Personal Development: Quarter 1 - Module 2: Developing The Whole Person
Personal Development: Quarter 1 - Module 2: Developing The Whole Person
Personal Development: Quarter 1 - Module 2: Developing The Whole Person
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Developing the Whole Person
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the physical changes in the body as well as changes inskills
related to movement.
a. Social development
b. Cognitive development
c. Emotional development
d. Physiological development
5. It is defined as discovering oneself beyond the ego known as the soul. Spirit
or the “inner essence” that is often disregarded or taken for granted.
1. Social development
2. Emotional development
3. Spiritual development
4. Physiological development
Five Areas of Personal
1 Development
Human development is the way that people change and grow across their life
span. There are many types of development that people go through. As children learn
problem-solving skills, their cognitive (or thinking) development grows. When people
age, they often develop wisdom, which means they are better able to handle stress, a
process that is part of emotional development.
As discussed in the previous module, Personality refers to how an individual
uniquely thinks feels and behaves in different situations. As we look back, below are
some questions to ponder. Answer the following questions on the space provided.
1. How do you know your personality?
2. Why is it important to know yourself better? What are the things you want to
develop and improve within yourself?
4. How do you feel for those who early give up in life such as news about suicide, the
feeling of hopelessness, and other sad news? If you are in their position, what will
you do? Explain your answer..
5. What is the best way to describe the self? State your belief and philosophy.
Before we proceed to the lesson, let me ask first, “How well do you know yourself?”
Have you noticed those “changes” within yourself, and how do you react to those
Statement Rate
1 2 3 4 5
1. I have a healthy physical body
6. I am an emotional person
7. I easily get angry
8. I am friendly
Life seems to have become a bewildering maze at times. Thus, you try to reflect on
your common beliefs. Amidst these developments, it helps recognize how the
different physiological, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, and social developments are
in a dynamic relationship. By recognizing such changes, you can understand and
evaluate your thoughts.
The following section discusses how to develops one’s personality and to make it well
Physical health is defined as the condition of your body, taking into consideration
everything from the absence of disease to fitness level.
Physical health is critical for overall well-being and can be affected by:
• Lifestyle: diet, level of physical activity, and behavior (eating unhealthy
• Human biology: a person’s genetics and physiology may make it easier or
harder to achieve good physical health;
• Environment: our surroundings and exposure to factors such as sunlight or
toxic substances; and
• Healthcare service: good healthcare can help prevent illness, as well as to
detect and treat illness
It is important to take care of your body. Live healthy, eat healthy foods, get enough
sleep, exercise regularly, and avoid drugs and alcohol. Manage stress and go for
regular medical check-ups. Practice good hygiene.
Emotional health is an important part of overall health. Emotionally healthy people
are in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They can cope with life’s
challenges. Emotions are responses that generate biochemical reactions in our
bodies, changing the physical state.
There are many ways to improve or maintain good emotional health.
• Be aware of your emotions and reactions. Notice what in your life makes you
sad, frustrated, or angry. Try to address or change those things.
• Think before you act. Emotions can be powerful. Give yourself time to think,
and be calm before you say or do something you might regret.
• Manage stress. Try to change situations, causing you stress. Learn relaxation
methods to cope with stress.
• Strive for balance. Find a healthy balance between work and play and between
activity and rest. Make time for things you enjoy. Focus on positive things in
your life.
• Take care of your physical health. Your physical health can affect your
emotional health. Exercise regularly, eat healthy meals and get enough sleep.
Do not abuse drugs or alcohol.
• Connect with others. We are social creatures. We need positive connections
with other people.
Social Development refers to how people develop social and emotional skills across
the lifespan, with particular attention to childhood and adolescence. Healthy social
development allows us to form positive relationships with family, friends, teachers,
and other people in our lives.
As a person develop and perceive its individuality within a community, he/she also
gains skills to communicate with other people and process his/her actions. Social
development most often refers to how a person develops friendships and other
relationships and how a person handles conflict with peers.
Activity 1.2:
Instruction: Create a diagram “About Myself “ using the Five Areas of Personality
Development. This will be your “Personal Reflection”. You can create your own style
of diagram. Write your name at the center of the diagram. Example :
What I Can Do
Instruction: Create a video clip or a printed pamphlet for advocacy about the
importance of developing the whole of oneself focused on the five areas of personal
development. (A pamphlet is a small booklet containing information or arguments
about a single subject. You may refer to it using other words, like leaflet, brochure,
flyer, handout or booklet. )
Send your video clip presentation or pamphlet through messenger. Videoclip must not
be less than 3 minutes.
You have the freedom to choose whether you make a video clip or a printed
pamphlet. Create and Enjoy!
Rubrics for Video Advocacy
Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word/term being referred.
1. involves five aspects: physiological, emotional, social, cognitive a
2. is the innate capacity to relate with others.
3. When looking at a person we must consider the whole person. What is the
part of self that pertains to the inner essence, our soul and spirit? It guidesus in
discovering the meaning of our life.
4. Attitude has three components: Affective, Cognitive, and .
5. are responses that generate biochemical reactions in our bodies,
changing the physical state.
6. According to Hogg and Vaughan is defined as “a relatively enduring organization of
beliefs, feelings and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups,
events or symbols.”
7. according to Cambridge dictionary it is defined as “The quality that involves deep
feelings and beliefs of a religious nature, rather than the physical parts of life.”
8. are subjective judgements that people make about the importance of
certain things or issues. A person develops values being polite and considerate
9. are the ideas that people judges to be true.
10. are qualities which typically reflect what one prizes and are
manifested in values or what one considers as essential to his/her self.