Derjaguin 1993
Derjaguin 1993
Derjaguin 1993
By B. D e r j a g u i n and L. Landau
1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
The fundamental task of any quantitative theory of the stability of
lyophobic sols is the derivation of a quantitative criterion of their
s t a b i l i t y - - a criterion giving the relation between the quantities charac-
terizing the properties and state of a sol in the transition zone between
the unstable and stable states.
When we speak here of stable states we mean not the states which
are stable thermodynamically, but those which are stable in the sense
that the rate of coagulation of tile system is practically equal to zero.
Accordingly, calculations of the criterion of stability should be based
on the determination of the kinetics of the irreversible transition from
the unstable state of sol to the more stable state of coagulate in the
absence o f equilibrium between these two states, in this point our
treatment of coagulation differs in substance from that given by
A. M a r c h l, as well as from L a n g m u i r's treatment of coacervation a
according to which coacervation is considered as the transition between
two states capable of coexisting in equilibrium like two phases.
In order that a quantitative criterion of coagulation could exist,
it is obviously necessary that there should be a sufficiently abrupt
transition from kinetically stable states of the sol to unstable states.
And indeed, tile calculations which constitute the subject of this, as well
Selected Works - 2 31
s B. D e r j a g u in, Trans. Farad. Soc., 3~, 730 (1940); 36, 203 (1940).
4 H. K a l l m a n n u. M. W l l l s t , ' l t t e r , Naturwiss., 20, 952 (1932).
,~ F. D o n n a n, sec R. E ! lis, Z. physlk. Chem., 80, 597 (1912).
32 B. V. Derjaguin
2, T h e stability c r i t e r i o n of w e a k l y c h a r g e d sois
In a later work by B. D e r j a g u i n ~ 2 the theory of stability was
refined by introducing .'m expression for the v a n d e r W a al s forces
on the basis of equation (1). The stability criterion obtained in this
manner for weakly charged sols or emulsions has the following form:
"/)':~]]._r--- const., (2)
3. Summary of contents
In Section 4 equation (5) is applied to a precise cal6ulation of the
force of interaction of two charged parallel planes of infinite dimenSions
separated by a solution of an electrolyte. It was found posSible to intro-
duce into the further calculations an extremely important Simplification
by assuming that the potential ~o to which the planes have been charged
is sufficiently large, vtz.:
+o> z, my, (4)
where z x is the electdcal valency of the dominating ion. It is beyond
all doubt that condition ( 4 ) - - t o a certain extent the antithesis of con-
dttion (3) - - should hold, even when z I --- 1, for a large number of cases,
which makes the assumed approximation quite natural.
4. T h e i n t e r a c t i o n of plane s u r f a c e s
The complete D e b y e - H ti c k e I equation for electrical potential
as a?plied to a binary electrolyte with ions of two types has the form:
Considering the interaction of two in-
finite parallel plates situated at a distance
h apart (Fig. 1) in an infinite volume of
the electrolyte solution, let us place the ----b
ori~u midway between the two plates and
direct the X-axis perpendicular to the surfaces
of the plates., Assuming ~ to be independent
of 3' and z, instead of equation (5) we F i g . I.
may write:
dx"- --- e " tr~ - - e -- ,~ b.~). (5")
Multiplying both sides of equation (5") by 9- ~x
dqJ dx--- 2d~ and inte-
grating, we obtain:
~']2 a F.e~," e - ' , H' C~
e x l --- b L ", 4 ,,.., , (6)
+ - - - +o - - const. (7)
For the intermediate electrolyte layer between the plates, C has the
following value:
e& H~, e - - , 2 vh
C~- C, - - - - -4 - - , (8)
Zl Z2
I._ 1
c-- G-- (8')
Selected Works - 2 37
since at x ~ ~ co, E "-- - - ~ --- 0 and d / ~ 0. Following lhe method
employed previously ~", we may represent the interaction (repulsion) o~
the plates P(h) calculated per unit area as follows:
D D a
_- - c k T E ( e " V l "zl- - l ) + ( e ' - " H"
z2 - - 1) 3
where E 2 and E 1 are the values of the electrical force at the external
surface of the plates (where it is larger) and at the internal surface,
respectively. In equation (9) the mechanical force acting on each plate
is equal to the difference in the tension of the lines of force on both
sides of the plate, whereas the osmotic pressures acting there are balan-
ced, since they are functions of the potential d/ only, which has the
same value d/----+o at both surfaces of each plate.
As may also be seen from (9), one may arrive at the same value
of P ( h ) by determining the excess osmotic pressure of the ions in the
plane x - - 0, as has been done, for instance, by I. L a n g m u i r 17. The
two methods of calculation are therefore absolutely equivalent. This
circumstance, which has been noted, in particular, by A. F r u m k i n is,
has for some reason escaped the attention of S. L e v i n e 1 9 , who
critidzed the works of B. D e r j a g u i n and [. L a n g~n u i r, refuting
them on d i f f e r e n t grounds. As a matter of fact his main reason for
rejecting them-lay in the disagreement between the formulae obtained
by B. D e r j a g u i n and I. L a n g m u i r , and those obtained b y S . L e -
v i n e himself. The reason for this disagreement has been pointed out
by one of us in a previous paper 2° and consists in the erroneous
expression for t h e free energy of charged surfaces placed in an electro-
lyte; in particular it has been shown that the expression for the free
energy found by S. L e v i n e by a statistical method incorrectly applied
contradicts thermodynamics. Expressions equivalent to that employed
by S. L e v i n e and, consequently, also erroneous, are used by
-f ¢o
I / ~ , b*
!/--- +
e - - "~ b'[~ e . t b'h e - - . . b'~,
~, J" Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2
V C ~ ' - - X ' - - V D kT'-- --xa-*- z2 x'
21 A. C o r k i l l and L. R os e n h e a d, Proc. Roy. Soc., London, (A) 172,
410 (1939).
22 The existence of repulsion, and not attraction, between similarly charged
air--thin water film interfaces is in agreement with the observations made
by B. D e r j a g u i n and A. T i t i j e v s k a j a on the stability o[ such films.
Selected Works - 2 39
~ e Bt ~ - - 1 e-z2 ~ _ 17
P-- P -4 .j, (13)
~,zl lit
:-::- =:
e ~ , , ~ 7~t
" (14)
t / ~ ~'l TI --|- e--:' TI
i. e., when, owing to the large value of "r,~, which is tile case when h
is sufficiently small, only the terms dependin~ upon the dominating ion
may be retained in equations (13) and (14).
Then, instead of (13) and (14), introducing into the latter equation
the integration variable ~ - - z i ('n re'n1), we shall have, appro.,dmately:
40 B. V. Derjaguin
For the special case where z j - - z , , this formula has been found
by 1. L a n f f m u i r 17 From comparison of (13) and (14) with (16) and
(16') it follows that the approximation made increases the values of
P and decreases tile values of h corresponding to a given value of P
and, consequently, afortiori, increases the values of P corresponding
to the given values of It, i. e., formula (17) always gives exaggerated
values o f Pe:~. This is true not only with respect to devialions of P from
formula (17) at large values of h, but also with respect to deviations
from the same formula which should occur at very small values of h
at any finite value of tile potential of tile plates +0, however high it
may be.
This remark bears relation to the following conclusion of a physical
nature resulting from a similar examination: when account is taken
e - s ' ~ ~" - - 1
of the influence of the auxiliary ion [for example, the term
in formula (13)] the pressure P as calculated for a given value of h
may only be reduced.
Let us now examine the case of large values of ×fh and small
values of "~x and accordingly assume that
instead of (5"), for large values o! ~ ~,--" b+ has the [ollowing form:
- - ~o e-'~, (20)
In (z, ~ , o ) - r ( f 3 ) =
1 GO
aod (23)
Il I -~ II,_ --'- II. I
k cos h vp -7"
cos hyp 7 "
I ¢#
ez¢ct o¢lue'. ~::."
.I . . . .
I [[J
G I IO x b
Fig. 2. Fig. 3.
The calculations were made with the aid of tables giving the nume-
rical values of the function K(k).
For comparison, curves expressing the approximate relations be-
tween ,.~ and xh according to fornnflae (17) and (22') are likewise
given in Fig. 2.
5. C o n d i t i o n s of a d h e s i o n u n d e r the action of v a n d e r W a a l s
f o r c e s for s u r f a c e s s e p a r a t e d by a l a y e r of e l e c t r o l y t e
Q--~, (26)
where A depends upon the material of the plates and upon the inter-
mediate medium between them. From comparison of formulae (17),
44 B. V. Derjaguin
b)z---- 0, (27)
R -- 0 (27')
OP A (28)
"Oh w 2.h4
p_ A (28')
d In P _ _ _ _ 3. (29)
After the values of P and h from (13) and (14) expressed in terms
of the parameter z~-n~ have been substituted into equation (29) the
latter determines the value of this parameter at a given value of the
Selected Works - 2 45
ratio [~'-- z'~" whereupon from the same relations (13) and (14), we
may also determine the quantities
x3 A
~.I kT= C(~), (31)
dkK E
dk ~ l ~ k 2~
K 3 (32')
~ - - - -3-"
Hence, employiug the tables of the values K and E, we find the
root of this equation:
k - - 0.773... (32")
Using this value of the modulus k we find from (24) and (23')
the "critical" values of the quantities 0'.h) and (z-e,1):
(nh)¢-- 3 . 0 1 4 . . . , (33)
(z~t) ~ - - 1 . 5 . . . , (339
In ~
1 A~ e~ zI'; i
where I (31")
B ~ , - - 0 . 8 1 9 . . . . . 10-°" I
C ~ - - (8~)3
(xh)J --- 3
(Z~l)c' - - 1 . 7 8 . . . , (34')
Selected Works - 2 47
' -- 3.20 (34")
•~')e ~ Tnlgl "'''
Fig. 5.
(Fig. 5), and Q Is a quantity depending upon the shape (radii of cur-
vature) and the mutual orientation of the surfaces in the region of
their minimum separation.
For two spheres of radius r we have:
ft >~ 1. (36')
N A 1 (37)
G - - - ] (H) 12~ 1t 2
8"fnkT[ I ) 8ynkT" 2K
z k'~ ~ 1 kK-I---~ .[ die
II1 - - - -
1 .._ Cr A" eqlzta
~n I Ds (kT)n
50 B.V. Derjaguin
C'--- (8~)3
(B'p-- 1.174 . . . 1 0_~"
We can see that not only does the form of the criterion of adhe-
sion remain unaltered, but even the numerical value of its constant
changes but slightly on transition from plane surfaces to convex ones.
This is very fortunate and important from the point of view on an
experimental check of the theory or its applicability to systems contain-
ing particles irregular in shape but sufficiently large.
It should be noted that although the critical thickness, He, has
now been shifted, as compared with the case of flat plates, in the
direction of smaller values [compare with (33)], calculation of the cri-
teflon of stability on the basis of the simplified equation (22'), instead
of by the exact relations (24) and (25), leads to a practically identical
result. It is just with the aid of (37t), (38) and (38') that we find,
proceeding from (22'),
= 2, (40")
o.j A detailed investigation of the last caoe forms the sttbject of a paper
by L. L a n d a u (in preparation for press).
52 B.V. Derjaguin
where C has a value of the order of 2 and '~o is the potential of the
particle surface.
We obtain an approximate criterion of the stability of strongly
charged sols by substituting the "apparent" potential of the particle
surface s° for ~o in (43) with the aid of the formula:
7 -
30 The term apparent potential is here used to denote the potential which
must be assigned to a plane surface in order that, while decreasing exponen-
tially with the distance from this sildace in accordance not with the exact,
but with the approximate D e b y e - H tl c k e I equation (19), it should asymp-
totically tend to coincide with the potential values [see formula (20)] which
,~ctually exist in an electrolyte at a large distance from the surface. The appar-
' potential of a charged surface is less than the actual one (which may
t extremely large), t h e difference being due to that part of the screening
cloud of dominating ions which i~ not taken into account in employing the
simplified D e b y e - H fl c k e I equation instead of the complete o n e .
Selected Works - 2 53
I __ C" Ale6 z16 (44')
7"I Da (kr); ")
C" ~ 2.5 X 10 -2. (44")
As a matter of fact, owing to the approximate character of the calcula-
tion, it gives only a rough estimate of the value of the constant C'.
As to the influence of the valency of the auxiliary ion, it remains
small. In accordance with an approximate estimate of this influence,
which is not claimed to be rigorous, the constant C and the coagulat-
ing power of the electrolyte seem to increase in all cases with an
increase in the valency of the auxiliary ion; this increase, if it exists,
must, however, be slower than that implied by the proportionality to
the quantity (1 --¢-~) (see below) which follows from Wo. O s t w a l d ' s
1 e6 zl'; (46")
m'--- ~'nx "---const. (1--+- ~) D3(kT) Y.
Table 1
T y p e of electrolyte I
m = -- "theoretical" 1
ml "I ~ t¢2 T HI m -- ~ experimenhtl*
a c c o r d i n g to (46") T Ht
I I I It I 1 **
122 1 1.5 1.65
.1331 2.0 2.5
1441 2.5 2.8
21 12 48 51
2121 64 47
31 13 486 573
3223 608 938
4 1 1 4 2560 1720
61 16 27216 14050
* T h e v a l u e s g i v e n In t h i s c o l u m n are t h e m e a n of a n u m b e r of e x p e r i m e n t a l
* * m Is t a k e n e q u a l t o u n i t y for t h e case a , = , 2 - - 1.
s~ R. E l l i s , Z. physik. Chem., 78, 321 (1912); 80, 597 (1912); 84, 145
,(1915). F. P o w l s , Z. physik. Chem., 89, 91 (1915); 89, 179 (1915).
56 B. V. Derjaguin
The calculations given in this work show with all possible clarity
that, for strongly charged sols, the criterion of stability does not con-
tain the potential of the particles and should in the main be determined
by the concentration and nature of the electrolyte. For the case when
the ~-potenfial is found to be close to the "apparent" potential ~0 in
magnitude, the criterion of stability, as follows from (43), may assume
the following form:
DC -~- C, .