IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report: Quarter Ended December 2009

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IAB Online Advertising

Expenditure Report
Quarter ended December 2009

An industry survey conducted by

PricewaterhouseCoopers on
behalf of the Interactive Report released
Advertising Bureau Australia 15 February 2010
Table of Contents
Background 2

The Year at a Glance 3

The Quarter at a Glance 4

Executive Summary 5

Detailed findings 7

 Overall Market

 General Display Advertising

 Classifieds Advertising

 Search & Directories Advertising

Appendix 34

 Report Scope, Methodology and Format

 Advertising Expenditure Types

 General Advertising Industry Categories

 Contributors

 About the IAB

 About PricewaterhouseCoopers

This report has been prepared using information provided to PricewaterhouseCoopers and available at the time
of preparation of this report. PricewaterhouseCoopers do not accept any responsibility for any reliance placed
on this Report by any person and hereby disclaims any liability for any loss or damage caused by errors or
omissions, whether such errors or omissions resulted from negligence, accident or some other causes.
PricewaterhouseCoopers makes no representations about the analysis or application of the data.

PricewaterhouseCoopers has received a fee for the preparation of this report and takes responsibility for the
independence of the research and independence of the analysis contained in this report.

Please notify PricewaterhouseCoopers of any errors or omissions identified in this report.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009

About the IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report
Welcome to the IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report (OAER or Report). This December 2009
Quarter report of online advertising expenditure in the Australian marketplace has been prepared by
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on behalf of the Interactive Advertising Bureau Australia (IAB).

The OAER provides an opportunity for stakeholders interested in the size of the online advertising
market to access independently collated data about the state of online advertising expenditure in
Australia. The online advertising markets reported in the OAER comprise the expenditure on
General Display advertising, Classifieds advertising and Search and Directories advertising.

Data and information reported directly to PwC by online advertisement selling companies
representing over 1,000 web sites has been aggregated in this Report and is the only online industry
sponsored and supported measurement of online advertising expenditure in Australia.

The survey is conducted, and this report is prepared independently by PwC on behalf of the IAB,
and only aggregate results are published. PwC does not audit the information and provides no
opinion or other form of assurance with respect to the information. Certain checks of submitted data
are made – refer to Report Scope, Methodology and Format section of the Appendix for more
information. Individual company information is held in strict confidence with
PricewaterhouseCoopers. Further details regarding scope and methodology are provided in the
Report Scope, Methodology and Format section of the appendix to this Report.

The list of contributors is disclosed in the Appendix.

Steven Bosiljevac Chris Burt Adrian Bunter

Partner Partner Director
PricewaterhouseCoopers PricewaterhouseCoopers PricewaterhouseCoopers

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 2

The Year at a Glance
There was growth in online advertising expenditure across two of the three categories with the
Search and Directories segment providing the strongest growth during the year ended 31 December
2009 compared to the year ended 31 December 2008. The only category to have declined in
expenditure is Classifieds.

Expenditure of the Total Online Advertising Market

$2,000 $1,871
$ millions

2008 2009

Expenditure of the General Display Market


$500 $465
$ millions




2008 2009

Expenditure of the Classifieds Market

$439 $429
$400 -2%
$ millions

2008 2009

Expenditure of the Search and Directories Market

$1,000 $944
$800 17%

$ millions

2008 2009

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 3

The Quarter at a Glance
Compared to the prior quarter and prior year quarter growth in online advertising expenditure was
experienced in all categories.

Expenditure of the Total Online Advertising Market

Fourth-Quarter 2008 v Fourth-Quarter 2009 Third-Quarter 2009 v Fourth-Quarter 2009

600 $600 $513

$462 $466
500 $500
400 11% $400
$ millions

$ millions
300 $300

200 $200

100 $100

- $-
Qtr 4 2008 Qtr 4 2009 Qtr 3 2009 Qtr 4 2009

Expenditure of the General Display Market

Fourth-Quarter 2008 v Fourth-Quarter 2009 Third-Quarter 2009 v Fourth-Quarter 2009

160 $140
$142 $121
140 $130 17%
120 9%
$ millions

$ millions
40 $40

20 $20

- $-
Qtr 4 2008 Qtr 4 2009 Qtr 3 2009 Qtr 4 2009

Expenditure of the Classifieds Market

Fourth-Quarter 2008 v Fourth-Quarter 2009 Third-Quarter 2009 v Fourth-Quarter 2009

120 $111 $120 $108 $111


100 3% $100

80 $80
$ millions
$ millions

60 $60

40 $40

20 $20

- $-
Qtr 4 2008 Qtr 4 2009 Qtr 3 2009 Qtr 4 2009

Expenditure of the Search and Directories Market

Fourth-Quarter 2008 v Fourth-Quarter 2009 Third-Quarter 2009 v Fourth-Quarter 2009

300 $300
$260 $260
250 $224 $250
200 $200
$ millions
$ millions

150 $150

100 $100

50 $50

- $-
Qtr 4 2008 Qtr 4 2009 Qtr 3 2009 Qtr 4 2009

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 4

Executive Summary
3 months ended 31 December 2009
Online advertising expenditure in Australia for the fourth-quarter 2009 (3 months ended 31
December 2009) totalled $513 million, the largest fourth-quarter recorded. This is an increase of
$46.25 million (or 9.9%) from the third-quarter 2009 (3 months ended 30 September), and is an
increase of $50.5 million (or 10.9%) from the fourth-quarter 2008.

General Display advertising and Classifieds advertising accounted for 27.7% and 21.7% of the total
advertising expenditure for the fourth-quarter 2009, respectively, while Search & Directories
advertising comprised the remaining 50.6%.

General Display, Classifieds and Search and Directories advertising all achieved growth compared
to the prior quarter.

Within General Display, based on submissions received, email based advertising comprised $9.3m
of advertising expenditure and video based advertising comprised $5.3m of advertising expenditure.

Within General Display, CPM based pricing was the dominant expenditure type with 76% of
advertising expenditure on a CPM basis, and 24% was on a Direct Response basis.

Finance, Computers & Communications and Motor Vehicles sectors continue to be the dominant
industries using General Display advertising, and comprise 43.8% of the General Display spending.
Motor Vehicles – Manufacturers was the largest subcategory which comprised 9.6% of the General
Display spending for the quarter (down from 10.2% in the third-quarter 2009).

Real Estate was the leading category for Classifieds advertising expenditure in the fourth-quarter
2009 followed by Recruitment then Automotive.

Within the Search and Directories market Search is growing at a faster rate than Directories.

With the exception of Search & Directories, the December 2009 OAER does not include any
estimates for non-contributors. The Search & Directories category includes an estimate of
advertising expenditure received by Google, the largest company in the Search market.

Due to estimates not being included for non-survey contributors for the General Display and
Classified categories, these markets can be considered to be larger than as reported in the OAER.
As estimates were included in figures reported for periods prior to, and including, December 2006,
growth rates in this Report for March 2007 and subsequent quarters (when compared to the figures
reported for any period prior to the March 2007 quarters) can be considered to be understated. This
applies to the quarterly, 6 monthly and annual analysis.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 5

6 months ended 31 December 2009
Online advertising expenditure in Australia for the 6 months ended 31 December 2009 totalled
$978.75 million. This is an increase of $86.25 million (or 9.7%) from the 6 months ended 30 June
2009, and is an increase of $65.5 million (or 7.2%) from the 6 months ended 31 December 2008.

During the current six months ended 31 December 2009, online advertising expenditure in all three
categories grew, with both the General Display and Search and Directories categories recording
strong growth of 11% each compared to the prior 6 month period. Classifieds online expenditure
grew at a slower rate of 5% from the prior 6 month period. General Advertising accounted for 26.8%,
Classifieds Advertising accounted for 22.4% and Search & Directories Advertising accounted for
50.8% based on expenditure for the 6 months.

Within General Display, based on submissions received, email based advertising comprised $17.2m
of advertising expenditure and video based advertising comprised $10.0m of advertising

Within General Display, CPM based pricing was the dominant expenditure type with 75% of
advertising expenditure on a CPM basis, and 25% was on a Direct Response basis.

The highest spending Advertiser Industry category in General Advertising was Finance. Real Estate
was the leading category for Classifieds Advertising (first position in the 6 months ended 30 June
2009 and second position in the 6 months ended 31 December 2008). Recruitment was to second
position for the 6 months ended 31 December 2009. Automotive remained the third largest category.

12 months ended 31 December 2009

Online advertising expenditure in Australia for the 12 months ended 31 December 2009 totalled
$1,871.25 million. This is an increase of $161 million (or 9.4%) from the 12 months ended 31
December 2008.

The General Display and Search and Directories expenditure types recorded growth (7.2% and
17.1% respectively). Classifieds experienced a slight decline of 2.3%, which brings the end of
consecutive increases year on year since the inception of the OAER. General Advertising accounted
for 26.6%, Classifieds Advertising accounted for 22.9% and Search & Directories Advertising
accounted for 50.5% based on expenditure for the 12 months.

The highest spending Advertiser Industry category in General Advertising was Finance. Real Estate
was the leading category for Classifieds Advertising (up from second position in the prior year). This
was followed by Recruitment (down from first position in the prior year). Automotive was third (the
same position as the prior year).

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 6

Detailed findings
Overall Market – 3 months ended 31 December 2009
Total online advertising expenditure in Australia for the three months ended 31 December 2009 was
$512.5m, an increase of $46.25m (or 10%) on the third-quarter 2009, and an increase of $50.5m (or
11%) on the fourth-quarter 2008.

Online Advertising Expenditure – 3 months ended 31 December 2009

Category Share

Search and Directories


General Display


General Advertising and Classifieds Advertising expenditure each accounted for 27.7% and 21.7%
respectively of the total advertising expenditure for the three months to December 2009 while the
Search and Directories Advertising category comprised 50.6%, and continues to be the dominant

Online Advertising Expenditure – Category Share by Period

48.5% 51.2% 49.1% 50.9% 50.6%
40% 23.4% 23.1% 23.2% 21.7%
28.1% 24.9% 27.8% 25.9% 27.7%
4th Qtr 08 1st Qtr 09 2nd Qtr 09 3rd Qtr 09 4th Qtr 09

General Classifieds Search and Directories

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 7

Overall Market – Quarterly Revenues

Since the commencement of record keeping of online advertising expenditure, expenditures have
increased 26 of the past 31 consecutive quarters. The December quarter continues the historical
trend of an increase from the September quarter, which has occurred in all years, except 2002, the
first year of record-keeping.

Total Quarterly $ Expenditure Growth Comparisons 2002-2009 YTD

$451 $462 $440 $453 $466
$500 $385
$400 $317 $294
$ millions

$300 $226
$167 $190
$200 $119 $118

$100 $64 $73 $69

$43 $47 $54
$43 $45

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Overall Market – Historical Fourth-Quarter Expenditure Trends

Fourth-quarter expenditure has increased year-on-year in both dollar and percentage terms. The
increase is the seventh consecutive year-on-year increase since the commencement of data
collection in 2002.

Fourth-Quarter Total Market $ Expenditure – 2003 through 2009

$ millions

$317 22%
$300 20%
$200 67%
$100 $73 60%
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in measurement
methodology from March 2007 quarter, which would result in the reported growth
being understated. Refer to Appendix for more information.

Total online advertising expenditure in Australia for the fourth-quarter increased 11% over the same
fourth-quarter period last year. The strong year-on-year growth experienced in the past appears to
be continuing (albeit at a slower pace, which is to be expected with the ongoing maturity of the
online advertising market, and difficult economic conditions).

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 8

Overall Market – 6 months ended 31 December 2009

Online advertising expenditure in Australia for the 6 months ended 31 December 2009 was
$978.75m, an increase $86.25m (or 10%) on the 6 months ended 30 June 2009, and an increase of
$65.5m (or 7%) on the 6 months ended 31 December 2008. These increases are largely driven by
the strong increase in the Search and Directories category, and reasonable growth in General

Online Advertising Expenditure – Total Spend by Category by Period

% Growth
General Search and Period/
Period Display Classifieds Directories Total Period Year / Year
Jun 09-Dec 09 $262,500,000 $219,500,000 $496,750,000 $978,750,000 10% 7%
Jan 09-Jun 09 $235,500,000 $209,500,000 $447,500,000 $892,500,000 -2% 12%
Jul 08-Dec 08 $255,500,000 $221,750,000 $436,000,000 $913,250,000 15% 26%
Jan 08-Jun 08 $209,000,000 $217,500,000 $370,500,000 $797,000,000 10% 29%
Jul 07-Dec 07 $201,500,000 $189,500,000 $335,500,000 $726,500,000 17% 25%
Jan 07-Jun 07 $165,500,000 $167,250,000 $286,750,000 $619,500,000 7% 47%
Jul 06-Dec 06 $169,500,000 $170,000,000 $240,500,000 $580,000,000 38% 62%
Jan 06-Jun 06 $133,500,000 $129,000,000 $158,500,000 $421,000,000 18% 60%
Jul 05-Dec 05 $114,000,000 $114,000,000 $129,000,000 $357,000,000 36% 59%
Jan 05-Jun 05 $80,000,000 $92,000,000 $91,000,000 $263,000,000 17% 61%
Jul 04-Dec 04 $74,000,000 $77,000,000 $74,000,000 $225,000,000 38% 64%
Jan 04-Jun 04 $54,500,000 $55,000,000 $53,500,000 $163,000,000 19% 65%
Jul 03-Dec 03 $50,201,279 $47,666,119 $39,132,602 $137,000,000 38% 51%
Jan 03-Jun 03 $30,524,060 $38,578,175 $29,897,765 $99,000,000 9% 30%
Jul 02-Dec 02 $30,975,930 $31,997,301 $27,614,930 $90,588,161 19%
Jan 02-Jun 02 $31,024,070 $28,002,700 $17,385,070 $76,411,840
Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in measurement methodology from March
2007 quarter, which would result in reported growth being understated. Refer to Appendix for more

Online Advertising Expenditure Online Advertising Expenditure

6 months ended 31 December 2009 6 months ended 31 December 2008
Category Share Category Share
General Search and Directories
Search and Directories 262,500,000 436,000,000
496,750,000 26.8% 47.7%
Classifieds 221,750,000
219,500,000 24.3%

Total Market $ Expenditure by Half Year to December 2009



$1,000 $913 $893

$727 -2%
$620 15%
$ millions

$580 10%

$600 17%
$225 $263
$137 36%
$200 $99 17%
$76 $91
19% 9%
Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jun- Dec
02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 9

Overall Market – 12 months ended 31 December 2009

Online advertising expenditure in Australia for the 12 months ended 31 December 2009 was
$1,871.25, an increase of $161m (or 9%) on the 12 months ended 31 December 2008. The increase
has been largely driven by the 17% increase in Search and Directories advertising. General Display
also showed strong growth with a 7% increase whilst Classifieds decreased by 2% from the prior

Online Advertising Expenditure – Total Spend by Category by Period

12 months General Search and % Growth

ended Display Classifieds Directories Total Year/Year
December 2009 $498,000,000 $429,000,000 $944,250,000 $1,871,250,000 9%
December 2008 $464,500,000 $439,250,000 $806,500,000 $1,710,250,000 27%
December 2007 $367,000,000 $356,750,000 $622,250,000 $1,346,000,000 34%
December 2006 $303,000,000 $299,000,000 $399,000,000 $1,001,000,000 61%
December 2005 $194,000,000 $206,000,000 $220,000,000 $620,000,000 60%
December 2004 $128,500,000 $132,000,000 $127,500,000 $388,000,000 64%
December 2003 $80,725,339 $86,244,294 $69,030,367 $236,000,000 41%

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in measurement methodology from March
2007 quarter, which would result in reported growth being understated. Refer to Appendix for more

Online Advertising Expenditure Online Advertising Expenditure

12 months ended 31 December 2009 12 months ended 31 December 2008
Category Share Category Share

Search and Directories

Search and Directories 47%
General $464,500,000
$498,000,000 27%

Classifieds Classifieds
$429,000,000 $439,250,000
23% 26%

Total Market $ Expenditure by 12 months to December 2009

$2,000 $1,871


$ millions

$1,001 27%

$800 $620 34%

$388 61%
$236 60%
$200 64%
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 10

Overall Market – Historical Expenditure Statistics

Quarterly Data
General Search and % Growth
Period Display Classifieds Directories Total Qtr/Qtr Year/Year

4th Qtr 09 $141,750,000 $111,250,000 $259,500,000 $512,500,000 10% 11%

3rd Qtr 09 $120,750,000 $108,250,000 $237,250,000 $466,250,000 3% 3%
2nd Qtr 09 $126,000,000 $104,500,000 $222,500,000 $453,000,000 3% 10%
1st Qtr 09 $109,500,000 $105,000,000 $225,000,000 $439,500,000 -5% 14%
4th Qtr 08 $130,000,000 $108,000,000 $224,000,000 $462,000,000 2% 22%
3rd Qtr 08 $125,500,000 $113,750,000 $212,000,000 $451,250,000 9% 30%
2nd Qtr 08 $114,500,000 $111,000,000 $187,000,000 $412,500,000 7% 27%
1st Qtr 08 $94,500,000 $106,500,000 $183,500,000 $384,500,000 2% 31%
4th Qtr 07 $104,500,000 $98,250,000 $176,000,000 $378,750,000 9% 19%
3rd Qtr 07 $97,000,000 $91,250,000 $159,500,000 $347,750,000 7% 32%
2nd Qtr 07 $90,500,000 $87,750,000 $147,250,000 $325,500,000 11% 44%
1st Qtr 07 $75,000,000 $79,500,000 $139,500,000 $294,000,000 -7% 51%
4th Qtr 06 $91,500,000 $89,000,000 $136,500,000 $317,000,000 21% 67%
3rd Qtr 06 $78,000,000 $81,000,000 $104,000,000 $263,000,000 16% 57%
2nd Qtr 06 $76,000,000 $67,000,000 $83,000,000 $226,000,000 16% 56%
1st Qtr 06 $57,500,000 $62,000,000 $75,500,000 $195,000,000 3% 65%
4th Qtr 05 $62,000,000 $60,000,000 $68,000,000 $190,000,000 14% 60%
3rd Qtr 05 $52,000,000 $54,000,000 $61,000,000 $167,000,000 15% 58%
2nd Qtr 05 $46,000,000 $50,000,000 $49,000,000 $145,000,000 23% 54%
1st Qtr 05 $34,000,000 $42,000,000 $42,000,000 $118,000,000 -1% 71%
4th Qtr 04 $40,000,000 $39,000,000 $40,000,000 $119,000,000 12% 63%
3rd Qtr 04 $34,000,000 $38,000,000 $34,000,000 $106,000,000 13% 66%
2nd Qtr 04 $32,000,000 $30,000,000 $32,000,000 $94,000,000 36% 74%
1st Qtr 04 $22,500,000 $25,000,000 $21,500,000 $69,000,000 -5% 53%
4th Qtr 03 $27,479,934 $24,714,607 $20,805,459 $73,000,000 14% 69%
3rd Qtr 03 $22,721,345 $22,951,512 $18,327,143 $64,000,000 19% 35%
2nd Qtr 03 $17,391,290 $20,556,558 $16,052,152 $54,000,000 20% 26%
1st Qtr 03 $13,132,770 $18,021,617 $13,845,613 $45,000,000 4% 34%
4th Qtr 02 $15,168,016 $15,640,828 $12,335,206 $43,144,050 -9%
3rd Qtr 02 $15,807,914 $16,356,473 $15,279,724 $47,444,111 10%
2nd Qtr 02 $17,508,741 $14,685,366 $10,756,419 $42,950,526 28%
1st Qtr 02 $13,515,329 $13,317,334 $6,628,651 $33,461,314

Note - Figures reported since first-quarter 2007 were prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Figures prior to
first-quarter 2007 are based on the OAER – October to December 2006, as prepared by ABVS. Refer to the
Report Scope, Methodology and Format section of the appendix for more information.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 11

General Display Advertising Expenditure – 3 months ended 31 December
The total online advertising expenditure for General Advertising for the three months ended 31
December 2009 was $141.75m. This expenditure was an increase of $21.0m (or 17%) on the third-
quarter of 2009 and an increase of $11.75m (or 9%) on the fourth-quarter of 2008.

Quarterly Revenues

Since the commencement of record keeping of online advertising expenditure, expenditures have
increased 21 of the past 31 consecutive quarters. The December quarter continues the historical
trend of an increase from the September quarter, which has occurred in all years except 2002, the
first year of record-keeping.

Total Quarterly $ Expenditure Growth Comparisons 2002-2009 YTD (in $millions)

$150 $130 $142

$140 $126
$115 $110 $121
$105 $95
$120 $97
$110 $92 $91

$100 $78 $75

$ millions

$80 $62
$70 $52
$40 $34
$50 $34
$40 $27
$23 $23
$30 $18 $16 $17
$14 $15 $13
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Historical Fourth-Quarter Expenditure Trends

Fourth-quarter expenditure has increased year-on-year. General Advertising expenditure in Australia

in the fourth-quarter of 2009 was up 9% on the same period last year. The increase is the seventh
consecutive yearly increase for the fourth-quarter since the commencement of data collection in

Fourth-Quarter Total Market $ Expenditure – 2003 through 2009

$150 $142
$140 $130
$130 9%
$120 $105
$100 $92 24%
$ millions

$90 14%
$70 $62
$60 48%
$50 $40
$40 $27 55%
$30 46%
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in measurement methodology from
March 2007 quarter, which would result in reported growth being understated. Refer to Appendix for
more information.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 12

General Display – Email and Video Advertising Expenditures

This report includes details of email and video advertising expenditures for the second time. These
amounts are included in the total General Display expenditure reported for the period.

The definitions of the email and video categories are included in the Glossary.

Based on submissions from publishers the expenditures (to the nearest $100,000) for the quarter
are as follows:

Email $9.3m
Video $5.3m

(Note: Email and Video advertising expenditure information was aggregated for all
publishers with the exception of Sensis. No estimate has been included for Sensis.)

General Display – Pricing Methodology

This report includes General Display pricing methods for the second time. The pricing methods are
CPM based and Direct Response based. These two categories have changed from the prior
quarter whereby there were three categories: CPM based; Performance based and Hybrid based.

The change in this quarter involves the Hybrid based and Performance based pricing amalgamated
into one category, being Direct Response based.

Definitions of CPM based and Direct Response based are included in the Glossary.

Based on submissions from publishers the pricing methods used in General Display advertising
expenditures for the quarter are as follows:

Direct Response

CPM based

(Note: Pricing methodology information was collected from all publishers

with the exception of Sensis. No estimate has been included for Sensis.)

The CPM based pricing method is the most predominantly used pricing basis in the General
Display advertising category.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 13

General Display Advertising Expenditure – Advertiser Industry Category

Finance, Computers & Communications and Motor Vehicles were the dominant industries using
General Display advertising. These industries represented 43.8% of the advertising market in the
fourth-quarter 2009 (41.8% in third-quarter 2009 and 43.8% in fourth-quarter 2008).

 Finance (which incorporates Business Banking, Credit Cards, Home Loans, Superannuation,
Personal Banking, Wealth Management and Other Finance) was the highest spending
Advertiser Industry Category in the fourth-quarter 2009 with 18.6%, a slight decrease in its
share from 18.9% in third-quarter 2009.

 Computers & Communications was second with a 13.6% share, a large increase from 10.7%
in third-quarter 2009.

 Motor Vehicles recorded an 11.6% share, a slight decrease from 12.2% in the third-quarter

 Entertainment & Leisure recorded an 7.8% share, a slight decrease from 7.9% in third-quarter

 FMCG is fifth (for the first time) with a 6.4% share, an increase from 5.6% in the third-quarter

Advertising Expenditure by Industry Category

Fourth-quarter 2009 vs Third-quarter 2009 vs Fourth-quarter 2008

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0%

Finance 18.9%
Computers & Communications 10.7%
Motor Vehicles 12.2%
Travel/Accommodation 7.0%
Entertainment & Leisure 7.9%
Media 3.8%
FMCG 5.6%
Real Estate 4.4%
Retail 3.8%
Government 4.1%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals 5.7%
Insurance 2.9%
Other 13.0%

2009 Q4 2009 Q3 2008 Q4

*Other for graphical purposes includes Alcoholic Beverages, Community/Public Service,

Education & Learning, Home Products & Services, Office & Business Equipment,
Recruitment and Other in the Advertiser Industry Category table.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 14

The chart below illustrates the advertising expenditure shares for the General Display market of the
top seven advertising industries by quarter from fourth-quarter 2005 to present.

Top 7 Advertiser Industry Category Share by Quarter – 2005-2009 YTD

Computers &
30% Communications
Motor Vehicles

25% Travel/Accommodation

20% Entertainment & Leisure




Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09

The table below outlines the dollar expenditure for all advertising industry categories in General
Display advertising for the past five quarters.

2009 Q4 2009 Q3 2009 Q2 2009 Q1 2008 Q4

Advertiser Industry Category $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Finance $26,298 $22,826 $24,652 $20,878 $27,669
Computers & Communications $19,223 $12,943 $17,647 $13,552 $18,176
Motor Vehicles $16,423 $14,790 $14,956 $15,882 $17,735
Travel/Accommodation $8,464 $8,508 $9,496 $8,823 $7,598
Entertainment & Leisure $11,076 $9,531 $10,224 $8,050 $10,524
Media $5,987 $4,555 $6,336 $4,587 $5,077
FMCG $9,079 $6,755 $5,875 $4,896 $5,202
Real Estate $5,530 $5,267 $4,841 $4,636 $4,998
Retail $6,417 $4,610 $3,510 $3,294 $4,657
Insurance $4,258 $3,457 $4,450 $3,751 $3,257
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals $6,417 $6,879 $5,142 $4,500 $5,503
Government $4,775 $4,933 $5,683 $4,810 $4,395
Other $8,373 $6,704 $5,640 $5,140 $5,779
Recruitment $1,791 $1,892 $1,738 $1,660 $1,734
Alcoholic Beverages $2,125 $2,455 $1,552 $1,836 $2,462
Education & Learning $2,650 $2,127 $2,070 $1,519 $2,408
Home Products & Services $1,109 $1,108 $748 $494 $1,217
Community/Public Service $1,459 $1,063 $1,274 $965 $1,346
Office & Business Equipment $296 $347 $166 $227 $263
Total $141,750 $120,750 $126,000 $109,500 $130,000

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 15

General Advertising Expenditure – Advertiser Industry Category

The table below shows the percentage market share for all advertising industry categories in General Display advertising since fourth-quarter 2006.

Advertiser Industry Category Q4 09 Q3 09 Q2 09 Q1 09 Q4 08 Q3 08 Q2 08 Q1 08 Q4 07 Q3 07 Q2 07 Q1 07 Q4 06

Finance 18.55% 18.90% 19.57% 19.07% 21.28% 20.18% 20.46% 21.48% 18.24% 21.55% 22.74% 23.58% 18.10%
Computers & Communications 13.56% 10.72% 14.01% 12.38% 13.98% 15.30% 16.65% 14.63% 17.79% 15.44% 18.28% 14.33% 20.30%
Motor Vehicles 11.59% 12.25% 11.87% 14.50% 13.64% 16.71% 14.47% 14.96% 14.66% 15.72% 13.57% 13.68% 13.40%
Travel/Accommodation 5.97% 7.05% 7.54% 8.06% 5.84% 6.52% 6.28% 6.67% 5.98% 6.71% 7.85% 7.42% 7.80%
Entertainment & Leisure 7.81% 7.89% 8.11% 7.35% 8.10% 7.04% 7.06% 6.23% 7.88% 5.62% 5.05% 5.77% 7.20%
Media 4.22% 3.77% 5.03% 4.19% 3.91% 4.48% 3.48% 4.13% 3.81% 3.84% 4.58% 5.37% 5.10%
FMCG 6.40% 5.59% 4.66% 4.47% 4.00% 4.98% 3.53% 4.26% 4.12% 5.10% 4.37% 5.21% 4.30%
Real Estate 3.90% 4.36% 3.84% 4.23% 3.84% 3.13% 1.90% 2.58% 2.16% 2.00% 1.95% 3.63% 2.30%
Retail 4.53% 3.82% 2.79% 3.01% 3.58% 3.23% 2.98% 3.43% 3.70% 2.80% 2.29% 3.62% 4.80%
Insurance 3.00% 2.86% 3.53% 3.43% 2.51% 2.29% 4.75% 4.50% 3.84% 3.72% 3.64% 3.56% 2.10%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals 4.53% 5.70% 4.08% 4.11% 4.23% 3.43% 4.00% 4.65% 3.35% 3.17% 3.08% 3.04% 2.30%
Government 3.37% 4.09% 4.51% 4.39% 3.38% 2.87% 3.16% 2.13% 3.33% 4.13% 3.40% 2.87% 3.00%
Other 5.91% 5.55% 4.48% 4.69% 4.45% 3.21% 3.67% 5.03% 4.81% 4.71% 3.49% 2.72% 2.20%
Recruitment 1.26% 1.57% 1.38% 1.52% 1.33% 1.21% 3.32% 1.58% 1.67% 1.96% 1.88% 1.72% 2.80%
Alcoholic Beverages 1.50% 2.03% 1.23% 1.68% 1.89% 1.11% 0.82% 1.21% 1.18% 0.86% 1.47% 1.09% 0.90%
Education & Learning 1.87% 1.76% 1.64% 1.39% 1.85% 2.09% 1.25% 1.03% 1.50% 1.39% 0.65% 1.03% 1.20%
Home Products & Services 0.78% 0.92% 0.59% 0.45% 0.94% 0.93% 0.63% 0.43% 0.81% 0.66% 0.70% 0.69% 1.30%
Community/Public Service 1.03% 0.88% 1.01% 0.88% 1.04% 0.71% 1.07% 0.67% 0.69% 0.49% 0.74% 0.52% 0.60%
Office & Business Equipment 0.21% 0.29% 0.13% 0.21% 0.20% 0.58% 0.53% 0.43% 0.48% 0.13% 0.27% 0.15% 0.30%

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 16

General Display Advertising Expenditure – Advertiser Industry Subcategories

The table below shows the dollar expenditure and percentage market share of Advertiser Industry
Subcategories on a quarterly basis.

2009 Q4 2009 Q3 2009 Q2 2009 Q1

Advertiser Industry Category $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Finance $26,298 18.55% $22,826 18.90% $24,652 19.57% $20,878 19.07%
Made up of:
- Business Banking $1,698 1.20% $488 0.40% $1,607 1.28% $479 0.44%
- Credit Cards $6,402 4.52% $3,964 3.28% $3,961 3.14% $5,108 4.66%
- Home Loans $7,512 5.30% $6,863 5.68% $6,689 5.31% $6,096 5.57%
- Superannuation $497 0.35% $384 0.32% $532 0.42% $311 0.28%
- Personal Banking $4,821 3.40% $5,883 4.87% $5,943 4.72% $4,448 4.06%
- Wealth Management $1,714 1.21% $1,681 1.39% $1,882 1.49% $1,494 1.36%
- Other $3,653 2.58% $3,563 2.95% $4,038 3.20% $2,942 2.69%
Computers & Communication $19,223 13.56% $12,943 10.72% $17,647 14.01% $13,552 12.38%
Made up of:
- Computer Hardware $7,137 5.04% $4,241 3.51% $5,361 4.25% $4,804 4.39%
- Computer Software $2,126 1.50% $956 0.79% $1,298 1.03% $964 0.88%
- Telecommunications $6,940 4.90% $6,038 5.00% $9,244 7.34% $6,575 6.00%
- Internet/ISP $3,020 2.13% $1,708 1.41% $1,744 1.38% $1,209 1.10%
Motor Vehicles $16,423 11.59% $14,790 12.25% $14,956 11.87% $15,882 14.50%
Made up of:
- Internet Sites $879 0.62% $879 0.73% $765 0.61% $674 0.62%
- Manufacturers $13,580 9.58% $12,306 10.19% $12,312 9.77% $13,150 12.01%
- Dealers $490 0.35% $334 0.28% $457 0.36% $453 0.41%
- Other $1,474 1.04% $1,271 1.05% $1,422 1.13% $1,605 1.47%
Travel/Accommodation $8,464 5.97% $8,508 7.05% $9,496 7.54% $8,823 8.06%
Made up of:
- Flights $3,299 2.33% $2,546 2.11% $3,911 3.10% $3,342 3.05%
- Accommodation $1,693 1.19% $2,282 1.89% $1,667 1.32% $2,183 1.99%
- Car Hire $228 0.16% $216 0.18% $270 0.21% $330 0.30%
- Holiday Packages/Agents $937 0.66% $946 0.78% $1,107 0.88% $944 0.86%
- Other $2,308 1.63% $2,518 2.09% $2,542 2.02% $2,024 1.85%
Entertainment & Leisure $11,076 7.81% $9,531 7.89% $10,224 8.11% $8,050 7.35%
Made up of:
- Music $732 0.52% $471 0.39% $485 0.39% $213 0.19%
- Movies $4,257 3.00% $3,298 2.73% $3,713 2.95% $2,778 2.54%
- Games/Consoles $1,780 1.26% $1,025 0.85% $804 0.64% $829 0.76%
- Other $4,307 3.04% $4,737 3.92% $5,222 4.14% $4,230 3.86%
Media $5,987 4.22% $4,555 3.77% $6,336 5.03% $4,587 4.19%
FMCG $9,079 6.40% $6,755 5.59% $5,875 4.66% $4,896 4.47%
Made up of:
- Food $4,085 2.88% $3,757 3.11% $2,571 2.04% $2,373 2.17%
- Beverages (non-alcoholic) $2,565 1.81% $1,343 1.11% $1,479 1.17% $978 0.89%
- Other $2,428 1.71% $1,655 1.37% $1,826 1.45% $1,545 1.41%
Real Estate $5,530 3.90% $5,267 4.36% $4,841 3.84% $4,636 4.23%
Retail $6,417 4.53% $4,610 3.82% $3,510 2.79% $3,294 3.01%
Insurance $4,258 3.00% $3,457 2.86% $4,450 3.53% $3,751 3.43%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals $6,417 4.53% $6,879 5.70% $5,142 4.08% $4,500 4.11%
Government $4,775 3.37% $4,933 4.09% $5,683 4.51% $4,810 4.39%
Other $8,373 5.91% $6,704 5.55% $5,640 4.48% $5,140 4.69%
Recruitment $1,791 1.26% $1,892 1.57% $1,738 1.38% $1,660 1.52%
Alcoholic Beverages $2,125 1.50% $2,455 2.03% $1,552 1.23% $1,836 1.68%
Education & Learning $2,650 1.87% $2,127 1.76% $2,070 1.64% $1,519 1.39%
Home Products & Services $1,109 0.78% $1,108 0.92% $748 0.59% $494 0.45%
Community/Public Service $1,459 1.03% $1,063 0.88% $1,274 1.01% $965 0.88%
Office & Business Equipment $297 0.21% $347 0.29% $166 0.13% $227 0.21%

Total $141,750 100.00% $120,750 100.00% $126,000 100.00% $109,500 100.00%

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 17

General Display Advertising Expenditure – 6 months ended 31 December
Online advertising expenditure in Australia for the 6 months ended 31 December 2009 was
$262.5m, an increase of $27m (or 11.5%) on the 6 months ended 30 June 2009, and an increase of
$7m (or 2.7%) on the 6 months ended 31 December 2008.

% Growth
General Period/
Period Display Period Year / Year
Jun 09-Dec 09 $262,500,000 11% 3%
Jan 09-Jun 09 $235,500,000 -8% 13%
Jul 08-Dec 08 $255,500,000 22% 27%
Jan 08-Jun 08 $209,000,000 4% 26%
Jul 07-Dec 07 $201,500,000 22% 19%
Jan 07-Jun 07 $165,500,000 -2% 24%
Jul 06-Dec 06 $169,500,000 27% 49%
Jan 06-Jun 06 $133,500,000 17% 67%
Jul 05-Dec 05 $114,000,000 43% 54%
Jan 05-Jun 05 $80,000,000 8% 47%
Jul 04-Dec 04 $74,000,000 36% 47%
Jan 04-Jun 04 $54,500,000 9% 79%
Jul 03-Dec 03 $50,201,279 64% 62%
Jan 03-Jun 03 $30,524,060 -1% -2%
Jul 02-Dec 02 $30,975,930 0%
Jan 02-Jun 02 $31,024,070

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in measurement
methodology from March 2007 quarter, which would result in reported growth being
understated. Refer to Appendix for more information.
Total Market $ Expenditure by Half Year to December 2009

$250 $236
$209 -8% 11%
$200 22%
$166 4%
$ millions

$134 -2% 22%


$100 $80 17%

$55 43%
$50 8%
$50 $31 $31 $31 36%
0% -1%
Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jun- Dec
02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 18

General Display – Email and Video Advertising Expenditures

This report includes the 6 monthly details of email and video advertising expenditures for the first
time. These amounts are included in the total General Display expenditure reported for the period.

The definitions of the email and video categories are included in the Glossary.

Based on submissions from publishers the expenditures (to the nearest $100,000) for the quarter
are as follows:

Email $17.2m
Video $10.0m

(Note: Email and Video advertising expenditure information was aggregated for all
publishers with the exception of Sensis. No estimate has been included for Sensis.)

General Display – Pricing Methodology

This report includes General Display pricing methods for the second time. The pricing methods are
CPM based and Direct Response based. These two categories have changed from the prior
quarter whereby there were three categories: CPM based; Performance based and Hybrid based.

The change in this quarter involves the Hybrid based and Performance based pricing amalgamated
into one category, being Direct Response based.

Definitions of CPM based, Direct Response based, Performance based and Hybrid based are
included in the Glossary.

Based on submissions from publishers the pricing methods used in General Display advertising
expenditures for the quarter are as follows:

Direct Response

CPM based

(Note: Pricing methodology information was collected from all publishers

with the exception of Sensis. No estimate has been included for Sensis.)

The CPM based pricing method is the most predominantly used pricing basis in the General
Display advertising category.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 19

General Display Advertising Expenditure – Advertising Industry Category
 Finance (which incorporates Business Banking, Credit Cards, Home Loans, Superannuation,
Personal Banking, Wealth Management and Other Finance) was the highest spending
Advertiser Industry Category in the 6 months to December 2009 with 18.7%, a decrease from
19.3% in the prior period.
 Computers & Communications was second with a 12.3% share, a decrease from 13.2% in the
prior period.
 Motor vehicles recorded a 11.9% share, a decrease from 13.1% in the prior period.
 Entertainment & Leisure recorded a 7.9% share, an increase from 7.8% in the prior period.
 Travel/Accommodation recorded a 6.5% share, a decrease from 7.8% in the prior period.

Advertising Expenditure by Industry Category

6 months ended December 2009 vs 6 months ended June 2009 vs 6 months ended December 2008
0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0%

Finance 19.3%
Computers & Communications 13.2%
Motor Vehicles 13.1%
Travel/Accommodation 7.8%
Entertainment & Leisure 7.8%
Media 4.6%
FMCG 4.6%
Real Estate 4.0%
Retail 2.9%
Government 4.5%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals 4.1%
Insurance 3.5%
Other 10.6% Jul-Dec 09 Jan-Jun 09 Jul-Dec 08

*Other for graphical purposes includes Alcoholic Beverages, Community/Public Service,

Education & Learning, Home Products & Services, Office & Business Equipment,
Recruitment and Other in the Advertiser Industry Category table.

Jun – Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul-

Advertiser Industry Category
Dec 09 Jun 09 Dec 08 Jun 08 Dec 07 Jun 07 Dec 06 Jun 06 Dec 05
Finance 18.71% 19.33% 20.74% 20.92% 19.84% 23.12% 20.91% 26.00% 31.10%
Computers & Communications 12.25% 13.25% 14.63% 15.73% 16.66% 16.49% 18.18% 15.40% 15.10%
Motor Vehicles 11.89% 13.09% 15.15% 14.69% 15.18% 13.62% 15.15% 14.20% 11.40%
Travel/Accommodation 6.47% 7.78% 6.18% 6.46% 6.34% 7.65% 7.29% 6.00% 6.90%
Entertainment & Leisure 7.85% 7.76% 7.58% 6.68% 6.79% 5.37% 6.46% 5.70% 5.40%
Media 4.02% 4.64% 4.19% 3.77% 3.83% 4.94% 5.24% 4.90% 3.60%
FMCG 6.03% 4.57% 4.48% 3.86% 4.59% 4.75% 4.07% 2.40% 2.50%
Real Estate 4.11% 4.02% 3.49% 2.20% 2.08% 2.71% 2.71% 2.30% 2.50%
Retail 4.20% 2.89% 3.41% 3.19% 3.26% 2.89% 3.93% 2.90% 3.70%
Insurance 2.94% 3.48% 2.40% 4.64% 3.78% 3.16% 1.92% 2.10% 1.50%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals 5.06% 4.09% 3.84% 4.29% 3.27% 3.06% 2.53% 2.80% 2.90%
Government 3.70% 4.46% 3.13% 2.69% 3.72% 3.60% 2.45% 3.20% 2.80%
Other 5.74% 4.58% 3.84% 4.28% 4.73% 3.15% 2.20% 3.80% 3.10%
Recruitment 1.40% 1.44% 1.27% 2.53% 1.81% 1.81% 3.12% 4.40% 4.20%
Alcoholic Beverages 1.74% 1.44% 1.51% 1.00% 1.03% 1.30% 0.85% 0.60% 0.60%
Education & Learning 1.82% 1.52% 1.97% 1.15% 1.45% 0.82% 1.06% 1.00% 1.00%
Home Products & Services 0.84% 0.53% 0.93% 0.54% 0.74% 0.70% 0.84% 0.90% 0.60%
Community/Public Service 0.96% 0.95% 0.88% 0.89% 0.59% 0.64% 0.65% 1.10% 0.90%
Office & Business Equipment 0.24% 0.17% 0.39% 0.48% 0.31% 0.22% 0.44% 0.30% 0.20%

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 20

General Display Advertising Expenditure – Advertiser Industry Subcategories

The table below shows the dollar expenditure and percentage market share of Advertiser Industry
Subcategories for the 6 months ended 31 December 2009.

Dec-09 Jun 09
Half Half
Advertiser Industry Category $’000 $’000
Finance $49,124 18.71% $45,530 19.33%
Made up of:
- Business Banking $2,186 0.83% $2,085 0.89%
- Credit Cards $10,366 3.95% $9,069 3.85%
- Home Loans $14,375 5.48% $12,786 5.43%
- Superannuation $881 0.34% $843 0.36%
- Personal Banking $10,704 4.08% $10,391 4.41%
- Wealth Management $3,395 1.29% $3,376 1.43%
- Other $7,217 2.75% $6,980 2.96%
Computers & Communication $32,166 12.25% $31,199 13.25%
Made up of:
- Computer Hardware $11,378 4.33% $10,165 4.32%
- Computer Software $3,082 1.17% $2,262 0.96%
- Telecommunications $12,978 4.94% $15,819 6.72%
- Internet/ISP $4,728 1.80% $2,953 1.25%
Motor Vehicles $31,213 11.89% $30,837 13.09%
Made up of:
- Internet Sites $1,758 0.67% $1,439 0.61%
- Manufacturers $25,886 9.86% $25,461 10.81%
- Dealers $824 0.31% $910 0.39%
- Other $2,745 1.05% $3,027 1.29%
Travel/Accommodation $16,972 6.47% $18,319 7.78%
Made up of:
- Flights $5,845 2.23% $7,254 3.08%
- Accommodation $3,974 1.51% $3,848 1.63%
- Car Hire $444 0.17% $600 0.25%
- Holiday Packages/Agents $1,882 0.72% $2,051 0.87%
- Other $4,827 1.84% $4,566 1.94%
Entertainment & Leisure $20,607 7.85% $18,274 7.76%
Made up of:
- Music $1,203 0.46% $698 0.30%
- Movies $7,555 2.88% $6,490 2.76%
- Games/Consoles $2,805 1.07% $1,634 0.69%
- Other $9,044 3.45% $9,452 4.01%
Media $10,542 4.02% $10,923 4.64%
FMCG $15,833 6.03% $10,771 4.57%
Made up of:
- Food $7,842 2.99% $4,943 2.10%
- Beverages (non-alcoholic) $3,908 1.49% $2,457 1.04%
- Other $4,083 1.56% $3,371 1.43%
Real Estate $10,797 4.11% $9,477 4.02%
Retail $11,028 4.20% $6,803 2.89%
Insurance $7,716 2.94% $8,201 3.48%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals $13,295 5.06% $9,643 4.09%
Government $9,708 3.70% $10,493 4.46%
Other $15,077 5.74% $10,781 4.58%
Recruitment $3,683 1.40% $3,398 1.44%
Alcoholic Beverages $4,580 1.74% $3,388 1.44%
Education & Learning $4,777 1.82% $3,589 1.52%
Home Products & Services $2,217 0.84% $1,242 0.53%
Community/Public Service $2,522 0.96% $2,239 0.95%
Office & Business Equipment $643 0.24% $393 0.17%

Total $262,500 100.00% $235,500 100.00%

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 21

General Display Advertising Expenditure – 12 months ended 31 December
The total online advertising expenditure for General Display Advertising for the 12 months ended 31
December 2009 was $498m, an increase of $33.5m (or 7.2%) from the 12 months ended 30
December 2008.

% Growth
12 months ended General Display Year/Year
December 2009 $ 498,000,000 7%
December 2008 $ 464,500,000 27%
December 2007 $ 367,000,000 21%
December 2006 $ 303,000,000 56%
December 2005 $ 194,000,000 51%
December 2004 $ 128,500,000 60%
December 2003 $ 80,725,339

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in
measurement methodology from March 2007 quarter, which would result in
reported growth being understated. Refer to Appendix for more information.

Total Market $ Expenditure by 12 months ended December

$500 $465

$450 7%

$400 $367

$350 27%
$ millions

$150 $129


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

 Finance, which incorporates Business Banking, Credit Cards, Home Loans, Superannuation,
Personal Banking, Wealth Management and Other Finance, was the highest spending
Advertiser Industry Category in 2009 with 19.0%, a decrease from 20.8% in 2008.

 Computers & Communications was second, recording a 12.7% share, a decrease from 15.1%
in 2008.

 Motor vehicles recorded a 12.5% share, a decrease from 14.9% in 2008.

 Entertainment & Leisure recorded a 7.8% share, an increase from 7.2% in 2008.

 Travel/Accommodation recorded a 7.1% share, an increase from 6.3% in 2008.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 22

Advertising Expenditure by Industry Category
12 months ended December 2009 vs 12 months ended December 2008

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0%

Computers & Communications 15.1%
Motor Vehicles 14.9%
Travel/Accommodation 6.3%
Entertainment & Leisure 7.2%
FMCG 4.2%
Real Estate 2.9%
Government 2.9%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals
Insurance 3.4%
Other 10.8%

2009 2008

*Other for graphical purposes includes Alcoholic Beverages, Community/Public Service,

Education & Learning, Home Products & Services, Office & Business Equipment,
Recruitment and Other in the Advertiser Industry Category table.

Advertiser Industry Category 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

Finance 19.01% 20.82% 21.32% 23.15% 29.29%
Computers & Communications 12.72% 15.13% 16.58% 16.96% 15.80%
Motor Vehicles 12.46% 14.94% 14.47% 14.73% 10.53%
Travel/Accommodation 7.09% 6.30% 6.93% 6.72% 7.35%
Entertainment & Leisure 7.81% 7.18% 6.15% 6.13% 5.28%
Media 4.31% 4.00% 4.33% 5.09% 3.68%
FMCG 5.34% 4.20% 4.66% 3.33% 2.91%
Real Estate 4.07% 2.91% 2.37% 2.53% 2.38%
Retail 3.58% 3.31% 3.09% 3.47% 4.36%
Government 3.20% 2.93% 3.47% 2.78% 2.88%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals 4.61% 4.04% 3.17% 2.65% 2.86%
Insurance 4.06% 3.41% 3.70% 2.00% 1.79%
Other 5.19% 4.04% 4.03% 2.90% 3.47%
Recruitment 1.42% 1.84% 1.81% 3.69% 4.49%
Alcoholic Beverages 1.60% 1.28% 1.15% 0.74% 0.39%
Education & Learning 1.68% 1.60% 1.17% 1.03% 0.79%
Home Products & Services 0.69% 0.76% 0.72% 0.87% 0.56%
Community/Public Service 0.96% 0.88% 0.62% 0.85% 1.02%
Office & Business Equipment 0.21% 0.43% 0.27% 0.38% 0.16%

The largest dollar increase in expenditure was for the FMCG industry category which increased by
$7.1m for the 2009 year from 2008. The largest percentage gain in expenditure was for the Real
Estate Industry category which increased by 49.9% in 2009, from 2008.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 23

General Display Advertising Expenditure – Advertiser Industry Subcategories

The table below shows the dollar expenditure and percentage market share of Advertiser Industry
Subcategories for the year ended 31 December 2009.

Dec-09 Year
Advertiser Industry Category $’000
Finance $94,654 19.01%
Made up of:
- Business Banking $4,271 0.86%
- Credit Cards $19,435 3.90%
- Home Loans $27,160 5.45%
- Superannuation $1,724 0.35%
- Personal Banking $21,095 4.24%
- Wealth Management $6,772 1.36%
- Other $14,197 2.85%
Computers & Communication $63,365 12.72%
Made up of:
- Computer Hardware $21,543 4.33%
- Computer Software $5,344 1.07%
- Telecommunications $28,797 5.78%
- Internet/ISP $7,681 1.54%
Motor Vehicles $62,051 12.46%
Made up of:
- Internet Sites $3,197 0.64%
- Manufacturers $51,347 10.31%
- Dealers $1,734 0.35%
- Other $5,773 1.16%
Travel/Accommodation $35,290 7.09%
Made up of:
- Flights $13,098 2.63%
- Accommodation $7,823 1.57%
- Car Hire $1,044 0.21%
- Holiday Packages/Agents $3,933 0.79%
- Other $9,392 1.89%
Entertainment & Leisure $38,882 7.81%
Made up of:
- Music $1,901 0.38%
- Movies $14,045 2.82%
- Games/Consoles $4,439 0.89%
- Other $18,497 3.71%
Media $21,465 4.31%
FMCG $26,604 5.34%
Made up of:
- Food $12,786 2.57%
- Beverages (non-alcoholic) $6,365 1.28%
- Other $7,453 1.50%
Real Estate $20,273 4.07%
Retail $17,831 3.58%
Insurance $15,917 3.20%
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals $22,938 4.61%
Government $20,201 4.06%
Other $25,858 5.19%
Recruitment $7,081 1.42%
Alcoholic Beverages $7,968 1.60%
Education & Learning $8,366 1.68%
Home Products & Services $3,459 0.69%
Community/Public Service $4,762 0.96%
Office & Business Equipment $1,035 0.21%

Total $498,000 100.00%

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 24

Historical Expenditure Statistics

Quarterly Data

% Growth
Period General Display
Qtr/Qtr Year/Year
4th Qtr 09 $141,750,000 17% 9%
3rd Qtr 09 $120,750,000 -4% -4%
2nd Qtr 09 $126,000,000 15% 10%
1st Qtr 09 $109,500,000 -16% 16%
4th Qtr 08 $130,000,000 4% 24%
3rd Qtr 08 $125,500,000 10% 29%
2nd Qtr 08 $114,500,000 21% 27%
1st Qtr 08 $94,500,000 -10% 26%
4th Qtr 07 $104,500,000 8% 14%
3rd Qtr 07 $97,000,000 7% 24%
2nd Qtr 07 $90,500,000 21% 19%
1st Qtr 07 $75,000,000 -18% 30%
4th Qtr 06 $91,500,000 17% 48%
3rd Qtr 06 $78,000,000 3% 50%
2nd Qtr 06 $76,000,000 32% 65%
1st Qtr 06 $57,500,000 -7% 69%
4th Qtr 05 $62,000,000 19% 55%
3rd Qtr 05 $52,000,000 13% 53%
2nd Qtr 05 $46,000,000 35% 44%
1st Qtr 05 $34,000,000 -15% 51%
4th Qtr 04 $40,000,000 18% 46%
3rd Qtr 04 $34,000,000 6% 50%
2nd Qtr 04 $32,000,000 42% 84%
1st Qtr 04 $22,500,000 -18% 71%
4th Qtr 03 $27,479,934 21% 81%
3rd Qtr 03 $22,721,345 31% 44%
2nd Qtr 03 $17,391,290 32% -1%
1st Qtr 03 $13,132,770 -13% -3%
4th Qtr 02 $15,168,016 -4%
3rd Qtr 02 $15,807,914 -10%
2nd Qtr 02 $17,508,741 30%
1st Qtr 02 $13,515,329

Note - Figures reported since first-quarter 2007 were prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Figures prior to
first-quarter 2007 are based on the OAER – October to December 2006, as prepared by ABVS. Refer to the
Report Scope, Methodology and Format section of the appendix for more information.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 25

Classifieds Advertising Expenditure – 3 months ended 31 December 2009
Total online advertising expenditure for Classifieds Advertising for the three months ended 30
December 2009 was $111.25m, an increase of $3.0m (or 2.8%) on the third-quarter 2009, and an
increase of $3.25m (or 3.0%) on the fourth-quarter 2008.

Quarterly Revenues

Since the commencement of record keeping of online advertising expenditure, expenditures have
increased 26 of the past 31 consecutive quarters.

Total Quarterly $ Expenditure Growth Comparisons 2002-2009 YTD

$120 $111
$114 $111
$107 $108 $105 $105 $108
$100 $88 $91
$89 $80
$80 $67
$ millions

$60 $50
$38 $39
$40 $30
$23 $25 $25
$18 $21
$20 $13 $15 $16 $16

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Historical Fourth-Quarter Expenditure Trends

Fourth-quarter expenditure has increased year-on-year. Classifieds Advertising expenditure in

Australia in the fourth-quarter 2009 is up 3% on the same period last year. This is the seventh
consecutive increase since the commencement of data collection in 2002.

Fourth-Quarter Total Market $ Expenditure – 2003 through 2009

$108 $111
$98 3%
$89 10%
$80 10%
$ millions

$60 48%
$40 54%

$20 58%

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in measurement
methodology from March 2007 quarter, which would result in reported growth being
understated. Refer to Appendix for more information.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 26

Classifieds Advertising Expenditure – 6 months ended 31 December 2009
The total online advertising expenditure for Classifieds Advertising for the 6 months ended 31
December 2009 was $219.5m, an increase of $10m (or 4.8%) from the 6 months ended 30 June
2008, and a decrease of $2.25m (or 1%) from the comparable 6 months ended 31 December 2008.

% Growth
Period Classifieds Period Year / Year
Jul 09-Dec 09 $219,500,000 5% -1%
Jan 09-Jun 09 $209,500,000 -6% -4%
Jul 08-Dec 08 $221,750,000 2% 17%
Jan 08-Jun 08 $217,500,000 15% 30%
Jul 07-Dec 07 $189,500,000 13% 11%
Jan 07-Jun 07 $167,250,000 -2% 30%
Jul 06-Dec 06 $170,000,000 32% 49%
Jan 06-Jun 06 $129,000,000 13% 40%
Jul 05-Dec 05 $114,000,000 24% 48%
Jan 05-Jun 05 $92,000,000 19% 67%
Jul 04-Dec 04 $77,000,000 40% 62%
Jan 04-Jun 04 $55,000,000 15% 43%
Jul 03-Dec 03 $47,666,119 24% 49%
Jan 03-Jun 03 $38,578,175 21% 38%
Jul 02-Dec 02 $31,997,301 14%
Jan 02-Jun 02 $28,002,700
Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in measurement
methodology from March 2007 quarter, which would result in reported growth
being understated. Refer to Appendix for more information.

Total Market $ Expenditure by Half Year to December 2009

$222 $220

$200 $190 2% -6% 5%

$170 $167 15%
$150 -2%
$ millions


$100 $92 13%

$77 24%

$48 19%
$50 $39
$28 $32 40%
14% 21%

Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jun- Dec
02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 27

Classifieds Advertising Expenditure – 12 months ended 31 December 2009
The total online advertising expenditure for Classifieds Advertising for the 12 months ended 31
December 2009 was $429m, a decrease of $10.25m (or 2.3%) from the 12 months ended 31
December 2008.

12 months % Growth
ended Classifieds Year/Year
December 2009 $429,000,000 -2%
December 2008 $439,250,000 23%
December 2007 $356,750,000 19%
December 2006 $299,000,000 45%
December 2005 $206,000,000 56%
December 2004 $132,000,000 53%
December 2003 $ 86,250,000

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in
measurement methodology from March 2007 quarter, which would result in
reported growth being understated. Refer to Appendix for more information

Total Market $ Expenditure by 12 months ended December


$450 $439 $429

$400 -2%
$350 23%
$300 19%
$ millions

$206 45%

$150 $132


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Real Estate was the leading category for Classifieds Advertising expenditure for the 12 months
ended 31 December 2009, followed by Recruitment then Automotive. The prior year order was
Recruitment, Real Estate, then Automotive.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 28

Historical Expenditure Statistics

Quarterly Data
% Growth
Period Classifieds
Qtr/Qtr Year/Year
4th Qtr 09 $111,250,000 3% 3%
3rd Qtr 09 $108,250,000 4% -5%
2nd Qtr 09 $104,500,000 -0% -6%
1st Qtr 09 $105,000,000 -3% -1%
4th Qtr 08 $108,000,000 -5% 10%
3rd Qtr 08 $113,750,000 2% 25%
2nd Qtr 08 $111,000,000 4% 26%
1st Qtr 08 $106,500,000 8% 34%
4th Qtr 07 $98,250,000 8% 10%
3rd Qtr 07 $91,250,000 4% 13%
2nd Qtr 07 $87,750,000 10% 31%
1st Qtr 07 $79,500,000 -11% 28%
4th Qtr 06 $89,000,000 10% 48%
3rd Qtr 06 $81,000,000 21% 50%
2nd Qtr 06 $67,000,000 8% 34%
1st Qtr 06 $62,000,000 3% 48%
4th Qtr 05 $60,000,000 11% 54%
3rd Qtr 05 $54,000,000 8% 42%
2nd Qtr 05 $50,000,000 19% 67%
1st Qtr 05 $42,000,000 8% 68%
4th Qtr 04 $39,000,000 3% 58%
3rd Qtr 04 $38,000,000 27% 66%
2nd Qtr 04 $30,000,000 20% 46%
1st Qtr 04 $25,000,000 1% 39%
4th Qtr 03 $24,714,607 8% 58%
3rd Qtr 03 $22,951,512 12% 40%
2nd Qtr 03 $20,556,558 14% 40%
1st Qtr 03 $18,021,617 15% 35%
4th Qtr 02 $15,640,828 -4%
3rd Qtr 02 $16,356,473 11%
2nd Qtr 02 $14,685,366 10%
1st Qtr 02 $13,317,334

Note - Figures reported since first-quarter 2007 were prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Figures prior to first-
quarter 2007 are based on the OAER – October to December 2006, as prepared by ABVS. Refer to the Report
Scope, Methodology and Format section of the appendix for more information.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 29

Search & Directories Advertising Expenditure – 3 months ended 31 December
Total online advertising expenditure for Search and Directories Advertising for the three months
ended 31 December 2009 was $259.5m, an increase of $22.25m (or 9.4%) on the third-quarter
2009, and an increase of $35.5m (or 15.8%) on the fourth-quarter 2008.

Quarterly Expenditure

Since the commencement of record keeping of online advertising expenditure, expenditures have
increased 29 of the past 31 consecutive quarters.

Total Quarterly $ Expenditure Growth Comparisons 2002-2009 YTD

$250 $212 $224 $225
$200 $147
$ millions

$150 $104

$100 $68
$40 $42
$50 $34
$22 $32
$18 $21
$15 $12 $14 $16
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Historical Fourth-Quarter Expenditure Trends

Fourth-quarter expenditure has increased significantly year-on-year. Search and Directories

Advertising expenditure in Australia in the fourth-quarter 2009 was up 16% on the same period last
year. The increase is the seventh consecutive yearly increase for the fourth-quarter since the
commencement of data collection in 2002.

Fourth-Quarter Total Market $ Expenditure – 2003 through 2009

$250 $224
$200 $176
$ millions

$150 $137
$50 $40
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes in
measurement methodology from March 2007 quarter. Refer to Appendix for
more information.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 30

Search & Directories Advertising Expenditure – 6 months ended 31 December
The total online advertising expenditure for Search & Directories Advertising for the 6 months ended
31 December 2009 was $496.75m, an increase of $49.25m (or 11.0%) from the 6 months ended 31
December 2008, and an increase of $60.75m (or 13.9%) from the comparable 6 months ended 30
December 2008.

% Growth
Search and Period/P
Period Directories eriod Year / Year
Jul 09-Dec 09 $496,750,000 11% 14%
Jan 09-Jun 09 $447,500,000 3% 21%
Jul 08-Dec 08 $436,000,000 18% 30%
Jan 08-Jun 08 $370,500,000 10% 29%
Jul 07-Dec 07 $335,500,000 17% 40%
Jan 07-Jun 07 $286,750,000 19% 81%
Jul 06-Dec 06 $240,500,000 52% 86%
Jan 06-Jun 06 $158,500,000 23% 74%
Jul 05-Dec 05 $129,000,000 42% 74%
Jan 05-Jun 05 $91,000,000 23% 70%
Jul 04-Dec 04 $74,000,000 38% 89%
Jan 04-Jun 04 $53,500,000 37% 79%
Jul 03-Dec 03 $39,132,602 31% 42%
Jan 03-Jun 03 $29,897,765 8% 72%
Jul 02-Dec 02 $27,614,930 59%
Jan 02-Jun 02 $17,385,070

Note: For 2007, growth from prior period and prior year may be impacted by changes in
measurement methodology from March 2007 quarter. Refer to Appendix for more

Total Market $ Expenditure by Half Year to December 2009


$500 $448
$ millions

$287 10%
$241 17%

$200 $159
$129 52%
$74 23%
$100 $54
$30 $39 42%
$28 23%
59% 8% 31% 37%
Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jul- Dec Jan- Jun Jun- Dec
02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 31

Search & Directories Advertising Expenditure – 12 months ended 31 December
The total online advertising expenditure for Search & Directories for the 12 months ended 31
December 2009 was $944.25m, an increase of $137.75m (or 17.1%) from the 12 months ended 31
December 2008.

Search and % Growth

12 months ended Directories Year/Year
December 2009 $ 944,250,000 17%
December 2008 $ 806,500,000 30%
December 2007 $ 622,250,000 56%
December 2006 $ 399,000,000 81%
December 2005 $ 220,000,000 73%
December 2004 $ 127,500,000 85%
December 2003 $ 69,030,367

Note: For 2007, growth from prior year may be impacted by changes
in measurement methodology from March 2007 quarter. Refer
to Appendix for more information.

Total Market $ Expenditure by 12 months ended December

$1,000 $944

$800 17%

$ millions


$200 $128

$100 73%

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 32

Historical Expenditure Statistics

Quarterly Data
Search and % Growth
Period Directories Qtr/Qtr Year/Year
4th Qtr 09 $259,500,000 9% 16%
3rd Qtr 09 $237,250,000 7% 12%
2nd Qtr 09 $222,500,000 -1% 19%
1st Qtr 09 $225,000,000 0% 23%
4th Qtr 08 $224,000,000 6% 27%
3rd Qtr 08 $212,000,000 13% 33%
2nd Qtr 08 $187,000,000 2% 27%
1st Qtr 08 $183,500,000 4% 32%
4th Qtr 07 $176,000,000 10% 29%
3rd Qtr 07 $159,500,000 8% 53%
2nd Qtr 07 $147,250,000 6% 77%
1st Qtr 07 $139,500,000 2% 85%
4th Qtr 06 $136,500,000 31% 101%
3rd Qtr 06 $104,000,000 25% 70%
2nd Qtr 06 $83,000,000 10% 69%
1st Qtr 06 $75,500,000 11% 80%
4th Qtr 05 $68,000,000 11% 70%
3rd Qtr 05 $61,000,000 24% 79%
2nd Qtr 05 $49,000,000 17% 53%
1st Qtr 05 $42,000,000 5% 95%
4th Qtr 04 $40,000,000 18% 92%
3rd Qtr 04 $34,000,000 6% 86%
2nd Qtr 04 $32,000,000 49% 99%
1st Qtr 04 $21,500,000 3% 55%
4th Qtr 03 $20,805,459 14% 69%
3rd Qtr 03 $18,327,143 14% 20%
2nd Qtr 03 $16,052,152 16% 49%
1st Qtr 03 $13,845,613 12% 109%
4th Qtr 02 $12,335,206 -19%
3rd Qtr 02 $15,279,724 42%
2nd Qtr 02 $10,756,419 62%
1st Qtr 02 $6,628,651

Note - Figures reported since first-quarter 2007 were prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Figures prior to
first-quarter 2007 are based on the OAER – October to December 2006, as prepared by ABVS. Refer to the
Report Scope, Methodology and Format section of the appendix for more information.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 33

Report Scope, Methodology and Format

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has retained PricewaterhouseCoopers to establish a

comprehensive standard for measuring online advertising expenditures. The IAB OAER is an
ongoing IAB mission to provide an accurate barometer of Internet advertising growth.

To achieve differentiation from existing estimates and accomplish industry-wide acceptance, key
aspects of the OAER include:
 Obtaining data directly from companies receiving online advertising expenditures;
 Making the OAER as inclusive as possible, encompassing all forms of Internet/online
advertising, including web sites, consumer online services and e-mail providers;
 Ensuring and maintaining a confidential process, only releasing aggregate data; and
 Performing “spot checks” of data submitted by participants to increase the overall integrity of
the data.

The online advertising expenditure measured by the OAER is based on amounts charged to
advertiser before any reductions for agency rebates. Therefore, the amount reported is the gross
commissionable advertising revenue.


Participants of the OAER are required to submit an online advertising expenditure return to PwC at
the end of the relevant quarter. PwC compiles the submissions and conducts a review of the
reported figures for reasonableness in light of past submissions and general industry trends.

PwC may conduct a “spot check” of information submitted by a participant to confirm the accuracy of
the data submitted. A “spot check” will confirm the total expenditure reported is in accordance with
the definition of expenditure being applied in the OAER and a sample check of the allocation of
expenditure to categories. These checks do not constitute an audit.

To ensure the protection of participant’s data and market share information, industry category
breakdowns will only be referred to where at least three or more unrelated participants have
contributed to the aggregate.

Due to the dynamic nature of the internet industry the number of participants in an industry category
may change from time to time which may result in the category not being referred to separately in
the report. Where new participants contribute data, efforts will be made to collect historical data and
to update the appropriate comparative data. Adjustments to historical data will only be made once
there are three new participants providing data.

All reported amounts are made up of participant verified actual data. Since the March 2007 quarter
report no estimates are included in the aggregate amounts to cover those entities that are not
participants, with the exception of Search and Directories, where an estimate for Google is included
as they are the key participant in the search market. Reports prior to the March 2007 quarter report
included estimates for all categories. This change in methodology has the impact of understating
growth rates when comparing 2007 figures to 2006 figures.

Aggregate amounts reported are rounded to the nearest $250,000.

Based on information provided by contributors, approximately 64% of the data in this report is
derived from participants whose underlying financial records have been, or will be, audited.

Note: All data prior to the March 2007 quarter is based on the OAER as prepared by the Audit
Bureau of Verification Services (ABVS), and therefore the methodology of preparation differs to the
methodology applied in the preparation of reports from the March 2007 quarter report, as ABVS data
includes estimates for all categories.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 34


The OAER reports Australian online advertising expenditure sourced from 3 broad categories:
 General Display Advertising, which includes revenues from display ads such as banner
advertisements of many different sizes and formats, affiliate marketing programmes,
partnerships, sponsorships and emails;
 Classifieds Advertising, which includes revenues from ads placed to buy or sell an item or
service; and
 Search and Directories Advertising, which includes revenues from online directory and
search engine listings.

General Display Advertising is further reported by advertiser industry categories and their share of
the total General Advertising pool. Classifieds Advertising also lists the top performing categories for
the reporting period. Search & Directories Advertising is reported as a single figure due to the limited
number of participants in the individual segments in this category.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 35

Advertising Expenditure Types

General Display Advertising

Expenditure on advertising such as banner advertisements of many different sizes and formats,
affiliate marketing programmes, partnerships, sponsorships, and emails.

Classifieds Advertising
Expenditure on ads placed to buy or sell an item or service, or to report an item of information.

Search and Directories Advertising

Expenditure from online directory or search engine listings.

Please note: This report does not include any e-commerce or transaction based expenditure.

Email and Video Definitions (sub-advertising types of General Display)

- Email
Banner ads, links or advertiser sponsorships that appear in email newsletters, email marketing
campaigns and other commercial email communications. Includes all types of electronic mail (eg
basic text or HTML-enabled).

- Video
TV-like advertisements that may appear as in-page video commercials or before, during, and/or after
a variety of context in a player environment including but not limited to, streaming video, animation,
gaming, music video content. This definition includes broadband video commercials that appear in
live, archived, and downloadable streaming content.

Pricing Methods (used within General Display)

- CPM Based
Pricing is based on a straight Cost per Thousand pricing methodology, sponsorship, or CPM-like

- Direct Response Based

Pricing is based on a non-CPM display methodology. This may include any pay per click, pay per
sale, pay per action, pay per lead, etc.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 36

General Advertising Industry Categories

Alcoholic Beverages
Any business that is involved with the manufacturing, distribution and sale of any liquid/beverage
intended for drinking that contains an intoxicant. This includes beer, wine, spirits and pre-mixed
alcoholic products.

- Telecommunications
Any business involved in the manufacture and sale of telecommunications products. This includes
telephones (landline and mobile), pager systems, radio communication services, air time resellers,
etc. and companies involved in the retail of telecommunication services.

- Internet/ISP
Any business that provides internet and web-related services. This includes internet web hosting,
internet service providers (ISP) and ISP hosting, and businesses involved in the retail of Internet/ISP

Community & Public Service

This pertains to community service and charity organisations that provide products and services for
the benefit of the community. It includes organisations such as the Salvation Army, Red Nose Day

- Computer Hardware
Any business involved with the manufacturing, sale and provision of products and services relating
specifically to computer hardware (the physical components of a computer).

- Computer Software
Any business involved with the manufacturing, sale and provision of products and services relating
specifically to computer software (programs installed on a computer). Excludes entertainment

Education & Learning

Any business, organisation or institution in either the private or the government sectors that provide
education and training services. This includes any primary, secondary, tertiary educational
institutions, adult education centres, colleges, TAFE institutes, correspondence schools and cultural
learning centres.

Entertainment and Leisure

- Music (Live Events/Distributors)
Any organisation or business that provides products and viewing content related directly to music
entertainment including businesses associated with live entertainment, concert promoters, music
publishers/promoters, etc.

- Movies (Home entertainment, cinema)

Any organisation or business that provides entertainment and leisure products associated with
movies, including cinemas, DVDs, film production and distribution companies, etc.

- Console/electronic games
Businesses involved in the production and distribution of electronic computer games software and
associated devices such as consoles.

- Other
Additional entertainment and leisure organisations/products/services that do not meet the
parameters of other the entertainment categories.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 37

- Business Banking and Services
Any business providing banking products or services on a corporate basis. Services can include
business advice, business loans and corporate bank accounts, etc.

- Credit Cards
Any business involved in the provision or distribution of credit cards . Such companies can include
banks, other financial institutions and specific credit card companies such as Visa, Mastercard, etc.

- Home Loans
Any business involved in the provision of personal mortgages, including banks, other financial
institutions and private lenders.

- Superannuation
Any business involved in the provision and management of superannuation funds, including both
public and private companies and industry funds.

- Personal Banking and Services

Any business providing banking products or services on a strictly personal basis. Services can
include financial advice, personal loans and bank accounts. Excludes credit card or home loan

- Wealth Management (excluding super)

Any business involved in the management of investments, excluding superannuation. This includes
financial advisers, stockbrokers’ and fund managers.

- Other
Any businesses that do not meet the parameters of the other finance categories.

FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods)

- Food
Any business involved in the production, distribution and sale of foodstuff items which can be
considered supermarket goods.

- Beverages (non-alcoholic)
Any business involved in the production, distribution and sale of beverage items (excluding alcohol)
which can be considered supermarket goods.

- Other
Other fast moving consumer goods that cannot be classified into the preceding categories.

Any organisation providing services for, or on behalf of, an Australian, State or Local government
body, agency or department.

Home Products & Services

Any business providing products, services and product advice relating to house or unit renovations
and construction, fittings, building materials and furnishings.

Health, Beauty & Pharmaceuticals

Any business providing products, services and product advice relating to health, beauty and/or

Any business involved with consumer related insurance products or services. This includes motor
vehicle insurance, house and household contents insurance, life insurance, health insurance,
corporate and professional insurance or any other insurance.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 38

Any business involved with or related to mass communication. This includes mediums such as radio,
television (either cable or free to air), cinema and publications (such as newspapers, magazines and

Motor Vehicles
- Motor Vehicle Internet Sites
Any business involved in the creation of internet websites providing motor vehicle information. This
category can involve online businesses, motor vehicle enthusiasts, etc.

- Vehicle Manufacturers
Any business specifically involved in the manufacture of motor vehicles, which includes cars, trucks,
motorbikes and motorised scooters.

- Motor Vehicle Dealers

Any business specifically involved in the sale, marketing and servicing of motor vehicles.

- Other
Any motor vehicle business that cannot be classified into the other Motor Vehicle categories.

Office & Business Equipment

Any business providing products, services and product advice in regards to office and business

Any business that does not meet the general parameters of any other category.

Real Estate
Any business providing commercial or residential property advice, information and retail services for
the sale and management of real estate.

Any business involved with the process of attracting, screening and hiring personnel.

Any business or organisation involved in the sales of goods directly to the consumer or via a bidding
process. This includes department stores, mail order businesses, street vendors and markets and
auctions of real estate, motor vehicles, white goods, electrical goods, manufacturing and retail
equipment, antiques, furniture and general household items.

Travel & Accommodation

- Flights
Any organisation or business involved in the provision of domestic and international airfare, such as

- Accommodation
Any organisation or business involved in the provision of temporary lodgings, including hotels,
motels and hostels.

- Car Hire
Any organisation or business involved in the organisation and provision of temporary motor vehicle

- Holiday Packages/ Travel Agents

Any organisation or business involved in the provision of holiday tours and/or event packages, which
may often include a combination of flights, accommodation and car hire.

- Other
Any other travel and accommodation organisation or business that cannot be classified into the
other travel & accommodation categories (eg rail travel, cruises, etc.).

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 39


The IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report includes financial data from over 1,000 websites and
is supported and promoted by the following companies:

Ad 2-one
Allure Media
CBS Interactive (formerly CNET Networks Australia)
Empowered Communications
Fairfax Digital
Max Interactive
mcm Entertainment
Microsoft Media Network Australia (formerly Drive Performance Media)
Multi Channel Network
Network Ten
News Digital Media (including Fox Interactive Media)
Sensis (including Trading Post)
3D Interactive
Webfirm (formerly ANSEARCH)
Yahoo! 7
Yahoo! Search Marketing

We thank them all for their contribution to this industry information.

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 40

About the IAB
The IAB Australia was officially launched in October 2005 by Australia’s six major online publishers
– Fairfax Digital, Google, News Interactive, ninemsn, Sensis, and Yahoo!7 – together with the
Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA).

The group has three key priorities:

 To promote the standardisation of ad formats;
 To ensure timeliness and transparency of industry data; and
 To educate the marketplace about the value of online advertising.

The IAB is the only association dedicated to helping online, Interactive broadcasting, email, wireless
and Interactive television media companies increase their revenues. The quality of the IAB
leadership, membership and industry initiatives – such as standards, research, advocacy and
education – benefit the membership as well as the industry as a whole.

The IAB Objectives are:

 To increase the share of advertising and marketing dollars that Interactive media captures in
the marketplace;
 To organise the industry to set standards and guidelines that make Interactive an easier
medium for agencies and marketers to buy and capture value;
 To prove and promote the effectiveness of Interactive advertising to advertisers, agencies,
marketers & press;
 To be the primary advocate for the Interactive marketing and advertising industry; and
 To expand the breadth and depth of IAB membership while increasing direct value to

For more information about IAB Australia contact:

Paul Fisher
CEO, IAB Australia
(02) 9248 7900

About PricewaterhouseCoopers
PricewaterhouseCoopers (www.pwc.com/au) provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory
services for public and private clients. More than 146,000 people in 150 countries connect their
thinking, experience and solutions to build public trust and enhance value for clients and their

Unless otherwise indicated, “PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to the Australian entity operating as

PricewaterhouseCoopers. PricewaterhouseCoopers is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Limited.

For more information about PricewaterhouseCoopers and how we may be able to help you, please
contact one of the following PricewaterhouseCoopers professionals:

Steven Bosiljevac Chris Burt

Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
(02) 8266 5063 (02) 8266 3896
steven.bosiljevac@au.pwc.com chris.burt@au.pwc.com

Adrian Bunter
Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers
(02) 8266 5099

PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2009 41

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