Position Paper: Lancet Respir Med 2020
Position Paper: Lancet Respir Med 2020
Position Paper: Lancet Respir Med 2020
Lancet Respir Med 2020; The term interstitial lung abnormalities refers to specific CT findings that are potentially compatible with interstitial
8: 726–37 lung disease in patients without clinical suspicion of the disease. Interstitial lung abnormalities are increasingly
*Chair and †co-chair of the recognised as a common feature on CT of the lung in older individuals, occurring in 4–9% of smokers and 2–7% of
Fleischner Society Writing
non-smokers. Identification of interstitial lung abnormalities will increase with implementation of lung cancer
Committee for Position Paper on
interstitial lung abnormalities screening, along with increased use of CT for other diagnostic purposes. These abnormalities are associated with
Department of Radiology radiological progression, increased mortality, and the risk of complications from medical interventions, such as
(Prof H Hatabu MD, chemotherapy and surgery. Management requires distinguishing interstitial lung abnormalities that represent
R San José Estépar PhD), and clinically significant interstitial lung disease from those that are subclinical. In particular, it is important to identify
Department of Pulmonary and
the subpleural fibrotic subtype, which is more likely to progress and to be associated with mortality. This
Critical Care Medicine
(G M Hunninghake MD), multidisciplinary Position Paper by the Fleischner Society addresses important issues regarding interstitial lung
Brigham and Women’s abnormalities, including standardisation of the definition and terminology; predisposing risk factors; clinical
Hospital, Harvard Medical outcomes; options for initial evaluation, monitoring, and management; the role of quantitative evaluation; and future
School, Boston, MA, USA;
research needs.
Unità Operativa Complessa di
Pneumologia, Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Introduction abnormalities. The definition of ILAs is purely
Fondazione Policlinico A Interstitial lung disease (ILD) comprises a diverse group radiological and is based on the incidental identification
Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, Italy
(Prof L Richeldi MD);
of lung diseases with overlapping clinical, radiological, of CT abnormality. Differentiation between ILAs and
Department of Medicine physiological, and pathological features.1 Interstitial lung clinical and subclinical ILD must be on the basis of
(Prof K K Brown MD), and abnormalities (ILAs) refer to the presence of CT scan clinical evaluation.
Department of Radiology findings that are potentially compatible with ILD in ILAs are increasingly recognised on chest CT scans.2
(Prof D A Lynch MB), National
Jewish Health, Denver, CO, USA
patients who have partial (eg, abdominal CT including Systematic evaluation of large cohorts has shown a
(Prof K K Brown); Department the lower lung zones) or complete chest CT examinations prevalence of ILAs in older individuals (>60 years) of 4–9%
of Respiratory Medicine without previous clinical suspicion of ILD. As ILAs are in smokers and 2–7% in non-smokers (table).3–9 However,
(Prof A U Wells MD) and associated with respiratory symptoms, functional impair their presence is not routinely recorded on radiology
Department of Histopathology
(Prof A G Nicholson DM), Royal
ment, risk of progression, and increased all-cause reports, even at academic centres.20 ILAs are likely to be
Brompton and Hospital NHS mortality,2–10 their identification has clinical implications. increasingly identified with the implementation of lung
Foundation Trust, London, UK; The term ILAs does not imply the absence of respiratory cancer screening and increased use of CT for other
National Heart and Lung signs, symptoms, or functional impairment, but when diagnostic purposes. Still, our understanding of ILAs is
Institute, Imperial College
London, London, UK
these clinically significant findings are present, ILAs are minimal, with insufficient evidence to provide definitive
(Prof A U Wells, likely to represent mild ILD rather than subclinical management recommendations. This Fleischner Society
Prof A G Nicholson); Position Paper provides multidisciplinary perspectives on
Department of Thoracic definition and terminology; predisposing risk factors;
Imaging, Hospital Calmette, Key messages
University Centre of Lille, Lille,
clinical outcomes; options for initial evaluation,
France (Prof M Remy-Jardin MD);
Background monitoring, and management; the role of quantitative
Department of Radiology, • Early interstitial lung abnormalities (ILAs) are common evaluation; and future research needs.
University Hospitals Leuven, incidental findings on CT, particularly in older individuals
Leuven, Belgium
(Prof J A Verschakelen MD);
• The presence of ILAs is an independent predictor of What definition and terminology could be used
Department of Pathology mortality to describe and characterise ILAs?
(M B Beasley MD), and • About 20% of ILAs progress over 2 years, and more than High-resolution CT is highly sensitive for detecting
Pulmonary, Critical Care and 40% progress over 5 years subclinical interstitial abnormalities in high-risk
Sleep Medicine
• Individuals with subpleural predominant fibrotic ILAs are populations, such as patients with connective tissue
(Prof C A Powell MD), Icahn
School of Medicine at Mount, most likely to progress disease (eg, systemic sclerosis) or occupational exposures
New York, NY, USA;
Management of ILAs (eg, asbestos).21–23 Systematic evaluation of large cohorts
Department of Environmental
• Identify potential risk factors for interstitial lung disease of smokers screened by CT for lung cancer, or undergoing
Health, Harvard T.H. Chan
School of Public Health, • Identify clinical or functional impairment CT as part of epidemiological evaluation of chronic
Boston, MA, USA • Establish whether there is current evidence of clinically obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or cardiovascular
(Prof D C Christiani MD);
significant interstitial lung disease risk factors, has shown that these incidental abnormalities
Massachusetts General
• Undertake clinical and imaging follow-up as appropriate are relatively common, particularly in older individuals
Hospital, Harvard Medical
(table).4,7,9,15 Terms applied to this finding have included
of the right and left upper, middle, and lower lung zones)
should be referred for pulmonary evaluation, ideally with Repeat CT at 12–24 months, or sooner
access to multidisciplinary discussion. Management of if there is clinical or physiological
patients with a diagnosed ILD should follow standard
Once ILD is excluded, ILAs can be separated into those Figure 5: Proposed schema for management of interstitial lung abnormalities detected on chest CT
Action items for the radiologist are in blue, action items for the treating physician or pulmonologist are in
at higher risk of progression to ILD and those at lower green, and action items for a pulmonologist, ideally with ILD experience, are in orange. ILA=interstitital lung
risk. Risk factors for progression include cigarette abnormality. ILD=interstitial lung disease. *Non-trivial abnormalities present in three or more lung zones (above
smoking, other inhalational exposures, medications, the bottom of the aortic arch, between the aortic arch and top of the inferior pulmonary vein, and below the
physiological or gas exchange findings not felt to reach inferior pulmonary vein).
the threshold of clinical significance, and specific
radiological features such as evidence of fibrosis and impairment. For example, non-subpleural ILAs seldom
subpleural, basal predominant distribution (panel 2). progress, and individuals with only these findings can be
Follow-up of patients with ILAs can be based on the followed up expectantly. In individuals with one or more
presence of risk factors for progression. Individuals risk factors, systematic follow-up should be considered.
without risk factors should be advised to return for The appropriate timing of repeated clinical evaluation
evaluation if they develop symptoms of respiratory (including a focused history and chest exam, chest
imaging, pulmonary physiology, and gas exchange) is ventilation. Medications that are known to cause ILD
unknown. In the absence of prospective data, clinical should be avoided if possible.
experience suggests that a first follow-up at 3–12 months
to look for symptomatic or physiological progression is What is the role of quantitative evaluation?
probably appropriate in most patients at increased risk. Methods for quantitative evaluation of ILAs include
Individuals with ILAs are likely to benefit from additional assessment of the proportion of high-attenuation areas,
clinical follow-up beyond 1 year, but the optimal local histogram evaluation, and deep learning-based
frequency and duration of follow-up is unknown. textural evaluation. Automatic quantification of CT density
Similarly, the optimal interval for follow-up CT scans is of the lungs has been used to identify the proportion of
unknown, but might include a follow-up scan at lung voxels with high-attenuation areas, typically between
12–24 months or sooner in patients who develop –600 and –250 Hounsfield units (the normal CT
symptoms or impaired pulmonary function. Progression attenuation of the lung is about –750 Hounsfield units).12,13
can be defined by the development of clinically signif High-attenuation areas are associated with elevated serum
icant respiratory symptoms and signs (eg, the new concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers, reduced FVC
presence of exercise limitation or characteristic crackles and exercise capacity, and higher mortality (including
on auscultation, or both), the development of abnormal higher mortality from ILD).12,55 The presence of high-
pulmonary physiology or gas exchange (or a clinically attenuation areas is also associated with a higher
significant decline in normal values), or an increase in prevalence of ILAs at follow-up CT.78 Despite these clear
the extent of CT abnormal ities, particularly with the epidemiological associations, high-attenuation areas
development of specific fibrotic features. Optimal appear to be neither sensitive nor specific for subsequent
management of progressive ILAs is unknown, so this appearance of ILAs.79 For this reason, the use of the term
patient group might be an appropriate population for a subclinical ILD as a synonym for increased high-
prospective treatment trial. attenuation areas is not recommended. The clinical
In patients with ILAs undergoing surgery or other significance of high-attenuation areas remains unclear,
therapy, caution should be exercised because they appear and assessment in individual patients is limited by the
to be at increased risk of rapid disease acceleration or an multiple technical and patient-related reasons for an
acute exacerbation. The clinician should regard ILAs as elevated proportion of high-attenuation areas, including
an important comorbidity that should be considered in scanner variation, inadequate inspiration, obesity, and
planning treatment and subsequent monitoring. Because pulmonary atelectasis.24
positive pressure ventilation might be a risk factor for Quantitative imaging provides an objective recognition
developing acute respiratory distress in patients with of regional disease pattern of the lung that can increase the
ILAs, a low-volume, low-pressure ventilatory approach diagnostic reliability and severity assessment of ILD.
should be considered for those needing mechanical Computer-based CT approaches to identify interstitial
Panel 4: Recommendations for the evaluation and Search strategy and selection criteria
reporting of interstitial lung abnormalities
A medical librarian searched in Medline, Embase, Cochrane
CT protocol Central Registry of Controlled Trials, and the Health
• Thin sections (<1·5 mm) are essential Technology Assessment database to identify publications
• Prone and expiratory scans might be necessary to confirm related to interstitial lung abnormalities. We included studies
and characterise interstitial lung abnormalities (ILAs) from database inception through to Feb 13, 2019, and
restricted to English language. Details of the search strategy
CT description
See Online for appendix are provided in the appendix (pp 1–3). Key search terms were
• Axial and craniocaudal distribution
“interstitial$”, “lung”, “abnormal$”, and “subclinical or
• CT findings: including ground-glass abnormality, reticular
pre-clinical or preclinical”. The literature search resulted in
abnormality, traction bronchiectasis, honeycombing, and
700 references, of which 616 were excluded (duplicates
[n=11] and 605 references with little relevance to the key
• CT category: non-subpleural ILA, subpleural non-fibrotic
questions based on screening of the reference title [n=455] or
ILA, or subpleural fibrotic ILA
the reference abstract [n=150]), yielding 84 manuscripts that
Clinical evaluation underwent review for inclusion. Review of the text found that
• Distinguish ILAs from clinically significant interstitial lung 60 of these manuscripts were not relevant to the key
disease (figure 5) questions, resulting in 24 references that were analysed for
• Identify risk factors for progression (panel 2) the final Position Paper. Additional references were added by
• Follow-up evaluation (figure 5) members of the writing group.
Pathology evaluation
• On lung cancer resections, assess background lung from of non-fibrotic ILAs, of smoking-related interstitial
cancer resections and document histological patterns fibrosis, and of pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis. There is
diagnostic of suspicion for interstitial lung disease also a need for better understanding of risk factors for the
• Review such cases in a multidisciplinary team setting to development of ILAs. Finally, the recognition of ILAs
determine whether ILAs or clinically significant interstitial offers exciting opportunities for identifying pathogenetic
lung disease is present abnormalities in early pulmonary fibrosis and early usual
interstitial pneumonia; sequential evaluation of bio
The importance of ILAs as a risk factor for complications markers in individuals with ILAs might help to identify
in the treatment of lung cancer requires further evaluation, biological abnormalities that predispose to subsequent
for example, in clinical trials of checkpoint inhibitors development of IPF.
with a focus on prevention and management of acute
pneumonitis. This analysis could be done retrospectively Conclusions
from existing CT datasets in clinical trials and could ILAs are important because they are associated with
inform a prospective comparison of specific approaches to mortality as well as increased risk of complications from
preventing progression in the context of thoracic surgery, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Separating
radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. The role of ILAs as a clinically significant ILD from ILAs is essential. The
predictor of acute interstitial pneumonia also merits morphology and distribution of ILAs should be clearly
further evaluation, given that unsuspected usual interstitial described and the descriptive categories of non-sub
pneumonia has been identified in 50% of patients who die pleural, subpleural non-fibrotic, and subpleural fibrotic
with acute interstitial pneumonia.102 We have excluded ILAs should be recorded in the radiology report, as this
preclinical interstitial abnormalities identified during the information could be useful in predicting progression and
screening of individuals at high risk (eg, those with mortality (panel 4). Risk factors for ILAs include age,
rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, occupational exposure, cigarette smoking and other inhalational exposures, and
and familial interstitial lung disease) from the scope of this genetic markers. Although this Position Paper proposes a
Position Paper to simplify the approaches. However, future rational strategy that can help to identify when ILAs are
studies and discussions are needed to investigate the role likely to represent clinically significant ILD, future work is
of ILAs in preclinical interstitial abnormalities identified needed to determine the best approach to follow up ILAs
during screening of individuals at high risk.” in individuals in whom the evaluation is less definitive.
Further study is needed to determine the importance of We believe that establishing a common terminology for
incidentally found histological fibrosis to determine which communication and a clear under standing of current
cases are more likely to progress to clinically significant knowledge are important steps towards further advances
disease. In particular, there is an opportunity to clarify the in the multidisciplinary approach to ILAs.
effect of specific histological findings and cellular Contributors
subpopulations on long-term outcome. Additional related DAL developed and implemented the systematic search strategy.
questions include the natural history and biological cause CJR advised on the systematic search. All authors participated in the
literature search. HH, GMH, LR, KKB, AUW, MR-J, AGN, MBB, DCC, 5 Seibold MA, Wise AL, Speer MC, et al. A common MUC5B
RSJE, CAP, KSL, YI, and DAL wrote the first draft of the Position promoter polymorphism and pulmonary fibrosis. N Engl J Med 2011;
Paper. All authors critically reviewed the manuscript and approved the 364: 1503–12.
final version, taking accountability for the work. The Document 6 Hunninghake GM, Hatabu H, Okajima Y, et al. MUC5B promoter
Development and Oversight Committee and the Executive Committee polymorphism and interstitial lung abnormalities. N Engl J Med
of the Fleischner Society approved the manuscript before submission 2013; 368: 2192–200.
to the journal. 7 Jin GY, Lynch D, Chawla A, et al. Interstitial lung abnormalities in a
CT lung cancer screening population: prevalence and progression
Declaration of interests rate. Radiology 2013; 268: 563–71.
HH reports grants from Canon Medical Systems and Konica Minolta; 8 Araki T, Putman RK, Hatabu H, et al. Development and progression
and personal fees from Canon Medical Systems and Mitsubishi of interstitial lung abnormalities in the Framingham Heart Study.
Chemical, outside the submitted work. GMH reports personal fees Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2016; 194: 1514–22.
from Boehringer Ingelheim, Gerson Lehrman Group, and Mitsubishi 9 Putman RK, Hatabu H, Araki T, et al. Association between
Chemical, outside the submitted work. LR reports personal fees from interstitial lung abnormalities and all-cause mortality. JAMA 2016;
Biogen and ImmuneWorks; and grants and personal fees from Roche, 315: 672–81.
Boehringer Ingelheim, Celgene, Nitto, FibroGen, Promedior, Pliant 10 Doyle TJ, Washko GR, Fernandez IE, et al. Interstitial lung
Therapeutics, Asahi Kasei, Toray, Bristol-Myers Squibb, RespiVant, and abnormalities and reduced exercise capacity.
CSL Behring, outside the submitted work. KKB reports grants from the Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 185: 756–62.
National Institutes of Health; and advisory board participation for 11 Lederer DJ, Enright PL, Kawut SM, et al. Cigarette smoking is
Biogen, Blade, Boehringer Ingelheim, Galapagos, Galecto, Genoa, associated with subclinical parenchymal lung disease: the Multi-
Lifemax, MedImmune, the Open Source Imaging Consortium, Pliant, Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)-Lung study.
ProMetic, Third Pole, Theravance, Three Lakes Partners, and Veracyte, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009; 180: 407–14.
outside the submitted work. AUW reports personal fees from Roche, 12 Podolanczuk AJ, Oelsner EC, Barr RG, et al. High attenuation areas
Boehringer Ingelheim, and Blade, outside the submitted work. on chest computed tomography in community-dwelling adults:
the MESA study. Eur Respir J 2016; 48: 1442–52.
AGN reports personal fees from Medical Quantitative Image Analysis,
Galapagos, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Roche, outside the submitted 13 Sack CS, Doney BC, Podolanczuk AJ, et al. Occupational exposures
and subclinical interstitial lung disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
work. RSJE reports grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
2017; 196: 1031–39.
Institute, during the conduct of the work; personal fees from
14 Podolanczuk AJ, Oelsner EC, Barr RG, et al. High-attenuation areas
LeukoLabs, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Chiesi; and grants from
on chest computed tomography and clinical respiratory outcomes
Boehringer Ingelheim, outside the submitted work. RSJE is also a in community-dwelling adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017;
founder and co-owner of Quantitative Imaging Solutions, which is a 196: 1434–42.
company that provides image-based consulting and develops software 15 Tsushima K, Sone S, Yoshikawa S, Yokoyama T, Suzuki T, Kubo K.
to enable data sharing. CJR reports grants and personal fees from The radiological patterns of interstitial change at an early phase:
Boehringer Ingelheim and Hoffmann-La Roche, outside the submitted over a 4-year follow-up. Respir Med 2010; 104: 1712–21.
work. RGB reports grants from the National Institutes of Health, 16 Pompe E, de Jong PA, Lynch DA, et al. Computed tomographic
during the conduct of the work; and grants from the Alpha1 findings in subjects who died from respiratory disease in the
Foundation and the COPD Foundation, outside the submitted work. National Lung Screening Trial. Eur Respir J 2017; 49: 1601814.
JMG reports grants from Infinitt Healthcare and Dongkook 17 Ash SY, Harmouche R, Putman RK, et al. Clinical and genetic
Lifescience, outside the submitted work. CAP reports personal fees associations of objectively identified interstitial changes in smokers.
from Daiichi Sankyo and AstraZeneca, outside the submitted work. Chest 2017; 152: 780–91.
YI reports grants from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and 18 Sverzellati N, Guerci L, Randi G, et al. Interstitial lung diseases in a
Welfare, and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development; lung cancer screening trial. Eur Respir J 2011; 38: 392–400.
and other support from Boehlinger Ingelhem and Shionogi, outside 19 Hoyer N, Wille MMW, Thomsen LH, et al. Interstitial lung
the submitted work. DAL reports personal fees from Boehringer abnormalities are associated with increased mortality in smokers.
Ingelheim, Parexel, and Veracyte, outside the submitted work. Respir Med 2018; 136: 77–82.
DAL also has a pending patent: systems and methods for automatic 20 Oldham JM, Adegunsoye A, Khera S, et al. Underreporting of
detection and quantification of pathology using dynamic feature interstitial lung abnormalities on lung cancer screening computed
classification (US Patent 15/595,260). All other authors declare no tomography. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2018; 15: 764–66.
competing interests. 21 Aberle DR, Gamsu G, Ray CS, Feuerstein IM. Asbestos-related
pleural and parenchymal fibrosis: detection with high-resolution
Acknowledgments CT. Radiology 1988; 166: 729–34.
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Jewish Health, Denver, USA), who assisted with the development of the Pulmonary involvement in progressive systemic sclerosis:
systematic search strategy and did the literature search. We are also sequential evaluation with CT, pulmonary function tests, and
grateful for the librarians Myung-Ah Shim and Jaero Park for their bronchoalveolar lavage. Radiology 1993; 188: 499–506.
dedicated support in formatting the manuscript. Both librarians are 23 Doyle TJ, Hunninghake GM, Rosas IO. Subclinical interstitial lung
working at the Samsung Medical Information and Media Services of disease: why you should care. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012;
Samsung Medical Center located in Seoul, South Korea. No external 185: 1147–53.
source of funding was used in the writing of the manuscript or the 24 Salisbury ML, Lynch DA. Toward early identification of clinically
decision to submit for publication. relevant interstitial lung disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017;
196: 1368–69.
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