Sipart ps2: Manual Edition 07/2003

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Manual Edition 07/2003

sipart ps2
Elektropneumatic Positioner for
Linear and Rotary Actuators


Edition 07/2003


Electropneumatic Positioner for

Linear and Rotary Actuators


A5E00074631--03 1
Copyright e Siemens AG 2000 All rights reserved Disclaimer of Liability

The reproduction, transmission or use of this docu- We have checked the contents of this manual for
ment or its contents is not permitted without ex- agreement with the hardware and software descri-
press written authority. Offenders will be liable for bed. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely,
damages. All rights, including rights created by pa- we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the
tent grant or registration of a utility model or design, data in this manual are reviewed regularly and any
are reserved. necessary corrections included in subsequent edi-
tions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
Siemens AG
Bereich Automatisierungs-- und Antriebstechnik e Siemens AG 2000
Geschäftsgebiet Prozessinstrumentierung-- und Technical data subject to change.
D--76181 Karlsruhe


SIMATIC, SIPART, SIREC, SITRANS are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.

Third parties using for their own purposes any other names in this document which refer to trade-
marks might infringe upon the rights of the trademark owners.


2 A5E00074631--03

0 Information for the Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

0.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
0.2 Classification of Safety Related Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
0.3 Qualified Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
0.4 Use as intended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
0.5 Technical Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
0.6 Warranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
0.7 Delivery Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
0.8 Standards and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.1 General information about the positioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2 Design and Method of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Instrument Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.1 Motherboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.2 Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.3 Pneumatic Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.4 Mounting Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.5 Purge air switching (not in the explosion proof version) . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.6 Restrictors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3 Method of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 State as supplied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 Options modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5.1 Options modules in normal and intrinsically safe versions . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5.2 Options modules in explosion proof version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.5.3 HART-function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.4 Alarm module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.5 Jy-module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5.6 SIA module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5.7 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3 Preparing for Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.1 Instrument identification (type key) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2 Dimensional drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3 Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.3.1 Instructions for using positioners in a wet environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3.2 Instructions for using positioners which are exposed to strong accelerations
or vibrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3.3 Mounting kit ”linear actuator” 6DR4004-8V and 6DR4004-8L . . . . . . . 42
3.3.4 Assembly procedure (see figure 3-7, page 44) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.3.5 Mounting kit ”rotary actuator” 6DR4004-8D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3.6 Assembly procedure (see figure 3-8 and figure 3-9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.4 Electrical Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.4.1 Connection in non-intrinsically safe and explosion proof version . . . . . 52


A5E00074631--03 3
3.4.2 Connection in intrinsically safe version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4.3 Connection in type of protection “n” version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.5 Pneumatic Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.6 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.6.1 Preparations for linear actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.6.2 Automatic initialization of linear actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.6.3 Manual initialization of linear actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.6.4 Preparations for rotary actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.6.5 Automatic initialization of rotary actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.6.6 Manual initialization of rotary actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.6.7 Automatic initialization (structograms) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.7 Copying initialization data (positioner exchange) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4 Operation .............................................................. 79
4.1 Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.2 Input keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.3 Operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.4 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.5 Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.5.1 Diagnostic display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.5.2 Meaning of the diagnostic values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.5.3 Online-Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.6 Meanings of other display texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.7 Optimization of the control data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5 Service and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
6 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
7 Scope of Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7.1 Ordering data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
7.2 Scope of delivery of standard controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.3 Scope of delivery of options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.4 Scope of delivery of accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
8 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
9 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
9.1 Literature and catalogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
9.2 Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
9.2.1 EC Declaration of Conformity (EEx d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
9.2.2 EC Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
9.2.3 EC Type-Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1101 (EEx d) . . . . . . 128
9.2.4 EC Type-Examination Certificate TÜV 00 ATEX 1654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
9.2.5 Statement of conformity TÜV 01 ATEX 1786 X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
9.2.6 FM Approval Report (EEx d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
9.2.7 FM Approval Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
9.2.8 CSA Certificate of Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
9.2.9 Control Drawing A5E00065622D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148


4 A5E00074631--03
Information for the Operator

Information for the Operator

Dear customer,
Please read this manual before starting work!
It contains important information and data which, when observed,
ensure full availability of the equipment and save service costs. This
simplifies handling of this control instrument considerably and provides
accurate measuring results.

You have purchased an instrument which can be installed in various

S SIPART PS2 without Ex-protection in a metal-- or plastic housing.
S SIPART PS2 with EEx ia/ib-protection in a metal-- or plastic hou-
S SIPART PS2 EEx d in a pressurized explosion proof metal housing
This manual takes each of these possibilities into consideration. Any
differences between the devices are indicated specially.
Scope of delivery, see chapter 7, page 119.

0.1 General information

The product described in this manual left the factory in a perfectly safe
and tested condition. To maintain this condition and to achieve perfect
and reliable operation of this product, it must only be used in the way
described by the manufacturer. Successful and safe operation of this
equipment is dependent on proper handling, installation, operation and
This manual contains the information required for use as intended of
the product it describes. It is addressed to technically qualified
personnel specially trained or having relevant knowledge of instrumen-
tation and control technology, hereafter called automation technology.
Familiarity with and proper technical observance of the safety notes
and warnings contained in this manual are essential for safe installation
and commissioning and for safety in operation and maintenance of the
product described. Only qualified personnel as defined in Chapter 0.3
has the necessary specialist knowledge to interpret the general safety
notes and warnings given in this document in specific cases and to
take the necessary action.
The documentation supplied with the instrument is listed in Chapter


A5E00074631-03 5
Information for the Operator

This manual is not a permanent part of the scope of supply. For

reasons of clarity, it does not contain every detail about every version
of the product described and cannot take every eventuality in installa-
tion, operation, maintenance and use in systems into account. If you
require further information or if problems occur that have not been dealt
with in sufficient detail in this document, please request the required
information from your local Siemens office or the office responsible for
Functionality, commissioning and operation are described in this
Please pay special attention to the Warning and Note texts. These are
separated from the remaining text by horizontal lines and specially
marked with symbols (see Chapter 0.2).

0.2 Classification of Safety Related Notices

This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your
own personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected
equipment. These notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning
triangle and are marked as follows according to the level of danger:

! indicates an immenently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious inury.

! indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.

! used with the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous si-
tuation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.


6 A5E00074631-03
Information for the Operator

indicates a potential situation which, if not avoided, may result in an
undesirable result or state.

highlights important information on the product, using the product, or
part of the documentation that is of particular importance and that will
be of benefit to the user.

0.3 Qualified Personnel

The result of unqualified intervention in the instrument or

nonobservance of the warnings given in this manual or on product
labels can be severe personal injury and/or serious material damage.
Therefore only properly qualified personnel must make changes and
settings in the instrument.
For the purpose of the safety information in this manual and on the
product labels, qualified personnel are those who
S in the case of ex-proof equipment, are trained, instructed or
authorized to perform work on electrical circuits of equipment
subject to explosion hazard.
S if they are configuration personnel, are familiar with the safety
concepts of automation technology
S if they are operating personnel, have been instructed in the handling
of automation equipment and know the content of this manual
relating to operation
S if they are commissioning and/or service personnel, are trained to
repair such automation equipment and authorized to energize,
de-energize, clear ground and tag circuits and equipment according
to safety engineering standards.
S and instructed additionally in first aid


A5E00074631-03 7
Information for the Operator

! The instrument must only be installed and commissioned by qualified
The device may be used solely for the purposes described in this
The instrument is designed for connection to functional and safety
extra low voltage.
Electrical safety depends only on the power supply equipment.
Pneumatic actuators exert considerable positioning forces. The safety
precautions of the actuator used must therefore be scrupulously
observed during installation and commissioning in order to prevent
We explicitly draw your attention to the necessity of observing safety
regulations regarding operation in zones subject to explosion hazard, if
The specifications of the examination certificate valid in your country
must be observed. Laws and regulations valid in your country must be
observed for the electrical installation in explosions hazardous areas.
In Germany these are for example:
-- Working reliability regulations
-- Regulations for installing electrical equipment in hazardous areas,
DIN EN 60079--14 (in the past VDE 0165, T1).
It should be checked whether the available power supply, insofar as
this is required, is compliant with the power supply specified on the
rating plate and specified in the examination certificate valid in your
Take care to avoid electrostatic discharges within the hazardous area,
such as can arise if a dry cloth is used to clean the positioner in the
plastic housing.
Devices with the protection type ”flameproof enclosure” may only be
opened when the power is off.

! Devices with the protection type ”intrinsically safe” lose their certifica-
tion as soon as they are operated with circuits that do not conform to
the specifications laid down in the examination certificate valid in your
The successful and safe operation of this equipment is dependent
upon its proper handling, installation, operation and maintenance.


8 A5E00074631-03
Information for the Operator

0.4 Use as intended

Use as intended for the purpose of this manual means that this product
must only be used for the applications described in the technical
description (see also Chapter 3 of this manual).
The product described in this manual has been developed, manufac-
tured, tested and documented observing the relevant safety standards.
If the handling rules and safety information for configuration, installa-
tion, use as intended and maintenance are observed, there is normally
no danger with regard to material damage or for the health of
personnel. Extra low voltages that are connected must be fed in by
safe isolation.

0.5 Technical Documentation

In addition to this manual, the following documentation is also supplied

with the instrument:
S Leaflet “Operation -- Concise Overview”
explains in visualized form the principle of operation and
parameterization and automatic commissioning.
S “Operating Instructions”
contains the information required for assembly, connection and
The following list contains all the documents available for these

Title Language Order no.

Operating Instructions German/English A5E00074600
French/Italien/Spanish A5E00074601

Manual German A5E00074630

English A5E00074631

Leaflet German A5E00074610

English A5E00074611
French A5E00074612
Italien A5E00074613
Spanish A5E00074614


A5E00074631-03 9
Information for the Operator

The following list contains all the documents available for explosion-
proof version:

Title Language Order no.

Operating instructions German/English A5E00165376
French/Italian/Spanish A5E00165377
Leaflet German A5E00165371
English A5E00165372
French A5E00165373
Italien A5E00165374
Spanish A5E00165375

This document is also available in electronic form on the Internet

under the address

0.6 Warranty Information

We should like to point out that the content of this manual is not part of
and does not modify a previous or current agreement, undertaking or
legal relationship. Siemens is bound solely by the contract of sale,
which also contains the complete and exclusive warranty. The
contractual warranty conditions are neither extended nor restricted by
this document.

0.7 Delivery Notes

The scope of delivery is listed on the dispatch papers accompanying

the delivery in accordance with the valid contract of sale.
When you open the packaging please observe the information on the
packaging. Check that the delivery is complete and undamaged. If
possible, compare the order number on the rating plates with the
ordering data.
For the scope of delivery please see Chapter 7, page 119.

0.8 Standards and Regulations

As far as possible, the harmonized European standards were used to

specify and manufacture this equipment. If harmonized European
standards have not been applied, the standards and regulations of the
Federal Republic of Germany apply (see also the Technical Data in
Chapter 6, page 113).
If this product is used outside the area of applicability of these
standards and regulations, please observe the standards and
regulations in force in the country where the product is operated.


10 A5E00074631-03


1.1 General information about the positioner

The positioner is used to adjust and control pneumatic actuators. The

controller operates electropneumatically with compressed air as an
energy supply.

Purpose For example, the positioner can be used to control valves as follows:
S with linear actuator (figure 1-1, page 13) or
S with rotary actuator VDI/VDE 3845 (figure 1-2, page 13)
Different mounting types are available for linear actuators:
S NAMUR or IEC 534
S integrated mounting to ARCA
S integrated mounting to SAMSON (non-explosion-proof version)
This means the positioner can be installed and operated on all common
actuator systems.

Versions The positioner is available for the following actuators:

S double-acting and
S single-acting
For following applications:
S potentially explosive or
S not potentially explosive applications.

Housing The electronics with display, position feedback and valve block are
integrated in the housing.
The housing is available in three versions:
S Plastic housing for single and double-acting actuators
S Metal housing for single-acting actuators
S Explosion proof metal housing for single and double-acting actua-


A5E00074631-03 11

Degree of The device is designed with IP65/NEMA4x degree of protection.


Explosion The intrinsically safe version can be used in hazardous areas in zone 1
Protection or zone 2.
The explosion proof version can be used in hazardous areas in zone 1
or zone 2.

Options The positioner can be expanded with various options modules (chapter
2.5, page 25). The following modules are available in all:
S Jy-module: Two--wire current output 4 to 20 mA for position feed-
S Alarm module: 3 digital outputs and 1 digital input
S SIA module: one digital output for fault messages, two digital out-
puts for limit value alarms

Accessories S Manometer block: 2 or 3 manometers for single and double-

acting positioners
S Connection block (NAMUR) for safety valve block
S Mounting kits for linear and rotary actuator
For decentralized installation of the positioner and position sensor:
S External position detection system
S Non-Contacting Position Sensor (NCS)

Environmental Only environmentally friendly materials have been used in the

Protection construction of the positioner.
The technical manual is printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.


12 A5E00074631-03

2 4

1 Actuator
2 Positioner, single-acting in metal housing
3 Lantern
4 Manometer block, single-acting
5 Valve

Figure 1-1 Positioner mounted on linear actuator (single-acting)

1 3

1 Positioner double-acting in plastic housing

2 Rotary actuator
3 Manometer block, double-acting

Figure 1-2 Positioner mounted on rotary actuator (double-acting)


A5E00074631-03 13

1 Actuator
2 Positioner, single-acting in explosion proof metal housing
3 Lantern
4 Manometer block, single-acting

Figure 1-3 Explosion proof positioner mounted on linear actuator (single-acting)

1 3

1 Positioner double-acting in explosion proof metal housing

2 Rotary actuator
3 Manometer block, double-acting

Figure 1-4 Explosion proof positioner mounted on rotary actuator (double-acting)


14 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

Design and Method of Operation

The following chapter describes the mechanical and electrical design,
the instrument components and method of operation of the positioner.

2.1 Overview

Introduction The electropneumatic positioner forms a control system in connection

with an actuator. The current position of the actuator is detected by a
servo potentiometer and fed back as actual value x. The setpoint and
actual value are output simultaneously on the display.
The setpoint w is formed by a current fed to the positioner which at the
same time serves to supply the positioner in two-wire operation. In 3 /
4-wire operation the supply comes from a 24 V voltage input.
The positioner operates as a predictive five--point switch by the output
variable ±∆y of which the integrated actuating valves are controlled with
pulse length modulation.
These actuating signals cause fluctuations in pressure in the actuator
chamber(s) and thus adjustment of the actuator until the control error is
Operation (manual) and configuration (structuring, initialization and pa-
rameterization) is effected by three keys and a display with the housing
cover removed.
The standard controller has one digital input (DI1). This can be configu-
red individually and can be used for blocking the operating modes for
With the Jy-option module, the current actuator position can be output
as a two wire signal Jy = 4 to 20 mA.
In addition the actuator can be monitored for two programmable limit
values which respond on exceeding or dropping below the stroke or
angle of rotation.
The limit value alarms are output by the alarm option module which can
monitor and report the function of the positioner and the actuator addi-
tionally through a fault message output. The value of the control diffe-
rence dependent on the travel time is monitored in automatic mode.
The fault signal is always set when the control error cannot be leveled
after a certain time because for example the valve is blocked or the
mains pressure is insufficient. The three digital outputs are implemen-
ted as semiconductor outputs and are error self--reporting, i.e. the out-


A5E00074631-03 15
Design and Functional Principle

puts respond even when the power supply fails or the electronics are
The actuator can also be blocked or driven to its final positions depen-
ding on the configuration for example by an external event via a digital
input (DI2) on the alarm module.
If you require electrically independent limit value messages from the
standard controller, you will have to use the SIA module with the slot
initiators instead of the alarm module.
Communication with the controller is possible via the optional HART

2.2 Instrument Components

14 3


2W 3/4 W 90∞
33 O

4...20 mA

0/4...20 mA





6.1 6.2
11 10 9 8 7 6 5

1 Input: Supply air 7 Silencer

2 Output: Actuating pressure Y1 8 Transmission ratio selector
3 Display 9 Adjusting wheel slip clutch
4 Output: Actuating pressure Y2 *) 10 Terminals options modules
5 Operating keys 12 Dummy plug
6 Restrictor 13 Screw--type cable gland
6.1 Restrictor Y1 14 Terminal plate on cover
6.2 Restrictor Y2 *) 15 Purging air switch
*) in double--acting actuators

Figure 2-1 View of the positioner in normal version (cover open)


16 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

9 3 6.1 2 1 12 7



10 5 6.2 4 8

1 Input: Supply air 7 Transmission ratio selector

2 Output: Actuating pressure Y1 (only possible with positioner open)
3 Display 8 Adjusting wheel slip clutch
4 Output: Actuating pressure Y2 *) 9 Terminals standard controller
5 Operating keys 10 Terminals options modules
6.1 Restrictor Y1 12 Safety catch
6.2 Restrictor Y2 *)
*) in double--acting actuators

Figure 2-2 View of the explosion proof version of the positioner

2.2.1 Motherboard

The motherboard contains all the electronic elements such as the CPU,
memory, A/D converter. It also contains the display and the operating
In addition, the terminal strips for connecting the options modules are
also on the motherboard.

2.2.2 Electrical Connections

The terminals of the standard controller, the Jy- and alarm-option mo-
dule are arranged at the left--hand front edges and offset against each
other in staircase form.
A module cover protects the modules from being pulled out and pre-
vents incorrect installation.


A5E00074631-03 17
Design and Functional Principle

2.2.3 Pneumatic Connections

The pneumatic connections are on the right hand side of the positioner
(figure 2-3 and figure 2-4).


1 Actuating pressure Y1 in single-- and double--acting actuators

2 Feedback shaft
3 Supply air Pz
4 Actuating pressure Y2 in double--acting actuators
5 Exhaust air output E with silencer on the bottom of the instrument

Figure 2-3 Pneumatic connection in normal version


1 Restrictor Y2 *) 5 Actuating pressure Y1

2 Restrictor Y1 6 Exhaust air output E
3 Actuating pressure Y2 *) 7 Housing ventilation (2x)
4 Supply air PZ
*) in double--acting actuators

Figure 2-4 Pneumatic connection in explosion proof version

In addition, there are pneumatic connections on the back of the positio-

ner for integrated installation in single--acting linear actuators.
S Actuating pressure Y1
S Exhaust air output E (not in explosion proof version)
In the ex--factory state, these connections are sealed by screws (see
figure 3-1, page 35, figure 3-3, page 36 and figure 3-4, page 37).


18 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

The exhaust air output E can be provided for supplying dry instrument
air to the tapping chamber and spring chamber to prevent corrosion.
Figure 2-5, page 20 shows the pneumatic connection variants for the
different actuator types, the positioning action and the safety position
after power failure.


A5E00074631-03 19
Design and Functional Principle

Positioning Safety position after power failure

pressure Actuator type
Connection electrical pneumatic
In rotary actuators the
direction of rotation
counterclockwise looking
Y1 onto the actuating shaft of
Closed Closed the valve is usually defined
as ”Open”.
Closed Open


Open Open


Open Closed Open

Closed Open Last position
(before power
Y1 failure)


Closed Open

Y1 up

Down Down



Up Up

Y1 up


up down
Last position
(before power
Y1 failure)
Y2 up

Figure 2-5 Pneumatic connection positioning


20 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

2.2.4 Mounting Kit

The positioner can be mounted on almost all actuators with the appro-
priate mounting kit.

2.2.5 Purge air switching (not in the explosion proof version)

The purge air switch is accessible above the pneumatic terminal strip
with the housing open (figure 2-6). In the IN position the inside of the
housing is purged with very small amounts of clean, dry instrument air.
In the OUT position the purge air is fed directly to the outside air.

Figure 2-6 Purge air switch on the valve block, view of the positioner onto pneumatic connection side
with cover open

2.2.6 Restrictors

In order to achieve travel times of > 1.5 s in small actuators, the air rate
can be reduced with the restrictors Y1 and Y2 (figure 2-7, in explosion
proof version, see figure 2-4, page 18). By turning to the right the air
rate is reduced up to shutting off. To set the restrictors it is advisable to
close them and then open them slowly (see initialization RUN3).
In the case of double-acting valves make sure that both chokes are set
approximately equal.

Hexagon socket 2.5 mm

Y1 Y2

Figure 2-7 Restrictors


A5E00074631-03 21
Design and Functional Principle

2.3 Method of Operation

The electropneumatic positioner SIPART PS2 forms a control circuit

with the pneumatic actuator in which the actual value x is the position
of the actuator bar in linear actuators or the position of the actuator
shaft in rotary actuators and the command variable w is the actuating
current of a controller or a manual control station of 4 to 20 mA.
The stroke or rotary movement of the actuator is transferred by the
appropriate mounting accessories, the feedback shaft and a play--free
switchable gearwheel to a high quality conductive plastic potentiometer
and to the analog input of the microcontroller.
This may correct the angle error of the stroke tap, compares the
potemtiometer voltage as actual value x with the setpoint w fed in at
the terminals 3 and 7 and calculates the manipulated variable
increments Δy. Depending on the size and direction of the control
error (x-w) the piezo--controlled supply air or exhaust air valve is
opened. The volume of the actuator integrates the positioning
increments to actuating pressure y open which moves the actuator bar
or actuator shaft approximately proportionally. These positioning
increments change the actuating pressure until the control error
becomes zero.
The pneumatic actuators are available in single and double-acting
versions. Only one pressure chamber is aerated or deaerated in the
single-acting version. The resulting pressure operates against a spring.
In the double-acting version, two pressure chambers are counteractive.
In this case the one volume is deaerated when the other volume is
aerated. See the block diagram figure 2-9, page 24.
The control algorithm is an adaptive predictive five--point switch (see
figure 2-8, page 23).
The valves are controlled with continuous contact at large control errors
(fast step zone). At medium control errors the valve is controlled by
pulse length modulated pulses (short step zone).
No actuating pulses are output in the small control error zone (adaptive
dead zone). The dead zone adaptation and the continuous adaptation
of the minimum pulse lengths in automatic operation cause the best
possible control accuracy to be achieved at the lowest switching fre-
quency. The start parameters are determined during the initialization
phase and stored in a non--volatile memory. These are basically the
real travel with the mechanical limit stops, the travel times, the size of
the dead zone etc.
In addition the number of fault messages, changes in direction and the
number of strokes are determined and stored every 15 minutes during
operation. These parameters can be read out and documented by the
communication programs such as PDM and AMS. Conclusions as to
the wear on the fitting can be drawn (diagnostic function) especially by
comparing the old value with the currently determined values.
Figure 2-9, page 24 shows the block diagrams for single-- and double--
acting actuators with the linear actuator as an example.


22 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

The exhaust air valve is always open when there is no current.

Figure 2-8 Method of operation five--point switch


A5E00074631-03 23
Design and Functional Principle

2 3
Zuluft air
BE1 _ y
_ + y
I W+
Abluft air
+24 V
+5 V p1
D p2
I W- controller p2
y0 D
+ _ air

x0 x U
BE2 A1 A2


8 9

7 p2

A1 A2 p1 p1

1 Motherboard with microcontroller and input circuit

2 Control panel with LC-display and momentary action switch
3 Piezo--valve unit, always built--in
4 Valve unit with double-acting positioner always built--in
5 Iy-module for positioner SIPART PS2
6 Alarm module for three alarm outputs and one digital input
7 SIA-module (Slot Initiator-Alarm-module)
8 Spring--loaded pneumatic actuator (single-acting)
9 Spring--loaded pneumatic actuator (double-acting)

Figure 2-9 Block diagram of the electro-pneumatic positioner, functional diagram

Alarm module (6) and SIA module (7) can only be used alternatively.

2.4 State as supplied

There are no mechanical mounting accessories on the controller in the

state as supplied These must be ordered and installed according to the
“operating instructions” depending on the application.
The respective connections for single or double-acting versions are
prepared at the factory as ordered.
The pneumatic connections on the rear are sealed.


24 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

2.5 Options modules

2.5.1 Options modules in normal and intrinsically safe versions

The options modules are protected and mechanically fixed by a module

cover ((1), see figure 2-10, page 28 and figure 2-11, page 30).

The housing must be opened to install the options modules. The
degree of protection IP65 is not guaranteed as long as the positioner is

Opening the To open the positioner, the four screws of the housing cover must be
instrument loosened with a Phillips screwdriver.
Disconnect or isolate the power supply cables.
Remove the module cover (1). To do this, the two screws (1.1) must be
removed with a screwdriver.

To prevent premature wearing of the fixture by the self--tapping screws
(1.1), the following method of mounting the module cover (1) has
proven effective.
1. Turn the screws counterclockwise until you feel them snap into the
2. Tighten both screws carefully in clockwise direction

Jy-module Insert the Jy-module (3) in bottom pcb rails of the container, establish
the electrical connection with the enclosed ribbon cable (6).

Alarm module Insert the alarm module (4) in the top pcb rails of the container,
establish the electrical connection with the enclosed ribbon cable (5).

SIA-module (Slot Initiator Alarm module) Proceed as follows for installation:

1. Remove all the electrical connections from the basic electronics
2. Loosen the two fixing screws (2.1) of the basic electronics.
3. Snap out the basic electronic board by carefully bending the four
4. Insert the SIA-module (7) from above up to the top pcb rail of the


A5E00074631-03 25
Design and Functional Principle

5. Push the SIA module in the pcb rail of the container about 3 mm to
the right.
6. Screw the special screw (7.1) through the SIA module into the axle
of the positioner (Torque: 2 Nm):

The pin pressed into the actuating disc bearing (11) must be adjusted
to just before touching with the special screw. The actuating disc bea-
ring and the special screw must then be turned simultaneously so that
the pins slot into the special screw.

7. Place the insulating cover (10) over the SIA module underneath
the surface of the basic electronics board at the container wall on
one side. The recesses in the insulating cover must slot into the
corresponding lugs on the container wall. Place the insulating
cover on the SIA module by carefully bending the container walls.
8. Snap the basic electronics board into the four holders and screw it
tight again with the two fixing screws (2.1).
9. Make all the electrical connections between the motherboard and
the options with the ribbon cables provided and between the mo-
therboard and potentiometers with the potentiometer cable.
10. Fix the enclosed module cover instead of the standard version with
the two screws.
11. Select the plates which already exist on the standard version of the
module cover from the set of plates enclosed. Stick the selected
plates according to the standard version to the mounted module
12. Make the electrical connections.

Setting the two limit values:

Connect a suitable display instrument such as the Initiator--Tester type
2/Ex made by Peperl+Fuchs to the terminals 41 and 42 or terminals 51
and 52 of the SIA module to be able to see the switching state of the
slot initiators.

13. Drive the actuator to the first desired mechanical position.

14. Adjust the top actuating disc (7.2) by hand until the output signal
on terminals 41 and 42 changes.


26 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

15. Drive the actuator to the second desired mechanical position.

16. Adjust the bottom actuating disc (7.3) by hand until the output si-
gnal on terminals 51 and 52 changes.

If you turn the actuating disc beyond the switching point up to the next
switching point, you can set a high-low or a low-high change.
To avoid the actuating discs being accidentally adjusted during opera-
ting, they are relatively sluggish. The following remedy might be of help
if you are having trouble with the adjustment: open and close the ac-
tuator several times while holding the actuating discs. This temporarily
reduces the friction. This allows an easier and finer adjustment.

EMC filter module The positioner can also be driven by an external position sensor (po-
for connection of tentiometer or NCS) (see page 40). An EMC filter module, order num-
external position ber C73451--A430--D23, is required for this.


A5E00074631-03 27
Design and Functional Principle

6 1 1.1


1.1 2.1




7.1 8 9

1 Module cover 7 SIA-module

1.1 Fixing screws 7.1 Special screw
2 Motherboard 7.2 Actuating disc for A1 (terminals 41 and 42)
2.1 Fixing screws 7.3 Actuating disc for A2 (terminals 51 and 52)
3 Jy-module with ribbon cable (6) 8 Adjusting wheel slip clutch
4 Alarm module with ribbon cable (5) 9 Transmission ratio selector
5 Ribbon cable for alarm module 10 Insulating cover
6 Ribbon cable for Jy-module 11 Actuating disc bearings

Figure 2-10 Installation of Options Modules


28 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

2.5.2 Options modules in explosion proof version

The options modules are protected and mechanically fixed by a module

cover ((1), see figure 2-11, page 30).

The housing must be opened to install the options modules. The
degree of protection IP65/NEMA4x is not guaranteed as long as the
positioner is open.

! The explosion proof positioner may only be supplied with electrical
power in areas in which the atmosphere may be potentially explosive
when the housing is closed.
The feed--though openings for the electronic connections must be
sealed with EEX-d certified cable glands or EEx-d certified plugs or an
ignition lock must be mounted at a maximum distance of 46 cm
(18 inches) when using the “conduit”--system.

Open the positio- Disconnect or isolate the power supply cables first.
To open the positioner, the safety catch (12) must be opened and the
screw--on cover unscrewed.
After loosening the four fixing screws (13.1) the complete rack (13) can
be removed. The actuator may have to be turned so that the clutch can
be easily disengaged.
Remove the module cover (1). To do this, the two screws (1.1) must be
removed with a screwdriver.

To prevent premature wearing of the fixture by the self--tapping screw
(1.1) next to the display, the following method of mounting the module
cover (1) has proven effective.
1. Turn the screws counterclockwise until you feel them snap into the
2. Tighten both screws carefully in clockwise direction.


A5E00074631-03 29
Design and Functional Principle






13.1 7 5 6

1 Module cover 7 Transmission ratio selector

1.1 Fixing screws 8 Adjusting wheel for slipping clutch
2 PA module 10 Housing
3 Jy module with ribbon cable 11 Screw--on cover
4 Alarm module with ribbon cable 12 Safety catch
5 Ribbon cable for alarm module 13 Rack
6 Ribbon cable for Jy module 13.1 Fixing screws

Figure 2-11 Installation of the options modules in the explosion proof version


30 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

2.5.3 HART-function

Function The positioner is also available with built--in HART-functions. The

HART protocol allows you to communicate with your instrument with a
handheld communicatorR, PC or programming unit. This enables you
to configure your instrument comfortably, save configurations, call dia-
gnostic data, display online measured values and much more. Commu-
nication takes place as frequency modulation over the existing signal
lines for the command variable from 4 to 20 mA.
The SPART PS2 is integrated in the following parameterization tools:
S Handheld communicatorR
S PDM (Process Device Manager)
S AMS (Asset Management System; update in preparation)
S Cornerstone

Operation on the positioner has priority over the settings via the HART
Communication is aborted by a power failure at the positioner.

2.5.4 Alarm module

Function The alarm module contains

S 3 digital outputs and
S 1 digital input
The digital outputs serve to output fault messages and alarms. The
configuration is described in chapter 4.4, page 85, with the parameters
44 to 54.
By an external signal applied at digital input (DI2) the actuator can be
blocked or driven to its limit positions for example depending on the
configuration. The configuration is described in chapter 4.4, page 85,
with the parameters 43.
The alarm module is available in two versions:
S explosion protected for connecting to switching amplifier DIN 19234
S non--explosion protected for connection to voltage sources with a
maximum 35 V
The semiconductor outputs of the alarm module report an alarm (signal
state Low) by switching off with high resistance. They are conductive in
the High state (without alarm). The dynamic control makes them error


A5E00074631-03 31
Design and Functional Principle

The outputs are potentially isolated from the basic circuit and each
The digital input is double.
S one potential isolated for voltage level
S one not potential isolated for floating contacts
These two inputs are designed as logic OR links.

Installation The alarm module is pushed in underneath the motherboard into the
module rack up to the stop and connected by the enclosed 8-wire rib-
bon cable (5) to the motherboard (see figure 2-10, page 28).

2.5.5 Jy-module

Function With the Jy-option module, the current actuator position can be output
as a two wire signal Jy= 4 to 20 mA – potentially isolated from the
standard controller. The dynamic control of the Jy-module makes it also
error self--reporting.

Installation The Jy- module is pushed in to the bottom compartment of the module
rack up to the stop and connected by the enclosed 6-wire ribbon cable
(6) to the motherboard (see figure 2-10, page 28).

2.5.6 SIA module

The SIA module contains:

S a digital output for outputting a group fault message (see alarm
The floating digital output is implemented as a self error reporting
semiconductor output.
S two digital outputs for reporting two mechanically adjustable limit
values (L1, L2) by slot initiators.
These two outputs are electrically independent of the rest of the


32 A5E00074631-03
Design and Functional Principle

2.5.7 Accessories




Figure 2-12 Manometer block (left for single-acting, right for double-acting actuators)

Manometer block The manometer block for single-acting actuator contains two
manometers which are screwed to the lateral pneumatic connection of
the positioner with O-rings. The values for the input pressure (supply
air PZ) and output pressure (actuating pressure Y1) are displayed.
The manometer block for double-acting actuators contains three
manometers which are screwed to the lateral pneumatic connection of
the positioner with O-rings. The values for the input pressure (supply
air PZ) and output pressure (actuating pressure Y1 and Y2) are


A5E00074631-03 33
Design and Functional Principle


34 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

Preparing for Operation

This chapter describes all the preparations necessary for operating the

3.1 Instrument identification (type key)

The order number of the positioner is printed on the rating plate and on
the packaging. Compare this with the order number in chapter 7.2,
page 121.
Installation of any modules required is described in chapter 2.5,
page 25 of this technical manual.

3.2 Dimensional drawings

50 x 4 x M6 Y1


E 33 PZ




9 deep
M8, 9 deep

All air connections 11,2
58 G 1/4 or 1/4” NPT

M20 x 1.5 or NPT-adapter




7 14,5


Figure 3-1 Dimensional drawing version plastic housing 6DR5xx0


A5E00074631-03 35
Preparing for Operation


3x 50
G 1/4 or

1/4” NPT



Thread depth 5.5



Figure 3-2 Dimensional drawing terminal strip for plastic housing

50 x 4 x M6
9 deep








M8, 9 deep
58 All air connections
G 1/4 or 1/4” NPT 11.2

M20 x 1.5 or NPT-adapter




7 14.5

Figure 3-3 Dimensional drawing version metal housing 6DR5xx1


36 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

23 All air connections

M8, 14 deep (4x) G1/4 or 1/4”NPT







M6, 11 deep (4x)
M6, 8 deep (2x)

60 87.2
M20, M25 or 7.5 25.7 14,3
1/ ”NPT (2x)
1) Connection 238/Y2 only in
double action version

∅ 136.5


∅ 8 h9

Figure 3-4 Dimensional drawing for positioner with metal housing in explosion proof
version 6DR5xx5

3.3 Assembly


! To avoid injury or mechanical damage to the positioner/mounting kit,
the following order must be observed for assembly:
1. Mechanical fitting of positioner this chapter
2. Connection of electric power supply see chapter 3.4, p. 50
3. Connection of pneumatic power supply see chapter 3.5, p. 62
4. Put into operation see chapter 3.6, p. 63
Please also observe the warning on page 51!


A5E00074631-03 37
Preparing for Operation

The positioner will be equipped at the factory and delivered complete
with the necessary options at the customer’s request. Options modules
may only be retrofitted by our service technicians.
The positioner must be assembled – especially in a moist environment
– in such a way as to rule out freezing of the positioner axle at low
ambient temperature.
The operating keys must be covered to prevent liquid getting in.

! In the combination of components it must be ensured that only
positioners and options modules are combined which are approved for
the respective area of application. This applies especially for safe
operation of the positioner in areas in which the atmosphere is
potentially explosive (zone 1 and 2). The instrument categories (2 and
3) of the instrument itself and those of its options must be observed.

In addition, you must always make sure that no water gets into an open
housing or screw--type gland. This may be the case for example when
the positioner cannot be finally assembled and connected immediately.
It generally applies that the positioner may only be operated with dry
compressed air. Therefore use the normal water traps. An additional
drying unit may even be necessary in extreme cases. This is
particularly important when operating the positioner at low ambient
temperatures. Please set the purge air switch (on the valve block
above the pneumatic terminals) additionally to the “OUT” position.
Use a sufficiently rugged console (e.g. plate thickness > 4 mm with
reinforcements) for rotary actuators and the mounting kit “linear
actuator” or integrated connection for linear actuators.

3.3.1 Instructions for using positioners in a wet environment

This information gives you important instructions for the assembly and
operation of the positioner in a wet environment (frequent, heavy rain
and/or prolonged tropical condensation) in which the IP65 degree of
protection is no longer sufficient and especially when there is a danger
that water may freeze.
To prevent water getting into the instrument in normal operation (e.g.
through the exhaust air openings) or the display being poorly legible,
please avoid the unfavorable installation positions illustrated in
figure 3-5.


38 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

Figure 3-5 Favorable and unfavorable installation positions

If conditions oblige you to operate the positioner in a unfavorable

installation position, you can take additional precautionary measures to
prevent penetration by water.

Never clean the positioner with a high pressure water jet because the
IP65 degree of protection is inadequate protection for this.

The necessary additional measures to prevent penetration by water

depend on the installation position chosen and you may additionally
S screw--type gland with sealing ring (e.g. FESTO: CK –1 / 4–PK–6)
S plastic hose approx. 20 to 30 cm (e.g. FESTO PUN-- 8X1,25 SW)
S cable straps (number and length depends on local conditions)

S Connect the pipes in such a way that rain water which runs along
the pipes can drip off before it reaches the terminal strip of the posi-
S Check the electrical connections for perfect firm contact.
S Check the seal in the housing cover for damage and contamination.
Clean and replace if necessary.
S Mount the positioner if possible so that the sinter bronze silencer
faces downwards on the underside of the housing (vertical installa-
tion position). If this is not possible, the silencer should be replaced
by a suitable screw--type gland with a plastic hose.


A5E00074631-03 39
Preparing for Operation

Assembly of the screw--type gland with plastic hose

S Unscrew the sinter bronze silencer from the exhaust air opening on
the underside of the housing.
S Screw the screw--type gland mentioned above into the exhaust air
S Mount the above mentioned plastic hose on the screw--type gland
and check the good fit.
S Fix the plastic hose with a cable strap to the fitting so that the
opening faces downwards.
S Make sure that the hose has no kinks and the exhaust air can flow
out unhindered.

3.3.2 Instructions for using positioners which are exposed to strong

accelerations or vibrations

Fittings under heavy mechanical stresses such as from breakaway

flaps, violently shaking or vibrating valves, or steam jets can be
exposed to strong acceleration forces far above those specified. This
can result, in extreme cases, to a shifting of the friction clutch.
For such cases the position controller equipped with a fixing device for
the slip clutch with which adjustment due to the above mentioned
influences can be prevented. The setting possibility is accessible below
the black knurled wheel and is recognizable from slots on the yellow
wheel. The zero point adjustment and the setting possibility of the slip
clutch are identified by symbols on an additional plate (see figure 3-6,
page 41).

Procedure After you have mounted the position controller and commissioned it
completely, you can set the slip clutch torque as follows:
S Plug a conventional 4 mm wide screwdriver into a slot in the yellow
S Then turn the yellow wheel to the left with the screwdriver until it
snaps in audibly. This increases the torque of the slip clutch.
S A fixed slip clutch is recognizable from an approx. 1 mm wide gap
between the yellow and black wheel.
S If you have to make a zero point setting, e.g. after changing the
drive, please reduce the torque first by turning the yellow wheel to
the right stop. After the zero point setting, you can fix the slip clutch
as described above.


40 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

I P65
D--76181 Karlsruhe Type4x
SIPARTPS2 i/p Positioner
Iw = 4...20mA O
Ta = --30... +80 C
Iy module
p = 1,4 ... 7bar SIA module
F--Nr. N1--P212--1234567 MadeinFrance Alarm module

Figure 3-6 Fixing device for the slip clutch

External external Applications in which the measures described above are inadequate
travel detection are also conceivable. This applies for instance with continuous and
heavy vibration, increased or too low ambient temperatures and in the
case of nuclear radiation.
The separate attachment of position displacement sensor and
controller unit can help here. A universal component is available which
is suitable both for linear and rotary actuators.

You require the following:

S The external position detection system (order no. C73451-

A430-D78). This consists of a SIPART-PS2- housing with integrated
slip clutch, built-in potentiometer and various dummy plugs and
S or a Non-Contacting Position Sensor (e.g. 6DR4004--6N)
S The controller unit, any positioner version.
S The EMC filter module, this is is a set together with cable clips and
M-20 screw--type cable gland and has the order number
C73451-A430-D23. The EMC filter module must be installed in the
positioner. The installation instructions enclosed with the EMC filter
module explain how to assemble the components.
S A 3-wire cable for connecting the components.
This EMC filter module should always be used for the controller unit
when any actuator--mounted potentiometer (resistance 10 kohms) is to
be used instead of the external position detection system


A5E00074631-03 41
Preparing for Operation

3.3.3 Mounting kit ”linear actuator” 6DR4004-8V and 6DR4004-8L

The scope of delivery of the mounting kit” linear actuator IEC 534
(3 mm to 35 mm)” are contained (ser. no. see figure 3-7, page 44):
Ser. no. pieces Designation Note
1 1 NAMUR mounting kit bracket Standardized connection for mounting console with
IEC 534 ledge, column or plane surface
2 1 Pick-up bracket Guides the roller with carrier pin and turns lever
3 2 Clamping assembly Mounting of pick-up bracket on actuator spindle
4 1 Carrier pin Assembly with roll (5) on lever (6)
6 1 Lever NAMUR For stroke range 3 mm to 35 mm
For stroke ranges> 35 mm to 130 mm (special deli-
very), lever 6DR4004-8L is required additionally
7 2 U bolt Only for actuators with columns
8 4 Hexagon head screw M8 x 20 DIN 933-A2
9 2 Hexagon head screw M8 x 16 DIN 933-A2
10 6 Lock washer A8 -- DIN 127-A2
11 6 Flat washer B 8,4 -- DIN 125-A2
12 2 Flat washer B 6,4 -- DIN 125-A2
14 1 Spring washer A6 -- DIN 137A-A2
15 1 Lock washer 3.2 -- DIN 6799-A2
16 3 Spring washer A6 -- DIN 127-A2
17 3 Socket cap screw M6 x 25 DIN 7984-A2
18 1 Hexagon nut M6 -- DIN 934-A4
19 1 Square nut M6 -- DIN 557-A4
21 4 Hexagon nut M8 -- DIN 934-A4
Table 3-1 Scope of delivery of the mounting kit “linear actuator”


42 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

3.3.4 Assembly procedure (see figure 3-7, page 44)

1. Mount clamping assembly (3) with hexagon socket cap screws

(17) and lock washer (16) on the actuator spindle.
2. Insert the pick--up bracket (2) into the recesses of the clamping
assembly. Set the necessary length and tighten the screws so that
the pick--up bracket can still be shifted.
3. Insert the pin in the lever (6) and assemble with nut (18), spring
washer (14) and washer (12).
4. The value of the stroke range specified on the actuator or if this
does not exist as a scaling value, the next greatest scaling value is
set. The center of the pin must be in line with the scaling value.
The same value can be set later under parameter 3.YWAY in
commissioning to display the way in mm after initialization.
5. Assemble the hexagon socket cap screw (17), spring washer (16),
washer (12) and square nut (19) on the lever.
6. Push the premounted lever onto the positioner axis up to the stop
and fix with the hexagon socket cap screw (17).
7. Fit the mounting bracket (1) with two hexagon head screws (9),
lock washer (10) and flat washer (11) on the rear of the positioner.
8. Selection of the row of holes depends on the width of the actuator
yoke. The roll (5) should engage in the pick-up bracket (2) as close
as possible to the spindle but may not touch the clamping
9. Hold the positioner with the mounting bracket on the actuator so
that the pin (4) is guided within the pick-up bracket (2).
10. Tighten the pick-up bracket.
11. Position the mounting parts according to the type of actuator.
-- Actuator with ledge: Hexagon head screw (8), flat washer (11)
and lock washer (10).
-- Actuator with plane surface: Four hexagon head screws (8), flat
washer (11) and lock washer (10).
-- Actuator with columns: Two U bolts (7), four hexagon nuts (21)
with flat washer (11) and lock washer (10).
12. Secure positioner onto the yoke using the previously positioned
mounting parts.

Set the height of the positioner so that the horizontal lever position is
reached as close to the stroke center as possible. You can use the
lever scale as orientation. It must be guaranteed that the horizontal
lever position is passed through within the stroke range.


A5E00074631-03 43
Preparing for Operation



19 14



Without explosion-proof version



Explosion-proof version:



Figure 3-7 Assembly procedure (linear actuator)


44 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

1 11 10

Mounting on yoke Mounting on yoke
11 with ledge with plane surface

11 10

Mounting on yoke
with columns

as required

Figure 3-7 Assembly procedure (linear actuator) continued

3.3.5 Mounting kit ”rotary actuator” 6DR4004-8D

The scope of delivery of the mounting kit ”Rotary actuator” contains (ser. no. see figures 3-8
and 3-9):
Ser. no. Pieces Designation Note
2 1 Coupling wheel Mounting on position feedback shaft of the
3 1 Carrier Mounting on end of actuator shaft
4 1 Multiple plate Indication of actuator position, comprising 4.1
and 4.2
4.1 8 Scales Different divisions
4.2 1 Pointer mark Reference point for scale
14 4 Hexagon head screw DIN 933 -- M6 x 12
15 4 Lock washer S6
16 1 Fillister head screw DIN 84 -- M6 x 12
17 1 Washer DIN 125 – 6.4
18 1 Hexagon socket head screw Premounted with coupling wheel
19 1 Allen key For item 18
Table 3-2 Scope of delivery of the mounting kit “rotary actuator”


A5E00074631-03 45
Preparing for Operation

3.3.6 Assembly procedure (see figure 3-8 and figure 3-9)

1. Attach VDI/VDE 3845 mounting console ((9), actuator-specific,

scope of delivery actuator manufacturer) onto rear of positioner
and secure using hexagon head screws (14) and lock washers
2. Adhere pointer (4.2) onto mounting console in the center of the
centering hole.
3. Push the coupling wheel (2) onto positioner axis, pull back by
about 1 mm and tighten the hexagon socket head screw (18) with
the Allen key provided.
4. Place the carrier (3) onto the end of the actuator and secure using
Fillister head screw (16) and washer (17).
5. Carefully place positioner with mounting console onto the actuator
such that the pin of the coupling wheel engages in the driver.
6. Align the positioner/mounting console assembly in the center of the
actuator and screw tight.
(Screws not included in delivery; they are part of the actuator
mounting console!)
7. Following startup as described in Chapter 3.6, page 63: Drive the
actuator to the end position and adhere scale (4.1) on the coupling
wheel (2) according to direction of rotation and rotary actuator. The
scale is self--adhesive!


46 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation



1) 2)




0%20 40 60 80 100%


Figure 3-8 Assembly procedure (rotary actuator)


A5E00074631-03 47
Preparing for Operation

15 14


16 9

2) 2


0%20 40 60 80 100%


Figure 3-9 Assembly procedure for explosion proof version (rotary actuator)


48 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

CUT A -- B
4.2 14, 15

14, 15

G 1/4


rotary actuator

3 16, 17 10 4.1 9

2 Coupling wheel 10 Feedback shaft

3 Carrier 14 Hexagon head screw M6 x 12
4 Multiple plate 15 Lock washer S6
4.1 Scale 16 Fillister head screw M6 x 12
4.2 Pointer mark 17 Washer
9 VDI/VDE 3845-mounting bracket 18 Hexagon socket head screw

Figure 3-10 Mounted positioner for rotary actuator


A5E00074631-03 49
Preparing for Operation

fastening level

M6 4 +0,1

rotary actuator


F05-Lkr.- 50

Figure 3-11 Attachment of rotary actuator, mounting console (scope of delivery actuator manufacturer),

3.4 Electrical Connection

Any necessary options modules must be installed before electrical
connection (see chapter 2.5, page 25).
N.B.: The transmission ratio selector can only be set when the
positioner is open. Therefore check this setting before closing the

! The specifications of the examination certificate valid in your country
must be observed. Laws and regulations valid in your country must be
observed for the electrical installation in explosions hazardous areas.
In Germany these are for example:
-- Working reliability regulations
-- Regulations for installing electrical equipment in hazardous areas,
DIN EN 60079--14 (in the past VDE 0165, T1).
-- The EC Type-Examination Certificates


50 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

If the intrinsically safe version is operated with a higher operating vol-
tage by mistake, the positioner must no longer be used for intrinsically
safe application.
The explosion-proof positioner may only be supplied with electrical
power in areas in which the atmosphere may be potentially explosive
when the housing is closed.
The feed-though openings in the explosion-proof version for the
electronic connections must be sealed with EEX-d certified cable
glands or EEx-d certified plugs or an ignition lock must be mounted at
a maximum distance of 46 cm (18 inches) when using the

The plastic housing is metal lined to increase the electromagnetic

compatibility (EMC) against high frequency radiation. This screen is
connected electrically to the threaded bushes shown in figure 3-12,
page 51.
Please bear in mind that this protection can only be effective if you con-
nect at least one of these bushes with grounded fittings by electrically
conductive (blank) mounting parts.


Figure 3-12 Base plate


A5E00074631-03 51
Preparing for Operation

Use standard M20 x 1.5 cable gland nuts to ensure leakage (IP--
protection of the housing) and for the necessary tensile strength use
only cables with a cable diameter ≥ 8 mm, or for smaller diameters
use a suitable sealing insert.

NOTE for use in zone 2:

Non-sparking equipment for Zone 2 may not be connected or discon-
nected under power in normal operation.
However, during installation or repair work the positioner may be con-
nected or disconnected even under power (see also certificate for zone

NOTE for use in two-wire systems:

Never connect the current input (terminal 6 and 7) to a voltage source
as this could destroy the positioner.
Always use a current source with a maximum output current of 20 mA.
To maintain the power supply, the input current must be ≥3.6 mA.

3.4.1 Connection in non-intrinsically safe and explosion proof version

+ 4 to 20 mA E 6DR50x0-xNxxx
6 Positioner 6DR5011-xNxxx
7 6DR51x0-xNxxx
J 8 6DR5111-xNxxx
9 6DR50x5-xExxx
10 Digital input 1 6DR51x5-xExxx

Only for:
HART Communicator 6DR51x0-xNxxx

Figure 3-13 Two-wire connection


52 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

2 Positioner 6DR53x0-xNxxx
+ 4 to 20 mA 6DR52x5-xExxx

6 A
9 Digital input 1

HART Communicator Only for:


Figure 3-14 Two-wire connection

Positioner 6DR53x0-Nxxx
18 to 30 V 6DR52x5-Exxx
3 6DR53x5-Exxx

0/4 to 20 mA
+ E
*) 6 A
*) 7
J 8
10 Digital input 1

HART Communicator Only for:


*) only for three-wire connection

Figure 3-15 Three-/four--wire connection


A5E00074631-03 53
Preparing for Operation

Current output

61 E
UH ≤35 V
62 J
Jy module:

Figure 3-16 Jy-module 6DR4004-8J

Digital inputs and outputs

Alarm module

+13 V +
≤30 V 11
12 ≥1 Digital input 2
+4,5 V

21 +3 V
35 V 31 Fault
32 message

35 V 41 Limit value A1

+ 1K

35 V 51 Limit value A2

Figure 3-17 Alarm module 6DR4004--8A


54 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

SIA module

SIA module

8.2 V 31 Fault
32 message

8.2 V 41 Limit value A1

8.2 V 51 Limit value A2

Figure 3-18 SIA module 6DR4004-8G

3.4.2 Connection in intrinsically safe version

Only certified intrinsically safe circuits may be connected as power
supply, control and signal circuits.

Standard controller

Non-hazardous Hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2


+ 4 to 20 mA E
EEx Positioner
6 6DR5010-xExxx
7 6DR5020-xExxx
J 8 6DR5011-xExxx
10 Digital input 1
safe power

Figure 3-19 Two-wire connection, EEx i


A5E00074631-03 55
Preparing for Operation

Non-hazardous Hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2


2 Positioner 6DR5210-xExxx
EEx + 4 to 20 mA 6DR5220-xExxx
Intrinsically 6 A
safe power 7
Digital input 1

HART Communicator

Figure 3-20 Two-wire connection, EEx i

Non-hazardous Hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2


+ 18 to 30 V
EEx Positioner 6DR5210-xExxx

EEx + 4 to 20 mA E
6 A
*) *)
Digital input 1
Intrinsically 10
safe power

HART Communicator

*) Only for three-wire connection

Figure 3-21 Three-/four--wire connection, EEx i


56 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation


Non-hazardous Hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2

Power supply
L+ Instrument 1
intrinsically safe feed sources

+18 to 30 V
M 6DR5210--xExxx

Iy +0/4 to 20 mA
EEx setting range 1

total setting Digital input 1

range Iy #

Instrument 2

setting range 1

Digital input 1

Figure 3-22 Series circuit of two positioners, e.g. split range (separate power supply), EEx i


A5E00074631-03 57
Preparing for Operation

Current output

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2

EEx +
61 E
UH U 62 J
≤30 V J

Jy module

Intrinsically safe power source

Figure 3-23 Jy-module 6DR4004-6J, EEx i

Digital inputs and outputs

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2

Alarm module

≤25.2 V
EEx 12 ≥1 Digital
input 2

21 + 3V
Intrinsically + 2K1
safe 31
Switching am- 8.2 V 10K Fault
EEx 32 message
plifier to
EN 50227
8.2 V 10K Limit value A1
EEx 42

+ 2K1
8.2 V 10K Limit value A2
EEx 52

Figure 3-24 Alarm module 6DR4004-6A, EEx i


58 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

SIA module

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2

SIA module

+ 2K1
Intrinsically safe 31 Fault
8.2 V 10K
Switching ampli- EEx 32 message
fier to EN 50227

8.2 V Limit value A1
EEx 42

8.2 V 51
Limit value A2
EEx 52

Figure 3-25 SIA module 6DR4004-6G, EEx i

3.4.3 Connection in type of protection “n” version

Standard controller

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 2

+ 4 to 20 mA E
6 Positioner 6DR5010-xGxxx
A 6DR5020-xGxxx
J 8
10 Digital input 1

Figure 3-26 Two-wire connection, EEx n


A5E00074631-03 59
Preparing for Operation

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 2

Positioner 6DR5210-xGxxx
+ 4 to 20 mA 2

6 A
9 Digital input 1

HART Communicator

Figure 3-27 Two-wire connection, EEx n

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 2

Positioner 6DR5210-Gxxx
18 to 30 V 6DR5220-Gxxx
3 6DR5211-Gxxx

0/4 to 20 mA
+ E
*) 6 A
*) 7
J 8
9 Digital input 1

HAR Communicator

*) Only for three-wire connection

Figure 3-28 Three-/Four-wire connection, EEx n


60 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

Current output

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2

+ +
61 E
62 J
≤30 V

Jy module

Figure 3-29 Jy-module 6DR4004-6J, EEx n

Digital inputs and outputs

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 2

Alarm module

12 ≥1 Digital
input 2

21 +3 V

+ 2K1

8.2 V 31
10K Fault
32 message

8.2 V 41
10K Limit value A1

+ 2K1
8.2 V 10K Limit value A2

Figure 3-30 Alarm module 6DR4004--6A, EEx n


A5E00074631-03 61
Preparing for Operation

SIA module

Non-hazardous area Hazardous area zone 2

SIA module

+ 2K1
8.2 V 10K Fault

8.2 V Limit value A1

8.2 V 51
Limit value A2

Figure 3-31 SIA module 6DR4004-6G, EEx n

3.5 Pneumatic Connection

! For reasons of safety, the pneumatic power may only be supplied after
assembly when the positioner is switched to operating level P manual
operation with electrical signal applied (as--delivered state, see figure
4-4, page 82).

Note the air quality! Oil-free industrial air, solid content < 30 μm, pressure
dew point 20 K below the lowest ambient temperature (chapter 7 “Techni-
cal Data”, page 119).

S Connect a manometer block for supply air and actuating pressure if

S Connection by female thread G 1/4 DIN 45141 or 1/4” NPT:
PZ Supply air 1.4 to 7 bar
Y1 actuating pressure 1 for single- and double-acting actuators
Y2 actuating pressure 2 for double-acting actuators
E exhaust air outlet (remove silencer if necessary)
see figure 2-3 and 2-4, page 18.


62 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

S .Safety position when the electric power supply fails:

single-acting: Y1 deaerated
double-acting: Y1 Max. Actuating pressure
(supply air pressure)
Y2 deaerated
S Connect actuating pressure Y1 or Y2 (only in double-acting actua-
tors) according to the desired safety position.
S Connect supply air to PZ.

In order for spring-loaded pneumatic actuators to be able to reliably
exploit the maximum possible travel, the supply pressure must be
sufficiently greater than the maximum required final pressure of the
After installing the device, check the pneumatic connections of the entire
assembly for leakage. Any leakage would cause not only continuous
consumption of compressed air but also would cause the positioner to
continually endeavor to compensate for the variance in position, leading
in time to premature wear of the whole control mechanism.

3.6 Commissioning

Once the positioner has been fitted to a pneumatic actuator, it must be

provided with electrical and pneumatic auxiliary power.
Then you can then adapt the position controller to the respective actua-
tor by parameterizing and initializing it.
Mode” operating mode (which can also if necessary be attained by
”PRST”) -- ”NOINI” will flash.
If the positioner has not been initialized it will be in the ”P Manual
Mode” operating mode (which can also if necessary be attained by
”PRST”) -- ”NOINI” will flash.
This initialization can be effected in three different ways:
S Automatic initialization
Initialization takes place automatically. Hereby the positioner deter-
mines the direction of action, the stem travel and the angle of rota-
tion, the travel times of the actuator one after the other and adapts
the control parameters to the dynamic behavior of the actuator.
S Manual initialization
The stem travel or angle of rotation of the actuator can be set ma-
nually, the other parameters are determined as in automatic initiali-
zation. This function is useful in actuators with soft limit stops.
S Copying initialization data (positioner exchange)
In the devices with HART function the initialization data of a positio-
ner can be read out and copied to another positioner. This enables a
defective device to be changed without having to interrupt an ongo-
ing process by initialization.


A5E00074631-03 63
Preparing for Operation

Only a few parameters need to be set in the positioner prior to initializa-

tion. The others are defaulted so that they do not normally need to be
adjusted. You will have no problems with commissioning if you observe
the following points.
The possible operating modes and parameters, together with the
adjustment capabilities and their effects are described in chapter 4
page 79 ”Operation”.

N.B.: The operating pressure should be at least one bar greater than is
necessary for closing/opening the valve during initialization.
N.B.: The transmission ratio selector can only be set when the
positioner is open. Therefore check this setting before closing the

3.6.1 Preparations for linear actuators

1. Assemble the positioner with the appropriate mounting kit (see

chapter 3.3.3, page 39).

Particularly important is the position of the transmission ratio selector
(8, figure 2-1, page 16) in the positioner:

Stroke Lever Position of the transmission ratio

5 to 20 mm short 33° (i.e. down)
25 to 35 mm short 90° (i.e. up)
40 to 130 mm long 90° (i.e. up)

2. Push the carrier pin (4, figure 3-7 (page 44) 2) onto the lever (6,
figure 3-7, 2) to the scale position corresponding to the rated
stroke or next highest position and screw the carrier pin tight with
the nut (18, figure 3-7, 2).
3. Connect the actuator and the positioner with the pneumatic lines
and supply pneumatic power to the positioner (figure 2-3 and 2-4,
page 18 ).
4. Connect a suitable current or voltage source (see figure 3-13,
page 52 and figure 3-19, page 55).
5. The positioner is now in the operating mode ”P-manual opera-
tion” The current potentiometer voltage (P) is displayed in percent
in the top line of the display, e.g.: ”P12.3”, and ”NOINI” flashes in
the bottom line:


64 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

6. Check the free running of the mechanics in the whole actuating

range by moving the actuator with the keys and and driving
to the respective end position.

You can move the actuator quickly by pressing the other direction key
additionally whilst keeping the direction key selected first pressed.

7. Now move the actuator to the horizontal position of the lever. A

value between P48.0 and P52.0 should be visible in the display. If
this is not the case, adjust the slip clutch (8, figure 2-10, page 28)
until ”P50.0” is displayed with a horizontal lever. The more
accurately you hit this value, the more exactly the positioner can
determine the path.

3.6.2 Automatic initialization of linear actuator

If you can move the actuator correctly, leave it standing in a central po-
sition and start automatic initialization:

1. Press the operation mode key for longer than 5 s. This brings
you to the Configuration mode.

2. Switch to the second parameter by pressing the operation mode

key briefly.

It is vital that this value corresponds to the setting of the transmission
ratio selector (8, figure 2-1, page 16) (33° or 90°).


A5E00074631-03 65
Preparing for Operation

3. Switch on to the following display with the operation mode key :

You only need to set this parameter if you want to have the total
stroke in mm displayed at the end of the initialization phase. To do
this, select the same value in the display to which you have set the
carrier pin to the scale on the lever.

4. Switch on to the following display with the operation mode key :

5. Start initialization by pressing the key for longer than 5 s.


During the initialization phase ”RUN1” to ”RUN5” appear one after an-
other in the bottom display (see also structograms figure 3-33, page 74
to figure 3-36, page 77).

The initialization process may last up to 15 minutes depending on the

The initialization is complete when the following display appears:

The following display appears after pressing the operation mode key

To exit the Configuration mode, press the operation mode key for
longer than 5 s. The software version is displayed after about 5 s. The
instrument is in manual operation after releasing the operation mode


66 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

You can abort an ongoing initialization at any time by pressing the
operation mode key. Your previous settings are retained. All the para-
meters are reset to the factory setting only after performing a “Preset”.

3.6.3 Manual initialization of linear actuator

The positioner can be initialized with this function without the actuator
being driven hard against the limit stop. The start and end positions of
the travel are set manually. The other initialization steps (optimization
of the control parameters) run automatically as in automatic initializa-

Manual initializa- 1. Make preparations as described in chapter 3.6.1, page 64 for

tion procedure in linear actuator. In particular, make sure by manually driving the whole
linear actuator travel that the displayed potentiometer setting moves
in the permissible range between P5.0 and P95.0.

Press the operation mode key for longer than 5 s. This brings
you to the Configuration mode.

3. Switch to the second parameter by pressing the operation key

briefly. One of the following displays appears:

It is vital that this value corresponds to the setting of the transmission
ratio selector (33_ or 90°).


A5E00074631-03 67
Preparing for Operation

4. Switch on to the following display with the operation mode key:

You only need to set this parameter if you want to have the total
stroke in mm displayed at the end of the initialization phase. To do
this, select the same value in the display to which you have set
the carrier pin to the scale on the lever or the next highest position
in intermediate positions.

5. Switch on to the following display by pressing the operation

mode key twice:

6. Start initialization by pressing the increment key for longer

than 5 s.

7. After 5 s the display changes to:

(The display of the potentiometer setting is shown here and below

as an example only).
Now move the actuator to the position which you want to define as
the first of the two end positions with the increment and decre-
ment key. Then press the operation mode key . This accepts
the current position as end position 1 and switches on to the next


68 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

If the message “RANGE” appears in the bottom line, the selected end
position is outside the permissible measuring range. There are several
ways to correct the error:
S Adjust the slip clutch until “OK” appears and press the operation mode
key again or
S move to another end position with the increment and decrement key
S abort initialization by pressing the operation mode key. You then have
to change to P manual operation and correct the travel and the posi-
tion detection according to step 1.

8. If step 7 was successful, the following display appears:

Now move the actuator to the position which you want to define as
the second end position with the increment and decre-
ment key. Then press the operation mode key . This enters
the current position as end position 2.

If the message “RANGE” appears in the bottom line, the selected end
position is outside the permissible measuring range. There are several
ways to correct the error:
S move to another end position with the increment and decrement key
S abort initialization by pressing the operation mode key. You then have
to change to P manual operation and correct the travel and the posi-
tion detection according to step 1.

If the message “Set Middl” appears, the lever arm must be driven to
horizontal position using the increment and decrement key and then
the operation mode key pressed. This sets the reference point of the
sine correction in linear actuators.

9. The rest of the initialization now runs automatically. “RUN1” to

“RUN5” appear one after another in the bottom line of the display.
The following display appears on successful completion of initiali-


A5E00074631-03 69
Preparing for Operation

The first line additionally contains the determined stroke in millimeters if

the set lever length was specified with parameter 3 YWAY.
5 INITM appears in the bottom line again after pressing the operation
mode key briefly. This brings you back to the Configuration
operating mode.
To exit the Configuration mode, press the operation mode key for
longer than 5 seconds. The software version is displayed after about
5 seconds. The instrument is in manual operation after releasing the
operation mode key.

3.6.4 Preparations for rotary actuator

Very important: Switch the transmission ratio selector in the
positioner (8, figure 2-1, page 16) to position 90° (normal angle for
rotary actuator).

1. Mount the positioner with the appropriate mounting kit (see chapter
3.3.5, page 45).
2. Connect the actuator and the positioner with the pneumatic lines
and supply pneumatic power to the positioner (figure 2-3 and 2-4,
page 18).
3. Connect a suitable current or voltage source (see figure 3-13,
page 52 and figure 3-19, page 55).
4. The positioner is now in the operating mode ”P-manual
operation” The current potentiometer voltage (P) is displayed in %
in the top line of the display, e.g.: ”P12.3”, and ”NOINI” flashes in
the bottom line:

5. Check the free running of the mechanics in the whole actuating

range by moving the actuator with the keys and and driving
to the respective end position.

You can move the actuator quickly by pressing the other direction key
additionally whilst keeping the direction key selected first pressed.


70 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

3.6.5 Automatic initialization of rotary actuator

If you can move the actuator correctly through the actuating range,
leave it standing in a central position and start automatic initialization:

1. Press the operation mode key for longer than 5 s. This brings
you to the Configuration operating mode.

2. Set the parameter with the -key to ”turn”


3. Switch to the second parameter by pressing the operation mode

key briefly. This has set automatically to 90°.

4. Switch on to the following display with the operation mode key :

5. Start initialization by pressing the key for longer than 5 s.


During the initialization phase ”RUN1” to ”RUN5” appear one after

another in the bottom display (see also structograms in figure 3-33,
page 74 to figure 3-36, page 77).

The initialization process may last up to 15 minutes depending on the


A5E00074631-03 71
Preparing for Operation

The initialization is complete when the following display


The top value indicates the total angle of rotation of the actuator
(example 93.5°).
The following display appears after pressing the operation mode key

To exit the Configuration mode, press the operation mode key for
longer than 5 s. The software version is displayed after about 5 s. The
instrument is in manual operation after releasing the operation mode

You can abort an ongoing initialization at any time by pressing the ope-
ration mode key. Your previous settings are retained. All the parame-
ters are set to the factory setting only after performing a “Preset”.

3.6.6 Manual initialization of rotary actuators

The positioner can be initialized with this function without the actuator
being driven hard against the limit stop. The start and end positions of
the travel are set manually. The other initialization steps (optimization
of the control parameters) run automatically as in automatic initializa-

Manual initializa- 1. Make preparations as described in chapter 3.6.4, page 70 for

tion procedure in rotary actuators. In particular, make sure by manually driving the
rotary actuators whole travel that the displayed potentiometer setting
moves in the permissible range between P5.0 and P95.0.

2. Press the operation mode key for longer than 5 s. This brings
you to the Configuration mode.


72 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

3. Set the parameter YFCT to “turn” with the decrement key.


4. Switch to the second parameter by pressing the operation mode

key briefly.

Make sure that the transmission ratio selector is in position 90 °!

5. Switch on to the following display by pressing the operation mode

key twice:

The following steps are identical with the steps 6) to 9) for initiali-
zation of linear actuators.
After successful initialization the determined rotary range appears
in the top display.
“5.INITM” appears in the bottom line again after pressing the op-
eration mode key briefly. This brings you back to the Configura-
tion mode.
To exit the Configuration mode, press the operation mode key
for longer than 5 seconds. The software version is displayed after
about 5 seconds. The instrument is in manual operation after re-
leasing the operation mode key.


A5E00074631-03 73
Preparing for Operation

3.6.7 Automatic initialization (structograms)

Linear actuator Rotary actuator

Up Down Closed Open

Figure 3-32 Direction of action of the actuators

The initialization procedure should be taken from the following structo-

gram (figure 3-33 to figure 3-36). The terms Open/Closed and up/down
in the structogram refer to the direction of action of the actuators as
illustrated in figure 3-32.


start: press >5s

1 move the actuator

into the travel range

piezo valve 1 opens continue with:


no no
dy > 4 % ? t > 60 s ?

yes yes

piezo valve 2 opens

dy > 4 % ? t > 60 s ?


manual intervention

Figure 3-33 Automatic initialization, part 1


74 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

actuator moves
into closed

turn slip clutch

until 0 appears
no in the bottom line
tolerance band of the display
4% < dw < 10%
? continue with:


actuator moves
into open

hard stop
up < 97 % ?

yes continue with: check 1

up--dw > 25 % ?

continue with:

manual intervention

Figure 3-34 Automatic initialization part 2 (in rotary actuators)


A5E00074631-03 75
Preparing for Operation

set lever arm vertical to stem with:

continue with:

actuator moves
into closed yes continue with:
no has slip
clutch been
continue with: moved?

correct height
adjustment or
turn slip clutch
no until 0 appears
tolerance band in the bottom line
4% < dw of the display


actuator moves
into open

no set the next lowest travel

hard stop value on the lever and 1
up < 97 % ? check the setting of the
transmission ratio selector
yes continue with:

no set the next highest travel

span value on the lever and 1
up--dw > 25 % ? check the setting of the
transmission ratio selector
continue with:
was the no
vertical position
(to stem) of the lever
driven through

manual intervention

Figure 3-35 Automatic initialization part 2 (in linear actuators)


76 A5E00074631-03
Preparing for Operation

continue with:
determine travel times

display travel times set restrictor(s) to

flashes change the travel
if setting of travel
alternating times is desired

yes flashes
5s? display of travel
times in s

yes actuator comes to standstill

after display of leakage
within in % / min
5s? 1 minute
if leakage test of
actuator is desired continue with:

determine minimum
positioning increments

optimizing of transient behavior and


determining of prediction horizon

display of stroke in mm
or angle of rotation in degrees,
is also the identification for
complete initialization
continue with:


manual intervention

Figure 3-36 Automatic initialization, part 3


A5E00074631-03 77
Preparing for Operation

3.7 Copying initialization data (positioner exchange)

With this function you have the possibility of starting up a positioner

without running the initialization routine. This allows for example a posi-
tioner to be changed on a running system in which automatic or manual
initialization cannot be performed without disturbing the process.

Initialization (automatic or manual) should be performed as soon as
possible afterwards because only then can the positioner be optimally
adapted to the mechanical and dynamic properties of the actuator.

Data are transmitted from the positioner to be replaced to the

replacement instrument via the HART- communication interface.
The following steps must be performed to exchange a positioner:
1. Read in and save instrument parameters and initialization data
(determined in initialization) of the instrument to be replaced with
PDM (Process Device Manager). This step is unnecessary if the
instrument has been parameterized with PDM and the data have
already been stored.
2. Fix the actuator in its momentary position (mechanical or
3. Read and note the current position actual value of the positioner to
be changed. If the electronics are defective, determine the current
position by measuring on the actuator or valve.
4. Disassemble the positioner. Mount the lever arm of the positioner
on the replacement instrument. Mount the replacement instrument
on the fitting. Move the transmission ratio selector to the same
position as the defective instrument. Copy the instrument data and
initialization data from the PDM or handheld.
5. If the displayed actual value does not match the noted value of the
defective positioner, set the correct value with the slip clutch.
6. The positioner is now ready to operate.
The accuracy and dynamic behavior may be restricted in relation
to correct initialization. The position of the hard stops and the rela-
ted maintenance data may show deviations in particular. Therefore
initialization must be performed at the earliest opportunity.


78 A5E00074631-03

The following chapter describes the operation of the positioner.

4.1 Display

The LC display has two lines whereby the lines have different
segmentation. The elements of the top line consist of 7, those of the
bottom line of 14 segments. The contents of the display depend on the
selected operating mode (see chapter 4.3, page 82)

If the positioner is operated in ranges with temperatures below --10 °C
the liquid crystal display becomes sluggish and the display refresh rate
is reduced considerably.

Figure 4-1 shows you the various display options. The meaning of fur-
ther display capabilities is detailed in chapter 4.6 page 106.

4.2 Input keys

The positioner is operated by three keys (figure 4-2) the function of

which depends on the selected operating mode. In the explosion proof
version of the positioner the input keys are underneath a key cover
which can be lifted up after loosening the cover screw.

The input keys of the explosion proof version must be covered to
prevent liquid getting in. The IP65/NEMA4x degree of protection is not
guaranteed when the housing is open or the key cover is open.

The housing cover must be removed to operate the keys in the normal
and intrinsically safe versions of the positioners.


A5E00074631-03 79

Figure 4-1 Meaning of the various display options

The degree of protection IP 65/NEMA4x is not guaranteed as long as
the positioner is open.


80 A5E00074631-03

2 3 4

1 Display
2 Operation mode key
3 Decrement key
4 Increment key

Figure 4-2 Display and input keys of the positioner

Explanations of the input keys

S The operation mode key (manual key) serves to switch over the
operating mode and pass on parameters.

By pressing and holding the operation mode key and additionally
pressing the decrement key, you can select the parameters in reverse

S The decrement key serves to select parameter values in

configuration and to move the actuator in manual operation.
S The increment key serves to select parameter values in
configuration and to move the actuator in manual operation.

Firmware version The current firmware state is displayed when you exit the configuration

Figure 4-3 Firmware version, example: C4


A5E00074631-03 81

4.3 Operating modes

The positioner can be operated in five operating modes.

1. P-manual mode (ex--factory state)
2. Configuration and initialization
3. Manual mode (MAN)
4. Automatic (AUT)
5. Diagnostic display
Figure 4-4 gives you an overview of the possible operating modes and
the change between them.

Figure 4-4 Change between the operating modes


82 A5E00074631-03

P-manual mode The display of the positioner shows you the current potentiometer
(ex--factory state) setting in the top line and ”NOINIT” flashes in the second line. You can
move the actuator with the decrement and increment key . In order
to adapt the positioner to your actuator, you have to change to the
Configuration menu. See also chapter 3.6, page 63 “Commissioning”.
Output of alarms and position feedback is possible after successful init-

Configuration and To go to the Configuration menu, press the operation mode key for
initialization at least 5 seconds. In the Configuration menu you can adapt the
positioner individually to your actuator and start initialization. Only a few
parameters need to be set in the positioner prior to initialization. The
others are defaulted so that they do not normally need to be adjusted.
You can block the Configuration menu against manipulation by an
appropriately parameterized and activated digital input. Which
parameters you need to set and all other parameters are explained in
chapter 4.4, page 84 Parameters.
The configuration mode can be reported by outputting a
parameterizable fault message, a position feedback or output of limit
values A1 and A2 is not possible.

If the electric power supply fails during configuration, the positioner
switches back to the first parameter after recovering the power supply,
values which have already been parameterized are retained. Without a
power failure you re--enter the configuration menu at the point you
exited it when you call the Configuration menu again.

at the same time at the same time

at the same time at the same time

Figure 4-5 Overview: Configuration


A5E00074631-03 83

Manual mode In this operating mode you can move the actuator with the decrement
(MAN) ( ) and increment keys ( ) and the current position is held
regardless of the setpoint current and any leakages.

You can move the actuator quickly by pressing the other direction key
additionally whilst keeping the direction key selected first pressed.

The manual mode can be reported by outputting a parameterizable

fault message, a position feedback or output of limit values A1 and A2
is only possible in automatic mode.

The positioner switches over to automatic mode automatically after an
electrical power failure.

Automatic (AUT) The automatic mode is the normal mode. In this mode the positioner
compares the setpoint current with the current position and moves the
actuator until the control deviation reaches the parameterizable dead
zone. Error messages are output if this is not possible for various

Diagnostic display In this operating mode you can have the current operating data (such
as number of strokes, number of changes in direction, number of faults
messages, etc.) displayed (see table 4-1, page 99).
From the automatic or manual mode you go to the diagnostic display
by simultaneously pressing all three keys for at least two seconds.
See chapter 4.5, page 98 for further information.

The respective operating mode (MAN or AUT) of the positioner is retai-
ned when you switch to the diagnostic display, i.e. in automatic opera-
tion the specified setpoint is still used for controlling and in manual
operation the position last reached is retained.

4.4 Parameters

All the parameters of the positioner are listed in this chapter. Figure 4-6
shows an overview of the parameters.
The parameter name is shown once in plain text and once as it ap-
pears in the display. The function of the parameter is described briefly
in the ”Function” column. In addition, the possible parameter values,
the physical unit and the factory setting of the parameters are shown.


84 A5E00074631-03

Figure 4-6 Parameter table of the positioner


A5E00074631-03 85

The following configuration block diagram shows the effects of the parameters.

Figure 4-7 Configuration block diagram


86 A5E00074631-03

Normally adjustment of the first three following parameters is com-

pletely sufficient to enable a positioner to be operated by a drive. If you
wish to become familiar with all details of the positioner, try out incre-
mentally the effects of the remaining parameters by selective trials.

In particular if the positioner has previously been operated using a
different actuator, it must always be reinitialized in order to restore the
factory settings. Only in this way can the positioner matching process
start from known conditions. The parameter ”51 PRST” is provided for
this purpose.
This is also recommended if multiple parameters have been changed
in a single session, the effects cannot be assessed and unintended
consequences may result.

1.YFCT Positioning actuator type

This is to match the positioner with the respective actuator and where
necessary to the position sensor being used. The following adjustment
capabilities are provided:
S YFCT = turn
This adjustment is necessary for the rotary actuator.
If ”turn” is selected, the following parameter ”2. YAGL” is automati-
cally set to 90_ and cannot be changed.
S YFCT = WAY (Factory setting)
This is necessary for a linear actuator. This allows the positioner to
compensate for the non-linearity that arises due to the conversion of
the linear movement of the linear actuator into the rotary movement
of the feedback shaft. For this the positioner is factory set so that it
shows between ”P 49.0 and P 51.0” when the arm on the feedback
shaft is vertical to the linear actuator spindle.
This must be adjusted, if an external linear potentiometer is to be
connected to a linear actuator.
TIP: use this adjustment also for rotary actuators with reverse direc-
tion of control action.
S YFCT = ncSt
Use this when an NCS is fitted to a rotary actuator.
S YFCT = --ncSt
This must be set when an NCS is used with a rotary actuator with
reverse direction of control action.
This must be set when an NCS is used with a linear actuator.


A5E00074631-03 87

After ”LWAY, ncSt, --ncSt or ncSL” have been adjusted, both the
following parameters ”2. YAGL” and ”3. YWAY” will not be displayed.

2.YAGL Rated angle of rotation of the feedback shaft

In rotary actuators, an angle of 90° is preset automatically by 1.YFCT =
turn (see above). In linear actuators (1.YFCT = WAY) a value of 33° or
90° can be selected depending on the stroke range:
S 33° for strokes ≤ 20 mm
S 90° for strokes > 20 mm
When using the lever up to 35 mm, both angles of rotation (33° and
90°) are possible.
The long lever (> 35 mm stroke) is only designed for an angle of
rotation setting of 90°. It is not part of the mounting kit set 6DR4004-8V
but must be ordered separately under order number 6DR4004-8L.

The setting of the transmission ratio selector on the positioner (see
figure 2-1, page 16 and figure 2-2, page 17) must correspond to the
angle value selected under “2.YAGL”.

3.YWAY Lever arm transmission

The use of this parameter is optional. You only need to set this
parameter if you want to have the way in mm displayed at the end of
the initialization.

Selection of the lever arm range: serves to display the real stroke after
This parameter is only relevant for linear actuator. If the parameter
value ”oFF” is selected here, the real stroke is not displayed after

The specification “YWAY” must match the mechanical lever arm trans-
mission. The carrier must be set to the value of the actuator stroke, if
this is not scaled to the next highest scaled value.


88 A5E00074631-03

4.INITA Automatic initialization (see chapter 3.6, page 63)

By selecting “Strt” and pressing the increment key for at least 5
seconds, automatic initialization is started. The initialization process is
displayed by “RUN 1” to “RUN 5” (see figure 3-33, page 74 to figure
3-36, page 77).

5.INITM Manual initialization

By selecting “Strt” and pressing the increment key for at least 5
seconds, manual initialization is started. The manual initialization
process is described in chapter 3.6.3, page 67 and chapter 3.6.6, page

If the positioner has already been initialized, for INITA and INITM it is
possible to transfer it to its non-initialized state without changing the
remaining parameters by pressing the decrement key for 5 s.

6.SCUR Current range of the setpoint

The selection of the current range depends on the connection type.
”0mA” (0 to 20 mA) is only possible in three-/four--wire connections
(see figure 3-22, page 57).

7.SDIR Setpoint direction (see figure 4-8, page 90)

The setting of the setpoint direction serves to reverse the direction of
action of the setpoint. It is used mainly for the split range mode and in
single--acting actuators with the safety position “up”.

8.SPRA Split range start (see figure 4-8)

9.SPRE Split range end (see figure 4-8)
The parameters “8.SPRA” and “9.SPRE” in connection with the
parameter “7.SDIR” serve to restrict the active setpoint range. In this
way split range tasks can be solved with the following characteristics.
S rising / falling
S falling / rising
S falling / falling
S rising / rising


A5E00074631-03 89

100 %

Positioner 1

Total setting range

Positioner 2
6.SDIR = riSE

100 %--SPRE 100 %--SPRA SPRA SPRE 100 % JW
Positioner 1 Positioner 2 [0 % to 100 %]
Setting range 1 Setting range 2

Figure 4-8 Example: Split range-operation with two positioners

10.TSUP Setpoint ramp UP

11.TSDO Setpoint ramp DOWN
The setpoint ramp is effective in automatic operation and limits the
speed of alteration of the active setpoint. When switching over from
manual operation to automatic the active setpoint is adjusted to the set-
point on the positioner with the setpoint ramp.
This bumpless manual/automatic switchover avoids excessive pressure
increases on long pipelines.
In the position TSUP = Auto the slower of the two travel times deter-
mined during initialization is used for the setpoint ramp. TSDO is then

12.SFCT Setpoint function (see figure 4-9, page 91)

Non--linear valve characteristics can be linearized with this function and
any flow characteristics simulated in linear valve characteristics.


90 A5E00074631-03

Six valve characteristics are stored in the positioner

S linear (12.SFCT = Lin, factory setting)
S equal percentage 1 : 25 (12.SFCT = 1:25)
S equal percentage 1 : 33 (12.SFCT = 1:33)
S equal percentage 1 : 50 (12.SFCT = 1:50)
S inverse equal percentage 25 : 1 (12.SFCT = n1:25)
S inverse equal percentage 33 : 1 (12.SFCT = n1:33)
S inverse equal percentage 50 : 1 (12.SFCT = n1:50)
S freely adjustable (12.SFCT = FrEE)

13.SL0 to 33.SL20 Setpoint turning points

A flow parameter can be assigned to the respective setpoint turning
value at an interval of 5 %. These points lead to a polygon chain with
20 straight lines which therefore represents a projection of the valve
Limit for
Tight closing

x tight closing
39 YVLS = UP
41YCUP = 95.0



Setpoint turning point
Modulation duty

60 18 SL5 = 45.0


12 SFCT=Lin


Limit for
tight closing
30 Example:
39 YCLS = DW
40 YCDO = 12.5

12 SFCT=1--50


0 w
Tight closing

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %

SL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Figure 4-9 Setpoint characteristic, manipulated variable standardization and tight closing function


A5E00074631-03 91

The setpoint vertex values can only be input at 12.SFCT=FrEE. You

may only enter a strictly monotonous characteristic, and two consecu-
tive vertex values must differ by at least 0.2 %.

34.DEBA Dead zone of the controller

At dEbA = AUto the dead zone in automatic operation is adapted con-
tinuously to the requirements of the control circuit. The dead zone is
gradually increased on detecting a control oscillation. The reverse
adaptation takes place by a time criterion.
In the other discrete settings the fixed value is used for the dead zone.

35.YA Manipulated variable limiting start (see figure 4-9 and 4-10)
36.YE Manipulated variable limiting end (see figure 4-9 and 4-10)
With the parameters “YA” and “YE” the mechanical actuating distance
(from stop to stop) is limited to the set values. In this way the mechani-
cal setting range of the actuator can be limited to the active flow and
the integral saturation of the commanding controller avoided.

YE must always be set to greater than YA.

37.YNRM Manipulated variable standardization (see figure 4-9 and 4-10)

With limiting of the manipulated variable (by “35.YA” and “36.YE”) two
different scalings are produced for the display and the position feed-
back via the current output (MPOS or FLOW).
The MPOS scaling shows the mechanical position (0 to 100%) be-
tween the hard stops of the initialization. This is not affected by the pa-
rameters “35.YA” and “36.YE”. The parameters “35.YA” and “36.YE”
are displayed in the MPOS-scale.
The FLOW-scale is the standardization (0 to 100%) to the range be-
tween “35.YA” and “36.YE”. The setpoint w (0 to 100%) is always re-
ferred to this range. This gives (also by using valve characteristics) a
quasi--flow--proportional display and position feedback Iy.
To calculate the control difference, the setpoint is also shown in the ap-
propriate scale on the display.


92 A5E00074631-03


Presetting: YA = 0% and YE = 100%
Input current
4mA 7.2mA 10.4mA 13.6mA 16.8mA 20mA
X display
W display
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Mechan. Stroke
(actual value)
0mm 16mm 32mm 48mm 64mm 80mm
YA = 0% YE = 100%

YNRM = MPOS with YA = 10 % and YE = 80 %
Input current
4mA 7.2mA 10.4mA 13.6mA 16.8mA 20mA
X display
W display
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Mechan. Stroke
(actual value)
0mm 16mm 32mm 48mm 64mm 80mm
YA = 10% YE = 80%

YNRM = FLOW with YA = 10 % and YE = 80 %
Input current
4mA 7.2mA 10.4mA 13.6mA 16.8mA 20mA
X display
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% W display

Mechan. Stroke
(actual value)
0mm 16mm 32mm 48mm 64mm 80mm
YA = 10% YE = 80%

Figure 4-10 Dependence on the stroke of standardization and on YA and YE in the example of an 80 mm
linear actuator

38.YDIR Manipulated variable direction of action

The direction of action (rising or falling) of the display and the position
feedback (Iy) can be set with this.

39.YCLS Tight closing with manipulated variable (see figure 4-9, page 91)
With this function the valve can be driven to the seat with the maximum
actuating force of the actuator (continuous contact of the piezo--
valves). The tight closing function can be activated on one side or for
both limit positions. YCLS becomes active when the setpoint is below
the value set with parameter “YCDO” or above that set with parameter


A5E00074631-03 93

40.YCDO Value for tight closing, bottom

41.YCUP Value for tight closing, top

YCDO must always be set to less than YCUP.
The tight closing function has a fixed hysteresis of 1 %.

42.BIN1 Function digital input 1 (see figure 4-6, page 85)

43.BIN2 Function digital input 2 (see figure 4-6)
The parameters “BIN1” and “BIN2” can be set individually depending
on the purpose. The direction of action can be adapted to an NCC or
an NOC.
S BIN1 or BIN2 = on or --on
Digital messages of the periphery (e.g. pressure or temperature
switches) can be read out via the HART interface or lead to respon-
ding of the fault message output by OR linking with other messages.
S BIN1 = bLoc1
The Configuration operating mode is locked to prevent it being adju-
sted (e.g. by a wire jumper between terminals 9 and 10).
S BIN1 = bLoc2
If digital input 1 has been activated, manual operation is also locked
in addition to the Configuration operating mode.
S BIN1 or BIN2 = uP or doWn (contact closes) or --uP or --doWn (con-
tact opens).
The actuator drives the linear actuator to the upper or lower stop
when the digital input is activated with continuous contact.
S BIN1 or BIN2 (contact closes) = StoP or --StoP (contact opens).
With activated digital input the piezo--valves are blocked and the
actuator remains in the last position. Leakage messages can then
be executed without initialization function.
S BIN1 or BIN2 = oFF (factory setting)
no function
special function of DI1: If the digital input 1 is activated in P manual
operation by a jumper between terminals 9 and 10, , when the ope-
rating mode key is pressed the firmware version will be displayed.
line of the display.
If one of the above named functions is selected with the parameters
“BIN1” and “BIN2” simultaneously, then “Blocking” has priority over
“Up” and “Up” priority over “Down”.


94 A5E00074631-03

44.AFCT Alarm function

The actuator can report the exceeding (max.) or dropping below (min)
of a specified stroke or angle of rotation. The response of the alarms
(limit contacts) is related to the MPOS-scaling (see figure 4-10, page
93). The alarms are reported by the alarm module (order no.
6DR4004-6A or -8A). In addition the alarms can be read out through
the HART interface (optional).
The direction of action of the digital outputs can be adapted from high
active to low active sequence systems.

Alarm module
A2 A1 A2
A1 = 48
A2 = 52
A1 Travel = 45 Activated
Travel = 50
way Travel = 55 Activated

MIN MAX A1 = 48
A2 = 52 AFCT = --MIN / --MAX
Travel = 45 Activated
MIN MIN Travel = 50 Activated Activated
Travel = 55 Activated

MAX MAX A1 = 52
A2 = 48
Travel = 45 Activated
--MIN --MAX Travel = 50 Activated Activated
Travel = 55 Activated

A1 = 52
--MIN --MIN AFCT = --MIN / --MAX
A2 = 48
Travel = 45 Activated
Travel = 50
--MAX --MAX Travel = 55 Activated

45.A1 Response threshold alarm 1

46.A2 Response threshold alarm 2
The alarm thresholds are related to the mechanical path (MPOS-scale).

47. FCT Function of the fault message output

The fault message output serves as a group message for following
S Control error (e.g. by actuator fault, valve fault, compressed air fai-
lure) with the parameters “48. TIM” and “49. LIM”
S Positioner not in automatic mode
S Digital input activated (see parameter “42.BIN1” and “43.BIN2”)
S Exceeding of a limit value (e.g. way integral or valve seat, see para-
meter 50 to 54)
It also responds at:
S Power failure
S Processor fault
The direction of action of the digital outputs can be adapted from high
active to low active sequence systems.


A5E00074631-03 95

48. TIM Monitoring time for setting the fault messages

The set value (s) serves as a specification for the time within which the
positioner must have reached the controlled state. The corresponding
response threshold is specified with “49. LIM”.
The fault message output is set on exceeding the set time.

49. LIM Response threshold of the fault message

Here a value (%) can be set for the permissible variable of control error
for releasing the fault message.
If the parameters 48 and 49 are both set to ”Auto” (factory setting), the
fault message is set if the short step zone is not reached within a
certain time. This time is 5 times the initialization travel time within 5 to
95% of the travel and 10 times this time outside 10 to 90% of the travel.

50. STRK Limit value for monitoring the way integral

A limit value for the way integral can be set here. If the way integral
exceeds the limit value, the fault message output (optional) is activated.
This function enables a preventive maintenance of the fitting, see also
chapter 4.5 “Diagnostics”, page 98.
This monitoring function can be deactivated with the OFF setting
(factory setting).

51. DCHG Limit value for monitoring the changes of direction

A limit value for the direction change counter can be set here. If this
counter exceeds the limit value, the fault message output is activated.
This function enables a preventive maintenance of the fitting, see also
chapter 4.5 “Diagnostics”, page 98.
This monitoring function can be deactivated with the OFF setting
(factory setting).

52. ZERO Tolerance value for monitoring the bottom hard stop
With this value a limit value (in percent related to the total mechanical
distance) can be preset for the monitoring of the bottom hard stop. If
this tolerance value is exceeded or dropped below of, the fault
message output (optional) is activated.
This function detects when the bottom stop has changed by more then
the specified tolerance related to its initialization value. Monitoring
takes place when the valve is in tight closing bottom. Activation of the
tight closing bottom function (parameter “39.YCLS”) is therefore a
The fault message remains activated until either a subsequent
monitoring remains within the tolerance or a new initialization is
This monitoring function can be deactivated with the OFF setting
(factory setting). See also chapter 4.5 “Diagnostics”, page 98.


96 A5E00074631-03

53. OPEN Tolerance value for monitoring the top hard stop
With this value a limit value (in percent related to the total mechanical
distance) can be preset for the monitoring of the top hard stop. If this
tolerance value is exceeded or dropped below of, the fault message
output (optional) is activated.
This function detects when the top stop has changed by more than the
specified tolerance related to its initialization value. Monitoring takes
place when the valve is in tight closing top. Activation of the tight
closing top function (parameter “39.YCLS”) is therefore a prerequisite.
The fault message remains activated until either a subsequent
monitoring remains within the tolerance or a new initialization is
This monitoring function can be deactivated with the OFF setting
(factory setting).

But the monitors of the bottom and top hard stop do not only react to
valve errors. Adjustment of the position feedback is also detected as
an error if the tolerance values are exceeded as a result.

54. DEBA Limit value for monitoring the dead zone adaptation
The automatic adaptation of the dead zone can be monitored with this
value (%). If the dead zone exceeds the set value, the fault message
output (optional) is activated.
Prerequisite for this function is the setting of the parameter“34.DEBA” =
Auto. This monitoring function can be deactivated with the OFF setting
(factory setting).

55.PRST Preset
Establishing the factory setting and resetting the initialization.

The positioner must be re--initialized after ”Preset”. All previously de-
termined maintenance parameters are cleared.


A5E00074631-03 97

4.5 Diagnosis

4.5.1 Diagnostic display

You go to the diagnostic display from automatic or manual operation by

simultaneously pressing all three keys for at least two seconds.
The following table shows an overview of the displayable values.
The diagnostic display has a similar structure to in the ”Configuration”
operating mode. the top line shows the value of the diagnostic variable,
the bottom line the number and abbreviation of the displayed variable.
The respective next diagnostic value can be selected with the operation
mode key . By pressing and holding the operation mode key and
additionally pressing the decrement key you can select the diag-
nostic values in reverse order.
Certain values can be set to zero by pressing the increment key for
at least 5 seconds. This is noted in the last column in the table.
Some diagnostic values may be greater than 99999. In this case the
display switches to exponential display. Example: the value 1234567 is
displayed as 1.23E6.
No. Abbrevia- Meaning Displayable Unit Rest
tion values poss.
1 STRKS Number of strokes 0 to 4.29E9 -- x
2 CHDIR Changes of direction 0 to 4.29E9 -- x
3 CNT Fault counter 0 to 4.29E9 -- x
4 A1CNT Alarm counter 1 0 to 4.29E9 -- x
5 A2CNT Alarm counter 2 0 to 4.29E9 -- x
6 HOURS Operating hours 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
7 WAY Determined travel 0 to 130 mm or _
8 TUP Travel time up 0 to 1000 s
9 TDOWN Travel time down 0 to 1000 s
10 LEAK Leakage 0.0 to 100.0 %
11 P0 Potentiometer value lower stop (0 %) 0.0 to 100.0 %
12 P100 Potentiometer value upper stop (100 %) 0.0 to 100.0 %
13 IMPUP Impulse length up 2 to 100 ms
14 IMPDN Impulse length down 2 to 100 ms
15 DBUP Dead Band Up 0.1 to 100.0 %
16 DBDN Dead Band Down 0.1 to 100.0 %
17 SSUP Short step zone up 0.1 to 100.0 %
18 SSDN Short step zone down 0.1 to 100.0 %
19 TEMP Current temperature --40 to 85 _C
20 TMIN Minimum temperature (”drag pointer”) --40 to 85 _C
21 TMAX Maximum temperature (”drag pointer”) --40 to 85 _C
22 T1 Number of operating hours in temperature range 1 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
23 T2 Number of operating hours in temperature range 2 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
24 T3 Number of operating hours in temperature range 3 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
25 T4 Number of operating hours in temperature range 4 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
26 T5 Number of operating hours in temperature range 5 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
27 T6 Number of operating hours in temperature range 6 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
28 T7 Number of operating hours in temperature range 7 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
29 T8 Number of operating hours in temperature range 8 0 to 4.29E9 Hours
30 T9 Number of operating hours in temperature range 9 0 to 4.29E9 Hours


98 A5E00074631-03

No. Abbrevia- Meaning Displayable Unit Rest

tion values poss.
31 VENT1 Number of cycles pre--controlvalve 1 0 to 4.29E9 --
32 VENT2 Number of cycles pre--controlvalve 2 0 to 4.29E9 --
33 STORE Store current values as ”last maintenance” -- --
(press increment key for 5 s)
34 PRUP Prediction up 1 to 40 --
35 PRDN Prediction down 1 to 40 --
36 WT00 Number of operating hours in distance class WT00 0 to 4.29E9 Hours x
37 WT05 Number of operating hours in distance class WT05 0 to 4.29E9 Hours x
38 WT10 Number of operating hours in distance class WT10 0 to 4.29E9 Hours x
39 WT30 Number of operating hours in distance class WT30 0 to 4.29E9 Hours x
40 WT50 Number of operating hours in distance class WT50 0 to 4.29E9 Hours x
41 WT70 Number of operating hours in distance class WT70 0 to 4.29E9 Hours x
42 WT90 Number of operating hours in distance class WT90 0 to 4.29E9 Hours x
43 WT95 Number of operating hours in distance class WT95 0 to 4.29E9 Hours x
44 mA Current setpoint 0.0 to 20.0 mA
Table 4-1 Overview diagnostic values

4.5.2 Meaning of the diagnostic values

1 STRKS Number of strokes

The actuator movements during operation are totaled and can be read
here as number of strokes. Unit: 100% stokes The value is written ev-
ery 15 minutes in a non--volatile memory. It can be reset to zero with
the increment key .

2 CHDIR Number of direction changes

Every change in direction leaving the dead zone is noted in the
controller and added to the number of changes of direction.
The value is written every 15 minutes in a non--volatile memory. It can
be reset to zero with the increment key .

3 CNT Fault counter

Every fault is noted in the controller and added to the number of fault
messages. The counter can be reset to zero with the increment key .


A5E00074631-03 99

4 A1CNT Alarm counter 1

5 A2CNT Alarm counter 2
Responses of alarm 1 and alarm 2 are counted with these two
counters. The prerequisite is the activation of the alarms with the
parameter “44.AFCT”. The counters can be reset to zero with the
increment key .

6 HOURS Operating hours

The operating hours counter is updated every hour as soon as the
positioner has been supplied with electrical power.

7 WAY Determined actuating way

This value indicates the actuating way determined during initialization
according to the display at the end of an initialization. Prerequisite in
linear actuator: Specification of the lever arm with the parameter

8 TUP Travel time up

9 TDOWN travel time down
These values show the travel times which have been determined dur-
ing initialization. The unit is seconds.

10 LEAK Leakage
If a leakage message has been output during initialization, the value of
the leakage can be read here in %/min.

11 P0 Potentiometer value bottom stop

12 P100 Potentiometer value top stop
These two values indicate the measured values of displacement mea-
surement (potentiometer) at the bottom and top hard stops as deter-
mined in automatic initialization. In manual initialization the values of
the manually reached limit positions are indicated here.

13 IMPUP Impulse length up

14 IMPDN Impulse length down
During initialization the smallest impulse lengths are determined with
which a movement of the actuator can be achieved. They are deter-
mined and displayed here for the “Up”-direction and the “Down”-direc-
These two parameter can be used for special applications (see chapter
4.7 page 110).


100 A5E00074631-03

15 DBUP Dead zone up

16 DBDN Dead zone down
Here the dead zone of the controller is displayed in “Up”-direction or in
“Down”-direction. The values correspond either to the manually set
value of the parameter“34.DEBA” or the value adapted automatically by
the instrument when “DEBA” has been set to ”Auto”.

17 SSUP Short step zone up

18 SSDN Short step zone down
The short step zone is the range of the controller in which pulse--
shaped control signals are output. The impulse length here is propor-
tional to the control error. If the control error is outside the short step
zone, the valves are controlled in continuous contact.
These two parameter can be tuned for special applications (see chap-
ter 4.7 page 110).

19 TEMP Current temperature

Current temperature in the positioner housing The sensor is on the
electronics board.
The temperature display can be switched between _C and _F by pres-
sing the decrement key.

20 TMIN Minimum temperature (drag pointer)

21 TMAX Maximum temperature (drag pointer)
The minimum and maximum temperature inside the housing is determi-
ned and stored continuously in a kind of drag pointer and can only be
reset in the factory.

22 T1 to Number of operating hours in temperature range T1 to T9

30 T9
Statistics how long operation takes place in which temperature ranges
is kept in the instrument. To do this, the measured temperature over
one hour respectively is averaged and incremented in the counter
which is assigned to the corresponding temperature range every hour.
This enables you to draw conclusions about the past operating condi-
tions and thus the whole fitting.
The temperature ranges are divided up as follows:
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9
Temperature ≥--30 ≥--15 ≥0 ≥15 ≥30 ≥45 ≥60 ≥75
range [_C] ≥--30 <--15 <0 < 15 < 30 < 45 < 60 < 75
[_F] ≥--22 ≥5 ≥32 ≥59 ≥86 ≥113 ≥140 ≥167
<--22 <5 < 32 < 59 < 86 < 113 < 140 < 167


A5E00074631-03 101

31 VENT1 Number of cycles pre--control valve 1

32 VENT2 Number of cycles pre--control valve 2
These two counters add up the control processes of the pre--control

33 STORE Store maintenance data

A store function is triggered by pressing the increment key for at
least 5 seconds. Here the diagnostic data 7 to 17 are stored in a non--
volatile memory as ”Data of the last maintenance”. These diagnostic
data are selected values, the changes of which can provide information
on the mechanical wear of the valve.
Normally this function is operated via PDF, menu item Instru-
ment!Store maintenance info. It is possible to compare the data of the
last maintenance with the current data via PDM.

34 PRUP Prediction up
35 PRDN Prediction down
see chapter 4.7 page 110).

36 WT00 to Number of operating hours in distance class WT00 to WT95

43 WT95
If the positioner is in automatic mode, statistics are constantly kept for
how long a valve or a flap has been operated in which section of the
setting range. To do this, the total setting range (0 to 100%) is divided
into 8 sections (distance classes). The positioner continuously regi-
sters the current position and increments the operating hours meter
assigned to the corresponding section (distance class) every hour. This
allows returns to previous operating conditions and is particularly used
to evaluate the control properties of the control circuit or the entire fit-
The setting range is divided as follows:

WT00 WT05 WT10 WT30 WT50 WT70 WT90 WT95

Setting ≥5 % ≥10 % ≥30 % ≥50 % ≥30 % ≥90 % ≥95 %
range <5% < 10 % < 30 % < 50 % < 70 % < 90 % < 95 %

You can collectively set the 8 operating hours meters to zero by press-
ing the increment key (for at least 5 seconds).
TIP: As the distance classes at the end of the diagnostic menu have
the numbers 36 to 43, in addition to the operating mode key press the
decrement key repeatedly. This takes you quickly to the diagnostic
numbers 36 to 43.


102 A5E00074631-03

44 MA Setpoint
You can display the current setpoint in mA here.

All diagnostic values are updated every 15 minutes to a non--volatile
memory, so that in the event of a loss of electrical power only the
events of at most the last 15 minutes will be lost.

4.5.3 Online-Diagnosis

Some important variables and parameters are monitored continuously

during operation. In the “Configuration” operating mode you can config-
ure this monitoring so that the fault message output is activated when a
certain event such as exceeding a limit value occurs.
Table 4-2, page 104 shows which events can activate the fault message
output, how the parameters must be set for this event to be monitored,
when the fault message disappears again and where the possible
causes of the fault lie.
In automatic and manual operation response of the fault message
output on the display shows which is the fault message trigger. The two
digits at the bottom left indicate the corresponding error code. If several
triggers occur at the same time, these are displayed cyclically. The
instrument status which also contains all fault messages can be called
via HART with the command #48.


A5E00074631-03 103

Error Event Parameter Fault message dis- Possible causes

code setting appears when ...
1 Remaining con- always active ... the control error has Compressed air missing,
trol error disappeared again actuator fault, valve fault
(e.g. blockade).
2 Instrument not 47. FCT= nA ... the instrument is The instrument is configured
in automatic or = nAB brought into automatic or is in manual operation.
mode mode
3 Digital input DI1 47. FCT= nAB ... the digital input is no The contact connected to
or DI2 active and digital function longer activated the binary input has become
BIN1 or BIN2 to active (e.g. stuffing box
”on” monitoring, excess
pressure, temperature
4 Limit value 50. STRK¸OFF ... the stroke counter is The total distance traveled
Number of stro- reset or the limit value by the actuator exceeded
kes exceeded increased the set limit value.
5 Limit value 51. DCHG¸OFF ... the change of direction The number of changes of
change of di- counter is reset or the limit direction exceeded the set
rection excee- value increased limit value.
6 Limit value bot- 52. ZERO¸OFF ... the deviation of the stop Wear of the valve seat, de-
tom hard stop 39.YCLS = do or disappears or the posits or foreign bodies in
exceeded up do instrument is re--initialized the valve seat, mechanical
maladjustment, slip clutch
7 Limit value 53. OPEN¸OFF ... the deviation of the stop Wear of the valve seat, de-
top hard stop 39 YCLS = up or disappears or the posits or foreign bodies in
exceeded up do instrument is re--initialized the valve seat, mechanical
maladjustment, slip clutch
8 Limit value 54. DEBA¸OFF ... the limit value is Increased stuffing box
dead zone 34.DEBA = Auto dropped below again friction, mechanical lots of
adaptation ex- the position feedback
Table 4-2 Events which can activate the fault message output

Explanations of column “Error codes”:

1 Monitoring of control error

In automatic operation the error between setpoint and actual value is
monitored continuously. The fault message is activated with unchanged
control error according to the setting of the parameters 48. TIM, moni-
toring time for setting the fault messages and 49 LIM, response thresh-
old of the fault message. As soon as the control error drops back below
the response threshold, the fault message is reset.

2 Monitoring automatic operation

A fault message is generated when the instrument is not in the auto-
matic mode at the appropriate parameter setting “47. FCT”. In this way
the control system can be warned for example when the instrument has
been switched to manual operation or Configuration on site.


104 A5E00074631-03

3 Digital input DI1 or DI2 active

A fault message is generated when the digital input is activated at the
the corresponding setting of the parameter “47. FCT”, function of the
fault message output and the parameter “42.BIN1”, function digital in-
put 1. This may be a switch for stuffing box monitoring, a temperature
switch or a limit value switch for example.
Digital input 2 (on the alarm module option) can be configured in the
same way.

4 Monitoring of number of strokes

5 Monitoring of number of changes of direction
The two values number of strokes and number of changes of direction
are compared continuously with the limit values which are specified
with the parameters “50. STRK” and “51. DCHG”. The fault message
output responds when exceeded. Both functions can be deactivated
with the parameter setting ”OFF”.

6 Monitoring of the bottom hard stop (valve seat)

7 Monitoring of the top hard stop
Monitoring of the bottom hard stop is activated when the parameter
“52. ZERO” has a value¸OFF. Errors of the valve seat can be detected
with this function for example. Exceeding of the limit value may hint at
deposits or foreign bodies in the valve seat. Exceeding the limit value
may be caused by wear of the valve seat. Mechanical maladjustment of
the position feedback may also trigger this error message.
Monitoring takes place every time the valve is in tight closing position.
The current position is compared with the one determined during initiali-
zation as a bottom end stop. Activation of the tight closing bottom func-
tion (parameter “39.YCLS”) is therefore a prerequisite.
Example: 3% is set as a value. Normally the setting 0% is adopted
when closed. If a value >3% or <--3% is determined instead, a fault is
The fault message remains activated until either a subsequent
monitoring remains within the tolerance or a new initialization is
performed. The deactivation of the monitoring (“52. ZERO”=OFF) also
clears any existing fault message.
This monitoring function supplies no useful results when the stops have
not been determined automatically in initialization but the limits set
manually (manual initialization“5.INITM”).
An appropriate diagnosis is made for the top hard stop. The limit value
for this is set with the parameter . Activation of the tight closing top
function (parameter “39.YCLS”) is therefore a prerequisite.


A5E00074631-03 105

8 Monitoring of the dead zone adaptation

If the dead zone increases unproportionally in operation in automatic
adaptation of the dead zone (parameter DEBA = Auto) this points to an
error in the system (e.g. a marked increase in stuffing box friction, play
in the displacement detection, leakage). Therefore a limit value can be
specified for this value (”54. DEBA”, limit value for dead zone
monitoring) which activates the fault message output when it is

4.6 Meanings of other display texts

Notes on the tables:

nn stands for variable numerical values
Fault symbol
/ (slash): the texts to the left and right of the slash
flash alternately

Reports before initializing (first commissioning):

Meaning/Cause Actions


CPU x Report after connecting the electrical S· Wait

START x auxiliary power
P nnn.n x Potentiometer voltage for non-initiali- S Check using the ”+” and ”--” keys
zed positioner (P manual mode) (Set- whether the overall travel can be tra-
ting actual value in % of measure- versed without ever ”P------” being dis-
ment range) played
S Perform initialization
P------ x Measurement range exceeded, po- S Set transmission ratio selector to 90
tentiometer is in the inactive zone, degrees, in particular for rotary actua-
transmission ratio selector or effec- tors
tive lever arm are not matched to the S Match effective arm length for linear
travel actuators to measurement range
NOINI x Positioner not initialized S Start initialization

Messages during initialization:

Meaning/Cause Actions


P---- x See above See above

RUN 1 x Initialization started, part 1 active S Wait
(direction of control action being de-
RUN 2 x Initialization part 2 active S Wait
(travel check and determination of
the end stops)


106 A5E00074631-03

Meaning/Cause Actions


RUN 3 x Initialization part 3 active S Wait
(determination and display of positio-
ning times)
RUN 4 x Initialization part 4 active (determina- S Wait
tion the minimum positioning incre-
ment length)
RUN 5 x Initialization part 5 active (optimiza- S Wait until ”FINSH” is displayed (initia-
tion of the behavior on transients) lization completed successfully)
S Press ”operating mode” key briefly to
acknowledge or longer to quit confi-
guration mode
YEND1 x only during manual initialization S Move to first end position using the
first end position can be moved to ”+” or ”--” key
S Press ”operating mode” key to ack-
YEND2 only during manual initialization S Move to second end position using
second end position can be moved the ”+” or ”--” key
to S Press ”operating mode” key to ack-
RANGE x only during manual initialization S Using ”+” and ”--” keys move to the
End position or measurement span other end position and press ”operat-
are outwith the permitted measure- ing mode” key to acknowledge,
ment range or
S Adjust slip clutch until ”ok” is dis-
played and press ”operating mode”
key to acknowledge
S Interrupt initialization by pressing the
”operating mode” key, switch to P
manual mode and correct the travel
and position sensing
ok only during manual initialization S Press ”operating mode” key to ack-
permitted measurement range for nowledge, the remaining steps
end positions reached (”RUN1” to ”FINSH”) will run through
RUN 1/ x Fault in RUN 1 S Ensure compressed air is sufficient
ERROR no movement e.g. no compressed air S Open any choke(s)
S Re-start initialization
d___U x Bar display of the zero point S With slip clutch set to ”P 4.0” to ”P
Zero point is outwith the tolerance 9.9” ( >0< )
range S Continue using the ”+” or ”--” key
SEt x Slip clutch misaligned; ”P 50.0” no S For linear actuators, use the ”+” and
MIDDL x displayed when arm horizontal ”--” keys to bring the arm to the cor-
rect angle on the spindle
S Press ”operating mode” key briefly to
acknowledge (initialization will re-
UP > x ”UP” -- tolerance range exceeded or S Match effective arm length for linear
inactive zone of potentiometer ent- actuators to measurement range, or
ered set transmission ratio selector to 90
S Press ”operating mode” key briefly to
S Re-start initialization
90_95 x Only applies to rotary drives: travel is S Use the ”+” and ”--” keys to move into
not within range 90 to 95% the range of 90 to 95%
S Press ”operating mode” key briefly to


A5E00074631-03 107

Meaning/Cause Actions


U--d> x Measurement span ”Up--Down” is in- S Reduce effective arm length for linear
sufficient actuators or set transmission ratio
selector to 33 degrees
S Press ”operating mode” key briefly to
S Re-start initialization
U nn.n x Display the positioning time ”Up” S Wait, or
D-->U x S To change the travel time interrupt
initialization with the ”--” key,
S Activate the leakage test with the ”+”
d nn.n x Display the positioning time ”Down” S Wait, or
U-->d x S To change the travel time interrupt
initialization with the ”--” key,
S Activate the leakage test with the ”+”
NOZZL x Actuator stationary (initialization inter- S Travel time can be adjusted by vary-
rupted with the ”--” key during actua- ing the choke(s)
tion speed display) S Use the ”--” key to repeat the deter-
mination of the positioning speed
S Continue using the ”+” key
TESt x Leakage test active initialization inter- S Wait 1 minute
LEAKG x rupted with the ”+” key during travel- S Continue with the ”+” key
speed display)
nn.n x Value and units of results of the leak- S Remove leakage if value is too high.
x age test S Continue with the ”+” key
nn.n x Initialization completed successfully, S Press ”operating mode” key briefly to
FINSH x with display of the travel or positio- acknowledge or longer to quit confi-
ning angle as appropriate guration mode

Reports on leaving ”configuration” operating mode:

Meaning/Cause Actions

P manual





Cn x Software version S Wait

Error x Monoticity transgression of S Correct value
SLnn x the free characteristic line
at support point ”n”


108 A5E00074631-03

Reports on leaving ”configuration” operating mode:

Meaning/Cause Actions


P manual




CPU x Message after applying S Wait
START x auxiliary electrical power
HW / x Fault in the hardware S Exchange electronics
NOINI x x Positioner not initialized S Start initialization

nnn.n x x x Setting actual value [in %]

for initialized positioners.
Flashing decimal point in-
dicates communication
with a class 2 master
AUTnn x x Automatic mode (nn = set-
MANnn x Manual mode (nn = setpo- S Press operating mode
int) key to change to auto-
matic mode
oFL / 127.9 x x x Display range exceeded. S Adjust slip clutch so that
Possible causes: when moving the drive
S Slip clutch or the actual value display
S Transmission ratio se- remains within 0.0 to
lector switch changed 100.0 or
or S Change transmission
S Positioner installed wi-
selector switch or
thout reinitialization,
having previously been S Carry out factory setting
fitted to another drive (preset) and initialization
EXSTP x x Actuator stopped by bi-
nary input
EX UP x x Actuator moved by binary
input to upper stop
EXDWN x x Actuator moved by binary
input to lower stop
HTCNF x x x x HART configuration is run-


A5E00074631-03 109

4.7 Optimization of the control data

The data automatically determined during initialization for control qua-
lity are optimized for short duration commands with small overshoots.
In special cases (e.g. extremely small and specially quick actuators or
when operating with boosters) it can however occur that these data
need to be revised to achieve quick responses or heavy damping. The
following six parameters are available for this purpose:

13 Pulse length up This determines for any sense of actuation the smallest drive move-
14 Pulse length down ment pulse length. The optimum value is dependent particularly on the
volume of the drive.Small values will lead to small actuation increments
and frequent control drive activations. Note that if the value is too small
no movement will result. If drive volumes are large, then it is better to
use larger actuation increments. Note also that large actuation incre-
ments will still lead to large movements for small drives.

17 Short step zone up

18 Short step zone down

The short step zone is the range in which the control variation between
the fast step zone and the dead band. In this zone the drive is activated
in pulses.
If the value is small, even small changes of setpoint will evoke relatively
large positioning speeds and can thus lead to overshoots. If the value
is large, the overshoots will be reduced, particularly on large changes
of setpoint but will lead to slow positioning speeds, particularly as the
target setpoint is approached closely.

34 Prediction up These parameters operate on the damping factor and have the effect of
35 Prediction down adjusting the control dynamics.
If the value is small, responses will be quick but with overshoots. If the
value is large, response will be slow but without overshoots.

It is recommended that the firstly an automatic initialization is performed and only thereafter that
the positioner parameters are matched to any special requirements.
TIP: So as to have a fixed reference value, it is advantageous for special control optimization
to set a fixed value for the dead zone (parameter DEBA) instead of ”Auto”.
The above parameters are usually selected from the diagnostics menu and activated for
general adjustment by pressing the increment or decrement key. Any adjustment to a
parameter will be immediately effective. This means the effect of the new values on the control
results can be immediately tested.
On leaving the diagnostic menu the activation of the parameter for adjustment will be deactiva-
ted again.


110 A5E00074631-03
Care and Maintenance

Service and Maintenance

The positioner is largely maintenance--free. The positioners are fitted
with filters in the pneumatic connections as protection against coarse
particles of dirt. If the pneumatic energy supply contains particles of
dirt, the filters may clog and impair the function of the positioner. In this
case the filters can be cleaned as follows.

Positioner in metal housing and explosion proof version

1. Switch off the pneumatic power supply and remove the pipes.

2. Remove the metal filters carefully from the holes and clean (e.g.
with compressed air).

3. Insert the filters.

4. Re-connect the pipes and supply pneumatic energy.

Positioner in plastic housing


1. Switch off the pneumatic power supply and remove the pipes.

2. Unscrew the cover

3. Remove the three screws from the pneumatic connector strip.

4. Remove the filters and O-rings behind the connector strip.

5. Clean the filters (e.g. with compressed air).


6. First insert the filters in the recesses in the plastic housing and then
place the O-rings on the filters.

7. Align the pneumatic connector strip on the two lugs and screw tight
with the three self--tapping screws.

Make sure that the same thread is used. To do this turn the screws
counterclockwise until they snap into the thread audibly. Only then
should you tighten the screws.


A5E00074631-03 111
Care and Maintenance

8. Replace the cover and screw it tight.

9. Re--connect the pipes and supply pneumatic energy.

! Electrostatic charging must be prevented in hazardous areas. These
could be caused by example when cleaning the positioner in plastic
housing with a dry cloth.


112 A5E00074631-03
Technical Data

Technical Data
General data for basic device 6DR5
(see following pages)


A5E00074631-03 113
Technical Data

■ Technical data Technical data (continued)

SIPART PS2 Material of:
SIPART PS2 EEx d • Casing
- 6DR5 7 7 0-... (plastic) Glass-fiber-reinforced Macrolon
- 6DR5 7 7 1-... (metal) GK-AISi12
General data - 6DR5 7 7 5-... (metal) GK-AISi12
• Pressure gauge block Aluminium AIMgSi, anodized
Travel range (linear actuators) 3 to 130 mm ( 0.12 to 5.12 inch)
(angle of feedback shaft 16 to Vibration resistance
90°) • Harmonic oscillations (sine-wave) 3.5 mm (0.14 inch) (2 to 27 Hz)
according to DIN EN 60 062-2-6/ 3 cycles/axis
Angle or rotation (part-turn 30 to 100° 05.96 98.1 m/s2 (321.84 ft/s2)
actuators) (27 to 300 Hz) 3 cycles/axis
Installation • Repetitive shocks (half sine-wave) 150 m/s2 (492 ft/s2), 6 ms
• On linear actuators Using mounting kit 6DR4004-8V according to DIN EN 60 068-2-29/ 1000 shocks/axis
and additional lever arm 03.95
6DR4004-8L if required on actua- • Noise (digitally controlled) accord- 10 to 200 Hz 1 (m/s2)2/Hz
tors according to IEC 534-6 ing to DIN EN 60 068-2-64/08.95 (3.28 (ft/s2)2/Hz)
(NAMUR) with ledge, columns or 200 to 500 Hz 0.3 (m/s2)2/Hz
plane surface (0.98 (ft/s2)2/Hz)
• On part-turn actuators Using mounting kit 6DR4004-8D 4 hours/axis
on actuators with fixing platform • Recommended continuous range ≤ 30 m/s2 (≤ 98.4 ft/s2) without
according to VDI/VDE 3845 and of use for complete fitting magnification factor
DIN 3337:
the mounting plate must be pro- Weight, basic device
vided on the actuator side; • Plastic casing Approx. 0.9 kg (1.98 lb)
shaft with nut and M6 female • Metal casing Approx. 1.3 kg (2.87 lb)
thread (see Fig. 5/16) • Metal casing, EEx d version Approx. 5.2 kg (11.46 lb)
Controller Dimensions See Fig. 5/14 and Fig. 5/15
• Five-point switch Self-adjusting
• Dead zone Climatic class To IEC 721
dEbA = Auto Self-adjusting or • Storage 1K5, but -40 to +80 °C 1)
dEbA = 0.1 to 10% fixed setting (1K5, but -40 to +176 °F 1))
• Controllable response time ≥ 1.5 s, • Transport 2K4, but -40 to +80 °C 1)
reduced resolution with smaller (2K4, but -40 to +176 °F 1))
positioning times • Operation
A/D converter - Without purging air 3K3, but -30 to +80 °C 2)
(3K3, but -22 to +176 °F 2))
• Scanning time 10 ms
- With purging air 3K4, but -30 to +80 °C 2)
• Resolution ≤ 0.05% (3K4, but -22 to +176 °F 2))
• Transmission error ≤ 0.2%
• Temperature influence ≤ 0.1%/10 K (≤ 0.1%/18 °F) Certificates and approvals

Binary input BI1 (terminals 9/10; Can only be used for floating con- Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and
electrically connected to basic tact; max. contact rating < 5 µA at equipment directive liquids of fluid group 1, complies
device) 3V (DGRL 97/23/EC) with requirements of article 3,
paragraph 3 (sound engineering
Degree of protection IP 65 to EN 60 529/NEMA 4x practice SEP)
Mounting position Any; in wet environment, pneu- Pneumatic data
matic connections and exhaust
opening not upwards Supply (inlet air)
• Pressure 1.4 to 7 bar (20.3 to 101.5 psi):
CE marking Conforms to EMC guideline sufficiently larger than max. actu-
89/336 EEC in compliance with ator pressure (positioning pres-
the following standards sure)
EMC requirements EN 61 326/A1 Appendix A.1 and Air quality according to ISO 8573-1
NAMUR NE21 August 1998 • Size and density of particulates Class 2
• Pressure dew point Class 2 (min. 20 K (36 °F) below
ambient temperature)
• Oil concentration Class 2
Unrestricted flow of: At 2 bar 4 bar 6 bar
(29 psi) (58 psi) (87 psi)
• Inlet air valve [Nm3/h] (USgpm) 3) 4.1 7.1 9.8
(18.1) (31.3) (43.1)
• Outlet air valve [Nm3/h] (USgpm) 3) 8.2 13.7 19.2
(36.1) (60.3) (84.5)
Valve leakage < 6 x 10-4 Nm3/h (0.0026 USgpm)
Throttle ratio Adjustable up to ∞ : 1
Consumption of inlet air in < 3.6 x 10-2 Nm3/h
stable state (0.158 USgpm)
) When commissioning at ≤ 0 °C (≤ 32 °F) make sure that the valves are Types of actuators
purged with the dry medium for a sufficiently long time.
) Limited refresh rate of LCD below -10 °C (+14 °F). Only T4 permis- • In plastic casing Single-action and double-action
sible when using with Iy module. • In metal casing Single-action
) With the EEx d version (6DR5 7 7 5-...), the values are reduced by • In flameproof casing Single-action and double-action
approx. 20%.


114 A5E00074631-03
Technical Data

■ Technical data
SIPART PS2 Basic device Basic device Basic device Basic device
without Ex protection with Ex protection with Ex protection with Ex protection
EEx d (flameproof cas- EEx ia/ib EEx n
Explosion protection to Without EEx d EEx ia/ib EEx n
EN 50 014, EN 50 020 and EN 50 021 II 2 G EEx ia/ib II C T6 II 2 G EEx ia/ib II C T6 II 3 G EEx nA L [L] II C T6
Mounting location Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 2
Permissible ambient temperature for oper- -30 to +80 °C T4: -30 to +80 °C 1) T4: -30 to +80 °C 1) T4: -30 to +80 °C 1)
ation (-22 to +176 °F) (T4: -22 to +176 °F 1)) (T4: -22 to +176 °F 1)) (T4: -22 to +176 °F 1))
T5: -30 to +65 °C 1) T5: -30 to +65 °C 1) T5: -30 to +65 °C 1)
(T5: -22 to +149 °F 1)) (T5: -22 to +149 °F 1)) (T5: -22 to +149 °F 1))
T6: -30 to +50 °C 1) T6: -30 to +50 °C 1) T6: -30 to +50 °C 1)
(T6: -22 to +122 °F 1)) (T6: -22 to +122 °F 1)) (T6: -22 to +122 °F 1))
Electrical data
Two-wire system (terminals 6/8)
• Rated signal range 4 to 20 mA
• Current to maintain power supply ≥ 3.6 mA
• Required load voltage UB (r Ω at 20 mA)
- without HART 6DR50.. typ. ≤ 6.36 V (r 318 Ω) ≤ 7.8 V (r 390 Ω) ≤ 7.8 V (r 390 Ω)
max. ≤ 6.48 V (r 324 Ω) ≤ 8.3 V (r 415 Ω) ≤ 8.3 V (r 415 Ω)
- without HART 6DR53.. typ. ≤ 7.9 V (r 395 Ω) – – –
max. ≤ 8.4 V (r 420 Ω) – – –
- with HART 6DR51.. typ. ≤ 6.6 V (r 330 Ω) – –
max. ≤ 6.72 V (r 336 Ω) – –
- with HART 6DR52.. typ. – ≤ 8.4 V (r 420 Ω) ≤ 8.4 V (r 420 Ω) ≤ 8.4 V (r 420 Ω)
max. – ≤ 8.8 V (r 440 Ω) ≤ 8.8 V (r 440 Ω) ≤ 8.8 V (r 440 Ω)
• Static destruction limit ± 40 mA – –
• Internal capacitance Ci
- without HART – ≤ 22 nF –
- with HART – ≤ 7 nF –
• Internal inductance Li
- without HART – ≤ 0.12 mH –
- with HART – ≤ 0.24 mH –
• For connection to circuits with – Intrinsically-safe Ui ≤ 30 V DC
Uo ≤ 30 V DC Ii ≤ 100 mA
Ik ≤ 100 mA
P ≤1W
Three-wire/four-wire system (terminals 2/4
and 6/8)
(only 6DR52.. and 6DR53..)
• Power supply UH 18 to 35 V DC 18 to 30 V DC 18 to 30 V DC
• Current consumption IH (UH - 7.5 V)/2.4 kΩ [mA]
• Internal capacitance Ci – ≤ 22 nF –
• Internal inductance Li – ≤ 0.12 mH –
• For connection to circuits with – Intrinsically-safe Ui ≤ 30 V DC
Uo ≤ 30 V DC Ii ≤ 100 mA
Ik ≤ 100 mA
Current input IW
• Rated signal range 4 to 20 mA
• Load voltage at 20 mA ≤ 0.2 V (r 10 Ω) ≤ 1 V (r 50 Ω) ≤ 1 V (r 50 Ω)
• Internal capacitance Ci – ≤ 22 nF –
• Internal inductance Li – ≤ 0.12 mH –
• For connection to circuits with – Intrinsically-safe Ui ≤ 30 V DC
– Uo ≤ 30 V DC Ii ≤ 100 mA
– Ik ≤ 100 mA
P ≤1W

) Limited refresh rate of LCD below -10 °C (+14 °F). Only T4 permissible when using with Iy module.


A5E00074631-03 115
Technical Data

■ Technical data (continued)

SIPART PS2 Basic device Basic device Basic device Basic device
without Ex protection with Ex protection with Ex protection with Ex protection
EEx d (flameproof cas- EEx ia/ib EEx n
Electrical data
Electrical isolation Between UH and IW Between UH and IW Between UH and IW
(2 intrinsically-safe cir-
• Test voltage DC 840 V (1 s) or 700 V (50 Hz, 1 s)
• Electric Screw terminals 2.5 Screw terminals 2.5 Screw terminals 2.5 Screw terminals 2.5
AWG28-12 AWG28-12 AWG28-12 AWG28-12
Cable bushing M20 or EEx d-certified cable Cable bushing M20 or Cable bushing M20 or
1/2" NPT (see Ordering bushing M20x1.5, 1/2" NPT (see Ordering 1/2" NPT (see Ordering
data) 1/2" NPT or M25x1.5 data) data)
(see Ordering data)
• Pneumatic Female thread G1/4 DIN 45 141 or 1/4" 18 NPT (see Ordering data)
• External position sensor
(potentiometer or NSC; option)
- Uo – <5V
- Io – < 75 mA
- Is – < 160 mA
- Po – < 120 mW
- Max. perm. external capacitance (Co) – < 1 µF
- Max. perm. external inductance (Lo) – < 1 mH


116 A5E00074631-03
Technical Data

■ Technical data
Option modules Without Ex protection With Ex protection
Electrical data
Ex protection to EN 50 014, EN 50 020 and 50 021 – II 2G EEx ia/ib II C T4/T5/T6 1) II 3G EEx nA L [L] II C T6
Mounting location – Zone 1 Zone 2
Permissible ambient temperature for operation -30 to +80 °C T4: -30 to +80 °C 1) T4: -30 to +80 °C 1)
(-22 to +176 °F) (T4: -22 to +176 °F 1)) (T4: -22 to +176 °F 1))
T5: -30 to +65 °C 1) T5: -30 to +65 °C 1)
(T5: -22 to +149 °F 1)) (T5: -22 to +149 °F 1))
T6: -30 to +50 °C 1) T6: -30 to +50 °C 1)
(T6: -22 to +122 °F 1)) (T6: -22 to +122 °F 1))
Alarm module 6DR4004-8A (without Ex pro- 6DR4004-6A (with Ex protec- 6DR4004-6A (with Ex protec-
Binary alarm outputs A1, A2 and alarm output tection) tion) tion)
(terminals 41/42, 51/52 and 31/32)
Signal status High (not triggered) Conductive, R = 1 kΩ, +3/-1% ≥ 2.1 mA2) ≥ 2.1 mA2)
Signal status Low3) (triggered) Non-conductive, IR < 60 µA ≤ 1.2 mA2) ≤ 1.2 mA2)
Internal capacitance Ci – ≤ 5.2 nF –
Internal inductance Li – Negligible –
Power supply UH ≤ 35 V – –
Connection to circuits with – Intrinsically-safe switching Ui ≤ 15.5 V DC
amplifier DIN 19 234
Uo ≤ 15.5 V DC
Ik ≤ 25 mA, P ≤ 64 mW
Binary input BI2
• Electrically connected to basic device
(terminals 21/22)
- Signal status 0 Floating contact, open
- Signal status 1 Floating contact, closed
- Contact rating 3 V, 5 µA
• Electrically isolated from basic device
(terminals 11/12)
- Signal status 0 ≤ 4.5 V or open
- Signal status 1 ≥ 13 V
- Inherent resistance ≥ 25 kΩ
Static destruction limit ± 35 V – –
Internal inductance and capacitance – Negligible –
Connection to circuits with – Intrinsically-safe Ui ≤ 25.2 V Ui ≤ 25.2 V DC
Electrical isolation The 3 outputs, the input BI2 and the basic device are electrically isolated from each other
Test voltage 840 V DC, 1 s
SIA module 6DR4004-8G (without Ex pro- 6DR4004-6G (with Ex protec- 6DR4004-6G (with Ex protec-
tection) tion) tion)
Limit monitor with slot-type initiators and alarm output Two-wire connection
(terminals 41/42 and 51/52)
Ex protection Without II 2 G EEx ia/ib IIC T6 II 2 G EEx nA L [L] IIC T6
Connection Two-wire system to DIN 19 234 (NAMUR), for series-connected switching amplifiers
2 slot-type initiators Type SJ2-SN
Function Opener (NC, normally closed)
Connection to circuits with Rated voltage 8 V Intrinsically-safe switching Ui ≤ 15.5 V DC
Current consumption: amplifier DIN 19 234 Pi ≤ 64 mW
≥ 3 mA (limit not triggered) Ui ≤ 15.5 V DC
≤ 1 mA (limit triggered) Ii ≤ 25 mA, Pi ≤ 64 mW
Internal capacitance – ≤ 41 nF –
Internal inductance – ≤ 100 µH –
Electrical isolation The 3 outputs are electrically isolated from the basic device
Test voltage 840 V DC, 1 s
Alarm output (terminals 31/32) See alarm module

) Only in conjunction with the basic device 6DR5 7 7 7 - 7 E 7 7 7. Only T4 permissible when using with Iy module.
) Switching thresholds with supply to DIN 19 234: UH = 8.2 V, Ri = 1 kΩ.
) Low is also the state if the basic device is faulty or without an electrical power supply.


A5E00074631-03 117
Technical Data

■ Technical data (continued)

Option modules Without Ex protection With Ex protection
Electrical data
Ex protection to EN 50 014, EN 50 020 and 50 021 – II 2G EEx ia/ib II C T4/T5/T6 1) II 3G EEx nA L [L] II C T6
Mounting location – Zone 1 Zone 2
Permissible ambient temperature for operation -30 to +80 °C T4: -30 to +80 °C 1) T4: -30 to +80 °C 1)
(-22 to +176 °F) (T4: -22 to +176 °F 1)) (T4: -22 to +176 °F 1))
T5: -30 to +65 °C 1) T5: -30 to +65 °C 1)
(T5: -22 to +149 °F 1)) (T5: -22 to +149 °F 1))
T6: -30 to +50 °C 1) T6: -30 to +50 °C 1)
(T6: -22 to +122 °F 1)) (T6: -22 to +122 °F 1))
Iy module 6DR4004-8J (without Ex prot.) 6DR4004-6J (with Ex prot.) 6DR4004-6J (with Ex prot.)
Direct current output for position feedback Two-wire system
(terminals 61/62)
Rated signal range i 4 to 20 mA, short-circuit-proof
Operating range 3.6 to 20.5 mA
Power supply UH +12 to 35 V + 12 to 30 V + 12 to 30 V
External load RB [kΩ] ≤ (UH [V] - 12 V) /i [mA]
Transmission error ≤ 0.3%
Temperature influence ≤ 0.1%/10 K (≤ 0.1%/18 °F)
Resolution ≤ 0.1%
Residual ripple ≤ 1%
Internal capacitance Ci – ≤ 11 nF –
Internal inductance Li – Negligible –
For connection to circuits with Intrinsically-safe: Ui ≤ 30 V DC Ui ≤ 30 V DC
Ii ≤ 100 mA; Pi ≤ 1 W (only T4) Ii ≤ 100 mA; Pi ≤ 1 W (only T4)
Electrical isolation Electrically isolated from basic device
Test voltage 840 V DC, 1 s
NCS sensor
Positioning range
• Linear actuator max. 14 mm (max. 0.55 inch)
• Rotary actuator max. 120°
Linearity (after correction by SIPART PS2)
• Linear actuator ± 1%
• Rotary actuator ± 1%
Hysteresis ± 0.2%
Continuous operating temperature -40 °C to +90 °C (-40 °F to +194 °F)
Only without Ex protection: -50 °C to +120 °C (-58 °F to +248 °F)with limited service life
Degree of housing protection IP 68/NEMA 4x

1) Only in conjunction with the basic device 6DR5 7 7 7 - 7 E 7 7 7. Only T4 permissible when using with Iy module.


118 A5E00074631-03
Scope of deliver

Scope of Delivery
The positioner and its options modules are delivered as separate units
and in different versions. Positioners and options modules for operation
in hazardous areas and non--hazardous areas are available. These ver-
sions are identified respectively by a special rating plate.

! In the combination of components it must be ensured that only positio-
ners and options modules are combined which are approved for the
respective area of application. This applies especially for safe
operation of the positioner in areas in which the atmosphere is poten-
tially explosive (zone 1 and 2). The instrument categories (2 and 3) of
the instrument itself and those of its options must be observed.


A5E00074631-03 119
Scope of delivery

7.1 Ordering data

■ Ordering data Order No. ■ Ordering data Order No.

SIPART PS2 (PA) electropneu- 6DR5 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 - 7 7 A 7 SIPART PS2 (PA) electropneu- 6DR5 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 - 7 7 A 7
matic positioner matic positioner
Design see Customer-specific design see left
• Two-wire right
Without } 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0 - 0
- without HART, (4 to 20 mA) } 6DR5 0
- with HART, without explosion } 6DR5 1 Operating Instructions
protection (except EEx d) German/English } 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0 - 0 A
• Two-wire, three-wire, four-wire French/Spanish/Italian 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0 - 0 B
- with HART, with explosion pro-} 6DR5 2
Attached manometer assembly
- without HART, without explo- } 6DR5 3 Without } 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0 - 0 A 7 0
sion protection, only with plas- Single G1/4 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0 - 0 A 7 1
tic casing Double G1/4 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0 - 0 A 7 2
• PROFIBUS-PA connection } 6DR5 5 Single NPT 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0 - 0 A 7 3
For actuator Double NPT 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0 - 0 A 7 4
Single-action } 6DR5 0 1 } Available ex stock.
Double-action } 6DR5 0 2
Plastic } 6DR5 0 0 0
Aluminium; only single-action } 6DR5 0 0 1
Stainless steel; only single-action 6DR5 0 0 2
(on request); not for EEx d ver-
sion; not FM/CSA
Aluminium; EEx d casing (flame- 6DR5 0 0 5
Sliding clutch
Standard } 6DR5 0 0 0 - 0
Reinforced 6DR5 0 0 0 - 1
Explosion protection
Without } 6DR5 0 0 0 - 0 N
With explosion protection Ex ia/ib } 6DR5 0 0 0 - 0 E
With explosion protection EEx n 6DR5 0 0 0 - 0 G
Connection thread
M20 x 1.5 / G1/4 } 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G
1/2" NPT / 1/4" NPT 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 N
M20 x 1.5 / 1/4" NPT 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 M
1/2" NPT / G1/4 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 P
Limit monitor, built-in;
incl. 2nd cable gland
Without } 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0
Alarm module; electronic 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 1
(6DR4004-7 A)
SIA module; slot initiators 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 2
(6DR4004-7 G); not with EEx d
Option modules, built-in;
incl. 2nd cable gland
Without } 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 0
Iy module for position feedback 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 1
(4 to 20 mA) (6DR4004-7 J)
EMC filter module for external 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 2
position sensor (C73451-A430-
Iy module and EMC filter module 6DR5 0 0 0 - N 0 G 0 3
for external position sensor


120 A5E00074631-03
Scope of deliver

7.2 Scope of delivery of standard controller

Versions Housing Valve Ex-protection Order numbers

SIPART PS2 Plastic housing single action non Ex 6DR5010-xNxxx-0AA0
2L without Plastic housing double action non Ex 6DR5020-xNxxx-0AA0
HART Metal housing single action non Ex 6DR5011-xNxxx-0AA0
Plastic housing single action CENELEC/FM 6DR5010-xExxx-0AA0
SIPART PS2 Plastic housing double action CENELEC/FM 6DR5020-xExxx-0AA0
2L without Metal housing single action CENELEC/FM 6DR5011-xExxx-0AA0
HART Explosion proof housing single action CENELEC/FM 6DR5015-xExxx-0AA0
Explosion proof housing double action CENELEC/FM 6DR5025-xExxx-0AA0
Plastic housing single action non Ex 6DR5110-xNxxx-0AA0
SIPART PS2 Plastic housing double action non Ex 6DR5120-xNxxx-0AA0
2L with HART
Metal housing single action non Ex 6DR5111-xNxxx-0AA0
Plastic housing single action CENELEC/FM 6DR5210-xExxx-0AA0
Plastic housing double action CENELEC/FM 6DR5220-xExxx-0AA0
SIPART PS2 Metal housing single action CENELEC/FM 6DR5211-xExxx-0AA0
4L with HART
Explosion proof housing single action CENELEC/FM 6DR5215-xExxx-0AA0
Explosion proof housing double action CENELEC/FM 6DR5225-xExxx-0AA0

2L corresponds to two-wire operation

4L corresponds to four--wire-operation
--x stands for sub--variant

7.3 Scope of delivery of options

Option Order number

SIA module non Ex 6DR4004-8G
SIA module Ex (CENELEC / FM)1)2) 6DR4004-6G
Alarm module non Ex 6DR4004-8A
Alarm module Ex (PTB)1) 6DR4004-6A
Alarm module Ex (FM)2) 6DR4004-7A
Jy-module non Ex 6DR4004-8J
Jy-module Ex (PTB)1) 6DR4004-6J
Jy-module Ex (FM)2) 6DR4004-7J
1) EC-type examination certificates
2) Approval Reports of Factory Mutual System


A5E00074631-03 121
Scope of delivery

7.4 Scope of delivery of accessories

Accessories Order number

Mounting kit set linear actuators IEC 534 -- 6 6DR4004-8V
including lever arm for 3 to 35 mm way
Additional lever for > 35 to 130 mm way 6DR4004-8L
Mounting kit rotary actuators VDI/VDE 3845 6DR4004-8D
Solenoid valve block for SAMSON actuator (integrated mounting) 6DR4004-1C
Manometer block single acting 6DR4004-1M
Manometer block double acting 6DR4004-2M
Solenoid valve block single acting (NAMUR) 6DR4004-1B
Mounting set for SAMSON actuator (integrated mounting) 6DR4004-8S
NCS-Sensor 6DR4004-_ N_ _ 0
not explosion protected 6DR4004-8N
explosion-protected 6DR4004-6N
cable length 6 m 6DR4004-_NN
for rotary actuators 6DR4004-_N_10
for linear actuators up to 14 mm 6DR4004-_N_20
EMV filter module C73451-A430-D23
External position detection system C73451-A430-D78
Operating software SIMATIC PDM on request


122 A5E00074631-03

A Digital input, electrical connection, 54, 58, 61
Digital output, electrical connection, 54, 58, 61
Accessories, 33 Dimensional drawings, 35
Alarm function, 95 Display, 79
Alarm module, 31, 54, 58, 61 distance class, 102
Application Documentation, 9
positioner in a wet environment, 38 double--acting, 13, 14
under great accelerations and vibrations, 40
Assembly, 37
Screw--type gland with plastic hose, 40 E
Assembly procedure, 43, 46 EC Declaration of Conformity, 127
linear actuator, 44
EEx d, 126
rotary actuator, 47, 48 EC Type Examination Certificate
Automatic, Changing the operating mode, 84 PTB 99 ATEX 1101, 128
TÜV 00 ATEX 1654, 131
B TÜV 01 ATEX 1786 X, 139
Electrical connection, 17, 50
Base plate, 51
Block diagram, Mode of operation, 24
C Filters, Cleaning the ~, 111
Firmware version, 81
Catalogs, 125 FM Approval Report, 144
Certificate EEx d, 142
CSA, 146, 148 Four--wire connection, 53, 56, 60
EC Declaration of Conformity, 126, 127
EC Type Examination, 128
EC Type--Examination, 131 G
FM Approval Report, 142, 144 General information, 5
Statement of conformity, 139
Certificates, 126
Commissioning, 63
Configuration, changing the operating mode,
HART module, 31
Housing, 11
CSA Certficate of Compliance, 146, 148
Current output, Electrical Connection, 54, 58,
Initialization, 89
D Automatic ~, Structogram, 74
Delivery, 10 automatic ~, 63, 65, 71, 74
Diagnosis, 98 changing the operating mode, 83
Online, 103 copying ~, 63
Diagnostic, Display, 98 manual ~, 63, 67, 72
Diagnostic display, Changing the operating Initialization data, Copying the ~, 78
mode, 84 Input keys, 79
Diagnostic values, Meaning of the ~, 99


A5E00074631--03 123

Installation positions, favorable and

unfavorable, 39, 41
Instrument identification, 35 Qualified Personnel, 7

Jy module, 32, 54, 58, 61 Reset, 97
Restrictors, 21
Rotary actuator, 13, 14, 49, 50
L Automatic initialization, 71
Lever arm transmission, 88 manual initialization, 72
Linear actuator, 13, 14 preparation, 70
automatic initialization, 65
manual initialization, 67
preparation, 64
Literature, 125 Scope of Delivery, 119, 125
Series circuit, of two positioners, 57
Service, 111
M Setpoint, 103
Maintenance, 111 Setpoint characteristic, 91
Manometer block, 33 SIA module, 55, 59, 62
Manual mode Electrical Connection, 55, 59, 62
Changing the operating mode, 84 single--acting, 13, 14
P manual mode, 83 Split range, 57, 89
Method of operation, 15, 22 Electrical Connection, 57
Mounting kit Standard controller, 55, 59
linear actuator, 42 Standards, 10
rotary actuator, 45 Structograms of automatic initialization, 74

Technical data, 113
Operating mode
Three--wire connection, 53, 56, 60
AUT, 84
Two--wire connection, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 60
MAN, 84
Type key, 35
Operating Modes, 82
Operating modes, Change ~, 82
Operation, 79
Options, 12, 25
Use as intended, 9

Parameter table, SIPART PS2, 85
Parameters, 84 Versions, 11
PDM (Process Device Manager), 78, 102 Vibrations, 40
Personnel, Qualification, 7 View of the instrument, 16
Pneumatic connection, 18, 62
Positioner exchange, 63, 78
Positioning, 20 W
Preset, 97 Warranty, 10
Purge air switching, 21 wet environment, 38


124 A5E00074631--03

9.1 Literature and catalogs

Nr. Title Issue by Order no.

/1/ Industrial Communication and Siemens AG E86060--K6710--A101--B2--7600
Field Devices
Catalog IK PI · 2002/2003
/2/ Field Instruments for Process Siemens AG E86060--K6201--A101--A3--7600
Catalog FI 01 · 2003
/3/ SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control Siemens AG E86060--K4678--A111--A5--7600
Catalog ST PCS 7 · 2002


A5E00074631--03 125

9.2 Certificates

9.2.1 EC Declaration of Conformity (EEx d)


126 A5E00074631--03

9.2.2 EC Declaration of Conformity


A5E00074631--03 127

9.2.3 EC Type-Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1101 (EEx d)

(type of protection “flameproof enclosure”)


128 A5E00074631--03


A5E00074631--03 129


130 A5E00074631--03

9.2.4 EC Type-Examination Certificate TÜV 00 ATEX 1654


A5E00074631--03 131


132 A5E00074631--03


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134 A5E00074631--03


A5E00074631--03 135


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A5E00074631--03 137


138 A5E00074631--03

9.2.5 Statement of conformity TÜV 01 ATEX 1786 X


A5E00074631--03 139


140 A5E00074631--03


A5E00074631--03 141

9.2.6 FM Approval Report (EEx d)


142 A5E00074631--03


A5E00074631--03 143

9.2.7 FM Approval Report


144 A5E00074631--03


A5E00074631--03 145

9.2.8 CSA Certificate of Compliance


146 A5E00074631--03


A5E00074631--03 147

9.2.9 Control Drawing A5E00065622D


148 A5E00074631--03


A5E00074631--03 149


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1P A5E00074631

Siemens AG
Bereich Automation and Drives
Geschaeftsgebiet Process Instrumentation and Analytics
D-76181 Karlsruhe A5E00074631-03

A5E00074631D-03 GN: 30020_SIPART PS2

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