Barralet 1998
Barralet 1998
Barralet 1998
system. On the basis of this finding and from our ex- RESULTS
perimental evidence for an A-type substitution at low
carbonate contents, a new model was devised TEM micrographs (Fig. 1) revealed that the mor-
whereby simultaneous A- and B-type substitutions are phology of the apatite crystals ranged from acicular
accounted for. This new model, termed here the AB (500–700 nm long) at reaction temperatures of 90° and
model, accurately described the change in composi- 70°C to smaller (> 20 nm) and spheroidal below 70°C.
tion of precipitated CHA with carbonate content that The effect of increasing bicarbonate concentration was
was observed experimentally in this study. Therefore similar to that of decreasing reaction temperature in
it is proposed that a combined AB substitution, and that precipitate size decreased and more spheroidal-
not a simple B-type substitution, occurs in this CHA shaped crystals were formed. Figure 2 illustrates this
precipitation system. effect with CHA crystals at 70°C, at bicarbonate con-
centrations of 10, 40, and 160 mM. For reaction tem-
peratures at which hydroxyapatite precipitates were
spheroidal, a slight decrease in size was noted with
increasing bicarbonate concentration. However, acic-
ular crystallites were formed only for reactions where
Precipitation the bicarbonate ion concentration was low and the
reaction temperature was high. The effect of reaction
A precipitation reaction, based on that developed by Nel- conditions on the morphology of the crystallites is
son and Featherstone,5 was used for the preparation of hy- summarized in Figure 3.
droxyapatite and CHA with varying degrees of carbonate The carbon content of the apatites precipitated un-
substitution. A 130 mM solution of analytical grade (AR) der the various conditions are shown in Figure 4. It
tri-ammonium orthophosphate at pH >11 was dripped into appeared that the products obtained from 37°C and
a continuously stirred 210 mM solution of AR calcium ni- 45°C reactions had higher carbon contents than those
trate 4-hydrate over a period of approximately 2 h. Six re-
prepared in the 3°C and 70°C reactions, where bicar-
action temperatures were selected: 3°, 25°, 37°, 45°, 60°, 70°,
bonate ion concentrations of 160 mM were used in the
and 90°C. The 3°C temperature was achieved by immersing
the reaction vessel in an ice bath while other temperatures reaction. However, Figure 4 also indicates that the ma-
were maintained by use of a thermostatically controlled hot terial produced in the 3°C and 37°C reactions could
plate. Up to nine concentrations of AR sodium bicarbonate accommodate a larger maximum carbonate substitu-
were added to the phosphate solution at each temperature, tion than the CHA precipitated at 45°C and 70°C. The
between 0 mM and 640 mM. The resulting precipitates were maximum carbon content observed was 2.8 wt% (14
aged for 24 h before being washed and filtered. wt% carbonate), and there was a rapid increase in car-
bon content at low bicarbonate concentrations (0–10
mM ) for CHA at all precipitation temperatures inves-
It was found that the sodium content of a 4 wt%
CHA was < 0.1 wt%, that is, below the detection level
The crystallite morphology resulting from the precipita- of the apparatus, whereas an 11.5 wt% CHA contained
tion reaction was determined by transmission electron mi- 1.5 wt% sodium. The calcium and phosphorus weight
croscopy (TEM) with a JEOL 1200 EX2 (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan).
percent as a function of carbon weight percent of apa-
The precipitates were examined in bright-field mode and
using electron diffraction at magnifications typically up to
tites precipitated at 70°, 45°, 37°, 25°, and 3°C are
50,000X, using an accelerating voltage of 100kV. Carbon con- shown in Figure 5(a, b). The calcium and phosphorus
tent was determined using a Control Equipment Corpora- content appeared to decrease with increasing carbon
tion Model 240 XA CHN elemental analyzer. Calcium, phos- content, and this was unaffected by precipitation tem-
phorus, and sodium measurements were made with a Perki- perature. A least-squares fit of all the data [Fig. 5(a)]
n–Elmer Plasma 40 emission spectrometer. The except the outlying point at Ca = 32.5 wt%, circled,
reproducibility of this method was found to be better than gives a gradient of 0.8. The intercept of the line at x =
2% of the measured value. Infrared spectra were recorded 0 indicates that the precipitated HA is calcium defi-
on a Nicolet 800 FTIR spectrophotometer using a photo- cient. A definite relationship exists between the de-
acoustic sampling technique (MTEC Photoacoustic PAC200 crease in phosphorus content with the increase in car-
system). Spectra were obtained between wave numbers 400–
bon content that appears to be independent of precipi-
4000 cm−1. XRD patterns of CHA powders were collected
using a Siemens D5000 diffractometer with the data ana-
tation temperature [Fig. 5(b)].
lyzed using the Diffrac AT program. The phases present Infrared spectroscopy results indicated the presence
were determined by comparing the patterns with JCPDS of the major carbonate and phosphate peaks expected
standards.15 The lattice parameters of the CHAs were deter- in CHA for the samples precipitated at 3°, 37°, 70°, and
mined by Rietveld refinement of the diffraction profiles with 90°C, and these are summarized in Table I. The HA
a least-squares fitting program (G.S.A.S.).16 precipitated in the absence of bicarbonate ions con-
Figure 1. The effect of precipitation temperature on the size and morphology of HA precipitates at (a) 25°C, (b) 45°C, (c)
70°C, and (d) 90°C.
tained a small trace of carbonate, possibly from dis- temperature increased. The phosphate y1 band of the
solved atmospheric carbon dioxide. As the precipita- HAs prepared in bicarbonate-free conditions ap-
tion temperature increased, the carbonate y3 bands at peared to be unaffected by precipitation temperature.
higher wave numbers became less prominent, and at The y2 carbonate bands are observed at 875 cm−1 in
70° and 90°C, only those at 1455 and 1420 cm−1 were bicarbonate-free conditions at all temperatures.
observed. Two phosphate y3 bands were present and The effect of bicarbonate ion concentration on the
became increasingly separated as the precipitation infrared spectra for reactions performed at 3°C is dem-
Figure 2. The effect of bicarbonate ion concentration on the size and morphology of CHA precipitates at 70°C: (a) 10, (b) 40,
(c) 160 mM, and (d) 320 mM.
Figure 4. Carbonate content of apatites precipitated at 3°, The results indicate that both the size and shape of
37°, 45°, and 70°C at various bicarbonate ion concentrations. the HA crystals can be controlled by altering both the
Peak Positions of the FTIR Spectra of Some CHAs
Precipitated at Different Temperatures and Bicarbonate
Concentrations Compared with Reported Peak
Species CO32− PO43− PO43− CO32−
Vibration y3 y3 y1 y2
Sample cm−1 cm−1 cm−1 cm−1
tent was reported at other carbonate contents, and this for three phosphate ions with the formation of one
would tend to cast doubt on a definite relationship hydroxyl and two calcium vacancies.
between carbonate and sodium in their samples. By The results obtained in this study were compared
comparison, LeGeros,7 who used a different reaction with all the current models by plotting the predicted
and showed a clear relation between sodium and car- weight percent calcium and phosphorus [Fig. 5 (a, b)].
bonate content of CHA, reported sodium contents of It was found that none of these models accurately de-
2.4 wt% for a 4 wt% precipitated CHA. In this study at scribed the data from this study. As a result of this, a
low carbonate content (4 wt%), the sodium content new model has been devised that could describe the
was < 0.1 wt% in the CHA precipitated at 3°C whereas simultaneous substitution of the A and B sites. First,
a more substituted CHA (11.5 wt% carbonate) precipi- the A and B sites were filled in equal proportions as
tated at the same temperature was found to contain described by:
1.5 wt% sodium. These results imply that either so-
dium is included as an impurity second phase or it Ca10−p(PO4)6−p(CO3)p(OH)2−p(CO3)p (5)
does not play a major role in the mechanism of sub- where 0 < p < 1.
stitution of carbonate in this system. This substitution was thought to cease before all of
There are a number of models for the substitution of the A sites were full since evidence for hydroxyl
carbonate in hydroxyapatite. They have been derived groups was observed on the IR spectra of high car-
variously on the basis of IR, XRD, and chemical analy- bonate content CHA.
sis of carbonate apatites and on the fundamental re- When p = 1, further substitution then could occur by
quirement for charge balance within a crystal lattice. the Kühl and Nebergal model11:
One of the first was that of Kühl and Nebergal,11 who
proposed the formula for precipitated carbonate apa- Ca9−y(PO4)5−y(CO3)1+y(OH)1−y (6)
tite as: where y < 0.8.
Ca10−y+u(PO4)6−y(CO3)y(OH)2−y+2u (1) The graphs of Ca and P wt%, with C wt% predicted
by this and previous models, were plotted and com-
where 0 < y < 2, and 0 < 2u < y. This model assumes
pared with our experimental data. Table II. shows the
that when one phosphate ion is replaced by one car-
slopes of linear fits of the experimental data and pre-
bonate ion, generating one calcium and one hydroxyl
vious carbonate substitution models and the new AB
vacancy, a degree (u) of these vacancies may be filled.
model. It was found that most models gave a reason-
This formula generally is accepted for precipitated
able fit of the P wt% as a function of C wt%, but none
adequately described the change in calcium content
The formula was later modified slightly18 when it
with carbon except the AB model devised in this
was proposed that u ion pairs of [CO3, OH] could be
substituted without the need for vacancy formation:
Ca10−y(PO4)6−2y(CO3OH)2y(OH)(2−y) (2)
This was refined slightly by Vignoles, who took into CONCLUSIONS
account the effect of ionic concentration:
Ca10−y+u hy−u(PO4)6−y(CO3 h)y − u It has been shown that the size and morphology of
(CO3 OH)u(OH)2−y+u hy−u (3) precipitated carbonate hydroxyapatites can be af-
where 0 ø y ø 2 and 0 ø 2u ø y; h is a vacancy, and
u depends on the preparation conditions. TABLE II
Comparison of the Gradients of Composition Graphs
Nelson and Featherstone,5 who investigated the
Determined Experimentally By the AB Mechanism and
same CHA precipitation system as that studied in this From Previously Published Mechansims
report, concluded on the basis of their results that the
Gradient Ca/C P/C Ca/P
mechanism of substitution could be described by:
Experimentally observed −0.8 −1.3 0.7
Ca10−yNay{(PO4)6−y(CO3)4y/3}(OH)(2−2y/3)) (4)
AB mechanism −0.9 −1.1 0.8
All these workers observed that carbonate could be Vignoles (1984)
u=0 −0.4 −1.1 0.3
included in the A site at low carbonate levels but did
not include this observation in their substitution mod- Nelson and −1.4 −1.4 1.0
els. One of the few reports of a mixed AB mechanism Featherstone (1982)
was that of Driessens et al.,12 who reported that high Bonel (1972) POSITIVE −1.1 NEGATIVE
temperature AB-type CHA was substituted by a Kühl and Nebergal (1963)
u=0 −0.3 −1.1 0.2
mechanism whereby a small quantity of carbonate
filled the A site and three carbonate ions substituted
fected by control of the precipitation temperature and tion in the Apatite Structure, Ph.D. Thesis, New York University,
bicarbonate ion concentration. The maximum carbon- New York, 1967.
ate content at a given bicarbonate concentration de- 8. N. C. Blumenthal, F. Betts, and A. S. Posner, ‘‘Effect of carbon-
ate and biological macromolecules on formation and proper-
pends on the temperature of the precipitation reaction.
ties of hydroxyapatite,’’ Calcif. Tiss. Res., 18, 81–90 (1975).
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apatite lattice in products where carbonate contents des apatites carbonatées de type B. III. Synthèse et étude des
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11. G. Kühl and W. H. Nebergal, ‘‘Hydrogenphosphat- und car-
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experimental assistance of Dr. J. Knowles and I. Abrahams Chem., 504, 195–200 (1983).
and helpful discussions with Professor J. Elliott. 13. J. C. Elliott, Structure and Chemistry of the Apatites and Other
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Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994, pp. 234–239.
14. E. A. P. De Maeyer, R. M. H. Verbeeck, and D. E. Nassens,
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