Budgeting and Budgetary Control: by Jan F. Jacobs
Budgeting and Budgetary Control: by Jan F. Jacobs
Budgeting and Budgetary Control: by Jan F. Jacobs
by Jan F. Jacobs
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1 Introduction Jan F. Jacobs
1 Introduction
One should precisely measure the real results. Compare these measurements to the standard
and/or actual budget(s). Locate the variances and study main differences thoroughly. Last but
not least, implement and follow-up the necessary actions.
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1 Introduction Jan F. Jacobs
As well as students and scholars of business administration and business economics.
In the UK, the Companies Act requires that accounts should show a true and fair view.
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1 Introduction Jan F. Jacobs
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1 Introduction Jan F. Jacobs
prise likes to publish or has to publish according to law, rules and regulations,
is (in the author's opinion) quite another story.6 Verified internal profit and
yield-figures - information produced for management decisions within the
firm - are the most important considerations for the management of a com-
pany. What does the top executive say in the published reports of the com-
pany, if he doesn't fully understand what has happened himself?
The profit for any given period is the increased value at the end of that pe-
riod with regard to the initial value. The profit is an 'after the fact' figure.
When one is looking at an entire year one looks back at the annual profit fig-
ure with one's back to the future as it were, while the enterprise may well be
heading straight for a disaster. Thus considered, profit figures are of little use.
Profit, however, is not just the consolidated annual profit of a group, but it
mainly consists of the detail profits of one specific activity or company unit
for short periods. Knowledge of these profits is essential to give guidance and
to be able to adjust. In the end good management is about creating increased
value, it is as simple as that. The total of the profit for a period is the sum of its
parts. The profit on each product in that period is a part. Regarding the profit
in addition to its composition - the profit contribution for each company unit,
for each product (or group of products) and for each customer (or group of
customers) - who would not want to be well informed on these matters?
One can compare a company with a gang of skaters in a tournament. Some
of them choose longer and others shorter distances. Different products, activi-
ties, units, divisions. The total result of the gang in the tournament is the addi-
tion sum of individual achievements. A year-ride, 13 rounds of 4 weeks each.
Lap-times. From lap to lap, how many fingers of the coach go up, down? Ac-
celeration and slowing-down during a race can be calculated by measuring the
lap-times. Without knowing the lap-times, it is difficult to say anything mean-
ingful about accelerations and decelerations during the course of the race.
An enterprise is the addition sum of a series of businesses. All those busi-
nesses have their own budgets, which altogether constitute the master budget.
Neither imposed budgets nor mutual accepted budgets are prepared without
appropriate control. Budgetary control goes into every detail. At each level,
the budgetary control has to be executed by an expert, who has no bias what-
soever regarding the outcomes. A strictly neutral audit is the aim. Not ruthless,
but with patience and giving special attention. The making of mistakes, by the
people who are responsible for the variances found, is explicitly allowed. The
base is eager to learn. Once bitten, twice shy. Having said this, unmasking will
follow for whoever keeps busy by 'gaming the system', 'managing the num-
bers', 'cooking the books', 'accounting irregularities' or some other intolerable
way of acting. The subject matter is detecting the state of the company; keep-
ing all sorts of important information hidden is out of the question.
The having gone bankrupt companies showed annual accounts authorised by the accountant
until the end. A lawyer who saw a lot of bankruptcies happen once said: "the audit by a char-
tered accountant guarantees only that the figures are added up correctly; there is no guarantee
whatsoever that the figures are indeed correct, in conformity with the reality.
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2 An Example with Extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua Jan F. Jacobs
2 An Example with Extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua
It applies the standard product mix A : B = 5 : 7 and the market of course has a
particular total volume of which this company has a share of x %. The standard
situation is given as follows, culminating into a standard result of € 265/period
(in general 265 money units).
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2 An Example with Extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua Jan F. Jacobs
Actually it is given 560 units A and 710 units B, the total number ap-
peared to be 1270 units.
Alternative representation:
Market share x % A B Total
Sales volume 500 700 1200
Difference in numbers 29 + 41 +
Contribution margin apiece 0.25 0.20
Sales volume variance 7.25 8.20 15.45
Consequently it applies:
Reference A B Total
Sales volume 529 741 1270
From now on, this is the NEW reference; this is expected to be attainable
actually and - without any other variance - exactly this should be realised.
Note: R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua define: the addition sum of
the 'quantity variance' together with the mix variance is 'sales
volume variance'. What's in a name? 'Quantity' and 'sales vol-
ume' are interchangeable notions; the basic idea is a number or
size or level. 'Sales volume variance' (see above) is synony-
mous (be wary just the words!) to the 'sales quantity variance'
or in short 'quantity variance' as is meant by R.M.S. Wilson and
Wai Fong Chua.
One may assume 500 : 1200 = y : 1270 it follows y = 529.16666…
It should be specified explicitly, if anything else applies.
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2 An Example with Extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua Jan F. Jacobs
A B Total
The realised sales volume 560 710 1270
The standard budgeted sales volume 500 700 1200
and they claim
A 60 more
B 10 more
would be the extra sales volume.
R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua do not acknowledge this mix vari-
ance; they claim the mix variance would be € 13 + but in the author's
opinion that cannot be correct.
"Sales volume variance:
Quantity variance = 265 - [2,086/2,050 x 265] = +4
Mix variance = 269 - [(560 x 0.25) + (710 x 0.20)] = + 13
Sales volume variance + 17
(R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua, 1998, p. 334)."
Even arithmetically it does not fit (265 - [2,086/2,050 x 265] = - 5) and what is
'quantity variance + 4' meant to be? The amounts 2,086 and 2,050 indicate
turnover. Normally variance analysis is analysing the difference in profit i.e.
the figure at the bottom line. Of course one can also analyse the difference in
turnover. The standard situation is culminating into a standard result of € 265
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2 An Example with Extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua Jan F. Jacobs
and the standard total turnover is € 2,050 (500 units A at € 2.00 per unit plus
700 units B at € 1.50 per unit).
This is the budget with regard to the top line of the profit and loss ac-
count. Actually the total number appeared to be 1270 units. It applies un-
til further notice A : B = 5 : 7 (500 : 700 = 529 : 741).
Alternative representation:
Market share x % A B Total
Sales volume 500 700 1200
Difference in numbers 29 + 41 +
Selling price apiece 2.00 1.50
Turnover variance 58.00 61.50 119.50
What is meant by 'quantity variance = + 4'? The amount 2,086 (actual sales
revenue) includes sales prices variance!
"Actual sales revenue = [(560 x 1.95) + (710 x 1.40)] = 2,086 (R.M.S. Wilson
and Wai Fong Chua, 1998, p. 334)." This amount 2,086 raises unanswered
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2 An Example with Extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua Jan F. Jacobs
Volume or quantity
or level variance:
1200 level 265
1270 level 280.45 (due to rounding-off actual sales levels A and B)
plus mix variance
amounts to 282 standard profit on actual sales
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2 An Example with Extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua Jan F. Jacobs
The base is 529 products A and 741 products B, whereas in total 1270 prod-
ucts; the standard proportion is 5 : 7 isn't it? The actual levels are 560 products
A respectively 710 products B. There can be no other conclusion: the mix
variance relates to 31 more products A and consequently 31 less products B.
Furthermore it holds:
Sales prices variance A B Total
Actual numbers 560 710
Multiplied by (standard) 2.00 1.50
To be expected (reference) 1,120 1,065
Actual 1,092 994
Adverse (-/-)/favourable (+) 28 -/- 71 -/- 99 -/-
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2 An Example with Extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua Jan F. Jacobs
In Dutch, there are the definitions 'afzetverschil' and so-called 'zuiver afzetver-
schil', indicating that definitions are merely words and phrases. What exactly
is a particular variance meant to be? Of course all variances have to fit mutu-
ally. One cannot miss a single money unit. A deeper understanding of what is
going on is the ultimate goal of all representations in budgeting and budgetary
control. The various definitions and formulae, given by R.M.S. Wilson and
Wai Fong Chua amongst many other writers in so many textbooks, lead to
more confusion, rather than making the picture clearer.
In summary:
Originally budgeted 265.00 the standard result
Sales volume variance8 15.45 +
(market growth/extra market share?)
Mix variance 1.55 +
Attainable result 282.00
Or sales quantity variance or sales level variance.
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
In a period the output was 93.1 tonnes and the inputs were as follows:
Actual usage Actual price €
P 49 tonnes € 16 per tonne 49 · 16 = 784
N 43 tonnes € 27 per tonne 43 · 27 = 1,161
Q 8 tonnes € 48 per tonne 8 · 48 = 384
0.50 tonne P @ € 20/tonne = 10
0.40 tonne N @ € 25/tonne = 10
0.10 tonne Q @ € 42/tonne = 4.20
What are the causes of off-standard performance? There are price changes
besides a change in the mix and there is also a difference in total quantity.
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
The author agrees with Lucey about the outcomes of the so-called 'individual
price method' presented by him, the mere total outcomes, not his way of com-
puting the various sub-variances nor his description of problems raised by so-
called conventional analyses. Lucey defines conventional analysis in the way
he does and next he criticizes his own definitions/presuppositions. If conven-
tional analyses ignore the technical qualities of production processes or
wrongly assume linear substitutability between material inputs, regardless of
specs, all the way down to "a mix consisting of one material only, the cheapest
(Lucey, 1996, p. 203)!", then everything is losing ground. Possible changes in
the mix are limited usually. All kinds of extremes are production impossibili-
ties. On may assume that the data stays between particular limits, which are
set by technical and/or other constraints. Values that are not real do not appear
in active analyses. Linearity, alike many other things for instance given data,
precise numbers and values, is normally the base; it is not necessary to repeat
all what is generally accepted as being normal. However, anything else and
non-linearity especially must be specified explicitly if that has to be consid-
ered as being normal. The starting question is, what is normal in all respects?
The normal, standard budget does not have to represent the optimum position;
sometimes maybe it is, but standard is not always equal to optimum. Lucey
describes particular circumstances, in which "there would seem to be little
value in calculating the sub-variances (Lucey, 1996, p. 203)." As if the unity
between the total variance on the one hand and on the other all the sub-
variances can be disaggregated. Never, in my opinion, should this unity be
tampered with. "The conventional analysis abstracts any differences between
actual and standard prices first, and then uses standard price for the mix and
yield variances (Lucey, 1996, p. 203)." Why first? Though some price vari-
ances can be calculated immediately, it is to be preferred to calculate other
price variances at the end. The difference between standard and actual prices
indicate an advantage or a disadvantage per hour or per item; how many hours
have actually been spent or items have actually been used up, follows from -
in general - the efficiency variances. The author prefers to calculate the effi-
ciency variances first, which logically result in the specified data that is neces-
sary to complete the price variances. The mechanical application of formulae
(if it is synonym to 'conventional analysis' as meant by Lucey, we agree on
this point completely) indeed is unlikely to produce information that assists
management. A thorough analysis of all variances must be made. Neither in a
mechanical way nor by extensively using formulae. At first it is a matter of
understanding the process being considered. Definitely not acting in either
rigid way. Textbooks are swarming with definitions, formulae, ratios and all
kinds of schemes indicating the relation between various variances. Any not
fully understood variance, resulting from a rigid numerical technique, is up for
discussion. The proof should be given for each and every variance together
with a proven specification in detail. No variances can be taken seriously
without proof. It is easy enough to present some figures and then to manipu-
late them using all kinds of numerical techniques to get one or other desired
outcome. Such techniques must be distinguished from proper calculations.
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
There is the saying: “de weg naar het faillissement is geplaveid met gemiddelden i.e. the way
into bankruptcy has been paved by averages.” And what is the meaning of variances that have
been calculated in the meant alternative way?
If a number, any number, is not proven correct then it might be wrong.
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
100 tonnes 50.00 40.00 10.00
98 tonnes 49.00 39.20 9.80
------- ------- -------
1.00 more 0.80 more 0.20 more
Multiplied by € 20/tonne € 25/tonne € 42/tonne
Adverse (-/-)
Favourable (+) € 20.00 -/- € 20.00 -/- € 8.40 -/-
Totally 2 tonnes more than strictly necessary have been used up, resulting in
either an adverse material usage variance or an adverse yield variance. Cause
and effect! More material used is the effect, maybe a poor yield is the only
cause. In that case it is indeed an adverse yield variance. However, it can be
any inefficiency, caused by whatever reason.
According to Lucey: the 'usage variance' is merely the total of the mix and the
yield variances. What's in a name?
These tonnes P, N and Q are to be expected in case of a normal mix, if, as and
when indeed 98 tonnes have been used up. Actually 100 tonnes have been
used up and without any change in the mix, one would have expected:
100 tonnes 50.00 40.00 10.00
From now on, this is the NEW reference (in case of a normal mix).
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
Note: In some textbooks, the addition sum of the yield variance together with
the mix variance is defined as the 'usage variance' regarding direct ma-
terials. What's in a name?
Actual 49.00 43.00 8.00
Multiplied by € 20/tonne € 25/tonne € 42/tonne
To be expected € 980.00 € 1,075.00 € 336.00
Actual € 784.00 € 1,161.00 € 384.00
Adverse (-/-)
Favourable (+) € 196.00 + € 86.00 -/- € 48.00 -/-
Price variance is € 62 +.
Material usage (or 'yield' or just 'efficiency') variance (€ 48.40 -/-) plus mix
variance (€ 29.00 +) plus price variance (€ 62 +) = € 42.60 +.
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
The SB, eventually the AB, as well as the Realised Result (RR) and all re-
ported variances must be crystal clear; even for laymen to see at a glance what
it is all about. That is because anyone, from top management to the shop floor,
has at first to understand fully what went well and respectively what went
wrong, so that one can learn the do's and don'ts. The traditional variances as
well as the so-called planning (portion uncontrollable by operational manage-
ment) and operational variances as described in literature are not clear enough.
With extracts from T. Lucey (ISBN 1858051800), the working-outs of a few
examples are given underneath, in order to illustrate what is meant by neces-
sarily clear statements.
€ €
Sales 12,000 @ € 16 apiece 192,000 Sales 11,200 @ € 17 apiece 190,400
less less
Materials Materials
12,000 x 4 kgs @ € 1/kg 48,000 44,800 kgs 50,400
Direct labour Direct labour
12,000 x 2 hours @ € 2.50/hour 60,000 21,000 hours 50,400
Variable overheads Variable overheads
12,000 x 2 hours @ € 1.50/hour 36,000 21,000 hours 39,200
---------- ----------
Contribution 48,000 Contribution 50,400
less less
Fixed costs 25,000 Fixed costs 28,400
---------- ----------
Profit 23,000 Profit 22,000
Extracts from the Standard Cost Card for the products A are:
- Material 4 kgs @ € 1/kg 4
- Direct labour 2 hours @ € 2.50/hour 5
- Variable overheads 2 hours @ € 1.50/hour 3
Standard marginal cost 12
Standard fixed cost € 25,000/12,000 products 2.08333…
Standard unit-cost 14.08333…
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
Calculate all relevant variances and show the reconciliation between SB-profit
and RR-profit; the difference i.e. profit variance is € 1,000 adverse.
In the period under consideration, 11,200 products A have been produced. So,
it is to be expected quite normally:
11,200 x 4 kgs material = 44,800 kgs This is the reference
44,800 kgs Actually used up
0 kgs Zero difference
Finally, the various bills arrive. What is the reference? This is the very first
question. Be sure, you know the reference! What do you expect? Without
knowing the reference, how to answer: is the actual data a pleasant or unpleas-
ant surprise?
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
And there are price variances with regard to both the selling price and the
fixed costs:
11,200 products A sold @ € 16 apiece = € 179,200 This is the reference
€ 190,400 Actual
€ 11,200 +
Note: No formula has been used explicitly. No more is necessary than just
common sense in order to read and understand this reconciliation be-
tween SB-profit and RR-profit. It is the base for better management.
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
A raw material, Zeta, is used in the production of Alpha and an extract from
the standard cost card for Alpha showing the rates of usage and expected price
is as follows.
During the current period 270 units of Alpha were produced and the usage was
2,850 kgs with an actual material cost of € 16,530. Due to world-wide price
movements Zeta was freely available at € 5.50/kg during the period.
Total variance: [1] + [2] = € 1,680 -/- is the difference between AB and RR
i.e. € 14,850 respectively € 16,530.
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
In a four week period Acme Ltd budgeted to make and sell 8,000 units of its
single product with a budget as follows:
Fixed costs € 45,000/8,000 units = 5.625
Variable costs 5
Standard unit-cost 10.625
Due to storm damage there was an external power line failure and 3 days pro-
duction out of the possible (normal) 20 days were lost. The actual results were:
There has been no change in either selling price, variable costs or fixed costs;
the only difference is the loss of 3 days, which is equal to missing 1,200 units.
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3 A Few Examples with Extracts from T. Lucey Jan F. Jacobs
Normal is 8,000 units in a four week period. Now 3 days are lost, 3 x 400 =
1,200 units have not been produced and consequently these 1,200 units are the
cause for both an adverse capacity usage variance and the loss of 1,200 times
the profit margin apiece.
1,200 x € 5.625 fixed costs apiece = € 6,750 -/- capacity usage variance
The NEW reference is 6,800 units whereas one actually encounters 7,150
units, so 350 units more than to be expected, giving a favourable capacity us-
age variance and also extra 350 times the profit margin apiece.
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4 Dispute Vernooij - Jacobs Jan F. Jacobs
Capacity usage variance is literally the variance that is raised by another than
standard (or otherwise expected) level of capacity usage. In case of propor-
tional variable costs, only fixed costs are left over in order to compute the ca-
pacity usage variance. And then, Vernooij claims that the actual hours spent
must be compared to the standard hours spent, at what price/hour?12 The cal-
culation base is the number of items being in force, to the author's opinion.
According to Vernooij, hours are the calculation base.
Often, but not always, the dispute is irrelevant with regard to the outcome be-
cause one can calculate either items or hours, ending up in the same answers.
Capacity usage variance/period is a certain number of hours/period more or
less multiplied by the (fixed) price/hour. Ditto, the corresponding number of
products/period more or less multiplied by the fixed part of the standard unit-
cost. It is given:
heterogeneous mass production
a items/hour products A
b items/hour products B
a for example is 5, so 12 minutes apiece
b for example is 4, so 15 minutes apiece
The author, similarly supposedly everyone (yet not Vernooij?) has to know
how many products A and how many products B are at hand, which necessary
data can be transformed (if one likes to do so) into the corresponding amount
of hours for both the items A and B. One cannot say anything about the al-
lowed time (amount of hours) without knowing how many products A and B.
The latter is truly the base. Whereas numbers of products can be transformed
into allowed hours, there is no difference really; calculating capacity usage
variance is possible in one way (just counting products) or the other (counting
allowed hours). However, counting products is to be preferred above counting
hours. Spent hours can be caused by more reasons. Hours even are not always
an option. For instance, considering the standard fixed costs per period of a
sales department; these fixed costs divided by the normal amount of products
per period are part of the integral standard unit-cost. More or less products
sold in a particular period (spent hours do not matter at all and allowed time
cannot be determined either) end up in the capacity usage variance for the pe-
riod of the sales department under consideration.
Dr. A.T.J. Vernooij is affiliated to the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and he acts as a mem-
ber of Examination Committees.
The fixed part of the standard price/hour, in my opinion. Variable capacity costs, for in-
stance the variable costs related to a machine, are on a par with the variable costs of materials
to compute the materials usage variance. In either case it is a matter of efficiency; more or less
usage of something (kgs, hours, m2, m3, whatever) than strictly necessary. The standard
amount that is allowed is the standard amount apiece multiplied by the number of items being
in force, both in the standard as well as actual budget and in the ex post accounts. The calcula-
tion base again and again is the number of items being in force.
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4 Dispute Vernooij - Jacobs Jan F. Jacobs
Example with extracts from an exemplary problem that was given at the
MBA-Examination in December 1994.13
It holds: 1 product is identical to 15 minutes. To the left and to the right, per
product as well as per hour, the same outcome follows.
The correct answer is € 20,000 + capacity usage variance, calculated either via
products or hours. According to Vernooij, the calculation via products ends up
in the correct answer only because ex ante there happen to include no effi-
ciency variances or words of the same purport; by the way the claim made by
Vernooij is not that clear. To put my criticism crystal clear: the whole idea of
Vernooij is good for nothing. It is indeed totally wrong.
MBA is an important examination in the Netherlands, joined in by many candidates.
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4 Dispute Vernooij - Jacobs Jan F. Jacobs
It still holds: 1 product is identical to 15 minutes. To the left and to the right,
per product as well as per hour, the same outcome follows.
Counting hours:
(1,700 -/- 2,000) hours x € 80/hour = € 24,000 -/- adverse capacity usage vari-
ance. This is the only right way to compute, according to Vernooij. Below is
the author's proof that this computation is as wrong as wrong can be.
Counting products:
(6,000 -/- 8,000) products x € 20/product = € 40,000 -/- adverse capacity usage
variance. This outcome would be wrong, according to Vernooij.
In 1993, 1,700 hours have been used up. The disappointment is 200 hours, an
unpleasant surprise. The available work could have been done, normally it had
to be done in the course of 1,500 hours. One was allowed to spend 1,500 hours
for 6,000 products at 15 minutes apiece normally. There are 200 hours lost,
indeed 200 more than strictly necessary used up hours. Who or what to blame?
The issue is inefficiency with regard to the machine hours. One has spent 200
hours more at € 0/hour variable machine costs, ending up in a zero efficiency
variance with regard to the machine hours.
To acknowledge the spending of machine hours, more than strictly neces-
sary, as the making of a favourable capacity usage variance is wrong. In the
way Vernooij computes, using even more hours would result in still higher
positive capacity usage variances. Vernooij will present a gain if and when for
instance 2,500 hours would have been used up. Note: just optically! It is not
real money, it is fictitious, where should the money come from?
An hour that has not been used up because there was no work means less
capacity usage. The rest is a matter of efficiency; here only efficiency, gener-
ally speaking there can still be other reasons for using more or less hours.
The computation by Vernooij compares the used up hours (1,700) that have
been spent at 6,000 products to the standard amount of 2,000 hours belonging
to 8,000 products from the standard budget (another amount!). This is by no
means just a little error; it is contradictory to logic. Vernooij is calculating
(1,700 hours minus 2,000 hours) at € 80/hour = € 24,000 adverse. Something
out of the reality belonging to the realised 6,000 products is directly related to
something out of the standard budget, which was written for 8,000 products.
Vernooij is 'comparing' apples to oranges. Vernooij is counting hours without
looking at all to the realised products; he goes by the standard 1 product is
identical to 15 minutes. Moreover, not the hours but the products are the cost-
carriers. Only € 120,000 fixed costs are being covered, i.e. 6,000 products at
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4 Dispute Vernooij - Jacobs Jan F. Jacobs
€ 20 fixed costs/product. In reality the fixed costs are € 167,000 (given data).
Until further notice, € 7,000 apparently is the adverse price variance regarding
the fixed costs, being the difference between € 167,000 (real) and € 160,000
(standard, reference). The proven right capacity usage variance is € 40,000 -/-
i.e. the fixed costs being uncovered, which is a real loss. The adverse capacity
usage variance € 24,000 which amount is advocated by Vernooij is definitely
wrong. Vernooij does not specify the redeeming of the fixed costs. Vernooij is
hiding the facts from view, not checking the money involved; he is missing
"De formule (Wp -/- Np) x Cs/Np levert de som van efficiencyresultaat en be-
zettingsresultaat op. Het correcte antwoord, berekend aan de hand van het
aantal producten, is gebaseerd op het feit dat er bij de voorcalculatorische
budgetanalyse geen efficiencyresultaten optreden. Daarom leidt een foute be-
rekening toch tot een goede uitkomst i.e. The formula (Wp -/- Np) x Cs/Np
gives the addition sum of the efficiency variance and the capacity usage vari-
ance. Correct outcomes in ex ante budgets via counting products instead of
hours are based on the fact that efficiency variances are nil ex ante. Therefore
a wrong computation ends up yet in the right answer (Vernooij, Accounting,
no. 1183, p. 387)." This is an allegation without proof. Underneath the claim
of Vernooij has been critically analysed.
Ex ante, there are indeed no efficiency variances whatsoever, but it is not cor-
rect to state that 'therefore' a wrong computation ends up in the right answer.
The formula: W / N
is well-known in literature and Vernooij claims that this 'variant' emerges into
the addition sum of efficiency variance and capacity usage variance and not
into the capacity usage variance only.
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4 Dispute Vernooij - Jacobs Jan F. Jacobs
Using (Wp -/- Np) x Cs/Np, the calculation does not always emerge in the
right outcome, according to Vernooij (Vernooij, Accounting, no. 1183,
p. 387).
As already stated, the calculation base is the amount of products. Only via the
amount of products, does one arrive at the relevant amount of hours.
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4 Dispute Vernooij - Jacobs Jan F. Jacobs
Furthermore, it applies:
What are the costs of working with the machines in an inefficient way? The costs
of one hour, more than strictly necessary according to the standards being in
force, are the variable costs/hour. Because the fixed costs/hour are fixed, isn't
it? Regardless of whether or not the machines are being or not being used, the
fixed costs are indeed fixed.
Counting products, the formula for the capacity usage variance reads:
This formula concerns the capacity usage variance only and definitely not ef-
ficiency variance nor any other variance.
Wu / N alternative
N alternative
Wt / Wu
N alternative
As soon as one mistake has been made, a second mistake has to follow in or-
der to correct the first one. Two times minus is plus again.
By calculating (mistake 2)
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4 Dispute Vernooij - Jacobs Jan F. Jacobs
In this way of calculating the efficiency variance it is typical for such a second
mistake to make up for what went wrong before. At first the capacity usage
variance is calculated incorrectly (mistake 1) and consequently another mis-
take must follow, a wrong calculation of the efficiency variance (mistake 2),
and finally the addition sum of both capacity usage variance and efficiency
variance does fit again. Be aware, just the addition sum does fit, yet not its
lowest terms.
Vernooij claims with certainty that (Wp -/- Np) x Cs/Np emerges into the ca-
pacity usage variance and the efficiency variance too, the latter is not equal to
zero necessarily and consequently Vernooij is rejecting this formula. Accord-
ing to Vernooij, counting products instead of counting hours is "een foute
berekening i.e. a faulty calculation (Vernooij, Accounting, no. 1183, p. 387)"
that only in particular situations it arrives at the right outcomes. This is non-
sense. The formula (Wp -/- Np) x Cs/Np gives the capacity usage variance
solely. With regard to the above quoted MBA-Examination problem defini-
tion: (6,000 -/- 8,000) x € 20/product = € 40,000 adverse capacity usage vari-
ance, which is the one and only correct answer. The 'solution' as advocated by
Vernooij, resulting in € 24,000 adverse capacity usage variance, leaving room
for € 16,000 adverse efficiency variance, is completely wrong. The cynical
verdict by Vernooij, to judge right what is proven wrong and to condemn what
is proven correct, aggrieves numerous candidates at various examinations.
http://ssrn.com/abstract=400120 31
5 Analysing Variances, What and How? Jan F. Jacobs
Each and every analysis of variances starts with the Standard Budget (SB)
within which standard unit-costs are stated. Without knowing standard unit-
costs, one can hardly perform sound budgetary control. Almost any period
may be special, being divergent from SB, and consequently an Actual Budget
(AB) will be needed in order to analyse correctly. Alike SB, also AB applies
ex ante, it is the pre-calculation of the differences versus SB. Notably more or
less volume of either production and/or sales will be the key matter of such an
updated AB. Ex post, it is known how everything has been actually developed.
That appears from the statement Real Result (RR) i.e. the good old book-
keeping records or, as it is called nowadays, the IMIS, the Integrated Man-
agement Information System.
'Per STANDARD period' can apply 'in general', for instance annually and then
it applies for a series of consecutive years; last year, this year, next year. It
holds for total sales as well as total costs and profit, per year, for any year.
Under consideration, being analysed, is a particular year. Calculated variances,
for instance capacity usage variance, efficiency variance and price variance, in
[money units/annual period], are related to that particular year.
If something is not clear, it is advisable to write down everything in each
and every detail, including dimensions. Correct formulae, pure calculations
stand the dimensions check, naturally. The other way round, checking dimen-
sions exposes faulty, improper calculations. Be aware, two times minus is plus
again. It starts with a profound mistake, followed by a second mistake that is
correcting the first one, and finally nothing is left over. That everything fits in
the end is merely the result of the lasting existence of both a plus and a minus.
There are mountains and there are valleys and a mountainous district exists on
behalf of the perpetual existence of both mountains and valleys. A mountain-
ous district, though flat on balance, is not a plateau since the mountains and
valleys continue to exist. The two consecutive faults, in mutual conjunction
with one another, ending up in the correct outcome, stay what they are, indeed
two faults. Economic literature is swarming with numerical enumerations of
this kind, which are up for discussion. Not in the least because this might be
the very cause of a lot of confusion of thoughts, especially by those who are at
the beginning of study economics.
If everything is clear, for instance what specific period is meant, of course
one can omit the 'per period' notation. Writing down things for briefness' sake
is done everywhere, also in pure sciences like mathematics and physics, if and
when dispute is not present.
http://ssrn.com/abstract=400120 32
5 Analysing Variances, What and How? Jan F. Jacobs
Regarding the SB, the STANDARD situation, make sure that calculations are
made 'en masse' and 'apiece' always. In verification of outcomes, seeking mu-
tual affirmation. To the left and to the right, it must fit.
In the STANDARD situation, a lot cannot be seen. Many things are the
same, they fall over each other. For instance, STANDARD Total profit (of the
entity) is equal to STANDARD Total profit margin (recorded by the sales de-
partment).14 This is because ex ante there happen to be no efficiency and price
variances, in fact no variances at all. In other words: Total sales minus Total
costs is identical to the profit margin apiece multiplied by the amount of prod-
Besides the SB, often an AB is present too. Sometimes AB can be written
already at the beginning, at least partly. Beforehand it is known that produc-
tion and/or sales will not be in conformity with set standards. Most likely AB
cannot be completed until the end of the period under consideration.
In literature all kinds of budgets are being introduced and these are ques-
tioned in exemplary problems and examinations, however, very often it is not
that clear what is really meant, what situation exactly between on the one hand
SB and on the other RR. No matter which division, ultimately the whole dif-
ference between SB and RR as well as between SB and AB must be exposed.
Cutting the whole into pieces. Meaningful variances, with correct names, the
contents must fit the description. Budget variances, not knowing exactly what
budget, whilst containing other variances like some but not all price variances,
end up into a hopeless muddle. Under the headline 'price variances' logically
all price variances should be specified. Students and scholars must be able to
understand everything perfectly and in practice, the variances must be ex-
plained standing on a box in the canteen, to anyone.
Be aware of names and definitions. In economics, an unequivocal vocabulary does not exist.
Often different notions appear under the same name, and not seldom one and the same notion
is identified by different names too.
http://ssrn.com/abstract=400120 33
6 Sheer Bad Education Jan F. Jacobs
Definitions and redundant formulae. Soulless tuition, not inspiring. See nu-
merous textbooks and curricula.
Sales variance, budget variance, production costs result. Mixed budget.
Flexible budget. 'Pre-calculated' budget. Real budget. Who does see the wood
for the trees? No wonder, one cannot keep the track. It is quite reasonable that
one is talking round and round the subject matter.
It is not necessary to introduce new meanings for words that are mentioned
in any good dictionary. Surely that is one of the reasons why things are going
badly on a massive scale, with regard to budgeting and budgetary control.
Volume variance, to give an example, can be the variance of a particular vol-
ume indeed, but it may also represent any combination of for instance market
size variance and market share variance, introducing the notions 'size' and
'share' with various meanings leaving room for misunderstanding. Formulae?
One can do without them. Just a few notions are necessary, the very basics like
efficiency variance has to do with used quantities, there are fixed costs (to be
redeemed by the normal rush of business) and variable costs, just such general
definitions. More than these well-known notions is not really necessary. What
one encounters in many textbooks is pure ballast, giving more trouble than
comfort. The phrase 'efficiency variance' is normally used in case of direct
wages, but it is 'usage variance' when direct materials are involved and 'vol-
ume variance' can be a variance in quantity with regard to fixed overhead,
whereas exactly the same is called 'efficiency variance' again in case of vari-
able overhead. Price variances, sometimes it is a 'price variance' indeed, but it
can be named also 'rate variance' or 'expenditure variance'. It applies for no-
tions, formulae and all kinds of aids and appliances: the fewer the better. The
person calculating the variances has to permanently keep control of everything
he is calculating. As distinct from the messing around with all those variances
by definition, demonstrated by so many writers in so many textbooks. Faults,
errors and mistakes are dangerous because they may usher in wrong conclu-
There are fixed costs and variable costs, existing almost always and conse-
quently there is talk of so-called mixed budgeting i.e. a budget within which
variable costs besides fixed costs are present. The allowed variable costs self-
evidently are dependent on the (planned) volume of production. This will hap-
pen almost anywhere, anytime; not just in the case of proportionally variable
costs. It is nonsense to speak - again another notion - about 'flexible' budgeting
if and when non-proportional variable costs are budgeted. Is mixed budgeting
supposed to be not flexible? And flexible budgeting is not mixed either?
http://ssrn.com/abstract=400120 34
6 Sheer Bad Education Jan F. Jacobs
Twente University: Bedrijfseconomie voor CT&M (186050), Inleiding Bedrijfseconomie
voor W&M (186001); responsible lecturer Dr Ir I.C. Kerssens-van Drongelen.
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7 Worked Examples - 1. Post Electric Company Jan F. Jacobs
7 Worked Examples
With extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua, 1998, p. 577.
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7 Worked Examples - 1. Post Electric Company Jan F. Jacobs
Market size, measured by the total volume of the two products involved has
been reduced by 5 %; that is 1,000,000 = 800,000 meters plus 200,000 genera-
tors as it was whereas it is 950,000 = 700,000 meters plus 250,000 generators.
Without any further change, this would have resulted in € 51.3 million total
market turnover. Indeed 5 % less than the original € 54 million market size,
measured in money units. Market size changes are limited to proportions, no
matter which measuring-staff one chooses. Besides the market size, also the
market mix has been changed, resulting in a newly defined market, measured
both in numbers of sold products and in money units.
The market share was 10 % and normally one may expect that a company is
following the market in trying to keep its relative position. The SB is outdated,
and Actual Budget will be the new standard until further notice.
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7 Worked Examples - 1. Post Electric Company Jan F. Jacobs
70 : 95 = x : 90 x = 66,316
25 : 95 = y : 90 y = 23,684
Meters Generators
Size -/- 60,000 -/- 110,000 -/- 170,000 General effect
Mix -/- 90,000 + 660,000 + 570,000 General effect
Size -/- 55,260 -/- 144,760 -/- 200,020 Specific effect
Mix -/- 19,740 + 144,760 + 125,020 Specific effect
-------------- --------------
-/- 225,000 + 550,000 17
Volume variance, according to R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua, 1998, p. 580.
Volume variance, according to R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua, 1998, p. 581.
http://ssrn.com/abstract=400120 38
7 Worked Examples - 1. Post Electric Company Jan F. Jacobs
The difference between € 2,225,000 (the profit that is still attainable) and
€ 1,970,000 Realised Result is to be explained easily by price variances only.
25,000 generators sold at € 153 each versus € 150 standard price, ergo
25,000 times € 3 is € 75,000 + favourable price variance, sales price
Profit still attainable € 2,225,000 (see above) in conjunction with total price
variances results in € 1,970,000 Realised Result.
In summary:
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7 Worked Examples - 2. Pi Ltd Jan F. Jacobs
2. Pi Ltd
With extracts from R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong Chua, 1998, p. 582.
"Pi Ltd operates a system of standard costs. For a given four-week period,
budgeted for sales of 10,000 units at € 5 per unit, actual sales were 9,000 units
at € 5.125 per unit. Costs relating to that period were as follows:
Standard Actual
€ €
Materials 25,000 25,740
Wages (direct labour) 7,500 7,087.50
Variable overhead 1,000 925
Semi-variable overhead 270 243
Fixed overhead 2,000 1,881
Standard hours 50,000 -
Actual hours - 40,500
(i) The standard material input is 25 kg per unit at € 0.10 per kg. The ac-
tual material content of each unit was 26 kg at € 0.11 per kg.
(ii) The standard wages per unit are 5 hours at € 0.15 per hour; actual
wages were 4.5 hours at € 0.175 per hour.
(iii) Mixed indirect costs consist of five-ninths fixed expense and four-
ninths variable expense.
(iv) There were no opening stocks and the whole production for the pe-
riod was sold.
(v) The four-week period was a normal period.
You are required to draft a statement reconciling the standard net profit for the
period with the net profit actually realized (R.M.S. Wilson and Wai Fong
Chua, 1998, pp. 582)."
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7 Worked Examples - 2. Pi Ltd Jan F. Jacobs
Per unit:
- materials 25 kg x € 0.10/kg 2.500 variable
- direct labour 5 hours x € 0.15/hr .750 variable
- variable overhead 5 hours x € 0.02/hr .100 variable
- mixed ov., variable 5 hours x € 0.0024/hr .012 variable
- mixed ov., fixed € 150/10,000 products .015 fixed
- fixed overhead, € 2,000/10,000 products .200 fixed
Standard unit-cost € 3.577
Calculate all relevant variances and show the reconciliation between SB-profit
and RR-profit; the difference i.e. profit variance is € 3,981.50 adverse.
To produce and sell 9,000 units of the mentioned product, it is obvious that
9,000 times 5 hours each, so totally 45,000 hours are needed, if and when eve-
rything conforms to set standards. It is by all means possible that more or less
hours were actually needed, but if so, it is quite clear that more or less spent
hours have nothing to do with the 9,000 units produced and sold as such, but
with the level of (in)efficiency of the processes involved. To produce 9,000
units of the product, 9,000 times 25 kgs materials each, so totally 225,000 kgs
materials are needed, which is the reference due to set standards. More or less
kgs usage of materials results in an adverse respectively a favourable effi-
ciency variance with regard to materials. Kgs, hours, m2, m3, whatever, it is
exactly the same with any quantity. Below, efficiency variances are demon-
strated all along the line.
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7 Worked Examples - 2. Pi Ltd Jan F. Jacobs
Efficiency variances
9,000 units x 25 kgs = 225,000 kgs i.e. the reference
234,000 kgs actual
materials 9,000 kgs more x € 0.10/kg = € 900 -/-
The contents must fit the description. Not all names are equally appropriate.
http://ssrn.com/abstract=400120 42
7 Worked Examples - 2. Pi Ltd Jan F. Jacobs
Price variances
Finally the various bills arrive. First question: what is the reference? What
exactly is to be expected? What is not a surprise, either pleasant or unpleasant?
The 9,000 units sold at € 5.125 each versus € 5 standard results in € 1,125 ex-
tra profit; the price variance due to sales price is € 1,125 +.
1,000 units, neither produced nor sold, cause a loss of 1,000 x € 1.423 profit
margin each, totally € 1,423 -/- [4]
http://ssrn.com/abstract=400120 43
References Jan F. Jacobs
Jacobs, J.F., Neither EVA® nor CVA®, but NVA, Measuring Financial Per-
formance, Uninterrupted, from Start to Finish, Working Paper, Social Science
Research Network, http://ssrn.com/abstract=366561, 2003.
Jensen, M.C., Paying People to Lie: The Truth About the Budgeting Process,
Harvard Business School Working Paper 01-072, Harvard Business School
Negotiations and Markets Research Paper No. 01-01, Social Science Research
Network, SSRN_ID267651, 2001.
Wilson, R.M.S. and Wai Fong Chua, Managerial Accounting - Method and
Meaning, 2nd edition, repr. by International Thomson Publishing, London,
Boston, 1998.
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