Allowa Nces: (Irem Vol-I Chap. Vii para 701-712)

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Zonal Railway Training Institute, C. Rly.

, Bhusawal

Allowa nces
( IREM VOl-I Chap. VII Para 701-712 )

S.No. Nature of Allowance

1 Nursing Allowance
(a) Messing Allowance
(b) Laundry Allowance
(c) Uniform Allowance
2. Washing Allowance
3. Composite Transfer Grant (CTG )
4. Conveyance Allowance
5. Dearness Allowance (DA )
6. House Rent Allowance ( HRA )
7. Travelling Allowance ( TA )
8. Night Duty Allowance (NDA )
9. Cycle Allowance
10. Overtime Allowance (OT )
11 Deputation Duty Allowance
12. Transportation Allowance
13. National Holiday Allowance ( NHA )
14. Non Practicing Allowance (NPA )
15. Special Compensatory (Remote Area) Allowance
16. Bad Climate Allowance
17. Family Planning Allowance
18. Training Allowance
19. Children Education Allowance.
20. Spl. Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disability
1. Running Allowance ( IREM Ch. IX Para 91-930 )
a Kilometer Allowance

b Allowance in lien of RR Facilities

c Breach of Rest Allowance
d Out Station detention Allowance
e Average Kilometer Allowance
f Accident Allowance
g Trip Allowance
h Offtg allowance
i Leave Mileage Allowance

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(1) Nursing Allowance

All Nursing staff working in Rly. Hospitals who have been registered in
accordance with Indian Nursing Council act are entitled for the following
Allowance. Mainly All nurses either male or female, sister in charges,
matrons, midwives & Lady Health visitors etc. are considered as Nursing
staff now these allowances are also admissible to ANM
S.No. Allowances Rate Per Month
a Nursing Allowance 3200/- p.m fromú 1.09.08 ÃÖê
b Laundry Allowance 300/- p.m fromú 1.09.08 ÃÖê
c Uniform Allowance 6000/- p.a fromú 1.09.08 ÃÖê
( RBE No: 24/2009 dt. 06.2.09 )

Note : (1) In case leave period in one spell is more than 15 days No. Laundry
Allowance is admissible. (2) In case Laundry Allowance is payable annually
than leave period in one spell exceeds 4 months necessary recovery will be
made on prorata basis.

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(2) Washing Allowance ( Pera 706 IREM I)

In order to remain the group ‘D’ staff in neat & clean uniform in HQ. office or other
offices concerned staff Viz cook, Asstt. Cook, Pantry man, Masalche, Dresser, X-
Ray Attendant, Hospital Attendant, Ayha, Safaiwala, & Vehicle Driver etc will be
paid washing allownace @ Rs.60/- Per Month. but Group “C” staff except . Staff car
driver are not entitled for washing allowance wef 01.05.03
(RBE 137/08 Dt, 30.9.08)
In addition to above the Group “D” staff working in Statutory / Non Statutory
canteen running on Rlys are also entitled for washing allowance for this the category
of Halwai/ Asstt. Halwai will also be eligible .
(RBE No: 174/08 dt. 14.11.08) The Washing Allowance to Dresser/ OT Atted. Has
been restored even they belong to Group C.
Authority :-
RB No. F(E)1/75/AL-29/3 dt. 25.09.79
RB No. F(E)1/99/AL-29/4 dt. 06.02.2000
RB No. F(E)1/99/AL-29/4 dt. 10.05.2000
RB No. F(E)1/2000/AL-29/2 dt. 09.02.2001
RB No. F(E)1/2000/AL-29/2 dt. 18.02.2002
RB No. F(E)1/2001/AL-29/2 dt. 05/12.05.2003

(3) Composite Transfer grant :

When a transfer of Railway servant Ex one place to another place in the interest of
public they shell be entitled for transfer grant.
(i) Officers in Pay Scale HAG+ & above -- 01 month Basic Pay
(ii) All other Officers & Staff -- 01 month Basic Pay + GP
Those employee who have been appointed on after 01.05.76 & transferred to the
place 20 Km. or more away from his previous station will be entitled for one month
pay as transfer grant . In case the employee carry his luggage by VPU 80% of the
pay will be admissible & where car is not carried 75% of the pay shall be
admissible . In such transfer change of residence will be essential for grant of
transfer grant.
Those employee who have been appointed prior to 01.05.76 & entitled for liberalized
means of rail transport 80% & of the pay shall be admissible to group “A” “B” &
“C” Railway servant & in case of group “D” 90% of the pay will be admissible .
The employee of all groups of transferred with in the radius of 20 Km. & change of
their residence involved they shall be entitled for 1/3 of the pay as transfer grant .
On promotion the Railway servant will be entitled for grant of transfer grant on the
basis of their old pay prior to promotion & not on the pay fixed on their promotion .
The composite transfer grant shall be granted on pay plus G.P.
The person retiring can be granted such transfer grant in advance prior to their
retirement subject to usual terms & condition.
(RBE No: 193/2008 dt. 1.12.08)

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(4) Conveyance Allowance (Para 709 IREM-I)

When only Railway Servant occasionally goes on duty with in the radius of 8 km he
will be allowed actual charges for the conveyance according to entitlement for this
purpose any journey performed on duty from the residance & back to residence will
also be included. Entitlement to pay scale are as unde :-
S.No. Pay Scale Entitlement
1. Officers With GP AC Bus /Taxi, Auto Rickshaw own auto
Rs. 10000/- & rickshaw /Scooter /Motor cycle, moped etc. at
the rate of Auto rickshaw.
2. Officer in GP Rs.5400/- As above except AC Taxi.
upto Rs. 8900/-
3. GP Rs.4200 to 4800/- As above except AC Bus & AC Taxi.
4. Gp Rs 2400/- & below All actual public bus, or Auto Rickshaw, Own
Rs.4200/- Scooter, Motor Cycle or moped .
5. GP RS.2400/- & below Rate of ordinary bus.
where no local rate has been prescribe by the transportation authority this allowance
will be adjustable on the following rate
1. Journey Performed by Own Car/Taxi Rs.16/- Per Km.
2. Journey Performed by Auto/Scooter Rs.08/- Per Km.
( RBE No: 192/08 dt. 1.12.08 )

(5) Dearness Allowance (Para 801 IREM-I)

The all employee working on Indian Railway are eligible for compensation on
account of increase in the price. This allowance is revised in accordance with the
increase in All India Central price index base (1960-100) twice in the year i.e. from
Ist Jan & Ist July As per 6th PC recommendation of 01.01.2006 it is admissible at
par with all the central govt. employee & pensioners.
01.01.2006 NIL 01.07.2006 2%
01.01.2007 6% 01.07.2007 9%
01.01.2008 12% 01.07.2008 16%
01.01.2009 22% 01.07.2009 27%
01.01.2010 35%

(RBE No: 145/2008 dt. 8.10.08)

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(6) House Rent Allowance (Para 1701 IREC-II)

This Allowance is admissible to those Railway servant who have not been allowed
Railway accommodation . This is admissible as per classification of the various
cities as under.
S.No. Classification of City % of Pay + GP
1. “A” I Class cities -- X 30%
2. A2, BI & B2 Class cities -- Y 20%
3. C Class cities & Unclassified cities-- Z 10%
The Delhi, Kolkatta, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Banglore has been classified as
AI Class cities.
This allowance is admissible upto 120 days during all kinds of leave.
In case of Rly Servant suffering from any kind of diseases . Such as TB, Cancer of
other deceases during on medical certificate HRA is admissible on full rate upto 240
days on medical certificate Person entitled for accommodation of any time refuses to
accept the same they are not entitled for HRA.
(RBE No: 110/2008 dt. 12.9.08)
(10) Compensatory city Allowance
( RBE No: 110/08 dt. 12.9.08) The CCA Allowance stands Abolished
(07) Traveling Allowance
The all employee of Indian Railway performed journey beyond 8 Km. on duty
necessary Travelling allowance is admissible.
Duration of journey will be counted from 0/- hrs. to 24 hrs. (mid night) &
Traveling allowance shall be allowed for remaining out of HQ beyond 8 Km. for
full day.
In case journey started & completed on the same calendar day the traveling
allowance as per the following rates.
1 If the absence from Head Quarter for 6 hrs. 30% of the Traveling
continuous allowance
2 In case absence from HQ is over 6 hrs. but less 70% of the Traveling
than 12 hrs. allowance
3 In case absence from HQ is 12 hrs. & above 100% of the Traveling
If the Railway servant avails leave / Restricted holiday while on duty NO traveling
allowance shall be admissible.
When Rly. servant remains out of HQ. on duty and no facilities for meals of
accommodation exists at such place the traveling allowance shall be admissible
as under.
A First 180 days At full rate

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B beyond 180 days Nil

As regards rate of traveling allowance as per classification of cities wef 1.9.08

are as under

All cities / Sations

Grade Pay Rs. ( G.P) 100%70% 30%
1 10000/- & HAG + 520/-
364/- 156/-
2 7600/- to 8900/- 460/-
322/- 138/-
3 5400/- to 6600/- 400/-
280/- 120/-
4 4200/- to 4800/- 340/-
238/- 102/-
5 Below Rs. 4200/- 210/-
147/- 63/-
(RBE No: 192/08 dt 1.12.08)
(08) Night Duty Allowance :-
This allowance is admissible to staff working from 22 hrs. to 6 hrs. for this 10 mts.
for each hour is reckoned for payment of NDA as waitage to Non gazetted staff .
The rate of each waitage hour is fixed on the total of Pay ,GP & DA, as such when
ever D.A. is revised the NDA rate is also revised on various classification of cities.
(09) Cycle Allowance ( Para 1605 IREC II)
The can GM sanction this allowance to such staff @ 60/- pm to staff who travel
with in the radius of 8 Km. daily .
In one time the competent authority may sanction this allowance maximum up to
the period of 2 years subject to the condition that the maintenance of cycle is
being done for this purpose & utilized for duty purpose.
(RBE No: 115/08)
(10) Over Time Allowance :-
When any Railway servant performed duty beyond duty hours under HOER the
over time allowance is admissible for exceeding hours.
The supervisory / managerial or confidential staffs are not entitled for this
The staff working in workshop Printing Press & Sheds are not entitled for the how
ever they can be sanctioned this allowance with the permission of General
manager for working on holidays or Sunday.
Payment of Over Time Allowance :-
1 Above roster Hours but less than statutory limits 1 ½ of the ordinary rate
2 Above statuary limits Double the ordinary rate
(11) Deputation Duty Allowance :-
(RBE No: 129/08 dt. 24.9.08)

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The all employee of the Indian Railways those who have been on deputation and
deputation duty allowance has been sanctioned by the government will be entitled
for the same at the following rates wef 01.09.2008
1 When posted on the same station on deputation Rs. 2000/- pm or 5% of
the basis pay which ever is less.
2 In all other cases 10% of the basis pay or Rs. 4000/- pm which ever is less.
In accordance with the recommendation of 6th pay commission the all employee have
been sanctioned transport Allowance to meet with the expenses of transportation on
the following rates wef 01.09.08
SNo. Grade Pay (G.P) A 1 Cities Other Cites
1 Rs. 5400 & above 3200/- + DA 1600/- + DA

2 Rs. 4200/-, 4600/- & Rs. 4800/- & staff 1600/- -do- 800/- -do-
below GP Rs.4200/- & drawing Pay above
3 G.P below Rs. 4200/- & drawing Pay 600/- -do- 400/- -do-
below Rs.7440/-
(RBE No: 111/08 dt.12.09.08)
The employee residing in the area of 1-0 km from their duty place will also be entitled
for this allowance.
The handicapped employee shall be entitled for transfer grant at the double of the
above rates subject to minimum Rs.1000/- this allowance is admissible to Graded scale
Casual Labour & it is not taxable.
In case the period of absence from duty leave or other reason exceeds 30 days the
period falling in the same month this allowance is not due.
Officers availing facilities of Official Car are not entitled for the Allowance. Officers in
GP 10000/-, 120000/-, & HAG+ if surrenders official Car will be paid Rs.7000/- + DA
( Ex Residence to office)
Staff who are availing the facility of Residential Card Pass, such employees has also
been allowed TPTG as per (RBE NO:16/09 dt.23.01.09)

(13) National Holiday Allowance :-

It is not possible for Railway admistration to keep the employee away from their
work on the national holidays due to their nature of work thus to such staff
national holiday allowance is admissible in lien of working on National holiday
( 12 days in a year) when ever booked for the purpose.
The Vth P.C. has appealed to keep strict control on the payment of this allowance &
issued instruction that only in un- avoidable circumstances the NHA is to be paid
to staff who have been booked to work on National holiday.
The rates effective from 1.9.2008 are as under
S No. Pay range (Excl GP) Rate of NHA

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1 Upto Rs. 7260/- 170/-

2 Rs. 7261/- to 9700/- 212/-
3 Rs 9701/- to all non-Gaz. employees 280/-
(RBE No: 190/08 dt. 01.12.08 &109/09 dt.16.6.09 )

14) Non Practicing Allowance :-

The Doctors working in Rly. hospitals including dental doctor are entitled for Non
practicing Allowance on account of not allowing them the private practice at the
rate of 25% of the Pay +GP subject to the condition the that pay + NPA should not
exceed Rs. 85000/- pm These orders are effective of 1.9.08
This allowance will be included for retirement /death benefits, Dearness allowance,
Traveling allowance, Daily allowance & other allowance
(RBE No: 122/08 dt. 22.09.08)

(15) Spl. Compensatory (Remote Area) Allowance :_-

As per 6th P.C. recommendation the staff working in the classified remote area of
the various states has been allowed spl. compensatory (remote area) allowance at
the following rates
Grade Pay range (w.e.f 1.09.08) Area Part wise
1 Rs. 5400/- & above & HAG+ 2600 2100 1500 400
2 Less than Rs. 5400/- 2000 1600 1200 320
(RBE No: 119/08 dt. 22.09.08)

(16) Bad Climate Allowance :-

Those staff who are working in the area which have been considered bad climate
area for health by the concerned State govt. are entitled for the Bad climate
allowance. The rates are as under of 1.9.2008
S No. Grade Pay range per month Rate per month
1 Rs 5400/- & HAG+ 400/- P.M
2 Rs. 5400/- ÃÖê less 240/- P.M
(RBE No: 114/08 dt. 16.9.08 & 116/08 dt.

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(17) Family Planning Allowance :-

When any employee or his wife /husband having maximum two alive children under
goes family planning operation like vasectomy or tubectomy, he/ she will be allowed
an amount equal the amount as per prescribed Rate in his/her pay scale ( Revised on
implementation of 6th PC)from the first day of the following month of the day of his
/her operation this allowance will not be counted for any purpose .
The age of the person under gone family planning operation in case of male between
20 to 50 yrs. & in case of female should be between 20 to 45 yrs.
( RBE No: 151/2008 dtd. 14.10.2008 )

(18) Training Allowance (Teaching Allowance) & Sumptuary Allowance

Trainer working as Faculty Member of Central Training Institute are paid allowance
@ 30% , Staff Working in Zonal Training School & Training School of Divl. Will
get 15% training allowance on Pay + GP.
Sumputary Allowance is raised to Rs.3500/- p.m for Directors & HOD’s. Rs.2500/-
to Course Director. Rs.2000/- to Counselor.
( RBE No: 156/2008 dtd. 20.10.2008 )
(19) Special Allowance for Child Care for women with disabilities:
The said Allowance has been newly introduce as per 6th CPC.w.e.f. 01/09/2008.
Women with disabilities shall be paid Rs. 1000/- p.m. as a special allowance for
child care. This allowance shall be paid from the time of child birth till the child is
two years old. The allowance paid maximum for two children.
Disability means a person having a minimum disability of 40% or above.
(RBE No. 150/2008 dtd. 13/10/2008)
(20) Night Patrolling Allowance to Trackman:
The rates of allowance has been revised from Rs. 3/- to Rs.6/- per night, which will
also be paid to the Casual Labour with temporary status.(w.e.f. 01/09/2008)
(21) Hill Area Allowance(1000 meter above sea level):
The rates of allowance has been revised wef 01/09/2008 which is as under:
S.No Grade Pay (Rs.) Rate Rs.(per month)
01 GP 5400 & HAG 600/-
02 Less than GP 5400 480/-
(RBE No. 113/2008 dtd 16/9/2008)
(22) Production Control Organisation Allowance:
The allowance is paid to all such staff of production units /workshops at the following
rates w.e.f. 01/09/2008.
• 15% of Pay to staff working upto GP Rs. 4200/-
• 7.5% of Pay to SE & SSE in GP Rs. 4600/-
* The PCO Allowance will not be reckoned for any benefit such as DA, HRA etc.
(RBE No. 23/2009 dtd. 06/02/2009)

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(23) Break Down Allowance:(w.e.f. 01/09/2008)

Gr D staff PB1 GP 1800 Rs.80/- p.m.
Tech. III PB1 GP 1900 Rs.120/- p.m.
Tech. I/Supervisor PB1 GP 2400/2800 Rs.160/- p.m.
Sr. Tech./JE PB1 GP 4200 & above Rs.200/- p.m.
(RBE No. dtd 25/9/2009)
(24) Risk Allowance:-
As per 6th CPC recommendation risk allowance has been introduce in lieu of Hospital
Patient Care Allowance(HPCA) & Patient Care Allowance(PCA), which will replaced
by Risk Allowance w.e.f.01/10/2009.
(RB L.No.E(P&A)II/2008/AL-6 dtd. 02/09/2009)
(25) Conveyance Allowance to Railway Medical Officer:-
The revised rate of conveyance allowance to Medical Officers is as under:-
Mode of Conve. Maximum Rs per month Minimum Rs per month
Own Car 3300/- 160/-
Scooter/ Motor Cycle 1080/- 80/-
No mode 900/- 60/-
(RBE No. dtd )
(1) Allowances admissible to Running Staff Para 901 IREM :-
On the Railways the running & other allowance admissible to running staff as per
running allowance rules.
Running duty means the practical operation of the trains, shunting operation etc. The
following categories of the staff will be considered running staff.
1 Drivers including motor man Rail motor Dr. 1. Guards
2 Shunters 2 Asstt. Guards
3 Fire man, Dsl Asstt.,Elect Asstt., Asstt Drs. -
Running allowance means the allowance paid for practical work related with
running train.
The 30% of basis pay of running staff will be considered pay element representing
the running allowance which will be counted as part of pay for the following
1 Entitlement for class of passes /PTO
2 Medical facilities & treatment
3 Educational assistance
4 Compensatory allowance
5 House rent allowance
6 Entitlement for type of Rly accommodation
7 Recovery of rent for Rly accommodation
8 Fixation of pay in non running post
9 Dear ness allowance

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10 Over time allowance

11 Leave en cashment
for assumption of income tax 30% of the pay will be treated as part of pay but as
regards calculation of retirement benefit 55% of the basis pay shall be included as
part of pay how ever for the propose of leave encashment payment only 30% of pay
shall be counted as pay eliment.
S No. Para IREM
1 Killometrage Allowance 906
2 Allowance in lieu of running room facilities 908
3 Breach of rest allowance 909
4 Out station detentation allowance 910
5 Average Killometrage allowance 914
6 Leave killometrage allowance 914
7 Accident allowance 912
8 Trip allowance 923
9 Offtg allowance 1523 RII
1 Killometerage Allowance (Para 906 IREM I) :-
This allowance is admissible to running staff as time to time revision by government
on every 100 km
The distance is being reckoned as per distance shown in working table in force time
to time either actual of Kilometer distance.
The shunters & other Running staff working on shunting engine are paid KMA at
the rate of 15 km per hours. The duty hrs. of Running staff will be counted from
signing on to signing off. The running staff comes under the continous classification

S Category Scale
The rate of The rate of
No. running allowance of
allowance the distance
Per 100 Kms of Km of 1.9.08
1.9.2008 per 160 Kms
(a) Kilometer Allowance Loco Running Staff
1 Pilot Mail Express 9300 – 34800 +4200 (GP) 170.00 272.00
2 L.P( Passenger)/Motorman 9300 – 34800 +4200 (GP) 169.00 270.00
3 L.P ( Goods ) 9300 – 34800 +4200 (GP) 168.00 269.00
4 L.P (Shunt-I) 9300 – 34800 +4200 (GP) 130.00 208.00
5 L.P (Shunt-II) 5200-20200 +2400(GP) 126.00 202.00
6 Sr.Ist FM, D/Sr ALP 5200-20200 + 2400(GP) 126.00 202.00
(Dsl/.& Elect.) 81.00(Shunt)
7 IstFM, D/ALP(Dsl/ Elect) 5200-20200 + 1900(GP) 121.00 194.00

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8 Sr.IInd FM 5200-20200 + 1900(GP) 121.00 194.00

9 II FM 5200-20200 + 1800(GP) 102.00 163.00

Tfc. Running Staff

1 Guard Mail / Express 9300 – 34800 +4200 (GP) 154.00 246.00
2 Pass Guard 9300 – 34800 +4200 (GP) 153.00 245.00
3 Senior goods Guard 9300 – 34800 +4200 (GP) 152.00 243.00
4 Goods guard 5200 – 20200 +2800 (GP) 151.00 242.00
5 Sr. Asstt. guard 5200 – 20200 +2800 (GP) 90.00 144.00
6 Asstt. guard /Break man 5200 – 20200 +1900 (GP) 86.00 138.00
(RBE: 202/2008 dtd.
(b) Allowance in liew of R. R. facilities
When the running room facilities for the running staff is not available for running staff
the allowance in lieu of the running room facilities is admissible on the following rates
for 24 hrs. or part. This is also allowed in the mid station The rates for 1.5.98 are as
a Loco Pilot Rate 36.00 for 24 hrs or part
b Guard Rate 36.00 for 24 hrs or part
c L.P ( Shunter ) Rate 26.00 for 24 hrs or part
d Fire man/A L.P (DSL/EL) Rate22.40 for 24 hrs or part
e Asstt. Guards Rate 22.40 for 24 hrs or part
( RB No. E(P&A) 11-2005/RS-34 Dtd. 1.10.2009 )
(c) Breach of Rest Allowance (Para 909 IREM) :-
The Breach of Rest allowance is admissible to running staff in the following
1 After performing 8 hrs or more running duty they are allowed 16 hrs & In
case they are again booked for duty before completion of 16 hrs rest at HQ
When booked for duty before completion of 16 hrs rest at HQ station
2 For the shunters & running staff deputed on Suburban trains
1 When booked before completion of 2 hrs rest after 8 hrs duty
2 When booked before completion of 8 hrs rest.
As regards rate of BORA they will be paid for 2 hrs of OTA for each hour of
the Breach of Rest . The less than ½ an hour of such period will be leave & more
than ½ an hour & more period will be treated full hours.
(d) Out Station Detention Allowance (Para 910 IREM) :-
When running staff is detained more than 16 hrs from signing off at out station they will
be entitled for OSDA at the rate of 70 km for each 24 hrs or part.

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(e) Average Killometrage Allowance (Para 907 & 914 IREM) :-

a On Railways the section shall be decided where there is no possibility for caring
of adequate KM & for working on such section running staff will be paid 120 km
per day as average killometrage allowance.
b When running staff is deployed on non running duty on out station & HQ station
they will be entitled for average killometrage allowance as per fixed rates.
(f) Accident Allowance (Para 912 IREM I) :-
When running staff is detained at any out station more than 8 hrs due to accident they
will be entitled for accident allowance at the rate of 70 km for each 24 hrs or part but in
case of detention is less than 8 hrs such allowance will not be admissible .
The duty period will only be counted.
(g) Trip Allowance (Para 923 IREM) :-
The Trip allowance is admissible to running staff for working on the high speed train
per trip on the following rates wef 1.9.2008
1 Mail/Exprss pilot Rate 24.00 per trip
2 CO pilot Rate 18.00 per trip
3 Passenger pilot/ Mail Guard Rate 18.00 per trip
4 Asstt Guard Rate 12.00 per trip
(h) Shunting Duty Allowance:-
S.No. Category Rate Rs.
01 Loco Pilot 33.50
02 Guard 26.50
03 Fireman/ALP 23.50
(i) Offtg Allowance (Para 913 IREM) :-
When ever any running staff is deployed in higher post for offtg. purpose they will be
allowed ofttg. allowance In such circumstances the 15% of the lower post shall be added
for allowing all other allowances & Running allowance too
How ever offtg for 30 days or more on higher post necessary fixation of pay in higher
grade as per normal rules will be done.
(j) Leave Mileage Allowance (LMA) :-
When running staff remained on leave he will be allowed leave mileage allowance to
keep his living standard accordingly .
The calculation for LMA will be done as under :-
30% of the Basis pay leave taken
LMA = ------------------------------ X -----------------
No. of days of the month

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(20)Children Education Allowance ( CEA) & Hostel Subsidy:

As per recommendation of 6th PC the CEA & Tution Fees/ Hostel

Subsidy has been merged together & are eligible to all Rly. Servant
subject to the following conditions. W.e. f 01.09.2008
1. The Allowance is eligible from Nursery to 12th STD
2. Maximum upto first 02 child & studying in School Afiliated to
Board of Education.
3. Preformence criteria has been removed
4. The claims of Re-imb. Such as Tution fees, Admission, Spl. Fees
for Agriculture, Electronics, Music, Practicle fees under work
5. Re-imb of 01 set of Text book & Note Book
6. Two sets of uniform in a year
7. One set of School shoes
8. Annual cealing fixed @ of Rs.12000/- to be claimed Qtrly. &
amount not more than Rs.3000/- Claim of one time with maximum
cealing of Rs.12000/- is permitted
9. If both Husband & wife is working Only 01 can claim re-imb.
10. The claim is admissible subject to submission of Original Receipt.

Hostel Subsidy is eligible @ Rs.3000/- pm per Child subject to fulfilling

of usual terms & conditions.
( RBE No: 135/08 dt 1.10.08, 78/09 dt. 04.05.09 & 100/09 dt. 10.06.09 )

The condition of payment of H.S only on transfer account has been

relaxed . It will also be paid to all staff who are keeping the child in
Hostel of a Residential School away from the station they are posted/ or
residing, irrespective of any transfer liablity.
( R.B.No: E(W)2008/ED-2/4 td. 06.11.2009)


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