Light and Optics Exercises: Quarter 4 Activity 1
Light and Optics Exercises: Quarter 4 Activity 1
Light and Optics Exercises: Quarter 4 Activity 1
M = F/A
20 N
5 m/ s2
M = 4 kg
A = F/M
10 N
5 kg
A = 2 m/s/s
F = MA
F = 1 kg x 10 m/s 2
F = 10 kg m/ s2 or 10 N
=26.55 kg. m/s
=94.5 kg. m/s
C. Total momentum
26.55kg.m/s +94.5 kg. m/s =121.05 kg. m/s
0.25 m/s 0.15m/s
0.02 kg 0.04 kg
0.16 m/s
M¹V¹ +M²V²= M¹V¹/+ M² V²/
(0.02kg)(0.25m/s)+(0.04kg)(0.15m/s)=(0.02kg)(0.16 m/s)+(0.04kg) V²/
(0.005 kg. m/s) +(0.005 kg. m/s)= (0.0032 kg. m./s)+(0.04 kg) V²/
0.0011 kg. m/s – 0.0033 kg. m/s= 0.04 kg V²/
0.04 kg
V²/= -0.052 m/s
(0.25 kg) (15 m/s)÷(7.0kg)+(0.25kg)=V
3.75 kg. m/s ÷ 7.25kg=V
V=0.52 m/s
½(0.52 m/s)²÷9.8=h
24,3755 kg. m/s+ 4500 kg. m/s =(19500kg+1500kg) =V
28,875 kg. m/s÷3,450kg= V
M¹=79.5kg M²=60kg
V¹=0m/s V²=5m/s
V¹/=? V²=2.5 m/s
(79.5kg)(0)+(60kg)(5m/s)=79.5kg V¹/+(60kg)(2.5m/s)
300kg. m/s=79.5kg V¹/+ 150kg. m/s
300kg. m/s-150kg. m/s÷ 79.5 kg=V¹/
V¹/=1.88 m/s
M¹=1575kg M²=45kg
V¹=20m/s V²=0m/s
V¹/=18.9m/s V²/=?
(1575kg) (20m/s)+(45kg)(0m/s)=(1575kg)(18.9m/s)+(45kg(V²/
Check Your Understanding
1. What acceleration will result when a 12 N net force applied to a 3 kg
A = F/N
12 N
3 kg
A = 4 m/s/s
F = MA
12 N = 3 kg x 4 m/s/s
2. A net force of 16 N causes a mass to accelerate at a rate of 5 m/s2.
Determine the mass.
M = F/A
16 N
5 m/ s2
M = 3.2 kg
F = MA
16 N = 3.2 kg x 5 m/s/s
3. How much force is needed to accelerate a 66 kg skier 1 m/sec/sec?
F = MA
F = 66 kg x 1 m/s/s
F = 66 kg-m/sec/sec or 66 N
4. What is the force on a 1000 kg elevator that is falling freely at 9.8
F = MA
F = 1000 kg x 9.8 m/s/s
F = 9800 kg-m/sec/sec or 9800 N
Physical science
1. Fire a gun: action the forward force on the bulletReaction: the
backward force on the gun.
2. Car pushes on your car with the same force, but in the opposite
direction this force cause you to slowdown, one force of the action.
Reaction: force pair is exerted on your friends car and the force of
the force pair is exerted on your car.
3. Shoot off a rocket action the backwards force on the expelled basses
at the back. Reaction the forward force on the rocket.
4. Bang in a wall action downward force the nail derving it into the
wood reaction the upward force in the hammer causing it to bounce
back up.
5. Jump in a boat. Action the upward force of the boat on me
decelerating on my fall reaction the downward force of me on the
boat pushing it down into the water.
6. Sit in the boat and push an another boat. Action force on other boat,
pushing it away reaction force on your boat, pushing your away
7. When we walk on the around action our foot pushes the ground
backwards reaction in return the ground pushes our foot forward.
8. The boy hopping in the boat to the words action boys feet exert on
boat reaction the boy exert force on feet.
9. When a ball is filled from a canon action the force ball forward
reaction and is equal to the force sending the canon backward hence
the canon is said to be recured.
10. Baseball bat hitting the ball action the baseball force the bat to the
left reaction the bat forces the ball to the right.
Give real life situation on the first and second laws of motion 10 each
1st law of motion
1. A rider on running horse is thrown forward when the horse stops
suddenly due to inertia of motion.
2. When a branch of tree is vigorously shaken the fruits and scends in
it fall down due to inertia of rest.
3. When person jumps out of a moving vehicle, he falls forward due to
inertia of motion.
4. Consider a corn place on the plate covering a tumbler if the plate is
sudden pack off the can falls into the tumbler due to inertia of rest.
5. Dusting bed with a broom remutes dust due to inertia of rest.
6. Objects that establish orbit around the earth like satellite continue on
their trajectory due to inertia.
7. Milk keeps swirling even after storing is stopped.
8. If you slipped a hocky puck an ice, eventually It will stop because of
friction on the ice. It will stop if it hits something like a players for a
goal dust.
9. If you kick a ball in space it would keep going forward because
there is no gravity friction or resistance going against it. It will only
stop going in one direction if it hits something like a meteorites or
reaches the gravity field of another planet.
10. If you are driving in your car at a very high speed and hit something
like brick wall or a tree, the case will come to an stop, but you will
keep moving forward. This is why cars have air bags to protect you
from smashing into the wind screen.
2nd Law of Motion
1. Force of gravity that is force by which earth attract a body is move
in case of heavy body as compared to lighting once as if is
proportional to mass of the body.
2. Gain of tag of war the Z teens pull rope in a opposite direction and
the team which applied larger wins as net force in direction of team
which wins the game.
3. It is easier to push empty cart that full as full has more mass than an
empty so more force is required to push full cart.
4. To push a car is easier than a truck as it less mass so force required
is less.
5. A cricket player move his hands backward on catching a fast
moving ball to prevent injury as force inverted by pass moving ball
is high to reduce force time is increase.
6. Driving a truck or a car the mass of a truck is much larger than that
of a car which mean it requires more power o accelerate to the same
7. Playing golf in golf game the acceleration of the ball is directly
proportional to the force applied to the club and inversely
proportional to its mass in the way influences the force of the air can
cause a small to its direction.
8. Use of seat belts to prevent injuries in case of fast moving car as car
has large momentum which is reduce to zero to at very short time
hence provided with seat belt.
9. During athletes meets a high jumping athlete is provided by clash
with sand to prevent injuries as sand helps to reduce momentum of
athlete hence force to reduce.
10. Kicking of ball by player, more force applied more is acceleration in
body more is the distance covered by the mass.
1st Law of Motion
1. You are riding a bike and hit the lurb and pop over the handle bars.
2. You are driving fast and go around a turn and your body slide across
the seat.
3. A bowling boll is rolled down the hallway it will only stop when
hits a wall.
4. When a car acceleration and you are push back into the seats.
5. The car quickly stop and you are thrown forward.
2nd Law of Motion
1. To push a car easier than a track as it has less mass so force required
2. Force are gravity that is force by which earth attract a body is more
in case of heavy bodies as compared to a lightning once as if is
proportional to mass of body.
3. During atheletics meet high jumping athlete is provided by vision
and to prevent injuries as sand helps to reduce momentum of athlete
hence power force is reduced.
4. Kicking a ball by player more force applied more is acceleration in a
body move first distance covered at the ball.
5. Use of seat belt to prevent injuries in case a fast moving car as car
has large momentum which is reduce to zero at very short time
hence provided with seat belts.
1. When we touch the rock with toe and applied force an it the toe
exerts force on the toe by the rock if you apply more force on the
rock by the toe more force is felt by you and it hurts.
2. When rushes out of a balloon the opposite reaction is that the
balloon flies up.
3. When you jump your legs applies and coral opposite reaction force
that prosper you into the air.
4. Our hands feels pain which we hit the table, because table gives
force as a reaction to our hand.
5. When someone swim force given from the hand to the water result a
reaction force from the water with the total force as big as his hands
force but in the opposite direction so that he moves forward even
through the swim his hands backward.