Design and Simulation of Digital Down Converter Based On System Generator
Design and Simulation of Digital Down Converter Based On System Generator
Design and Simulation of Digital Down Converter Based On System Generator
With the rapid development of modern communications
technology and communications needs, the wireless network
communication system has a variety of different systems, such FIGURE I. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF DIGITAL IF RECEIVER
as satellite communications systems, cellular mobile
communication systems, wireless paging communication III. DESIGN OF DIGITAL DOWN CONVERTER BASED ON
systems etc. According to the characteristics of each GENERATOR SYSTEM
communication system, they have different purposes, using
different modulation methods, different encoding methods, and A. Numerical Control Oscillator Designed
hardware-based communications systems and traditional The digital controlled oscillator is the key part of the
systems can not meet people's needs. The Digital receiver digital frequency synthesizer. It can produce a step pulse by
technology is an important part of the software radio system, the accumulator and map the amplitude, then it will output
the analog signal convert into digital signal using the A/D synthesized frequency. With the development of digital
converter, and then the system process a series of digital communication technology, the precision and speed of the
signal[1]. System Generator is a design tool which can make data transmission is also higher and higher, the digital
use of Mathworks Simulink to design platform FPGA .It can controlled and precision of a high-frequency carrier signalis
realize the high level, based on the model of the development also crucial to digital communication systems. In DDC system,
environment to complete the hardware design. Developers can the accuracy of the digital up conversion will be impacted by
use the Generator System tool to reduce the workload of the the accuracy of NCO digital signals. After digital mixing, the
designer to write hardware description language code[2]. In calculation will have a certain error because of accuracy of the
this paper, the digital down conversion model is designed in mixer[5]. So, the hardware resources must be considered in
the Simulink environment, and its effectiveness is verified by the implementation process of NCO. Meanwhile, the designer
simulation. have to consider and the operation precision of the upper
frequency conversion system should be considered.
The NCO module consists of the following parts: the
In analog down conversion, non-linearityof the mixer and phase accumulator module, shift module, phase-amplitude
frequency stability side-band, phase noise, temperature drift mapping table. The phase accumulator need cycle phase
and conversion rate of the local oscillator are very difficult to accumulation by inputting step control signal, the shift
solve. However, the analog down conversion have no these operation removed up to 14 bits as the phase and amplitude of
problems, but its operation speed is limited because of the mapping table look-up table address lines, so as to obtain
processing capability of hardware circuitry. Therefore, the the sine, cosine signal the phase corresponding to the
designer need to consider the occupation of hardware amplitude value. NCO model is built in Simulink environment
resources, to optimize the system as far as possible[3]. Digital as shown in Figure II.
IF receiver block diagram is shown in Figure I. The receiver
converts the received signal from the radio frequency fs
conversion to the intermediate frequency using A/D converter, System sampling rate =12.8MHz, the step control
so that the analog to digital conversion is completed. The signal is 32 bit unsigned fixed-point number 1.11065e9,the 32
digital down conversion converts the IF signal into a baseband bits are all small bits; Shift module will move data to the right
signal by special processing chip or FPGA. In the end, the 18, take the high 14 as the ROM lookup table lookup table
baseband signal is processed such as demodulation. So, this address lines. The depth of ROM lookup table (amplitude
paper focuses on the design of digital down converter[4]. 214 ==16384, the initial value of the sine table is
interval) is
Generator for DSP System is a digital signal processing
system development tool that is so easy and profound. This
paper analyzes the basic structure of digital down conversion
system. According to the functional characteristics of
Generator System, the numerical control oscillator module
and the decimation filter module are designed. And the en-tire
digital down conversion system is cascaded, the design of the
module and the system is simulated and verified. The design
of this paper, it makes the whole design work more simple and
efficient and shortens the development cycle of the system.
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