5 Day Manifestation Ritual JulietCleary
5 Day Manifestation Ritual JulietCleary
5 Day Manifestation Ritual JulietCleary
who am i?
Entrepreneur, Manifesting Coach & Mindset Mentor, Youtuber. I help people to bridge the
gap between where they are & where they want to be. I want you to know that you can
have it all and it can be easy. It just takes a little shift in energy.
It doesn’t matter if your life is a mess right now, you could turn it all around within days.
How do I know?
Because my life was a mess. We’re talking zero money, chronic health issues, abusive
relationships, self-hatred, major depression & anxiety… basically, nothing was going my way.
I felt a deep desire & calling to do so much more, but no idea how to tap into it, how to
make it manifest. Lost, confused and listening to so many gurus teaching all these different
manifesting processes...
I was just overwhelmed. I didn't know how to get it right, how to make my ideas and dreams
actually turn from a thought to the real thing! I didn't want to live the same mediocre life
that so many people choose to live, I wanted to be different, I wanted something more.
Things got so bad that I had no choice but to step up, and make the decision to deliberately
change my mindset, and therefore, change my life. I simplified manifesting, I made it
easier... and it WORKED. Things began to improve.
I am now living my purpose, created a successful brand & business, I'm happy, my
relationships transformed, my body transformed, and more.
This is the best part. I now get to share this with you & empower you to manifest
your version of your dream reality! Let's get started.
Day One: Define Your Desire
Did you know that you can have anything you want?
You may not realise it, but you can find the
essence of your desire all around you, and
that's what you're going to do today! For
example, if your desire feels like Freedom - what
else in your life makes you feel free? When you
do it or focus on it, what makes you feel free? If
your desire feels like Satisfaction, what else in
your life makes you feel satisfied? If your desire
feels like Joy, what else in your life brings you joy?
Give MORE of your attention to these things
today. You can choose one or a few emotions
to play around with. Anytime you notice it
present in your world, give it all your attention!
Practice the essence of your desire already
manifested. Feel those emotions that are a perfect
match to this desire. Notice how your desire is
actually all around you!
This is such a powerful process because you are acknowledging that your desire is here &
now, you're looking for evidence of that and practicing the vibration of it at the same time.
Your emotions are KEY in manifesting your dream reality, always keep that in mind. Your
emotion alone can bring you everything you want, so pay attention to how you feel &
guide yourself to feel better. Feel good before the desire comes, and then it MUST come.
Day two: Appreciate
every moment..
Day three: Re-write your story
If you change
you will
change your
Day four: Calibrate to Love
Calibrate your
energy to LOVE..
Along with Appreciation & Joy, LOVE is the What have you been hating that you can
highest vibration. It is a match to each and choose to love or let go of instead? Who
every one of your desires and goals. have you been hating that you can
choose to let go and seek love instead?
When you feel love and you calibrate your
energy to this emotion, you are in the What painful or unwanted situation
receiving frequency. You are on the frequency can you CHOOSE to now shower with
where things ARE going to manifest for you. love and compassion?
Could you start to love yourself a little
Today, your task is to feel the emotion of love more? Could you start to love your
as often as you can, and really feel it. body a little more? Even love the parts
Focus on what you love about your desire, of your life that you have hated or
your dream, your purpose. What do you love you've felt have let you down.
about it?
Focus on what you love in your life, the things Could you love the contrast and
and people that surround you. It's not that differences around you? Could you love
often that we remember how much we really your current reality a little more?
love the people in our lives, or the things we Can you love yourself even though you
own. Even the small freedoms we have, the haven't got it all figured out yet? You
freedom of choice each day. can. It's time to heal yourself & love..
Try to see things in a different light today. What ASK YOURSELF: How can I bring
do you love about yourself? What do you love in and feel more love today?
about your world? What do you love about
your partner? Or child? Or parent? What could
you love about your daily life? What are you
taking for granted?
love each part of you today.
bless everything you come across.
love each person you see.
Day five: Let go + align