Barangay-Based Community Disaster Reduction Plan: (Tropical Storm) Barangay Doña Lucia
Barangay-Based Community Disaster Reduction Plan: (Tropical Storm) Barangay Doña Lucia
Barangay-Based Community Disaster Reduction Plan: (Tropical Storm) Barangay Doña Lucia
(Tropical Storm)
1. Doña Lucia is a part of rural city, since it is surrounded by lands. It is part of Quezon, Nueva Ecija and one of the
provinces that is Rice Granary of the Philippines, which shows why Quezon is surrounded by lands.
2. There is a lot of canals here that might overflowed or rather flows the storm water, that result in building up
floods affecting the community lives. It is always among the two, depending on how strong the tropical storm is.
3. The CBDRR plan site a bunch of methods on what we can do if a storm hits the community village. This
demonstrate course of action, where there is a solution of the identified issue. It’s considering the lives of the people
living here, this CBDRR plan objectify help for the community.
4. In this design it straightforwardly shows the solution. What barangay officials should do to meet the needs of the
community they lead, when the tropical storm hit’s. It is arrange in that way to Identified the solution of the
problem and people can easily understand what these action means.
5. Having a CBDRR plan shows that I want to help the community when there's a tropical storm, what I've already
stated that it considered lives and help for the community. The benefits of this plan is that it raises up the
knowledge about things to what people must do when there’s a tropical storm. Having a residence read and
comprehend this sort of things helps to reduce the causes of tropical storm.
Objectives Smart Goals Action Step Time Responsibility
Frame Center
It sites what to do before, during, and after a Every household members clean their canals Prepare cleaning EVERY WEEK OR
tropical storm. To be prepared against the so it has low percentage to over flowed that
materials for the ONCE A WEEK Residence or
SAMPLE tropical storm, to prevent floods, to give earnestcan cause floods. For those who are flood- (DEPENDS ON HOW Barangay officials
advice to the community and to locked the prone area, evacuate to not so flood prone cleaners of the MANY WILLING TO
safeness of every residence in the community area like in the Quezon Elementary School. canals DO IT)
To prepare for the tropical storm, must have Cleaning the canals in front, beside or around
emergency supplies, food and water for your family, of your house to prevent flooding as much as Having schedules so
A. Before you must know the route to the evacuation center possible because by that it will help the rain it also doesn’t violate
in case you needed to evacuate and listen to the water flows. Everyone should participate to fill the quarantine or
the goals of preventing. Also for those flood
news about the tropical storm nearby. Lastly follow prone areas I suggest to build canals there too, guidelines Barangay
the authorities announcements regarding the like canals in the other street it’s sleek and deep officials
typhoon, to be safer must cooperate. for the water to flow.
While typhoon is happening you should stay at home For doing those it will lessen or prevent for to Giving Residence
to be safe, don’t stay outside and make sure your pets water to flood because instead of flooding they are
are also safe during the storms. Remove unnecessary
directions on Every time when the or
B. During electronic appliances, especially when floods enter flowing in the canals during the tropical storm, the why we doing event is happening, Barangay
inside your house and stay calm you can’t really doeffect of cleaning and cooperation is a big help for this as a part of likely it’s also weekly officials
anything if you’ll let panicked take over you. the whole residence in the community CBDRR
After the storm passed by, you must not go to the After the tropical storm the people in evacuation
flooded areas because it might affect your health, center can go home if the flood water have
Asses to make Residence
C. After clean the affected areas by the storm in your house, subside if not they can still stay there with giving sure the canals Every time after the
some food supplies or anything might help. Since or
event is done it is
protect your property for further damages, get some they aren’t in their home this is a struggle and were cleaned to Barangay
news for help if needed call one of the leaders in the cleaning the canals before the tropical storm prevent the
also weekly
barangay to fill in the necessities of yours. landed effectively prevent having floods in the
community. flooding