Part I: The Moral Agent
Part I: The Moral Agent
Part I: The Moral Agent
Guide Questions:
This lesson addresses the following questions:
1. How does culture shape moral behavior?
2. Why should culture not be the ultimate determinant of values?
3. Are there Asian and a Filipino understanding of moral behaviors?
4. How is moral character developed? What are the circular relation
of acts that build character and acts that emanate from character.
5. Moral Development: a) What are the stages of moral
development?; b) how do we get to the highest level, conscience
based moral decisions?
A. Culture and Moral behavior
1. Culture and its role in moral behavior
2. The Role of Moral Behavior in Creating a Culture
Part I: The Moral Agent
A. Culture and Moral Behavior
It is expected that the learners do the following:
Discuss what culture means
Derive aspects of personal behavior from culture
Assess the role of culture in moral behavior
Part I: The Moral Agent
as the Material Culture (e.g. popular culture) may also shape Formal Culture
(e.g. new radical religious sects).
“All that I am, all that I have, all that I do… are “Culture in its
all products of my culture. I am and live in a broadest sense is
culture, which eventually becomes me, my cultivated behavior;
that is the totality of a
very person. I cannot escape from my culture.
person's learned,
It determines my every personal behavior, accumulated
which simultaneously reveal the kind of my experience, knowledge,
culture. beliefs, values,
attitudes, meanings,
Using the same example of the Bontoc Igorots, hierarchies, systems,
religion, notions of
the process could be inverted in such a way that their time, roles, spatial
artifact “o′-lâg” or the physical separation of the young relations, concepts of
marriageable women to live in the “o′-lâg” is what the universe, and
shapes their value of high respect for women and their material objects and
beliefs that monogamous marriage is a blessing of possessions which is
socially transmitted.”
Part I: The Moral Agent
God in order to raise many children and that a married woman should always
be true to her husband.
Guide Questions:
A. How is moral character developed? The circular relation of acts that build
character and acts that emanate from character
B Moral Development: 1) stages of moral development; b) how do we get to the
highest level, conscience based moral decisions?
Part I: The Moral Agent
1. Development of Moral Character
According to Lawrence Kohlberg’s Stage Theory of Moral
Development, there are three (3) levels of moral character development
Part I: The Moral Agent
Stage 5: Stage of Prior Right and Social “Although I disagree with
Contract or Utility. The relativity of some social his views, I will uphold
values is recognized, and moral decisions derive from his right to have them.”
principles that support individual rights and transcend
particular societal rules such as equity, liberty, and
Stage 6: Stage of Universal Ethical Principles. “There is no external
Internalized rules and conscience reflecting abstract force coming from
principles of human dignity, mutual respect and trust conflicting social norms
guide decisions and behaviors. Persons in this level that can compel me to do
make judgment based on impartial universal moral an act that is considered
principles, even when these conflict with societal morally good.”
Part I: The Moral Agent
4. Social system and conscience mentainance: Conform to laws because of duty and
out of respect for others and guilt of not doing the good is the motivation rather than fear of
Gualdo, R.S., Placido, D and Dagwasi, C. (2012). Ethics: Basic Concepts and
Contemporary Moral Issues. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House,
Part I: The Moral Agent
Gula, Richard (1989). Reason informed by faith. New York: Paulist Press.
Huffman, Karen and Piggrem, Gary (2003). Psychology in action. “Case of
cancer – wife of Heinz: Analysis for Kohlberg’s theory of moral
development.” USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Kohlberg, Lawrence. Essays on moral development. Vol. 1. The hilosophy of
Moral Development.
Pasco, M.O.D, Suarez, V.F and Rodriguez, A.M.G. (2018). Ethics. Quezon
City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Rachels, J. (2013). The Elements of Moral Philosophy. New York: McGraw
Wostyn, L., et al. (2004). Living like Jesus: Workbook for college students.
Manila: Claretian Publication
Electronic Sources: