Asco S300G - Manual Instalacion
Asco S300G - Manual Instalacion
Asco S300G - Manual Instalacion
Table of Contents
DANGER is used in this manual to warn of a
hazard situation which, if not avoided, will result in
Mounting ..........................................................1
death or serious injury. Power Connections .........................................2
Engine Starting Contacts.................................2
WARNING is used in this manual to warn of a 1- Manual Operation........................................3
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could 2- Voltage Checks ...........................................4
result death or serious injury. 3- Electrical Operation .....................................6
! CAUTION Transfer Test ...................................................6
Preventive Maintenance ..................................6
CAUTION is used in this manual to warn of a Manual Load Transfer .....................................6
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury. TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................7
Refer to the outline and wiring drawings provided
with the 3ATS, 3NTS, 3ADTS, or 3NDTS for all
installation and connection details and accessories.
Supporting Foundation
Refer to User’s Guide 381333-400 for the Goup G The supporting foundation for the enclosure must be level and
Controller status display messages, time delays, straight. Refer to the applicable enclosure outline drawing
pickup and dropout settings, and adjustments. included with the transfer switch for all mounting details
including door opening space.
If bottom cable entry is used, the foundation must be prepared
Rating Label so that the conduit stubs are located correctly. Refer to the
Each transfer switch contains a rating label to define the loads enclosure outline drawing for specified area and location.
and fault circuit withstand/closing ratings. Refer to the label Provide cable bending space and 1 inch minimum clearance to
on the transfer switch for specific values. live metal parts. When a concrete floor is poured, use
interlocking conduit spacer caps or a wood or metal template
! WARNING to maintain proper conduit alignment.
Functional Test
The functional test consists of three checks: manual maintenance
h dl
operation, voltage checks, and electrical operation.
Do these checks in the order presented to avoid
damaging the transfer switch.
1 – Manual Operation
A maintenance handle is provided on the transfer switch for
maintenance purposes only. Manual operation of the transfer
switch should be checked before it is energized (operated Figure 3. Maintenance handle on 3ATS & 3NTS.
Do not manually operate the transfer switch until
both power sources are disconnected: open both
circuit breakers.
1. After deenergizing both power sources, open the enclosure Counterclockwise DOWN Clockwise DOWN closes
closes the Emergency the Normal source
door. Locate and remove the maintenance handle from the contacts (lower) and
source contacts (upper)
clip on the left side of the transfer switch. See Figures 3, 4, and opens the Normal opens the Emergency
and 5. See Figure 2 for the contact position indicators. source contacts (lower) source contacts (upper)
2. Install the handle into the hole in the molded hub. Move
the handle up or down as shown to manually operate the Figure 4. Maintenance handle operation on 3ATS &
transfer switch. It should operate smoothly without any 3NTS.
binding. If it does not, check for shipping damage or
construction debris.
maintenance handle
3. 3ADTS and 3NTS have two contact shaft hubs. See
Figure 5.
4. Return the transfer switch to the Normal position.
insert handle into
Note: If Normal and Emergency connections are reversed this hole in hub
operation is also reversed.
Observe For 3ATS & 3ADTS the transfer switch should transfer to
Press this these the emergency position. The load on emergency light
button lights should come on and the load on normal light should go
off. For 3NTS & 3NDTS press the transfer button for
load transfer. For 3ADTS & 3NDTS both lights will be off
Figure 7. Transfer button and indicator lights. during the delayed-transition transfer time delay.
Close the transfer switch enclosure door and
For 3ATS & 3ADTS the transfer switch should transfer
tighten the screws before you test electrical back to the normal position. The load on normal light
operation. should come on and the load on emergency light should
go off. For 3NTS & 3NDTS press the transfer button for
Perform steps 1 through 5 at the right. Observe the status load retransfer. For 3ADTS & 3NDTS both lights will be
lights. See Figure 7. off during the delayed-transition transfer time delay.
● Black circle means light is on. 4 If the retransfer to normal delay is used
the retransfer should occur after a time
○ White circle means light is off. delay. For immediate retransfer (bypass
timer) press the transfer button again.
NOTE: For 3NTS manually start the emergency generator at
the generator. Then press the transfer button for load transfer.
If the inphase transfer feature is activated, transfer may not
occur immediately. Transfer will occur when the phase
relationship between sources is correct. Press the transfer For 3ATS & 3ADTS the unloaded running delay keeps
button again for load retransfer to normal, then manually stop the generator running for a cool-down period. Then the
the generator at the generator. generator should stop and the emergency source
accepted light should go off. For 3NTS & 3NDTS
Also see User’s Guide 381333-400 for inphase transfer and manually stop the generator at the generator (after a
time delay settings in the controller. 5 cool-down period).
For 3ADTS & 3ADTS the load is Wait for the delayed-
deenergized (off). Load transition transfer timer. See -
Disconnect Timer on display. User’s Guide 381333-400.
alert light, 7 inphase transfer feature, 5, 7 source acceptable lights, 4, 5
see User’s Guide 381333-400 inspection, 6 starting contacts, 3
ASI is ASCO Services Inc. installation, 2 starting control, 7
800-800-2726(ASCO) insulator backing piece, 2 starting problem, 4, 7 WARNING, 2 stopping problem, 7
automatic operation, 3ATS, 5
auxiliary circuits, 2 L T
lights, 4, 5, 7 terminals, 2, 3
B line connections, 2 testing power conductors, 2
battery, 7 load on emergency light, 4, 5 time delays, 5, 7
load on normal light, 4, 5 transfer button, 5, 7
C lubrication, 6 transfer problem, 7
cables, power, 2 troubleshooting, 7
connections, 2 M
controller maintenance, 6 V
see User’s Guide 381333-400 maintenance handle, 3, 6 voltage checks, 4, 7
controller ground, 3 WARNING, 3, 6
cooldown, generator, 5, 7 manual load transfer, 6 W
WARNING, 3, 6 WARNING statements, 1, 3, 5, 6
D manual operation, 3
DANGER statements, 1, 2, 4, 6 WARNING, 3, 6
manual transfer, 3NTS, 5
E membrane controls, 4, 5
electrical operation, 5 mounting, 2
emergency source accepted light,
4, 5 N
engine starting contacts, 2 non-automatic 3NTS, 5, 7
normal source accepted light, 4, 5
F not in auto light, 7
foundation, 2
frequency, 7 O
functional test, 3 operation, electrical, 5
generator, 3, 4, 5, 7 phase rotation, 4
ground, controller, 2 preventive maintenance, 6
problem, 7
harness, 2 R
HELP 800-800-2726(ASCO) rating label, 1 replacement parts, 6
retransfer button, 5, 7