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Demonstration Enterprise of National

Consolidation of Industrial Foundation Program

专业 专注 创新 极致
Professional Concentrated Innovative Extreme

服务热线 400 116 2006


LKC Qingdao
ADD:No.36, Siyuan Road, Qingdao High- tech Industrial Development Zone, China
TEL:+86- 532- 55676157
Domestic E-
Overseas E-

本公司保留产品更改权,如有变动,恕不另行通知。 青岛力克川液压机械有限公司
We reserve the right to change our products without prior notice. 2018年第1版印刷 QINGDAO LKC HYDRAULIC MACHINERY CO.,LTD.
Contents Company 企业简介>>
企业简介 < 01 > Company Profile 山机械、桩工机械、路面机械、高端农用机械等行业的液压驱动装置的研发、制造、销售与服务。
力克川发展历程 < 02 > LKC Development Process 已形成大、中、小、微系列化发展格局,是液压驱动装置专业制造商。
战略目标 < 04 > Strategic Goals
力克川学院 < 04 > LKC College
程机械高端液压件及液压系统产业化协同工作平台成员单位”、 “国家知识产权优势企业”、“国
研发与试验能力 < 05 > R&D and Testing Capabilities
微型系列行走马达 < 06 > Micro Series Travel Motor

小型系列行走马达 < 07 > Small Series Travel Motor Qingdao LKC Hydraulic Machinery Co. ,Ltd, found in Qingdao national high-tech industrial development zone

中型系列行走马达 < 08 > Medium Series Travel Motor in 2006, is mainly engaged in R&D, manufacture, sales and service of hydraulic drive device of construction

闭式系统行走马达 < 09 > Closed System Travel Motor machinery, mining machinery, pilling machinery, road machinery, high-end agricultural machinery. The company

has researched and developed many types of travel devices and realized large, medium, small and mini-
微型系列回转马达 < 10 > Micro Series Swing Motor
serialization pattern. LKC Hydraulic has been a domestic professional manufacturer of hydraulic drive device.
中小型系列回转马达 < 11 > Small and Medium Series Swing Motor
The company won the honorary title of Key Products of National Consolidation of Industrial Foundation Program,
应用领域 < 12 > Applications
Demonstration Enterprise of One Package Application Plan, Member Unit of National Ministry of Industry and

Information Technology Construction Machinery High-end Hydraulic Parts and Hydraulic System Industrialization

Collaborative Work Platform, National High-tech Enterprise, and it has been the Advantage Enterprise selected by

CNIPA. The product of LKC was judged "Qingdao Famous Brand" and listed in the "National Machinery Customer

Satisfactory Product Directory".

Company 企业文化>>
愿 景:世界液压一流品牌
定 位:液压驱动装置专业制造商
价 值 观 : 专业、专注、创新、极致

Vision: World-class Hydraulic Brand

Orientation: Professional Manufacturer of Hydraulic Drive Device
Value: Professional Concentrated Innovative Extreme

LKC Development

2006 年 2007 年 2009 年 2010 年 2011 年 2012 年 2013 年 2014 年 2015 年 2016 年 2017 年 2018 年
2006年7月28日, 2007年6月, 2009年1月, 2010年4月,LMP 2011年7月,确立 2012年3月,与 2013年1月, 2014年3月,2.0T、 2015年7月28日, 2 0 1 6 年 3 月 , 确 立 2017年5月,
与上海交通 2018年9月,入选国家
青岛力克川液压机械 LTM18行走装置 LSM151回转装 柱塞泵研制成功。 “履带驱动装置专 韩国TIC株式会 力 克 川 成 为 36T行走装置研发成 战略营销委员会正式 “液压驱动装置专业 大学、上海工程技术大学 知识产权优势企业。
业制造商”战略发 建立产学研合作关系。
有限公司成立。 研制成功。 置、LTM40行走装 April 2010, LMP Piston 社签订战略合作 “工程机械高 功。 成立。 制造商”战略发展目 Establish the cooperative Was selected as the
Pump developed 展目标。
July 28, 2006, Qingdao J u n e 2 0 0 7 , 置研制成功。 协议。 端液压件及液 March 2014, 2.0T、 L K C H y d r a u l i c 标。 relationship with advantage enterprise by
successfully. July 2011, established 36T Traveling Strategic Marketing Shanghaijiaotong CNIPA.
LKC Hydraulic LTM18 T r a v e l i n g January 2009, March 2012, 压系统产业化 Established Strategic
Strategic Development Committee was University and Shanghai
Machinery Co., Ltd. D e v i c e developed device developed Development Objective—
LSM151 Swing Device、 signed strategic University of Engineering
Objective--Professional 协同平台”成 successfully. formally established on
founded. successfully. LTM40T r a v e l i n g 2010年11月, Manufacturer of Crawler cooperation July 28, 2015.
Professional Manufacturer Science. 9月,入选2018青岛
员单位。 of Hydraulic Drives. 9月, 成功研发
Device developed L6V80和L6V107 Drive Device. agreement w i t h 高科技高成长20强企
2008 年 successfully.
Korea TIC Co.,Ltd. January 2013,
became a member
成功。 of collaborative 生产线,建设智慧型 L S M 1 6 、L S M 3 4 、
LKC selected as the Top
2009年6月, 凯锐通销售公司成 自动化生产线”, 立技术研究所。
专家成立力克川研发 2008年3月, November 2010,
2012年6月, platform for high- 工厂。 LSM64 Swing device were 20 High-tech with great
L3V63柱塞泵研制 立。 end construction 2015年5月投产运 The Institute of Technology developed successfully. potential Enterprises of
中心,其中总工程师 LSM64回转装置、 L6V80 and L6V107 3.5T、4.5T、 FMS Intelligent flexible was established LKC in
成功,力克川新厂 September 2011, machinery hydraulic 营。 12月,入选国家工信部 Qingdao in 2018.
享受国务院特殊津 Piston Motor developed 5.5T行走装置 production line was Sep 2016.
LTM22行走装置研 Guangzhou Crystal components and introduced and an “工业强基工程一条龙
区落成并迁入。 successfully. July 2014, started
贴,是研究员级高级 制成功。 Sales Company 研发成功。 industrialization of Intelligent Factory was 应用计划示范企业”。
founded. to meditate on the 1 0 月 , 成 功 研 发
June 2009, L3V63
June 2012, 3.5T、 hydraulic system. built. 1 0 月, 成功研发 It is selected to be a
March 2008, LSM64 program of automatic LTM135行走马达。
Piston Pump developed 2010年12月,成 Demonstration Enterprise
Swing Device, 4.5T、5.5T Traveling high-end hydraulic LSM10、LSM18回
December 26, 2006, successfully, LKC
功申请7项授权专 2011年10月,通 of National Consolidation LTM135 Traveling device
employed five senior LTM22 Traveling device developed 2013年11月, production line, 成功研发LSM24回 转马达。 of Industrial Foundation
moved into the new 过ISO9001质量管 expected to put it into developed successfully.
engineers from Device developed factory. 利。 successfully.
北京凯锐斯通 转马达。 LSM10、LSM18 Swing
Program and One
理体系认证。 operation in May2015. Package Application Plan
Aerospace Ministry, successfully. December 2010, LSM24 Swing device device was developed in Dec, 2017.
October 2011, 工程机械设备
established R&D successfully applied w a s d e v e l o p e d successfully. 12月,荣获青岛市名
Center,the Chief
2009年11月,6T for seven Issued passed ISO9001 有 限 公 司 成 2 0 1 4 年 9 月 , 力 克 successfully.
2008年10月, quality management 牌,获批青岛市企业技
Engineer is Senior 挖掘机主阀、系列 Patent. 立。 川学院成立。 12月,入选国家高新
LTM09与LTM07 system certification. 术中心。
Engineer,received 先导阀研制成功。
November 2013, September 2014, LKC 技术企业。 Won the honor of
Particular Subsidy of Beijing Crystal College founded.
November 2009, 2011年12月,与 Selected as a High-tech Qingdao Famous Brand,
the State Council. 回转装置研制成 Construction approved as a Qingdao
MCV for 6T excavator 美国明尼苏达大学 enterprise successfully in
Enterprise Technology
功。 M a c h i n e r y Dec.
and Series Pilot 建立技术交流平 Center.
Valves developed Co.,Ltd founded.
October 2008, LTM09 台,与浙江大学构
and LTM07 Traveling 建产学研基地。
Device, LSM30 Swing
December 2011,
Device developed
established the
successfully. technical exchange
platform with
Minnesota University,
building research
base with Zhejiang

02 03
Strategic 战略目标>> R &D and Testing
力克川液压以工程机械领域积累十二年的液压技术为基础,不断创新、发展、精益求精,力争成为 钻研,让实力立足前沿;探索,始于梦想源于责任。
Based on the accumulation of 12 years in the field of the hydraulics for Construction Machinery, keep innovating, developing
and improving, LKC strives to become an international hydraulic system integrator and service provider.

第一阶段 The First Stage:

Oriented in Construction Machinery market, independently researched seven
series and more than thirty kinds of hydraulic products

第二阶段 The Second Stage:

形成中、小、微系列化格局,成为液压驱动装置专业制造商 为提升核心竞争力,公司建立了国际一流实验室、无尘总装车间,引进了FMS智能柔性生产线、智
Gearing to the needs of Mining, Coal Mine and Construction Machinery,
focuses on the research and development of Travel and Swing Device, and
becoming professional manufacturer of Track Drive Device 能数控机床、精密检测中心等先进的加工及检测设备;2014年7月投资1.2亿元建设的“高端液压件自动

第三阶段 The Third Stage: 化生产线”,于2015年5月投产运营,致力于将产品性能和品质提升至世界先进水平。

发展成为液压系统集成制造商与服务商 In order to improve the core competitiveness, the company established world—class laboratory, dust—free assembly room
Cooperating with professional hydraulic components manufacturers and the and introduced advanced processing and testing equipments, for example, FMS, intelligent CNC lathes and high precision
machinery manufacturer all over the world, develops into a hydraulic system
integrator and service provider
testing center. The company invests more than 20 million dollars into construction of automatic high—end hydraulic

production line in July 2014 and put it into operation in May 2015 to improve the product performance and quality to the

LKC advanced level of the world.

C ollege 力克川学院>>

To promote the developing strategy of LKC Hydraulic Machinery Co.,Ltd,

LKC College was established on September28, 2014. It will be the whampoa
military academy of internal talents training as well as the training base of
professional high-end hydraulic technology.

学院愿景 Vision:
Train high-end excellent hydraulic talents.

学院使命 Mission:
To create “single-stop-type” intelligence platform of high-end hydraulic training.

学院价值观 Teaching mode:

Honest Devotion Innovation Excellence Perfection.

04 05
微型系列行走马达 Micro Series Travel Motor 小型系列行走马达 Small Series Travel Motor
产品介绍 Product introduction 产品介绍 Product introduction
本产品为马达与减速机一体的行走装置。由双排量轴向柱塞马达、行星减速器 本产品为马达与减速机一体的行走装置。由双排量轴向柱塞马达、行星减速器
组成。马达内置防反转阀、停车制动装置及高低档转换装置。特点:传动比 组成。马达内置防反转阀、停车制动装置及高低档转换装置。特点:传动比
大、结构紧凑、效率高、可靠性强、体积小、运行平稳、噪音低等。 大、结构紧凑、效率高、可靠性强、体积小、运行平稳、噪音低等。
Travel motor: This product is a traveling device integrated with motor and reducer. It consists of a double displacement axial piston motor Travel motor: This product is a traveling device integrated with motor and reducer. It consists of a double displacement axial piston motor
and a planetary reducer. There is a built-in anti-reverse valve, parking brake device and high and low shift device in the motor. and a planetary reducer. There is a built-in anti-reverse valve, parking brake device and high and low shift device in the motor.
Features: large transmission ratio, compact structure, high efficiency, high reliability, small size, stable operation and low noise. Features: large transmission ratio, compact structure, high efficiency, high reliability, small size, stable operation and low noise.

技术参数 Specifications 技术参数 Specifications

型号 最大理论输出扭矩 最高工作压力 最高输出转速 适用吨位 型号 最大理论输出扭矩 最高工作压力 最高输出转速 适用吨位

(N.m) (Mpa) (r/min) (T) (N.m) (Mpa) (r/min) (T)
Model Model
Max Output Torque Max Working Pressure Max Output Speed Applicable Tonnage Max Output Torque Max Working Pressure Max Output Speed Applicable Tonnage

TM02 1500 24.5 75 ~ 1.5 TM07 10500 31.5 50 ~7

TM03 2100 24.5 70 ~ 2.0 TM09 11500 31.5 50 ~9
TM03A 2900 24.5 50 ~ 3.5 TM10 13700 27.5 50 ~ 10
TM18 16900 31.5 60 ~ 12
TM04 4200 24.5 55 ~ 4.5
TM22 22000 31.5 55 ~ 15
TM06 6300 27.5 55 ~ 6.0
TM30 30000 31.5 30 ~ 18

安装参数 Parameters 安装参数 Parameters

型号 TM02 TM03 TM03A TM04 TM06
Model 型号 TM07 TM09 TM10 TM18 TM22 TM30
A 33 33 40 40 40
A 50 50 50 50 50 50
B 86 86 102 102 102 B 106 106 106 116 116 116
C 140 150 165 165 180(200) C 210 210 210 246 246 246
D 175 190 215 215 246(266) D 268 280 280 308 308 308
E 140 160 190 210 230 E 250 265 265 324 324 324
F 155 180 215 232 262 F 282 300 300 364 364 364
G 175 200 238 255 288 G 306 326 326 394 394 394
H 45 40 50 70 75(68) H 68 80 80 100 100 100
I 43 58 48 48 48 I 78 78 78 87 87 87
J 58 74 68 68 88(63) J 109.5 149 149 118 118 118
K 200 227 252 280 340 K 356 362 362 414 414 488
L 9-M10 12-M10 11(9)-M12 12-M12 12-M14 L 12-M14 12-M14 12-M14 15-M16 15-M16 15-M16
M 155 170 192 192 220(240) M 244 250 250 280 280 280
N 8-M10 12-M10 11-M12 13(9)-M12 9-M14 N 12-M14 12-M16 12-M16 20-M16 20-M16 20-M16
O G3/8 G3/8 G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 O G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 G3/4 G3/4 G3/4
P G1/8 G1/8 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 P G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4
T G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 T G3/8 G3/8 G3/8 G1/2 G1/2 G1/2
详细尺寸参数以我司技术图纸为准。 详细尺寸参数以我司技术图纸为准。
Detailed dimension parameters shall be subject to our technical drawings. Detailed dimension parameters shall be subject to our technical drawings.
06 07
中型系列行走马达 Medium Series Travel Motor 闭式系统行走马达 Closed System Travel Motor
产品介绍 Product introduction 产品介绍 Product introduction
本产品为马达与减速机一体的行走装置。由双排量轴向柱塞马达、行星减速器 本产品为马达与减速机一体的液压行走装置。由双排量轴向柱塞马达、行星减
组成。马达内置防反转阀、停车制动装置及高低档转换装置。特点:传动比 速器组成。马达内置冲洗阀、高低档切换阀、外置驻车制动阀。特点:传动比
大、结构紧凑、效率高、可靠性强、体积小、运行平稳、噪音低等。 大、结构紧凑、效率高、可靠性强,体积小、运行平稳、噪音低等。
Travel motor: This product is a traveling device integrated with motor and reducer. It consists of a double displacement axial piston motor Closed system travel motor: This product is a hydraulic traveling device integrated with motor and reducer. It consists of a double
and a planetary reducer. There is a built-in anti-reverse valve, parking brake device and high and low shift device in the motor. displacement axial piston motor and a planetary reducer. There is a built-in flush valve, high and low shift valve, external brake
Features: large transmission ratio, compact structure, high efficiency, high reliability, small size, stable operation and low noise. control valve in the motor.
Features: large transmission ratio, compact structure, high efficiency, high reliability, small size, stable operation and low noise.

技术参数 Specifications
技术参数 Specifications
型号 最大理论输出扭矩 最高工作压力 最高输出转速 适用吨位
(N.m) (Mpa) (r/min) (T) 最大理论输出扭矩 最高工作压力 最高输出转速 适用吨位
Model 型号
Max Output Torque Max Working Pressure Max Output Speed Applicable Tonnage (N.m) (Mpa) (r/min) (T)
Max Output Torque Max Working Pressure Max Output Speed Applicable Tonnage
TM35 35000 34.5 50 ~ 20
TM03VB 3500 27.5 100 ~ 3.5
TM40 46000 34.5 50 ~ 25
TM04VB 5000 27.5 110 ~5
TM60 60000 34.5 50 ~ 30
TM09VB 9000 31.5 50 ~7

安装参数 Parameters
安装参数 Parameters
型号 TM35 TM40 TM60
A 108 108 108
B 300 300 300 A 210 210 210

C 370 370 484 B 268 268 268

D 402 402 450 C 244 244 244

E 440 440 492 E 210 230 250

F 470 470 530 F 245 260 265

H 98.5 98 102 G 288 286 300

I 130 130 94 H 70 85 80
J 132 132 96 I 153 146 146
K 543 548 554 J 356 356 362
L 30-M16 30-M16 18-M24 K 12-M16 12-M16 12-M14
M 340 340 440 L 12-M16 12-M16 12-M14
N 30-M16 30-M16 26-M20 P1/P2 1”-1/16-12UNF
O G1 G1 G1 Ps 9/16”-18 UNF
P G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 T 3/4”-16 UNF
T G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 Br 9/16”-18 UNF
详细尺寸参数以我司技术图纸为准。 详细尺寸参数以我司技术图纸为准。
Detailed dimension parameters shall be subject to our technical drawings. Detailed dimension parameters shall be subject to our technical drawings.
08 09
微型系列回转马达 Micro Series Swing Motor 中小型系列回转马达 Small and Medium Series Swing Motor
产品介绍 Product introduction 产品介绍 Product introduction
本产品为斜盘式直轴液压马达驱动的回转装置。马达内部装有补油阀、回转制动器、溢流阀 本产品为斜盘式直轴液压马达驱动的回转装置。马达内部装有补油阀、回转制动器、溢流阀等
等辅件,保证了回转装置运转平稳,安全可靠。特点:结构简单、体积小、噪音低。 辅件,保证了回转装置运转平稳,安全可靠。特点:结构简单、体积小、噪音低。
Swing motor: This product is a swing device driven by a swash plate type straight axis hydraulic motor. There are built-in Swing motor: This product is a swing device driven by a swash plate type straight axis hydraulic motor. There are built-in
accessories like oil filling valve, rotary brake and relief valve to ensure stable and safe operation of the swing device. accessories like oil filling valve, rotary brake and relief valve to ensure stable and safe operation of the swing device.
Features: simple structure, small size and low noise. Features: simple structure, small size and low noise.

技术参数 Specifications 技术参数 Specifications

型号 最大理论输出扭矩 最高工作压力 最高输出转速 适用吨位 型号 最大理论输出扭矩 最高工作压力 最高输出转速 适用吨位
(N.m) (Mpa) (r/min) (T) (N.m) (Mpa) (r/min) (T)
Model Model
Max Output Torque Max Working Pressure Max Output Speed Applicable Tonnage Max Output Torque Max Working Pressure Max Output Speed Applicable Tonnage
LSMN-10-10 627 21.6 60 ~2.5 LSME-30-19 2320 25 102 6~8
LSMN-16-21 1000 21.6 90 ~3.5 LSME-43-19 3320 25 102 6~8
LSMN-24-21 1399 21.6 100 ~5 LSME-64-19 4800 25 105 9~12
LSMN-34-23 2434 21.6 60 ~6 LSME-80-19 6050 25 105 13~16
LSMK-27B-10A 830 20.6 100 ~2.5 LSME-151-17 11022 26 113 20~23
LSMK-27B-16A 1270 20.6 100 ~3.5 LSMC-63-19 5760 29.4 115 ~12
LSMK-27B-23A 2040 20.6 100 ~6 LSMC-130-20 13400 32.4 92 ~20
LSMK-44B-21A 3480 24 82 ~8 LSMC-180-22 18640 32.4 84 ~25
LSMC-180-25 23480 32.4 67 ~30
安装参数 Parameters 安装参数 Parameters
型号 LSMN-10-10 LSMN-16-21 LSMN-24-21 LSMN-34-23 LSMK-27B-10A LSMK-27B-16A LSMK-27B-23A LSMK-44B-21A
Model 型号 LSME-30-19 LSME-43-19 LSME-64-19 LSME-80-19 LSME-151-17 LSMC-63-19 LSMC-130-20 LSMC-180-22 LSMC-180-25
A Φ193 Φ242 Φ248 Φ280 Φ242 Φ242 Φ248 Φ310
B Φ168 Φ210 Φ220 Φ250 Φ212 Φ212 Φ220 Φ275 A 200 200 200 200 310 200 310 345 380
C Φ110 Φ150 Φ175 Φ190 Φ150 Φ150 Φ175 Φ220 B 275 275 290 290 360 290 360 400 484
D 264 283 323 368 284 323 364.5 503
C 311 311 323 323 410 323 410 450 528
E 67 96 94 105 76 83 97.5 104
F 178 168 208 243 123 155 190.5 344 D 98.5 98.5 114.5 114.5 144.5 113 162 179 182
G 162 208 215 240 210 210 210 240 E 502 502 594.5 594.5 767 487 567 649 676
H 4-Φ13 6-Φ17 10-Φ17 8-Φ17 6-Φ15 6-Φ15 8-Φ17 8-Φ18
F 160 160 167 167 185 124.5 118 131 131
J 103 101.5 84.5 96 85 85 85 122
K 59.5 66.5 61.5 65.5 75 75 125.5 102.5 7-Φ18 7-Φ18 9-Φ18 9-Φ18 12- 9-Φ18+ 11-Φ22+ 13-Φ22+
G 14-Φ25
(Φ18) (Φ18) (Φ20) (Φ20) Φ22 1-Φ20 1-Φ24 1-Φ24
L 2-25.5 2-25.5 2-25.5 2-31 2-29.5 2-29.5 2-29.5 2-26
M 98.5 83 83 93 98.5 83 83 93 H G1/4” G1/4” G3/8” G3/8” G1/2” 2-Φ13 2-Φ20 2-Φ20 2-Φ20
N G3/8 G3/8 G3/8 G1/2 G3/8 G3/8 G3/8 G1/2 J G3/4” G3/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4”
O 2-G3/8 2-G3/8 2-G3/8 2-G1/2 2-G3/8 2-G3/8 2-G3/8 2-G1/2
K G3/4” G3/4” G3/4” G3/4” G1” G3/4” G3/4” G1” G1”
P G3/8 G3/8 G3/8 G3/8 G1/4 G1/4 G3/8 G3/8
Q 2-G1/4 2-G1/4 2-G1/4 2-G1/4 2-G1/4 2-G1/4 2-G1/4 2-G1/4 L G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4” G1/4”
详细尺寸参数以我司技术图纸为准。 详细尺寸参数以我司技术图纸为准。
Detailed dimension parameters shall be subject to our technical drawings. Detailed dimension parameters shall be subject to our technical drawings.

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微型系列行走马达 小型系列行走马达 闭式系统行走马达 中型系列行走马达 微型系列回转马达 微型系列回转马达 中小型系列回转马达 中小型系列回转马达

Micro Series Travel Motor Small Series Travel Motor Closed System Travel Motor Medium Series Travel Motor Micro System Swing Motor Micro System Swing Motor Small and Medium Swing Motor Small and Medium Swing Motor

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