Banner Year For 2 Multi-Manager Stalwarts: JANUARY 20, 2021
Banner Year For 2 Multi-Manager Stalwarts: JANUARY 20, 2021
Banner Year For 2 Multi-Manager Stalwarts: JANUARY 20, 2021
Sharpe ratio of 10. It also had no down months, and its maxi-
Confluence Off to Dazzling Start mum daily loss was just 1.7%.
Opportunistic proprietary-trader Confluence Global Capital The firm was up a gross amount of 14.1% in March and
is laying the groundwork to take in outside capital after gaining 27.2% in April, demonstrating downside protection as the pan-
triple digits in the startup’s first 12 months. demic rattled economies around the world. Ross and his team
The New York firm started trading with $25 million of part- finished the year with gross gains of 13.4% in October, 20.7% in
ner contributions in January 2020 and went on to record an November and 12.7% in December.
unlevered, gross gain of 155.4% through December. The show- Industry participants called the result impressive, at the
ing translates to a 122.2% net increase. same time cautioning that such outsized gains will be much
While Confluence’s total assets are unknown, it plans to more difficult to achieve with similarly low volatility as the
accept its first limited partners once its proprietary capital firm’s asset base grows.
increases to $150 million. How long it will take to reach that Ross has been pitching the idea that Confluence specializes
threshold hinges on the firm’s performance. in grinding out risk-adjusted returns, like other multi-strategy
The end goal for Confluence is to create a multi-manager fund operators.
model. The firm’s managing member, former First New York “To employ a baseball analogy: rather than strive to hit
partner Andrew Ross, is looking to combine in-house traders home runs, we strive for a high batting average in order to pro-
with limited-partner exposures to outside hedge fund manag- vide a more stable and consistent return profile,” Ross wrote.
ers, as well as private equity-style fund investments and related “We hate losing money far more than we enjoy making it and
co-investments. consider our trading processes to be inherently less risky than
Ross formed Confluence in July 2019 with partner Craig more concentrated and static investment philosophies.”
Gorman, a fellow first New York alumnus. The two have since Quantitative algorithms that use alternative data sets add a
shaped the firm’s operations and trading strategies. The build- high-frequency element to many of the firm’s trades. Indeed,
out included the February 2020 hire of Brooks Barge, also from the proliferation of money managers turning to alternative
First New York. data now fuels the price of a given financial instrument more
The startup’s investment team now has nine staffers, with than ever before, Ross wrote.
more hires in the pipeline. Indications are that Confluence has “We believe the proliferation of this real-time data, com-
identified a commodities trading-team that it plans to bring on bined with market participants’ unabashed impulse to thrust
board in the first half of 2021. asset prices in whatever direction this information dictates,
Confluence currently invests in outside managers via an has ushered in a new regime of short-termism and short-term
internal fund of funds called Confluence Global Capital Part- price dislocation,” he wrote.
ners Fund. Barge, a Confluence partner, heads that effort. Before forming Confluence, Ross ran his own family office in
The infrastructure for incoming Confluence investors is still New York. Before that, he spent more than 13 years in increas-
under development. In addition to the fund of funds, Con- ingly senior investment roles at First New York.
fluence would offer limited partners exposure to its in-house
strategies via additional vehicles and separate accounts.
Those market-neutral strategies include trading a highly
Industry Critic Launches Hedge Fund
diverse mix of assets on more than 50 exchanges around the Noted hedge fund critic Simon Lack has begun incubating
world. There is a heavy quantitative component to many, but a hedge fund.
not all, of Confluence’s trades. Wagers include stocks, foreign- Lack, who for years provided seed and acceleration capital
exchange instruments, cryptocurrencies and commodity to hedge funds as a J.P. Morgan executive, only to later knock
futures ranging from electricity to metals and grains. the industry for what he called its high fees and meager returns,
The idea is to “identify short-term price inefficiencies that said he formed the new fund because he secured a commit-
drive unmatched results,” Ross wrote in a letter sent today to ment from an accredited investor not affiliated with his invest-
prospective investors. The approach is often manifested in ment advisory firm, SL Advisors.
quick trades that play out in niche, under-the-radar markets. That required him to submit a Form D regulatory filing with
The majority of those trades are based on a catalyst that Conflu- the SEC. He did so on Jan. 12, classifying the vehicle as a hedge
ence has identified. The strategy employs elements of global- fund.
macro investing, along with arbitrage plays. Lack’s Low Vol Hedged Fund runs an equity strategy simi-
The fund of funds recently did due diligence on an undis- lar to one he employs in a separate account at his Westfield,
closed manager that specializes in investing in cattle as a N.J., firm. Through the separate account, Lack invests in div-
commodity. Confluence also has explored the viability of a idend-producing stocks while taking a short position in the
quantitative strategy that would bet on the outcome of sports S&P 500 Index. The strategy, a substitute for a portion of an
games via Nevada gambling operations. investor’s fixed-income allocation, lost 11.6% in the first 10
Perhaps as notable as Confluence’s 2020 gain is the fact that months of last year — the latest data available — compared
the firm achieved it with minimal volatility in especially frothy with a 6.5% loss for the HFRX Equity Market Neutral Index
markets. Confluence finished the year with a standout average See CRITIC on Page 5
Equity at
Portfolio managers, Launch
Fund Management company Strategy Service providers Launch (Mil.)
DGV Dynamic Fund Jonathan Havice Equity: systematic, Jan. 1
Domicile: U.S. DGV Solutions, relative value and
See Page 5 Minnetonka, Minn. tactical trading
THE GRAPEVINE did even better. The firm’s assets have Kamensky tried to suppress bidding on
rebounded to about $12 billion, up shares of bankrupt retailer Neiman Mar-
... From Page 1 from $6.4 billion in early 2019. cus so he could buy them himself. Before
joining Marble Ridge in 2016, Casey
initially focused on the systematic Moore Capital spinoff Mane Global has filled investor-relations or sales posts at
trading of futures and exchange-traded hired an analyst as it continues to build King Street Capital, J.P. Morgan, Bank
funds from 2012 to 2016. In between, he staff ahead of a planned $1 billion of America and Morgan Stanley. New
was head of systematic macro trading launch. Raymond Li joined the New York-based Governors Lane, led by Isaac
at Marshall Wace from 2017 until this York firm this month from the National Corre, managed $1.8 billion of gross
month and head of research at Florin Basketball Association, where he had assets at yearend 2019. Its Governors
Court Capital from 2016 to 2017. Prior to worked in a global strategy role since Lane Master Fund gained 15% in 2020.
his first stint at Millennium, Fischhoff 2017. Li previously was an investment-
spent time at Vienna-based FTC Capital banking analyst at Evercore. Mane, led DGV Solutions hired an investment
and at Geneva-based Pictet. Millennium, by former Moore Capital portfolio man- professional and expects to announce
headquartered in New York, has $46.7 ager Rami Abdel-Misih, plans to launch a new head of investor relations next
billion under management. this year with backing from Moore month after parting ways with two
founder Louis Bacon. It will employ a employees. Simon Liedtke was brought
Brevan Howard Asset Management has low-net strategy to invest in the stocks on as a trading analyst after recently
hired a former ExodusPoint Capital of consumer and technology companies completing graduate school, the Min-
staffer as a trading operations manager worldwide. netonka, Minn., operation wrote in an
in New York. Seth Cohen started last investor update last week. Co-head of
month. He was a business manager Event-driven manager Governors Lane trading Tom Madden and managing
in ExodusPoint’s global fixed-income has installed Bill Casey as head of director Michael Warsh are no longer
division from 2018 until September. investor relations. Casey, who started with the firm. Their plans are unknown.
Cohen’s previous employers include this month, previously served as chief Co-head of trading Joseph Richardson
HedgeServ and Morgan Stanley. Bloom- operating officer at Marble Ridge Capital, takes over as sole head of trading. Mad-
berg reported this month that Brevan which shut down late last year following den arrived in 2014 from Walleye Capi-
Howard’s main fund gained 27.4% last the arrest of founder Dan Kamensky on tal, while Warsh joined in 2016 after
year, its best showing since 2003, and charges of fraud, bribery, extortion and working in a business-development role
that other funds run by the manager obstruction of justice. Prosecutors allege at the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
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