Development of Understanding and Self-Confidence in Mathematics Grades 5-8
Development of Understanding and Self-Confidence in Mathematics Grades 5-8
Development of Understanding and Self-Confidence in Mathematics Grades 5-8
This paper presents some preliminary results of the longitudinal aspect of a research
project on self-confidence and understanding in mathematics. We have collected a
survey data of 3057 fifth-graders and seventh-graders and a follow-up data of ten
classes (191 pupils) one and a half years later. The longitudinal data indicates that
the learning of mathematics is influenced by a pupil’s mathematics-related beliefs,
especially self-confidence. Pupils’ level of understanding fractions also influences
their developing understanding of infinity. These relationships between different
variables depend also on pupils’ gender and age.
Pupils’ conceptions on themselves as learners are strongly connected with what kind
of general attitudes they have toward the discipline in question. Mathematics is a
highly valued discipline in school, and therefore, pupils experience success in
mathematics important. It has been observed, that pupils’ beliefs on mathematics and
on themselves as mathematics learners have a central role in their learning and
success in mathematics (e.g. Schoenfeld 1992). The importance of beliefs in
mathematics education is in concordance with the constructivist understanding of
teaching and learning. We understand beliefs as “an individual's understandings and
feelings that shape the ways that the individual conceptualizes and engages in
mathematical behavior” (Schoenfeld 1992, 358). Mathematical beliefs can be
divided into four main components: beliefs on mathematics, beliefs on oneself as a
mathematics learner/applier, beliefs on teaching mathematics, and beliefs on learning
mathematics (e.g. Lester et al. 1989).
Mathematics can be described as a combination of calculation skill and competence
in mathematical reasoning, but neither of these alone characterizes mathematics.
There is much research evidence that many pupils learn mathematics as a symbol
manipulation without meaning (e.g. Resnick & Nelson – Le Gall 1987).
Mathematical understanding can be distinguished from the neighbourhood concepts
‘skill’ and ‘knowledge’, for example as follows: Mathematical knowledge answers
the question ‘What’, and one may remember mathematical facts. Mathematical skill
answers the question ‘How’; which includes, for example, the traditional calculation
skill (procedural knowledge). Only mathematical understanding answers the ‘Why’ -
question; it allows one to reason about mathematical statements. These are
intertwined concepts, since understanding contains always knowledge and skill.
Another view perceives mathematical understanding as a process that is fixed to a
certain person, to a certain mathematical topic and to a special environment (Hiebert
& Carpenter 1992).
Here we use the d-value = |mean1 – mean2| / SD as a measure for difference and a convention established by Jacob
Cohen (Cohen, 1988) that sets norms for “small,” (d = 20) “medium,” (d = 50) or “large” effects (d = 80).
8 5th grade
6th grade
7th grade
4 8th grade
Infinity Fractions Other tasks
5th grade
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
Self-confidence Success orientation Defence orientation
The theoretical maximums for variables are 14 (infinity), 13 (fractions), and 12 (other tasks).
Fractions 17 Fractions 39
10 16
Other tasks 45
Other tasks
Defence o. 7 Defence o. 8
0 1
There is significant development during grades 5 to 8 in topics measured in the
mathematics test. Most notably the development is rapid both in the topics that are
covered in the curriculum (fractions), but also in topics that are not dealt directly with
in the curriculum (density of rational numbers). At the same time, there is –
somewhat paradoxically – a negative development in beliefs. In both samples self-
confidence and success orientation became lower in the second measurement, and
defence orientation increased. Confusingly, the beliefs of the older sample at the
beginning of the seventh grade were more positive than the results from the younger
sample at the sixth grade. Partially the difference can be explained by the differences
in the samples (the older sample deviating from the average towards more positive in
both achievement and beliefs). This somewhat odd difference in the 6th and 7th
graders’ beliefs might also be partially due to the effects of time of the measurement,
beliefs possibly declining by the end of spring term and increasing again by the
beginning of a new term (’a fresh start’).
Stability of the measured belief variables seems to be related to pupils’ gender and
age. Defence orientation is the least stable of the constructed belief variables, and we
might even question the validity and usefulness of the variable. However, there seems
to be a developmental trend for this orientation to become more stable among older
boys. Possibly defensive approach to mathematics is something that develops slowly
during school years and more typically for boys.
Mathematics achievement in this specific test can be predicted to a large extent from
the pupils’ past achievement in the same test. Most notably the pupils’ success in