Argus C-44 Lenses
Argus C-44 Lenses
Argus C-44 Lenses
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argus c^44 interchanEea ble
lenses provide the right focal
length for every picture
35mm Wide Angle Lens-Very useful for candid work
because of its extremely great depth of field, this f:4.5
Cintagon lens covers 87 % more area than the standard
lens. It lets you include more scenery in your vacation
slides and is just the thing where there is little room to
step back from your subject.
tilts BmRtt
0f flEtDS0lLt
The ease with which lenses R E |[o Y A t.l .u l Ji ld:..
of the Argus C44 are inter-
changed will amaze you! A
push of a bulton and a
twist of the wrisl. removes
the lens. . . a simple align-
ment of red dots, insertion
of lens, and another twisl
of the wrist locks the lens
securely in place, auto-
matically coupled to the
Insert lens carefully into
'1, the body lens mount,
fitting the notch in the
t black outer ring over
Both the Wide Angle and Telephoto accessory co!or-rnatic
lenses feature ARGUS COLOR-MATIC aperture
settings that may be used with average subjects settings C
in bright sunlight. The Wide Angle lens also has a
Color-matic distance setting for universal sharp and
focus. (The Telephoto lens should be focused
sharply for each picture.) Use yellow markings depth-of-field
with Kodachrome Daylight film, red markings
with Ektachrome or Anscoehrome Daylight color scale-
films and with Plus-X, Supreme or similar black-
and-white films (ASA 32-80).
Leather cases designed especially for your valu-
able C44 accessory lenses will protect them from
fingerprints and scratches. Should a lens
require cleaning, blow off the dust (or use soft
brush with light touch), breathe on lens surface,
and wipe gently with soft lens tissue.
The completely new Argus Variable Power
argus Viewfinder, featuring a unique precision optical
system, gives you a choice of three magnifica-
variable power tions in field of view, corresponding to the
areas "seen" by your 35mm Wide Angle, 50mm
viewfinder Standard and 1o0mm Telephoto lenses. A
built-in parallax adjustment compensates for
differences that would otherwise occur between
the fields of view of the lenses and the view
finder . it tilts the lens system within the
viewfinder so that you can see precisely what
the lens sees at every distance. The Argus
Variable Power Viewfinder may be mounted.
on any camera equipped with an Argus Acces-
sory Shoe on top.
Simply set'one dial for the focal length of the
lens you are using. (A system of lenses rotates
within the viewfinder, providing the right
magnification.) Set another dial for the distance
you are from your subject. (This is the "paral-
Iax" adjustment.) Then compose your picture
through the Variable Power Viewfinder. The
field of view is not masked down, but magnified
to the full proportions of the viewfinder.
To take flash pictures when the Variable screw. Slide camera back down onto screw,
Power Viewfinder is used, mount your C44 and tighten. Mount flash unit on bracket in
flash unit on the new C44 Flash Extension the same way that you mount it on the camera,
Bracket. This metal bracket is held in place and plug cord into socket in Variable Power
by the C44 case safety screw or by a tripod Viewfinder. To use the Flash Extension
screw. To attach bracket, loosen screw on Bracket on your C44 without using the
bottom of leather case and slide camera part- leather case, the case safety screw may be
way out. Slip bracket into slot in end of case, removed from the case to hold bracket on
and place hole in bracket over end of safety camera, as illustrated.
wr0t tltGtt ctilTr80il
lens: 35mm, color-corrected,hard-
coatedanastigmat;helical-focusing, 3
ft. to infinity Your Argus Accessory Lens u)as m&nufqctargd, ,
f:stops:Clickstop settingsat f :4.5,5.6, inspected anq tusted by skilled craftsrnen. It is
6 . 3 ;8 , l l , 1 6 , 2 2 .
Hyperlocal lllstancs:17 feet 7 inchesat
guaranteed to be free of defects in workrnanship
f :4.5
or rnaterial during its lifetime. If any
tull Flcldlngle: 64030' ,
tilter Slze: SeriesVl (1%")
seruicing is necessafy,becauseof imperfections
Carying Casa: Available as accessory in materials or worhrygr?ship, your lens wilt
i n g e n u i n el e a t h e r .
biefactory seruicei wi,thowt charge
Argus equipment wh;iek has been damaged,
lens: l00mm, color-corrected,hard-
coatedanastigmat;helical-focusing, 3 mishandled or worn frorn extensiue use will be
ft. to infinity.
factory seraiced at established rates. Used or
l:stops:Click stop settingsat f :3.5,4,
5 . 6 ,6 . 3 ,8 , 1 1 ,1 6 , 2 2 . rebuilt equiprnent is not coueredby this gu&ra,ntee.
HnoilocalDlstancs:184feet 6 inchesat
f :3.5
Ct|Y|[RAS, MlCl|l0A}l
Diaision of Sglaania Electric Produets Inc.
r l z e :S e r i e sV l ( l % ' l
F f f t oS
Carrying Case:Availableas accessory in
g e n u i n el e a t h e r . A n 0 | Jcsf i l i l t n l 0s F c A ] l l 0 lL, T D .T, 0 R 0 l l T 0 , 0 l l l A n l 0
PART NO. 21390-575 LrrHo rN u. s. r