Watchkeeping and Troubleshooting

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Taking Over An Engine Room Watch

A proper hand-over of important events and conditions of die machinery
from one watch -keeper to the other is of utmost importance The .
usual practice is that the relieving watch-keepers should come 15
minutes before the start of the watch. He should come to the engine
room via the staircase starting at the highest entrance point . He should
first take a brief 'round ' or 'walk through' of the engine room before
the start of the watch.

Taking a “ Walk Through’ or a “ Round’

A walk- through the engine room is a must, as one can visually see and
check all important parameters and conditions.
The following aspects are checked during a ‘walk - through ’
ora ‘round ’ :
When starting a round one should always be near the funnel so that
one can check the exhaust smoke colour from outside the engine
room . The smoke colour is checked to see whether it is whitish ,
dark black or transparent light grey. Whitish smoke indicates excess

Marine Diesel Engines Watch Keeping And Safety

be no restrictions so that they can be quickly dosed in emergency

of air, while blackish smoke indicates poor combustion usually due
to fuel problems, A transparent slightly greyish smoke shows good situation.
combustion. Check the main engine jacket water expansion tank level and
• One should also identify the source of the smoke i .e. from which condition , and monitor the loss in case jacket water level decreases .
exhaust piping it is emerging. There is one exhaust hinnel pipe for Check the presence and condition of portable fire fighting
the main engine, separate ones for each diesel generator and one appliances , firehoses and nozzles at their correct locations.
for the auxiliary boiler. Blackish smoke from the exhaust is an On the upper platform , check the inert gas system , bubbler, fan
offence when the ship is at port. However, some blackish smoke
and motor bearings, and fan leakages.
may emerge initially when starting or maneuvering of the engine or
the auxiliaries. Check the boiler flame colour through the sight glass to see if the
combustion is correct
Check to see if there are sparks emerging from the funnel . This is
Check the boiler water level in the gau ge gl ass. Blow thro u gh the
due to minute hydro carbon deposits which self ignite at the
economizer. This happens either when soot-blowing tte economizer gauge glass if required.
or the boiler, or due to water in the fuel , or due to a very dirty Check the generator expansion tank water level, loss and condition .
economizer, or due to running the engine at low loads for a long Also check the exhaust gas economizer circulating pump.
time especially during maneuvering, or due to poor combustion .
It is dangerous if the wind direction is blowing the sparks to a On the control room platform , check the temperature and level of
hazardous cargo zone at the forward side of the ship. the fuel oil tanks, drain them for water, and open steam heating if
All pumps are to be checked for the following : Motor current
amperes should not be higher than the normal running amperes. Check the steering gear room , oil level in steering gear tank and
No overheating of the motor or the pump body. Bearing greasing of the rudder.
temperatures and all temperature and pressure gauges should be Check the diesel generators for operating load , exhaust,
showing normal values. No unusual noise or vibrations. Slight temperatures , leakages , all pressures and temperatures , unusual
leakage of the gland that is required for cooling, but excessive noise, loose parts, exhaust bellows and sump levels.
leakage requires tightening of the gland packing.
At the bottom platform, check all pumps and ascertain which sea
• On the top p latfoim, check theexhaust gas economizer for exhaust, water suction is in use. Check double bottom tanks ; sludge tanks,
steam, or water leaks. Check thecondition of the Tagging' on the bilges for oil or water leakages and trace the cause; cofferdam
pipes and any leakages Check the engine room ventilation, position sounding ; stem- tube oil levels and pressure; and the intermediate
of sky lights and access doors to the engine room. There should bearing and its lubrication.

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Marine Diesel Engines Waich Keeping And Safety

• Check the oily water separator and sample the water being pumped any problems encountered during the previous watches. Ensure
overboard . All over board pumping procedures should be followed proper knowledge of procedures to be followed in the event of a
stricdy according to the company's policies and instructions. Ensure failure of any equipment . Read the Standing orders and Chief
that weighted cocks on double bottom sounding pipes are in shut Engineer 's instructions.
position and caps closed . The main engine is to be checked
Check if any operations are being carried out likefuel transfers ;
thoroughly from the crankcase platform upto the economizer fresh water tank filling; and disposal of oil residues , bilges , sewage
platform . Feel thecrank case and scavenge doors for any increase
or garbage.
in temperatures. Listen to the engine sound and observe any unusual
noise. Check all auxiliaries like air compressors and purifiers .
Check the piston cooling flow from the sight glass. Check the compressor running temperatures ; time to press up the
air receiver lubricator operation and level; sump oil level; and running
* Check the scavenge drains to see quality and quantity of oil or current amperes.
water leaks.
Check the purifier inlet oil temperature; overflow pipe for oil
« Check the air cooler air-side drains to make sure that the drained overflow ; running current amperes; back pressure, filter pressure;
water is from condensation and not from sea water Scavenge and leakages.
temperature must not be too low.
Check all objects in the engine room in case they have to be lashed ,
• Check the hydraulic governor oil level. especially during bad weather conditions.
• Feel air starting pipes to see if they are hot and touch the high Check the nature and location of all work being carried out on
pressure pipe to feel the pressure pulses of injection . various machineries.
For hearing machinery sounds , use a metal rod with one end to the
Check the work being done by all engine room personnel and
ear and the other end touching the machinery. hazards involved .
Drain all air bottles of water. Check if any system has been isolated or whether any abnormalities
Check all parameters and gauges in the engine control room. are present with the machinery,
Check that die load is sufficient on the generators . It is preferable Check proper working of the communication system.
to ran the generators at higher loads rather than at low loads which Some companies now require both watch -keepers to sign a hand
would cause fouling, especially when running on heavy fuel oil. over form listing all checks and abnormalities.
* Check the engine room log book requirements for any cargo or Only after the incoming watch-keeper is fully satisfied with the hand-
maneuvering operations: requirements foradverseconditions: and over, will he take over charge from the outgoing watch keeper.

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Watch Keening And Safet\

Checks During The Watch

Problems During The Engine Room Watch
After taking a thorough 'walk through ’ or ‘round’ of the engine
A list of problems occurring during the watch are discussed below
room, it is imperative that periodic personal checks are made on
and the action to be taken . Safety and prevention of further damage
all running machinery. should always be the priority.
In case of any abnormal conditions, the watchkeeper should
immediately assess the situation. If it is an emergency, he can call Crankcase Explosion
for help by pressing the engineer 's call alarm. Conditions for a crankcase explosion
• Incaseofashipor fire emergency, he can press the ‘Emergency ' 1. A source of heat or ignition which is required to vapourise the oil
general alarm into a fine vapour.
2. The correct air to fuel ratio required for explosion.
• If he is not in a position to understand the cause or the remedy, he 3 . Fine oil vapour with a high surface area to mass ratio.
should inform the Chief engineer or the Second engineer. The source of ignition is mostly a hot spot due to a bearing running
In case of abnormalities which affect the speed or operations of hot . This heat causes the lube oil in contact with the hot surface, to
the main engine, power generators or the cargo plant , the vapourise into a fine vapour. This oil vapour forms an oil mist in
watchkeeper should also inform the bridge or the cargo control the presence of condensation in a relatively cooler section of the
room watchkeeper crankcase.
When this fine oil mist ignites in the presence of a hot surface, a
• All starting, stopping and important procedures are listed in the pressure rise occurs which depends on the weakness or richness
engine room operation guide book which is now a requirement
of the oil particle to air ratio. An explosion occurs if this mixture is
* In case the watchkeeper requires more manpower, lie should ask in the explosive range.
the Chief engineer or Second engineer to provide more manpower,
A primary explosion is relatively slow as the crankcase atmosphere
rather than compromise on safety. is too rich with oil vapour, but may cause a rupture of thecrankcase
* Priority to be given to the running machinery and operations, rather allowing ingress of air. This ingress of air causes a very good air to
than any overhaul work . oil-particle ratio and a secondary explosion occurs, which is more
A safe working atmosphere is required at all times .
A remedy for secondary explosions is the use of crankcase relief
• While logging down and recording parameters in the engine room doors, which relieve the crankcase pressure if it exceeds 0.05 bar,
log book, die watchkeeper should analyse any change and its cause. thereby preventing any rupture to the crankcase and ingress of air.
Constant monitoring of the crankcase oil mist is accomplished by
an oil mist detector.

Marine Diesel Engir,» • Watch Keeping And Safen

Crankcase Relief Valve Scavenge Fires

It is due to the ignition of carbon or cy!i nder lubeoil deposits.
Causes :
Blow past due to worn or damaged piston rings.
Stuffing boxleaks .
Excessive cylinder lubrication .

0 * Inadequate draining of scavenge spaces.
Poor combustion, injector condition, fuel timings or worn liners.
Indications :
• Increase in scavenge temperature of one unit as compared to the
3 others.
0 • Increase in temperatures in scavenge and exhaust systems.
/ • Rough running of the engine with a slight rpm drop and surging of
CO the turbocharger.
• Smoky exhaust.
Fig - 232 Flame, smoke or sparks at the scavenge drains .
• Self-closing crankcase relief valves are fitted at various points along Prevention
thecrankcase 1 to relieve pressure, irrespective of the origin in the Regular draining, cleaning and monitoring of the scavenge spaces.
crankcase , • Correct rate of cylinder lubrication.
* The valve should be self closing to prevent ingress of air which
• Correct maintenance of piston rings , cylinder liners and fuel
leads to a secondary explosion. Self closing function is achieved
by the spring 3 whichshutsthediscvalve 2, if thecrankcase pressure
injection equipment .
is less than 0.05 bar. Remedy
* An oil wetted metallic gauze 5 is fitted on the internal side for -
In Sulzer engines: Slow down the engine, cut off the fuel, increase
stopping a flame emerging from the relief valve. cylinder lubrication; and continue running till thefire bums out. Stop
• -
A rubber o ring 6 provides oil tightness and sealing. A deflector 4
is fitted to deflect any flame or pressure wave in case of an
the engine. After waiting till the scavenge space coolsdown, open up
for inspection and ascertain the cause.

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^ Watch Keeping And Safety

I n B & W engines : Cut-off the fuel , slow down the engine, request Flooding
the bridge; and stop die engine and auxiliary blower. Applyextinguishing In case of flooding, raise the emergency alarm , inform the bridge ,
medium ®How the scavenge space to cool, and then open up for slow down and stop the main engine. According to the capacity
inspection and ascertain the cause. Components affected by scavenge needed , designated bilge pumps or sea water pumps using the
fires include piston rod , cylinder liner, stuffing box piston and rod emergency bilge injection valve are to be started . Identify and isolate
alignment, scoring or cracks in the liner, and tie rod tension. the cause of flooding . Once pumping is started make sure the level of
water should be going down and not increasing. Also, give due attention
Oil Sp& that the level should not flood any of the pumps or the engine flywheel
In case of 311 °'l spill , stop the fuel oil transfer operations and raise the .
bottom level Take care that no water should fall onto any electrical
general alarm . Follow the Oil Spill Contingency Plan . Identify the starter panel , device or wiring
source of die spill and immediately restrict any further oil spillage by
isolation ' Drain and contain the oil on the ship by putting the oil into a Grounding
slop tank 01 an empty cargo tank . Clean the spdl area using an oil spill In case of grounding , immediately stop the main engine and raise the
dispersant and the gear from the oil spill storage station. Try to recover emergency alarm. Inform the bridge Change over from low to high
as much oil 33 possible. Log events and communicate with the port sea suction , Takedie soundings of all double bottom tanks in the engine
authorities. room as well as the cargo tanks to check for intactness. Report the
condition of the engine room to the Master who will assess the danger
Collision of sinking, flooding , capsizing, oil pollution and vessel 's stability.
In case of a collision of the ship, stop the main engine. Activate the Record the events and status of the main engine.
emergency general alarm. The engine room should be immediately
manned in case f UMS mode. Check if there is any ingress of water
° Check the following : crank case inspection and deflections if
into the engine room. Take the soundings of all double bottom tanks necessary, stem tube system condition and leakages , steering gear,
to check til ®* diey are intact . Keep all fire fighting gear on standby. and all sea water coolers and filters .
Check for oil pollution around the ship. Check all machinery to see if
they are affected especially the electrical plant . Report to the bridge Sudden Overspeeding
the condif 011 of the engine room , the main engine and the auxiliaries.

Sudden overspeeding can be caused by :

The Master will then assess the danger of sinking, capsizing or flooding. Fuel racks getting stuck .
The designed person ashore , the superintendent of the ship and the A faulty governor.
port authorities are to be informed . Racing or jumping of the propeller in bad weather.

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Marine Diesel Engines Watch Keeping Ami Safety

Loss of Engine Power Sparks From The Funnel

A loss of engine power is due to : It can be caused by too much after burning or poor combustion.
Incorrectly set fuel racks, A dirty economizer should be soot blown (and water washed when
Faulty1 fuel injection pump or timings. .
the engine is stopped) In case the exhaust temperature is too high ,
V1T settings there could be a soot fire. Check fuel oil temperature and scavenge
Afaulty governor. temperatures. Drain the fuel oil tanks.
Fouling in the air system.
Too Much Sparking From The Funnel
Fouling of the hull .
If the exhaust gas temperatures are too high in addition to heavy
sparking at thefunnel, there is a possibility of a fire at the economizer
Detection of Slack Tie Rods or a scavenge fire. Stop the engine , but do not run at low loads since
The cylinder jacket adjacent to the slack tie bolt can be seen lifting unbumt fuel is more at low loads. Start the standby economiser water
when the piston reaches the end of compression stroke at TDC. circulating pump to increase cooling. Provide boundary cooling. Stop
Press the thumb nail to the tie bolt nut . Small movements which the engine and shut the air inlets at the turbocharger and auxiliary
cannot be seen can be felt this way. blowers.
A Dial gauge can be used to detect relative movement between the
bolt and the cylinder jacket. After A Long Voyage
Cany out crankcase inspection; check bearing clearances, crank shaft
Too Much Incorrect Fuel Timings deflections, foundation bolts, scavenge port inspection, cleaning of all
The engine will not start, or itwi Us tart in the opposite direction . filters, etc.
Injecting too much fuel earlier may cause the engine to move
Cylinder Relief Valve Lifting Up
in the opposite direction.
This can bedue to excess fuel supplied during starting or manoeuvring ;
The engine may rock i,e the next unit may fire in the opposite
accumulated or unbumt fuel igniting with excess air ; a sudden increase
direction and the effect may be like braking.
in load in rough weather ; pre ignition; leaking or sticking air start valves;
water or oil accumulation on the piston crown; or excessive peak
Engine Speed Fluctuation pressures.
This is due to presence of water in the fuel, high fuel volatility, fuel gas
lock , injection variation , worn out linkages of the governor, Cylinder Relief Valve Lifting During Blow Through
bad fuel quality, units not balanced , governor setting too sensitive, Causes :
or air in the governor . A choked indicator cock .
• An incorrect relief valve setting.

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Water accumulation into the combustion chamber. One Unit Exhaust Temperature Rise
Excess water in cite s tarting air. This can occur because of ;
Thermometer defective (local or remote ).
Reduced Compression Pressure Less air supply due to the individual unit scavenge valves in the air
This is due to worn piston rings, worn liner, worn piston crown , worn receiver or scavenge ports fouled , or a scavenge fire .
exhaust valve , incorrect exhaust valve tunings or in sufficient scavenging. Fuel injector nozzle in a poor condition or the tip broken .
Smoky Exhaust
Incorrect fuel timings or a fuel cam shift .
Causes : Leaking exhaust valve.
Less air supply to the engine due to fouled gas or air side of the Blow past of piston rings .
turbocharger ; fouled air cooler ; faulty scavenge valves in the air
receiver; fouled scavenge ports; or fouled exhaust gas economizer. Engine Speed Drops
This can occur because of :
Overloaded running conditions. Check load indicator, exhaust
Fuel pressure aftertheboosterpump is too low.
temperatures and peak pressures.
Fuel pump defective or a fuel piping fault.
Excessive cylinder lubrication .
Incorrect fuel injection.
Injection nozzles not atomizing the fuel completely e. g. due to

carbon trumpet formation and eroded or blocked spray holes . Fouling of air or exhaust passages.
Incorrect fuel temperature or viscosity, or a shift in the individual Fuel air lock, gassing, water in the fuel, or poor fuel combustion .
fuel cams. Scavenge fire.
Compression pressure too low due to leaking piston rings or Governor problem.
exhaust valve.
Too low turbocharger rpm. One Unit Exhaust Temperature Drops
This can occur because of :
Scavenge fire.
A faulty thermometer.
Less fuel supplied due to faulty fuel injection pump, pipes, injector
All Cylinders Exhaust Temperature Increase
or timings; or a shift in the fuel cams.
This can occur becau se of fouling in turbocharger, air cooler, intake
air filter, scavenge valves in the air receiver, scavenge ports or exhaust Exhaust valve does not open due to the actuator pump or piping
passages. Incorrect fuel timings, bad quality fuel or inadequate fuel being defective.
treatment also result in increased exhaust temperatures.

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Charge Air Pressure Drops Running Gear Hot

This occurs due to the fouling of the turbocharger air intake Filter, Running gear like the bearings, piston , liner, etc may get
diffuser, blower, inducer, rotor blades, nozzle ring, air cooler, water heated due to:
separator or exhaust gas economizer.
A problem with lubrication or piping .
Engine Running Irregularly, Misfiring Jpumals getting rusted.
or Cutting Out
This occurs due to : Water or dirt in the lube oil .
• Fuel problems like faulty fuel booster pump or fuel pump, wrong Lube oil tank level decreases and therefore , the pump is
fuel pressure or temperature, airlock or water in fuel, ora defective drawing air.
fuel valve. Incorrectclearances orccrmponent damage.
• Governor malfunction.
• Turbochargersurging. Engine Fails To Start On Air
• Running gear components overheated , causing severe alternating This occurs due to :
friction. Low air bottle pressure or air line valves may be shut .
Air bottle isolating valve or automatic valve or distributor
Jacket Water Pressure Fluctuation malfunction
This occurs due to : Control air valves faulty or less control air pressure.
• Air pockets in the jacket cooling water, or insufficient venting. Start air automatic valve jammed .
• Exhaust gas leaking into jacket cooling water due to a crack
in the liner, cylinder head or valve cage. Turning gear engaged or limit switch faulty.
• A drop in the static pressure at the pump inlet due to throttling Reversing has not taken place completely.
in the return pipe. Control valve for fuel or ‘start’ is not in it’s end position.
Burstingdiaphragm on start air line damaged .
Jacket Water Temperature Increase Fuel lever on maneouvring stand not on remote mode.
This occurs due to : Not sufficient spring air pressure Co shut the exhaust valve,
• Valves may be shut or insufficient venting . thereby causing loss of compression.
• Overloaded engine or piston running hot. .
Auxiliary blower not running or not on ‘auto’ mode
• Crack in liner, cylinder head or exhaust valve cage. No oil pressure due to the exhaust valve being open or insufficient
• Temperature controller malfunction. spring air pressure.
• Jacket cooler setting is wrong. Start air distributor has not activated its end stop valve.

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Start air distributor piston is sticking. S uction or spill valves leaking or stuck .
Start air distributor is wrongly adjusted. Pump push rods jammed or fuel cams displaced or incorrect
Start air distributor control valve is sticking. timings .
Fuel pump relief valve leaking.
Cylinder air start valves are defective or sticky.
Violent Start
Engine Turns On Air, But Not On Fuel This occurs due to :
This can occur because of : Speed setting is too high. It injects too much fuel for the start.
In B&W engines, the puncture valves are not properly vented .
Fuel setting ortimings are wrong.
Fuel regulating linkage jammed or held back by the stop cylinder.
Cylinderisexcessively lubricated causing an accumulation of cylinder
Fuel lever on local maneuvering stand is not on remote mode. oil.
Governor is defective and does not release the fuel linkage, or Auxiliary blowers were not running earlier causing fuel oil
there is no boost air to the governor. accumulation rather than blowing away fuel vapours (like purging).
Rotary valve of the rotation direction safeguard is sticking.
Shut down of fuel pumps. Not Reversing pr Starring In Only One Direction
Fuel filter is blocked or fuel pump index is too low. This can occur because of :
Start air valve for that unit may be sticking. TTie remedy is to give a
Pre-set control air signal to the governor is too low.
kick in the opposite direction. Now a different unit will receive
start air due to the change in the crank position .
Engine Does Not Fire The reverse control valve is jammed .
This occurs due to : The reversing servomotor of thefuel or start air distributor is jammed
Less fuel being injected or the speed setting knob is set too low. or gets stuck before reaching a new end position due to insufficient
Governor does not release the regulating linkage. oil pressure. Therefore the engine turns on air, but no fuel is released
VIT & FQS functions are too late. as the rotation direction safeguard blocks it .
Start air pressure is insufficient to turn the engine fast enough. If the engine is running in one direction and reversed , propeller
Fuel is unsuitable or it’s viscosity high continues to turn in that direction. Therefore, more air and fuel is
Compression pressure is too low due to faulty piston ring sealing required for starting against the propeller force (first to bring the
or exhaust valve closing. propeller to standstilllike braking) . If the engine still does not start,
Fuel pump defect . Check the cut- out device, jammed plunger or the propeller may tend to turn the engine in the original direction
clearances . i.e. opposite to the given movement . Therefore the rotational
Injector nozzle needle sticking or holes blocked. direction safeguard blocks the fuel.

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Checks If The Engine Is Not Reversing Broken Piston Ring

Checks are carded out on the following : Causes :
The coil of the solenoid valve for the desired direction or rotation , Excessive thermal load , insufficient cooling, or a distorted piston
does not get voltage. crown.
Control air signal for desired direction of rotation does not reach Excessive piston ring clearance or distorted grooves,
the engine. Loosen piping and check the air route or the defective Sticking of piston rings or incompatible materials.
Excessive lubrication or loss of lubrication.
Collapse of piston rings.
Cracked Piston
Indications : Effects :
Flue tuation in piston cooling water or oil flow. Loss of compression.
Increase of water or oil from scavenge drains. Blow past of combustion gases
Piston cooling water of oil is excessively dirty. Scavenge fire.
Temperature of the piston cooling water or oil rises sharply. Scuffing of the cylinder liner.
Colour of the exhaust is whitish if water cooled , or grey blue if oil Cracked Liner Indications
cooled. '
Gas leak in the jacket cooling water.
Knocking sound. Fluctuation in jacket cooling water pressure.
Reasons: Loss of jacket cooling water and increase in it’s temperature.
Thermal stresses caused by too much temperature variation across Sparks from the funnel or water from the scavenge drains when
a small section of the piston . - theengine stops.
Loss of coolant flow due to pump failure or cooling passages The cylinder gives a knocking sound .
Piston Running Hot
Fuel injector needle and valve leakuig causing impingement and
Indications :
burning of the piston crown . Knocking sound at both ends of each piston stroke.
Ineffectivecylinderlubncation . Drop in the engine rpm.
Improperpiston ring functioning, seized or broken rings, unbalanced Rise in the piston cooling water or oil temperature, and jacket water
load or continuous overload operation. temperature of that cylinder unit .
Smoky exhaust .

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Action : Check the crankcase walls for carbon deposits, leaking from
Cut-out the fuel pump, increase cylinder lubrication and stop the diaphragm.
engine. Check the crankpm and web alignment mark .
Continue cylinder lubrication and turning even after engine is All bolts , nuts and locking marks.
stopped to prevent seizure.
Crankcase relief door.
Open and dismantle the piston . If slight scoring is seen on the
Any discolourisation signifying hot spots.
piston , then smoothen with an oil stone (carborundium stone) and
an emery cloth. Check cylinder lubrication and piston clearances Clearances of bearings .
after inspection.
Individual Piston Knocking At TDC
Causes :
Cracked Cylinder Head
Early fuel injection due to incorrect fuel pump or fuel cam
Causes :
adjustment .
Excessive tightening of cylinder head cover studs, combined with
(hernial stresses. Overloaded engine unit . Check effective delivery stroke of
respective fuel pump.
Corrosion at the combustion surface of the cylinder head .
Fuel valve nozzle sticking.
Normal expansion facility for the cylinder head is restricted .
Fouled cylinder or unsuitable fuel
Inflexible structure under firing
Top piston ring strikes against the ridge worn at the cylinder
Defect in cylinder head casting. liner top.
Indications : Excessive clearances between piston and cylinder.
Knocking i n the cyli nder. Excessive bearing clearance of running gear.
Jacket cooling water temperature increases.
Running gear bolts haveloosened .
Jacket cooling water pressure fluctuates.
The piston may be striking against the cylinder head cover at TDC.
Expansion tank level may drop.
Spades from funnel. Bearing Temperature Increase
Crank Case Inspection Checks Low lube oil pressure supply to bearing or low oil level in supply
White metal particles or foreign particles in the lube oil. tank .
Colour of the lube oil and oil flow. Air lock in the lubeoil or lubricating grooves obstructed .
Check for white metal squeezing at bearings. Oil piping defective or lube oil valves shut .

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Marine Diesel Engines

The connection screws on the piston rod or piston are not tight
* Lube oil contains water or metal impurities. enough.
set camshaft or
• Excessive bearing clearances, excessive wear or improper Knocking of all cylinders is due to an incorrectly
tightening unsuitable fuel.

Cube Oil Sump Level Rising Safeties in the Main Engine

Causes : Crank Case
rolling or changes in cargo loading .
Pitching, Relief valve set at 0.05 bar
* Water leakage from piston cooling or jacket water system. Oil mist detector set at 2 to 5 % LEL.
Temperature sensing probes on bearings
, and thrust block, which
Lube oil purifier wrongly operated e.g. discharge valves of some
other purifier is wrongly opened thereby filling the sump. willshut down the engine.
incorporated in the relief valve.
Flame, spark arrestor and deflector
• Transfer pump valves wrongly lined up.
• Lube oil inlet line valve from the storage tank may be open. Scavenge
Sight glass.
Automatic Stopping of the Engine Drain cocks for monitoring leakages.
This occurs due to : Temperature sensing probes.
Activation of safety shut down or overspeed cut - out device.
Fire extinguishing system.
• Control air pressure in the shut-down servomotor too low, causing
pressure to pull the fuel linkage back to zero. Relief valve set at 1.6 bar in B&W engines.
Cylinder Head
• Governor defective
Relief valve.
Fuel supply stopped due to clogged filter or empty tank or air start air valves
lock, Non return air start valve.The pneumatic operated
engine fires .
are shut by the cylinder pressure once the
Knocking in an Engine Cylinder
Exhaust Manifold and Trunking
* Fuelvalvenozzleneedlestuckopen. Fire extinguishing system.
• Earlytimings
fuel injection or too much fuel quantity injected due to wrong
or pump settings
Drain cock .
fuel .
Test cocks at individual units.
* The ends of the piston rings are knocking against the edges of the .
scavenging and exhaust ports due to deformation during fitting. Flame and spark arrestor
Protective grid and bellows before turbine .
• clearance
One or more driving gear components have excessive vertical

Manne Diesel Engines Watch Keeping And Safety

• Drain cock in the trunking of the exhaust gas boiler. * Differential pressure low alarm.
• Drain cock at the turbine housing to make sure that no water is Air vent at the cooler.
coming to the turbine.
• Air vent at the discharge fi Iter.
• Manometer at inlet and outlet of exhaust gas boiler and a safety
Fuel Oil System
Piston Cooling System • Drains at the service tanks , settling tanks, filters, mixing column
and heaters.
• Low pressure cut out approximately 2 bar.
Relief valves at the booster pump discharge, healer, common inlet
• High inlet temperature slow down alarm at 60 deg.C and shut down manifold to the pump and on the individual fuel pump.
at 65 deg .C .
Fuel high temperature alarm at 120 deg.C .
• Low level alarm in the cooling water drain tank.
• Sight glass at every unit with a piston cooling non-flow alarm. • Low Fuel temperature alarm at 85 deg.C.
Viscometer, thermometer and pressure gauges.
Jacket Cooling System
• Low inlet pressure shut down at approximately 2 bar, Starting Air System
• High outlet temperature slow down at 90 deg C and alarm at 85 Bottle
degC. • Reliefvalvesetat 32 bar,
• Low level alarm in the expansion tank . * Fusible plug.
• Sight glass in the expansion tank. Drain cock and pressure gauges.
• Air separator and vent Non return , stop, and isolating valves.
Lubricating Oil System Air Compressor
• Sump low and high level alarm . * Low pressure (first stage ) and high pressure (second stage) relief
• Main lube oil pressure low alarm at 2.2 bar and shut down valves.
at 2 bar. Non- return valve at compressor outlet to air bottle.
• Lube oil outlet temperature alarm at 50 deg.C and slow down at Corrosion resistant bursting disc or relief valve in the coolers
55 deg.C an the water side.
• Relief valves at the discharge side of both pumps connecting
• Air discharge high temperature cut-out
the discharge side back to the suctionside.
• Pressure gauges after cooler and after discharge filter. • Cooling water high temperature cut-out.
• Low lube oil pressure cut-out.
370 371
Marine Diesel Engines
Waich Keeping And Safety

Start Air Line

Flame trap , bursting disc cap or a relief valve. cock with main air from bottle open, and admitting start air to engine.
Automatic shut-off master valve, The engine does not turn on air, since the air to distributor is shut, but
Non -return start air valves. as a safety measure in case of a leaking start air valve, the turning gear
has to be disengaged .
Drain cock in the manifold and at other parts.
Drain cock before shut off valve. At Sea
Temperature and pressure sensors and gauges . Feel the start air inlet branch pipes for each unit and see if they are
Running direction and turning gear engaged interlocks to prevent hot . If the engine fails to start because of a sticking pilot or air start
starting. valve during maneuvering, then give a kick in the opposite direction so
that start air is now admitted to another unit . In case of a generator
Control Air System engine, manually turn the engine to getitoff the blind spot .
Pressure reducing valve.
Oil separator and moisture separator. Start Air Line Explosion
Control air drier. This is mainly due to the accumulation of oil due to carry-over of oil
Manual and auto drain . from the starting air compressors. A defective start air valve on the
Relief valve. cylinder head provides heat if it leaks back into the start air line.
Pressure sensor probe for alarm at 6 bar and shut down at 5.5 Prevention
Good maintenance of the air compressors
Low pressure alarm for spring air to the exhaust valve.
Exhaust valve actuator
• Auto and manual draining of water and oil in the air line.
Automatic air venting unit . •JThe starting air manifold pipes should lie inspected and cleaned .

The start air valves should beoverhauled at regular intervals.

Cylinder Lubrication
Non flow alarm and slowdown.
Safe Guard Against Overspeeding
Leaky Start Air Valves * For slow speed main engines , the speed is sensed by a digital pick-
up similar to an induction pick-up. If the engine overspeeds, the
At Port
To check whether the air start valves are leaking, disengage the turning fuel rack is shutdown.
gear and shut off air to distributor. Indicator cocks are to be opened . In Sulzer engines, a collapsible link is fitted between the governor
Take each unit to TDC and check for air coming out of the indicator and the fuel rack.

Marine Diesel Engines

* In B & W engines, puncture valves are fitted on the top of each

fuel pump, which spill the high pressure oil back to suction side of
the pump. 1. KANE, A.B .

* 'Marine Interna] Combustion Engines ' , 1973.

In medium speed auxiliary generator engines, fly weights using
cencrifugal force activate a stop cylinder to pu sh back the fuel racks, * ' Preventionof Crankcase Explosions in Marine Diesels' , 1969.
* ‘ReversingGearsofMarineDiesels ' , 1965.

* ‘Marine Internal Combustion Engines ' , 1957.

3. MASLOV, V. V.
« 'Slow Speed Diesel Auxiliaries' , 1968.

« 'Marine Diesel Oil Engines ' , 1981.

* ‘Automation of Highly Powered Diesel Machinery ’ , 1966 .

« ' Pounder’ s Marine Diesel Engines, 2004

* ' Lamb 's questions and answers on the Marine Diesel Engine’ , 1990.

* ‘The running and maintenance of Marine Machinery’ ,1994 .


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