Sample MOA and Byelaws
Sample MOA and Byelaws
Sample MOA and Byelaws
Memorandum of Association
Of District Information Technology Society
1. Name of Society shall be: District Information Technology Society, Yamunanagar.
2. The registered officer shall be situated at: Office of the Deputy Commissioner,
Yamunanagar, Haryana, Pin - 135001.
3. The Objects for which such society is established is:
(a) District Information Technology Society shall function according to the guidelines
issued by Secretariat of Information Technology, Govt. of Haryana, in respect of all
e-Governance projects.
(b) Society shall support planning, facilitate implementation and monitor various e-
Governance Projects and e-service delivery mechanisms through close linkage and
coordination amongst the various stakeholders, including the line department(s). In
this respect the Society shall also ensure close coordination with various
implementation and facilitation agencies concerned.
(c) Facilitate establishment; monitor/administer service delivery channels such as the
Common Service Centres (CSCs) and any other similar channels that the
Government may plan to establish in future, in order to effectively deliver e-
services, in a manner that is convenient and relevant to the citizen.
(d) Provide support to introduce processes and process improvements and ensure
conformance to prescribed standards as required by the Government in respect of e-
Services Delivery, functioning of service delivery channels and departmental back
offices, IT policies and such similar needs.
(e) To serve as the custodian for all IT assets and data. Accordingly, maintain and
control inventory of such assets consisting of various hardware, software, data and
other infrastructure items and ensure its upkeep and safe disposal, as may be
required from time to time.
(f) To facilitate enforcement of the applicable Service Level Agreements between
parties as may be applicable for delivery of various services.
(g) Enable Collection of user charges as may be prescribed by the Government from
time to time, ensure its accounting / reconciliation and enable settlement to
concerned parties.
(h) Address all publicity requirements and undertake campaigning not limited to media
like TV, radio, newspaper, conferences, seminars, public meetings, visual publicity
etc. for creating awareness about electronic services and other facilities.
(i) To plan, coordinate and oversee delivery of ICT training as per requirement of e-
Governance projects and e-Service delivery that would be necessary for supporting
capacity building. As an extension, also assist in selection of human resources as
may be relevant and necessary in the context of the e-Governance projects and e-
services delivery.
(j) To assist in the exploration of new citizen services that are of relevance and revenue
generation business streams including formulating processes and policies related to
the same.
(k) To facilitate resolution of all issues and grievances related to e-Governance project
deployment and delivery of e-services and to provide administrative and operational
support to ensure smooth functioning of the technology driven initiatives.
(l) To promote information technology ecosystem as per the policy of State
3. The Names, Address and Designations of the members of the Governing Body of the
District Information Technology Society
4. We, the several persons whose names, addresses and occupations are hereunto
subscribed are desirous of being formed into an citation namely, “District Information
Technology Society, Yamunanagar” in the District under Haryana Societies
Registration Act, 1961 in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association:
Governing Body of Society
5. Composition of the Governing Body:
The Governing Body will be the supreme body of the Society and its composition
shall be as has been prescribed. It shall oversee the functioning of the Society and
exercise general superintendence and control over the functioning of the Society. In
particular, It shall perform following functions:
(a) To adopt and approve the report of the working of the society.
(b) To consider the audited accounts of the society
(c) To take any decision to promote the working of the society and its income from
other ICT enabled service sources and to initiate any of the ICT based project in
terms of providing technical infrastructural support, civil work (if required) man
power in the interest of the public.
District Implementation Committee of Society
Functions of Different Office Bearers
19. Functions of Different bearers:
The functions and the powers of the Office Bearers shall be as follows:
(i) Chairman:
(a) The chairman shall, wherever present, preside over the Governing Body
and District Implementation Committee meetings.
(b) The Chairman shall coordinate the efforts of various members of the
(C) The Chairman shall exercise the casting vote in case the votes for and
against a particular issue are equal.
(d) The Chairman may direct the Member-convener to call a special meeting
of Governing Body and District Implementation Committee at the short
notice in case of emergency.
(e) The Chairman shall be sole and absolute authority to judge the validity
of the votes cast be members at all Governing Body meetings.
(f) The Chairman would be solely empowered to take any decision in the
interest of the society and as well n the interest of the public
(a) The Member Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the
society and all executive functions shall be executed by him
(b) The Member-Secretary shall be responsible for the day to day
Management of the affairs of the Society Subject to decisions of District
Implementation Committee and Governing Orders issued from time to
(c) The Member Secretary shall be authorized to take the decision in
unforeseen circumstances and to fulfill the emergent need, the power of
an amount of Rs 10,000 be given by the Chairman of the Society
(d) The Member-Secretary shall be responsible for management of staff of
the Society. He shall exercise control and discipline over the employees
of the Society.
(e) The Member-Secretary shall jointly operate Bank Accounts, either with
Chairman Or with the designated officer by the Chairman
(f) The Member Secretary would manage to account related work by
engaging the accountant
(g) The member-Secretary shall arrange for the audit of the accounts of the
Society by the auditors /charted account appointed by the Governing
Body of the Society.
(h) The member-Secretary shall convene the meetings of the Governing
Body and District Implementation Committee. He shall prepare the
Agenda for the meetings for the circulation to the members concerned.
(i) The Member-Secretary shall maintain minute books of the meetings.
The approved minutes of the meetings shall be circulated by him.
(j) The Member- Secretary shall sign all Deeds and Documents on behalf of
the Society according to the directions of the Governing Body or the
District implementation Committee.
(k) The Member-Secretary shall present the report of the District
Implementation Committee and the Governing Body meetings of the
(l) The Member-Secretary shall sign and seal any document or proceedings-
requiring authentication by the Society.
(m)The Member-Secretary shall be responsible for the execution of all
policies and decision adopted in different meetings.
(n) The Member-Secretary shall ensure compliance with statutory
(o) The Member-Secretary shall do all such other lawful acts as may be
necessary to be executed for the achievement of any or all the objectives
of the Society.
(p) The Member-Secretary shall discharge such other functions as may be
specifically delegated to him by the Chairman of the Society.
(q) The Member-Secretary may delegate all or any of his functions referred
in (e) to (k) to any officer of the Society with the consent of the
Chairman of the Society.
Establishment of District Information Technology Society
20. The Member Secretary of DITS upon the resolution of Governing Body may propose to
the Chairman of DITS for requisition of such service of staff, such premise and such
instrument of local bodies and Government, as should be required for conduct of smooth
functioning. Upon such proposal and recommendation of the Member Secretary of DITS,
the Chairman, subject to specific and general rule as contained therein and general
prudence, may place the service of staff and officers, premises and instruments as would be
required for conduct of functioning of DITS.
Provided that DITS may provide meal/tiffin or meal/tiffin charges if such
requisitioned staff are required to perform duties beyond office hours, in addition, to their
normal duties.
21. In case of any inadequacy of service of staff so requisitioned or gross negligence or
indulgence of corruption, the Member Secretary subject to approval of DITS may
recommend for de-requisition of service of any staff to the Chairman, showing the reasons
thereof. The Chairman upon the recommendation of the Member Secretary shall take
appropriate action as per law.
The Member Secretary subject to approval of Chairman may hire the service
of any private skilled/Un- skilled worker for specific duties at approved rate and also can
hire instruments/ premise for smooth conduct of function of the society.
22. The Convener shall bear the administrative expenditure out of budget provision.
23. Transportation facilities to both the Chairman and Member Secretary to upkeep the ICT
enabled services in the District and to maintain NeGP MMP projects
Funds of the Society
1. The funds would be generated by levying the nominal service charges on the G2C
services so to sustain the DITS
2. Initial seed money of Rs. 10 lakhs would be provided for the smooth establishment
and functioning of the society by way of contribution from Government of India.
Further fund, if any, shall be provided by the State.
Accounts of the Society
24. Accounts of the Society:
The Society, shall constitute a fund bearing the name of “District
Information Technology Society,” fund. The funds of the Samiti shall be deposited in a
Bank. The account shall be jointly operated by the Chairman of the DITS and Member-
Secretary jointly.
25. Financial Year:
The accounting year for the Society will be from 1 st April to 31st March. The
income and expenditure accounts and Balance Sheet of the Society shall be presented at the
annual meeting of the Governing Body within 5 months of the close of the accounting year,
duly audited by the competent auditor nominated by the Governing Body.
26. Property and Fund of District Information Technology Society
(a) The Society shall have power to acquired, hold and dispose of property and
enter into contract.
Provided that in all cases of acquisition or disposable of immovable property the
district Information Technology Society, shall obtain the previous approval of State
(b) The Society shall have power to impose and collect service charge, application
fee, etc subject to the approval of the Govt.
(c) The fund of the DITS shall be placed to the credit thereof
I. Contributions and grants, if any made by the Central or the State Government.
II. all receipts on account of public contributions, tolls, service charges, application fee,
rated and other fees levied by it,
III. interest accrued through any deposit in scheduled commercial banks Nationalized
Bank/Cop. Banks.
IV. All sum received as gifts or contributions and all income from any trust or
endowment make in favour of District Information Technology Society of the
respective district
V. Such fines or penalties imposed and realized under the provisions of this By-Laws
made there under, as may be prescribed.
VI. All other sums received by or on behalf of District Information Technology
Society,_______ provided further District Information Technology Society,
________shall collect such receipts only by issuing printed receipt under seal and
signature of treasures or authorized persons in form-6.
(c) The District Information Technology Society, ________set apart and applies
annually such sum as may be required to meet the cost o its own administration and
incidental expenditure for organizing programs etc.
(d) The District Information Technology Society, ________ shall have the power to
spend such sum as it thinks fit for organizing Programme etc. within its budgetary
(e) The District Information Technology Society, _________ shall at such time and
in such manner as may be prescribed cause it to prepare by District Implementation
Committee in each year a budget of its estimated receipts and disbursements for the
following year and get approval in its general body meeting..
(f) The District Information Technology Society,_________ upon the
recommendation of District Implementation Committee may approve the
supplementary budget in specially convened meeting.
2 The Member-Secretary shall with the approval of DITS can appoint any members
for obtaining assistance in writing cash book and help him in maintaining accounts.
4 On entering the expenditure in cash book, such voucher and sub-voucher shall be
cancelled by affixing the seal ‘Paid and cancelled’ with the signature of the
Member-Secretary. Such vouchers should be systematically numbered and
preserved for audit.
5 The Member-Secretary upon his satisfaction and application make advance to any
member of DITS for under taking any specific works as mentioned in application.
However, on taking the advance, such person shall sign in the advance register and
such advance shall be adjusted within 30 ( thirty ) days from taking advance.
6 On completion of each day’s transaction, the accountant shall affix his signature in
cash page of cash book and may get verified by the Member Secretary.
9 At the end of each financial year, the Member-Secretary shall cause the completion
of audit by the Charted Accountant and submit the audit report to the governing
body meeting
29 Audit of Accounts:
Chapter –X
Suits & Legal Proceedings
The Society may sue or be sued in the name of the Chairman, DITS or such person
as may be authorized by the District Implementation Committee, as per the
provision laid down under Haryana Government Societies Registration Act.
Chapter – XI
Chapter – XII
Dissolution of Society