Bolex Manual
Bolex Manual
Bolex Manual
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
REFLEX VIEWFINDER................................................................................................................... 3
DOUSER ............................................................................................................................................. 3
TURRET ............................................................................................................................................. 4
FILTERS ............................................................................................................................................. 4
LAP DISSOLVE.................................................................................................................................. 7
TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................... 9
It is necessary to use the douser when doing
pixilation with a strong light behind the camera.
The douser is open when the lever is in the
horizontal position; closed in the vertical posi-
Eyecup Diopter Adjust
Turret Lock
Diopter Lock
Filter Slot
Turret Lock
Filter Holder
CAMERA MOTOR The camera has seven filming speeds from 12-64
The Bolex h16 has its own internal spring drive frames per second (fps). To select the desired
motor. This allows an electric motor to be used speed, turn the control knob until the corre-
and also allows you to backwind the film for sponding figure is opposite the red dot. When
camera dissolves. Turn the motor disengaging changing filming speeds do not forget to alter the
lever to "MOT" and move the side release to exposure setting. (When changing from 24 to 32
"stop". If the side release will not go to stop, fps open diaphragm 1/2; from 24 to 48 by one
slightly wind the spring. Lift the winding crank stop and so forth.)
which automatically engages the spindle, and
turn counter clockwise. Wind the spring fully RELEASE SELECTOR(ON/OFF)
without forcing it. Fold the crank and secure it The H16 can be used for normal, continuous, or
on the latch on the lower body. Fully wound, the single frame filming. The different operations
motor will drive about 18 feet to film through the are controlled by the side release.
camera (about 28 secs. at 24fps). Normal filming-- This method is suitable for
IMPORTANT: Never leave the camera wound most shooting situations. Then camera runs as
during storage. This may ruin the spring. When long as the operator depresses the front release
running down the spring with no film in the or pushes the side release towards 'M'.
camera, set film speed at 8fps. Continuous filming-- Push the side release
towards 'M' until it clicks into place. The camera
will continue running until the wind runs out or
the side lever is pushed to the STOP position.
Slide Release
LAP DISSOLVE The film will jam at this point if the plate is not
closed. Remove the empty spool from its
A lap dissolve is made by superimposing a fade- spindle by pressing the ejector. Place the loaded
in on a fade-out so that one picture gradually daylight spool on the upper spindle. (Film
disappears as the next gradually appears. This should come off in the direction indicated by the
allows for a smooth transition during which the engraved arrow.)
picture brightness scarcely varies. To produce a IMPORTANT: At the film gate the emulsion
lap dissolve, close the first shot in a sequence should always face towards the front of the
with a fade out. Lock the shutter in the "closed" camera.
position. Set the frame control to zero. Disen- Using the film knife (located at the bottom of the
gage the motor. Set the slide release to the M camera), clip the film end.
position. Douse the viewfinder. Cap the lens. Close the loop formers by moving the control
Rewind the film, using the backwind key, until lever parallel to the pressure plate.
the frame counter indicates the duration of the Insert film end in the top feed sprocket and start
fade out. Move the slide release to the STOP the camera motor. The film is automatically
position. Frame the second sequence to be threaded through the gate. If you need to adjust
filmed and release the slide lever. At the same the film, you can spread the sprocket guides by
time make a fade-in the same length as the fade- sliding the locking plate forward.
Duration of the fade Number of Frames/
in seconds Filming Speed
18 fps 24 fps
Loop Formers
Feed Spindle
Pressure Plate
Release Pin
Sprocket Guides
Audible Signal
Pressure Plate Select
Filter Holder
Spool Ejector
Retaining Arm
Loop Formers
Take Up Spindle
Film Knife
Continue to run the camera until 12 to 15 inches --the upper dial adds the frames in forward run
of film have passed through the drive mecha- and subtracts them in reverse (0 to 50 frames)
nism. --The lower dial totals in units of 50 frames. It
Open the loop formers by pressing the button will subtract when the camera runs in reverse.
located on the sprocket/gate assembly. Insert the Indicators are from 0 to 1000 frames.
film end into the take-up spool (in the direction
of the engraved arrow), Place the spool on the
lower spindle and take up any slack by hand.
Run the camera again for several seconds to
make sure that everything is OK (check that the
film is advancing normally and the loops do not Frame Counter
scrape the body). Replace and lock the lid.
Obscured Images:
Turret incorrectly positioned.
Telephoto lens on turret obscuring view of other
Exposure Meter Shoe
Partly obscured pictures:
Telephoto lens in the way of the taking lens or
turret badly positioned.
Fogged film:
Light entering through the viewfinder or filter
Film was loaded in extremely bright light.
Camera not seated well. Filter Holder
Carrying Handle
Exposure Meter Shoe
Turret Lever
Optical Veiwfinder Bracket
Starting Button
Lid Lock
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Checking Out the Bolex H16 from Media Loan