Design and Implementation of A Movie Reservation System: Abstract
Design and Implementation of A Movie Reservation System: Abstract
Design and Implementation of A Movie Reservation System: Abstract
This research is an online movie ticket reservation basically made for providingthe customers ample
opportunity to make movie reservation booking anywhere and anytime to book for desired but available
seat(s) in a movie hall and in a specified seating position. Information about the movies will be online, so
the user easily gets more details about the movies released and then make a choice either to buy the ticket
or cancel an already placed order at a specified time to the show. This is being implemented using an
object oriented software approach through the development of an app and an internet based platform
thereby overcoming the traditional movie reservation approach in cinemas.
A. Registration Module
C. Payment Module
The registration page is implemented for
The payment page platform is where the
customers to enter necessary details needed in order
payment is done via a third party organization,
to create an account (fig. 3). This will allow users to
where card details are required for payment of the
have a username and password that will be required
selected movie and the customers/users choose their
when trying to log into the website via the home
preferred payment method for movie ticket (Fig. 5)
page (Fig. 2).
using the payment gateway.
The programming interface consists of
codes written in a specified language as stated in
the software requirements (section viii) through
which the proposed movie website was created.
However, the text application used for the system
development is known as Sublime text.
Fig. 3 Registration Page
B. Search Module
This module is the page where movies
showing in the cinema are being searched for and
also the desired movie of the customer is looked for
to know certain information and details of the
movie (Fig. 4). The location in which the movie
will be shown is searched for, also the time
intervals at which the movie will be shown that day,
Fig. 6 The coding process
This research implements an online movie
reservation system for cinema houses mainly in
Nigeria. The ease of accessibility makes booking
and reservation of tickets and seats convenient for
customers/users to select and watch movie at any
given period from anywhere in the world.
Furthermore, full implementation of this research
using software approach will hereby improve the
booking system of Nigerian cinemas; even in other
areas of life where reservations or bookings are
done, and could also revive the dying movie
watching in cinemas, while also helping to cut
down cost of servicing and extra manpower needed
to run report sorting.This reservation system is a
slice of real time management system that can be
practically implemented. However there are certain
assumptions and certain limitations that could be
surpassed and various new applications could be
added for further research.
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