Cte-Btvted - Syl-Edtm 158: Disclaimer: Reproduction of This Document Is Allowed Subject
Cte-Btvted - Syl-Edtm 158: Disclaimer: Reproduction of This Document Is Allowed Subject
Cte-Btvted - Syl-Edtm 158: Disclaimer: Reproduction of This Document Is Allowed Subject
INSTITUTIONAL Anchored on the university’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values, the Mariano Marcos State University institutional learning outcomes are qualities that MMSU graduates
OUTCOMES must possess.
1. Demonstrate adequate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be effectively integrated into a knowledge-driven global economy;
2. Maintain a high degree of ethics, professionalism, discipline and accountability;
3. Communicate effectively and articulate ideas through various modalities and in diverse contexts;
4. Commit themselves to lifelong learning and personal development to achieve excellence;
5. Analyze problems and issues critically, and develop ideas and innovative solutions to respond to the needs of local, national and global communities;
6. Display spiritual values through respect for and service to God, humanity, and country;
7. Practice social and environmental responsibility;
8. Collaborate with and maintain harmonious relationships with others;
9. Respect multicultural diversity;
10. Engage in activities that promote growth and empowerment for all sectors of society;
11. Make informed, intelligent, fair and equitable decisions; and
12. Show appreciation for and contribute to the development and preservation of cultural heritage.
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES Anchored on the university’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values, MMSU graduates must be:
1. globally competent;
2. professional;
3. effective communicator;
4. lifelong learner;
5. innovative;
6. spiritual;
7. socially responsible;
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established by MMSU.
8. collaborative;
9. respectful to diversity;
10. empowered;
11. critical thinker; and
12. culturally responsive.
COLLEGE GOALS 1. Provide quality professional preparation for teachers in the basic education levels.
2. Offer adequate instruction in the elementary, secondary, and collegiate levels.
3. Undertake research and extension on relevant areas to improve the quality of higher education in particular and the quality of life in general.
4. Conduct continuing education and training of teachers and allied clients through the various programs of the Center for Teaching Excellence and
Graduate Education Program.
5. Develop innovative materials for instruction and training.
COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of the semester, the students must have:
1. acquired necessary knowledge and skills in the different industrial arts courses taught in the basic education.
2. demonstrated common competencies in the different areas of industrial arts.
3. performed basic skills in the different competencies required in the areas of industrial arts.
4. prepared competency based learning materials in the different area of industrial arts.
Revision No. 0 Page 3 of 9
The Andragogy of Learning including Principles of Trainers Methodology I
Effectivity Date January 13, 2020
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is focused on the application of adult learning principles and learningstylesin implementing training programs.The student teacher
will be given opportunities to experience the role of a facilitator rather than a lecturer.
Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO) Course Content / Subject Matter Resource Materials Values
Teaching and Learning Assessment Task Time Infused/
Activities (TLA’s) (AT’s) Table Competencie
1. Discussed the historical A. Historical development Lecture-discussion on Quizzes – selected Laptop 6 hours
development of adult learning. B. Pedagogy of learning the listed topics response type,
2. Differentiated pedagogy vs andragogy C. Assumptions of pedagogy constructed response LCD Projector
of learning. D. Pedagogy vs andragogy type
3. Explained the assumption E. The adult learning theory Power point
of pedagogy. by Malcolm S. Knowles Oral questioning presentations
4. Discussed the adult learning 1. Knowles 5 Assumption of
theory by Malcolm Knowles Adult Learners
5. Explained the 5 assumptions and 2. Knowles 4 principles of
Priciples of adult learners by adult learning.
Malcolm Knowles.
At the end of the chapter, the student Chapter 4 - Facilitate Training Session Lecture-discussion on Written test Laptop 13
must have: F. Competency Based Training the listed topics hours
Delivery Oral questioning LCD Projector
1. Explained the appropriate training G. Feedback Mechanism Small group discussions
methods to be used based on the H. Preparing a Demonstration- Power point
level and characteristics of a learners. Performance Method Group demonstartion Demonstration- presentations
2. Illustrated the sequence of activities Training Session evaluation
in CBT workshop. I. CBT monitoring Tools Worksheets
3. Discussed the role of a traianers and 3. Progress Chart Evalaution of output
a trainor. 4. Achievement Chart Activity sheets
4. Explained the importance of J. Facilitate Training Sessions
feedback mechanism to ensure Focussed group Discussion
effective learning.
5. Discussed the different feedback
strategies use in the delivery of the
training program.
6. Enumerated the monitoring tools
use in CBT.
7. Differentiated progress chart
from achievement chart.
8. Identified the proper content
applied in the monitoring tools.
9. Explained the imporatant of
focussed group discussion in processing
observation result.
10. Explained how focussed group
discussion imporatant in the program
At the end of the chapter, the student Chapter 5 –Review Delivery of Lecture-discussion on the Quizzes Laptop 6 hours
must have: Training Session listed topics
LCD Projector
1. Explained importance of CBT review A. CBT Review and Role play (assessor-candidate
and evaluation. Evaluation conference) Power point
2. Determined the components of B. Pretest-PostTest Analysis presentations
the training that needs to be C. Analyze Training Evaluation Presentation of outputs:
evaluated. Forms of evidences
3. Discussed the different ways Evaluation results Task sheets
of reviewing and evaluating Job sheet
training sessions.
4. Explained the advantages of
pretest- postest in testing knowledge
and skills for the trainees.
Corpuz, B. B. (2015). Field Study 5 Learning Assessment Strategies. Quezon City, Philippines: LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
De Guzman-Santos, R. (2007). Assessment of Learning 2 Advanced Methods in Educational Assessment and Evaluation. Quezon City, Philippines: LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
Lucido, P.I. and B. B. Corpuz (2010). Field Study 5 Learning Assessment Strategies. Quezon City, Philippines: LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
Navarro, R. L. and R. G. Santos (2013). Assessment of Learning 2 Authentic Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes. 2nd Edition. Philippines: LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
Training Methodologies 1 Modules
Planning Training Session
Facilitating Learning Sessions
Supervising Work-based Learning
Conducting Competency Assessment
Utilizing Electronic Media in Facilitating learning