Calcium Phosphate Apatites With Variable Ca/P Atomic Ratio I. Synthesis, Characterisation and Thermal Stability of Powders
Calcium Phosphate Apatites With Variable Ca/P Atomic Ratio I. Synthesis, Characterisation and Thermal Stability of Powders
Calcium Phosphate Apatites With Variable Ca/P Atomic Ratio I. Synthesis, Characterisation and Thermal Stability of Powders
Single phased apatitic calcium phosphate powders Ca10x(PO4)6x(HPO4)x(OH)2x with Ca/P molar ratio ranging from 1.5 to
1.667 (0pxp1) were synthesised using wet method. Outside this compositional range the powders were biphasic mixtures composed
of a calcium phosphate apatite and CaHPO4 (Ca/Po1.5) or Ca(OH)2 (Ca/P>1.667). Temperature and pH of synthesis were the
preponderant parameters for the control of the precipitate composition. The precise determination of the chemical composition
requires the use of several complementary techniques and thermal treatments of powders. These techniques include high resolution
and high temperature X-ray diffractometry and FTIR spectroscopy and show that very small variations of the Ca/P molar ratio of
the powder lead to great changes in powder composition and characteristics after thermal treatment. r 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.
0142-9612/02/$ - see front matter r 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 9 6 1 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 1 8 - 6
1066 S. Raynaud et al. / Biomaterials 23 (2002) 1065–1072
reactor was placed in an argon atmosphere under 2001C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was
dynamic flow in order to prevent any presence of CO2, used for morphological observations (Hitachi S2500,
which could result in carbonate apatite formation. The Japan).
(NH4)2HPO4 addition rate was controlled using a
peristaltic pump. The pH of the solution was maintained
at a constant value by the addition of an ammonium 3. Results
hydroxide solution using a pH stat (Hanna Instru-
ments). The temperature was controlled and regulated. 3.1. Powder synthesis
The suspension was continuously stirred and refluxed.
After total addition of the (NH4)2HPO4 solution, the The synthesis parameters and Ca/P ratio of the
suspension was matured during 30 min. Then, it was precipitated powders are summarised in Table 1. In this
filtered without washing. The resulting precipitate was table, the uncertainty associated to each Ca/P value
dried at 1001C. Synthesis conditions (i.e., pH, tempera- corresponds to a single synthesis. It represents the
ture, Ca/P molar ratio of initial reagents) were adjusted precision of the determination of the chemical composi-
in order to synthesise powders with variable Ca/P tion and should not be confused with the reproducibility
atomic ratio. of syntheses that was evaluated on a total of more than
The purity of the initial powders used to prepare the 50 syntheses and will be discussed hereafter.
reagent solutions was controlled. The content of residual The synthesis conditions greatly influenced the
moisture was also determined. These parameters were composition of powders. Four cases could be differ-
taken into account in the calculation of the concentra- entiated depending on the Ca/P ratio of the precipitates:
tions of reagents solutions.
(i) 1.50oCa/Po1.667, values corresponding to the
2.2. Powder characterisation chemical formulation of Ca-dHAP Ca10x(PO4)6x
(HPO4)x(OH)2x. The Ca/P ratio of the precipitate did
The Ca/P molar ratio of powders, when between 1.50 not depend directly on the Ca/P value of the initial
and 2, was determined after calcination at 10001C for reagents. Most of these powders were synthesised using
15 h from quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis accord- a Ca/P ratio of 1.667 for the initial reagents. But this
ing to a procedure based on a standard method [16]. The ratio had to be decreased down to 1.50 in order to
standard method was completed with a systematic synthesise powders with a Ca/P ratio close to 1.50. With
determination of the precision that was detailed in a these experimental conditions and a constant pH of 7,
previous paper [15]. the Ca/P molar ratio of precipitated powders increased
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were with the temperature increase. Using this method, it was
recorded with Cu Ka radiation on a y=2y diffractometer possible to synthesise compounds having a Ca/P ratio
(Siemens, Model D5000, Germany). The crystalline ranging from 1.511 to 1.663. For these synthesis
phases were determined from a comparison of the conditions, a good reproducibility was achieved since
registered patterns with the ICDD powder diffraction the powders could be processed with a relative deviation
file (PDF). The thermostructural evolution of powders of their Ca/P value inferior to 1%.
was investigated from temperature programmed XRD (ii) Ca/P=1.50, value corresponding to the composi-
in air using a diffractometer (Siemens D5000, Cu Ka tion of apatitic tricalcium phosphate Ca9(PO4)6(OH).
radiation) fitted out with a high temperature furnace Pure apatitic tricalcium phosphate has not been
(Anton Paar HTK10, Pt heating sample holder) and an obtained in our experiment, the closest value being
Elphyse position detector (aperture: 141). The heating 1.511. Though the relative deviation between these two
rate was 51C min1. Each pattern was recorded after a
setting time of 10 min at the chosen temperature.
Table 1
Powder XRD patterns were also registered during Synthesis parameters and Ca/P molar ratio of precipitated powders
isothermal treatments at 12001C and 13001C under
pH Temperature Ca/P of initial reagents Ca/P of the final powder
nitrogen atmosphere after heating at a rate of 21C s1.
(1C) (molar ratio) (molar ratio)
Infrared spectra of powders (IR) were recorded on a
Fourier-transform spectrometer (Bomen MB2) with a 6.5 30 1.50 o1.50
resolution of 2 cm1. Thermogravimetric analysis 7 30 1.50 1.51170.001
7 60 1.50 1.53570.004
(TGA) of powders coupled with differential thermal 7 50 1.667 1.63170.004
analysis (DTA) was performed up to 15001C (Setaram 7 70 1.667 1.64370.003
Labsys TM, France). The specific surface area of 7 80 1.667 1.65570.002
powders was measured by the BET method (8 points, 7 85 1.667 1.66370.001
analyzer Micromeritics ASAP 2010, USA) after calcina- 8 95 1.667 1:667þ0:005
9 95 1.7–2 1.7170.01
tion at 4001C for 30 min and degassing under vacuum at
S. Raynaud et al. / Biomaterials 23 (2002) 1065–1072 1067
values was low (about 0.7%), such compositions could surface area of powders is given in Table 2. It tends to
be differentiated between them because of the precision decrease with the increase of the Ca/P ratio. This
of the determination of Ca/P values. This powder with evolution should be associated with the temperature of
Ca/P=1.511 was precipitated at 301C, pH=7 and a synthesis. Indeed, for fixed pH and Ca/P ratio of initial
Ca/P ratio of reagents equal to 1.50. The decrease of half precursors, the increase of Ca/P ratio of powders is
a unity in pH value, from 7 to 6.5, led to a drop of the obtained by increasing the temperature. It can be
Ca/P ratio from 1.511 down to below 1.50. This shows hypothesised that the temperature increase activates
that the synthesis of powders with Ca/P=1.50 would particle growth, on account of the decrease of surface
require a very strict regulation of synthesis parameters area.
and it appeared impossible to obtain a relative deviation XRD patterns of as synthesised powders are given in
of the Ca/P molar ratio below 1%. Fig. 2. Powders exhibited broad diffraction peaks
(iii) Ca/P=1.667, value of stoichiometric HAP indicating a low crystallinity. Powders with Ca/P within
Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2. Such powders could be synthesised the range 1.50–1.667 had the same apatitic structure as
with a high reproducibility. The precision was Ca/ hydroxyapatite (PDF 9-432) and no other crystalline
0.001 . This is explained because this composi- phase was detected. For Ca/Po1.50, two crystalline
tion can be obtained within a wide range of variation of phases were detected that corresponded to the HAP
synthesis parameters. The pH must be basic (pHX8) structure and to the monetite structure CaHPO4 (PDF
and the temperature above 901C, the only restrictive 9-80). The powder with Ca/P=1.71 had the same
condition is a Ca/P ratio of initial reagents fixed at pattern as hydroxyapatite. No second crystalline phase
1.667. that could contain the excess calcium was detected.
(iv) Ca/P>1.667. These powders are obtained with IR spectra of powders (Fig. 3) were similar whatever
synthesis conditions similar to that used for stoichio- the composition of the powder might be. Most of the
metric HAP when the Ca/P ratio of initial reagents
exceeds 1.667. Table 2
Characteristics of powders
bands were characteristic of phosphate groups (at 460, ment of this band to HPO4 is ambiguous because the
550–600, 960, 1020–1120 cm1). The bands at 630 and band should not be observed on the spectrum of
3540 cm1 were assigned to OH. The bands at 820 and stoichiometric HAP (i.e., x ¼ 0; Ca/P=1.667) that does
1380 cm1 were attributed to residual nitrate groups not contain hydrogenophosphates. This band may also
resulting from synthesis precursors. The band at result from residual species (NO +
3 , NH4 ) in the as
1650 cm1 could be assigned to carbonate groups or synthesised powder. A more precise characterisation
water. A band at 875 cm1 could be attributed to requires thermal treatments.
HPO4 which is characteristic of Ca-dHAP
Ca10x(HPO4)x(PO4)6x(OH)2x [17]. But, the assign- 3.3. Thermal stability of powders
Fig. 4. IR spectra of powders after thermal treatment. (a) Ca/P=1.631; (b) Ca/Po1.50.
S. Raynaud et al. / Biomaterials 23 (2002) 1065–1072 1069
Fig. 7. High resolution XRD patterns (step size 0.021, count time 19 s)
of powders. (a) Ca/P=1.71 ; (b) Ca/Po1.50.
Fig. 10. TGA (dashed line) and DTA in air of hydroxyapatite powder
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