Outage Management System
Outage Management System
Outage Management System
Need to Know
They are primarily used by the grid and distributed system supervisors to return power to the grid.
An outage management system is network management software that can restore the network
model after an outage.
Outage management systems are integrated tightly, resulting in timely and accurate actions along
with supervisory control.
Outage management systems are not only capable of performing restoration activities related to
service, but also capable of tracking, displaying and grouping outages.
Functions of OMS
Facility planning of systems such as transformer, fuse, recloser, breakers and other kinds of
safety devices.
Efficient planning of maintenance and curative efforts along with the prioritization of grid
restoration activities depending upon emergency devices, location, and scale of outages.
Collecting and communicating accurate records of outages, their consequences and affected a
number of customers.
Prioritization of resources and planning involved in outage management software results in reduced outages
and faster recovery.
Because of the tracking involved, there is better prediction of outages, allowing them to be handled properly.
Operational efficiency is increased compared to situations where an outage management system is not in
Operational visibility across the network increases greatly with the use of an outage management system.
Decision making is faster for supervisors because of the reports provided by the application, even in cases of
complex outages.
Better media relations through efficient outage data recording and clear visibility into restorative efforts.
A significant reduction in the number of complaints registered by end-users. Additionally, the frequency of random
outages can be reduced through the efficient setup of robust outage management systems.
Improved operations of regulators thanks to the planning and scheduling capabilities of restorative programs
• https://www.techopedia.com/definition/30651/outage-
• https://www.phoenixenergygroup.com/blog/an-overview-of-outage-
• https://www.opuc.on.ca/outage-management-system/
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