Grading Higher Education

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Grading Higher Education

Giving Consumers the Information They Need

Bridget Terry Long, Harvard Graduate School of Education 

December 2010
Grading Higher Education
Giving Consumers the Information They Need

Bridget Terry Long, Harvard Graduate School of Education  

December 2010

A paper jointly released by The Center for American Progress and The Hamilton Project

THE CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS is a nonpartisan research and educational institute dedicated to promoting a
strong, just and free America that ensures opportunity for all. We believe that Americans are bound together by a
common commitment to these values and we aspire to ensure that our national policies reflect these values. We
work to find progressive and pragmatic solutions to significant domestic and international problems and develop
policy proposals that foster a government that is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

THE HAMILTON PROJECT seeks to advance America’s promise of opportunity, prosperity, and growth. The Project
offers a strategic vision and produces innovative policy proposals about how to create a growing economy that
benefits more Americans. The Hamilton Project’s economic strategy reflects a judgment that long term prosperity
is best achieved by fostering economic growth and broad participation in that growth, by enhancing individual
economic security, and by embracing a role for effective government in making needed public investments.
The Hamilton Project is an economic policy initiative at The Brookings Institution.

Introduction and Summary 1

The Need for Reform: Using Information to Improve College Outcomes 5

The Proposal: Improving College Information for Consumers 13

How Would It Work? 19

Discussion 22

Conclusion 25

References 26

Endnotes 28

About the Author and Acknowledgements 30

Introduction and Summary

A college degree bestows numerous benefits upon individu- dents understand and improve their preparation for college,
als and society, including higher earnings, a lower likelihood but there are far fewer tools or aids to help families navigate
of unemployment, an increased tax base, and greater civic the college selection process.
engagement. For many, postsecondary training is the gateway
to a secure job, nice home, and good schools for their children. Indeed, with little help families must sort through a complex
menu of postsecondary institutions that differ in terms of
The problem is that going to college is an expensive invest- level, sector, and focus as well as costs, admissions standards,
ment. The cost of four years of college can exceed $100,000, and credentials and majors offered. Then they must put this
and over a quarter of four-year college students graduate information in perspective with their own personal situations
with over $25,000 of student loan debt. Moreover, the col- and preferences.
lege investment is a high-risk proposition. While the average
return on a postsecondary credential is substantial, justifying Families must also discern differences in quality, or the like-
the cost in most cases, there is no guarantee that a person will lihood that the school will impart learning, support student
benefit. Only half of college entrants complete a bachelor’s success, and result in future benefits. Such differences are hard
degree and so many students forfeit the potential returns of to detect because measurements of quality in higher educa-
such a degree.1 tion tend to rely more on the characteristics of the entering
student body rather than the value added by the higher edu-
At the same time, student needs are changing. A majority of cation institution or the benefits realized by graduates. The
those attending college are no longer the traditional students difficulty in sorting colleges by characteristics and quality is
attending immediately after high school graduation who are compounded by complicated pricing structures, in which the
reliant on their parents for support. Instead, many are working net price each student pays often differs due to government
learners who are trying to gain a variety of college-level skills and institutional financial aid.
while balancing family and employment demands.
In summary, the process of college choice involves simultane-
In addition to being a costly and uncertain endeavor, attend- ously ranking options in multiple ways, relying on incomplete
ing college also requires one to make a complicated set of and uncertain information, and receiving little or no support
decisions that must be done in the appropriate order and at for interpreting the facts that are available. These choices
the right times. These decisions include whether and how to carry on throughout the enrollment experience as students
prepare, where to apply, which institution to choose, and how must constantly reevaluate whether their enrollment decision
to finance the costs. There are numerous resources to help stu- is likely to pay off.

The Hamilton Project  |  1

Grading Higher Education

There are many negative and far-reaching repercussions due to show proof that their graduates are able to secure “gainful
the complexities of the college investment combined with the employment.”
lack of clear information. Not surprisingly, years of research
document the general lack of understanding families have Yet most of the current informational efforts are not geared
about the college enrollment process and their college options.2 toward the consumer. The Higher Education Opportunity
This translates into keeping some students out of higher edu- Act, for example, dictates that the institutions with the high-
cation, as concluded by the 2006 federal Commission on the est prices must report to the Secretary of Education the factors
Future of Higher Education. that contributed to their price increases and the steps they have
taken to hold down costs. As such, the information exchange is
Among those who do decide to attend, there is an overreliance one between policymakers and administrators rather than one
on bad or incomplete sources of information, often at the peril designed to inform and empower consumers.
of the student. The fact that nearly half of four-year college
students do not graduate highlights why some college invest- There are other tools geared toward serving potential students,
ments were probably ill-advised. Coupled with oppressive such as College Navigator, an online tool that gives families
loan burdens and rising student loan defaults, the evidence of details on institutional characteristics, costs, and other infor-
bad college choices grows. mation.6 However, the families most in need of these types
of resources have little awareness about the existence of these
Moreover, the mainstream press increasingly showcases sto- tools and limited online access.
ries of college graduates who find that they do not have the
promised skills necessary to get a job. This was exemplified by Moreover, these tools are missing key pieces of information
a recent alumna who decided to sue her school for her inability relevant to college enrollment decisions, such as after-grad-
to obtain employment after graduation.3 uation employment and earnings outcomes. While earnings
are not a complete picture of the return on a college degree,
Colleges may also be culpable of deceiving students. In a 2010 schools with similar resources, student bodies, and admissions
report, the Government Accountability Office exposed a standards can have vastly different returns.7 Such variation
number of for-profit colleges making deceptive claims to appli- highlights the need for the types of information that will allow
cants, including misleading them about college costs, accredi- students to distinguish between options that may seem to offer
tation, and graduation and job-placement rates. All of this the same benefit but actually have vastly different outcomes.
complexity and misinformation results in students too often
being “lured to colleges with the most energetic tour guide, the Given the negative effects suffered by families due to a lack of
biggest reputation for partying, or the highest ranking in the information and the fact that current informational efforts fall
popular press.”4 short, there is an urgent need to create new solutions. Better
information is key to improving college investments. At the
Some companies also exploit the heightened need for infor- individual level, giving students and their families better infor-
mation by charging families excessive amounts for college facts mation would enable them to avoid unworthy college invest-
that are freely available elsewhere if one knew how to navigate ments that would leave them with substantial debt and little
through the multiple sources that focus on higher education. in the form of skills. Instead, information could help them
identify the institutions that would maximize their chances for
Faced with all of these troublesome trends, policymakers success.
are anxious to find ways to give consumers better informa-
tion about their educational options. In an effort to increase Fostering better choices, and as a result, better educational
transparency, the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act investments, would also translate into greater productivity for
of 2008 requires colleges and universities to post price esti- our country and a better use of government resources given
mates on their websites by 2011.5 There also is an increasing the subsidies students receive. Providing better information
emphasis on college graduation and subsequent employment, in a clear, organized manner would also produce significant
as demonstrated by the U.S. Department of Education’s recent time savings for families, as even the most well-informed cur-
decision to require career college and training programs to rently have to comb through various incomplete sources for
key indicators.

2  Center for American Progress  |

Introduction and summary

At the level of the educational institution, helping students To reflect on the college experience, institutions would con-
and their families to become better consumers could increase tinue to report information on expenditures so that current
pressure on colleges and universities to make improvements and future students would know where their college is putting
to their services, thereby raising college quality. Even modest their money. Additionally, colleges would be required to give
effects would more than justify the costs of collecting and pub- more detailed information on retention and graduation rates,
lishing better college information for consumers. which would then be listed relative to similar peer institutions.

Higher education is indeed a complicated domain with sig- Finally, and perhaps most important, information must be col-
nificant challenges, but there is hope that empowering con- lected on the potential benefits and returns of an institution.
sumers with better information might be an effective way to Data should be collected on employment rates, salary informa-
improve outcomes. As shown by a study I completed with tion, and in acknowledgement that income is not a complete
Eric Bettinger of Stanford University, Philip Oreopoulos of the measure of a school’s return, alumni satisfaction rates. Figure 1
University of Toronto, and Lisa Sanbonmatsu of the National summarizes the key pieces of information that would make up
Bureau of Economics Research, helping families with the col- a college’s scorecard.
lege application process can be an effective way to improve
outcomes.8 Once the key facts have been collected, this information would
then be packaged for families in more usable ways than current
Improving consumer information has also been a critical part efforts. In this paper, I propose three main ways of presenting
to getting better performance in other sectors. For instance, the college data, each increasing in the level of details given.
in the realm of K-12 education, research shows that provid-
ing information on school performance helped lower-income First, we must catch the attention of potential students and
families to choose higher-performing schools.9 Reports also their families with clear, basic information that is meant to fos-
help school principals to better evaluate the effectiveness ter their interest in higher education and empower them to ask
of their teachers in helping students.10 It is especially worth questions related to key factors of the investment. Such efforts
noting that such information solutions are far less costly than would include a handful of facts shown in Figure 1 on costs,
direct government regulation, which underscores the need financial aid, and returns to different types of colleges, with
to consider such strategies to support other higher education the goal being to reach the significant numbers of individuals
decisions. who avoid higher education due to misperceptions or general
lack of understanding. This information also is designed to
Based on the many reasons why better information would broaden the horizons of individuals who might have already
result in better college investments, this paper puts forth a set been considering higher education with the hope that they will
of proposals designed to provide consumers with useful facts be motivated to seek out additional information about degrees
about higher education. The recommended strategy is mul- or colleges they might not have originally considered.
tipronged and emphasizes first the need to expand the types
of information collected and produced and then to change The second level of packaging would continue the process by
the way this information is communicated and distributed to providing more detail, including more specific indicators of
potential students and their families. affordability for different student profiles and success rates.
The more complete information would be presented in a way
As an initial step, the federal government should continue as that encourages and facilitates comparison of postsecondary
well as expand its activities to produce the types of informa- institutions. Depending on the potential student’s interests or
tion needed to help individuals with their college decisions. residence, a basic list of schools would be generated, but the
There should be information on cost and affordability. In addi- individual would also be given the chance to add or subtract
tion to the total cost and net price estimates currently pro- schools from that list to match their individual needs.
duced, potential students would be given information on aid
for low-income students, the debt levels, and loan default rates
of previous students.

The Hamilton Project  |  3

Grading Higher Education


Key information for consumers

The college scorecard

Costs and Affordability Measures

Total cost of attendance Average amount of debt for graduates

Average price net grants for low-income students Loan default rate (three-year average)
Average price net grants for all students

The College Experience

Total expenditures on instruction, academic supports, and student services per student

Institution’s Rates Success Rates of Peer Institutions
1st-to-2nd year retention, full-time students 1st-to-2nd year retention, full-time students
Six-year graduation rate Six-year graduation rate

Potential Benefits and Returns

Employment rate within six months of graduation

Salary information for graduates one year and five years after completion
Alumni satisfaction rate

Note: Low-income students are defined as Pell Grant recipients. Peer institutions would be defined as a set of colleges with similar missions, resources, and student body characteristics.

Finally, moving beyond the core indicators, the consumer government agencies. For instance, the government should
would be given additional opportunities to customize and work with college access programs and youth organizations
incorporate other factors and indicators that might be of to reach students.
interest. Colleges and universities could also be involved at
this stage by providing indicators they feel speak to the spe- Government informational resources should also be bol-
cific attributes of their school. stered and branded as the central clearinghouse for higher
education information. This would reduce confusion, sim-
Proactively disseminating the information is the third recom- plify informational efforts, and prevent the exploitation of
mendation. Additional effort must be taken to translate and families by companies that charge for what should be free.
circulate it to an audience that may understand little about Innovative marketing should be used and schools and orga-
higher education offerings, pricing, financial aid, or qual- nizations should be encouraged to use the government tool
ity. Therefore, the federal government should actively reach so that they can avoid unnecessary duplication. The federal
out to potential students where they live, study, and work government should also implement procedures to audit the
rather than putting the responsibility on the individual to information and solicit feedback from consumers. Taken
seek out the information on his or her own. This should be together, this paper will demonstrate in the pages that follow
done through a series of partnerships with educational, social why consumers should be given the information they need to
services, and employment organizations along with other maximize their college investments.

4  Center for American Progress  |

The Need for Reform: Using Information
to Improve College Outcomes

There are clearly strong concerns about the complex nature formal courses or training that were not part of a traditional
of the college investment. But three important trends under- degree, certificate, or apprenticeship program for reasons
score the growing need to help consumers with their college related to their job or career.14 Students also increasingly stop
decisions. Skyrocketing costs and varying levels of college out and then later return, attend multiple institutions, uti-
completion by students across educational institutions along- lize distance education, and study outside of the traditional
side the increasingly diverse enrollment patterns and goals of schedule, including summers, weekends, and evenings.
students dictate that something must be done to address this
issue sooner rather than later. The increasing diversity of college students in terms of their
backgrounds, goals, and needs necessitates efforts to improve
college information. There is no single profile that captures
The changing college student and her needs the majority of students, but given the importance of identify-
ing good potential matches likely to result in benefits, families
Many recent trends underscore the dynamic nature of post- must be empowered to sort through the thousands of college
secondary education in the United States, from the increasing options and may need very individualized information.
presence of new populations, to the growth of more varied
educational pathways, to the development of new ways to Current educational patterns also underscore the fact that the
deliver education, to the evolution of institutional and gov- higher education enrollment decision may involve attending
ernment policy. For instance, demographic trends reflect that multiple institutions over the course of a college career. Many
students are increasingly coming from communities of color. 11 students transfer between institutions, take occasional classes
at schools other than their primary one, and re-enroll after
The profile of the typical college student has also changed periods of stopping out. Therefore, they need constant access
in other ways in recent decades. Only 27 percent of students to good information as they re-evaluate their choices at every
match the circumstance of what has been considered a “tra- turn.
ditional,” dependent college student.12 Many students now
delay initial entry into college or attend part-time, and over
three out of 10 undergraduates are age 25 or older. 13 The rising cost of college

And importantly, students enter with intentions that can The rising cost of higher education is another factor that high-
range from seeking a bachelor’s degree to earning a certificate lights the importance of providing consumers with better
to just completing a few courses. During the 2002-03 school information. According to the College Board, the total cost of
year, for example, approximately 68.5 million people took a public four-year college or university was $15,213 in 2009-

The Hamilton Project  |  5

Grading Higher Education

10, while private four-year colleges and universities charged While the price of a college degree skyrockets, the ability
an average of $35,636.15 These snapshots are the culmination of the American family to pay for such an expense is on the
of years of staggering increases in college prices. decline. Median household earnings have been largely stag-
nant over the last decade. And today, without any financial aid,
Indeed, tuition and fees have risen dramatically during the last the total cost of a public four-year institution amounts to about
30 years even after taking into account inflation. For instance, 30 percent of the median family income and over half for the
at public, four-year colleges and universities, tuition and fees average private four-year institution.16 So while attending col-
grew 4.9 percent on average annually from 1999-2000 to lege remains important, it is increasingly difficult for families
2009-10. Projections about future prices suggest that current to cover the cost. “There is no issue that worries the American
upward trends will not abate, with the price of a four-year pri- public more about higher education than the soaring cost of
vate institution expected to reach $61,084 by 2025-26 and attending college,” concluded the federal Commission on the
a public, four-year college costing 3.3 times more in just 15 Future of Higher Education in a recent report.17
years. (See Figure 2.)
Federal and state governments also commit substantial
resources to higher education by reducing the cost through
the use of financial aid. In 2008-09, over $33 billion was spent
FIGURE 2 by government sources on student grants alone. Families also
The rising cost of college take out a substantial amount in loans. In 2008, the last year
for which data are available, families took on more than $86
Average published tuition and fees in current billion in college loans, with the average undergraduate stu-
dollars, in school years 1979-80 to 2009-10, with dent graduating with more than $23,000 in debt.18
projections for school years 2010-11 to 2025-26

Concerns about college completion rates


Given the substantial and growing cost of higher education

and the complexity of the preparation and choice processes,
college completion rates have long been a concern, especially
for low-income students. Admittedly, even after four decades
of financial aid policy, enrollment gaps by income continue to
be troublesome, as do disparities by race and gender.
Recent data highlight that college completion is a major prob-
lem. Less than 60 percent of students at four-year colleges
graduate within six years, and at some colleges the graduation
$10,000 rate is less than 10 percent.19 Completion rates are especially
alarming for low-income and minority students. Among
$0 first-time, full-time, degree-seeking undergraduates at four-
year institutions, only 40 percent and 46 percent of African-

American and Hispanic students, respectively, graduate.20

Private four -year Public four -year Public two -year While insufficient academic preparation is part of the prob-
lem, it does not fully explain differences in graduation rates
Source: College Board, “Trends in College Pricing 2010.” The projections are based on calculations by the by background. Among students who were identified as being
author assuming that tuition continues to grow at rates similar to the average of the last 10 years.
college-qualified, only 36 percent of low-income students
completed a bachelor’s degree within eight years, while 81
percent of high-income students did so.21

6  Center for American Progress  |

The Need for Reform: Using Information to Introduction
Improve College
and Outcomes

A broader perspective suggests that the college completion informed decisions. The study finds that among those who
problem has been getting worse over time. Trends suggest did not complete college, two-thirds say they selected their
educational attainment has declined during the last couple of school primarily for its convenient location.
decades. John Bound, Michael Lovenheim, and Sarah Turner
find that the increase in college access over time has not been
met by a proportional increase in the percentage who com- The optimal investment: Challenges and the
plete a degree.22 Their analysis suggests eight-year college consequences of bad choices
completion rates declined between 1972 to 1992, with the
most negative effects being felt by men who began at less- The increasing diversity of college students, the high cost of
selective institutions. higher education, and the varying levels of benefits students
reap at different institutions all highlight the importance of
Moreover, students are taking longer to complete degrees.23 giving consumers better information as they consider their
This means that the postsecondary investment can be even vast number of choices. College choices are influenced by a
more costly than the assumed four to five years of full-time complex array of interrelated factors, including background
attendance. characteristics, educational experiences, and social contexts.
To understand these decisions, researchers have mainly
The promise of substantial benefits from getting a college focused on the influence of college costs—tuition net finan-
degree might justify an individual taking on the cost burden, cial aid—and potential benefits, such as future earnings
but growing information about dismal college completion potential because of the college degree.
rates, along with persistent gaps in college access and declin-
ing college affordability, sparks a number of questions about In the simplest terms, students compare the costs of their col-
the current condition of higher education in our nation. lege options to the benefits they expect to receive. If the net
Critics question whether colleges are doing enough to ensure benefit, or the total benefits minus the total costs, is greater
the success of their students, and there has been increased than the net benefit of other options (not attending college
media scrutiny about the return to higher education.24 and entering the labor market directly), then the individual
will choose the college option. Among the costs are tuition
Moreover, several studies underscore that institutions with and forgone earnings, the income that an individual could
similar characteristics can have vastly different graduation have made had he or she decided to enter the labor market
rates. Mark Schneider documents that within each level of rather than attend school. On the other side, the benefits of
college selectivity on the Barron’s Profiles of American Colleges higher education include increased earnings.
scale, the return on investment (ROI) as measured by earn-
ings can vary widely.25 Therefore, even though many fear that Additional nonmonetary costs and benefits must also be con-
information about college outcomes might unduly penalize sidered, such as the psychic costs of studying (i.e. the stress
colleges for factors that are not under their control, it is clear of being a student) and the consumption value of college (i.e.
that some institutions do a better job than others with their the benefits associated with the enjoyable parts of attend-
resources and students. ing). From a societal point of view, there are also benefits
that derive from having a more educated population. Crime
Consumers need information so that they can choose wisely rates fall and fewer people are dependent on government pro-
among their choices to maximize their chance of success. grams, such as welfare.27
According to a 2009 study by Public Agenda and the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation, “[a]mong students who don’t While individuals are not assumed to be completely rational
graduate, the college selection process is far more limited and or to have full information about all their options, many stud-
often seems happenstance and uninformed.”26 This seems to ies document that this general college decision framework
underscore the fact that many college dropouts made poorly does accurately predict how changes in key factors, such as

The Hamilton Project  |  7

Grading Higher Education

college costs, influence the decisions of students. Students concerned about room and board fees and more concerned
are sensitive to tuition prices, for example, and increases in about job placement and starting salaries, especially if they
tuition levels result in lower college access and movement have dependents and are cautious about sacrificing time and
toward less expensive schools.28 resources for uncertain job prospects.

Still, there are puzzles about why large numbers of college- Personalized information is also needed due to the compli-
qualified students fail to attend any institution. Applying this cated pricing structures of higher education. Students often
decision framework, if students overestimate college costs receive government or institutional aid and so do not pay the
or underestimate the benefits of a degree, then their deci- full list price. Yet there is a great deal of variation in the net
sions may seem internally rational though perplexing, given price students face, with some families paying full price while
that costs are lower and benefits are greater than the person others pay nothing. A key problem is that families have little
believes. The implication is that more accurate informa- way to predict exactly how much they will be charged based
tion could improve decision-making and increase college on their individual circumstances. Students may be eligible
enrollment. for need- or merit-based aid, and due to the way institutions
package aid, the amount of financial assistance offered to stu-
In the case of high rates of college attrition among those who dents with similar backgrounds might differ not only across,
do decide to attend, one wonders what mistakes are made but also within, schools. Aid packages also might differ over
during the college choice process that could be corrected time, as some aid is available for multiple years while other aid
with better information. Such information might improve a is not. In terms of loans, schools and lending companies often
student’s ability to identify institutions that will maximize do not clearly explain the total price of a loan or the likely
their likelihood of success while avoiding schools with unrea- monthly payment requirement after graduation.
sonably high costs and/or high failure rates.
While there are key pieces of information that could improve
Given the complex, multidimensional process of navigating families’ abilities to weigh their college choices, delivering
the preparation and admissions process, students first need this information is not a straightforward task. Families need
information on how to prepare and apply to college.29 But help sorting through facts, understanding what they mean,
students also need information to help in making choices and learning how to prioritize the information. Even under
between various college options. Individuals must decide the best conditions, there are limits to the amount of calcula-
which institution to attend as well as what program of study tions and problem-solving that a person can do.30
to choose. Many families lack this type of information, and
unlike the many efforts to provide information to help stu- When faced with choice, individuals struggle to determine
dents prepare and apply to college, there are far fewer initia- which factors are most important, gather all of the relevant
tives to support families as they discern between their many information on these factors, and appropriately weigh the
college options. costs and benefits of these factors in a final calculation. The
“pure cognitive overload” of the college enrollment and
Following the basic framework above, individuals need infor- choice decisions may result in less than optimal outcomes as
mation on costs (tuition, fees, living costs) and benefits (the individuals can be influenced by idiosyncratic features in the
likelihood of completion and employment outcomes) to ways choices are structured and presented. In other words,
help with their college choices. With varying backgrounds the intended recipients may not know how to use or analyze
and goals, the exact facts that might be helpful could differ the information and so end up making puzzling decisions.
by individual. In fact, it is difficult to imagine that one set of Mistakes can result, such as procrastination or a tendency to
information would serve the needs of all American students. base decisions on easily available information that may not be
Adult and nonresidential students, for example, would be less accurate.

8  Center for American Progress  |

The Need for Reform:
Why isUsing Information
employment to Improve
polarizing? College
Facts Outcomes
and hypotheses

These types of decision anomalies are particularly relevant to Even among college graduates, the degree does not always
college decisions. Several studies have found students under- justify the cost. According to a 2004 study by the American
taking surprisingly minimal steps when making educational Council on Education, one-third of borrowers faced debt bur-
decisions, instead resorting to trial and error. For instance, dens of more than 8 percent, the level above which financial
Grubb found that students often “develop information by tak- aid researchers consider debt burden to be a concern.33 Loan
ing courses almost at random.”31 And in a 2004 study, Avery default rates have also been climbing in recent years. In 2008,
and Hoxby tested whether high-achieving students respond 7 percent of students defaulted on a government loan within
to their menus of colleges and financial aid offers like ratio- two years of leaving college. Among for-profit colleges, nearly
nal investors trying to maximize benefits and minimize costs. 12 percent of students could not pay back their loans.
While the typical student chooses his college and responds
to aid in a manner that is broadly consistent with maximizing This reflects poorly on the benefits students likely received
benefits and minimizing costs, there were several anomalies from these schools, as emphasized by Secretary of Education
related to how students reacted to loans and the superficial Arne Duncan: “While for-profit schools have profited and
aspects of a grant.32 prospered thanks to federal dollars, some of their students
have not. Far too many for-profit schools are saddling stu-
Interpreting institutional data is also difficult. Take, for dents with debt they cannot afford in exchange for degrees
instance, information on college and university expenditures. and certificates they cannot use.” 34
While it might be helpful for a student to know the amount a
school spends on its students with the hope of getting some In additional analysis looking over a longer period of time, the
sense of the resources available, institutional expenditures Chronicle of Higher Education found that one in every five gov-
are not reliable indicators. Even when the total amount is the ernment loans that entered repayment in 1995 has gone into
same, institutions choose to utilize their resources in different default. The longer-term default rates were especially high
ways, from bolstering instructional supports to supplement- among community college students (30 percent) and those
ing faculty salaries to funding research. Some of these options who attended a for-profit institution (40 percent).35 Surely,
might positively affect the quality of the student’s experience the high incidence of students being unable to pay back their
while others might not. government loans signifies that there are widespread prob-
lems with how individuals are choosing their colleges.
Furthermore, given the aggregated nature of information
about resources and other inputs, it is difficult to discern what Better information could help students avoid the mistake of
any particular student will benefit from within an institution choosing an institution that has a low probability of paying off.
of thousands. Better, more detailed facts are needed to truly We must instead empower families to make better decisions
give families information that might be helpful as they sort by helping them to understand the institutions that are likely
through their options. to meet their needs and result in higher returns. Addressing
misinformation and low levels of awareness about actual col-
Without easily obtainable information and a clear map of lege costs and returns would help to foster more attention on
the key factors worth considering and how to process them, the success rates and employment outcomes of institutions.
there are many examples of decisions that probably represent
“bad matches.” As already noted, almost half of college stu- Any information system would also have to deal with the dif-
dents who attend a four-year institution fail to get a degree. ficulty of being applied to institutions with differing missions,
Meanwhile, these students carry significant amounts of stu- student bodies, and goals. This further clouds our under-
dent debt that is not likely to be justified without receipt of a standing of institutions, and so any effort needs the additional
college credential. nuance of taking into account institutional mission and aims.

The Hamilton Project  |  9

Grading Higher Education

It is also important not to treat the colleges and universities Educational Data System, or IPEDS. Institutions submit
as static entities. Like individuals, they react to incentives and information about their characteristics, enrollments, comple-
changes in costs and benefits. tions, finances, staff, and other resources, and the data are
made public, mostly to be used by institutional and academic
This is a particular concern when considering using informa- researchers.
tion to bring about different outcomes because, rather than
acting in ways that might benefit students, the institutions The Department of Education produces a series of reports
might do things to undercut the intended effects. A prime with summaries of the data. The College Board also has an
example of this is the U.S. News & World Report rankings sys- annual survey of colleges, which emphasizes admissions
tem. Students respond greatly to the rankings, and so colleges requirements and student body characteristics. These data are
have incentives to maximize the indicators used in the calcu- used to produce reports, including its annual Trends in Higher
lations. In fact, research documents the games colleges have Education series. A third, growing source is the National
played to inflate their standings.36 In order for information to Student Clearinghouse, a central repository of enrollment
be useful to consumers, any solution must take into account and credential records, which can be used to calculate com-
the reactions of the schools. pletion rates, even across institutions. Together, these three
data sets provide the background for most of the tools and
Not all of the challenges related to the provision of informa- information campaigns that currently exist. (See Figure 3.)
tion are solvable. Uncertainty about the future also wreaks
havoc on attempts to use information to enable better deci- The bottom part of Figure 3 provides examples of some of
sions. No one knows for sure what the return to higher edu- the tools meant to help consumers make higher education
cation will be four years from now, let alone for the next 40 decisions. Several use IPEDS data to create websites that
years that a college graduate might reap the returns. Even less allow students to search for possible colleges. One exam-
is known about the return to particular majors or schools. As ple is College Navigator, which is also sponsored by the
noted above, uncertainty and risk are inherent in the college Department of Education. Some of these websites provide
investment decision, making it difficult to tell students with more information than others. For instance, CollegeInSight,
any confidence about their future chances given a particular which is maintained by the non-profit organization TICAS,
pathway or opportunity. While one might rely on data about gives information on college affordability and student success
previous classes of students, this information still requires rates. College Results Online, created by Education Trust,
the individual to make a guess about whether and how those provides detailed graduation rate information for multiple
returns might change for future college attendees. groups of students and contextualizes this information rela-
tive to a group of colleges with similar characteristics, student
bodies, and resources.
Why current efforts are insufficient
While these tools are a step in the right direction, each is lim-
Practitioners and policymakers have long acknowledged ited in some way. The data they report, for example, may give
the need for more and better information about higher edu- an incomplete price. In College Results Online, the gradua-
cation, and there have been multiple attempts to increase tion rate information is limited to first-time, full-time, bach-
transparency. Underlying these efforts are several large data elor’s degree-seeking freshmen who complete their degrees
collections. The U.S. Department of Education collects the from the institution where they originally enrolled. The rates
most complete data as part of the Integrated Postsecondary do not include part-time students or the percentage of stu-
dents who enroll and transfer to another institution.

10  Center for American Progress  |

The Need for Reform:
Why isUsing Information
employment to Improve
polarizing? FactsCollege Outcomes
and hypotheses


Major informational sources and tools on college options

Source/Originator Purpose and Items Collected

Data Sets

Integrated Postsecondary Information from colleges and universities Comprehensive database of institutions and
Educational Data System, or IPEDS submitted to the U.S. Department of Education educational organizations whose primary
purpose is to provide postsecondary
education. Built around a series of interrelated
surveys to collect institution-level data on
characteristics, enrollments, completion,
faculty, staff, finances, and academic libraries.

College Board Annual Survey Web-based survey of nearly 4,000 accredited The survey collects information on the
of Colleges undergraduate colleges and universities in the U.S. characteristics of each college, including
programs, costs, application requirements, and
deadlines. This information is then used in
reports, such as the annual Trends in Higher
Education Series, and other tools, like the
College Board’s College Search website (see

National Student Clearinghouse Central repository for more than 3,300 partner National source of comprehensive enrollment,
colleges and additional secondary schools degrees, diplomas, and certificates covering 92
percent of U.S. college students; can be used to track
students across institutions to calculate degree
completion rates.

Informational Tools

College Navigator U.S. Department of Education Allows individuals to search for colleges using
information from the IPEDS dataset.

KnowHow2Go American Council on Education, Lumina Foundation Multiyear, multimedia effort designed to
for Education, and the Ad Council encourage students to prepare for college,
beginning in the 8th grade; focuses more on

College Search College Board using data from its Annual Survey Aims to help students find colleges by generating a
of Colleges (see above) list based on student preferences.

College Results Online Education Trust using IPEDS data Allows users to select a college and compare its
graduation rate outcomes to similar institutions
(determined based on a set of institutional

College In Sight The Institute for College Access & Success (TICAS) Provides data on college affordability, diversity, and
student success so that users can find, compare,
and analyze their options. American Education Services (AES), a provider of Database on nearly 4,000 two-year and four-year
student financial aid services colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada;
can use a variety of search criteria to find a match,
including location, tuition, average GPA of incoming
freshmen, religious denomination, and more. Also
has a career assessment tool.

The Hamilton Project  |  11

Grading Higher Education

This type of limitation may be beyond the control of the cre- port to performance on a set of indicators. Several states high-
ator of the tool, but another serious concern for all the sites light retention figures and graduation rates. Licensure and exit
is how they are disseminated. While KnowHo2Go includes exams for the few fields that have them are also part of the
television, radio, and outdoor public service advertisements, criteria.
the other sites mainly depend on students seeking them out
or possibly being directed by schools or college access organi- Given the needs of states, there is also some emphasis on
zations. This limits their penetration into the market of poten- workforce indicators and research. These efforts have not
tial beneficiaries. been particularly successful, though there are several clear
lessons from these experiences that apply to this context. The
It is also worth noting that most online tools are much more first is the importance of having good information. Without
focused on the activities needed to prepare for the college informative basic indicators and a system that helps to inter-
application process, such as what courses to complete and pret that information, it is difficult to believe that an account-
exams to take, and when to complete certain applications. ability initiative would have much success.37
KnowHow2Go is one example of this, as it emphasizes activi-
ties for 8th- to 10th-graders, but far more websites and tools It is also important to choose appropriate measures. States
were uncovered but not included in Figure 3. Very little infor- tend to focus on aggregated measures, such as the total num-
mation is available anywhere on outcomes such as salaries or ber of degrees awarded or the average credits taught by faculty.
alumni satisfaction, two key factors that could be important in As a result, very little attention has been paid to important
the decisions of students. outcomes such as student learning.38 In past efforts, often
the incentives were not large enough or sustained to prompt
There also are attempts to use information to bring about much of a response from the colleges and universities. Yet
accountability in higher education at the state level. States one positive byproduct of these accountability efforts is an
as different as Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, and increase in the amount of information that educational insti-
Minnesota have experimented with tying postsecondary sup- tutions now publicly report.

12  Center for American Progress  |

The Proposal: Improving College Information
for Consumers

Clearly, there is a need for consumers to have more and better • Take the lead in implementing, coordinating, and assem-
information to help support their decisions concerning post- bling the needed information; and
secondary investments. Most government initiatives are too
focused on the perspectives of policymakers and the institu- • Implement procedures to audit the information and solicit
tions rather than the consumer, and most other tools do not feedback from consumers.
do enough to address this great need. The challenges to using
information to bring about change in higher education are The sections below expand on the details of each of these
also plentiful. recommendations.

Still, there are opportunities for great improvement. Therefore,

I propose a multipronged strategy that would empower stu- Expand the information collected
dents and their families to make better college choices and
optimize the use of their private resources along with the Figure 1 on page 4 highlights the most important pieces of
public subsidies that support the pursuit of postsecondary information to communicate in a basic college scorecard, and
credentials. Specifically the federal government should: Figure 4 on page 15 outlines all of the data that need to be
collected and possible sources for that information. This list is
• Continue to expand its activities to produce the types of motivated by the key factors that influence college decisions
information needed to help individuals with their college and might help consumers to choose the options most likely
decisions; to help them meet their goals. There are four main types of
• Put together this information in more usable ways based
on the lessons learned from previous attempts to improve
information and the successes realized in other domains; Basic information

• Actively disseminate the information to potential students Basic information should be provided on institutional charac-
where they live, study, and work— rather than putting the teristics to help students focus on the set of institutions that
responsibility on the individual to seek out the information have the programs of study they want. This information on
on his or her own. This should be done through a series of basic school characteristics will also help students to match
partnerships with educational, social services, and employ- with colleges that fit their preferences and academic achieve-
ment organizations along with other government agencies; ment levels.

The Hamilton Project  |  13

Grading Higher Education

Affordability out more information and perhaps focus their questions on

key factors that might matter for their situations. Much of this
Information on affordability is necessary to help students information is already available in some form or another, but
understand the net cost of the postsecondary investment, other indicators would be new collections or would have to be
not only for the average student, but also for several common collected for a wider range of institutions than currently done.
student profiles. This would give some sense of how the cost
varies by background and, it is hoped, encourage the student Because colleges differ in their missions, resources, and stu-
to ask more questions of the institution about his or her own dent bodies, it is also worth noting that some caution is war-
situation. ranted when comparing some indicators across schools. Open
admissions institutions, for example, which serve many stu-
dents in need of remedial and developmental coursework,
Resources and inputs are expected to have different completion rates than selective
institutions that accept only one in ten applicants. Yet as previ-
To give a sense of what the student would experience at the ously discussed, even institutions with similar student bodies
school, there should also be details on college resources and and resources can have very different rates of student success.
inputs. This includes expenditures, instructional supports, A priority, then, should be to inform consumers about these
and student success rates, both for the school and for similar important differences. For instance, the proposal suggests pro-
peers. viding consumers with information on the success rates of peer
institutions following the example of the Education Trust.

After-college employment outcomes

Package the information in clear, usable ways
Information about after-college employment outcomes is key
to determining whether the investment is worthwhile. This Providing consumers with the right information will be
includes earnings information and feedback from employ- pointless if they are unable to comprehend, absorb, and use
ers. But recognizing that employment and earnings are not that information. Therefore, I urge the government to care-
the only benefits of an education, I also propose to collect fully construct how this information is presented and avoid
information from alumni about their perceptions of nonmon- the type of language that is familiar only to administrators
etary benefits. This is also relevant for those in public service and researchers. Again, a key issue will be balancing complex,
careers or other pursuits in which income is not a major focus, nuanced information with simple, easy-to-understand facts.
such as the humanities and the arts.
Other industries successfully address this challenge and effec-
There are a variety of sources of information on all four types tively provide complicated information to support consumer
of this information. (See Figure 4.) decisions. One case in point: Justine Hastings and Jeffrey
Weinstein found that giving low-income families information
The choice of indicators is also influenced by the need to bal- on school test scores changed the way they made decisions
ance breadth, given the complex nature of the college choice under a school choice plan.39 This information significantly
decision, with the threat that too much information could increased the fraction of parents choosing higher-performing
overwhelm a consumer. For instance, personalized informa- schools.
tion can be quite important but would be cumbersome to
provide for too many student profiles. Consequently, only a Or consider the health insurance industry. Research by
couple of scenarios should be reported, including the mean Michael Chernew et al. finds that giving consumers informa-
or median for the student body as well as that for Pell Grant tion on health plan ratings caused employees of a Fortune 50
recipients and families at the median income level. company to take action to avoid lower-rated options,40 and
research by M. Kate Bundorf et al. notes that couples seek-
By giving these snippets of information, the goal is to provide ing fertility treatments also respond to information on clinics’
enough facts to encourage and empower consumers to seek birth rates.41

14  Center for American Progress  |

The Proposal: Improving College
Why is employment Information
polarizing? forhypotheses
Facts and Consumers


The expanded data collection

New measures to help consumers make decisions about higher education

Variables Potential Source

Institutional Characteristics: To help students focus on the set of institutions that have the credentials they seek and then target schools that fit their choice prefer-
ences and are likely to admit them based on academic performance.

Level, sector, available degrees/credentials/programs of study Collected in IPEDS

Size, location, religious affiliation, percent living on campus Collected in IPEDS

Student body characteristics (gender, race, ethnicity, age distributions) Collected in IPEDS

Selectivity measures and Student Body achievement levels Collected by the College Board

Costs and Affordability Measures: To help students understand the cost of the investment, not only for the average student, but also for several common student

List price (tuition, required fees, room and board, and the total budget) Collected in IPEDS

Average (or typical) aid package for a Pell Grant recipient Need to survey schools

Average (or typical) aid package for a family at the median income level Need to survey schools

Average amount of debt for graduates: Mean for the student body Calculate using DOE sources
and Mean for Pell Grant recipients

Average amount of debt for graduates of peer institutions Calculate using DOE sources

Loan default rate (three-year average) Calculate using DOE sources

College Experience and Value-Added Measures: Information on what students receive at the school and how the school compares relative to peers

Financial resource measures: Total expenditures per student and expenditures on Collected in IPEDS
instruction, academic supports, and student services

Instructional indicators such as faculty characteristics, class size, student satisfaction Collected in IPEDS and by College Board

Student success measures such as course completions, retention rates, graduation rates, Expand IPEDS and use other sources to do additional
and time to degree. Should be calculated for multiple profiles (full-time, part-time, calculations
dependent, independent, and transfer students)

Success rates of peer institutions with similar resources and student bodies Compiled by College Results Online

Potential Benefits and Returns: Information on the potential returns to the school in terms of employment and salary, both in the short and long term, and how
this compares to peer institutions

Employment rate within three and six months of graduation and the rates for a School survey or government sources
set of peer institutions

Salary, industry, and occupation information for graduates one year, five years, Could use government sources
and 10 years after completion

Alumni survey on satisfaction with the program and benefits realized after receiving New collection needed or supplement institutional efforts
the degree, including nonmonetary considerations

Employer survey on satisfaction with graduates and the usefulness of the degree New collection needed
or credential

The Hamilton Project  |  15

Grading Higher Education

Based on the experiences of other industries, higher education In the case of fertility clinics, for example, consumers also
could benefit greatly from improving not only the availability showed an ability to take into account patient mix when eval-
of information but also how it is communicated to consum- uating clinics, as this influences the likelihood of success.42
ers. One lesson from other domains is that it is important to Likewise in higher education, consumers need help interpret-
contextualize information, especially when outcomes may be ing indicators such as graduation rates.
the result not only of the focal institution or entity (the hospi-
tal or teaching being evaluated) but also who is being served
(the type of patients treated or students taught).


Examples of consumer information in other industries

Context Information Effects

K-12 Education
Lower-income families facing a Direct information on school test scores Hastings and Weinstein (2008): Receiving
public school choice plan information significantly increased the fraction of
parents choosing higher-performing schools

NYC public school principals Value-added performance measures of teachers Rockoff, et al. (2010): Performance data provided
along with brief training on how estimates useful information to principals in constructing
were constructed employee evaluations and using these evaluations
to improve productivity

Health Insurance
Employees of a Fortune 50 company HMO health plan performance Chernew, et al. (2008): Small but statistically
information significant effect on health plan choices with
employees willing to pay more to avoid plans with
below-average ratings

Large employers across markets Health plan performance Chernew, et al. (2004): Employers are more likely to
information offer plans with strong absolute and relative
performance measures.

Health Care
U.S. metropolitan areas 1996 to 2003 Public disclosure of a clinic’s three-year Bundorf, et al. (2009): Clinics with higher birth rates
lagged birth rate had larger market shares after, relative to before,
the adoption of report cards. Consumers also took
into account information on patient mix when
evaluating clinics

16  Center for American Progress  |

The Proposal: ImprovingaCollege
Is polarization uniquelyInformation for Consumers
American phenomenon?

Therefore, it is important not only to collect information on Packaging information about institutions of higher education
these factors for peer institutions but also to clearly commu- in this way should also help prompt potential students to look
nicate this relative information in a meaningful way as well as beyond their preconceived notions. For instance, if a student
to perhaps provide additional context on the general norms is focused on a particular college that happens to have a poor
for a particular sector, field, or area. The process of translating graduation rate, then technology-based tools could offer to
the indicators for consumers must go beyond just listing the provide information on similar peers with better rates of suc-
information in a table. cess. This would mirror some of the tools we see in the private
sector, which suggest another product or book a consumer
Clearly, there are numerous types of information that would might consider based on his or her viewing and purchasing
be helpful in the college choice process. A key challenge is patterns.
then balancing the need to provide information relevant to
a particular individual while not inundating the market with When possible, the information should also be personalized.
too much information that could be overwhelming and dif- If the state of residence is known, for example, either due to
ficult to sort through. A major challenge one must confront where the information is being distributed or if the individual
in an attempt to empower consumers with information is not volunteers this information, then the default list of colleges
only providing the right detail but also providing it in a way produced could focus on popular local options. If low-income
that is useful. students are being targeted, then information about finan-
cial aid and the outcomes of Pell recipients could instead be
I propose three main ways of presenting the college data. Start highlighted.
by first “hooking” consumers with basic information, then
educate them about more of the facts concerning specific
institutions, and finally, allow them to customize and get the The dissemination strategy: Heighten visibility
exact details that might be helpful in their decisions. and actively reach out to potential students

Stage 1 would include basic facts about institutional charac- While I hope that multiple organizations will join and partner
teristics, cost, and a few indicators of success. The amount of with the federal government to distribute helpful information
information would be small enough so that multiple schools to consumers, the federal government should bolster its posi-
could be shown on one page along with state-level aggregates. tion as the central repository of higher education information.
This information is meant to grab the attention of families In its informational campaigns, it should make clear that indi-
who did not think college was possible and to broaden the per- viduals should consult its tools first. The reason: to make sure
spective of potential students who may have been approach- consumers are aware of all that is available to them for free.
ing higher education with a limited or incorrect view.
This might help families to avoid unnecessarily paying for this
Stage 2 would entail disseminating this short list of informa- information, as is presently the case. By becoming the central
tion to students in their communities. Having captured the clearinghouse, the hope is that we will also avoid unnecessary
attention of potential students, these individuals would then duplication. Organizations and actors who hope to provide
be directed to tools with more details. This second level of help with college will not need to waste time and resources
packaging would include the longer list of items in Figure 1 collecting, translating, and distributing this information so
on page 4. A basic list of schools could be generated, but the they can focus on providing direct assistance.
individual would also be given the chance to add or subtract
schools from that list to match his or her specific needs. While the federal government should become the central
clearinghouse for this information, it is very important that
The third level of information would allow for more custom- efforts do not rely on students seeking out a site or resource
ization. Students could seek out other indicators, and insti- center based on their own levels of awareness, motivation, or
tutions would be encouraged to provide additional facts they initiative. Putting resources on the Web may be very helpful
feel are pertinent to their school or a specific program. for students who are aware of their existence and who already
have the belief that college is possible, but such a format

The Hamilton Project  |  17

Grading Higher Education

requires the individual to be knowledgeable, expect to attend Generally speaking, government informational resources
college, and willing (and have the technology necessary) to should be bolstered and branded as the central clearinghouse
take action. As such, these efforts are unlikely to help those for higher education information to prevent the exploita-
who might benefit the most from an increase in consumer tion of families by companies that charge for what should be
information. free information. In addition, innovative marketing should
be used by the federal government and college access pro-
Instead, reaching out to potential students in their own com- grams to inform consumers. Programs and schools should be
munities could have a large impact.43 Therefore, in addition encouraged to use the government tool so that they can avoid
to the conventional ways and places of reaching potential stu- unnecessary duplication.
dents, the federal government should pursue ways to reach
out to consumers where they work, live, and play. It is important to note that by providing this information,
the government is not giving a warranty on a student’s higher
Using the short list of important facts, the federal government education investment. As the future is unknown, there are no
could first partner with community organizations that work guarantees on college returns. Moreover, most of the informa-
with consumers, such as social service agencies and tax prepa- tion we have on the returns to education are correlational, not
ration firms. They could also distribute information through causal, due to selection. In other words, reported returns are
employers following the formats used by human resource based on the special group of people who previously make a
functions. The information could also be included in impor- certain decision. As others alter their behavior to make the
tant mailings, such as tax forms, the annual Social Security same decisions, they may realize different returns due to their
newsletter, and Department of Motor Vehicle notifications. varying backgrounds and experiences.

Depending on the site or mailing, the information could even And it is important to recognize that the federal government
be personalized according to the characteristics of the recipi- will set the standard in the market. Although colleges may try
ents. If the potential college attendee is working with a social to customize some of the indicators they make available on
service agency that serves low-income families, then the col- their own websites and publications, the basic indicators pro-
lege information could emphasize financial aid. As is implied duced for each institution should be easily comparable. The
by this proposal, it is important for the college information exact format of the short and long versions of the information
to be distributed to individuals early and often with the hope should be field-tested with potential beneficiaries, and as with
of influencing preparation decisions and making the informa- any other product being created and marketed to consumers,
tion second nature. students and parents should be recruited to provide continual
feedback on the tool so that it can be refined over time.

The role of the federal government Finally, the federal government should also implement pro-
cedures to audit the information to ensure the quality of the
The role of the federal government would be threefold. First, data, similar to the way U.S. News & World Report handles its
it must spearhead data collection and assembly. Second, it ranking system. This may involve penalties for infractions.
must construct the tools necessary to translate this informa-
tion with the goal of informing consumers and stressing the
information believed to have the greatest public benefits.
Finally, the government should provide the raw data to others
for their own use, possibly including tools for specific types
of students or fields of study. In these three ways, the private
sector would be encouraged to find additional ways to present
the information in accessible forms.

18  Center for American Progress  |

How Would It Work?

Implementing the recommendations problems and market failures, the federal government is the
only one who can guarantee this right.
The federal government is in a unique position to implement
the proposals. It has the ability to require certain types of
behavior as well as coordinate across institutions and sectors. Collecting and assembling the data
And it is essential that all institutions comply, especially those
with potentially the most to hide. These recommendations The good news is that the federal government and several
could be enforced in a way similar to IPEDS. Specifically, other organizations already collect a great deal of these data
the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that about higher education and postsecondary institutions, and
institutions that participate in federal student aid programs this information should be fully utilized. As an initial step,
report their data in this annual survey, and similar legislation these organizations should compare the types of informa-
should be created to require the data collections and coordi- tion they collect and the sources used so as to avoid unnec-
nation described here.44 Institutions that fail to comply could essary duplication and reflect on innovative ways to compile
lose their ability to offer their students federal financial aid. accurate information. The federal government is (and should
The Department of Education would need to take leadership be) the primary source of the most basic facts, but it should
in compiling the information, linking it with other sources, leverage the efforts by other groups and organizations that use
such as information on loan default rates, assembling it, and good survey techniques and calculate important facts using
disseminating it to families. other government sources. The resulting information from all
parties should be shared and compiled into a central reposi-
Another reason the federal government should lead these tory given mutual interests.
efforts is that it is already the repository for much of the
information. While there are many sources of information Of the pieces of information that are currently not collected,
on higher education, the sources are poorly organized. What steps are presently being taken to improve the outcome infor-
is missing is central leadership to fashion the information to mation. These efforts should be continued but pushed at an
the benefit of the consumer. Invoking President Kennedy’s even faster pace with the expectation of greater depth, as
thoughts on the fundamental rights of consumers as articu- reflected by the items listed in Figure 1 on page 4. In addi-
lated in a 1962 speech, an individual has the right to be tion to graduation rates for first-time, full-time students who
informed, defined as the right “to be protected against fraudu- remain at their initial institution, data need to be collected on
lent, deceitful, or grossly misleading information, advertising, the graduation rates of students who do not fit this profile,
labeling, or other practices, and to be given the facts he needs including part-time, older, or transfer students. More infor-
to make an informed choice.”45 In this case, given current mation is also needed on completion rates for credentials

The Hamilton Project  |  19

Grading Higher Education

below the associate’s degree. Partnerships with the National Evaluating the effects of the proposal
Student Clearinghouse and more coordination at the federal
level could help to support these kinds of initiatives. As with any major initiative, there should be a clear evaluation
component to determine which information is most relevant
Additionally, data collections should be expanded to include to consumers and whether and how large of an effect differ-
more micro-level information on affordability and future ent kinds of information have on outcomes. One possible
earnings, two key factors that are part of the cost and benefit study would be to first measure the degree of misinformation
considerations of individuals. While aggregate information is among the public. Although it is clear families need more
available on total financial aid resources, more detail is needed information, it would be useful to have more information on
on how these resources are distributed among students. what potential students believe about costs, job prospects,
and salaries.
Better projections need to be made about the net prices differ-
ent kinds of students face—for example, Pell recipients versus Once collected, this could be compared to the actual figures.
families at the median income level—rather than just report- Another option would randomly vary the types of informa-
ing the average net price. In terms of information on poten- tion students receive, and then track their outcomes to deter-
tial college benefits, it would be useful to get more feedback mine whether individuals counseled with certain details or
from graduates on their outcomes both short and long term, using a particular format have better outcomes than others.
monetary and nonmonetary. At the most basic level, employ- For instance, we might observe higher graduatation rates as a
ment indicators would also be helpful. Employers could also result of better matches or a lower debt-to-salary ratio.
provide extremely useful information on the performance of
graduates as well as perspective on whether the school’s pro-
grams are designed to prepare students for the workforce. The potential benefits of the proposals

One must acknowledge the costs of increasing data collec- Implementing the proposals would take effort, time, and
tions. Institutions of higher education already voice their con- money, but the benefits are sure to exceed the costs. There
cerns about the increasing burden of submitting additional are a number of benefits to consumers. Foremost, they would
information as part of the federal IPEDS survey. Yet provid- have the tools necessary to avoid unworthy college invest-
ing leadership and training, and coordinating with software ments that would leave them with substantial debt and little in
providers and state or campus-wide data system efforts would the form of skills. Instead, information could help them find
help to address these issues, according to a 2010 study by the better matches for their interests and family situations while
Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of also spurring them to choose institutions that have stronger
Congress.46 records of success with students. This would result in cost sav-
ings for the government and taxpayers, as unnecessary subsi-
Moreover, initial investments in the necessary data infrastruc- dies, grants, and loans would be avoided.
ture would pay off for years to come. Getting information
about indicators such as earnings would be challenging, but Additionally, with better educational investments stemming
it is encouraging that 26 states already collect some employ- from better choices, there would be productivity gains for the
ment-related data on college graduates, according to a 2010 country. By providing information in a clear, organized man-
survey. These data include information on salary and industry ner, the proposals would also save families a great deal of time.
and are collected by linking student databases with state labor
data.47 GAO argues that these efforts could be expanded by By enabling consumers to “vote with their feet,” we would
increasing state-to-state data sharing or using third parties to be creating an instant market feedback mechanism and thus
help with the process. Additionally, the U.S. Department of encourage colleges to adjust their practices in response to
Education needs to clarify the means by which schools and consumers. This could change the market for higher educa-
states can share information under the Family Educational tion similar to the way improvements in consumer informa-
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as confusion about the law tion have changed other industries. Even if this effect is only
delays current efforts.

20  Center for American Progress  |

How phenomenon?
Is polarization a uniquely American Would It Work?

a fraction of a percentage in terms of college expenditures, it There would also be costs associated with evaluations of the
would justify the costs of the proposals, as outlined below. effects of the proposals. One also must consider the forgone
costs, such as losses that would be avoided with the use of
Still, for such effects to be beneficial, it is crucial to make sure better information. For instance, loan subsidies and defaults
competition focuses on the right activities and outcomes. For could decline, thereby creating savings. There would also be
instance, it would be detrimental for schools to alter their savings in terms of time.
admissions policies as a way to increase their graduation rates,
so as discussed above, it will be important to interpret such While the exact cost is not known, what is clear is that the
indicators relative to peers. potential benefits are substantial. In comparison to the lim-
ited costs of collecting and providing the information, there
would be benefits due to lowering college dropout rates and
The costs of the proposals student loan defaults, while increasing the salaries of gradu-
ates. Tax revenues would also increase, while the incidence of
It would be difficult to determine the exact costs of the pro- government dependency would fall. With even very modest
posals, but there are several clues to a more informal, “back of expectations of possible effects, these recommendations are
the envelope” estimate. The main cost would be data collec- likely to pay for themselves many times over. In addition, any
tion. These costs would be incurred by the educational insti- improvement in college quality through the market mecha-
tutions, which would have to comply with federal reporting nism is likely to also amount to a large sum.
requirements, as well as taxpayers supporting the government
work. Based on costs incurred for other kinds of reporting and
datasets, formatting and publishing the information would be
another expense, though after the initial design, information
technology is relatively inexpensive, which means the mar-
ginal cost each year would be minimal.

The Hamilton Project  |  21

Grading Higher Education


Questions and answers about improving information about The federal government is also the only body that
higher education: can compel colleges to make their information
available. As a central body, the federal govern-
Question: “Hasn’t the private sector, with publications like ment also has the ability to coordinate this effort
the college rankings in U.S. News & World Report, and distribute the information in a highly visible,
stepped up to provide this type of information? large-scale manner. Therefore, while the private
Why does the federal government need to be sector should continue to package the informa-
involved?” tion in innovative ways, the federal government
is uniquely able to give consumers the important
Answer: Students respond greatly to rankings systems, sug- information they need.
gesting that there is great demand for information
on colleges. However, most college publications Question: “How does your proposal differ from the
and ranking guides focus on inputs, such as the Department of Education’s new rules that aim
average achievement levels of the student body or to provide consumers with better information
the selectivity of the institution. What is needed about the effectiveness of college and training
is more information on what the college actually programs?”
does for its students and what value students get
from the degree. This information is not included Answer: Th
 e Department of Education’s current efforts are
in the U.S. News & World Report rankings. certainly a step in the right direction, but they are
not sufficient. First, more information must be
Moreover, research has documented the perverse provided beyond the net price calculator currently
incentives institutions have to “game the system” being pushed by the Department. Students really
and maximize the indicators used in the rankings need more information on college outcomes such
calculations. Therefore, colleges that improve as completion rates and employment prospects.
their rankings may not have actually improved Currently, little is available on the potential ben-
their educational quality. This makes a strong case efits (or lack thereof) associated with a particular
for the federal government to be the first stop and institution.
gateway for accurate information for consumers.

22  Center for American Progress  |

Is polarization a uniquely American phenomenon?

Additionally, many government efforts to increase Answer: Above all, having clear, accurate information
transparency are geared toward policymakers would help these students make better choices,
rather than consumers. They also assume that avoid bad investments, and save time. Many
potential students will seek out the information. potential students still have multiple options to
A more proactive dissemination strategy is needed contemplate. Further, competition and increased
to increase awareness among families who may public scrutiny are likely to improve outcomes
not realize how important college choice is. across all institutions by putting pressure on poor
institutions to do a better job.
Question: “ Won’t the comparison of graduation rates lead to
lower educational standards or grade inflation, as Question: “ Would colleges and universities buy in to the
colleges will just graduate more of their students proposals?”
to look better?”
Answer: Few colleges would want to do this voluntarily.
Answer: Research documents the games colleges play to This partly explains why such effort has not previ-
inflate their standings under existing ratings sys- ously happened. There is a collective action prob-
tems like U.S. News & World Report’s. Like individ- lem, but the problem could be rectified by federally
uals, educational institutions react to incentives mandating the publication of this information.
and changes in costs and benefits.
The main opposition to these proposals is likely
Another challenge is that any information system to come from lower-quality colleges and univer-
would also have to deal with the difficulty of being sities. These institutions would be vulnerable to
applied to institutions with differing missions, more transparency about their costs and benefits.
student bodies, and goals. This further clouds our However, all institutions would be reluctant to
understanding of institutions, and so any effort participate because the burden to comply with
needs to take into account institutional mission the additional data collections would fall dispro-
and resources. portionately on them. Collecting and reporting
more detailed information would require colleges
These proposals would compare certain bench- to devote more staff and resources to compliance.
marks, such as graduation rates, relative to institu- Institutions with especially strong success rates
tions with similar resources and student bodies. would likely feel that the additional effort would
This will alleviate some of the pressure for colleges be justified by the positive attention they would
to inflate their graduation rates. Moreover, there receive. In the end, the proposal is likely to increase
is a strong emphasis on economic indicators such competition, and reward high performers.
as post-college employment outcomes. This type
of information should encourage colleges to meet Question: “Is this just about for-profit colleges?”
the demands of the marketplace and not lower the
quality of their educations. If the institution can Answer: Th
 is proposal is not targeted at any subset of
do anything to increase employment rates and sal- educational institutions. Rather, more and better
aries one and five years after completion, this will information will benefit consumers of any kind
benefit consumers, as well as the college’s standing of postsecondary training. While recent reports
relative to peer institutions. focus on poor outcomes for students who attend
for-profit colleges, research suggests that low lev-
Question: “Most nontraditional students just attend the els of degree completion also plague some col-
institution closest to them, and it is these students leges in the non-profit sector. To improve the
that have the lowest graduation rates. How will the ability of consumers to make better college deci-
proposal benefit this group?” sions, we need better information on all colleges
and universities.

The Hamilton Project  |  23

Grading Higher Education

Question: “Does everyone really need to go to college?” Fostering better choices, and as a result, better
educational investments, would translate into
Answer: While college may not be for everyone, rates of productivity gains for our country. Providing
higher educational attainment are stagnating better information in a clear, organized manner
at the same time rates of return are increasing. could also produce significant time savings for
Opacity in the market for education may be part families, as they currently have to comb through
of the problem. Many of the students who choose various incomplete sources for key indicators. As
to go to college do not have the information they an extension, state and local governments would
need to make the best decisions and avoid institu- also likely favor the proposal, as their constituents
tions with poor records of success. Additionally, would be better served and become more highly
some families overestimate the costs of higher skilled. Moreover, such entities, along with foun-
education and assume they cannot attend, when dations, would see a better use of the subsidies
the reality is quite different. given to students. The information is also likely to
be beneficial to the business community, as hav-
Question: “ What benefits might result from these ing skilled labor and clear signals of the value of
recommendations?” credentials from different institutions would help
in their operations.
Answer: Giving consumers better information could have
multiple benefits. At the individual level, this At the institutional level, the recommendations
could help potential students find better matches could also increase pressure on colleges and uni-
for their interests and family situations while versities to make improvements to their services,
also spurring them to choose institutions that thereby raising college quality. Even if such an
have stronger records of success with students. effect is quite small, it more than justifies the costs
Information about returns by field might alter not that would be incurred by improving the informa-
only college choice but also the selection of field tion consumers have about higher education.
or major, thereby nudging students into higher-
paying, high-need professions.

24  Center for American Progress  |


Investing in a college education is a decision of great impor- By improving the information available to consumers, assem-
tance, but also great risk. The complexity of the college choice bling it in clear ways, and actively disseminating the informa-
process and current trends of college graduation and loan tion, there are many potential benefits. Giving consumers
default rates indicate that families are struggling with the deci- better information is shown to improve decision-making
sion and students are increasingly finding themselves living in other fields, such as health, and related efforts to increase
with the negative consequences of bad choices. educational information have also yielded positive effects.
The time has come to do the same in higher education. Such
efforts would cost little in comparison to the many potential

The Hamilton Project  |  25

Grading Higher Education


Adelman, Clifford. 2006. “The Toolbox Revisited: Paths to Degree Chernew, Michael, Gautam Gowrisankaran, and Dennis P. Scanlon. 2008.
Completion from High School Through College.” Washington, DC: U.S. “Learning and the Value of Information: Evidence from Health Plan
Department of Education. Report Cards.” Journal of Econometrics 144 (1): 156-74.

Avery, Chris, and Caroline Hoxby. 2004. “Do and should financial aid Choy, Susan. 2002. Nontraditional Undergraduates: Findings from the
packages affect students’ college choices?” in Hoxby, C. (ed.), College Condition of Education 2002. Washington: National Center for Education
Choices: The Economics of Which College, When College, and How to Pay For Statistics. Retrieved January 14, 2005, from
It. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pubs2002/2002012.pdf.

Baum, Sandy and Jennifer Ma. 2010. “Trends in College Pricing 2010.” New Ehrenberg, Ronald G. 2000. Tuition Rising: Why College costs so much.
York: The College Board. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Bettinger, Eric, Bridget Terry Long, Philip Oreopoulos, and Lisa Field, Kelly. 2010. “Government Vastly Undercounts Defaults,” Chronicle of
Sanbonmatsu. 2009. “The Role of Simplification and Information in Higher Education, July 11.
College Decisions: Results from the H&R Block FAFSA Experiment.”
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. General Accountability Office. 2010. “Higher Education: Institutions’
15361. Reported Data Collection Burden Is Higher Than Estimated but Can Be
Reduced through Increased Coordination.” Washington: GAO-10-871,
Bound, John, Michael Lovenheim, and Sarah Turner. 2009. “Why Have August 13.
College Completion Rates Declined? An Analysis of Changing Student
Preparation and Collegiate Resources.” NBER Working Paper No. 15566. General Accountability Office. 2010. “Postsecondary Education: Many
States Collect Graduates’ Employment Information, but Clearer
Bound, John, Michael Lovenheim, and Sarah Turner. 2010. “Increasing Guidance on Student Privacy Requirements Is Needed.” Washington:
Time to Baccalaureate Degree in the United States.” NBER Working GAO-10-927, September 27.
Paper No. 15892.
Grubb, W. Norton. 2006. “ ‘Like, What Do I Do Now?’: The Dilemmas
Broh, C. Anthony, and Dana Ansel. 2010. Planning for College: A Consumer of Guidance Counseling,” in Thomas Bailey and Vanessa Smith Morest
Approach to the Higher Education Marketplace. Boston: MassINC. (eds.) Defending The Community College Equity Agenda. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Bundorf, M. Kate, Natalie Chun, Gopi Shah Goda, and Daniel P. Kessler.
2009. “Do markets respond to quality information? The case of fertility Hastings, Justine S., and Jeffrey M. Weinstein. 2008. “Information, School
clinics.” Journal of Health Economics 28 (3): 718-727. Choice, and Academic Achievement: Evidence From Two Experiments.”
Quarterly Journal of Economics, November.
Carey, Kevin. 2004. “A Matter of Degrees: Improving Graduation Rates in
Four-Year Colleges and Universities.” Washington: The Education Trust. Hess, Frederick M., Mark Schneider, Kevin Carey, and Andrew P. Kelly.
2009. Diplomas and Dropouts: Which Colleges Actually Graduate Their
Carey, Kevin. 2007. “Truth Without Action: The Myth of Higher-Education Students (and Which Don’t). Washington: American Enterprise Institute.
Accountability.” Change Magazine, September/October.
Horn, Laura J., Xianglei Chen, and Chris Chapman. 2003. “Getting
Chernew, Michael, Gautam Gowrisankaran, Catherine McLaughlin and Ready to Pay for College: What Students and Their Parents Know
Teresa Gibson. 2004. “Quality and Employers’ Choice of Health Plan.” About the Cost of College Tuition and What They Are Doing to Find
Journal of Health Economics 23: 471–92. Out.” Washington: National Center for Education Statistics Report No.

26  Center for American Progress  |

Is polarization a uniquely American phenomenon?

Hussar, William J. and Tabitha M. Bailey, 2008. Projections of Education Mortenson, Thomas G. 2009. “College Completion Results 1947 to 2007,”
Statistics to 2017, 36th Edition. U.S. Department of Education. Postsecondary Education OPPORTUNITY Issue #201, March, http://
Washington: National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of
Education Sciences. reports#.

Ikenberry, S. O., and T. W. Hartle. 1998. Too little knowledge is a dangerous Mullainathan, Sendhil, and Richard Thaler. 2000. “Behavioral Economics,”
thing: What the public thinks about paying for college. Washington: International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1st
American Council on Education. edition: 1094-1100.

Johnson, Jean, Jon Rochkind, Amber N. Ott and Samantha DuPont. 2009. O’Donnell, K. 2005. Tabular Summary of Adult Education for Work-Related
“With Their Whole Lives Ahead of Them,” A Public Agenda Report for Reasons: 2002-2003 (NCES 2005-044). U.S. Department of Education.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Washington: National Center for Education Statistics.
Rockoff, Jonah E., Douglas O. Staiger, Thomas J. Kane, and Eric S.
Kane, Thomas J., and Christopher Avery. 2004. “Student Perceptions of Taylor. 2010. “Information and Employee Evaluation: Evidence from
College Opportunities: The Boston COACH Program,” in Caroline a Randomized Intervention in Public Schools.” National Bureau of
Hoxby (ed.), College Decisions: The New Economics of Choosing, Attending Economic Research Working Paper No. 16240.
and Completing College. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Schneider, Mark. 2010. “Is College Worth the Investment?” AEI Education
Knapp, Laura G., Janice E. Kelly-Reid and Roy W. Whitmore. 2006. Outlook. Washington: AEI, October.
“Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2004; Graduation
Rates, 1998 & 2001 Cohorts; and Financial Statistics, Fiscal Year 2004.” U.S. Census Bureau. 2009. “Income, poverty, and health insurance coverage
Washington: National Center for Education Statistics. in the United States: 2006” (Current Population Report P60-236RV).
Retrieved May 4, 2010, from
Lake, Peter F. 2009. “Will Your College Be Sued for Educational income/income08.html.
Malpractice?” Chronicle of Higher Education, August 11.
Wellman, Jane V. 2008. “The Higher Education Funding Disconnect:
Lochner, Lance, and Enrico Moretti. 2004. “The Effect of Education on Spending More, Getting Less.” Change Magazine, November-December.
Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests, and Self-Reports,” in
American Economic Review, 94. Vernez, G., R.A. Krop, and C.P. Rydell. 1999. Closing the Education Gap.
Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corp.
Long, Bridget. 2010. “Higher Education Finance and Accountability,” in
Kevin Carey and Mark Schneider (eds.), Best in the World? Accountability
and Unaccountability in American Higher Education. Washington:
American Enterprise Institute.

The Hamilton Project  |  27

Grading Higher Education


1 According to calculations using U.S. Census data, Thomas Mortenson finds that only 51.3 15 Sandy Baum and Jennifer Ma, “Trends in College Pricing 2010” (New York: The College Board,
percent of those who entered higher education completed a bachelor’s degree and 15.5 2010).
percent completed an associate’s degree by age 25 to 29. See “College Completion Results
1947 to 2007,” Postsecondary Education OPPORTUNITY, March 2009, available at http://www. 16 Median household income in 2009 was $50,303 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009).
17 “A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education,” Commission on the Future
2 See S.O. Ikenberry and T.W. Hartle, “Too little knowledge is a dangerous thing: What the of Higher Education (Washington, U.S. Department of Education, 2006), p. 10.
public thinks about paying for college” (Washington: American Council on Education, 1998);
Laura J. Horn, Xianglei Chen, and Chris Chapman, “Getting Ready to Pay for College: What 18 Broh and Ansel, Planning for College.
Students and Their Parents Know About the Cost of College Tuition and What They Are Doing
to Find Out” (Washington: National Center for Education Statistics Report No. 2003030, 2003); 19 Hess et al., Diplomas and Dropouts.
Thomas J. Kane and Christopher Avery, “Student Perceptions of College Opportunities: The
Boston COACH Program,” in Caroline Hoxby (ed.), College Decisions: The New Economics of 20 Laura G. Knapp, Janice E. Kelly-Reid and Roy W. Whitmore, “Enrollment in Postsecondary
Choosing, Attending and Completing College (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004). Institutions, Fall 2004; Graduation Rates, 1998 & 2001 Cohorts; and Financial Statistics, Fiscal
Year 2004,” (Washington: National Center for Education Statistics, 2006).
3 Peter F. Lake, “Will Your College Be Sued for Educational Malpractice?” Chronicle of Higher
Education, Commentary, August 11, 2009. 21 Adelman, Clifford, “The Toolbox Revisited: Paths to Degree Completion from High School
Through College,” (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 2006).
4 C. Anthony Broh and Dana Ansel, Planning for College: A Consumer Approach to the Higher
Education Marketplace (Boston: MassINC., 2010). 22 John Bound, Michael Lovenheim, and Sarah Turner, “Why Have College Completion Rates De-
clined? An Analysis of Changing Student Preparation and Collegiate Resources,” NBER Working
5 The Act also requires student lenders to disclose to borrowers the terms and conditions of Paper No. 15566, 2009.
the private loans they offer. The Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act
of 2010 further regulated the student loan industry by making all federal loans part of direct 23 John Bound, Michael Lovenheim, and Sarah Turner, “Increasing Time to Baccalaureate Degree
lending, rather than relying on a subsidized market of private lenders. in the United States.” NBER Working Paper No. 15892, 2010.

6 The College Navigator (available at allows students to 24 Some question whether college expenditures are being devoted to student needs. As
search for colleges by location, award, and institution type, and it gives information on costs, Wellman (2008) notes, the proportion of institutional spending on educational services has
financial, aid, student body characteristics, and retention and graduation rates. declined over time while expenditures on noninstructional activities, such as administrative
services, have increased. Jane V. Wellman. “The Higher Education Funding Disconnect: Spend-
7 Kevin Carey, “A Matter of Degrees: Improving Graduation Rates in Four-Year Colleges and ing More, Getting Less.” Change Magazine, November-December 2008.
Universities” (Washington: The Education Trust, 2004); Frederick M. Hess, Mark Schneider,
Kevin Carey, and Andrew P. Kelly, Diplomas and Dropouts: Which Colleges Actually Gradu- 25 Mark Schneider, “Is College Worth the Investment?” AEI Education Outlook (Washington: AEI,
ate Their Students (and Which Don’t) (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 2009). October 2010).

8 Eric Bettinger, Bridget Terry Long, Philip Oreopoulos, and Lisa Sanbonmatsu, “The Role of 26 Jean Johnson, Jon Rochkind, Amber N. Ott and Samantha DuPont, “With Their Whole Lives
Simplification and Information in College Decisions: Results from the H&R Block FAFSA Experi- Ahead of Them,” A Public Agenda Report for The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2009, pp.
ment.” National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 15361, 2009. 12-16.

9 Justine S. Hastings and Jeffrey M. Weinstein, “Information, School Choice, and Academic 27 For more information, see Lance Lochner, and Enrico Moretti, “The Effect of Education on
Achievement: Evidence From Two Experiments.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, November Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests, and Self-Reports,” in American Economic
2008. Review, 94, 2004. Also see G. Vernez, R.A. Krop, and C.P. Rydell, Closing the Education Gap
(Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corp., 1999).
10 Jonah E. Rockoff, Douglas O. Staiger, Thomas J. Kane, and Eric S. Taylor, “Information and
Employee Evaluation: Evidence from a Randomized Intervention in Public Schools.” National 28 Kane and Avery, “Student Perceptions of College Opportunities.”
Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 16240, 2010.
29 Providing these types of information can be an effective way to encourage college access.
11 William J. Hussar and Tabitha M. Bailey, Projections of Education Statistics to 2017 36th Bettinger and others (2009) implemented and tested the effects of an intervention that
Edition. U.S. Department of Education. (Washington: National Center for Education Statistics, streamlined both the financial aid application process and students’ access to accurate and
Institute of Education Sciences, 2008). personalized higher education information. Individuals who received assistance and informa-
tion about financial aid and college pricing were much more likely to enroll in college and
12 Susan Choy, Nontraditional Undergraduates: Findings from the Condition of Education received larger aid awards on average, thus confirming the degree to which complexity and
2002. Washington: National Center for Education Statistics. lack of information has hindered college access.

13 Digest of Education Statistics, National Center of Educational Statistics, available online at 30 For instance, see the discussion of bounded rationality in Sendhil Mullainathan and Richard H. Thaler, “Behavioral Economics,” International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences (Oxford:
Pergamon Press, 1st edition, 2000), pp. 1094-1100.
14 K. O’Donnell, Tabular Summary of Adult Education for Work-Related Reasons: 2002-2003
(NCES 2005-044). U.S. Department of Education. (Washington: National Center for Education 31 W. Norton Grubb, “’Like, What Do I Do Now?’: The Dilemmas of Guidance Counseling,” in
Statistics, 2005).

28  Center for American Progress  |

Thomas Bailey and Vanessa Smith Morest (eds.) Defending The Community College Equity Information: Evidence from Health Plan Report Cards.” Journal of Econometrics 144 (1), 2008:
Agenda, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006), p. 197. 156-74.

32 Given the very selective and affluent nature of Avery and Hoxby’s sample, this is likely an 41 M. Kate Bundorf, Natalie Chun, Gopi Shah Goda, and Daniel P. Kessler, “Do markets respond
upper bound on the sophistication of students and their families in weighing college options. to quality information? The case of fertility clinics.” In Journal of Health Economics 28 (3):
Avery, Chris, and Caroline Hoxby. “Do and should financial aid packages affect students’ 718-727, 2009.
college choices?” in Hoxby, C. (ed.), College Choices: The Economics of Which College, When
College, and How to Pay For It. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004). 42 Ibid.

33 American Council on Education, Debt Burden: Repaying Student Debt (Washington: Ameri- 43 For instance, see Eric Bettinger, Bridget Terry Long, Philip Oreopoulos, and Lisa Sanbonmatsu,
can Council on Education, 2004). “The Role of Simplification and Information in College Decisions: Results from the H&R Block
FAFSA Experiment.” National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 15361,
34 U.S. Department of Education press release: “Student Loan Default Rates Increase,” September 2009.
13, 2010.
44 The requirement is authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (20
35 Kelly Field, “Government Vastly Undercounts Defaults,” Chronicle of Higher Education, July USC 1094, Section 487(a)(17) and 34 CFR 668.14(b)(19)).
11, 2010.
45 John F. Kennedy, Special Message to the Congress on Protecting the Consumer Interest
36 Ehrenberg, Ronald G., Tuition Rising: Why Colleges cost so much. Cambridge: Harvard (March 15, 1962).
University Press, 2000.
46 General Accountability Office, “Higher Education: Institutions’ Reported Data Collection
37 Bridget Long, “Higher Education Finance and Accountability.” In Kevin Carey and Mark Burden Is Higher Than Estimated but Can Be Reduced through Increased Coordination”
Schneider, eds., Best in the World? Accountability and Unaccountability in American Higher (Washington: GAO-10-871, August 13, 2010).
Education (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 2010).
47 General Accountability Office, “Postsecondary Education: Many States Collect Graduates’
38 Kevin Carey, “Truth Without Action: The Myth of Higher-Education Accountability,” Change Employment Information, but Clearer Guidance on Student Privacy Requirements Is Needed”
Magazine, September/October 2007. (Washington: GAO-10-927, September 27, 2010).

39 Hastings and Weinstein, “Information, School Choice, and Academic Achievement: Evidence
From Two Experiments.”

40 Michael Chernew, Gautam Gowrisankaran, and Dennis P. Scanlon. “Learning and the Value of

The Hamilton Project  |  29

Grading Higher Education

Bridget Terry Long Acknowledgements

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Dr. Bridget Terry Long is Professor of Education and Economics at I have benefited from the many colleagues, both in and out-
the Harvard Graduate School of Education. As an economist spe- side of academe, who shared their ideas and feedback on
cializing in the study of education, Dr. Long examines the transi- elements of the paper. I would like to especially thank Eric
tion from high school to higher education and beyond. Her work Bettinger, Sarah Turner, and Philip Oreopoulos for conversa-
focuses on college access and choice, factors that influence stu- tions that inspired me to tackle this work. All opinions and
dent outcomes, and the behavior of postsecondary institutions. any errors are my own.
Dr. Long received her Ph.D. and M.A. from Harvard University’s
Department of Economics and her A.B. from Princeton University.
She is a Faculty Research Associate of the National Bureau of
Economic Research (NBER) and served as a Visiting Scholar at the
New England Public Policy Center of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Boston. She received the National Academy of Education/Spencer
Postdoctoral Fellowship and has been awarded numerous private
foundation and federal research grants. In July 2005, the Chronicle of
Higher Education featured her as one of the “New Voices” in higher
education, and in 2008, National Association of Student Financial
Aid Administrators (NASFAA) awarded her the Robert P. Huff
Golden Quill Award for excellence in research and published works
on student financial assistance. Dr. Long also serves as a member of
the National Board of Education Sciences, the advisory panel of the
Institute of Education Sciences in the U.S. Department of Education.

30  Center for American Progress  |

Grading Higher Education
Giving Consumers the Information They Need
Summary of findings Fast facts

Potential students and their families must navigate a labyrinth of • Consumers are confounded by the choices surrounding the
incomplete and uncertain information when deciding where to decision to invest in higher education. Many assume they can-
go to college, what to study, or what career to pursue. Many are not go to college. Others seem to make the wrong choices:
lured to institutions based less on potential benefits and more on less than 60 percent of students graduate with a four-year
an energetic tour guide, television advertising or ranking in the degree within six years, and at some colleges the graduation
popular press. The result is an array of poor choices being made rate is less than 10 percent.
every day, as exemplified in low completion rates, more students
taking longer to complete degrees and large student debt relative • At the same time, the costs of poor decisions have never been
to income. higher: Tuition grew 5 percent on average annually over the
last decade, and projections suggest that the price of a pub-
Higher education institutions are mandated to report costs to lic, four-year college could cost 3 times more in just 15 years;
the Department of Education under the Higher Education Act, the average annual cost of a four-year private institution could
and new regulations mandate graduation rates and job placement reach $61,000.
disclosures for some schools. At the same time, there are already
tools geared toward serving potential students, such as College • This proposal builds on evidence from K-12 education,
Navigator, that give families details on institutional characteris- health care, and health insurance that better information can
tics, costs, and other basic information. However, these resources improve outcomes for consumers.
need to be expanded to include more on student outcomes as
well as consolidated and better-packaged to meet the needs of • The proposal calls for the federal government to take the lead
potential students. in implementing, coordinating, and assembling the needed
information about higher education institutions, so that con-
The proposal calls for the federal government to expand the sumers can easily compare cost and benefit indicators across
types of information that are available and allow users to com- peer institutions.
pare indicators like cost, financial aid, student debt, employment
outcomes, and average salaries following graduation, across peer • Specifically, consumers need information on average costs and
institutions. An important part of the proposal is dissemina- student debt. In addition, information on outcomes should
tion. To make sure the information is available to all who could be provided, such as employment outcomes six months after
benefit, additional effort must be taken to translate and circulate graduation, and income one and five years after graduation.
this information to an audience that may understand little about
higher education offerings, pricing, aid, or quality. The federal • The federal government should provide an online interface
government should actively reach out to potential students that can be customized to reflect student profiles. To reach the
where they live, study and work. This should be done not only individuals that need this information most, the government
through an online interface but also partnerships with educa- must also actively disseminate this information to potential
tional, social services, and employment organizations along with students where they live, study, and work.
other government agencies.

The costs of this proposal are small in comparison to the many

potential benefits to individuals, employers and society at large.
Improving the information available to consumers, assembling it
in clear ways, and actively disseminating the information will lead
consumers to make more informed education decisions that will
likely improve post-college outcomes.

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