Evidence For The Big Bang
Evidence For The Big Bang
Evidence For The Big Bang
When scientists talk about the expanding Universe, they mean that it has been
increasing in size ever since the Big Bang. But what exactly is getting bigger?
Galaxies, stars, planets and the things on them like buildings, cars and
people aren’t getting bigger. Their size is controlled by the strength of the
fundamental forces that hold atoms and sub-atomic particles together, and as
far as we know that hasn’t changed. Instead it’s the space between galaxies
that’s increasing – they’re getting further apart as space itself expands.
ast0959 | Evolution of the Universe 3: Evidence for the Big Bang (fact sheet) developed for the Department of Education WA
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The relationship Hubble discovered was later used as evidence that the Universe is expanding. It’s a bit like dots
on a surface of an expanding balloon: it doesn’t matter what dot you choose, every other dot is moving away
from it, and the dots farthest away are moving the fastest.
Of course the surface of a balloon is an expanding two-dimensional shape, whilst the expanding Universe is
an expanding three (or more) dimensional shape. Balloons also expand into existing space, while the Universe
includes all of space itself, so can’t be expanding into anything.
Hubble also realised that
distant objects he’d been
observing lay far beyond the
Milky Way. This was the first
time humans discovered that
structures existed outside the
Milky Way. We now know
that the objects that Hubble
observed are galaxies, similar
to our own Milky Way, and
that there are billions of them
in the observable Universe.
Hubble’s discovery provided
additional evidence for what
was to become known as Big
Compare Hubble’s image of the Andromeda Galaxy taken in 1923 (left) with a recent image that
Bang theory, first proposed shows much more detail for the same galaxy (right). Hubble’s photographic plate is reversed (stars
by Georges Lemaître in 1927. appear black against a bright sky).
It was a major step forward credit: Hubble image of M 31 — Carnegie Observatories; M 31 galaxy — Bill Schoening, Vanessa
Harvey/REU program/NOAO/AURA/NSF
for astronomy.
The Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) shows galaxies so far away that their light has taken 13.2 billion years to reach us. The image
‘looks back in time’ to when the Universe was 500 million years old.
credit: NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth, D. Magee, and P. Oesch (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Bouwens (Leiden University), and
the HUDF09 Team
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Cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)
According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe
was initially very hot and dense. As it expanded,
it cooled (your refrigerator works on the same
idea, expanding a liquid into a gas to cool the
inside). Cosmologists were able to calculate the
theoretical temperature of today’s Universe and
began to search for evidence of it.
It was eventually discovered by accident in 1964
by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson as ‘noise’ in
an antenna they had built to research how radio
signals could be reflected off orbiting satellites.
They first thought it was radio interference from
nearby New York City, but eventually recognised it
as radiation from beyond the Milky Way.
Penzias and Wilson detected cosmic microwave background radiation with
The cosmic microwave background radiation this microwave horn antenna in New Jersey, USA, in 1964.
credit: NASA
(CMBR) that Penzias and Wilson observed is
leftover heat radiation from the Big Bang. Today, CMBR is very cold due to expansion and cooling of the
Universe. It’s only 2.725 Kelvin (-270.4 °C), which is only 2.725 °C above absolute zero.
Cosmic microwave background radiation fills the entire Universe and can be detected day and night in every part
of the sky.
artist’s impression of the COBE satellite in orbit nine-year microwave sky image from WMAP
credit: NASA / COBE Science Team credit: NASA/WMAP Science Team
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fact sheet
Evidence for the Big Bang
This image represents growth and evolution of the Universe since the Big Bang. Time is shown on the horizontal axis. The size of
the Universe is represented by the vertical axis.
credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team
The Big Bang (extreme left of the image) was followed by a period of very rapid expansion and
cooling known as ‘inflation’.
In March 2014 scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics studying
characteristics of cosmic microwave background radiation detected evidence to support
inflation theory. Their observations, made at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, are believed
to reflect the imprint of gravitational waves on the Universe in the first few moments after the
Big Bang.
About 380 000 years after the Big Bang the Universe became transparent to light. For the next
several billion years, gravity slowed the expansion of the Universe.
About 8 billion years after the Big Bang expansion of the Universe began to accelerate.
Cosmologists believe that an effect called ‘dark energy’ is causing the Universe to expand by
making matter repel other matter. At present, we still don’t know what dark energy is.
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