B.Tech. Regulations: Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar - 144011
B.Tech. Regulations: Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar - 144011
B.Tech. Regulations: Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar - 144011
Dr. B R Ambedkar
National Institute of Technology Jalandhar – 144011
(An Institute of National Importance)
1. Admission Process
a. Admission through JoSAA
b. Admission under DASA programme
c. Admission under Cultural Exchange Programme
d. Admission under Study in India Programme
2. Eligibility Criteria for Admission
3. Academic System
4. Credits
5. Registration
6. Advice of Courses
7. Credit requirements for Registration
8. Late Registration
9. Addition, Deletion, Audit and Withdrawal from Courses
10. Attendance Criteria Requirement
11. Absence during the Semester
12. Academic Performance Monitoring
13. Measures for helping SC/ST students
14. Change of Branch (Degree Programme)
15. Special Requirement for Degree
16. Discipline
17. Requirements to be fulfilled for award of B.Tech. Degree
18. Provision for Overseas Internship in one semester during the Final Year
19. Foreign Internship of 3 months duration for the B. Tech Students
20. Summer Contact Course and Additional Carry Course Pattern
21. Examination Pattern of B.Tech. 1st year after change of the B.Tech. Scheme from 2018-19
Session onwards
22. Guidelines for Make-Up examination
23. Continuation fee to be submitted by pass out students (regular batch passed out) who are
carrying backlogs
24. Senate Bachelor Programme Committee (SBPC)
NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
▪ NITJ/Institute: Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
▪ Academic Calendar: The exact dates for the important academic events scheduled during
the Academic Session shall be specified in the Academic Calendar.
▪ Academic year: Institutes academic year begins from July, 1 and ends on June, 30 every year.
▪ Course Work: Mandatory requirement for Registration where a student has to write
examinations and deliver state of art seminar to earn minimum required credit and CGPA.
▪ Registration: Enrolment for the courses/research that a student wants to pursue during a
semester as required by the Program.
NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
1. Admission Process
Admission to the B.Tech. programmes of the Institute are carried out each year on
the basis of performance of the students in the Joint Entrance Examination
(JEE-Main) by common counselling through Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA).
For admission to the B. Tech. and B. Arch. Programmes, the Institute shall follow the
reservation policy as notified by MHRD, Govt. of India from time to time.
Direct Admission Student who are Foreign nationals either residing in India or abroad
or Indian nationals residing abroad may be admitted to UG programme under the
Direct Admission Students Abroad (DASA) scheme according to the policy guidelines
laid down by the MHRD Govt. of India from time to time. A few admissions are also
given through the Ministry of External Affairs based on self- financing scheme as
decided by the MHRD Govt. of India from time to time.
A few admissions are offered under the Cultural Exchange Fellowship Programme of
the Government of India, administered by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations
(ICCR), New Delhi through the Ministry of External Affairs as decided by the MHRD
Govt. of India from time to time. For these admissions, the candidates are required to
apply through the Indian High Commission/Embassy in their respective countries.
A few admissions are offered under the Study in India Programme for the foreign
students under Government of India Scheme to Study in India.
For getting admission to the B.Tech. programmes at NITs, eligibility criteria are
defined by the concerned agencies as mentioned in 1.1 to 1.4. Candidates are
requested to go through their respective website and the Institute website for further
details. Admissions made under the above schemes in a particular branch are not
NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
The student is awarded a letter grade from the prescribed grading system in each
course registered by him. For each pass grade, the student accumulates the course
credits as earned credits. The academic performance of the student is indicated in
terms of the number of credits that he/she earns and the weighted grade point
average. A specified minimum number of credits should be acquired on semester or
session basis in order to qualify for continuation in the academic programme and the
award of degree.
The grading system, the evaluation in terms of marks is replaced by the award of
letter grades. The structure and guidelines for award of grades are given as under:
S 10 Outstanding 90
A 09 Excellent 80
B 08 Very Good 70
C 07 Good 60
D 06 Average 50
E 05 Marginal 40
U - Unsuccessful -
I - Incomplete -
NP - Audit Pass -
NF - Audit Fail -
*Subject to confirmation based on standard deviation, if the sample size is
greater than 20, and is flexible to the recommendations of the individual course
coordinators with proper justification.
NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
The grades will be awarded to a student in each registered course, based on
his/her performances evaluated through a prescribed scheme of evaluation. In
theory courses, the evaluation is weighted on class tests, assignment and end
semester examinations in prescribed proportions. The recommended weightage
for class tests is 40%, for assignments 10% and for end semester’s examination is
50%. The credits for the course in which a student has obtained “E” (minimum
passing grade for a course) or a higher grade will be considered as credits earned
by him/her. For the other (elective) course in which U or W grade have been
obtained, the student may take the same course or any other course from the
same category when it is offered next. Further, ‘U’ grade secured in any course
stay permanently on the grade card. The weightage of these grades is not counted
in the calculation of the SGPA and CGPA.
An ‘I’ grade denotes incomplete performance in any course due to absence at the
end of semester. Upon completion of all course requirements, the ‘I’ grade is
converted to a regular grade.
These grades (NP and NF) are awarded in a course that the student opts to audit.
Audit applications are allowed during the first four weeks of a semester. The audit
pass (NP) grade is awarded if a minimum ‘E’ grade is obtained in the course and
attendance is above 75% in the classes. If either of these requirements is not
fulfilled the audit fail (NF) grade is awarded. In courses, where NP grade is
obtained, the corresponding course credits are considered in the calculation of
W’ grade is awarded in a course where the student has opted to withdraw from the
course. Withdrawal from a course is permitted until one week after the class test-I.
CGPA =(Course credit x Grade point) for courses with pass grade except audit courses
(Course credits) of courses with pass grade except audit courses
NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
4. Credits
(i) Each lecture/tutorial hour per week per semester is assigned one credit.
(ii) Each laboratory hour per week per semester is assigned half credit. However,
some courses are preparatory in nature and have half the credit weightage of
a normal course. The courses without credit are termed as noncredit (NC)
5. Registration
Registration is an important procedural part of the academic system which ensure the
willingness of the student to continue in the course of the study in the institute. No
credit is given to the student who attends a course without a formal registration. The
name of the registered student only appears on the roll list of the courses registered.
(i) The registration shall start one week before the start of classes to be notified
in the Academic Calendar. No late fee shall be charged from students
registering up to the day of starting of classes. A late fee of 500/- be charged
for upto 04 days after the start of classes.
(ii) HOD’s shall make the students aware that payment of fee merely is not
sufficient for registration. The students need to be physically present at the
campus for registration.
(iii) Even for those students who are unable to pay the fee for various reasons in
time, the registration (without semester fee) and attending the classes in
mandatory from the due date as per academic calendar. No attendance
relaxation will be accorded for such cases. No registration will be allowed after
one week of start of classes. After the last date with late fee, the name of the
student shall be discontinued from Institute rolls.
The following credits are required to be earned for the registration in the next
semester for B.Tech. Batches:
NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
6. Advice of Courses
At the time of completing the registration Form, each student should consult his/her
HOD concerned to finalize the academic programme, keeping in view
minimum/maximum numbers of total and lecture credits, past performance, backlog
of courses, SGPA/CGPA, workload and student’s interest. Special provisions exist
for academically weak students.
8. Late Registration:
(i) For those students who were not on campus during the period of registration
in the previous semester, registration procedure will be completed on a later
date with permission of the Dean, Academic.
(ii) For reasons beyond his/her control, if a student is not able to register or send
an authorized representative with a medical certificate, he/she may apply to
the Dean (Academic) for late registration. The Dean will consider and may
approve late registration in genuine cases on payment of an extra fee of Rs
500/-. Late registration is allowed until one week after the start of the
semester. The attendance requirements of 75 % will not be relaxed in late
registration cases and same will be counted from the date of start of the class.
(i) Add and Drop: A student has the option to add or delete courses from his/her
registration during the first week of the semester.
(ii) Audit: a student may also apply for changing a credit course to an audit one
within one week of the end of the first class test.
(iii) Withdrawal: A student who wants to withdraw from a course should apply on
a prescribed form within one week of the end of the first class test. A
withdrawal grade (W) will be awarded in such cases.
NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
(i) All students must attend every lecture, tutorial and practical class. The
Institute desires 100% attendance with a provision for consideration for
absence on account of late registration, sickness or other such contingencies.
The attendance requirement of 75% of the scheduled classes in course is
needed for appearing in the examination.
(ii) A student with less than 75% attendance in a course during a semester will
be awarded ‘W’ grade in that course irrespective of his/her performance in the
tests. The Course Coordinator, while awarding the grades, will take into
account the consolidated attendance record for the whole semester.
(iii) In order to maintain the attendance record of a particular course, a roll call will
be taken in every scheduled lecture, tutorial and practical class.
(iv) For the purpose of attendance, every scheduled practical class will count as
one unit irrespective of the number of contact hours.
(v) The Course Coordinator will consolidate the attendance record for the course
from the beginning of the semester till the end of the semester. The teacher
offering the course shall notify the students having less than 75% attendance
with an intimation of the same to the concerned Head of the Department and
Dean (Academic) / Deputy/Assistant Registrar (Academics).
(vi) Every faculty offering a course will take attendance till three calendar days
before the last instruction day in the semester. The percentage of attendance,
calculated up to this instruction day, will be indicated in a code number/letter
as follows:
Below 75% L
A student who has attendance code letter L will not be allowed to sit for end
semester examination in the course in which the shortfall exists.
(i) A student must inform the Dean (Academics) immediately of any instance of
continuous absence from classes.
(ii) A student who is absent due to illness or any other emergency, upto a
maximum of two weeks, should approach the Course Coordinator for make-
up in quizzes, assignments and laboratory work.
(iii) It is compulsory for every student to appear in the End Semester Examination
of each course. A student who does not appear in the End Semester
Examination shall be awarded a U Grade. In case of absence on Medical
grounds or other special circumstances, before or during the end semester
examination, the student can apply for I-grade. 75% attendance in a course is
necessary for being eligible for request of I-grade in that course. An
application requesting an I-Grade should be made at the earliest, but not later
than the last day of the end semester examination. This application should be
made to the concerned head of department, depending on the merits of the
case in discussions with concerned course coordinator, will refer the matter
Dean (Academic). The student should, subsequently, complete all course
requirements according to prescribed schedule.
(iv) It is compulsory for every student to appear in the End Semester Examination
of each course. A student who does not appear in the End Semester
Examination shall be normally awarded a U Grade if no approval for Grant of
I-Grade is accorded. An “I” grade denotes incomplete performance in any
course due to absence at the end of semester. Upon completion of all course
requirement, the “I” grade is replaced by a regular grade.
(v) In special situations arising due to student’s inability to be present at the
institute during the stipulated period, the period for convocation I grade can be
extended to the beginning of the next semester. Approval for this extension is
granted by Dean (Academic), on the recommendations of the concerned
Head of department of the student, the Course Coordinator(s), and the Chief
Warden in case of a boarder. A request to this effect should be included in the
application for I-grade.
(vi) In case the period of absence on Medical grounds is more than 20 working
days during the semester, a student may apply for withdrawal from the
semester i.e. withdrawal from all courses registered in that semester. Such
applications must be made as early as possible and latest before the start of
NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
the end semester examinations. No application for semester withdrawal will
be considered after the end semester exams have commenced. Each
application for semester withdrawal will be examined by the Dean (Academic)
and depending on the merit of the case, an appropriate recommendation will
be made. Partial withdrawal from courses registered in a semester is not
(vii) If a student is continuously absent from the institute for more than four weeks
without notifying the Dean (Academic), his/her name will be removed from the
Institute rolls.
13. Measures for helping SC/ST students (as per Senate decision in its 9th meeting)
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NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
c. Earned credits at the end of 1st year must be equal to the credits
prescribed in the scheme of first and second semester (1st year) of their
d. Any credits earned through contact course, shall not be considered for
discipline change.
(v) The change of discipline will be permitted strictly in order of merit as
determined by the CGPA at the end of the first year subject to the limitation
that (a) the actual number of students in the 3rd semester in the branch to
which transfer is to be made, should not exceed the sanctioned strength and
(b) maximum 10% registered students in 3rd semester of the discipline from
which transfer is sought, will be allowed the change of discipline.
(vi) Application for a change of discipline must be made by intending eligible
students in the prescribed form for this purpose. The Deputy Registrar
(Academics) will call for application and the completed application forms must
be submitted to him by the last date specified in the notification.
(vii) The alteration of choices will not be permitted after the last date.
(viii) Change of discipline shall be made strictly on the basis of inter-se-merit of the
applicants, based on CGPA. Ties will be broken by JEE (Main) rank of
(1) The students entering in the Institute are required to undergo the following non-
credit mandatory requirements towards completion of their degree: -
• All students are required to enroll for either one of NCC, NSO or NSS activity in
their first year.
• On completion of 100 hours, student is awarded “Satisfactory” grade.
• Further, these 100 hours requirement over a period of one year is broken into 50
hours requirement per semester.
• The student is registered in NCC-1/NSO-1/NSS-1 level in the 1st Semester and on
obtaining “Satisfactory” grades he/ she is allowed to registered in NCC-2/NSO-
2/NSS-2 in the 2nd Semester.
• Unless a student obtains “Satisfactory” grade in both 1st and 2nd semesters
he/she does not complete the non-credit (NC) requirement of NCC, NSO, NSS.
• This requirement should be completed in one year. If, however, a student is not
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NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
able to complete this requirement in the first year, he/she must complete it by the
end of the 2nd year (4th semester), otherwise he/she will not be allowed to register
for any course until he/she completes this mandatory requirement.
16. Discipline
Any act of indiscipline on the part of B. Tech. student, which is reported to Dean
(Academic) will be referred to the Discipline Committee of the Senate from time to
time. The committee will investigate the charges. If the charges are substantiated, it
will recommend suitable punishment for the same to the Director. The decision of the
Director will be final in this regard.
(i) Earns prescribed number of credits in all as per the Scheme of the Batch
(ii) Obtains a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 5.0
(iii) Fulfills the requirements of all courses under different categories as
prescribed in the syllabi
(iv) Completes the prescribed practical training satisfactorily
(v) Fulfills the requirement of attending NCC/NSS/NSO activities in their first
year or at best by the end of second year (fourth semester) satisfactorily
(vi) Must have Earned pass grade in the discipline courses.
(vii) Maximum duration of degree course is 08 years.
Degree with Honours:
“All such B.Tech. students who have cleared their B.Tech. programme within minimum
duration of programme and be securing 8.0 CGPA without any backlog in the entire
duration of the programme, shall be provided B.Tech. degree with Honours.”
This scheme of Honours Degree shall be applicable from B.Tech. 2016 batch onwards.
Provision for improvement for students whose CGPA is below 6.5:
Those students of B.Tech. programme of the Institute whose CGPA is below 6.5 can
apply for improvement in their CGPA. However, such students can apply for a
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NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
maximum of 6 subjects with course fee of Rs. 5,000/- per subject. Only two such
chance can be availed by a student. This Scheme shall be applicable from B.Tech.
2016 batch onwards.
18. Provision for Overseas Internship in one semester during the Final Year
The Institute shall facilitate the students for Overseas Internship and provide
relaxation for one semester overseas internship to the final year students. The
application of any student for such internship shall be routed through the Department
concerned to the office of Dean (Academic) and will be put for approval before the
Chairman Senate.
The Institute will provide relaxation from the Major Project to such students as their
Major Project marks shall be awarded on the basis of their training programme. Such
students can complete their credit requirements by attending 3 courses during Winter
Break and 3 Courses during Summer Break as a special case. Actual grade earned
by the candidate shall be awarded during Summer Classes.
The candidates can be given option to study their equivalent courses through
MOOC/SWAYAM etc. portals and authorised the Department to waive off the
requirement to attend the classes for such courses. There will be one Mentor/Project
Supervisor from the Department Faculty to monitor the internship, taken abroad and
to award the Project Grades.
Any students who undergo Overseas Internship can complete at most 4 courses
during the Summer Course and 2 courses during Winter Course. The
Summer/Winter Course will start immediately after the end-semester examination.
For students having U/W Grade: A student having U/W grade in a subject can opt
(a) A student with W grade can carry his/her backlogs as an additional carry subject with
the regular semester examinations subject to the condition that he/she will not take
more than 30 credits in a regular semester. There will be no limit of credits for
additional carry subject for a student having U grade in his/her subjects. Evaluation
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NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
pattern shall be the same and there will be no change in the Grade obtained by the
student if appeared in regular semester examinations.
(b) A student can apply for a maximum of 3 courses as Summer Course as a special
chance. Only one paper of 100 marks with a time duration of 3 hours shall be
conducted by the course coordinator. The students with U grade will not be required
to attend any classes. The students with W grade will be required to attend the
classes during the Summer Course. The candidates during Summer Course shall be
awarded one grade less than the actual grade obtained and the maximum Grade
awarded shall be B.
A faculty member can take maximum of 2 summer courses (for W Grade) during
summer vacations. Lab courses (maximum 03 Labs) can be conducted during the
summer vacations as a special case.
21. Examination Pattern of B.Tech. 1st year after change of the B.Tech. Scheme
from 2018-19 Session onwards.
The students who have backlogs in 1st year can apply for re-appear only for the
examination which have been studied by them in the respective semester i.e.
reappear for subjects of even semester in even semester and vice versa.
(v) The medical certificate to be produced for make-up application shall have to be
issued either from the Institute Dispensary or from a Government Hospital only,
clearly mentioning the rest period. The application shall have to be submitted
preferably within 7 days of the end of class tests.
(vi) In case of any Competitive Examination/Interview/participation in any event, the
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NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
student has to obtain prior approval before the commencement of the Minor
Examinations from Dean (Academic) on the application duly recommended by
the concerned HoD.
(vii) In case of any emergency conditions other than the above, permission may be
sought for make-up examination from Dean (Academic) within 7 days after the
end of class tests on the application duly recommended by the concerned HoD.
No application shall be entertained afterwards in any case.
23. Continuation fee to be submitted by pass out students (regular batch passed
out) who are carrying backlogs.
Jurisdiction of SBPC
The proposed Senate Bachelor Programme Committee (SBPC) shall have
jurisdiction in the following matters concerning the undergraduate programme
of the Institute:
1. recommendation of new Bachelor programmes
2. recommendation of new courses
3. restructuring, renaming of existing Degree Programme
4. formal approval of the new course
5. recommendation of new course curriculum
6. Modification of courses already approved
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NITJ B.Tech. Regulations
7. credit value of courses
8. periodic evaluation of academic performance of programmes and
recommendation to continue or discontinue any programme
9. recommendations for award of degrees
10. other related matters as may be referred to it by the Senate
The tenure of committee and the Chairperson, SBPC shall normally be of two
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