Fauji Cement Company Limited (FCCL) : Electrical
Fauji Cement Company Limited (FCCL) : Electrical
Fauji Cement Company Limited (FCCL) : Electrical
Submitted to:
Mr. Amir Habib
D.G.M Electrical & PG
Submitted by:
Muhammad Rahim Irshad
Trainee Engineer
This report is based on the six month learning and progress in fauji cement as a
trainee engineer in electrical department The objectives were to become familiar
with the organization and to make an identifiable contribution in the electrical
engineering field; and to gain experience in the non-academic activities of the
company, industry standards, ethical practices, and the interactions with the
industrial environment
During the period I was involved in different activities and learn about
the process of cement manufacturing from raw material, Distribution system,
AC motors working and starting principle and their testing and maintenance,
different types of transformer and their testing, Frequency drives and the
maintenance, Relay testing. I also developed of operating VFD and circuit
breaker and cable sizing for electrical power circuits. Furthermore I gained
experience in operational work, industry practices, and the internal and external
activities of the cement industry.
Table of Contents
1 FAUJI CEMENT...............................................................................................................5
1.1 Production Lines:.........................................................................................................5
1.2 Equipment Suppliers:..................................................................................................5
2 Cement:..............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Types of Cement:........................................................................................................5
2.2 Cement manufacturing Process:..................................................................................6
2.3 Department working in Fauji Cement:........................................................................6
3 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT.......................................................................................7
4 Power distribution design of FCCL:..................................................................................7
4.1 Line 1:..........................................................................................................................7
4.2 Line 2:..........................................................................................................................8
5 AC Motors:.........................................................................................................................9
5.1 Medium Voltage (MV motors):...................................................................................9
5.2 List of MV motors:....................................................................................................11
5.3 Low voltage (LV motors):.........................................................................................11
5.4 Motors Maintenance:.................................................................................................12
5.5 Installation of Motor:.................................................................................................12
6 Motor Testing:..................................................................................................................13
6.1 Insulation resistance testing:......................................................................................13
6.2 Vibration testing:.......................................................................................................13
6.3 Polarization Index:.....................................................................................................13
6.4 Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR):.........................................................................13
7 ABB ASC 800 Drive:.......................................................................................................14
7.1 How to start-up the drive:..........................................................................................15
7.1.1 Start-up Assistant:..............................................................................................15
7.1.2 Limited Start-up:................................................................................................15
8 Relay testing:....................................................................................................................16
8.1 Following relay function is being tested except MV motor relays:..........................17
8.2 For Slip ring MV motor following function is being tested:.....................................17
8.3 Sample result:............................................................................................................18
9 Energy monitoring system:..............................................................................................18
9.1 Energy Monitoring System Components:.................................................................18
10 Transformer:.....................................................................................................................20
10.1 According to design:..............................................................................................20
10.1.1 Hermetically sealed transformer:.......................................................................20
10.1.2 Conservator tank transformer:............................................................................20
10.2 According to voltage level.....................................................................................20
11 Transformer Testing:........................................................................................................20
11.1 DGA:......................................................................................................................20
11.1.1 Purpose:..............................................................................................................21
11.1.2 Fault gases:.........................................................................................................21
11.1.3 Sampling:...........................................................................................................21
11.2 Break down voltage test:........................................................................................21
12 LV panels:........................................................................................................................22
12.1 Component:............................................................................................................22
12.1.1 MStart:................................................................................................................22
12.1.2 MControl:...........................................................................................................22
12.1.3 MLink:................................................................................................................23
12.1.4 MView:..............................................................................................................23
12.2 Parameterization:...................................................................................................23
12.3 M Start Repairing:.................................................................................................24
FIGURE 1 LINE I DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM.....................................................................................8
FIGURE 2 LINE II DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM...................................................................................9
FIGURE 3 MV SLIP RING MOTOR..............................................................................................10
FIGURE 4 MV MOTOR LIQUID STARTER...................................................................................10
FIGURE 5 LUMPS CRUSHER MOTOR..........................................................................................12
FIGURE 6 ACS 800 DRIVE........................................................................................................14
FIGURE 7 REF 542 PLUS RELAY & RELAY HMI.....................................................................17
FIGURE 8 FIRST MODEL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM............................................................18
FIGURE 9SECOND MODEL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.........................................................19
FIGURE 10 OIL SAMPLING FOR DGA........................................................................................21
FIGURE 11 MSTART..................................................................................................................22
FIGURE 12 MCONTROL.............................................................................................................22
FIGURE 13 MLINK....................................................................................................................23
FIGURE 14 MNAVIGATE SOFTWARE.........................................................................................24
FIGURE 15 A01 CARD OF MSTART...........................................................................................24
FAUJI cement is one of the prestigious cement industry in Pakistan. It is also recognized
worldwide for production jobs high strength cement. It is located at village Jang-Bahtar. Fauji
cement consists of two plants line 1 and line 2.
2 Cement:
Cement is a binder; substance used for construction that sets hardens and adheres to other
materials to bind them together.
Cements may be classified into two groups: this classification is based upon the manner in
which these cements set and harden. Non-hydraulic cements do not have the ability to set and
harden in water & Hydraulic cements are finely ground materials which when mixed with
water set and harden either in air or in water
2.2 Cement manufacturing Process:
Electrical department also holds a key importance in an industry any because all the
equipment’s are operated with electricity. Installation, maintenance, replacement and
repairing of all electrical instruments/equipment are performed by electrical department.
Electrical department is led by DGM electrical followed by Manager, deputy managers,
assistant managers etc.
There are multiple electrical substations and each substation is led by DM / AM
Main Substation (Grid)
Crusher/ Storage Substation
Raw mill Substation
Kiln /cooler/ coal Substation
Cement mill Substation
Packing Substation
Figure 1 Line I distribution system
4.2 Line 2:
40/50 MVA (ONAN/ONAF) at line 2 which step-down the voltage to 6.3KV
Line 2 divide into critical (8.7 MW) and non-critical (27.8 MW) load
Line 2 is synchronizing with WHR (12 MW) and backup is provided by wartsilla
(16.3 MW)
Solar is connected to line 2 (12.5 MW)
Figure 2 Line II distribution system
5 AC Motors:
According to voltage level there are two types of AC motor and used in fauji cement
Medium voltage motor
Low voltage motor
Figure 3 MV slip ring motor
2200 6300 Filter Fan
4150 6300 Vertical mill
Cement Mill 2 2200 6300 Filter Fan
4150 6300 Vertical mill
4150 6300 Mill fan
Raw mill 2
4350 6300 Raw mill
Limestone/Clay Line
2200 6300 Crusher
20000 6300 Raw mill
Raw mill 1 2240 6300 Raw mill fan
6300 6300 cement mill
Cement Mill F 450 6300 cement mill fan
RTD’S (Temperature Sensor)
Space Heater (Used to avoid of moisture when motor power off for long period of
Vibration Sensor
Weight (for balancing of shaft)
Encoder (RPM Measurement device)
Drive End bearing (Ball bearing or Roller Bearing)
Non-Drive End bearing (Ball Bearing)
Grease (shell gadus/ alvania)
6 Motor Testing:
6.1 Insulation resistance testing:
Insulation resistance (IR) test measures the total resistance between any two points separated
by electrical insulation. The test, therefore, determines how effective the dielectric
(insulation) is in resisting the flow of electrical current. Such tests are useful for checking the
quality of insulation the output voltage is typically in the range of 50 to 1000 Volts DC
6.2 Vibration testing:
It is used for preventative maintenance reducing the chance of breakdowns by analyzing any
change in noises or vibration coming from motors any deviation found can then be used to
diagnose and repair problem that could lead to motor failure
Polarization Index, or PI, is a ratio of the mega ohms after 10 minutes divided
by the mega ohms after 1 minute.PIis conducted on HV electrical machine to determine
service condition of the insulation. PI test is conducted especially to determine the dryness
and cleanliness of the insulation. Megger gives required direct (DC) voltage across the
insulator, and it also shows the resistive value of insulation directly in M – Ω and G – Ω
range. We generally use 500 V, 100V. It is always desired to have polarization index of an
electrical insulator more than 2. It is hazardous to have polarization index less than 1.5
Table 7.1
7 ABB ASC 800 Drive:
A variable frequency drive controls the speed, torque, direction, and the resulting horsepower
of a system of an AC motor by varying the frequency supplied to the motor. The drive also
regulates the output voltage in proportion to the output frequency to provide a relatively
constant ratio of voltage to frequency (V/Hz), as required by the characteristics of the AC
motor to produce adequate torque.
The first step in this process is to convert the AC supply voltage into DC by the use of
a rectifier.
DC power contains voltage ripples which are smoothed using filter capacitors. This
section of the VFD is often referred to as the DC link.
This DC voltage is then converted back into AC. This conversion is typically
achieved through the use of power electronic devices such as IGBT power transistors
using a technique called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). The output voltage is
turned on and off at a high frequency, with the duration of on-time, or width of the
pulse, controlled to approximate a sinusoidal waveform.
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7.1.2 Limited Start-up:
1) Apply main power
2) Press PAR to select the Parameter Mode of the panel and enter into parameter number
3) 99.01 –Language (For language selection)
4) 99.02-Select the Application Macro (the default setting is set on factory).Application
macros are preprogrammed parameter sets
Table 8.1
Marcos Application
Factory Ordinary speed control Application where no & multiple speed control
constant is used
Hand/Aut Speed control application where switching between two external device
o is possible
PID Closed loop control system Pressure level & flow control
Torque Torque control application Switching b/w torque and speed is possible
Sequential Speed control application in which speed seven reference constant &
control two acceleration and ramp possible
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The ID Run (Standard or Reduced) should be selected if:
The operation point is near zero speed
Operation at torque range above the motor nominal torque within a wide speed
range and without any measured speed feedback is required. The Reduced ID Run is
to be performed instead of the Standard if it is not possible to disengage the driven
machine from the motor
If parameter values changed before the ID Run, check that the new settings meet the
following conditions:
o 20.01 MINIMUM SPEED < 0 rpm
o 20.02 MAXIMUM SPEED > 80% of motor rated speed
o 20.03 MAXIMUM CURRENT > 100%
o 20.04 MAXIMUM TORQUE > 50%
8 Relay testing:
This test conducted by prescon on MV panel ABB REF542 relay in fauji cement. The
objective was primarily to focus on the checking the protection scheme or continuity of relays
and circuit breaker tripping mechanisms subjected to electrical faults
The test consist of applying appropriate input to the relay under test and measuring the
performance to determine that relay is operate at the present time delay under fault conditions
while comparing the tripping time of relay with relay tester .
These are required to identify equipment failure and degradation in service so that corrective
action can be taken because a protection scheme operate only in fault condition defects may
not be revealed for a significant period of time, until a fault occur periodic testing assist in
detecting fault that would otherwise remain undetected until a fault occurs
8.1 Following relay function is being tested except MV motor relays:
Over current high
Over current low
Over current instantaneous
Under voltage
Gnd.non dir. Low
IDMT extremely inverse
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8.2 For Slip ring MV motor following function is being tested:
Over current high
Over current low
Over current instantaneous
Under voltage instantaneous
Gnd.non dir. Low
Unbalanced load
Thermal over load
Number of starts
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9 Energy monitoring system:
We were facing problem of energy consumption data reporting system hanging after week or
two. Which resulted in delay in DPR (daily production report) so we use to reset PLC CP
(communication Processor) to restore data communication for energy monitoring. But for
resetting CP we also have to stop plant to reset PLC communication. Our management
decided to separate energy monitoring system from main PLC to avoid plant stoppage during
trouble shooting of energy monitoring system. Electrical department was given task to
separate the energy monitoring from main PLC communication.
9.1 Energy Monitoring System Components:
1. ABB Ref542 Plus
2. Carlo Gavazzi Energy Meters
3. ABB Rex 640
4. Link 150 (Gateway)
5. USR-DR302 (Gateway)
6. Spider II
7. HUB
8. PC
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Figure 10Second Model of communication system
10 Transformer:
The working principle of a transformeris very simple. Mutual induction between two or more
windings allows for electrical energy to be transferred between circuits.
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the transformer like the Short circuit, inter-turn, core, incipient, etc. This relay will sense
these faults and shuts the alarm circuit.
One transform voltage from 6.3kv to 440V which give supply to LV panels
VVVF transformer step down voltage from 6.3kv to 725V which give supply to
11 Transformer Testing:
11.1 DGA:
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is the identification, measurement, and interpretation of the
gases dissolved in the insulating liquidTransformer mineral oils are mixtures of many
different hydrocarbon molecules, and the decomposition processes for these hydrocarbons in
thermal or electrical faults are complex. The fundamental steps of gas generation are the
breaking of carbon-hydrogen and carbon-carbon bonds. Active hydrogen atoms and
hydrocarbon fragments are formed. These free radicals can combine with each other to form
gases, molecular hydrogen, methane, ethane, etc
11.1.1 Purpose:
The underlying purpose of DGA, in addition to the more obvious purpose of attempting to
detect and identify a possible fault, is to improve safety and equipment reliability while
reducing cost.
11.1.2 Fault gases:
The principal gases used in identification of faults (so-called “fault gases”) are hydrogen
(H2); methane (CH4); ethane (C2H6); ethylene (C2H4); acetylene (C2H2); carbon monoxide
(CO); and carbon dioxide (CO2). Oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) are also measured and used
in the interpretation, although they are not fault by-products
11.1.3 Sampling:
To minimize gas loss and air contamination, a gas-tight glass syringe is the preferred
sampling vessel.
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Figure 11 Oil sampling for DGA
12 LV panels:
Lv panel installed in kiln & cooler/coal mill are of ABB
MNS iSpart of the ABB Low Voltage Switchgear solution uses the well proven ABB
Compact, space-saving design, Easy project and detail engineering through standardized
components Earthquake-, vibration- and shock-proof designs are available, Easy retrofitting
without the need for switchgear de-energizing, Maintenance-free busbar construction,and
High operational reliability and availability Optimum personal protection. The main function
of this panel is to control, monitor, and protection
12.1 Component:
12.1.1 MStart:
The power module MStart / MFeed comprises of the electrical isolator, the short circuit
protection (fuses or circuit breaker), contactor and any electrical control equipment and status
indication. , The sensor module (measuring the electrical values, which are made available to
the process via the Control processor module
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Figure 12MStart
12.1.2 MControl:
The processor performing all the protection, control functions and monitoring functions. It
sends and receives information to and from the MStart / MFeed via an internal bus. I/O
interface modules providing an interface to external components for both control and
Figure 13 MControl
12.1.3 MLink:
The interface module MLink serves for the serial gateway interface to higher level systems
which communicate through the internal bus to all MControl modules.
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Figure 14 MLink
12.1.4 MView:
A local Human System Interface MView is available to monitor the MNS iS status and
display information for each connected motor / feeder.
12.2 Parameterization:
The Microsoft Windows based software application Navigate can be used to parameterize
MNS iS from a convenient location outside the switch room environment. The PC is
connected via Ethernet network topology to the MLink devices in this network.
User settings/ Access control
Parameterization, Configuration and Download
Diagnostic function
Archive/ Restoration/ Reports of project data
Switchgear Arrangement overview
Guidance by Online help
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12.3 M Start Repairing:
Mostly MStart A01 and A02 become faulty and module stop working so we change the
MStart module cards and repair this card as well after changing the parameter parameterized
the module and download the application and configure the module and test run the to check
the show any thermal fault or phase balancing after running some time.
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