Psychopathology Review: Allison M. Waters, PHD Richard T. Lebeau, PHD, & Michelle G. Craske, PHD
Psychopathology Review: Allison M. Waters, PHD Richard T. Lebeau, PHD, & Michelle G. Craske, PHD
Psychopathology Review: Allison M. Waters, PHD Richard T. Lebeau, PHD, & Michelle G. Craske, PHD
Allison M. Waters, PhDa, Richard T. LeBeau, PhDb, & Michelle G. Craske, PhDb
a School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Mt Gravatt campus, QLD, Australia.
b Department of Psychology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
Experimental psychopathology has elucidated mechanisms underlying various forms of psychopathology and has
contributed to the continuous updating and generation of mechanistically-focused and evidence-based psychological
treatments. Clinical psychology is an applied field of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of
psychological disorders and behavioral problems. Despite the notable commonality in their focus upon psychological
dysfunction, conceptual frameworks that guide their integration are surprisingly scarce. Clinical science and practice
would benefit greatly from the combined strengths of each discipline. In this review, we begin by defining experimental
psychopathology and clinical psychology, we present arguments for greater integration between them, and we
propose a model to guide the integration of experimental psychopathology-informed science into clinical practice,
illustrating the relevance of the model by drawing upon the seminal research on fear conditioning and extinction and
other experimental paradigms.
© Copyright 2017 Textrum Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Experimental psychopathology, Clinical psychology, Science, Practice
Correspondence to: Allison M. Waters School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Mt Gravatt campus, QLD,
Australia, 4122, email:
Received 19-Mar-2015; received in revised form 30-Dec-2015; accepted 12-Jan-2016
Psychopathology Review, Volume 4 (2017), Issue 2, 112-128 113
Table of Contents
Value of integration between experimental psychopathology and clinical psychology
Value of experimental psychopathology for clinical psychology
Value of clinical psychology for experimental psychopathology
An experimental psychopathology-influenced model of clinical science and practice
(1) Experimental psychopathology research
(2) Translational experimental psychopathology research
Expectancy learning.
Safety learning.
(3a) Dissemination to the clinical science community
(4a) Theory integration and refinement
(3b) Dissemination into the clinical practice community
(4b) Clinical practice integration and refinement
Challenges, Important Issues and Future Considerations
Challenges facing experimental psychopathology research and translational research
Challenges facing dissemination to the clinical science community
Challenges facing dissemination to the clinical practice community
Future Directions
Approaches to psychological research can be conceptualized along a continuum. At one end, basic psychological
research examines fundamental behavioral, cognitive, physiological, neurobiological and other processes
independently of their relevance to psychopathology. At the other end are applied forms of psychological research
such as clinical psychology (CP), defined as the integration of science, theory, and practice to understand, predict,
and alleviate maladjustment, disability, and discomfort as well as to promote human adaptation, adjustment, and
personal development (Society of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association, n.d.). As such, CP
researchers are most interested in answers to pressing public-health problems and the development of assessments
and interventions with functional utility than basic psychology researchers (Zvolensky, Lejuez, Stuart, & Curtin, 2001).
In order to achieve these goals, CP research investigates individuals with psychological problems in settings where
the problems are most likely to manifest (Zvolensky et al., 2001).
Experimental psychopathology (EP) is a domain of psychological research that bridges the gap between basic
psychological research and applied fields of psychology such as CP. EP involves “laboratory-based research with
humans, nonhuman animals, or both types of participants, directly aimed at discovering and explaining the etiology
and maintenance of psychopathological processes” (Zvolensky et al., 2001, p. 371). Experimental
psychopathologists use experimental methodology and laboratory models to systematically evaluate fundamental
psychological processes that underlie maladaptive behaviour (Vervliet & Raes, 2013). In essence, EP addresses the
generalizability of the basic science of functional psychological processes to dysfunctional psychological processes
in highly controlled conditions. Traditionally, EP has drawn upon learning theory and cognitive science to inform
experimental methods, with dependent variables ranging from self-report to behavioural observations, performance
on cognitive tasks, and psychophysiological measurement. Neuroscience has expanded the tool box for experimental
psychopathologists as it has begun to elucidate brain regions associated with specific dysfunctions in cognitions,
affect and behavior (Kazdin, 2014).
In this paper, our aim is to consider the value and challenges of greater integration of EP research with the discipline
of CP. Although review papers exist that summarise the utility of EP for advancing CP (Zvolensky, Forsyth, &
Johnson, 2013), or apply experimental principles to specific disorders (Vervliet & Raes, 2013), there are surprisingly
few models that guide the integration of EP and CP. By highlighting the opportunities and challenges that arise for
Psychopathology Review, Volume 4 (2017), Issue 2, 112-128 114
each discipline area through their greater integration, we argue that the time is ripe for an integrative model that can
facilitate the advancement of EP research and its dissemination and integration into the clinical science and clinical
practice communities, with the ultimate goals of advancing scientific knowledge and patient care. We identify specific
challenges and opportunities in advancing such an EP-informed model of clinical science and practice and
recommend that greater intra- and inter-disciplinary collaboration across the clinical science and practice sectors is
needed to achieve these goals.
In addition to the benefits that derive from a mechanistic approach, EP also provides methods and tools that may
enhance the therapeutic process. Examples include virtual reality technologies for exposure therapy (Diemer,
Mühlberger, Pauli, & Zwanzger, 2014), pharmacological agents such as d-cycloserine to augment exposure therapy
(Rodrigues et al., 2014), and cognitive bias modification training (Clarke, Notebaert & McLeod, 2014), all of which
evolved from EP research and larger interdisciplinary collaborations. Finally, EP provides a science-driven model for
conducting clinical research, as well as clinical assessment and treatment at the patient level (Zvolensky et al., 2013).
The EP approach directly encourages the clinician to use the research literature to guide treatment choice, to consider
potential mechanisms underlying a given clinical presentation and to tailor treatment accordingly, and to collect
patient data regularly in order to evaluate effectiveness and need for treatment tailoring.
repeated presentations of the shape in the absence of the aversive stimulus, which typically produces a decline in
conditional fear, akin to the reduction in clinical anxiety symptoms observed with exposure-based treatments.
By way of example, EP research has shown that anxious individuals display elevated acquisition of fear conditioning
(in simple conditioning paradigms; see Duits et al., 2015 & Lissek et al., 2005 for reviews); elevated generalization
of fear conditioning (Lissek et al., 2010; Lissek et al., 2014); weakened extinction, especially at test of extinction
retrieval (e.g., Craske, Waters, Bergman, Naliboff, Lipp, Negoro, & Ornitz, 2008; Lau et al., 2008; Lissek et al., 2009;
Waters, Henry, & Neumann, 2009); and deficits in transfer of safety (Jovanovic et al., 2005; Jovanovic et al., 2009,
Jovanovic et al., 2010). Moreover, EP research has shown that some of these features are already present in healthy
children who are at risk for anxiety disorders by virtue of parental anxiety disorders (Craske, et al., 2008; Waters,
Peters, Forrest, & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2014).
Expectancy learning.
Error correction models of extinction learning posit that learning is enhanced by the mismatch between high
expectancy for the aversive stimulus and its absence (Rescorla & Wagner, 1972). In accord, exposure therapy may
be best designed to violate expectancies regarding the frequency or intensity of aversive outcomes. Thus, for a client
with panic disorder who predicts that elevated heart rate is likely to lead to a heart attack, exposures may be best
designed to repeatedly violate this expectancy through inducing increased heart rate under conditions in which heart
attacks are expected to be most likely to occur, and reducing safety behaviors or other forms of avoidance. This
approach to exposure therapy has been supported in clinical trials (Baker et al., 2010; Deacon et al., 2013).
Furthermore, the associative strength of multiple conditional stimuli summate or combine to “over-predict” the
occurrence of the unconditional stimulus. Hence, when the unconditional stimulus does not occur in the presence of
multiple conditional stimuli, the discrepancy between what was predicted and what actually occurred is enhanced.
Studies in animals and humans have found that this “deepened extinction” enhances learning (Culver, Vervliet, &
Craske, 2014; Rescorla, 2006). Thus, exposure may be enhanced by initial exposure to individual predictors of a
feared outcome followed by their combination (such as exposure to hyperventilation, and then combining
hyperventilation with exposure to heat for the individual who fears loss of consciousness from lightheadedness and
Safety learning.
The presence of inhibitory stimuli can negatively impact extinction. Conditioned inhibitors, or “safety signals”, are
stimuli that predict the non-occurrence of the unconditional stimulus and therefore reduce the expectation that it will
occur. Numerous studies in both animal and human samples have demonstrated the deleterious effects of safety
Psychopathology Review, Volume 4 (2017), Issue 2, 112-128 118
signals on extinction learning (Lovibond, 2004). Clinically relevant examples of safety signals include anxiolytic
medication, cell phones, or the presence of another person. A number of clinical studies demonstrate a negative
impact of safety signals on outcomes from exposure therapy (e.g., Sloan & Telch, 2002). Although others have failed
to replicate the deleterious effect of engaging in safety behaviors during exposure in claustrophobic fear (Deacon,
Sy, Lickel & Nelson, 2010), this may be a function of the ratio of inhibition and excitation in a given trial and warrants
further EP examination.
The foundation for a mental health workforce competent in EP-informed research and practice methods requires
clinical training and ongoing professional development that emphasises therapy and research knowledge (Engelhard,
2012; Schurman & Gayes, 2014). Such a focus is of fundamental importance given that experimentally-informed
treatments are under-utilized in clinical practice. For example, the most commonly reported reasons for not utilizing
exposure therapy in the case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a lack of training and experience (e.g.,
Black Becker, Zayfert, & Anderson, 2004). This highlights the need for greater involvement of EP researchers in
graduate clinical training programs, perhaps via dedicated classes within existing courses focused on EP research
methods and procedures, the use of EP textbooks and online teaching resources to demonstrate EP principles, the
provision of short-term placement opportunities with EP researchers as apart of ongoing practicum training, or in
established EP research departments, the provision of dedicated courses or summer school programs focused on
EP. Greater involvement of EP researchers in ongoing professional development initiatives is also important, and
might include workshop series, webinars, and the provision of EP-informed resources via websites of the professional
bodies that target the clinical community (e.g., American Psychological Association, Australian Psychological Society,
British Psychological Association).
Another avenue for greater dissemination into clinical practice is through stakeholder partnerships between EP
researchers and mental health services. Large-scale dissemination projects focused on therapist training in evidence-
based practices (components of which were established and refined based on EP research e.g., exposure therapy
and cognitive therapy) illustrate such an approach (e.g., Clark et al., 2009 Southam-Gerow et al., 2014). Another
avenue is through partnerships between EP researchers, clinical psychology training programs, and community
stakeholders (e.g., schools) in order to reach clients ‘where they are’. For example, one such partnership project
between a local school, a university clinical training program and EP researchers examined the mechanisms of
threat-based cognitive biases as predictors or moderators of change following a cognitive-behavioural intervention
delivered to primary school-age children via provisionally-registered clinical psychology interns practicing under
supervision as part of their graduate-level clinical training (Waters, Groth, Sanders, O’Brien, & Zimmer-Gembeck,
2015). Such partnerships also have the potential to increase EP researchers’ understanding of real world variables
they may not account for in the laboratory and clinicians’ appreciation for the relevance of EP to their practice by
enabling them to see firsthand the practical application of the findings from EP research to the problems and
populations they work with.
strong evidence base for exposure therapy, as well as its acceptability and preferability to clients (Olatunji, Deacon,
& Abramowitz, 2009), this treatment is rarely used by clinicians (Black Becker et al., 2004; Van Minnen, Hendriks, &
Olff, 2010). Therefore, another approach has been to design evidence-based protocols in a modular format that can
be adapted for use across multiple disorders, address comorbidity or treatment interference, and adapted in response
to poor progress through ongoing patient evaluation (Chorpita & Daleiden, 2009; Weisz & Chorpita, 2012). This work
has emphasized the testing of new treatment designs to coordinate existing clinical procedures with evidence-based
practices (Chorpita, Bernstein, & Daleiden, 2011). Such approaches have yielded significantly steeper trajectories of
improvement and better diagnostic outcomes at post-treatment and 2 year follow-up relative to standard evidence-
based practices and usual care with community patients (Chorpita et al., 2013; Weisz & Chorpita, 2012).
However, all of these initiatives require supportive workplaces, managers and supervisors who embrace research-
related activities within clinician workloads (Ollendick, 2014). As the disciplines of EP and CP become increasingly
specialized and the knowledge base grows, it will become less possible for clinicians to remain current and sufficiently
expert in multiple areas. Numerous initiatives have been proposed to address these problems, including an increased
role of academic researchers in mental health care settings (Engelhard, 2012), an increased presence of clinicians
working in university research centres (Shapiro, 2002), and the development and uptake of clinical practice guidelines
in both settings that to some extent, incorporate key EP research principles (Ollendick, 2014; Hollon et al., 2014).
At the individual clinical practice level, EP shares numerous principles with the scientist-practitioner model which
advocates for clinical psychologists working as research-informed applied scientists (Shapiro, 2002). Indeed, both
approaches share core competencies such as utilizing assessment and intervention procedures in accordance with
protocols, accessing and integrating ongoing research findings to guide patient care (at either the patient or laboratory
level), framing and testing hypotheses (either n = 1 case designs or laboratory methodology or RCTs), ongoing
evaluation through the use of dependent measures across modalities (e.g., self-report, behavioral observations,
physiology), modifying treatment or laboratory approaches based on data, building and maintaining multi-disciplinary
teams of professionals committed to applied science approaches, and ensuring adequate provision of training in
practice-based evidence and evidence-based practice (Engelhard, 2012; Schurman & Gayes, 2014; Shapiro, 2002).
Moreover, clinical practice provides the opportunity to study rare or complex cases in real-world settings through
case study research that might otherwise be excluded from laboratory studies and tightly controlled RCTs. Case
study research has great potential as one mechanism for bridging the scientist-practitioner gap (Ollendick, 2014).
Clinical case studies provide an in-depth description of an individual patient or group of patients within the unique
context and characteristics of the case (Kazdin, 2011). This in turn can stimulate innovative research questions that
can be tested through EP research and contribute to psychological theory or therapy development (Drotar, 2011).
Single-case designs (which are distinct from illustrative case studies due to repeated measurement within an
individual across time, and ideally across different conditions) can also serve as evidence of treatment efficacy and
are particularly useful in CP when studying rare conditions and when large samples are difficult to obtain (e.g., Cohen,
Feinstein, Masuda, & Vowles, 2014; Oar, Farrell, Waters, Conlon, & Ollendick, 2015; Ollendick & King, 2012;). Thus,
single-case research conducted within a scientist-practitioner model of clinical practice shares numerous qualities
and characteristics with EP by involving rigorous scientific standards and high internal validity (Kratochwill et al.,
2013). Greater adoption of single-case designs in clinical settings could be an avenue by which EP research
principles can be embedded in clinical practice. Moreover, encouraging scientist-practitioners who implement EP-
informed approaches into their clinical work (such as single-case research studies) to communicate the results and
logistical challenges of their work to the scientific and clinical community via professional practice websites and
practitioner-focused journal outlets and conferences, will enable greater integration of CP and EP research.
application, significant challenges remain for ensuring that EP research continues to play a dominant role in the
advancement of psychological knowledge and the development of evidence-based treatment approaches and clinical
practice (Sloan, 2014). By considering the major steps in the model proposed in Figure 1, we summarize some of
the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing the discipline of EP and its integration with the clinical science
community and the clinical practice community.
has resulted in principles of EP being incorporated into randomized controlled trials with treatment seeking samples,
such as the methods of exposure therapy incorporated into the treatment of anxiety in primary care (Craske et al.,
Future Directions
As is clear from the review of the benefits and challenges facing EP and CP, both disciplines have much to offer, and
much to gain from, the other discipline. We have proposed an integrative conceptual framework to encourage greater
progression of EP-informed research into clinical science community and into the clinical practice community, with
the ultimate goals of advancing clinical psychological science and patient care. This makes it abundantly clear that
strong intra- and inter-disciplinary collaborative relationships are needed that cut across all sectors of the model,
including collaborations among EP researchers as well as with those from other clinical science disciplines, national
psychological science associations, training and professional development organizations, and clinical practice
settings. One way forward might be through the formation of an international EP research advisory committee to
identify and address the key challenges and opportunities within the discipline of EP and to systematically expand
its focus to key stakeholders within the clinical science and practice sectors in order to facilitate multi-disciplinary
dissemination and integration of EP research into science, training and practice. This calls for strong leadership and
direction from within the field of EP research.
In summary, EP research has made significant contributions to the advancement of psychological theory,
methodology and knowledge about a range of psychological problems and dysfunctions. We argue that the time is
ripe for greater integration of EP research with the discipline of CP, and we propose an integrative model that
describes the translation of EP research into clinical science and practice, with the goals of improving scientific
knowledge and patient care. We recommend that strong intra-disciplinary collaboration among EP researchers, as
well as broader inter-disciplinary collaboration with key stakeholders within other clinical science and practice sectors,
is needed to advance the contribution of EP research to the discipline of CP.
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