When our thinking is full of irrational beliefs, we feel awful even when the circumstances
don't warrant it.
19.Four effective ways to dispute your irrational and self-sabotaging beliefs
Offer evidence that your judgments are incorrect; offer a positive explanation of the problem;
question the importance of the problem; and if you find that your judgments are true, instead
of continuing to criticize yourself or someone else, offer a plan to improve the situation.
20. Social psychologist Claude Steele of Stanford University has identified a kind of stinkin'
thinkin' that afflicts cultural groups:
stereotype threat
21.A stereotype
is a generalization about members of a particular group.
22.Stereotype threat
is a fear that your behavior in a particular situation might confirm a negative stereotype
about a cultural group to which you belong.
23. Psychologist Michael Johns, Toni Schmader, and Andy Martens in a study at the
University of Arizona
suggested that it seems that simply knowing about the stereotype threat can reduce its
1.Successful students
Adopt a Creator mindset, master Creator language, and make wise decisions.
2.Struggling students
accept a Victim mindset, use Victim language, and make decisions carelessly.
3.Personal responsibility
is the foundation for creating success. Is also the ability to respond wisely at each fork in the
road, your choice is moving you either closer to your desired outcomes and experiences.
4.Creator mindset
causes people to see multiple options, choose wisely among them, and take affective
actions to achieve the life they want.
5.Being a Victim (with a capital V)
allowing the event to ruin your life. Being victimized by force inside of you.
6.When you have a Creator mindset,
you refuse to be oppressed.
7.Origin-like students
see themselves as the originators of their own behaviors, in other words, Creators.
8.Locus of control
defines where people believe the power over their lives is located.
9.Internal locus of control
belief that they control most, if not all, of their own destiny and believe their outcomes and
experiences depend on their own behaviors.
10.External locus of control
believe that external forces, like luck, determine their outcomes
11.When we respond as a Creator,
we pause at each decision point and ask, "what are my options, and which option will best
help me create my desired outcomes and experiences?"
12.Where does the Inner Critic come from?
It's as if our younger self recorded their judgments and, years later, our inner critic replace
them over and over.
13.The Inner Guide
Objectively observes each situation and asks, I am on course or off course? It tells us the
impartial truth, allowing us to be more fully aware of the world around us, other people, and
especially ourselves.
14.The Wise Choice Process was described in
1965 by William Glasser in his book Reality Therapy.
15.Psychologist Albert Ellis
Suggested that different responses can be understood by realizing that the activating event
(A) plus our beliefs (B) equal to consequences (C).
16.Ellis's formula
17.According to psychologist Ellis, a key to correcting irrational thinking is
changing a "must" preference. When we think "must", what follows in our thoughts is
typically awful, terrible, and dreadful.
is the ability to block out external and internal distractors in order to stay focused on one
specific item or task.
2.External distraction
disruptions caused by things in your physical environment
3.Internal distraction
are disruptions that occur inside you physically or emotionally.
4.Mental rehearsal
is the process of creating a picture or a movie in your mind that shows you performing
5.Tunnel Vision Technique
involves picturing yourself in a tunnel and training your mind to stay centered and on course
situations or actions that cause stress
7.Take-Charge Technique
involves taking responsibility for your environment by seeking an alternative place to study
or by modifying the existing environment so it has few or no distractions
is the process of breaking larger assignments or sections of information into smaller, more
manageable units that working memory can manage.
9.Check Mark Technique
involves keeping a score card to record and reduce the number of distractions that you allow
into your working memory
10.Emotional E Words Technique
involves refocusing your mind by using words that begin with e to create a positive attitude
11.Intrinsic Motivation
is the driving force to take action that comes from within you.
12.Extrinsic Motivation
is the driving force to take action that comes from sources outside of yourself/
positive statements used as motivators
14.Cognitive Coping Strategies
changing the way you think and perceive stressors
15.Emotional Coping Strategies
involve identifying and expressing your emotions to others
16.Perfect Place Technique
involves taking a mental vacation and visualizing a perfect, stress-free place to relax
17.Relaxation Blanket Technique
involves visualizing yourself pulling a soft, warm blanket up to your neck to release tension
18.Deep Muscle Relaxation Technique
involves tensing and releasing different groups of muscles as a way to reduce stress
19.Deep Breathing Technique
involves taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly as a way to reduce stress
Is proper lighting important when studying?
20.Red Bow Technique
involves using a symbol to signal to others that you do not want to be interrupted or
21.No Need Technique
the process of training yourself not to look up and not to break your concentration to attend
to minor, familiar distractions
22.Mental Storage Box Technique
involves placing any internal distractors into an imaginary box, putting a lid on the box, and
shoving that box aside to be dealt with at a later time
23.Tying a red bow on your finger symbols that you want people to talk to you. True or False
1.Self Management
is the ability to use strategies to deal constructively and effectively with variables that affect
the quality of your personal life.
2.People have the same tolerance for noise levels. True or False?
3.Say No Technique
involves resisting the urge to participate in an external or internal distraction
is feeling, emotion, or desire that moves a person to take action.
5.Expectancy Theory of Motivation
reflects a person's intensity or desire to achieve a goal and a belief in the likelihood of
achieving that goal
6.You should get 4-5 hours of sleep a night. True or False?
a learned behavior that involves putting off or postponing something until a later time
are activities at the beginning of a study block that shift thoughts and create a mindset for
studying and concentrating.
9.You should study in a place with a TV playing and with a clustered table. True or False
is the belief in your abilities to accomplish a specific task at a specific level of performance.
is the perception you have of yourself as a human being.
12.Visualizing Success
is a strategy to strengthen your self-image and belief in your abilities by visualizing yourself
behaving in a specific way and performing the steps and achieving a specific goal.
13.Behavioral Coping Strategies
involve changing patterns or behaviors to overcome stress
14.Physical Coping Strategies
involve the use of physical activity to reduce or eliminate your responses to specific
15.Soothing Mask Technique
involves using your imagination to create and pull a mask over your face to block out
reactions to stress
16.Incentive Theory of Motivation
states that incentives and rewards are the driving forces behind people's choices and
1.Interference Theory
States that new information and all the previously learned information can interfere with
clear and accurate recall of information
2.Incomplete Encoding Theory
States that incomplete encoding during the rehearsal process in working memory causes an
inability to recall information accurately
The process of using visual encoding to make pictures in your mind
The process of thinking about, pondering with and encoding information in new ways
The process of explaining information clearly, out loud in your own words in complete
sentences without referring to printed materials
The process of verifying how accurately and thoroughly you have or have not learned
specific information
The process of creating a meaningful, logical structure or arrangement of ideas and
8.Ongoing Review
The process of practicing previously learned information days and even weeks after the
initial learning occurs
9.Over learning
The process of continuing to rehearse and review even with feedback or proof that learning
has taken place
10.Loci Method
A mnemonic technique that involves associating items or topics with specific rooms in a
familiar building
11.four levels of response
immediate, delayed, assisted and educated guessing
7.Seek feedback
Feedback is essential to learning
8.How to develop a growth mindset
A. Think of your brain as a muscle
B. Set learning goals . . . as well as performance goals
C. Seek feedback
D. Change course when needed
9.We create integrity by choosing
Words and deeds that are one with our values
10.Most experts recognize four components in the writing process:
Prewriting, writing, revising, editing
11.Thesis equation
[Topic] + [Claim]
States the most important idea you want to convey to your audience
13.The two most common kinds of writing in college are . . .
Informative and persuasive
14.Informative writing
Tells your reader something they presumably don't know
15.Discover their preferred ways of learning
Utilizing strategies that allow them to maximize their learning of valuable new information
and skills
16.Unsuccessful students
A. Avoid new learning experiences
B. Often experience frustration, boredom, or resistance
C. Use poor thinking skills
17.Fixed mindset
Believe people are born with a fixed amount of ability and talent. When it comes to
intelligence, they've either got it or they don't.
Think of your brain as a muscle, the more you use your brain, the "smarter" and more
capable it becomes. The ability of your brain to use new experiences to revise old neural
networks and create new ones.
19.Learning goals
Offer knowledge and skills you can use for the rest of your life
20.Four different learning approaches
A. Thinker
B. Doer
C. Feeler
D. Innovator
21.Employing critical thinking
A. Constructing logical arguments
B. Asking probing questions
C. Applying critical thinking
(also called premises, claims, or assumptions) answer the question "Why?"
(also called support) answers the question "How do you know?" Evidence provides support
to explain how the persuader knows the reason(s) to be true. Evidence should be verifiable
as true. Three common kinds of evidence are facts, data, and stories.
(also called opinions, beliefs, or positions) answer the question "What?" Conclusions state
what the persuader wants the audience to think or do.
25.Writing well enhances _____.
26.Persuasive writing
Asks your readers to think or do something that presumably they are not inclined to think or
5,awareness: knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
8. nurture: (v.) to bring up, care for, train, nourish; (n.) rearing, training, upbringing
12. criticism”the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived
faults or mistakes
13. frustration: A negative emotional state that occurs when one is prevented from reaching a goal.
14. moaning complaining
15. resilient: (adj.) able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly
1.self-esteem:how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself
2. indicative:serving as a sign or indication of something
3.perseverance: continued efforts in spite of difficulties
4. attainable:able to be attained; achievable.
5. demonstrate:Show by example