obtain information about the emergency and
possible instructions from the authorities.
Measures before, during DISASTER
and after floods
Prevention and
During an evacuation:
If the situation warrants or authorities
what to do in a
so indicate, evacuate as soon as flood
Be attentive to the indications given
by radio and/or television.
Do not go near wires or light poles. Present by:
Purcallas Suarez Andre Michel
Find a safe place such as a school or
Saldaña Antonio Zianya Jocelyn
church.. Sandoval Santiago Alejandro Tonatiuh
Do not try to cross riverbeds, as the
water carries many things such as
logs or objects that can hit you hard.
What is a flood?
• Floods are temporary overflows of water
Another cause
known to all is the
Flood prevention
over land that is normally dry. Floods are overflowing of
rivers due to
the most common type of natural flooding, both due In this way we will take into account the
disaster in the United States. Failure to to the storms following points to avoid flooding:
mentioned above,
vacate or enter flooded areas can result as well as to thaws Drains and sewers should be kept
in injury or death. and meteorological clean of garbage, dirt or any other
phenomena such
as "cold drops" material.
Causes of floods (formed as a result Periodically check wells, pipes,
of water vapor
released by the drains and septic tanks.
The causes of floods can be grouped into sea, which is Watch for unauthorized excavation
three groups that determine whether floods dragged upwards
by atmospheric or construction in your area.
are considered natural, induced or mixed: instability until it Check water connections for leaks.
Climatic causes: due to rainfall of reaches the cold
zone, where it Avoid leaving garbage bags
abnormal duration and/or intensity, condenses rapidly unattended, as heavy rains will
typhoons, hurricanes, cyclones forming large
storm clouds. cause them to break and clog
and cold drops.
drains and sewers.
Geological causes: these refer to
the lithological characteristics of
the basin, the hydrographic What are the types of
network (shapes, types), the
What emergency
characteristics of the riverbeds supplies should you
(shapes, slopes), movements and
instability. Floods are classified among sudden onset have to be prepared in
Anthropic causes: are those phenomena, although their speed depends
case of a flood?
induced by human action, such as on the type:
deforestation, invasion of the Flash floods: also known as flash
riverbed by various constructions, food. Their origin is usually a A 3 to 5 day supply of non-
dam breakage, etc. consequence of very intense perishable food and a manual can
episodes of rainfall. opener.
Fluvial floods: They are produced A first aid kit and manual, plus
by surface runoff waters (rivers, prescription medications and
streams and torrents). special medical needs.
Coastal floods: with water from the A battery-powered radio,
sea, caused by tidal waves flashlights and extra batteries.
(tsunamis) or large tides. Sleeping bags or extra blankets.