry . hiahty si!niticant
.el.tionship (lt - 0.s89, P - 0.Ol) rss lound bctr... Pil .nd Pu
in the soils ih6i6 no P rrr sdd.d (Tabl6 27, lis. 98), rhil. no
ioproveoent in thc..l.ttonship ias ott.in.d rh.n- both lil .nd
Pir/OP *ere lnclu.ted 1. th6 r.!r..ston.qustion (R2 - 0.s91, P r
0,01)(Ta!le 2?). In OP sotl t.st D.thod. rhere no ! h.d b..n
added, tb. slop. or Ptr/OP pda!.t.r in the realession .qu.tion3
ra. in th. seo. dtr6ctior .d tound t. th€.q!.tions o! r.l.tiv.
yield, but not itr cas. ot Pit o6thod. atth th. addition o! P.t
the t.te of 30, 60, and 90 e!/La soil, th6.clationship botr..n
the .lount of P .xtr.ct.d by OP .nd Pit, and Pu r.s non-
si3niiic.nt (t.br. 29, 31, rnd 33) sioll.t to the pr.vious rh.rt
(ist crop). gor.v.., th. inclusion ol ?irlo?.rons rith OP lnd
Pil in th. re6re..ion.qu.tron3 rDproved th. R2 in so!. c...s,
tut not sisnific.ntty.
It is evidcf,t l.o! tl!6 p!.sent.d d.t. th.t P-uptllc rrs lor
lroo the resldull P thln troE lr.sh P.r rhorn in the li.rt rh..t
Tlble 26 P-uptate ol ih.!t (3rd crop), lBbir.-P .nd olr.n-P
b.for€ sorina fro! residu.l P ol dtf,erort soils
tt.!t.d rith 0 !3 P/Ls soil (rith n.tiv. P) bofore tbe
st..t ol crop.otrtion,
Soil ! Ch...ct.rist tcs
Orsen-P L.bi l.-Pl

I 12.1 2.69 0.58

2 13.1 3.02 1.39
3 1,,9 2.66 1.92
28,9 16.1 r.1t 3.99
5 7,1 2,2 3-50 0.53
6 13.9 2.1 5. a0
7 24,7 2.62 3.58
8 43.1 r 8,8 2.29 t.75
9 a.,t 2.5 3.36 0.96
0 19,3 2.9 6.65 2,99
1.3 2.1 2.24
3 3a,I 10. I 3.38 5.29
5.4 3.67 3.29
5 8.0 3.39 1.37
2 -64 3.93
? t.0 2.8 3.93 2.09
6 6.9 1.16
9 6.2 2,17

i.r!tionshlps b.tr..! P-upt.le (Pr,) ol ih.st (3.

and 01s.n-P (OP), l.bire-P (Pri .nd PrrlOP
b.lor. roriru lror r.sidu.1 F_ ol diff;r.nt
ttr.ted rith 0 q P/t3 soil (iith nltiv. 6oiI P)
tt!. strrt of crop rot.tion.
(No. of 0!6..v.tions = l7)
stand6rd .rr, R-

1,152 + O.t92 0.98

-0.030 + 0.252 0.392 Pi t/OP 0.92 0.534
1.03s + 0.100
ii 0,836 + 0. l0l
rr denote all rel6tionships stsnilicrnt at
P-upt.Le ot rhe.t (3rd c.op). IlbiI€-P .nd 015.n-?
b6to.e sortb! fron r€sidual P ol dill.16.t soils
tr.sted Fith 30 Ds !/*s so11 belor6 th€ st.rt of ciop
soil P ch...ct.ri6tics
Ols.n-l labi re-Pl
0l r.r-P

I 5t.9 23.1 2. t9 1.07

2 55.9 2.28 1.11
l l?,8 9.0 1.99
29. I 1.68 3, 18
5 16,8 1.73 t.2l
26.0 3.1I 4,94
17,9 20.1 1.49 3.45
8 60.0 31.9 La3 2.43
13,9 4.3 2.90 | ,16
0 21 .2 I t.0 2.46 4,04
13,5 5.1 2.66 4.06
2 2t,3 8.t s.05
3 15.2 20.9 2,t6 a.l3
26,9 t2,l 2.22
5 30,0 12.0 2.07
24.3 3,91
20,0 8.5 2,X6 4,67
8 30.3 ! r.l 2.65 2.37
2r.1 r0. a 2,66 3,7t

R.r.tionshtps betrce. !-upt.Le (P,,) or rhe!t (Jrd crdp)

.nd Olsen-P (0P) . r.bi l.-P (Pr i) .nd PrrloP r.ti03
b.lor. sorinl froD residu.r P_ ol dirfar.nt soirs
tr..t.d rith 30 ol P/lt soil b.lor. tbe 3t.rt ot c.oP

(No. of observations - I?)

3.300 0.025 o.o23

3.090 0.013 : 0.o12
lt 3
'lsbl6 3o P-uot.ke ol th€'t (3rd c'op' labil'-P and 0lsen_P
bef;r€ qoxins lroo t.3td!61 P ol dilferentof <oils
treat€d rlth 60 bs P/ts 3oiI b.lot€ th. start crop
rotat i on.

----43t3 soit----
I 3t.6 2,36
2 11.3 30.6 2.52 5.20
3 29.1 15.6 1,79 6,24
65.6 45.3 .45 2.64
5 28,S ! 5.3 .80
6 29.6 20.1 5.34
21 .1 .al
a a1.1 ,46 2.Al
9 2,3.7 lt.t 2.11 3.17
l0 45. t 23.0 !.96
tt.7 l.9l
12.9 t9.I t,12 5.55
58.r 35,5 5,33
39.0 23,t 3.83
10,2 20,1 2,51
l1 35.4 22.0 1.42
l3 a3.a 22.0 .53 1.8,1
35,1 2t.a 3.20

lelationshlp! b.tt.6n P-uPt.k. (Pr(P,,) ol th..t (3r

.nd oIs.n-P (oP) , 1.bi l._P i) .nd PrrloP
b.lor. sorin3 !.o! r.3 idusr D' ol di I lar.nt
treat.d rith 60 !3 P/13 50ir

(No, ol observ.ttond ' l7)

0.003 o? .44 0.001

3,022 0.00? 0P + 0.,162 li r/0P 0.00?

ii 3. t49 0.008 rii + 0.283 Pi l/0t .53

T.hl.32 !-upt6l6 ol rhect (3rd c.op), l.bilc-P ltd orsen-P
!€4o.. sotina ri60 r€stduet ! ol ol
tr.!t.d rith 90 !s P/l! soil b.tor. the 3t.tt croD
Soll P Cn r.ct.ri3tic.
0lsen-P Labi Ie-F/

I a1 ,o 2.37 2,18
2 91,1 2.42
3 40.6 24.0 6, t2
82.5 5?.5 1.43 2, t6
5 a7,a 22.2 2. l5 t.l0
6 f,otl i ,r8.9 3l .5 1.ta
71,O 15,2 2.lo a.2l
8 lll.a 55,9 1.99
39,6 22,2 l.?a 3.81
lo 61 ,O 29,O 2.31 5,85
33.0 16.6 1.99 5.53
t2 21.3 1.95
l3 79.1 5.50
60.? 30.5 l,99 3.04
5 r8,I 21.0 1.73
30.1 2,t4 5.50
58.9 32.4 .40
8 53. A 42.6 1.61
9 59.9 3.59

l.I.tionship. betr.e! P-uptal. (P,(P,,) of rheat (3r

dd 01s€o-P (oP), Irbi rc-P J .nd Pr r/oP
b.fo.c aorlnt ttot .6.idual l' ol d i I fai.nt
tr.6t.d rlth 90 o! l/tr .oir
(No. ol obs€rvations = l?)

.952 0.021 0? 0.020

,43 r 0.003 0?r+ I .63I lt l/Ol ,,18 0.099
-3 ,85? 0.006 .50 0.006
ir Pii . r,72A P |r/OP
F r
gF g"
g I o9
F lr
* It
t'T It
f !r
I :G
E 6
cropi bcc.us. ol d.cr..s.d P.v.ilability ritb tio. du. to P
fir.tlon (x...!n, 1994b), and r.strict.d pl.nt rtorth t3
d.scrlb.d pr.!io!31r. Th. p.tt.tn o! Pir/O? ti03 !t lor to
htah P..tur.tio. r.. !l!11.. !s ob..rv.d in th. th..t (ilt crog)
rnd so.lhuD (2nd c.oD). Blt colplrrtiv.ly hilh.r v.lu.. ol th.s.
r.tio. troo th.t ol pr6vious crop!, lndic.t.3 lurth.. lof P
.rt..ctioD by OP oothod l.o. corD.r.tiv6ly P erh.ust.d 30tl3 du.
to P !.oov.r by th. li13t tro croDs, Nithort P.ddttion. OP
octnod .rplaln.d aal v.riltion io P-!pt.t., but this !.thod !lon3
rith Pil/OP r.tios !.v. soo. ioprov.!.nt in th. ..!r.r3ion
aqu.tion .nd GrDrltn.d 53t vlriltion ia P-upt!L.. fh. lil D.thod
!lon. .rpl.in.d 591 vlri.tion ln P-upt.t., rnd this D6thod in
corbin.tion rlth PillOP r.tto r.6 not !bl. to ioprov. th.s.
r.lltion3hi9 in third crop ol th. rot.tton.
The3. r.sults indlctte tb.t both r.stn.xtt.ct.bl. l.bir._P
lnd Olrcn-! !.thod3.r. .bl. to.vrlu!t. th..d.q!.cy ol soll P
cont.nt lor !arl!6 Dlant P-lrtrto !!oD th. t6.idu.r soil P. rh.
!r!u.nt in flvolr ol l6bir.-P o.thod i6 tr6s.ntcd by llr.3hidi
.t.r. (19?5) .nd St..rd .nd lta. (1993). lt lr.vld.nt th.t
th.r. i. not iuch ditl6r.nc. in th. c.itic.l l.vel ol l.bil._P
o.thod. but O!..n-? ..thod shot.d dttt.t.nt critic.l l.v.l
v.lo... Siac! th. yi.ld. 16r. lor.r tn th. thi!d th& t. th.
iir.t croo. th. lor.r..ltlc.r r.vGl could b.vr b..n t.sult.d to
lor.r ri.ld. c.u.!d by p.!h.p. ( d.llct.ncy or oth6r
Lrbi l.-Plolr..-P r.tto. th!t
rourhly to loil bull.rin! c!9.ctty. .ould not .hot th...!..lop.
dir..tion .1o.3 rith l!bil.-? l. th. r6ar...ion .q!.tio!
d.6criDiD! th6 r.l.tton.htp ol P-uptrl.. rhl. ..y b. du. to th6
dill.r.nc.3 in th6 proDortion ot .ttr.ct.d P by th. tto !.thod3
du. to ch.tr.6 in P 3at!r!tion. [ot.v.r l.bll.-PlOl..n_P r.tio.
und.r .uch . rtd. r.n!. o! soiIs shor ro!. v8i.ti6n in P
.rtr.ct.bility by th.s. D.thods froo fr.sh ..d r.sidull sotl P.
As th. olr.. o.thod (0.s I N.H@3) it. oor. conv.nlent
routin. P tcst 06thod, lindioa itr ..I.tton.hip rith trbil.-P
pool ol th. soil! o.y h.lp in b.tt.r ch.t.ct..tz.tton ol ciop
r.spons. to th. spDli.d P (J.c .nd J.ltr.y, 1990),
4.3: R.lttionahlp A6tr.cn L.bttc-p ant 01s.n-p
!3bire-P 6nd 0ls.n-P vstues d.t.rEin.d i, soil3 Itr€. . 7_day
.nd. 6-ronth ldcubrtton at v..ious ! t.e.to.nts r.. in T.bt. 34
a.(l 35.erp.ctiv.ty; and th.tr relatiorship. t, I.hl.36 cnd Fis.
l0 and lt. LabiIe-p i.s lin..rIy,ctated to th. aDount of ?
.xr.act.d by tb. ols.n oethod, Aft.r 6 7_d.y incubati6!. .bout
77t (Fis, l0) ol tbe vi.I.tion in t.bil€-p,a5 6xpr6lned by the
r.aiession equltions !t tore, t rat€ and it d.cre.s.d to n.6r 50t
al r!iah.. P r.t. (T.ble 36. Fis, lO). Aat.r I 6-Eonth, the
v.ri.tior in l6bite-P .iplatn.<t by Ot.er_p oethod q5s alnost
rioil.! to that of a ?-day incub.tion (T.ble 30, pi!. lr).
Tn. .ol.tionship !.t,€en oe.n valucs oa tsbit._p rad Ols.o_p
ol .rl P tr€.tb.nt l6v.ls in the incu!.tion lnd pot experib6nts
&. in Tlble 37. Ir both tt. .xperio.nts, l.bile_p,.s lin..rly
..tated to th. .Dount of p.xtrsct€d by th. Orse._p Dethod, 6nd
this r.latiorship und.r Dean valu.s ot.ll p tre6tn.nts ,.s
tu.th.r iop.oved. In str the tnan sst ot the
vr.i.tlon in rabtre-? ir3 .rp!6ined by th. r6ar..ston equ!tiors
.rcept that of a 6-Donth incubation expratnira ?6.2t or

Th. retstionships atv.n in Tabl. !7 sho, th.t Isbir._? c.n

!..dtt$ted rith !6.sonabr...curacy lron rn. readity obt.tnat,le
!oil t.3t ! det! det..oin6d,ith Olson-p !.thod in ioil t..tinr
l.bor.torr.s (Sh.rpl€t .t .l, , 1982, l9a.) , Ih. !...u..!.nr o;
l6bile-P by anion exch.nse r.3in 1! tioe con.6in! 6nd ts nor
toro.lly used by soil t..tins l6bor.torics.
Th! .er.tionshtp! !iv6. if, th. aqu.!ron or incub!tion
.xpe!iDent {.lter s t-day) in T.bl€ j7,cr. r.st.d usina data
pr.sent.d by Sh..prey.t !r. (t9gs). In this study both p:r
(rcsin .xrractable) .nd Op (Ols6n_pr,ere d.t.roin€d ., .h.
.oirs. l{ hi!hly si6ntttc6nt r€l.tionship (! - 0.85. p _ O.ol) "";.
t.s tound betr..n oc!.ur.d ptl ,nd th.t pr.dtct.d aro! Op (Fi!.
l2). Th.se P r6l6ted p.r.oot.rs, .trher r€.!u..o o, .strElt.d,
c.n be uscd to d.vclop soil and plalt p !od.lr. For .ucb ood.Is,
lh. d.v6lopocnt ot.n iad.r ot th..v6ilrbiltty o, f.rtillz.! p
(0P) in 30irs alter !
.PPlication I evel3.
P t.eatEcnt l€v€l s
0 30 60
OP ot OP

I 12.5 56.3 at ,9 35.8

2 t1 .s 30.3 96.9 6t.1
3 33.2 1,t.5 54.4 63,6
25.2 43.2
19.4 45.0 39.0 85,4
59.9 8r.a
5 22.7 34.3 59.5
26.4 37,5
28,8 2t.l 13.9 68,2
32.1 ,16.8
15.6 30.0 19.t 60.5
8 29.1 69. s 115,3 7?, S
1.6 t 3,l 34,9 2t.a
0 Pit.li ! 8.8 8.0 23,l 59.2 80.1 58.1
I 20.0 13.0 32,3 20.2 52,6 21 ,1
2 6,2 20.7 s6.3 a7.a 82.1 43.1
3 19. 3 59, 31.1 91,0 1t4,7 s8. l
8,8 35, 25.2 31,2 80,2 s3.0
5 t2. I
31 ,6 2t,9 s2,9 31 .4 79.9 5t.2
6 46.3 28.0 67,1 92.3 s9.8
7 31,9 r8.7 60.7 28.7 3 t.7 39.0
8 3.6 19. I
9 7.7 39. s 23.6 46,5 59,0

Labi r.-P (Prr).rd

6-oorth incub.t ion applic.tion l.v. t t.
P tre!to6nt l.v.ls (!s/Ls soir) -------

------- ----- - - - - -aa t ra soi l--------------------
I 21,3 38,0 17. 3
A,O 11.7 16-a s3.1 25.4
2 23.2 t2,S 4t.4 l8.a 14.2 21,9 57.0 33.,1
3 9.5 3.2
l7,8 14.5 28.4 20.7 34.3 30,0 s5,3 50,?
5 3,7 3.5 8.9 5.3 t3,6 1,2 19, I l l,9
(otli 14,0 6.8 ! 8.0 9.2 29,8 r8,3
30,0 16.2 34.0 13.0 a9 ,6 21 ,6
8 21 ,4 ta,4 50,9 25,0 58.0 30.6 56,8 34,2
3.3 3, ! 8,9 s.8 12.6 6,1 23.t 17,5
0 22.0 l0, a 34,8 23.O 15,5 21.3
I 3.3 2.8 9,0 4 ,9 I A.9 I l.l 30.1 t 5.8
2 s.6 3.7 16.0 9.7 34.9 20.1 !0., 23.5
3 55.8 16.,1 55.4 19.8 14.2 25,7
22.3 15.0 J6,O 20. J ra.o 29. I
5 12,2 1,O 25.3 l a,0 ,|l -0 21.1 13,6 27 ,1
18.3 9. ? 3s.2 2l .6 36.4 la.5 5l .6 3l .0
1 14.1 5,6 26,8 13.5 37.4 t6-6 r7.a 23,O
8 16.5 1.3 28.? t 5.6 31,r 2t.1
9 tl.0 1,1 23,6 12,9 ,r8.8 28.8
R.t5tionshipr b.ti.en l.bi I e-P (Pr, ) and ols.n-P (oP)
at ditte.ent F t..ato.nt rat€s (li'De/kt soi 1) rtt.t 6
?-day and a 6-sonth incu!.tion.

trr . 1.87'l + 1.757 oP 0 0.235 0.s71

r:; - 4.817 + r.,r70 OP 30 o.239 0.83 t
Pii = r6.o2o + 1.209 oP 60 o,241
Pii.31.266+0962oP 90 0.205

.506 0P 0.221 0.856

Pii . 0. 3o 0.349
165 + 60 0,317
Pii . r8 l.0l? 0P 90

r d€not..lt relationsbips si!nillc.nt.t ! p€r

I!bl. l? R.l.tionship b.it..n d..n v.lu.s ol labile-P (!il) .nd

Ols.n-P (OP) at .l I pho3ghorus tt.atD.nt l.v.Is ltr th'
incub.tion .nd pot .xp.riD.nt.
( nutrb.r ol obs.rvttions = ?6)

Pr I . 7,936+l ,345 OP 0.922
Pii. s.039+l . s21 .?t.t 3 6-ao"th 0,8?3

.314 b.fo,. .h..t (is t croP) o,972

P:i . ? 6.6+t .512 ot b.for. sorshua (2n.t crop) 0.941
Pii - 7.03s.1 b.rorc ,h.tt (3rd croP)
.. <lcnoti arl r.latiooships.ianilic.nt.t I per
.g6tl t .3lttt
It tf
li I
Eg i t5
i la lg .lr9l.
I !'
-t e
.J: .3i
a a

.:r!si5 .63!6t3J .lt


tl t-
B ti I ta
i :. I ir8!! ts
r l-
a t
.ea!ttll ..6altt
f,! I t
II a
i9 r 8l
;er I Er
at EI il
EE ?;l
.ri "lia
9F t t

E "!rl!a E
t E
I €
I! I
!' i9' t9l
ii, !g'
E ii. tL
P :;t
a -t.: . I
t !
I ?

tt t



and its relatlonship rith soil and plant cbr cte.istics oay be
helprul. Sinc. the tro oethods (Op .nd pi1) .r. hishry
cot..lrt.d. tllcn .itllcr o!. cotrld b. u..d to d.t.i.ine !
av.il.bility ind.x accordi4S to the incub6tior studi.!.
4.1: P.rtitizet P AvtIl.btrity In!.x tn Rol.tton to
SoiI Ch..tct.ristics
Lobir.-P (Pirl) ln soils stter. T-dsy.rd ! 6-00.th tncubation
at tr.6ttre.ts ol 0, 30. 60, and 90 Ds p/t! roir is in,T6bl. 3A,
FroD these Pirr values, f€rtiliz€. p avEirabitity indtces (aFi)
developed.lte.6 7-d.y end.6-Donth inculrtion sre in Table
39. Fi Dod.r uses . laboruto.y estid.t6 of tne flaction of
t..tiliz.r P rhich reo.ins in the rabil. (anion cxcha.se resin-
extr.ctabl.) foro !tt6r a 6-oonth incub.tton at 2Sr3 .C. This
rr.ction (Fi) i3 rn index of the snouDt of.dd.d p {pf) .€oainin!
in an extractabl. forE, 3!i rs the stop€ ot the linear
..l.tionship betre.n ta!ir.-? and ? added. lnd eraapl.s of this
r.r.tionship i! lour setect.d soils. ,t both. 7-d.y.nd a 6_
lorth incubation, a.. siven ir Fis. 13. pil, and r!i indic.s ot
th€ solls after.5- don!h tn.ub.tion
th6t of a 7-day incubatio., no.€ov€r, th. perudal o, line6r
r.l!tionship betr.en labir€-p.nd ! add.d of a 7-day.nd a 6_
oo.th incutlatioD in lia. l3 reft.cts . ct.rsc In th.ir
!elatlo.ship iith ttD€.
Correlatlon coelticient. tor tbe v6rtou. soils (€xcludinA
soil I rtu. to its hish !c) iith f..tilizcr p avairabillty ibdices
(tPi) !t . 7-d.y and s 6ronth incubrtion... in t.bl. 40 and at
t.3pcctiv.ly lo. crch oa th. three p l.v.ls. th. correlations
rer€ bette. !t . 7-day lncubstion 6nd poor 6t . 6_oonth
incubation, be.ce th6 correl.tion of ths latter iDcubstion D€riod
'3s not conside.ed ro.tllihiI. for the sub.equ.nt discussion. At s
? dry incubstion, both l.bile-p lnd Olsen-! soit t.st vllue.,.r.
tell correl.t.d rith ali in ihol. of th. crop.ot.tioo (tabl.
'10), Th.se both soil test 06thods save ht!h.r corr€l!tlon,her.
high P bad b€en.dd.d.nd toq63t .t ti€ loi r.t6 in c... ot tirst
Tabr. 38 L.bi l.-P in 7- d.y .nd r 5-!onth
incubation .pplication lev€13.

P tr.lt.cnt lGt.l. (M/L8

0 30 60

67 675
___________ - _ _ - __ _ _ - w/t I s o i l- - - -- --------------
34.5 38.0 at,9 lt,1 96.3 s3.7
2 38.8 23,2 s9,3 91,1 48,2 96,9 S7,O
3 12. a 9,5 33.2 s4.4 46.2 63.6 50.6
25.5 I ?.8 45,0 24.4 66.4 34.3 8s.,r ss.3
5 22.f 8.9 38,8 13.6 59.5 19. I
5 f,otl i t2. I 28.8 t 4,0
't3.9 18.0 68,2 29.8
27,4 14.9 45.0 30,0 67,2 14.0 19,t 39 ,6
8 50.0 90.4 58,0 lrs.3 s6.8
9 3.8 ta,1 8.9 31-9 t2.6 46.O 2A,l
18. a 9,4 39, a 22,O s9.2 3,1.8 80. I 45.5
6.0 3,3 20.0 32.3 t8.9 52,6 30. t
ll.? 5.6 33. 16.0 s6.3 3a,9 82.1 40. t
69, 97.O 65.1 | t4.1 18.2
16. I 3.5 36. 22.4 59.2 36.0 80.2 48.0
20.3 12,2 25.3 52.9 11.0 19,9 14,6
26.5 18.3 46.8 35.2 63.7 16.1 92.3 5t.6
9,1 37,9 26,4 60.1 a7 ,8 81,1 17,8
8.9 | 6.6 34.8 2a.7 59.0 !7.1 8 t.6 41.4
?.a l l,0 23,6 50.6 40.9 86.5 48.8

Fertiliz.! P avlrlt}llitt lndlc.r !a!ed upoD lalile-P

(.rr) of th€ .oil. u!ins Iabila-P aft.! a ?-itar aod s
6-.odth Inculatlon rt dtfferont P apDli.atior level!,

Soil P.ltllir.r P.v.lldtlitt iliti c€t

------l <tq/kq toil)------

a,L2 0.t2 0,69 2l

3 0,54 0,21 0,54 42
0.65 0.09 0,89 0,15 0.68 33
5 o.76 0.14 0.15 0,60
5 0,06 0.54 0.51
0.24 0.05 0.45 0.43
0.69 0,11 o,27 30
o.22 21
0.71 0,14 0.39 0_76 32
l3 o.l8 0.25 o.12 31
14 0.57 0,21 0.73 0.33
0.58 0.17 0.55 0.32 0.64 26
0,54 0.53 o.24 0.71 2a
l7 0.63 0.31 0.71
18 0,53 0,33
19 0.19 o,7L 0.39 34

a = il€not. f.!ttliz.! avall.!ility ind€x d€v.lop.d ttth th. u!.


a II

t' I
F lit.
I jt
Corcl.tlo! .o.iltct6nt ot te.tiliz.. ! .v.il.bitity
Indtc.s b!s.d upo. l.bll.-P (rlt) .tr.r . 7-d.i
iacub.tion, .nd dlll.r.nt soil ..d tt
v.riour rppla.d Dho.Dhorur tr.rtr.trt..il.nt D.rr.t...
(nuob.r ol ob!.rv.t ion. . 18)
Appll.d ! trc.tr.nt.

30 50 90

L.birc-P b.to.. sorin!

Ol..!-l b.for. sorinA o.129 3:33lli 3:3li::
Llbil.-PlOt..n-P latio 0.397 0,229 -3:3i1'
0.2t9 3:?13.. 0.3t6
SorShu, (21d crop)
L.!i l.-P b.lore soring 0,394
0ls.n-P b.tore sorlnB 0.108 3:9i3:: 3:!!3:
Llbil.-PlOl6.n-P ..tio -0.3s9 -0.39? -o,270
-0.063 -0.3?9 0.tl5
0.09 r o.171 0.348
L.bil.-l b.!o.. sorins 0.336
Ol!6n-P b.!or. sorins 3:l3l:: 3:!?l:
L.btl.-ll01...-P r.tio -6:;;;. 0.004 0.039
0.302 -3:3i3.
o.2t2 3:?13..
'." d.not..lBnlftc6nc..t th€ 5 and I p€r c.nt lav.la
correl.tion co.lllci.nt of lertiliz.. ? .v.ll.bttlty
Indices b!3.d uDon l.bir.-! (tFr) .tt.r . 6-Donth
incubation,.nrt dllr.!.nt soir and-pr.nt 9.r.!.t.!s !t
various .ppli6d pholthorus tr..td.nts.
(n@bcr o! obs.rvrttons = la)
ApDticd P t!..tr..t.

30 60

l.bl1.-P befolc 5oxitrs 0.0?0 -0.005 -0. 107

Old.n-P betor. sortnt -0.180 -0,213 -0.115
!.bll.-Ploli6tr-P r.tto 0.221 0.381 0.083
0.211 0.346 0.2t1
-0.203 -0.370 -0.24t
(2nl ctop)
L.bt l.-P b.tore sorin3
'o$h@ -0.178 -0.260 -0.353
Olt.n-P b.lor. 3orln8 -0.145 -0.325 -o.2 t5
bDir.-PlOrs6n-l ..t ao -0,275 0.0s9 -o.209
0.383 -o.211 0.005
-0.193 -o,266 -o.039
L.bIl.-P b.!or. .orina -0.219 -o.242 -o,t67
Ol..rP b.loi. sorirg -0. t78 -0.249 -0.202
Lebil.-PlOlsen-P ..tlo -0.205 -0. rt8 -0,293
0.tl7 0.3a8 o.461
-0.089 -0.230 0.042

f,heat crop, Fo. the sutrs6qu€nt tro crops, th. co..el6tions,€.e

biah€st onty rh.rc rod.r.te ? h.d be.n 6dd.d.
L6bil€-P/ols.n-? rstios aave poor cor!elatton,ith aFi, but
its cor..latio. rls tound negatiwe sen...lly rith th. exhaustion
of soil P p.rticul.rly in third c.op ot th. rotattor (t.ble aO).
Plant P-uptrk€ nas correl.r.d poorly rith aFi, I. g.n.r.l, plaDt
.hor€d lDprovcd correl6tio! in first nncs! croo
particullrIy rhere hiab !.te of p h.d b€.n.dd€d. !llnt .e16tiv.
yierd t!v. hiahly sianificant co.rel.tion,ith .Fi in both rh..t
c.ops .t 60 6s P/ks soil tt€.tDent, but not in cas€ of so.shun
crop. At oth€r P tr.stbent lcv.ls, rel.tive yietd of both croo6
shoqed poo. coir€l.tion rith Fi,
Th. results ol th. incub.tio! cxp..iD.nt d.lonstrate thst
th€ v!tu.s of r.bil.-p (.nton exchars. 16sin_extr.ctr!t.) snd
tertiliz.r P avrilability index (,ri) decr..s€ ,ith tir..
Labile-P values r.r. linearry rel.ted to ! add.d (sh.rpl€y et 51,
(r984) pa.ticula.ly.fter. Z-d.y incub.tion. tn such tabo.atory
studicsi . short period lite ! ?-day incub6tion Dy b. conveii.nr
duration.s shorn by the iiproved cori.l.tion b.tr..n rFi .nd
soil and plant p.1606ters. Both resin-extractabt6 labite_p and
Otsen-P test v6lu€s deternin.d befo.e soiint aIl tb. thre. croDs
!ccou.t.d for .c.son6bly aood v&iation in.fi p..ticur.!ry 6t
hilher P .dditior. L6birc-p/Ols.n-p r.tio ,.3 poorly cor..t.t.d
Fith 'Fi, horew.r this crit.ria re,t.ct.d gencr!lly nesrttv.
cot€l.tion iith this f..tiltz.r ! 6v6il!b tty pa.6h.te. a3 th.
soil ras e:hausted !t lor p.ddition particularty.t third croe

Ols.n-P (OP) in soils.tt.r a 7-day.nd a 6-!ontb incubatio.

.t t.e6tn€nts of 0, 30,60, and 9O oA p/kg soil is in table 42,
Ftoo th€se OP valucs, f.rtilizcr p av6il6birity iDdices (hi)
te.e .lso develop.d aftcr . 7-day and ! 6_Donth
(Tabr. 43), oP and rli i.dices of the sorrs art.. . 6 no.th
incub.tior pe.e lor 6s coop.r.d to that ot a 7-d.y incubatior,
Correl6tior coefficients for the various soil6 (excludins soil I
dueto its bish EC) rith r.rtilize. p.v.il.birity indices (b!r)
at a ?-dry.re tn T.ble 4. tor each ot the thr.. p lev.l;,
OIsen-P in .oils .ft.r I 7- ilay anrt a 5-donth
ircuhation at ill!f6r.at ! a9pI lcation Ievela.

Soil P tr..t!.trt l.!.1. lns/ts

30 50

4,0 a 41.7 25.4

z 12.5 30.3 1A,A 45,4 24. 9 51,7 33.4
14,5 8.4 26.2 9 43.2 31,9
4 14.5 39,0 20.7 59.9 30.
5 16,6 5.3 26.3 2 37.5 11 ,9
2L.t 6.4 32.1 2 45.3 18.3
8.4 30.0 16.2 46.0 13. 0 60,6 27 .6
a 18,4 45.4 25.0 50.1 30. 6 t1.5 34-2
9 3.4 13.1 5,8 2r.3 5 4 27.7 L7.5
10 4.6 23.3 I0.8 rto.6 0 54.1 27.3
2.4 13.0 4.9 20.2 1 2?.4 15.3
r2 3.? 20.1 9,7 37.3 20 1 44.1 23.5
9,1 31.1 15.4 44.1 19 a 53.1 25.?
I4 25,2 t5,O 37,2 20 3 53.0 29.t
21,9 14.0 37.4 7 5t.2 21.4
9,1 24,0 21.6 44.9 1A 5 59.6 31.0
t1 5.6 18.7 13.5 26.? l5 6 39. O 23.0
1a 7.3 19.1 ls.6 33.1 2L 4 41.9 24,4
l9 23.5 12,9 40.5

!e.tilit.r P arailalilit, indicc! D!..d upoD Ol!.tr-P

(}lr) of the soil! ultnq Olsen-P aft.r a ?-dey .nil !
6-.oath ilcu!.tion at dtfferent p aDDltcation levcl!

SotI F€rtiliz.r P avatlrll lltr iltticet

------l tr.Atletrt Iev.I! (.t/ts soi))------
30 60

I 0,16 0,39 0,14

2 o.44 o 0.18
3 0. !4 ,33 0.31
0.64 .16 0,35
0.42 o.3a 0 .05 0.37
5 0 .00 o.42 0. t0
7 o.o2 0.51 0,50 0. 13
3 0,51 ,02 0.53 0.05
9 0.14 -0,06 0.24 ,02 o.22 0. 1l
10 0.51 0,09 0,54 0 .25 0.56 0.21
II 0.26 -0.01 0,25 0 ,10 0.25 0. 12
L2 o,L2 0.52 0 ,23 0,19
.01 0.43
o.2L o.47 ,t9 0.23
l5 o-42 0.43
0,25 o.52 0.51
t7 0.24 0.37 ,L7 0. 18
13 0,23 0, 13
0,53 0, 17 0.55 0,57 0,23
b - derote fertillrer availabillty rndex develor.d rirh th. lls
Cor..l!tion .o.r!tci.nt ot r.rr(li2.r p .v.il.bitily
indic6. b.s.d uDon 0ts€n-P tTi) .tt.r s ?-d,i
1..ubation, .nd dtai...rt 3oir and ir..t p..!D.t.r. .t
v.rious .ppli.d thoapborus tre6tDents.
(nuDb.r of observations = l8)
Appl1.d P tr..t!.nt.
30 50 90

llbi l.-P b.tore soii.s

Ots.n-P b.lor6 sorin.
l.bi l.-PlOls€n-P ..tio
d:;i.. 3:i3:.
-0. l,{ -0.;;"
3:?3' 3.31.
Sorshud ( 2i.t crop)
!a!i l.-I b.fo.6 sowiD!
ols.n-P b.for. sorin*
L.bi le-P/olsen-! rar r.
I t?:: :9ll:
-o:4;' -i,.;t' -o:i;'
-3:11. -3:li.
L.bi l.-P bclo.. sorin!
Ol5.n-P b.lore sorir! 3.i3:. 3:33::
L.btl.-PlOlsen-P 16tio i.!ii' -o.26
i,.. d.not. slsnif ic.nce ;i
Ols.n-P sotl t.st v!lu.r s.v. hish.r corr!t.ttor coGffici.nt.
iith hi t. rhol. ot th. croD rot.tion.s co!p.r.d to l.bil.-p
(T!bI.44). Th€6€ loth soll t€3t r.thods !.v. hiah.r corr.l.tio.
rh.r. hish P h.d b..n.dd.d.
!.bir.-PlOls.n-P r.tlos a6n...lly sav. poor corr.r.tion rith OFi,
but its cof.l!tion r.. fouDd a.sativ. (TsblG 44). pl.nt p-
uDt.L. r.. corr.l.t.d poorly rtth oPi. Pl.nt r.lltiv. yi.ld g.v.
si!triltc..t cor!.1!ttor rtth,Fi in tir.t lro crops. but niahly
rilnitic.nt ln third rh.rt crop.t.ll P tr..tr€.t l.v.ls.
Th. r.5ults ol th. ircub.tion .xpc.io..t d.oonstr.t. th.t
th. v.lu.i ol O! !.tbod lnd t.rtitiz.! p !v.tl.bility inder (+i)
dec....e rith tir.. Ol3.n-P t.st v.lu.r det6roin.d b.to.e sorins
.ll th. th... crops lccouAt.d lor r..son.bly rood v.ri.tion in
hi, ttieatin! tti u3Gfuln6.s to d.t.roin. Fi i..t..d ot
l.bile-P lor p..cttcal purpos.s, Lin.ar co.r.l.tion co6ilici6rts
foi rel.tion3hips ..onr .ll soi I chlrrctertsttcs includin! tFr ,
h;. ctant arv o.tt.r yr.ld.nd P-upt.k6 r.tstin! rtt thc thr;e
crots rt di,t.r.nt P tr..tdcnt..ppti.d b.tor. thc rt.rt o! croD
.ot!tion !.. alv.n in T!b!. 45 to 53 lo. !...r.1 co.D..i.o.. ln
o.d.r to.r.Din. the l.ctors..u.ina thc v!.t.tion itr Ei b...d
upon r!bi!.-P (.Fi) .nd o15.tr-P (ti), th6 dltr ,.r! !n.lyz.d
u.i.a.tepiis. !ultiDl. resresston .nrly5ir rith vrrious soit
chcoic.l lnd phyrlc.l ch.r.ct.risrics .6po!t.d in t.br. I
includin6 l.bil.-P aod O1...-P ioit t..t v.lr6! dct.roin.d b.lo..
sorlnS .rch clop 3..vin!.r tnd.p.nrtent v.rilbl.r,
th. st.piir. oultipl. .Gs!.6sion to r.l.t. !ortilizcr p
.vailabilitt i.d.: br!.d upon I!bil.-P (rti) to roil d.t. !s
d.ntion.d.bov. lo. ! crop rot.tion is in T.bt. 54. Dutin! tirst
ih..t crop, rFt incr..!.d rith. d.cr.a!. ln !oth At2O3.nd
Ic2O3, dd .n inc..!.. in tll/OP futio .t lor p..tur.tton (ritb
ror.. ? r.t.). 'Fi incr.6.€d itth rn ircr..re in pil ..d 6
decre63. in sA .t DodGrate ? s!tur!tioo (rtth bcdiu! p r.r.),
SioiI..ry Fi incr..E.d rith.n ibcr.are in PiI rnd. decrc.s. in
0[a .t hish P 3rtur.tion (it th hish p ratc) , Du.ina se.ond c.oF
of th. rot!tion, .!i incr.6scd rith aa tncr..s. in ptl .nd r
d.cr..3e in oil at lor P s.turltion, lvith an tncr.... in Op snd a
:-_::3e I a=cg -

e g








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als ?F
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- -;:::6 i: -.r -:: €-





lquations fo. estio.tton ot
l.dex based upon 16bil6-P (.
P/k6 soil), Or.en-P (OP, [s , Pr l/oP iet io,
Al rol ft/ts soir), tetor
(sA. r./s soil), o'slnic ial t.r (OX, l)
(No. ot obs..v.tions rl8)

thnt (ist ctop)

0, 6443-0.315 Alrol-0.0119 Fe)O1+ (,) 0.0765 0.61
0, Pjr-0.0026 sa (2) 0.0?35
4l 0. 4017+0.0037 P;;-0.0770 ox (3) 0.0s02
0.7 t

0.621?+0.0035 Pj,-0.20s8 ou o.0792

.;l 0,s520+0.00t8 2) 0.081l
oP-o.08?0 otl 3) 0.0694

003s oP-o.0030 S+ (l) 0.0399 0.93

0. -0, r936 Pr i/oP
' 00sl P i r-0:0123 (2) 0,0611 0.11
0. I138 0M
Pir-0. t050 0
5491+0. 0026 (3) 0.0676 0.50

.'1 d.not. all retationships sjrnrfrc6nl .t I

1,2.3 d.not6 tr.atEcnts ol 30,60,lnd 90 ns P/&s soi I appl i.d
!t the st!rt ol crop rot!t1on.
a . <r.notc the .elattonship ot d€v€loped rith the ui. ol
decrease in SA, the ati inc.ea3ed rh.r. oodcr.te P h.d been artded
at the start of c.op rotation. SiDila. t.end in aFi ras found at
hish P l€vel, like thrt ol hediuD P level, but .eplacins SA
O, Durins thi.d rheat .rop ol th€.ot.tion, 'Fi i.cr€ased 'ith
an inctease in initiar soil pH as siver in Table l, and a
decrease in OP, S, le2o3, SA, and Pir/OP .atio 6t loi P
satut6tion. 'Fi incressed itth an iDcrease iD Pil snd a dec.ease
in CaCO3 and OM at th. hode16t. P satur6tlon (eith residual
ledit! P rlte): .nd a sihila. trend at hiah P rate, but excludins
The results of stopiise Bultipl€ rear€ssioD an.lysis sbot
that 'li relat.d dilfer.ntly iith dill.!e!t soil cha.acte.i5tics
under a crop rotatioD rith dill.rent lcvcls ot applied P to the
fi.st c.op a.d its residu.l .ff.ct to the subsequent c.ops.
lor.ver in sener.1, Pil and OM .re incl!ded ir thd eqlations,
41203 and !e2O3 surf.ces secD to be oo.. activ. t so.bents at lot
! l€v€l in th€ soil. Th. pr.r.nc. of Pil/OP r.tio in the
.quation at 1or P s.turation (6t lor.. P.ate).lso shois its
possible contribution in r.ll.cting thc.xtcot ot P desorption,
altbouah in a ditfer.nt r.y d!.1.A ti.st .nd thi.d c.op of the
!!.ing first crop, 6. inc.case in ?illo? ratio
inc.eased "li, obile its cffect r.6 r.vcr6ed du.in8 third crop of
the rotation. The presence of Cac03 contlibuted its eftect on li
only in the soil data ol th6 third crop. ln lor caco3 soils
(soils 13, L7 .nd l8). ror pH nlSht have prevailed. These
r.sults are consistent qith those ol er€vious studi.s rhich have
shorn that in calcareous soil3. P sorption increases iith
i..reasios hyd.ous oxid. suil.c.3 (Parfitt, l9?9; !ierzynski et
ar., 1990), iith incre6.i.s C6c03 (L.rscn and ltiddotson, 19?0:
lvi11ia6 et al., l97l) and ill-d.fin.d o!g..ic natter (Robert,
1969: lopez-HerDaodez and Burnhan, I9?4). tb. depressiig eff.ct
ol soil or6.nic batt.r on.ppli.d-P av.il.bility has also he€t
olserved bv otbei tesearchers (crilfin.!d Ju.in.k. 197,t; Jair.j
€t al., l99l). lhis !i3ht b. du. to th. Pr.s6nc6
andlor Fe actin! liLe hydrous orides sur16c.s lore.ins the P
avarlability (Rob€rt,,969) Sol!bility ol P in t€rDs or'Fi i.

soils r.lates di.ectly to tne a40unt of restn

€itract6bl6 labilc-? (sh.rpt.y et ar., l93l; Y.rokun .nd
ch.iste.son, l99O).
the direct.€l.tionship of pillop ratio rith aFi in ths
li.st ?he.t crop snd its invoise relationship,ith s!i in the
third crop retle.ts the difterences in the propo.tion
cxtr.cted P by r.sin extr.ctable tabile_p.nd Olscn !ethods du.
to cnanae in P satu..tion. Furthe. ,ort on thi6 soi I parao.t.r
D3y help i. solvinS the dilticulties in.ss.6sina p
DDe to I.ct ot published data, thc r.rat!onships used to
predict.Ii could not be tested. Ho,.vcr rn. ret.tionship
lnvolvina hydrous oxid. su.faces and rabil._
a/Olser-P ratio, .t row p lcvel (l) in ,n€at (lst crop)
tested !si.s <lata of this study, {h€r. no p had h.on;dded (rith
natrv. soil l) to this first c.op. A bishly sisniticsrt
rerationship (r = 0.s5, p _ o.or) ,as tr *il."i,liilill"",i:
and ,e.3u.ed p,.nt !_uptake ,,,". ,lll"
cont.ibu!ion of labile-p/olscn_p test vsrue rarros
6nd hydrou.
or!o.s in reflectjns the .rtent of soil t bi.dins and
avai I.bi I ity to pl!nts.
Th. stepiis. hultipl. r.gression to relat. f.rtilizer p
availabiltry ind€x bas.<t upon orsen_! (hi) ro soil data

rh.at crop, ,F1 ircreaseO,ith rn incr..s. in 0!, but dec..ased

du€ to increasf in, b6th pil and oI at loi p s.lu..tion (rith
lo"er P rare). hr incr.s3ed ,irh .n rncre.3. i. Op,
oecreascd pirh increase in pil, OM and CaCO3
ar noderare p
s6!ur.tioD (rith ocdiuD p .ate), siEirsrly ,!i incrersed
,ith rn
increas. in Op and r dec.ea.e in Ott and pillop r.tio at
hish p
sat..ation. (rith hish p .6tc), Du.ins 3econd crop or
.ot6tion, bai ir.r..s€d rith an incr€6s. in Op and a d.creas.th.
o at lor p s6ru.ation, qith !n incre.se i. Or, tbe in
inc...s.d ood.rate p ha.l been.dded.t th. start oa croo
.otation. 'h.reSiDit.r t.end in +i ,.s tound.t hist p Ievet. like
thal ol Ior P l.v€l Durins third crop ot th€,ot"tron. D!i


il I
lr f


Equ.tlons tor.srt!.tion ot r.rttliz.r p

Ind€x bas.d upon Ols.n-P (o!r) l.bi
P/ra.oit), Ots.n-! (OP, os !/18IroDsoil), Pi t/OP r.t io,
.oitt, F.2o3 (a/l! so ),
^t?o.J 1a/ra orssnic o.tter (ox. r),
$l'":;i ffilt.
(No. ol obs.rvrt ion. .t3)

.n.tt (itt
0.1t81+0.0lsa oP-o.003? P:,_ ' (l) 0,051,1 0. t8
o,1473 0x
0.r425+0.0117 o!-0.003 !:,- (2) 0.03s2 0.91
0.0064 C.CO1-0,05s,r OI"
0. 36r7+0.0058-oP-O.0612 Or- (3) 0.033,t 0.93
0,1090 Pi l/OP r.tio
sofah@ (2nd cfoo)
0,3527+0.0089 oP-o. l09? otl (l) 0.0419 0.51
0.2356+0.0073 0P l2) 0.0742 0.51
o, 2321 +0, 0063 OP-o,0797 Oll (3) 0.0724 o.62
rh.tt (itd .root
0, 3549+0.0093 Op-o.OOrl3/r Oil (r) 0,0820 0.53
0, 304+0.0078 oP-o.0819 Ox
ail O.2697+0,0075 OP-O.lO52 Or {2)
0.07s8 o,51
rr dcnot. .lI rolAtioNh;;a 6tsniriqrt
I,2.3 d.not. tr..ttr.nt; oa to,60.;;;
' the 90 og P/t! .oLl .ppl r.d
.r 3tlrt ot crop rot!tion.
3,:.::l:,.,* rer'itonship ;! Fi d.v.roD.d ritt tn6 us. ot

tncr.ased rith.n inc.eas. in 0P cnd a d6cr..s€ in Ot{ at .ll P

There6ults of st€Drid. o!lttple ..Br.33ion 6nalysii shoi

th!t Fi d.t.r!in.d rith OP sort test v.lu.s (DFi) r.lrred
dilf.lently rtth differ.nt .oi1 ch.!.ct.!l5ticj rith dill.r.nt
l.vels ol r99li.d P d!.ina llrst crop ol th. rot.tion. But
during the 3ub..qu€trt tro crop., oostly OP and 0I re16 tnvolv€d
iD the equations, sorevo. ln a6n6ra1,0P end 0M.r€ tnctud.d in
th. equations. C.CO3 surtec.i ree! to b. actlve P sorb.ntr 6lons
rith OI at oodei.t. P lev.l in the .oil du.ina li.st crog ol th.
iotttion explsiDin! 9Ol vlri!tion in tr. th. p..sence ot PIIlOP
r.tio in th..quation at hiBh P satur.tlo. (.t hish.r P r.te)
.I3o shoos its po.sible contrtbution in r.fl.ctina th..rt.nt of
P d.so.ption. Durin3 fi!st crop. an lncr.as. in Pir/0P r.tio
alons iith 0I decleased oFi snd th.sc tio parrD.t..s in
coEbin.tion rith OP.rpl.ircd 93t vr.i.tion to 6Fr .t hiSher P
l.vcl. lh.sc r.sulls .r. corsistent rith those oa pr.!ious
studi€3 riich h!v. shorn th.t in c.lc.r.ou6 soits, P 3orotion
in.reases {ith tncrcssins C5CO3 6nd ill-delin.d orsanic natt€r as
.xpl.ined e.rll€.. Horcver, th.s. equationr ol p'ed'ctrns 4r
t.f.nt. lurth.r t.stitrs und.r field conditiorr.

Onc of the E.tn soil constraint in ciop productlon is the

phosph.te avsitability. An itrproveDert iD tb€ ass.ssEent oethods
or available soil P is requi.ed in c.oppins part.rns becaus€ of
th€ variability of the aBricutturat syst.os and the 1..se nDobe.
of l6ctofs Fhich dcterDine the crop yield, In ar attcmpt io d.al
iith this prob1.n. an idea oi usins th€.atios of P test values
or..sin (bic.rbonate forb) extractabl. Irbile-p (pil) .nd otsen
bic$bonate {OP) tr€thods (PirloP). po3st!ly relst€d to soil p
butl.rrnA .ap.crty. jn corb,nar'on *rlh th.iF n€rnods
For th6t purpo3o, l9 alkaline catcareous soils
(0-30 cD layer) r€presenting a ride ransc of properti.s i€r. used
rith iaitial t...to.nt ot 0. 30,60.nd 9O dS p/ks soir in th.
sr..nho!s. exp.rioents involvins a c.op rot.tion (rh.ar-sorshun-
rheat), rnd in th. labor.to.y incubation experine.t fo. relating
Pil rith OP and d€v€lopirg P fertilizer 6vail.bitlty indice3
Quantities ot P ext..ct.d by op snd pil D.thods before
c.opping eithout the P addition, si3niticatrtly ..tar.d,ith
relative yield 6nd P-urtak€ ol all th€ crops of tie rotation,
Hor.ver, for th.s. .el6tlonships in so.ahu! (2nd crop),
p.rtltioni.s of sooe soils cont.inirs hisher nativ. P ras ne€ded.
I. tb.s. ielationships, th. inclusion ot Pil/Op..tio iDp.oved
th. R2 values for..tativ. yi€ld ot firs.
upt6ke for second crop in conbtn6tion nith pil Dethod, bDr not
Hosever, for relative yi€lds. th. OP nethod
.lonc i.s found th. lest to use and it ras not attectcd by pil/op
ratio. Thc rclrtionships ot Pillop r!tio rirh pl!rt relative
yi€ld and P-uptake ie.e dir.ct in conbinstion rirh OP rethod, tJut
inv..se atons *ith Pir oethod. Th€ tvo trerhod ! test ratio
(Pitlo!) roushly r6l.t€d to roil P b!ticrins capactty, indicstes
soDe differenc.s in P extraction by oP D€thod l.oo a roq-p

sat!.ation to a hiah P s,tu.stion soir conditions. op b.thod

extracted coopsratively lo* P fron the ralit.-? pool under. lor_
P soil satu16tion conditions, this underlines the inpo.tdnce oi
aroupi.a soils of rhe saoe texture a.d eln.ralosy toaether for
soil test c.libfAtion. toth pil and op E.thods at their c.itical
of 23 and 13 !s P/k! soir resp.ctivety resltt.d jn
about 751 relrtiv€ yietd ol tirst clop ot the rotati;r, These
soil ? c.itical levels rerc tound Iod rith subs.quent tro crops
of the rotation psrticul6rly i. case ot Op Dethod, indicatins the
specificity of this soil p.raoeter to ccrt.in soil_crop
ritb tbe sao€ €rtracr.nt.
Th. soils sbored oa.*€d v..iation i, p.rr.actahitity f,ith
both nethod3 d.p.ndins on their ch..acteristics. Fron the
equations d€v€)oped unde! v.rioDs p levels, rhe soil Irbile p
pool .an ne prcdicted frod th€ p test v!lues of a routine Op
'ith .e.son.bte accufucy. This shors thst .ny t€st courd
b. used to d€teinine P avairabitity index (pi).
ln the laborstory €xp€.iD.nt for d€v€lopi.s Fi usiDs soil
t€st values ol both lar'ile-p (3Fi) and Olscn-p n€rhods (hi), a
7-d6y incubation p€riod is sufficient. Diffe.ent eq!6rions.re
ne.dcd to pr.dict !i Dndcr ditf.rent soil p status and c.op
scquence. lor rr;, roOer a loi-p soit s!ruratron condirion in
li.st crop ot th. .oration, pit/Op..tio 6nd hydrous oxid.s are
th€ effective soil paraneters inlluencina.Fi to plants. For
ht, .o"trv Op 3nd orsaric n6tr€r a.e involved in th€ equations,
In lddition to th.s. soit pa.aheters, CsCO3, pil and pjt/Op rario
sc.o oo.e effectiv. on ,Fi .xpr6inins about 9Ot of v..iation at
nod€.ate to hiah level of ? 6pptication during first crop of the
.ot.tion, The bft a.""ropua rith the use ot soil test vslu.s of
0P netbod c6n be use<t tor practical pu.pos€6, and need turth€.
t.3tinA includinA orsanic P {ith fi€ld sro{D crops.

Unde. the cooplex and ill-defincd soil phosph.te chenistry, no

nethod of testing soil 6v.il6bl€ p pe.forns adcquately.cross a
Fide ranse ot soi ls. the h.thods hsve be€n desisned to n€et th€
specilic condition unde. rhich thc crops 5r€ intended to €ror.
Und€. such a situation, th€.es€erchers 6re tryins to understand
the soil ? for its b€tter prediction of !v!itability to plants.
Foi this pulpos€, the ratjo of p !est values of resin
(bicarhonate foro) and Olsen bic.rbonate octhods (labile-p/otsen
!) n.s evaluated in coDbi!5tion iith soil p quantity factor
(Olsen-P and labile-p), bascd on its possibly.elated to soil p
t'uffe.ins capacity. i. pot lnd labo.story exp€.ihcnts.
exp..rDents on thre. crops in .otation (rh.. t-so rshuo,,hea t )
trsiDa ridely r.naina, prc-tr€at.d l9 alk.line calcareous soits
(0-30 co layer) rith tour lev.ls of p; 6nd t.boratory incutr.tion
experinents re.e conductcd to ,etat. th€ soi I p and other
cnaracteristics rith plr.t yt€ld lnd p-uprake

6.1: Soil P Ch.ltct.ri.tt.s .ad pttnt R.sponse

Ninet.e. soits F.r. tre!ted,ith O, 30, 60, .nd 9O oS p/ks soit
rn th.ee..plicarlons,6t the start of pot €xp€rinent invorvirs a
of rh6.t-sorShuo-rh€ar. Aft€r a ,€€k 6f p oixins,
first qhear No 6ddition6l P applied 16 the
crops in orde. to study its.€sidual effcct on
A stand6rd dosc ot N ias siven to .ach crop,

6. 1.: tlhett (tst .rop)


Before soqins ciop, the soils d.rc anatyz.d fo. labil€-p and
olsen-P test values th.oush resin (bic6rbon.te torn) and Orsen
bicarbon.tc rethods, Pour plants p.r pot {€.€ alloned.td sros,
and aftet 72 days pl6nt dry natter yleld and p,uptake ircludins
.oors s€re deternined, Rel.tionships of soit
rabile-P, Otsen-P and l6bil€-p/Ols6n-p ratio
Datter yield ard P-uptale r.r. inv.stiEat.d usins linear oultipl.
..Aression an.lysis rith th. fotlo'ina conclusions:
i, Both resi! (labire-P) .nd Olsen-P rethods explain 6bout l5I
of ihe va.i6tion in rel6tiv. yield and P_upt6ke
corrdspondina to their P tost valu.s of 20.3 to 25,5 nalk€
soil and l2.l to 13.6 h3lk3 soil resp.ctively, ritb th€ both
methods Perfornins .qual ly.
ii, The critical concent.ation olrcsin.xtractabl€ labile-P and
that of Olsen_P Dcthod can b€ 66tub€d to be 23.nd l3 ns
P/ks soir respecttvely lor optioun r€lative yleld.
iii. Labire-P/Olsen-? 16tlos In conbination nitb labile_P o€thod
sive siaDificsnt inprov.hent iD th. co€lficient of
det€rnination of rearession €quations describina tbe
relationships of relativ. yi.ld and P_uptake. but tbeir
contiibution i. tb. ioprov€o.nt of these relatio.ships is
dot sianilicrnt rith Ols.n-P D.thod, indicatirs th.t Olsen-P
could be used rithout l.bile-P.
iv. L.t,ile-P/Orsen-P r.tios r.l.t. i.verselt to plant relative
yield a.d P-uptak.; but alon3 rith Olsen-l test valu€s. th€
ratios shoe di.€ct ..l.tionships rith these pl.nt

v, Labil.-Plols€n-P 16tlo3 c.n b. us€d as a surroBate ror soiL

? bufferina capacity, p.rtlcul..ly in cobbination ?ith
labil€-P tsethod, However. this should be tesied dir€ctly
rith bifferi.A c6p6city ol ea.h soil o€.sur€d.
vi. Labite-l/Otsen-P rrtios tndic!te the loier proportion of P
extract.bility by Ol.en hcthod froE a lot-P soil satu..tio.
(rike D.tive soil P) as cohpsred to tbat ol a hi3h-P soil
saturated conditions.

6.1.2: Sorahu (2nd crop)

B€fo.e so'ins so.shu!. ..ch soil i. the pot tas analyzed for
resin extractahle labilc-P rnd 0ls.n-P t.st valu.s. lou. plants
of the crop xer€ allored to B.oi for,l0 days. Plant dry D.tt€r
rel.tive yjeld .nd P-upt.k€ incrudins roots iere.elated rith
soil P cha.acte.istics as o€ntioncd in the first crop *ith
folloiitra conclusions.
i. Both..sin (t.bire-p) lnd Ols..-p bethods explain 6bout SOt
of the varirtion in..l.tlv. yield and p_uptatei horeve, for
tn.se .eratiob.hip.. soo. soils fiavina hiah nativ. p ar.
.rc luded f.oD rh. r€3r€ssion.nalysrs.
ii. lbe c.iricat l€v.ls of ..sin ert.acr.bte labil€_p 6nd
0lsen-P oethods 1ie nca. 20 snd 7,s os p/k3 soil
respectively for optiouo rel.tive yi.1d. this iDdtc6tca
tbat Olsen-! differentiates betpeon difter€nt p requi!en€nt
of crops (wh€.t vs 6orshun).
iii, labile-t/Olsen-p .6tios in coDbinatron pith labile_p
sive sisniticant inp.ov.rent in r!e coefficioit ol
dete.oinatiod ot rea.€ssion .qusrions describirA th.
rel6tionsbips ot .elative yicld .nd p-uptake, but
cont.ibution in th. ioprov.D.nt of these rerationships i5
not siarific.nt,ith Ols.n_p !crhod. as atso found in c.s.
of first rheat crop ot th6 ror.trotr.
iv. In coobination rith labile-p test varu€s, rabjl€_p/Olser-p
..tios rel.t€ inv..sely to ptant .eraiive yi.rd rnd p_
uptake; but alons rith Ol3.n_p rest varues, rhe
ratios 3ho{
direct relatianships with thes€ ptant paratretors, as found
in the Iirst {heat crop of th€ !otarron.
v, Planr P-uprak" is lo* fr.n resjdust ,o,I p .\ compared
rresh soi I P.
vi, nesin neth6d (labile-p) is slishtly betrer th6n Olscn
in accounri.s the soil inorganic rraction differ.nccs
r.duced by P.nd plant cro,th. .s obs..ved in the resr.ssion
diff€..nt 30iIs inctudins soil .r rith hiah.r
vii. Co6p.i,tivety hi6h.r v.lu.s ot labile_?/Otsen_p trero..
soring th., those bef6.e th. first crop sorinS
.eflected the fact that olse._p decreased 00r. th6n l6bile_
P, this iDdicste6 th6t Olser_p is no.e susceptrbrc to F
avsilability changes due to pl6nt !_upta*e by previous crops

and P firation, In all P fertilizstion reduc€d

lahi l.-PlOl s.n-? r!t io,

5.1 .3: llhatt (3r., ctop)

Each soil ol the pots was analyzed foi tabile-! and Olsen-p
befo!e roiina third eheat crop. !ou. plsnts of the c.op werc
kept and hrrv.sted att.. 62 days. !lart d.y natt€r yieid qas
lorer th.n in the first c.op, perbaps du. to the restrict€d
s.o*th caDsed by tbe liDiti.g nutrients rite (.rd rrace ete6.nts
durins th. third crop of th. rotation. ptant dry 06tte. relativ€
yield and P-uptate ne.€ rel.t€d rirh !he soil p cha.a.t€ristics
as nention€d in the previous c.ops. ihe res!tts irdicate that:
i. goth labil€-P and Olsen,? nethods 3ive sisnificant
r.latlonships rith plant .elative yicld and p_uptake.
Ilorever, the coefli.ient ot d€tcrEinatio.s of rhcsc
rel.tionsbips are lo'€r in thi.d crop th6n in the lirsr
crop, p..haps bec.us. ot restrict6d pl.nt aro,th du6 to
d.ti€i.ncy of sone otle. nut.i€nts in.ddition to p.
ii. The critical P test values of !esin .xtr.ctable tabil._p
aDd Olsen-P hethods are near 6 and 20 ns p/Ls soi I
respectively for the tbird wheat crop of the roration. This
perhapr indicates th6t Otsen p is bole sensitive to soil
corditions .nd tor.. yields.
iii. I,abil.-PlOlsen-P r.tjo in coobin,tion ,ith Ols€n-p Dethod
shors sliaht iDprov.oent in the r€s!.ssio, equations ot
pi.nr relative yield 5nd p-uptake of tbird c.op of the
ror6tioD, but tts .ont.ibution is st.tistically non_

6.2: R.l.tlonship A.t.een Ltbit.-p taat Ots.i-p

A labor.tory incubatior.xp€riD.nr ras conducted by t.eati.s the
saoe l9 soils rith 0, 30, 60, .nd 90 oa p/t! soil at 2513.C
sith a coupl€ of rate..dditions to b.ina th. satrples to fi.ld
capaci ty l.v.l for.6-month p.rrod. R.3ln (btc.rbonare rorm)
extractabl€ labile-p aDd Ols€n,p (bicartronste) *e.e deternin.d
after a 7-day and.6-Donrh to find our the r.lationship bet{een
labil€-P and Ols€n-P by usiha I in.a. ree.ess i on .nalys's

i. Lrbil.-P relat€s lin66rly to the anount ot p exrracted by

the OIsen nethod atte. a 7-tlay and a 6-month incubarion.
ii. Siflil6r retdtionship bet{een labite-p and Olsen-p values is
found in the pot experim€nt.
iii, Labile-P c.n be estid6ted f106 Olsen-p test vatues eiih

6.3: F.ftilit.. P Ae.iltbi!ity rnd.x ia R.t.tion to praot s.d

Soi I Chtttcte!istics
Fron the labite-P and Ol.en-p soil t€st values deta.nin€d in th€
labor.tory .xpe.ioent leDttoned abovo at a 7-d6y lnd a 6_00nth
1nclbation, l.rtitiz€r p svaiia!irity indices (Fi) ve.e developed
based upon l.bi1€-p (tFi) and Ols€n-p {DFi) ,ith th€ help of a
report.d Jon.s equstion usina their initiat sotl vatu.s tjefo.e
incub.tio.6nd add€d fe.tilizer p..tes ot 30, 60. .nd 90 os p/!S
soil. R.lstionship betreen Fi and soil p ch.r.cr.ristics a.d
pl.nt par6tr.t.rs in rh. por experibenr f,.r. assessed usrns a
I inear r€gr€ssi on an.lys:s, A st€pnise Dultiple .es.ession
p€.foroed us1n3 Fi as depcndent v6ri.ble and various
soil char.cte.istics includins ! test values aDd th€i]Jatios
deteroined belo.e each crop of pot eapc.iocnt as independent
valiables in €qu.tions lor th. predictio! ot
Fi. Th. r.s!1ts indic.tc thatr
i. A ?-dsy incutration is fc.sibt. to d€velop borh ,rr,na h,
due to thei. better corr.lation co€ftici.rt rith soil p
ch.ract€ristics and ptant paraEeters
ii. Both labire-! a.d Olr€n-p soil test v6lues are ,ell
colrclared rith ari .nd +i i, qbole of the crop.otation,
iii, !lant .el.tive yield sho, hishty sig.ificlnt correlation
{ith aFi in troth rh..t crops.t 60 Ec P/tA 50i I treatlent.
but not in so.shuD. fo. ofi, these r.l!tiorships rer€ atso
sisnific!trt in fi.st tio crops.nd hiAhly sianificant for
third crop of the rot6tioD.

LabiLe-P/O1sen-P.6tios a.e p6orlv corrclated iith 'Fi and

+i. but its correlation is sen€.ally n.s!tive.
Plaot !-uptate is poo.ly cor.el.t.d tith aFi .nd DIi;
horev.. 'Fi pa..r.tcr shors a sene.al ioproved co...lttion
nith plant P-upt.k€ in tbe lirst f,he.t crop at all soil P

vi. In st€p*ise nultiple resr€ssion anarvsis, difterent soil

.h..actetl3tics relate tith Fi unde. diff€.€nt soil P lev.ls
ald ctop tn the rotation,
vii. Fo! tFi in ge.eral, ..sin extract'bI. labite-P and soil
orsanic !.ttcr tate plrt in the pr.diction of aFi €qu.tions
in this crop sequ€nce r! dirrerert P l€v€rs aFi increases
pith an itcr€ase in labilc-P test valu.s and, decrcase in
soil o.ssnic hatter p.rh6ps due to itt chclst€d A1 andlor F€
,cti.A lik. hydrous oxide surf6ces loterins th. P
sioil.rly lor hi. oostlv olseo_P !nd
o.sanic o.tt.r t.le prrt in t!. .qu.tions, but C.C03,
labile-! ard rabire-?/Otsen-P .atio .re slso involv.d 6t
noder!t. to hish level ol P durins ftr3t {h€.t crop of the

iix, Durin! first 'ri i"..eascs 'ith a decr..s. i.

both A12O3.nd Fe2O3 and increase in l.bil.-PlOlsen-P r.tio
ai lor P ssturation (tith 1o' ? .ddition). loi.v.. the
effect ol lrbile-P/Ol3.n_P ratio p.r.!.t.. i' thst rcsP.ct
is rev.rsed in the third crop that r€ed6 further t€stina
ix, Olt.n-l hethod tas .ble to a.count lor th. pot and
labor.tory expe.iDent5l va.iabl€s with re6sonabl€ accur.cv
in ass.ssins soil P svailability p.rticularlv for th€ first
c.op of the rotatiot. lhe sane c.n be stid for l.trile-P.
x. L.bire-P/Ols€n-? .atios and hvdtous oxid. co.tents or th.
soils !rc .bl. to pr.dict fe!tiriz€r l.vtilatrititv b.s.d
upon l6btre-P (3Fi) at.los-P saturdtlon particularlv in
first crop of the.otation


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:l .Tli l,,T',",1,j',"_#',."i;t
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{a!rr 6nd \s!co] .xtr..t! |ro! soi j' so' l
:d;,'Si:*':h.1'.':"Ji."i-."Jf.""** av.i,.b, r,ry in . ca,@,6c
rillie,J,D,ll., L(.SJ.B. a.d I.r,tt!tk.r, 196?.
cr:#*"" .H1ir''"";';r''ffj;'H LTjitr";1".":!,iy"illi
""' T,i!d,, # iJiJi ;*i,i.ilf i; ,:il
"LI#^l:': l:1:;*'1'.",:,.::
""""{ii:!ll s:[]:--"11',."T,,"r'.;*]"u,,i:,Ji",,*i"*,_-* d;p'-;
"'""T;*i;,,T,"i,- 3',tii^"l"it;",lill;. yillf liil .".t.'*::";.i*i:i;ft :
' if"';lillH*l:# *:i,:?i':,'""1'..::'JTi:I?i,-6:us.,re$c
I Lrbtl.-P in soir b.to.. rorina Pbeat (l3t crdt) xith 0 b3
soil tr..toent (rith nltiv. P) .ppli.d !.lot. th. sta.t of

RI x2
3 12.! 12,8
t2.a tt.a t2.? t2.l
71.1 21.1
3 sl.t
r 8.0
5,9 6.0
I1.8 I t.6 I t,6 lt.1
5l ,4 50,2 50,3
16.0 16. I
5 21 ,0 20.7 20,3

a ?.0 8.9
4.2 la.2

Appendir 2 hbil.-P in soil betor.6ortn!

.ol I tr..to.nt 6ppli€d b.lor.
!abt l.-P
---"--'--- ------ k3/Ea
RI R2 t3
i s1 .9
32.6 73.2
5 x2.1
28,1 24.8 23. S

39,5 33.1
2 33,2
l 59.
36,5 3s. I
,?.5 41.6
33.6 31.9
,8.9 39.2

Appendix 3 Labil6-Pin soir betor. sorin€ ehe.t (Ist croP)

soil tr€6toent applied b.fore the stort ol crop
Labi l.-P
------- ----------- tt /kt

31 ,2
33.3 la.2

i 12.1
59,5 60.3
5 s3.3 s3.6
1 60.0

Llbi l.-P in soil belors croP)

'ith 90 trl P/r!
soi I trestr€.t apPl ied b.tor. th€ s tart of
"'-'-------------- w/kg
RI R.l

6l .,r
65.2 65.2
3 115, 3 tt7,7

i 53.2 53,2 53,0

32,1 73,5

36,5 36,9
lpp..dix 5 Olr€n-P in soi I
soil r..atoent
orsen-P (NIICO! €xt.actabte) in soi I
--- ^a/k3 soi l
nl R3

| 5.7 t 5.6
29,5 29.3

\9,2 t9.I t9,t
9,3 3.3 3.3
t2, I t2.3 12. I
t3,9 13.7 r !,7

App.rdix 6 Ols€n-P in soil b.lore crop) rith 30 tr8 P/kg

.oil tr.,tD.nt.ppli.d
Ors€.-? (NallCOr drtractable) in soi I
ns/tu rlt I --- -------------
R2 R3

2. 3l .3 30.8 !0.3
6 21.2 2t.0

t3.2 13,2 t3,t

23,2 23,8
t2,6 13,0
3 3l,l 30.3
23,l 25.2
zt.9 22 -2 2t,9
71 ,5 23.0
23.2 23.6

Ols.n-P in soir befor. crop) qith 60 ms P/k!

soil tr.atbent appti.d
Ors..-P {N.HCOr .xtnctabl€l in soi I
'----- w/kE soi I
RI R2 R]

5 26.9 26.9
t2,1 32.7 12.7
9 12.0 22.0 2t.3
I 20. t
2 t1.6 17.3
5 37.1
2A.S 23,5
3 3J,2 33.2 33, r

Ols.n-P i. soil befor. crop) 90 d! P/*!

soil tr..to.nt applicd 'ith
Olsen-P (NdHmr .xtractabre) in soil
ns/ks sot t -------'-'-':'----
RI R2 R3 Mean


58.8 58.t
27 -5
2 13,5
54.3 53.1
60. I

Appe.dix 9 Dry oatter yield ol abeat (lst crop) rith 0 oa !/ks soil (iith
native P) !r.ataen! applled before th€ sta.t of

RI R2 RI R2 R] Ie.n {Shoot neao +

I 0,69 0.05 0,75

0. s2
2,tl L30 0.23 0.33 0.36 0.32 2,12
5 0.33 o.32 0,22
7 1.55 2.32 o.22 0, to 0.3 r
3.53 2,53
9 0,69 0.5 t 0.30 0,53 0,33 0.55
2 1.29
3 2.84 2.66 2.11 0,33 0. al 0.32 o.a1 3.03
1.93 r.12 t.63 1.78 2.32
5 1,34 l.6l 1.80 0, 13 0. 15
3.t8 l.2a 2.98 3. 15 0.?0 0.50 o.62 3.7 5
.22 o.27 ,35

Appe.dix l0 Dry Ddtter yield or sh€at (lst crop) ,ith 30 De l/ks,oit

tr..t.ent lppli.d ot cro, rotation.

tl R) a3 R' R2 R] Ic.n {shoot Dean +

3/ke soi I ----
I 0,69 o.1a 0.07 0,04
2 3,62 3,59 1. l5 0,5 r 0.51 0,70 0,57
3 2.58 2,61 1.00 3,60
2.32 0.32

2,57 3,33
2.94 2.91
2.72 2.6f, 2.64 2.68 0,32
3. 13 o,62 0,53
2.95 2.62 2.60 2.72 3.29
2,42 3,53
3.62 3.22 t,06
5 3.3S 3.l t 3.31
3.1a t ,01
3 2.42
9 .1,08 4,12 3.93 t,t2 0.88 0.86 0,95 1.93
lpp€ndir 11 Dryoatter yierd oi (,st crop) tith 60 !s ?/ts soil
'h..t thc atart
treatrent appli.d b.lo.e of crop rotation.

R' R2 R3 R2 R3 Itear {Shoot eean +

-- 3/t3 soil - - --

2 0.65 0,52
2.91 3.l7
2.94 2.Al 0. t3 0,23 2,32

3 0.63
3,10 3.09 0.33
3.36 3.37 0.52 .1, l9
I 3.24

5 3.29 3.63 3.33 3. a3 0,31

0,35 0.75 1.03 0,37
t ,l1 t.22

mtter yicld ol *heat (lst crop) 90 ba P/ta soit

treatrent appl i.d belo.e rb€ 3r.rr 'ith

RI R2 RJ R2 Iead {shoot rcan +

2 3,33 0.65
2,l3 l 53 2.O1 L9t 0,23 4.26 2.t1
5 2.43 2,75
3,37 0,23 0,31 4.52 3.39
E,X2 3.0.1
0.52 0,60
3. t2 0,33 0,33 0.30
4.56 0,12
2 3.S9
3.39 3.29 3.35
3.3 t

3_ 36 l l8 0.9? L02
Appendix 13 Phorpho.rs concentratlon of rheat
tr.!t!€nt ('ith n.tiY. P) .PPlied
.orar ioo.


0.241 0. 120
o.281 o.273 0.243 0.231

3 o,2rx 0.193
0.193 0,203 0, 133
0.225 0.256
0,133 0,193 0, 9
0.208 0,242
0.264 0.252
0.203 0.203 0,208 0, 133
D.225 0.233
0.233 0.203 0.215 0.217
8 0. t73 o-212 0.189 0.l3t

14 ?hosphorur corcent.ation of rheat (lst crop) rith 30 .s P/ra

aPpt i€d b.lor. the sa.rt ol crop rot.tior,

RI R2 R3

0.381 0,331
2 0.321
3 0.241 0.261
0. r05 o.247 0.291 02
5 0.203 0.132 32
o.223 o.2x1 l3
0.250 0.252 63
0.227 0,
2 0.231 4,237 0,
0.252 0.231 0,259 36
0.19s 0.212 0,242
5 0,242
0.233 o.233 0,224 0,231 53
o.237 a2
Due to srall quartity ol .oot oas. p€r pot, the thr..
poot.d for alys is.
App.nd'x rs Phospho'us con..ntr.tion ot .he6l (lst croP) rith 60 oa P/ks
soil t.eatlent applied b6lot€ the

n2 R3 llean of drpr icate

2 0,305 0,335
3 0,3t3 o.243 a,242
o.323 0.331 0,323
5 0,205 0.215 0.219
0.213 0.225 0.153
0.233 0,237 0.2t2
3 0.27 |
9 0.200 0.212 0.213
0.251 0.253
0,350 0.355
0.233 0,218
0,253 0.252 0.2s I
0.133 o.212 0.135
l3 o.213 0,252
t9 o.291 0,310 0. l.l5

l6 ?bospho.us conc.nt.ation ol 'hett (lst c.op) 'ith e0 4 P/tg

tPtli.d b.lo.. the start ol croP rotation.


0.266 0,2J !
0.225 0,112
0,253 0.213
0.255 o.214 o,266 0.210
o.231 0.2,r0 0.t3l
0.252 0.243 4.246 0.l3l
0,23 t 0.343


Dne to sD6ll qu.ntity oi .oot .6ss per Pot. the th.ee

rePl icates iere pooled

Appe.dir l7 Total phosphorus nptak. by wheat (lrt o.op) vith 0 os P/ka sdil
('ith nstive P) t.e.to.rt apPlied bclorc the st6rt or croP

Rl x2 R! RI R2

' a3/*3 soi I --

t.72 1,64 ,,33 0.06
2 8.95 4.22 3,93 9,33
0.53 5.54
0,39 0.91
2,93 3.53
3,86 4,39 5.63 0.33 0.65

2.91 2.62 2.65 2-13 2.96
5 3,?! 3,51 0.33 0,23 0.31 0.31
6,11 3,3 3
2.40 2,44 2,33 2.27 0.2s 2,55
3 0,33 0.7 t 2,45
3,09 o.32

-_ 18 Totat phosphorus uttak. bv rhest (lst c&P) 'ith 30 os ?/ka soil
tieatlaot;ptlied berore th€ start ot croP rot!tion'

nl R2

'--- 4/k3 soi t

11,60 I l.13 0.33 l,13 0.93

5.07 4.32 !,15 0,43 5.37

9.96 1.99 1.ta 3.5 t 0.30 o.73
6.25 3.70 5- 3a 0.42
0.32 8,55
a s. l5
8.39 3,53 a.t2 L05 0.83
i g. l9 7. 15 1,2 7.52 0.89 0,62
a.a1 4.69 3.66 1.20 1.03

t.2a t.2a tr,5t

8.3 t 3,55 0,93 1.03
8.54 10,38 6,41 8.50 l l3 0.92 0.90 1.00 9.50
Appendrx l9.orat phospho.u5 uprak. c,opj {irh 60 @s p/ks.orl
lhe star( oI crop rotarion,

RI R2 R3 RI R3 Ite.n {Shoot iean }

Ro6r eean)

r 1.93 I .10 13.13

3 I,t3 9.81
0.53 ?.33
5 5.91 0,33 | ,00

.13 t.21
0 t0.13
I 0, ?3 a.2l
7.56 0.34 o.92
2,11 2.97

,21 .59
7 ,27 13,3 t 1,65 .19 t2.21

apppndix 2o rolal phospho'us upt.r. by,heat (tsr crop) riih 90 rp p/ki sorl
betore ih- srarr or c.oF ,oral ion.

RI R3 Rt t2
'--- -- ag/ke rat I


a .20
6.48 .05 3.6 r
8,82 3,93 9. t3 ,32 ,7r 10.36
3.2X 4,32
2 ta,2x
1 7.94 3,33
12.35 13.3 t t-24 ,33

Appendix 2l Labire-P i. soil belo.e sori.e so.ahuD

.esidu.l P of 0 Da P/*s soil t.eatDent ({ith nativ. soir P)
6pplied at the start of c.op rotation.
labi l€-P in soi I
-----------.e/Le toi l
tt R2 R]
3.3 3,6

5, 5,3

APPendix 22 Labire-? in soil belo.€ sorina sorahuD (2nd ctop) fro!

residral ! ol 30 os P/La soil tre6tD.nt applied b.lore the
start of c.op rot6t ion.
Labi le-P in soi I
----------'- Dt/ke soi I
R2 R3

2 72.2
20.2 2t.a 2t,7 21.0

16.2 t 6.5
2,3.3 22.7 21.3
3 13.3
2a.a 24. I 21.4 24.2

Appcndix 23 L6bile-Pir soil befo..
.esidu.l of 60 !s P/ks
P appl icd befor. the
.ta.t ol crop rotatio.,
Labi l.-P
RT 82 RI

32.7 32.1
3 98.3
30,2 3l .0 30,6
i 27.2 27 ,5 24. I

5l ,5 52. s 5l .,r

lppendix 24 LAbil6-P in soil t'elo.6 soiins

r6sidu.l P ol 90 !s P/ks soil apPl ied belore the
ltait ol crdp rotatioo,
Labil€-P in soi I
t3/k3 soil - ------------
RI R2 R3

46,5 83.0 85.a a1 ,l
5 5I.7 50.9

u 3,6

37.5 39,5 33.9


63,6 53,3
72.2 12.a 72.3
ApPendix 25 Orser-Pin soil h.fo.e 3orins so.ahur (2od crop ) lror
residual P ol 0 oa P/x! soil tre.trent (rith dtive soil
rh..t.rr ol
olsen-P (I.fiClr .xt..ctable) ir soil
ta/ta soi I ------------- '
RI t2 RI

t t6,2 r 5.5
2.4 3.0

3 20,5 2t.l
2,5 2.4 2.2 2,5
2 3.3 3,3
3 12. I t2.9
3.4 3,5
I 5.3
9 r.a ,|.3

ApFendix 25 Olsen P i. soit betor€.orina 6o.$u! (2nd crop ) fro.

.esidtral P oa 30 !! ?/ta soit tr€lt.ent appried before the
start of c.op.ot6tion.
Olsen-P (N.tlcg! extrsotabl.) iD soil
M/4 s.i I
RI R2 t.l
29,4 23,0 2A,9
30,0 30.2
5 ll.3
22.2 2t,4
33.1 33.6
5.6 5,9

3 22.2 22.s
1 1.3
APpendix 2? Olsen-? in sotl beloro so,ins so.Bhun (2nd crop ) fror
residual P of 60 ns p/ka soit treatoent .ppl ied bero.e the
Itart or croP rotarion,
olsen-P (N.ucor e{rractabt€) rd 3oit
-*, ---- ---*, Pa/La -----
"il Ri U"".

3 t 3,3
5 21.9 21.4 22. I
27 .1
t2.9 13, I t2.9
21.4 25.3
26. I 26 _2
t3.2 rl,l
24.5 23,0

26.1 21.2
3 23.7 23,7 23.4

apPendir 23 ors.n-P in soi rorshu' (2nd croF ) froo

residual P of tr€atbent 6ppli€d betore the
start ot c.op
OIs.n-P (il.XCOr.rt.6ca.ble, in ,oi t
aa/la soil ---- ----. --
dr R2 Rl tean

35.2 36,0

38.4 3?.3


Appendix 29 Dry Datt€r yield ol sorahutr (2nd orop) lroo !e5idlal P of

0 os P/ka soil !reatlent (rith native soit P) applied befo.e the
strrt of c.op 16rat ion,

RI n2 R] nl

0- l3 0,25 0.22

0, l3
o,24 0,t3
4.29 0.09
5 0.20
|,22 0.91 t.53 l.2s 0,20 0, 15 0, 15 0. l7
0. l3

Appendix 30 Dry !6rt.r yierd ot so.shuo (2nd c.op) t.o! r.sidral p of

*" h€.t!.nr 6ppried befo.. rh. 3ta.t or dop

RI R2 RI R2 R3 Iean {shoot dean +

t,03 ,l7 D-26 0.22 .21
5 o.1x 0,37 o.3l 0,35 0.24 0.22 0,21 .03
1,00 l.l3 0, 13 0. 19 .39
0,31 A.22
l 60
0.r8 0.t2
0,2! 0.2a 0_ 23 0.2S o.73
,54 0,22 0.32
.s1 t.92 -52
2 -2r
r.33 0.23 0.21 .33
3 t.t6
0,93 0. 13 0, 17
App.ndix 3l Dr, tratter yield ol so.3hrn (2!d crop) lroi .esidu6l
60 !a P/ra soi t treat!€nt applied belore the sr.rt of

a2 R3 R2 Iea. {shoot trean +

.31 0.50 0,50
l _58 ,35 4.23
5 .31 L59
.08 ,t2 0. l3
9 I.0t 0.59 0.?3
0 2.21
2,00 x.01 0.33 0,35 o.33
o.33 0.27 t.73
3 r,32 ,.90 2.52 2.04 o.a7
5 1,63 z,33 2.23 2,03 0.24 o.24 o,21
2.t8 2,71 2.39 o,28
t.7 t 2-r3
L,l0 t.00 0,35 0.33

App.ndix 32 D.y latte. yi.ld ol ro.lhuD (2od orop) fron residual ? or

90 !a P/ra.dil treatm.nt applied b€fo.€ the rtart of crop

R) R] RI R2 R3 leon {Shoot D€cn +

l.l2 ,,0 0.33

2.19 0,50
3 0,95 1, 19 .03 0. l,l l.l7
.12 .21 .24 l.a3
0.31 2.05
2,15 2,26 2.03 0,32 o.27 2.35

2,65 2.26 2.65 0.55 0.55 0,63 3.21

3 t.a5 2,51 r.65
L09 0.35 0,33

ApPendix 33 Phorphorus Corcent.stion ol croP) i.oD residuat P

of 0 os P/ts soil t..6ttr.nt P) apptied before the
3t6rt of croP rotat ion.

R: R2 .tean

0. 123

0.20t 0.215
0. 120 0.115 0_215
0,230 0.255 0.263
0, t25 0.1l3 o.2s6
4.223 0.2r5
0.199 0.202 0,213
0,200 o.229 4.222

Arpendir 34 Phorphorus Conce.tration ol

of 30 !a P/ts soil t.eatoent appli€d befo.€ the


0, 2

5 0.153 0,,30 0_ 130 0. 1?1 0.160 0.192

0,213 0,21s 0,233 0.233
0,199 0,135 0, 135 0.190 0,190 0.223
0,205 0,202 0.201 0.202
o.2a2 0,236
o.2s2 o.224 0.220
0,235 0.2!6

or dupl icate estjoatlon (Du€ to qud.tjty of root nass rer

App..dir 3s Phospbo.us concenr'stjon of
of 60 6a !/ta soil t.e.toent aPPli€d b€f6re the

nt R2 RI R2

5 0,165 4.224 0.215

0,234 0.241 0,213 a.243
a.2t 1
0.22s o.223
, 0.250 0,250 o.2t4
0.267 o.267 0.260 0.26! 0,230 0.264
3 0.240 0.255 0,241 0.233 0.211
0.206 o,282 o.242
I o,214 o.263
o,242 0,213 4.232
o.261 o.230

Appeddix 16 ?hospho.us Concetrtration ol

ol 90 oe P/Ia soil tre.t!.!t appl i€d b.lor. the

RI R) Rl R2 .lean

0.225 0,233 0.233 0.255 0.217
0.135 0. r3t
3 0,215 0.225
5 0.254 4.243 0.216
0.zaz 4,244 0.232
0. ttl o.202 0.280
0.229 4.220 0.22,5
o.2tI 0.255 0,255 0.255
dupl ic.t€ esaiDation (Due to s'all quantity of root .a3s r€r
thr€e .€plicates'.r. pooled
ApPendix l? To!rl phorpho,u! upl.r. by sorshuD r2nd cropr lrotr r.sr.lual p
crop rot.t ion,

RI R2 xean {shoot lean +

0. s2
0.02 0. 1?
1 ,22 0.59 0,33
1.63 0.52 0.35 2. 26
3,lr 4.23 0.78
0.52 o.23 0,23
5 l,35 l 39 1.33
2.7 | 3.16 3. l5
4.42 0,25 0.30
0.75 0,20 0.33
APPendix 33 Total phosphorus upt.l. by so,shuE (2nd cropj rr.D r€srdurl p
soir tre6toent aPpr'ed b€'ore thP
::,:i,::."'" 'tort or c'or

RI R2 R3 RI R2 R3 Iean {Shoot oean +

3 .35 0.5
,22 .l3 0,52
o.62 .33
3, 13
3 1.30 2,l l
3,t3 2. SJ 1.8 2.Sr 1.13 r -t2 0,36 t.21
0,50 r.33
3.25 0,52 0.71
1.32 s,?t o.75
t.79 4,27
5 4.10 o.12
3.79 3,85 1.t2 0,46 0.50 0.17 l.59
2.tl 4.12 2,50
App.ndix 39 Total phosphorus upt.*e by sorsb!! (2nd crop) rroo.esiduat P
of 60 !a P/ks soil treatoent appli€d belore th€ sta.t of crop

R.l RI R2 R3 llean {Shoot oean +

2, 13 2.9 |
l.t2 1,15 0.39 t.39
l.tI 3.72 0,34 3.57
2. SA 2,11 l 3a 0.47
,1,06 1.03 l l3
0,32 5.24
5. r3 s.02 0.95 5,30
2 3.80 0.43
1,93 2.t9 l.9l
s _22
0,53 5.33
3 s.12
2.28 2.01 2.00 2. t2 0.3, 3,01

Appe.dix a0 Total pbosphoru. uptake by sorshur (2nd c.op) r!o! residral !

!/t" soir tre.tlen! 6ppried before tbe sta.t of crop

RI l2 R3 I€an {Shoot rean .

2 0,72 2,52
1.39 2.45
2.5 t 2.30 3.20
3,08 2.57 4.92 3.32
4.33 2.26 2. t2
5,37 .r.88 3.53 1.23 t.22 5.31
3 2.6A o.12

4,50 3,72 .29 Ll3 .26 t.23 5,78
3.35 2.7 |
2 -23

aPPendix al kblie-P in soil berore roviDs rheat (3,d crorj rroo,esrdua. p

ag/tts soi t --
R2 R3

| !.3 13.6 13.3

,3_3 11.2
15_5 5.2
4.2 r3.0 3,0

'*-'. " i::ii:l; iid.::,i.i:::dHi":";ii:i {:i:,:.iil :i::,":i':::j

ee/*8 soi I ---
52.2 52.1 51 ,9
2 56.1

t 3,6
I 27. S 21.2
21 .6 30.0
27.3 27.0
. lts
App.ndix a3 Labile P in sott beto,e 30,rns,h.!t (lrd crop)
or 60 trr P/*B toi I rrear6enr 6ppt i.d betorc th.

Rl t2 R3 rean

27,A 23.5
28,1 29.6
3 a7,l
23.9 22.9 23.7
22,1 22.1
2 32,2 32-9
33,9 33.1

I 33.0 33.9 33.3
34.1 35.9 35.3 35. r

APperdix 4a Labil€-P in soit D.aore ro'ina ih€.r (3rd crop)

or 90 !a p/k3 soi r t.eatoent 6ppl Ied belor€ the

's/La soil -------------- --


7 39.9
42.3 42.3 42.9 42.5
5 a8,I 43. I

I I t0.a It,,4
x9.2 19.6
I 33.2 32.O 33.9
2 s3.2 !3.0
s2.3 54,0 53.2
3 30.3
s3-6 54,9

A9p.ndix ai Olscn P ltr soil b€tore sorir! rheat (3rd crop) t.o! ...i.tu.t p
of 0 na P/k3 loil treatEnt (rirh nativ. p) .ppti.d betore the
s16rt ot crop rotat ion.
Olsen-P (N.f,cor .xtractrbt.)
;r-- ---;;- dsl*a
'o;/ ------- ---_--
t2,9 t2,4
2 13.6 t3.1
3.1 2.3 2.9
5 2.2

2.7 3,'
I 2.2
2 3,1 3,3 3.0 3,t
3 t0,2 10,0 10. I 10, I
5.1 5.1 5.3
2.3 2,4 2.7 2,8

Appondix .6 orr.n-P tn sotl b.tore toiina rh..t (3rd crop) lro!.eridu.l p

t/-"oir t'eattenr aPPri'd bat";;-ii" ;i;.i-;i-;;;p'
or"cn-p ( rasco r ir t .Ft a6-Ti i in r"i-i
tt/ke soi I -----------------
RI B2 R!
23.4 23,1
23,7 29,2 29.3 29,1
5 9.7 9.3
3.5 8,! 8.3
7 20,o 20,2 20.0
l, ,0 10.8 ll,3
2t.o 21.2
t2.2 12. I 12. I t2.l
t2.3 lt.8 l1.9 t2.o
3.5 4.3 4.7
I t.6 l t.3
10.6 10.0 l o,3 10,3.

Appe.dix 47 Olsen-P in soil befo.e 3o{ins (3.d c.op) f.o! residuol P

'beat befo.e the start or.rop
ol 60 oe P/k! loll tre.tlent applt.d
Olsen_P (Nafi@! extrcctabte) in soir
- De/*8 soi I
Rl R2 R3 Xean

3 r.3
2 30,4
! 15.3
s 15,3 15,3
20.5 20.2
21. I 27 .5 27.7
2,2.4 23.3
t l l,3
35,5 35.5 35,5
23,5 23 -3 23.O 23.3
5 20.1 20.5 20.1
25.6 75.6
1 22.0 2t.1 22,2 22.O
3 zt.9 22.O 22,2
2t.0 2t.1

43 Ol..!-? in .oil belore .o'ins

ol 90 !s P/ks 6oil tre6t!€nt apPl i6d b€rore the

oIs.fuP (I"ECO' .xtractabl.) in soil


36,3 37,1
2 10.2
l 22.7
5 22.3 22.2 22.2
3l .3 31.2 3l .5
34.9 35.3 ts.2
3 56.3 56,0 55,9
22.1 22.2 22.2
2 21,3
3 .t5.3

72.1 32- l
8 !2.7 32.2
32,7 32.3 '!2.6 32.5

***'" " 3:1,"i:::i,:1;,t :1,1"::i,J:.9 ;.$i,l::'"#:::,i1.""i:.:

rotat ion, :i :1:;

R2 n2 R3

s/Ls soit - ----------------i:'-l-i::i)---

0, l6 0.23 0, 19 0,05
2 0,05 0.23
r_t3 o.2s
0.61 0. t6 0. t5
r. t2 1.09
0. ta
0.33 o. t6
0,63 0.,0
o.42 0.11 o.l2 0. l3
0.63 0. l5 0. r5 0,t8
I 0.33
2 r.t9 t.21 0,33 1.09
3 t.2a r.t3 4.23 ,32
0.59 0. t0

^"**'. 'o 3;L'?:::i.:i:':Ji,:l.i:,ii:",;:.31a:io:,.::::u::t:t:inl0 .s p/&


r.34 0.2s
r, t5

t.08 0, 18 0.lJ o.2l 0,t7 1.25
0.l l
o,2l -22
0, l5
0.91 0.42
0.55 0,53 0.25
? o.22
0.1I 0. t3
0,31 0,35 0.l l 0,r5 a,t2 0.63

App€ndix 5l Dry latter yield ol vhe6t (3rd crop) l.ob residual P oi 60 og l/kE
soil treatoent appli€d belore the stort of crop rotation.

RI R2 R2
- -- a/*a soi I
I o.32 0,33 0,t2
2 L50 L53 t.5? |,53 o.25 1.83
3 1.75 0,39 1.83
0,53 0.45
0. l3 0,63
0.36 0.35
3 0.65 0,65 4.7 6
0. l3
,20 .06 ,10 0.23
2 ,22 ,24 0,22
o.23 0.23
3 0. l2 0.t2 0. l2
of rh6.t (3rd crop) fror residual P of 90 !a P/(a
soir treattrent applied b€fo.e the sta.t or c.op .otation,

RI R2 R2 R3 Iean (Shoot oe6n+

0.03 0,53
0.27 0. l3 0.23
3 1.63 L5a t.36
0.33 0.1I 0,51
t.02 0.t2 o. t2 t.l3
0,55 o.62 o. t2
t.o2 0.43
. t3
2 ,03 ,13
0_ l3 o.2t 0.22
0.20 0.24 0.20
3 0,51 0.61 0,61 0.t5 0, 12 a.12 0.ll 0,71
0. l3 l,23
Appendix 53 Phosphorus concent.at ion crop) r.oo .esidual P of
0 ds P/Ks soir t.eatDent P ) aPPlied before th€ !rnr


2 0.325 o.137
0. t?3
1 0,131

4.219 o-2t2
a. ta2
0,336 0.325 0.335
0.392 0.3?0 0.324 0.363

Appendix 5a ?hospho.us conc.ntrarion of *heat (3rd c.oP) fro!

ia ?/ls soil tr.rtD.nt dpPlied bclor. th. start or


0,373 0.373
0,293 0.291

0.117 0. 113
0.173 0.130
0,233 0.265
0.362 0.343 0,153
2 0.235

3 0,3al 0.335

t lea. of du?licat€ estioatiot to srall quetity ol root o.ss per

pDt, the th.ee r€pl icat ion. Pooled for analysis, )
App.ndix 55 Phorphorus concentration ot (3rd croF) froo residuat P
,t P/Ks soil treatoent 6ppl ied befo.e th€ start ol clop .ot6t

BI R2 R1 RI R2

0.3?0 0.385
4.324 0.33! 0. 132 0_ 136
o,216 4,212 4.215

I 0.362
3 0.2t2

3 0,355 0.201
Appe.dix 56 Phosphorns of rheat (3rd crop) frotr residual P of 90
!B P/Ks soi I t..attrent dPPl ied bero.e the sta.t of


I 0.339 0,231 0.223

u.362 0,362
4.132 4.2t2

o.212 o.212 0,2t2
0.203 0.219

o,302 0,317 0.201
. L.rn of d@llc.te estiD.iion to sDall qu.ntitv ol root
the th.ee.eplication! *ere pooled tor sr6lysis )
ApP.ndix 5? Tolal_phosphorn5 uptak€ by,he,! (lrd crop) t,o! r.s,duat p or

R2 t3 R.l lrean (Shoot rean+

Root !ean)
aa/ta soil
0.5 r
z o.26
0.3 3 0,24 t.92
3,58 3.45 0.33 0.31
2.41 2.49 o.2a 2.93
2.36 0.38.
0.20 0.23 2.24
3,38 2,53 0.46 3,53
2.16 3.29
5 1.25
2.36 3,51
t.30 0,12 2.09

Appendix 58 Totdt,,pnosphorus uprrte by,hFat r3,d -rop) r.oD resjdual p or r0

b.rore the starr.f --p roiaiio;.

R2 R3 RI R2 R] xean (Shoot oean+

3.21 2.92 0.2 r 0.2s 3. r3
0,32 0.2 0.29 0.25 o.2s r ,2l
2,99 0. t3 0,26 3,35
2.46 2,50 0, 10 0.25 2.1t
L03 0.33 0, 16 0.27
0 3.12
4,25 0.33 0.43
4. 13
5 t.55
3.53 0. !5
3.07 0.23
9 3,3 r 3.79 3,39 0.2a

Appendix 59 Totat phosphorus uptske by *heat (3rd oror) frob r.siduar p of

ns !/Ks soil treatDeDt rpplied betore tbe starr of crop rotarion,5o

RI l2 RI R' R2 Ie.n (shooi rc.n+

1.39 1.21 o. l5
3.85 6,29
2,55 2.64
2.56 t.1l 3,53 0.23 o.22
2.82 2. 59 0. t3 o.27 0.21
3,31 0.51
3 5.5? 1.62
3.25 2.75 3.13
5 2.35
6 0,30
4,08 a.2l
3 |,14 1.31 o.27 o.25
9 2.68 0.30

Appendix 60 lotal phosPhorus uptake by iheat (3rd croP) fro!.esidual P ol 90

!s P/(s soil treatnent aPPlied befo.. the start of oroP rot3lio.

R3 Ie.n (shoot !eM+

-- 4/LB :o' t
1.3? 2.55 L6t
5. l3
s.72 4.62
0,35 0,20
o.29 0.23
1.22 a.lt
2.96 2-12 o.22
2,35 0.35 0,51 0,13 3.3
0 6.22 4,26 5.36 0.36 0.13 5.35'
5.3? 0.55 0,53
2 0.35
2.36 2.42
2.72 2.9r
3 2,35 2,24 0.23
0.36 0,36 0,.13 3.59
Appendix 6l Olsen-P io sott sfter a ?-dar.nd a 6-!orth ilcub.tion
*ith 0 !s !/*s roit t16.tnent (rith native soil pt,
olsc.-P (IaECO! er

RI R.l

t 2,5
12. I 12,6 12.8
t,,4 t 3.3 15.0 1,t,5
5 3.3 3.5 3,5
9.0 2.9 2.3 3.0 2-9
t 5,6
3 29,3 19.1

5. r 2.4 2.4
2 3.3
t9,2 19.3 9,1
s.3 3.3 3.3
5 I1.9
t2-3 6.a 7.2

APpendix 62 Olse.-P in soil afte..7-day 6nd a 6-'onth incub.tion rith

30 !! P/ks soi I

RI R2 R3 RI R2 R3
25.X 25.4 75.4 25,5 t6,a t1.1
2 3t,3 t 3.3
39.0 19.9
,6.5 t 6.5
13,2 t3.2 t2,9 13. I 5,1
23.2 10.3 ,0.2 10.3
t3.2 | 3.1
3l.l I6, l
25.2 15, I
21.5 24.2 28,0 2t.3 2t .9 21.6
3 19.2 5,3 5.8
23.2 23.3 21.3
,\pp€ndix 6J Olsen P rn soit .tr... ?-rrar, snd a 6 ronth i.cub.rion,,rh

olsen-P (N.Hcor extrdct6ble)

R3 RI R2 R]
35.3 3S, S t 5,3
2 25. I
3 26.2 24.9
32.1 32.5 J2,1
ta.2 | 4.0
2t.4 22.0 2t.a
2 20,1
9,8 t 9,3
31,3 31,2 20,3
tt,1 17,1 21.1 2t.l 2t.l 2t.l
2A.A 24.1 28,1 t6.2
3 33,I

App.ndix 6,1 Oisen P in $il artGr 6 7-d.J and a 6.Donrh incubatjon ,ith

olsen-P (xa[cor extractabte) in s;i!

RI R.l RI R]
25.1 25.6 25,2
2 6t.2 33 -t 32.9 X4,2 31,4
3l .5 3l .1
ll.7 lt,5 12.5
31.6 31,2 13,8
27.2 x1.2
53.1 27.O 26,9 28,0 2?.3
I 21 .1 21 ,5 16.3 15.3 t5.3 15.3
.t3,I 23.2 23.4 2X,5 23,5
3 53.1 25,1
5l .0
53.2 53.0 29,t 30.O 2a.2 29,1
5 5l .3 5t,2
60.1 59,3 31 ,5 31 ,0 !0.5 3l .0
53,3 59,0 29.3 24,9 2A.2 28.8
Appendix 65 Labile P in soil after 6 7 day 6nd a 6 Donth incubation pitb
0 na P/*a soir treat.ent (riih nativ€ .oir P).
L.bi le-P (Resin Dethod)

_ '- .a/13 soi I

33 22 23. I 23,2
12.1 12, I 5
5t 23.5 27
t 3.0 2l t1.a
2 5
21,6 2S
5 20 20.3 t2 2.6 12,0 2,2
26.5 26. S l9 3.1 3
la,0 t5
1.4 20 la. a
t3 1,0

Aprendix 66 L.bile-Pin toil aft€r . 7 day lnd a 6 oonth incttatlon 'ith

30 De P/rg soi I
Lobire-P (Resrn Deth6d)

RI R2 R.l R2

57.0 56.0 56,3 33,6 35.9

59,9 59.3
32.6 33,0 33.2 | 4.7 20,2
5 22.1 23.O
22.7 2A.a 23,3 13. g
,t5.5 31 ,0 30.0
39. S 33. t 2l .5 22.5
I 20,a 19,3 9,1
2 3 3,6 37,2 t6,l I S.9
3 55.3 55,2
35.1 41,2
25.2 25.3
35,6 35,5 34.3 29.0 2A. a 24.5 2a,1
23.3 23,6

Apperdix 6? L6bi1e-! in soil 6fter a r,day and a 6-oonth incub,tion *tth

60 ra P/ka soit treatoent.

lt R2 R] RI R2 R3
De/kC soi I ______
a2 3l .5 81.2 4t -2 12.2
55.0 16,2
65,3 65.9 33,3 34.3
5 33,4 11.9 38.2 38,3 t 3,3 13,4 14. r 13.6
l a.0 11.8 ta.2 t 3.0
61.2 34.0 33, A 3a.2 3,r,0
3 58.0 5?,s 58,s
31,1 12.6 13.0 12,6
59.5 59,0 34,t 35,,1 34.3 34.8
I 32.3 33.6 la,7 19.6
2 56.3 51.2 35.,t
3 91.3 96.3 65,1 65,0 65.8
s9.2 59,5 60,3 59.1 35,5 36.6 35,8 36,0
5 52.9 53.8 53,6 , .0
7 60.5
33,3 37,3
s9.? 37.1 37.1
64.2 59.5 4l .3

ApPendix 68 L3bile-P in soil a ?-day and a 6-oonth incubAtion {ith

90 Da P/ta soi I .arte!

R2 R3 RI R2
t3/*E soit -- --- --- ----------
96,5 53.3 53.1
96.9 95.3 91.O 56.5 s1.2 s7 ,1
63.6 59,3 57,0
6t,3 61.6 50.8 51.9 50,6
85,,1 a7.t 88.,1 87.0 s4.1 55.0 56.2
59.5 53.0 54.6 I4.5 19,0 r 9.9
68.2 65.2 65.2 66.2 29,6 29. I 29.8
32. O 31.9 3t.0 39,I
It5.3 tt3.7 I I5.0 56,5 5?. 56.9 56.8
24,2 27.9' 2A,l 24. I
0 30.i 82,0 80.,1 ,t5.3 45.5
I 52.6 53.2 sa.2 53.0 30.8 30,3 29,3
a2,l 73.5 30.1
I l.l,l 't4.2 78.O 74,2
30,2 74,1 19.9 18,2
5 76.9 71.O 43.6 43.2
92.3 39.3
al,7 83.6
s2. ) 5t.0 5t,6
83,3 82.9 47 ,5 18,1 17 ,8
8 al,6
36,5 36. a 85.9 44.8 ,18.6 ,(3,8

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