Submarine Communications Cable Deep-Sea Application: Gary Waterworth, Watson

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Submarine Communications Cable for Deep-sea Application

Gary Waterworth, Ian Watson

Alcatel, Optical Networks Division Alcatel, Optical Networks Division
Christchnrch Way Christchurch Way
Greenwich, London SElO OAG, UK Greenwich, London SElO OAG, UK

yt6.s~racr-'lhispaprr dctailr thr design and clualificution of Telcon manufactured and installed a further 680,000 km of
high reliahility submarine cnhler specificall! developed fur the submarine telegraph cables, before another invention lead
tclrcummunication\ industry. l h e s e cables arc now readily
aiailahle tu support iarious offshore applicatiiins where niulti to the introduction of co-axial submarine telephone cables
low hiss optical fibers and medium roltagc poser i s required. [2]. In 1933, a research program on chemical reactions at
The paper coiers the design requirements specific to high pressure inadvertently produced a solid high-
suhmarine applicaliun, such as pressure. Hater and gaseuus molecular-weight polymer [3]. By 1936 the inventing
ingrew and installatiun requirements. 1 he range (if cable
nprs availahlc and their rhirr3clcri,tics 3re covered tngethrr company, Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) had a
with the description of %pecific design clement$ that are development team looking at suitable applications for this
utiliied, optical fiber, optiral package, strength uiember, easy to mould material with excellent insulation properties.
insulation, water blucking, amiurinz and hvdrogcn B Habggod of IC1 and J Dean of Telcon both recognized
protection. 'The ertcnsiw qualification prugrdms alreadv
undertaken are also briefly covered. Connectiiit) between
the potential application for submarine telephone cables, so
\arious hpcr of subnirrine cahlu and suhmergcd equipment i s in 1938 Telcon ordered 100 tons of Polythene, now
ds(8 3 by-product of the telccummunications indurtn that i s normally referred to as polyethylene [4]. Another new
wrll cstoblishrd. An rwniple uf a high srrcngth hcnd development, the radar, took precedence at the outbreak of
restrictor and derp-satcr cable penetrator alreddy qualified WW2, delaying the first deployment of polyethylene
with the cable is given.
insulated telephone cables until 1945. The last major
milestone in the very long history of submarine cables has
I. INTRODUCTION its roots back in 1966 when two scientists, Kao and
Hockman, working for STC at the laboratories in Harlow,
A . Historical Background England reported that they had found a possible
In 1843 Dr Montgomerie discovered the special properties replacement to co-axial cables with a higher capacity and
of gutta-percha, an extract from the Malaysian heva tree. lower material cost. It took another 19 years before optical
Two years later Silver and Faraday invented a process of fiber was fust utilized in a commercial submarine system.
insulating copper wires with this new engineering material.
This enabled a British company; later to become the B. Development ofHigh Reliabiliry products
Telegraph Construction and Maintenance (Telcon), to There are, of course, many other important milestones in
manufacture the fust submarine telegraph cable for the the long history of the development of today's telecom
Brett brothers in 1850, connecting England and France [I]. submarine cables. The three mentioned above help to
demonstrate how important the telecom industry has been
as the main driving force behind submarine cable
development. With the exception of the relatively more
recent high voltage and umbilical cables, the submarine
cable industry's main customers have traditionally been the
major telecom operators. Many of the standard principles
used today in the design of all submarine cables are based
on the early work of telecom cable engineers such as
Zajac [SI and Roden 161. The commercial benefit of
connecting North America to Europe and Asia has resulted
in the availability of high reliability multi fiber optic
medium voltage cable that can be deployed and recovered
in water depths beyond 8000m. The consumer demands
for high quality and very high availability have been passed
on to the engineers developing, manufacturing and
qualifying the telecom submarine cables. Telecom
. - -_I .. . I products have therefore been designed, manufactured and
Fig. I.Go1iatb hying thefirst cross-channel cable escorted by qualified to the most exacting standards of the national
HA4Siirveying Paddle Ship Widgeon. carriers from Asia, Europe and America.

0-933957-30-0 1862
C. Today’s market climafe B. Cusf ufpoor reliability
The early 1980’s saw all the major national carriers in
Europe, Japan and the United States starting work on It has been correctly reported that the cost of a submarine
developing fiber optic submarine cables with the first cable repair at sea can cost as much as 500,00OUSD[7].
transatlantic system commissioned in 1988. During the Why should a cable fail or its performance degrade? Most
1990’s approximately 20 submarine telecom systems where reported submarine cable failures are due to external
installed per year. Deregulation of the telecom market, the aggression [XI. This can be further partitioned into ‘Human
advent of the Internet and the high initial profits by some Activity’ and ‘Natural Aggression’. Fishing is the major
new camers, all factored into the explosion of interest in worldwide cause of damage, more than 50% of reported
repairs, nearly all in r:hallow water of less than 500m.
submarine telecom systems between 1997 and 2001.
During this ‘bubble’ in 2000, 4 transpacific and Anchors, both for mooring and for fishing cause 20% of
3 transatlantic systems were commissioned, where the failures. 15% of repairs are due to natural causes such
as chafing, abrasion air earth movement. It is standard
previously the average was les than one. Most submarine
telecom cable suppliers increased both capacity and practice to attempt wherever possible to separate the cable
productivity. The bubble burst in 2001 leaving the from the hazard. Careful route planning and burial is
products and manufacturing capacity largely intact. applied where circumstances allow. Often the only option
open to the route p l a n ” is to surface lay all or part of the
D. Nun-telecum application system. Partial burial is common due to insufficient depth
or stability of the seabr:d soil I sand. Burial is by far the
Field proven, high reliability submarine communication hest protection, however it is not without its premium and
cables are now readily available for non-telecom projects. the reliability of well-bntied cables depends on the intrinsic
They can be equipped with a wide variety of fiber types, failure rate of the cable itself. The reliability of surface laid
provide power to submerged equipment. Manufactured cables depends additionally on the crush resistance of the
and shipped in either short or very long lengths, designed cable design.
for either shallow or deep water, these specialist cables are
able to meet many new non-telecom project requirements.
As it is normal practice in submarine communication
systems, all these cables have proven and qualified
couplings and penetrators for connection to underwater
equipment. These can be readily adapted to interface with
a wide range of sub sea equipment that is based on designs
with more than ten thousand cumulative operating years
without a failure.


A . Submarine Communicafiun Cable

A good submarine communications cable should provide a

long service life of 25 years or more, with stable optical Fig. 2 ?rcontact
and electrical performance. It should be easy to joint and with fshing tockle
maintain at sea if necessary. In order to provide stable
performance it must survive both the rigors of installation
and the environmental conditions on the seabed. 111. SUBMARINE ENVIRONMENTAL
Installation in both shallow and deep water imparts tension COI\ISIDERATIONS
and torsion on the cable structure, which houses the optical
fibers and electrical conductor and insulation. Longevity A . Fiber Sensitivitj to Hydrogen
of the installed cable depends on minimizing the strain It has been well known for long time that silica based
induced on the cabled fiber. The environmental conditions optical glass fiber is sensitive to hydrogen. Several
such as hydrostatic pressure, abrasion, crush and hydrogen mechanisms can generate hydrogen in a submarine
must be accounted for. The cost of developing and environment. Galvanic or magneto hydrodynamic
qualifying a submarine communications cable to meet corrosion of the cable’s external armoring, polymer
these requirements with a very low failure rate is extremely degradation and metallic out gassing of the cable’s internal
high and is normally amortized over many thousands of km strncture, and marine biology can all play a part in
of cable. The extensive development costs for the cables generation this adverse condition [9]. It is also common
developed for the telecom industry are historic and that powering designs require sea earths that can generate
therefore non-reoccumng. Moreover, the cables have been hydrogen where the sea is used as a low resistance DC path
sea trialed and proven with more than 100,000km of [lo]. Hydrogen can dissolve interstitially into the fiber,
product in the field. straining the crystalline structure, it can form hydroxyl

groups and form defect centers, all resulting in an increase service provider form the ‘Universal Jointing (UJ)
in optical attenuation. This increase in attenuation can Consortium’ which offers qualified and proven jointing
result in an unrecoverable signal quality requiring complete techniques for a wide range and combinations of cable
cable replacement. Fibers intended for submarine types [12]. The choice between a Universal Joint and a
application can be manufactured with tighter controls on proprietary method can be made .based on the service
contamination and halogen content reducing the effect agreement and service supplier envisaged. There are
hydrogen has on the fiber’s optical loss. Special fibers of however, options with telecom cables as most have been
this type are widely available at a small premium. This qualified by the Universal Joint Consortium and many
fiber enhancement is not however sufficient on its own to vessels around the world are equipped and trained for the
avoid large increase in optical attenuation. All submarine Universal Joint.
communication cables therefore employ various methods to
protect the fiber from the several atmospheres of hydrogen IV.SUBMARINE CABLE DESIGN
partial pressure. The main method employed in all
successful designs is to provide a hermetic barrier There are many types of submarine communication cables
fabricated by forming and welding a metallic tape into a available. The design structure varies depending on
tube surrounding the fiber. manufacturer, fiber count and powering requirements.
Each type however comes with different extemal
protection packages. Fig 4 shows a typical range of cables
used to supply 200kW ofpower and 24 optical fibers.
Insulating sheoth Oplicol liberr

Coppcr lube / \ Steel lube

Fig.3 .Typical deepwater cable cross section showing the

infernalhydrogen barriers andsfeel vault. Fig.4 .Range of medium voltage telecommunication cables
from deepwater on the right to shallow water on the lefr

B. Reparability
Another key consideration in the design of submarine cable A. Light Weight (L W)
is to ensure that it is readily repairable at sea. As These cables not twist excessively under load and have-a
mentioned above, repair is normally only required if the low weight per meter, making them best suited for deep-
cable is hit by trawling equipment or anchors. Some cable water. Typically used for areas with flat seabed and low
designs can survive this type of damage better than others. currents, in water deeper than 2500m.
This is especially relevant to submarine cables required to
supply power to submerged equipment. Here the cable B. Lightweight Protected (L WP)
design must protect both the fiber package and the
Here a metallic tape, steel being preferred for the additional
insulation. Some cable designs have been recently
abrasion protection despite its higher density, protects the
enhanced to provide better protection to the insulation layer
insulation. it can he deployed down to 7000m and is often
against crush loading [Ill. If however the cable is
used in areas of abrasion risk, such as slopes and high
damaged and requires repair, it is important to limit the
currents. It is also used in shallow water, where conditions
intemal axial ingress of seawater. High hydrostatic
allow for good burial.
pressures can force water many kms along the cable unless
it is effectively blocked. The cost in replacing the ‘wet’ C. Single Amour Light (SAL)
cable in terms of materials, ships time and system outage
can be very high without good water blocking. Some A single layer of small (<4mm) diameter wires protects the
repairs have taken days longer than expected where this insulation and optical package. This cable type is normally
important requirement has been overlooked. When two used where the cable can be successfully protected by
‘dry’, cable ends are onboard ready to join together, a fast, burial. Due to the twisting limitation on most armored
reliable and readily available process is often preferable to cables, the depth is normally limited to 200Om.
a supplier proprietary technique. Four submarine telecom
cable suppliers and a marine installation and maintenance

D. Single Armored H e a q (SAH) D. Hydrosfatic Pressure Test
Similar in construction to the Single Armored Light, but A long length of cable, up to lOOOm is pressurized to sea
with heavier (-5“) wires to provide additional bottom pressures while the optical fibers are monitored.
protection. This cable is normally used in shallow water Joints, which normally have a larger diameter than the
and where full burial protection cannot be guaranteed. The cable, are also tested with shorter cable lengths.
additional weight limits the deployment depth to about E. Aging
1500m. Several h s of cable is held at a temperature higher than
the maximum operating and storage temperature for two
E. Double Armored Heaq(DAH)
months with the fiber optical performance monitored.
Two layers of wires protect the insulation and optical
package, both laid in the same direction (Left Hand). This F. Long Term High Vdtage
cable has the highest level of tensile strength, but also the The cable is submitted to an accelerated voltage test in
highest weight per meter. This cable is used where the water for 6 months that equates to 25 years operation.
greatest level of protection is required. This is typically a)
where the cable cannot be buried at all due to sea bed G. Cnish Testing
geology, pipe or cable crossings, b) in very shallow water
where the risk of anchors damage is present (4Om) or c) Loads up to 150W a:re applied over a loading surface
for shore ends where the cable is floated ashore or pulled l O O m m long. The cable optical and electrical performance
through directionally drilled pipes. A variant called ‘Rock is tested during and after the crush loading.
Armour’ with a shorter outer amour layer pitch is
sometimes used where a higher level of crush resistance or H. Water Ingress
better conformance to an uneven seabed is required. Long lengths of cable up to IOOOm with an open end are
installed inside a pressure vessel and are suddenly
V. SUBBMARINE CABLE QUALIFICATION subjected to full sea bottom water pressure. The cable is
removed and dissected to find the maximum distance that
Extensive qualification or type testing is conducted on water has penetrated internally.
submarine telecom cables [13], normally in accordance
with international standards [14]. The complete armor I. Round the Sheave
range and joints between the armor types is thoroughly
tested. The tests typically include: Cable and joints under a tensile load equal to the cable’s
NTTS are passed several times around a 3-meter diameter
A . Tensile Test Under Free Gyration wheel or sheave while optically monitored.
The cable is loaded with its ends 6ee to rotate at its 1 Corrosion
Nominal Transient Tensile Strength (NTTS), the maximum
safe load the cable can withstand for up to one hour Cable and joints are Fllaced in heated, flowing water for
without reducing the reliability of the optical fiber. The several months while the hydrogen content of the joints
cables optical performance is monitored and its elongation internal atmosphere is monitored.
under load and after load is measured.
K . Interlayer Adherence
B. Combined Tensile Test Under Fixed and Free Gyration The cable is loaded to its NTTS and NOTs for one hour
Cable and joints are loaded up to the NTTS and then the and 48 hours respectively, with one end fixed via an
cable’s Normal Operating Tensile Strength (NOTS), the external cable stopper. A similar test is often carried out
maximum safe load the cable can withstand for up to 48 during a sea trial with the cable handling equipment.
hours without reducing the reliability of the optical fiber. Slippage is monitored and a post test high voltage check is
Optical monitoring and elongation are checked. This test is carried out.
made on two samples, one with the ends fixed and the other
with the ends free to rotate. The Joints are further tested to Temperature cycling, impact, abrasion, minimum bend,
ensure they meet the insulation requirements and cable’s shock, vibration and specific electrical tests are also
Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS). conducted before a cable can be considered as qualified.

C. Long Length Tensile Test

Several hundreds of meters of inner cable stpctnre are
loaded up to the corresponding strain of the cable at the
NTTS and NOTS, while it is optically monitored.


A . Cable Io Equipmenf Interface

, The interface between telecom sea cable and submerged
plant and equipment is complex. Not only must the
connection provide load transfer through what is a
discontinuity in the cable but it must also maintain
electrical insulation whilst supporting the safe
interconnectivity of both optical fibers and electrical
conductors. Telecom systems often require the use of
submerged repeaters or amplifiers spliced into the cable at
regular intervals of between 40 and l0Okm [15]. The
design utilized by Alcatel is described here further.
Fig 6 Typical extremity box with armor wire anchorage
B. Typical Telecom Repealer to Cable Coupling
C Armadillo
The conncction to the telecom sea cable is undertaken
within an Extremity Box (EB), representing effectively one The load chain is maintained between the Extremity Box
half of a cable-to-cable joint and is located at either end of glass reinforced -sleeve and the main housing of the
the submerged plant (see Fig. 5). submerged plant by the presence of an articulated interface
called an “Armadillo”, so called due to its likeness to the
plated coat of the insect eating mammal of the same name.
The Armadillo type of coupling has been used for many
years and is a successful, long established and versatile
design. The unit comprises of a series of high strength
angular faced plates linked by Spherically seated high
strength bolts (see Fig. 7).

/, Armadillo coupling

Fig 5 Repeater being laid at sea

The internal make up of the Extremity Box is comprised of

a stainless steel hydrostatic pressure and tensile load
hearing housing having cable vault anchorages at either end
for effective termination of the cable strand wire and inner
fiber tube. Located between the anchorages is the splicing Fig. 7 Submerged equipment coupling andgland intevfae
box where fiber interconnections between the wet plant and
cable are stored. The integrity of electrical insulation of Such an arrangement allows up to 90 degrees of
medium voltage cables is maintained by over-molding the articulation depending on the number of plates selected and
entire assembly [16]. Once over molded the extremity box can support loads of over 60 tonnes in straight tension and
housing is located within a glass filament wound sleeve. 20 tonnes articulated. Anchorage of the unit is by direct
This sleeve provides protection for the insulation from coupling to the sea case via a threaded base plate whilst the
extemal damage in addition to providing both an anchorage sleeve of the termination is accommodated within the nose
for m o r wires and means of load transfer between the cone of the coupling.
cable and articulated coupling attached to the submerged Such a robust coupling design is essential as during the
equipment. In this instance armor wires are splayed within deployment and recovexy, the weight of the cable and
a conical seating within the sleeve and are prevented from submerged plant in suspension passes through the repeater
extraction under tension by filling the cavity with an epoxy and couplings. In addition, the housing length can magnify
resin encapsulation (see Fig. 6). the inboard cable tension as it passes over cable drums or

D Composite Gland protection is of paramount importance in the planning of a
Optical and electrical interconnection between the sea successful project.
cable extremity box and the main equipment housing is
provided by a unique penetrator design, called the Acknowledgments
composite gland.
The authors wish .to thank Tony Bonser and Jean
The composite gland is essentially a combined electrical Francois Libert for their kind assistance
and optical feed through which provides the only means of
access in or out of the deep-water amplifier. The gland not References
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