An Introduction To The Investigation of
An Introduction To The Investigation of
An Introduction To The Investigation of
In this introduction the main research such as linen and wool became available and
approaches applied to textile tools will be usable, humans understood the wide range of
outlined. The ways in which the different secondary functions of cloth: not only providing
groups of artefacts have been studied in the protection against various climatic conditions,
past will be investigated, as well as how more but also offering a means of displaying and
innovative approaches came into being in underlining gender issues, personal wealth, rank
recent decades and, finally, which research and status in any given society as well as group
potentials have not yet been fully explored. affiliation. The production of textiles with
This chapter aims to present the research such multi-functional potential also required
produced by scholars of textile tools and why a great amount of time. Unfortunately, only
and how, if at all, this pool of knowledge a few Bronze Age textile remains from the
has influenced Aegean and Near Eastern Eastern Mediterranean (outside of Egypt)
archaeological research in general. have survived, and this only due to rare cases
First, the chapter will provide an overview of of exceptional preservation conditions. The
the research approaches and key issues related tools, however, which were used to produce
to textile tools in the Bronze Age Eastern these textiles are abundant finds in excavations,
Mediterranean, also in comparison to central especially at settlement sites.
and northern Europe. Second, it will discuss From a functional perspective the evidence
the research on various textile tools. Finally, of tools for textile production is normally
the chapter will conclude by proposing a shared based on two types of finds: spindle whorls
framework to ameliorate the scholarly work on and loom weights. The loom weight is the
textile tools in the future. only part of the warp-weighted loom which
usually remains preserved. In general, no
The importance of textiles and archaeologically traceable remains can be
found of other loom types, the horizontal
textile tools ground loom and the vertical two-beam
Textiles have been of tremendous importance (tubular) loom (Barber 1991, 79–80, 113–118;
since the Neolithic and Bronze Age. As Grömer 2010, 140–142; Wild 1970, 69–78),
technical matters improved, and as materials used during the Bronze Age in Europe and
2 Lorenz Rahmstorf
the Near East. Besides loom weights, spindle with the exception of Egypt, cannot boast
whorls and sewing needles, other more rarely impressive textile remains dating to the Bronze
found textile tools are wool combs/hackling Age. However, there is a considerable stock
boards, whole spindles, distaffs, shuttles, pin of data regarding actual textile tools and, to
beaters, decks for tablet-weaving and spinning a lesser extent, textual references to textiles,
bowls. Sewing needles are generally connected textile exchange and production as well as
to textile production. depictions of textiles on wall paintings, seals
It should be emphasised that textile tools and figurines. Despite the abundance of
have never attracted much attention in the textile tools in the archaeological record, their
archaeological literature, and this explains why relevance has largely been neglected so far, with
specialised and systematic publications on some notable exceptions. For the prehistoric
prehistoric and early historical textile tools on Aegean, the PhD thesis on textile production
a regional or supra-regional level beyond the by J. Carington Smith as well as later studies
evidence of the actual site are very rare. Due demonstrated her vast knowledge of textile
to this scarcity, any comparative study has to tools from this region (Carington Smith 1975,
initiate from primary publications, that is, the 1983, 1992, 2000). The book by L. Crewe is
final excavation reports. While this implies another rare example of a comprehensive
a thorough handling of the material it also study on a specific group of textile tools,
makes it much more difficult to obtain an the spindle whorls from Early Bronze Age
overview of the data. On the basic level, in to Middle Bronze Age Cyprus (Crewe 1998).
the final excavation reports, the intensity of Recently, L. Peyronel has presented a very
discussing such objects varies considerably. detailed monograph on textile tools from the
Moreover, the need to publish finds of textile important Bronze Age site of Ebla in western
tools in a complete and systematic way is Syria (Peyronel 2004). Last, but not least, the
often not understood. In most publications massive publication of E. Barber Prehistoric
from the 19th and the first half of the 20th Textiles. The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic
century, textile tools were only represented and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean
in photographs, if depicted at all. In the case was a ground-breaking contribution to this
of spindle whorls, the photos are often taken long neglected field (Barber 1991). While not
from above and without any further drawing being the core subject of the work, it does
or documentation, thus leaving the scholar contain good sections on the textile tools.
with doubts about the exact profile of the Nevertheless, Barber’s overview demonstrates
whorl. At prehistoric and early historic sites the need for much more detailed information
where textiles are preserved, the main focus for many periods and regions in order to obtain
was obviously put on the textiles themselves, a more accurate picture of the development
and not the tools which produced them. This and interconnections of textile tools in
was the case regarding textiles from Neolithic Europe, the Mediterranean and West Asia. The
Swiss lake dwellings (e.g. Vogt 1937; Winiger most recent publication of general interest also
1995; Altorfer and Médard 2000) and Bronze for the Eastern Mediterranean is the important
Age Danish wooden sarcophagus burials study by K. Grömer on prehistoric textile art in
(Hald 1980). In early publications, the tools are central Europe (Grömer 2010). Grömer’s main
mentioned and their possible use explained, focus rests on textile production, not so much
but are neither discussed in a detailed way on the textile tools in the archaeological record.
nor associated to the archaeological textiles
found on the site (e.g. Kimakowicz-Winnicki
1910; Schlabow 1937; von Stokar 1938). Only Textile tools in research
in more recent decades, much more detailed Spindles
discussions of the functional and contextual Specialised studies on spindles are rare due
dimensions of textile tools are detectable in to the fact that there are very few preserved
scholarly work on central and northern Europe spindles from archaeological excavations in the
(e.g. Médard 2000; Andersson 2003; Huber Bronze Age Mediterranean, as spindles seem to
2005; Gleba 2008; Grömer 2010). have predominantly been made from wood (Fig.
In contrast to the central and northern 1.1.1). In rare cases, wooden spindles have been
European regions, the Eastern Mediterranean, preserved at Neolithic and Bronze Age wetland
1.1 Research history of textile tools 3
Spindle whorls
Spindle whorls never had a strong lobby in of such standards of publication became
earlier archaeological research and literature. highly questioned within the field of Eastern
This is apparent for example, in the following Mediterranean archaeology as the above
quotation from L. Woolley: “If I devote a special quotation of Woolley illustrates. Today, the
section of my text to spindle-whorls I do so with differences in the quality of documentation of
apologies [ ]. I suppose that it was Schliemann who spindle whorls are easily visible when flipping
first brought the spindle-whorl into prominence – a through recent final publications of excavated
venial error in his case, but today there is no excuse sites, but a generally accepted standard of
for wasting space and money on this monotonous publishing textile tools is overdue (see below:
and profitless material ” (Woolley 1955, 271). The material-typological approach).
Schliemann, indeed, had a specific interest in
spindle whorls after having identified them as The materials of spindle whorls
such (Hilse 2001) and wrote about them in Most of the preserved spindle whorls are
great detail and illustrated them with drawings made of fired clay (“terracotta”). Nevertheless,
in numerous plates in his publications (e.g. in some periods, other materials like stone
Schliemann 1881, no. 1801–2000). Schliemann or wood may have been more commonly
suspected that the decoration or “signs” on used. In the Levant, stone spindle whorls
the whorls held particular significance (see were present since the Pre-Pottery Neolithic
below). Such almost lavish illustrations also (PPN) (e.g. Jericho: Wheeler 1982, 626), or in
became the standard means of publication central Europe since the 6th millennium BC.
of spindle whorls in later publications on the In Anatolia, stone whorls are frequent finds
material from Troia (Schmidt 1902, pl. I–IX, in different periods of the Bronze Age (e.g.
204–224; H. Schmidt in Götze 1902, 424–428). Alishar Höyük: Schmidt 1932, figs 60–61,
During the 20th century, however, the validity 50–52). In the Aegean, stone spindle whorls are
4 Lorenz Rahmstorf
typical for the Late Bronze Age, especially on difficult task due to the vast possible range of
the Mycenaean mainland (LH III), and then profiles and because definitions of differences
they are called conuli (see below). In addition to between the profile of, for example, a spherical
clay and stone, precious material such as ivory, and a biconical whorl is not easily distinguishable
silver, gold, precious stones and even amber (e.g. Crewe 1998, 22; Huber 2005, 12). With a
(Jovaiša 2001, fig. 7, 154) was used to make detailed typological approach, recent final
spindle whorls in certain periods and regions, site reports include a detailed description
probably an indication of a high status of the of the chosen clay, its surface, colour and
user (Eibner 2005). It can be assumed that firing (e.g. Obladen-Kauder 1996, 213–214).
wood was also a significant material used to Comparative typological studies do improve
make spindle whorls, although naturally none our understanding of the morphological
are preserved. In ethnographical museums in development of spindle whorls, although this
Greece it can be observed that to the present type of study has previously been questioned
day wooden spindle whorls appear to have by Banks (Banks 1967, 545). The prerequisites
been the most commonly used type of spindle of comparative typological studies are, first,
whorl (Folk Art Museum – Nafplion 1988, 29). the precise dating of the examples from
Finally, it is not even necessary to use a spindle closed contexts, and secondly, the adequate
whorl for spinning thread (i.e. by using only a publishing of the whorls with drawings. With
simple stick – spinning hook: Hald 1980, 135; this information readily available, it is possible
or thigh spinning: Tiedemann and Jakes 2006, to ascertain common characteristics of whorls
fig. 1, 294–295). To what extent the various at certain periods, such as was done for the
possible materials have been used has never Late Mycenaean whorls from the Peloponnese
been assessed or quantified systematically in (e.g. Nichoria: Carington Smith 1983; Tiryns:
the scientific literature. Rahmstorf 2008, 30–34). Yet, much too few
studies with a comparative approach have been
Typology of spindle whorls published thus far.
The first attempts of archaeologists to
systematically classify textile tools made use Decoration on spindle whorls
of typologies based on shape, i.e. profile and Spindle whorls can be decorated on the sides,
the material which the spindle whorl was top and bottom. Painted decoration on spindle
made from. Typological studies of spindle whorls is rare, but a simple slip or burnishing
whorls became increasingly common during appears quite often. This may not have been
the first half of the 20th century. Following applied only for aesthetic reasons, but may
the initial interest by Schliemann, the spindle also have had some functional purpose, i.e.
whorls from Troia were classified according to improving the rotation and handling of the
shape, first by H. Schmidt and later by C. W. whorl. The most common ornament on spindle
Blegen (Schmidt 1902, pl. I–IX, 204–224; H. whorls made of stone and clay is incision.
Schmidt in Götze 1902, fig. 455; Blegen et al. Indeed, ornamented or incised stone whorls
1950, fig. 128, 129). The so-called conuli, the are known from Bronze Age Anatolia (e.g.
stone spindle whorls of Mycenaean Greece, Alishar Höyük: Schmidt 1932, fig. 60, 50),
were typologically classified in various schemes but are much rarer in the Bronze Age Aegean
by A. W. Persson, A. J. B. Wace, C. W. Blegen (Rahmstorf 2008, 133–134, pl. 49, no. 88; pl.
and A. Furumark between the 1920s and 91, 9). The application of incisions is easier
early 1940s (Frödin and Persson 1924–1925; on clay, and is known from some areas of the
Wace 1932, 219; Blegen 1937, 313; Furumark Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean such as the
1941, 89, fig. 2; Iakovidis 1977; Andersson northeast Aegean (e.g. Troia: Balfanz 1995a;
and Nosch 2003, 202–203; Rahmstorf 2008, Anatolia, e.g. Demircihöyük: Obladen-Kauder
126–127). Conuli of various shapes were 1996, pl. 90–95, 228–230; Richmond 2006 or
assumed to have existed side by side in the on Cyprus: Crewe 1998). In other areas such
LH III period. Today, it can be demonstrated as the southern Greek mainland or on Crete,
that the biconical type is only present in the decoration occurs only very seldomly (e.g.
early phase of LH III, i.e. LH IIIA (Rahmstorf Lerna: Banks 1967, 548–550). In Troia, typical
2008, 132–133). In general, any typological incised motifs include chevrons, bows, circles,
classification of spindle whorls remains a crosses and swastikas (Balfanz 1995a). In the 1st
1.1 Research history of textile tools 5
millennium BC, spindle whorls can be inscribed 90–91). Therefore, it appears unwise to argue
in rare cases (e.g. Gevirtz 1967; Dinç 1999). dogmatically for a certain minimum weight
Cautiously, it has been suggested that some when establishing the functionality of a find.
spindle whorls from Troia might be inscribed Instead, the interrelation between thread
with Linear A signs (Sayce 1881, 769–722; thickness and the weight of the whorl can be
Godart 1994; G. Neumann in Balfanz 1995a, suggested (e.g. Holm 1996; Andersson 2003;
n. 133, 135). In this respect it is interesting Grömer 2005). It has also been shown that the
to note a suggestion that a clay spool from way the fibres are prepared before spinning is
Drama in Bulgaria bears Linear A signs (Fol of great importance for the final product (see
and Schmitt 2000). However, it is unlikely that chapter 4). In publications of excavations of
the spindle whorls from Troia were inscribed recent years it has become common to provide
with Linear A signs due to their early dating to diagrams of weight distributions and the
the Early Bronze Age (Troia II–III). Thus there diameter of spindle whorls, although mostly
is only a superficial visual resemblance of these in central European archaeology (e.g. Huber
incisions to script signs (Zurbach 2003, 115). 2005; Andersson 1999) or in studies of Bronze
Schliemann believed them to be symbolic signs Age material from the Eastern Mediterranean
and not signs of a script (Zurbach 2003, n. 33, (Obladen-Kauder 1996; Peyronel 2004;
126). M. Gimbutas deduced the symbolism of Rahmstorf 2008). This information forms the
goddesses from nearly every decoration on basis of assumptions about the thickness of
pottery, figurines and other decorated finds the fibres used at the site.
and so she interpreted the mainly zig-zag Another issue is whether an object with
incisions on Neolithic/Chalcolithic spindle an off-centre hole could have served as a
whorls from southeast Europe as dedications spindle whorl. It has been demonstrated
to the patroness of spinning, symbols of that when attempting to use finds with off-
the old European goddess Athena/Minerva centre holes “the spin does not last and the
(Gimbutas 1989, figs 104–105, 67–68). While spindle is unwieldy to use” (Crewe 1998, 9).
most archaeologists would not ascribe any Nevertheless, quite a few possible spindle
significance to the incisions, the question is whorls have such off-centre perforations. This
open to debate as to whether the incisions also applies to another possible type of spindle
are decoration or in fact convey any, even the whorl: the rounded potsherd with central
simplest, message. Thus far, any systematic perforation. Finds like these are seemingly
analysis of decoration on spindle whorls is common in every prehistoric and ancient
largely lacking. It might be worth trying to culture with pottery production worldwide.
study the decoration of spindle whorls from Most commonly, they have been interpreted as
the entire area of the Eastern Mediterranean spindle whorls. However, they can have an off-
within a comparative approach. centre perforation, two or more perforations,
or no perforation at all, all of which are factors
Functionality of spindle whorls that make identification as spindle whorls
The main parameter regarding the function unlikely. For some finds a function as a spindle
of a possible spindle whorl is its weight. whorl may be possible, though others may
Only during recent decades has it become have been used as jar lids (e.g. Frankel and
common to include information on weight Webb 1996, figs 8.7–8.8, 207–209; Rahmstorf
when publishing spindle whorls. However, 2008, 49–52, pl. 7–9; 89, 7, 9; 90, 1). Thus
many publications still do not provide this a systematic, comparative and contextual
particular data. Since the whorl acts as a approach applied to each specific site alongside
weight on the spindle, the exact weight of practical experiments may bring forth new and
the whorl is of great importance. It has more decisive knowledge. Finally, it should be
been argued that whorls below a certain remembered that the lack of spindle whorls
mass could not have been used as spindle does not necessarily imply that spinning was
whorls. For example, a minimum weight of not practised. The apparent lack of spindle
10–12 g was suggested by Carington Smith whorls can be explained by the procedure of
(Carington Smith 1992, 685). However, in thigh spinning (Tiedemann and Jakes 2006,
early Islamic times, whorls weighing less than fig. 1, 294–295) or by the use of now decayed
1 g were used in the Middle East (Liu 1978, wooden tools (Altorfer and Médard 2000, 64).
6 Lorenz Rahmstorf
Quantification of spindle whorls loom types are the horizontal loom, known
Due to the lack of regional overviews, an to be used in the Bronze Age Near East
attempt to quantify and compare the number and Egypt through pictorial sources, and the
of spindle whorls from one region or period vertical two-beam loom of the Nordic Bronze
to another has never been undertaken. Age, which is verified through finds of tube-
Occasionally, attempts have been made to shaped textiles found in Denmark. The looms
compare the number of whorls found at themselves were made of wood and no actual
one site to another, taking the sizes of the parts have survived from the Bronze Age
trenches into account (Carington Smith 1992, Eastern Mediterranean.
675). However, such calculations should also The loom weights are a great source of
include the depth of the stratigraphy or better information to archaeologists working with
yet, the depth of layers holding artefacts. Such textiles and textile production of the Bronze
calculations are in fact far more difficult to Age Mediterranean (Hoffmann 1964, 17).
produce. While at sites of certain periods The study of their place of origin by use
large numbers of spindle whorls have been of distribution of finds as evident from the
found, as in Troia with c. 10,000–20,000 finds archaeological record has and continues to be
(Balfanz 1995a, n. 2, 17 and 138; Richmond an important and much discussed question.
2006, 208–209, 234–235; see Troia report in The spread of the technology of the warp-
chapter 6.13 of this volume), other sites have weighted loom during the Neolithic Near East
only a few, such as Late Bronze Age sites on across the Balkans to central Europe has been
Crete (Carington Smith lists 48 from EM, 15 argued by von Kurzynski (Kurzynski 1996,
from MM and 11 from LM sites: Carington 11). Barber largely agrees by stating that “it is
Smith 1975; Tzachili 1997, 126; Burke 2003). clear from mapping Neolithic and Bronze Age loom
An example is Minoan Kommos where 163 weights that the warp-weighted loom was born and
loom weights have been found but only nine developed in southeast Europe and perhaps Anatolia
possible spindle whorls (Dabney 1996a; in the Neolithic, expanding farther and farther to the
Dabney 1996b, pl. 4.6, 4.8, 18–24). These north and west in the Late Neolithic, Bronze and Iron
diversities may be explained by the likelihood Ages, but not generally expanding to the south or east,
that spindle whorls were made of wood and presumably because the inhabitants of those territories
have subsequently not been preserved, or already had a practical loom, the ground loom ” (Barber
that spindle whorls were not required for 1991, 299–300). Finds of possible loom weights
spinning (Tzachili 1997, 128–129). It may also have been made for example in Çatal Höyük in
be that spinning was done only at some sites Turkey from the late 7th millennium BC and in
whilst weaving was done at others (Carington settlements of the Körös Culture of the early
Smith 1975, 264). However, such explanations 6th millennium BC, i.e. the Early Neolithic in
are difficult to bring into accordance with Hungary (e.g. Barber 1991; Kurzynski 1996,
excavation results or readings from Linear with further references). Possible loom weights
B texts (Tzachili 1997, 128–129). A possible dating to the beginning of the Neolithic have
explanation may also be that all possible also been found in Bandkeramik settlements in
spindle whorls, such as the conuli or the central Europe (Schade-Lindig and Schmitt
rounded potsherds with central perforations 2003). Nevertheless, the apparent diffusion of
have not been considered to be spindle whorls the technology of the warp-weighted loom still
in the archaeological data. To be able to draw needs more detailed investigation.
conclusions from the archaeological data
thorough quantifications are needed which The materials of loom weights
can be differentiated precisely by time period Loom weights in the Bronze Age Mediterranean
and on a regional level. were usually made of either fired or low baked/
unbaked clay. Simple pebbles may also have
Loom weights been used although these are almost impossible
While there are several types of looms only the to identify in the archaeological record. The
warp-weighted loom provides archaeologists difficulty for the ancient weaver would have been
with textile tools that usually survive archae- to collect pebbles of similar size and weight.
ological deposition: the loom weights (see for Ethnographers observed that in northern
example chapter 5.1 for illustrations). Other Scandinavia stones of similar weight were still
1.1 Research history of textile tools 7
in use as loom weights on the loom in the 20th 64–65; Bennet 1996). Loom weights were
century (Hoffmann 1964, fig. 9, 42; Poursat sometimes stamped with objects whose seal
2012; Cutler et al. 2013; see chapter 6 .5, Quartier impressions look similar to contemporary
Mu, Malia). Pierced stone weights or stone seals. Stamped loom weights do appear
rings appear at some sites and periods such as in contexts of the Bronze Age Eastern
Early Bronze Age Bulgaria (Terzijska-Ignatova Mediterranean, in the Early Bronze Age
2004) or in Early Bronze Age Jordan (Fischer Aegean (e.g. Skarkos: Marthari 2004, no. 169–
2010, 111–113, fig. 3; 5), but were never really 174 with further references) and Anatolia (e.g.
common over longer periods of time. A much Tarsus: Goldman 1956, fig. 395), in the Late
greater effort was required to produce a stone Bronze Age Aegean (e.g. Palaikastro, Amnisos,
weight, therefore it is not surprising that they Kato Zakros: Burke 1997, pl. CLX c–d, 418;
have never played a significant role as loom Akrotiri: Tzachili 1990, figs 8, 10, 385) and even
weights in prehistory. the Middle Bronze Age southern Levant (Tell
Nami: Artzy and Marcus 1995). Due to the
Typology of loom weights stamped impressions there has been reluctance
There is a large variety of loom weight shapes, amongst scholars to classify these finds as
varying from flat discoid to flat rectangular, loom weights (e.g. Weingarten 1990). However,
from spherical to hemispherical, and conical to it is noteworthy that it was also common to
pyramidal. There are also cuboid, cylindrical or stamp and mark loom weights in later periods.
spool shaped and crescent shaped types. Since There are indications that stamping was not
the first publications, it has been controversial only for simple decorative purposes (e.g.
whether all such shaped artefacts were in fact classical-hellenistic Corinth: Davidson 1952,
used as loom weights (see below). This may 146–172), and it has been suggested that these
in part explain the lack of interest in any indicate organisation, if not administration,
systematic typological study of these finds. of the textile production, thus indicating that
It often happens “that the excavator as a rule the stamped impressions may indicate owner,
lumps them all together and abandons the idea product or weight (Burke 1997, 418; Wallrodt
of forming a chronology” (Davidson 1952, 2002, 184–185; Rutschmann 1988). Thus far,
146). As opposed to typological schemes of the possible function or purpose of stamped
spindle whorls, typological schemes of loom impressions on loom weights has only been
weights were seldom used. As a consequence, discussed using the finds from a single site.
many prehistoric, classical and Near Eastern No attempt has been made to clarify the
archaeologists questioned whether any typo- significance of stamped loom weights by a
chronological development can be traced from cross-cultural and diachronic approach (as
the finds of loom weights. As in the case of done e.g. by Feugère 2004). Although such a
all human made artefacts, these objects exhibit study may not produce definitive answers, it
variations in shape and manufacture through would be worthwhile comparing the context
time and therefore can and should be studied in which stamped loom weights appear, how
in further detail by the use of typological and and with what they are stamped, at which
chronological surveys. Most important is of sites etc. in order to understand their possible
course the question how the specific shape significance over time and space.
might has functioned on a warp-weighted
loom and why it was chosen. This can only Functional identification of finds as loom
be investigated with systematic experiments weights
(see chapter 1.2). Even more often than in the case of spindle
whorls, the functional identification of loom
Decoration of loom weights weights is highly controversial. Four examples
Loom weights are rarely decorated in contrast shall be presented briefly below:
to spindle whorls. Decoration does not appear
to have been important for the functionality Net sinkers or loom weights?
of the loom weights. Some loom weights It is often thought that simple clay objects with
received markings which resemble potters’ a perforation can also be net sinkers. This is
marks. However, these are rarely discussed possible, but one should consider that if this
(e.g. Dabney 1996a, pl. 4.2.42; 4.3.52, 4.5.145, was the case, the objects should be well baked
8 Lorenz Rahmstorf
use of spools as loom weights from the Early Quantification of loom weights
Iron Age (Aspiris 1996, fig. 1). Furthermore, As with spindle whorls, it is difficult to quantify
it may be that clay spools were used as weights and compare the numbers of loom weights
for tablet weaving, at least the lighter examples from site to site. Whilst one always has to
(Barber 1997, pl. CXCII, c, 516; Gleba 2000; consider the issue of uneven preservation at
2008, 140–141, fig. 98). Recent experiments various sites, general trends do appear through
have confirmed the spools’ likely function as the amount of material collected. For example, it
loom weights in a warp-weighted loom at least is apparent that we have far smaller numbers of
for finds weighing over 100 g (see chapter 4 in loom weights at Mycenaean sites than at Minoan
this volume), while the lighter examples might centres. It is also difficult to assess the average
have indeed been used for tablet weaving. number of loom weights used on a warp-
weighted loom. Unfortunately, there seem to be
Crescent shaped weights only a few contexts with preserved, presumed
The crescent shaped clay loom weights are to be more or less complete, sets of looms
the final example of the differences in views weights in situ from the Eastern Mediterranean
on the function of a certain group of finds. (e.g. Troia IIg and Aphrodisias, Turkey: Barber
Crescent shaped clay objects do not only 1991, figs 3.14–15, 93–94; Demircihüyük,
appear in Bronze Age Anatolia and, more Turkey: Korfmann 1981, figs 44–45, 33–34; Tell
rarely, in the Early Bronze Age Aegean (see ‘Abu al-Kharaz, Jordan: Fischer 2010, 111–113,
chapter 6.9, Tiryns; Siennicka 2012, pl. 2h), fig. 3; 5). More systematic collection of data is
but are also known from several parts of required for any further assumptions on issues
Europe in the Late Neolithic (Castiglioni of quantification. Comparisons of the Eastern
1964; Kreen-Leeb 2001; Baioni et al. 2003). Mediterranean Bronze Age data with more or
The function of crescent shaped clay objects less completely preserved sets of loom weights
as loom weights has been questioned, and from other regions and periods (e.g. Schierer
the finds from Bronze Age Anatolia have 1987; Berrocal Rangel 2003) might give new
been alternatively interpreted as a tool used insights. Further, it can be shown that statistical
for administrative purposes (Vogelsang- analyses of loom weights (as well as of spindle
Eastwood 1990; Weingarten 1990). However, whorls) are of great importance also for their
there is very good contextual evidence from chronological implications, for example ratios
Demircihüyük that they were in fact used of Roman loom weights from Pompeii based
as loom weights as 29 objects were found among other things on height and weight are
clustered together at the east wall of a room indeed chronologically sensitive (Baxter and
of the Early Bronze Age A phase E1, and Cool 2008).
out of those, eight were crescent shaped
(Korfmann 1981, fig. 45, 33–34). Thus, their
basic function as loom weights cannot be Other textile tools
questioned as demonstrated by recent tests The following is a short presentation on
(Feldtkeller 2003; Baioni et al. 2003, 104–105). other relevant textile tools of the Bronze
In addition, more detailed and rigorous Age Mediterranean which are, however,
experiments performed recently showed that often not preserved from this period. Recent
crescent shaped loom weights have added ethnographic observations and archaeological
benefits due to their shape in comparison finds from prehistoric European wetland sites,
to “regular” loom weights (see chapter 4.4). from the Iron Age and later periods are helpful
The four examples of interpretations in this respect.
and disagreements about interpretations
of various types of loom weight illustrate Wool combs and hackling boards
how important it is to study such objects After rippling, retting, breaking and scutching,
systematically and contextually and to conduct the flax plant needs finally to be hackled in
experiments in order to test how they could order to separate the fibres from each other
have functioned. In the present volume, finds (Becker 1984; Barber 1991, 13–14; Granger-
of textile tools are studied by applying exactly Taylor 1998). This can be done on hackling
these approaches. boards: a flat wooden board in which teeth
10 Lorenz Rahmstorf
are regularly inserted (Fig. 1.1.3). The thorns Carved distaffs made of wood were used in
from the blackthorn (prunus spinosa) were often Greece until recently (Cremer 1996, pl. 25.1,
used as teeth, or were later made of iron. 241; Tzachili 1997, figs 28, 52). In hellenistic
Hackling boards with bronze teeth are not and Roman times one end of the distaff was
known to me. Probably the earliest hackling often ring-shaped. In rare cases, distaffs appear
board is a fragment from the lake-dwelling site in sets together with a spindle and whorl as part
of Lüscherz in Switzerland (not Lattringen, of a grave assemblage, as in a hellenistic grave
according to Winiger 1995, 169, fig. 42, 1; Vogt in Ephesos (Trinkl 1994). As in the case of the
1937, Abb. 72, 6–7), later finds are from several spindles there is a problem of preservation of
Iron Age sites in central Europe (Hallstatt, distaffs, as they were presumably mainly made
Austria; Liptovska Mara, Slovakia: Grömer of wood, which normally does not survive in
2010, 77–79, fig. 27; Porz-Lind, Germany: archaeological deposits.
Joachim 2002, 25–27, figs 18–20; pl. 40, 3–4;
41, 1–2; 92, 1–3. 7). Similar objects were also Spinning bowls
used to comb long staple wool until the present It is assumed that the fibre was usually held
day (Folk Art Museum – Nafplion 1988, 26; in a basket or bowl. The so-called spinning
Tzachili 1997, 35–37). For this reason it is not bowls with internal loops are connected to
really possible to decide whether such objects the production of yarn (Fig. 1.1.4). They were
were used for processing flax or wool (Joachim identified by Peet and Woolley at Tell El-Amarna
2002, 26–27; Grömer 2010, 78), however, from through finds of stone bowls (Peet and Woolley
the preserved textile remains it is clear that 1923, 61) and in Egyptian wall paintings of the
wool was carefully combed with iron combs Middle Kingdom at Beni Hasan by G. Crowfoot
leaving the fibres in parallel order only from (Crowfoot 1931, 61). T. Dothan was able to
the Roman period onwards (Rast-Eicher 2008, bring together Middle Kingdom spinning bowls
161–162, fig. 226–228). from Egypt with Late Bronze Age examples
from Palestine (e.g. Dothan 1963; Vogelsang-
Distaffs Eastwood 2000, 272–274; Granger-Taylor and
A distaff is “a rod or board onto which Quirke 2002; Hageman 2006, fig. 2). However,
prepared fibres are fastened to serve as a there are also examples of bowls with internal
source of supply during spinning” (Barber loop-handles from the Turkoman steppe in
1991, 69; Folk Art Museum – Nafplion 1988, northern Iran (e.g. Shah Tepé: Arne 1945,
28–29). It prevents the fibre from tangling 219, fig. 446a, pl. LVIII, 466a). The problem
with the twisting thread. Such a tool is “useful, is that the finds of concave vessels with an
although not essential” (Walton Rogers 1997, internal handle may not be spinning bowls but
1735). This fact might explain to a certain jar covers. Finds such as these have also been
extent that there are few finds of distaffs in made at Early Bronze Age sites in the Near
the archaeological record until classical times. East, for example at Jemdet Nasr (e.g. Arne
On the other hand, a simple wooden branch 1945, 219), or at Habuba Kabira of the late 4th
could also be used as a fork-shaped distaff. and early 3rd millennium BC (Strommenger
1970, fig. 24, 66 and 69). Since these objects were found at some Greek sites (e.g. Kommos:
have never been studied comprehensively or Dabney 1996a, pl. 4.6, 262; Tiryns: Rahmstorf
systematically, and since the common ware 2008, 197, pl. 73, nos. 1416, 1374, 1366; pl.
is often not studied in detail at many Eastern 97, 5; Lerna: Banks 1967, pl. 13, 427–428).
Mediterranean sites, it is too early to conclude Generally, shuttles were probably made of
that the Egyptians imported the spinning bowl wood or alternatively bone. A specific tool
technique from Early Minoan Crete or vice such as the shuttle may not have been strictly
versa (Barber 1991, 73–76) simply based on the necessary, as the spindle itself, with the spun
evidence of spinning bowls from Early Minoan thread and without the whorl, could be used
II Myrtos on Crete (Warren 1972, 153, 209, as a shuttle (Schierer 1987, 81).
fig. 91, P701, pl. 68, B). The precise function
of the spinning bowl remains an object of Pin and sword beaters
discussion. According to Barber, the term A pin beater is “a multi-purpose weaver’s hand
“spinning bowl” is a misnomer and it could tool, used to strum across the warp to even out
better be referred to as a “fibre-wetting bowl” spacing, to pick out misplaced threads and to
used in the process of flax spinning (Barber push the weft […] into position” (Walton Rogers
1991, 72–73). They are known on Crete only 1997, 1755). They are made of wood or bone.
from Early Minoan to Middle Minoan sites As with numerous other textile tools, pin beaters
(Barber 1991, 74). Their seeming absence in are difficult to detect in the archaeological
the Late Minoan period made Barber suggest record. Several types of finds may have been
that this could reflect the change to wool from used as beaters, but for such simple tools several
flax production (Barber 1991, 76–77). Still, it is functions are possible. There are several types of
hard to imagine “that the creation of linen cloth bone awls/points which might have functioned
ceased in Late Minoan times” (Evely 2003, 194). as pin beaters (e.g. flat awls made of rib bones
There is also a spinning bowl fragment from mainly of Early Bronze Age date in the Aegean,
the Late Minoan South House at Knossos but see Rahmstorf 2008, 200, 202, 204, pl. 78 [type
it is considered as “stray sherd from an earlier 7]; 98, 1. Compare also Smith 2001; 2012 for
context” (Evely 2003, fig. 7.11, 193). LBA Cyprus.). It is likely that pin beaters were
usually made of wood, like those found in the
Shuttles Late Neolithic site of Wetzikon-Robenhausen
Shuttles are used to insert the weft yarn during in Switzerland, which is famous for its Late
weaving. Shuttles are artefacts that are seldom Neolithic textile remains (Altorfer and Médard
recognised as such. Shuttles with a terminal 2000, fig. 34, 68) and probably also in the Bronze
hole in order to store yarn during weaving Age site of Fiavé in northern Italy (Bazzanella
12 Lorenz Rahmstorf
et al. 2003b, 141). From the Late Iron Age site millennium BC (Neugebauer-Maresch 1995,
Fellbach-Schmiden in southern Germany or 103, fig. 48 top centre) or in many Copper Age
Hallstatt-Dammwiese in Upper Austria there settlements in Portugal (Spindler and Gallay
are “wooden swords” which might instead be 1973, 14, pl. 16, 17, 466–469). It is, however,
sword beaters for beating the weft into position, unlikely that they were used for tablet-weaving.
as has been argued (e.g. Kurzynski 1996, 14–15; These objects are often rather thick and too
Grömer 2010, 123, fig. 57). heavy, and no additional textile evidence can
support such claims. With the second half
Decks of tablets for tablet-weaving of the second millennium BC there is more
The origin of the very old technique of tablet- convincing evidence for the existence of tablet
weaving (Schlabow 1965, figs 6–11, 16–21; weaving in central Europe. Textile remains
1976, figs 49–51, 45–46; 1978; Evely 2000, (Schwarza, Germany: Farke 1993, 111) and a
fig. 197, 492; Grömer 2010, 111, fig. 48–49) is possible tablet deck (Abri in Mühltal, Lower
by some thought to be Egypt (Schütte 1956). Saxony, Germany: Kurzynski 1996, 15, fig. 15;
“The obvious ways of demonstrating the Grömer 2010, 107, fig. 47, 1) may indicate such
existence of card-weaving would seem to be an interpretation. With the Iron Age there are
through ancient pictorial representations or several pieces of textiles from central Europe
through finds of the tablets” (Barber 1991, (Hochdorf, Hohmichele, Aprement, Hallstatt)
119). No such evidence is known from the and Italy (Sasso di Furbara, Verucchio) which
Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age thus far. were made through tablet-weaving (Banck-
However, textile finds like the girdle of Ramses Burgess 1999, 65–82; Grömer 2010, 108).
III (Barber 1991, fig. 3.34) make it likely that Several pieces of tablet decks were also found
tablet-weaving was known at least in Egypt and in a grave of the 4th century BC in Cigarralejo
possibly also in the Aegean, Anatolia and the in Spain (Hundt 1968, 193, fig. 5). But it is only
Levant. The lack of finds of possible tablets from the 1st millennium AD that we have full
could be due to the decomposition of the archaeological attestations of tablet weaving
material (wood) of which they were made or (Ræder Knudsen 2007): the rich grave from
they may have not yet been identified in the Oseberg in Norway preserved a complete
archaeological record. As a rule such objects device for tablet weaving with 52 tablets and a
should be flat with four holes, one in each partially woven band (Stolte 1990, fig. 5).
corner (Fig. 1.1.5). Definite identifications
of any such groups of objects are lacking Sewing needles
for the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC. Square Needles with an eye can normally be identified
tablets in clay, stone or bone with a perforation as sewing needles although an exclusive or
in each corner are known from several additional function as a dress accessory cannot
different cultures in Eurasia: in the eastern be excluded. The longer the eye of the needle,
central European Lengyel-culture of the 5th the less likely the object is to have an exclusive
function as a sewing needle. Furthermore, the
eye should not be located too far from the
end of the needle, in order to enable its use in
sewing (e.g. Kilian-Dirlmeier 1984b, 59). Again,
no systematic investigation of such questions
has been applied to the archaeological material
thus far.
material-typological approach, the functional- textual data. While spinning and weaving are
experimental approach and the contextual mentioned in the Bronze Age textual data,
approach. these are mostly connected to administrative
purposes, as in the texts at Early Bronze Age
The ethnographical and ethnoarchaeological Ebla in Syria (e.g. Zaccagnini 1986; Sollberger
approach 1986), in the Sumerian texts of the Ur III
From the 19th century through the mid 20th period (e.g. Waetzoldt 1972) or in the Mycenaean
century, textile tools were still used in non- Linear B tablets (e.g. Killen 1984, 1988; Nosch
industrial textile manufacture in some remote 1998, 2003, 2007; Tzachili 2001; Ergin 2007).
regions of Europe, so it was possible to see Detailed descriptions of the actual production
similar tools still in use by the local population. processes are lacking. There have also been
Until the 1950s, the traditional warp-weighted attempts to explain terms used in the epics of
loom was still in use in regions of northern Homer and in later classical literature describing
Scandinavia, a fact which formed the basis of textile production (e.g. Onians 1924; Crowfoot
M. Hoffmann’s important work on the warp- 1936–37; Snyder 1981). However, the precise
weighted loom (Hoffmann 1964). Even within meanings of the words used in these texts
industrialised societies, the identification of remain a matter of debate (e.g. Wace 1948;
loom weights was not difficult. Thus, for Barber 1991, 260–282; Wagner-Hasel 2000,
example, when in 1860 the Alpine pile dwellings 147–149). Mentions of spinning and weaving
(Pfahlbauten) were discovered at Lake Zürich, F. in ancient literature are more often discussed
Keller identified finds as loom weights through in terms of their implications about society,
his discussions with a local textile producer status and gender (e.g. Homer: Pantelia 1993).
(Keller 1861, 13). A vital problem was to In the Roman period, sporadic mention of
demonstrate that certain objects are in fact specific textile tools appears more often (e.g.
loom weights and not weights used for another Cremer 1996, 241–242; Gottschalk 1996,
purpose, or spindle whorls or beads. In the n. 67, 500). Only rarely have attempts been
Eastern Mediterranean area, comprehensive made to combine the textual evidence with
studies using ethnographical evidence began archaeobotanical and archaeological evidence
rather late (e.g. Koster 1976). In the 1990s, I. in order to practise historical reconstruction
Tzachili used ethnographical data extensively beyond the scope of an analysis of the tools and
for her study on the textile production in the their functions (e.g. hypothetical reconstruction
2nd millennium BC Aegean (Tzachili 1997). of the development of textile workshops
Ethnoarchaeological approaches have been in Mesopotamia, see McCorriston 1997).
applied by P. Halstead, using oral history Essentially, great insight into textile production
research in order to explore decision making and tools used in the process can be gained from
and practices of arable and pastoral farming in the study of relevant texts, although these mainly
the Mediterranean and in particular the Aegean focus on the administrative and economical role
(e.g. Halstead 1990, 1998). Similar approaches of the textiles in the given society as opposed
have yet to be applied to traditional textile to how the tools were actually used. Thus far,
production, and it will become increasingly a cross-cultural and diachronic approach with
difficult to collect data as any non-industrial a systematic comparison of the textual data
textile production disappears. Furthermore, is lacking. An exception is the very recent
modern ethnologists no longer undertake volume Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near
comparative ethnological studies as was East and the Mediterranean Area from the Third to
popular in the earlier 20th century AD (e.g. the First Millennia BC (Michel and Nosch 2010)
Hirschberg and Janata 1980). However, a in which such a research strategy has indeed
comparative ethnological study may still be been explored.
a valid approach today to studies of some
regions of the Near and Middle East (e.g. The iconographical approach
Ochsenschlager 1993a, 1993b). A commonly used source for the understanding
of ancient textile production has always been
The textual approach the early depictions. We know of depictions
With this approach, descriptions of actual and miniature models of looms from Egypt (e.g.
textile production are applied from the ancient Barber 1991, fig. 3.5–3.6, 84–85; Rooijakkers
14 Lorenz Rahmstorf
2005) and Mesopotamia (e.g. Amiet 1961, pl. textile tools exists within Eastern Mediterranean
16, 273, 275; pl. 19, 319), the Aegean (e.g. archaeology of the Bronze Age. Hopefully, this
Barber 1991, fig. 3.12, 92; Burke 1997, pl. volume will be a helpful guideline. Standardised
CLX, e–f; CLXI, 418–419) and prehistoric information on material-typological data is also
Europe (e.g. Zimmermann 1988; Bazzanella a prerequisite for following up the last two
et al. 2003a, fig. 11–12). With the beginning approaches presented below. With the material-
of the Iron Age, representations of women typological approach, not only the samples
spinning become increasingly common. In from one specific site should be taken into
Neo-Hittite reliefs, women are often depicted account but also other well published samples
spinning (Bonatz 2000, pls. XII, C21–C25; from other sites should be compared with each
XIII, C27; XIV, C33; XVIII, C50–C51; XX, other on a regional or even interregional level.
C59; XXI, C60–C61; XXIII, C68–C69, 79–
82). Greek archaic and classical vase painting The functional-experimental approach
is one of the best iconographic sources, From the beginning, the ethnographical approach
showing fairly precise representations of has been applied in attempts to understand the
vertical looms and spinning women (Keuls functionality of the textile tools. The typical
1983; Barber 1991, figs 2.35–2.36; 2.38; 2.45; question asked was how the spinning or weaving
3.13; 3.24–3.26; 3.28; Ferrari 2002, 35–60; was put into practice with the different objects.
Bazzanella et al. 2003a, no. 70). A study of these The experimental investigation of the order in
depictions is a long-standing tradition, but the which complete sets of loom weights might have
limitations due to the simplistic or simplified fallen from the warps when the loom burned
depictions, especially in regard to the Bronze down during accidental destruction, might even
Age evidence, make interpretations difficult help to reconstruct the weave produced on the
(e.g. Johl 1917; Faxon 1932). loom as I. Schierer has shown (Schierer 1987).
More information and further discussions of
The material-typological approach this approach can be found in chapter 1.2 of
As textile tools have been found at more this volume and shall not be presented here in
or less every archaeological settlement site more detail.
from the Neolithic period onwards, they do
appear in the final site publications. Heinrich The contextual approach
Schliemann was probably one of the first The contextual approach intends to support
scholars of Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean any functional interpretation of a possible
archaeology who discussed possible textile textile tool by analysing in depth and in detail
tools in some detail and raised questions, the archaeological context in which it was found.
mainly about their function (Schliemann This comprises the description of the find place,
1878, 21; 1886, 92, 165–166). While not being its layer, phase, architectural placing etc. within
precise in recording stratigraphical positions or the site, which in most cases is a settlement.
find spots in detail, he had a particular interest Despite the fact that Eastern Mediterranean
in minor objects of daily use. Schliemann’s archaeology has brought to light many sites with
influence explains a number of late 19th and deep stratigraphies and architectural remains, the
early 20th century excavation reports from the detailed three-dimensional extensive recording
Eastern Mediterranean and beyond describing of the find spot of every object has become
textile tools in terms of shape and material. A common only during recent decades, with a
site-specific typology was often provided in few earlier exceptions. Today, many excavations
the site publications. Other parameters such still clear units or architectural rooms in one
as shape, weight, diameter and height of the sweep. For any reconstruction of the actual
finds were rarely indicated. Today, they are placing of looms in a settlement, it is essential
still often missing from final publications. In to record the exact find spot of every object,
modern studies, a detailed discussion of the even if later disturbances complicate matters
chosen material should always be included, in most cases. Thus far, final publications
for example in case of objects made of clay a providing detailed phase plans with mapped
description of their surface, colour, firing, etc. distributions of the textile tools’ find places are
should be given (e.g. Obladen-Kauder 1996). few, but are imperative aids to discuss functional
Thus far, no shared publication standard for and contextual problems of textile tools (e.g.
1.1 Research history of textile tools 15
Tiryns/Greek mainland: Kilian 1988, 107, fig. spinning endlessly as she stood, sat, and even walked”,
4; Rahmstorf 2008; Khania/Crete: Hallager even if “in practice, the sexual division of labour was
and Hallager 2000; Tell Bderi/Syria: Pfälzner less rigidly defined ” (Murra 1962, 711). Spinning
2001; Kamid el-Loz/Libanon: Metzger 1993). and weaving was a daily activity of women, also
From the six approaches outlined above, women of the ‘upper classes’, in the Eastern
archaeologists should present the relevant Mediterranean Bronze and Iron Ages as well as
material with detailed discussions along the in other parts of the world (Nordquist 1997, n.
lines of the material-typological and contextual 18, 536). This is underlined by finds of spinning
approach. This basic requirement is still too tools made of precious material (gold, silver,
often neglected. A systematic integration of amber etc., see above). Traditional scholarship on
the functional-experimental approach into such ancient Greece has always had a different view:
studies is needed. In addition, a comparative that women produced textiles only for their own
textual approach is very important as recently needs within the oikos system, while males were
demonstrated (Michel and Nosch 2010). professional weavers or ‘artists’ who produced
Finally, the ethnographical and ethnoarchaeological high quality textiles for exchange and artistic
approach might add important details but its esteem. According to Reuthner, this modern
contribution is becoming less important due interpretation is due to the change of perception
to the shrinking basis for ethnographical of the household economy in contrast to the
observations in a globalised world with an national market economy which emerged as
overwhelmingly industrial textile production. early as the 18th century AD (Reuthner 2006).
Similarly, the iconographical approach will offer Due to the loss of significance given to the
only few new insights as it cannot be expected household economy, the traditional work of
that many new depictions of textile production women within the household, such as textile
will turn up in the near future from Neolithic production, has been regarded as unproductive
and Bronze Age sites. and unprofessional. This, however, represents
the conceptions constructed by the modern
world only, not of the ancient world as Reuthner
Research topics has clearly illustrated. In classical Greece it
Certain research topics have been significant was mostly women who produced valuable
in scholarly work on textile tools and textile and artistic textiles and competed in contests,
production in the Bronze Age Mediterranean while men were primarily working with raw
and can be divided into the following: linen in workshops (Reuthner 2006, chapter
craftsmanship and gender and trade and migration 6). This example illustrates modern views on
as presented below. gender and craftsmanship, that there is an
often unconscious division into men’s work
Craftsmanship and gender (concrete, important, essential for survival)
It is often pointed out that textile production and women’s chores (routine tasks which can
was mainly women’s work (Barber 1991, 283– be performed on the side) as E. Andersson
298; 1994). The main reason seems to be that observed (Andersson 1996, 16).
the easily interruptible work of spinning and As in classical Greece, female weavers were
weaving could be done at home where women the main producers of textiles in the Bronze
could continue to raise children at the same Age Eastern Mediterranean. In Greece, Egypt
time (Richmond 2006, 218–219 with further and Mesopotamia they laboured in single
references). In the ancient Greek and Roman households or compounds of a royal palace.
literature it belongs to the topos of the diligence Male weavers, however, were not unknown
of the housewife (e.g. Gottschalk 1996, 494); within the textile industries of the palatial
spinning and weaving is the work of women, sector. There are approximately 200 male textile
war the work of men according to Homer workers mentioned on the Linear B tablets at
(Iliad 6/490–493; compare Eibner 2005, 31). Knossos (Nixon 1999, 565) and depictions
In Hittite literature, spindle and distaff are of male weavers come from New Kingdom
the symbols of womanhood (Bonatz 2000, Egypt (Barber 1991, fig. 13.1, 285–286).
81; Yakar and Taffet 2007, 783). Similarly, in Nevertheless, the predominant depictions and
the Americas “there is a standard, much quoted textual mentions of textile production from the
portrait of the never idle Andean peasant woman Bronze and Iron Age focus on women.
16 Lorenz Rahmstorf
Issues of craftsmanship and gender are also importance (see also above: quantification of
interesting in relation to the question of which spindle whorls). It is likely that such exchange
economic sector the textiles were produced diffused the textile production technology
in: a subsistence household economy, a as well as knowledge of how the exchanged
market economy, or a palace economy, or textiles were produced in the first place. Any
an intermixing of the three. From the Old significant change in the textile tools used or
Akkadian letters from Karum Kanesh in preferred costumes in a given society is often
Anatolia we know of women in Ashur who, interpreted as evidence of migration where new
in addition to their household needs, produced people, especially women, have brought with
textiles for the market in Karum Kanesh them a new technology of textile production.
(Veenhof 1972, 104–115; Barber 1991, 287; Therefore, new types of loom weights (e.g.
Michel and Veenhof 2010). While spinning Bouzek 1997, 440–442; Wagner-Hasel 2001;
and weaving was the typical work of women, Rahmstorf 2003, 2005; Yasur-Landau 2010)
even of higher status, female textile workers or costume evident from the archaeological
mentioned in the Mycenaean Linear B texts data are occasionally interpreted as evidence of
are considered by most scholars to have migration, at least of women (Kilian-Dirlmeier
had a dependent or slave status (e.g. Nosch 1984a; Hägg 1996). However, tracing migration
2003, 18–22; Ergin 2007), although some only through archaeological evidence remains
argue that “it is tempting to imagine that at a highly controversial issue (e.g. Prien 2005).
least some of the specialist groups at Pylos New groups of finds, such as loom weights, can
were connected with the courts of the elite mark a distinctive break in the stratigraphical
women” (Nordquist 1997, 536). The women’s assemblage and may thus imply the presence
specialist knowledge of textile production of new people in a certain area. However, this
resulted in part-time specialisation, but only indication should be supported by other data
a state-like organisation of a given society and sources.
enabled the existence of full-time specialists.
Archaeologists mostly think of metalworkers Research on textile tools in the past and
when imagining early full-time specialists, present – and in the future?
but in fact scholars should take (female) Early scholars of Eastern Mediterranean
textile workers into greater consideration in Bronze Age archaeology tried to identify
their research. Similarly, the craft of textile and classify prehistoric textile tools by a
production should receive similar attention typology based on the morphology of the
in archaeological literature as flint working, objects. Functional interpretations of possible
pottery and metalworking (Andersson 1996). textile tools were subsequently put forward,
occasionally supported by a still living tradition
Trade and migration in these regions of non-modern industrial textile
It is often assumed that textile production production. The existing ancient depictions
in the Bronze Age Mediterranean was not of textile production were assembled and
only a household activity on a subsistence analysed. The amount of work invested in
basis but also used in the exchange of goods. these early studies, especially on the typology
Eastern Mediterranean textual evidence clearly of spindle whorls, was not always continued in
demonstrates this for the second millennium later publications. Detailed studies on typology
BC (e.g. Karum Kanesh/Kültepe: Veenhof and chronology of textile tools came to be
1972; Michel and Veenhof 2010) but this considered unrewarding, if not meaningless.
use of textiles in trade began much earlier, While it became increasingly common during
i.e. in the 3rd millennium (e.g. Western Asia: the second half of the 20th century AD to
Crawford 1973; Good 2004). However, only publish at least a portion of the whole corpus
through quantification of textile tools at of textile tools in the final publication of a single
various sites might we be able to reconstruct site, their scientific relevance for reconstructing
whether textiles were produced only at a living conditions of the past remained assumed
household level or for trade and export. to be virtually non-existent. Questions beyond
Such quantifications have only recently typo-chronology were rarely asked. Specific
started to be calculated (Richmond 2006; characteristics and basic parameters such as the
Balfanz 1995a, 137–138); and are of great weight of the spindle whorls and loom weights,
1.1 Research history of textile tools 17
their relevance for the actual function of the the Aegean, Anatolia and the Levant? Was
objects as well as the outcome of the work it within specialised compounds of palatial
process were taken into account. However, even settlements or within the normal households
today, an acknowledged standard of publication of dependent rural settlements?
of textile tools is yet to be decided. Detailed • Quantity, i.e. what does it tell us when textile
information concerning shape, diameter, tools are abundant, few or absent at one site
thickness, weight, dating and context of every or period? How can we make quantitative
textile tool find alongside a thorough evaluation calculations on a local, regional and supra-
and discussion are not a standard inclusion of regional level?
a final site publication. Furthermore, there can • Diffusion/independent innovation/migration,
still be uncertainty as to whether a group of i.e. where lies the origin of certain types
artefacts are textile tools or not. of textile tools? Did similar types develop
What is thus lacking is a framework through independently? How can textile tools help
which an interpretation can be checked and to trace migration processes?
compared systematically by taking into account • Craftsmanship and gender, i.e. what was the
the location of the site, the period and the relationship between gender issues and the
typological criteria including all relevant data textile production processes?
such as shape, profile, weight, material, height • Economy, i.e. how was the textile production
and decoration. A systematic approach can organised – on a household or large scale
be achieved through the application of a industry level in prehistoric and early
number of carefully undertaken experiments, historic societies? How can we attempt to
using replicas of ancient textile tools, and by quantify the amount of textile production,
recording precisely every step taken during its administration and appreciation through
these experiments. In current and future time?
studies, scholars will be able to study previous
interpretations of textile tools, the resulting The careful discussion of the archaeological
textiles, the amount of time and effort the material along certain standards of publication
ancient spinners and weavers had to invest, and in combination with results from experiments
several other aspects, with the knowledge from with textile tools will lead to the most rewarding
these experiments (see also in chapter 1.2 of new insights. The present volume might offer
this volume). Through experiments, scholars a guide for such an undertaking. Many insights
are able to provide more definite answers. in the archaeology of textile tools are still to
Therefore, the experimental approach will be be discovered. Hopefully, textile tools will
the most innovative approach in future studies gain greater scientific attention in the general
of textile tools. archaeological literature in the near future.
Alongside this new approach some
fundamental research questions or themes
concerning tools and textiles should be tackled Acknowledgements
systematically in the future: For the invitation to the Danish National
Research Foundation’s Centre of Textile
• Cross-cultural and diachronic comparison, i.e. Research during October–December 2006,
which textile tools are present in which for the warm welcome, the many fruitful
periods? What does this tell us about the discussions and their general hospitality in
state of textile production in a given period? Copenhagen I would like to express my
• Typo-chronology of textile tools and the fibres, i.e. gratitude to M.-L. Nosch, E. Andersson Strand,
how have textile tools changed over the and to the other people of the CTR. I would
course of time? What is their correlation also like to thank Małgorzata Siennicka for
to the fibres such as bast, nettle, linen and her help.
wool as well as the produced textiles and the This text was written in 2006 and revised in
applied technology? 2008. Only a few minor additions were made
• Context, i.e. where were the majority of in 2011. Important new studies are therefore
textiles produced during the Bronze Age in not included in this study.
18 Lorenz Rahmstorf