STA 2023 CRN 81075 Fall 2021 Syllabus

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Florida Gulf Coast University

Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Instructor Information
Instructor: Brittany Eichler, M.S., Instructor I
Email: The Canvas email tool will be used to communicate outside of class. This tool can be
accessed by logging in to Canvas and selecting the Inbox tool on the left sidebar. Please
check daily!! Your emails should be answered within 24 hours.
Telephone: (239) 590-7543
Office: Modular 2, Room 11 (Modular 2 is in the Modular Village, location 910 on the FGCU
campus map).
Office Hours: Office Hours will be held virtually through Microsoft Teams on Tuesdays
from 10:45-11:45 am, Wednesdays from 2:00-3:00 pm, and Thursdays from 12:00-1:00
pm. Details can be found on Canvas>Modules>Course Resources> Office Hours page. Other
times available by appointment.

Course Number, Title, and Description

STA 2023 – Statistical Methods – Course offered by the Department of Mathematics in the
College of Arts and Sciences – 3 Credit Hours
Basic concepts of probability, data collection, organization and presentation, descriptive
statistics, parameter estimation for normally distributed r.v., confidence intervals,
hypothesis testing, and regression. Emphasis will be on developing conceptual
understanding, model selection, and interpretation skills.

MAT 1033 for level Undergraduate with minimum grade of C or MAC 1105 for level
Undergraduate with minimum grade of C or MAC 1147 for level Undergraduate with
minimum grade of C or MAC 2233 for level Undergraduate with minimum grade of C or
MGF 1107 for level Undergraduate with minimum grade of C or MGF 1106 for level
Undergraduate with minimum grade of C OR SAT Math Score 490 or MATH SECTION score
520 OR ACT Math 21 OR Accuplacer Algebra Subscore 090 or Mobius Alg &Pre-Calc Readi
Test 15 OR PERT Mathematics 123

College-Level Mathematics Skills requirement: This is a general education course in

mathematics that meets the College-Level Mathematics Skills requirement.

Meeting Times
This is a face-to-face course. You MUST attend the meeting time you are registered for.
Course and CRN Meeting Times and Locations
STA 2023 – CRN MWF, 12:30-1:20 pm, University Library Classroom 121
81075 Final: Monday, December 13th, 2021
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Required Materials
1) Access to a laptop or desktop computer that is compatible with the Pearson
Lockdown Browser. Instructions for how to download this browser can be found in
Canvas>Modules>Course Resources>How to Download Pearson Lockdown Browser

2) TI-83/84 graphing calculator. Calculators may be available for check out from the
FGCU library. You can also purchase them used from various retailers. You should
have access to your calculator every class.

3) My Math Lab (MML) student access code. You will have access to the course text as
an e-text through MML. When you register your MyMathLab account, make sure
your name matches your exact name as it shows in Canvas. There are two options
for gaining access to MML:

• Option 1: Go to Canvas>Modules>Course Resources>Pearson MyLab and

Mastering. Click any link on the page. Follow the directions to register and
purchase an access code.

• Option 2: Purchase an access code from the FGCU bookstore (18-week Access
Card, Author: Larson, Title: Elementary Statistics, Edition: 7th). Then, go to
Canvas>Modules>Course Resources>Pearson MyLab and Mastering. Click any
link on the page. Follow the directions to register and input your access code.

• Temporary Access Code: If you cannot purchase an access code within the first
week of class, go to Canvas>Modules>Course Resources>Pearson MyLab and
Mastering. Click any link on the page. Follow the directions to register and select
the option for a temporary access code. After two weeks, you will need to input
an access code that you purchased using one of the above options to continue
using MyMathLab.

Note: There may be differences in price for different options. YOU DO NOT NEED A
COURSE ID. If you are asked to input one you are on the wrong website.

You are welcome, but not required, to purchase a hard copy of the text: Elementary
Statistics, 7th edition, Author: Larson
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Course Topics
The chapters and sections are from the course text.
1. Chapter 1 Introduction to Statistics
a. Section 1.1 An Overview of Statistics
b. Section 1.2 Data Classification
c. Section 1.3 Data Collection and Experimental Design
2. Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics
a. Section 2.1 Frequency Distributions and Their Graphs
b. Section 2.3 Measures of Central Tendency
c. Section 2.4 Measures of Variation
d. Section 2.5 Measures of Position
3. Chapter 3 Probability
a. Section 3.1 Basic Concepts of Probability and Counting
b. Section 3.2 Conditional Probability and the Multiplication Rule
c. Section 3.3 The Addition Rule
4. Chapter 4 Discrete Probability Distributions
a. 4.1 Probability Distributions
b. 4.2 Binomial Distributions
5. Chapter 5 Normal Probability Distributions
a. Section 5.1 Introduction to Normal Distribution and Standard Normal Distribution
b. Section 5.2 Normal Distributions: Finding Probabilities
c. Section 5.3 Normal Distributions: Finding Values
d. Section 5.4 Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem
6. Chapter 6 Confidence Intervals
a. Section 6.1 Confidence Intervals for the Mean (sigma Known)
b. Section 6.2 Confidence Intervals for the Mean (sigma Unknown)
c. Section 6.3 Confidence Intervals for Population Proportions
7. Chapter 7 Hypothesis Testing with One Sample
a. Section 7.1 Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
b. Section 7.2 Hypothesis Testing for the Mean (sigma Known)
c. Section 7.3 Hypothesis Testing for the Mean (sigma Unknown)
d. Section 7.4 Hypothesis Testing for Proportions
8. Chapter 8 Hypothesis Testing with Two Samples
a. Section 8.1 Testing the Difference Between Means (Independent Samples, sigma Known)
b. Section 8.2 Testing the Difference Between Means (Independent Samples, sigma
c. Section 8.3 Testing the Difference Between Means (Dependent Samples)
d. Section 8.4 Testing the Difference Between Proportions
9. Chapter 9 Correlation and Regression
a. Section 9.1 Correlation
b. Section 9.2 Linear Regression
c. Section 9.3 Measures of Regression and Prediction Intervals
10. Chapter 10 Chi-squared Tests and the F-Distribution
a. Section 10.1 Goodness of Fit Test
b. Section 10.3 Comparing Two Variances
c. Section 10.4 Analysis of Variance
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate the following abilities:
1. Descriptive Statistics
a. Calculate and interpret the various descriptive measures for centrality and dispersion.
b. Determine potential outliers of data sets and understand how they affect the various
numerical measures.
c. Analyze and/or compare different sets of data using graphs, charts, tables, and numerical
measures, and write about them in clear and precise sentences using statistical
d. Organize and display data by means of various tables, charts, and graphs.
e. Define and use the basic terminology of statistics.
2. Inferential Statistics
a. Demonstrate at least a rudimentary understanding of basic sample and experimental
design (i.e. randomness, bias, etc.).
b. Understand and apply the Central Limit Theorem.
c. Estimate means and proportions using confidence intervals for one and/or two
d. Be able to perform hypothesis tests on means and proportions for one and/or two
populations. Determine and interpret p-values.
3. Fundamentals of Probability
a. Understand and apply basic rules of probability.
b. Understand and apply the Binomial Probability Distribution.
c. Identify the random variable involved in a statistical problem and distinguish between:
categorical vs. quantitative, discrete vs. continuous, and binomial vs. normal.
4. Normal Probability Distribution
a. Understand the Normal Probability Distribution and be able to determine appropriate
areas under a normal curve.
b. Use the Empirical Rule (68-95-99.7 rule) to find probabilities on mound shape
c. Using a histogram or normal probability plot, determine if a sample comes from a
normally distributed population.
5. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
a. Find and interpret the sample correlation coefficient (r) to determine the strength and
direction of the linear relationship between predictor and response variables.
b. Use scatter plots to determine if outliers are present and if data can be represented by a
simple linear regression model.
c. Find the simple linear regression model and be able to interpret the slope and y-intercept.
Predict values of y using the simple linear regression model.
d. Use r-squared to determine if a simple linear regression model is a strong predictor.
6. Non-Parametric Statistics
a. Understand when to use non-parametric statistics.
b. Apply a chi-square test. Interpret chi-square results.
7. Demonstrate competency in the use of technology, including graphing calculator and
statistical computer software as it applies to topics I – VI.
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Attendance: Regular and punctual attendance is expected. In case of an absence, you are
responsible for anything you miss, including notes, announcements, assignments, etc.
Students arriving late (you may not be allowed to attend class) or leaving early will be
considered absent.

An authorized absence is an absence due to participation in a sponsored activity that has

been approved in advance by the program director and the appropriate student affairs
officer. Such an absence permits the student to make up the work missed when practical or
to be given special allowance so that he/she is not penalized for the absence.

An excused absence is an absence due to other causes, such as illness, family emergency,
death in the family, or religious holiday. A student seeking an excused absence should
obtain documentation such as a physician’s statement, accident report, or obituary and
contact all instructors or the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. Valid documentation
does NOT include notes from your parents, roommate, etc. If you are seen at Student
Health Services, be sure to obtain a walkout statement to be used as valid documentation.

Class Conduct: You are expected to arrive on time and prepared for each class and conduct
yourself in an appropriate manner. There is no food allowed in the classroom. Please be
aware that your instructor may require that laptops, cell phones, or other devices be used
during class time or turned off and put away. If you become a source of disturbance or
delay during any class, you may be asked to leave. Removal from class will result in being
unable to turn in or complete assignments.

COVID-19 Information: Campus leaders continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and
are prepared to step up mitigation efforts as needed. Our best line of defense is you. For the
latest information regarding COVID-19 health and safety measures at FGCU, visit the
Protect the Nest Page at

It is strongly recommended that you follow these steps to decrease your chances of missing
class, work, research, athletic events, and other on-campus activities: Obtain a COVID-19
vaccination, wear a mask while in indoor locations and where social distancing is not
possible, make healthy choices regarding activities you participate in, complete the Veoci
app each day prior to coming to campus.

This class provides options for online attendance for students that need such an option. If
necessary, this class can transition to virtual synchronous format.

Student Observance of Religious Holidays: All students at Florida Gulf Coast University
have a right to expect that the University will reasonably accommodate their religious
observances, practices, and beliefs. Students, upon prior notification to their instructors,
shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic activity to observe a religious holy
day of their faith. Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up the
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
material or activities covered in their absence. Students shall not be penalized due to
absence from class or other scheduled academic activity because of religious observances.
Where practicable, major examinations, major assignments, and University ceremonies will
not be scheduled on a major religious holy day. A student who is to be excused from class
for a religious observance is not required to provide a second party certification of the
reason for the absence.

Make-Up Work: There are no make-ups for assignments that will be dropped or replaced.
Should you encounter more authorized or excused absences beyond what dropped and
replaced scores account for, you will need to bring valid documentation to your instructor
for ALL the absences including the ones that are dropped for a special allowance to be
granted. In the event a make-up is allowed, it will be scheduled for the last week of the
semester. If you miss a lot of class or assignments, whether as a result of authorized,
excused, or unexcused absences, you may need to withdraw from the course.

ALLOWED DROPS OR REPLACEMENTS. Dropped scores are not vacation days or a safety
net for failing assignments! They are meant to automatically take care of the small number
of excused absences that students typically accrue over the semester and/or technical
difficulties. Attend every day and complete every assignment that you can since you may
need the dropped scores for legitimate reasons (i.e., unavoidable absence or technical
difficulties) at some point.

Grade Disputes: If you believe a grade has been recorded incorrectly, you must contact the
instructor in a timely manner so the issue can be addressed.

Academic Behavior Standards and Academic Dishonesty: All students are expected to
demonstrate honesty in their academic pursuits. The university policies regarding issues of
honesty can be found in the FGCU Student Guidebook under the Student Code of Conduct
and Policies and Procedures sections. All students are expected to study this document
which outlines their responsibilities and consequences for violations of the policy. The
FGCU Student Guidebook is available online at

The use of unauthorized aids or resources, including but not limited to cell phones and
other smart devices, calculators, computation knowledge engines or apps, and work from
other individuals, on any assignment is PROHIBITED. The use of such aids constitutes a
violation of academic honesty. The first violation will result in receiving a zero on the
assignment and being reported to the Office of Student Conduct. The second violation will
result in failure of the course.

University Nondiscrimination Statement: Florida Gulf Coast University is committed to

ensuring equity and fairness for all University employees, students, visitors, vendors,
contractors and other third parties. As such, the University prohibits discrimination on the
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
bases of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sex (including sexual
harassment/assault), gender identity/expression, marital status, sexual orientation,
veteran status or genetic predisposition with regard to admissions, employment, programs
or other activities operated by the University. This prohibition extends to enforcement of
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Questions or complaints should be directed
to the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC). The OIEC’s phone number is
(239)745-4366; the OIEC email address is

Disability Accommodations Services: Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with

the Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide
classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you
need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your
academic performance is affected by a disability, please see me or contact the Office of
Adaptive Services. The Office of Adaptive Services is located in the Wellness Building. The
phone number is 239-590-7956 or Video Phone (VP) 239-243-9453. In addition to
classroom and campus accommodations, individuals with disabilities are encouraged to
create their personal emergency evacuation plan and FGCU is committed to providing
information on emergency notification procedures. You can find information on the
emergency exits and Areas of Rescue Assistance for each building, as well as other
emergency preparedness materials on the Environmental Health and Safety and University
Police Department websites. If you will need assistance in the event of an emergency due to
a disability, please contact Adaptive Services for available services and information.

Recordings of Courses: This course uses Microsoft Teams for audio and/or video
recording of live class sessions. This recording technology should be utilized for the sole
purpose of enhancing student learning. Student questions and/or comments may be
included as a part of any session being recorded.

Consistent with new Legislation most recently effective as of Jul y 1, 2021, a student may,
without prior notice, record (video or audio) a faculty lecture for the limited purpose of 1)
personal educational use, 2) for use in a complaint against the institution, or 3) for use as
evidence in a civil or criminal proceeding. Recordings for any other purpose (except as a
permitted accommodation) are not permitted. Recordings that are accomplished in such a
way as to cause disruption to the learning environment can be prohibited. Such a recorded
lecture may not be made public to a third party (i.e., publish) without the faculty member’s
prior, written consent. Moreover, students are expressly prohibited from recording any
other student in such a manner that personally identifies the student. Some
negligible/inconsequential recording of a student’s voice as a by-product of recording will
not be deemed a violation of a permitted recording.
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Course Assignments
In-Class Participation: Before class you are expected to read the section(s) in the e-text to
be covered in class and fill in the vocabulary sections of the corresponding section notes.
You can find the e-text in MyMathLab. You can find notes in Canvas>Modules on the section

During class you will be asked questions about the vocabulary. These questions are scored
based on correctness. You will also be asked questions about topics covered in class. These
questions will be scored based on completeness. Together, answering these questions will
count as the in-class participation grade for the day.

These questions are open note, you can ask for help when completing them, and sometimes
work with other students. These assignments are completed in class using polls in
Canvas>Conferences, Kahoot, MyMathLab, or using other technology. Please bring a cell
phone, tablet, or laptop to each class. You have to be in class to earn credit for these
assignments. To account for absences, your lowest three In-Class Participation scores will
be dropped.

Homework: Each section covered in class has a corresponding homework assignment. You
can find these assignments in MyMathLab, titled “Section #.# Homework”. You have
unlimited attempts for each question. You have the option to save your work and come
back to the assignments (i.e., you do not need to complete the assignment in one sitting).

Homework is due at 11:59 pm the day before the exam the section is covered on. For
example, section 1.1 is covered on Exam 1 and is due 9/12 at 11:59 pm. Homework can be
completed late for an 5% penalty by 12/17 at 11:59 pm. To account for technical and other
issues, your lowest three homework scores will be dropped.

Chapter Quizzes: Each chapter covered has a corresponding quiz. These quizzes are
designed to be used to help you prepare for your exams. You can find these quizzes in
MyMathLab, titled “Chapter # Quiz”. You have unlimited attempts on each quiz. You also
have the option to save your work and come back to the assignments (i.e., you do not need
to complete the assignment in one sitting).

Each quiz is due the day before the exam the chapter is covered on. For example, Chapter 1
is covered on Exam 1 and is due on 9/12 at 11:59pm. Chapter quizzes can be completed
late for an 10% penalty by 12/17 at 11:59 pm. To account for technical and other issues,
your lowest two quiz score will be dropped.
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Exams: Exams are meant to determine your understanding of course topics. Exams are
taken online in MyMathLab. You will need to install the Pearson Lockdown Browser to
complete this part of the exam. See Required Materials section of Syllabus or Canvas for
instructions. If you have already done this, you do not need to do it again.

The exams will open on 8 am and close on 11:59 pm on the exam due date. Once you start
the exam you will have 90 minutes to complete it. You must begin your exam by 10:29 pm
in order to have the full time to complete the exam. When taking the exam, you are
permitted to use any written or typed paper notes and a calculator. No other aids are
permitted. You are not permitted to look up answers.

Exam 1 is on 9/13 and covers Chapters 1 and 2

Exam 2 is on 9/29 and covers Chapters 3 and 4
Exam 3 is on 10/20 and covers Chapters 5 and 6
Exam 4 is on 11/15 and covers Chapters 7 and 8
Exam 5 is on 12/10 and covers Chapters 9 and 10

There is no class on exam days. Your lowest exam score is dropped.

Final Exam: The final exam is a cumulative exam meant to determine your understanding
of the course topics and student learning outcomes as detailed in this document. The final
exam is NOT optional and counts as its own grade.

Final Exam is on 12/13. The final exam is online and completed in MyMathLab. The exam
will open at 8 am and close at 11:59 pm. Once you begin the exam, you will have three
hours to complete it.

Your proportional score on the final can also replace your second lowest exam score if it is
higher. For example, let’s say you scored 70%, 82%, 64%, 90%, and 87% on your five
exams. You lowest exam score, 64%, is dropped. Then you score a 72% on the Final exam.
This means that your second lowest exam score, 70%, will be replaced with a 72%. Then
the four exam scores 72%, 82%, 90%, and 87% and the final exam score 72% will count
towards your final grade.

On the other hand, let’s say you scored 74%, 82%, 64%, 90%, and 87% on your five exams.
You lowest exam score, 64%, is dropped. Then you score a 70% on the Final exam. This
means that your second lowest exam score, 74%, will NOT be replaced. Then the four exam
scores 74%, 82%, 90%, and 87% and the final exam score 70% will count towards your
final grade.
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Extra Credit Assignments: Throughout the semester you will have the opportunity to
complete assignments that count as extra credit. These are the only extra credit
opportunities you will have. All extra credit assignments are optional except the
Attendance Assignment. Please complete any course work that is due BEFORE completing
any extra credit assignments. Extra credit assignments add bonus points to your exams.
The amount of bonus points added depends on the amount of points you earn on extra
credit assignments.

1) Attendance Assignment (Federal Financial Aid Requirement): As of fall 2015,

all faculty members are required to confirm a student's attendance for each course
by the end of the first week of classes. Failure to do so will result in a delay in the
disbursement of your financial aid. The confirmation of attendance is required for
all students, not only those receiving financial aid. This confirmation will be done
through Canvas using an assignment called “Attendance Assignment” and will be
due on 8/23 at 11:59 pm.

2) Lockdown Browser Assignment: You are required to have the Pearson Lockdown
Browser installed on the device that your will be taking exams on. Completing this
assignment allows you to download the browser and check to make sure it is
correctly installed. This assignment is due by 11:59pm on 9/6.

3) Chapter Review Assignments: Every chapter has a corresponding review

assignment. You can find these assignments in MML titled “Chapter # Review (Extra
Credit Assignment, Optional)”. You have unlimited attempts per question. You also
have the option to save your work and come back to the assignments (i.e. you do not
need to complete the assignment in one sitting). These assignments are due at 11:59
pm the day after the exam the chapter is covered on.

4) Surveys: During the semester you may be asked to complete surveys about the
course. These assignments can be found in Canvas tilted “Survey #”
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Course Grade
The course grade is based on the scale below. Within one-half of a percent or above will be
rounded up.
• A = 90%-100%
• B+= 88%-89%
• B = 80%-87%
• C+ = 78%-79%
• C = 70%-77%
• D = 60%-69%
• F = 59% and below

Percent of grade each assignment is worth:

• In-Class Participation (drop lowest three scores)……………..…………………………..20%
• Homework (drop lowest three scores)……………………….………….….……………....…20%
• Chapter Quizzes (drop lowest two scores)…………………………………………………....10%
• Exams (drop lowest score)…..…..…………………………………………………………………..35%
• Final Exam (cannot be dropped) …...…….………………………………………….……………15%

The last day to drop the course without academic penalty is 5:00 pm on 10/28. If you
decide it is necessary to drop the course, it is your responsibility to do so; the instructor is
not authorized to drop you from the course. For more academic term dates:

Course Help
In general, address any problems you encounter in the course right away. Whatever the
problem is, the sooner you inform the instructor, the more likely they will be able to help
you. Office hours are weekly scheduled times where you can ask questions and seek
assistance with the course. Office hours are basically free tutoring with your instructor!
You do not need to ask permission to come to scheduled office hours or limit yourself on
how many times you attend.

For other tutoring services:

Center for Academic Achievement (
Department of Mathematics: MathDeptTutoring (

Technology Support:
If you encounter technical difficulties with MML please contact Pearson technical support

Information to assist students is available online at

Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Student Health and other Concerns
In addition to being students you are also human beings with lives outside of school. It is
understood that there are times in your life when due to illness or other circumstances
your school work may not take top priority or suffer. It is extremely important that you
seek the help that you need AND keep your instructors informed that there is a situation.
You do not need to inform your instructors about the details of the situation, just that there
is one.

Student Health Services: , Phone: 239-


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides free counseling and therapy
services (including psychiatry) to all FGCU students. Please call CAPS at (239) 590-7950,
Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to schedule an initial contact
appointment. Visit the CAPS website at
for more information. CAPS offers a 24/7 Helpline at (239) 745-3277 ( EARS) Prevention
and Wellness Center: , Phone: (239) 745-4204, Email:

Dean of Students: , Phone: 239-590-7900

Any of these can provide you with help and other resources in addition to providing you
with documentation for your instructors. If your instructors are aware that there is a
situation, then they can be flexible with due dates and work with you to achieve an optimal
situation. You need to inform your instructors PRIOR to assignment due dates. It is fair for
instructors to allow you to complete assignments after due dates if necessary, but it is not
fair to allow multiple attempts on assignments that normally do not allow for this. If you
wait until due dates have already passed and assignments are already completed, then your
options become limited and the longer you wait in the semester the more limited your
options become.

Note: While I will work with you and provide you with extra help and opportunities to
succeed in light of any extenuating circumstances, I absolutely will NOT provide you with
grades you did not legitimately earn or “go easy” on assessing your academic performance.
Personal struggles do not entitle you to a grade you did not earn. You will still be held
to the same academic standards as everyone else in the course. When you received the
course syllabus and elected to stay in the course, you acknowledged the course
expectations and agreed to meet them. The decision to persevere in the course or not is
yours to make.
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statistical Methods
Fall 2021 CRN 81075
Course Calendar (Monday/Wednesday/Friday)
Key: HW=Homework due dates, CQ=Chapter Quiz due dates, #.#=Section covered in class
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
15 8/16 17 18 19 20
22 23 24 25 26 27
1.1 & 1.2 1.2 & 1.3 2.1
29 30 31 9/1 2 3
2.1 2.3 2.4
5 6 7 8 9 10 Catch-
No Class No Class 2.5 up/Review
12 CQ 1&2 13 14 15 16 17
HW1&2 Exam 1 3.1 3.2
19 20 21 22 23 24
3.3 4.1 4.2
26 27 Catch- 28 CQ 3&4 29 30 1
up/Review HW3&4 Exam 2 5.1
3 4 5 6 7 8
5.2 5.3 5.4
10 11 12 13 14 15
6.1 6.2 6.3
17 18 Catch- 19 CQ 5&6 20 21 22
up/Review HW5&6 Exam 3 7.1
24 25 26 27 28 29
7.2 7.3 7.4
31 11/1 2 3 4 5
8.1 8.2 8.3
7 8 9 10 Catch- 11 12
8.4 up/Review No Class No Class
14 CQ 7&8 15 16 17 18 19
HW7&8 Exam 4 9.1 9.2
21 22 23 24 25 26
9.2 No Class No Class No Class
28 29 30 1 2 3
9.3 10.1 10.3
5 6 7 8 Catch- 9 CQ 9&10 10
10.4 up/Review HW 9&10 Exam 5
12 13 14 15 16 17
Final Exam

*The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the course syllabus at any point
throughout the semester. You will be informed by email with an updated syllabus updated.

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