2008 Bloomfield Hills Stake Sportsmanship Contract: Last Season's Young Men, Coaches & Officials

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Bloomfield Hills Stake


Last Season’s Young Men, coaches & officials

Version 1.4, Printed February 9, 2008
How to use this contract
To Return Paper Contract:
• Read attached articles & quotes

• Fill out the entire contract, as single sheet that is the last page of this packet.

• Return the single answer sheet to your coach, or bring to your first game.

“He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the
devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts
of men to contend with anger, one with another.” (3 Ne. 11:29.)

“Wherefore, verily I say unto you that all things unto me are
spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which
was temporal” (D&C 29:34)

“Church sports activities have a unique central purpose much

higher than the development of physical prowess, or even victory
itself. It is to strengthen faith, build integrity, and develop in each
participant the attributes of his maker.”
-Nov 1988, Ensign

"Recreation—good Latter-day Saint recreation—is one of the

devices by which we may help the young people of this Church to
learn and love the gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and thereby
learn to live righteously"
-Elder Mark E. Petersen

Brethren, let’s take the necessary steps to rekindle sportsmanship,

to emphasize participation, and to strive for the development of a
Christlike character in each individual.
-Elder Thomas S. Monson

“While many people play a game for the enjoyment of playing,

some people have an appetite for competition and a desire to win
that takes precedence over anything else. They’re so occupied with
winning that they put their emotions on the front burner, and
courtesies go to the back. We need to continually remind team
members that a major purpose of the Church sports program is to
offer a wholesome opportunity to participate in a wide variety of
activities that involve play and competition. While we need to
promote a high level of play, we also need to remember we’re not
playing professional ball. We can still keep the goal of playing well,
and do it gracefully and within the rules.”

“An individual’s character shows itself more readily in the field of

competition than in just about any other phase of life. As we
commit ourselves to the gospel and its ramifications, we need to
consciously remember what we represent. Even though we might
be clothed differently in a sacrament meeting than in a sports
contest, we’re still the same people, and we still represent the
Savior. Our job is to be worthy of that honor, whatever our activities
may be.”

-Brother Thorstenson
Activities Committee

Val Hale,
Former BYU Athletic Director

What does the Lord think of poor sportsmanship in athletics? Some

might argue that sports are insignificant in the eternal scheme of
things and that yelling at referees or at opposing players and

throwing tantrums on the field are relatively harmless acts. But the
scriptures are very clear in explaining that the Lord deplores
contention of any kind. The Lord certainly must be concerned
about our attitudes and the unkind words we hurl at officials and
Good sportsmanship can prevail if we each do our part to be good
sports and to let others know that rude, un-Christlike behavior is
unacceptable—especially in athletics. Following are some ideas
that, when implemented, help make athletic events more enjoyable
for everyone:

1. Don’t allow teammates to behave in an unsportsmanlike

manner. Peer pressure is a powerful influence and can be utilized to
create a positive atmosphere at sporting events. Before each
season, players should agree among themselves that they will not
tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct on their team. If a player objects
to a call or engages in an argument with an opponent, teammates
need to express their concern to the player immediately, helping
him to recognize that angry words are unacceptable.

2. Help officials by making honor calls. Honor calls are encouraged

in Church sports and ought to be more prevalent at all levels of
athletics. Officials cannot see all the action at once. Such honesty
takes controversy out of calls, especially close plays, and makes
officiating much easier.

3. Praise officials when they make good calls—even if they go

against your team—and accept the fact that officials aren’t perfect.
Every official makes mistakes, and Church officials often receive
only brief basic training. Generally, officials know when they have
made a bad call, but there is little that can be done to change a call
once it has been made.

4. Compliment the opposition after a good play or game. We often

get so caught up in the heat of competition that we fail to
acknowledge a good play by the opposition. Kind words like “Nice
shot” or “Good block,” spoken to an opponent, will not hurt your
team’s performance and will promote friendly competition.

5. Don’t make excuses for poor play or losses. After a loss, players
sometimes blame the defeat on anything but their own
performance. Officials, scorekeepers, bad lighting, and poor
equipment end up being scapegoats.

6. Coaches must set an example of good sportsmanship. Coaches
are responsible for the actions of their teams. They set the tone for
the game. Coaches of youth, in particular, have a vital
responsibility to teach their players the importance of good
sportsmanship. The memory of a coach angrily confronting an
umpire will remain with a young player much longer than the
memory of the team losing the game.

7. Make certain each contest begins with prayer. A prayer before a

game has a calming influence. It helps put the game in perspective
and reminds players of the need for good sportsmanship.

8. Use properly trained officials. Church athletic officials should be

called and set apart by their priesthood leaders. Adequate training
must accompany the call. We need to remember that most Church
officials are volunteers who are trying to do their best at a very
difficult job.

9. Don’t tolerate bad sportsmanship by friends and family

members. Friends and family members can sometimes be the
greatest influence for good sportsmanship. Spouses should set
examples for each other of good sportsmanship at games, whether
as spectators or participants. As parents, we can discourage our
children from blaming others for losses or failures. We can
encourage our children’s coaches not to harass officials and to be
better examples for team members.

10. Finally, cheer for your team, win or lose. Coaches and players
often spend hours practicing. They deserve our warm support. We
all need to take a more active role in promoting good
sportsmanship in athletics. Regardless of our role—fan, player,
coach, or administrator—we can make a difference if we refuse to
tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct. If we do our part, Church
athletics will continue to be a valuable and important tool,
providing opportunities for fellowshipping and wholesome

2007 Bloomfield Hills
Basketball Rules
1. Rough Play – There is simply no room for rough or dirty play
in this program. A player’s perceived “right to play” is
secondary to a risk of him injuring another player, or
adversely affecting the program. Dirty or rough players will
be given technical foul. At the referee’s or Stake official’s
discretion they may be removed from game on first offense.
Referees are instructed to be proactive in penalizing rough
play, and not wait for a serious incident.
2. At the first sign of a game heating up, with courtesies taking
a back seat to competition, an official should issue a warning
to both teams.
3. A player or spectator committing an offense of poor
sportsmanship will be given a technical foul.
4. A partial list of Sportsmanship offenses that would draw a
technical foul:
a. Swearing, or what sounds like swearing.
b. Any utterings meant to demean or insult other players.
c. Negative chatter towards referees or the other team from
players on the floor or bench.
d. Behavior intended to “show up” the referee or indicate
displeasure with his calls or game management. This
behavior can be non-verbal or body language.
e. Excessive arguing, especially judgement calls.
f. Any on-court grudge-match or personal challenge that
develops between 2 individual players, and is not broken
off after a warning by referees.
g. Throwing or kicking anything in anger, including clothing.
h. Taking your shirt off on the court to indicate displeasure.
i. Emerging patterns of unsportsmanlike behavior from a
coach, fan or player.
5. On second offense another technical foul will be called,
player will leave the gym, miss the next scheduled1 game

Next regular season or post-season game. If game is last of the season for player penalty
will carry over to next season.

and not return until he meets with his Bishop, and the Bishop
notifies the stake that the player is re-eligible.
6. On the first egregious sportsmanship offense a player will
receive a technical foul and ejection from the game. The
player will leave the gym, miss the next scheduled game and
not return until he meets with his Bishop and the Bishop
notifies the stake that the player is re-eligible.
7. A partial list of major or egregious sportsmanship offenses
would include
a. Fighting
b. Threatening to fight
c. Retaliatory actions against another player
d. Any threatening words or gestures
e. Intentionally hurting another player
f. Refusing a direct instruction from a referee
g. Disrupting the game
8. Bloomfield Hills Stake Policy, in accordance with Church Policy
is that any habitual poor sports will be banned from the
program for multiple games, an entire season, or multiple

1. E-mail is the primary form of communication between the
Stake Administrators and the Ward teams. Each team must
provide one primary email address, and is responsible for
information sent to that address. Typically info goes to an
entire email list of all players, but some players do not have
email addresses. It is up to the team to pass info sent in
email to all players.
2. Last minute schedule changes will go over via e-mail as late
as Noon the day before a game. Any schedule changes after
that will communicated directly to the coach/contact via

Regular Season
1. In accordance with Church policy, Bloomfield Hills Stake will
ban problem players for the multiple games, a full season or
multiple seasons if they present an intense or ongoing
pattern of behavior that is inconsistent with Gospel principals.
2. No one will play or coach without a completed sportsmanship
contract. If someone who is otherwise eligible to play shows
up to play they may fill out the contract at that time and

enter the game after the contract is completed and
3. Church attendance policy is set by each Ward’s Bishop. The
Bishop may consider a person's honesty, morality, attitude
toward the Church and its leaders, observance of the Word of
Wisdom, and Church activity, including attendance at
meetings and willingness to comply with Church policies and
4. Guest players (Non-members) who live in the ward
boundary are welcome to play. Any guest player living
outside ward boundaries must obtain a waiver in order to be
eligible to play3.
5. Only 2 guest players are allowed in the game at any one time
(if 3 are discovered a technical foul is called on offending
6. Any member of a part-member family is considered a
member for eligibility purposes.
7. Young Men– No one playing JV or Varsity High School
basketball4 is eligible to play any church basketball.
Bloomfield Hills Stake abides by the State High School
Athletic Association rules against High School athletes from
playing on any other team5. Church policy, which prohibits
school players from joining the Ward team when their season
is over.
8. Deacon’s League- When enough wards can field Deacon’s
teams we will set up a Deacon’s League. This is considered
an instructional league, and any Deacon, or smaller Teacher,
who would not be afforded a chance to play in the older boys
league, and who is not significantly more skilled than the
Deacons may play. Deacons may go up and down from
Deacon’s to YM’s team each week, but will not generally be
allowed to play on both teams on a single day. Deacons may
join the older boys teams for playoffs. Deacons man not
The stake official at the scorer’s table must accept contract, and may be unable to do so
until a natural break in play or halftime.
“Grandfather” Clause: guest players who do not live in ward boundries who have played
with a team during or before the 2005 season (when we first started enforcing this rule) will
be allowed to continue playing with their team.
The definition of a School player is someone who is on his school roster for the
first contest date of the season. That is December 7, 2006 for the 2007 Church
Ball season.
MHSAA Rules state: Section 13(A) – “A student who, after practicing with or
participating in an athletic contest or scrimmage as a member of a high school
athletic team, participates in any athletic competition not sponsored by his or her
school in the same sport during the same season, shall become ineligible”

play defense past the half court line, and may press only in
the final 2 minutes of the game if they are behind.
(Commentary: The integrity and spirit of the program will be
protected, and will be held more important than an individual’s
wrongly perceived “right to play”. We also follow closely all
Church policies on Eligibility, firm in the belief that doing so will
render blessings of success.)

Playoff Eligibility
1. All regular season eligibility requirements must be met.
2. A player must play in 2 regular season games to be eligible to
participate in playoffs.
3. Attendance at 2 sacrament meetings during the season by a
member can be substituted for playing in 2 games, however,
to avoid surprises for opponents, the coach must notify the
Stake Sports Director by the end of play on the final evening
of regular season of play if they have a member that has not
played, but attended church that they wish to render eligible
for playoffs.
4. If a ward has two teams they must freeze6 the roster with 4
games left in the regular season, and players may not switch
teams for the playoffs.7
(Commentary: Keeping in mind that nothing engenders bad
feelings in Church Basketball more than a team showing up for
playoffs with a group of previously unseen ringers, Bloomfield Hills
Stake has developed and will enforce this simple, but strict playoff
eligibility policy)

Eligibility Waivers
Rarely unique and unforeseen circumstances arise which may not
be covered in the eligibility policies. A team may seek a waiver
through the following process:
1. The team coach should notify the Stake Sports Director, and
schedule a meeting with the Stake Sports Director, that
Ward’s Bishop and the Coach.
2. In that meeting all facts will be gathered, and the coach may
make position known. The player in question may or may
not choose to attend the meeting.
3. If the Bishop approves proceeding to the next level, the Stake
Sports Director will then meet with the Stake High
May add move-ins or new players, but not shuffle players from one team to another.
A player may switch teams occasionally during regular season to play for another team in
his ward to help avoid a forfeit, but may only play for one team each week, and can’t switch
during playoffs.

Councilman over Stake Sports and/or the member of the
Stake Presidency over Athletics and render a decision. The
Coach may attend this meeting if he wishes.
4. A decision will be rendered after balancing the needs of the
individual in question and the desire to be fair to all teams in
the program.
5. A coach or Ward being unaware of any written rule would not
be a considered a good reason to grant a waiver.
(Commentary: Waivers will not routinely be given out, there
must be a compelling and over-riding reason for the waiver.
Teams must keep in mind this process may take a number of
days to schedule and complete, last minute requests for
waivers have very little chance of being successful)

1. Referees will be provided by other teams, per schedules.
2. Teams lose points in standings for missing referee
3. A third official will be assigned to the game. That third stake
official at the scorers’ table (keeping the scorebook or clock)
will have a whistle and can assist the on-court officials. They
will primarily be looking out for rough play and poor
sportsmanship. They will not make routine calls, or over-rule
on-floor officials judgement on basketball calls.
4. While players are encouraged to volunteer “honor calls”
during games, keep in mind a referee may choose to not act
on your “honor call” for any number of reasons. In the end it
is entirely up to the referee whether to officialize® any honor
Young Men
1. The Stake may require each team to provide one referee per
week to work a game that their ward is not participating in.
(Commentary: Bloomfield Hills Stake Sports wishes all players to
understand that referees will miss calls, and make wrong calls in
EVERY game we play. Players can’t control bad calls; you can only
control how you react to those bad calls. Any judgements and
decisions made on actions of players or teams by the Stake
officials will be based on the players actions, and the fact that a
bad basketball call may have been made will not be considered. In
other words, being “right” does not excuse poor behavior8.)
Inappropriate behavior by an official may be considered a mitigating factor, but
not a bad basketball call.

Game Clock
1. A game will consist of 9 minute quarters. This may be
adjusted longer or shorter depending on conditions.
2. Running clock in first 3 quarters, clock stops for whistle in last
2 minutes of 4th quarter.
3. Each team has 2 timeouts per game (timeouts must be called
by player on court, not bench).

Young Men’s:
1. A game will consist of four 8 minute quarters.
2. Running clock in first 3 quarters, clock stops for whistle in last
2 minutes of 4th quarter.
3. Each team has 2 timeouts per game. A referee may grant a
timeout called by THE coach on the bench if they can
determine easily that it is a coach, not an over-interested fan.
If a referee can not easily determine who is calling for a
timeout from the bench they will wait until the timeout is
called by a player on the floor.

Mercy Rule -In the second half:

1. If a team is up by 15 points the clock will not stop in the last
2 minutes of the game.
2. If a team is up by 15 points they may not play defense past
the half court line.
3. If a team is up by 20 points they may not play defense
outside the 3-point arc.
4. If, at halftime the game is a complete blowout, a referee, with
the advice and consent of coaches, should call the game,
reset teams, allowing a competitive second half.

Standings & Tiebreakers

Standings will be determined through a points system9, which takes
into account the won-loss record of a team, and sportsmanship
points. Two sets of Sportsmanship points will be awarded, one from
the referee team, and one from your opponent.
1. Win: 7 points
2. Loss: 2 points
3. Tie: 5 points
4. Forfeit: 0 points
Actual standing will be assigned on a points-per-game average, as teams may play a
different number of games.

5. Pre-arranged forfeit: 2 points
6. Opponent awarded Sportsmanship points: 0 to 4 points
7. Referee awarded Sportsmanship points: 0 to 4 points
8. Failure to provide referee as scheduled: minus 4 points10
9. Failure to set-up or take down as scheduled: minus 2 points

Sportsmanship Points Standards11

Teams grade their opponents after every game. No politic-ing or
quid pro quo should be solicited or accepted. No discussion with
the opponent should take place before the score is awarded. In
very rare circumstances a stake official may overrule and alter a
point award, but that would be extremely rare and only be a
remedy to an extreme injustice.

4 points- An excellent game with absolutely no negative

incidents or flavor. There should have been no negative
comments and total respect afforded by both competitors
towards each other and referees.
3 points- A 4 point game with a single negative comment or
2 points- A game with multiple (however minor) negative words
or actions, or where one team is clearly superior and chooses to
“run up” the score on the weaker opponent.
1 point- A game with tension and or bad feelings towards the
opposing team or a hard, unnecessary foul may have been
committed or where one team is clearly superior and chooses to
“hot dog” or other theatrics meant to embarrass or show up the
weaker team.
0 points- A game with multiple ugly incidents, players ejected,
or violence.
Bonus Point – a team or referee may choose to award a bonus
point (5 total points) if a team’s behavior was of such high
caliber that it was noticeable, where players exhibited the
absolute highest standard of sportsmanship including players
putting courtesy, friendliness and respect as a highest priority.
This should be awarded very infrequently, and should be given
when opponents find themselves uplifted by the experience of
playing a particular team.

If 2 teams are tied in points at the end of the season the tie will be
broken by:
If a ward has 2 assignments in one night, they lose 4 points per missed assignment.
Behavior of team players, coaches and fans will be taking into account.
Including nonverbal demonstrations of displeasure or aggressive body language.

1. Head to head record
2. Fewest forfeits
3. Won – Loss Record (if teams played same # of games)
4. Record against #1, then #2, then #3, etc.
5. Coin Flip

If game is tied at the end of regulation, a tiebreaker will be as

1. Teams will play a 2-minute overtime period.
2. Starts with jump ball
3. Clock stops for whistles
4. Teams may use any timeouts left over from regulation,
no extra timeouts granted).
5. If tied at the end of 2-minute overtime period a regular
season game ends in the tie, in playoffs continue
playing 2-minute overtime periods until someone wins.

1. Team forfeits if they can’t field a team by 5 minutes past
game time (the official clock will be the scorekeeper’s
2. Team may use 2 timeouts to get to 7 minutes past.
3. A team whose opponent forfeits will receive the average
sportsmanship points that they have gotten over the last 3
games, rounded up13.
4. In the event a previous game runs long, and is over later
than 5 minutes past scheduled start time of next game,
the forfeit time is the final buzzer of the previous game
(plus 2 timeouts, if desired)
5. A team can play with 4 players.
6. A team who loses players due to foul-out/injury may finish
a game with as little as 3 players on the court.
7. A ref may call a game where a team is playing
shorthanded if it is absurdly uncompetitive (team receives
loss, not a forfeit in standings)
8. Two forfeits, (not including pre-arranged) will drop a team
from the remaining schedule.

Court & Equipment

1. Game Ball – Spaulding T1000 is the official Stake Ball. It will
by used for every playoff game, and most other regular
season games. If 2 teams both wish to use another ball in
If 3 games have not been played, when 3 have been played the average is

determined and awarded

regular season, they may do so. Teams should keep in mind
that continually playing with another ball will likely leave
them at a competitive disadvantage in the playoffs, as the
ball they will be playing with the official ball in the playoffs.
2. A shot off the side or top of backboard that bounces sideways
or back towards the court is in play. If it bounces backwards
it is out of bounds.
3. Any shot hitting the back of the backboard, or backboard
standard or cable is out of bounds.
4. Any location where a ball is being brought in from out-of-
bounds, and the players back is to the wall, the guarding
player must give him 3 feet.
5. Touching the rim or dunking the ball is not allowed during
warm-up, if observed or reasonable suspected it will result in
a technical foul.
6. Dunking during games is allowed, grabbing the rim is not
7. The first team listed on schedule is home team, and sits on
bench as outlined below. However if teams populate the
wrong benches the score on the scoreboard should
correspond to the team’s bench, or in other words, the team
sitting closest to the stage’s score is always displayed on the
Home, or side closest to the stage.
8. Teams warm up in front of their bench, but shoot at basket in
front of their opponent’s bench for first half. If teams line up
going the wrong way, the referee corrects the situation at
first opportunity, no penalties levied.

Set-up & Take-down

1. One team playing the 7:10pm game/First Saturday morning
game will be assigned to set-up the gym. This includes (see
diagram that follows):
a. Turn on lights.
b. Turn on Scoreboard (labeled switch on stage).
c. Set-up scorers table and Jersey table.
d. Set-up benches & scorers chairs.
e. Move portable blackboard (usually in baptistry) into
position, corkboard side facing gym.
f. Turn on Thermostat (poke finger into hole in cage, push
button & light comes on.
g. Get posters from Joseph Smith Lobby (middle closet on
right) & post on chalkboard.

h. Get Scoreboard controller from same closet, hook up if you
know how, or just leave on scorers table.
i. Move any jerseys from closet to jersey table.

2. One Men’s team playing the 10pm game will be assigned

take-down. Young Men leave gym set up if girls are playing
after them. Take-down includes:
a. Take down all benches & tables, leave neatly against wall.
b. Put all leftover balls on rack.
c. Return posters, scoreboard controller & unused jerseys to
lobby closet.
d. Pick up all trash on carpeted area and stage.
e. Put all leftover clothes, shoes, etc in lost & found (just
inside stage entrance near kitchen)
f. Turn off scoreboard & gym lights
g. Walk through building and make sure all hallway &
bathroom lights are turned off.
h. Leave & punch in exit code (911) on building security
system. This locks all doors for the night.

Home Cloc Visitors


Home Scorer Visitor

Bench s Table s

Carpeted Area
Clean Portable
jersey Chalkboar
table d

Technical Fouls
1. “clerical” technical fouls will not be called (uniform violations,
illegal numbers, adding players to scoresheet late, etc)
2. A technical foul can be assessed to an individual player or
coach, or to an entire team.
3. A technical foul may be called on a team for the
unsportsmanlike behavior of a fan if the referee believes the
team could exert influence over the fan. The fan will be
asked to leave the gym and play will not be resumed until fan
has left.
4. The penalty for a technical foul is always 2 free throws and
possession for the other team.
5. A technical is to be called if an official hears what can
reasonably construed as a swear word.
6. A second sportsmanship related technical foul in a game on a
single player results in their removal from the game, and they
must miss next scheduled game, and meet with their Bishop
before returning to play.
7. A player, coach or fan removed from the game must leave
the gym promptly. Any significant delay will cause game to
be called, forfeit assigned to that player, coach or fan’s team.
8. Some technical fouls are not considered “sportsmanship
related technicals” and will not count towards the 2-per-
game rule. Those generally include playing 3 guest players
at once or an grabbing the rim during warmup or halftime.

1. No hats of any kind may be worn (head and wristbands OK).
2. Any and all jewelry must be removed (including piercings.).
3. Wedding rings may be worn, but are not recommended.

Playoff Format
1. Men’s Playoffs will be a single elimination tournament. Teams
are invited to playoffs by the following criteria:
a. The 8 teams with the highest point total are invited.
b. Judgment will be used in applying this formula, and if
sportsmanship point totals are close, and do not clearly

differentiate then decisions will be made altering the
formula. Any deviation from the formula will lean towards
inclusion of teams into playoffs. This prevents undue
pressure on the sportsmanship points system, and the
teams that must award points to opponents. In other
words, it prevents one person from deciding whether or
not another team makes playoffs with their sportsmanship
points award on the final night of competition.

2. YM Playoffs will be the Basketball Festival.

3. The highest(er) seeded team may always “pass” the bye to the
next seeded team. (Typically teams view a first round bye as
competitive advantage, but in this league teams often would
rather play than sit)

General Basketball rules

1. Free throw- The shooting team lines up shooter plus 2
players, the non-shooting team lines up 4 players.
2. Kicking the ball- if a player purposefully kicks a ball it is a
violation. If the ball inadvertently hits a foot it is not a
3. A player may rebound his own airball shot, no traveling.
4. A player may dribble above his shoulders; it is not traveling
unless the ball comes to rest in his hand.
5. Simply “reaching” is not a foul. There has to be contact for
there to be a foul and that contact has to have created an
advantage for the defender or a disadvantage for the
offensive player before a foul is called.
6. Over the back is not a foul. There has to be contact for a foul
to be called. Many times a taller player is simply behind
another player and gets the ball without contacting the
player in front. This is not a foul.
7. A ball stuck in the rim on a shot is dead, and possession is
awarded by alternating possession.

Men’s Stake Basketball Champions
2006 - Bloomfield Hills 2nd Ward

2005 - Bloomfield Hills 2004 - Bloomfield Hills

D. Fredenberg, B. Johansson, J. Johansson, J. B. DeKlerk, D. Fredenberg, B. Johansson, J. Johansson, J.

Kunz, M. Ray, B. Wirthlin, J Parker, C. Amare Kunz, M. Ray, B. Wirthlin, P. Camack, W. Flowers

2003 - Bloomfield Hills 2002 - Bloomfield Hills

B. DeKlerk, D. Fredenberg, B. Johansson, J. B. DeKlerk, D. Fredenberg, V. Geckler, B. Johansson, J.
Johansson, J. Kunz, M. Ray, B. Wirthlin Johansson, J. Kunz, M. Ray, B. Wirthlin

2001 - Bloomfield Hills 2000 – Southfield

B. DeKlerk, D. Fredenberg, V. Geckler, B. Kelly Burke, Kerry Green, Tracey Orr, Ryan Cornea, Bill
Johansson, J. Johansson, J. Kunz, P. Pokorney, Johansson, Troy Johansson, Joel Beecham, Chris Belknap,
Pokorney, B. Wirthlin Shannon ?, Dave Prina

1999 – Southfield
Kelly Burke, Kerry Green, Tracey Orr, Ryan 1998
Cornea, Bill Johansson, Joel Beecham, Chris Farmington Hills
Belknap, Shannon ?, Jeff Schroen Dave Prina

1997 1996
Southfield Farmington Hills

(any updates or corrections, or have photos to add, please let me know at stakesports@gmail.com)

Young Men’s Stake Basketball Champions
2006 Bloomfield Hills 2005 Sterling Heights

Paul Pokorney, coach, Rob Barlow, Luke Brinton, Jacob Johansson, Coach-Corwin Hudson
William Brown, Scotty Stoddard, Rhett Hogan, Nathan Parker, Peter
Velez, Caj Johansson.

2004 2003 2002 2001

Bloomfield Hills Farmington Hillls/ Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Hills
Coach – Paul Pokorny Rob Walled Lake Coach – Paul Pokorny
Barton, Colt Modawell, Earl Brandon Davey, Rob
Weeks, Rhett Hogan, Dave Montierth, Mike Barton,
Barton, Jacob Skipworth, Rob Barton, Colt
Marquise Johnson, Steve Modawell, Earl Weeks,
Holland, Devin O’meara Brandon Chritensen,
Austin Christensen,
Daniel Schlegel, David
Lau, Robert Brown,
Richard Fry, John Milko,
Jerome Williams

2000 Bloomfield Hillls

1999 1998
Southfield Southfield

Coach – Paul Pokorny Steve Serra, Brandon Christenson, Brandon
Davey, Rob Montierth, Mike Barton, Earl Weeks, Dan Schlegel,
Robert Brown, Ben Treasure, Richard Fry John Milko

1996 Bloomfield Hills

Coach- Paul Pokorney Brandon Hogan, Don Pokorny, Branden Montierth,

Jay Kesler, Bryan Kunz, Andrew Phillips, Aaron Pokorny, Scott Brinton, Kevin Kunz

2007 Sportsmanship Contract
(Fill in all sections, and return this single page to the Stake Sports)
Print Name: Ward:
Men, YM or
Home Address:
Church Member
or Guest Player?
Do you want Yes
to be on the
Email address:
(optional) Distribution No
Young School you attend:
Section Have you played basketball for your school this season?
I agree to uphold the highest standards of sportsmanship while participating as a player,
coach or spectator at Bloomfield Hills Stake Athletic Events.

Signature ______________________

1. Church sports have a unique central purpose; to strengthen __________ and build _________.

2. Elder Mark E. Peterson says: “Good Latter Day Saint recreation is one of the devices by which we may
help young people of this Church to learn and love the _________________.”

3. Brother Thorstenson says: “Poor sportsmanship can show when players put their emotions on the front
burner and ___________ go to the back.”

4. Brother Thorstenson also reminds us that “an individual’s ______________ shows itself more readily on the
field of competition.”

5. Brother Val Hale says: _________ Pressure is a powerful influence to create a positive atmosphere at
sporting events.

6. Brother Val Hale also reminds us to “Accept the fact that officials are not ____________.”

7. He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the ___________ (3 Nephi 11:29)

8. According to Bloomfield Hills Stake rules, If a game is scheduled to begin at 8pm, a forfeit will be called
at ________ if one team does not have enough players. (Rules, forfeit #1)

9. If a player, coach or spectator is removed from a game they will not be allowed to attend the next
game, and will be eligible to return to play only after a ________ with your Bishop. (Rules,
Sportsmanship #4)

10. Guest (non-members) must live in the ___________ boundaries for the team that they play for. (Rules,
Eligibility #4)

11. Young men who have played any JV or Varsity Basketball this season may _____ play Church ball this
season, even after their school season is over. (Rules, eligibility # 7)


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