Target Test: Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

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Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

5. Anther and stigma of an intersexual flower mature in
The pistil of Papaver is: bud condition.
1. Monocarpellary
The above contrivances favour:
2. Multicarpellary apocarpous
(a) Allogamy (b) Autogamy (c)
3. Multicarpellary syncarpous Xenogamy (d) Cross pollination
4. Absent 7.
2. Which of the following represents the floral characters of
Genetic self-incompatibility tends to increase (a) Six tepals, zygomorphic, six stamens, bilocular ovary,
(1) pollen dispersal axile placentation
(b) Tetramerous, actinomorphic, polyphyllous, unilocular
(2) inbreeding ovary, axile placentation
(3) pollination (c) Trimerous, actinomorphic, polyandrous, superior
ovary, axile placentation
(4) outcrossing (d) Bisexual, zygomorphic, gamophyllous, inferior ovary,
marginal placentation
Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops into
Match the Column-I with Column-II:
(1) ovule Column-I Column II
(2) endosperm (Members of Fabaceae) (Economic
(3) embryo sac A. Gram, sem, moong, soya bean I. Medicine
(4) embryo B. Soyabean, groundnut II. Ornamentals
C. Indigofera III. Fodder
4. D. Sunhemp IV. Fibres
E. Sesbania, Trifolium V. Dye
Long filamentous threads protruding at the end of a
F. Lupin, Sweet pea VI. Edible oil
young cob of maize are :
G. Muliathi VII. Pulses
(1) anthers (a) A - I, B - II, C - III, D - IV, E - V, F - VI, G - VII
(b) A - VII, B - VI, C - V, D - IV, E - III, F - II, G - I
(2) styles (c) A - II, B - IV, C - VI, D - I, E - III, F - V, G - VII
(3) ovaries (d) A - I, B - III, C - V, D - VII, E - II, F - IV, G - VI

(4) hairs 9.

5. Find the odd one out-

Which of the following has the least pollen viability? 1. Turnip

2. Carrot
(a) Cereals like wheat and rice (b) Members of 3. Sweet Potato
Rosaceae 4. Potato
(c) Members of Leguminoseae (d) Members of
Solanaceae 10.

6. Which of the following is not a gourd tendril?

Go through the following statements: 1. Cucumber

2. Pumpkins
1. Flowers are bisexual and homogamous maturing 3. Watermelon
anther and stigma of a flower at the same time. 4. Grapevines
2. Mechanical devices bringing anthers and stigma close
together in a bisexual chasmogamous flower. 11.
3. Cleistogamy (bisexual flowers remain closed)
Which of the following is not a stem modification?

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Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

2. Turnip 2. Multilocular ovary

3. Citrus 3. One ovule per ovary
4. Bougain villea
5. Grapevines 4. Found in citrus and tomato

12. Find the wrong one.

Alternate phyllotaxy means 18.

Superior ovary is represented by
1. A single leaflet arises at each node
2. A single leaf arises at each node 1. G
3. Two leaflets arise at each node 2. A bar over G
4. Two leaves arise at each node 3. A bar below G
4. O
The swollen end of stalk or…….of a flower is called 19.
thalamus or……. The Aestivation found in calyx of Fabaceae is
1. Peduncle, Bract 1. Valvate
2. Pedicel, receptacle 2. Vexillary
3. Thalamus,Bractiole 3. Imbricate
4. Peduncle, receptacle 4. Both 1 and 3
14. 20.
Perianth is Which of the following is not a feature of fruit of
1. Distinct calyx and Corolla
2. Indistinct calyx and Corolla 1. Legume
3. Amorphous calyx and Corolla 2. Has one to many seed
4. Both 2. and 3. 3. Non endospermic seeds
4. Developed from inferior ovary
Perianth is found in 21.
The Carpels of gynoecium of Fabaceae is represented as
1. Lily
2. Solanum 1. 1
3. Pea 2. (2)
4. Buttercup 3. (3)
4. (5)
When sepals or petals in a whorl just touch one another 22.
at the margin without overlapping, such Aestivation is Pollen pistil interaction is
1. Chemically mediated process
1. Twisted
2. Dynamic process
2. Valvate
3. Genetically controlled process
3. Imbricate
4. More than one option is correct
4. Vexillary
Which of the following floral features is not represented
Axile placentation by symbols in a floral formula of a plant family?
1. Placenta is axial 1. Relative positions of ovary w.r.t. other parts.
2. Adhesion of stamens.

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Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

3. Aestivation of calyx and corolla 4. Lady finger

4. Symmetry of flower.
Seed-set is assured even in absence of pollinators, when:
In gourds and watermelon, the tendril is formed by
1. Both flowers ( and ) of a plant mature at the
the modification of
same time
1. Extra axillary bud. 2. The numbers of flowers clustered into an inflorescence
2. Axillary bud and leaf respectively. to make them conspicuous, colorless and rich in nectar
3. Leaf and axillary bud respectively. 3. The flowers are cleistogamous
4. Leaf. 4. The flowers are functionally cross-pollinating but
genetically self-pollinating
A plant breeder employ technique of emasculation
1. To cover the flower with a bag. The ovule of an angiosperm is technically equivalent to
2. To prevent self-pollination. 1. megaspore
3. To prevent stamen from being contaminated. 2. megasporangium
4. To produce female plant. 3. megasporophyll
4. megaspore mother cell
Look at the diagram given below and answer
appropriately The entropy change in the fusion of one mole of a solid
melting at 27°C (the latent heat of fusion is 2930 J mol-1)

1. 9.77 JK-1mol-1

2. 10.73 JK-1mol-1

3. 2930 JK-1mol-1
(i) Since ___A___ is associated with fruit, it is called
4. 108.5 JK-1mol-1
as ___(i)___ .
(ii) Since ___B___ is present, fruit cannot be called 32.
as ___(ii)___ .
∆ S° will be highest for the reaction:
1. A - Pericarp, (i) - True fruits
2. B - Seed, (ii) - Ex-albuminous 1. Ca(s) + 1/2 O2(g) → CaO(s)
3. A - Thalamus, (i) - True fruit
2. CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)
4. B - Seed, (ii) - Parthenocarpic
27. 3. C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g)

How many of the following plants have stipulate leaf? 4. N2(g) + O2(g) → 2NO(g)
Tulip, Petunia, Lupin, Sweet pea, Indigofera,
Sunhemp, Aloe, Ashwagandha 33.

1. 6 If the enthalpy change for the transition of liquid water to

2. 4 steam is 30 kJ mol-1 at 27°C,
3. 7
4. 3 the entropy change for the process would be

28. 1. 1.0 J mol-1k-1

Aestivation is twisted in all, except 2. 0.1 J mol-1k-1
1. China rose
2. Pea 3. 100 J mol-1k-1
3. Cotton
4. 10 J mol-1k-1
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Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

4. density only
One mole of an ideal gas is allowed to expand freely and
adiabatically into vacuum until its volume has doubled. 39.
A statement which is not true concerning this expression The heats of neutralisation of four acids A, B, C and D
is [Pb. PMT 1998] are -13.7, -9.4, -11.2 and -12.4 kcal respectively when
(1) ΔH = 0 they are neutralised by a common base. The acidic
character obeys the order :
(2) ΔS = 0
1. A>B>C>D
(3) ΔE = 0
2. A>D>C>B
(4) W = 0
3. D>C>B>A
4. D>B>C>A
The ΔS for the vaporisation of 1 mol of water is 88.3
J/mole K. The value of ΔS for the condensation of 1 mol 40.
of vapour will be When 0.16 g of glucose was burnt in a bomb calorimeter,
(1) 88.3 J/mol K the temperature rose by 4 deg. Calculate the calorimeter
constant (water equivalent of the calorimeter) given that
(2) (88.3) J/mol K ∆ H ∘ = - 2. 8 × 10 6 J mol - 1. [molar enthalpy of
(3) – 88.3 J/mol K combustion]. Molar mass of glucose = 180 mol-1.

1 1. 5. 73 × 10 2 J / deg
(4) 88 .3 J/mol K
2. 7. 53 × 10 2 J / deg
3. 6. 22 × 10 2 J / deg
The enthalpy of vapourization water is 386 kJ. What is
the entropy of water [BHU 1997] 4. 3. 57 × 10 2 J / deg

(1) 0.5 kJ 41.

(2) 1.03 kJ The C-Cl bond energy can be calculated from :

(3) 1.5 kJ
1. ∆ H ∘ f CCl 4, l only)
(4) 22.05 kJ
37. ( )
2. ∆ ∘ f CCl 4, l and ∆ Cl 2 ( )
The work done to contract a gas in a cylinder, is 462
joules. 128 joule energy is evolved in the process. What (
3. ∆ H ∘ f CCl 4, l ) ∆ (Cl2 )
will be the internal energy change in the process [MP
PMT 2003] 4.

(1) + 590 joules (

∆ H ∘ f CCl 4, l ) ∆ (Cl2 ), (
∆ H ∘ f(C, g) and ∆ H ∘ vap CCl 4 )
(2) – 334 joules 42.
(3) + 334 joules Heat of hydrogenation of ethene is x1 and that of benzene
(4) – 590 joules is x2. Hence resonance energy is-
38. 1. x 1 - x 2
Among mass, volume, density and specific volume of a 2. x 1 + x 2
gas, the intensive properties are
1. Density and specific volume 3. 3x 1 - x 2

2. volume and density 4. x 1 - 3x 2

3. specific volume and mass 43.
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Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

From the following data, calculate the enthalpy change on the string is increased by pulling the string causing the
for the combustion of cyclopropane at 298 K. The radius of the circular motion to decrease by a factor of 2,
enthalpy of formation of CO2(g), H2O(l) and propene (g) the kinetic energy of the mass will
are -393.5, -285.8 and 20.42 kJ mol-1 respectively. The
enthalpy of isomerisation of cyclopropane to propene is
-33.0 kJ mol-1.

1. -1021.32 kJ mol-1

2. -2091.32 kJ mol-1

3. -5021.32 kJ mol-1

4. -3141.32 kJ mol-1 1. Increase by a factor of 4

44. 2. Decrease by a factor of 2
The solubility of a solute in water varies with 3. Remain constant
temperature and is given as S = Ae - ∆ H / RT.
4. Increase by a factor of 2
Here, ∆ H is enthalpy of the solution. For the given
solute variation of log, S with temperature can be shown
by the figure given below. Blocks A and B are resting on a smooth horizontal
surface given equal speeds of 2 m/s in the opposite sense
as shown in the figure.

This solute may be At t = 0, the position of blocks are shown, then the
1. CaSO4 coordinates of centre of mass at t = 3s will be
1. (1, 0)
2. CuSO4
2. (3, 0)
3. CuSO45H2O
3. (5, 0)
5. MgO
4. (2.25, 0)
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature
A particle of mass m has momentum p. it's kinetic energy
of one mole of the substance through 1 K is called, its will be
1. molar heat 1. mp
2. entropy 2. p 2m
3. thermal capacity p2
3. m
4. specific heat
4. 2m
A small mass attached to a string rotates on a frictionless
table top as shown. If the tension A circular disc is to be made by using iron and

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Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

aluminium, so that it acquires maximum moment of 1. inside the circular plate

inertia about its geometrical axis. It is possible with
2. inside the square plate
1. iron and aluminium layers in alternate order
3. at the point of contact
2. aluminium at interior and iron surrounding it
4. outside the system
3. iron at interior and aluminium surrounding it
4. either '1' or '3'
The minimum coefficient of friction for a solid sphere to
50. roll without slipping on an inclined plane of inclination
45° is
Two rings of the same radius and mass are placed such
that their centers are at a common point and their planes 1. 2/7
are perpendicular to each other. The moment of inertia of
the system about an axis passing through the center and 2. 1/3
perpendicular to the plane of one of the rings is (mass of 3. 1/2
the ring and radius = r)
4. 2/5
1. 2 mr 54.

2. mr 2 A stone is projected from a horizontal plane. It attains

maximum height 'H' & strikes a stationary smooth wall &
3 falls on the ground vertically below the maximum height.
3. 2 mr 2
Assume the collision to be elastic, the height of the point
on the wall where ball will strike is:
4. 2mr 2
A circular platform is mounted a frictionless vertical
axle. Its radius R = 2m and moment of inertia about the
axle are 200 kgm 2. It is initially at rest. A 50 kg man on
the edge of the platform and begins to walk along the H
edge at the speed of 1 ms - 1 relative to the ground. Time (1) 2
taken by the man to complete one revolution is
1. πs (2) 4

2. 2 s (3) 4
3. 2πs (4) None of these
4. 2 s 55.
Two equal masses m1 and m2 moving along the same
straight line with velocities +3 m/s and –5 m/s
A circular plate of diameter d is kept in contact with a respectively collide elastically. Their velocities after the
square plate of an edge as shown in the figure. The collision will be respectively
density of the material and the thickness are the same
everywhere. The center of mass of the composite system (1) +4 m/s for both
will be (2) –3 m/s and +5 m/s
(3) –4 m/s and +4 m/s
(4) –5 m/s and +3 m/s
The Young's modulus of steel is twice that of

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Target Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

brass. Two wires of same length and of same area of have thermal coefficients of linear expansion as α and 5α.
cross-section, one of steel and another of brass are The rods are fixed between two rigid and massive walls
suspended from the same roof. If we want the lower ends and are heated to the same temperature. If there is no
of the wires to be at the same level, then the weight bending of the rods and the thermal stresses developed in
added to the steel and brass wires must be in the ratio of them are equal, then the ratio of their Young's moduli is:
(a)1:2 (1) 1: 1

(b)2:1 (2) 1: 25
(3) 1: 10
(4) 5: 1
57. Fill OMR Sheet*
*If above link doesn't work, please go to test link from
The instantaneous angular position of a point on where you got the pdf and fill OMR from there
a rotating wheel is given by the equation

θ t = 2t 3 - 6t 2

The torque on the wheel becomes zero at

(a) t=0.5 s
(b) t=0.25 s
(c) t=2 s
(d) t=1 s
The extension of a wire by the application of load is 3
mm. The extension in a wire of the same material and
length but half the radius by the same load is -
(a)12 mm
(b)0.75 mm
(c)15 mm
(d)6 mm
The longitudinal strain of a string is equal to twice
the magnitude of lateral strain. Poisson's ratio of the
material of string is:
(1) 0.4
(2) 0.5
(3) 0.1
(4) 0.2
Two rods of different materials but identical geometry

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