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DGT801 Operation Manual Instruction of Mmi

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GDGT 801



Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection


Fig.1:DGT801A Protection Cubicle (front view)

The MMI for the DGT801A (Digital Generator Transformer Protection)
has been designed to be operated simply and clearly, and nearly no reference
to our manual is required. It features as following:
² Large-screen LCD and user-friendly interface
² The graphic operating indications will guide the user’s accurate
² The editing, defining and checking of the settings can be done off-line.
² The printer is connected to DGT801 through a parallel port to print all
kinds of information.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection


The MMI presents a lot of the graphic menus, which contain many
operations. The various functions can be chosen by clicking the screen and
shifting the cursor.
Attention: Don¡±t click the screen using any acuminate objects.

Standard key functions applicable to all menus

The user is usually confronted by a menu, from which a menu item or line
normally has to be selected.
The common patterns used by the graphic interface are as followings:
The following keys perform the same functions for all menus:
Line up Line down

Page up Page down

Return Renovate
Debug Password Runtime Password

Change Device Parameter Print

Signal Reset Inter-CPU Switching

NOTE:The Debug Password is set up as 8888, and The Runtime Password

as 8. Both passwords can be reset in the submenu of ¡°Password¡±
under [ Main interface – function – password].

Information displayed on the screen

Ø Welcome Page
Every time when the protection is energized, and the power for the LCD
unit at the panel is open. If the protection is in normal state, the ¡°Welcome
Page¡±as Fig.2 will be shown on the MMI automatically.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.2 Welcome Page

Ø Main Interface
After the initiation, the window of the ¡°Main Interface¡±emerges
automatically as shown in Fig.3.

Fig.3 Main Interface

At the left of this window is the ¡°Protection Configuration¡±for a project
with the status lamps. Click a protection; user will enter into the interface
¡°Monitoring and Setting¡±of this protection.
On the right is a series of the menus. Each contains several operations to
commonly implement such tasks as ¡°Analog Input¡±, ¡°Status monitoring¡±,

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

¡°Sampling¡±, ¡°Parameter settings¡±, ¡°Events recording¡±, ¡°Tripping command¡±,

¡°Running state¡±, ¡°Other Functions¡±for the protection.
At the right side of the lower part of this interface, the internal
connection status of the dual-CPU system is shown: be connected or
disconnected, as well as that of the protection with the background

Ø Monitoring and Setting

In the window of ¡°Main Interface¡±, a list of all the protections provided
for a project is shown at the left side. If you need details of a protection,
click the protection to enter into the interface ¡°Monitoring and Setting¡±of
this protection. The three parts are shown on the interface.

Fig.4 Monitoring and Setting

1. Signals
During normal operation, the signal lamps are dark green. Once any
fault occurs in the power system, the associated signal lamps will
become red, which are self-holding and consistent with the signal lamps
at the panel of the device. If the protection acts and the faults have been
deleted, the button ¡°signal reset¡± can be used to reset the signals.
If the faults still exist, the button ¡°signal reset¡± is invalid.
Note:The button ¡°signal reset¡± at the software interface can
reset the signal lamps both at the interface and on the panel

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

simultaneously. But the button ¡°Reset¡±at the panel can only reset the
signal lamps at the panel and it is invalid for the interface.
There are a few special protections, whose signal lamps are not
self-retaining, e.g. ¡°ventilation starting protection¡± etc. For these
protection signals, once the fault is cleared, the signal lamps will return

2. Change settings
Click the blank block in the setting part, a digital keyboard will pop
out. As the setting inputs are completed, click the button of ¡°Debug
Password¡± and input the password for commission, and click the
button of ¡°Runtime Password¡± to confirm that. Finally, click the
button of ¡°Change Device Parameter¡± to write the amended
settings into the device.
Note: Each setting has its range. Once the overreach occurs, the
indication for error ¡°Setting overreach¡±will be shown.

3. Operational Parameters
There are the electric parameters to be monitored, e.g. differential
current, resultant current and negative sequence voltage, etc. in
¡°Differential protection¡±.
A user can use the buttons ¡°Page up¡± and the button ¡°Page
down¡± at the right side of the upon part to switch to another
protection. The user can also use the button ¡°return¡± at the left
side of the lower part of the interface to return to the Main Interface,
where the user can click the name of another protection to enter into its
interface ¡°Monitoring and Setting¡±.

Ø Analog Input
This is the interface ¡°Analog Input¡±, where shows the channel number,
name and the rms of the analog input. Here, the channel means analogue
input, and the channel is expressed by ¡°CH¡±. Since the DGT801A Protection
is a dual-CPU system, which contains CPU(O) and CPU(E) of the same
functions, the value in different CPU system of the same channel should be

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.5 Analog Inputs

The channel CH00 and the channel CH01 are reference channels, which
can be used as the phase reference for the single channel. Other channels are
defined by the scheme. Those channels that have not been used will be
displayed as the indication ¡°Channels not used¡±.
All the analog input channels can be viewed in groups of eight. The
switching of the channel display can be implemented by the buttons
( Line up), (Line down), (Page up), or ( Page down)
at the right side of the upon part of the interface.

Ø Monitoring
The interface contains the four parts to be displayed: Signal status,
Binary-in status, Binary output status and Plate status.
The status switching will be executed by clicking the functional keys at
the right side of the interface.
1.Signal status
The window lists the signal names of all the protections in a project.
During normal operation, the signal lamps are sap green. Once the
protection operates, the corresponding signal lamps will turn into red and
But the 16th and the 32th signal lamps are special, which are usually
designed not self-holding. When there is no any fault in the protected
zone, the signal lamp would return sap green. Such protection is only a

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

few, e.g., Transformer ventilation protection, or the signals defined

specially by the user.

Fig.6-1 Monitoring (Signal)

2.Binary inputs
The window lists the statuses of all the binary inputs (switching
variables) of the project. As the contacts of the switch are closed, the
associated graphic indication of its status is ¡°closed¡±. On the contrary, it
is ¡°open¡±as the contacts are open.

Fig.6-2 Monitoring (Binary Input)

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

3.Binary output
The window lists the statuses of all binary outputs (tripping outputs)
of the project.

Fig.6-3 Monitoring (Binary Output / Tripping Signal)

During normal operation or the protection is activated not to trip but

to send signal, the lamps are sap green. If the protection is activated to
trip, the signal lamps of the associated tripping switches turn into red,
which are corresponding one by one with the output tripping lamps at the
panel and synchronously lighten and reset.
Note: The output lamps are not self-holding.

The window lists the statuses of the press plates for the on/off
operations of the protections that would be activated to output tripping.
There are two kinds of the graphic indications: connected or
disconnected. If the press plate for an output of tripping is pulled out, the
associated graphic indication will become ¡°disconnected¡±, when the
output of tripping for the protection is futile.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.6-4 Monitoring (Plate)

For the contents not displayed at the current page, click the buttons
(Line up), (Line down), (Page up), or ( Page down)
at the right side of the upon part of the interface to implement the switching.

Ø Samplings
The window lists the instantaneous samples of all the channels of the
protection, containing twenty-four samples in two circles.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.7 Samplings

The interface only displays the samples for a CPU and the switching to
the other CPU’s page will be made by pressing the button (CPU
The samples displayed are constant at the moment the window is
popping out. There is a button (Renovate) at the right side of the
lower part of the page. Click the button (Renovate) to obtain the
current values.
Click the button (Print ) at the right side of the lower part of the
page to print all present samplings.
Click the buttons (Line up), (Line down), (Page up),
or (Page down) at the right side of the interface to implement the

Ø Settings
In this window, the settings of all the protections for the project can be
modification. It is consistent with the setting at the window ¡°Monitoring and
Settings¡±and the operations are similar.

Fig.8 Settings

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Click the buttons (Page up), or ( Page down) at the right

side of the upon part of the interface to switch of the interface ¡°Settings¡±for
another protection.
Click the button (Print) at the right side of the lower part of the
interface to print the settings of all protections.

Ø Event Records
There are two kinds of event records: protection tripping event record
and operation event record.
The record of operation event is used to note events of normal operation,
such as Tripping Command or clock amendment, etc.

Fig.9-1 Events ( Operation Event Records)

The record of protection tripping event is used to note the outputting

resulted from external inputs.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.9-2 Events ( Tripping Events)

Click the button (detailed report) in a record of tripping event to

enter to the page of ¡°detailed report¡±, which lists in detail the name of CPU,
the activated protection, signal, the time, functional variables, etc.

Fig.9-3 Events (Detailed Report)

As a new fault outputting occurs, the indication ¡°New¡±can be seen

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

beside the pattern ¡°Events¡±on the page ¡°Main Interface¡±to clue that there
would be a fault take place in the protected zone.

Fig.9-4 Events ( Indication )

The indication ¡°New¡±will not disappear until the user enter the submenu
【Events->Trip event】to read the new records of tripping event.
Click the button (Page up), or (Page down) at the right
side of the upon pat of the interface to read other records.
Click the button (Dustbin), all the event would be deleted.

Ø Tripping Command
The Tripping Command, as a test, can simulate functional operation of
signaling or tripping without analogue/binary inputs. That would simplify
the drive test and facilitate routine repair and maintenance.
Since some of them can disrupt the normal operation of the device, the
tests can only be done when the plant is out of service, or with the tripping
and signaling circuits externally disconnected if in service. And the
passwords must be entered to obtain the test permit.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.10-1 Trip Commands (before test)

Click the button (Debug Passwords) and input the passwords to

enter the test status of Tripping Command.

Fig.10-2 Trip Commands (open status)

Click the name of the protection required to be test, the hollow circle
before the signals would be change into solid one. Click the button

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

(Runtime Password) and input them, then click the button (Change
device parameter) at the right side of the lower part, the output will be
activated. Now the associated signal lamps become red both at the window
and at the device, as well as the output lamps. These lamps are sap green
under normal conditions.

Fig.10-3 Trip Commands

Click the button (Finish the test) at the right side of the lower part
of the interface, the test is finished. The outputting lamps return to be sap
green, but the signal lamps on device are self-holding, so that user need click
the button (Signal Reset) on the device to make return to normal status.

Ø Run State
The window displays the on/off status of all the protections for the
project. The sap green signal lamps indicate the off status of the protection
and the bright green signal lamps indicate the on status. If the status of a
protection is off, that means the protection is out of service or in cold
standby status. In other words, the protection will not deal with any external
analogue inputs and binary inputs, so that it must not bring any output.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.11 Run Status

Click the protection that is selected to be commissioned, so the hollow

circle before the name of the protection is changed into solid one. Then click
the button (Debug Password) for commission, click the button
(Runtime Password) to confirm it, and then click the button (Change
device parameter) finally. Afterwards the in-service status of the protection
will be altered. It can be seen that the signal lamps for the in-service
protections are bright green, while that for the out-of-service protections are
sap green.
Click the button (Select All), all the protections can be selected.
And click the button (Cancel All), the selected status of all the
protections can be cleared.

Ø Other functions:
This window has five functions: clock modification, hardware self-check,
passwords amendment, printer setting up and system restarting.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.12 Other Functions

1. clock modification:

Fig.12-1 Functions (Clock Modification)

Firstly set up ¡°User Clock¡±: click the blank of ¡°Year-Month-Day

-Hour-Minute-Second¡±respectively, the digital input key

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

will pop out automatically. Click the button ¡°Clear¡±to

clear the original time, and input the new time settings. Now, click the
submenu ¡°Modify System Time¡±. It can be seen that the system time has
been modified into the user defined time. Then click the button ¡°Use
System Time¡±and click the button (Runtime Password) and input
the passwords to make ¡°Set panel time¡±valid. Then click the submenu
¡°Set panel time¡±, the time in device will be consistent with the system
time, hence as same as the ¡°User clock¡±.

2. hardware self-check:
As the protection device is energized, the self-check programs
contained in the CPU systems begin their operations. They continuously
check various functional parts in the CPU systems. Once the abnormal
conditions are found, the system will enter fault processing mode: the
faulted CPU system in the dual-CPU system will be cleared from the
parallel operation, and the other normal CPU system will operate
independently. In the same time, the warning signal ¡°Protection fault¡±
will be sent out.
The hardware self-check programs monitors CPU board, Binary
Input board,Binary Output board and I/O board. There are four status
for self-check functions:
(1) normal status
(2) abnormal status: error in some functional parts;
(3) unknown status: abnormal communication between protection;
device or background management system;
(4) inexistent status: hardware unpresent.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.12-2 Functions (Self-check)

3. Modify Password :
There are two kinds of passwords: debug password and runtime
password. The former is used to get commission, which enable some
operations, e.g., functional setting, tripping commands, etc. Runtime
password is used to confirm modification.

Fig.12-3 Functions (Modify Password)

Click the submenu“Debug password¡±at the right side of the

interface and enter the sub-window of ¡°Set Debug Password¡±. Click

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

blank, the digital keyboard will pop out. Enter the original passwords
and the new passwords, again enter the new passwords confirm the
amendment. The method for digital input is similar to the previous
sections and not repeated. Afterwards, click the button (Change
device parameters) to write new password into the CPU system.
The setting method for ¡°Runtime passwords”is also similar to that
previous sections.

4. Print setup :
As the indication ¡°Event Auto Printing?¡±are shown on the page, the
automatic printing state is usually selected, i.e., click the hollow block to
turn it into solid block.

Fig.12-4 Functions (Printer Setup)

5. System Restarting:
Click the button (Restart the system), the CPUC
(management unit) system is initiated once again. That have no effect on
the normal operation of the CPUA & CPUB (protection unit) system.

Operation Manual Instruction of MMI
DGT-801 Digital Generator Transformer Protection

Fig.12-5 Functions (System Restart)

Ø About

Fig.13 About

If the help is required, contact us in the way as shown in the above



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