Orange Book
Orange Book
Orange Book
There is no revenge to take, just live the life you want, and do it for yourself.
People won’t invest in you just because you claim you believe in yourself.
It’s not comfortable to hang out with more talented people, but that’s how you grow fastest.
Own assets that go up in value, including your mind, or people will own your life.
People trust you once you have trustworthy vibes. Take care of yourself.
Beware of “friends” who spend their time hating everybody, you’re next.
If you can’t control your emotions, you will keep getting “unlucky.”
Don’t blindly follow your passion. Risks have to be calculated with a clear worst-case scenario. Be
smart, be pragmatic.
The faster you face the uncomfortable truth, the faster your growth can begin.
The best education system has already been invented, it’s called the Internet, you still have to do the
heavy lifting yourself.
Nearly no one cares about you unless you are rich, smart, talented, or good-looking.
Whether you like it or not, the world revolves around what sells. It’s all about money and power.
Throw away your ideals and pride, you will have to make short-term concessions and sacrifices.
Don’t assume you know better because you’re older. In a fast-moving society, experience isn’t always
an asset.
The best thing about financial freedom is the ability to significantly decrease your interactions with
people full of drama.
Don’t focus on building connections, become the person people want to connect with.
Maturity is also when you realize that no one has time to think about you.
If your plan is “someone will come and save me,” you better start thinking of a real plan.
People suddenly dislike you once they realize they can’t manipulate you.
Society will admire you for being “different” once you are rich, until then you are just weird.
You attract your own kind whether you like it or not. Change yourself, change your friends.
People will take advantage of you as long as you let them. Draw clear boundaries.
It’s no coincidence that people who spend their time criticizing others also achieve nothing.
Every time you feel like making fun of someone’s dream, ask yourself why you are still insecure.
You don’t like your salary, start your own company, you will get what you deserve.
Most people don’t listen to what you say, they only hear what they want to hear.
Don’t waste your time with people who don’t respect you, that’s basic self-respect.
A sign of success:
The longer you keep compounding your good habits, the “luckier” you get in life.
If you can retain your humility whilst piling up achievements, you are unstoppable.
Choose to stay fit, not because people might judge you on your appearance,
but because life is much more fun when you have self-confidence in your own body.
One decision can change the course of your life, but only good habits will make it sustainably better.
Don’t force other people to learn it the hard way just because you did.
If you had access to the Internet in the past ten years, that was enough privilege to completely change
your life, the rest is just excuses.
You start getting luckier the day you realize that no one is coming to save you.
No one will trust you as long as you lack emotional control. As it should be.
Don’t stay average just because that’s how you fit in.
Overthink less, listen to your gut feeling more. You will avoid a lot of drama.
Reality doesn’t care about what you want, it only cares about the amount of well-directed efforts you
put in.
The first thing you should do when you dislike someone for no reason, is to ask yourself if you aren’t
just jealous.
Hating people who are doing better than you is a sign of current and future failure. Smart people learn
from others instead.
Be honest with yourself, you get the people you deserve, life will get better.
No one cares about your “potential” once you are past your early twenties, people want results.
Pursue goals that go far beyond yourself and you will wake up excited and happy every day.
Don’t take it personally when someone disrespects you, that’s just the way they treat themselves too.
The art of getting luckier is the art of focusing more on your life.
Hang out with people who are genuinely happy for you when you succeed. They are rare.
The world is full of talented and smart people who never achieve anything.
A sign of immaturity:
Shaming someone because they have different beliefs won’t change their mind.
Educate instead. With facts, not opinions.
Just because many people have been lowering their standards doesn’t mean you should too.
You attract more opportunities once you are calm, because no one wants to deal with people who lack
emotional control.
Becoming who you thought you could never become, that’s also success.
People who are good at predicting their future are simply good at thinking in decades.
Not wasting time with people who don’t respect you is self-respect.
A great relationship requires two people who aren’t scared of being disliked by each other.
The simplest way to get rich is to help someone much more talented succeed,
but the average person wants to think they’re special too, and has too much ego to do that.
A sign of maturity:
You stay respectful whether you like someone or not.
Surround yourself with people with high standards, and your life will naturally get better.
1) “I don’t know.”
2) “I don’t care.”
3) “No.”
People suddenly treat you well once you have money and influence.
You almost have to pretend to live an average life if you want to reveal their true nature.
Most people don’t bother learning about their body until they have health issues, and that’s too late.
Stop claiming you want to help people if you can’t even take care of yourself.
The most difficult part of becoming wealthy isn’t making money, it’s to unlearn the scarcity mindset.
Results are inevitable if you consistently keep the promises you make with yourself.
Reading a great book is also how you re-learn how to focus for a few hours on one single task.
You either draw clear boundaries, or people will attempt to abuse your generosity.
If people keep calling you “lucky,” keep going, you are doing it right.
One book won’t change your life, the habit of reading will.
A great motivator for financial freedom: you will no longer have to deal with people full of drama.
Never assume someone wants to spend time with you just because you want to spend time with them.
Interesting people are usually busy.
Stop assuming you understand anyone, you don’t even understand yourself.
You start attracting happy people once you are happy alone.
You don’t deserve more because you worked harder. Don’t expect society to be fair. Learn the rules,
and bend them.
The best relationships: two people who don’t need each other, but who want to spend time together.
What the average person sometimes considers “a waste of time” or “stupid” is what you need to do to
build a better life:
Reading, writing, exercising, teaching for free, ideas-driven conversations, traveling, plenty of sleep,
meditating, fasting, smiling more often.
Live abroad, and you will finally notice your own narrow-mindedness.
Success is when you’ve found that one thing that makes you wake up every morning excited about the
day you are about to spend.
Attracting opportunities is 0% luck, 100% putting yourself out there and taking risks
You start growing once you stop caring about looking cool and impressing others.
Fix your anger issues and most of your relationship issues will naturally vanish.
It’s often not a lack of intelligence or talent, but a lack of emotional control.
People will call you names as soon as you don’t behave as they want.
Most dramas disappear once you hang out with smarter, more thoughtful people.
Success is also a measure of how much time you spend at peace with yourself.
Apparently, if you have money but don’t help people, you are selfish,
but if you have money and help people, it’s either not enough, or you just care about “feeling
Don’t be so well “educated” that you lost your basic common sense.
Intermittent periods of idleness nurture your creativity. Don’t be busy all the time.
All your relationships get better the day you have the intelligence to question yourself instead of
Take more risks, live a more interesting life, you will naturally attract more interesting people.
Most hate is actually just jealousy.
You will always feel like there is too much to do and not enough time.
Writing every day for several years is the secret behind clarity and eloquence.
Sometimes, someone decides to dislike you, and everything you say becomes ill-intentioned, and that’s
not your problem.
Difficult books make you feel like you’re stupid, but you actually get smarter.
As you should.
You’d be surprised with how many opportunities you attract by just smiling more genuinely and more
Lack of growth is lack of the courage to push your limits and fail.
Don’t lower your standards just because you’re making some people feel uncomfortable.
Smart people always seem playful because that’s all they’re doing indeed, playing.
People who make fun of other people’s mistakes subconsciously think that the whole world is
monitoring their blunders too,
You only realize how insignificant most of your worries are once you have health issues.
Most people have no money when they start investing, the secret is called getting a job and saving.
People will help you if they like you, it’s that simple.
People don’t dislike you for a few words you mistakenly said,
they secretly disliked you from long ago, and finally found a convenient pretext.
You think you are different until you write online, and realize there are tons of other people who can
@pankajgayki7 Experience.
There are way too many unconfident, but talented young people who give up before even trying.
It’s okay to be “realistic,” but at least for once in your life, it’s wise to be “foolish” and give it your all,
and make sure you have no regret.
Anxiety disappears once you’ve figured out a meaningful way to express yourself.
Catch yourself whenever you are about to criticize someone, and ask yourself what you are secretly
jealous about.
People will say they are disappointed if you are not becoming who they want you to become. That’s
not your problem.
Being kind and letting people take advantage of you are two different things.
No one can help you if you don’t believe in your own growth.
Give up on trying to change people, you can only inspire them to strive for better through your own
The secret to marry a thoughtful, attractive, smart person, is to become one first.
You are the only person who remembers your embarrassing moments, no one else cares.
Success is when you earn the lifestyle you want by doing what you enjoy.
because they only need one bad day to potentially ruin years of efforts.
Being rude is like screaming to the whole world that you are unhappy.
Bad days are not a good excuse to interrupt your good habits.
If your conversations don’t fill you up with positive energy, you are around the wrong people.
Keep it quiet once you are wealthy, you are not attracting friends, only opportunists.
Stop hanging out with people who are scared of seeing you grow.
Funny how people who think it’s too late to start at 30 were thinking the same at 20,
and how they will keep thinking the same at 40, 50, and beyond.
Travel more.
You will realize that the world is full of thoughtful and kind people,
and you will no longer waste any time with rude and self-centered people.
The people you choose to hang out with determine your future.
Everyone becomes a philosopher once they are financially free. You naturally think more clearly when
you are not busy.
Not cutting off people who disrespect you is a sign of low self-esteem.
No one can hurt you with words if you have full control over your own mind.
You will naturally attract more interesting people once you have more ambitious goals.
Most online anger would disappear if people just hit the gym more often.
People who dislike you always find a way to twist what you say.
You look back on what you said or did ten years ago, and you cringe.
Ten years from now, you will look back on today, and cringe again.
Don’t act stupidly just because you feel lonely, anxious, or tired.
If you are never lucky, question your process, not your luck.
Most people think they lack talent or intelligence. They actually lack courage.
Two people who respect and listen to each other instead of living in their own mind and making
You start being a good person the day you stop pretending to be one.
No one cares about you if you have nothing to offer, as it should be.
Stop waiting for someone to come and save you, and you will start attracting more opportunities.
There is no glory in playing games you cannot win. Focus on your strengths.
You are rich when you don’t need to work for anyone.
Don’t take advantage of someone’s generosity just because they don’t know how to say no.
People will naturally help you when they see that you are doing your best for your family.
There are a bunch of smart people who never achieve anything because they think too much and don’t
act enough.
Don’t waste your time explaining yourself, people speak the language of results.
If you are lazy, take risks and work hard for a decade to get financially free, then spend the rest of your
life leisurely.
success is mostly about smart time management and knowing your strengths.
Life gets significantly better once you stay away from people who constantly complain.
You are rich if you have time to leisurely read books without any specific purpose in mind.
You will never start anything if you always wait until you feel fully ready.
You can understand at which stage of life someone is by listening to them talk about their parents.
People want early financial freedom but they also call you irresponsible for making risky investments.
You don’t need more than a few months to get in good physical shape,
but you do need at least a few years to get in good mental shape.
You are responsible for your own happiness, stop blaming others.
Conversations with hundreds of people from all cultures and backgrounds are the most fun part of
It takes years to start getting results, but then they all come at once. Life isn’t linear.
Life only gets better if you are truly thinking and acting long-term.
Success attracts success because people trust you more when you don’t need anything from them.
You will get what you want once you’ve become someone who deserves it.
Pushing yourself a bit more every day for many years. That’s it. That’s growth.
You no longer feel the need to make fun of anyone once you are truly self-confident and happy.
You grow faster once you get rid of your pride, stop being scared of looking stupid, make more
mistakes and learn.
No one is going to hold your hand and tell you exactly what to do.
You don’t deserve more just because you chose to do it the hard way.
You won’t grow if you are scared of leaving your old self behind.
A common mistake: assuming you know better because you are older.
No one cares about what you have to say until you get impactful results.
Stop expecting people to read your mind, everyone is busy, just make yourself clear.
Many mental health issues disappear once you eat and exercise more properly.
Hating everything and complaining all the time. Both are signs of personal failure.
Long-term success requires consistency of results, and it’s impossible to achieve without proper
emotional control.
The less you have achieved,
but you can change the people you have around, by changing yourself.
Go live abroad.
Build long-term relationships with people who see the world differently.
People change.
read between the lines, respect their choice, and give up.
Better be rejected for who you are than liked for who you are not.
Most people don’t struggle to reach their goal, they struggle to understand what their goal is.
and those who get excited and do it precisely because it’s hard.
Everyone suddenly wants to help you once you are already successful.
Healthy relationships all boil down to one principle: respect people’s time.
Fear of rejection disappears once you realize most people barely remember you.
All your relationships improve once you are no longer scared of being disliked.
Simply raise the standards of your habits, you will change the quality of your life.
Question yourself every time life feels too comfortable. You might be stagnating.
Learn to relax.
Occasionally fast.
You naturally help other people once you are self-confident, because you understand there is no
You will naturally attract more interesting people once you show more ambition.
It’s impossible to build healthy relationships as long as you don’t know how to be happy alone.
Life becomes more fun after you’ve learned how to manage your anxiety and stay calm.
An Internet connection + being able to read English + investing a few hundreds of dollars + good
judgment + patience.
These were sufficient to reach financial freedom throughout the past ten years.
Wealth is also when you no longer have to do things you don’t want to do.
A lot of drama could be avoided if more people just learned how to not react.
The simplest way to get a job you love is to create it for yourself.
Long-lasting relationships require two people who never stop renewing themselves.
You always feel great after a few hours of focused, productive work.
stop judging.
Life gets so much simpler once you stay away from manipulative people who love mind games.
A sign of happiness:
You don’t understand the importance of good health until you wake up sick.
Proper diet, proper workout, proper sleep, proper education, aren’t everything.
People underestimate the impact of meaningful relationships when it comes to mental health.
You will never regret spending more time with people you love.
Every single successful person will tell you to go for it, because they all know you don’t know until you
People won’t respect you more because you give away your time for free, quite the opposite.
The best conversations happen when both people talk about what they’re passionate about.
A great friendship:
Two people who inspire each other to become the best version of themselves.
Boredom is impossible if you are playing life at the right difficulty level.
Motivation naturally comes after you clarify what you want to do.
Many people settle for someone they don’t even love, that’s disrespectful for both sides.
People are much more likely to trust you when they feel you don’t need them. Self-confidence attracts
Good habits are how you make your bad days less bad.
People have time for you once you have something valuable for them.
It’s funny how people tend to respect less the people closest to them, when they should precisely do
the opposite.
If you don’t know, just say so, insecure people might mock you, but mature people will respect you.
Stop assuming you know better than whoever you are talking to, all your relationships will naturally
You’d be surprised by how much help you can attract just by being a decent person.
Interesting people are just people who focus on their own life.
There will always be someone richer, smarter, cuter, stronger, freer, more influential than you.
It’s about closing the gap between who you are and who you could be if you put in the effort.
Just because you feel some sort of connection with someone doesn’t mean they feel the same.
Anxiety is the gap between who you are and who you think you should be.
Whatever your goals are, you are more likely to succeed if you are supported by a loving family.
Either be clear about what you want, or don’t be surprised if people cut you off.
You will attract a great spouse once you are in a happy relationship with yourself. Vibes don’t lie.
Remember the people who helped you when everyone else pretended you didn’t exist?
Pay back your debts before you start thinking about saving the world.
You can never go back to a “normal” life once you’ve tasted financial freedom.
You should be too busy living the life you want to yell online at strangers you will never meet.
The best friendships involve two people walking towards the same vision through independent paths.
The day you start taking something for granted is the day you start losing it.
Learning what you want and growing at your own pace is one of the highest privileges.
If you refuse to take risks, don’t expect those who do to share the rewards.
From experience, if you don’t know where to begin, start figuring out how to help your family, you will
suddenly attract luck.
It’s healthy to step back once in a while, and re-think what you want to do with your life.
People who won’t stick to a routine because it’s “boring” never achieve much.
The best conversations involve two relaxed people who are having fun at listening to each other.
Whenever you feel the urge of criticizing someone else’s life, that’s the signal.
You want to make a gift to your future self, increase your standards.
People build this image of you in their mind and get offended when you differ from it.
Don’t complain about the rules, either become a better player, or switch to another game.
Step 1: Invest in your character, become someone you would like to hang out with
Step 2: Secure your finances, learn to invest, learn valuable skills, build long-term
Step 3: Pay back debts, appreciate time with people you love, don’t screw up
The first thing you should do once you’ve made it: help people who helped you succeed when you had
Most people expect too much from others and not enough from themselves.
You can’t teach someone who is convinced they are smarter than you.
Do it because you want to do it, not because you want to show anybody.
Learning is fun.
Traveling is fun.
Investing is fun.
Working out is fun.
Writing a book is fun.
Starting a business is fun.
Hanging out with family and friends is fun.
Learning from people from all around the world is fun.
You don’t want money to buy stuff you don’t need in order to impress people who don’t even care
about you,
you want money to buy the freedom to spend each day doing what you love surrounded by people you
You don’t deserve more just because you have a difficult past.
You cannot control the labels people put on you, but you can certainly control your reaction.
Spend less time telling what you’re gonna do, spend more time doing it.
You want something from someone, make it clear right from the beginning, don’t waste their time with
mind games.
The more you challenge yourself every day, the better you feel.
No, it’s not too late to start, you are not that important, don’t take yourself so seriously. You want to
try something new, do it.
You naturally get luckier once you care more about other people.
A plan is useless if you become emotional the very moment you need to stick to it.
Relax, most people will barely remember you, let alone your mistakes.
You will never get smarter if you are scared of looking stupid. Try, fail, learn.
My definition of success:
The only people who are genuinely happy when you succeed:
your parents, or self-confident people who already have everything they want.
You can start studying with just a few hours of free time.
The only person who will pay you to do what you love on your own terms is you.
Forget about saving the world if you can’t even take care of your health.
Stay humble, assume you might be wrong, you will thank yourself in the future.
The right person automatically shows up once you became the right person.
All your other problems “disappear” when you have health issues.
People don’t even understand themselves, but somehow assume they understand you.
The faster you got it, the faster you’ll lose it. Sustainable wealth takes time.
The common point between all the happiest people I know: they’re physically active.
You get paid for your good judgment more than for your hard work.
You won’t be happier once you’ve reached all your goals, so relax, take it slow, enjoy the process.
Wisdom is about knowing the worth of what you have when you still have it.
Great friendship:
Two people who don’t need each other, but who consistently learn from each other.
In doubt, pay attention to those who aren’t trying to sell you anything, who don’t need your money,
who don’t care about you being convinced.
People will abuse your kindness if you don’t learn how to say no.
You only need self-discipline in the beginning, then it just becomes effortless, good habits.
Most people expect too much from others and not enough from themselves.
Life gets better for people who believe it will. Because they make the effort to make it happen.
Only blame yourself if you didn’t invest ten years ago. Fortunately, you get a second chance today, you
can thank yourself in ten years.
Don’t expect anyone to make efforts for you if you don’t make any effort for yourself.
The more self-reliant and independent both sides are, the better the relationship.
The people who are genuinely happy for you when you succeed are very few.
If you need to make an important decision but feel emotional, wait till the next day.
More successful people simply made more mistakes than you’ve made attempts.
Investing is simple.
The older you get, the less people care about your potential, the more they only care about results.
Hang out with smarter people, they don’t take things personally, there’s less drama.
few have the courage to buy when there’s blood in the streets.
You will struggle to grow as long as you can’t handle time alone.
Once your body is used to working out every day, it’s actually more tiring not to.
If you’ve never committed to anything for at least one decade, you don’t know whether you have any
You become luckier the day you stop thinking of yourself as a good person, and become one instead.
Avoid giving financial advice: if it works out, they congratulate themselves, if it doesn’t, they blame
People don’t care about what you have to say until you get results. As it should be.
The way you treat others is the way you treat yourself internally.
You’ve never heard of most of the happiest people out there, and never will, because they’re smart
enough to treasure their privacy.
The most valuable personal assets are health and peace of mind.
Reading books compounds in invisible ways. Once you take notice, your life has already changed.
The day you realize life never happens exactly according to plan, you overthink less, you trust your
intuition more.
Writers are just people who chose to type down their loud inner voice.
in a relationship,
in a professional activity,
in an entrepreneurial journey,
A job is meaningful when you help people and see the change in their lives.
Great conversations only require two people who care more about listening than talking.
You are already living the life you want if you started ten years ago.
You can still live the life you want ten years from now if you start today.
Success is mostly vision + commitment.
Financial freedom starts once you stop being scared of losing money.
You grow faster once you stop taking yourself too seriously.
If your friends don’t encourage you to strive for a meaningful life, get better friends.
A walk every day keeps the body relaxed, the mind clear, the soul at peace.
You want to be judged exclusively on your ideas, stay anonymous, keep your life private.
Seek to be yourself.
Success is simple.
You take all the energy you used to spend on criticizing others.
You spend it all on improving yourself and creating value for others.
Fasting is free.
Smiling is free.
Writing is free.
Reading is free.
Exercising is free.
Meditating is free.
Being grateful is free.
Going for a walk is free.
Breathing properly is free.
Showing compassion is free.
Spending time with people you love is free.
Life gets harder and harder for people who refuse to learn.
You will understand what you truly want after you got everything you thought you wanted.
You can make tons of efforts for years with little to show for,
When you watch a foreign movie after learning the language, it’s a whole new movie.
When you read a book after experiencing more of life, it’s a whole new book.
When you start spending your days with more gratitude and love, it’s a whole new life.
If you are surrounded by people you love who love you, you are wealthy.
You get better results once you learn to be calm and detached.
Everyone is human.
Everyone is flawed.
Maturity is when you don’t even remember the last time you felt “embarrassed.”
You don’t deserve more just because you had a more difficult past.
Stop expecting people to read your mind. All your relationships will suddenly improve.
The best relationships involve two people who know how to be happy alone.
You are most attractive when you are having fun with life.
Underrated privilege:
You were already very lucky if you were born in an English-speaking country.
The best time to invest is when people are still making fun of it.
There’s a big difference between being patient and passively waiting.
You are neither smarter nor wiser just because you are older.
you mostly get rewarded during the 9th and 10th years.
Growth is the reward for those who choose to do things because they are hard.
Working out every day is no big deal when you respect yourself.
The best thing you can do for people who believe in you is to get results.
To be loved, love.
To be calm, trust.
To be happy, help.
You learn more in one year of entrepreneurship than in five years of a comfortable job.
You shouldn’t be risk-averse in your twenties. That’s the best time to fail and learn.
People understand what they want to hear, not what you mean.
You won’t be attractive as long as you don’t have a clear purpose and visible results.
You start thinking more clearly the day you realize no one owes you anything.
You save a lot of time once you hang out with smarter people.
You no longer have time to worry once you are busy taking action.
There’s no winner in most conflicts, just two people who waste their time.
Life will get messy regardless of how much you plan ahead, so stop overthinking.
Don’t expect people to wait for you if you refuse to move on and grow.
A sign of intelligence:
Save yourself before you start thinking about saving the world.
Once you have money, you better keep a low profile if you don’t want to become everyone’s bank.
Relationships are most sustainable when they involve people who don’t need each other to be happy.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you to make the effort to be better.
The magic pill is called better habits, better diet, better relationships.
It’s funny to see more and more people in their twenties wondering if it’s too late to start anything.
you just need to enjoy the way you spend your days.
Just start.
Funny how you are most likely to be depressed when you either have nothing you want or everything
you want.
I’ve always found people who value their family more trustworthy.
You don’t have time to plot against others when you are busy taking care of the people you love.
Most people underestimate how much they can learn from their parents.
Success is when you wake up every day full of energy because you love what you do.
Funny how the more you focus on your life, the luckier you get.
People were too scared of taking risks when you did, then feel entitled to your rewards.
Before your success, keep a low profile, don’t go around telling everyone about your plans.
After your success, keep a low profile, not everyone is happy for you.
The day you realize life doesn’t happen according to plan, you stop overthinking the details.
Wealth is less about working hard and more about compounding right decisions.
A happy relationship requires two people who are in a happy relationship with themselves.
No one cares about how lazy you are if you get results at the end of the day.
Being a nice guy and being a good person are two different things.
Everyone suddenly loves you once you are rich and influential.
Your true friends are those who helped you succeed when you had nothing.
You can learn a lot about someone just by listening to how they talk about their parents.
The fastest way to get what you want is to pay the price.
The country where you were born shouldn’t define the opportunities you have access to.
they will only help you figure things out by yourself, just like they did.
Ironic that the less you care about something, the more of it you get.
No one cares if you took ten years to create something no one needs.
No one cares if you took one month to create something everyone wants.
At the end of the day, it’s about the value you create for people.
Your integrity.
Don’t let people who disrespect you live rent-free in your head.
Never forget the people who helped you get where you are. Pay back your debts first.
Self-doubt never stops, you just learn to not let it stop you.
You don’t have time to hate once you’ve found a meaningful purpose.
You get rewarded when you work hard in the right direction.
Excessive comfort will make you physically weak, mentally insecure, and spiritually empty.
As long as you don’t love yourself, you will struggle with all your relationships.
People tend to overestimate what they deserve, and underestimate the amount of efforts required to
get there.
You will never feel like working for someone else again once you’ve experienced financial freedom
The quality of your vibes is the quality of the people you attract.
Smart people read from the perspective of the writer, not their own.
People who consistently catch opportunities are those who constantly learn when they don’t need to.
Stop wasting your energy on people who won’t appreciate your efforts.
the only meaningful thing left to do is to help others get what they want.
Stop comparing yourself to people who started ten years before you.
You can have everything you need and still be unhappy if you don’t know how to appreciate it.
There is no point discussing with someone who already decided to not change their mind.
Hang out with people who aren’t scared of saying, “I was wrong.”
You often get your best ideas whilst thinking about how to help others.
The fastest way to get rid of some people is to let them believe they’ve won.
Don’t bother justifying yourself to people who already decided to dislike you.
Don’t wait until you have health issues to question your habits.
Don’t be different for the sake of being different, just connect with your true self.
Step 1: Figure out what you love, where you have potential, what you can do for others
Step 2: Be diligent on your efforts, think long-term, act every day, stick to it for a decade
Step 3: Be rewarded way beyond your initial expectations, realize it was all about the journey
Being funny and making fun of someone are two very different things.
You will be hated for minding your own business, because success attracts envy.
There are “smart and talented” people who lack self-confidence and won’t even try.
There are also “average” people with almost irrational self-confidence who change the world.
The most productive people are the ones who struggle the most internally.
The common point between all the talented and self-confident people:
Every second you spend arguing with a rude stranger online is a second not spent with someone you
Get your priorities straight, use the block button more often.
Many people will attempt to discourage you if you are walking an unconventional path.
Every time you start taking life too seriously, it’s time to step back and self-reflect.
Growth is natural once you are surrounded by friends who constantly seek to learn.
If it’s not going to make their day or their life better, don’t say it.
The price of a lifetime of freedom is a decade of hard work and smart decisions.
You become an entrepreneur once you get tired of waiting for someone else to solve your problem.
It always looks simple when you are not the one doing it.
You want to help your kids, start by treating your spouse with love and respect.
People will help you if they like you, it's that simple.
It’s possible to disagree and still stay respectful. It’s even highly recommended.
Everyone occasionally thinks about giving up. The key is to not do it, take a break, come back stronger.
If you never have moments of self-doubt, you are in the comfort zone.
A great conversation requires two smart, self-confident people who won’t spend their time attacking
each other’s weaknesses.
People tend to underestimate the impact of your birthplace on the opportunities you have access to.
That’s one of the most important life lotteries.
It’s okay to change your opinion about someone if that person changed.
Just because you have nothing to hide doesn’t mean you shouldn’t value your privacy.
Painful rejection is what most people need to wake up and start living.
Re-reading what you wrote a few years ago is always a startling experience.
Be unapologetically yourself.
They are focused on their lives and won’t conspire against you.
People who work towards their dreams tend to help and support others.
The way you talk about people says more about you than about them.
The older you get,
and the more you believe in “sticking around for long enough.”
All the happiest people I know are busy working on a personal project they love.
Raise the standards of your relationships, and suddenly, most dramas disappear.
Some people will never appreciate you regardless of what you do.
The secret:
be so focused on your own efforts that you no longer have time to feel envy.
The first thing you should do before criticizing someone else is to look at your own life.
The less you care about who’s reading,
Life gets better once you have higher standards for yourself.
You are successful when you love to help younger people reach their goals faster than you did.
You rarely hear from people who have everything they want because they’re smart enough to
True friends will tell you the short-term painful truth if it can lead to your long-term success.
But one day, you will look back, and realize it was one of the best habits you've ever learned.
No one successful is looking down on you, they’re all busy figuring out their own lives.
Reasons why it’s easier to get richer once you are already rich:
1) You can take more bets because you can afford to fail
2) You can take years off, educate yourself at your own pace, see the bigger picture
3) You can think, act, create long-term and focus on what you love
“I don’t know.”
Life rewards people who stuck to the long-term vision they started ten years ago.
There are tons of smart people who never reach their goals,
Becoming wealthy and staying wealthy require two very different sets of skills.
Working out is as much about fitness and physical health as it is about mental health.
but you learn so much more when you talk with younger or older people,
Never wait for someone else to make your choices for you.
A sign of success:
People who change the world are those who were unafraid of changing themselves.
A great teacher makes you question yourself whilst building up your self-confidence.
Peace of mind requires being surrounded by adults who can take care of themselves.
Your health, your character, your desire to learn. These are amongst your most valuable assets.
The first person you should question when you disagree is yourself.
A sign of intelligence:
You don’t constantly jump on any opportunity to react and act offended.
Many people never fix their anxiety because they neither want to question their habits nor their
You are successful if you wake up every morning excited about the upcoming day.
Entrepreneurship accelerates personal growth because you don’t have a choice but take responsibility
for your results.
Long-term, people who have high standards for themselves get rewarded.
Kids nowadays can learn more from Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, than from most schools.
People underestimate how much their life can change with two or three years of focused, intelligent
Going for a walk every day when you have a creative job is work.
Working out every day to maintain a clear mind for a job that necessitates long-term good judgment is
work too.
You are responsible for the life your future self will live.
Wealth is also about being surrounded by people you love who love you.
You naturally become happier once you wake up every morning knowing you are building something
useful to others.
A sign of humility:
Become the person you want to work with. You suddenly attract business opportunities.
The best teachers don’t lecture you about how you should think.
All the money in the world cannot compensate for the meaningfulness of a loving family.
It’s never too late to change the direction of your life if you don’t enjoy it.
What most people call talent is consistency of efforts over several decades.
Read to think, not to memorize.
A sign of self-confidence:
No one cares about how smart you sound, real life isn’t school anymore.
Great friendships require two self-confident people because you can’t trust someone who’s constantly
plotting in their head.
Entrepreneurship is the fastest way to connect all the dots about how society works.
It’s harder to teach someone when they’re convinced they already know everything.
You are educated once you appreciate quiet time alone with your own mind.
You suddenly think more clearly once you stay away from people who don’t make sense.
Clear thinkers are just honest people not in conflict with themselves.
No one knows what you can or cannot do, not even the current you.
Crazy how everything suddenly gets better once you focus on your life.
Losing a lot of money teaches you that it’s still just money, and that life continues.
You suddenly get luckier once you became the kind of person who helps others without second
Don’t use the word “friend” if you can’t fully be yourself around them.
Hang out with driven people who aren’t scared of trying new things and failing.
You know someone is meant to be in your life if your conversations fill you up with positive energy.
Living a simple, private life surrounded by thoughtful people you love, that’s the secret of happiness.
Growth happens naturally once you love doing the hard things.
Don’t go around discouraging others just because it didn’t work out for you.
If no one ever looked at you as if you were crazy, you can probably be more ambitious.
The first thing smart people do when they disagree is ask themselves where they might be wrong.
Self-confidence naturally appears after you became the person they said you could never be.
Growth involves looking at yourself objectively, identifying behaviors you dislike, and unlearning them.
then you will have all the time you need to figure out what success means to you.
Success is mostly about clear thinking, deep focus, and intelligent risk-taking.
Writing is the art of releasing the internal pressure caused by overthinking.
Growth is immediate once you start taking responsibility for your actions.
It’s healthy to occasionally step back when you start taking life too seriously.
Self-confidence is just a side effect of successfully doing what you once thought you couldn’t do.
- a walk
- enough sleep
- some laughters
- some sweating
- mindful time alone
- some creative endeavor
- some meaningful conversation
Self-confidence is when you no longer feel the need to prove anything to anyone.
Your circle of friends will likely change as you grow, because not everyone is ready to move on.
Don’t waste time with people who aren’t ready to change their beliefs.
the harder you work to achieve financial freedom and exit the race.
You don’t need to be a genius,
you just need to see the world in a way that no one else can.
You suddenly become more attractive once you are having fun with life.
Being free to spend time with people you love on your own terms is another sign of success.
Don’t shy away from uncomfortable conversations. They make you grow.
The secret to win when the rules are stacked against you: invent and play another game.
Your level of financial freedom today reflects the quality of the investments you started ten years ago.
You think you will be happy once you are smart, attractive, rich, talented, loved,
so stop hurrying so much, and slowly enjoy the process of reaching your goals.
It means you updated your worldview and got smarter, as you should.
You accelerate your growth by surrounding yourself with people who can respectfully disagree.
You are most attractive when you think clearly and know what you want.
No one cares about you until you bring value on the table.
Happy people are people who eat well, sleep well, exercise well, invest well.
Most people don't fix their diet and don't exercise until they have health issues.
They don't appreciate enough their family and friends when they are still around.
You don’t have time to worry when you are focused on meaningful work.
You don’t have time to tear people down when you are busy building yourself up.
Health is unpredictable.
Some people learn faster when under pressure, others when totally relaxed.
Freely learning what you want at your own pace is another form of peace.
It’s much simpler to be patient once you have a financial safety net, so just build it first.
You will always have a good excuse to start later. Just don’t listen to yourself.
Writing about yourself is the art of teaching yourself who you are.
We live in a world where you literally just need to buy a great asset and wait for a decade to build
but most people still don’t get rich because they wanted to get rich quick.
Have a dream bigger than yourself and you will naturally attract interesting people.
they are working towards some clear long-term vision whilst appreciating what they have.
Money buys freedom from people who bring no value to your life, and more quality time with people
who do.
You learn best when you are relaxed and enjoy what you are doing.
You want to get rich, either create something valuable, or invest in people who do.
Not caring about crypto is like not caring about the Internet twenty years ago.
Signs of self-respect:
and you somehow have more energy for the rest of the day.
Anxiety is the gap between what you are meant to create and what you are actually creating.
True education is the art of becoming less entitled, more grateful, more useful.
You will feel at peace once you stop taking things personally.
You don’t need to be ready, you just need to stop overthinking and start.
Books can help connect the dots, but you still have to do the thinking yourself.
and the more you understand the importance of good decision-making and long-term thinking.
Success is when you wake up every day around people you love doing what you love.
You want to change your habits and unlearn your conditioning, move abroad.
Missing out on opportunities you could have caught hurts more than trying and failing.
People who are bitter and cynical are just confessing they aren’t living the life they want.
Most people underestimate how much they can achieve in just a few years.
Nowadays, it’s all about who knows how to leverage the Internet better.
You can’t save people, but you can help them save themselves.
Money at least buys some time to figure out what happiness means to you.
What you think you can do doesn’t matter until you do it. Don’t live in your mind.
Catching opportunities consistently is about learning skills five or ten years before you actually need
You want to reach your full potential of clarity, learn how to relax in the midst of uncertainty.
It’s often faster to just do it instead of overthinking whether you can do it.
Time spent with people you love is always time well spent.
Consistently starting when you don’t feel like it. That’s the talent.
A sign of wealth:
You can choose exactly who you spend your time with.
Everyone is a critic until they are busy creating their own thing.
You grow fastest when you aren’t scared of making mistakes in public.
Staying calm when things aren’t working in your favor is how you turn the tide.
Retiring doesn’t mean you stop working, it means you can finally spend more time on what’s
meaningful to you.
Learn to not react to people who don’t make sense. That’s a superpower.
You repeat.
That’s life.
No, you are not perfect as you are, keep up your efforts and good habits.
Giving up is way easier than working hard without seeing immediate results.
Stay around people who fill you up with positive energy. That’s the secret.
Being good at studying and being able to create value for society are two different sets of skills.
Many of the calmest people were actually struggling with anger until they realized it was a waste of
time and energy.
Self-confidence appears after you close the gap between who you are and who you think you should
When it comes to relationships, trust your gut feeling. If the vibes feel off, you are likely avoiding a
Fitness is simple, you just need to not skip your workout even when you don’t feel like it.
If you need to make others feel small in order to feel big, fix your insecurities.
The first conversation with a stranger is almost always interesting and educative.
Lifelong friends are those with whom it stays that way even after a decade.
Become someone who genuinely seeks to help, and life will help you.
If you never fail, it’s time to get out from your bubble of comfort.
You think you will be happy once you have money, love, friendships, good looks, influence, knowledge,
then you finally acquire the wisdom to understand that you could have been happy all along.
Making the effort to stay calm even when life pushes you around,
but it is a small price to pay considering the people you will now attract.
Stop worrying about whether you are offending people, just state the truth respectfully.
You will get more self-confident once you have achieved, at least once in your life, what you initially
thought you couldn’t do.
The most successful people aren’t trying to get richer or more famous,
they just want to work on some interesting projects that improve people’s lives.
Learning to relax the mind is the art of keeping the body healthy.
The fastest way to relax the mind is to push the body with a workout.
“Home” is where people stop asking you where you are “really from.”
Most dramas disappear once you hang out with smarter friends.
100% of the people who are living the life they want took the risk of failing and wasting years.
Success is as much about courage as it is about wits.
Tell people you were just lucky and they will leave you alone.
You become an adult once you understand that no one owes you anything.
The younger you are, the bolder you should be when it comes to taking risks and investing.
If more and more people want to see you fail, you’re onto something, keep going.
The first thing smart people do when they disagree: understanding the other perspective.
Authorities are scared of independent thinkers who can’t be bought with money.
the more you understand the value of anonymity and keeping your life private.
Making fun of others is a common way for unhappy people to distract themselves from their own
Taking offense only means you have too much free time.
Staying calm in the face of adversity is another sign of intelligence.
You get smarter once you are financially free because you have so much more time to think and
connect the dots.
You won't be "happy" once you've reached all your goals, only bored, so give yourself difficult ones.
Crazy how the more you mind your own business, the more successful you become.
That’s success.
If someone rejects you, stop feeling entitled to their attention, have some self-respect, get a life, and
move on.
Seeking conflicts with strangers is the most common sign of failure and unhappiness.
You stop wasting time with mind games as you get more mature.
You say what you think the way you think it, and everyone saves time.
Detachment doesn’t mean you don’t care, it means you aren’t enslaved.
Stop seeking reasons to give up, start seeking reasons to keep going.
Being fit shows that you understand that mental health follows physical health.
Stop wasting time with people who can’t interact in a civil way, life will get better.
Wisdom is when you appreciate each day as if it was the last, but still invest in yourself long-term.
A sign that you care about your mental health: you work out regularly.
You will suddenly attract tons of successful people once you have happy vibes.
You feel happiest when you are contributing to something greater than yourself.
Many people forget that the goal isn’t money, the goal is to spend your days as you wish.
Once you have reached all your materialistic goals, you finally understand what you truly want:
It takes self-confidence to genuinely compliment someone, that’s why many choose to hate instead.
Credentials don’t matter for the best jobs. Connections and skills do.
Every single successful person out there thought about giving up many times.
Not wasting time with people who don’t respect you is self-respect.
Learn from people who are doing better than you instead of envying them.
No one cares about your opinion until you are happily living the life you want.
Many successful entrepreneurs started with no skill, no money, no connection, alone abroad,
living very frugally for years, and working a part-time job to keep themselves afloat.
Stay around focused people who work hard and grow and you will naturally do the same.
Stay around people who complain and argue and you will naturally do the same too.
Your choice.
We live in a society where the smarter you become, the more you question your sanity.
Self-respect starts with taking proper care of your body and your mind.
1) If you are young and financially free, you must have been privileged
2) If you are athletic and smart, you must have had good genes
3) If you are living the life you want, you must have been lucky
The truth:
the more you feel like there is no upside to revealing any personal information at all.
Life is too short to spend it around people who don’t respect you.
You will be hated for changing things because many benefit from stagnation.
The best advice come from people who don’t need your money.
Don’t take it personally when someone is rude, they are just expressing their unhappiness.
You become an adult once you stop blaming others for your own decisions.
Raise your standards for yourself and people will naturally respect you.
You don’t need to have anything figured out when you start.
You can always make more money later, but you can’t always gain back good health.
Great teachers don’t tell you what to think, they help you come up with your own thoughts.
The quality of your long-term vision is the amount of “luck” you attract.
Anxiety is the gap between who you are and who you want to be.
You won’t think more clearly just because you constantly read / listen to clear thinkers.
your first responsibility is to take good care of your physical and mental health.
You think you “still have time,” and a decade goes by, and little gets done.
Being successful means you are spending every day exactly as you want.
To get wealthier is to spend less time on what you dislike and more time on what you love.
People who rudely seek a reaction from you are never worth your time.
Overthinkers should all write every day to clarify their thoughts and calm their mind.
In the long run, people with long-term thinking and integrity always win.
You stop being rude once you are mature and self-confident.
the more likely you will never be able to work for anyone else.
The most difficult part of the overnight success is the decade of hard work that precedes it.
Building a clearer mind is the best investment you will ever make.
You grow fastest once you stop taking general criticism personally.
The wealthiest people didn’t get there by “teaching how to get rich.”
The quality of your life today reflects the quality of your long-term vision from ten years ago.
The quality of your mind is how much you enjoy spending time alone.
You need to put yourself out there, take risks, make mistakes, learn and iterate, achieve difficult goals.
You can completely fail, and still be able to re-build from scratch without being judged much.
You don’t need experience to get started, you just need the courage to fail.
Notice that people who love to tell you what you can’t do,
Funny how much more help you get from random strangers when you have happy vibes.
The quality of the thoughts you articulate is the quality of the friends you will attract.
Innovation is the art of building what seems insane today but normal tomorrow.
There is no such thing as “being set for life,” you either keep learning as you go, or you get left behind.
Great conversations happen when they involve two people who want to listen.
The best thing you can do for your future self is to think and act long-term.
Stay away from people who assume the worst from you. Life suddenly gets better.
Talent is when you’ve mastered the art of making tons of mistakes when no one was watching.
True friends are those who stuck around when everyone else gave up on you.
You can overcome anything if you know how to stay calm when life isn’t going according to plan.
Happiness is the art of aligning your deeper inner values with your lifestyle.
The worst-case scenarios happen more often in our mind than in reality.
Allow yourself to make mistakes that won’t matter much in the long run.
it’s just that you can stop pretending to be who you are not.
You are not focused if you have time to think that some people are ignoring you on purpose. Everyone
is just busy.
A sign of self-respect:
Short-term sacrifices are necessary in order to live the life you want long-term.
The secret is to stay persistent even during the inevitable moments of self-doubt.
You suddenly think more clearly once you realize that your mind doesn’t need to be fed information all
the time.
Quite the paradox that the best relationships involve two people who love time alone.
The most successful people don’t care about making more money, they just want to work on
interesting projects.
Common excuses:
A common mistake is to think that there is something out there that will make you happy forever.
Some people might hate you if you speak your mind, but no one will love you if you don’t.
The smartest people simultaneously learn from those who have what they want and those who failed
to get it.
Crazy how much you can achieve once you are no longer around people who constantly tell you what
you can’t do.
If you are dissatisfied with your salary, become self-employed, you will earn exactly what you deserve.
Adulthood starts when you stop blaming your parents for what they haven’t done for you.
To change the quality of your thoughts is to change the quality of your habits.
Your mind will be clear after your self-reflections identify the causes of your anxiety.
It takes intelligence to understand that just because it doesn’t apply to you doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
You are having a great conversation when hours go by and you’re still not running out of ideas.
The level of your energy reflects the consistency of your good habits.
A great conversation is about two people seeking to understand each other’s perspective.
It takes more courage than wits to live the life you want.
If you are not growing year after year, you have to change the direction of your efforts.
Funny how the whole world is no longer judging you once you are self-confident.
People will say you “disappointed” them if you are not who they wanted you to be.
Feeling entitled.
You become a private person once you live the life you want.
You are very lucky if you have a family supportive of your entrepreneurial projects.
You can’t respect anyone if you don’t respect yourself, and self-respect starts with good habits.
they ask tons of questions with the intention of understanding the other perspective,
You are calmest when you are living the life you want around people you love.
Money buys the freedom to spend your days exactly as you wish.
You get tons of financial opportunities once you are already rich.
You learn fastest once you are relaxed and don’t care about learning fast.
You are most attractive once you already have all the love and friendship you need.
A good workout.
Hang out with lucky people more often and you will understand it wasn’t just luck.
The Internet rewards people who share their unique experience with the world in an entertaining way.
The first shortcut was to start ten years ago. The second shortcut is to start today.
Relax, you are the only person who remembers all your most embarrassing moments.
Don’t take it personally when people who have too much free time assume you do too.
The day you stop relying on luck is the day you start getting luckier.
You will never achieve peace of mind as long as you still have people you cannot trust around.
You will never regret investing time and money into becoming smarter.
No one ever got self-confident without putting themselves out there and making mistakes.
You stop seeing the worst in everyone after you fix your insecurities.
Growth is the art of pushing yourself one more time every time you think you’ve reached your limits.
Growth is the art of consistently starting when you are not ready.
The human mind can rationalize anything in any direction, but your vibes never lie.
Encouraging others.
Always think twice before you start judging someone in a position you never experienced.
You always feel great after a meaningful conversation with a friend with good vibes.
You will always feel like there is more to learn before you can start.
This is an illusion.
If it allowed you to become a better person, it was a great way to spend your money.
A great relationship involves two people who understand that a clear mind needs time alone.
You only think it’s easy when you are not the one doing it.
Talented people have simply mastered the art of practicing even when they don’t feel like it.
Life is too short to argue with people who don’t even care about you.
No amount of money can buy the peace of mind that comes from loving, long-lasting relationships.
Keep helping others with no expectation in return, watch life reward you in unexpected ways.
Reading books cannot replace traveling and living abroad. Theory versus practice.
You get luckier once you are happy, because good vibes attract opportunities.
You don’t need a mentor or co-founder to start, you just need to stop making excuses.
Give up on achieving anything meaningful if you can’t even maintain simple, good habits.
People who are living the life they want don’t have time to judge you.
Peace of mind is a consequence of being honest with yourself under any circumstance.
You become attractive once you stop caring about being attractive, and focus on becoming a better
person instead.
Writing is the art of noticing how often your views change throughout the years.
Happiness is the product of a creative job, meaningful relationships, time to learn, and peace of mind.
You will always wish you had started earlier. Fix your mistake, start today.
You don’t want to retire from work, you want to be free to do what you want.
If you are consistently unlucky, maybe skills are the actual problem.
Make plans but don’t marry your happiness to their outcome, just enjoy the ride.
It’s your responsibility to help yourself first if you truly care about helping others.
People will listen to you once you are happily living the life you want.
Funny how smart people who take risks and work hard become lucky.
If you are already living the life you want, stay anonymous.
Going for a walk every day implies no music, no stimulation, just you and your thoughts.
If you have time to get offended by what you read online, you aren’t focused.
To think more clearly, hang out exclusively with people who think clearly.
Being wealthy, being smart, being confident. They all involve being calm. They all involve peace of
You are successful when you no longer need to run the rat race.
Learning is the journey from who you are to who you want to be.
That’s growth.
The right mentors will find you after you got started and got results.
Become the boss you would like to work for, you will attract the talents you need.
You are most self-confident when you don’t care about getting any validation.
Relationships are mostly complicated when they involve people who don’t understand their own mind.
All your relationships will suddenly improve once you are at peace with who you are.
It’s normal to cringe whenever you think about how you acted in your early twenties.
Life gets much simpler once you give up on people who don’t respect your efforts for them.
Many successful entrepreneurs never cared much about money and fame, they just wanted to live an
interesting life.
You will stop overthinking once you stop hanging out with manipulative people.
Entrepreneurs are people who gave up on finding a great boss to work for.
The most sustainable relationships involve two people who grow and dream together.
Not taking anything personally is the most useful skill you can learn.
Life gets better once you hang out with smarter people who value respect and kindness.
Focused time alone isn’t a sacrifice when you are introverted, it’s bliss.
Paradoxically, you write best when you don’t care about who’s reading.
The difficulty to learn from the happiest people comes from the fact that they all live private lives.
The day you realize everyone is too busy to pay attention to your mistakes is the day you start growing
No one ever ended up living the life they wanted without taking calculated risks.
People who make fun of your mistakes are the same who envy you after you’ve succeeded.
you need to be more mindful about your daily actions, take more risks, think more long-term.
Your mind will have more positive thoughts after you are surrounded by more loving relationships.
The four goals are meaningful relationships, the financial freedom to pursue what you love, good
health, and a private life.
the more hopeful and optimistic about the future you become.
Most people struggle to relearn because they don’t understand how to unlearn.
People who grow are just people who own their mistakes and move on.
Never copy.
The best relationships are built with people who aren't scared of standing up alone.
A sign of success:
You no longer feel the need to convince others that you are on the right path.
If you aren’t taking any risk especially in your twenties, you are failing.
1) People hating you for living the life they wish they were living
2) People mocking you for taking risks and trying because they stagnate
4) People telling you what you can’t do based on what they can’t
You will never be respected if you are scared of owning your differences and who you are.
Financial freedom is when you no longer need to sell your time doing what you dislike.
Writing is the art of connecting with thoughts you didn't know existed in you.
Work on something interesting and you will connect with interesting people.
2) Have daily conversations with smart people you can respectfully disagree with
You were already lucky if you grew up with parents who love and treat each other with respect.
You suddenly become luckier once you are consistent with your efforts.
The best purchase you can make with money is peace of mind.
You are successful when you are happy when other people reach their goals.
You are not wealthy until you spend your time on your own terms.
You write best when you no longer care about being judged.
Your traumas are actually your greatest strength, you just gotta overcome them.
The most self-confident people are those who overcame the biggest self-esteem struggles.
The best revenge is to live the life you want.
Days will go by without anything getting done if you don't know how to focus.
You learn much faster once you stop convincing yourself that you are not smart enough.
Success is the art of surrounding yourself with long-term thinkers and becoming one.
that’s why you occasionally end up failing at “what everyone can do.”
Lots of successful people choose to disappear simply because they get accused of all sorts of things
when they come back to help.
You will always feel like you are missing out on opportunities simply because there are so many.
Funny how many more people seek to help you after you are already successful.
Show me someone who cares about becoming a little bit better every day, I'll show you someone who
will inevitably succeed.
you somehow think you look smart when you constantly disagree,
Life gets better as you get smarter because you stop reacting unnecessarily.
The more successful you get, the less angry, cynical, anxious, you become.
Don’t get offended when you get rejected, just become a better person.
It takes several decades to build a clear and calm mind, but then life gets a whole lot more fun.
You will be surrounded by plenty of meaningful relationships after you are able to handle time alone.
The more time you spend every day on your own terms,
Getting offended over statements that aren't even specifically addressed to you is the sign that you
have too much free time.
Life becomes more generous once you devote all your energy towards helping people.
make sure you align who you are and who you want to be,
and make sure you spend enough time around those you love.
Find a great asset, hold for a decade.
Find your affinities, train for a decade.
Find who you want to be, grow for a decade.
You won’t inspire anyone unless you are living your dream yourself.
The quality of your thoughts is the quality of the people you attract.
but you know these are only simple habits you started ten or twenty years ago.
Entrepreneurship is the art of figuring out what "meaningful work" means to you.
You never go back to an unhealthy diet once you understand how food impacts mental clarity.
People will take your opinion seriously only after you have visible results.
As it should it be.
Financial freedom also means that your tolerance to passive-aggressive mind games is zero.
The secret is to learn something new every day even when you don’t feel like it.
Going around attacking strangers online is the most common sign of unhappiness.
Show me someone who genuinely cares about helping others, I will show you someone who will
You will never get rich if you don’t have the patience to let your wealth compound.
Going for a walk every day is one of the best habits you can learn.
Writing every day is the art of learning how to think more clearly.
You start learning much faster the day you stop caring about looking cool.
A sign of failure:
Mocking people who are doing their best.
Envy is what happens when you are distracted by the hard work of others instead of your own.
Staying mentally sharp is the art of staying around people who respectfully push you out of your
comfort zone.
You think more clearly as you spend more time alone in silence.
Life gets better once you unlearn the habit of taking offense.
You suddenly want to achieve more when you think you can.
Never spend a day without at least one deep, meaningful conversation with someone you love.
Financial freedom is the goal for all the people who wish to become full-time learners.
because successful people choose to hang out with those who have good vibes.
People who want to see the world burn will hate you for trying to make it a better place.
Help yourself, then your family, then your friends, then society, then you are wealthy.
You stop overthinking once you are around people you can fully trust.
To improve the clarity of your mind, surround yourself with people who make sense.
You will inevitably meet interesting people once you put some interesting work out there.
simply because some people will always seek reasons to get offended as a diversion from their reality.
You will always feel like it's too late to buy Bitcoin.
Money is meant to be reinvested into creating a better society, not hoarded into a bank account.
If you have money but have no time to do what you love, you are missing the point.
Don't forget where you come from once you are at the top.
The first step towards sustainable wealth is to realize that it will take time.
Your life today reflects what you started ten years ago.
It’s mentally healthy to not be up-to-date about everything all the time.
A great conversation involves two people who mostly care about listening.
Trying to fit in when you are fundamentally an outlier will make you anxious.
Invest in your health, a loving family, meaningful friendships, a clear and creative mind, and assets that
earn for you.
Life will only get better.
Your courage starts flourishing the day you realize no one is coming to save you.
The day you stop caring about being disliked is the day you start growing faster.
Make it a habit.
Funny how everyone wants to think independently, but they all listen to the same podcasts and read
the same books.
Life gets better once you learn to not take it personally when someone misses your point.
Learning how to be calmer and learning how to be smarter are the same process.
Better put yourself out there in public and fail, than live a lifetime in fear of being judged.
The fastest way to attract successful and happy people is to become one.
The whole world isn’t looking down on you, you just need to build self-confidence.
The earlier you start, the less effort you need to get significant results.
Self-confidence is when who you are and who you want to be are the same.
Entrepreneurship makes you smarter because you are now responsible for your own destiny, and you
better grow if you want to survive.
The best thing most young people should do is a lot more mistakes.
- buy books
- travel slowly
Moving abroad is one way to notice how much you are being lied to.
People scared of getting hurt before they even start don't grow.
Your mind will keep obsessing over imaginary problems until you get focused on meaningful work.
it doesn't matter how much free time you have if you don't know how to focus.
@PlentyofRoom_ One way is to observe your own reactions when dealing with other people. Every
time you feel uncomfortable, or offended, there is likely some inner conflict awaiting to be disclosed
and sorted out.
To understand the economy, build a business, invest.
A lot of anxiety disappears once you know you earn during your sleep.
Constant cynicism is what happens when you are not living the life you want and gave up.
In a world where hypocrisy and outrage thrive, honest and kind people are certainly refreshing.
The freedom to learn without any specific purpose or deadline is one of the highest privileges.
You can't distinguish arrogance and self-confidence until you become self-confident yourself.
Financial freedom also means you truly own your money in a decentralized system.
You won’t fix the world if you can’t even fix yourself.
The common point between all the calm, happy people I know, is that they have a loving family.
What’s a timeless masterpiece (book, movie, song) that everyone should know about?
Life gets better once the foundation of all your relationships is based on respect, kindness,
Hang out with people who push you to question yourself, not those who comfort you with lies.
Stop worrying about whether you can compete with people who had a head start, you don't need to
beat anyone, you just need to grow.
All your relationships suddenly improve after you've fixed your self-esteem issues.
Your real career starts once you have some financial room to step back, breathe, and think about what
you truly want to do.
Easy: criticizing
Hard: creating your own product
Easy: talking
Hard: listening
Invest in entrepreneurs who are building the society you want to live in,
and if they don't exist,
Successful entrepreneurs are just people who neither fear rejection nor failure.
It takes a lot of work to live a happy life, that's why happy people don't hate, they are busy.
Envy occurs when you are too distracted watching others working hard instead of working hard
You will be disliked by some people whatever you do, so stick to your values and keep your integrity.
You stop believing in talent after you walk the journey towards excellence yourself.
You are allowed to change your body, your mind, your friends, your home, your dreams.
Money makes you happier if you trade it for time spent on what you love.
A great day includes a walk, a workout, a meaningful conversation, and some deep focused work.
A sign of growth:
Entrepreneurs are just people who decided to give themselves the job they wanted.
Luck seems to smile to happy people because successful people are attracted to good vibes.
Any job gets better once you care more about impact than money.
Hang out with people who are also becoming the kind of person you want to become.
Surround yourself with people who think of perspectives that would never cross your mind.
Funny how people tend to invest more money in you after they know you don't need it.
Most people who think they lack talent actually lack focus.
Society is built by "weird" people because there is no reason for someone who fits in to change
Entrepreneurs are just people who wanted to live life on their own terms.
You learn faster when you slowly take the time to understand deeply.
A sign of success:
Twitter is public self-reflection that can help you find jobs, friends, opportunities, ideas.
You will naturally meet a great spouse after you become a great person.
A sign of wealth:
You can "disappear" anytime.
Success is the art of keeping the promises you make with yourself.
You suddenly have more time once you've learned to focus properly.
Funny how the less you care about getting validated, the more respect you tend to get.
Life suddenly gets fun the day you realize what true learning is.
The best conversations happen between minds who can respectfully disagree with each other.
Hang out with friends who think of ideas you wouldn't think of.
You will never grow if you can't handle the pressure of stagnating despite daily efforts.
Catch yourself every time you feel like mocking someone.
Crazy how relationships are much simpler when they involve honest, self-confident people.
Life improves once you realize you don't need to get along with everyone.
If you aren't ready for commitment,
you aren't ready for love, friendship, wealth, and talent either.
The highest privilege when it comes to building clarity is to be surrounded by smart, calm people.
Don't waste your time explaining something you yourself could only understand because you
experienced it.
The quality of your friends is a good indicator of the quality of your mind.
Don't let people who dislike you dictate what you think about yourself.
Invest in people who don’t ask for permission before starting interesting projects.
You would be surprised by the number of people who help you out just because they like your vibes.
First, you think you are smart because you constantly judge everything; then, you realize it was the
complete opposite.
Just because you feel entitled doesn’t mean anyone owes you anything.
Kindness comes naturally to those equipped with the imagination to understand other perspectives.
Don’t force others to learn it the hard way just because you did.
maybe you just need to change who you hang out with.
Your mind is a software that requires frequent updates. These are uncomfortable, but they lead to a
better life.
Waiting for someone to come and save you is rarely the best strategy.
You don’t need anyone’s approval to live the life you want.
Care less about what people think of you, you will think more clearly.
A sign of intelligence:
You preserve your time and energy for the people who are worth it.
The best answer to "you were just lucky" is "I guess you are right."
Give them huge student loans when they are too ignorant to make smart investments.
After a few years of work, they fall in love with the comfort of a monthly salary.
It takes a lot of doing what you don’t like until you can mostly just focus on what you like.
Your mind stops constantly thinking about food, and you can focus more deeply and clearly as a result.
The weather isn’t bad just because it’s raining; your mind was just conditioned to judge and react more
than necessarily.
People who work hard towards their dreams go around helping others.
Life rewards those who figured out how to maintain a clear mind over the decades.
Entrepreneurship is the art of solving problems people didn’t even know they had.
Invest in people who keep surprising you with the consistency of their results, including yourself.
More and more, your wealth will be correlated to how intelligently you use the Internet.
You will never have great conversations if you can't figure out how to turn off your own internal,
judging voice.
Life gets better once you realize you don’t need to react to everything.
What’s one concept or idea that seems obvious to you today, but wasn’t at all five years ago?
Always stay true to yourself, you will get exactly the people you deserve.
A sign of wealth:
Most people don’t lack talent, they lack patience and efforts.
you get nearly nothing for years, then everything just comes at once.
Detachment doesn’t mean your feelings somehow disappear, it means you aren’t controlled by them,
and a lot of troubles can be avoided if you manage to stay calm when needed.
Real friends are those who will stick with you even after you made some really stupid mistakes.
You can accomplish way more than you think in one year, especially if you started ten years ago.
People start respecting you after you respect yourself through your actions.
It's never too late to start studying what you are interested in.
The universe somehow starts to help you once you seek to help yourself.
There is nothing more liberating than witnessing your own consistent growth.
Allow yourself to make the "mistakes" that are actually lessons you have to experience to understand.
If there are things you want to make sure “future you” never forgets, write.
To learn fast is to surround yourself with driven people who don’t think like you do.
You always have less time with people you love than you think,
A great relationship is simply two people adding value to each other's lives.
It's a bit sad that you need to struggle with health issues before you truly appreciate your health, and
life in general.
Life is much more fun when you are around optimistic people.
The secret of a clear mind is to fully own yourself and be totally transparent.
If you have time to argue with strangers online, you are not as focused as you should be.
We have a financial system that allows people to get wealthy literally just by waiting,
but most still lack the patience and the emotional self-control to execute.
they want to hear comfortable words that validate their past decisions.
People scared of taking risks are also often people who spend too much time judging the mistakes of
The antidote to overthinking is action.
The antidote to loneliness is self-understanding.
All your relationships improve once you are at peace in your mind.
You are not more honest just because you are rude.
It's frustrating to see some people achieve in one day what takes you one year to achieve,
People who aren’t focused on any work of their own have a lot of time to comment on the work of
"I guess you are right" will save you so much time.
You grow faster once you stop caring about feeling validated.
your age, skin color, political beliefs, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, alma mater, past mistakes,
how much you earn, who you work for
your integrity, who you are today, whether you try to make society a better place
Happy and successful people hang out together because it's not fun to be around people who
constantly project their anger and insecurities.
Never engage with unhappy strangers who seek conflicts, you have nothing to win.
Knowing that some people will always be there for you even when the rest of the world turns their
Important skill:
they are probably just bitter about not living the life they want.
The best relationships are built with people who also enjoy time alone.
Five years ago, you also felt like it was “too late to start.”
If you started, you probably realize today that you were wrong.
Some people will always dislike you for not fitting any of their stereotypes.
You don't need any credentials to become a successful entrepreneur, only skills.
Keep your standards high, stay patient, you will get rewarded.
If your mind doesn't get clearer as you get older, learn how to connect the dots instead of adding new
You progress fastest when you are focused on your own journey.
A sign of success:
You only run out of new ideas when you get too addicted to comfort.
simply because it's exhausting to be around people who constantly seek reasons to get offended.
Education allows you to understand how you want to spend your life.
Reaching out only when you need a favor isn't how friendship works.
Most people struggle to connect with themselves because they never spend unstimulated time alone.
Clear thinking means you’ve learned from experience with skin in the game.
To be good, be self-disciplined.
Everyone talks about patience, but most give up after a few months of efforts at most, let alone a
To attract a great spouse, great friends, great business partners, become a great person first.
You will always have time to work harder to make more money,
but the time you can spend with some people you love is shorter than you think.
A few good habits are sufficient to turn your life around and make it a great ride.
A great relationship involves two people who can take care of themselves.
Making fun of others is the red flag that you need to work on your self-confidence.
Most are just too conditioned to sustain a lavish lifestyle that brings no happiness.
The end goal of money is to take back control of how you spend your time.
You will always feel like it’s too late to start. Until you do, and look back years later.
You inevitably attract a few enemies as you succeed. Don’t get distracted. Focus on your goals.
Long-term thinkers want to build the future with other long-term thinkers.
Many people lack clarity because they were too focused on learning fast instead of learning well.
If they are not happy for your success, they were never friends.
You only need enough money to be free and exit the race. That’s success.
You will keep missing opportunities as long as you are scared of failing.
A dedicated mind somehow always ends up lucky.
You grow fastest once you overcome the fear of looking stupid.
because you never know how much time left together you have,
and we all have much more to learn from them than we think.
Funny how the less you care about your reputation, the better it becomes.
All your other problems become insignificant when you have health problems.
People often embarrass themselves when they react and jump to conclusions without understanding
the context.
Your body and mind are full of energy once your purpose is clear.
Write assuming your audience is smart enough to read between the lines.
No single book, podcast, conversation, travel, investment, will change your life overnight.
Self-confidence is when who you are and who you want to be are the same.
Attractive people are just ambitious people with a clear vision of what they want.
Being actively part of a meaningful conversation is more useful than passively listening to tons of
The most talented people make it look simple. You only know once you do it.
Too many people in their twenties compare their current success with people in their forties and
Wisdom is acquired by going through a lot of tough times and self-reflecting about them.
You don't know who your true friends are until you go through a complete cycle of success and failure.
You grow faster once you’re comfortable around people who make you question yourself.
Writing a book about yourself is a great way to grow your mind and evolve.
Anger is expensive in opportunities because happy people stay away from you.
People who tell you what you can't do are projecting their own limitations.
The most talented people will inspire you to strive for more.
low self-esteem.
People who don't believe they deserve something won't even make the first move.
Climate change, education, longevity, space exploration, decentralized finance, artificial intelligence,
Reality doesn’t care about what you want, only about what you work for.
You stop thinking that anger is cool once you are mature.
Clarity is the reward for spending enough time understanding your own mind.
Success starts when you believe you can do more than what your current mind tells you.
Relationships are complicated when they involve people who play mind games.
More people should try to just be fully honest with each other.
The most loyal friends are found amongst independent thinkers.
You get all the motivation you need when you truly want something.
It’s all about what you start today, and whether you stick to it and see it through.
There are tons of "smart" kids who end up achieving not much in life.
There are tons of "successful" adults who end up broke and lonely when old.
Stay away from people who don't allow you to change your mind.
Most people should allocate more time for meaningful conversations about life.
Never stop investing in people high in integrity who never stop learning.
People busy creating the life they want have no time for drama.
Financial freedom was the goal of all the people who didn't like to be told what to do.
Life gets better once you stay away from people who love to put you in boxes.
You learn faster once you stop taking it personally when someone disagrees.
Friends are people who invest in you hoping that you end up with the happy life you want.
You are happy when you are focused on building the future, and part of a meaningful mission.
Getting wealthy is inevitable when you are patiently compounding knowledge and talent.
People who are not ready for a slow success are not ready for any success.
Reading gives the illusion that you understand what you don't.
The best thing about starting from the scratch with no money and no connection,
is the feeling that you truly earned it once you finally succeed.
Never forget people who have been there for you when you needed them most.
A lot of problems we have with others are actually problems we have with ourselves.
If you are capable of relaxing under pressure, you are capable of creativity.
You are wealthiest when you don’t need a reason to feel happy and appreciate life.
Great conversations fill you up with energy and optimism for the future.
You become valuable to society once you understand it's not about your degree,
The most important part of compounding talent is to not stop the daily efforts.
A good relationship with your family starts with a good relationship with yourself.
You are much more convincing when you stay calm and neutral instead of getting emotional.
To be happy,
Peace = self-understanding
A lot of anxiety disappears once you are finally sincere with yourself, when the words you say and the
way you act are one.
I reflect about my journey of the past decades, my mistakes, my strokes of "luck," and where I am
You will never be at peace if your success involves getting validated by someone else.
Early start.
Slow, steady growth.
Clear vision, patience.
That's success.
Making fun of someone who just got started and who is struggling is a common sign of insecurity.
Don't tell people what they can't do based on what you can't do.
"I don't have time" often means "I don't know how to be focused and productive."
A great teacher is simply someone who remembers how it was like at the beginning.
Success is the art of maintaining a clear mind over the years and decades.
soon enough,
you will only be surrounded by people who do the same.
but it’s totally different from “being paralyzed by your own thoughts.”
Most people who believe they are "bad at maths" were simply not taught properly at school.
If you aren’t ready to commit for a few years at least, don’t bother starting.
You will never meet someone talented who hasn't worked hard, and it doesn't matter whether they
consider it "hard work" or just "playing."
“Follow your passion” only works if you create value for society and help people.
Don’t apologize for sticking to your principles and keeping your integrity.
You will attract happy people after you get rid of your negative vibes.
If you never spend any time alone iterating on your own thoughts, you aren't thinking independently.
and the more you care about understanding and making a difference.
Great conversations require two people who care more about listening than talking.
Invest in people with the mental fortitude to overcome whatever life throws at them.
Finding a great spouse and becoming a great person are the same journey.
As it should be.
The best thing to do with people who just seek a reaction from you: ignore them.
That being said, they all had a clear vision of what they wanted.
You attract interesting people by working on interesting projects.
go for a walk.
Your mind is calmest when you are surrounded by people you love.
Creativity only requires the maintenance of habits that relax the mind.
You are successful when you genuinely wish that things work out for everyone else too.
you just learn to worry less about problems you cannot solve,
you just learn to handle more calmly problems you can solve,
and you just learn to appreciate the people you love whilst they are still here.
You can solve many health issues by getting rid of chronic stress.
A sign of intelligence:
You don't need to wait until you have kids to be grateful for what your parents went through.
In many cases, the best thing to do when you feel like reacting is to not react.
You haven't "downgraded" your lifestyle just because you stopped buying things you don't need.
True, you could have started ten years ago and be financially free today with a few better decisions.
But you can also start today and be in a much better situation ten years from now.
Relationships are not sustainable without emotional maturity from both sides.
A great conversation happens when two people think before they talk.
High productivity is simply the art of maintaining your good habits and playing the long-term game.
Inner peace is just the art of being yourself, knowing that you always kept your integrity.
Don’t expect anyone to invest in you if you don’t believe in your own growth.
You can’t become who you want to be if you are scared of facing who you currently are.
Allow yourself to make mistakes, but do your best to not make them.
The happiest people are probably those who succeeded once, got financially free,
then exited the rat race to spend their time with people they love, doing what they love on their own
A great conversation involves two people who can respectfully challenge each other’s perspective.
People who refuse to question themselves will keep struggling to build meaningful relationships.
Peace is found in the process of creating something that reflects your values.
@mkobach 👍
Probably more than half of my tweets come from conversations I’ve had with my significant other.
sooner or later,
You naturally connect with people who seek to become the kind of person you also seek to become.
No amount of reading will replace the clarity of the conclusions you reached through experience.
You will never develop a good intuition if you constantly play it safe.
Too many people misinterpret "just be yourself" as "stay the way you are."
A sign of success:
You stop seeking attention from others once you are focused on your growth.
You can regret the opportunities you missed, or you can get ready for the ones that are coming.
A happy life:
It’s impossible to succeed if you are envious of the success of others instead of being inspired.
Learn from people who are where you want to be.
The highest privilege is to spend all your hours on what you love.
The gap between the life you could live and the life you are living is called focus.
Writing is the art of talking to yourself to discover solutions you didn't know you had inside.
You will never become creative if you spend more time in the minds of others than in your own.
No longer needing an alarm clock to wake up, that’s the beginning of wealth.
Don’t resent people who did it the smart way just because you did it the hard way.
and almost make you feel like you could have done it too.
And you understand how much of their "luck" was actually hard work, dedication, risk-taking.
Resist the urge of being rude just because you disagree, that's your inner fool talking.
Money doesn't buy inner peace,
but it buys free time to educate yourself which leads to inner peace.
The quality of your relationships reflects the quality of your own mind.
Use your imagination to create the future instead of worrying about it.
Boasting about how little sleep you get isn't very smart.
Your most valuable assets are time, health, family, and clarity.
To be interesting,
Stay away from people who don't believe in themselves, there's no way they believe in you either.
You are most attractive when you are owning yourself and being honest.
To understand the big picture of society: start a company and invest money.
Books are necessary, but insufficient. The dots only connect with skin in the game.
You don't need to justify yourself to people who chose to dislike and misinterpret everything you say.
Creativity is the soft spot between being relaxed and being focused.
Even the best teachers can't help students who gave up.
Growth comes naturally when you have high standards for yourself.
There are many ways to escape poverty, but they all involve risk-taking, commitment, optimism, and
Trusted friends and loving family are underrated when it comes to their impact on good mental health.
People who struggle to build meaningful relationships actually struggle to notice their own negative
The amount of trust you exhibit reflects the quality of the people you've encountered so far.
People providing value for free are just happy people who already have everything they want.
You are rich when you control how you spend your time.
You learn so much more from people once you seek to understand their perspective instead of
imposing your own.
Don't waste time with people who assume the worst of you.
The depth of your focus will determine the level of your achievements.
No risk, no reward.
No pain, no growth.
No trauma, no depth.
No honesty, no clarity.
No trust, no friendship.
No discipline, no talent.
No commitment, no love.
No investment, no wealth.
No courage, no self-esteem.
No self-reflection, no peace.
No imagination, no opportunity.
the less you care about what you put on your resume.
Every time you feel like attacking someone minding their own business, ask yourself what you envy in
No amount of reading will ever replace the clarity earned from self-reflection.
You live a private life once you have all the meaningful relationships you need.
you just don’t notice the opportunities you miss due to people silently avoiding you.
They just know how to focus and manage their time better.
You can’t build any sustainable relationship with people who don’t try to better themselves.
You don’t need any book to change your habits, you just need to change your environment.
Don't lose a great idea just because you thought you would definitely remember.
they are just pickier when it comes to who to hang out with.
Writing is the art of giving your future self a glimpse of how much they grew.
You grow fastest when you are self-employed because you are fully responsible for your life.
Waiting for the perfect circumstances to start is the most common way of procrastinating.
The most interesting tweets are those you can interpret in different ways depending on which life
stage you are at.
because the majority of the population wrongly believes that someone’s worth is determined by the
number of followers or dollars they have.
It’s not.
You stop overthinking the small stuff once you understand the shortness of life.
Consistent growth over the years only requires the courage to spend more focused time alone.
Success is also when you have time to read as much as you want.
Self-confidence is when you don't feel uncomfortable when you hear others complimented about traits
you don't have.
Coming up with original thoughts is hard, because it takes courage to live a truly unique life.
Time to think is the reward for thinking well at the right time.
Master self-education.
You become your best mentor.
If you expect “perfection” from someone, the problem is your judging mind.
You grow faster when surrounded by people who like to think but don't think like you.
You become more talented once financially free because you have time to solely focus on what you
Giving up, complaining, criticizing, acting outraged, seeking short-term pleasure, judging people you
don't understand
Making a positive impact, making sacrifices, building a loving family, unlearning bad habits,
empathizing and being kind
People who are not who they want to be always dislike the sight of you being happy with who you are.
People change.
You change.
@omarakhaddaj Some people think I’m making fun of them when I say, “you are stagnating precisely
because you are working too hard, because you are scared of being seen doing nothing.”
I’m an advocate of hard work; people just struggle to understand that the right balance is personal to
The most impressive people are those quietly focused on their own lives.
Two weeks of focused work can yield better results than two years of constant distractions.
You will get far better results than most if you just possess a slightly better focus.
Very few people genuinely want your success when it's uncorrelated to theirs.
In one sentence:
What is the most important lesson you have learned from 2020?
Internal success is when you have learned to appreciate the simplicity of daily life.
Your life today reflects efforts you started five or ten years ago.
Keeping up efforts today is the art of being kind to your future self.
Life won’t happen according to plan even if you stick to the comfort zone.
You might as well take risks and strive for the life you truly want.
The most important thing to do when you have momentum is to not stop.
The smartest people I know no longer care about money, they will work with you only if they find your
mission meaningful.
A beautiful relationship is when two people understand each other effortlessly because they reached
similar truths independently.
Rich and confident people aren't running around yelling that they are rich.
be more ambitious.
you'd be surprised by how convincing you are when you just say the whole truth bluntly.
There is nothing you cannot learn once you have learned how to focus.
If you never experimented on different habits and their consequences on your mind,
People who live uniquely exciting lives all took the risk of "wasting" years on a lonely path.
You will automatically attract interesting people once you work on a meaningful project.
Anxiety disappears once you've built a mind capable of coming up with new ideas consistently.
Anxiety is when you spend too much time imagining what won't happen.
Writing more often is the secret of mental clarity.
Most people don't struggle to find the job they want, they struggle to understand what they want.
Life never happens exactly according to plan, but you better have one.
Don't force people to live a complicated life just because you do.
Excellence is when you channel all that energy spent on distractions and procrastination on effortful
and focused initiatives.
Clear thinkers are just people who never lie, especially to themselves.
Being in a position where I can keep learning on my own terms following my curiosity.
Being in a position to guide the many people who, like my former self, just needed a bit of clarity to
wake up, and find purpose and peace.
Taking risks becomes simpler the day you realize there is no one to impress.
They call you talented because they have no idea how much time, energy, and focus you’ve been
putting in every day.
Signs of wealth:
A sign of self-awareness:
If you have time to stalk anyone online, you need to find meaningful goals.
People who respect themselves don't let anyone disrespect their time.
You get more ambitious friends once you are more ambitious.
@Fadedoyin20 Self-discipline.
@SuratWaleHai I started to write because I couldn't find the book I wanted to read, hope mine will fit
my own definition.
@omarakhaddaj I tend to be optimistic and assume that these people quickly understand that they are
only fooling themselves.
Same with people who think they outsmart others by cheating, lying, copying.
Long-term, reality catches up.
@theramopt @iam__prashanth @TinkeredThinker Pretty sure it will be published some time next
year, because as much as I don't want to rush it, I will have less time to write soon, so I will make sure
to have all my current thoughts crystallized in a proper format before "life happens." ✌️
Taking care of your physical and mental health is the best thing you can do to maintain high
Writing is the art of uncovering what you didn't know existed in you.
You naturally become more ambitious once you realize that society is mostly built by ordinary people
who work hard,
@SiriAvalur Thanks !
You somehow become surrounded by happy people once you are happy.
You have people who take any criticism personally, and you have people who grow.
Crazy how much you achieve once you start owning yourself.
In doubt, ask yourself what a smarter version of you would do, and do it.
You can't compete against people who do what they love for people they love.
You will never see someone happy making fun of someone else.
but because they don't understand the rules of the games they're playing.
You are most attractive when you fight for your dreams.
Self-confident people have simply mastered the art of focusing on their own lives.
A sign of education:
It's morning.
Don't get discouraged if you get little results despite lots of efforts: life doesn't reward linearly.
Knowing when to take a break to avoid burning out, that's part of the long-term game.
A sign of self-awareness:
You stop judging everything constantly
it’s your subconscious saying that you are not the person you want to be,
Most people think that they need more stimulation to get smarter (including books.)
They don't realize that they actually need to step back with quiet, unstimulated time alone.
There are a bunch of smart, talented people who never succeed because they are distracted.
Staying wealthy is more about knowing how to invest than how to make money.
You will never be great if you don't have the patience to be average for a while.
The calmest people tend to be those confident in their physical and mental strength.
Most people don't change because they believe they can't, not because they can't.
Your next achievement should always dwarf all the previous ones.
it won't necessarily taste better because you added tons of random ingredients.
A lot of great relationships involve people who love to spend time alone.
You stop looking for shortcuts once you realize that long-term, nothing beats organic and slow growth.
Working hard is the best sign of humility.
Your twenties are a privileged period of your life when you should take as many risks and learn as much
as possible,
and do it fearlessly,
The fun part of life begins once you have the self-confidence that you can understand and learn
A lot of problems can be solved just by removing some foods, some people, and some habits from your
I’m finalizing the last few chapters. Then, I’ll take some time off to address a few personal problems,
and I’ll look into the publication process with peace of mind.
Never take it personally when someone is rude: it takes self-confidence to be kind and respectful.
The happiest moments of your life are the simple ones you spend doing what you love with people you
That's how much time you need to turn your life around, regardless of where you start.
You can't reach your goals if you haven't clarified what they are.
@dalia_a_garza Yes!
I will include the whole story and how it changed my perspective in my upcoming book.
A near-death experience taught me more about life than any amount of books.
Always easier to judge the work of others than getting your own work done.
Don't discard an idea just because you dislike who said it.
Put yourself in a position where you can deeply focus for a few hours a day,
and your life will be completely different a few years from now.
Be happy and full of positive energy when you are around them
Forget about what you could have done if you had started earlier,
A happy life starts once you have learned when to not react.
Smart people don't let people they dislike live rent-free in their head.
Competition is healthiest when you mostly pay attention to your own work.
Entrepreneurs are just people who decided to earn exactly what they deserve.
Anyone reading this has access to more knowledge than the wealthiest kings of the past ever did.
- self-awareness
- the financial system
- questioning authority
- eloquence and story-telling
- asking questions without fear
- nutrition and healthy habits
- how to nurture creativity
- relationships and love
- long-term thinking
- how to be calm
Smart people only get offended when you waste their most valuable asset: time.
A sign of success:
You love helping younger people getting where you are faster than you did.
Many brilliant scientists were wealthy because you need free time to think.
Regardless of how important you think your job is, don't forget to occasionally step back, and ask
yourself whether this is truly the life you want to live.
Any goal worth pursuing will take way more time and will be way more difficult than what you initially
It's impossible to build sustainable, meaningful relationships until you fix your self-esteem issues.
If you aren't learning something new every day, rainy days are ahead.
Motivation comes naturally once you notice how quickly the years go by, and how little time you
actually have.
A sign of intelligence:
All your worries fade away once you are focused on a meaningful task.
Independent thinkers are just people who enjoy spending time truly alone.
Growth is inevitable once you spend more time observing yourself than others.
The journey starts when you realize you don't need anyone's validation.
"Have fun in your twenties" means "learn as much as you can from as many people as you can."
The best job rewards you with time to think, time to learn, time with your family.
Getting angry is much easier than staying calm, that's why most do it.
The best moments of your life are the simple ones you spend with people you love.
You think at your clearest when you don't care about what others think.
Investing in an asset that gives you financial freedom is great, but it's even better when this asset is
your own creative mind.
I see way more people regretting not taking any risk in their twenties than people regretting
challenging themselves.
In one sentence:
What do you wish someone had told you when you were a kid?
Wealth is simple.
Talented people simply have a clear vision of who they want to be and the patience to slowly get there.
Life is more pleasant once you are surrounded by self-confident people who don’t need to constantly
assert their dominance.
Being around kind people who are curious about how the world works.
Don't expect people who never built anything from scratch to understand why you are doing it.
Anger pretty much disappears once you live the life you want.
Crazy how many opportunities you get once you get rid of your negative vibes.
No one wants to hang out with someone who constantly seeks conflicts.
Meaningful life ends when your brain stops thinking and learning,
then they suddenly compound faster than what you can keep up with.
Your dream life starts once you make other people dream.
A sign of intelligence:
Don't waste time with people who misinterpret everything you say.
Life is most fun once you've built the self-confidence that you can understand anything.
The rich also get richer because our society rewards people who have time to think and create.
People who want to succeed without anyone else succeeding rarely succeed.
The calmest people I know are working with enthusiasm on meaningful projects.
The worst life mistakes tend to happen when you react emotionally when you could have just let go.
Reading, writing, fasting, less judging, lifting, avoiding highly processed food, in touch with
family/friends, less reacting, taking walks, being unstimulated, teaching what I was learning, being
mindful, sleeping enough, being optimistic
You only feel like it's too late to start because you are distracted by unnecessary comparisons with
No one cares about who you were a few years ago, it's about who you are today.
Just like you, the smartest people alive today are still learning as they go.
A common wrong assumption was to assume that life was supposed to be easy.
You become far less anxious once you adopt the policy of constant honesty.
No overthinking, no headache.
Nothing more dangerous than fools who genuinely think that ruining someone else's life will make
theirs better.
Many health issues can be avoided just by eating, working out, and sleeping well consistently.
Too many people look down on simple good habits because they are simple.
You will have some people call you "insensitive" for not being a hypocrite.
Great relationships will appear after you mastered the art of not wasting people's time.
Never forget the people who gave you the chance to grow.
"You changed."
Thank you.
Become the person your younger self would take advice from.
Underrated skill:
Write to connect with people who see the world as you do.
Persistence becomes second nature the day you realize results don't come linearly.
Stay away from people who jump to conclusions without thinking independently, it will simplify your
One year of entrepreneurship will teach you more than a decade with a comfortable job.
Your only true friends are those who stuck with you when everything went wrong.
A bunch of entrepreneurs started with no money and no connection, they just didn't make it an excuse.
Build relationships with people who won’t settle for who they are today.
Most people don't even realize they want freedom, not money.
Write to meditate
Write to think better
Write to teach and clarify
Write to connect the dots
Write to define your goals
Write to deepen your focus
Write to understand yourself
Write to create opportunities
Write to connect with the like-minded
Don't waste time justifying yourself to people who lack the experience to understand.
Don't expect people who gave up on their own dreams to be supportive of yours.
People who never did what you did always love to tell you how you can do better.
What’s one great fiction book that changed your perspective on life?
A sign of success:
You spend more time with your family than with your coworkers.
but they suddenly respect you when you're different and rich.
You are successful when you want everyone else to be happy too.
Build assets that earn you more with increasingly less effort.
You only take offense when you have nothing better to do.
No one trusts people who are emotionally unstable.
You can succeed at school just by repeatedly following the same methods.
Most people are also not ready for the risks and efforts it requires.
Big difference between complaining and identifying a problem in order to solve it.
What's a current goal of yours that your younger self would be surprised to hear about?
than be “selfless,” struggle to pay your rent, be in a position to signal virtue at most.
start today,
"I don't know enough about it, so I will refrain from any opinion" should be heard more often.
Build it.
You don't hear much from happy people because they live a private life.
Most drama disappears once you stay away from people who lack emotional control.
You will struggle to love anyone if you don’t love yourself first.
Self-discipline comes naturally once you understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
I wonder what would happen to society if everyone understood the financial system.
You naturally take more risks the day you realize the biggest risk is to live an empty life.
If you think you are set for life because you did well at school, you are wrong.
If you think you are doomed for life because you did bad at school, you are wrong.
At any time, you can unlearn who you are, become someone else.
You aren’t responsible for where you grew up, but you are responsible for where you’ll end up.
Your mind is way more creative when unworried about food and rent.
1) those who always have a good reason to stay in their comfort zone
The best time to help someone is when they need help, not when you need a favor.
The real journey starts when you figure out that what you want isn't what society conditioned you to
That's not your problem if people assume you are the same person as you used to be.
To be successful, be persistent
To be persuasive, be honest
To be knowledgeable, read
To be open-minded, travel
To change, change habits
To be calm, be mindful
To be eloquent, write
To understand, teach
To be wealthy, invest
To grow, take risks
To be loved, give
Sometimes, you gotta go fast alone because the opportunity isn’t gonna wait.
A useful skill:
People who aren't playing the long-term game cannot understand why you do it.
People who give up quickly are those who don't understand that results never come linearly.
If your parents taught you the value of efforts, dedication, long-term thinking,
Step 1: you find a job, you save money, you figure out what you want, you start a business, you build
Step 2: you create jobs, you diversify your assets, you keep investing, you help people at scale
Many of the best investments just involved buying and doing nothing for a decade or two.
I'm sure 2020 taught many people who their real friends were.
Growth is the process of changing your mind over and over again, each iteration making you calmer,
stronger, wiser.
Facing the fact that you might have wasted time is.
@foxx_do Will definitely give an update before the end of the year! 🙏
Being too comfortable for too long will ruin your mental health.
you are rewarded for how much value you create and how much of it you capture.
You are on the wrong path if you have time to mock other people’s hard work.
Smart people don't get offended when you bluntly tell them the truth.
Relationships are much simpler when both sides don’t play mind games.
Ironic that strangers can see you for who you are today,
while most close relatives are stuck with their past image of you.
The most effective way to control a population is to not give them time to think independently.
Don't destroy a meaningful relationship just because you have a bad day.
Overthinkers start to make sense of society once they realize most people don't think nearly as much.
You manage anger much better once you understand its consequences are only mostly negative.
The most successful, happiest people I know are having fun at work.
Just because you're having fun doesn't mean you aren't serious.
You do it because it's the only way to make it sustainable for decades.
Signs of intelligence:
- self-control
- staying humble
- investing long-term
- enjoying the process
- figuring out what you want
- observing yourself objectively
- not taking everything personally
- understanding other perspectives
- expressing yourself clearly, concisely
We all make mistakes, the important part is to face them, learn from them, move on.
Sometimes, someone just decides to dislike you, and logic and facts don’t matter anymore.
Failure mostly happens not when people give up, but because life happens.
Just because some people failed you once doesn’t mean you should shut yourself down and stop
Confident people flock together,
because it's more fun to be around people who believe in themselves and who aren't constantly
projecting their doubts on you.
Not being afraid of being disliked is how you will find yourself.
It's ironic that the more you educate yourself and get closer to the truth, the more you feel alienated
from the rest of society.
just a combination of long-term efforts, good judgment, constant self-reflection, initiative, and luck.
Most people don't want to see you change because that would make them face their own stagnation.
If you seek reasons to appreciate what you have, you will find one too.
Smart people don’t waste time worrying about what’s unpredictable anyway.
If you are smart, you probably already figured out that most people aren't driven by logic.
Don’t force other people to learn it the hard way just because you did.
Some people have a hard time accepting that the best thing they can do for someone is to leave them
and you clearly state what you want and how you feel.
A useful skill:
Most people don’t know what they want, that’s why they struggle to act long-term.
You want to be surrounded with talented people, climb where they are.
Not overthinking, not underthinking, thinking just enough to get things done.
That’s intelligence.
If you have parents who love and understand each other, you were already privileged.
Your bad days are also when you discover who your true friends are.
You can't connect with anyone unless you are connected with yourself first.
We all think the past version of ourselves was a fool, but somehow, we think the current version is not.
Many people will never notice their societal conditioning, and never understand what they truly want.
The people you attract (or don’t attract) reflect your vibes.
It doesn’t matter how much you learn, you will never feel ready.
Looks matters. Money matters. Luck matters. Way more than what most people think.
Most people don’t know you exist and don’t care about you.
Every single person you love will die, or you die first.
Some people will never love you regardless of what you do.
Some people will always love you regardless of what you do.
constantly trying to justify why they were luckier / more privileged / had better connections.
How much freedom you have today correlates to how good your judgment was ten years ago.
that’s how you avoid being overwhelmed by “life happening all at once.”
Innovation happens when creative minds challenge themselves with difficult goals.
@FelineShortcake From experience, I believe there's no such thing as "being bad with words," you just
gotta spend thousands and thousands of hours reading, writing, editing, and improving on your own
sentences until you feel satisfied, and there's no end to the journey.
The Internet rewards people who openly share what they know.
Life is pretty peaceful once you are no longer around people who take everything personally.
Health and youth are the highest wealths. Then come inner peace and freedom.
People think they lose respect when they acknowledge their mistakes or change their mind when
The propensity to mock people who are trying hard is proportional to one’s own lack of talent.
No, relationships aren’t complicated when they are with smart, thoughtful people.
A sign of unintelligence:
If you will miss them when they’re gone, give them some love today.
Seek to create jobs for others.
You wouldn't feel envy if you were focused on your own work.
Just a bit of common sense and a few hours of deep thinking can avoid years of struggles.
@CharlesDeeBlock I just write down my own thoughts as they pop out during daily life.
Unfortunately haven't had time to read any book for a while since I'm busy with my own, but this is
how I've been feeling recently:
Many entrepreneurs would have never started if they knew how long and difficult it would be.
It takes many years of slow growth before you get many years of fast growth.
Growth starts the day you learn to enjoy creating for the sake of creating.
Then, observe your affinities, slow down, narrow down your focus, cut off.
Finally, follow your intuition, iterate on your strengths, stay consistent and patient.
If you are tired of waiting for uncertain opportunities, just create your own.
The most talented people are those who value long-term consistency.
When your actions are consistent with your values, you are at peace.
People who think they are too inexperienced to start are the same who will think they are too old to
The best life opportunities aren't gonna wait until you are ready.
Connecting the dots yourself is more fun and fulfilling than any amount of reading.
The most impressive people are those who don’t care about reputation.
if you have enough money to not worry about food and rent
leverage the Internet with educated bets that maximize your unique talents.
Infinite patience,
infinite curiosity,
infinite courage.
You write best for others when you write for yourself.
Growth starts once you figure out how to get rid of the belief that there are things you can't learn.
You will outperform your wildest expectations if you just stick to it long enough.
We are not talking about just a few months or years.
You don’t even need to be that smart to live the life you want.
You’d be surprised by what you can get when you just ask politely.
What's a common piece of advice you are happy you never followed?
The best people to invest in are those who believe in themselves when no one else does.
Intelligence is also about figuring out the sources of your worries, and removing yourself from them
one by one.
Many people wrongly think that “just be yourself” means “stay the way you are.”
A sign of intelligence:
The happiest people I know all overcame serious, possibly life-threatening challenges.
Some people will dislike you for minding your own business.
Don't blame people for not respecting you if you don't respect yourself.
Once you understand that even smart and successful people are also just figuring things out as they go,
and those who understand that “great” is just about hundreds of iterations.
The problem isn’t people ignoring you, the problem is you feeling entitled.
You leave behind most popular entertainments once you understand the value of learning.
Write it down.
Long-term thinking is simple once you are the master of your short-term desires.
They grow fast because they question themselves and how they can improve things instead of blaming
A common misconception:
The reality:
you struggle for years,
A sign of intelligence:
If you want to convince yourself that you are right, you will.
People who want to understand always find a perspective to make sense of it.
Teaching people how to create value is more useful than just giving them money.
Once you understand the value of long-term thinking, you never go back.
Too bad it often takes a big loss before people start treasuring what they have.
Attacking people using what they said years ago only proves you aren’t growing.
People who grow are taking risks, making mistakes, and changing their mind all the time.
Even when you get really good at a stupid game, it’s still a stupid game.
Confused minds try to make you think you are the one confused.
Some people don't realize they spend their whole life becoming someone someone else wanted them
to be.
Some people just don't realize how much aggressiveness they project when they speak.
Don’t waste your time explaining things that require experience to be understood.
Not making any mistakes is the last thing you should be proud of.
If you have emotional problems but never spend time alone self-reflecting,
A sign of success:
Sometimes, you try to help someone and they think you’re trying to manipulate them.
That’s okay.
If you think the whole world is against you, it’s time to stop living in your mind.
Intelligence is the art of applying what you know in order to get what you want.
They just happen to share the same vision, but would be perfectly happy alone.
people who spend their time comforting each other to avoid the truth.
Don’t burn the whole house just because there’s one cockroach in it.
Crazy the number of opportunities you start noticing once you realize that no one will hold you hand,
and that you have to take responsibility.
Humility and valuable skills, that's how you reach the top of what you could achieve.
Pretty much no one cares about what you have to say until you get results.
You are scared of everything when you’ve been too comfortable for too long.
Not sure how we reached the conclusion that sitting on a chair listening to local teachers for seven
hours a day until eighteen years old was the most optimal way to educate kids.
What’s a book you wish you could re-read for the first time?
If you aren’t ready to leave anyone behind, you aren’t ready to grow.
You are not a “good person” just because you are staying average.
Two smart people discussing find a solution and start building things.
Two fools discussing find someone to blame and start breaking things.
The real hardest part is the whole ten years of consistency required for success.
some of the people closest to you are incapable of seeing your growth,
because they can’t unlearn the image of who you once were.
People who grow are just people who believe in their own potential.
If you wait until you have solved all your problems before starting, it’s never.
Growth is just the art of facing the uncomfortable truth over and over again.
All the wealthy people I know keep a very low profile and live a very simple, private life.
It's usually the middle class who feels the need to show off their expenditures and lifestyle.
People who struggle in their relationships are those who don't think before they talk.
Provide value when you speak, and see how all your relationships flow seamlessly.
Crazy how incredibly peaceful life is when you are only surrounded by smart, kind people.
Some people don’t realize that the best thing they can do for someone is to just leave them alone.
Too many people assume you always have time for them just because you gave it for free in the past.
The most important trait you can cultivate is the courage to push forward.
Two types of people: those who get offended by the truth and those who grow.
The smarter you get,
Many relationships fail because people aren't even honest with themselves, let alone with others.
@N4su_n @thealexfreeman That's a pretty long and complicated story, that's what my book will be
People who react emotionally are convinced they’re good people, when it’s usually the opposite.
You don’t know who your real friends are until you actually need help.
Fix your self-esteem and you will see that the whole world isn't against you.
You won't feel whole until you create something yourself from scratch.
People will help you if you show results.
My parents always tell me, “we were too busy figuring out how to not starve to be depressed.”
Being too comfortable for too long is the most common cause for failure.
Life doesn’t care about what you want or how you feel; only what you work for.
it’s about understanding that the world has so much more to offer than what you think.
Admitting when you are wrong is no big deal when you are smart.
If you grew up with parents who let you take initiatives instead of trying to control your life, you're
already pretty lucky.
Many people are actually loved, but can’t notice it, and still feel lonely.
If you are right in theory, but wrong in practice, you are wrong.
You think you understand yourself until you write about yourself.
they just spent a whole lot more time dealing with problems.
A common mistake:
If you are healthy and you have a loving family, food and shelter:
Who cares about not having a mentor with the amount of podcasts, interviews, books, free resources
Successful entrepreneurs are often just people who didn't mind working for free for years.
Maybe you struggle to find a job because you’re meant to start a company.
Keeping yourself busy with problems you could have avoided isn’t work.
Success is when you can take your time anytime.
Better be ignorant, start, learn on the go; than being a bit knowledgeable, overthink, do nothing.
Don't give advice on something you haven't been able to apply properly in your own life first.
1) You tamed your desires, you learned to fast information and food, you live mindfully
2) You consistently exercise your brain & your body, sleep well, have meaningful work on your
own terms
The amount of opportunities people miss just because they're afraid to ask.
You also need money, connections, years of persistence, luck, irrational self-belief, support from your
they mean living abroad, starting a company, solving difficult problems, learning scarce and valuable
No, buying a new phone every year won't make you happier.
2) Those who ask themselves: "why is it uncomfortable, and why am being so defensive?"
Most people never understand themselves because they never spend any extended period of time
We live in a society where the most privileged constantly seek reasons to get offended.
People who spend their time thinking "I am depressed" should try instead to think "I am grateful."
The vast majority of successful entrepreneurs are average people who tried much harder for much
longer periods of time.
Learn to stay calm precisely when life isn’t going according to plan.
If you think smart people rarely make mistakes, you got it wrong.
They are smart precisely because they fearlessly make mistakes and learn.
You can broadcast to the whole world one important lesson based on your past experience.
You learn fastest when you take the time to deeply understand.
Entrepreneurs are just people who gave up on waiting for someone else to solve their problems.
Better get rejected, fail, and move on, than spend the rest of your life wondering what could have
People don’t realize how fast a success story can turn into a nightmare, and vice-versa.
All the preparation in the world is useless if you lack the courage to make the jump.
If you missed a life-changing opportunity, just get prepared for the next one.
You learn faster when you don’t have a reputation: you can change your mind and self-iterate more
Better fail on your own terms than spend a lifetime living the life someone else set up for you.
Success is simple.
Great relationships appear after you are comfortable with being alone.
You will struggle and stagnate for the first few years.
This is when you need self-belief, patience, love for your craft.
All at once.
It takes a decade to build a clear mind, then you suddenly get “lucky.”
The best thing you can give someone you love is your time.
@dshutchison Exactly. The best opportunities never seem attractive at first sight; most success stories
are about people leveraging serendipity by putting themselves out there, making calculated bets,
following their intuition.
A sign of maturity:
Treat your parents like you want your kids to treat you at their age.
It always looks easy when you're not the one doing it.
What's a book you would recommend and gift to a 10-year-old smart kid? (Fiction and non-fiction
Many people struggle to grow because they aren’t on the right difficulty level.
A sign of intelligence:
I think many people underestimate how much time and energy "talented people" spend learning every
Ask any great musician, writer, athlete, developer, investor; it wasn't one hour a day.
Entertainment is not supposed to be a way to avoid facing the reality of your life.
Lots of people think they're having conversations, when they're actually just waiting for each other's
turn to talk whilst listening to their own inner voice.
No one cares about what you could have done. Get visible results.
Anyone can stay calm in a quiet room alone, but true mindfulness is only tested in the face of adversity.
Stay away from people who always have a good excuse to justify why they make no effort. It's
Kids also learn faster because they don't spend their time thinking up reasons why they can't do it.
Knowledge is useless if you don’t have the courage to make any bet.
Help people when they need your help, not when you want their help.
1) Those smart enough to imagine someone else's perspective and to understand that the world
doesn't revolve around them
Never assume someone has time for you if you have nothing to offer.
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
Talent is just when you figured out how your own mind works.
Hang out with brilliant people who make you feel average, that's how you grow fastest.
The happiest, most confident people are those who built themselves up from scratch.
Twitter also teaches you to not react to replies that add no value.
Getting wealthy by building a valuable, meaningful business feels much better than getting wealthy by
The person who you think has everything you ever wanted is as lost as you are, and is still trying to
figure things out.
If you have money but don’t have peace of mind, you missed the point.
Life-changing choices:
1) Surround yourself with people who strive to become a better version of themselves
I'm convinced that most people who constantly feel irritable and low in energy are actually suffering
from inflammation from an inadequate diet.
Conversations are about understanding someone else’s perspective, not showing off your knowledge.
A sign of intelligence:
If a stranger doesn't understand you prioritize your family, friends, meaningful work, or even time
They get outside, they complain it's too hot, too cold.
They see a stranger, they say they're too talkative, too quiet.
Writing is the art of talking to yourself out loud with a chance of helping random strangers who
overhear you.
Don't compare yourself with someone your age who started their efforts ten or twenty years ago.
A common mistake:
It's 2020, and you still have people who don't understand that human beings are the same wherever
they are on the globe.
Look at the number of people who haven't tamed their ego, still arguing over being right or wrong, lost
as to what to believe in.
Your whole perception of the reality changes after you've built yourself a fit, agile body.
Just understand that you are not the center of the world, and ask what you can do for people instead.
You are not a "good person" just because you constantly get outraged about social issues. It's about
this is how you grasp the value of gratitude, and find peace.
Days feel way too short when they’re packed with meaningful moments.
You will never meet someone rich and happy boast about their lives.
@AquaAmpersand Become an interesting person, you end up attracting interesting people (friends
introducing them to their friends, etc) to the point where you have to say “no” to most people.
And “being interesting” in my view means living a truly unique journey that no one can copy.
Upgrade the level of your conversations, upgrade the quality of your life.
If your life story is worthy of a book, keep going. Otherwise, take more risks.
It's a bad idea to compete against people who love their job when you don't.
People rewarded with beautiful long-term relationships are those who used to handle time alone in a
beautiful way.
Signs of success:
3) Time to learn, train talents, fulfill your potential, create, help society
go for a walk.
If you wait until you understand perfectly what you’re doing, the opportunity will be gone.
Inspiration and clarity come and go; so hurry and act when they decide to stop by.
Regardless of how much you optimize your diet, your workout, your relationships, or any other habit,
I have learned throughout the years that you sometimes feel down for no reason.
Sometimes, you just need to stay brave and endure the storm.
start learning.
2) Successful people
Some people will attempt nothing simply because they are scared of being judged by the world.
@iamfilipe Long-form writing is more complex and harder to do well, and consequently, more
Been working on many drafts for years now, and there's no doubt that my mind today has been shaped
by the process.
Tweets are for fun, writing books is where the real lifting happens.
The faster you realize no one will build your dreams for you, the faster you will get started.
Meaningful conversations with ambitious friends all working in different fields are a great way to learn.
Success is straightforward.
@carlesba Yeah, probably one day, this is on my "to-do list" (although not in my short-term priorities.)
The compilation would include the context behind each tweet, illustrated.
Life is pretty peaceful once you are only surrounded by kind, respectful people.
Growth is scary because you lose a part of who you were before you do the upgrade.
Don’t mistake changing your mind often (you should) and changing your principles often (you better
The assumptions you make about someone mostly reflect who you are.
You want to attract people you can learn from, become someone they can learn from.
A book is never finished, you just get tired and busy with life, set a deadline, get it done, move on.
Build relationships with people who aren't scared of living unpredictable lives.
"Boredom" disappears from your vocabulary once you have fallen in love with learning.
If you aren't ready to forgive people's mistakes, you will adopt the same stance with yours, and you will
never grow as a result.
You understand what you truly want after you get everything you thought you wanted.
You pay attention to the small things only because you aren’t working on anything big.
It’s quite sad that many people, often in the more privileged parts of the world, conditioned
themselves to seek the negative everywhere.
They imprisoned themselves with a judgmental, angry mind that they no longer control, that prevents
them from appreciating life altogether.
and not only the relationship is effortless, but is also only growing more beautiful,
As circumstances change, as you collect more information, your views naturally change.
Life is much more fun once you have learned to control your thoughts.
Being able to brush away the negative side of your inner voice is a superpower.
Just stop thinking about what you want or don't want to do, and just do what you have to do to get
what you want.
Getting fluent in a foreign language is a great exercise to overcome your fear of mistakes.
They are inevitable. Stop worrying: smart native speakers won't make fun of you, and you can ignore
the others.
Five or ten years later, you will look back, satisfied: this is growth.
I only care about disagreements coming from friends, aka people who want my success and happiness.
It just unfolds in unexpected ways ; for instance, a random couple that my dad helped once, that ended
up completely changing my life (positively) three decades later.
Karma works, but on longer timeframes than what most people think, and it’s intergenerational.
The best time to invest in someone is when no one believes in them yet.
You are educated once you are confident in your ability to learn anything.
It takes imagination to understand what it was like for your parents to raise you.
You grow fastest when you aren't distracted by the growth of others.
Real leaders didn’t want to be leaders, they just got tired of incompetence.
If your success requires you to feel like you're "above" someone else, it's not success.
If you have time to argue online with strangers, question your current routine.
Get rid of people who monitor your mistakes. They aren’t growing themselves.
People don't even understand themselves, but always assume they understand you.
Succeeding is just about not getting discouraged no matter how many times you fail.
few spend several hours every day alone self-reflecting and writing.
Some people mechanically hate what's popular just because it's popular.
@mizzharty Exactly.
Just because I don’t care about what you care about doesn’t mean I disrespect you.
but it certainly buys some time to get educated and to figure out your own happiness.
You are happy when you take care of people you love.
Smart people figure out how to stop worrying about things that don’t matter.
Any fighter knows you are stronger when you are relaxed.
Any trader knows you are smarter when you are relaxed.
Any writer knows you are more creative when you are relaxed.
@Kieferrrrr @VioletaML2 Pretty long story, but this one will be developed in my upcoming book. :-)
@VioletaML2 Happened to me during a period where I was pretty unconfident in most areas of my life.
A "successful" person I respected looked at me in the sincerest way and told me, "I'm looking forward
to what you're gonna do in the future."
It's crazy how one person believing in you can completely change your life.
@marksuski The reason why I’ve been writing. I am assuming “some clarity” fades away depending on
how life unfolds.
What's something you can truly understand only after you experienced it yourself?
Make mistakes even when people are watching, because no one smart will remember.
Rest assured.
A sign of intelligence:
Loneliness disappears once you know you are loved and needed, even just by one single person.
Hard to blame anyone when you understand where they come from.
It compounds anxiety.
People who think anger is cool have been watching too many movies.
In real life, you just highlight your immaturity, and happy people just cut you off without justifying
@DominicFernan11 It's quite the paradox, but in order to have healthy relationships with others, you
have to occasionally gift yourself time alone.
@guy_productive You can learn this even earlier if you grew up with a lot of health issues 😅
@OneJKMolina I call it, navigating more efficiently in the depths of ignorance 👀
Thank you !
It’s impossible to think clearly if you never spend any time alone.
Don’t boast about solving problems you could have avoided with longer term thinking.
@unico10amor I actually have a similar mental habit for decisions that matter. Asking myself, "What
would future me say?"
Everybody worries about trivial stuff and takes their health for granted until reality sends its reminder.
Even the most talented people were cringe when they started.
Nothing better than a job where you get paid for results, not based on subjective validation from
There are a lot of perfectionist, smart people, who end up achieving nothing.
There are a lot of fearless, self-iterating average people, who end up very successful.
The wealthiest people are all long-term thinkers who create value or invest in the right people.
What's the most positive habit change you've made in the past five years?
If no one understands what you’re saying, you aren’t as smart as you think you are.