10 Steps To Manifesting Money You Desire
10 Steps To Manifesting Money You Desire
10 Steps To Manifesting Money You Desire
Is It Really Possible To Manifest
Money? 10 Steps To Manifesting
While everyone is drawn to learning about the Law of Attraction for a subtly different
reason, a desire to attract more money is probably one of the most common motivations.
It is shortly followed by manifesting love or developing a fantastic new career. However,
if your motivations are financial, you might well find yourself asking the following: is it really
possible to manifest money?
Maybe you are unsure of what manifestation really means.
Or maybe you need clarity on what the purpose of manifestation is! In order to succeed in
your manifestations, you need to truly believe in them.
So, it’s worth knowing the ins and outs of what exactly manifestation is and how to
properly manifest what you want.
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What Does ‘Manifestation’ Mean?
There are many different definitions of the word manifest, but the simplest would be that a
manifestation is ‘something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings,
and beliefs'.
This means that whatever you focus on is what you are bringing into your reality. You may
focus and manifest through meditation, visualization, or just via your conscious or
For example, if you have been thinking about getting a new job and you focused on exactly
what you wanted and when you wanted it, your thoughts and feelings would be strong
surrounding this. You could then try to meditate or visualize your goal and this can help to
manifest manifestation works.it into your reality.
If you then got your new job and it was everything you wanted, you would have successfully
manifested it into your life. So, now that you know what manifestation means, it’s time to
find out how
However, if you take negative thoughts and feelings with you on your journey with the Law
of Attraction, you just won’t be able to get the results you really want.
Consequently, the number one lesson you need to learn about manifesting money is that
you won’t get anywhere if you can’t create and maintain a positive, trusting attitude in the
power of the Law of Attraction.
Write down all the physical things that money would get you. Thinking that “having a lot of
money would be nice” just is not enough. Make a list, try to include as many things that you
can think of.
Step 2. Decide On How Much Money You Need
Note: need, not want. Because if you think about what exactly you need this money for (like
a new house , or a new car, or a fantastic holiday, etc.), you may realize that you don’t really
need “a million dollars”, you need a very specific sum of money.
In the same way, if you are trying to manifest “financial freedom” make sure you know what
that means to you.
How much money is that a month/a year? What will you spend it on?
So take some time to think about it, make a spreadsheet if you need to, come up with a
specific number and write it down.
I have developed several powerful techniques that can be used to do exactly that.
For example, the Financial Faucet, which teaches you to love money (without thinking it’s
evil), and the Positivity Autopilot program which melts away negative programming about
money like an ice cube in the sun.
You can access these (plus more) in Law of Attraction Origins: Your Personal Source Of
Limitless Power.
The basic rule of the Law Of Attraction: Like Attracts Like. So how are you
going to attract money if you have a mindset of a poor person? Acting wealthy doesn’t
mean that you have to spend a lot of money (that you don’t have at this point). It just
means that you can allow yourself to window shop for expensive things, plan amazing
holidays, treat yourself to small luxury things every once in a while.
Experiment with several different wordings and choose the affirmation that strikes a special
chord with you. Repeat it into the mirror every day
Keep it in your bedroom or office, and let it fill you with excitement and good feelings each
and every time you see it. For people who are more moved by images than words,
When you picture yourself enjoying the financial success that is to come, try adding multiple
sensory experiences into the visualization. What can you smell? And what can you hear?
What does the money (or the object you’ve bought with the money) feel like in your hands?
Use your whole body to build, and believe in, the visualization.
You can also try visualizing from multiple perspectives, seeing yourself from outside your
body in some visualizations. This is the visualization technique that works best for athletes
who are honing their physical skills
Money has a special smell you just don’t find anywhere else, and the trick is to make sure
you’re thinking positively when you smell it. You might try saying your affirmation when you
smell money and get into the mindset of appreciating the money you know is in your future
(rather than yearning for the money you think you don’t yet have).
The ideal money for this exercise is a crisp, new note, but all money carries at least some of
that distinctive scent.
Always write in terms of what money offers you, not what it could offer you, so you’re
properly connecting with the reality of manifesting money. So, you might start with “Money
lets me travel to the place I want to see” then add “Money allows me to decorate my home
the way I’ve always wanted to” and “Thanks to money, I’m better able to help other people
and change lives.”
Write down as many positive statements as you can, then pin the piece of paper up where
you can easily see it every day
Each person’s reasons for gratitude will be different. The key is just to make a clearer
connection between your desire to make money and your conception of money as a
positive, good, generous force in the world.
So, in sum: for most people who want to manifest money, the reason why success doesn’t
immediately arrive is simple. The concept of money comes with a lot of baggage, and that
baggage can block your positive intentions!
In contrast, people who believe they can attract money will do so. For example, Bill Gates is
on record saying that he never actually doubted he would get rich and look at him!
Do you want to attract more money and wealth into your life? See our powerful quotes
about money and read the analysis to start attracting abundance today!
If you practice simple everyday techniques that slowly but surely transform your attitude to
money, you too can manifest the abundant life you visualize.